diff options
2 files changed, 75 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/rc.d/init.d/functions b/rc.d/init.d/functions
index 45c71f93..7a4fde04 100644
--- a/rc.d/init.d/functions
+++ b/rc.d/init.d/functions
@@ -111,6 +111,76 @@ __umount_loop() {
+# Similar to __umount loop above, without calling fuser
+__umount_loop_2() {
+ local remaining=
+ local count
+ #call regular umount
+ remaining=$(LC_ALL=C awk "/^#/ {next} $1" "$2" | sort -r)
+ action "$3" fstab-decode umount $remaining
+ count=4
+ remaining=$(LC_ALL=C awk "/^#/ {next} $1" "$2" | sort -r)
+ while [ "$count" -gt 0 ]; do
+ [ -z "$remaining" ] && break
+ count=$(($count-1))
+ usleep 500000
+ remaining=$(LC_ALL=C awk "/^#/ {next} $1" "$2" | sort -r)
+ done
+ [ -z "$remaining" ] && return 0
+ devs=$(stat -c "%d" $remaining)
+ action "$4" fstab-decode umount "-l" $remaining
+ # find fds that don't start with /, are not sockets or pipes or other.
+ # these are potentially detached fds
+ detached_fds=$(find /proc/ -regex '/proc/[0-9]+/fd/.*' -printf "%p %l\n" 2>/dev/null |\
+ grep -Ev '/proc/[0-9]+/fd/[0-9]+ (/.*|inotify|\[.+\]|(socket|pipe):\[[0-9]+\])')
+ # check each detached fd to see if it has the same device
+ # as one of our lazy umounted filesystems
+ kill_list=
+ [ -n "$detached_fds" ] && while read fdline; do
+ fd=${fdline%% *}
+ pid=$(echo $fdline | sed -r 's/\/proc\/([0-9]+).+/\1/')
+ fd_dev=$(stat -L -c "%d" $fd)
+ for dev in $devs ; do
+ [ "$dev" = "$fd_dev" ] && kill_list+="$pid "
+ done
+ done <<< "$detached_fds"
+ [ -n "$kill_list" ] && kill $kill_list
+ # run a little wait/check loop for procs to exit
+ count=4
+ while [ "$count" -gt 0 ] ; do
+ [ -z "$kill_list" ] && break
+ count=$(($count-1))
+ usleep 500000
+ remaining=
+ for pid in $kill_list ; do
+ [ -d "/proc/$pid" ] && remaining+="$pid "
+ done
+ kill_list=$remaining
+ done
+ # try to finish the job:
+ if [ -n "$kill_list" ] ; then
+ kill -9 $kill_list
+ usleep 500000
+ # last check
+ remaining=
+ for pid in $kill_list ; do
+ [ -d "/proc/$pid" ] && remaining+="$pid "
+ done
+ kill_list=$remaining
+ fi
+ STRING=$"Killing processes with open filedescriptors on the unmounted disk:"
+ [ -z "$kill_list" ] && success "$STRING" || failure "$STRING"
+ echo
# Similar to __umount loop above, specialized for loopback devices
__umount_loopback_loop() {
local remaining devremaining sig=
diff --git a/rc.d/init.d/netfs b/rc.d/init.d/netfs
index acd8f970..1ebcd9e9 100755
--- a/rc.d/init.d/netfs
+++ b/rc.d/init.d/netfs
@@ -121,64 +121,11 @@ case "$1" in
$"Unmounting GLUSTERFS filesystems (retry): "
if [ -n "$NFSMTAB" ]; then
- STRING=$"Unmounting NFS filesystems:"
- echo -n $STRING
- nfs_fs=$(LC_ALL=C awk '/^#/ {next} $3 ~ /^nfs/ && $3 != "nfsd" && $2 != "/" {print $2}' /proc/mounts | sort -r)
- if [ -n "$nfs_fs" ]; then
- # create a device id reference
- devs=$(stat -c "%d" $nfs_fs)
- # the lazy umount
- for fs in $nfs_fs ; do
- umount -l $fs
- done
- # find fds that don't start with /, are not sockets or pipes or other.
- # these are potentially detached fds
- detached_fds=$(find /proc/ -regex '/proc/[0-9]+/fd/.*' -printf "%p %l\n" 2>/dev/null |\
- grep -Ev '/proc/[0-9]+/fd/[0-9]+ (/.*|inotify|\[.+\]|(socket|pipe):\[[0-9]+\])')
- # check each detached fd to see if it has the same device
- # as one of our lazy umounted filesystems
- kill_list=
- [ -n "$detached_fds" ] && while read fdline; do
- fd=${fdline%% *}
- pid=$(echo $fdline | sed -r 's/\/proc\/([0-9]+).+/\1/')
- fd_dev=$(stat -L -c "%d" $fd)
- for dev in $devs ; do
- [ "$dev" = "$fd_dev" ] && kill_list+="$pid "
- done
- done <<< "$detached_fds"
- [ -n "$kill_list" ] && kill $kill_list
- # run a little wait/check loop for procs to exit
- count=4
- while [ "$count" -gt 0 ] ; do
- [ -z "$kill_list" ] && break
- count=$(($count-1))
- usleep 500000
- remaining=
- for pid in $kill_list ; do
- [ -d "/proc/$pid" ] && remaining+="$pid "
- done
- kill_list=$remaining
- done
- # try to finish the job:
- if [ -n "$kill_list" ] ; then
- kill -9 $kill_list
- usleep 500000
- # last check
- remaining=
- for pid in $kill_list ; do
- [ -d "/proc/$pid" ] && remaining+="$pid "
- done
- fi
- [ -z "$remaining" ] && success "$STRING" || failure "$STRING"
- echo
- fi
- fi
+ __umount_loop_2 '$3 ~ /^nfs/ && $3 != "nfsd" && $2 != "/" {print $2}' \
+ /proc/mounts \
+ $"Unmounting NFS filesystems: " \
+ $"Unmounting NFS filesystems (retry): "
+ fi
[ -n "$CIFSMTAB" ] && action $"Unmounting CIFS filesystems: " umount -a -t cifs
[ -n "$NCPMTAB" ] && action $"Unmounting NCP filesystems: " umount -a -t ncp,ncpfs
rm -f /var/lock/subsys/netfs