diff options
authorBenjamin Coddington <bcodding@redhat.com>2015-01-16 14:23:41 -0500
committerLukas Nykryn <lnykryn@redhat.com>2015-02-27 10:57:23 +0100
commit1e58eb682bd10c14d5b807130f18528545725a40 (patch)
parent502d080dae0a3d604a0ff77fc4b0338102b847bc (diff)
netfs: don't race NFS umount to network shutdown
RHEL6 customers have been reporting hangs when restaring due to IO for NFS filesystems being unable to flush after network shutdown. The current __umount_loop allows newly created processes to continue to open files to NFS filesystems, which can create thisi problem. Change the umount logic to perform a MNT_DETACH, then search for processes that have open file descriptors on the detached filesystems. The detach prevents newly created processes from opening new files during our search. Finally, after making every attempt to clean up processes with open files, perform a sync to flush NFS filesystems before continuing onto network shutdown.
1 files changed, 57 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/rc.d/init.d/netfs b/rc.d/init.d/netfs
index 26b8e351..acd8f970 100755
--- a/rc.d/init.d/netfs
+++ b/rc.d/init.d/netfs
@@ -121,11 +121,63 @@ case "$1" in
$"Unmounting GLUSTERFS filesystems (retry): "
if [ -n "$NFSMTAB" ]; then
- __umount_loop '$3 ~ /^nfs/ && $3 != "nfsd" && $2 != "/" {print $2}' \
- /proc/mounts \
- $"Unmounting NFS filesystems: " \
- $"Unmounting NFS filesystems (retry): " \
- "-f -l"
+ STRING=$"Unmounting NFS filesystems:"
+ echo -n $STRING
+ nfs_fs=$(LC_ALL=C awk '/^#/ {next} $3 ~ /^nfs/ && $3 != "nfsd" && $2 != "/" {print $2}' /proc/mounts | sort -r)
+ if [ -n "$nfs_fs" ]; then
+ # create a device id reference
+ devs=$(stat -c "%d" $nfs_fs)
+ # the lazy umount
+ for fs in $nfs_fs ; do
+ umount -l $fs
+ done
+ # find fds that don't start with /, are not sockets or pipes or other.
+ # these are potentially detached fds
+ detached_fds=$(find /proc/ -regex '/proc/[0-9]+/fd/.*' -printf "%p %l\n" 2>/dev/null |\
+ grep -Ev '/proc/[0-9]+/fd/[0-9]+ (/.*|inotify|\[.+\]|(socket|pipe):\[[0-9]+\])')
+ # check each detached fd to see if it has the same device
+ # as one of our lazy umounted filesystems
+ kill_list=
+ [ -n "$detached_fds" ] && while read fdline; do
+ fd=${fdline%% *}
+ pid=$(echo $fdline | sed -r 's/\/proc\/([0-9]+).+/\1/')
+ fd_dev=$(stat -L -c "%d" $fd)
+ for dev in $devs ; do
+ [ "$dev" = "$fd_dev" ] && kill_list+="$pid "
+ done
+ done <<< "$detached_fds"
+ [ -n "$kill_list" ] && kill $kill_list
+ # run a little wait/check loop for procs to exit
+ count=4
+ while [ "$count" -gt 0 ] ; do
+ [ -z "$kill_list" ] && break
+ count=$(($count-1))
+ usleep 500000
+ remaining=
+ for pid in $kill_list ; do
+ [ -d "/proc/$pid" ] && remaining+="$pid "
+ done
+ kill_list=$remaining
+ done
+ # try to finish the job:
+ if [ -n "$kill_list" ] ; then
+ kill -9 $kill_list
+ usleep 500000
+ # last check
+ remaining=
+ for pid in $kill_list ; do
+ [ -d "/proc/$pid" ] && remaining+="$pid "
+ done
+ fi
+ [ -z "$remaining" ] && success "$STRING" || failure "$STRING"
+ echo
+ fi
[ -n "$CIFSMTAB" ] && action $"Unmounting CIFS filesystems: " umount -a -t cifs
[ -n "$NCPMTAB" ] && action $"Unmounting NCP filesystems: " umount -a -t ncp,ncpfs