path: root/tools
'n591' href='#n591'>591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810
package detect_devices; # $Id$

use diagnostics;
use strict;
use vars qw($pcitable_addons $usbtable_addons);

#- misc imports
use log;
use common;
use devices;
use run_program;
use c;

#- Globals
my %serialprobe;

#- Functions
sub dev_is_devfs() { -e "/dev/.devfsd" } #- no $::prefix, returns false during install and that's nice :)

sub get() {
    #- Detect the default BIOS boot harddrive is kind of tricky. We may have IDE,
    #- SCSI and RAID devices on the same machine. From what I see so far, the default
    #- BIOS boot harddrive will be
    #- 1. The first IDE device if IDE exists. Or
    #- 2. The first SCSI device if SCSI exists. Or
    #- 3. The first RAID device if RAID exists.

    getIDE(), getSCSI(), getDAC960(), getCompaqSmartArray(), getATARAID();
sub hds()         { grep { $_->{media_type} eq 'hd' && !isRemovableDrive($_) } get() }
sub tapes()       { grep { $_->{media_type} eq 'tape' } get() }
sub cdroms()      { grep { $_->{media_type} eq 'cdrom' } get() }
sub burners()     { grep { isBurner($_) } cdroms() }
sub dvdroms()     { grep { isDvdDrive($_) } cdroms() }
sub raw_zips()    { grep { member($_->{media_type}, 'fd', 'hd') && isZipDrive($_) } get() }
#-sub jazzs     { grep { member($_->{media_type}, 'fd', 'hd') && isJazzDrive($_) } get() }
sub ls120s()      { grep { member($_->{media_type}, 'fd', 'hd') && isLS120Drive($_) } get() }
sub zips()        {
    map { 
	$_->{device} .= 4; 
	$_->{devfs_device} = $_->{devfs_prefix} . '/part4'; 
    } raw_zips();

sub floppies() {
    require modules;
    eval { modules::load("floppy") };
    my @fds = $@ ? () : map {
	my $info = (!dev_is_devfs() || -e "/dev/fd$_") && c::floppy_info(devices::make("fd$_"));
	if_($info && $info ne '(null)', { device => "fd$_", devfs_device => "floppy/$_", media_type => 'fd', info => $info })
    } qw(0 1);

    my @ide = ls120s() and eval { modules::load("ide-floppy") };

    eval { modules::load("usb-storage") } if usbStorage();
    my @scsi = grep { $_->{media_type} eq 'fd' } getSCSI();
    @ide, @scsi, @fds;
sub floppies_dev() { map { $_->{device} } floppies() }
sub floppy() { first(floppies_dev()) }
#- example ls120, model = "LS-120 SLIM 02 UHD Floppy"

sub removables() {
    floppies(), cdroms(), zips();

sub get_sys_cdrom_info {
    my (@drives) = @_;

    my @drives_order;
    foreach (cat_("/proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info")) {
	my ($t, $l) = split ':';
	my @l;
	@l = split(' ', $l) if $l;
	if ($t eq 'drive name') {
	    @drives_order = map {
		my $dev = $_;
		find { $_->{device} eq $dev } @drives;
	    } @l;
	} else {
	    my $capacity;
	    if ($t eq 'Can write CD-R') {
		$capacity = 'burner';
	    } elsif ($t eq 'Can read DVD') {
		$capacity = 'DVD';
	    if ($capacity) {
		each_index {
		    ($drives_order[$::i] || {})->{capacity} .= "$capacity " if $_;
		} @l;

sub get_usb_storage_info_26 {
    my (@l) = @_;

    my @entries = glob_("/sys/bus/usb/devices/*:*") or return;

    my @informed;
    foreach my $scsi (@l) {
	my $usb_dir = find { -d "$_/host$scsi->{host}" } @entries or next;
	$usb_dir =~ s/:[^:]*$//;
	if (-e "$usb_dir/idVendor") {
	    add2hash($scsi, { usb_vendor => hex(chomp_(cat_("$usb_dir/idVendor"))), usb_id => hex(chomp_(cat_("$usb_dir/idProduct"))) });
	    push @informed, $scsi;
	} else {
	    log::l("weird in get_usb_storage_info_26 for host $scsi->{host}, usb_dir $usb_dir");

sub get_usb_storage_info_24 {
    my (@l) = @_;

    my %usbs = map {
	my $s = cat_(glob_("$_/*"));
	my ($host) = $s =~ /^\s*Host scsi(\d+):/m; #-#
	my ($vendor_name) = $s =~ /^\s*Vendor: (.*)/m;
	my ($vendor, $id) = $s =~ /^\s*GUID: (....)(....)/m;
	if_(defined $host, $host => { vendor_name => $vendor_name, usb_vendor => hex $vendor, usb_id => hex $id });
    } glob_('/proc/scsi/usb-storage-*') or return;

    #- only the entries matching the following conditions can be usb-storage devices
    @l = grep { $_->{channel} == 0 && $_->{id} == 0 && $_->{lun} == 0 } @l;
    my %l; push @{$l{$_->{host}}}, $_ foreach @l;

    my @informed;
    foreach my $host (keys %usbs) {
	my @choices = @{$l{$host} || []} or log::l("weird, host$host from /proc/scsi/usb-storage-*/* is not in /proc/scsi/scsi"), next;
	if (@choices > 1) {
	    @choices = grep { $_->{info} =~ /^\Q$usbs{$host}{vendor_name}/ } @choices;
	    @choices or log::l("weird, can't find the good entry host$host from /proc/scsi/usb-storage-*/* in /proc/scsi/scsi"), next;
	    @choices == 1 or log::l("argh, can't determine the good entry host$host from /proc/scsi/usb-storage-*/* in /proc/scsi/scsi"), next
	add2hash($choices[0], $usbs{$host});
	push @informed, $choices[0];

sub get_usb_storage_info {
    my (@l) = @_;

    my @informed = c::kernel_version() =~ /^\Q2.6/ ? get_usb_storage_info_26(@l) : get_usb_storage_info_24(@l) or return;

    foreach my $usb (usb_probe()) {
	if (my $e = find { $_->{usb_vendor} == $usb->{vendor} && $_->{usb_id} == $usb->{id} } @informed) {
	    $e->{"usb_$_"} = $usb->{$_} foreach keys %$usb;

sub get_devfs_devices {
    my (@l) = @_;

    my %h = (cdrom => 'cd', hd => 'disc');

    foreach (@l) {
	my $t = $h{$_->{media_type}} or next;
	$_->{devfs_device} = $_->{devfs_prefix} . '/' . $t;

sub isBurner { 
    my ($e) = @_;
    $e->{capacity} =~ /burner/ and return 1;
    #- do not work for SCSI
    my $f = tryOpen($e->{device}); #- SCSI burner are not detected this way.
    $f && c::isBurner(fileno($f));
sub isDvdDrive {
    my ($e) = @_;
    $e->{capacity} =~ /DVD/ || $e->{info} =~ /DVD/ and return 1;

    #- do not work for SCSI
    my $f = tryOpen($e->{device});
    $f && c::isDvdDrive(fileno($f));
sub isZipDrive { $_[0]{info} =~ /ZIP\s+\d+/ } #- accept ZIP 100, untested for bigger ZIP drive.
sub isJazzDrive { $_[0]{info} =~ /\bJAZZ?\b/i } #- accept "iomega jaz 1GB"
sub isLS120Drive { $_[0]{info} =~ /LS-?120|144MB/ }
sub isRemovableUsb { $_[0]{usb_media_type} && index($_[0]{usb_media_type}, 'Mass Storage') == 0 && usb2removable($_[0]) }
sub isKeyUsb { $_[0]{usb_media_type} && index($_[0]{usb_media_type}, 'Mass Storage') == 0 && $_[0]{media_type} eq 'hd' }
sub isFloppyUsb { $_[0]{usb_driver} && $_[0]{usb_driver} eq 'Removable:floppy' }
sub isRemovableDrive { 
    my ($e) = @_;
    isZipDrive($e) || isLS120Drive($e) || $e->{media_type} && $e->{media_type} eq 'fd' || isRemovableUsb($e) || $e->{usb_media_type} && index($e->{usb_media_type}, 'Mass Storage|Floppy (UFI)') == 0;

sub getSCSI() {
    my $err = sub { log::l("ERROR: unexpected line in /proc/scsi/scsi: $_[0]") };

    my ($first, @l) = common::join_lines(cat_("/proc/scsi/scsi")) or return;
    $first =~ /^Attached devices:/ or $err->($first);

    @l = map_index {
	my ($host, $channel, $id, $lun) = m/^Host: scsi(\d+) Channel: (\d+) Id: (\d+) Lun: (\d+)/ or $err->($_);
	my ($vendor, $model) = /^\s*Vendor:\s*(.*?)\s+Model:\s*(.*?)\s+Rev:/m or $err->($_);
	my ($type) = /^\s*Type:\s*(.*)/m or $err->($_);
	{ info => "$vendor $model", host => $host, channel => $channel, id => $id, lun => $lun, 
	  device => "sg$::i", devfs_prefix => sprintf('scsi/host%d/bus%d/target%d/lun%d', $host, $channel, $id, $lun),
          raw_type => $type, bus => 'SCSI' };
    } @l;


    each_index {
	my $dev = "sd" . chr($::i + ord('a'));
	put_in_hash $_, { device => $dev, media_type => isFloppyUsb($_) ? 'fd' : 'hd' };
    } grep { $_->{raw_type} =~ /Direct-Access|Optical Device/ } @l;

    each_index {
	put_in_hash $_, { device => "st$::i", media_type => 'tape' };
    } grep { $_->{raw_type} =~ /Sequential-Access/ } @l;

    each_index {
	put_in_hash $_, { device => "scd$::i", media_type => 'cdrom' };
    } grep { $_->{raw_type} =~ /CD-ROM|WORM/ } @l;

    # Old hp scanners report themselves as "Processor"s
    # (see linux/include/scsi/scsi.h and sans-find-scanner.1)
    each_index {
	put_in_hash $_, { media_type => 'scanner' };
    } grep { $_->{raw_type} =~ /Scanner/ || $_->{raw_type} =~ /Processor / } @l;


my %eide_hds = (
    "ASUS" => "Asus",
    "CD-ROM CDU" => "Sony",
    "CD-ROM Drive/F5D" => "ASUSTeK",
    "Compaq" => "Compaq",
    "CONNER" => "Conner Peripherals",
    "IBM" => "IBM",
    "FUJITSU" => "Fujitsu",
    "HITACHI" => "Hitachi",
    "Lite-On" => "Lite-On Technology Corp.",
    "LITE-ON" => "Lite-On Technology Corp.",
    "LTN" => "Lite-On Technology Corp.",
    "IOMEGA" => "Iomega",
    "MAXTOR" => "Maxtor",
    "Maxtor" => "Maxtor",
    "Micropolis" => "Micropolis",
    "Pioneer" => "Pioneer",
    "PLEXTOR" => "Plextor",
    "QUANTUM" => "Quantum", 
    "SAMSUNG" => "Samsung",
    "Seagate " => "Seagate Technology",
    "ST3" => "Seagate Technology",
    "TEAC" => "Teac",
    "TOSHIBA" => "Toshiba",
    "WDC" => "Western Digital Corp.",

sub getIDE() {
    my @idi;

    #- what about a system with absolutely no IDE on it, like some sparc machine.
    -e "/proc/ide" or return ();

    #- Great. 2.2 kernel, things are much easier and less error prone.
    foreach my $d (sort @{[glob_('/proc/ide/hd*')]}) {
	cat_("$d/driver") =~ /ide-scsi/ and next; #- already appears in /proc/scsi/scsi
	my $t = chomp_(cat_("$d/media"));
	my $type = ${{ disk => 'hd', cdrom => 'cdrom', tape => 'tape', floppy => 'fd' }}{$t} or next;
	my $info = chomp_(cat_("$d/model")) || "(none)";

	my $num = ord(($d =~ /(.)$/)[0]) - ord 'a';
	my ($vendor, $model) = map { 
	    if_($info =~ /^$_(-|\s)*(.*)/, $eide_hds{$_}, $2);
	} keys %eide_hds;

	my ($channel, $id) = ($num / 2, $num % 2);
	my $devfs_prefix = sprintf('ide/host0/bus%d/target%d/lun0', $channel, $id);

	push @idi, { media_type => $type, device => basename($d), 
		     devfs_prefix => $devfs_prefix,
		     info => $info, channel => $channel, id => $id, bus => 'ide', 
		     if_($vendor, Vendor => $vendor), if_($model, Model => $model) };

sub getCompaqSmartArray() {
    my (@idi, $f);

    foreach ('array/ida', 'cpqarray/ida', 'cciss/cciss') {
	my $prefix = "/proc/driver/$_"; #- kernel 2.4 places it here
	$prefix = "/proc/$_" if !-e "${prefix}0"; #- kernel 2.2

	my ($name) = m|/(.*)|;
	for (my $i = 0; -r ($f = "${prefix}$i"); $i++) {
	    foreach (cat_($f)) {
                if (my ($raw_device) = m|^\s*($name/.*?):|) {
                    my $device = -d "/dev/$raw_device" ? "$raw_device/disc" : $raw_device;
                    push @idi, { device => $device, prefix => $raw_device . 'p', info => "Compaq RAID logical disk",
				 media_type => 'hd', bus => 'ida' };

sub getDAC960() {
    my %idi;

    #- We are looking for lines of this format:DAC960#0:
    #- /dev/rd/c0d0: RAID-7, Online, 17928192 blocks, Write Thru0123456790123456789012
    foreach (syslog()) {
	my ($device, $info) = m|/dev/(rd/.*?): (.*?),| or next;
	$idi{$device} = { info => $info, media_type => 'hd', device => $device, prefix => $device . 'p', bus => 'dac960' };
    values %idi;

sub getATARAID() {
    my %l;
    foreach (syslog()) {
	my ($device) = m|^\s*(ataraid/d\d+):| or next;
	$l{$device} = { info => 'ATARAID block device', media_type => 'hd', device => $device, prefix => $device . 'p', bus => 'ataraid' };
	log::l("ATARAID: $device");
    values %l;

# cpu_name : arch() =~ /^alpha/ ? "cpu	" :
# arch() =~ /^ppc/ ? "processor" : "vendor_id"

# cpu_model : arch() =~ /^alpha/ ? "cpu model" :
# arch() =~ /^ppc/ ? "cpu  " : "model name"

# cpu_freq = arch() =~ /^alpha/ ? "cycle frequency [Hz]" :
# arch() =~ /^ppc/ ? "clock" : "cpu MHz"

sub getCPUs() { 
    my (@cpus, $cpu);
    foreach (cat_("/proc/cpuinfo")) {
	   if (/^processor/) { # ix86 specific
		  push @cpus, $cpu if $cpu;
		  $cpu = {};
	   $cpu->{$1} = $2 if /^([^\t]+).*:\s(.*)$/;
	   $cpu->{processor}++ if $1 eq "processor";
    push @cpus, $cpu;

sub getSoundDevices() {
    (arch() =~ /ppc/ ? \&modules::load_category : \&modules::probe_category)->('multimedia/sound');

sub isTVcard { $_[0]{driver} =~ /bttv|saa7134/ }

sub getTVcards() { 
    grep { isTVcard($_) } detect_devices::probeall();

sub getSerialModem {
    my ($o_mouse) = @_;
    my $mouse = $o_mouse || {};
    $mouse->{device} = readlink "/dev/mouse";
    my $serdev = arch() =~ /ppc/ ? "macserial" : "serial";
    eval { modules::load($serdev) };

    my @modems;

    foreach my $port (map { "ttyS$_" } (0..7)) {
	next if $mouse->{device} =~ /$port/;
     my $device = "/dev/$port";
	next if !-e $device || !hasModem($device);
     $serialprobe{$device}{device} = $device;
     push @modems, $serialprobe{$device};
    my @devs = pcmcia_probe();
    foreach my $modem (@modems) {
        #- add an alias for macserial on PPC
        modules::add_alias('serial', $serdev) if arch() =~ /ppc/ && $modem->{device};
        foreach (@devs) { $_->{type} =~ /serial/ and $modem->{device} = $_->{device} }

sub getModem() {
    getSerialModem({}), matching_driver('www\.linmodems\.org');

sub getSpeedtouch() {
    grep { $_->{description} eq 'Alcatel|USB ADSL Modem (Speed Touch)' } probeall();

sub getBewan() {
    grep { $_->{description} =~ /Bewan Systems\|PCI ADSL Modem|BEWAN ADSL USB/ } probeall();
sub getSagem() {
    grep { member($_->{driver}, qw(adiusbadsl eagle-usb)) } probeall();

# generate from the following from eci driver sources:
# perl -e 'while (<>) { print qq("$1$2",\n"$3$4",\n) if /\b([a-z\d]*)\s*([a-z\d]*)\s*([a-z\d]*)\s*([a-z\d]*)$/ }' <modems.db|sort|uniq
sub getECI() {
    my @ids = (
    grep { member(sprintf("%04x%04x%04x%04x", $_->{vendor}, $_->{id}, $_->{subvendor}, $_->{subid}), @ids) } usb_probe();

sub getNet() {
    grep { !($::isStandalone && /plip/) && c::hasNetDevice($_) }
      grep { /^(ath|eth|fddi|plip|tr|usb|wifi|wlan)/ }
        map_index {
            # skip headers
            if_(1 < $::i && /^\s*([a-z]*[0-9]*):/, $1)
        } cat_("/proc/net/dev");

#sub getISDN() {
#    mapgrep(sub {member (($_[0] =~ /\s*(\w*):/), @netdevices), $1 }, split(/\n/, cat_("/proc/net/dev")));

# heavily inspirated from hidups driver from nut:
sub getUPS() {
    # nut/driver/hidups.h:
    my $UPS_USAGE   = 0x840004;
    my $POWER_USAGE = 0x840020;
    my $hiddev_find_application = sub {
        my ($fd, $usage) = @_;
        my ($i, $ret) = 0;
        do { $i++ } while ($ret = ioctl($fd, c::HIDIOCAPPLICATION(), $i)) && $ret != $usage;
        return $ret == $usage ? 1 : 0;

    (map { $_->{driver} = "mge-shut"; $_ } grep { $_->{DESCRIPTION} =~ /MGE UPS/ } values %serialprobe),
    (map {
        open(my $f, $_);
        if_(!$hiddev_find_application->($f, $UPS_USAGE) && !$hiddev_find_application->($f, $POWER_USAGE),
            { port => $_,
              name => c::get_usb_ups_name(fileno($f)),
              driver => "hidups",
    } -e "/dev/.devfsd" ? glob("/dev/usb/hid/hiddev*") : glob("/dev/usb/hiddev*"));

$pcitable_addons = <<'EOF';
# add here lines conforming the pcitable format (0xXXXX\t0xXXXX\t"\w+"\t".*")

$usbtable_addons = <<'EOF';
# add here lines conforming the usbtable format (0xXXXX\t0xXXXX\t"\w+"\t".*")

sub install_addons {
    my ($prefix) = @_;

    #- this test means install_addons can only be called after ldetect-lst has been installed.
    if (-d "$prefix/usr/share/ldetect-lst") {
	my $update = 0;