Some tips about the translations: * the three messages " OK ", "PASSED", "FAILED" are displayed in colour (red, yellow and green resectively) and in a column at the right of the screen; they are to tell that everything went as it should (ok), that it don't went as it should, but that it went on anyway (passed; used for example after a forced chkfs), or that it failed. the three messages must have the same width, so add as many spaces to the smaller strings so that they all are the same; look at "OK" in english for example. If your script distinguish between upper and lowercase; use uppercase for those three messages * don't translate service names, for exemple in a message like "Starting xfs: " you must not translate "xfs", which is a program name. * don't translate options. for example in a message like: "Usage: aaa {bbb|cccc|ddd|eeee}\n" only "Usage" has to be translated; the rest remains as is. Don't hesitate to ask Thierry Vignaud if you have any question