path: root/perl-install/standalone/logdrake
blob: 448d4c9783597c393da9e002c546463d925f1b55 (plain)
#! /usr/bin/perl
# $Id$

# Copyright (C) 2001-2002 MandrakeSoft
# Yves Duret <yduret at>
# some code is Copyright: (C) 1999, Michael T. Babcock <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# TODO: consider switching from TreeView to gtkhtml

use strict;
use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX);
use standalone;     #- warning, standalone must be loaded very first, for 'explanations'
use common;
use interactive;
use ugtk2 qw(:wrappers :helpers :create);

$::isInstall and die "Not supported during install.\n";

my $in = 'interactive'->vnew('su', 'default');
my $cron_hourly = "/etc/cron.hourly/logdrake_service";

#- parse arguments list.
foreach (@ARGV) {
    /^--explain=(.*)$/ and do { $::isExplain = ($::Explain) = $1; $::isFile = 1; $::File = "/var/log/explanations"; next };
    /^--file=(.*)$/ and do { $::isFile = ($::File) = $1; next };
    /^--word=(.*)$/ and do { $::isWord = ($::Word) = $1; next };
    /^--alert$/ and do { alert_config(); quit() };

$::isTail = 1 if $::isFile;
$| = 1 if $::isTail;
my $h = chomp_(`hostname -s`);

my $my_win = ugtk2->new('logdrake');
unless ($::isEmbedded) {
    #$my_win->{rwindow}->set_policy(1, 1, 1);
$my_win->{window}->signal_connect(delete_event => \&quit);

my $cal = gtkset_sensitive(new Gtk2::Calendar(), 0);
my $mday = (localtime(time()))[3];
my @months = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
my $cal_mode = 0;
my $cal_butt = gtksignal_connect(new Gtk2::CheckButton(N("Show only for the selected day")), clicked => sub { $cal_mode = !$cal_mode; gtkset_sensitive($cal,$cal_mode) });

### menus definition
# the menus are not shown
# but they provides shiny shortcut like C-q
my @menu_items = (
		  { path => N("/_File"), type => '<Branch>' },
		  { path => N("/File/_New"), accelerator => N("<control>N") },
		  { path => N("/File/_Open"), accelerator => N("<control>O") },
		  { path => N("/File/_Save"), accelerator => N("<control>S"), callback => \&save },
		  { path => N("/File/Save _As") },
		  { path => N("/File/-"),type => '<Separator>' },
		  { path => N("/File/_Quit"), accelerator => N("<control>Q"), callback => \&quit },
		  { path => N("/_Options"), type => '<Branch>' },
		  { path => N("/Options/Test") },
		  { path => N("/_Help"),type => '<LastBranch>' },
		  { path => N("/Help/_About...") } 
my $menubar = create_factory_menu($my_win->{rwindow}, @menu_items) unless $::isEmbedded;
######### menus end

########## font and colors
my %n = ('font' => ''); # Gtk2::Pango::FontDescription->from_string('Serif 12');#Gtk2::Gdk::Font->fontset_load(N("-misc-fixed-medium-r-*-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*,*"));
my %b = ('font' => 'Bold'); #Gtk2::Pango::FontDescription->from_string('Serif Bold 12');#Gtk2::Gdk::Font->fontset_load(N("-misc-fixed-bold-r-*-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*,*"));

#$black    = "\033[30m";
#$red      = "\033[31m";
#$green    = "\033[32m";
#$yellow   = "\033[33m";
#$blue     = "\033[34m";
#$magenta  = "\033[35m";
#$purple   = "\033[35m";
#$cyan     = "\033[36m";
#$white    = "\033[37m";
#$darkgray = "\033[30m";
#$col_norm =             "\033[00m";
#$col_background =       "\033[07m";
#$col_brighten =         "\033[01m";
#$col_underline =        "\033[04m";
#$col_blink =            "\033[05m";

my $white    = gtkcolor(50400, 655, 20000);
my $black    = gtkcolor(0, 0, 0);
my $red      = gtkcolor(0xFFFF, 655, 655);
my $green    = gtkcolor(0x0, 0x9898,0x0);
my $yellow   = gtkcolor(0xFFFF, 0xD7D7, 0);
my $blue     = gtkcolor(655, 655, 0xFFFF);
my $magenta  = gtkcolor(0xFFFF, 655, 0xFFFF);
my $purple   = gtkcolor(0xA0A0, 0x2020, 0xF0F0);
my $cyan     = gtkcolor(0x0, 0x9898, 0x9898);
my $darkgray = gtkcolor(0x2F2F, 0x4F4F, 0x4F4F);
# Define global terms:
# Define good notables:
my @word_good = ("starting\n", "Freeing", "Detected", "starting.", "accepted.\n", "authenticated.\n", "Ready", "active", "reloading", "saved;", "restarting", "ONLINE\n");
my @word_warn = ("dangling", "closed.\n", "Assuming", "root", "root\n", "exiting\n", "missing", "Ignored", "adminalert:", "deleting", "OFFLINE\n");
my @word_bad = ("bad");
my @word_note = ("LOGIN", "DHCP_OFFER", "optimized", "reset:", "unloaded", "disconnected", "connect", "Successful", "registered\n");
my @line_good = ("up", "DHCP_ACK", "Cleaned", "Initializing", "Starting", "success", "successfully", "alive", "found", "ONLINE\n");
my @line_warn = ("warning:", "WARNING:", "invalid", "obsolete", "bad", "Password", "detected", "timeout", "timeout:", "attackalert:", "wrong", "Lame", "FAILED", "failing", "unknown", "obsolete", "stopped.\n", "terminating.", "disabled\n", "disabled", "Lost");
my @line_bad = ("DENY", "lost", "shutting", "dead", "DHCP_NAK", "failure;", "Unable", "inactive", "terminating", "refused", "rejected", "down", "OFFLINE\n", "error\n", "ERROR\n", "ERROR:", "error", "ERROR", "error:", "failed:");

# Define specifics:
my @daemons = ("named");

# Now define what we want to use when:
my $col_good = 'green4';
my $col_warn = 'yellow4';
my $col_bad = 'red';
my $col_note = 'purple';
my $col = 'darkcyan';

######### font and colors end

my %files = (
	     "auth" => { file => "/var/log/auth.log", desc => N("Authentication") },
	     "user" => { file => "/var/log/user.log", desc => N("User") },
	     "messages" => { file => "/var/log/messages", desc => N("Messages") },
	     "syslog" => { file => "/var/log/syslog", desc => N("Syslog") },
	     "explanations" => { file => "/var/log/explanations", desc => N("Mandrake Tools Explanation") }

my $yy = gtkset_sensitive(gtksignal_connect(new Gtk2::Button(N("search")) , clicked => \&search),0);
my $log_text = new Gtk2::TextView;
$log_text->set_property('editable', 0);

my $log_buf = $log_text->get_buffer();
my $refcount_search;
#### far from window

my %toggle;

       gtkpack_(new Gtk2::VBox(0,0),
		if_(!$::isExplain && !$::isEmbedded, 0, N("A tool to monitor your logs")),
		if_(!$::isFile, 0, gtkadd(new Gtk2::Frame(N("Settings")),
					  gtkpack__(new Gtk2::VBox(0,2),
						    gtkpack__(new Gtk2::VBox(0,2),
							      # N("Show lines"),
							      gtkpack__(new Gtk2::HBox(0,0),
									" " . N("matching") . " ", my $e_yes = new Gtk2::Entry(),
									" " . N("but not matching") . " ", my $e_no = new Gtk2::Entry()
						    gtkpack_(new Gtk2::HBox(0,0),
							     1, gtkadd(gtkset_border_width(new Gtk2::Frame(N("Choose file")),2),
										map { $toggle{$_} = gtksignal_connect(new Gtk2::CheckButton($files{$_}{desc}), 
														      clicked => sub {
														      }) } keys %files,
							     0, gtkadd(gtkset_border_width(new Gtk2::Frame(N("Calendar")),2),
								       gtkpack__(gtkset_border_width(new Gtk2::VBox(0,0),5),
										 $cal_butt, $cal
		!$::isExplain ? (1, gtkadd(new Gtk2::Frame(N("Content of the file")),
					   )) : (1, create_scrolled_window($log_text)),
		if_(!$::isExplain, 0, gtkadd(gtkset_border_width(gtkset_layout(Gtk2::HButtonBox->new, 'end'), 5),
					      if_(!$::isFile, gtksignal_connect(new Gtk2::Button(N("Mail alert")), 
										clicked => sub { eval { alert_config() };  
												 if ($@ =~ /wizcancel/) {
												     $::Wizard_no_previous = 1;
												     $::Wizard_no_cancel = 1;
												     $::WizardWindow->destroy if defined $::WizardWindow;
												     undef $::WizardWindow;
												 } })),
					      gtksignal_connect(new Gtk2::Button(N("Save")), clicked => \&save),
					      gtksignal_connect(new Gtk2::Button($::isEmbedded ? N("Cancel") : N("Quit")), clicked => \&quit)

$::isFile and gtkset_size_request($log_text, 400, 500);

search() if $::isFile;
kill 'USR2', $::CCPID if $::isEmbedded; # special case because logdrake is also embedded for logs

sub quit { ugtk2->exit(0) }

# search functions
sub search {
#    gtk_text_buffer_delete();
#BUG    $log_text->backward_delete($log_text->get_length()); #BUG
#BUG    $log_text->freeze();
    if ($::isFile) {
    } else {
	foreach (keys %files) {
	    parse_file($files{$_}{file}) if $toggle{$_}->active;
#BUG    $log_text->thaw();

local *F;

sub parse_file {
  my ($file) = @_;#$_[0];

  $file =~ s/\.gz$//;
  my ($pbar, $win_pb);
  unless ($::isEmbedded) {
      gtkadd($win_pb = gtkset_modal(new Gtk2::Window('toplevel'), 1),
             gtkpack(new Gtk2::VBox(2,0),
                     new Gtk2::Label(" " . N("please wait, parsing file: %s", $files{$_}{desc}) . " "),
                     $pbar = new Gtk2::ProgressBar()
  my $ey = $e_yes->get_chars(0, -1);
  my $en = $e_no->get_chars(0, -1);
  $ey =~ s/ OR /\|/;
  $ey =~ s/^\*$//;
  $en =~ s/^\*$/.*/;
  $ey = $ey . $::Word if $::isWord;

  if ($cal_mode) {
      my (undef, $month, $day) = $cal->get_date();
      $ey = $months[$month]."\\s{1,2}$day\\s.*$ey.*\n";

  my @all = catMaybeCompressed($file);

  if ($::isExplain) {
      my (@t, $t);
      while (@all) {
	  $t = pop @all;
	  next if $t =~ /logdrake/;
	  last if $t !~ /$::Explain/;
	  push @t, $t;
      @all = reverse @t;

  my $taille = @all;
  my $i = 0;
  foreach (@all) {
      if (!$::isEmbedded && $i % 10) { 
      if ($en eq "" and /$ey/i)     { logcolorize($_); next }
      if (!  /$en/i and /$ey/i)     { logcolorize($_); next }
      if (!  /$en/i and $ey eq "")  { logcolorize($_); next }
  $win_pb->destroy() unless $::isEmbedded;

  if ($::isTail) {
      close F;
      open F, $file or die "E: $!";
      local $_;
      while (<F>) {}; #to prevent to output the file twice..
#      $log_text->set_point($log_text->get_length());
      my $timer = Gtk2->timeout_add(1000, \&input_callback);

sub input_callback  {
    logcolorize($_) while <F>;
    seek F, 0, 1;


sub logcolorize {

    # we get date & time if it is date & time (dmesg)
    s/(\D{3} .. (\d\d:\d\d:\d\d ))//;
    my $timestamp = $::isExplain ? $2 : $1;
    my @rec = split;

    log_output($timestamp,  { %b, 'foreground' => 'darkcyan' }); # date & time if any...
    # BUG: $col hasn't yet be reseted
    $::isExplain or log_output("$rec[0] ",  { %b, 'foreground' => $rec[0] eq $h ? 'blue' : $col });  # hostname
    if ($rec[1] eq "last") {
	log_output(" last message repeated ",  { %n, 'foreground' => 'green' });
	log_output($rec[4],  { %b, 'foreground' => 'green' });
	log_output(" times\n",  { %n, 'foreground' => 'green' });
    # Extract PID if present
    if ($rec[1] =~ /\[(\d+)\]\:/) {
	my ($pid) = $1;
	$rec[1] =~ s/\[$1\]\://;
	log_output($rec[1] . "[",  { %n, 'foreground' => 'green' });
	log_output($pid,  { %b, 'foreground' => 'black' });
	log_output("]: ",  { %n, 'foreground' => 'green' });
    else {
	log_output($rec[1] . " ",  { %n, 'foreground' => 'green' });

    foreach my $therest (2 .. $#rec) {
	$col = 'darkcyan';

	# Check for keywords to highlight
	foreach (@word_good) { $col = $col_good if $_ eq $rec[$therest] }
	foreach (@word_warn) { $col = $col_warn if $_ eq $rec[$therest] }
	foreach (@word_bad)  { $col = $col_bad  if $_ eq $rec[$therest] }
	foreach (@word_note) { $col = $col_note if $_ eq $rec[$therest] }
 	# Watch for words that indicate entire lines should be highlighted
 	#foreach (@line_good) { $col = $col_good if $_ eq $rec[$therest] }
 	#foreach (@line_warn) { $col = $col_warn if $_ eq $rec[$therest] }
	#foreach (@line_bad)  { $col = $col_bad  if $_ eq $rec[$therest] }
	log_output("$rec[$therest] ",  { %n, 'foreground' => $col });
    log_output("\n",  { %n, 'foreground' => 'black' });

#    log_output (Gtk2::TextView, [ [ ... ] ])
sub log_output {
    gtktext_append($log_text, [ \@_ ]);
#    $log_buf->insert($buf->get_end_iter(), @_, -1);

# mail/sms alert

sub alert_config {
    $::isWizard = 1;
    $::Wizard_pix_up = "wiz_logdrake.png";    # FIXME
    $::Wizard_title = N("Mail alert");
    my $cron = q(#!/usr/bin/perl
# generated by logdrake
use MDK::Common;
my $r = "*** ". chomp_(`date`) . " ***\n";


my $initdir = "/etc/init.d";

    my ($load, $email, $smtp); 
    $load = 3;

    $::Wizard_finished = 0;
    $::Wizard_no_previous = 1;
    $in->ask_okcancel(N("Mail alert configuration"),
                      N("Welcome to the mail configuration utility.\n\nHere, you'll be able to set up the alert system.\n"),
		      1) or quit();

    undef $::Wizard_no_previous;
    undef $::Wizard_finished;
    my $service = {
		  httpd => N("Apache World Wide Web Server"), 
		  bind => N("Domain Name Resolver"),
		  ftp => N("Ftp Server"),
		  postfix => N("Postfix Mail Server"),
		  samba => N("Samba Server"),
		  sshd => N("SSH Server"),
		  webmin => N("Webmin Service"),
		  xinetd => N("Xinetd Service")
    my @installed_d;
    foreach my $serv (keys %$service) {
	-e "$initdir/$serv" && push @installed_d, $serv;
    $in->ask_from(N("service setting"),
		  N("You will receive an alert if one of the selected services is no longer running"),
		  [ map { { label => $_, val => \${ $_ }, type => "bool", text => $service->{$_} } } @installed_d
		  ]) or goto begin;

    $cron .= "#- check services\n";
    my $r;
    foreach (@installed_d) {
	$r .= "Service $_ ($service->{$_} is not running\n" unless -e "/var/lock/subsys/$_";
#	$cron .= "$r" if ${ $_ }; # take a look at this, don't know what is done here   

    undef $::Wizard_finished;
    $in->ask_from(N("load setting"),
		  N("You will receive an alert if the load is higher than this value"),
		   { label => "load ", val => \$load, type => 'range', min => 1, max => 50 },
		  ]) or goto step_service;

    $cron .= sprintf(<<'EOF', $load);
#- load
my ($load) = split ' ', first(cat_("/proc/loadavg"));
$r .= "Load is huge: $load\n" if $load > %s;

#    $::Wizard_no_previous = 1;
    $::Wizard_finished = 1;
    $in->ask_from(N("alert configuration"),
		  N("Please enter your email address below "),
		   { label => "" },
		   { label => "Email", val => \$email },
		  ]) or goto step_load;

    $cron .= q(#- report it

$email = ) . "'$email';\n\n";

	$cron .= q(
local *F;
open F, '|/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t';

print F
q(Subject: logdrake Mail Alert
From: root@localhost
To: ), "$email\n";
print F $r;

# EOF);
	output $cron_hourly, $cron;
	chmod 0755, $cron_hourly;
    print "whole cron is ****** $cron *******\n";
    undef $::isWizard; 
    if (defined $::WizardWindow) {
	undef $::WizardWindow;

# menu callback functions

sub save {
    $::isWizard = 0;
    $yy = $in->ask_file(N("Save as.."), "/root") or return;
    output($yy, $log_text->get_chars(0, $log_text->get_length()));
s='ctx'> msgid "Boot from DOS/Windows (loadlin)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:140 ../../any.pm_.c:142
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:157 ../../any.pm_.c:159
#, fuzzy
msgid "Yaboot"
msgstr "Rót"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:148 ../../any.pm_.c:180
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:166 ../../any.pm_.c:198
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bootloader main options"
msgstr "Stillingar LILO"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:149 ../../any.pm_.c:181
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:167 ../../any.pm_.c:199
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bootloader to use"
msgstr "Stillingar LILO"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:151
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:169
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bootloader installation"
msgstr "Stillingar LILO"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:153 ../../any.pm_.c:183
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:171 ../../any.pm_.c:201
msgid "Boot device"
msgstr "Ræsitæki"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:154
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:172
msgid "LBA (doesn't work on old BIOSes)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:155
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:173
msgid "Compact"
msgstr "Samþjappað"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:155
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:173
msgid "compact"
msgstr "samþjappað"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:156 ../../any.pm_.c:256
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:174 ../../any.pm_.c:298
msgid "Video mode"
msgstr "Skjáhamur"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:158
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:176
msgid "Delay before booting default image"
msgstr "Töf áður en sjálfgefin ræsing byrjar"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:160 ../../any.pm_.c:741
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:904 ../../netconnect.pm_.c:629
-#: ../../printerdrake.pm_.c:98 ../../printerdrake.pm_.c:132
-#: ../../standalone/draknet_.c:569
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:178 ../../any.pm_.c:796
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1115 ../../network/modem.pm_.c:48
+#: ../../printerdrake.pm_.c:708 ../../printerdrake.pm_.c:806
+#: ../../standalone/draknet_.c:625
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Lykilorð"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:161 ../../any.pm_.c:742
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:905
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:179 ../../any.pm_.c:797
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1116
msgid "Password (again)"
msgstr "Lykilorð (aftur)"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:162
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:180
msgid "Restrict command line options"
msgstr "Takmarka alla rofa á skipanlínu"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:162
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:180
msgid "restrict"
msgstr "takmarka"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:164
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:182
msgid "Clean /tmp at each boot"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:165
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:183
#, c-format
msgid "Precise RAM size if needed (found %d MB)"
msgstr "Nákvæm stærð vinnsluminnis (fann %d MB)"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:167
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:185
msgid "Enable multi profiles"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:171
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:189
msgid "Give the ram size in MB"
msgstr "Sláðu inn vinnsluminni í MB"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:173
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:191
msgid ""
"Option ``Restrict command line options'' is of no use without a password"
msgstr ""
"Valkosturinn ``Takmarka alla rofa á skipanalínu'' gerir ekkert án lykilorðs"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:174 ../../any.pm_.c:718
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:899
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:192 ../../any.pm_.c:773
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1135
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1110
msgid "Please try again"
msgstr "Reyndu aftur"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:174 ../../any.pm_.c:718
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:899
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:192 ../../any.pm_.c:773
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1110
msgid "The passwords do not match"
msgstr "Mismunandi lykilorð"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:182
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:200
msgid "Init Message"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:184
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:202
msgid "Open Firmware Delay"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:185
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:203
msgid "Kernel Boot Timeout"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:186
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:204
msgid "Enable CD Boot?"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:187
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:205
msgid "Enable OF Boot?"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:188
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:206
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default OS?"
msgstr "Sjálfgefið"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:210
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:240
+msgid ""
+"You decided to install the bootloader on a partition.\n"
+"This implies you already have a bootloader on the hard drive you boot (eg: "
+"System Commander).\n"
+"On which drive are you booting?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:255
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Here are the different entries.\n"
@@ -632,149 +692,157 @@ msgstr ""
"Hérna eru núverandi stillingar LILO .\n"
"Þú getur bætt við fleirum eða breytt þessum."
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:220 ../../printerdrake.pm_.c:356
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:265 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:752
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:861 ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:789
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:826
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Bæta við"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:220 ../../any.pm_.c:729 ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:46
-#: ../../printerdrake.pm_.c:356
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:265 ../../any.pm_.c:784 ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:153
+#: ../../diskdrake/removable.pm_.c:27 ../../diskdrake/smbnfs_gtk.pm_.c:86
+#: ../../interactive_http.pm_.c:153
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Búið"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:220
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:265
#, fuzzy
msgid "Modify"
msgstr "Breyta RAID"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:228
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:273
msgid "Which type of entry do you want to add?"
msgstr "Hverju viltu bæta við?"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:229
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:274 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:895
msgid "Linux"
msgstr "Linux"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:229
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:274
msgid "Other OS (SunOS...)"
msgstr "Öðru stýrikerfi (SunOS...)"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:230
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:275
msgid "Other OS (MacOS...)"
msgstr "Öðru stýrikerfi (MacOS...)"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:230
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:275
msgid "Other OS (windows...)"
msgstr "Öðru stýrikerfi (Windows...)"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:250 ../../any.pm_.c:252
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:294
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Ræsikjarna"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:253 ../../any.pm_.c:264
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:295 ../../any.pm_.c:306
msgid "Root"
msgstr "Rót"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:254 ../../any.pm_.c:283
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:296 ../../any.pm_.c:325
msgid "Append"
msgstr "Bæta aftan við"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:258
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:300
msgid "Initrd"
msgstr "Initrd"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:259
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:301
msgid "Read-write"
msgstr "Les-skrif"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:266
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:308
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Tafla"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:267
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:309
msgid "Unsafe"
msgstr "Óöruggt"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:274 ../../any.pm_.c:279 ../../any.pm_.c:282
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:316 ../../any.pm_.c:321 ../../any.pm_.c:324
msgid "Label"
msgstr "Nafn"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:276 ../../any.pm_.c:287
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:318 ../../any.pm_.c:329
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Sjálfgefið"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:284
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:326
#, fuzzy
msgid "Initrd-size"
msgstr "Initrd"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:286
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:328
msgid "NoVideo"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:294
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:336
msgid "Remove entry"
msgstr "Fjarlægja"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:297
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:339
msgid "Empty label not allowed"
msgstr "Autt er ekki leyft"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:298
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:340
+msgid "You must specify a kernel image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:340
#, fuzzy
-msgid "This label is already used"
-msgstr "Þetta nafn er nú þegar í notkun."
+msgid "You must specify a root partition"
+msgstr "Þú verður að hafa diskminni"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:317
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:341
#, fuzzy
-msgid "What type of partitioning?"
-msgstr "Hvernig prentara ertu með?"
+msgid "This label is already used"
+msgstr "Þetta nafn er nú þegar í notkun."
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:608
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:656
#, c-format
msgid "Found %s %s interfaces"
msgstr "Fann %s %s tengi"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:609
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:657
msgid "Do you have another one?"
msgstr "Er kannski eitt enn í vélinni?"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:610
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:658
#, c-format
msgid "Do you have any %s interfaces?"
msgstr "Eru einhver %s tengi í tölvunni?"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:612 ../../interactive.pm_.c:104 ../../my_gtk.pm_.c:616
-#: ../../printerdrake.pm_.c:237
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:660 ../../any.pm_.c:832 ../../interactive.pm_.c:132
+#: ../../my_gtk.pm_.c:1018
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nei"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:612 ../../interactive.pm_.c:104 ../../my_gtk.pm_.c:616
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:660 ../../any.pm_.c:831 ../../interactive.pm_.c:132
+#: ../../my_gtk.pm_.c:1018
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Já"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:613
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:661
msgid "See hardware info"
msgstr "Skoðaðu vélbúnaðarupplýsingar"
#. -PO: the first %s is the card type (scsi, network, sound,...)
#. -PO: the second is the vendor+model name
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:648
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:695
#, c-format
msgid "Installing driver for %s card %s"
msgstr "Set inn rekil fyrir %s kortið %s"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:649
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:696
#, c-format
msgid "(module %s)"
msgstr "(eining %s)"
#. -PO: the %s is the driver type (scsi, network, sound,...)
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:660
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:707
#, c-format
msgid "Which %s driver should I try?"
msgstr "Hvaða %s rekil viltu prófa?"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:668
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:715
#, c-format
msgid ""
"In some cases, the %s driver needs to have extra information to work\n"
@@ -791,21 +859,23 @@ msgstr ""
" hann þarf? Stundum frystir sjálfvirk stilling vélina en það ætti ekki\n"
"að skemma neitt."
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:673
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:720
msgid "Autoprobe"
msgstr "Stilla sjálfvirkt"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:673
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:720
msgid "Specify options"
msgstr "Stilla handvirkt"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:677
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:725
#, c-format
-msgid "You may now provide its options to module %s."
-msgstr "Þú getur núna gefið upp viðföng fyrir %s eininguna."
+msgid ""
+"You may now provide its options to module %s.\n"
+"Note that any address should be entered with the prefix 0x like '0x123'"
+msgstr ""
# ## skrytid
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:683
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:731
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You may now provide its options to module %s.\n"
@@ -816,11 +886,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Viðföng eru gefin upp sem ``viðfang=gildi viðfang2=gildi2 ...''.\n"
"Til dæmis: ``io=0x300 irq=7''"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:686
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:734
msgid "Module options:"
msgstr "Stillingar kjarnaeininga:"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:697
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:745
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Loading module %s failed.\n"
@@ -829,33 +899,49 @@ msgstr ""
"Innsetning á einingu %s mistókst.\n"
"Viltu prófa aftur með ólík viðföng?"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:715
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:761
+msgid "access to X programs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:762
+msgid "access to rpm tools"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:763
+msgid "allow \"su\""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:764
+msgid "access to administrative files"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:769
#, c-format
msgid "(already added %s)"
msgstr "(%s er nú þegar til)"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:719
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:774
msgid "This password is too simple"
msgstr "Þetta lykilorð er of einfalt"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:720
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:775
msgid "Please give a user name"
msgstr "Vinsamlega sláðu inn notandanafn"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:721
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:776
msgid ""
"The user name must contain only lower cased letters, numbers, `-' and `_'"
msgstr "Notandanafnið má bara innihalda litla stafi, tölustafi, `-' og `_'"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:722
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:777
msgid "This user name is already added"
msgstr "Þetta notandanafn er nú þegar til"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:726
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:781
msgid "Add user"
msgstr "Bæta við notanda"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:727
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:782
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Enter a user\n"
@@ -864,57 +950,233 @@ msgstr ""
"Sláðu inn notanda\n"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:728
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:783
msgid "Accept user"
msgstr "Samþykkja notanda"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:739
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:794
msgid "Real name"
msgstr "Nafn notanda"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:740 ../../printerdrake.pm_.c:97
-#: ../../printerdrake.pm_.c:131
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:795 ../../printerdrake.pm_.c:707
+#: ../../printerdrake.pm_.c:805
msgid "User name"
msgstr "Notandanafn:"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:743
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:798
msgid "Shell"
msgstr "Skel"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:745
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:800
msgid "Icon"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:766
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:828
msgid "Autologin"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:767
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:829
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"I can set up your computer to automatically log on one user.\n"
-"If you don't want to use this feature, click on the cancel button."
+"Do you want to use this feature?"
msgstr ""
"Ég get stillt tölvuna þína til að kveikja sjálfvirkt á X við ræsingu\n"
"Vilt þú kveikja á X við endurræsingu?"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:769
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:833
#, fuzzy
msgid "Choose the default user:"
msgstr "Veldu nýja stærð"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:770
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:834
#, fuzzy
msgid "Choose the window manager to run:"
msgstr "Veldu forritið sem þú vilt nota"
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:849
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Please choose a language to use."
+msgstr "Hvernig mús ertu með?"
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:851
+msgid "You can choose other languages that will be available after install"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:863 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:719
+#: ../../standalone/drakxtv_.c:54
+msgid "All"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:955
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Allow all users"
+msgstr "Bæta við notanda"
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:955 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:521
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Custom"
+msgstr "Sérlagaða"
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:955
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No sharing"
+msgstr "Staðbundinn prentari"
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:965 ../../network/smbnfs.pm_.c:45
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "The package %s needs to be installed. Do you want to install it?"
+msgstr "Hvaða pakka viltu setja inn"
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:968
+msgid "You can export using NFS or Samba. Which one do you want"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:976 ../../network/smbnfs.pm_.c:49
+#, c-format
+msgid "Mandatory package %s is missing"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:982
+msgid ""
+"Do you want to allow users to export some directories in their home?\n"
+"Allowing this will permit users to simply click on \"Share\" in konqueror "
+"and nautilus.\n"
+"\"Custom\" permit a per-user granularity.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:996 ../../bootlook.pm_.c:161
+#: ../../diskdrake/smbnfs_gtk.pm_.c:85 ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:464
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:522 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:594
+#: ../../interactive.pm_.c:142 ../../interactive.pm_.c:317
+#: ../../interactive.pm_.c:349 ../../interactive_stdio.pm_.c:141
+#: ../../my_gtk.pm_.c:687 ../../my_gtk.pm_.c:690 ../../my_gtk.pm_.c:1019
+#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:47 ../../printerdrake.pm_.c:1586
+#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst_.c:204 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2264
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2289 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2310
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2331 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2349
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2397 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2417
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2436 ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:767
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:721 ../../standalone/draknet_.c:116
+#: ../../standalone/draknet_.c:148 ../../standalone/draknet_.c:290
+#: ../../standalone/draknet_.c:538 ../../standalone/draknet_.c:680
+#: ../../standalone/logdrake_.c:225 ../../standalone/logdrake_.c:512
+#: ../../standalone/tinyfirewall_.c:65
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "Hætta við"
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:996
+msgid "Launch userdrake"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:998
+msgid ""
+"The per-user sharing uses the group \"fileshare\". \n"
+"You can use userdrake to add a user in this group."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:1035
+msgid "Welcome To Crackers"
+msgstr "Velkomin(n) í tölvuþrjótinn"
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:1036
+msgid "Poor"
+msgstr "Lélegt"
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:1037 ../../mouse.pm_.c:31
+msgid "Standard"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:1038
+msgid "High"
+msgstr "Hátt"
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:1039
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Higher"
+msgstr "Hátt"
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:1040
+msgid "Paranoid"
+msgstr "Taugaveiklað"
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:1043
+msgid ""
+"This level is to be used with care. It makes your system more easy to use,\n"
+"but very sensitive: it must not be used for a machine connected to others\n"
+"or to the Internet. There is no password access."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:1046
+msgid ""
+"Password are now enabled, but use as a networked computer is still not "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:1047
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"This is the standard security recommended for a computer that will be used "
+"to connect to the Internet as a client."
+msgstr ""
+"Þetta er hið hefðbundna öryggi sem mælt er með fyrir tölvu sem verður notuð\n"
+"til að tengja við netið sem biðill. Öryggisathuganir eru núna í gangi. "
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:1048
+msgid ""
+"There are already some restrictions, and more automatic checks are run every "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:1049
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"With this security level, the use of this system as a server becomes "
+"The security is now high enough to use the system as a server which accept\n"
+"connections from many clients. Note: if your machine is only a client on the "
+"Internet, you should better choose a lower level."
+msgstr ""
+"Á þessu öryggisstigi er orðið mögulegt að nota tölvuna sem þjón.\n"
+"Öryggið er nógu nógu mikið til að taka við fyrirspurnum frá\n"
+"mörgum biðlum. "
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:1052
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Based on the previous level, but the system is entirely closed.\n"
+"Security features are at their maximum."
+msgstr ""
+"Kerfið er komið á 4. stig og er nú alveg lokað.\n"
+"Öryggið er á hæsta stigi."
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:1058
+msgid "Choose security level"
+msgstr "Veldu öryggisstig"
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:1061
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Security level"
+msgstr "Stilli öryggisþrep"
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:1063
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Use libsafe for servers"
+msgstr "Veldu valmöguleika fyrir þjón"
+#: ../../any.pm_.c:1064
+msgid ""
+"A library which defends against buffer overflow and format string attacks."
+msgstr ""
# NOTE: this message will be displayed at boot time; that is
# only the ascii charset will be available on most machines
# so use only 7bit for this message (and do transliteration or
# leave it in English, as it is the best for your language)
#. -PO: these messages will be displayed at boot time in the BIOS, use only ASCII (7bit)
-#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:262 ../../bootloader.pm_.c:608
+#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:355
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Welcome to %s the operating system chooser!\n"
@@ -941,51 +1203,56 @@ msgstr ""
#. -PO: these messages will be displayed at boot time in the BIOS, use only ASCII (7bit)
#. -PO: and keep them smaller than 79 chars long
-#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:809
+#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:928
msgid "Welcome to GRUB the operating system chooser!"
msgstr ""
#. -PO: these messages will be displayed at boot time in the BIOS, use only ASCII (7bit)
#. -PO: and keep them smaller than 79 chars long
-#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:812
+#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:931
#, c-format
msgid "Use the %c and %c keys for selecting which entry is highlighted."
msgstr ""
#. -PO: these messages will be displayed at boot time in the BIOS, use only ASCII (7bit)
#. -PO: and keep them smaller than 79 chars long
-#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:815
+#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:934
msgid "Press enter to boot the selected OS, 'e' to edit the"
msgstr ""
#. -PO: these messages will be displayed at boot time in the BIOS, use only ASCII (7bit)
#. -PO: and keep them smaller than 79 chars long
-#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:818
+#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:937
msgid "commands before booting, or 'c' for a command-line."
msgstr ""
#. -PO: these messages will be displayed at boot time in the BIOS, use only ASCII (7bit)
#. -PO: and keep them smaller than 79 chars long
-#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:821
+#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:940
#, c-format
msgid "The highlighted entry will be booted automatically in %d seconds."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:825
+#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:944
msgid "not enough room in /boot"
msgstr ""
#. -PO: "Desktop" and "Start Menu" are the name of the directories found in c:\windows
#. -PO: so you may need to put them in English or in a different language if MS-windows doesn't exist in your language
-#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:918
+#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:1044
msgid "Desktop"
msgstr ""
#. -PO: "Desktop" and "Start Menu" are the name of the directories found in c:\windows
-#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:920
+#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:1046
msgid "Start Menu"
msgstr ""
+#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:1065
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "You can't install the bootloader on a %s partition\n"
+msgstr "Hvert viltu setja ræsistjórann?"
#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:46
msgid "no help implemented yet.\n"
msgstr ""
@@ -995,247 +1262,381 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Boot Style Configuration"
msgstr "Lokauppsetning"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:79
+#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:79 ../../standalone/logdrake_.c:101
#, fuzzy
msgid "/_File"
msgstr "Skrár:\n"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:81
-msgid "/File/_New"
+#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:80 ../../standalone/logdrake_.c:107
+msgid "/File/_Quit"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:82
-msgid "<control>N"
+#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:80 ../../standalone/logdrake_.c:107
+msgid "<control>Q"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:84
-msgid "/File/_Open"
+#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:91
+msgid "NewStyle Categorizing Monitor"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:85
-msgid "<control>O"
+#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:92
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "NewStyle Monitor"
+msgstr "Skjár"
+#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:93
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Traditional Monitor"
+msgstr "Skipta um skjá"
+#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:94
+msgid "Traditional Gtk+ Monitor"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:87
-msgid "/File/_Save"
+#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:95
+msgid "Launch Aurora at boot time"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:88
-msgid "<control>S"
+#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:98
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Lilo/grub mode"
+msgstr "Hringja inn með mótaldi"
+#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:98
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Yaboot mode"
+msgstr "Ræsitæki"
+#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:104
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You are currently using %s as Boot Manager.\n"
+"Click on Configure to launch the setup wizard."
+msgstr "Veldu prenttengingu"
+#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:106 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1467
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1478 ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:715
+#: ../../standalone/tinyfirewall_.c:59
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Configure"
+msgstr "Stilla X"
+#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:141
+msgid "System mode"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:90
-msgid "/File/Save _As"
+#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:143
+msgid "Launch the X-Window system at start"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:91
-msgid "/File/-"
+#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:148
+msgid "No, I don't want autologin"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:93
-msgid "/File/_Quit"
+#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:150
+msgid "Yes, I want autologin with this (user, desktop)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:94
-msgid "<control>Q"
+#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:160 ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:102
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2441 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3345
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:532 ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:655
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:719 ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:765
+#: ../../standalone/draknet_.c:109 ../../standalone/draknet_.c:141
+#: ../../standalone/draknet_.c:297 ../../standalone/draknet_.c:436
+#: ../../standalone/draknet_.c:522 ../../standalone/draknet_.c:565
+#: ../../standalone/draknet_.c:666 ../../standalone/logdrake_.c:505
+msgid "OK"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:96
-msgid "/_Options"
+#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:229
+#, c-format
+msgid "can not open /etc/inittab for reading: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:98
-msgid "/Options/Test"
+#: ../../common.pm_.c:94
+msgid "GB"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:99
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "/_Help"
-msgstr "Hjálp"
+#: ../../common.pm_.c:94
+msgid "KB"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:101
-msgid "/Help/_About..."
+#: ../../common.pm_.c:94
+msgid "MB"
+msgstr "MB"
+#: ../../common.pm_.c:102
+msgid "TB"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:111 ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:634
-#: ../../standalone/draknet_.c:262 ../../standalone/tinyfirewall_.c:57
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Configure"
-msgstr "Stilla X"
+#: ../../common.pm_.c:110
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../common.pm_.c:112
+msgid "1 minute"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:114
+#: ../../common.pm_.c:114
#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid ""
-"You are currently using %s as Boot Manager.\n"
-"Click on Configure to launch the setup wizard."
-msgstr "Veldu prenttengingu"
+msgid "%d seconds"
+msgstr "Hætti eftir %d sekúndur"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:121
+#: ../../common.pm_.c:159
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Lilo/grub mode"
-msgstr "Hringja inn með mótaldi"
+msgid "Can't make screenshots before partitioning"
+msgstr "Get ekki bætt við disksneiðum"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:131
-msgid "NewStyle Categorizing Monitor"
+#: ../../common.pm_.c:166
+#, c-format
+msgid "Screenshots will be available after install in %s"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:134
+#: ../../crypto.pm_.c:12 ../../crypto.pm_.c:26 ../../standalone/drakxtv_.c:50
#, fuzzy
-msgid "NewStyle Monitor"
-msgstr "Skjár"
+msgid "France"
+msgstr "Hætta við"
+#: ../../crypto.pm_.c:13
+msgid "Costa Rica"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:137
+#: ../../crypto.pm_.c:14 ../../crypto.pm_.c:27
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Traditional Monitor"
-msgstr "Skipta um skjá"
+msgid "Belgium"
+msgstr "Belgískt"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:140
-msgid "Traditional Gtk+ Monitor"
+#: ../../crypto.pm_.c:15 ../../crypto.pm_.c:28
+msgid "Czech Republic"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:144
-msgid "Launch Aurora at boot time"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../../crypto.pm_.c:16 ../../crypto.pm_.c:29
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Germany"
+msgstr "Þýskt"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:169
+#: ../../crypto.pm_.c:17 ../../crypto.pm_.c:30
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Boot mode"
-msgstr "Ræsitæki"
+msgid "Greece"
+msgstr "Grískt"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:179
-msgid "Launch the X-Window system at start"
+#: ../../crypto.pm_.c:18 ../../crypto.pm_.c:31
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Norway"
+msgstr "Norkst"
+#: ../../crypto.pm_.c:19 ../../crypto.pm_.c:32
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Sweden"
+msgstr "Skoða"
+#: ../../crypto.pm_.c:20 ../../crypto.pm_.c:34
+msgid "Netherlands"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:187
-msgid "No, I don't want autologin"
+#: ../../crypto.pm_.c:21 ../../crypto.pm_.c:35 ../../standalone/drakxtv_.c:50
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Italy"
+msgstr "Ítalskt"
+#: ../../crypto.pm_.c:22 ../../crypto.pm_.c:36
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Austria"
+msgstr "raðtengd"
+#: ../../crypto.pm_.c:33 ../../crypto.pm_.c:67
+msgid "United States"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:193
-msgid "Yes, I want autologin with this (user, desktop)"
+#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:94
+msgid "Please make a backup of your data first"
+msgstr "Vinsamlega taktu fyrst afrit af öllum gögnum"
+#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:94 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:891
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:900 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:954
+msgid "Read carefully!"
+msgstr "Lestu vandlega!"
+#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:97
+msgid ""
+"If you plan to use aboot, be carefull to leave a free space (2048 sectors is "
+"at the beginning of the disk"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:210
-msgid "System mode"
+#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:116 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:325
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:340 ../../diskdrake/smbnfs_gtk.pm_.c:45
+#: ../../install_steps.pm_.c:75 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:67
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:356 ../../interactive_http.pm_.c:119
+#: ../../interactive_http.pm_.c:120 ../../standalone/diskdrake_.c:84
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Villa"
+#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:151
+msgid "Wizard"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:228
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Default Runlevel"
-msgstr "Sjálfgefið"
+#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:181 ../../diskdrake/removable_gtk.pm_.c:24
+msgid "Choose action"
+msgstr "Veldu aðgerð"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:236 ../../standalone/draknet_.c:88
-#: ../../standalone/draknet_.c:120 ../../standalone/draknet_.c:184
-#: ../../standalone/draknet_.c:302 ../../standalone/draknet_.c:396
-#: ../../standalone/draknet_.c:473 ../../standalone/draknet_.c:509
-#: ../../standalone/draknet_.c:617
-msgid "OK"
+#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:185
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"You have one big FAT partition\n"
+"(generally used by MicroSoft Dos/Windows).\n"
+"I suggest you first resize that partition\n"
+"(click on it, then click on \"Resize\")"
msgstr ""
+"Þú hefur eina stóra FAT disksneið.\n"
+"(venjulega notuð af Microsoft DOS/Windows).\n"
+"Ég legg til að þú endursníðir hana\n"
+"(smelltu á hana, síðan á \"Endursníða\")"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:238 ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:576
-#: ../../interactive.pm_.c:114 ../../interactive.pm_.c:269
-#: ../../interactive_stdio.pm_.c:27 ../../my_gtk.pm_.c:357
-#: ../../my_gtk.pm_.c:360 ../../my_gtk.pm_.c:617
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:639 ../../standalone/draknet_.c:95
-#: ../../standalone/draknet_.c:127 ../../standalone/draknet_.c:295
-#: ../../standalone/draknet_.c:485 ../../standalone/draknet_.c:631
-#: ../../standalone/tinyfirewall_.c:63
-msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "Hætta við"
+#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:188
+msgid "Please click on a partition"
+msgstr "Smelltu á disksneið"
+#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:202 ../../diskdrake/smbnfs_gtk.pm_.c:67
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:523
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Ítarleg atriði"
+#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:320
+msgid "Ext2"
+msgstr "Ext2"
+#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:320
+msgid "FAT"
+msgstr "FAT"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:315
-msgid "can not open /etc/inittab for reading: $!"
+#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:320
+msgid "HFS"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:369
-msgid "can not open /etc/sysconfig/autologin for reading: $!"
+#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:320
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Journalised FS"
+msgstr "tókst ekki að tengja"
+#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:320
+msgid "SunOS"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:435 ../../standalone/drakboot_.c:47
-msgid "Installation of LILO failed. The following error occured:"
-msgstr "Innsetning LILO brást sökum eftirfarandi villu:"
+#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:320
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Diskminni"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:21 ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:462
+#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:321 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1050
+msgid "Empty"
+msgstr "Tóm"
+#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:321 ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:379
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:439 ../../mouse.pm_.c:162
+#: ../../services.pm_.c:157 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:944
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Annað"
+#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:325
+msgid "Filesystem types:"
+msgstr "Tegundir skráakerfa:"
+#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:342 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:386
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Búa til"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:22
-msgid "Unmount"
-msgstr "Aftengja"
+#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:342 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:365
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:499 ../../diskdrake/removable.pm_.c:26
+#: ../../diskdrake/removable.pm_.c:49 ../../diskdrake/removable_gtk.pm_.c:17
+msgid "Type"
+msgstr "Tegund"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:23 ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:464
+#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:342 ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:344
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use ``%s'' instead"
+msgstr "Nota ``%s'' í staðinn"
+#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:344 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:374
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Eyða"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:23
-msgid "Format"
-msgstr "Forsníða"
+#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:348
+msgid "Use ``Unmount'' first"
+msgstr "Nota ``Aftengja'' fyrst"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:23 ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:653
-msgid "Resize"
-msgstr "Endurstækka"
+#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:349 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:491
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"After changing type of partition %s, all data on this partition will be lost"
+msgstr "öll gögn á þessari disksneið tapast"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:23 ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:462
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:518
-msgid "Type"
-msgstr "Tegund"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:171
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Choose a partition"
+msgstr "Veldu aðgerð"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:24 ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:539
-msgid "Mount point"
-msgstr "Tengipunktur"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:171
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Choose another partition"
+msgstr "Búa til nýja disksneið"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:38
-msgid "Write /etc/fstab"
-msgstr "Skrifa /etc/fstab"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:196
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Exit"
+msgstr "Ext2"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:39
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:218
msgid "Toggle to expert mode"
msgstr "Færa í snillingsham"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:40
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:218
msgid "Toggle to normal mode"
msgstr "Fara í venjulegan ham"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:41
-msgid "Restore from file"
-msgstr "Endurheimta frá skrá"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:218
+msgid "Undo"
+msgstr "Endurheimta"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:42
-msgid "Save in file"
-msgstr "Vista í skrá"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:237
+msgid "Continue anyway?"
+msgstr "Halda samt áfram?"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:43
-msgid "Wizard"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:242
+msgid "Quit without saving"
+msgstr "Hætta án þess að vista"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:44
-msgid "Restore from floppy"
-msgstr "Endurheimta frá diskling"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:242
+msgid "Quit without writing the partition table?"
+msgstr "Hætta án þess að skrifa sneiðatöfluna?"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:45
-msgid "Save on floppy"
-msgstr "Vista á diskling"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:247
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Do you want to save /etc/fstab modifications"
+msgstr "Viltu prófa skilgreininguna"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:49
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:259
+msgid "Auto allocate"
+msgstr "Ráðstafa skjálfkrafa"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:259
msgid "Clear all"
msgstr "Hreinsa allt"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:54
-msgid "Format all"
-msgstr "Forsníð"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:55
-msgid "Auto allocate"
-msgstr "Ráðstafa skjálfkrafa"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:262
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Hard drive information"
+msgstr "Sýna upplýsingar"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:59
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:283
msgid "All primary partitions are used"
msgstr "Öll aðal skráarsnið eru í notkun"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:59
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:284
msgid "I can't add any more partition"
msgstr "Get ekki bætt við disksneiðum"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:59
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:285
msgid ""
"To have more partitions, please delete one to be able to create an extended "
@@ -1243,274 +1644,306 @@ msgstr ""
"Til að fá fleiri disksneiðar, vinsamlega eyddu einni til að búa til "
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:61
-msgid "Not enough space for auto-allocating"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:295
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Save partition table"
+msgstr "Skrifa sneiðatöflu"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:63
-msgid "Undo"
-msgstr "Endurheimta"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:296
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Restore partition table"
+msgstr "Bjarga sneiðatöflunni"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:64
-msgid "Write partition table"
-msgstr "Skrifa sneiðatöflu"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:297
+msgid "Rescue partition table"
+msgstr "Bjarga sneiðatöflunni"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:65 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:185
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:299
#, fuzzy
-msgid "More"
-msgstr "Færa"
+msgid "Reload partition table"
+msgstr "Bjarga sneiðatöflunni"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:116
-msgid "Ext2"
-msgstr "Ext2"
+# ## skrytid
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:304
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Removable media automounting"
+msgstr "Sjálfvirk tenging aukatækja"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:116
-msgid "FAT"
-msgstr "FAT"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:313 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:333
+msgid "Select file"
+msgstr "Veljið skrá"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:116
-msgid "HFS"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:320
+msgid ""
+"The backup partition table has not the same size\n"
+"Still continue?"
msgstr ""
+"Disksneiðin sem var tekin sem afrit er ekki af sömu stærð\n"
+"Halda áfram?"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:116
-msgid "SunOS"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:334
+msgid "Warning"
+msgstr "Aðvörun"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:335
+msgid ""
+"Insert a floppy in drive\n"
+"All data on this floppy will be lost"
msgstr ""
+"Settu diskling í drifið\n"
+"Öll gögn á þessum diskling tapast"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:116
-msgid "Swap"
-msgstr "Diskminni"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:346
+msgid "Trying to rescue partition table"
+msgstr "Reyni að endurheimta disksneiðatöfluna"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:117
-msgid "Empty"
-msgstr "Tóm"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:352
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Detailed information"
+msgstr "Sýna upplýsingar"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:117 ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:407
-#: ../../mouse.pm_.c:145
-msgid "Other"
-msgstr "Annað"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:364 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:534
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:554 ../../diskdrake/removable.pm_.c:24
+#: ../../diskdrake/removable_gtk.pm_.c:15 ../../diskdrake/smbnfs_gtk.pm_.c:83
+msgid "Mount point"
+msgstr "Tengipunktur"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:123
-msgid "Filesystem types:"
-msgstr "Tegundir skráakerfa:"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:366 ../../diskdrake/removable.pm_.c:25
+#: ../../diskdrake/removable_gtk.pm_.c:16 ../../diskdrake/smbnfs_gtk.pm_.c:84
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Upplýsingar"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:132 ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:577
-msgid "Details"
-msgstr "Ítarleg atriði"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:367 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:621
+msgid "Resize"
+msgstr "Endurstækka"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:147
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"You have one big FAT partition\n"
-"(generally used by MicroSoft Dos/Windows).\n"
-"I suggest you first resize that partition\n"
-"(click on it, then click on \"Resize\")"
-msgstr ""
-"Þú hefur eina stóra FAT disksneið.\n"
-"(venjulega notuð af Microsoft DOS/Windows).\n"
-"Ég legg til að þú endursníðir hana\n"
-"(smelltu á hana, síðan á \"Endursníða\")"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:368 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:674
+msgid "Move"
+msgstr "Færa"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:152
-msgid "Please make a backup of your data first"
-msgstr "Vinsamlega taktu fyrst afrit af öllum gögnum"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:369
+msgid "Format"
+msgstr "Forsníða"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:152 ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:170
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:179 ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:570
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:592
-msgid "Read carefully!"
-msgstr "Lestu vandlega!"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:370 ../../diskdrake/smbnfs_gtk.pm_.c:80
+msgid "Mount"
+msgstr "Tengipunktur"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:155
-msgid ""
-"If you plan to use aboot, be carefull to leave a free space (2048 sectors is "
-"at the beginning of the disk"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:371
+msgid "Add to RAID"
+msgstr "Bæta við RAID"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:170
-msgid "Be careful: this operation is dangerous."
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:372
+msgid "Add to LVM"
+msgstr "Bæta við LVM"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:373 ../../diskdrake/smbnfs_gtk.pm_.c:79
+msgid "Unmount"
+msgstr "Aftengja"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:375
+msgid "Remove from RAID"
+msgstr "Taka úr RAID"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:376
+msgid "Remove from LVM"
+msgstr "Taka úr LVM"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:377
+msgid "Modify RAID"
+msgstr "Breyta RAID"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:378
+msgid "Use for loopback"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:214 ../../install_steps.pm_.c:72
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:37
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:322 ../../standalone/diskdrake_.c:66
-msgid "Error"
-msgstr "Villa"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:417
+msgid "Create a new partition"
+msgstr "Búa til nýja disksneið"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:420
+msgid "Start sector: "
+msgstr "Byrjunar geiri"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:422 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:773
+msgid "Size in MB: "
+msgstr "Stærð í MB: "
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:238 ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:748
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:423 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:774
+msgid "Filesystem type: "
+msgstr "Tegund skráakerfis:"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:424
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1034
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1108
msgid "Mount point: "
msgstr "Tengipunktur: "
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:239 ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:298
-msgid "Device: "
-msgstr "Tæki: "
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:428
+msgid "Preference: "
+msgstr "Valkostur:"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:240
-#, c-format
-msgid "DOS drive letter: %s (just a guess)\n"
-msgstr "DOS drifstafur: %s (bara ágiskun)\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:472
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Remove the loopback file?"
+msgstr "Forsníð disksneið %s"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:244 ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:251
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:301
-msgid "Type: "
-msgstr "Tegund: "
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:497
+msgid "Change partition type"
+msgstr "Breyta tegund sneiðar"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:248
-msgid "Name: "
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:498 ../../diskdrake/removable.pm_.c:48
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Which filesystem do you want?"
+msgstr "Hvaða sneiðtegund viltu?"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:502
+msgid "Switching from ext2 to ext3"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:253
-#, c-format
-msgid "Start: sector %s\n"
-msgstr "Byrja: geiri %s\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:532
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Where do you want to mount loopback file %s?"
+msgstr "Hvar viltu tengja tæki %s?"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:254
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:533 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:553
#, c-format
-msgid "Size: %s"
-msgstr "Stærð: %s"
+msgid "Where do you want to mount device %s?"
+msgstr "Hvar viltu tengja tæki %s?"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:256
-#, c-format
-msgid ", %s sectors"
-msgstr ", %s geirar"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:539
+msgid ""
+"Can't unset mount point as this partition is used for loop back.\n"
+"Remove the loopback first"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:258
-#, c-format
-msgid "Cylinder %d to cylinder %d\n"
-msgstr "Sívalningur %d til %d\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:577
+msgid "Computing FAT filesystem bounds"
+msgstr "Reikna takmarkanir FAT skráarkerfis..."
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:259
-msgid "Formatted\n"
-msgstr "Forsniðinn\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:577 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:636
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:130
+msgid "Resizing"
+msgstr "Endursníð"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:260
-msgid "Not formatted\n"
-msgstr "Ekki forsniðinn\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:609
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "This partition is not resizeable"
+msgstr "Hvaða sneiðtegund viltu?"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:261
-msgid "Mounted\n"
-msgstr "Tengdur\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:614
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "All data on this partition should be backed-up"
+msgstr "öll gögn á þessari disksneið tapast"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:262
-#, c-format
-msgid "RAID md%s\n"
-msgstr "RAID md%s\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:616
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "After resizing partition %s, all data on this partition will be lost"
+msgstr "öll gögn á þessari disksneið tapast"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:264
-#, c-format
-msgid "Loopback file(s): %s\n"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:621
+msgid "Choose the new size"
+msgstr "Veldu nýja stærð"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:265
-msgid ""
-"Partition booted by default\n"
-" (for MS-DOS boot, not for lilo)\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Sjálfgefin disksneið ræst\n"
-" (fyrir MS-DOS ræsingu, ekki fyrir LILO)\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:622
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "New size in MB: "
+msgstr "Stærð í MB: "
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:267
-#, c-format
-msgid "Level %s\n"
-msgstr "Stig %s\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:675
+msgid "Which disk do you want to move it to?"
+msgstr "Hvaða disk viltu færa til?"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:268
-#, c-format
-msgid "Chunk size %s\n"
-msgstr "Hlunkastærð %s\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:676
+msgid "Sector"
+msgstr "Geiri"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:269
-#, c-format
-msgid "RAID-disks %s\n"
-msgstr "RAID-diskar %s\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:677
+msgid "Which sector do you want to move it to?"
+msgstr "Hvaða geira viltu færa gögn til?"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:271
-#, c-format
-msgid "Loopback file name: %s"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:680
+msgid "Moving"
+msgstr "Færi"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:274
-msgid ""
-"Chances are, this partition is\n"
-"a Driver partition, you should\n"
-"probably leave it alone.\n"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:680
+msgid "Moving partition..."
+msgstr "Færi disksneið..."
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:277
-msgid ""
-"This special Bootstrap\n"
-"partition is for\n"
-"dual-booting your system.\n"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:697
+msgid "Choose an existing RAID to add to"
+msgstr "Veldu RAID sem til er fyrir til að bæta við"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:294
-msgid "Please click on a partition"
-msgstr "Smelltu á disksneið"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:698 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:716
+msgid "new"
+msgstr "ný"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:299
-#, c-format
-msgid "Size: %s\n"
-msgstr "Stærð: %s\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:714
+msgid "Choose an existing LVM to add to"
+msgstr "Veldu LVM sem til er fyrir til að bæta við"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:300
-#, c-format
-msgid "Geometry: %s cylinders, %s heads, %s sectors\n"
-msgstr "Skilgreining: %s sívalningar, %s hausar, %s geirar\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:719
+msgid "LVM name?"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:302
-#, c-format
-msgid "LVM-disks %s\n"
-msgstr "LVM-diskar %s\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:759
+msgid "This partition can't be used for loopback"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:303
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "Partition table type: %s\n"
-msgstr "Rótardisksneið"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:771
+msgid "Loopback"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:304
-#, c-format
-msgid "on bus %d id %d\n"
-msgstr "á gagnabraut %d id %d\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:772
+msgid "Loopback file name: "
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:320
-msgid "Mount"
-msgstr "Tengipunktur"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:777
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Give a file name"
+msgstr "Nafn notanda"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:322
-msgid "Active"
-msgstr "Virk"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:780
+msgid "File already used by another loopback, choose another one"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:324
-msgid "Add to RAID"
-msgstr "Bæta við RAID"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:781
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File already exists. Use it?"
+msgstr "Nafnið %s er þegar í notkun"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:326
-msgid "Remove from RAID"
-msgstr "Taka úr RAID"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:804
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Mount options"
+msgstr "Stillingar kjarnaeininga:"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:328
-msgid "Modify RAID"
-msgstr "Breyta RAID"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:811
+msgid "Various"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:330
-msgid "Add to LVM"
-msgstr "Bæta við LVM"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:874
+msgid "device"
+msgstr "tæki"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:332
-msgid "Remove from LVM"
-msgstr "Taka úr LVM"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:875
+msgid "level"
+msgstr "stig"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:334
-msgid "Use for loopback"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:876
+msgid "chunk size"
+msgstr "stærð hlutar"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:891
+msgid "Be careful: this operation is dangerous."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:341
-msgid "Choose action"
-msgstr "Veldu aðgerð"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:906
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "What type of partitioning?"
+msgstr "Hvernig prentara ertu með?"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:435
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:924
msgid ""
"Sorry I won't accept to create /boot so far onto the drive (on a cylinder > "
@@ -1522,7 +1955,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Annaðhvort notar þú LILO og það mun ekki virka, eða þú notar ekki LILO og "
"sleppir því að hafa /boot"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:439
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:928
msgid ""
"The partition you've selected to add as root (/) is physically located "
@@ -1533,288 +1966,284 @@ msgstr ""
"1024. sívalnings á harða disknum og þú hefur enga /boot sneið.\n"
"Ef þú ætlar að nota LILO ræsistjórann skaltu muna að bæta við /boot sneið"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:445
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:934
msgid ""
"You've selected a software RAID partition as root (/).\n"
"No bootloader is able to handle this without a /boot partition.\n"
"So be careful to add a /boot partition"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:462 ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:464
-#, c-format
-msgid "Use ``%s'' instead"
-msgstr "Nota ``%s'' í staðinn"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:468
-msgid "Use ``Unmount'' first"
-msgstr "Nota ``Aftengja'' fyrst"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:469 ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:513
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid ""
-"After changing type of partition %s, all data on this partition will be lost"
-msgstr "öll gögn á þessari disksneið tapast"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:481
-msgid "Continue anyway?"
-msgstr "Halda samt áfram?"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:486
-msgid "Quit without saving"
-msgstr "Hætta án þess að vista"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:486
-msgid "Quit without writing the partition table?"
-msgstr "Hætta án þess að skrifa sneiðatöfluna?"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:516
-msgid "Change partition type"
-msgstr "Breyta tegund sneiðar"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:517
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Which filesystem do you want?"
-msgstr "Hvaða sneiðtegund viltu?"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:520 ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:780
-msgid "You can't use ReiserFS for partitions smaller than 32MB"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:537
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "Where do you want to mount loopback file %s?"
-msgstr "Hvar viltu tengja tæki %s?"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:538
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:954
#, c-format
-msgid "Where do you want to mount device %s?"
-msgstr "Hvar viltu tengja tæki %s?"
+msgid "Partition table of drive %s is going to be written to disk!"
+msgstr "Disksneiðatafla drifs %s mun verða skrifuð á disk!"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:542
-msgid ""
-"Can't unset mount point as this partition is used for loop back.\n"
-"Remove the loopback first"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:958
+msgid "You'll need to reboot before the modification can take place"
+msgstr "Þú þarft að endurræsa áður en breytingar taka gildi"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:561
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:969
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "After formatting partition %s, all data on this partition will be lost"
msgstr "öll gögn á þessari disksneið tapast"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:563
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:971
msgid "Formatting"
msgstr "Forsníðing"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:564
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:972
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Formatting loopback file %s"
msgstr "Forsníð disksneið %s"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:565 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:430
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:973
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:465
#, c-format
msgid "Formatting partition %s"
msgstr "Forsníð disksneið %s"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:570
-msgid "After formatting all partitions,"
-msgstr "Eftir forsníðingu allra sneiða"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:984
+msgid "Hide files"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:570
-msgid "all data on these partitions will be lost"
-msgstr "munu öll gögn á þessum disksneiðum tapast"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:984
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Move files to the new partition"
+msgstr "Búa til nýja disksneið"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:576
-msgid "Move"
-msgstr "Færa"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:985
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Directory %s already contain some data\n"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:577
-msgid "Which disk do you want to move it to?"
-msgstr "Hvaða disk viltu færa til?"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:996
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Moving files to the new partition"
+msgstr "Búa til nýja disksneið"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:578
-msgid "Sector"
-msgstr "Geiri"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1000
+#, c-format
+msgid "Copying %s"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:579
-msgid "Which sector do you want to move it to?"
-msgstr "Hvaða geira viltu færa gögn til?"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1004
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Removing %s"
+msgstr "Upplausnir"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:582
-msgid "Moving"
-msgstr "Færi"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1014
+#, c-format
+msgid "partition %s is now known as %s"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:582
-msgid "Moving partition..."
-msgstr "Færi disksneið..."
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1035
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1094
+msgid "Device: "
+msgstr "Tæki: "
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:592
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1036
#, c-format
-msgid "Partition table of drive %s is going to be written to disk!"
-msgstr "Disksneiðatafla drifs %s mun verða skrifuð á disk!"
+msgid "DOS drive letter: %s (just a guess)\n"
+msgstr "DOS drifstafur: %s (bara ágiskun)\n"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:594
-msgid "You'll need to reboot before the modification can take place"
-msgstr "Þú þarft að endurræsa áður en breytingar taka gildi"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1040
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1048
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1112
+msgid "Type: "
+msgstr "Tegund: "
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:615
-msgid "Computing FAT filesystem bounds"
-msgstr "Reikna takmarkanir FAT skráarkerfis..."
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1044
+msgid "Name: "
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:615 ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:680
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:107
-msgid "Resizing"
-msgstr "Endursníð"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1052
+#, c-format
+msgid "Start: sector %s\n"
+msgstr "Byrja: geiri %s\n"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:643
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "This partition is not resizeable"
-msgstr "Hvaða sneiðtegund viltu?"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1053
+#, c-format
+msgid "Size: %s"
+msgstr "Stærð: %s"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:648
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "All data on this partition should be backed-up"
-msgstr "öll gögn á þessari disksneið tapast"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1055
+#, c-format
+msgid ", %s sectors"
+msgstr ", %s geirar"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:650
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1057
#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "After resizing partition %s, all data on this partition will be lost"
-msgstr "öll gögn á þessari disksneið tapast"
+msgid "Cylinder %d to %d\n"
+msgstr "Sívalningur %d til %d\n"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:660
-msgid "Choose the new size"
-msgstr "Veldu nýja stærð"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1058
+msgid "Formatted\n"
+msgstr "Forsniðinn\n"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:660 ../../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:287
-#: ../../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:334
-msgid "MB"
-msgstr "MB"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1059
+msgid "Not formatted\n"
+msgstr "Ekki forsniðinn\n"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:714
-msgid "Create a new partition"
-msgstr "Búa til nýja disksneið"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1060
+msgid "Mounted\n"
+msgstr "Tengdur\n"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:740
-msgid "Start sector: "
-msgstr "Byrjunar geiri"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1061
+#, c-format
+msgid "RAID md%s\n"
+msgstr "RAID md%s\n"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:744 ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:819
-msgid "Size in MB: "
-msgstr "Stærð í MB: "
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1063
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Loopback file(s):\n"
+" %s\n"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:747 ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:822
-msgid "Filesystem type: "
-msgstr "Tegund skráakerfis:"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1064
+msgid ""
+"Partition booted by default\n"
+" (for MS-DOS boot, not for lilo)\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Sjálfgefin disksneið ræst\n"
+" (fyrir MS-DOS ræsingu, ekki fyrir LILO)\n"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:750
-msgid "Preference: "
-msgstr "Valkostur:"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1066
+#, c-format
+msgid "Level %s\n"
+msgstr "Stig %s\n"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:798
-msgid "This partition can't be used for loopback"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1067
+#, c-format
+msgid "Chunk size %s\n"
+msgstr "Hlunkastærð %s\n"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:808
-msgid "Loopback"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1068
+#, c-format
+msgid "RAID-disks %s\n"
+msgstr "RAID-diskar %s\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1070
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loopback file name: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:818
-msgid "Loopback file name: "
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1073
+msgid ""
+"Chances are, this partition is\n"
+"a Driver partition, you should\n"
+"probably leave it alone.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:844
-msgid "File already used by another loopback, choose another one"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1076
+msgid ""
+"This special Bootstrap\n"
+"partition is for\n"
+"dual-booting your system.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:845
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "File already exists. Use it?"
-msgstr "Nafnið %s er þegar í notkun"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1095
+#, c-format
+msgid "Size: %s\n"
+msgstr "Stærð: %s\n"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:867 ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:883
-msgid "Select file"
-msgstr "Veljið skrá"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1096
+#, c-format
+msgid "Geometry: %s cylinders, %s heads, %s sectors\n"
+msgstr "Skilgreining: %s sívalningar, %s hausar, %s geirar\n"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:876
-msgid ""
-"The backup partition table has not the same size\n"
-"Still continue?"
-msgstr ""
-"Disksneiðin sem var tekin sem afrit er ekki af sömu stærð\n"
-"Halda áfram?"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1097
+msgid "Info: "
+msgstr "Upplýsingar: "
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:884
-msgid "Warning"
-msgstr "Aðvörun"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1098
+#, c-format
+msgid "LVM-disks %s\n"
+msgstr "LVM-diskar %s\n"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:885
-msgid ""
-"Insert a floppy in drive\n"
-"All data on this floppy will be lost"
-msgstr ""
-"Settu diskling í drifið\n"
-"Öll gögn á þessum diskling tapast"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1099
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Partition table type: %s\n"
+msgstr "Rótardisksneið"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:896
-msgid "Trying to rescue partition table"
-msgstr "Reyni að endurheimta disksneiðatöfluna"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1100
+#, c-format
+msgid "on bus %d id %d\n"
+msgstr "á gagnabraut %d id %d\n"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:905
-msgid "device"
-msgstr "tæki"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1114
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Options: %s"
+msgstr "Rótardisksneið"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:906
-msgid "level"
-msgstr "stig"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1130
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Filesystem encryption key"
+msgstr "Tegund skráakerfis:"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:907
-msgid "chunk size"
-msgstr "stærð hlutar"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1131
+msgid "Choose your filesystem encryption key"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:919
-msgid "Choose an existing RAID to add to"
-msgstr "Veldu RAID sem til er fyrir til að bæta við"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1134
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "This encryption key is too simple (must be at least %d characters long)"
+msgstr "Þetta lykilorð er of einfalt (verður að vera minnst %d stafa langt)"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:920 ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:946
-msgid "new"
-msgstr "ný"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1135
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The encryption keys do not match"
+msgstr "Mismunandi lykilorð"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:944
-msgid "Choose an existing LVM to add to"
-msgstr "Veldu LVM sem til er fyrir til að bæta við"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1138
+msgid "Encryption key"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:949
-msgid "LVM name?"
+#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1139
+msgid "Encryption key (again)"
msgstr ""
-# ## skrytid
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:976
-msgid "Removable media automounting"
-msgstr "Sjálfvirk tenging aukatækja"
+#: ../../diskdrake/removable.pm_.c:47
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Change type"
+msgstr "Breyta tegund sneiðar"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:977
-msgid "Rescue partition table"
-msgstr "Bjarga sneiðatöflunni"
+#: ../../diskdrake/removable_gtk.pm_.c:28
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Please click on a media"
+msgstr "Smelltu á disksneið"
-#: ../../diskdrake.pm_.c:979
-msgid "Reload"
-msgstr "Endurhlaða"
+#: ../../diskdrake/smbnfs_gtk.pm_.c:165
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Search servers"
+msgstr "Nafnamiðlari"
-#: ../../fs.pm_.c:88 ../../fs.pm_.c:95 ../../fs.pm_.c:101 ../../fs.pm_.c:107
-#: ../../fs.pm_.c:113
+#: ../../fs.pm_.c:485 ../../fs.pm_.c:495 ../../fs.pm_.c:499 ../../fs.pm_.c:503
+#: ../../fs.pm_.c:507 ../../fs.pm_.c:511
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s formatting of %s failed"
msgstr "gat ekki forsniðið %s"
-#: ../../fs.pm_.c:143
+#: ../../fs.pm_.c:548
#, c-format
msgid "I don't know how to format %s in type %s"
msgstr "kann ekki að forsníða %s af tegundinni %s"
-#: ../../fs.pm_.c:230
-msgid "mount failed: "
-msgstr "tókst ekki að tengja: "
+#: ../../fs.pm_.c:620 ../../fs.pm_.c:649 ../../fs.pm_.c:655
+#, c-format
+msgid "mounting partition %s in directory %s failed"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../fs.pm_.c:242
+#: ../../fs.pm_.c:640
+#, c-format
+msgid "fsck failed with exit code %d or signal %d"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../fs.pm_.c:670 ../../partition_table.pm_.c:596
#, c-format
msgid "error unmounting %s: %s"
msgstr "villa við að aftengja %s: %s"
@@ -1824,43 +2253,63 @@ msgstr "villa við að aftengja %s: %s"
msgid "simple"
msgstr "Skrá"
+#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:25
+msgid "with /usr"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:30
msgid "server"
msgstr "netþjónn"
-#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:262
+#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:467
+msgid "You can't use JFS for partitions smaller than 16MB"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:468
+msgid "You can't use ReiserFS for partitions smaller than 32MB"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:477
msgid "Mount points must begin with a leading /"
msgstr "Heiti tengipunkta verða að byrja á /."
-#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:265
+#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:478
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "There is already a partition with mount point %s\n"
msgstr "Það er þegar disksneið með tengipunktinn %s"
-#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:273
-#, c-format
-msgid "Circular mounts %s\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:285
+#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:482
#, c-format
msgid "You can't use a LVM Logical Volume for mount point %s"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:286
+#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:484
msgid "This directory should remain within the root filesystem"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:287
+#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:486
msgid "You need a true filesystem (ext2, reiserfs) for this mount point\n"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:369
+#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:488
+#, c-format
+msgid "You can't use an encrypted file system for mount point %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:546
+msgid "Not enough free space for auto-allocating"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:548
+msgid "Nothing to do"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:612
#, c-format
msgid "Error opening %s for writing: %s"
msgstr "Villa við að opna %s til skriftar: %s"
-#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:453
+#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:697
msgid ""
"An error has occurred - no valid devices were found on which to create new "
"filesystems. Please check your hardware for the cause of this problem"
@@ -1868,1423 +2317,1018 @@ msgstr ""
"Það kom upp villa. Engin tæki fundust sem unnt er að búa til ný skráakerfi "
"á. Vinsamlegast athugaðu vélbúnaðinn í leit að orsök vandamálsins."
-#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:467
+#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:720
msgid "You don't have any partitions!"
msgstr "Þú hefur ekki neinar disksneiðar"
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:9
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"Please choose your preferred language for installation and system usage."
-msgstr "Veldu tungumál til að nota við innsetningu og kerfisnotkun."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:12
-msgid ""
-"You need to accept the terms of the above license to continue installation.\n"
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:13
+msgid ""
+"GNU/Linux is a multiuser system, and this means that each user can have his\n"
+"own preferences, his own files and so on. You can read the ``User Guide''\n"
+"to learn more. But unlike \"root\", which is the administrator, the users\n"
+"you will add here will not be entitled to change anything except their own\n"
+"files and their own configuration. You will have to create at least one\n"
+"regular user for yourself. That account is where you should log in for\n"
+"routine use. Although it is very practical to log in as \"root\" everyday,\n"
+"it may also be very dangerous! The slightest mistake could mean that your\n"
+"system would not work any more. If you make a serious mistake as a regular\n"
+"user, you may only lose some information, but not the entire system.\n"
+"First, you have to enter your real name. This is not mandatory, of course\n"
+"as you can actually enter whatever you want. DrakX will then take the first\n"
+"word you have entered in the box and will bring it over to the \"User\n"
+"name\". This is the name this particular user will use to log onto the\n"
+"system. You can change it. You then have to enter a password here. A\n"
+"non-privileged (regular) user's password is not as crucial as \"root\"' one\n"
+"from a security point of view, but that is no reason to neglect it: after\n"
+"all, your files are at risk.\n"
+"If you click on \"Accept user\", you can then add as many as you want. Add\n"
+"a user for each one of your friends: your father or your sister, for\n"
+"example. When you finish adding all the users you want, select \"Done\".\n"
+"Clicking the \"Advanced\" button allows you to change the default \"shell\"\n"
+"for that user (bash by default)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:41
+msgid ""
+"Listed above are the existing Linux partitions detected on your hard drive.\n"
+"You can keep the choices made by the wizard, they are good for most common\n"
+"installations. If you make any changes, you must at least define a root\n"
+"partition (\"/\"). Do not choose too small a partition or you will not be\n"
+"able to install enough software. If you want to store your data on a\n"
+"separate partition, you will also need to create a partition for \"/home\"\n"
+"(only possible if you have more than one Linux partition available).\n"
+"Each partition is listed as follows: \"Name\", \"Capacity\".\n"
+"\"Name\" is structured: \"hard drive type\", \"hard drive number\",\n"
+"\"partition number\" (for example, \"hda1\").\n"
+"\"Hard drive type\" is \"hd\" if your hard drive is an IDE hard drive and\n"
+"\"sd\" if it is a SCSI hard drive.\n"
-"Please click on \"Accept\" if you agree with its terms.\n"
+"\"Hard drive number\" is always a letter after \"hd\" or \"sd\". For IDE\n"
+"hard drives:\n"
+" * \"a\" means \"master hard drive on the primary IDE controller\";\n"
+" * \"b\" means \"slave hard drive on the primary IDE controller\";\n"
+" * \"c\" means \"master hard drive on the secondary IDE controller\";\n"
-"Please click on \"Refuse\" if you disagree with its terms. Installation will "
-"end without modifying your current\n"
+" * \"d\" means \"slave hard drive on the secondary IDE controller\".\n"
+"With SCSI hard drives, an \"a\" means \"lowest SCSI ID\", a \"b\" means\n"
+"\"second lowest SCSI ID\", etc."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:22
-msgid "Choose the layout corresponding to your keyboard from the list above"
-msgstr "Veldu snið sem passar við lyklaborðið þitt frá listanum að ofan"
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:25
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:72
msgid ""
-"If you wish other languages (than the one you choose at\n"
-"beginning of installation) will be available after installation, please "
-"them in list above. If you want select all, you just need to select \"All\"."
+"The Mandrake Linux installation is spread out over several CD-ROMs. DrakX\n"
+"knows if a selected package is located on another CD-ROM and will eject the\n"
+"current CD and ask you to insert a different one as required."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:30
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:77
msgid ""
-"Please choose \"Install\" if there are no previous version of Linux-"
-"installed or if you wish to use several operating systems.\n"
+"It is now time to specify which programs you wish to install on your\n"
+"system. There are thousands of packages available for Mandrake Linux, and\n"
+"you are not supposed to know them all by heart.\n"
+"If you are performing a standard installation from a CD-ROM, you will first\n"
+"be asked to specify the CDs you currently have (in Expert mode only). Check\n"
+"the CD labels and highlight the boxes corresponding to the CDs you have\n"
+"available for installation. Click \"OK\" when you are ready to continue.\n"
-"Please choose \"Update\" if you wish to update an already installed version "
-"of Linux-Mandrake.\n"
+"Packages are sorted in groups corresponding to a particular use of your\n"
+"machine. The groups themselves are sorted into four sections:\n"
+" * \"Workstation\": if you plan to use your machine as a workstation, "
+"one or more of the corresponding groups;\n"
-"Depend of your knowledge in GNU/Linux, you can choose one of the following "
-"levels to install or update your\n"
-"Linux-Mandrake operating system:\n"
+" * \"Development\": if your machine is to be used for programming, choose\n"
+"the desired group(s);\n"
-"\t* Recommended: if you have never installed a GNU/Linux operating system "
-"choose this. Installation will be\n"
-"\t be very easy and you will be asked only on few questions.\n"
+" * \"Server\": if your machine is intended to be a server, you will be able\n"
+"to select which of the most common services you wish to install on your\n"
+" * \"Graphical Environment\": finally, this is where you will choose your\n"
+"preferred graphical environment. At least one must be selected if you want\n"
+"to have a graphical workstation!\n"
-"\t* Customized: if you are familiar enough with GNU/Linux, you may choose "
-"the primary usage (workstation, server,\n"
-"\t development) of your system. You will need to answer to more questions "
-"than in \"Recommended\" installation\n"
-"\t class, so you need to know how GNU/Linux works to choose this "
-"installation class.\n"
+"Moving the mouse cursor over a group name will display a short explanatory\n"
+"text about that group. If you deselect all groups when performing a regular\n"
+"installation (by opposition to an upgrade), a dialog will pop up proposing\n"
+"different options for a minimal installation:\n"
+" * \"With X\": install the fewer packages possible to have a working\n"
+"graphical desktop;\n"
-"\t* Expert: if you have a good knowledge in GNU/Linux, you can choose this "
-"installation class. As in \"Customized\"\n"
-"\t installation class, you will be able to choose the primary usage "
-"(workstation, server, development). Be very\n"
-"\t careful before choose this installation class. You will be able to "
-"perform a higly customized installation.\n"
-"\t Answer to some questions can be very difficult if you haven't a good "
-"knowledge in GNU/Linux. So, don't choose\n"
-"\t this installation class unless you know what you are doing."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:56
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
+" * \"With basic documentation\": installs the base system plus basic\n"
+"utilities and their documentation. This installation is suitable for\n"
+"setting up a server;\n"
-" - Customized: If you are familiar enough with GNU/Linux, you may then "
-" the primary usage for your machine. See below for details.\n"
+" * \"Truly minimal install\": will install the strict minimum necessary to\n"
+"get a working Linux system, in command line only. This installation is\n"
+"about 65Mb large.\n"
+"You can check the \"Individual package selection\" box, which is useful if\n"
+"you are familiar with the packages being offered or if you want to have\n"
+"total control over what will be installed.\n"
-" - Expert: This supposes that you are fluent with GNU/Linux and want to\n"
-" perform a highly customized installation. As for a \"Customized\"\n"
-" installation class, you will be able to select the usage for your "
+"If you started the installation in \"Upgrade\" mode, you can unselect all\n"
+"groups to avoid installing any new package. This is useful for repairing or\n"
+"updating an existing system."
msgstr ""
-" - Eftir óskum: Ef þú hefur þó nokkra reynslu meðiar with Linux, you will "
-"be able to \n"
-"select the usage for the installed system between normal, development or\n"
-"server. Choose \"Normal\" for a general purpose installation of your\n"
-"computer. You may choose \"Development\" if you will be using the computer\n"
-"primarily for software development, or choose \"Server\" if you wish to\n"
-"install a general purpose server (for mail, printing...).\n"
-" - Expert: If you are fluent with GNU/Linux and want to perform\n"
-"a highly customized installation, this Install Class is for you. You will\n"
-"be able to select the usage of your installed system as for \"Customized\".\n"
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:68
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:128
msgid ""
-"You must now define your machine usage. Choices are:\n"
-"\t* Workstation: this the ideal choice if you intend to use your machine "
-"primarily for everyday use, at office or\n"
-"\t at home.\n"
+"Finally, depending on whether or not you selected individual packages, you\n"
+"will be presented a tree containing all packages classified by groups and\n"
+"subgroups. While browsing the tree, you can select entire groups,\n"
+"subgroups, or individual packages.\n"
+"Whenever you select a package on the tree, a description appears on the\n"
+"right. When your selection is finished, click the \"Install\" button which\n"
+"will then launch the installation process. Depending on the speed of your\n"
+"hardware and the number of packages that need to be installed, it may take\n"
+"a while to complete the process. An estimate of the time it will take to\n"
+"install everything is displayed on the screen, to help you gauge if there\n"
+"is sufficient time to enjoy a cup of coffee.\n"
-"\t* Development: if you intend to use your machine primarily for software "
-"development, it is the good choice. You\n"
-"\t will then have a complete collection of software installed in order to "
-"compile, debug and format source code,\n"
-"\t or create software packages.\n"
+"!! If a server package has been selected, either intentionally or because\n"
+"it was part of a whole group, you will be asked to confirm that you really\n"
+"want those servers to be installed. Under Mandrake Linux, any installed\n"
+"servers are started by default at boot time. Even if they are safe and have\n"
+"no known issues at the time the distribution was shipped, it may happen\n"
+"that security holes are discovered after this version of Mandrake Linux was\n"
+"finalized. If you do not know what a particular service is supposed to do\n"
+"or why it is being installed, then click \"No\". Clicking \"Yes\" will\n"
+"install the listed services and they will be started automatically by\n"
+"default. !!\n"
+"The \"Automatic dependencies\" option simply disables the warning dialog\n"
+"which appears whenever the installer automatically selects a package. This\n"
+"occurs because it has determined that it needs to satisfy a dependency with\n"
+"another package in order to successfully complete the installation.\n"
-"\t* Server: if you intend to use this machine as a server, it is the good "
-"choice. Either a file server (NFS or\n"
-"\t SMB), a print server (Unix style or Microsoft Windows style), an "
-"authentication server (NIS), a database\n"
-"\t server and so on. As such, do not expect any gimmicks (KDE, GNOME, etc.) "
-"to be installed."
+"The tiny floppy disk icon at the bottom of the list allows to load the\n"
+"package list chosen during a previous installation. Clicking on this icon\n"
+"will ask you to insert a floppy disk previously created at the end of\n"
+"another installation. See the second tip of last step on how to create such\n"
+"a floppy."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:84
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:164
msgid ""
-"DrakX will attempt to look for PCI SCSI adapter(s). If DrakX\n"
-"finds an SCSI adapter and knows which driver to use, it will be "
+"You are now proposed to set up your Internet/network connection. If you\n"
+"wish to connect your computer to the Internet or to a local network, click\n"
+"\"OK\". The autodetection of network devices and modem will be launched. If\n"
+"this detection fails, uncheck the \"Use auto detection\" box next time. You\n"
+"may also choose not to configure the network, or do it later; in that case,\n"
+"simply click the \"Cancel\" button.\n"
+"Available connections are: traditional modem, ISDN modem, ADSL connection,\n"
+"cable modem, and finally a simple LAN connection (Ethernet).\n"
-"If you have no SCSI adapter, an ISA SCSI adapter or a PCI SCSI adapter that\n"
-"DrakX doesn't recognize, you will be asked if a SCSI adapter is present in "
-"system. If there is no adapter present, you can click on \"No\". If you "
-"click on\n"
-"\"Yes\", a list of drivers will be presented from which you can select your\n"
-"specific adapter.\n"
+"Here, we will not detail each configuration. Simply make sure that you have\n"
+"all the parameters from your Internet Service Provider or system\n"
-"If you have to manually specify your adapter, DrakX will ask if you want to\n"
-"specify options for it. You should allow DrakX to probe the hardware for "
-"options. This usually works well.\n"
+"You can consult the ``User Guide'' chapter about Internet connections for\n"
+"details about the configuration, or simply wait until your system is\n"
+"installed and use the program described there to configure your connection.\n"
-"If not, you will need to provide options to the driver. Please review the "
-"Guide (chapter 3, section \"Collective informations on your hardware) for "
-"on retrieving this information from hardware documentation, from the\n"
-"manufacturer's Web site (if you have Internet access) or from Microsoft "
-"(if you have it on your system)."
+"If you wish to configure the network later after installation, or if you\n"
+"are finished configuring your network connection, click \"Cancel\"."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:108
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:186
msgid ""
-"At this point, you need to choose where to install your\n"
-"Linux-Mandrake operating system on your hard drive. If it is empty or if an\n"
-"existing operating system uses all the space available on it, you need to\n"
-"partition it. Basically, partitioning a hard drive consists of logically\n"
-"dividing it to create space to install your new Linux-Mandrake system.\n"
-"Because the effects of the partitioning process are usually irreversible,\n"
-"partitioning can be intimidating and stressful if you are an inexperienced "
-"This wizard simplifies this process. Before beginning, please consult the "
-"and take your time.\n"
-"You need at least two partitions. One is for the operating system itself and "
-"other is for the virtual memory (also called Swap).\n"
-"If partitions have been already defined (from a previous installation or "
-"another partitioning tool), you just need choose those to use to install "
-"Linux system.\n"
-"If partitions haven't been already defined, you need to create them. \n"
-"To do that, use the wizard available above. Depending of your hard drive\n"
-"configuration, several solutions can be available:\n"
-"\t* Use existing partition: the wizard has detected one or more existing "
-"Linux partitions on your hard drive. If\n"
-"\t you want to keep them, choose this option. \n"
+"You may now choose which services you wish to start at boot time.\n"
+"Here are presented all the services available with the current\n"
+"installation. Review them carefully and uncheck those which are not always\n"
+"needed at boot time.\n"
-"\t* Erase entire disk: if you want delete all data and all partitions "
-"present on your hard drive and replace them by\n"
-"\t your new Linux-Mandrake system, you can choose this option. Be careful "
-"with this solution, you will not be\n"
-"\t able to revert your choice after confirmation.\n"
+"You can get a short explanatory text about a service by selecting a\n"
+"specific service. However, if you are not sure whether a service is useful\n"
+"or not, it is safer to leave the default behavior.\n"
-"\t* Use the free space on the Windows partition: if Microsoft Windows is "
-"installed on your hard drive and takes\n"
-"\t all space available on it, you have to create free space for Linux data. "
-"To do that you can delete your\n"
-"\t Microsoft Windows partition and data (see \"Erase entire disk\" or "
-"\"Expert mode\" solutions) or resize your\n"
-"\t Microsoft Windows partition. Resizing can be performed without loss of "
-"any data. This solution is\n"
-"\t recommended if you want use both Linux-Mandrake and Microsoft Windows on "
-"same computer.\n"
-"\t Before choosing this solution, please understand that the size of your "
-"\t Windows partition will be smaller than at present time. It means that "
-"you will have less free space under\n"
-"\t Microsoft Windows to store your data or install new software.\n"
-"\t* Expert mode: if you want to partition manually your hard drive, you can "
-"choose this option. Be careful before\n"
-"\t choosing this solution. It is powerful but it is very dangerous. You can "
-"lose all your data very easily. So,\n"
-"\t don't choose this solution unless you know what you are doing."
+"!! At this stage, be very careful if you intend to use your machine as a\n"
+"server: you will probably not want to start any services which you do not\n"
+"need. Please remember that several services can be dangerous if they are\n"
+"enabled on a server. In general, select only the services you really need.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:160
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:203
msgid ""
-"At this point, you need to choose what\n"
-"partition(s) to use to install your new Linux-Mandrake system. If "
-"have been already defined (from a previous installation of GNU/Linux or "
-"another partitioning tool), you can use existing partitions. In other "
-"hard drive partitions must be defined.\n"
-"To create partitions, you must first select a hard drive. You can select "
-"disk for partitioning by clicking on \"hda\" for the first IDE drive, \"hdb"
-"\" for\n"
-"the second or \"sda\" for the first SCSI drive and so on.\n"
-"To partition the selected hard drive, you can use these options:\n"
-" * Clear all: this option deletes all partitions available on the selected "
-"hard drive.\n"
-" * Auto allocate: this option allows you to automatically create Ext2 and "
-"swap partitions in free space of your\n"
-" hard drive.\n"
-" * Rescue partition table: if your partition table is damaged, you can try "
-"to recover it using this option. Please\n"
-" be careful and remember that it can fail.\n"
-" * Undo: you can use this option to cancel your changes.\n"
+"GNU/Linux manages time in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) and translates it in\n"
+"local time according to the time zone you selected. It is however possible\n"
+"to deactivate this by deselecting \"Hardware clock set to GMT\" so that the\n"
+"hardware clock is the same as the system clock. This is useful when the\n"
+"machine is hosting another operating system like Windows.\n"
-" * Reload: you can use this option if you wish to undo all changes and "
-"load your initial partitions table\n"
-" * Wizard: If you wish to use a wizard to partition your hard drive, you "
-"can use this option. It is recommended if\n"
-" you do not have a good knowledge in partitioning.\n"
-" * Restore from floppy: if you have saved your partition table on a floppy "
-"during a previous installation, you can\n"
-" recover it using this option.\n"
-" * Save on floppy: if you wish to save your partition table on a floppy to "
-"be able to recover it, you can use this\n"
-" option. It is strongly recommended to use this option\n"
-" * Done: when you have finished partitioning your hard drive, use this "
-"option to save your changes.\n"
-"For information, you can reach any option using the keyboard: navigate "
-"trough the partitions using Tab and Up/Down arrows.\n"
-"When a partition is selected, you can use:\n"
-" * Ctrl-c to create a new partition (when a empty partition is "
-" * Ctrl-d to delete a partition\n"
-" * Ctrl-m to set the mount point\n"
-" \n"
-" \n"
-"If you are installing on a PPC Machine, you will want to create a small HFS "
-"'bootstrap' partition of at least 1MB for use\n"
-"by the yaboot bootloader. If you opt to make the partition a bit larger, say "
-"50MB, you may find it a useful place to store \n"
-"a spare kernel and ramdisk image for emergency boot situations."
+"The \"Automatic time synchronization\" option will automatically regulate\n"
+"the clock by connecting to a remote time server on the Internet. In the\n"
+"list that is presented, choose a server located near you. Of course you\n"
+"must have a working Internet connection for this feature to work. It will\n"
+"actually install on your machine a time server which can be optionally used\n"
+"by other machines on your local network."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:224
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:217
msgid ""
-"Above are listed the existing Linux partitions detected on\n"
-"your hard drive. You can keep choices make by the wizard, they are good for "
-"common usage. If you change these choices, you must at least define a root\n"
-"partition (\"/\"). Don't choose a too little partition or you will not be "
-"to install enough software. If you want store your data on a separate "
-"you need also to choose a \"/home\" (only possible if you have more than "
-"Linux partition available).\n"
+"X (for X Window System) is the heart of the GNU/Linux graphical interface\n"
+"on which all the graphical environments (KDE, GNOME, AfterStep,\n"
+"WindowMaker, etc.) bundled with Mandrake Linux rely. In this section, DrakX\n"
+"will try to configure X automatically.\n"
-"For information, each partition is listed as follows: \"Name\", \"Capacity"
+"It is extremely rare for it to fail, unless the hardware is very old (or\n"
+"very new). If it succeeds, it will start X automatically with the best\n"
+"resolution possible, depending on the size of the monitor. A window will\n"
+"then appear and ask you if you can see it.\n"
+"If you are doing an \"Expert\" installation, you will enter the X\n"
+"configuration wizard. See the corresponding section of the manual for more\n"
+"information about this wizard.\n"
-"\"Name\" is coded as follow: \"hard drive type\", \"hard drive number\",\n"
-"\"partition number\" (for example, \"hda1\").\n"
-"\"Hard drive type\" is \"hd\" if your hard drive is an IDE hard drive and "
-"if it is an SCSI hard drive.\n"
-"\"Hard drive number\" is always a letter after \"hd\" or \"sd\". With IDE "
-"hard drives:\n"
-" * \"a\" means \"master hard drive on the primary IDE controller\",\n"
-" * \"b\" means \"slave hard drive on the primary IDE controller\",\n"
-" * \"c\" means \"master hard drive on the secondary IDE controller\",\n"
-" * \"d\" means \"slave hard drive on the secondary IDE controller\".\n"
+"If you can see the message during the test, and answer \"Yes\", then DrakX\n"
+"will proceed to the next step. If you cannot see the message, it simply\n"
+"means that the configuration was wrong and the test will automatically end\n"
+"after 10 seconds, restoring the screen."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:237
+msgid ""
+"The first time you try the X configuration, you may not be very satisfied\n"
+"with its display (screen is too small, shifted left or right...). Hence,\n"
+"even if X starts up correctly, DrakX then asks you if the configuration\n"
+"suits you. It will also propose to change it by displaying a list of valid\n"
+"modes it could find, asking you to select one.\n"
-"With SCSI hard drives, a \"a\" means \"primary hard drive\", a \"b\" means "
-"\"secondary hard drive\", etc..."
+"As a last resort, if you still cannot get X to work, choose \"Change\n"
+"graphics card\", select \"Unlisted card\", and when prompted on which\n"
+"server, choose \"FBDev\". This is a failsafe option which works with any\n"
+"modern graphics card. Then choose \"Test again\" to be sure."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:258
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:249
msgid ""
-"Choose the hard drive you want to erase to install your\n"
-"new Linux-Mandrake partition. Be careful, all data present on it will be "
-"and will not be recoverable."
+"Finally, you will be asked whether you want to see the graphical interface\n"
+"at boot. Note this question will be asked even if you chose not to test the\n"
+"configuration. Obviously, you want to answer \"No\" if your machine is to\n"
+"act as a server, or if you were not successful in getting the display\n"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:263
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:256
msgid ""
-"Click on \"OK\" if you want to delete all data and\n"
-"partitions present on this hard drive. Be careful, after clicking on \"OK\", "
-"will not be able to recover any data and partitions present on this hard "
-"including any Windows data.\n"
+"The Mandrake LinuxCD-ROM has a built-in rescue mode. You can access it by\n"
+"booting from the CD-ROM, press the >>F1<< key at boot and type >>rescue<<\n"
+"at the prompt. But in case your computer cannot boot from the CD-ROM, you\n"
+"should come back to this step for help in at least two situations:\n"
+" * when installing the bootloader, DrakX will rewrite the boot sector (MBR)\n"
+"of your main disk (unless you are using another boot manager), to allow you\n"
+"to start up with either Windows or GNU/Linux (assuming you have Windows in\n"
+"your system). If you need to reinstall Windows, the Microsoft install\n"
+"process will rewrite the boot sector, and then you will not be able to\n"
+"start GNU/Linux!\n"
-"Click on \"Cancel\" to cancel this operation without losing any data and\n"
-"partitions present on this hard drive."
+" * if a problem arises and you cannot start up GNU/Linux from the hard "
+"this floppy disk will be the only means of starting up GNU/Linux. It\n"
+"contains a fair number of system tools for restoring a system, which has\n"
+"crashed due to a power failure, an unfortunate typing error, a typo in a\n"
+"password, or any other reason.\n"
+"When you click on this step, you will be asked to enter a disk inside the\n"
+"drive. The floppy disk you will insert must be empty or contain data which\n"
+"you do not need. You will not have to format it since DrakX will rewrite\n"
+"the whole disk."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:273
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:280
msgid ""
-"More than one Microsoft Windows partition have been\n"
-"detected on your hard drive. Please choose the one you want resize to "
-"your new Linux-Mandrake operating system.\n"
+"At this point, you need to choose where you want to install the Mandrake\n"
+"Linux operating system on your hard drive. If your hard drive is empty or\n"
+"if an existing operating system is using all the available space, you will\n"
+"need to partition it. Basically, partitioning a hard drive consists of\n"
+"logically dividing it to create space to install your new Mandrake Linux\n"
+"Because the partitioning process' effects are usually irreversible,\n"
+"partitioning can be intimidating and stressful if you are an inexperienced\n"
+"user. Fortunately, there is a wizard which simplifies this process. Before\n"
+"beginning, please consult the manual and take your time.\n"
-"For information, each partition is listed as follow; \"Linux name\", "
-"name\" \"Capacity\".\n"
+"If you are running the installation in Expert mode, you will enter\n"
+"DiskDrake, the Mandrake Linux partitioning tool, which allows you to\n"
+"fine-tune your partitions. See the DiskDrake section in the ``User Guide''.\n"
+"From the installation interface, you can use the wizards as described here\n"
+"by clicking the dialog's \"Wizard\" button.\n"
-"\"Linux name\" is coded as follow: \"hard drive type\", \"hard drive number"
-"\"partition number\" (for example, \"hda1\").\n"
+"If partitions have already been defined, either from a previous\n"
+"installation or from another partitioning tool, simply select those to\n"
+"install your Linux system.\n"
+"If partitions are not defined, you will need to create them using the\n"
+"wizard. Depending on your hard drive configuration, several options are\n"
-"\"Hard drive type\" is \"hd\" if your hard dive is an IDE hard drive and \"sd"
-"if it is an SCSI hard drive.\n"
+" * \"Use free space\": this option will simply lead to an automatic\n"
+"partitioning of your blank drive(s). You will not be prompted further;\n"
+" * \"Use existing partition\": the wizard has detected one or more existing\n"
+"Linux partitions on your hard drive. If you want to use them, choose this\n"
-"\"Hard drive number\" is always a letter putted after \"hd\" or \"sd\". With "
-"IDE hard drives:\n"
+" * \"Use the free space on the Windows; partition\": if MicrosoftWindows is\n"
+"installed on your hard drive and takes all the space available on it, you\n"
+"have to create free space for Linux data. To do so, you can delete your\n"
+"MicrosoftWindows partition and data (see ``Erase entire disk'' or ``Expert\n"
+"mode'' solutions) or resize your MicrosoftWindows partition. Resizing can\n"
+"be performed without the loss of any data, provided you previously\n"
+"defragment the Windows partition. Backing up your data won't hurt either..\n"
+"This solution is recommended if you want to use both Mandrake Linux and\n"
+"MicrosoftWindows on the same computer.\n"
-" * \"a\" means \"master hard drive on the primary IDE controller\",\n"
+" Before choosing this option, please understand that after this "
+"the size of your MicrosoftWindows partition will be smaller than at the\n"
+"present time. You will have less free space under MicrosoftWindows to store\n"
+"your data or to install new software;\n"
-" * \"b\" means \"slave hard drive on the primary IDE controller\",\n"
+" * \"Erase entire disk\": if you want to delete all data and all partitions\n"
+"present on your hard drive and replace them with your new Mandrake Linux\n"
+"system, choose this option. Be careful with this solution because you will\n"
+"not be able to revert your choice after you confirm;\n"
-" * \"c\" means \"master hard drive on the secondary IDE controller\",\n"
+" !! If you choose this option, all data on your disk will be lost. !!\n"
-" * \"d\" means \"slave hard drive on the secondary IDE controller\".\n"
+" * \"Remove Windows\": this will simply erase everything on the drive and\n"
+"begin fresh, partitioning everything from scratch. All data on your disk\n"
+"will be lost;\n"
-"With SCSI hard drives, a \"a\" means \"primary hard drive\", a \"b\" means "
-"\"secondary hard drive\", etc.\n"
+" !! If you choose this option, all data on your disk will be lost. !!\n"
-"\"Windows name\" is the letter of your hard drive under Windows (the first "
-"or partition is called \"C:\")."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:306
-msgid "Please be patient. This operation can take several minutes."
+" * \"Expert mode\": choose this option if you want to manually partition\n"
+"your hard drive. Be careful it is a powerful but dangerous choice. You can\n"
+"very easily lose all your data. Hence, do not choose this unless you know\n"
+"what you are doing."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:309
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:347
msgid ""
-"Any partitions that have been newly defined must be\n"
-"formatted for use (formatting meaning creating a filesystem).\n"
+"There you are. Installation is now complete and your GNU/Linux system is\n"
+"ready to use. Just click \"OK\" to reboot the system. You can start\n"
+"GNU/Linux or Windows, whichever you prefer (if you are dual-booting), as\n"
+"soon as the computer has booted up again.\n"
+"The \"Advanced\" button (in Expert mode only) shows two more buttons to:\n"
-"At this time, you may wish to reformat some already existing partitions to "
-"the data they contain. If you wish do that, please also select the "
-"you want to format.\n"
+" * \"generate auto-install floppy\": to create an installation floppy disk\n"
+"which will automatically perform a whole installation without the help of\n"
+"an operator, similar to the installation you just configured.\n"
+" Note that two different options are available after clicking the button:\n"
-"Please note that it is not necessary to reformat all pre-existing "
-"You must reformat the partitions containing the operating system (such as \"/"
-"\"/usr\" or \"/var\") but do you no have to reformat partitions containing "
-"that you wish to keep (typically /home).\n"
+" * \"Replay\". This is a partially automated installation as the\n"
+"partitioning step (and only this one) remains interactive;\n"
+" * \"Automated\". Fully automated installation: the hard disk is "
+"rewritten, all data is lost.\n"
-"Please be careful selecting partitions, after formatting, all data will be\n"
-"deleted and you will not be able to recover any of them.\n"
+" This feature is very handy when installing a great number of similar\n"
+"machines. See the Auto install section on our web site;\n"
+" * \"Save packages selection\"(*): saves the package selection as done\n"
+"previously. Then, when doing another installation, insert the floppy inside\n"
+"the drive and run the installation going to the help screen by pressing on\n"
+"the [F1] key, and by issuing >>linux defcfg=\"floppy\"<<.\n"
-"Click on \"OK\" when you are ready to format partitions.\n"
-"Click on \"Cancel\" if you want to choose other partitions to install your "
-"Linux-Mandrake operating system."
+"(*) You need a FAT-formatted floppy (to create one under GNU/Linux, type\n"
+"\"mformat a:\")"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:335
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:378
msgid ""
-"You may now select the group of packages you wish to\n"
-"install or upgrade.\n"
+"Any partitions that have been newly defined must be formatted for use\n"
+"(formatting means creating a filesystem).\n"
+"At this time, you may wish to reformat some already existing partitions to\n"
+"erase any data they contain. If you wish to do that, please select those\n"
+"partitions as well.\n"
-"DrakX will then check whether you have enough room to install them all. If "
-"it will warn you about it. If you want to go on anyway, it will proceed onto "
-"installation of all selected groups but will drop some packages of lesser\n"
-"interest. At the bottom of the list you can select the option \n"
-"\"Individual package selection\"; in this case you will have to browse "
-"more than 1000 packages..."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:347
-msgid ""
-"You can now choose individually all the packages you\n"
-"wish to install.\n"
+"Please note that it is not necessary to reformat all pre-existing\n"
+"partitions. You must reformat the partitions containing the operating\n"
+"system (such as \"/\", \"/usr\" or \"/var\") but you do not have to\n"
+"reformat partitions containing data that you wish to keep (typically\n"
-"You can expand or collapse the tree by clicking on options in the left "
-"corner of\n"
-"the packages window.\n"
+"Please be careful when selecting partitions. After formatting, all data on\n"
+"the selected partitions will be deleted and you will not be able to recover\n"
+"any of it.\n"
+"Click on \"OK\" when you are ready to format partitions.\n"
-"If you prefer to see packages sorted in alphabetic order, click on the icon\n"
-"\"Toggle flat and group sorted\".\n"
+"Click on \"Cancel\" if you want to choose another partition for your new\n"
+"Mandrake Linux operating system installation.\n"
-"If you want not to be warned on dependencies, click on \"Automatic\n"
-"dependencies\". If you do this, note that unselecting one package may "
-"unselect several other packages which depend on it."
+"Click on \"Advanced\" if you wish to select partitions that will be checked\n"
+"for bad blocks on the disk."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:364
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:404
msgid ""
-"If you have all the CDs in the list above, click Ok. If you have\n"
-"none of those CDs, click Cancel. If only some CDs are missing, unselect "
-"then click Ok."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:369
-msgid ""
-"Your new Linux-Mandrake operating system is currently being\n"
-"installed. This operation should take a few minutes (it depends on size you\n"
-"choose to install and the speed of your computer).\n"
+"Your new Mandrake Linux operating system is currently being installed.\n"
+"Depending on the number of packages you will be installing and the speed of\n"
+"your computer, this operation could take from a few minutes to a\n"
+"significant amount of time.\n"
"Please be patient."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:377
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:412
msgid ""
-"You can now test your mouse. Use buttons and wheel to verify\n"
-"if settings are good. If not, you can click on \"Cancel\" to choose another\n"
+"At the time you are installing Mandrake Linux, it is likely that some\n"
+"packages have been updated since the initial release. Some bugs may have\n"
+"been fixed, and security issues solved. To allow you to benefit from these\n"
+"updates, you are now proposed to download them from the Internet. Choose\n"
+"\"Yes\" if you have a working Internet connection, or \"No\" if you prefer\n"
+"to install updated packages later.\n"
+"Choosing \"Yes\" displays a list of places from which updates can be\n"
+"retrieved. Choose the one nearest you. Then a package-selection tree\n"
+"appears: review the selection, and press \"Install\" to retrieve and\n"
+"install the selected package(s), or \"Cancel\" to abort."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:382
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:425
msgid ""
-"Please select the correct port. For example, the COM1\n"
-"port under MS Windows is named ttyS0 under GNU/Linux."
+"Before continuing, you should read carefully the terms of the license. It\n"
+"covers the whole Mandrake Linux distribution, and if you do not agree with\n"
+"all the terms in it, click on the \"Refuse\" button which will immediately\n"
+"terminate the installation. To continue with the installation, click on the\n"
+"\"Accept\" button."
msgstr ""
-"Veldu tengið sem þú vilt nota. Tengið COM1 í MS Windows er kallað\n"
-"ttyS0 í Linux, COM2 er ttyS1, o.s.frv."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:386
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:432
msgid ""
-"If you wish to connect your computer to the Internet or\n"
-"to a local network please choose the correct option. Please turn on your "
-"before choosing the correct option to let DrakX detect it automatically.\n"
+"At this point, it is time to choose the security level desired for the\n"
+"machine. As a rule of thumb, the more exposed the machine is, and the more\n"
+"the data stored in it is crucial, the higher the security level should be.\n"
+"However, a higher security level is generally obtained at the expense of\n"
+"easiness of use. Refer to the \"msec\" chapter of the ``Reference Manual''\n"
+"to get more information about the meaning of these levels.\n"
-"If you do not have any connection to the Internet or a local network, "
-"\"Disable networking\".\n"
-"If you wish to configure the network later after installation or if you "
-"finished to configure your network connection, choose \"Done\"."
+"If you do not know what to choose, keep the default option."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:399
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:442
msgid ""
-"No modem has been detected. Please select the serial port on which it is "
+"At this point, you need to choose which partition(s) will be used for the\n"
+"installation of your Mandrake Linux system. If partitions have already been\n"
+"defined, either from a previous installation of GNU/Linux or from another\n"
+"partitioning tool, you can use existing partitions. Otherwise, hard drive\n"
+"partitions must be defined.\n"
+"To create partitions, you must first select a hard drive. You can select\n"
+"the disk for partitioning by clicking on ``hda'' for the first IDE drive,\n"
+"``hdb'' for the second, ``sda'' for the first SCSI drive and so on.\n"
-"For information, the first serial port (called \"COM1\" under Microsoft\n"
-"Windows) is called \"ttyS0\" under Linux."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:406
-msgid ""
-"You may now enter dialup options. If you don't know\n"
-"or are not sure what to enter, the correct informations can be obtained "
-"your Internet Service Provider. If you do not enter the DNS (name server)\n"
-"information here, this information will be obtained from your Internet "
-"Provider at connection time."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:413
-msgid ""
-"If your modem is an external modem, please turn on it now to let DrakX "
-"detect it automatically."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:416
-msgid "Please turn on your modem and choose the correct one."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:419
-msgid ""
-"If you are not sure if informations above are\n"
-"correct or if you don't know or are not sure what to enter, the correct\n"
-"informations can be obtained from your Internet Service Provider. If you do "
-"enter the DNS (name server) information here, this information will be "
-"from your Internet Service Provider at connection time."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:426
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"You may now enter your host name if needed. If you\n"
-"don't know or are not sure what to enter, the correct informations can be\n"
-"obtained from your Internet Service Provider."
-msgstr ""
-"Hérna geturðu stillt innhringitengingu. Ef þú ert ekki viss um hvað þú "
-"hafðu þá samband við þjónustuveituna til að fá þær upplýsingar."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:431
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"You may now configure your network device.\n"
+"To partition the selected hard drive, you can use these options:\n"
-" * IP address: if you don't know or are not sure what to enter, ask your "
-"network administrator.\n"
-" You should not enter an IP address if you select the option \"Automatic "
-"IP\" below.\n"
+" * \"Clear all\": this option deletes all partitions on the selected hard\n"
-" * Netmask: \"\" is generally a good choice. If you don't "
-"know or are not sure what to enter,\n"
-" ask your network administrator.\n"
+" * \"Auto allocate\": this option enables to automatically create \"Ext2\"\n"
+"and swap partitions in free space of your hard drive;\n"
-" * Automatic IP: if your network uses BOOTP or DHCP protocol, select this "
-"option. If selected, no value is needed in\n"
-" \"IP address\". If you don't know or are not sure if you need to select "
-"this option, ask your network administrator."
-msgstr ""
-"Sláðu inn:\n"
+" * \"More\": gives access to additional features:\n"
-" - IP vistfang: Ef þú veist ekki hvað það er, spurðu þá kerfisstjóra eða "
-"fulltrúa hjá þjónustuveitu.\n"
+" * \"Save partition table\": saves the partition table to a floppy. "
+"for later partition-table recovery if necessary. It is strongly recommended\n"
+"to perform this step;\n"
+" * \"Restore partition table\": allows to restore a previously saved\n"
+"partition table from floppy disk;\n"
-" - Netsía: \"\" er mjög algeng sía. Ef þú ert ekki viss hvaða\n"
-"síu skal nota, spurðu þá kerfisstjóra eða fulltrúa þjónustuveitu.\n"
+" * \"Rescue partition table\": if your partition table is damaged, you "
+"try to recover it using this option. Please be careful and remember that it\n"
+"can fail;\n"
+" * \"Reload partition table\": discards all changes and loads your "
+"partition table;\n"
-" - Sjálfvirkt vistfang: Ef þú ert á neti sem notar bootp eða dhcp "
-"reglurnar, veldu \n"
-"þá þennan kost. Í slíkum tilfellum þarf ekki að gefa upp neitt \"IP vistfang"
-"\". Eins \n"
-"og með aðrar stillingar, þá væri ekki slæm hugmynd að hafa samband við "
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:443
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"You may now enter your host name if needed. If you\n"
-"don't know or are not sure what to enter, ask your network administrator."
-msgstr ""
-"Ef NIS er notað á netinu sem þú ert á, veldu þá \"Nota NIS\". Ef þú ert "
-"viss hvort það sé notað, spurðu þá kerfisstjóra netsins."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:447
-msgid ""
-"You may now enter your host name if needed. If you\n"
-"don't know or are not sure what to enter, leave blank."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:451
-msgid ""
-"You may now enter dialup options. If you're not sure what to enter, the\n"
-"correct information can be obtained from your ISP."
-msgstr ""
-"Hérna geturðu stillt innhringitengingu. Ef þú ert ekki viss um hvað þú "
-"hafðu þá samband við þjónustuveituna til að fá þær upplýsingar."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:455
-msgid ""
-"If you will use proxies, please configure them now. If you don't know if\n"
-"you should use proxies, ask your network administrator or your ISP."
-msgstr ""
-"Ef þú notar einhverskonar sel (e. proxy), stilltu þau þá núna. Ef þú veist "
-"hvort þú þarft að still þau, hafðu þá samband við kerfisstjóra eða "
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:459
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"You can install cryptographic package if your internet connection has been\n"
-"set up correctly. First choose a mirror where you wish to download packages "
-"after that select the packages to install.\n"
+" * \"Removable media automounting\": unchecking this option will force "
+"to manually mount and unmount removable medias such as floppies and\n"
+" * \"Wizard\": use this option if you wish to use a wizard to partition "
+"hard drive. This is recommended if you do not have a good knowledge of\n"
-"Note you have to select mirror and cryptographic packages according\n"
-"to your legislation."
-msgstr ""
-"Þú getur núna náð í dulritunarhugbúnað ef Internet tengingin þín er rétt\n"
-"upp sett. Fyrst velur þú þá spegilvél þaðan sem þú vilt sækja hugbúnaðinn\n"
-"og síðan velur þú þá pakka sem þú vilt sækja og setja inn.\n"
+" * \"Undo\": use this option to cancel your changes;\n"
-"Athugaðu að velja spegilvél og dulritunarhugbúnað samkvæmt því sem lög "
-"á Íslandi eða hvar sem þú ert núna að nota tölvuna."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:468
-msgid "You can now select your timezone according to where you live."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:471
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"GNU/Linux manages time in GMT (Greenwich Manage\n"
-"Time) and translates it in local time according to the time zone you have\n"
+" * \"Toggle to normal/expert mode\": allows additional actions on "
+"(type, options, format) and gives more information;\n"
+" * \"Done\": when you are finished partitioning your hard drive, this will\n"
+"save your changes back to disk.\n"
-"If you use Microsoft Windows on this computer, choose \"No\"."
-msgstr ""
-"Hérna velur þú tímasvæðið sem gildir þar sem þú býrð.\n"
+"Note: you can reach any option using the keyboard. Navigate through the\n"
+"partitions using [Tab] and [Up/Down] arrows.\n"
+"When a partition is selected, you can use:\n"
-"Linux notar GMT eða \"Greenwich Mean Time\" og breytir þeim tíma\n"
-"síðan í staðartíma samkvæmt því tímasvæði sem þú velur."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:479
-msgid ""
-"You may now choose which services you want to start at boot time.\n"
+" * Ctrl-c to create a new partition (when an empty partition is selected);\n"
+" * Ctrl-d to delete a partition;\n"
-"When your mouse comes over an item, a small balloon help will popup which\n"
-"describes the role of the service.\n"
+" * Ctrl-m to set the mount point.\n"
+"To get information about the different filesystem types available, please\n"
+"read the ext2fs chapter from the ``Reference Manual''.\n"
-"Be very careful in this step if you intend to use your machine as a server: "
-"will probably want not to start any services that you don't need. Please\n"
-"remember that several services can be dangerous if they are enable on a "
-"In general, select only the services that you really need."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:492
-msgid ""
-"You can configure a local printer (connected to your computer) or remote\n"
-"printer (accessible via a Unix, Netware or Microsoft Windows network)."
+"If you are installing on a PPC machine, you will want to create a small HFS\n"
+"``bootstrap'' partition of at least 1MB, which will be used by the yaboot\n"
+"bootloader. If you opt to make the partition a bit larger, say 50MB, you\n"
+"may find it a useful place to store a spare kernel and ramdisk images for\n"
+"emergency boot situations."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:496
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:513
msgid ""
-"If you wish to be able to print, please choose one printing system between\n"
-"CUPS and LPR.\n"
+"More than one Microsoft partition has been detected on your hard drive.\n"
+"Please choose the one you want to resize in order to install your new\n"
+"Mandrake Linux operating system.\n"
-"CUPS is a new, powerful and flexible printing system for Unix systems (CUPS\n"
-"means \"Common Unix Printing System\"). It is the default printing system "
+"Each partition is listed as follows: \"Linux name\", \"Windows name\"\n"
+"\"Linux name\" is structured: \"hard drive type\", \"hard drive number\",\n"
+"\"partition number\" (for example, \"hda1\").\n"
-"LPR is the old printing system used in previous Linux-Mandrake "
+"\"Hard drive type\" is \"hd\" if your hard dive is an IDE hard drive and\n"
+"\"sd\" if it is a SCSI hard drive.\n"
-"If you don't have printer, click on \"None\"."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:511
-msgid ""
-"GNU/Linux can deal with many types of printer. Each of these types requires\n"
-"a different setup.\n"
+"\"Hard drive number\" is always a letter after \"hd\" or \"sd\". With IDE\n"
+"hard drives:\n"
+" * \"a\" means \"master hard drive on the primary IDE controller\";\n"
-"If your printer is physically connected to your computer, select \"Local\n"
+" * \"b\" means \"slave hard drive on the primary IDE controller\";\n"
+" * \"c\" means \"master hard drive on the secondary IDE controller\";\n"
-"If you want to access a printer located on a remote Unix machine, select\n"
-"\"Remote printer\".\n"
+" * \"d\" means \"slave hard drive on the secondary IDE controller\".\n"
+"With SCSI hard drives, an \"a\" means \"lowest SCSI ID\", a \"b\" means\n"
+"\"second lowest SCSI ID\", etc.\n"
-"If you want to access a printer located on a remote Microsoft Windows "
-"(or on Unix machine using SMB protocol), select \"SMB/Windows 95/98/NT\"."
+"\"Windows name\" is the letter of your hard drive under Windows (the first\n"
+"disk or partition is called \"C:\")."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:527
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:544
+msgid "Please be patient. This operation can take several minutes."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:547
msgid ""
-"Please turn on your printer before continuing to let DrakX detect it.\n"
+"DrakX now needs to know if you want to perform a default (\"Recommended\")\n"
+"installation or if you want to have greater control (\"Expert\"). You can\n"
+"also choose to do a new install or an upgrade of an existing Mandrake Linux\n"
-"You have to enter some informations here.\n"
+" * \"Install\": completely wipes out the old system. In fact, depending on\n"
+"what currently holds your machine, you will be able to keep some old (Linux\n"
+"or other) partitions unchanged;\n"
+" * \"Upgrade\": this installation class allows to simply update the "
+"currently installed on your Mandrake Linux system. It keeps the current\n"
+"partitions of your hard drives as well as user configurations. All other\n"
+"configuration steps remain available with respect to plain installation;\n"
-" * Name of printer: the print spooler uses \"lp\" as default printer name. "
-"So, you must have a printer named \"lp\".\n"
-" If you have only one printer, you can use several names for it. You "
-"just need to separate them by a pipe\n"
-" character (a \"|\"). So, if you prefer a more meaningful name, you have "
-"to put it first, eg: \"My printer|lp\".\n"
-" The printer having \"lp\" in its name(s) will be the default printer.\n"
+" * \"Upgrade Packages Only\": this brand new class allows to upgrade an\n"
+"existing Mandrake Linux system while keeping all system configurations\n"
+"unchanged. Adding new packages to the current installation is also\n"
+"Upgrades should work fine for Mandrake Linux systems starting from \"8.1\"\n"
-" * Description: this is optional but can be useful if several printers are "
-"connected to your computer or if you allow\n"
-" other computers to access to this printer.\n"
+"Depending on your knowledge of GNU/Linux, select one of the following\n"
+" * Recommended: choose this if you have never installed a GNU/Linux\n"
+"operating system. The installation will be very easy and you will only be\n"
+"asked a few questions;\n"
-" * Location: if you want to put some information on your\n"
-" printer location, put it here (you are free to write what\n"
-" you want, for example \"2nd floor\").\n"
+" * Expert: if you have a good knowledge of GNU/Linux, you can choose this\n"
+"installation class. The expert installation will allow you to perform a\n"
+"highly-customized installation. Answering some of the questions can be\n"
+"difficult if you do not have a good knowledge of GNU/Linux, so do not\n"
+"choose this unless you know what you are doing."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:548
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:583
msgid ""
-"You need to enter some informations here.\n"
-" * Name of queue: the print spooler uses \"lp\" as default printer name. "
-"So, you need have a printer named \"lp\".\n"
-" If you have only one printer, you can use several names for it. You just "
-"need to separate them by a pipe\n"
-" character (a \"|\"). So, if you prefer to have a more meaningful name, "
-"you have to put it first, eg: \"My printer|lp\".\n"
-" The printer having \"lp\" in its name(s) will be the default printer.\n"
-" \n"
-" * Spool directory: it is in this directory that printing jobs are stored. "
-"Keep the default choice\n"
-" if you don't know what to use\n"
+"Normally, DrakX selects the right keyboard for you (depending on the\n"
+"language you have chosen) and you won't even see this step. However, you\n"
+"might not have a keyboard that corresponds exactly to your language: for\n"
+"example, if you are an English speaking Swiss person, you may still want\n"
+"your keyboard to be a Swiss keyboard. Or if you speak English but are\n"
+"located in Quebec, you may find yourself in the same situation. In both\n"
+"cases, you will have to go back to this installation step and select an\n"
+"appropriate keyboard from the list.\n"
-" * Printer Connection: If your printer is physically connected to your "
-"computer, select \"Local printer\".\n"
-" If you want to access a printer located on a remote Unix machine, "
-"select \"Remote lpd printer\".\n"
-" If you want to access a printer located on a remote Microsoft Windows "
-"machine (or on Unix machine using SMB\n"
-" protocol), select \"SMB/Windows 95/98/NT\".\n"
-" If you want to acces a printer located on NetWare network, select "
+"Click on the \"More\" button to be presented with the complete list of\n"
+"supported keyboards."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:573
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:596
msgid ""
-"Your printer has not been detected. Please enter the name of the device on\n"
-"which it is connected.\n"
+"Please choose your preferred language for installation and system usage.\n"
+"Clicking on the \"Advanced\" button will allow you to select other\n"
+"languages to be installed on your workstation. Selecting other languages\n"
+"will install the language-specific files for system documentation and\n"
+"applications. For example, if you will host users from Spain on your\n"
+"machine, select English as the main language in the tree view and in the\n"
+"Advanced section click on the box corresponding to \"Spanish|Spain\".\n"
-"For information, most printers are connected on the first parallel port. "
-"one is called \"/dev/lp0\" under GNU/Linux and \"LPT1\" under Microsoft "
+"Note that multiple languages may be installed. Once you have selected any\n"
+"additional locales, click the \"OK\" button to continue."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:581
-msgid "You must now select your printer in the above list."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:584
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:609
msgid ""
-"Please select the right options according to your printer.\n"
-"Please see its documentation if you don't know what choose here.\n"
+"DrakX generally detects the number of buttons your mouse has. If not, it\n"
+"assumes you have a two-button mouse and will set it up for third-button\n"
+"emulation. DrakX will automatically know whether it is a PS/2, serial or\n"
+"USB mouse.\n"
+"If you wish to specify a different type of mouse select the appropriate\n"
+"type from the provided list.\n"
-"You will be able to test your configuration in next step and you will be "
-"able to modify it if it doesn't work as you want."
+"If you choose a mouse other than the default, a test screen will be\n"
+"displayed. Use the buttons and wheel to verify that the settings are\n"
+"correct. If the mouse is not working well, press the space bar or [Return]\n"
+"to \"Cancel\" and choose again."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:591
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:623
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
-"You can now enter the root password for your Linux-Mandrake system.\n"
-"The password must be entered twice to verify that both password entries are "
-"Root is the system's administrator and is the only user allowed to modify "
-"system configuration. Therefore, choose this password carefully. \n"
-"Unauthorized use of the root account can be extemely dangerous to the "
-"of the system, its data and other system connected to it.\n"
+"Please select the correct port. For example, the \"COM1\" port under\n"
+"Windows is named \"ttyS0\" under GNU/Linux."
+msgstr ""
+"Veldu tengið sem þú vilt nota. Tengið COM1 í MS Windows er kallað\n"
+"ttyS0 í Linux, COM2 er ttyS1, o.s.frv."
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:627
+msgid ""
+"This is the most crucial decision point for the security of your GNU/Linux\n"
+"system: you have to enter the \"root\" password. \"root\" is the system\n"
+"administrator and is the only one authorized to make updates, add users,\n"
+"change the overall system configuration, and so on. In short, \"root\" can\n"
+"do everything! That is why you must choose a password that is difficult to\n"
+"guess DrakX will tell you if it is too easy. As you can see, you can choose\n"
+"not to enter a password, but we strongly advise you against this if only\n"
+"for one reason: do not think that because you booted GNU/Linux that your\n"
+"other operating systems are safe from mistakes. Since \"root\" can overcome\n"
+"all limitations and unintentionally erase all data on partitions by\n"
+"carelessly accessing the partitions themselves, it is important for it to\n"
+"be difficult to become \"root\".\n"
"The password should be a mixture of alphanumeric characters and at least 8\n"
-"characters long. It should never be written down.\n"
+"characters long. Never write down the \"root\" password it makes it too\n"
+"easy to compromise a system.\n"
+"However, please do not make the password too long or complicated because\n"
+"you must be able to remember it without too much effort.\n"
-"Do not make the password too long or complicated, though: you must be able "
-"remember it without too much effort."
-msgstr ""
-"Hérna býrðu til rótarlykilorð fyrir Linux Mandrake kerfið (lykilorð\n"
-"ofurpaursins :-). Þú verður að slá lykilorðið inn tvisvar til að \n"
-"staðfesta það (svo það verði örugglega það lykilorð sem þú ætlast til).\n"
+"The password will not be displayed on screen as you type it in. Hence, you\n"
+"will have to type the password twice to reduce the chance of a typing\n"
+"error. If you do happen to make the same typing error twice, this\n"
+"``incorrect'' password will have to be used the first time you connect.\n"
+"In Expert mode, you will be asked if you will be connecting to an\n"
+"authentication server, like NIS or LDAP.\n"
-"Rótin (root) er stjórnandi kerfisins (kerfisstjóri) og eini notandinn\n"
-"sem breytt getur stýriskrám. Veldu lykilorðið því vandlega. Óheimil\n"
-"notkun á rótaraðgangi að kerfinu getur orðið mjög skaðleg uppsetningu\n"
-"og gögnum í kerfinu ásamt öðrum tölvum sem eru tengdar við þessa.\n"
-"Lykilorðið ætti að vera hæfileg blanda af bókstöfum og tölustöfum og\n"
-"minnst 8 stafa langt. Þú ættir *ekki* að skrifa það niður og ættir\n"
-"því ekki að hafa það of langt eða of flókið því þá eykst hættan á\n"
-"á því að þú gleymir því. Þú þarft að geta munað hvaða lykilorð\n"
-"gefur rótaraðgang til að geta breytt uppsetningu og stillingum."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:609
-msgid ""
-"To enable a more secure system, you should select \"Use shadow file\" and\n"
-"\"Use MD5 passwords\"."
-msgstr ""
-"Ef þú vilt gera kerfið öruggara þá ættir þú að velja \"Nota skuggaskrá\" og\n"
-"\"Nota MD5 lykilorð\"."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:613
-msgid ""
-"If your network uses NIS, select \"Use NIS\". If you don't know, ask your\n"
-"network administrator."
+"If your network uses the LDAP (or NIS) protocol for authentication, select\n"
+"\"LDAP\" (or \"NIS\") as authentication. If you do not know, ask your\n"
+"network administrator.\n"
+"If your computer is not connected to any administrated network, you will\n"
+"want to choose \"Local files\" for authentication."
msgstr ""
-"Ef NIS er notað á netinu sem þú ert á, veldu þá \"Nota NIS\". Ef þú ert "
-"viss hvort það sé notað, spurðu þá kerfisstjóra netsins."
-# ## skrytid
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:617
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:663
msgid ""
-"You may now create one or more \"regular\" user account(s), as\n"
-"opposed to the \"privileged\" user account, root. You can create\n"
-"one or more account(s) for each person you want to allow to use\n"
-"the computer. Note that each user account will have its own\n"
-"preferences (graphical environment, program settings, etc.)\n"
-"and its own \"home directory\", in which these preferences are\n"
+"LILO and grub are GNU/Linux bootloaders. This stage, normally, is totally\n"
+"automated. In fact, DrakX analyzes the disk boot sector and acts\n"
+"accordingly, depending on what it finds here:\n"
+" * if a Windows boot sector is found, it will replace it with a grub/LILO\n"
+"boot sector. Hence, you will be able to load either GNU/Linux or another\n"
-"First of all, create an account for yourself! Even if you will be the only "
-"of the machine, you may NOT connect as root for daily use of the system: "
-"it's a\n"
-"very high security risk. Making the system unusable is very often a typo "
+" * if a grub or LILO boot sector is found, it will replace it with a new\n"
+"If in doubt, DrakX will display a dialog with various options.\n"
-"Therefore, you should connect to the system using the user account\n"
-"you will have created here, and login as root only for administration\n"
-"and maintenance purposes."
-msgstr ""
-"You may now create one or more \"regular\" user account(s), as\n"
-"opposed to the \"privileged\" user account, root. You can create\n"
-"one or more account(s) for each person you want to allow to use\n"
-"the computer. Note that each user account will have its own\n"
-"preferences (graphical environment, program settings, etc.)\n"
-"and its own \"home directory\", in which these preferences are\n"
+" * \"Bootloader to use\": you have three choices:\n"
+" * \"GRUB\": if you prefer grub (text menu).\n"
-"First of all, create an account for yourself! Even if you will be the only "
-"of the machine, you may NOT connect as root for daily use of the system: "
-"it's a\n"
-"very high security risk. Making the system unusable is very often a typo "
+" * \"LILO with graphical menu\": if you prefer LILO with its graphical\n"
+" * \"LILO with text menu\": if you prefer LILO with its text menu "
-"Therefore, you should connect to the system using the user account\n"
-"you will have created here, and login as root only for administration\n"
-"and maintenance purposes."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:636
-msgid ""
-"Creating a boot disk is strongly recommended. If you can't\n"
-"boot your computer, it's the only way to rescue your system without\n"
-"reinstalling it."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:641
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"You need to indicate where you wish\n"
-"to place the information required to boot to GNU/Linux.\n"
+" * \"Boot device\": in most cases, you will not change the default\n"
+"(\"/dev/hda\"), but if you prefer, the bootloader can be installed on the\n"
+"second hard drive (\"/dev/hdb\"), or even on a floppy disk (\"/dev/fd0\");\n"
+" * \"Delay before booting the default image\": when rebooting the computer,\n"
+"this is the delay granted to the user to choose in the bootloader menu,\n"
+"another boot entry than the default one.\n"
-"Unless you know exactly what you are doing, choose \"First sector of\n"
-"drive (MBR)\"."
-msgstr ""
-"Hér gefur þú upp hvar þú vilt láta þær upplýsingar sem\n"
-"þarf til að ræsa Linux.\n"
+"!! Beware that if you choose not to install a bootloader (by selecting\n"
+"\"Cancel\" here), you must ensure that you have a way to boot your Mandrake\n"
+"Linux system! Also, be sure you know what you do before changing any of the\n"
+"options. !!\n"
+"Clicking the \"Advanced\" button in this dialog will offer many advanced\n"
+"options, which are reserved to the expert user.\n"
-"Veldu \"Í ræsifærsluna (MBR)\" nema þú vitir nákvæmlega\n"
-"hvað þú ert að gera."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:649
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"Unless you know specifically otherwise, the usual choice is \"/dev/hda\"\n"
-" (primary master IDE disk) or \"/dev/sda\" (first SCSI disk)."
+"After you have configured the general bootloader parameters, the list of\n"
+"boot options which will be available at boot time will be displayed.\n"
+"If there is another operating system installed on your machine, it will\n"
+"automatically be added to the boot menu. Here, you can choose to fine-tune\n"
+"the existing options. Select an entry and click \"Modify\" to modify or\n"
+"remove it; \"Add\" creates a new entry; and \"Done\" goes on to the next\n"
+"installation step."
msgstr ""
-"Ef um algengar aðstæður er að ræða þá er rétt svar \"/dev/hda\"\n"
-"(aðal diskurinn á aðal IDE rásinni)."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:653
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:711
msgid ""
-"LILO (the LInux LOader) and Grub are bootloaders: they are able to boot\n"
+"LILO (the LInux LOader) and grub are bootloaders: they are able to boot\n"
"either GNU/Linux or any other operating system present on your computer.\n"
"Normally, these other operating systems are correctly detected and\n"
"installed. If this is not the case, you can add an entry by hand in this\n"
-"screen. Be careful as to choose the correct parameters.\n"
+"screen. Be careful to choose the correct parameters.\n"
-"You may also want not to give access to these other operating systems to\n"
-"anyone, in which case you can delete the corresponding entries. But\n"
-"in this case, you will need a boot disk in order to boot them!"
+"You may also not want to give access to these other operating systems to\n"
+"anyone. In which case, you can delete the corresponding entries. But then,\n"
+"you will need a boot disk in order to boot those other operating systems!"
msgstr ""
-# ## skrytid
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:665
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:722
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
-"LILO and grub main options are:\n"
-" - Boot device: Sets the name of the device (e.g. a hard disk\n"
-"partition) that contains the boot sector. Unless you know specifically\n"
-"otherwise, choose \"/dev/hda\".\n"
-" - Delay before booting default image: Specifies the number in tenths\n"
-"of a second the boot loader should wait before booting the first image.\n"
-"This is useful on systems that immediately boot from the hard disk after\n"
-"enabling the keyboard. The boot loader doesn't wait if \"delay\" is\n"
-"omitted or is set to zero.\n"
-" - Video mode: This specifies the VGA text mode that should be selected\n"
-"when booting. The following values are available: \n"
+"You must indicate where you wish to place the information required to boot\n"
+"to GNU/Linux.\n"
-" * normal: select normal 80x25 text mode.\n"
-" * <number>: use the corresponding text mode.\n"
-" - Clean \"/tmp\" at each boot: if you want delete all files and "
-"stored in \"/tmp\" when you boot your system, select this option.\n"
-" - Precise RAM if needed: unfortunately, there is no standard method to ask "
-"BIOS about the amount of RAM present in your computer. As consequence, Linux "
-"fail to detect your amount of RAM correctly. If this is the case, you can\n"
-"specify the correct amount or RAM here. Please note that a difference of 2 "
-"or 4\n"
-"MB between detected memory and memory present in your system is normal."
+"Unless you know exactly what you are doing, choose \"First sector of drive\n"
msgstr ""
-"LILO main options are:\n"
-" - Boot device: Sets the name of the device (e.g. a hard disk\n"
-"partition) that contains the boot sector. Unless you know specifically\n"
-"otherwise, choose \"/dev/hda\".\n"
-" - Linear: Generate linear sector addresses instead of\n"
-"sector/head/cylinder addresses. Linear addresses are translated at run\n"
-"time and do not depend on disk geometry. Note that boot disks may not be\n"
-"portable if \"linear\" is used, because the BIOS service to determine the\n"
-"disk geometry does not work reliably for floppy disks. When using\n"
-"\"linear\" with large disks, /sbin/lilo may generate references to\n"
-"inaccessible disk areas, because 3D sector addresses are not known\n"
-"before boot time.\n"
-" - Compact: Tries to merge read requests for adjacent sectors into a\n"
-"single read request. This drastically reduces load time and keeps the\n"
-"map smaller. Using \"compact\" is especially recommended when booting from\n"
-"a floppy disk.\n"
-" - Delay before booting default image: Specifies the number in tenths\n"
-"of a second the boot loader should wait before booting the first image.\n"
-"This is useful on systems that immediately boot from the hard disk after\n"
-"enabling the keyboard. The boot loader doesn't wait if \"delay\" is\n"
-"omitted or is set to zero.\n"
+"Hér gefur þú upp hvar þú vilt láta þær upplýsingar sem\n"
+"þarf til að ræsa Linux.\n"
-" - Video mode: This specifies the VGA text mode that should be selected\n"
-"when booting. The following values are available: \n"
-" * normal: select normal 80x25 text mode.\n"
-" * <number>: use the corresponding text mode."
+"Veldu \"Í ræsifærsluna (MBR)\" nema þú vitir nákvæmlega\n"
+"hvað þú ert að gera."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:697
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:729
msgid ""
-"Yaboot is a bootloader for NewWorld MacIntosh hardware. It is able\n"
-"to boot either GNU/Linux, MacOS, or MacOSX, if present on your computer.\n"
-"Normally, these other operating systems are correctly detected and\n"
-"installed. If this is not the case, you can add an entry by hand in this\n"
-"screen. Be careful as to choose the correct parameters.\n"
-"Yaboot main options are:\n"
+"Here, we select a printing system for your computer. Other OSs may offer\n"
+"you one, but Mandrake Linux offers three.\n"
+" * \"pdq\" which means ``print, don't queue'', is the choice if you have a\n"
+"direct connection to your printer and you want to be able to panic out of\n"
+"printer jams, and you do not have networked printers. It will handle only\n"
+"very simple network cases and is somewhat slow for networks. Pick \"pdq\"\n"
+"if this is your maiden voyage to GNU/Linux. You can change your choices\n"
+"after installation by running PrinterDrake from the Mandrake Control Center\n"
+"and clicking the expert button.\n"
-" - Init Message: A simple text message that is displayed before the boot\n"
-" - Boot Device: Indicate where you want to place the information required "
-"to \n"
-"boot to GNU/Linux. Generally, you will have setup a bootstrap partition "
-"earlier \n"
-"to hold this information.\n"
-" - Open Firmware Delay: Unlike LILO, there are two delays available with \n"
-"yaboot. The first delay is measured in seconds and at this point you can \n"
-"choose between CD, OF boot, MacOS, or Linux.\n"
-" - Kernel Boot Timeout: This timeout is similar to the LILO boot delay. "
-"After \n"
-"selecting Linux, you will have this delay in 0.1 seconds before your "
-"kernel description is selected.\n"
-" - Enable CD Boot?: Checking this option will allow you to choose 'C' for "
-"CD at\n"
-"the first boot prompt.\n"
-" - Enable OF Boot?: Checking this option will allow you to choose 'N' for "
-"Firmware at the first boot prompt.\n"
+" * \"CUPS\"``Common Unix Printing System'', is excellent at printing to "
+"local printer and also halfway-around the planet. It is simple and can act\n"
+"as a server or a client for the ancient \"lpd\" printing system. Hence, it\n"
+"is compatible with the systems that went before. It can do many tricks, but\n"
+"the basic setup is almost as easy as \"pdq\". If you need this to emulate\n"
+"an \"lpd\" server, you must turn on the \"cups-lpd\" daemon. It has\n"
+"graphical front-ends for printing or choosing printer options.\n"
+" * \"lprNG\"``line printer daemon New Generation''. This system can do\n"
+"approximately the same things the others can do, but it will print to\n"
+"printers mounted on a Novell Network, because it supports the IPX protocol,\n"
+"and it can print directly to shell commands. If you have need of Novell or\n"
+"printing to commands without using a separate pipe construct, use lprNG.\n"
+"Otherwise, CUPS is preferable as it is simpler and better at working over\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:757
+msgid ""
+"DrakX now detects any IDE device present in your computer. It will also\n"
+"scan for one or more PCI SCSI card(s) on your system. If a SCSI card is\n"
+"found, DrakX will automatically install the appropriate driver.\n"
+"Because hardware detection does not always detect a piece of hardware,\n"
+"DrakX will ask you to confirm if a PCI SCSI card is present. Click \"Yes\"\n"
+"if you know that there is a SCSI card installed in your machine. You will\n"
+"be presented a list of SCSI cards to choose from. Click \"No\" if you have\n"
+"no SCSI hardware. If you are unsure, you can check the list of hardware\n"
+"detected in your machine by selecting \"See hardware info\" and clicking\n"
+"\"OK\". Examine the list of hardware and then click on the \"OK\" button to\n"
+"return to the SCSI interface question.\n"
+"If you have to manually specify your adapter, DrakX will ask if you want to\n"
+"specify options for it. You should allow DrakX to probe the hardware for\n"
+"the card-specific options which the hardware needs to initialize. This\n"
+"usually works well.\n"
-" - Default OS: You can select which OS will boot by default when the Open "
-"Firmware \n"
-"Delay expires."
+"If DrakX is not able to probe for the options which need to be passed, you\n"
+"will need to provide options to the driver manually. Please review the\n"
+"``User Guide'' (chapter 3, in the ``Collecting Information on Your\n"
+"Hardware'' section) for hints on retrieving the parameters required from\n"
+"hardware documentation, from the manufacturer's web site (if you have\n"
+"Internet access) or from MicrosoftWindows (if you used this hardware with\n"
+"Windows on your system)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:738
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:784
msgid ""
-"You can add additional entries for yaboot, either for other operating "
-"alternate kernels, or for an emergency boot image.\n"
-"For other OS's - the entry consists only of a label and the root partition.\n"
-"For Linux, there are a few possible options: \n"
+"You can add additional entries for yaboot, either for other operating\n"
+"systems, alternate kernels, or for an emergency boot image.\n"
-" - Label: This is simply the name will type at the yaboot prompt to select "
-"this \n"
-"boot option.\n"
+"For other OSs, the entry consists only of a label and the \"root\"\n"
+"For Linux, there are a few possible options:\n"
-" - Image: This would be the name of the kernel to boot. Typically vmlinux "
-"a variation of vmlinux with an extension.\n"
+" * Label: this is simply the name you will have to type at the yaboot "
+"to select this boot option;\n"
+" * Image: this would be the name of the kernel to boot. Typically, vmlinux\n"
+"or a variation of vmlinux with an extension;\n"
-" - Root: The root device or '/' for your Linux installation.\n"
+" * Root: the \"root\" device or ``/'' for your Linux installation;\n"
+" * Append: on Apple hardware, the kernel append option is used quite often\n"
+"to assist in initializing video hardware, or to enable keyboard mouse\n"
+"button emulation for the often lacking 2nd and 3rd mouse buttons on a stock\n"
+"Apple mouse. The following are some examples:\n"
-" \n"
-" - Append: On Apple hardware, the kernel append option is used quite often "
-"assist in initializing video hardware, or to enable keyboard mouse button "
-"for the often lacking 2nd and 3rd mouse buttons on a stock Apple mouse. The "
-"following \n"
-"are some examples:\n"
-"\t\t video=aty128fb:vmode:17,cmode:32,mclk:71 adb_buttons=103,111 "
+" video=aty128fb:vmode:17,cmode:32,mclk:71 adb_buttons=103,111 "
-"\t\t video=atyfb:vmode:12,cmode:24 adb_buttons=103,111 \n"
-" \n"
-" - Initrd: This option can be used either to load initial modules, before "
-"the boot \n"
-"device is available, or to load a ramdisk image for an emergency boot "
-" - Initrd-size: The default ramdisk size is generally 4096 bytes. If you "
-"should need\n"
-"to allocate a large ramdisk, this option can be used.\n"
+" video=atyfb:vmode:12,cmode:24 adb_buttons=103,111\n"
+" * Initrd: this option can be used either to load initial modules, before\n"
+"the boot device is available, or to load a ramdisk image for an emergency\n"
+"boot situation;\n"
-" - Read-write: Normally the 'root' partition is initially brought up read-"
-"only, to allow\n"
-"a filesystem check before the system becomes 'live'. You can override this "
-"option here.\n"
+" * Initrd-size: the default ramdisk size is generally 4,096 bytes. If you\n"
+"need to allocate a large ramdisk, this option can be used;\n"
+" * Read-write: normally the \"root\" partition is initially brought up in\n"
+"read-only, to allow a file system check before the system becomes ``live''.\n"
+"Here, you can override this option;\n"
-" - NoVideo: Should the Apple video hardware prove to be exceptionally "
-"problematic, you can\n"
-"select this option to boot in 'novideo' mode, with native framebuffer "
+" * NoVideo: should the Apple video hardware prove to be exceptionally\n"
+"problematic, you can select this option to boot in ``novideo'' mode, with\n"
+"native frame buffer support;\n"
-" - Default: Selects this entry as being the default Linux selection, "
-"selectable by just\n"
-"pressing ENTER at the yaboot prompt. This entry will also be highlighted "
-"with a '*', if you\n"
-"press TAB to see the boot selections."
+" * Default: selects this entry as being the default Linux selection,\n"
+"selectable by just pressing ENTER at the yaboot prompt. This entry will\n"
+"also be highlighted with a ``*'', if you press [Tab] to see the boot\n"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:793
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:830
msgid ""
-"SILO is a bootloader for SPARC: it is able to boot\n"
-"either GNU/Linux or any other operating system present on your computer.\n"
-"Normally, these other operating systems are correctly detected and\n"
-"installed. If this is not the case, you can add an entry by hand in this\n"
-"screen. Be careful as to choose the correct parameters.\n"
+"Yaboot is a bootloader for NewWorld MacIntosh hardware. It is able to boot\n"
+"either GNU/Linux, MacOS or MacOSX if present on your computer. Normally,\n"
+"these other operating systems are correctly detected and installed. If this\n"
+"is not the case, you can add an entry by hand in this screen. Be careful to\n"
+"choose the correct parameters.\n"
+"Yaboot's main options are:\n"
-"You may also want not to give access to these other operating systems to\n"
-"anyone, in which case you can delete the corresponding entries. But\n"
-"in this case, you will need a boot disk in order to boot them!"
-msgstr ""
-# ## skrytid
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:805
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"SILO main options are:\n"
-" - Bootloader installation: Indicate where you want to place the\n"
-"information required to boot to GNU/Linux. Unless you know exactly\n"
-"what you are doing, choose \"First sector of drive (MBR)\".\n"
+" * Init Message: a simple text message displayed before the boot prompt;\n"
+" * Boot Device: indicates where you want to place the information required\n"
+"to boot to GNU/Linux. Generally, you set up a bootstrap partition earlier\n"
+"to hold this information;\n"
-" - Delay before booting default image: Specifies the number in tenths\n"
-"of a second the boot loader should wait before booting the first image.\n"
-"This is useful on systems that immediately boot from the hard disk after\n"
-"enabling the keyboard. The boot loader doesn't wait if \"delay\" is\n"
-"omitted or is set to zero."
-msgstr ""
-"LILO main options are:\n"
-" - Boot device: Sets the name of the device (e.g. a hard disk\n"
-"partition) that contains the boot sector. Unless you know specifically\n"
-"otherwise, choose \"/dev/hda\".\n"
+" * Open Firmware Delay: unlike LILO, there are two delays available with\n"
+"yaboot. The first delay is measured in seconds and at this point, you can\n"
+"choose between CD, OF boot, MacOS or Linux;\n"
-" - Linear: Generate linear sector addresses instead of\n"
-"sector/head/cylinder addresses. Linear addresses are translated at run\n"
-"time and do not depend on disk geometry. Note that boot disks may not be\n"
-"portable if \"linear\" is used, because the BIOS service to determine the\n"
-"disk geometry does not work reliably for floppy disks. When using\n"
-"\"linear\" with large disks, /sbin/lilo may generate references to\n"
-"inaccessible disk areas, because 3D sector addresses are not known\n"
-"before boot time.\n"
+" * Kernel Boot Timeout: this timeout is similar to the LILO boot delay.\n"
+"After selecting Linux, you will have this delay in 0.1 second before your\n"
+"default kernel description is selected;\n"
+" * Enable CD Boot?: checking this option allows you to choose ``C'' for CD\n"
+"at the first boot prompt;\n"
-" - Compact: Tries to merge read requests for adjacent sectors into a\n"
-"single read request. This drastically reduces load time and keeps the\n"
-"map smaller. Using \"compact\" is especially recommended when booting from\n"
-"a floppy disk.\n"
+" * Enable OF Boot?: checking this option allows you to choose ``N'' for "
+"Firmware at the first boot prompt;\n"
+" * Default OS: you can select which OS will boot by default when the Open\n"
+"Firmware Delay expires."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:862
+msgid ""
+"Here are presented various parameters concerning your machine. Depending on\n"
+"your installed hardware, you may or not, see the following entries:\n"
-" - Delay before booting default image: Specifies the number in tenths\n"
-"of a second the boot loader should wait before booting the first image.\n"
-"This is useful on systems that immediately boot from the hard disk after\n"
-"enabling the keyboard. The boot loader doesn't wait if \"delay\" is\n"
-"omitted or is set to zero.\n"
+" * \"Mouse\": check the current mouse configuration and click on the button\n"
+"to change it if necessary;\n"
+" * \"Keyboard\": check the current keyboard map configuration and click on\n"
+"the button to change that if necessary;\n"
-" - Video mode: This specifies the VGA text mode that should be selected\n"
-"when booting. The following values are available: \n"
-" * normal: select normal 80x25 text mode.\n"
-" * <number>: use the corresponding text mode."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:818
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"Now it's time to configure the X Window System, which is the\n"
-"core of the GNU/Linux GUI (Graphical User Interface). For this purpose,\n"
-"you must configure your video card and monitor. Most of these\n"
-"steps are automated, though, therefore your work may only consist\n"
-"of verifying what has been done and accept the settings :)\n"
+" * \"Timezone\": DrakX, by default, guesses your time zone from the "
+"you have chosen. But here again, as for the choice of a keyboard, you may\n"
+"not be in the country for which the chosen language should correspond.\n"
+"Hence, you may need to click on the \"Timezone\" button in order to\n"
+"configure the clock according to the time zone you are in;\n"
+" * \"Printer\": clicking on the \"No Printer\" button will open the printer\n"
+"configuration wizard;\n"
-"When the configuration is over, X will be started (unless you\n"
-"ask DrakX not to) so that you can check and see if the\n"
-"settings suit you. If they don't, you can come back and\n"
-"change them, as many times as necessary."
-msgstr ""
-"Nú er kominn tími til að stilla X, sem er undirstaða Linux notenda- \n"
-"viðmótsins (GUI). Til að X virki, þá þarf að stilla skjákortið\n"
-"og velja viðkomandi skjá. Þessi atriði er þó oftast stillt\n"
-"sjálfkrafa þannig að þú gætir aðeins þurft að staðfesta það\n"
-"sem Linux Mandrake vill gera :)\n"
+" * \"Sound card\": if a sound card is detected on your system, it is\n"
+"displayed here. No modification possible at installation time;\n"
+" * \"TV card\": if a TV card is detected on your system, it is displayed\n"
+"here. No modification possible at installation time;\n"
-"Þegar uppsetningu X er lokið þá verður X þjónninn ræstur (nema\n"
-"þú biðjir DrakX að gera það ekki) svo þú getir staðfest að\n"
-"stillingarnar séu viðunnandi. Ef þú ert ekki sátt(ur) við þær X\n"
-"stillingar sem eru valdar, þá getur þú breytt þeim að eigin vild."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:831
-msgid ""
-"If something is wrong in X configuration, use these options to correctly\n"
-"configure the X Window System."
+" * \"ISDN card\": if an ISDN card is detected on your system, it is\n"
+"displayed here. You can click on the button to change the parameters\n"
+"associated with it."
msgstr ""
-"Ef eitthvað kemur upp á í X, notaðu þá þessar stillingar til að stilla\n"
-"það aftur."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:835
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:891
msgid ""
-"If you prefer to use a graphical login, select \"Yes\". Otherwise, select\n"
+"Choose the hard drive you want to erase in order to install your new\n"
+"Mandrake Linux partition. Be careful, all data present on it will be lost\n"
+"and will not be recoverable!"
msgstr ""
-"Ef þú vilt myndrænt innstimplunarviðmót, veldu þá \"Já\". Ef ekki, veldu\n"
-"þá \"Nei\"."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:839
+#: ../../help.pm_.c:896
msgid ""
-"You can choose a security level for your system. Please refer to the manual "
-"for complete\n"
-" information. Basically, if you don't know what to choose, keep the default "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:844
-msgid ""
-"Your system is going to reboot.\n"
+"Click on \"OK\" if you want to delete all data and partitions present on\n"
+"this hard drive. Be careful, after clicking on \"OK\", you will not be able\n"
+"to recover any data and partitions present on this hard drive, including\n"
+"any Windows data.\n"
-"After rebooting, your new Linux Mandrake system will load automatically.\n"
-"If you want to boot into another existing operating system, please read\n"
-"the additional instructions."
+"Click on \"Cancel\" to cancel this operation without losing any data and\n"
+"partitions present on this hard drive."
msgstr ""
-"Tölvan verður núna endurræst.\n"
-"Linux Mandrake verður sjálfkrafa keyrt upp. Ef þú vilt hinsvegar\n"
-"keyra upp eitthvað annað stýrikerfi, lestu þá leiðbeiningarnar\n"
-"sem fylgja."
-#: ../../install2.pm_.c:37
-msgid "Choose your language"
-msgstr "Veldu tungumál"
-#: ../../install2.pm_.c:38
-msgid "Select installation class"
-msgstr "Veldu innsetningarflokk"
-#: ../../install2.pm_.c:39
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Hard drive detection"
-msgstr "Nota fínstillingar á hörðum disk(um)"
-#: ../../install2.pm_.c:40
-msgid "Configure mouse"
-msgstr "Tilgreindu mús"
-#: ../../install2.pm_.c:41
-msgid "Choose your keyboard"
-msgstr "Veldu lyklaborð"
-#: ../../install2.pm_.c:42
-msgid "Security"
+#: ../../install2.pm_.c:113
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Can't access kernel modules corresponding to your kernel (file %s is "
+"missing), this generally means your boot floppy in not in sync with the "
+"Installation medium (please create a newer boot floppy)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install2.pm_.c:43
-msgid "Setup filesystems"
-msgstr "Setja upp skráarkerfi"
-#: ../../install2.pm_.c:44
-msgid "Format partitions"
-msgstr "Forsníða disksneiðar"
-#: ../../install2.pm_.c:45
-msgid "Choose packages to install"
-msgstr "Veldu pakka til að setja inn"
-#: ../../install2.pm_.c:46
-msgid "Install system"
-msgstr "Setja kerfið inn"
-#: ../../install2.pm_.c:47 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:894
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:895
-msgid "Set root password"
-msgstr "Ákveða rótarlykilorð"
-#: ../../install2.pm_.c:48
-msgid "Add a user"
-msgstr "Bæta við notanda"
-#: ../../install2.pm_.c:49
-msgid "Configure networking"
-msgstr "Stilla nettengingu"
-#: ../../install2.pm_.c:51 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:818
-msgid "Summary"
+#: ../../install2.pm_.c:169
+#, c-format
+msgid "You must also format %s"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install2.pm_.c:52
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Configure services"
-msgstr "Setja upp prentara"
-#: ../../install2.pm_.c:54
-msgid "Create a bootdisk"
-msgstr "Búa til ræsidiskling"
-#: ../../install2.pm_.c:56
-msgid "Install bootloader"
-msgstr "Setja inn ræsihlaðara"
-#: ../../install2.pm_.c:57
-msgid "Configure X"
-msgstr "Stilla X"
-#: ../../install2.pm_.c:58
-msgid "Exit install"
-msgstr "Hætta innsetningu"
-#: ../../install_any.pm_.c:402
+#: ../../install_any.pm_.c:411
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You have selected the following server(s): %s\n"
@@ -3299,50 +3343,29 @@ msgid ""
"Do you really want to install these servers?\n"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_any.pm_.c:433
+#: ../../install_any.pm_.c:447
msgid "Can't use broadcast with no NIS domain"
msgstr "Get ekki notað útsendingu án NIS léns"
-#: ../../install_any.pm_.c:676
+#: ../../install_any.pm_.c:793
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Insert a FAT formatted floppy in drive %s"
msgstr "Settu tóman diskling í drif %s"
-#: ../../install_any.pm_.c:680
+#: ../../install_any.pm_.c:797
msgid "This floppy is not FAT formatted"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_any.pm_.c:690
+#: ../../install_any.pm_.c:809
msgid ""
"To use this saved packages selection, boot installation with ``linux "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_any.pm_.c:712
-msgid "Error reading file $f"
-msgstr "Villa við lestur skráarinnar $f"
-#: ../../install_gtk.pm_.c:84 ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:310
-#: ../../interactive.pm_.c:99 ../../interactive.pm_.c:114
-#: ../../interactive.pm_.c:269 ../../interactive_newt.pm_.c:166
-#: ../../interactive_stdio.pm_.c:27 ../../my_gtk.pm_.c:356
-#: ../../my_gtk.pm_.c:617 ../../my_gtk.pm_.c:640
-msgid "Ok"
-msgstr "Í lagi"
-#: ../../install_gtk.pm_.c:423
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Please test the mouse"
-msgstr "Hvernig mús ertu með?"
-#: ../../install_gtk.pm_.c:424 ../../standalone/mousedrake_.c:132
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "To activate the mouse,"
-msgstr "Hvernig mús ertu með?"
-#: ../../install_gtk.pm_.c:425 ../../standalone/mousedrake_.c:133
-msgstr ""
+#: ../../install_any.pm_.c:831 ../../partition_table.pm_.c:763
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error reading file %s"
+msgstr "villa við lestur úr skránni %s"
#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:23
#, c-format
@@ -3351,7 +3374,7 @@ msgid ""
"You can find some information about them at: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:41
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:58
msgid ""
"You must have a root partition.\n"
"For this, create a partition (or click on an existing one).\n"
@@ -3361,11 +3384,11 @@ msgstr ""
"til rótarsneið eða veldu sneið sem nú þegar er til á disknum.\n"
"Veldu síðan ``Tengipunktur'' og sláðu inn `/'"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:46 ../../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:259
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:63
msgid "You must have a swap partition"
msgstr "Þú verður að hafa diskminni"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:47 ../../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:261
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:64
msgid ""
"You don't have a swap partition\n"
@@ -3375,83 +3398,89 @@ msgstr ""
"Halda samt áfram?"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:68
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:67 ../../install_steps.pm_.c:163
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "You must have a FAT partition mounted in /boot/efi"
+msgstr "Þú verður að hafa diskminni"
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:90
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use free space"
msgstr "Notandanafn:"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:70
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:92
msgid "Not enough free space to allocate new partitions"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:78
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:100
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use existing partition"
msgstr "Forsníð disksneið %s"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:80
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:102
#, fuzzy
msgid "There is no existing partition to use"
msgstr "Reyni að endurheimta disksneiðatöfluna"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:87
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:109
msgid "Use the Windows partition for loopback"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:90
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:112
#, fuzzy
msgid "Which partition do you want to use for Linux4Win?"
msgstr "Hvaða disksneið vilt þú nota sem rótardisksneið"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:92
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:114
#, fuzzy
msgid "Choose the sizes"
msgstr "Veldu nýja stærð"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:93
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:115
#, fuzzy
msgid "Root partition size in MB: "
msgstr "Rótardisksneið"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:94
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:116
#, fuzzy
msgid "Swap partition size in MB: "
msgstr "Stærð í MB: "
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:102
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:125
msgid "Use the free space on the Windows partition"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:105
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:128
#, fuzzy
msgid "Which partition do you want to resize?"
msgstr "Hvaða sneiðtegund viltu?"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:107
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:130
#, fuzzy
msgid "Computing Windows filesystem bounds"
msgstr "Reikna takmarkanir FAT skráarkerfis..."
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:110
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:133
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The FAT resizer is unable to handle your partition, \n"
"the following error occured: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:113
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:136
msgid "Your Windows partition is too fragmented, please run ``defrag'' first"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:114
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:137
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
-"DrakX will now resize your Windows partition. Be careful: this operation is\n"
-"dangerous. If you have not already done so, you should first exit the\n"
-"installation, run scandisk under Windows (and optionally run defrag), then\n"
-"restart the installation. You should also backup your data.\n"
+"DrakX will now resize your Windows partition. Be careful:\n"
+"this operation is dangerous. If you have not already done\n"
+"so, you should first exit the installation, run scandisk\n"
+"under Windows (and optionally run defrag), then restart the\n"
+"installation. You should also backup your data.\n"
"When sure, press Ok."
msgstr ""
@@ -3465,12 +3494,12 @@ msgstr ""
"gögnunum þínum.\n"
"Sláðu á 'Í lagi' til að halda áfram."
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:123
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:147
#, fuzzy
msgid "Which size do you want to keep for windows on"
msgstr "Hvaða geira viltu færa gögn til?"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:124
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:148
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "partition %s"
msgstr "Rótardisksneið"
@@ -3480,79 +3509,79 @@ msgstr "Rótardisksneið"
# *** ATH: Það er sumt eftir fyrir ofan ***
# ******************************************
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:130
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:155
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "FAT resizing failed: %s"
msgstr "Sjálfvirk endurstækkun brást"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:145
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:170
msgid ""
"There is no FAT partitions to resize or to use as loopback (or not enough "
"space left)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:151
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:176
msgid "Erase entire disk"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:151
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:176
msgid "Remove Windows(TM)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:154
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:179
msgid "You have more than one hard drive, which one do you install linux on?"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:157
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:182
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "ALL existing partitions and their data will be lost on drive %s"
msgstr "öll gögn á þessari disksneið tapast"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:165
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:190
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom disk partitioning"
msgstr "Forsníð disksneið %s"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:169
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:194
msgid "Use fdisk"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:172
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:197
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You can now partition %s.\n"
"When you are done, don't forget to save using `w'"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:201
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:226
#, fuzzy
msgid "You don't have enough free space on your Windows partition"
msgstr "Þú hefur ekki neinar disksneiðar"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:217
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:242
#, fuzzy
msgid "I can't find any room for installing"
msgstr "Get ekki bætt við disksneiðum"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:221
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:246
msgid "The DrakX Partitioning wizard found the following solutions:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:226
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:251
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Partitioning failed: %s"
msgstr "Rótardisksneið"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:232
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:261
msgid "Bringing up the network"
msgstr "Keyri upp netið"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:237
+#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:266
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bringing down the network"
msgstr "Keyri upp netið"
-#: ../../install_steps.pm_.c:73
+#: ../../install_steps.pm_.c:76
msgid ""
"An error occurred, but I don't know how to handle it nicely.\n"
"Continue at your own risk."
@@ -3560,12 +3589,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Óþekkt villa kom upp sem ekki er hægt að meðhöndla.\n"
"Haltu áfram á eigin ábyrgð."
-#: ../../install_steps.pm_.c:203
+#: ../../install_steps.pm_.c:205
#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate mount point %s"
msgstr "%s tengipunktur er nú þegar til"
-#: ../../install_steps.pm_.c:385
+#: ../../install_steps.pm_.c:388
msgid ""
"Some important packages didn't get installed properly.\n"
"Either your cdrom drive or your cdrom is defective.\n"
@@ -3573,113 +3602,45 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps.pm_.c:451
+#: ../../install_steps.pm_.c:458
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Welcome to %s"
msgstr "Velkomin(n) í tölvuþrjótinn"
-#: ../../install_steps.pm_.c:634
+#: ../../install_steps.pm_.c:513 ../../install_steps.pm_.c:755
msgid "No floppy drive available"
msgstr "Ekkert disklingadrif aðgengilegt"
-#: ../../install_steps_auto_install.pm_.c:51
-#: ../../install_steps_stdio.pm_.c:23
+#: ../../install_steps_auto_install.pm_.c:76
+#: ../../install_steps_stdio.pm_.c:22
#, c-format
msgid "Entering step `%s'\n"
msgstr "Hef skref `%s'\n"
-#: ../../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:287
-msgid "Choose the size you want to install"
-msgstr "Veldu þá stærð sem þú vilt setja inn"
-#: ../../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:334
-msgid "Total size: "
-msgstr "Heildarstærð: "
-#: ../../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:346 ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:437
-#, c-format
-msgid "Version: %s\n"
-msgstr "Útgáfa: %s\n"
-#: ../../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:347 ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:438
-#, c-format
-msgid "Size: %d KB\n"
-msgstr "Stærð: %d KB\n"
-#: ../../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:462 ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:337
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:520
-msgid "Choose the packages you want to install"
-msgstr "Veldu pakkana sem þú vilt setja inn"
-#: ../../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:465 ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:340
-msgid "Info"
-msgstr "Upplýsingar"
-#: ../../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:473 ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:345
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:226
-msgid "Install"
-msgstr "Innsetning"
-#: ../../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:492 ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:558
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:675
-msgid "Installing"
-msgstr "Set inn"
-#: ../../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:499
-msgid "Please wait, "
-msgstr "Vinsamlegast hinkrið, "
-#: ../../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:501 ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:570
-msgid "Time remaining "
-msgstr "Tími eftir "
-#: ../../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:502
-msgid "Total time "
-msgstr "Heildar tími "
-#: ../../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:507
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:675
-msgid "Preparing installation"
-msgstr "Undirbý innsetningu"
-#: ../../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:528 ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:618
-#, c-format
-msgid "Installing package %s"
-msgstr "Set inn pakka %s"
-#: ../../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:553 ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:695
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:699
-msgid "Go on anyway?"
-msgstr "Viltu samt halda áfram?"
-#: ../../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:553 ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:695
-msgid "There was an error ordering packages:"
-msgstr "Það kom upp villa við að raða pökkum:"
-#: ../../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:577
-msgid "Use existing configuration for X11?"
-msgstr "Nota þá X uppsetningu sem er til?"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:142
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:148
msgid ""
"Your system is low on resource. You may have some problem installing\n"
-"Linux-Mandrake. If that occurs, you can try a text install instead. For "
+"Mandrake Linux. If that occurs, you can try a text install instead. For "
"press `F1' when booting on CDROM, then enter `text'."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:156
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:159 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:224
+msgid "Install Class"
+msgstr "Innsetningaraðferð"
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:162
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Please, choose one of the following classes of installation:"
+msgid "Please choose one of the following classes of installation:"
msgstr "Vinsamlega tilgreindu eftirfarandi"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:222
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:228
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The total size for the groups you have selected is approximately %d MB.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:224
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:230
#, c-format
msgid ""
"If you wish to install less than this size,\n"
@@ -3689,7 +3650,7 @@ msgid ""
"a percentage of 100%% will install all selected packages."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:229
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:235
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You have space on your disk for only %d%% of these packages.\n"
@@ -3700,112 +3661,185 @@ msgid ""
"a percentage of %d%% will install as many packages as possible."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:235
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:241
#, fuzzy
msgid "You will be able to choose them more specifically in the next step."
msgstr "Þú munt geta valið af meiri nákvæmni í næsta skrefi"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:237
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:243
#, fuzzy
msgid "Percentage of packages to install"
msgstr "Veldu pakka til að setja inn"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:285 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:599
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:291 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:705
msgid "Package Group Selection"
msgstr "Val á pakkahóp"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:305 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:614
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:323 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:720
#, fuzzy
msgid "Individual package selection"
msgstr "Val á pakkahóp"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:349
-msgid "Show automatically selected packages"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:416
-msgid "Expand Tree"
-msgstr "Opna tré"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:417
-msgid "Collapse Tree"
-msgstr "Loka tré"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:418
-msgid "Toggle between flat and group sorted"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:346 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:645
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Total size: %d / %d MB"
+msgstr "Heildarstærð: "
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:435
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:391
msgid "Bad package"
msgstr "Skemmdur pakki"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:436
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:392
#, c-format
msgid "Name: %s\n"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:439
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:393
+#, c-format
+msgid "Version: %s\n"
+msgstr "Útgáfa: %s\n"
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:394
+#, c-format
+msgid "Size: %d KB\n"
+msgstr "Stærð: %d KB\n"
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:395
#, c-format
msgid "Importance: %s\n"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:448 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:578
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "Total size: %d / %d MB"
-msgstr "Heildarstærð: "
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:467
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:417
msgid ""
"You can't select this package as there is not enough space left to install it"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:471
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:422
#, fuzzy
msgid "The following packages are going to be installed"
msgstr "Eftirfarandi pakkar verða fjarlægðir"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:472
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:423
#, fuzzy
msgid "The following packages are going to be removed"
msgstr "Eftirfarandi pakkar verða fjarlægðir"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:482
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:435
msgid "You can't select/unselect this package"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:501
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:447
msgid "This is a mandatory package, it can't be unselected"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:503
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:449
msgid "You can't unselect this package. It is already installed"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:507
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:453
msgid ""
"This package must be upgraded\n"
"Are you sure you want to deselect it?"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:510
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:457
msgid "You can't unselect this package. It must be upgraded"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:563
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:462
+msgid "Show automatically selected packages"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:463 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:246
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:250
+msgid "Install"
+msgstr "Innsetning"
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:466
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Load/Save on floppy"
+msgstr "Vista á diskling"
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:467
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Updating package selection"
+msgstr "Val á pakkahóp"
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:472
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Minimal install"
+msgstr "Fjarlægja"
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:487 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:555
+msgid "Choose the packages you want to install"
+msgstr "Veldu pakkana sem þú vilt setja inn"
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:503 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:787
+msgid "Installing"
+msgstr "Set inn"
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:509
msgid "Estimating"
msgstr "Áætla"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:582
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:516
+msgid "Time remaining "
+msgstr "Tími eftir "
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:528
#, fuzzy
msgid "Please wait, preparing installation"
msgstr "Undirbý innsetningu"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:613
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:611
#, c-format
msgid "%d packages"
msgstr "%d pakkar"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:652
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:616
+#, c-format
+msgid "Installing package %s"
+msgstr "Set inn pakka %s"
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:657 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:185
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:811
+#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst_.c:203
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Accept"
+msgstr "Samþykkja notanda"
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:657 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:185
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:811
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Refuse"
+msgstr "Endurstækka"
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:658 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:812
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Change your Cd-Rom!\n"
+"Please insert the Cd-Rom labelled \"%s\" in your drive and press Ok when "
+"If you don't have it, press Cancel to avoid installation from this Cd-Rom."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:672 ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:676
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:824
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:828
+msgid "Go on anyway?"
+msgstr "Viltu samt halda áfram?"
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:672 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:824
+msgid "There was an error ordering packages:"
+msgstr "Það kom upp villa við að raða pökkum:"
+#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:676 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:828
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "There was an error installing packages:"
+msgstr "Það kom upp villa við að raða pökkum:"
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:10
msgid ""
@@ -3837,64 +3871,30 @@ msgid ""
"copyright laws applicable to software programs.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:680 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:163
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Accept"
-msgstr "Samþykkja notanda"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:680 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:163
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Refuse"
-msgstr "Endurstækka"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:681
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Change your Cd-Rom!\n"
-"Please insert the Cd-Rom labelled \"%s\" in your drive and press Ok when "
-"If you don't have it, press Cancel to avoid installation from this Cd-Rom."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:699
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "There was an error installing packages:"
-msgstr "Það kom upp villa við að raða pökkum:"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:37
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:67
msgid "An error occurred"
msgstr "Villa kom upp"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:55
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:85
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Please, choose a language to use."
-msgstr "Hvernig mús ertu með?"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:56
-msgid "You can choose other languages that will be available after install"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:68
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:613
-msgid "All"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Do you really want to leave the installation?"
+msgstr "Viltu prófa skilgreininguna"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:86
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:108
msgid "License agreement"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:87
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:109
msgid ""
-"The operating system and the different components available in the Linux-"
-"Mandrake distribution \n"
+"The operating system and the different components available in the Mandrake "
+"Linux distribution \n"
"shall be called the \"Software Products\" hereafter. The Software Products "
"include, but are not \n"
"restricted to, the set of programs, methods, rules and documentation related "
"to the operating \n"
-"system and the different components of the Linux-Mandrake distribution.\n"
+"system and the different components of the Mandrake Linux distribution.\n"
"1. License Agreement\n"
@@ -3948,7 +3948,7 @@ msgid ""
"loss) arising out \n"
"of the possession and use of software components or arising out of "
"downloading software components \n"
-"from one of Linux-Mandrake sites which are prohibited or restricted in some "
+"from one of Mandrake Linux sites which are prohibited or restricted in some "
"countries by local laws.\n"
"This limited liability applies to, but is not restricted to, the strong "
"cryptography components \n"
@@ -3985,7 +3985,7 @@ msgid ""
"MandrakeSoft S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
"Products, as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
-"\"Mandrake\", \"Linux-Mandrake\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
+"\"Mandrake\", \"Mandrake Linux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"MandrakeSoft S.A. \n"
@@ -4005,111 +4005,113 @@ msgid ""
"For any question on this document, please contact MandrakeSoft S.A. \n"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:182
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:822
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:205
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1045
#: ../../standalone/keyboarddrake_.c:28
msgid "Keyboard"
msgstr "Lyklaborð"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:183
-#: ../../standalone/keyboarddrake_.c:29
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:206
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Please, choose your keyboard layout."
+msgid "Please choose your keyboard layout."
msgstr "Hvaða lyklaborðsuppsetningu viltu?"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:184
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:207
msgid "Here is the full list of keyboards available"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:201
-msgid "Install Class"
-msgstr "Innsetningaraðferð"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:201
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:224
#, fuzzy
msgid "Which installation class do you want?"
msgstr "Hverskonar innsetningaraðferð viltu?"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:203
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:226
#, fuzzy
msgid "Install/Update"
msgstr "Innsetning/Uppfærsla"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:203
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:226
#, fuzzy
msgid "Is this an install or an update?"
msgstr "Er þetta innsetning eða uppfærsla?"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:212
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:235
msgid "Recommended"
msgstr "Auðvelda"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:215
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:218
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:238
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:241
msgid "Expert"
msgstr "F. snillinga"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:226
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:246
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:250
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Update"
+msgid "Upgrade"
msgstr "Uppfærsla"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:238 ../../standalone/mousedrake_.c:41
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:246
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:250
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Please, choose the type of your mouse."
+msgid "Upgrade packages only"
+msgstr "Val á pakkahóp"
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:266
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Please choose the type of your mouse."
msgstr "Hvernig mús ertu með?"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:244 ../../standalone/mousedrake_.c:57
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:272 ../../standalone/mousedrake_.c:65
msgid "Mouse Port"
msgstr "Músartengi"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:245 ../../standalone/mousedrake_.c:58
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:273 ../../standalone/mousedrake_.c:66
#, fuzzy
msgid "Please choose on which serial port your mouse is connected to."
msgstr "Við hvaða raðtengi er músin þín tengd?"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:253
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:281
msgid "Buttons emulation"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:255
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:283
msgid "Button 2 Emulation"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:256
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:284
msgid "Button 3 Emulation"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:275
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:305
msgid "Configuring PCMCIA cards..."
msgstr "Stilli PCMCIA kort..."
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:275
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:305
msgid "PCMCIA"
msgstr "PCMCIA"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:280
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:312
#, fuzzy
msgid "Configuring IDE"
msgstr "Uppsetning"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:280
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:312
msgid "IDE"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:295
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:327
msgid "no available partitions"
msgstr "engar reiðubúnar disksneiðar"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:298
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:330
msgid "Scanning partitions to find mount points"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:306
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:338
msgid "Choose the mount points"
msgstr "Veldu tengipunktana"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:323
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:357
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"I can't read your partition table, it's too corrupted for me :(\n"
@@ -4122,7 +4124,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Ég get ekki lesið disksneiðatöflu þína, hún er of skemmd fyrir mig :-(\n"
"Ég mun reyna að halda áfram með því að hreinsa skemmdar disksneiðar"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:336
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:370
msgid ""
"DiskDrake failed to read correctly the partition table.\n"
"Continue at your own risk!"
@@ -4130,92 +4132,156 @@ msgstr ""
"DiskDrake gat ekki lesið sneiðatöfluna.\n"
"Haltu áfram á eigin ábyrgð!"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:361
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:386
+msgid ""
+"No free space for 1MB bootstrap! Install will continue, but to boot your "
+"system, you'll need to create the bootstrap partition in DiskDrake"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:395
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No root partition found to perform an upgrade"
+msgstr "Engin rótarsneið fannst"
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:396
msgid "Root Partition"
msgstr "Rótardisksneið"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:362
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:397
msgid "What is the root partition (/) of your system?"
msgstr "Hver er rótardisksneið (/) kerfisins?"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:376
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:411
msgid "You need to reboot for the partition table modifications to take place"
msgstr ""
"Þú verður að ræsa tölvuna aftur svo breytingar á sneiðatöflunni taki gildi"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:403
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:435
msgid "Choose the partitions you want to format"
msgstr "Veldu þær disksneiðar sem á að forsníða"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:404
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:436
msgid "Check bad blocks?"
msgstr "Athuga skemmdar blokkir?"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:427
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:462
#, fuzzy
msgid "Formatting partitions"
msgstr "Forsníð disksneið %s"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:429
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:464
#, c-format
msgid "Creating and formatting file %s"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:432
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:467
msgid "Not enough swap to fulfill installation, please add some"
msgstr "Ekki nægjanlegt diskminni fyrir innsetningu. Bættu við það"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:438
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:473
msgid "Looking for available packages"
msgstr "Leita að fáanlegum pökkum"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:444
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:479
msgid "Finding packages to upgrade"
msgstr "Leita að pökkum til að uppfæra"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:461
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:496
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your system has not enough space left for installation or upgrade (%d > %d)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:480
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:515
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Complete (%dMB)"
msgstr "Venjulega"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:480
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:515
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Minimum (%dMB)"
msgstr "(%dMB)"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:480
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:515
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Recommended (%dMB)"
msgstr "Auðvelda"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:486
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:568
+msgid ""
+"Please choose load or save package selection on floppy.\n"
+"The format is the same as auto_install generated floppies."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:571
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Custom"
-msgstr "Sérlagaða"
+msgid "Load from floppy"
+msgstr "Endurheimta frá diskling"
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:573
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Loading from floppy"
+msgstr "Endurheimta frá diskling"
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:573
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Package selection"
+msgstr "Val á pakkahóp"
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:578
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Insert a floppy containing package selection"
+msgstr "Settu tóman diskling í drif %s"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:585
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:590
+msgid "Save on floppy"
+msgstr "Vista á diskling"
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:658
msgid "Selected size is larger than available space"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:650
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:671
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Type of install"
+msgstr "Veldu pakka til að setja inn"
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:672
+msgid ""
+"You haven't selected any group of packages.\n"
+"Please choose the minimal installation you want:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:675
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "With X"
+msgstr "Augnablik"
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:677
+msgid "With basic documentation (recommended!)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:678
+msgid "Truly minimal install (especially no urpmi)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:762
msgid ""
"If you have all the CDs in the list below, click Ok.\n"
"If you have none of those CDs, click Cancel.\n"
"If only some CDs are missing, unselect them, then click Ok."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:655
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:767
#, c-format
msgid "Cd-Rom labeled \"%s\""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:684
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:787
+msgid "Preparing installation"
+msgstr "Undirbý innsetningu"
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:796
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Installing package %s\n"
@@ -4224,11 +4290,21 @@ msgstr ""
"Set inn pakka %s\n"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:693
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:842
msgid "Post-install configuration"
msgstr "Lokauppsetning"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:718
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:848
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Please insert the Boot floppy used in drive %s"
+msgstr "Settu tóman diskling í drif %s"
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:854
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Please insert the Update Modules floppy in drive %s"
+msgstr "Settu tóman diskling í drif %s"
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:874
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"You have now the possibility to download software aimed for encryption.\n"
@@ -4279,7 +4355,7 @@ msgstr ""
"varðveislu og\n"
"notkun á slíkum hugbúnaði.\n"
-"Viðskiptavinir Mandrake og/notendur Linux Mandrake skulu því sjá til þess að "
+"Viðskiptavinir Mandrake og/notendur Mandrake Linux skulu því sjá til þess að "
"þeir brjóti ekki\n"
"þau lög sem sett hafa verið í landi viðkomandi. Ef viðkiptavinir og/eða "
@@ -4311,99 +4387,170 @@ msgstr ""
"Altadena, California, 91001\n"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:750
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:912
+msgid ""
+"You have now the possibility to download updated packages that have\n"
+"been released after the distribution has been made available.\n"
+"You will get security fixes or bug fixes, but you need to have an\n"
+"Internet connection configured to proceed.\n"
+"Do you want to install the updates ?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:926
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Contacting Mandrake Linux web site to get the list of available mirrors"
+msgstr "Hef samband við vélina til að sækja lista yfir fáanlega pakka"
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:931
msgid "Choose a mirror from which to get the packages"
msgstr "Veldu spegilvélina þaðan sem á að sækja pakkanna"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:761
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:940
msgid "Contacting the mirror to get the list of available packages"
msgstr "Hef samband við vélina til að sækja lista yfir fáanlega pakka"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:764
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Please choose the packages you want to install."
-msgstr "Veldu pakkana sem þú vilt setja inn"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:776
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:967
#, fuzzy
msgid "Which is your timezone?"
msgstr "Á hvaða tímasvæði ertu?"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:778
-msgid "Is your hardware clock set to GMT?"
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:972
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Hardware clock set to GMT"
msgstr "Veltu stilla tölvuklukkuna á GMT?"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:806 ../../printer.pm_.c:22
-#: ../../printerdrake.pm_.c:415
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:973
+msgid "Automatic time synchronization (using NTP)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:980
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "NTP Server"
+msgstr "NIS þjónn"
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1014
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1022
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remote CUPS server"
msgstr "Fjartengd prentröð"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:807
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1015
#, fuzzy
msgid "No printer"
msgstr "Staðbundinn prentari"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:821
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1032
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Do you have an ISA sound card?"
+msgstr "Er kannski eitt enn í vélinni?"
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1034
+msgid "Run \"sndconfig\" after installation to configure your sound card"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1036
+msgid "No sound card detected. Try \"harddrake\" after installation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1041 ../../steps.pm_.c:27
+msgid "Summary"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1044
#, fuzzy
msgid "Mouse"
msgstr "USB mús"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:823
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1046
msgid "Timezone"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:824 ../../printerdrake.pm_.c:344
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1047 ../../printerdrake.pm_.c:2276
+#: ../../printerdrake.pm_.c:2354
msgid "Printer"
msgstr "Prentari"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:826
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1049
msgid "ISDN card"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:829
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1052
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1054
msgid "Sound card"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:832
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1056
msgid "TV card"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:862
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1094
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1118
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1122
+msgid "LDAP"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1095
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1118
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1131
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Which printing system do you want to use?"
-msgstr "Hvaða sneiðtegund viltu?"
+msgid "NIS"
+msgstr "Nota NIS"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:896
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1096
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1118
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Local files"
+msgstr "Staðbundinn prentari"
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1105
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1106 ../../steps.pm_.c:24
+msgid "Set root password"
+msgstr "Ákveða rótarlykilorð"
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1107
msgid "No password"
msgstr "Ekkert lykilorð"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:901
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1112
#, c-format
msgid "This password is too simple (must be at least %d characters long)"
msgstr "Þetta lykilorð er of einfalt (verður að vera minnst %d stafa langt)"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:907
-msgid "Use NIS"
-msgstr "Nota NIS"
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1118 ../../network/modem.pm_.c:49
+#: ../../standalone/draknet_.c:626 ../../standalone/logdrake_.c:172
+msgid "Authentication"
+msgstr "Auðkenning"
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1126
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Authentication LDAP"
+msgstr "Auðkenning"
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1127
+msgid "LDAP Base dn"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:907
-msgid "yellow pages"
-msgstr "Gular síður (yp)"
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1128
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "LDAP Server"
+msgstr "netþjónn"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:914
-msgid "Authentification NIS"
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1134
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Authentication NIS"
msgstr "Auðkenning NIS"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:915
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1135
msgid "NIS Domain"
msgstr "NIS lén"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:916
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1136
msgid "NIS Server"
msgstr "NIS þjónn"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:951
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1171
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"A custom bootdisk provides a way of booting into your Linux system without\n"
@@ -4427,27 +4574,27 @@ msgstr ""
"eða ef\n"
" annað stýrikerfi hefur fjarlægt LILO eða LILO virkar ekki með þínum "
-" Ræsidiskling má einnig nota með Linux Mandrake 'rescue' disklingnum svo "
+" Ræsidiskling má einnig nota með Mandrake Linux 'rescue' disklingnum svo "
"hægt sé að bjarja\n"
" vélinni ef alvarleg vandamál koma upp.\n"
"Viltu búa til ræsidiskling fyrir vélina þína?"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:967
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1187
#, fuzzy
msgid "First floppy drive"
msgstr "Fyrsta drif"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:968
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1188
#, fuzzy
msgid "Second floppy drive"
msgstr "Annað drif"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:969
+#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1189 ../../printerdrake.pm_.c:1848