package any; # $Id$ use diagnostics; use strict; #-###################################################################################### #- misc imports #-###################################################################################### use common; use detect_devices; use partition_table qw(:types); use fsedit; use fs; use lang; use run_program; use keyboard; use devices; use modules; use log; use c; sub drakx_version() { $::move ? sprintf "DrakX-move v%s", cat_('/usr/bin/stage2/') =~ /move\.pm,v (\S+ \S+ \S+)/ : sprintf "DrakX v%s built %s", $::testing ? ('TEST', scalar gmtime()) : (split('/', cat_("$ENV{SHARE_PATH}/VERSION")))[2,3]; } sub facesdir() { "$::prefix/usr/share/mdk/faces/"; } sub face2png { my ($face) = @_; facesdir() . $face . ".png"; } sub facesnames() { my $dir = facesdir(); my @l = grep { /^[A-Z]/ } all($dir); map { if_(/(.*)\.png/, $1) } (@l ? @l : all($dir)); } sub addKdmIcon { my ($user, $icon) = @_; my $dest = "$::prefix/usr/share/faces/$user.png"; eval { cp_af(facesdir() . $icon . ".png", $dest) } if $icon; } sub allocUsers { my ($users) = @_; my @m = my @l = facesnames(); foreach (grep { !$_->{icon} || $_->{icon} eq "automagic" } @$users) { $_->{auto_icon} = splice(@m, rand(@m), 1); #- known biased (see cookbook for better) log::l("auto_icon is $_->{auto_icon}"); @m = @l unless @m; } } sub addUsers { my ($users) = @_; allocUsers($users); foreach my $u (@$users) { run_program::rooted($::prefix, "usermod", "-G", join(",", @{$u->{groups}}), $u->{name}) if !is_empty_array_ref($u->{groups}); addKdmIcon($u->{name}, delete $u->{auto_icon} || $u->{icon}); } } sub crypt { my ($password, $md5) = @_; crypt($password, $md5 ? '$1$' . salt(8) : salt(2)); } sub enableShadow() { run_program::rooted($::prefix, "pwconv") or log::l("pwconv failed"); run_program::rooted($::prefix, "grpconv") or log::l("grpconv failed"); } sub hdInstallPath() { my $tail = first(readlink("/tmp/image") =~ m|^/tmp/hdimage/?(.*)|); my $head = first(readlink("/tmp/hdimage") =~ m|$::prefix(.*)|); defined $tail && ($head ? "$head/$tail" : "/mnt/hd/$tail"); } sub kernelVersion() { my $kernel = readlink("$::prefix/boot/vmlinuz") || first(all("$::prefix/boot")); first($kernel =~ /vmlinuz-(.*)/); } sub setupBootloader { my ($in, $b, $all_hds, $fstab, $security) = @_; my $hds = $all_hds->{hds}; require bootloader; general: { local $::Wizard_no_previous = 1 if $::isStandalone; setupBootloader__general($in, $b, $all_hds, $fstab, $security) or return 0; } setupBootloader__boot_bios_drive($in, $b, $hds) or goto general; { local $::Wizard_finished = 1 if $::isStandalone; setupBootloader__entries($in, $b, $all_hds, $fstab) or goto general; } #- somewhere should bootloader really installed ? $::isStandalone and my $_w = $in->wait_message(N("Please wait"), N("Bootloader installation in progress")); eval { run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'lilo', '-u') } if $::isInstall && !$::o->{isUpgrade} && -e "$::prefix/etc/lilo.conf" && glob("$::prefix/boot/boot.*"); bootloader::install($b, $fstab, $hds); } sub setupBootloader_simple { my ($in, $b, $all_hds, $fstab, $security) = @_; my $hds = $all_hds->{hds}; require bootloader; my $mixed_kind_of_disks = bootloader::mixed_kind_of_disks($hds); #- full expert questions when there is 2 kind of disks #- it would need a semi_auto asking on which drive the bios boots... $mixed_kind_of_disks || $b->{bootUnsafe} || arch() =~ /ppc/ or return 1; #- default is good enough if (!$mixed_kind_of_disks && arch() !~ /ia64/) { setupBootloader__mbr_or_not($in, $b, $hds, $fstab) or return 0; } else { general: setupBootloader__general($in, $b, $all_hds, $fstab, $security) or return 0; } setupBootloader__boot_bios_drive($in, $b, $hds) or goto general; 1; } sub setupBootloader__boot_bios_drive { my ($in, $b, $hds) = @_; bootloader::mixed_kind_of_disks($hds) && $b->{boot} =~ /\d$/ && #- on a partition is_empty_hash_ref($b->{bios}) && #- some bios mapping already there arch() !~ /ppc/ or return 1; log::l("mixed_kind_of_disks"); my $hd = $in->ask_from_listf('', N("You decided to install the bootloader on a partition. This implies you already have a bootloader on the hard drive you boot (eg: System Commander). On which drive are you booting?"), \&partition_table::description, $hds) or return 0; log::l("mixed_kind_of_disks chosen $hd->{device}"); $b->{first_hd_device} = "/dev/$hd->{device}"; 1; } sub setupBootloader__mbr_or_not { my ($in, $b, $hds, $fstab) = @_; if (arch() =~ /ppc/) { if (defined $partition_table::mac::bootstrap_part) { $b->{boot} = $partition_table::mac::bootstrap_part; log::l("set bootstrap to $b->{boot}"); } else { die "no bootstrap partition - yaboot.conf creation failed"; } } else { my $floppy = detect_devices::floppy(); my @l = ( [ N("First sector of drive (MBR)") => '/dev/' . $hds->[0]{device} ], [ N("First sector of the root partition") => '/dev/' . fsedit::get_root($fstab, 'boot')->{device} ], if_($floppy, [ N("On Floppy") => "/dev/$floppy" ], ), [ N("Skip") => '' ], ); my $default = arch() =~ /sparc/ ? ($b->{use_partition} ? $l[1] : $l[0]) : find { $_->[1] eq $b->{boot} } @l; $in->ask_from_({ title => arch() =~ /sparc/ ? N("SILO Installation") : N("LILO/grub Installation"), messages => N("Where do you want to install the bootloader?"), interactive_help_id => 'setupBootloaderBeginner', }, [ { val => \$default, list => \@l, format => sub { $_[0][0] }, type => 'list' } ]); my $new_boot = $default->[1] or return; if (arch() =~ /sparc/) { $b->{use_partition} = $new_boot eq $l[1][1]; } else { #- remove bios mapping if the user changed the boot device delete $b->{bios} if $new_boot ne $b->{boot}; $b->{boot} = $new_boot; } } 1; } sub setupBootloader__general { my ($in, $b, $all_hds, $fstab, $security) = @_; my @silo_install_lang = (N("First sector of drive (MBR)"), N("First sector of boot partition")); ($b->{method}, my $method_choices) = bootloader::method_choices($fstab, $b); my $profiles = bootloader::has_profiles($b); my $prev_force_acpi = my $force_acpi = bootloader::get_append($b, 'acpi') !~ /off|ht/; my $prev_force_noapic = my $force_noapic = bootloader::get_append($b, 'noapic'); my $prev_force_nolapic = my $force_nolapic = bootloader::get_append($b, 'nolapic'); my $memsize = bootloader::get_append($b, 'mem'); my $prev_clean_tmp = my $clean_tmp = any { $_->{mntpoint} eq '/tmp' } @{$all_hds->{special} ||= []}; my $prev_boot = $b->{boot}; $b->{password2} ||= $b->{password} ||= ''; $::Wizard_title = N("Boot Style Configuration"); if (arch() !~ /ppc/) { $in->ask_from_({ messages => N("Bootloader main options"), interactive_help_id => 'setupBootloader', callbacks => { complete => sub { !$memsize || $memsize =~ /^\d+K$/ || $memsize =~ s/^(\d+)M?$/$1M/i or $in->ask_warn('', N("Give the ram size in MB")), return 1; #- $security > 4 && length($b->{password}) < 6 and $in->ask_warn('', N("At this level of security, a password (and a good one) in lilo is requested")), return 1; $b->{restricted} && !$b->{password} and $in->ask_warn('', N("Option ``Restrict command line options'' is of no use without a password")), return 1; $b->{password} eq $b->{password2} or !$b->{restricted} or $in->ask_warn('', [ N("The passwords do not match"), N("Please try again") ]), return 1; 0; }, }, }, [ { label => N("Bootloader to use"), val => \$b->{method}, list => [ keys %$method_choices ], format => sub { $method_choices->{$_[0]} } }, arch() =~ /sparc/ ? ( { label => N("Bootloader installation"), val => \$b->{use_partition}, list => [ 0, 1 ], format => sub { $silo_install_lang[$_[0]] } }, ) : if_(arch() !~ /ia64/, { label => N("Boot device"), val => \$b->{boot}, list => [ map { "/dev/$_" } (map { $_->{device} } (@{$all_hds->{hds}}, grep { !isFat_or_NTFS($_) } @$fstab)), detect_devices::floppies_dev() ], not_edit => !$::expert }, ), { label => N("Delay before booting default image"), val => \$b->{timeout} }, { text => N("Enable ACPI"), val => \$force_acpi, type => 'bool' }, if_(!$force_nolapic, { text => N("Force no APIC"), val => \$force_noapic, type => 'bool' }, ), { text => N("Force No Local APIC"), val => \$force_nolapic, type => 'bool' }, if_($security >= 4 || $b->{password} || $b->{restricted}, { label => N("Password"), val => \$b->{password}, hidden => 1 }, { label => N("Password (again)"), val => \$b->{password2}, hidden => 1 }, { text => N("Restrict command line options"), val => \$b->{restricted}, type => "bool", text => N("restrict") }, ), { text => N("Clean /tmp at each boot"), val => \$clean_tmp, type => 'bool', advanced => 1 }, { label => N("Precise RAM size if needed (found %d MB)", availableRamMB()), val => \$memsize, advanced => 1 }, if_(detect_devices::isLaptop(), { text => N("Enable multiple profiles"), val => \$profiles, type => 'bool', advanced => 1 }, ), ]) or return 0; } else { $b->{boot} = $partition_table::mac::bootstrap_part; $in->ask_from_({ messages => N("Bootloader main options"), interactive_help_id => 'setupYabootGeneral', }, [ { label => N("Bootloader to use"), val => \$b->{method}, list => [ keys %$method_choices ], format => sub { $method_choices->{$_[0]} } }, { label => N("Init Message"), val => \$b->{'init-message'} }, { label => N("Boot device"), val => \$b->{boot}, list => [ map { "/dev/$_" } (map { $_->{device} } (grep { isAppleBootstrap($_) } @$fstab)) ], not_edit => !$::expert }, { label => N("Open Firmware Delay"), val => \$b->{delay} }, { label => N("Kernel Boot Timeout"), val => \$b->{timeout} }, { label => N("Enable CD Boot?"), val => \$b->{enablecdboot}, type => "bool" }, { label => N("Enable OF Boot?"), val => \$b->{enableofboot}, type => "bool" }, { label => N("Default OS?"), val => \$b->{defaultos}, list => [ 'linux', 'macos', 'macosx', 'darwin' ] }, ]) or return 0; } #- remove bios mapping if the user changed the boot device delete $b->{bios} if $b->{boot} ne $prev_boot; if ($b->{method} eq 'grub') { $in->do_pkgs->ensure_is_installed('grub', "/usr/sbin/grub", 1) or return 0; } bootloader::set_profiles($b, $profiles); bootloader::set_append($b, "mem", $memsize || 0); if ($prev_force_acpi != $force_acpi) { bootloader::set_append($b, acpi => ($force_acpi ? '' : 'ht')); } if ($prev_force_noapic != $force_noapic) { ($force_noapic ? \&bootloader::set_append : \&bootloader::remove_append_simple)->($b, 'noapic'); } if ($prev_force_nolapic != $force_nolapic) { ($force_nolapic ? \&bootloader::set_append : \&bootloader::remove_append_simple)->($b, 'nolapic'); } if ($prev_clean_tmp != $clean_tmp) { if ($clean_tmp && !fsedit::has_mntpoint('/tmp', $all_hds)) { push @{$all_hds->{special}}, { device => 'none', mntpoint => '/tmp', type => 'tmpfs' }; } else { @{$all_hds->{special}} = grep { $_->{mntpoint} ne '/tmp' } @{$all_hds->{special}}; } } 1; } sub setupBootloader__entries { my ($in, $b, $_all_hds, $fstab) = @_; my $Modify = sub { my ($e) = @_; my $default = my $old_default = $e->{label} eq $b->{default}; my $vga = $e->{vga} || 'normal'; my @l; if ($e->{type} eq "image") { @l = ( { label => N("Image"), val => \$e->{kernel_or_dev}, list => [ map { s/$::prefix//; $_ } glob_("$::prefix/boot/vmlinuz*") ], not_edit => 0 }, { label => N("Root"), val => \$e->{root}, list => [ map { "/dev/$_->{device}" } @$fstab ], not_edit => !$::expert }, { label => N("Append"), val => \$e->{append} }, if_(arch() !~ /ppc|ia64/, { label => N("Video mode"), val => \$vga, list => [ keys %bootloader::vga_modes ], format => sub { $bootloader::vga_modes{$_[0]} }, not_edit => !$::expert, advanced => 1 }, ), { label => N("Initrd"), val => \$e->{initrd}, list => [ map { s/$::prefix//; $_ } glob_("$::prefix/boot/initrd*") ], not_edit => 0, advanced => 1 }, ); } else { @l = ( { label => N("Root"), val => \$e->{kernel_or_dev}, list => [ map { "/dev/$_->{device}" } @$fstab, detect_devices::floppies() ], not_edit => !$::expert }, ); } if (arch() !~ /ppc/) { @l = ( { label => N("Label"), val => \$e->{label} }, @l, { text => N("Default"), val => \$default, type => 'bool' }, ); } else { unshift @l, { label => N("Label"), val => \$e->{label}, list => ['macos', 'macosx', 'darwin'] }; if ($e->{type} eq "image") { @l = ({ label => N("Label"), val => \$e->{label} }, $::expert ? @l[1..4] : (@l[1..2], { label => N("Append"), val => \$e->{append} }), if_($::expert, { label => N("Initrd-size"), val => \$e->{initrdsize}, list => [ '', '4096', '8192', '16384', '24576' ] }), if_($::expert, $l[5]), { label => N("NoVideo"), val => \$e->{novideo}, type => 'bool' }, { text => N("Default"), val => \$default, type => 'bool' } ); } } $in->ask_from_( { interactive_help_id => arch() =~ /ppc/ ? 'setupYabootAddEntry' : 'setupBootloaderAddEntry', callbacks => { complete => sub { $e->{label} or $in->ask_warn('', N("Empty label not allowed")), return 1; $e->{kernel_or_dev} or $in->ask_warn('', $e->{type} eq 'image' ? N("You must specify a kernel image") : N("You must specify a root partition")), return 1; member(lc $e->{label}, map { lc $_->{label} } grep { $_ != $e } @{$b->{entries}}) and $in->ask_warn('', N("This label is already used")), return 1; 0; } } }, \@l) or return; $b->{default} = $old_default || $default ? $default && $e->{label} : $b->{default}; $e->{vga} = $vga eq 'normal' ? '' : $vga; bootloader::configure_entry($e); #- hack to make sure initrd file are built. 1; }; my $Add = sub { my @labels = map { $_->{label} } @{$b->{entries}}; my ($e, $prefix); if ($in->ask_from_list_('', N("Which type of entry do you want to add?"), [ N_("Linux"), arch() =~ /sparc/ ? N_("Other OS (SunOS...)") : arch() =~ /ppc/ ? N_("Other OS (MacOS...)") : N_("Other OS (windows...)") ] ) eq "Linux") { $e = { type => 'image', root => '/dev/' . fsedit::get_root($fstab)->{device}, #- assume a good default. }; $prefix = "linux"; } else { $e = { type => 'other' }; $prefix = arch() =~ /sparc/ ? "sunos" : arch() =~ /ppc/ ? "macos" : "windows"; } $e->{label} = $prefix; for (my $nb = 0; member($e->{label}, @labels); $nb++) { $e->{label} = "$prefix-$nb"; } $Modify->($e) or return; bootloader::add_entry($b, $e); $e; }; my $Remove = sub { my ($e) = @_; delete $b->{default} if $b->{default} eq $e->{label}; @{$b->{entries}} = grep { $_ != $e } @{$b->{entries}}; 1; }; my @prev_entries = @{$b->{entries}}; if ($in->ask_from__add_modify_remove('', N("Here are the entries on your boot menu so far. You can create additional entries or change the existing ones."), [ { format => sub { my ($e) = @_; ref($e) ? "$e->{label} ($e->{kernel_or_dev})" . ($b->{default} eq $e->{label} && " *") : translate($e); }, list => $b->{entries}, } ], Add => $Add, Modify => $Modify, Remove => $Remove)) { 1; } else { @{$b->{entries}} = @prev_entries; ''; } } my @etc_pass_fields = qw(name pw uid gid realname home shell); sub unpack_passwd { my ($l) = @_; my %l; @l{@etc_pass_fields} = split ':', chomp_($l); \%l; } sub pack_passwd { my ($l) = @_; join(':', @$l{@etc_pass_fields}) . "\n"; } sub get_autologin() { my %desktop = getVarsFromSh("$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/desktop"); my $desktop = $desktop{DESKTOP} || 'KDE'; my $autologin = do { if (($desktop{DISPLAYMANAGER} || $desktop) eq 'GNOME') { my %conf = read_gnomekderc("$::prefix/etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf", 'daemon'); text2bool($conf{AutomaticLoginEnable}) && $conf{AutomaticLogin}; } else { # KDM / MdkKDM my %conf = read_gnomekderc("$::prefix/usr/share/config/kdm/kdmrc", 'X-:0-Core'); text2bool($conf{AutoLoginEnable}) && $conf{AutoLoginUser}; } }; { autologin => $autologin, desktop => $desktop }; } sub set_autologin { my ($user, $desktop) = @_; my $autologin = bool2text($user); #- Configure KDM / MDKKDM eval { update_gnomekderc("$::prefix/usr/share/config/kdm/kdmrc", 'X-:0-Core' => ( AutoLoginEnable => $autologin, AutoLoginUser => $user, )) }; #- Configure GDM eval { update_gnomekderc("$::prefix/etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf", daemon => ( AutomaticLoginEnable => $autologin, AutomaticLogin => $user, )) }; if ($user) { my %l = getVarsFromSh("$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/desktop"); $l{DESKTOP} = $desktop; setVarsInSh("$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/desktop", \%l); log::l("cat $::prefix/etc/sysconfig/desktop ($desktop):\n", cat_("$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/desktop")); } my $xdm_autologin_cfg = "$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/autologin"; if (member($desktop, 'KDE', 'GNOME')) { unlink $xdm_autologin_cfg; } else { setVarsInShMode($xdm_autologin_cfg, 0644, { USER => $user, AUTOLOGIN => bool2yesno($user), EXEC => '/usr/X11R6/bin/startx.autologin' }); } } sub rotate_log { my ($f) = @_; if (-e $f) { my $i = 1; for (; -e "$f$i" || -e "$f$i.gz"; $i++) {} rename $f, "$f$i"; } } sub rotate_logs { my ($prefix) = @_; rotate_log("$prefix/root/drakx/$_") foreach qw(ddebug.log install.log); } sub writeandclean_ldsoconf { my ($prefix) = @_; my $file = "$prefix/etc/"; my @l = chomp_(cat_($file)); @l = grep { !m|^(/usr)?/lib(64)?$| } @l; #- no need to have /lib and /usr/lib in push @l, '/usr/X11R6/lib', if_(arch() =~ /x86_64/, '/usr/X11R6/lib64'); push @l, grep { -d "$::prefix$_" } '/usr/lib/qt3/lib', if_(arch() =~ /x86_64/, '/usr/lib/qt3/lib64'); #- needed for upgrade where package renaming can cause this to disappear output($file, map { "$_\n" } uniq(@l)); } sub shells() { grep { -x "$::prefix$_" } chomp_(cat_("$::prefix/etc/shells")); } sub inspect { my ($part, $o_prefix, $b_rw) = @_; isMountableRW($part) or return; my $dir = $::isInstall ? "/tmp/inspect_tmp_dir" : "/root/.inspect_tmp_dir"; if ($part->{isMounted}) { $dir = ($o_prefix || '') . $part->{mntpoint}; } elsif ($part->{notFormatted} && !$part->{isFormatted}) { $dir = ''; } else { mkdir $dir, 0700; eval { fs::mount($part->{device}, $dir, type2fs($part, 'skip'), !$b_rw) }; $@ and return; } my $h = before_leaving { if (!$part->{isMounted} && $dir) { fs::umount($dir); unlink($dir) } }; $h->{dir} = $dir; $h; } sub ask_user_one { my ($in, $users, $security, %options) = @_; my @icons = facesnames(); my %high_security_groups = ( xgrp => N("access to X programs"), rpm => N("access to rpm tools"), wheel => N("allow \"su\""), adm => N("access to administrative files"), ntools => N("access to network tools"), ctools => N("access to compilation tools"), ); my $u; $u->{password2} ||= $u->{password} ||= ''; $u->{shell} ||= '/bin/bash'; my $names = @$users ? N("(already added %s)", join(", ", map { $_->{realname} || $_->{name} } @$users)) : ''; my %groups; my $verif = sub { $u->{password} eq $u->{password2} or $in->ask_warn('', [ N("The passwords do not match"), N("Please try again") ]), return 1,2; $security > 3 && length($u->{password}) < 6 and $in->ask_warn('', N("This password is too simple")), return 1,2; $u->{name} or $in->ask_warn('', N("Please give a user name")), return 1,0; $u->{name} =~ /^[a-z]+?[a-z0-9_-]*?$/ or $in->ask_warn('', N("The user name must contain only lower cased letters, numbers, `-' and `_'")), return 1,0; length($u->{name}) <= 32 or $in->ask_warn('', N("The user name is too long")), return 1,0; member($u->{name}, 'root', map { $_->{name} } @$users) and $in->ask_warn('', N("This user name has already been added")), return 1,0; return 0; }; my $ret = $in->ask_from_( { title => N("Add user"), messages => N("Enter a user\n%s", $options{additional_msg} || $names), interactive_help_id => 'addUser', focus_first => 1, if_(!$::isInstall, ok => N("Done")), cancel => $options{noaccept} ? '' : N("Accept user"), callbacks => { focus_out => sub { if ($_[0] eq '0') { $u->{name} ||= lc first($u->{realname} =~ /([\w-]+)/); } }, complete => sub { $u->{name} ? &$verif : 0 }, canceled => $verif, ok_disabled => sub { $security >= 4 && !@$users || $options{needauser} && !$u->{name} }, } }, [ { label => N("Real name"), val => \$u->{realname} }, { label => N("User name"), val => \$u->{name} }, { label => N("Password"),val => \$u->{password}, hidden => 1 }, { label => N("Password (again)"), val => \$u->{password2}, hidden => 1 }, { label => N("Shell"), val => \$u->{shell}, list => [ shells() ], not_edit => !$::expert, advanced => 1 }, if_($security <= 3 && !$options{noicons} && @icons, { label => N("Icon"), val => \ ($u->{icon} ||= 'default'), list => \@icons, icon2f => \&face2png, format => \&translate }, ), if_($security > 3, map { { label => $_, val => \$groups{$_}, text => $high_security_groups{$_}, type => 'bool' } } keys %high_security_groups, ), ], ); $u->{groups} = [ grep { $groups{$_} } keys %groups ]; push @$users, $u if $u->{name}; return $ret; } sub ask_users { my ($in, $users, $security) = @_; while (1) { ask_user_one($in, $users, $security) and return; } } sub sessions() { split(' ', run_program::rooted_get_stdout($::prefix, '/usr/sbin/chksession', '-l')); } sub autologin { my ($o, $in) = @_; my @wm = sessions(); my @users = map { $_->{name} } @{$o->{users} || []}; if (member('KDE', @wm) && @users == 1 && $o->{meta_class} eq 'desktop') { $o->{desktop} = 'KDE'; $o->{autologin} = $users[0]; } elsif (@wm > 1 && @users && !$o->{authentication}{NIS} && $o->{security} <= 2) { my $use_autologin = @users == 1; $in->ask_from_( { title => N("Autologin"), messages => N("I can set up your computer to automatically log on one user.") }, [ { label => N("Do you want to use this feature?"), val => \$use_autologin, type => 'bool' }, { label => N("Choose the default user:"), val => \$o->{autologin}, list => \@users, disabled => sub { !$use_autologin } }, { label => N("Choose the window manager to run:"), val => \$o->{desktop}, list => \@wm, disabled => sub { !$use_autologin } } ] ); delete $o->{autologin} if !$use_autologin; } else { delete $o->{autologin}; } } sub selectLanguage { my ($in, $lang, $o_langs_) = @_; my $common = { messages => N("Please choose a language to use."), title => 'language choice', interactive_help_id => 'selectLanguage' }; if ($::isInstall) { my $langs = $o_langs_ || {}; my $using_images = $in->isa('interactive::gtk') && !$in->{vga16}; #- to create the default value, use the first location for that value :/ $lang = if_(!$::move, first(lang::l2location($lang)).'|').$lang; my %name2l = map { lang::l2name($_) => $_ } lang::list_langs(); my $listval2val = sub { $_[0] =~ /\|(.*)/ ? $1 : $_[0] }; my @langs = map { my $l = $_; uniq_ { $_->[0] } map { [ $::move ? $l : "$_|$l", $_, $l ] } lang::l2location($l) } lang::list_langs(); #- since gtk version will use images (function image2f) we need to sort differently my $sort_func = $using_images ? \&lang::l2transliterated : \&lang::l2name; @langs = map { $_->[0] } sort { $sort_func->($a->[2]) cmp $sort_func->($b->[2]) } @langs; my $last_utf8 = $in->{locale}{utf8}; add2hash($common, { cancel => '', advanced_messages => formatAlaTeX(N("Mandrakelinux can support multiple languages. Select the languages you would like to install. They will be available when your installation is complete and you restart your system.")), callbacks => { advanced => sub { $langs->{$listval2val->($lang)} = 1 }, changed => sub { if ($last_utf8 == $in->{locale}{utf8}) { $last_utf8 = $in->{locale}{utf8} = lang::utf8_should_be_needed({ lang => $listval2val->($lang), langs => $langs }); } else { $last_utf8 = -1; #- disable auto utf8 once touched } } } }); $in->ask_from_($common, [ { val => \$lang, separator => '|', if_($using_images, image2f => sub { $name2l{$_[0]} =~ /^[a-z]/ ? ('', "langs/lang-$name2l{$_[0]}") : $_[0] }), format => sub { $_[0] =~ /(.*\|)(.*)/ ? $1.lang::l2name($2) : lang::l2name($_[0]) }, list => \@langs, sort => 0 }, if_($o_langs_ && !$::move, { val => \$in->{locale}{utf8}, type => 'bool', text => N("Use Unicode by default"), advanced => 1 }, { val => \$langs->{all}, type => 'bool', text => N("All languages"), advanced => 1 }, map { { val => \$langs->{$_->[0]}, type => 'bool', disabled => sub { $langs->{all} }, text => $_->[1], advanced => 1, image => "langs/lang-$_->[0]", } } sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } map { [ $_, $sort_func->($_) ] } lang::list_langs()) ]) or return; $langs->{$listval2val->($lang)} = 1; $langs->{$_} or delete $langs->{$_} foreach keys %$langs; #- clean hash #- convert to the default locale for asked language $listval2val->($lang); } else { my @langs = sort { lang::l2name($a) cmp lang::l2name($b) } lang::list_langs(exclude_non_installed => 1); die 'one lang only' if @langs == 1; $in->ask_from_($common, [ { val => \$lang, type => 'list', format => sub { lang::l2name($_[0]) }, list => \@langs } ]) or return; $lang; } } sub selectCountry { my ($o, $locale) = @_; my $country = $locale->{country}; my @countries = lang::list_countries(exclude_non_installed => !$::isInstall); my @best = uniq map { if_((/^\Q$locale->{lang}/ || substr($_, 0, 2) eq substr($locale->{lang}, 0, 2)) && /.._(..)/, $1) } @lang::locales; @best == 1 and @best = (); my ($other, $ext_country); member($country, @best) or ($ext_country, $country) = ($country, $ext_country); $o->ask_from_( { title => N("Country / Region"), messages => N("Please choose your country."), interactive_help_id => 'selectCountry', advanced_messages => N("Here is the full list of available countries"), advanced_label => N("More"), advanced_state => $ext_country && scalar(@best), callbacks => { changed => sub { $other = $_[0] == 1 } }, }, [ if_(@best, { val => \$country, type => 'list', format => \&lang::c2name, list => \@best, sort => 1 }), { val => \$ext_country, type => 'list', format => \&lang::c2name, list => [ difference2(\@countries, \@best) ], advanced => scalar(@best) } ]) or return; $locale->{country} = $other || !@best ? $ext_country : $country; } sub write_passwd_user { my ($u, $isMD5) = @_; $u->{pw} = $u->{password} ? &crypt($u->{password}, $isMD5) : $u->{pw} || ''; $u->{shell} ||= '/bin/bash'; substInFile { my $l = unpack_passwd($_); if ($l->{name} eq $u->{name}) { add2hash_($u, $l); $_ = pack_passwd($u); $u = {}; } if (eof && $u->{name}) { $_ .= pack_passwd($u); } } "$::prefix/etc/passwd"; } sub set_login_serial_console { my ($port, $speed) = @_; my $line = "s$port:12345:respawn:/sbin/getty ttyS$port DT$speed ansi\n"; substInFile { s/^s$port:.*//; $_ = $line if eof } "$::prefix/etc/inittab"; } sub report_bug { my ($prefix, @other) = @_; sub header { " ******************************************************************************** * $_[0] ********************************************************************************"; } join '', map { chomp; "$_\n" } header("lspci"), detect_devices::stringlist(), header("pci_devices"), cat_("/proc/bus/pci/devices"), header("dmidecode"), `$ENV{LD_LOADER} dmidecode`, header("fdisk"), arch() =~ /ppc/ ? `$ENV{LD_LOADER} pdisk -l` : `$ENV{LD_LOADER} fdisk -l`, header("scsi"), cat_("/proc/scsi/scsi"), header("lsmod"), cat_("/proc/modules"), header("cmdline"), cat_("/proc/cmdline"), header("pcmcia: stab"), cat_("$prefix/var/lib/pcmcia/stab") || cat_("$prefix/var/run/stab"), header("usb"), cat_("/proc/bus/usb/devices"), header("partitions"), cat_("/proc/partitions"), header("cpuinfo"), cat_("/proc/cpuinfo"), header("syslog"), cat_("/tmp/syslog") || cat_("$prefix/var/log/syslog"), header("ddcxinfos"), ddcxinfos(), header("stage1.log"), cat_("/tmp/stage1.log") || cat_("$prefix/root/drakx/stage1.log"), header("ddebug.log"), cat_("/tmp/ddebug.log") || cat_("$prefix/root/drakx/ddebug.log"), header("install.log"), cat_("$prefix/root/drakx/install.log"), header("fstab"), cat_("$prefix/etc/fstab"), header("modules.conf"), cat_("$prefix/etc/modules.conf"), header("lilo.conf"), cat_("$prefix/etc/lilo.conf"), header("menu.lst"), cat_("$prefix/boot/grub/menu.lst"), header("XF86Config"), cat_("$prefix/etc/X11/XF86Config"), header("XF86Config-4"), cat_("$prefix/etc/X11/XF86Config-4"), header("/etc/modules"), cat_("$prefix/etc/modules"), header("sysconfig/i18n"), cat_("$prefix/etc/sysconfig/i18n"), map_index { even($::i) ? header($_) : $_ } @other; } sub devfssymlinkf { my ($if_struct, $of) = @_; my $if = $if_struct->{device}; my $devfs_if = $if_struct->{devfs_device}; $devfs_if ||= devices::to_devfs($if); $devfs_if ||= $if; #- example: $of is mouse, $if is usbmouse, $devfs_if is input/mouse0 output_p("$::prefix/etc/devfs/conf.d/$of.conf", "REGISTER ^$devfs_if\$ CFUNCTION GLOBAL mksymlink $devfs_if $of UNREGISTER ^$devfs_if\$ CFUNCTION GLOBAL unlink $of "); output_p("$::prefix/etc/devfs/conf.d/$if.conf", "REGISTER ^$devfs_if\$ CFUNCTION GLOBAL mksymlink $devfs_if $if UNREGISTER ^$devfs_if\$ CFUNCTION GLOBAL unlink $if ") if $devfs_if ne $if && $if !~ /^hd[a-z]/ && $if !~ /^sr/ && $if !~ /^sd[a-z]/; #- when creating a symlink on the system, use devfs name if devfs is mounted symlinkf($devfs_if, "$::prefix/dev/$if") if $devfs_if ne $if && detect_devices::dev_is_devfs(); symlinkf($if, "$::prefix/dev/$of"); } sub devfs_rawdevice { my ($if_struct, $of) = @_; my $devfs_if = $if_struct->{devfs_device}; $devfs_if ||= devices::to_devfs($if_struct->{device}); $devfs_if ||= $if_struct->{device}; output_p("$::prefix/etc/devfs/conf.d/$of.conf", "REGISTER ^$devfs_if\$ EXECUTE /etc/dynamic/scripts/rawdevice.script add /dev/$devfs_if /dev/$of UNREGISTER ^$devfs_if\$ EXECUTE /etc/dynamic/scripts/rawdevice.script del /dev/$of "); } sub fix_broken_alternatives() { #- fix bad update-alternatives that may occurs after upgrade (and sometimes for install too). -d "$::prefix/etc/alternatives" or return; foreach (all("$::prefix/etc/alternatives")) { next if run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'test', '-e', "/etc/alternatives/$_"); log::l("fixing broken alternative $_"); run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'update-alternatives', '--auto', $_); } } sub fileshare_config { my ($in, $type) = @_; #- $type is 'nfs', 'smb' or '' my $file = '/etc/security/fileshare.conf'; my %conf = getVarsFromSh($file); my @l = (N_("No sharing"), N_("Allow all users"), N_("Custom")); my $restrict = exists $conf{RESTRICT} ? text2bool($conf{RESTRICT}) : 1; my $r = $in->ask_from_list_('fileshare', N("Would you like to allow users to share some of their directories? Allowing this will permit users to simply click on \"Share\" in konqueror and nautilus. \"Custom\" permit a per-user granularity. "), \@l, $l[$restrict ? 0 : 1]) or return; $restrict = $r ne $l[1]; my $custom = $r eq $l[2]; if ($r ne $l[0]) { #- verify we can export in $type my %type2file = (nfs => [ 'nfs-utils', '/etc/init.d/nfs' ], smb => [ 'samba-server', '/etc/init.d/smb' ]); my %l; if ($type) { %l = ($type => 1); } else { %l = map_each { $::a => -e $::b->[1] } %type2file; $in->ask_from('', N("You can export using NFS or Samba. Please select which you'd like to use."), [ map { { text => $_, val => \$l{$_}, type => 'bool' } } keys %l ]) or return; } foreach (keys %l) { my ($pkg, $file) = @{$type2file{$_}} or die "unknown type $_\n"; if ($l{$_}) { $in->do_pkgs->ensure_is_installed($pkg, $file) or return; } elsif (-e $file) { $in->ask_okcancel('', N("The package %s is going to be removed.", $pkg), 1) or return; $in->do_pkgs->remove($pkg); } } } $conf{RESTRICT} = bool2yesno($restrict); setVarsInSh($file, \%conf); if ($custom) { run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'groupadd', '-r', 'fileshare'); if ($in->ask_from_no_check( { -e '/usr/sbin/userdrake' ? (ok => N("Launch userdrake"), cancel => N("Cancel")) : (cancel => ''), messages => N("The per-user sharing uses the group \"fileshare\". You can use userdrake to add a user to this group.") }, [])) { run_program::run('userdrake'); } } } sub ddcxinfos() { return if $::noauto; my @l; run_program::raw({ timeout => 20 }, 'ddcxinfos', '>', \@l); if ($::isInstall && -e "/tmp/ddcxinfos") { my @l_old = cat_("/tmp/ddcxinfos"); if (@l < @l_old) { log::l("new ddcxinfos is worse, keeping the previous one"); @l = @l_old; } elsif (@l > @l_old) { log::l("new ddcxinfos is better, dropping the previous one"); } } output("/tmp/ddcxinfos", @l) if $::isInstall; @l; } sub running_window_manager() { my @window_managers = qw(kwin gnome-session icewm wmaker afterstep fvwm fvwm2 fvwm95 mwm twm enlightenment xfce blackbox sawfish olvwm); foreach (@window_managers) { my @pids = fuzzy_pidofs(qr/\b$_\b/) or next; return wantarray() ? ($_, @pids) : $_; } undef; } sub ask_window_manager_to_logout { my ($wm) = @_; my %h = ( 'kwin' => "dcop kdesktop default logout", 'gnome-session' => "gnome-session-save --kill", 'icewm' => "killall -QUIT icewm", 'wmaker' => "killall -USR1 wmaker", ); my $cmd = $h{$wm} or return; $ENV{ICEAUTHORITY} ||= "$ENV{HOME}/.ICEauthority"; #- used by gnome-session $cmd = "su $ENV{USER} -c '$cmd'" if $wm eq 'kwin' && $> == 0; system($cmd); 1; } sub alloc_raw_device { my ($prefix, $device) = @_; my $used = 0; my $raw_dev; substInFile { $used = max($used, $1) if m|^\s*/dev/raw/raw(\d+)|; if (eof) { $raw_dev = "raw/raw" . ($used + 1); $_ .= "/dev/$raw_dev /dev/$device\n"; } } "$prefix/etc/sysconfig/rawdevices"; $raw_dev; } sub config_dvd { my ($prefix, $have_devfsd) = @_; #- can't have both a devfs and a non-devfs config #- the /etc/sysconfig/rawdevices solution gives errors with devfs my @dvds = grep { detect_devices::isDvdDrive($_) } detect_devices::cdroms() or return; log::l("configuring DVD: " . join(" ", map { $_->{device} } @dvds)); #- create /dev/dvd symlink each_index { devfssymlinkf($_, 'dvd' . ($::i ? $::i + 1 : '')); devfs_rawdevice($_, 'rdvd' . ($::i ? $::i + 1 : '')) if $have_devfsd; } @dvds; if (!$have_devfsd) { my $raw_dev = alloc_raw_device($prefix, 'dvd'); symlink($raw_dev, "$prefix/dev/rdvd"); } } sub config_mtools { my ($prefix) = @_; my $file = "$prefix/etc/mtools.conf"; -e $file or return; my ($f1, $f2) = detect_devices::floppies_dev(); substInFile { s|drive a: file="(.*?)"|drive a: file="/dev/$f1"|; s|drive b: file="(.*?)"|drive b: file="/dev/$f2"| if $f2; } $file; } 1; ipl">@EXPORT_OK $border $use_pixbuf $use_imlib); @ISA = qw(Exporter); %EXPORT_TAGS = ( helpers => [ qw(createScrolledWindow create_menu create_notebook create_packtable create_hbox create_vbox create_adjustment create_box_with_title create_treeitem create_dialog destroy_window) ], wrappers => [ qw(gtksignal_connect gtkradio gtkpack gtkpack_ gtkpack__ gtkpack2 gtkpack3 gtkpack2_ gtkpack2__ gtkpowerpack gtkcombo_setpopdown_strings gtkset_editable gtksetstyle gtkset_text gtkset_tip gtkappenditems gtkappend gtkset_shadow_type gtkset_layout gtkset_relief gtkadd gtkexpand gtkput gtktext_insert gtkset_usize gtksize gtkset_justify gtkset_active gtkset_sensitive gtkset_visibility gtkset_modal gtkset_border_width gtkmove gtkresize gtkshow gtkhide gtkdestroy gtkflush gtkcolor gtkset_mousecursor gtkset_mousecursor_normal gtkset_mousecursor_wait gtkset_background gtkset_default_fontset gtkctree_children gtkxpm gtkpng create_pix_text get_text_coord fill_tiled gtkicons_labels_widget write_on_pixmap gtkcreate_xpm gtkcreate_png gtkcreate_png_pixbuf gtkbuttonset create_pixbutton gtkroot gtkentry compose_with_back compose_pixbufs) ], various => [ qw(add2notebook add_icon_path n_line_size) ], ); $EXPORT_TAGS{all} = [ map { @$_ } values %EXPORT_TAGS ]; @EXPORT_OK = map { @$_ } values %EXPORT_TAGS; use Gtk; if (!$::no_ugtk_init) { !$ENV{DISPLAY} || system('/usr/X11R6/bin/xtest') and die "Cannot be run in console mode.\n"; Gtk->init; eval { require Gtk::Gdk::Pixbuf; Gtk::Gdk::Pixbuf->init }; $use_pixbuf = $@ ? 0 : 1; } eval { require Gtk::Gdk::ImlibImage; Gtk::Gdk::ImlibImage->init }; $use_imlib = $@ ? 0 : 1; use c; use log; use common; my @icon_paths; sub add_icon_path { push @icon_paths, @_ } sub icon_paths { (@icon_paths, $ENV{SHARE_PATH}, "$ENV{SHARE_PATH}/icons", "$ENV{SHARE_PATH}/libDrakX/pixmaps", "/usr/lib/libDrakX/icons", "pixmaps", 'standalone/icons'); } #-####################### # gtk widgets wrappers #-####################### sub gtkdestroy { $_[0] and $_[0]->destroy } sub gtkflush { Gtk->main_iteration while Gtk->events_pending } sub gtkhide { $_[0]->hide; $_[0] } sub gtkmove { $_[0]->window->move($_[1], $_[2]); $_[0] } sub gtkpack { gtkpowerpack(1, 1, @_) } sub gtkpack_ { gtkpowerpack('arg', 1, @_) } sub gtkpack__ { gtkpowerpack(0, 1, @_) } sub gtkpack2 { gtkpowerpack(1, 0, @_) } sub gtkpack2_ { gtkpowerpack('arg', 0, @_) } sub gtkpack2__ { gtkpowerpack(0, 0, @_) } sub gtkput { $_[0]->put(gtkshow($_[1]), $_[2], $_[3]); $_[0] } sub gtkpixmap { new Gtk::Pixmap(gdkpixmap(@_)) } sub gtkresize { $_[0]->window->resize($_[1], $_[2]); $_[0] } sub gtkset_active { $_[0]->set_active($_[1]); $_[0] } sub gtkset_border_width { $_[0]->set_border_width($_[1]); $_[0] } sub gtkset_editable { $_[0]->set_editable($_[1]); $_[0] } sub gtkset_justify { $_[0]->set_justify($_[1]); $_[0] } sub gtkset_layout { $_[0]->set_layout($_[1]); $_[0] } sub gtkset_modal { $_[0]->set_modal($_[1]); $_[0] } sub gtkset_mousecursor_normal { gtkset_mousecursor(68, @_) } sub gtkset_mousecursor_wait { gtkset_mousecursor(150, @_) } sub gtkset_relief { $_[0]->set_relief($_[1]); $_[0] } sub gtkset_sensitive { $_[0]->set_sensitive($_[1]); $_[0] } sub gtkset_visibility { $_[0]->set_visibility($_[1]); $_[0] } sub gtkset_tip { $_[0]->set_tip($_[1], $_[2]) if $_[2]; $_[1] } sub gtkset_shadow_type { $_[0]->set_shadow_type($_[1]); $_[0] } sub gtkset_style { $_[0]->set_style($_[1]); $_[0] } sub gtkset_usize { $_[0]->set_usize($_[1], $_[2]); $_[0] } sub gtkshow { $_[0]->show; $_[0] } sub gtksize { $_[0]->size($_[1], $_[2]); $_[0] } sub gtkexpand { $_[0]->expand; $_[0] } sub gdkpixmap { my ($f, $w) = @_; $f =~ m|.png$| and return gtkcreate_png($f); $f =~ m|.xpm$| and return gtkcreate_xpm($w, $f); } sub gtkadd { my $w = shift; foreach (@_) { my $l = $_; ref $l or $l = new Gtk::Label($l); $w->add($l); $l->show; } $w } sub gtkappend { my $w = shift; foreach (@_) { my $l = $_; ref $l or $l = new Gtk::Label($l); $w->append($l); $l->show; } $w } sub gtkappenditems { my $w = shift; $_->show() foreach @_; $w->append_items(@_); $w } sub gtkbuttonset { gtkdestroy($_[0]->child); gtkadd($_[0], gtkshow($_[1])) } sub create_pixbutton { my ($label, $pix, $reverse_order) = @_; gtkadd(new Gtk::Button(), gtkpack_(new Gtk::HBox(0, 3), 1, "", $reverse_order ? (0, $label, if_($pix, 0, $pix)) : (if_($pix, 0, $pix), 0, $label), 1, "")); } sub gtkentry { my ($text) = @_; my $e = new Gtk::Entry; $e->set_text($text); $e; } sub gtksetstyle { my ($w, $s) = @_; $w->set_style($s); $w; } sub gtkcolor { my ($r, $g, $b) = @_; my $color = bless { red => $r, green => $g, blue => $b }, 'Gtk::Gdk::Color'; gtkroot()->get_colormap->color_alloc($color); } sub gtkradio { my $def = shift; my $radio; map { $radio = new Gtk::RadioButton($_, if_($radio, $radio)); $radio->set_active($_ eq $def); $radio } @_; } sub gtkroot { Gtk->init; Gtk->set_locale; Gtk::Gdk::Window->new_foreign(Gtk::Gdk->ROOT_WINDOW); } sub gtkset_background { my ($r, $g, $b) = @_; my $root = gtkroot(); my $gc = Gtk::Gdk::GC->new($root); my $color = gtkcolor($r, $g, $b); $gc->set_foreground($color); $root->set_background($color); my ($h, $w) = $root->get_size; $root->draw_rectangle($gc, 1, 0, 0, $w, $h); } sub gtktext_insert { my ($w, $t) = @_; $w->freeze; $w->backward_delete($w->get_length); if (ref($t) eq 'ARRAY') { $w->insert($_->[0], $_->[1], $_->[2], $_->[3]) foreach @$t; } else { $w->insert(undef, undef, undef, $t); } #- DEPRECATED? needs \n otherwise in case of one line text the beginning is not shown (even with the vadj->set_value) $w->set_word_wrap(1); #- $w->vadj->set_value(0); $w->thaw; $w; } sub gtkset_text { my ($w, $s) = @_; $w->set_text($s); $w; } sub gtkcombo_setpopdown_strings { my $w = shift; $w->set_popdown_strings(@_); $w; } sub gtkappend_text { my ($w, $s) = @_; $w->append_text($s); $w; } sub gtkprepend_text { my ($w, $s) = @_; $w->prepend_text($s); $w; } sub gtkset_mousecursor { my ($type, $w) = @_; ($w || gtkroot())->set_cursor(Gtk::Gdk::Cursor->new($type)); } sub gtksignal_connect { my $w = shift; $w->signal_connect(@_); $w; } #-####################### # create widgets wrappers #-####################### sub create_adjustment { my ($val, $min, $max) = @_; new Gtk::Adjustment($val, $min, $max + 1, 1, ($max - $min + 1) / 10, 1); } sub create_box_with_title { my $o = shift; my $nbline = sum(map { round(length($_) / 60 + 1/2) } map { split "\n" } @_); my $box = new Gtk::VBox(0,0); return $box if $nbline == 0; $o->{box_size} = n_line_size($nbline, 'text', $box); if (@_ <= 2 && $nbline > 4) { $o->{icon} && !$::isWizard and eval { gtkpack__($box, gtkset_border_width(gtkpack_(new Gtk::HBox(0,0), 1, gtkpng($o->{icon})),5)) }; my $wanted = $o->{box_size}; $o->{box_size} = min(200, $o->{box_size}); my $has_scroll = $o->{box_size} < $wanted; my $wtext = new Gtk::Text; $wtext->can_focus($has_scroll); chomp(my $text = join("\n", @_)); my $scroll = createScrolledWindow(gtktext_insert($wtext, $text)); $scroll->set_usize(400, $o->{box_size}); gtkpack($box, $scroll); } else { my $a = !$::no_separator; undef $::no_separator; if ($o->{icon} && !$::isWizard) { gtkpack__($box, gtkpack_(new Gtk::HBox(0,0), 0, gtkset_usize(new Gtk::VBox(0,0), 15, 0), 0, eval { gtkpng($o->{icon}) }, 0, gtkset_usize(new Gtk::VBox(0,0), 15, 0), 1, gtkpack_($o->{box_title} = new Gtk::VBox(0,0), 1, new Gtk::HBox(0,0), (map { my $w = ref $_ ? $_ : new Gtk::Label($_); $::isWizard and $w->set_justify("left"); $w->set_name("Title"); (0, $w); } map { ref $_ ? $_ : warp_text($_) } @_), 1, new Gtk::HBox(0,0), ) ), if_($a, new Gtk::HSeparator) ) } else { gtkpack__($box, (map { my $w = ref $_ ? $_ : new Gtk::Label($_); $::isWizard and $w->set_justify("left"); $w->set_name("Title"); $w; } map { ref $_ ? $_ : warp_text($_) } @_), if_($a, new Gtk::HSeparator) ) } } } # drakfloppy / logdrake sub create_dialog { my ($label, $c) = @_; my $ret = 0; my $dialog = new Gtk::Dialog; $dialog->signal_connect(delete_event => sub { Gtk->main_quit() }); $dialog->set_title(N("logdrake")); $dialog->border_width(10); $dialog->vbox->pack_start(new Gtk::Label($label),1,1,0); my $button = new Gtk::Button(N("OK")); $button->can_default(1); $button->signal_connect(clicked => sub { $ret = 1; $dialog->destroy(); Gtk->main_quit() }); $dialog->action_area->pack_start($button, 1, 1, 0); $button->grab_default; if ($c) { my $button2 = new Gtk::Button(N("Cancel")); $button2->signal_connect(clicked => sub { $ret = 0; $dialog->destroy(); Gtk->main_quit() }); $button2->can_default(1); $dialog->action_area->pack_start($button2, 1, 1, 0); } $dialog->show_all; Gtk->main(); $ret; } # drakfloppy / logdrake sub destroy_window { my ($_widget, $windowref, $w2) = @_; $$windowref = undef; $w2 = undef if defined $w2; 0; } sub create_hbox { gtkset_layout(gtkset_border_width(new Gtk::HButtonBox, 3), $_[0] || 'spread') } sub create_factory_menu_ { my ($type, $name, $window, @menu_items) = @_; my $widget = new Gtk::ItemFactory($type, $name, my $accel_group = new Gtk::AccelGroup); $widget->create_items(@menu_items); $window->add_accel_group($accel_group); #$accel_group->attach($main_win); my $menu = $widget->get_widget($name); $menu->{factory} = $widget; $menu; # return menu bar } sub create_factory_menu { create_factory_menu_('Gtk::MenuBar', '<main>', @_) } sub create_menu { my $title = shift; my $w = new Gtk::MenuItem($title); $w->set_submenu(gtkshow(gtkappend(new Gtk::Menu, @_))); $w } sub create_notebook { my $n = new Gtk::Notebook; add2notebook($n, splice(@_, 0, 2)) while @_; $n } sub create_packtable { my ($options, @l) = @_; my $w = new Gtk::Table(0, 0, $options->{homogeneous} || 0); each_index { my ($i, $l) = ($_[0], $_); each_index { my ($j) = @_; if ($_) { ref $_ or $_ = new Gtk::Label($_); $j != $#$l ? $w->attach($_, $j, $j + 1, $i, $i + 1, 'fill', 'fill', 5, 0) : $w->attach($_, $j, $j + 1, $i, $i + 1, 1|4, ref($_) eq 'Gtk::ScrolledWindow' ? 1|4 : 0, 0, 0); $_->show; } } @$l; } @l; $w->set_col_spacings($options->{col_spacings} || 0); $w->set_row_spacings($options->{row_spacings} || 0); $w } sub createScrolledWindow { my ($W, $policy, $viewport_shadow) = @_; my $w = new Gtk::ScrolledWindow(undef, undef); $policy ||= [ 'automatic', 'automatic' ]; $w->set_policy(@{$policy}); if (member(ref $W, qw(Gtk::CList Gtk::CTree Gtk::Text))) { $w->add($W) } else { $w->add_with_viewport($W); $viewport_shadow and gtkset_shadow_type($w->child, $viewport_shadow); } $W->can("set_focus_vadjustment") and $W->set_focus_vadjustment($w->get_vadjustment); $W->show; $w } sub create_treeitem { my ($name) = @_; my ($next_child, $left, $right, $up, $down); $next_child = sub { my ($c, $dir) = @_; my @childs = $c->parent->children; my $i; for ($i = 0; $i < @childs; $i++) { last if $childs[$i] == $c || $childs[$i]->subtree == $c } $i += $dir; 0 <= $i && $i < @childs ? $childs[$i] : undef; }; $left = sub { &$next_child($_[0]->parent, 0) }; $right = sub { my ($c) = @_; $c->subtree and $c->expand, return ($c->subtree->children)[0]; $c }; $down = sub { my ($c) = @_; return &$right($c) if ref $c eq "Gtk::TreeItem" && $c->subtree && $c->expanded; if (my $n = &$next_child($c, 1)) { $n; } else { return if ref $c->parent ne 'Gtk::Tree'; &$down($c->parent); } }; $up = sub { my ($c) = @_; if (my $n = &$next_child($c, -1)) { $n = ($n->subtree->children)[-1] while ref $n eq "Gtk::TreeItem" && $n->subtree && $n->expanded; $n; } else { return if ref $c->parent ne 'Gtk::Tree'; &$left($c); } }; my $w = new Gtk::TreeItem($name); $w->signal_connect(key_press_event => sub { my (undef, $e) = @_; local $_ = chr $e->{keyval}; if ($e->{keyval} > 0x100) { my $n; $n = &$left($w) if /[Q\xb4\x96]/; $n = &$right($w) if /[S\xb6\x98]/; $n = &$up($w) if /[R\xb8\x97]/; $n = &$down($w) if /[T\xb2\x99]/; if ($n) { $n->focus('up'); $w->signal_emit_stop("key_press_event"); } $w->expand if /[+\xab]/; $w->collapse if /[-\xad]/; do { $w->expanded ? $w->collapse : $w->expand; $w->signal_emit_stop("key_press_event"); } if /[\r\x8d]/; } 1; }); $w; } sub create_vbox { gtkset_layout(new Gtk::VButtonBox, $_[0] || 'spread') } #-####################### # public gtk routines #-####################### sub add2notebook { my ($n, $title, $book) = @_; my ($w1, $w2) = map { new Gtk::Label($_) } $title, $title; $book->{widget_title} = $w1; $n->append_page_menu($book, $w1, $w2); $book->show; $w1->show; $w2->show; } sub tree_set_icon { my ($node, $label, $icon) = @_; my $hbox = new Gtk::HBox(0,0); gtkpack__(1, $hbox, gtkshow(gtkpng($icon)), gtkshow(new Gtk::Label($label))); gtkadd($node, gtkshow($hbox)); } sub ctree_set_icon { my ($tree, $node, $icon_pixmap, $icon_mask) = @_; my ($text, $spacing, undef, undef, undef, undef, $isleaf, $expanded) = $tree->get_node_info($node); $tree->set_node_info($node, $text, $spacing, $icon_pixmap, $icon_mask, $icon_pixmap, $icon_mask, $isleaf, $expanded); } sub get_text_coord { my ($text, $widget4style, $max_width, $max_height, $can_be_greater, $can_be_smaller, $centeredx, $centeredy, $wrap_char) = @_; $wrap_char ||= ' '; my $idx = 0; my $real_width = 0; my $real_height = 0; my @lines; my @widths; my @heights; my $height_elem = $widget4style->style->font->ascent + $widget4style->style->font->descent; $heights[0] = 0; my $max_width2 = $max_width; my $height = $heights[0] = $height_elem; my $width = 0; my $flag = 1; my @t = split($wrap_char, $text); my @t2; if ($::isInstall && $::o->{lang} =~ /ja|zh/) { @t = map { $_ . $wrap_char } @t; $wrap_char = ''; foreach (@t) { my @c = split(''); my $i = 0; my $el = ''; while (1) { $i >= @c and last; $el .= $c[$i]; if (ord($c[$i]) >= 128) { $el .= $c[$i+1]; $i++; push @t2, $el; $el = '' } $i++; } $el and push @t2, $el; } } else { @t2 = @t; } foreach (@t2) { my $l = $widget4style->style->font->string_width($_ . (!$flag ? $wrap_char : '')); if ($width + $l > $max_width2 && !$flag) { $flag = 1; $height += $height_elem + 1; $heights[$idx+1] = $height; $widths[$idx] = $centeredx && !$can_be_smaller ? (max($max_width2-$width, 0))/2 : 0; $width = 0; $idx++; } $lines[$idx] = $flag ? $_ : $lines[$idx] . $wrap_char . $_; $width += $l; $flag = 0; $l <= $max_width2 or $max_width2 = $l; $width <= $real_width or $real_width = $width; } $height += $height_elem; $widths[$idx] = $centeredx && !$can_be_smaller ? (max($max_width2-$width, 0))/2 : 0; $height < $real_height or $real_height = $height; $width = $max_width; $height = $max_height; $real_width < $max_width && $can_be_smaller and $width = $real_width; $real_width > $max_width && $can_be_greater and $width = $real_width; $real_height < $max_height && $can_be_smaller and $height = $real_height; $real_height > $max_height && $can_be_greater and $height = $real_height; if ($centeredy) { my $dh = ($height-$real_height)/2 + ($height_elem)/2; @heights = map { $_ + $dh } @heights; } ($width, $height, \@lines, \@widths, \@heights) } sub gtkicons_labels_widget { my ($args, $_w, $widget_for_font, $background, $back_pixbuf, $_xback, $_yback, $x_round, $y_round, $x_back2, $y_back2, $icon_width, $icon_height, $exec_func, $exec_hash) = @_; my @tab; my $cursor_hand = new Gtk::Gdk::Cursor(60); my $cursor_normal = new Gtk::Gdk::Cursor(68); my @args = @$args; foreach (@args) { my ($label, $tag) = ($_->[0], $_->[1]); die "$label 's icon is missing" unless $exec_hash->{$label}; my ($dbl_area, $pix, $width, $height); # initialized in call back my $darea = new Gtk::DrawingArea; my ($icon, undef) = gtkcreate_png($tag); my $pixbuf = compose_with_back($tag, $back_pixbuf); my $pixbuf_h = compose_with_back($tag, $back_pixbuf, 170); my $draw = sub { my ($_widget, $event) = @_; my ($dx, $dy) = ($darea->allocation->[2], $darea->allocation->[3]); my $state = $darea->{state}; if (!defined($dbl_area)) { ($pix, $width, $height) = create_pix_text($darea, $label, $widget_for_font->style->font, $x_round, 1, 1, 0, [$background, $background], $x_back2, $y_back2, 1, 0); ($dx, $dy) = (max($width, $x_round), $y_round + $height); $darea->set_usize($dx, $dy); $dbl_area = new Gtk::Gdk::Pixmap($darea->window, max($width, $x_round), $y_round + $height); } # Redraw if state change (selected <=> not selected) if (!$dbl_area->{state} || $state != $dbl_area->{state}) { $dbl_area->{state} = $state; fill_tiled($darea, $dbl_area, $background, $x_back2, $y_back2, $dx, $dy); ($state ? $pixbuf_h : $pixbuf)->render_to_drawable($dbl_area, $darea->style->fg_gc('normal'), 0, 0, 0, 0, $pixbuf->get_width, $pixbuf->get_height, 'normal', 0, 0); $dbl_area->draw_pixmap($darea->style->bg_gc('normal'), ($state ? $pix->[1] : $pix->[0]), 0, 0, ($dx - $width)/2, $y_round, $width, $height); } $darea->window->draw_pixmap($darea->style->bg_gc('normal'), $dbl_area, 0, 0, 0, 0, $dx, $dy); ($darea->{dx}, $darea->{dy}) = ($dx, $dy); }; $darea->{state} = 0; $darea->signal_connect(expose_event => $draw); $darea->set_events([ 'exposure_mask', 'enter_notify_mask', 'leave_notify_mask', 'button_press_mask', 'button_release_mask' ]); $darea->signal_connect(enter_notify_event => sub { if ($darea->{state} == 0) { $darea->{state} = 1; &$draw(@_); } }); $darea->signal_connect(leave_notify_event => sub { if ($darea->{state} == 1) { $darea->{state} = 0; &$draw(@_); } }); $darea->signal_connect(button_release_event => sub { $darea->{state} = 0; $darea->draw(undef); $exec_func->($tag, $exec_hash->{$label}); }); $darea->signal_connect(realize => sub { $darea->window->set_cursor($cursor_hand) }); push @tab, $darea; } my $fixed = new Gtk::Fixed; foreach (@tab) { $fixed->put($_, 75, 65) } my $w_ret = createScrolledWindow($fixed, undef, 'none'); my $redraw_function = sub { $fixed->move(@$_) foreach compute_icons($fixed->allocation->[2], $fixed->allocation->[3], 40, 15, 20, @tab); }; $fixed->signal_connect(expose_event => $redraw_function); $fixed->signal_connect(realize => sub { $fixed->window->set_back_pixmap($background, 0) }); $fixed->{redraw_function} = $redraw_function; $w_ret->vscrollbar->set_usize(19, undef); gtkhide($w_ret); } sub n_line_size { my ($nbline, $type, $widget) = @_; my $font = $widget->style->font; my $spacing = ${{ text => 0, various => 17 }}{$type}; $nbline * ($font->ascent + $font->descent + $spacing) + 8; } sub write_on_pixmap { my ($pixmap, $x_pos, $y_pos, @text) = @_; my ($gdkpixmap, undef) = $pixmap->get(); my ($width, $height) = (440, 250); my $gc = Gtk::Gdk::GC->new(gtkroot()); $gc->set_foreground(gtkcolor(8448, 17664, 40191)); #- in hex : 33, 69, 157 my $darea = new Gtk::DrawingArea(); $darea->size($width, $height); $darea->set_usize($width, $height); my $draw = sub { my $style = new Gtk::Style; #- i18n : you can change the font. $style->font(Gtk::Gdk::Font->fontset_load(N("-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--17-*-100-100-p-*-iso8859-*,*-r-*"))); my $y_pos2 = $y_pos; foreach (@text) { $darea->window->draw_string($style->font, $gc, $x_pos, $y_pos2, $_); $y_pos2 += 20; } }; $darea->signal_connect(expose_event => sub { $darea->window->draw_rectangle($darea->style->white_gc, 1, 0, 0, $width, $height); $darea->window->draw_pixmap( $darea->style->white_gc, $gdkpixmap, 0, 0, ($darea->allocation->[2]-$width)/2, ($darea->allocation->[3]-$height)/2, $width, $height); &$draw(); }); $darea; } #-####################### # kind of private gtk routines #-####################### sub create_pix_text { #ref widget, txt, color_txt, [font], [width], [height], flag1, flag2, [ (background background_highlighted background_selecteded) backsize x y], centeredx, centeredy my ($w, $text, $font, $max_width, $max_height, $can_be_greater, $can_be_smaller, $backgrounds, $x_back, $y_back, $centeredx, $centeredy) = @_; my $fake_darea = new Gtk::DrawingArea; my $style = $fake_darea->style->copy(); if (ref($font) eq 'Gtk::Gdk::Font') { $style->font($font); } else { $font and $style->font(Gtk::Gdk::Font->fontset_load($font)); } $fake_darea->set_style($style); my ($width, $height, $lines, $widths, $heights) = get_text_coord( $text, $fake_darea, $max_width, $max_height, $can_be_greater, $can_be_smaller, $centeredx, $centeredy); my $pix; my $j = 0; foreach (@$backgrounds) { $pix->[$j] = new Gtk::Gdk::Pixmap($w->window, $width, $height); fill_tiled($w, $pix->[$j], $backgrounds->[$j], $x_back, $y_back, $width, $height); $j++; } my $color_text = gtkcolor(0, 0, 0); my $gc_text = new Gtk::Gdk::GC($w->window); $gc_text->set_foreground($color_text); my $i = 0; foreach (@{$lines}) { $j = 0; foreach my $pix (@$pix) { $pix->draw_string($style->font, $gc_text, ${$widths}[$i], ${$heights}[$i], $_); $pix->draw_string($style->font, $gc_text, ${$widths}[$i] + 1, ${$heights}[$i], $_) if $j; $j++; } $i++; } ($pix, $width, $height); } sub gtkctree_children { my ($node) = @_; my @l; $node or return; for (my $p = $node->row->children; $p; $p = $p->row->sibling) { push @l, $p; } @l; } sub gtkpowerpack { #- Get Default Attributes (if any). 2 syntaxes allowed : #- gtkpowerpack( {expand => 1, fill => 0}, $box...) : the attributes are picked from a specified hash ref #- gtkpowerpack(1,0,1, $box, ...) : the attributes are picked from the non-ref list, in the order (expand, fill, padding, pack_end). my $RefDefaultAttrs; if (ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH') { $RefDefaultAttrs = shift } elsif (!ref($_[0])) { $RefDefaultAttrs = {}; foreach ("expand", "fill", "padding", "pack_end") { !ref($_[0]) ? ($RefDefaultAttrs->{$_} = shift) : last } } my $box = shift; while (@_) { #- Get attributes (if specified). 4 syntaxes allowed (default values are undef ie. false...) : #- gtkpowerpack({defaultattrs}, $box, $widget1, $widget2, ...) : the attrs are picked from the default ones (if they exist) #- gtkpowerpack($box, {fill=>1, expand=>0, ...}, $widget1, ...) : the attributes are picked from a specified hash ref #- gtkpowerpack($box, [1,0,1], $widget1, ...) : the attributes are picked from the array ref : (expand, fill, padding, pack_end). #- gtkpowerpack({attr=>'arg'}, $box, 1, $widget1, 0, $widget2, etc...) : the 'arg' value will tell gtkpowerpack to always read the #- attr value directly in the arg list (avoiding confusion between value 0 and Gtk::Label("0"). That can simplify some writings but #- this arg(s) MUST then be present... my %attr; my $RefAttrs; ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH' || ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY' and $RefAttrs = shift; foreach ("expand", "fill", "padding", "pack_end") { if ($RefDefaultAttrs->{$_} eq 'arg') { ref $_[0] and die "error in packing definition\n"; $attr{$_} = shift; ref($RefAttrs) eq 'ARRAY' and shift @$RefAttrs; } elsif (ref($RefAttrs) eq 'HASH' && defined($RefAttrs->{$_})) { $attr{$_} = $RefAttrs->{$_}; } elsif (ref($RefAttrs) eq 'ARRAY') { $attr{$_} = shift @$RefAttrs; } elsif (defined($RefDefaultAttrs->{$_})) { $attr{$_} = int $RefDefaultAttrs->{$_}; } else { $attr{$_} = 0; } } #- Get and pack the widget (create it if necessary when it is a label...) my $widget = ref($_[0]) ? shift : new Gtk::Label(shift); if ($attr{pack_end}) { $box->pack_end($widget, $attr{expand}, $attr{fill}, $attr{padding}) } else { $box->pack_start($widget, $attr{expand}, $attr{fill}, $attr{padding}) } $widget->show; } $box } sub gtkset_default_fontset { my ($fontset) = @_; my $style = Gtk::Widget->get_default_style; my $f = Gtk::Gdk::Font->fontset_load($fontset) or die ''; $style->font($f); Gtk::Widget->set_default_style($style); } sub gtkcreate_imlib { my ($f) = shift; $f =~ m|.png$| or $f = "$f.png"; if ($f !~ /\//) { -e "$_/$f" and $f = "$_/$f", last foreach icon_paths() } Gtk::Gdk::ImlibImage->load_image($f); } sub gtkxpm { new Gtk::Pixmap(gtkcreate_xpm(@_)) } sub gtkpng { new Gtk::Pixmap(gtkcreate_png(@_)) } sub gtkcreate_xpm { my ($f) = @_; my $rw = gtkroot(); $f =~ m|.xpm$| or $f = "$f.xpm"; if ($f !~ /\//) { -e "$_/$f" and $f = "$_/$f", last foreach icon_paths() } my @l = Gtk::Gdk::Pixmap->create_from_xpm($rw, new Gtk::Style->bg('normal'), $f) or die "gtkcreate_xpm: missing pixmap file $f"; @l; } sub gtkcreate_png_pixbuf { my ($f) = shift; die 'gdk-pixbuf library is not available' unless $use_pixbuf; $f =~ /\.(png|jpg)$/ or $f .= '.png'; if ($f !~ /^\//) { -e "$_/$f" and $f = "$_/$f", last foreach icon_paths() } Gtk::Gdk::Pixbuf->new_from_file($f) or die "gtkcreate_png: missing png file $f"; } sub gtkcreate_png { my ($f) = shift; $f =~ /\.png$/ or $f .= '.png'; if ($f !~ /^\//) { -e "$_/$f" and $f = "$_/$f", last foreach icon_paths() } if ($use_imlib) { my $im = Gtk::Gdk::ImlibImage->load_image($f) or die "gtkcreate_png: missing png file $f"; $im->render($im->rgb_width, $im->rgb_height); return ($im->move_image(), $im->move_mask); } elsif ($use_pixbuf) { # my $pixbuf = gtkcreate_png_pixbuf($f); my $pixbuf = Gtk::Gdk::Pixbuf->new_from_file($f) or die "gtkcreate_png: missing png file $f"; my ($width, $height) = ($pixbuf->get_width(), $pixbuf->get_height); my $rw = gtkroot(); my $pix = new Gtk::Gdk::Pixmap($rw, $width, $height, 16); $pixbuf->render_to_drawable_alpha($pix, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, 'bilevel', 127, 'normal', 0, 0); my $bit = new Gtk::Gdk::Bitmap($rw, $width, $height, 1); $pixbuf->render_threshold_alpha($bit, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, '127'); return ($pix, $bit); } else { die "gtkcreate_png: cannot find a suitable library for rendering png (imlib1 or gdk_pixbuf)"; } } sub compose_pixbufs { my ($pixbuf, $back_pixbuf_unaltered, $alpha_threshold) = @_; $alpha_threshold ||= 255; my ($width, $height) = ($pixbuf->get_height, $pixbuf->get_width); my $back_pixbuf = Gtk::Gdk::Pixbuf->new('rgb', 0, 8, $height, $width); $back_pixbuf_unaltered->copy_area(0, 0, $height, $width, $back_pixbuf, 0, 0); $pixbuf->composite($back_pixbuf, 0, 0, $width, $height, 0, 0, 1, 1, 'nearest', $alpha_threshold); $back_pixbuf; } sub compose_with_back { my ($f, $back_pixbuf_unaltered, $alpha_threshold) = @_; compose_pixbufs(gtkcreate_png_pixbuf($f), $back_pixbuf_unaltered, $alpha_threshold); } sub xpm_d { my $w = shift; Gtk::Gdk::Pixmap->create_from_xpm_d($w->window, undef, @_) } sub fill_tiled { my ($w, $pix, $bitmap, $x_back, $y_back, $width, $height) = @_; my ($x2, $y2) = (0, 0); while (1) { $x2 = 0; while (1) { $pix->draw_pixmap($w->style->bg_gc('normal'), $bitmap, 0, 0, $x2, $y2, $x_back, $y_back); $x2 += $x_back; $x2 >= $width and last; } $y2 += $y_back; $y2 >= $height and last; } } sub compute_icons { my ($fx, $_fy, $decx, $decy, $interstice, @tab) = @_; my $nb = $#tab; my $nb_sav = $nb; my $index = 0; my @dx2; my @dx; my @dy; my $line_up = 0; bcl_init: @dx2 = undef; bcl: @dx = map { $_->{dx} || 78 } @tab[$index..$index+$nb]; $dy[$index] = max(map { $_->{dy} || 89 } @tab[$index..$index+$nb]); foreach (0..$#dx) { if ($dx[$_] > $dx2[$_]) { $dx2[$_] = $dx[$_] } else { $dx[$_] = $dx2[$_] } } my $line_size = 0; $line_size = $decx + sum(@dx2) + $nb * $interstice; if ($line_size > $fx) { $index = 0; $nb--; goto bcl_init; } $nb and $line_up = ($fx-$line_size)/($nb+2); $index += $nb+1; $index <= $#tab and goto bcl; my @ret; my $n = 0; my $y = $decy; my $x = $decx/2 + $line_up; foreach (0..$nb_sav) { $ret[$_] = [$tab[$_], $x, $y]; $x += $dx2[$n] + $interstice + $line_up; $n++; if ($n > $nb) { $n = 0; $x = $decx/2 + $line_up; $y += int($dy[$_-$nb]/5)*5 + 15; } } @ret; } 1;