#!/bin/sh # # # rc.single This file is executed by init when it goes into runlevel # 1, which is the administrative state. It kills all # deamons and then puts the system into single user mode. # Note that the file systems are kept mounted. # # Author: Miquel van Smoorenburg, # Modified for RHS Linux by Damien Neil # # Set the path. PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin # Kill all processes. [ "${BASH+bash}" = bash ] && enable kill echo "Sending all processes the TERM signal..." kill -15 -1 sleep 5 echo "Sending all processes the KILL signal.." kill -9 -1 rm -f /var/lock/subsys/* # Now go to the single user level. echo "Telling INIT to go to single user mode." exec init -t1 S