path: root/tools
__ "$sudo umount $mnt 2>/dev/null";
+ _ "dd if=/dev/zero of=$img bs=1k count=$sizek";
+ _ "$mke2fs $img";
+ _ "/sbin/e2writeboot $img /boot/bootlx";
+ _ "$sudo mount -t ext2 $img $mnt -o loop";
+ _ "cp -f vmlinux.gz $mnt";
+ -f "$type.rdz" or initrd("${mnt}2", "$type.rdz");
+ mkdir "$mnt/etc", 0777;
+ output("$mnt/etc/aboot.conf",
+"0:vmlinux.gz load_ramdisk=1 prompt_ramdisk=0 ramdisk_start=$sizek root=/dev/fd0 mdkinst rw ramdisk=32000
+ _ "sync";
+ _ "df $mnt";
+ __ "$sudo umount $mnt 2>/dev/null";
+ _ "cat $type.rdz >> $img";
+sub boot_img_sparc {
+ my ($mnt, $img) = @_;
+ if ($type eq 'live') {
+ #- hack to produce directly into /export the needed file for cdrom boot.
+ my $dir = "/export";
+ my $boot = "boot"; #- non-absolute pathname only!
+ _ "mkdir -p $dir/$boot";
+ _ "cp -f /boot/cd.b /boot/second.b $dir/$boot";
+ _ "cp -f vmlinuz $dir/$boot/vmlinux.gz";
+ -f "live.rdz" ? _ "cp -f live.rdz $dir/$boot" : initrd("${mnt}2", "$dir/$boot/live.rdz");
+ output("$dir/$boot/silo.conf", "
+image=\"cat /$boot/boot.msg\"
+ label=1
+ single-key
+image=\"cat /$boot/general.msg\"
+ label=2
+ single-key
+image=\"cat /$boot/expert.msg\"
+ label=3
+ single-key
+image=\"cat /$boot/rescue.msg\"
+ label=4
+ single-key
+image=\"cat /$boot/kickit.msg\"
+ label=5
+ single-key
+image=\"cat /$boot/param.msg\"
+ label=6
+ single-key
+ label=linux
+ alias=install
+ initrd=/$boot/live.rdz
+ append=mdkinst ramdisk=32000
+ label=text
+ initrd=/$boot/live.rdz
+ append=mdkinst ramdisk=32000 text
+ label=expert
+ initrd=/$boot/live.rdz
+ append=mdkinst ramdisk=32000 expert
+ label=ks
+ initrd=/$boot/live.rdz
+ append=mdkinst ramdisk=32000 ks
+ output("$dir/$boot/README", "
+To Build a Bootable CD-ROM, try:
+ mkisofs -R -o t.iso -S $boot/cd.b -B $boot/second.b -s /$boot/silo.conf /export
+ } elsif ($type eq 'tftp') {
+ my $dir = "/export";
+ my $boot = "images";
+ _ "mkdir -p $dir/$boot";
+ _ "elftoaout kernel/src/vmlinux -o $dir/$boot/tftp.img";
+ } elsif ($type eq 'tftprd') {
+ my $dir = "/export";
+ my $boot = "images";
+ my $arch = `uname -m`; chomp $arch;
+ _ "mkdir -p $dir/$boot";
+ -f "$type.rdz" ? _ "cp -f $type.rdz kernel/src/initrd.gz" : initrd("${mnt}2", "kernel/src/initrd.gz");
+ _ "make -C kernel/src tftpboot.img";
+ _ "cp -f kernel/src/arch/$arch/boot/tftpboot.img $dir/$boot/tftprd.img";
+ } else {
+ my $dir = "floppy";
+ __ "$sudo umount $mnt 2>/dev/null";
+ _ "rm -rf $dir";
+ _ "mkdir -p $dir";
+ _ "cp -f /boot/fd.b /boot/second.b $dir";
+ _ "cp -f vmlinuz $dir/vmlinux.gz";
+ -f "$type.rdz" ? _ "cp -f $type.rdz $dir" : initrd("${mnt}2", "$dir/$type.rdz");
+ output("$dir/silo.conf", "
+ label=linux
+ initrd=/$type.rdz
+ append=mdkinst ramdisk=32000 $type
+ _ "genromfs -d $dir -f /dev/ram -A 2048,/.. -a 512 -V \'DrakX boot disk\'";
+ _ "$sudo mount -t romfs /dev/ram $mnt";
+ _ "silo -r $mnt -F -i /fd.b -b /second.b -C /silo.conf";
+ _ "$sudo umount $mnt";
+ _ "dd if=/dev/ram of=$type.img bs=1440k count=1";
+ _ "sync";
+ _ "$sudo mount -t romfs /dev/ram $mnt";
+ _ "df $mnt";
+ }
sub output {
my $f = shift;
diff --git a/perl-install/Makefile b/perl-install/Makefile
index 4555835f7..9911740d5 100644
--- a/perl-install/Makefile
+++ b/perl-install/Makefile
@@ -55,9 +55,8 @@ install_pms: $(DIRS)
get_needed_files: $(DIRS)
# export PERL_INSTALL_TEST=1 ; strace -f -e trace=file -o '| grep -v "(No such file or directory)" | sed -e "s/[^\"]*\"//" -e "s/\".*//" | grep "^/" | grep -v -e "^/tmp" -e "^/home" -e "^/proc" -e "^/var" -e "^/dev" -e "^/etc" -e "^/usr/lib/rpm" > /tmp/list ' $(PERL) -d install2 < /dev/null
- cp -f `../tools/specific_arch share/list` /tmp/list
-# cp -f share/list /tmp/list
-# perl -pi -e "s/ARCH/$(ARCH)/" /tmp/list
+ perl -pe "s/ARCH/$(ARCH)/g" share/list > /tmp/list
+ cat `../tools/specific_arch share/list` >> /tmp/list
find auto -follow -name "*.so" >> /tmp/list
for i in $(LOCALFILES) `cat /tmp/list` ; do \
@@ -109,7 +108,7 @@ endif
perl -ane 'symlink "$$F[1]", "$(DEST)/usr/bin/$$F[0]"' aliases
- tar xfy `../tools/specific_arch share/locales.tar.bz2` -C $(DEST)
+ for i in fonts keyboards locales gconv; do tar xfy `../tools/specific_arch share/$$i.tar.bz2` -C $(DEST); done
cp -a modparm.lst $(DEST)/usr/share
cd share ; cp -a keymaps $(DEST)/usr/share
diff --git a/perl-install/ b/perl-install/
index 95b5006df..866993793 100644
--- a/perl-install/
+++ b/perl-install/
@@ -20,7 +20,9 @@ use log;
#- Globals
my @suggestions = (
+arch() =~ /^i386/ ? (
{ mntpoint => "/boot", size => 16 << 11, type => 0x83, maxsize => 30 << 11 },
+) : (),
{ mntpoint => "/", size => 50 << 11, type => 0x83, ratio => 1, maxsize => 300 << 11 },
{ mntpoint => "swap", size => 30 << 11, type => 0x82, ratio => 1, maxsize => 250 << 11 },
{ mntpoint => "/usr", size => 200 << 11, type => 0x83, ratio => 6, maxsize =>1500 << 11 },
@@ -171,9 +173,11 @@ sub suggest_part($$$;$) {
grep { !$part->{type} || $part->{type} == $_->{type} }
@$suggestions or return;
- $best = $second if
- $best->{mntpoint} eq '/boot' &&
- $part->{start} + $best->{size} > 1024 * $hd->cylinder_size(); #- if the empty slot is beyond the 1024th cylinder, no use having /boot
+ if (arch() =~ /^i386/) {
+ $best = $second if
+ $best->{mntpoint} eq '/boot' &&
+ $part->{start} + $best->{size} > 1024 * $hd->cylinder_size(); #- if the empty slot is beyond the 1024th cylinder, no use having /boot
+ }
defined $best or return; #- sorry no suggestion :(
@@ -227,7 +231,7 @@ sub check_mntpoint {
has_mntpoint($mntpoint, $hds) and die _("There is already a partition with mount point %s", $mntpoint);
- if ($part->{start} + $part->{size} > 1024 * $hd->cylinder_size()) {
+ if ($part->{start} + $part->{size} > 1024 * $hd->cylinder_size() && arch() =~ /i386/) {
die "/boot ending on cylinder > 1024" if $mntpoint eq "/boot";
die "/ ending on cylinder > 1024" if $mntpoint eq "/" && !has_mntpoint("/boot", $hds);
diff --git a/perl-install/ b/perl-install/
index 80535764a..aa6266bff 100644
--- a/perl-install/
+++ b/perl-install/
@@ -58,7 +58,9 @@ my (%installSteps, @orderedInstallSteps);
configurePrinter => [ __("Configure printer"), 1, 0, '', "doInstallStep" ],
setRootPassword => [ __("Set root password"), 1, 1, '', "formatPartitions" ],
addUser => [ __("Add a user"), 1, 1, '', "doInstallStep" ],
+arch() =~ /alpha/ ? : (
createBootdisk => [ __("Create a bootdisk"), 1, 0, '', "doInstallStep" ],
+) : (),
setupBootloader => [ __("Install bootloader"), 1, 1, '', "doInstallStep" ],
configureX => [ __("Configure X"), 1, 0, '', ["formatPartitions", "setupBootloader"] ],
exitInstall => [ __("Exit install"), 0, 0, 'beginner' ],
@@ -123,24 +125,6 @@ $o = $::o = {
#- packages => [ qw() ],
partitioning => { clearall => 0, eraseBadPartitions => 0, auto_allocate => 0, autoformat => 0 }, #-, readonly => 0 },
#- security => 2,
- partitions => [
- { mntpoint => "/boot", size => 10 << 11, type => 0x83, maxsize => 30 << 11 },
- { mntpoint => "/", size => 300 << 11, type => 0x83, ratio => 5, maxsize => 1500 << 11 },
- { mntpoint => "swap", size => 64 << 11, type => 0x82, ratio => 1, maxsize => 250 << 11 },
- { mntpoint => "/home", size => 300 << 11, type => 0x83, ratio => 5 },
- ],
-#- partitions => [
-#- { mntpoint => "/boot", size => 16 << 11, type => 0x83 },
-#- { mntpoint => "/", size => 256 << 11, type => 0x83 },
-#- { mntpoint => "/usr", size => 512 << 11, type => 0x83, growable => 1 },
-#- { mntpoint => "/var", size => 256 << 11, type => 0x83 },
-#- { mntpoint => "/home", size => 512 << 11, type => 0x83, growable => 1 },
-#- { mntpoint => "swap", size => 64 << 11, type => 0x82 }
-#- { mntpoint => "/boot", size => 16 << 11, type => 0x83 },
-#- { mntpoint => "/", size => 300 << 11, type => 0x83 },
-#- { mntpoint => "swap", size => 64 << 11, type => 0x82 },
-#- { mntpoint => "/usr", size => 400 << 11, type => 0x83, growable => 1 },
-#- ],
shells => [ map { "/bin/$_" } qw(bash tcsh zsh ash ksh) ],
authentication => { md5 => 1, shadow => 1 },
lang => 'en',
@@ -259,8 +243,9 @@ sub selectPath {
sub selectInstallClass {
- $o->{partitions} ||= $suggestedPartitions{$o->{installClass}};
+ $o->{partitions} ||=
+ [ grep { arch() =~ /i386/ && $_->{mntpoint} ne "/boot" } @{$suggestedPartitions{$o->{installClass}}} ];
if ($o->{steps}{choosePackages}{entered} >= 1 && !$o->{steps}{doInstallStep}{done}) {
@@ -610,6 +595,8 @@ sub main {
+ eval { modules::load("ide-disk") };
+ eval { modules::load("sd_mod") };
install_any::lnx4win_preinstall() if $o->{lnx4win};
#-the main cycle
diff --git a/perl-install/ b/perl-install/
index c8bcc2a64..84c4918c5 100644
--- a/perl-install/
+++ b/perl-install/
@@ -613,7 +613,13 @@ sub readBootloaderConfigBeforeInstall {
sub setupBootloaderBefore {
my ($o) = @_;
- if (arch() =~ /^sparc/) {
+ if (arch() =~ /alpha/) {
+ if (my $dev = fsedit::get_root($o->{fstab})) {
+ $o->{bootloader}{boot} ||= "/dev/$dev->{rootDevice}";
+ $o->{bootloader}{root} ||= "/dev/$dev->{device}";
+ $o->{bootloader}{part_nb} ||= first($dev->{device} =~ /(\d+)/);
+ }
+ } elsif (arch() =~ /^sparc/) {
require silo;
silo::suggest($o->{prefix}, $o->{bootloader}, $o->{hds}, $o->{fstab}, install_any::kernelVersion());
} else {
@@ -627,7 +633,18 @@ sub setupBootloader($) {
my ($o) = @_;
return if $::g_auto_install;
- if (arch() =~ /^sparc/) {
+ if (arch() =~ /alpha/) {
+ return if $::testing;
+ my $b = $o->{bootloader};
+ $b->{boot} or $o->ask_warn('', "Can't install aboot, not a bsd disklabel"), return;
+ run_program::rooted($o->{prefix}, "swriteboot", $b->{boot}, "/boot/bootlx");
+ run_program::rooted($o->{prefix}, "abootconf", $b->{boot}, $b->{part_nb});
+ output "$o->{prefix}/etc/aboot.conf",
+ map_index { "$::i:$b->{part_nb}$_ root=$b->{root} $b->{perImageAppend}\n" }
+ map { /$o->{prefix}(.*)/ } eval { glob_("$o->{prefix}/boot/vmlinux*") };
+ } elsif (arch() =~ /^sparc/) {
silo::install($o->{prefix}, $o->{bootloader});
} else {
lilo::install($o->{prefix}, $o->{bootloader});
diff --git a/perl-install/ b/perl-install/
index d82ea688a..a77333b21 100644
--- a/perl-install/
+++ b/perl-install/
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ When sure, press Ok."))) {
my $oldsize = $part->{size};
$hd->{isDirty} = $hd->{needKernelReread} = 1;
$part->{size} -= min($max_linux, $part->{size} - $min_win);
- partition_table::adjustEnd($hd, $part);
+ $hd->adjustEnd($part);
partition_table::adjust_local_extended($hd, $part);
diff --git a/perl-install/ b/perl-install/