path: root/perl-install/standalone/drakroam
blob: 98869e3112baa0af3a18479c540805e3fd64d82d (plain)

# drakroam: wireless network roaming GUI
# beta version uses wlandetect as backend
# Austin Acton, 2005
# <>
# Licensed under the GPL

# problems
# - deletes comments in config file
# - expects an ifcfg file for static IP configurations (not uncommon)
# - roaming status fails (no idea why)
#   maybe same reason bash-completion killall can not see wlandetect?

# todo (wlandetect version)
# - make known and available lists have more rows by default (why so small?)
# - refresh status every x seconds
# - find a good way to drop the access point and resume roaming
# - make 'key' column wider by default
# todo (waproamd version)
# - listen to dbus for pings from waproamd; update all on receiving a dbus ping
# - setup static network configurations
# - handle keys (can key file be named after ESSID?)
# - should files be named as MAC or as essid:ESSID ?

use strict;
use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX);

use standalone;
use common;
use run_program;
use detect_devices;
use Glib qw(TRUE FALSE);
use ugtk2 qw(:create :helpers :wrappers);
use Gtk2::SimpleList;
use Socket;


unless (any { detect_devices::is_wireless_interface($_) } detect_devices::getNet()) {
    ugtk2::err_dialog(N("Error"), N("You do not have any wireless interface.
Run the \"%s\" assistant from the Mandriva Linux Control Center", N("Set up a new network interface (LAN, ISDN, ADSL, ...)")));
    ugtk2::exit(0) if !$::testing;

# global settings
my $route = '/sbin/route -n';
my $IWList = '/sbin/iwlist';
my $IWConfig = '/sbin/iwconfig';
my $IFConfig = '/sbin/ifconfig';
my $IFUp = '/sbin/ifup';
my $IFDown = '/sbin/ifdown';
my $DHClient = '/sbin/dhclient';
my $enable_roaming = member('--roaming', @ARGV); #- not tested yet ...

# initialize variables
my $ScanInterval = 30; # tell deamon to search for new nets every x seconds

my ($KnownList, $AvailableList);
my $device;

my %available_roaming_daemons = (
		       wlandetect => {
				      config_location => '/etc/wlandetect.conf',
				      binary => '/usr/sbin/wlandetect',
				      start_options => sub {
					  my ($interval, undef) = @_;
					  "-d -t $interval";
				      read_config => sub {
					  my ($config) = @_;
					  each_index {
					      /^#/ || /^\n/ and next; #ignore comments and blank lines
					      if (/^(\S+)\s+(.*)$/) {
						  my ($essid, $mode, $channel, $dhcp, $key);
						  my $command = $2;
						  # setup new network entry
						  $essid = $1;
						  ($mode) = $command =~ /mode\s([^\s;]+)/;
						  ($channel) = $command =~ /channel\s([^\s;]+)/;
						  ($key) = $command =~ /key\s([^\s;]+)/;
						  $dhcp = $command =~ /dhclient/;
						  &AddNet($essid, $mode, $channel, $dhcp, $key);
					      else { die "Line $::i of configuration file is not parseable.\n" }
					  } cat_($config);
				      write_config => sub {
					  my ($config) = @_;
					  my @contents = (
							  "#wlandetect configuration file\n",
							  "#format: essid<tab><tab>commands\n",
							  "#use \@DEV\@ for device name\n"
					  foreach my $row (@{$KnownList->{data}}) { # again, lame
					      my $essid = $row->[0];
					      my $iwc = join(' ', $IWConfig, "essid $essid",
							     if_($row->[1], "mode $row->[1]"),
							     if_($row->[2], "channel $row->[2]"),
							     if_($row->[4], "key $row->[4]"));
					      my $ifc = $row->[3] ? "$IFConfig \@DEV\@ up; $DHClient \@DEV\@" : "$IFUp \@DEV\@";
					      push @contents, "$essid\t\t$iwc; $ifc\n";
					  output_with_perm($config, 0600, @contents);
		       waproamd => {
				      config_location => '/etc/waproamd/keys',
				      binary => '/usr/sbin/waproamd',
				      start_options => sub {
					  my ($interval, $device) = @_;
					  "-i $device -t $interval";
				      read_config => sub {
					  my ($config) = @_;
					  foreach my $file (all($config)) {
					      my ($essid) = $file =~ /^(.*)\.wep$/ or next;
					      &AddNet($essid, '', '', 1, cat_("$config/$file"));
				      write_config => sub {
					  my ($config) = @_;
					  foreach my $row (@{$KnownList->{data}}) { # again, lame
					      my $essid = $row->[0];
					      output_with_perm("$config/$essid.wep", 0600, $row->[4]);

my $roaming_daemon = $available_roaming_daemons{wlandetect};

my $ScanEntry = Gtk2::Entry->new;

$KnownList = Gtk2::SimpleList->new(
                                      N("ESSID") => "text",
                                      N("Mode") => "text",
                                      N("Channel") => "text",
                                      N("DHCP") => "bool",
                                      N("Key") => "text"
$KnownList->set_column_editable(1, TRUE); # allow to change mode
$KnownList->set_column_editable(2, TRUE); # allow to change channel
$KnownList->set_column_editable(4, TRUE); # allow to change key

$AvailableList = Gtk2::SimpleList->new(
                                          "ESSID" => "text",
                                          "Type" => "text",
                                          "Encryption" => "text",
                                          "Signal (%)" => "int"

my $NetLabel = Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new(N("Network:"));
my $IpLabel = Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new(N("IP:"));
my $GwLabel = Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new(N("Gateway:"));
my $ModeLabel = Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new(N("Mode:"));
my $WepLabel = Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new(N("Encryption:"));
my $SignalLabel = Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new(N("Signal:"));

my $net_field   = Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new;
my $mode_field  = Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new;
my $ip_field    = Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new;
my $wep_field   = Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new;
my $gw_field    = Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new;
my $sig_field   = Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new;

my $w = ugtk2->new('Drakroam');
gtkadd(gtkset_border_width($w->{window}, 2),
                    0, gtkadd(gtkset_border_width(Gtk2::Frame->new(N("Roaming")), 2),
                                          my $RoamStatus = Gtk2::Label->new(N("Roaming: %s", N("off"))),
						  gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Start")), clicked => sub { &StartRoam }),
						  gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Stop")), clicked => sub { &StopRoam })
                                          Gtk2::Label->new(N("Scan interval (sec): ")),
                                                  gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Set")), clicked => sub { &SetInterval })
                1, gtkadd(gtkset_border_width(Gtk2::Frame->new(N("Known Networks (Drag up/down or edit)")), 2),
                                   1, create_scrolled_window($KnownList),
                                   0, gtkpack(create_hbox(),
					      gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Remove")), clicked => sub {
								    my ($selected) = $KnownList->get_selected_indices;
					      gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Connect")), clicked => sub {
								    my ($selected) = $KnownList->get_selected_indices;
					      gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Save")), clicked => sub { &WriteConfig })
                1, gtkadd(gtkset_border_width(Gtk2::Frame->new(N("Available Networks")), 2),
                                   1, create_scrolled_window($AvailableList),
                                   0, gtkpack(create_hbox(),
					      gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Add")), clicked => sub {
								    my @selected = $AvailableList->get_selected_indices;
								    my ($mode, $channel, $key);
								    my $essid = $AvailableList->{data}["@selected"][0];
								    my $dhcp = 1; # assume dhcp for new networks
								    if ($essid) {
									&AddNet($essid, $mode, $channel, $dhcp, $key);
								    } else {
									print "ESSID is empty, skipping network\n";
					      gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Rescan")), clicked => sub { &UpdateAvailable })
                0, gtkadd(gtkset_border_width(Gtk2::Frame->new(N("Status")), 2),
                                  create_packtable({ col_spacings => 5, row_spacings => 5, homogenous => 1 },
                                                   [ $NetLabel,  $net_field,  $IpLabel,  $ip_field,  $GwLabel,     $gw_field ],
                                                   [ $ModeLabel, $mode_field, $WepLabel, $wep_field, $SignalLabel, $sig_field ],
                                          gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Disconnect")), clicked => sub { &Disconnect }),
                                          gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Refresh")), clicked => sub { &UpdateStatus }),
                                          gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Close")), clicked => sub { Gtk2->main_quit })

# fill the GUI

sub UpdateAll {
	&UpdateAvailable; #must go first as it defines the device name

sub isRoamingRunning() {
	my $name = basename($roaming_daemon->{binary});
	any { /\Q$name\E$/ } run_program::get_stdout("ps", "-A");

sub UpdateRoaming() {
	my $status = isRoamingRunning() ? N("on") : N("off");
	$RoamStatus->set_text(N("Roaming: %s", $status));
	return FALSE; #- do not update again if launched on timeout

sub UpdateStatus() {
	my $CurrentNet = "-";
	my $CurrentIP = "---.---.---.---";
	my $CurrentGW = "---.---.---.---";
	my $CurrentMode = "";
	my $CurrentWEP = "";
	my $CurrentSignal = "-";
	print "Updating\n" if $::testing;
	foreach (run_program::get_stdout($IWConfig, $device)) {
		/ESSID:"(.*?)"/ and $CurrentNet = $1;
		/Mode:(\S*)\s/ and $CurrentMode = $1;
		/key:(\S*)\s/ and $CurrentWEP = $1;
		m!Quality[:=](\S*)/! and $CurrentSignal = $1;
	foreach (run_program::get_stdout($IFConfig, $device)) {
		if (/inet addr:(\S*)\s/) { $CurrentIP = $1 }
	foreach (run_program::get_stdout($route)) {
		#- FIXME: use timeout for DNS resolution, factorize with
		if (/^\s*(\S*)\s/) { $CurrentGW = gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($1), AF_INET) }
		else { $CurrentGW = "---.---.---.---" }

sub UpdateAvailable() {
	my ($essid, $mode, $wep, $signal);
	print "Running iwlist\n" if $::testing;
	@{$AvailableList->{data}} = ();
	foreach (`$IWList scan 2>/dev/null`) {
		/([^ ]+)([ \t]+)Scan completed :/ and $device = $1;
		/([^ ]+)([ \t]+)No scan results/ and  $device = $1;
		/ESSID:"(.*?)"/ and $essid = $1;
		/Mode:(\S*)/ and $mode = $1;
		m!Quality[:=](\S*)/! and $signal = $1;
		if (/key:(\S*)\s/) {
			$wep = $1;
			print "ESSID: $essid, Mode: $mode, WEP: $wep, Signal: $signal\n" if $::testing;
			push @{$AvailableList->{data}}, [$essid, $mode, $wep, $signal];

sub AddNet {
	my ($essid, $mode, $channel, $dhcp, $key) = @_;
	member($essid, map { $_->[0] } @{$KnownList->{data}}) and return;
	print "Adding net $essid\n" if $::testing;
	push @{$KnownList->{data}}, [ $essid, $mode, $channel, $dhcp, $key ];

sub RemoveNet {
	my ($selected) = @_;
	my $essid = $KnownList->{data}[$selected][0];
	print "Removing net $essid\n" if $::testing;
	splice @{$KnownList->{data}}, $selected, 1;

sub ReadConfig() {
	$_->{read_config}($_->{config_location}) foreach values %available_roaming_daemons;

sub WriteConfig() {
	$_->{write_config}($_->{config_location}) foreach values %available_roaming_daemons;

sub StartRoam() {
	my $options = $roaming_daemon->{start_options}($ScanInterval, $device);
	my $name = basename($roaming_daemon->{binary});
	system("killall $name; $roaming_daemon->{binary} $options &");
	Glib::Timeout->add(1000, \&UpdateRoaming);

sub StopRoam() {
	my $name = basename($roaming_daemon->{binary});
	system("killall $name");
	Glib::Timeout->add(1000, \&UpdateRoaming);

sub SetInterval() {
	$ScanInterval = $ScanEntry->get_text;
	if (isRoamingRunning()) {

sub ConnectNow {
	my ($row) = @_;
	my @command = "";
	push @command, "$IWConfig $device essid $KnownList->{data}[$row][0] ";
     my %commands = (1 => 'mode', 2 => 'channel', 4 => 'key');
     push @command, map { "$commands{$_} $KnownList->{data}[$row][$_] " } grep { $KnownList->{data}[$row][$_] } keys %commands;
	push @command, "; ";
	if ($KnownList->{data}[$row][3]) {
		push @command, "$IFConfig $device up; $DHClient $device";
	else {
		push @command, "$IFUp $device";
	my $ToBash = join("", @command);
	print "Sending $ToBash\n" if $::testing;

sub Disconnect {
	print "Dropping $device\n" if $::testing;
	system("$IFDown $device");

sub Dialog {
    my ($FilePointer) = @_;
    my $content = join('', cat_($FilePointer));
    # dump into a dialog
    my $AboutWindow = Gtk2::Dialog->new(N("Information"), $w->{real_window},
                                        N("Ok") => 'none');
    $AboutWindow->signal_connect(response => sub { $_[0]->destroy });

div class='ctx'>
-#: ../../Xconfig/various.pm_.c:34
+#: ../../ ../../printer/
#, c-format
-msgid "Monitor VertRefresh: %s\n"
-msgstr "VertRefresh Monitor: %s\n"
+msgid "User name"
+msgstr "Nama pengguna"
-#: ../../Xconfig/various.pm_.c:35
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Graphics card: %s\n"
-msgstr "Kartu grafis: %s\n"
+msgid "Real name"
+msgstr "Nama Lengkap"
-#: ../../Xconfig/various.pm_.c:36
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Graphics memory: %s kB\n"
-msgstr "Memori grafis: %s KB\n"
+msgid "Accept user"
+msgstr "Buat pengguna baru"
-#: ../../Xconfig/various.pm_.c:38
+#: ../../ ../../diskdrake/ ../../diskdrake/
+#: ../../diskdrake/ ../../diskdrake/
+#: ../../interactive/ ../../printer/
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1 ../../standalone/scannerdrake:1
#, c-format
-msgid "Color depth: %s\n"
-msgstr "Pilihan kedalaman warna: %s\n"
+msgid "Done"
+msgstr "Selesai"
-#: ../../Xconfig/various.pm_.c:39
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Resolution: %s\n"
-msgstr "Resolusi: %s\n"
+msgid ""
+"Enter a user\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Masukkan pengguna\n"
-#: ../../Xconfig/various.pm_.c:41
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "XFree86 server: %s\n"
-msgstr "Server XFree86: %s\n"
+msgid "Add user"
+msgstr "Tambah pengguna"
-#: ../../Xconfig/various.pm_.c:42
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "XFree86 driver: %s\n"
-msgstr "Driver XFree86: %s\n"
-#: ../../Xconfig/various.pm_.c:61
-msgid "Graphical interface at startup"
-msgstr "Antarmuka grafis saat startup"
+msgid "This user name has already been added"
+msgstr "Pengguna ini sudah ada sebelumnya"
-#: ../../Xconfig/various.pm_.c:62
-msgid ""
-"I can setup your computer to automatically start the graphical interface "
-"(XFree) upon booting.\n"
-"Would you like XFree to start when you reboot?"
-msgstr ""
-"Komputer Anda bisa diset agar menjalankan X saat booting.\n"
-"Anda mau fasilitas ini?"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "The user name is too long"
+msgstr "Nama pengguna terlalu panjang"
-#: ../../Xconfig/various.pm_.c:73
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Your graphic card seems to have a TV-OUT connector.\n"
-"It can be configured to work using frame-buffer.\n"
-"For this you have to plug your graphic card to your TV before booting your "
-"Then choose the \"TVout\" entry in the bootloader\n"
-"Do you have this feature?"
-msgstr ""
-"Kartu grafik Anda tak punya konektor TV-OUT.\n"
-"Ia dapat dikonfigurasikan agar bekerja menggunakan frame-buffer.\n"
-"Untuk ini Anda harus menyambung kartu grafik ke TV sebelum memboot "
-"Lalu pilih entri \"TVout\" di bootloader\n"
-"Anda punya fitur ini?"
-#: ../../Xconfig/various.pm_.c:85
-msgid "What norm is your TV using?"
-msgstr "Norm apa yg digunakan TV Anda?"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:107 ../../any.pm_.c:132
-msgid "First sector of boot partition"
-msgstr "Sektor pertama di partisi boot"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:107 ../../any.pm_.c:132 ../../any.pm_.c:209
-msgid "First sector of drive (MBR)"
-msgstr "Sektor pertama di drive (MBR)"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:111
-msgid "SILO Installation"
-msgstr "Instalasi SILO"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:112 ../../any.pm_.c:125
-msgid "Where do you want to install the bootloader?"
-msgstr "Bootloader akan diinstal di mana?"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:124
-msgid "LILO/grub Installation"
-msgstr "Instalasi LILO/grub"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:136 ../../any.pm_.c:150
-msgid "SILO"
-msgstr "SILO"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:138
-msgid "LILO with text menu"
-msgstr "LILO dengan menu teks"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:139 ../../any.pm_.c:150
-msgid "LILO with graphical menu"
-msgstr "LILO dengan menu grafis"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:142
-msgid "Grub"
-msgstr "Grub"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:146
-msgid "Boot from DOS/Windows (loadlin)"
-msgstr "Boot dari DOS/windows (loadlin)"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:148 ../../any.pm_.c:150
-msgid "Yaboot"
-msgstr "Yaboot"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:158 ../../any.pm_.c:189
-msgid "Bootloader main options"
-msgstr "Parameter Bootloader utama"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:159 ../../any.pm_.c:190
-msgid "Bootloader to use"
-msgstr "Bootloader yang hendak digunakan"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:161
-msgid "Bootloader installation"
-msgstr "Instalasi Bootloader"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:163 ../../any.pm_.c:192
-msgid "Boot device"
-msgstr "Device boot"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:164
-msgid "Compact"
-msgstr "Kompak"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:164
-msgid "compact"
-msgstr "kompak"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:165 ../../any.pm_.c:289
-msgid "Video mode"
-msgstr "Mode video"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:167
-msgid "Delay before booting default image"
-msgstr "Delay sebelum boot ke image default"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:169 ../../any.pm_.c:772
-#: ../../diskdrake/smbnfs_gtk.pm_.c:179
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1077 ../../network/modem.pm_.c:71
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:803 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:916
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3478 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:622
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:647
-msgid "Password"
-msgstr "Katasandi"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:170 ../../any.pm_.c:773
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1078
-msgid "Password (again)"
-msgstr "Katasandi (lagi)"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:171
-msgid "Restrict command line options"
-msgstr "Batasi parameter command line"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:171
-msgid "restrict"
-msgstr "batasi"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:173
-msgid "Clean /tmp at each boot"
-msgstr "Hapus /tmp saat boot"
+"The user name must contain only lower cased letters, numbers, `-' and `_'"
+msgstr "Nama pengguna hanya boleh terdiri dari huruf, angka, `-' dan `_'"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:174
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Precise RAM size if needed (found %d MB)"
-msgstr "Ukuran RAM yg tepat (ditemukan %d MB)"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:176
-msgid "Enable multi profiles"
-msgstr "Buat multi profil"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:180
-msgid "Give the ram size in MB"
-msgstr "Berikan jumlah RAM dalam satuan MB"
+msgid "Please give a user name"
+msgstr "Silakan tulis nama pengguna"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:182
-msgid ""
-"Option ``Restrict command line options'' is of no use without a password"
-msgstr ""
-"Pilihan ``Batasi parameter command line'' tidak ada gunanya tanpa katasandi"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "This password is too simple"
+msgstr "Katasandi ini terlalu sederhana"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:183 ../../any.pm_.c:748
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1204
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1072
+#: ../../ ../../
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
msgid "Please try again"
msgstr "Silakan ulangi"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:183 ../../any.pm_.c:748
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1072
+#: ../../ ../../
+#, c-format
msgid "The passwords do not match"
msgstr "Katasandi tidak sama"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:191
-msgid "Init Message"
-msgstr "Pesan Init"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "(already added %s)"
+msgstr "(sudah ditambahkan %s)"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:193
-msgid "Open Firmware Delay"
-msgstr "Delay Open Firmware"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "access to compilation tools"
+msgstr "akses ke peralatan kompilasi"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:194
-msgid "Kernel Boot Timeout"
-msgstr "Timeout Kernel Boot"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "access to network tools"
+msgstr "akses ke peralatan jaringan"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:195
-msgid "Enable CD Boot?"
-msgstr "Aktifkan boot dari CD?"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "access to administrative files"
+msgstr "akses ke file administratif"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:196
-msgid "Enable OF Boot?"
-msgstr "Aktifkan boot dari OF?"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "allow \"su\""
+msgstr "izinkan \"su\""
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:197
-msgid "Default OS?"
-msgstr "Default OS?"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "access to rpm tools"
+msgstr "akses ke peralatan rpm"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:231
-msgid ""
-"You decided to install the bootloader on a partition.\n"
-"This implies you already have a bootloader on the hard drive you boot (eg: "
-"System Commander).\n"
-"On which drive are you booting?"
-msgstr ""
-"Anda memutuskan instalasi pemuat boot di partisi.\n"
-"Berarti Anda sudah punya pemuat boot di harddisk yang Anda boot (mis: System "
-"Di drive mana Anda boot?"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "access to X programs"
+msgstr "akses ke program X"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:247
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"Here are the entries on your boot menu so far.\n"
-"You can add some more or change the existing ones."
+"You can create additional entries or change the existing ones."
msgstr ""
"Ini adalah entri yang lain lagi.\n"
"Anda boleh tambahkan atau mengubah yang sudah ada."
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:257 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1531
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1644 ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:953
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:996
-msgid "Add"
-msgstr "Tambah"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:257 ../../any.pm_.c:760 ../../diskdrake/dav.pm_.c:68
-#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:156 ../../diskdrake/removable.pm_.c:27
-#: ../../diskdrake/smbnfs_gtk.pm_.c:88 ../../interactive/http.pm_.c:153
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2970 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2726
-msgid "Done"
-msgstr "Selesai"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:257
-msgid "Modify"
-msgstr "Modifikasi"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:265
-msgid "Which type of entry do you want to add?"
-msgstr "Tipe entri mana yang hendak ditambahkan?"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:266 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1674
-msgid "Linux"
-msgstr "Linux"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:266
-msgid "Other OS (SunOS...)"
-msgstr "OS Lain (SunOS...)"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:267
-msgid "Other OS (MacOS...)"
-msgstr "OS Lain (MacOS...)"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:267
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid "Other OS (windows...)"
msgstr "OS Lain (Mindows...)"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:285
-msgid "Image"
-msgstr "Image"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Other OS (MacOS...)"
+msgstr "OS Lain (MacOS...)"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:286 ../../any.pm_.c:297
-msgid "Root"
-msgstr "Root"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Other OS (SunOS...)"
+msgstr "OS Lain (SunOS...)"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:287 ../../any.pm_.c:315
-msgid "Append"
-msgstr "Sambung"
+#: ../../ ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Linux"
+msgstr "Linux"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:291
-msgid "Initrd"
-msgstr "Initrd"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Which type of entry do you want to add?"
+msgstr "Tipe entri mana yang hendak ditambahkan?"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:292
-msgid "Read-write"
-msgstr "Read-write"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "This label is already used"
+msgstr "Label ini sudah dipakai"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:299
-msgid "Table"
-msgstr "Tabel"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "You must specify a root partition"
+msgstr "Anda harus tentukan partisi swap"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:300
-msgid "Unsafe"
-msgstr "Tak aman"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "You must specify a kernel image"
+msgstr "Anda harus tentukan image kernel"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:307 ../../any.pm_.c:312 ../../any.pm_.c:314
-msgid "Label"
-msgstr "Label"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Empty label not allowed"
+msgstr "Label tidak boleh kosong"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:309 ../../any.pm_.c:319 ../../harddrake/v4l.pm_.c:215
+#: ../../ ../../harddrake/
+#, c-format
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Default"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:316
-msgid "Initrd-size"
-msgstr "Initrd-size"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:318
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid "NoVideo"
msgstr "NoVideo"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:326
-msgid "Remove entry"
-msgstr "Hapus entri"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:329
-msgid "Empty label not allowed"
-msgstr "Label tidak boleh kosong"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Initrd-size"
+msgstr "Initrd-size"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:330
-msgid "You must specify a kernel image"
-msgstr "Anda harus tentukan image kernel"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Append"
+msgstr "Sambung"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:330
-msgid "You must specify a root partition"
-msgstr "Anda harus tentukan partisi swap"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Label"
+msgstr "Label"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:331
-msgid "This label is already used"
-msgstr "Label ini sudah dipakai"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unsafe"
+msgstr "Tak aman"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:640
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Found %s %s interfaces"
-msgstr "Ditemukan interface %s %s"
+msgid "Table"
+msgstr "Tabel"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:641
-msgid "Do you have another one?"
-msgstr "Anda punya lagi?"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Root"
+msgstr "Root"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:642
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Do you have any %s interfaces?"
-msgstr "Punya antarmuka %s?"
+msgid "Read-write"
+msgstr "Read-write"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:644 ../../any.pm_.c:807 ../../interactive.pm_.c:132
-#: ../../my_gtk.pm_.c:286 ../../ugtk2.pm_.c:925
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Tidak"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Initrd"
+msgstr "Initrd"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:644 ../../any.pm_.c:806 ../../interactive.pm_.c:132
-#: ../../my_gtk.pm_.c:286 ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:258
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:259 ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:267
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:277 ../../ugtk2.pm_.c:925
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Ya"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Video mode"
+msgstr "Mode video"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:645
-msgid "See hardware info"
-msgstr "Lihat info hardware"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Image"
-#. -PO: the first %s is the card type (scsi, network, sound,...)
-#. -PO: the second is the vendor+model name
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:662
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Installing driver for %s card %s"
-msgstr "Menginstal driver untuk kartu %s %s"
+msgid "Default OS?"
+msgstr "Default OS?"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:663
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "(module %s)"
-msgstr "(modul %s)"
+msgid "Enable OF Boot?"
+msgstr "Aktifkan boot dari OF?"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:674
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"You may now provide its options to module %s.\n"
-"Note that any address should be entered with the prefix 0x like '0x123'"
-msgstr ""
-"Anda dapat memberikan opsi terhadap modul %s.\n"
-"Ingat, semua alamat harus diisikan dengan awalan 0x misalnya '0x123'"
+msgid "Enable CD Boot?"
+msgstr "Aktifkan boot dari CD?"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:680
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"You may now provide options to module %s.\n"
-"Options are in format ``name=value name2=value2 ...''.\n"
-"For instance, ``io=0x300 irq=7''"
-msgstr ""
-"Silakan beri parameter untuk modul %s ini.\n"
-"Parameter biasanya dalam format ``nama=nilai nama2=nilai2...''.\n"
-"Misalnya, ``io=0x300 irq=7''"
+msgid "Kernel Boot Timeout"
+msgstr "Timeout Kernel Boot"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:682
-msgid "Module options:"
-msgstr "Pilihan Modul:"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Open Firmware Delay"
+msgstr "Delay Open Firmware"
-#. -PO: the %s is the driver type (scsi, network, sound,...)
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:694
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Which %s driver should I try?"
-msgstr "Driver %s mana yang harus saya coba?"
+msgid "Boot device"
+msgstr "Device boot"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:703
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"In some cases, the %s driver needs to have extra information to work\n"
-"properly, although it normally works fine without. Would you like to "
-"extra options for it or allow the driver to probe your machine for the\n"
-"information it needs? Occasionally, probing will hang a computer, but it "
-"not cause any damage."
-msgstr ""
-"Kadangkala, driver %s butuh info tambahan agar dapat bekerja normal walau\n"
-"biasanya tak perlu. Inginkah Anda memberikan parameter tambahan tadi atau\n"
-"biarkan saja drivernya melakukan deteksi sendiri parameternya? Deteksi\n"
-"otomatis bisa membuat komputer hang), tapi tak merusak."
+msgid "Init Message"
+msgstr "Pesan Init"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:707
-msgid "Autoprobe"
-msgstr "Probe otomatis"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bootloader to use"
+msgstr "Bootloader yang hendak digunakan"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:707
-msgid "Specify options"
-msgstr "Tentukan opsi"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bootloader main options"
+msgstr "Parameter Bootloader utama"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:719
+#: ../../
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Loading module %s failed.\n"
-"Do you want to try again with other parameters?"
+"Option ``Restrict command line options'' is of no use without a password"
msgstr ""
-"Module %s gagal diload.\n"
-"Mau coba lagi dengan parameter yang lain?"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:734
-msgid "access to X programs"
-msgstr "akses ke program X"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:735
-msgid "access to rpm tools"
-msgstr "akses ke peralatan rpm"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:736
-msgid "allow \"su\""
-msgstr "izinkan \"su\""
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:737
-msgid "access to administrative files"
-msgstr "akses ke file administratif"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:738
-msgid "access to network tools"
-msgstr "akses ke peralatan jaringan"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:739
-msgid "access to compilation tools"
-msgstr "akses ke peralatan kompilasi"
+"Pilihan ``Batasi parameter command line'' tidak ada gunanya tanpa katasandi"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:744
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "(already added %s)"
-msgstr "(sudah ditambahkan %s)"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:749
-msgid "This password is too simple"
-msgstr "Katasandi ini terlalu sederhana"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:750
-msgid "Please give a user name"
-msgstr "Silakan tulis nama pengguna"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:751
-msgid ""
-"The user name must contain only lower cased letters, numbers, `-' and `_'"
-msgstr "Nama pengguna hanya boleh terdiri dari huruf, angka, `-' dan `_'"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:752
-msgid "The user name is too long"
-msgstr "Nama pengguna terlalu panjang"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:753
-msgid "This user name is already added"
-msgstr "Pengguna ini sudah ada sebelumnya"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:757
-msgid "Add user"
-msgstr "Tambah pengguna"
+msgid "Give the ram size in MB"
+msgstr "Berikan jumlah RAM dalam satuan MB"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:758
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Enter a user\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Masukkan pengguna\n"
+msgid "Enable multiple profiles"
+msgstr "Buat multi profil"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:759
-msgid "Accept user"
-msgstr "Buat pengguna baru"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Precise RAM size if needed (found %d MB)"
+msgstr "Ukuran RAM yg tepat (ditemukan %d MB)"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:770
-msgid "Real name"
-msgstr "Nama Lengkap"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Clean /tmp at each boot"
+msgstr "Hapus /tmp saat boot"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:771 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:802
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:915
-msgid "User name"
-msgstr "Nama pengguna"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Create a bootdisk"
+msgstr "Membuat bootdisk"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:774
-msgid "Shell"
-msgstr "Cangkang"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "restrict"
+msgstr "batasi"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:776
-msgid "Icon"
-msgstr "Ikon"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Restrict command line options"
+msgstr "Batasi parameter command line"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:803
-msgid "Autologin"
-msgstr "Autologin"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Delay before booting default image"
+msgstr "Delay sebelum boot ke image default"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:804
-msgid ""
-"I can set up your computer to automatically log on one user.\n"
-"Do you want to use this feature?"
-msgstr ""
-"Komputer Anda dapat diset agar secara otomatis login dg satu pengguna.\n"
-"Anda ingin pakai fitur ini?"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "compact"
+msgstr "kompak"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:808
-msgid "Choose the default user:"
-msgstr "Pilih pengguna standar:"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Compact"
+msgstr "Kompak"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:809
-msgid "Choose the window manager to run:"
-msgstr "Pilih manajer window yg akan dipakai:"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bootloader installation"
+msgstr "Instalasi Bootloader"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:824
-msgid "Please choose a language to use."
-msgstr "Pilihlah bahasa yg akan dipakai."
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "First sector of boot partition"
+msgstr "Sektor pertama di partisi boot"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:826
-msgid ""
-"Mandrake Linux can support multiple languages. Select\n"
-"the languages you would like to install. They will be available\n"
-"when your installation is complete and you restart your system."
-msgstr "Anda dapat memilih bahasa lain yang akan tersedia seusai instalasi."
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "First sector of drive (MBR)"
+msgstr "Sektor pertama di drive (MBR)"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:840 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:697
-#: ../../standalone/drakxtv_.c:70
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Semua"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Where do you want to install the bootloader?"
+msgstr "Bootloader akan diinstal di mana?"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:961
-msgid "Allow all users"
-msgstr "Izinkan semua pengguna"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "LILO/grub Installation"
+msgstr "Instalasi LILO/grub"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:961
-msgid "No sharing"
-msgstr "Tiada pemakaian bersama"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "SILO Installation"
+msgstr "Instalasi SILO"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:971 ../../install_any.pm_.c:1207 ../../standalone.pm_.c:185
+#: ../../ ../../printer/
#, c-format
-msgid "The package %s needs to be installed. Do you want to install it?"
-msgstr "Paket %s perlu diupgrade. Anda ingin instal?"
+msgid "Skip"
+msgstr "Lewatkan"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:973
-msgid ""
-"You can export using NFS or Samba. Please select which you'd like to use."
-msgstr "Anda dapat mengekspor dg NFS atau Samba. Pilih yg Anda ingin."
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "On Floppy"
+msgstr "Disket boot"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:981 ../../install_any.pm_.c:1212 ../../standalone.pm_.c:190
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Mandatory package %s is missing"
-msgstr "Paket wajib %s hilang"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:987
msgid ""
-"Would you like to allow users to share some of their directories?\n"
-"Allowing this will permit users to simply click on \"Share\" in konqueror "
-"and nautilus.\n"
+"You decided to install the bootloader on a partition.\n"
+"This implies you already have a bootloader on the hard drive you boot (eg: "
+"System Commander).\n"
-"\"Custom\" permit a per-user granularity.\n"
+"On which drive are you booting?"
msgstr ""
-"Bolehkah pengguna mengekspor direktori di home mereka?\n"
-"Jika diizinkan, pengguna akan dapat meng-klik \"Share\" di konqueror and "
+"Anda memutuskan instalasi pemuat boot di partisi.\n"
+"Berarti Anda sudah punya pemuat boot di harddisk yang Anda boot (mis: System "
-"\"Custom\" memungkinkan tuning masing-masing pengguna.\n"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:1001
-msgid "Launch userdrake"
-msgstr "Luncurkan userdrake"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:1003
-msgid ""
-"The per-user sharing uses the group \"fileshare\". \n"
-"You can use userdrake to add a user in this group."
-msgstr ""
-"Sharing tiap pengguna menggunakan grup \"fileshare\". \n"
-"Anda dapat memakai userdrake utk menambah pengguna di grup ini."
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:1053 ../../security/level.pm_.c:7
-msgid "Welcome To Crackers"
-msgstr "Selamat Datang di Crackers"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:1054 ../../security/level.pm_.c:8
-msgid "Poor"
-msgstr "Lemah"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:1055 ../../mouse.pm_.c:31 ../../security/level.pm_.c:9
-msgid "Standard"
-msgstr "Standar"
+"Di drive mana Anda boot?"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:1056 ../../security/level.pm_.c:10
-msgid "High"
-msgstr "Kuat"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Creating bootdisk..."
+msgstr "Membuat bootdisk"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:1057 ../../security/level.pm_.c:11
-msgid "Higher"
-msgstr "Lebih Kuat"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Insert a floppy in %s"
+msgstr "Masukkan disket ke %s"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:1058 ../../security/level.pm_.c:12
-msgid "Paranoid"
-msgstr "Pengecut"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Choose the floppy drive you want to use to make the bootdisk"
+msgstr "Pilih drive floppy untuk membuat bootdisk"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:1061
-msgid ""
-"This level is to be used with care. It makes your system more easy to use,\n"
-"but very sensitive: it must not be used for a machine connected to others\n"
-"or to the Internet. There is no password access."
-msgstr ""
-"Level ini harus digunakan hati-hati. Ia akan membuat sistem Anda akan mudah\n"
-"digunakan, tapi sangat sensitif: mesin ini tidak boleh digunakan untuk\n"
-"mesin yang terhubung ke mesin lain atau ke Internet. Tidak akan ada\n"
-"akses katasandi."
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Second floppy drive"
+msgstr "Drive disket kedua"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:1064
-msgid ""
-"Password are now enabled, but use as a networked computer is still not "
-msgstr "Katasandi akan diaktifkan, tapi mohon jangan disambungkan ke jaringan."
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "First floppy drive"
+msgstr "Drive disket Pertama"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:1065
-msgid ""
-"This is the standard security recommended for a computer that will be used "
-"to connect to the Internet as a client."
-msgstr ""
-"Ini adalah sekuriti standar, dianjurkan untuk komputer yang akan\n"
-"terkoneksi ke Internet sebagai klien."
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Sorry, no floppy drive available"
+msgstr "Tiada floppy drive tersedia"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:1066
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"There are already some restrictions, and more automatic checks are run every "
+"A custom bootdisk provides a way of booting into your Linux system without\n"
+"depending on the normal bootloader. This is useful if you don't want to "
+"LILO (or grub) on your system, or another operating system removes LILO, or "
+"LILO doesn't\n"
+"work with your hardware configuration. A custom bootdisk can also be used "
+"the Mandrake rescue image, making it much easier to recover from severe "
+"failures. Would you like to create a bootdisk for your system?\n"
msgstr ""
-"Sudah ada beberapa batasan, dan beberapa pengecekan otomatis berjalan tiap "
+"Bootdisk baru membantu Anda untuk melakukan boot sistem Linux tanpa\n"
+"tergantung pada bootloader. Ini berguna bila Anda tidak mau menginstal\n"
+"lilo (atau grub) di sistem Anda, atau saat sistem operasi lain menghapus\n"
+"lilo, atau lilo tak bisa digunakan pada konfigurasi hardware Anda.\n"
+"Bootdisk ini juga bisa digunakan dengan image rescue Mandrake, yang\n"
+"memudahkan kita untuk merecover sistem dari kegagalan. Ingin buat bootdisk?\n"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:1067
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"With this security level, the use of this system as a server becomes "
-"The security is now high enough to use the system as a server which can "
-"connections from many clients. Note: if your machine is only a client on the "
-"Internet, you should choose a lower level."
+"(WARNING! You're using XFS for your root partition,\n"
+"creating a bootdisk on a 1.44 Mb floppy will probably fail,\n"
+"because XFS needs a very large driver)."
msgstr ""
-"Dengan level sekuriti ini, sistem akan dapat digunakan sebagai server.\n"
-"Sekuriti kini cukup tinggi untuk dapat melayani koneksi banyak klien.\n"
-"Jika mesin Anda hanya berfungsi sebagai klien, pilihlah level lebih rendah."
+"(PERINGATAN! Anda menggunakan XFS untuk partisi root,\n"
+"pembuatan bootdisk di disket 1.44 Mb mungkin gagal,\n"
+"karena XFS perlu driver amat besar)."
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:1070
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"This is similar to the previous level, but the system is entirely closed and "
-"security features are at their maximum."
+"A custom bootdisk provides a way of booting into your Linux system without\n"
+"depending on the normal bootloader. This is useful if you don't want to "
+"SILO on your system, or another operating system removes SILO, or SILO "
+"work with your hardware configuration. A custom bootdisk can also be used "
+"the Mandrake rescue image, making it much easier to recover from severe "
+"If you want to create a bootdisk for your system, insert a floppy in the "
+"drive and press \"Ok\"."
msgstr ""
-"Sama dengan level sebelumnya, tapi sistem sepenuhnya ditutup.\n"
-"Fitur sekuriti maksimum."
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:1076
-msgid "DrakSec Basic Options"
-msgstr "Opsi Dasar DrakSec"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:1077
-msgid "Please choose the desired security level"
-msgstr "Pilih tingkat keamanan yg Anda inginkan"
+"Bootdisk baru membantu Anda untuk melakukan boot sistem Linux tanpa\n"
+"tergantung pada bootloader. Ini berguna bila Anda tidak mau menginstal\n"
+"SILO di sistem Anda, atau saat sistem operasi lain menghapus SILO, atau\n"
+"SILO tak bisa digunakan pada konfigurasi hardware Anda. Bootdisk ini juga\n"
+"bisa digunakan dengan image rescue Mandrake, yang memudahkan kita untuk\n"
+"merecover sistem dari kegagalan. Jika Anda mau bikin bootdisk, masukkan\n"
+"disket ke drive pertama dan tekan \"Ok\"."
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:1080
-msgid "Security level"
-msgstr "Tingkat keamanan"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "You can't install the bootloader on a %s partition\n"
+msgstr "Anda tak dapat menginstal bootloader pada partisi %s\n"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:1082
-msgid "Use libsafe for servers"
-msgstr "Gunakan libsafe utk server"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "not enough room in /boot"
+msgstr "tak cukup ruang di /boot"
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:1083
-msgid ""
-"A library which defends against buffer overflow and format string attacks."
-msgstr "Library penahan serangan string format dan overflow buffer"
+#. -PO: these messages will be displayed at boot time in the BIOS, use only ASCII (7bit)
+#. -PO: and keep them smaller than 79 chars long
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "The highlighted entry will be booted automatically in %d seconds."
+msgstr "Entri yang dipilih akan diboot secara otomatis dalam %d detik."
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:1084
-msgid "Security Administrator (login or email)"
-msgstr "Admin Keamanan (login / email)"
+#. -PO: these messages will be displayed at boot time in the BIOS, use only ASCII (7bit)
+#. -PO: and keep them smaller than 79 chars long
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "commands before booting, or 'c' for a command-line."
+msgstr "perintah sebelum booting, atau 'c' untuk command line."
-#: ../../any.pm_.c:1166
-msgid ""
-"Here you can choose the key or key combination that will \n"
-"allow switching between the different keyboard layouts\n"
-"(eg: latin and non latin)"
-msgstr ""
-"Di sini Anda dapat memilih kunci atau kombinasinya untuk \n"
-"berganti layout papanketik (mis: latin dan non latin)"
+#. -PO: these messages will be displayed at boot time in the BIOS, use only ASCII (7bit)
+#. -PO: and keep them smaller than 79 chars long
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Press enter to boot the selected OS, 'e' to edit the"
+msgstr "Tekan enter untuk memboot OS yang terpilih, atau tekan 'e' untuk edit"
-# NOTE: this message will be displayed at boot time; that is
-# only the ascii charset will be available on most machines
-# so use only 7bit for this message (and do transliteration or
-# leave it in English, as it is the best for your language)
#. -PO: these messages will be displayed at boot time in the BIOS, use only ASCII (7bit)
-#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:436
+#. -PO: and keep them smaller than 79 chars long
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Welcome to %s the operating system chooser!\n"
-"Choose an operating system in the list above or\n"
-"wait %d seconds for default boot.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Selamat datang di Sang Pemilih Sistem Operasi, %s!\n"
-"pilih sistem operasi pada daftar di atas atau tunggu %d detik untuk boot ke "
+msgid "Use the %c and %c keys for selecting which entry is highlighted."
+msgstr "Gunakan tombol %c dan %c untuk memilih entri yang disorot"
# NOTE: this message will be displayed by grub at boot time; that is
# using the BIOS font; that means cp437 charset on 99.99% of PC computers
@@ -1127,227 +709,103 @@ msgstr ""
#. -PO: these messages will be displayed at boot time in the BIOS, use only ASCII (7bit)
#. -PO: and keep them smaller than 79 chars long
-#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:983
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid "Welcome to GRUB the operating system chooser!"
msgstr "Selamat datang di sang pemilih sistem operasi, GRUB"
-#. -PO: these messages will be displayed at boot time in the BIOS, use only ASCII (7bit)
-#. -PO: and keep them smaller than 79 chars long
-#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:986
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Use the %c and %c keys for selecting which entry is highlighted."
-msgstr "Gunakan tombol %c dan %c untuk memilih entri yang disorot"
-#. -PO: these messages will be displayed at boot time in the BIOS, use only ASCII (7bit)
-#. -PO: and keep them smaller than 79 chars long
-#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:989
-msgid "Press enter to boot the selected OS, 'e' to edit the"
-msgstr "Tekan enter untuk memboot OS yang terpilih, atau tekan 'e' untuk edit"
-#. -PO: these messages will be displayed at boot time in the BIOS, use only ASCII (7bit)
-#. -PO: and keep them smaller than 79 chars long
-#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:992
-msgid "commands before booting, or 'c' for a command-line."
-msgstr "perintah sebelum booting, atau 'c' untuk command line."
+msgid "Yaboot"
+msgstr "Yaboot"
-#. -PO: these messages will be displayed at boot time in the BIOS, use only ASCII (7bit)
-#. -PO: and keep them smaller than 79 chars long
-#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:995
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "The highlighted entry will be booted automatically in %d seconds."
-msgstr "Entri yang dipilih akan diboot secara otomatis dalam %d detik."
-#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:999
-msgid "not enough room in /boot"
-msgstr "tak cukup ruang di /boot"
-#. -PO: "Desktop" and "Start Menu" are the name of the directories found in c:\windows
-#. -PO: so you may need to put them in English or in a different language if MS-windows doesn't exist in your language
-#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:1099
-msgid "Desktop"
-msgstr "Desktop"
-#. -PO: "Desktop" and "Start Menu" are the name of the directories found in c:\windows
-#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:1101
-msgid "Start Menu"
-msgstr "Start Menu"
+msgid "Grub"
+msgstr "Grub"
-#: ../../bootloader.pm_.c:1120
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "You can't install the bootloader on a %s partition\n"
-msgstr "Anda tak dapat menginstal bootloader pada partisi %s\n"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:53
-msgid "Boot Style Configuration"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi Tipe Boot"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:70 ../../standalone/drakfloppy_.c:54
-#: ../../standalone/harddrake2_.c:81 ../../standalone/harddrake2_.c:82
-#: ../../standalone/logdrake_.c:74
-msgid "/_File"
-msgstr "/_File"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:71 ../../standalone/drakfloppy_.c:55
-#: ../../standalone/logdrake_.c:80
-msgid "/File/_Quit"
-msgstr "/File/_Keluar"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:71 ../../standalone/drakfloppy_.c:55
-#: ../../standalone/harddrake2_.c:82 ../../standalone/logdrake_.c:80
-msgid "<control>Q"
-msgstr "<control>Q"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:82
-msgid "NewStyle Categorizing Monitor"
-msgstr "Kategori Monitor Gaya Baru"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:83
-msgid "NewStyle Monitor"
-msgstr "Monitor GayaBaru"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:84
-msgid "Traditional Monitor"
-msgstr "Monitor Biasa"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:85
-msgid "Traditional Gtk+ Monitor"
-msgstr "Monitor Biasa Gtk+"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:86
-msgid "Launch Aurora at boot time"
-msgstr "Jalankan aurora saat boot"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:89
-msgid "Lilo/grub mode"
-msgstr "mode Lilo/Grub"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:89
-msgid "Yaboot mode"
-msgstr "mode Yaboot"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:138
-msgid "Install themes"
-msgstr "Instal tema"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:139
-msgid ""
-"Display theme\n"
-"under console"
-msgstr ""
-"Display tema\n"
-"di konsol"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:140
-msgid "Create new theme"
-msgstr "Buat tema baru"
+msgid "LILO with text menu"
+msgstr "LILO dengan menu teks"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:184
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Backup %s to %s.old"
-msgstr "Backup %s ke %s.old"
+msgid "LILO with graphical menu"
+msgstr "LILO dengan menu grafis"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:187
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Copy %s to %s"
-msgstr "Salin %s ke %s"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:192 ../../bootlook.pm_.c:222 ../../bootlook.pm_.c:224
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:234 ../../bootlook.pm_.c:243 ../../bootlook.pm_.c:250
-#: ../../diskdrake/dav.pm_.c:77 ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:119
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:216 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:352
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:367 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:481
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:486 ../../diskdrake/smbnfs_gtk.pm_.c:45
-#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:239 ../../install_steps.pm_.c:75
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:67 ../../interactive/http.pm_.c:119
-#: ../../interactive/http.pm_.c:120 ../../standalone/draksplash_.c:21
-msgid "Error"
-msgstr "Ada Kesalahan"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:192
-msgid "Lilo message not found"
-msgstr "Pesan lilo tak ditemukan"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:222
-msgid "Can't write /etc/sysconfig/bootsplash."
-msgstr "Tak dapat menulis /etc/sysconfig/bootsplash."
+msgid "SILO"
+msgstr "SILO"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:222
+# NOTE: this message will be displayed at boot time; that is
+# only the ascii charset will be available on most machines
+# so use only 7bit for this message (and do transliteration or
+# leave it in English, as it is the best for your language)
+#. -PO: these messages will be displayed at boot time in the BIOS, use only ASCII (7bit)
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Write %s"
-msgstr "Tulis %s"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:224
msgid ""
-"Can't write /etc/sysconfig/bootsplash\n"
-"File not found."
+"Welcome to %s the operating system chooser!\n"
+"Choose an operating system from the list above or\n"
+"wait %d seconds for default boot.\n"
msgstr ""
-"Tak dapat menulis /etc/sysconfig/bootsplash\n"
-"File tak ditemukan."
+"Selamat datang di Sang Pemilih Sistem Operasi, %s!\n"
+"pilih sistem operasi pada daftar di atas atau tunggu %d detik untuk boot ke "
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:235
+#: ../../ ../../ ../../
+#: ../../network/ ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1 ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1 ../../standalone/net_monitor:1
#, c-format
-msgid "Can't launch mkinitrd -f /boot/initrd-%s.img %s."
-msgstr "Tak dapat meluncurkan mkinitrd -f /boot/initrd-%s.img %s."
+msgid "OK"
+msgstr "OK"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:238
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Make initrd 'mkinitrd -f /boot/initrd-%s.img %s'."
-msgstr "Buat initrd 'mkinitrd -f /boot/initrd-%s.img %s'."
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:244
-msgid ""
-"Can't relaunch LiLo!\n"
-"Launch \"lilo\" as root in command line to complete LiLo theme installation."
-msgstr ""
-"Gagal meluncurkan LiLo!\n"
-"Luncurkan \"lilo\" sbg root di baris perintah utk menyelesaikan instalasi "
-"tema LiLo."
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:248
-msgid "Relaunch 'lilo'"
-msgstr "Luncur ulang 'lilo'"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:250 ../../standalone/draksplash_.c:156
-#: ../../standalone/draksplash_.c:321 ../../standalone/draksplash_.c:449
-msgid "Notice"
-msgstr "Catatan"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:251
-msgid "LiLo and Bootsplash themes installation successfull"
-msgstr "Instalasi tema LiLo dan Bootsplash sukses"
+msgid "Yes, I want autologin with this (user, desktop)"
+msgstr "Ya, saya mau autologin dg (pengguna, desktop) ini"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:251
-msgid "Theme installation failed!"
-msgstr "Instalasi tema gagal!"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "No, I don't want autologin"
+msgstr "Tidak, saya tak mau autologin"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:259
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"You are currently using %s as your boot manager.\n"
-"Click on Configure to launch the setup wizard."
-msgstr "Manajer Boot: %s. Klik Configure untuk memanggil ahli setup."
+msgid "Launch the graphical environment when your system starts"
+msgstr "Jalankan X-Window saat sistem dimulai"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:261 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2380
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2390 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2400
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2408 ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:551
-msgid "Configure"
-msgstr "Konfigurasikan"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "System mode"
+msgstr "Mode sistem"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:268
-msgid "Splash selection"
-msgstr "Pilihan Splash"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bootsplash"
+msgstr "Bootsplash"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:271
-msgid "Themes"
-msgstr "Tema"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Lilo screen"
+msgstr "Layar lilo"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:273
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Select theme for\n"
+"Select the theme for\n"
"lilo and bootsplash,\n"
"you can choose\n"
-"them separatly"
+"them separately"
msgstr ""
"Pilih tema untuk\n"
@@ -1355,1012 +813,364 @@ msgstr ""
"Anda dapat memilih\n"
"secara terpisah"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:276
-msgid "Lilo screen"
-msgstr "Layar lilo"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:281
-msgid "Bootsplash"
-msgstr "Bootsplash"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:316
-msgid "System mode"
-msgstr "Mode sistem"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:318
-msgid "Launch the graphical environment when your system starts"
-msgstr "Jalankan X-Window saat sistem dimulai"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:323
-msgid "No, I don't want autologin"
-msgstr "Tidak, saya tak mau autologin"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:325
-msgid "Yes, I want autologin with this (user, desktop)"
-msgstr "Ya, saya mau autologin dg (pengguna, desktop) ini"
-#: ../../bootlook.pm_.c:335 ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:96
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:222 ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:355
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4139 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4797
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:105 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:137
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:293 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:432
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:518 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:561
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:665 ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:604
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:783 ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:911
-#: ../../standalone/net_monitor_.c:336 ../../ugtk.pm_.c:288
-#: ../../ugtk2.pm_.c:355
-msgid "OK"
-msgstr "OK"
-#: ../../common.pm_.c:107
-msgid "GB"
-msgstr "GB"
-#: ../../common.pm_.c:107
-msgid "KB"
-msgstr "KB"
-#: ../../common.pm_.c:107
-msgid "MB"
-msgstr "MB"
-#: ../../common.pm_.c:115
-msgid "TB"
-msgstr "TB"
-#: ../../common.pm_.c:123
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "%d minutes"
-msgstr "%d menit"
-#: ../../common.pm_.c:125
-msgid "1 minute"
-msgstr "1 menit"
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr "Tema"
-#: ../../common.pm_.c:127
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "%d seconds"
-msgstr "%d detik"
-#: ../../common.pm_.c:172
-msgid "Can't make screenshots before partitioning"
-msgstr "Gagal membuat screenshot sebelum buat partisi"
+msgid "Splash selection"
+msgstr "Pilihan Splash"
-#: ../../common.pm_.c:179
+#: ../../ ../../standalone/drakbackup:1 ../../standalone/drakgw:1
#, c-format
-msgid "Screenshots will be available after install in %s"
-msgstr "Screenshot akan tersedia setelah instal di %s"
-#: ../../crypto.pm_.c:14 ../../crypto.pm_.c:28 ../../network/tools.pm_.c:118
-#: ../../network/tools.pm_.c:127
-msgid "France"
-msgstr "Perancis"
-#: ../../crypto.pm_.c:15
-msgid "Costa Rica"
-msgstr "Costa Rica"
-#: ../../crypto.pm_.c:16 ../../crypto.pm_.c:29 ../../network/tools.pm_.c:118
-#: ../../network/tools.pm_.c:130
-msgid "Belgium"
-msgstr "Belgia"
-#: ../../crypto.pm_.c:17 ../../crypto.pm_.c:30
-msgid "Czech Republic"
-msgstr "Republik Ceko"
-#: ../../crypto.pm_.c:18 ../../crypto.pm_.c:31
-msgid "Germany"
-msgstr "Jerman"
-#: ../../crypto.pm_.c:19 ../../crypto.pm_.c:32
-msgid "Greece"
-msgstr "Yunani"
-#: ../../crypto.pm_.c:20 ../../crypto.pm_.c:33
-msgid "Norway"
-msgstr "Norwegia"
-#: ../../crypto.pm_.c:21 ../../crypto.pm_.c:34
-msgid "Sweden"
-msgstr "Swedia"
-#: ../../crypto.pm_.c:22 ../../crypto.pm_.c:36 ../../network/tools.pm_.c:118
-#: ../../network/tools.pm_.c:128
-msgid "Netherlands"
-msgstr "Belanda"
-#: ../../crypto.pm_.c:23 ../../crypto.pm_.c:37 ../../network/tools.pm_.c:118
-#: ../../network/tools.pm_.c:129 ../../standalone/drakxtv_.c:65
-msgid "Italy"
-msgstr "Itali"
-#: ../../crypto.pm_.c:24 ../../crypto.pm_.c:38
-msgid "Austria"
-msgstr "Austria"
-#: ../../crypto.pm_.c:35 ../../crypto.pm_.c:61 ../../network/tools.pm_.c:118
-#: ../../network/tools.pm_.c:131
-msgid "United States"
-msgstr "Amerika Serikat"
-#: ../../diskdrake/dav.pm_.c:19
-msgid ""
-"WebDAV is a protocol that allows you to mount a web server's directory\n"
-"locally, and treat it like a local filesystem (provided the web server is\n"
-"configured as a WebDAV server). If you would like to add WebDAV mount\n"
-"points, select \"New\"."
-msgstr ""
-"WebDAV adalah protokol yg memungkinkan Anda me-mount direktori server web\n"
-"secara lokal, dan memperlakukannya sbg sistem file lokal (asal server web\n"
-"dikonfigurasikan sbg server WebDAV). Jika Anda ingin menambah titik mount\n"
-"WebDav, pilih \"Baru\"."
-#: ../../diskdrake/dav.pm_.c:27
-msgid "New"
-msgstr "Baru"
-#: ../../diskdrake/dav.pm_.c:63 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:400
-#: ../../diskdrake/smbnfs_gtk.pm_.c:81
-msgid "Unmount"
-msgstr "Unmount"
-#: ../../diskdrake/dav.pm_.c:64 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:397
-#: ../../diskdrake/smbnfs_gtk.pm_.c:82
-msgid "Mount"
-msgstr "Mount"
-#: ../../diskdrake/dav.pm_.c:65
-msgid "Server"
-msgstr "Server"
-#: ../../diskdrake/dav.pm_.c:66 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:391
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:580 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:607
-#: ../../diskdrake/removable.pm_.c:24 ../../diskdrake/smbnfs_gtk.pm_.c:85
-msgid "Mount point"
-msgstr "Posisi mount"
-#: ../../diskdrake/dav.pm_.c:85
-msgid "Please enter the WebDAV server URL"
-msgstr "Masukkan URL server WebDAV"
-#: ../../diskdrake/dav.pm_.c:88
-msgid "The URL must begin with http:// or https://"
-msgstr "URL harus dimulai dg http:// atau https://"
-#: ../../diskdrake/dav.pm_.c:109
-msgid "Server: "
-msgstr "Server: "
-#: ../../diskdrake/dav.pm_.c:110 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:452
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1102
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1177
-msgid "Mount point: "
-msgstr "Posisi mount: "
+msgid "Configure"
+msgstr "Konfigurasikan"
-#: ../../diskdrake/dav.pm_.c:111 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1183
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Options: %s"
-msgstr "Pilihan: %s"
-#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:97
-msgid "Please make a backup of your data first"
-msgstr "Lebih dulu buatlah backup data Anda"
-#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:97 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:946
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:956
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1022
-msgid "Read carefully!"
-msgstr "Baca dengan seksama!"
-#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:100
-msgid ""
-"If you plan to use aboot, be carefull to leave a free space (2048 sectors is "
-"at the beginning of the disk"
-msgstr ""
-"Jika Anda ingin pakai aboot, sisakan ruang (cukup 2048 sektor) di awal disk"
-#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:154
-msgid "Wizard"
-msgstr "Wizard"
-#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:187
-msgid "Choose action"
-msgstr "Pilih aksi"
-#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:191
msgid ""
-"You have one big FAT partition\n"
-"(generally used by MicroSoft Dos/Windows).\n"
-"I suggest you first resize that partition\n"
-"(click on it, then click on \"Resize\")"
-msgstr ""
-"Anda punya satu partisi FAT yang besar.\n"
-"(umumnya dipakai oleh wicrosoft Dos/mindows).\n"
-"Disarankan utk mengubah ukuran partisi ini\n"
-"(klik di situ, lalu pilih \"Ubah ukuran\")"
-#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:194
-msgid "Please click on a partition"
-msgstr "Silakan pilih partisi"
-#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:208 ../../diskdrake/smbnfs_gtk.pm_.c:69
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:464
-msgid "Details"
-msgstr "Detil"
-#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:254
-msgid "No hard drives found"
-msgstr "Harddisk tak ditemukan"
-#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:325
-msgid "Ext2"
-msgstr "Ext2"
-#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:325
-msgid "FAT"
-msgstr "FAT"
-#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:325
-msgid "HFS"
-msgstr "HFS"
-#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:325
-msgid "Journalised FS"
-msgstr "FS terjournal"
-#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:325
-msgid "SunOS"
-msgstr "SunOS"
-#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:325
-msgid "Swap"
-msgstr "Swap"
-#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:326 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1118
-msgid "Empty"
-msgstr "Kosong"
-#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:326 ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:324
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:382 ../../mouse.pm_.c:165
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:162 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1719
-msgid "Other"
-msgstr "Lainnya"
-#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:330
-msgid "Filesystem types:"
-msgstr "Tipe filesystem:"
-#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:347 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:414
-msgid "Create"
-msgstr "Buat"
-#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:347 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:392
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:543 ../../diskdrake/removable.pm_.c:26
-#: ../../diskdrake/removable.pm_.c:49 ../../standalone/harddrake2_.c:66
-msgid "Type"
-msgstr "Tipe"
+"You are currently using %s as your boot manager.\n"
+"Click on Configure to launch the setup wizard."
+msgstr "Manajer Boot: %s. Klik Configure untuk memanggil ahli setup."
-#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:347 ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:349
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Use ``%s'' instead"
-msgstr "Gunakan ``%s'' saja"
-#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:349 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:401
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "Hapus"
-#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:353
-msgid "Use ``Unmount'' first"
-msgstr "Gunakan ``unmount'' terlebih dahulu"
+msgid "LiLo and Bootsplash themes installation successfull"
+msgstr "Instalasi tema LiLo dan Bootsplash sukses"
-#: ../../diskdrake/hd_gtk.pm_.c:354 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:530
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"After changing type of partition %s, all data on this partition will be lost"
-msgstr ""
-"Setelah mengganti tipe partisi %s, semua data pada partisi ini akan hilang"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:177
-msgid "Choose a partition"
-msgstr "Pilih partisi"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:177
-msgid "Choose another partition"
-msgstr "Pilih partisi lain"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:202
-msgid "Exit"
-msgstr "Keluar"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:228
-msgid "Toggle to expert mode"
-msgstr "Ubah ke modus ahli"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:228
-msgid "Toggle to normal mode"
-msgstr "Ubah ke modus normal"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:228
-msgid "Undo"
-msgstr "Kembali"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:247
-msgid "Continue anyway?"
-msgstr "Jalan terus?"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:252
-msgid "Quit without saving"
-msgstr "Keluar tanpa menyimpan"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:252
-msgid "Quit without writing the partition table?"
-msgstr "Keluar dari program tanpa menyimpan dalam tabel partisi?"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:257
-msgid "Do you want to save /etc/fstab modifications"
-msgstr "Ingin simpan modifikasi /etc/fstab"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:271
-msgid "Clear all"
-msgstr "Hapus semua"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:272
-msgid "Auto allocate"
-msgstr "Alokasi otomatis"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:273
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:220
-msgid "More"
-msgstr "Tambahan"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:278
-msgid "Hard drive information"
-msgstr "Info hard drive"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:310
-msgid "All primary partitions are used"
-msgstr "Semua partisi primary telah digunakan"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:311
-msgid "I can't add any more partition"
-msgstr "Partisi tak dapat ditambah"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:312
-msgid ""
-"To have more partitions, please delete one to be able to create an extended "
-msgstr ""
-"Untuk menambahkan partisi, hapus satu agar dapat membuat partisi extended"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:322
-msgid "Save partition table"
-msgstr "Simpan tabel partisi"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:323
-msgid "Restore partition table"
-msgstr "Kembalikan tabel partisi"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:324
-msgid "Rescue partition table"
-msgstr "Selamatkan tabel partisi"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:326
-msgid "Reload partition table"
-msgstr "Muat ulang tabel partisi"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:331
-msgid "Removable media automounting"
-msgstr "Mount otomatis media lepas"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:340 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:360
-msgid "Select file"
-msgstr "Pilih file"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:347
-msgid ""
-"The backup partition table has not the same size\n"
-"Still continue?"
-msgstr ""
-"Backup tabel partisi tidak memiliki ukuran yg sama\n"
-"Jalan terus?"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:361 ../../harddrake/sound.pm_.c:202
-#: ../../network/modem.pm_.c:95
-msgid "Warning"
-msgstr "Awas"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:362
-msgid ""
-"Insert a floppy in drive\n"
-"All data on this floppy will be lost"
-msgstr ""
-"Masukkan disket ke drive\n"
-"semua data di disket ini akan hilang"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:373
-msgid "Trying to rescue partition table"
-msgstr "Sedang mencoba menyelamatkan tabel partisi"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:379
-msgid "Detailed information"
-msgstr "Info detil"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:394 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:674
-msgid "Resize"
-msgstr "Ubah ukuran"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:395 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:727
-msgid "Move"
-msgstr "Pindah"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:396
-msgid "Format"
-msgstr "Format"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:398
-msgid "Add to RAID"
-msgstr "Tambahkan ke RAID"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:399
-msgid "Add to LVM"
-msgstr "Tambahkan ke LVM"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:402
-msgid "Remove from RAID"
-msgstr "Hapus dari RAID"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:403
-msgid "Remove from LVM"
-msgstr "Hapus dari LVM"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:404
-msgid "Modify RAID"
-msgstr "Ganti RAID"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:405
-msgid "Use for loopback"
-msgstr "digunakan untuk loopback"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:445
-msgid "Create a new partition"
-msgstr "Membuat partisi baru"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:448
-msgid "Start sector: "
-msgstr "Sektor awal: "
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:450 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:827
-msgid "Size in MB: "
-msgstr "Ukuran dalam MB: "
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:451 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:828
-msgid "Filesystem type: "
-msgstr "Tipe filesystem: "
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:456
-msgid "Preference: "
-msgstr "Kesukaan: "
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:481
-msgid ""
-"You can't create a new partition\n"
-"(since you reached the maximal number of primary partitions).\n"
-"First remove a primary partition and create an extended partition."
-msgstr ""
-"Anda tak dapat membuat partisi baru\n"
-"(karena jumlah maksimal partisi primer telah tercapai).\n"
-"Hapuslah satu partisi primer dan buatlah partisi extended."
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:511
-msgid "Remove the loopback file?"
-msgstr "Hapus file loopback?"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:541
-msgid "Change partition type"
-msgstr "Mengubah tipe partisi"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:542 ../../diskdrake/removable.pm_.c:48
-msgid "Which filesystem do you want?"
-msgstr "Filesystem apa yang Anda inginkan?"
+msgid "Theme installation failed!"
+msgstr "Instalasi tema gagal!"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:548
-msgid "Switching from ext2 to ext3"
-msgstr "Pindah dari ext2 ke ext3"
+#: ../../ ../../standalone/draksplash:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Notice"
+msgstr "Catatan"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:578
+#: ../../ ../../ ../../
+#: ../../ ../../diskdrake/
+#: ../../diskdrake/ ../../diskdrake/
+#: ../../diskdrake/ ../../interactive/
+#: ../../standalone/draksplash:1
#, c-format
-msgid "Where do you want to mount loopback file %s?"
-msgstr "Device loopback %s akan dimount ke mana?"
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Ada Kesalahan"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:579
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Where do you want to mount device %s?"
-msgstr "Mount device %s akan dimount ke mana?"
+msgid "Relaunch 'lilo'"
+msgstr "Luncur ulang 'lilo'"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:585
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Can't unset mount point as this partition is used for loop back.\n"
-"Remove the loopback first"
+"Can't relaunch LiLo!\n"
+"Launch \"lilo\" as root in command line to complete LiLo theme installation."
msgstr ""
-"Tak bisa unset mount point karena partisi ini sudah digunakan untuk\n"
-"loopback. Hapus dulu loopbacknya."
+"Gagal meluncurkan LiLo!\n"
+"Luncurkan \"lilo\" sbg root di baris perintah utk menyelesaikan instalasi "
+"tema LiLo."
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:606
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Where do you want to mount %s?"
-msgstr "%s akan dimount ke mana?"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:630
-msgid "Computing FAT filesystem bounds"
-msgstr "Sedang menghitung bound filesystem FAT"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:630 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:689
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:131
-msgid "Resizing"
-msgstr "Sedang mengubah ukuran"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:662
-msgid "This partition is not resizeable"
-msgstr "Ukuran partisi ini tidak dapat diubah"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:667
-msgid "All data on this partition should be backed-up"
-msgstr "Semua data pada partisi ini sebaiknya dibackup dulu"
+msgid "Make initrd 'mkinitrd -f /boot/initrd-%s.img %s'."
+msgstr "Buat initrd 'mkinitrd -f /boot/initrd-%s.img %s'."
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:669
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "After resizing partition %s, all data on this partition will be lost"
-msgstr "Sehabis meresize partisi %s, semua data pada partisi ini akan hilang"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:674
-msgid "Choose the new size"
-msgstr "Pilih ukuran baru"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:675
-msgid "New size in MB: "
-msgstr "Ukuran baru dalam MB: "
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:728
-msgid "Which disk do you want to move it to?"
-msgstr "Disk mana yang hendak dipindah?"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:729
-msgid "Sector"
-msgstr "Sektor"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:730
-msgid "Which sector do you want to move it to?"
-msgstr "Sektor mana yang hendak dipindah"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:733
-msgid "Moving"
-msgstr "Pindah"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:733
-msgid "Moving partition..."
-msgstr "Memindahkan partisi..."
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:750
-msgid "Choose an existing RAID to add to"
-msgstr "Pilih RAID yang ada untuk ditambahkan ke"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:751 ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:768
-msgid "new"
-msgstr "baru"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:766
-msgid "Choose an existing LVM to add to"
-msgstr "Pilih LVM yang ada untuk ditambahkan ke"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:771
-msgid "LVM name?"
-msgstr "nama LVM?"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:812
-msgid "This partition can't be used for loopback"
-msgstr "Partisi ini tak bisa dipakai sebagai loopback"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:825
-msgid "Loopback"
-msgstr "Loopback"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:826
-msgid "Loopback file name: "
-msgstr "Nama file loopback: "
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:831
-msgid "Give a file name"
-msgstr "Berikan nama file"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:834
-msgid "File already used by another loopback, choose another one"
-msgstr "File sudah digunakan loopback yang lain, pilih yang lainnya dong"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:835
-msgid "File already exists. Use it?"
-msgstr "File sudah ada. Gunakan file ini ?"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:858
-msgid "Mount options"
-msgstr "Opsi mount"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:865
-msgid "Various"
-msgstr "Macam-macam"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:929 ../../standalone/drakfloppy_.c:76
-msgid "device"
-msgstr "device"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:930
-msgid "level"
-msgstr "level"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:931
-msgid "chunk size"
-msgstr "ukuran chunk"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:947
-msgid "Be careful: this operation is dangerous."
-msgstr "Hati-hati: operasi ini berbahaya"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:962
-msgid "What type of partitioning?"
-msgstr "Tipe partisi apa yang hendak digunakan?"
+msgid "Can't launch mkinitrd -f /boot/initrd-%s.img %s."
+msgstr "Tak dapat meluncurkan mkinitrd -f /boot/initrd-%s.img %s."
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:978
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "The package %s is needed. Install it?"
-msgstr "Perlu paket %s. Anda ingin instal?"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:992
-msgid ""
-"Sorry I won't accept to create /boot so far onto the drive (on a cylinder > "
-"Either you use LILO and it won't work, or you don't use LILO and you don't "
-"need /boot"
-msgstr ""
-"Maaf, Saya tidak mau membuat /boot di drive ini (silindernya > 1024).\n"
-"Kalau Anda pakai LILO dan tak jalan, atau Anda tak mau LILO dan tak mau /"
-"boot juga"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:996
msgid ""
-"The partition you've selected to add as root (/) is physically located "
-"the 1024th cylinder of the hard drive, and you have no /boot partition.\n"
-"If you plan to use the LILO boot manager, be careful to add a /boot partition"
-msgstr ""
-"Anda menambahkan partisi root di luar silinder 1024,\n"
-"dan Anda tidak memiliki partisi /boot. Apabila Anda akan menggunakan lilo\n"
-"(boot manager), hati-hati dalam menambahkan partisi /boot"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1002
-msgid ""
-"You've selected a software RAID partition as root (/).\n"
-"No bootloader is able to handle this without a /boot partition.\n"
-"So be careful to add a /boot partition"
+"Can't write /etc/sysconfig/bootsplash\n"
+"File not found."
msgstr ""
-"Anda memilih partisi RAID software sebagai root (/).\n"
-"Sekarang bootloader tak ada yang bisa handel tanpa partisi /boot.\n"
-"Jadi hati-hati dalam menambahkan partisi /boot"
+"Tak dapat menulis /etc/sysconfig/bootsplash\n"
+"File tak ditemukan."
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1022
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Partition table of drive %s is going to be written to disk!"
-msgstr "Tabel partisi pada drive %s akan ditulis ke disk!"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1026
-msgid "You'll need to reboot before the modification can take place"
-msgstr "Anda harus reboot agar perubahan tabel partisi dapat berlaku"
+msgid "Write %s"
+msgstr "Tulis %s"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1037
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "After formatting partition %s, all data on this partition will be lost"
-msgstr "Sehabis memformat partisi %s semua data pada partisi ini akan hilang"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1039
-msgid "Formatting"
-msgstr "Sedang memformat"
+msgid "Can't write /etc/sysconfig/bootsplash."
+msgstr "Tak dapat menulis /etc/sysconfig/bootsplash."
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1040
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Formatting loopback file %s"
-msgstr "Sekarang sedang memformat file loopback %s"
+msgid "Lilo message not found"
+msgstr "Pesan lilo tak ditemukan"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1041
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:466
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Formatting partition %s"
-msgstr "Melakukan format partisi %s"
+msgid "Copy %s to %s"
+msgstr "Salin %s ke %s"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1052
-msgid "Hide files"
-msgstr "Sembunyikan file"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Backup %s to %s.old"
+msgstr "Backup %s ke %s.old"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1052
-msgid "Move files to the new partition"
-msgstr "Pindah file ke partisi baru"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Create new theme"
+msgstr "Buat tema baru"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1053
+#: ../../
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Directory %s already contains data\n"
+"Display theme\n"
+"under console"
msgstr ""
-"Direktori %s telah berisi data\n"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1064
-msgid "Moving files to the new partition"
-msgstr "Pindah file ke partisi baru"
+"Display tema\n"
+"di konsol"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1068
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Copying %s"
-msgstr "Salin %s"
+msgid "Install themes"
+msgstr "Instal tema"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1072
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Removing %s"
-msgstr "Hapus %s"
+msgid "Lilo/grub mode"
+msgstr "mode Lilo/Grub"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1082
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "partition %s is now known as %s"
-msgstr "partisi %s sekarang jadi %s"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1103
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1162
-msgid "Device: "
-msgstr "Device: "
+msgid "Yaboot mode"
+msgstr "mode Yaboot"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1104
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "DOS drive letter: %s (just a guess)\n"
-msgstr "DOS letter: %s (hanya tebakan)\n"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1108
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1116
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1181
-msgid "Type: "
-msgstr "Tipe: "
+msgid "Launch Aurora at boot time"
+msgstr "Jalankan aurora saat boot"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1112
-msgid "Name: "
-msgstr "Nama: "
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Traditional Gtk+ Monitor"
+msgstr "Monitor Biasa Gtk+"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1120
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Start: sector %s\n"
-msgstr "Mulai: sektor %s\n"
+msgid "Traditional Monitor"
+msgstr "Monitor Biasa"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1121
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Size: %s"
-msgstr "Ukuran: %s"
+msgid "NewStyle Monitor"
+msgstr "Monitor GayaBaru"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1123
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid ", %s sectors"
-msgstr ", %s sektor"
+msgid "NewStyle Categorizing Monitor"
+msgstr "Kategori Monitor Gaya Baru"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1125
+#: ../../ ../../standalone/drakfloppy:1
+#: ../../standalone/harddrake2:1 ../../standalone/logdrake:1
#, c-format
-msgid "Cylinder %d to %d\n"
-msgstr "Silinder %d sampai %d\n"
+msgid "<control>Q"
+msgstr "<control>Q"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1126
-msgid "Formatted\n"
-msgstr "Telah diformat\n"
+#: ../../ ../../standalone/drakfloppy:1
+#: ../../standalone/logdrake:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "/File/_Quit"
+msgstr "/File/_Keluar"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1127
-msgid "Not formatted\n"
-msgstr "Belum diformat\n"
+#: ../../ ../../standalone/drakfloppy:1
+#: ../../standalone/harddrake2:1 ../../standalone/logdrake:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "/_File"
+msgstr "/_File"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1128
-msgid "Mounted\n"
-msgstr "Telah di-mount\n"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Boot Style Configuration"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi Tipe Boot"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1129
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "RAID md%s\n"
-msgstr "RAID md%s\n"
+msgid "consolehelper missing"
+msgstr "consolehelper hilang"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1131
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Loopback file(s):\n"
-" %s\n"
-msgstr ""
-"File loopback:\n"
-" %s\n"
+msgid "kdesu missing"
+msgstr "kdesu hilang"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1132
-msgid ""
-"Partition booted by default\n"
-" (for MS-DOS boot, not for lilo)\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Partisi di-boot secara default\n"
-" (untuk MS-DOS boot, bukan untuk lilo)\n"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Screenshots will be available after install in %s"
+msgstr "Screenshot akan tersedia setelah instal di %s"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1134
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Level %s\n"
-msgstr "Level %s\n"
+msgid "Can't make screenshots before partitioning"
+msgstr "Gagal membuat screenshot sebelum buat partisi"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1135
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Chunk size %s\n"
-msgstr "Ukuran chunk %s\n"
+msgid "%d seconds"
+msgstr "%d detik"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1136
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "RAID-disks %s\n"
-msgstr "Disk RAID %s\n"
+msgid "1 minute"
+msgstr "1 menit"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1138
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Loopback file name: %s"
-msgstr "Nama file loopback: %s"
+msgid "%d minutes"
+msgstr "%d menit"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1141
-msgid ""
-"Chances are, this partition is\n"
-"a Driver partition, you should\n"
-"probably leave it alone.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Mungkin partisi ini adalah \n"
-"partisi Driver, sebaiknya\n"
-"biarkan begitu saja.\n"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "TB"
+msgstr "TB"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1144
-msgid ""
-"This special Bootstrap\n"
-"partition is for\n"
-"dual-booting your system.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"partisi ini adalah partisi bootstrap\n"
-"yang khusus digunakan \n"
-"oleh sistem dual boot.\n"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "GB"
+msgstr "GB"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1163
-msgid "Read-only"
-msgstr "Baca-saja"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "MB"
+msgstr "MB"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1164
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Size: %s\n"
-msgstr "Ukuran: %s\n"
+msgid "KB"
+msgstr "KB"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1165
+#: ../../ ../../ ../../network/
#, c-format
-msgid "Geometry: %s cylinders, %s heads, %s sectors\n"
-msgstr "Ukuran: %s silinder, %s head, %s sektor\n"
+msgid "United States"
+msgstr "Amerika Serikat"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1166
-msgid "Info: "
-msgstr "Info: "
+#: ../../ ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Austria"
+msgstr "Austria"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1167
+#: ../../ ../../ ../../network/
+#: ../../standalone/drakxtv:1
#, c-format
-msgid "LVM-disks %s\n"
-msgstr "Disk LVM %s\n"
+msgid "Italy"
+msgstr "Itali"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1168
+#: ../../ ../../ ../../network/
#, c-format
-msgid "Partition table type: %s\n"
-msgstr "Partisi tipe: %s\n"
+msgid "Netherlands"
+msgstr "Belanda"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1169
+#: ../../ ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "on channel %d id %d\n"
-msgstr "pada kanal %d id %d\n"
+msgid "Sweden"
+msgstr "Swedia"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1199
-msgid "Filesystem encryption key"
-msgstr "Kunci sandi sistem file"
+#: ../../ ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Norway"
+msgstr "Norwegia"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1200
-msgid "Choose your filesystem encryption key"
-msgstr "Pilih kunci sandi sistem file Anda"
+#: ../../ ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Greece"
+msgstr "Yunani"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1203
+#: ../../ ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "This encryption key is too simple (must be at least %d characters long)"
-msgstr "Katasandi ini terlalu mudah (harus paling tidak %d karakter)"
+msgid "Germany"
+msgstr "Jerman"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1204
-msgid "The encryption keys do not match"
-msgstr "Kunci sandi tak cocok"
+#: ../../ ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Czech Republic"
+msgstr "Republik Ceko"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1207
-msgid "Encryption key"
-msgstr "Kunci sandi"
+#: ../../ ../../ ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Belgium"
+msgstr "Belgia"
-#: ../../diskdrake/interactive.pm_.c:1208
-msgid "Encryption key (again)"
-msgstr "Kunci sandi (lagi)"
+#: ../../ ../../ ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "France"
+msgstr "Perancis"
-#: ../../diskdrake/removable.pm_.c:47
-msgid "Change type"
-msgstr "Ubah tipe"
+#: ../../ ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Costa Rica"
+msgstr "Costa Rica"
-#: ../../diskdrake/smbnfs_gtk.pm_.c:162
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Can't login using username %s (bad password?)"
-msgstr "Gagal login dg nama pengguna %s (katasandi salah?)"
+msgid "Error opening %s for writing: %s"
+msgstr "error membuka file %s untuk ditulisi: %s"
-#: ../../diskdrake/smbnfs_gtk.pm_.c:166 ../../diskdrake/smbnfs_gtk.pm_.c:175
-msgid "Domain Authentication Required"
-msgstr "Otentikasi Domain Dibutuhkan"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Nothing to do"
+msgstr "Tiada yang dikerjakan"
-#: ../../diskdrake/smbnfs_gtk.pm_.c:167
-msgid "Another one"
-msgstr "Yang lain"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Not enough free space for auto-allocating"
+msgstr "Tak cukup ruangan untuk alokasi otomatis"
-#: ../../diskdrake/smbnfs_gtk.pm_.c:167
-msgid "Which username"
-msgstr "Nama pengguna yang mana"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "You can't use an encrypted file system for mount point %s"
+msgstr "Anda tak dapat menggunakan sistem file bersandi utk mount point %s"
-#: ../../diskdrake/smbnfs_gtk.pm_.c:176
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Please enter your username, password and domain name to access this host."
+"You need a true filesystem (ext2/ext3, reiserfs, xfs, or jfs) for this mount "
msgstr ""
-"Masukkan nama pengguna, katasandi dan nama domain utk mengakses host ini."
-#: ../../diskdrake/smbnfs_gtk.pm_.c:178 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3477
-msgid "Username"
-msgstr "Nama pengguna"
-#: ../../diskdrake/smbnfs_gtk.pm_.c:180
-msgid "Domain"
-msgstr "Domain"
-#: ../../diskdrake/smbnfs_gtk.pm_.c:200
-msgid "Search servers"
-msgstr "Cari Server"
+"Anda perlu filesystem yg benar (ext2, reiserfs, xfs, atau jfs) utk titik "
+"mount ini\n"
-#: ../../fs.pm_.c:547 ../../fs.pm_.c:557 ../../fs.pm_.c:561 ../../fs.pm_.c:565
-#: ../../fs.pm_.c:569 ../../fs.pm_.c:573
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "%s formatting of %s failed"
-msgstr "%s proses format dari %s gagal"
+msgid "This directory should remain within the root filesystem"
+msgstr "Direktori ini harus ada di filesystem root"
-#: ../../fs.pm_.c:610
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "I don't know how to format %s in type %s"
-msgstr "tidak bisa melakukan format %s dengan tipe %s"
+msgid "You can't use a LVM Logical Volume for mount point %s"
+msgstr "Anda tak dapat menggunakan LVM Logical Volume untuk titik mount %s."
-#: ../../fs.pm_.c:684 ../../fs.pm_.c:727
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "mounting partition %s in directory %s failed"
-msgstr "penyambungan partisi %s ke direktori %s gagal"
+msgid "There is already a partition with mount point %s\n"
+msgstr "Partisi dengan titik mount %s sudah ada\n"
-#: ../../fs.pm_.c:742 ../../partition_table.pm_.c:599
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "error unmounting %s: %s"
-msgstr "error melepas mount %s: %s"
-#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:21
-msgid "simple"
-msgstr "mudah"
+msgid "Mount points must begin with a leading /"
+msgstr "Mount point harus diawali dengan /"
-#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:25
-msgid "with /usr"
-msgstr "dengan /usr"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "You can't use ReiserFS for partitions smaller than 32MB"
+msgstr "ReiserFS tak dapat dipakai utk partisi berukuran di bawah 32MB"
-#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:30
-msgid "server"
-msgstr "server"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "You can't use JFS for partitions smaller than 16MB"
+msgstr "JFS tak dapat dipakai utk partisi berukuran di bawah 16MB"
-#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:240
+#: ../../
#, c-format
msgid ""
"I can't read the partition table of device %s, it's too corrupted for me :(\n"
@@ -2377,734 +1187,481 @@ msgstr ""
"Anda setuju untuk menghapus semua partisi?\n"
-#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:501
-msgid "You can't use JFS for partitions smaller than 16MB"
-msgstr "JFS tak dapat dipakai utk partisi berukuran di bawah 16MB"
-#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:502
-msgid "You can't use ReiserFS for partitions smaller than 32MB"
-msgstr "ReiserFS tak dapat dipakai utk partisi berukuran di bawah 32MB"
-#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:521
-msgid "Mount points must begin with a leading /"
-msgstr "Mount point harus diawali dengan /"
-#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:522
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "There is already a partition with mount point %s\n"
-msgstr "Partisi dengan titik mount %s sudah ada\n"
+msgid "server"
+msgstr "server"
-#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:526
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "You can't use a LVM Logical Volume for mount point %s"
-msgstr "Anda tak dapat menggunakan LVM Logical Volume untuk titik mount %s."
-#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:528
-msgid "This directory should remain within the root filesystem"
-msgstr "Direktori ini harus ada di filesystem root"
-#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:530
-msgid ""
-"You need a true filesystem (ext2/ext3, reiserfs, xfs, or jfs) for this mount "
-msgstr ""
-"Anda perlu filesystem yg benar (ext2, reiserfs, xfs, atau jfs) utk titik "
-"mount ini\n"
+msgid "with /usr"
+msgstr "dengan /usr"
-#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:532
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "You can't use an encrypted file system for mount point %s"
-msgstr "Anda tak dapat menggunakan sistem file bersandi utk mount point %s"
+msgid "simple"
+msgstr "mudah"
-#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:599
-msgid "Not enough free space for auto-allocating"
-msgstr "Tak cukup ruangan untuk alokasi otomatis"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Enabling swap partition %s"
+msgstr "Melakukan format partisi %s"
-#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:601
-msgid "Nothing to do"
-msgstr "Tiada yang dikerjakan"
+#: ../../ ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "error unmounting %s: %s"
+msgstr "error melepas mount %s: %s"
-#: ../../fsedit.pm_.c:694
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Error opening %s for writing: %s"
-msgstr "error membuka file %s untuk ditulisi: %s"
+msgid "mounting partition %s in directory %s failed"
+msgstr "penyambungan partisi %s ke direktori %s gagal"
-#: ../../harddrake/data.pm_.c:71
-msgid "cpu /* "
-msgstr ""
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Mounting partition %s"
+msgstr "Melakukan format partisi %s"
-#: ../../harddrake/sound.pm_.c:170
-msgid "No alternative driver"
-msgstr "Tiada driver alternatif"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Checking %s"
+msgstr "Salin %s"
-#: ../../harddrake/sound.pm_.c:171
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"There's no known OSS/ALSA alternative driver for your sound card (%s) which "
-"currently uses \"%s\""
-msgstr ""
-"Tak diketahui adanya driver alternatif OSS/ALSA utk kartu suara Anda (%s) yg "
-"kini memakai \"%s\""
+msgid "Formatting partition %s"
+msgstr "Melakukan format partisi %s"
-#: ../../harddrake/sound.pm_.c:173
-msgid "Sound configuration"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi suara"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Creating and formatting file %s"
+msgstr "Membuat dan memformat file %s"
-#: ../../harddrake/sound.pm_.c:174
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Here you can select an alternative driver (either OSS or ALSA) for your "
-"sound card (%s)."
-msgstr ""
-"Di sini dapat dipilih driver alternatif (OSS atau ALSA) utk kartu suara Anda "
+msgid "I don't know how to format %s in type %s"
+msgstr "tidak bisa melakukan format %s dengan tipe %s"
-#: ../../harddrake/sound.pm_.c:176
+#: ../../
#, c-format
+msgid "%s formatting of %s failed"
+msgstr "%s proses format dari %s gagal"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
+"Click on \"Next ->\" if you want to delete all data and partitions present\n"
+"on this hard drive. Be careful, after clicking on \"Next ->\", you will not\n"
+"be able to recover any data and partitions present on this hard drive,\n"
+"including any Windows data.\n"
-"Your card currently use the %s\"%s\" driver (default driver for your card is "
+"Click on \"<- Previous\" to stop this operation without losing any data and\n"
+"partitions present on this hard drive."
msgstr ""
+"Klik \"OK\" bila Anda ingin menghapus semua data dan partisi yang ada di\n"
+"hard drive ini. Awas, setelah mengklik \"OK\" Anda tak dapat mengembalikan\n"
+"data dan partisi di drive ini termasuk data windows.\n"
-"Kartu Anda kini memakai driver %s\"%s\" (driver standar kartu Anda adalah \"%"
-#: ../../harddrake/sound.pm_.c:178
-msgid "Driver:"
-msgstr "Driver:"
-#: ../../harddrake/sound.pm_.c:183 ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:303
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3878 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3911
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3937 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3964
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3991 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4030
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4051 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4078
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4108 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4134
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4157 ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:690
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "Pertolongan"
+"Pilih \"Batal\" utk membatalkan aksi ini tanpa kehilangan data dan partisi\n"
+"yang ada dalam hard drive ini."
-#: ../../harddrake/sound.pm_.c:185
-msgid "Switching between ALSA and OSS help"
-msgstr "Ganti pertolongan antara ALSA dan OSS"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Choose the hard drive you want to erase in order to install your new\n"
+"Mandrake Linux partition. Be careful, all data present on it will be lost\n"
+"and will not be recoverable!"
+msgstr ""
+"Pilih harddrive yg akan dihapus utk disediakan bagi partisi\n"
+"Linux Mandrake. Hati-hati, semua data di situ akan hilang dan\n"
+"tak dapat dikembalikan seperti semula!"
-#: ../../harddrake/sound.pm_.c:186
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"OSS (Open Sound System) was the first sound API. It's an OS independant "
-"sound API (it's available on most unices systems) but it's a very basic and "
-"limited API.\n"
-"What's more, OSS drivers all reinvent the wheel.\n"
+"As a review, DrakX will present a summary of various information it has\n"
+"about your system. Depending on your installed hardware, you may have some\n"
+"or all of the following entries:\n"
-"ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) is a modularized architecture "
-"supports quite a large range of ISA, USB and PCI cards.\n"
+" * \"Mouse\": check the current mouse configuration and click on the button\n"
+"to change it if necessary.\n"
-"It also provides a much higher API than OSS.\n"
+" * \"Keyboard\": check the current keyboard map configuration and click on\n"
+"the button to change that if necessary.\n"
-"To use alsa, one can either use:\n"
-"- the old compatibility OSS api\n"
-"- the new ALSA api that provides many enhanced features but requires using "
-"the ALSA library.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"OSS (Open Sound System) adalah API suara pertama, tak tergantung OS "
-"(tersedia di hampir semua sistem unix) tapi amat primitif dan terbatas.\n"
+" * \"Country\": check the current country selection. If you are not in this\n"
+"country, click on the button and choose another one.\n"
-"ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) adalah arsitektur modular yg\n"
-"men-support banyak kartu ISA, USB dan PCI.\n"
+" * \"Timezone\": By default, DrakX deduces your time zone based on the\n"
+"primary language you have chosen. But here, just as in your choice of a\n"
+"keyboard, you may not be in the country for which the chosen language\n"
+"should correspond. You may need to click on the \"Timezone\" button to\n"
+"configure the clock for the correct timezone.\n"
-"Ia juga menyediakan API lebih baik daripada OSS.\n"
+" * \"Printer\": clicking on the \"No Printer\" button will open the printer\n"
+"configuration wizard. Consult the corresponding chapter of the ``Starter\n"
+"Guide'' for more information on how to setup a new printer. The interface\n"
+"presented there is similar to the one used during installation.\n"
-"Utk menggunakan alsa, pakailah:\n"
-"- api OSS kompatibel lama, atau\n"
-"- api ALSA baru yg menyediakan banyak fitur canggih tapi memerlukan library "
-#: ../../harddrake/sound.pm_.c:202
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The old \"%s\" driver is blacklisted.\n"
+" * \"Bootloader\": if you wish to change your bootloader configuration,\n"
+"click that button. This should be reserved to advanced users.\n"
-"It has been reported to oopses the kernel on unloading.\n"
+" * \"Graphical Interface\": by default, DrakX configures your graphical\n"
+"interface in \"800x600\" resolution. If that does not suits you, click on\n"
+"the button to reconfigure your grapical interface.\n"
-"The new \"%s\" driver'll only be used on next bootstrap."
-msgstr ""
-"Driver \"%s\" lama di-blacklist.\n"
+" * \"Network\": If you want to configure your Internet or local network\n"
+"access now, you can by clicking on this button.\n"
-"Ia merusak kernel saat pembongkaran (unload).\n"
+" * \"Sound card\": if a sound card is detected on your system, it is\n"
+"displayed here. If you notice the sound card displayed is not the one that\n"
+"is actually present on your system, you can click on the button and choose\n"
+"another driver.\n"
-"Driver baru \"%s\" akan digunakan pada boot berikut."
-#: ../../harddrake/sound.pm_.c:205 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:298
-msgid "Please Wait... Applying the configuration"
-msgstr "Tunggu, konfigurasi sedang diterapkan..."
-#: ../../harddrake/sound.pm_.c:205 ../../interactive.pm_.c:382
-#: ../../standalone/drakxtv_.c:108 ../../standalone/harddrake2_.c:113
-#: ../../standalone/service_harddrake_.c:64
-msgid "Please wait"
-msgstr "Tunggu..."
-#: ../../harddrake/sound.pm_.c:210
-msgid "No known driver"
-msgstr "Tiada driver yg diketahui"
-#: ../../harddrake/sound.pm_.c:211
-#, c-format
-msgid "There's no known driver for your sound card (%s)"
-msgstr "Tak diketahui adanya driver utk kartu suara Anda (%s)"
-#: ../../harddrake/sound.pm_.c:214
-msgid "Unkown driver"
-msgstr "Driver tak dikenal"
-#: ../../harddrake/sound.pm_.c:215
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The \"%s\" driver for your sound card is unlisted\n"
+" * \"TV card\": if a TV card is detected on your system, it is displayed\n"
+"here. If you have a TV card and it is not detected, click on the button to\n"
+"try to configure it manually.\n"
-"Please send the output of the \"lspcidrake -v\" command to\n"
-"<install at mandrakesoft dot com>\n"
-"with subject: unlisted sound driver \"%s\""
+" * \"ISDN card\": if an ISDN card is detected on your system, it will be\n"
+"displayed here. You can click on the button to change the parameters\n"
+"associated with the card."
msgstr ""
-"Driver \"%s\" kartu suara Anda tak terdaftar\n"
+"Di sini disajikan macam-macam parameter mesin Anda. Tergantung hardware yg\n"
+"ter-instal, Anda dapat - atau tidak, melihat entri berikut:\n"
-"Mohon kirimkan keluaran perintah \"lspcidrake -v\" ke\n"
-"<install at mandrakesoft dot com>\n"
-"dengan subject: unlisted sound driver \"%s\""
-#: ../../harddrake/v4l.pm_.c:14 ../../harddrake/v4l.pm_.c:64
-msgid "Auto-detect"
-msgstr "Deteksi otomatis"
-#: ../../harddrake/v4l.pm_.c:65 ../../harddrake/v4l.pm_.c:198
-msgid "Unknown|Generic"
-msgstr "Takdikenal|Generik"
-#: ../../harddrake/v4l.pm_.c:97
-msgid "Unknown|CPH05X (bt878) [many vendors]"
-msgstr "Takdikenal|CPH05X (bt878) [banyak pembuat]"
-#: ../../harddrake/v4l.pm_.c:98
-msgid "Unknown|CPH06X (bt878) [many vendors]"
-msgstr "Takdikenal|CPH06X (bt878) [banyak vendors]"
-#: ../../harddrake/v4l.pm_.c:224
-msgid ""
-"For most modern TV cards, the bttv module of the GNU/Linux kernel just auto-"
-"detect the rights parameters.\n"
-"If your card is misdetected, you can force the right tuner and card types "
-"here. Just select your tv card parameters if needed"
-msgstr ""
-"Pada kartu TV modern umumnya, modul bttv kernel GNU/Linux otomatis "
-"mendeteksi parameter yg benar.\n"
-"Jika kartu Anda tak terdeteksi, pilihlah tuner dan tipe kartu di sini. Pilih "
-"parameter kartu tv Anda jika perlu"
-#: ../../harddrake/v4l.pm_.c:227
-msgid "Card model:"
-msgstr "Model kartu :"
-#: ../../harddrake/v4l.pm_.c:228
-msgid "Tuner type:"
-msgstr "Tipe tuner :"
-#: ../../harddrake/v4l.pm_.c:229
-msgid "Number of capture buffers:"
-msgstr "Jumlah buffer penangkap :"
-#: ../../harddrake/v4l.pm_.c:229
-msgid "number of capture buffers for mmap'ed capture"
-msgstr "Jumlah buffer penangkap utk penangkapan mmap"
-#: ../../harddrake/v4l.pm_.c:231
-msgid "PLL setting:"
-msgstr "setting PLL :"
-#: ../../harddrake/v4l.pm_.c:232
-msgid "Radio support:"
-msgstr "Support radio :"
-#: ../../harddrake/v4l.pm_.c:232
-msgid "enable radio support"
-msgstr "aktifkan support radio"
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:13
-msgid ""
-"GNU/Linux is a multiuser system, and this means that each user can have his\n"
-"own preferences, his own files and so on. You can read the ``User Guide''\n"
-"to learn more this concept. But unlike \"root\", which is the\n"
-"administrator, the users you add here will not be entitled to change\n"
-"anything except their own files and their own configurations. You will have\n"
-"to create at least one regular user for yourself. That account is where you\n"
-"should log in for routine use. Although it is very practical to log in as\n"
-"\"root\" everyday, it may also be very dangerous! The slightest mistake\n"
-"could mean that your system would not work any more. If you make a serious\n"
-"mistake as a regular user, you may only lose some information, but not the\n"
-"entire system.\n"
-"First, you have to enter your real name. This is not mandatory, of course\n"
-"-- as you can actually enter whatever you want. DrakX will then take the\n"
-"first word you have entered in the box and will bring it over to the \"User\n"
-"name\". This is the name this particular user will use to log onto the\n"
-"system. You can change it. You then have to enter a password here. A\n"
-"non-privileged (regular) user's password is not as crucial as the \"root\"\n"
-"one from a security point of view, but that is no reason to neglect it:\n"
-"after all, your files are at risk.\n"
-"If you click on \"Accept user\", you can then add as many as you want. Add\n"
-"a user for each one of the people meant to use that computer. When you are\n"
-"finish adding all the users you want, select \"Done\".\n"
+" * \"Mouse\": cek konfigurasi mouse, klik tombol utk mengubahnya bila perlu\n"
-"Clicking the \"Advanced\" button allows you to change the default \"shell\"\n"
-"for that user (bash by default).\n"
+" * \"Papanketik\": cek konfigurasi map papanketik, klik tombol utk "
+"bila perlu.\n"
-"When you are finished adding all users, you will be proposed to choose a\n"
-"user which can automatically log into the system when the computer boots\n"
-"up. If you are interested in that feature (and do not care much about local\n"
-"security), choose the desired user and window manager, then click \"Yes\".\n"
-"If you are not interested in this feature, click \"No\"."
-msgstr ""
-"GNU/Linux adalah sistem multiuser, artinya tiap pengguna bisa punya "
-"file dll sendiri. Anda bisa membaca ``User Guide'' utk belajar lebih dalam.\n"
-"Tapi tak seperti \"root\", sang administrator, pengguna di sini tak berhak\n"
-"mengubah apapun kecuali konfigurasi dan file mereka sendiri. Anda harus\n"
-"membuat setidaknya satu pengguna reguler utk Anda sendiri. Account ini Anda\n"
-"pakai utk rutinitas. Meski Anda dapat login sbg \"root\" tiap hari, tapi\n"
-"itu amat berbahaya! Kesalahan terkecil dapat menyebabkan sistem Anda tak\n"
-"bekerja selamanya. Meski Anda melakukan kesalahan serius sbg pengguna "
-"Anda hanya akan kehilangan sebagian informasi, tidak seluruh sistem.\n"
+" * \"Zona waktu\": DrakX menerka zona waktu Anda dari bahasa yg Anda pilih.\n"
+"Tapi sekali lagi seperti pilihan papanketik, Anda mungkin tak berada di "
+"yang selaras dg bahasa terpilih. Jadi Anda mungkin perlu menekan tombol\n"
+"\"Zona waktu\" utk mengkonfigurasikan jam sesuai zona waktu tempat Anda.\n"
-"Pertama, Anda harus mengisi nama. Ini tidak wajib, tentu saja - Anda dapat\n"
-"mengisinya sesuka Anda. DrakX akan mengambil kata pertama yg anda masukkan\n"
-"di kotak sbg \"Nama pengguna\". Ini adalah nama pengguna yg dipakai utk "
-"login ke\n"
-"sistem. Anda bisa mengubahnya. Lalu Anda harus mengisi katasandi. Katasandi\n"
-"pengguna non-privileged (reguler) tak sepenting katasandi \"root\" dari "
-"keamanan, tapi tak ada alasan utk mengabaikannya - file Anda bisa beresiko.\n"
+" * \"Printer\": klik \"No Printer\" utk membuka dukun konfigurasi printer.\n"
-"Klik \"Buat pengguna\", selanjutnya Anda dapat menambahkan pengguna sebanyak "
-"mau. Misalnya, tambahkan pengguna utk teman, ayah, atau saudara Anda. Bila "
-"selesai menambahkan semua pengguna, pilih \"Selesai\".\n"
+" * \"Kartu suara\": kartu suara terdeteksi di sistem Anda akan ditampilkan\n"
+"di sini. Tiada modifikasi yg dapat dilakukan saat instalasi.\n"
-"Klik \"Tambahan\" memungkinkan Anda mengubah \"cangkang\" standar utk "
-"terkait (standar: bash)."
+" * \"Kartu TV\": kartu TV yg terdeteksi di sistem Anda akan ditampilkan di\n"
+"sini. Tiada modifikasi yg dapat dilakukan saat instalasi.\n"
+" * \"Kartu ISDN\": kartu ISDN yg terdeteksi di sistem Anda akan ditampilkan\n"
+"di sini. Anda dapat meng-klik tombol utk mengubah parameternya."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:48
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Listed above are the existing Linux partitions detected on your hard drive.\n"
-"You can keep the choices made by the wizard, they are good for most common\n"
-"installations. If you make any changes, you must at least define a root\n"
-"partition (\"/\"). Do not choose too small a partition or you will not be\n"
-"able to install enough software. If you want to store your data on a\n"
-"separate partition, you will also need to create a \"/home\" partition\n"
-"(only possible if you have more than one Linux partition available).\n"
-"Each partition is listed as follows: \"Name\", \"Capacity\".\n"
+"\"Sound card\": if a sound card is detected on your system, it is displayed\n"
+"here. If you notice the sound card displayed is not the one that is\n"
+"actually present on your system, you can click on the button and choose\n"
+"another driver."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Yaboot is a bootloader for NewWorld Macintosh hardware and can be used to\n"
+"boot GNU/Linux, MacOS or MacOSX. Normally, MacOS and MacOSX are correctly\n"
+"detected and installed in the bootloader menu. If this is not the case, you\n"
+"can add an entry by hand in this screen. Be careful to choose the correct\n"
-"\"Name\" is structured: \"hard drive type\", \"hard drive number\",\n"
-"\"partition number\" (for example, \"hda1\").\n"
+"Yaboot's main options are:\n"
-"\"Hard drive type\" is \"hd\" if your hard drive is an IDE hard drive and\n"
-"\"sd\" if it is a SCSI hard drive.\n"
+" * Init Message: a simple text message displayed before the boot prompt.\n"
-"\"Hard drive number\" is always a letter after \"hd\" or \"sd\". For IDE\n"
-"hard drives:\n"
+" * Boot Device: indicates where you want to place the information required\n"
+"to boot to GNU/Linux. Generally, you set up a bootstrap partition earlier\n"
+"to hold this information.\n"
-" * \"a\" means \"master hard drive on the primary IDE controller\";\n"
+" * Open Firmware Delay: unlike LILO, there are two delays available with\n"
+"yaboot. The first delay is measured in seconds and at this point, you can\n"
+"choose between CD, OF boot, MacOS or Linux;\n"
-" * \"b\" means \"slave hard drive on the primary IDE controller\";\n"
+" * Kernel Boot Timeout: this timeout is similar to the LILO boot delay.\n"
+"After selecting Linux, you will have this delay in 0.1 second before your\n"
+"default kernel description is selected;\n"
-" * \"c\" means \"master hard drive on the secondary IDE controller\";\n"
+" * Enable CD Boot?: checking this option allows you to choose ``C'' for CD\n"
+"at the first boot prompt.\n"
-" * \"d\" means \"slave hard drive on the secondary IDE controller\".\n"
+" * Enable OF Boot?: checking this option allows you to choose ``N'' for\n"
+"Open Firmware at the first boot prompt.\n"
-"With SCSI hard drives, an \"a\" means \"lowest SCSI ID\", a \"b\" means\n"
-"\"second lowest SCSI ID\", etc."
+" * Default OS: you can select which OS will boot by default when the Open\n"
+"Firmware Delay expires."
msgstr ""
-"Yang terdaftar di atas adalah partisi Linux terdeteksi pd hard drive Anda.\n"
-"Anda dapat memakai pilihan yg dibuat oleh wizard, itu baik utk instalasi\n"
-"umum. Bila Anda mengubah pilihan, setidaknya Anda perlu mendefinisikan\n"
-"partisi root (\"/\"). Jangan pilih partisi yg terlalu kecil agar dapat\n"
-"menginstal software dg leluasa. Bila Anda ingin menyimpan data pada partisi\n"
-"lain, Anda perlu membuat partisi \"/home\" (hanya mungkin jika punya lebih\n"
-"dari satu partisi Linux.)\n"
-"Tiap partisi terdaftar sbb: \"Nama\", \"Kapasitas\".\n"
-"\"Nama\" berstruktur: \"tipe hard drive\", \"nomor hard drive\",\n"
-"\"nomor partisi\" (misalnya \"hda1\").\n"
+"Yaboot adalah pemuat boot utk hardware NewWorld MacIntosh. Ia mampu memboot\n"
+"GNU/Linux, MacOS maupun MacOSX jika terdapat di komputer Anda. Biasanya,\n"
+"OS lain ini terdeteksi dan terinstal dengan benar. Jika tidak, Anda dapat\n"
+"menambahkan entry secara manual di layar ini. Hati-hati memilih parameter.\n"
-"\"Tipe hard drive\" adalah \"hd\" utk drive IDE dan \"sd\" utk drive SCSI.\n"
+"Opsi utama yaboot adalah:\n"
-"\"Nomor Hard Drive\", selalu berupa huruf setelah \"hd\" atau \"sd\". Bila "
-"berupa IDE, maka:\n"
+" * Pesan Awal: pesan teks yang ditampilkan sebelum prompt boot.\n"
-" *\"a\" berarti \"hard drive master pada kontroller IDE primer\",\n"
+" * Device Boot: menunjukkan tempat Anda ingin meletakkan info yg diperlukan\n"
+"utk memboot GNU/LInux. Biasanya Anda men-setup partisi bootstrap lebih dulu\n"
+"untuk menyimpan informasi ini.\n"
-" *\"b\" berarti \"hard drive slave pada kontroler IDE primer\",\n"
+" * Delay Open Firmware: tak seperti LILO, ada dua macam delay tersedia di\n"
+"yaboot. Delay pertama diukur dalam detik dan di sini Anda bisa memilih CD,\n"
+"boot OF, MacOS, atau Linux.\n"
-" *\"c\" berarti \"hard drive master pada kontroler IDE sekunder\",\n"
+" * Timeout Boot Kernel: timeout ini mirip delay boot LILO. Setelah memilih\n"
+"Linux, akan ada delay 0.1 detik sebelum kernel default Anda dipilih.\n"
-" *\"d\" berarti \"hard drive slave pada kontroler IDE sekunder\",\n"
+" * Aktifkan boot CD?: opsi ini memungkinkan Anda memilih \"C\" (CD) pada\n"
+"prompt boot pertama.\n"
+" * Aktifkan boot OF?: dg opsi ini Anda bisa memilih \"N\" (Open Firmware)\n"
+"saat prompt boot pertama.\n"
-"Pada drive SCSI, \"a\" berarti \"hard drive utama, \"b\" berarti \"hard "
-"drive kedua\", dsb..."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:79
-msgid ""
-"The Mandrake Linux installation is spread out over several CD-ROMs. DrakX\n"
-"knows if a selected package is located on another CD-ROM and will eject the\n"
-"current CD and ask you to insert a different one as required."
-msgstr ""
-"Instalasi Mandrake Linux terdiri atas bbrp CDROM. DrakX tahu jika paket\n"
-"terpilih berada di CDROM lain dan akan mengeluarkan CD yg ada utk kemudian\n"
-"meminta Anda memasukkan CD yg diperlukan."
+" * OS Standar: Anda dapat memilih OS yang akan diboot secara default saat\n"
+"delay Open Firmware terlampaui."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:84
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"It is now time to specify which programs you wish to install on your\n"
-"system. There are thousands of packages available for Mandrake Linux, and\n"
-"you are not supposed to know them all by heart.\n"
+"You can add additional entries in yaboot for other operating systems,\n"
+"alternate kernels, or for an emergency boot image.\n"
-"If you are performing a standard installation from a CD-ROM, you will first\n"
-"be asked to specify the CDs you currently have (in Expert mode only). Check\n"
-"the CD labels and highlight the boxes corresponding to the CDs you have\n"
-"available for installation. Click \"OK\" when you are ready to continue.\n"
+"For other OSs, the entry consists only of a label and the \"root\"\n"
-"Packages are sorted in groups corresponding to a particular use of your\n"
-"machine. The groups themselves are sorted into four sections:\n"
+"For Linux, there are a few possible options:\n"
-" * \"Workstation\": if you plan to use your machine as a workstation,\n"
-"select one or more of the corresponding groups;\n"
+" * Label: this is the name you will have to type at the yaboot prompt to\n"
+"select this boot option.\n"
-" * \"Development\": if your machine is to be used for programming, choose\n"
-"the desired group(s);\n"
+" * Image: this would be the name of the kernel to boot. Typically, vmlinux\n"
+"or a variation of vmlinux with an extension.\n"
-" * \"Server\": if your machine is intended to be a server, you will be able\n"
-"to select which of the most common services you wish to install on your\n"
+" * Root: the \"root\" device or ``/'' for your Linux installation.\n"
-" * \"Graphical Environment\": finally, this is where you will choose your\n"
-"preferred graphical environment. At least one must be selected if you want\n"
-"to have a graphical workstation!\n"
+" * Append: on Apple hardware, the kernel append option is often used to\n"
+"assist in initializing video hardware, or to enable keyboard mouse button\n"
+"emulation for the missing 2nd and 3rd mouse buttons on a stock Apple mouse.\n"
+"The following are some examples:\n"
-"Moving the mouse cursor over a group name will display a short explanatory\n"
-"text about that group. If you unselect all groups when performing a regular\n"
-"installation (by opposition to an upgrade), a dialog will pop up proposing\n"
-"different options for a minimal installation:\n"
+" video=aty128fb:vmode:17,cmode:32,mclk:71 adb_buttons=103,111\n"
-" * \"With X\": install the fewest packages possible to have a working\n"
-"graphical desktop;\n"
+" video=atyfb:vmode:12,cmode:24 adb_buttons=103,111\n"
-" * \"With basic documentation\": installs the base system plus basic\n"
-"utilities and their documentation. This installation is suitable for\n"
-"setting up a server;\n"
+" * Initrd: this option can be used either to load initial modules before\n"
+"the boot device is available, or to load a ramdisk image for an emergency\n"
+"boot situation.\n"
-" * \"Truly minimal install\": will install the strict minimum necessary to\n"
-"get a working Linux system, in command line only. This installation is\n"
-"about 65Mb large.\n"
+" * Initrd-size: the default ramdisk size is generally 4096 Kbytes. If you\n"
+"need to allocate a large ramdisk, this option can be used to specify a\n"
+"ramdisk larger than the default.\n"
-"You can check the \"Individual package selection\" box, which is useful if\n"
-"you are familiar with the packages being offered or if you want to have\n"
-"total control over what will be installed.\n"
+" * Read-write: normally the \"root\" partition is initially mounted as\n"
+"read-only, to allow a file system check before the system becomes ``live''.\n"
+"You can override the default with this option.\n"
-"If you started the installation in \"Upgrade\" mode, you can unselect all\n"
-"groups to avoid installing any new package. This is useful to repair or\n"
-"update an existing system."
+" * NoVideo: should the Apple video hardware prove to be exceptionally\n"
+"problematic, you can select this option to boot in ``novideo'' mode, with\n"
+"native frame buffer support.\n"
+" * Default: selects this entry as being the default Linux selection,\n"
+"selectable by pressing ENTER at the yaboot prompt. This entry will also be\n"
+"highlighted with a ``*'' if you press [Tab] to see the boot selections."
msgstr ""
-"Kini kita tentukan program yg akan diinstal di sistem Anda. Ribuan paket\n"
-"tersedia di Mandrake Linux, Anda tak perlu mengenal semuanya.\n"
+"Anda dapat menambahkan entri yaboot, baik untuk OS lain, kernel lain, atau\n"
+"untuk image boot darurat.\n"
-"Jika Anda menjalankan instalasi standar dari CDROM, Anda akan diminta\n"
-"menentukan CD yg Anda punya (hanya pd mode Ahli). Cek label CD dan\n"
-"tandai kotak yg sesuai dg CD yg Anda miliki utk instalasi. Klik \"OK\" jika\n"
-"Anda siap melanjutkan.\n"
+"Untuk OS lain, entri hanya berisi label dan partisi root.\n"
-"Paket disortir menurut grup sesuai kegunaan mesin Anda.\n"
-"Grup diurutkan ke dalam empat bagian:\n"
+"Untuk Linux, ada beberapa pilihan:\n"
-" * \"Workstation\": jika Anda ingin menggunakan mesin Anda sbg workstation, "
-"satu/lebih grup yg sesuai.\n"
+" * Label: nama yg harus diketik di prompt yaboot utk memilih opsi boot ini.\n"
-" * \"Development\": jika mesin akan digunakan utk pemrograman, pilih grup\n"
-"yg diinginkan.\n"
+" * Image: nama kernel untuk diboot. Biasanya bernama vmlinux atau nama lain\n"
+"yang mirip dengan vmlinux atau ditambahkan ekstensi lain.\n"
-" * \"Server\": jika mesin diinginkan menjadi server, Anda dapat\n"
-"memilih servis paling umum yg akan diinstal.\n"
+" * Root: device \"root\" atau \"/\" untuk instalasi Linux Anda.\n"
-" * \"Lingkungan Grafis\": akhirnya, di sini Anda memilih lingkungan\n"
-"grafis. Minimal Anda harus pilih satu jika ingin punya workstation grafis!\n"
+" * Append: pada hardware Apple, opsi append kernel sering digunakan untuk\n"
+"menolong inisialisasi hardware video, atau pengaktifan emulasi tombol mouse\n"
+"pada papanketik utk mouse Apple yang tidak memiliki tombol kedua dan "
+"Berikut adalah beberapa contohnya:\n"
-"Untuk melihat penjelasan singkat, gerakkan kursor mouse ke atas nama grup.\n"
-"Jika Anda tak memilih satu grup pun saat melakukan instalasi normal (bukan\n"
-"upgrade) popup dialog akan muncul dengan menu instalasi minimal:\n"
+" video=aty128fb:vmode:17,cmode:32,mclk:71 adb_buttons=103,111 "
-" * \"Dengan X\" Instal paket minimal yang memungkinkan kerja dengan desktop\n"
+" video=atyfb:vmode:12,cmode:24 adb_buttons=103,111\n"
-" * \"Dengan dokumentasi dasar\" Instal sistem plus peralatan dasar dan\n"
-"dokumentasinya. Instalasi ini cocok untuk setup server.\n"
+" * Initrd: opsi ini bisa dipakai utk memuat modul awal sebelum device boot\n"
+"tersedia, atau untuk memuat image ramdisk untuk situasi boot darurat.\n"
-" * \"Instalasi minimal sungguh\" Hanya instal kebutuhan minimum sistem,\n"
-"dalam baris perintah saja. Butuh sekitar 65Mb.\n"
+" * Initrd-size: standar ukuran ramdisk biasanya 4096 byte. Jika Anda perlu\n"
+"mengalokasikan ramdisk yang lebih besar, gunakan opsi ini.\n"
-"Anda dapat memilih \"Pilih paket sendiri\", berguna jika Anda tahu baik\n"
-"paket yg disediakan atau ingin mengontrol instalasi secara total.\n"
+" * Read-write: umumnya partisi \"root\" diberikan secara readonly agar bisa\n"
+"dilakukan pengecekan filesystem sebelum sistem \"hidup\". Di sini Anda bisa\n"
+"mengubah kelakuan aslinya.\n"
-"Jika Anda memulai instalasi dg mode \"Upgrade\", Anda dapat melepas seleksi\n"
-"semua group utk menghindari instalasi paket baru. Ini berguna utk reparasi\n"
-"atau update sistem yg ada."
+" * NoVideo: Jika hardware video Apple problematis, Anda dapat memakai opsi\n"
+"ini utk mem-boot dalam mode \"novideo\", dengan support framebuffer native.\n"
+" * Default: opsi standar Linux, dapat dipilih hanya dg menekan ENTER pada\n"
+"prompt yaboot. Entri ini juga akan ditandai \"*\" jika Anda menekan [Tab]\n"
+"untuk melihat pilihan boot."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:135
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"Finally, depending on whether or not you chose to be able to select\n"
-"individual packages, you will be presented a tree containing all packages\n"
-"classified by groups and subgroups. While browsing the tree, you can select\n"
-"entire groups, subgroups, or individual packages.\n"
+"DrakX will first detect any IDE devices present in your computer. It will\n"
+"also scan for one or more PCI SCSI cards on your system. If a SCSI card is\n"
+"found, DrakX will automatically install the appropriate driver.\n"
-"Whenever you select a package on the tree, a description appears on the\n"
-"right. When your selection is finished, click the \"Install\" button which\n"
-"will then launch the installation process. Depending on the speed of your\n"
-"hardware and the number of packages that need to be installed, it may take\n"
-"a while to complete the process. An installation time estimate is displayed\n"
-"on the screen, to help you gauge if there is sufficient time to enjoy a cup\n"
-"of coffee.\n"
-"!! If a server package has been selected, either intentionally or because\n"
-"it was part of a whole group, you will be asked to confirm that you really\n"
-"want those servers to be installed. Under Mandrake Linux, any installed\n"
-"servers are started by default at boot time. Even if they are safe and have\n"
-"no known issues at the time the distribution was shipped, it may happen\n"
-"that security holes are discovered after this version of Mandrake Linux was\n"
-"finalized. If you do not know what a particular service is supposed to do\n"
-"or why it is being installed, then click \"No\". Clicking \"Yes\" will\n"
-"install the listed services and they will be started automatically by\n"
-"default. !!\n"
+"Because hardware detection is not foolproof, DrakX will ask you if you have\n"
+"a PCI SCSI installed. Clicking \" Yes\" will display a list of SCSI cards\n"
+"to choose from. Click \"No\" if you know that you have no SCSI hardware in\n"
+"your machine. If you're not sure, you can check the list of hardware\n"
+"detected in your machine by selecting \"See hardware info \" and clicking\n"
+"the \"Next ->\". Examine the list of hardware and then click on the \"Next\n"
+"->\" button to return to the SCSI interface question.\n"
-"The \"Automatic dependencies\" option simply disables the warning dialog\n"
-"which appears whenever the installer automatically selects a package. This\n"
-"occurs because it has determined that it needs to satisfy a dependency with\n"
-"another package in order to successfully complete the installation.\n"
+"If you had to manually specify your PCI SCSI adapter, DrakX will ask if you\n"
+"want to configure options for it. You should allow DrakX to probe the\n"
+"hardware for the card-specific options which are needed to initialize the\n"
+"adapter. Most of the time, DrakX will get through this step without any\n"
-"The tiny floppy disk icon at the bottom of the list allows to load the\n"
-"package list chosen during a previous installation. Clicking on this icon\n"
-"will ask you to insert a floppy disk previously created at the end of\n"
-"another installation. See the second tip of the previous step on how to\n"
-"create such a floppy disk."
+"If DrakX is not able to probe for the options to automatically determine\n"
+"which parameters need to be passed to the hardware, you'll need to manually\n"
+"configure the driver."
msgstr ""
-"Akhirnya, tergantung apakah Anda memilih paket sendiri atau tidak, Anda\n"
-"akan diberi pohon berisi paket terkelompok dg grup/subgrup. Sambil meneliti\n"
-"pohon, Anda dapat memilih semua grup, subgrup, atau paket tersendiri.\n"
-"Tiap kali Anda memilih paket di pohon, penjelasan muncul di sisi kanan.\n"
-"Bila seleksi Anda selesai, klik tombol \"Instal\" utk memulai instalasi.\n"
-"Tergantung kecepatan hardware dan jumlah paket yg diinstal, mungkin\n"
-"dibutuhkan bbrp saat utk instalasi. Perkiraan waktu instalasi ditampilkan\n"
-"di layar utk membantu Anda memperkirakan waktu menikmati secangkir kopi.\n"
+"DrakX sedang mendeteksi perangkat IDE komputer Anda, juga men-scan kartu\n"
+"SCSI PCI di sistem Anda. Jika kartu SCSI ditemukan DrakX akan otomatis\n"
+"meng-instal driver yang sesuai.\n"
-"!! Jika paket server terpilih dg sengaja atau karena merupakan bagian suatu\n"
-"grup besar, akan ada pertanyaan konfirmasi instalasi paket tersebut. Pada\n"
-"Mandrake Linux, secara default semua server terinstal dijalankan saat boot.\n"
-"Meski aman saat distribusi diluncurkan, ada kemungkinan lubang keamanan\n"
-"ditemukan setelah versi Mandrake Linux ini rampung. Jika Anda tak tahu apa\n"
-"yg dilakukan oleh suatu servis atau mengapa ia diinstal, klik \"Tidak\".\n"
-"Jika Anda menekan \"Ya\" servis terdaftar akan diinstal dan secara standar\n"
-"akan dijalankan secara otomatis. !!\n"
+"Karena perangkat keras terkadang tak terdeteksi, DrakX akan bertanya apakah\n"
+"ada kartu SCSI PCI. Klik \"Ya\" jika Anda tahu ada kartu SCSI terinstal di\n"
+"mesin Anda. Akan disajikan list kartu SCSI utk dipilih. Klik \"Tidak\" jika\n"
+"tak ada hardware SCSI. Jika Anda tak yakin, periksa daftar perangkat keras\n"
+"yang terdeteksi di mesin Anda dg memilih \"Lihat info hardware\" lalu klik\n"
+"\"OK\". Periksa daftar hardware lalu klik \"OK\" utk kembali.\n"
-"Opsi \"Ketergantungan otomatis\" mematikan dialog yg muncul tiap kali\n"
-"instalator memilih suatu paket scr otomatis. Ini terjadi karena\n"
-"ketergantungan harus dipenuhi dg paket lain agar instalasi sukses.\n"
+"Jika Anda harus menunjuk adaptor secara manual, DrakX akan bertanya apakah\n"
+"Anda ingin menunjuk opsi untuknya. Anda harus mengizinkan DrakX mem-probe\n"
+"hardware utk opsi spesifik-kartu yg diperlukan hardware utk inisiasi. Ini\n"
+"biasanya bekerja baik.\n"
-"Ikon disket di dasar list memungkinkan pemuatan daftar paket ter-instal pd\n"
-"instalasi sebelumnya. Jika diklik, Anda akan diminta memasukkan disket yg\n"
-"dibuat pd akhir instalasi yg lalu. Lihat tip kedua di step terakhir utk\n"
-"membuat floppy tersebut."
+"Jika DrakX gagal mem-probe opsi yang harus diberikan, Anda perlu memberikan\n"
+"opsi ke driver secara manual. Baca ``User Guide'' (bab 3, bag. \"Collecting\n"
+"information on your hardware\") utk trik mendapat parameter yg dibutuhkan\n"
+"dari dokumentasi hardware, website pabrik (jika Anda punya akses Internet)\n"
+"atau wicrosoft mindows (jika Anda memakai hardware ini di windows)."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:171
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"You are now able to set up your Internet/network connection. If you wish to\n"
-"connect your computer to the Internet or to a local network, click \"OK\".\n"
-"The autodetection of network devices and modem will be launched. If this\n"
-"detection fails, uncheck the \"Use auto-detection\" box next time. You may\n"
-"also choose not to configure the network, or do it later; in that case,\n"
-"simply click the \"Cancel\" button.\n"
-"Available connections are: traditional modem, ISDN modem, ADSL connection,\n"
-"cable modem, and finally a simple LAN connection (Ethernet).\n"
-"Here, we will not detail each configuration. Simply make sure that you have\n"
-"all the parameters from your Internet Service Provider or system\n"
-"You can consult the ``Starter Guide'' chapter about Internet connections\n"
-"for details about the configuration, or simply wait until your system is\n"
-"installed and use the program described there to configure your connection.\n"
-"If you wish to configure the network later after installation, or if you\n"
-"are finished configuring your network connection, click \"Cancel\"."
+"Now, it's time to select a printing system for your computer. Other OSs may\n"
+"offer you one, but Mandrake Linux offers two. Each of the printing systems\n"
+"is best for a particular type of configuration.\n"
+" * \"pdq\" -- which is an acronym for ``print, don't queue'', is the choice\n"
+"if you have a direct connection to your printer, you want to be able to\n"
+"panic out of printer jams, and you do not have networked printers. (\"pdq\n"
+"\" will handle only very simple network cases and is somewhat slow when\n"
+"used with networks.) It's recommended that you use \"pdq \" if this is your\n"
+"first experience with GNU/Linux.\n"
+" * \"CUPS\" - `` Common Unix Printing System'', is an excellent choice for\n"
+"printing to your local printer or to one halfway around the planet. It is\n"
+"simple to configure and can act as a server or a client for the ancient\n"
+"\"lpd \" printing system, so it compatible with older operating systems\n"
+"that may still need print services. While quite powerful, the basic setup\n"
+"is almost as easy as \"pdq\". If you need to emulate a \"lpd\" server, make\n"
+"sure to turn on the \"cups-lpd \" daemon. \"CUPS\" includes graphical\n"
+"front-ends for printing or choosing printer options and for managing the\n"
+"If you make a choice now, and later find that you don't like your printing\n"
+"system you may change it by running PrinterDrake from the Mandrake Control\n"
+"Center and clicking the expert button."
msgstr ""
-"Kini koneksi internet/jaringan akan disetup. Jika Anda ingin menyambung\n"
-"komputer Anda dg Internet atau jaringan lokal, klik \"OK\". Deteksi\n"
-"otomatis perangkat jaringan dan modem akan diluncurkan. Jika deteksi gagal,\n"
-"selanjutnya jangan tandai kotak \"Pakai deteksi otomatis\". Anda juga dapat\n"
-"memilih tak mengkonfigurasikan jaringan, atau mengerjakannya nanti; jika\n"
-"demikian, klik tombol \"Batal\".\n"
-"Koneksi yg tersedia adalah: modem tradisional/ISDN, hubungan ADSL, modem\n"
-"kabel, dan hubungan LAN (Ethernet).\n"
+"Kini kita pilih sistem cetak komputer Anda. OS lain mungkin punya satu,\n"
+"Mandrake menyediakan tiga.\n"
-"Di sini konfigurasi tak dirinci. Pastikan Anda punya semua parameter dari\n"
-"ISP atau administrator sistem.\n"
+" * \"pdq\" - artinya ``print, djangan nqantri'', adalah pilihan jika Anda\n"
+"punya koneksi langsung ke printer Anda dan ingin bebas dari panik kemacetan\n"
+"printer, serta tak punya printer jaringan. Ia akan meng-handle hanya kasus\n"
+"jaringan yg amat mudah dan agak lambat utk network. Ambil \"pdq\" jika ini\n"
+"kali pertama Anda mengenal GNU/Linux. Anda dapat mengubah pilihan setelah\n"
+"instalasi dg menjalankan PrinterDrake dari Pusat Kontrol Mandrake dan\n"
+"meng-klik tombol expert/ahli.\n"
-"Penjelasan dapat dilihat di manual hubungan Internet. Atau tunggulah hingga\n"
-"sistem terinstal dan pakailah program yg dijelaskan utk setup koneksi.\n"
+" * \"CUPS\"``Sistem Cetak Unix Umum'' canggih untuk mencetak ke printer\n"
+"lokal dan juga separuh planet. Mudah dan berfungsi spt server/klien utk\n"
+"sistem cetak kuno \"lpd\" jadi kompatibel dg sistem lama. Banyak trik dapat\n"
+"dilakukan, tapi setup awalnya hampir semudah \"pdq\". Jika Anda perlu ini\n"
+"utk emulasi server \"lpd\", Anda harus menyalakan daemon \"cups-lpd\".\n"
+"Front-end grafis disediakan utk pencetakan/pemilihan opsi printer.\n"
-"Jika Anda ingin mengkonfigurasi network pasca instalasi atau bila instalasi\n"
-"jaringan selesai, klik \"Batal\"."
+" * \"lprNG\"``daemon printer baris Generasi Baru''. Sistem ini dapat\n"
+"melakukan hal yg mirip dg yg bisa dilakukan sistem lain, hanya saja ia akan\n"
+"mencetak ke printer yang terhubung dengan network Novell, karena mensupport\n"
+"protokol IPX, dan bisa mencetak langsung ke perintah shell. Jika Anda perlu\n"
+"Novell atau mencetak ke perintah tanpa memakai konstruksi pipa terpisah,\n"
+"gunakan lprNG. Jika tidak, pilihlah CUPS sebab lebih mudah dan bekerja baik\n"
+"di network."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:193
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"You may now choose which services you wish to start at boot time.\n"
-"Here are listed all the services available with the current installation.\n"
-"Review them carefully and uncheck those which are not always needed at boot\n"
-"You can get a short explanatory text about a service by selecting a\n"
-"specific service. However, if you are not sure whether a service is useful\n"
-"or not, it is safer to leave the default behavior.\n"
-"!! At this stage, be very careful if you intend to use your machine as a\n"
-"server: you will probably not want to start any services which you do not\n"
-"need. Please remember that several services can be dangerous if they are\n"
-"enabled on a server. In general, select only the services you really need.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Kini Anda boleh pilih servis mana yang dijalankan saat boot.\n"
+"LILO and grub are GNU/Linux bootloaders. Normally, this stage is totally\n"
+"automated. DrakX will analyze the disk boot sector and act according to\n"
+"what it finds there:\n"
-"Di sini ditampilkan semua servis yg tersedia di instalasi ini. Periksa dg\n"
-"baik dan jangan tandai servis yg tak selalu diperlukan saat boot.\n"
+" * if a Windows boot sector is found, it will replace it with a grub/LILO\n"
+"boot sector. This way you will be able to load either GNU/Linux or another\n"
-"Ada penjelasan singkat bila suatu servis dipilih. Tapi jika Anda tak yakin\n"
-"kegunaan servis tsb., lebih aman tak usah diusik.\n"
+" * if a grub or LILO boot sector is found, it will replace it with a new\n"
-"Pada tahap ini, hati-hati jika Anda bermaksud menjadikan mesin Anda sebuah\n"
-"server: Anda mungkin tak ingin menjalankan servis yg tak diperlukan. Ingat,\n"
-"bbrp servis bisa berbahaya jika dijalankan. Secara umum, pilihlah hanya\n"
-"servis yang benar-benar Anda perlukan."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:210
-msgid ""
-"GNU/Linux manages time in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) and translates it in\n"
-"local time according to the time zone you selected. It is however possible\n"
-"to deactivate this by unselecting \"Hardware clock set to GMT\" so that the\n"
-"hardware clock is the same as the system clock. This is useful when the\n"
-"machine is hosting another operating system like Windows.\n"
+"If it cannot make a determination, DrakX will ask you where to place the\n"
-"The \"Automatic time synchronization\" option will automatically regulate\n"
-"the clock by connecting to a remote time server on the Internet. In the\n"
-"list that is presented, choose a server located near you. Of course you\n"
-"must have a working Internet connection for this feature to work. It will\n"
-"actually install on your machine a time server which can be optionally used\n"
-"by other machines on your local network."
-msgstr ""
-"GNU/Linux mengatur waktu dlm GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) dan menerjemahkannya\n"
-"ke waktu lokal tergantung zona waktu yang Anda pilih. Dapat di-nonaktifkan\n"
-"dengan melepas tanda \"Jam hardware diset ke GMT\" sehingga jam hardware\n"
-"sama dengan jam sistem. Berguna bila mesin didiami OS lain seperti Mindows.\n"
+"\"Boot device\": in most cases, you will not change the default (\"First\n"
+"sector of drive (MBR)\"), but if you prefer, the bootloader can be\n"
+"installed on the second hard drive (\"/dev/hdb\"), or even on a floppy disk\n"
+"(\"On Floppy\").\n"
-"Opsi \"Sinkronisasi waktu otomatis\" akan otomatis mengatur jam dengan\n"
-"menghubungi server waktu remote di internet. Pilihlah server terdekat saat\n"
-"daftar muncul. Tentu saja Anda harus punya koneksi internet agar fitur ini\n"
-"berfungsi. Server waktu akan diinstalkan di mesin Anda dan dapat dipakai\n"
-"oleh mesin lain di jaringan lokal Anda."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:224
-msgid ""
-"X (for X Window System) is the heart of the GNU/Linux graphical interface\n"
-"on which all the graphical environments (KDE, GNOME, AfterStep,\n"
-"WindowMaker, etc.) bundled with Mandrake Linux rely.\n"
-"You will be presented the list of available resolutions and color depth\n"
-"available for your hardware. Choose the one that best suit your needs (you\n"
-"will be able to change that after installation though). When you are\n"
-"satisfied with the sample shown in the monitor, click \"OK\". A window will\n"
-"then appear and ask you if you can see it.\n"
-"If you are doing an \"Expert\" installation, you will enter the X\n"
-"configuration wizard. See the corresponding section of the manual for more\n"
-"information about this wizard.\n"
-"If you can see the message during the test, and answer \"Yes\", then DrakX\n"
-"will proceed to the next step. If you cannot see the message, it simply\n"
-"means that the configuration was wrong and the test will automatically end\n"
-"after 10 seconds, restoring the screen. Refer then to the video\n"
-"configuration section of the user guide for more information on how to\n"
-"configure your display."
-msgstr ""
-"X (Sistem Window X) adalah jantung antarmuka grafis GNU/Linux tempat sandar\n"
-"semua lingkungan grafis (KDE, Gnome, AfterStep, WindowMaker...) Mandrake\n"
-"Linux. Di sini DrakX akan mencoba mengkonfigurasi X secara otomatis.\n"
-"Jarang sekali gagal, kecuali jika hardware amat kuno (atau amat baru). Jika\n"
-"sukses, X otomatis dijalankan dg resolusi terbaik sesuai ukuran monitor.\n"
-"Window akan muncul dan bertanya apakah Anda dapat melihatnya.\n"
-"Jika Anda melakukan instalasi \"Ahli\", Anda akan memasuki wizard "
-"X. Lihat bab yg bersangkutan di manual utk info lanjut ttg wizard ini.\n"
+"Checking \"Create a boot disk\" allows you to have a rescue bot media\n"
-"Jika Anda dapat melihat pesan dan menjawab \"Ya\", DrakX akan maju ke tahap\n"
-"berikut. Jika Anda tak dapat melihat pesan, berarti konfigurasi salah dan\n"
-"10 detik kemudian tes otomatis berakhir dg kembali ke layar semula."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:246
-msgid ""
-"Finally, you will be asked whether you want to see the graphical interface\n"
-"at boot. Note this question will be asked even if you chose not to test the\n"
-"configuration. Obviously, you want to answer \"No\" if your machine is to\n"
-"act as a server, or if you were not successful in getting the display\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Akhirnya, Anda akan ditanya apakah Anda ingin punya antarmuka grafis saat\n"
-"boot. Pertanyaan ini diajukan meski Anda memilih tidak mentes konfigurasi.\n"
-"Jelas, Anda ingin menjawab \"Tidak\" jika mesin Anda dijadikan server, atau\n"
-"jika Anda gagal mengkonfigurasi display."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:253
-msgid ""
"The Mandrake Linux CD-ROM has a built-in rescue mode. You can access it by\n"
-"booting from the CD-ROM, press the >>F1<< key at boot and type >>rescue<<\n"
-"at the prompt. But in case your computer cannot boot from the CD-ROM, you\n"
-"should come back to this step for help in at least two situations:\n"
-" * when installing the bootloader, DrakX will rewrite the boot sector (\n"
-"MBR) of your main disk (unless you are using another boot manager), to\n"
-"allow you to start up with either Windows or GNU/Linux (assuming you have\n"
-"Windows in your system). If you need to reinstall Windows, the Microsoft\n"
-"install process will rewrite the boot sector, and then you will not be able\n"
-"to start GNU/Linux!\n"
-" * if a problem arises and you cannot start up GNU/Linux from the hard\n"
-"disk, this floppy disk will be the only means of starting up GNU/Linux. It\n"
-"contains a fair number of system tools for restoring a system, which has\n"
-"crashed due to a power failure, an unfortunate typing error, a typo in a\n"
-"password, or any other reason.\n"
-"If you say \"Yes\", you will be asked to enter a disk inside the drive. The\n"
-"floppy disk you will insert must be empty or contain data which you do not\n"
-"need. You will not have to format it since DrakX will rewrite the whole\n"
+"booting the CD-ROM, pressing the >> F1<< key at boot and typing >>rescue<<\n"
+"at the prompt. If your computer cannot boot from the CD-ROM, there are at\n"
+"least two situations where having a boot floppy is critical:\n"
+" * when installing the bootloader, DrakX will rewrite the boot sector (MBR)\n"
+"of your main disk (unless you are using another boot manager), to allow you\n"
+"to start up with either Windows or GNU/Linux (assuming you have Windows on\n"
+"your system). If at some point you need to reinstall Windows, the Microsoft\n"
+"install process will rewrite the boot sector and remove your ability to\n"
+"start GNU/Linux!\n"
+" * if a problem arises and you cannot start GNU/Linux from the hard disk,\n"
+"this floppy will be the only means of starting up GNU/Linux. It contains a\n"
+"fair number of system tools for restoring a system that has crashed due to\n"
+"a power failure, an unfortunate typing error, a forgotten root password, or\n"
+"any other reason.\n"
+"If you say \"Yes\", you will be asked to insert a disk in the drive. The\n"
+"floppy disk must be blank or have non-critical data on it - DrakX will\n"
+"format the floppy and will rewrite the whole disk."
msgstr ""
"CDROM Mandrake Linux punya mode pertolongan built-in, yg bisa diakses dg\n"
"mem-boot dari CDROM, tekan >>F1<< dan ketik >>rescue<< di prompt. Tapi jika\n"
@@ -3126,314 +1683,382 @@ msgstr ""
"harus kosong / berisi data yg tak Anda perlukan. Tak perlu diformat sebab\n"
"DrakX akan menulis ulang seluruh disket."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:277
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"You now need to choose where you want to install the Mandrake Linux\n"
-"operating system on your hard drive. If your hard drive is empty or if an\n"
-"existing operating system is using all the available space, you will need\n"
-"to partition it. Basically, partitioning a hard drive consists of logically\n"
-"dividing it to create space to install your new Mandrake Linux system.\n"
-"Because the partitioning process' effects are usually irreversible,\n"
-"partitioning can be intimidating and stressful if you are an inexperienced\n"
-"user. Fortunately, there is a wizard which simplifies this process. Before\n"
-"beginning, please consult the manual and take your time.\n"
-"If you are running the installation in Expert mode, you will enter\n"
-"DiskDrake, the Mandrake Linux partitioning tool, which allows you to\n"
-"fine-tune your partitions. See the DiskDrake section in the ``Starter\n"
-"Guide''. From the installation interface, you can use the wizards as\n"
-"described here by clicking the dialog's \"Wizard\" button.\n"
+"After you have configured the general bootloader parameters, the list of\n"
+"boot options that will be available at boot time will be displayed.\n"
-"If partitions have already been defined, either from a previous\n"
-"installation or from another partitioning tool, simply select those to\n"
-"install your Linux system.\n"
+"If there are other operating systems installed on your machine they will\n"
+"automatically be added to the boot menu. You can fine-tune the existing\n"
+"options by clicking \"Add\" to create a new entry; selecting an entry and\n"
+"clicking \"Modify\" or \"Remove\" to modify or remove it. \"OK\" validates\n"
+"your changes.\n"
-"If partitions are not defined, you will need to create them using the\n"
-"wizard. Depending on your hard drive configuration, several options are\n"
+"You may also not want to give access to these other operating systems to\n"
+"anyone who goes to the console and reboots the machine. You can delete the\n"
+"corresponding entries for the operating systems to remove them from the\n"
+"bootloader menu, but you will need a boot disk in order to boot those other\n"
+"operating systems!"
+msgstr ""
+"LILO (LInux LOader) dan Grub adalah pemuat boot. Dua-duanya dapat mem-boot\n"
+"GNU/Linux atau sistem operasi lain yang ada di komputer Anda.\n"
+"Biasanya, sistem operasi yang sudah ada akan dideteksi secara benar dan\n"
+"diinstallkan. Bila ternyata salah, Anda dapat menambahkan sendiri di layar\n"
+"ini. Hati-hati dalam memilih parameter yang benar.\n"
-" * \"Use free space\": this option will simply lead to an automatic\n"
-"partitioning of your blank drive(s). You will not be prompted further;\n"
+"Anda mungkin ingin agar tak ada yg dapat mengakses sistem operasi lain ini.\n"
+"Anda dapat menghapus entrinya. Tapi untuk bisa masuk ke sistem operasi tsb.\n"
+"Anda perlu bootdisk nantinya."
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"This dialog allows to finely tune your bootloader:\n"
-" * \"Use existing partition\": the wizard has detected one or more existing\n"
-"Linux partitions on your hard drive. If you want to use them, choose this\n"
-"option. You will then be asked to choose the mount points associated to\n"
-"each of the partitions. The legacy mount points are selected by default,\n"
-"and you should generally keep them.\n"
+" * \"Bootloader to use\": there are three choices for your bootloader:\n"
-" * \"Use the free space on the Windows partition\": if Microsoft Windows is\n"
-"installed on your hard drive and takes all the space available on it, you\n"
-"have to create free space for Linux data. To do so, you can delete your\n"
-"Microsoft Windows partition and data (see ``Erase entire disk'' or ``Expert\n"
-"mode'' solutions) or resize your Microsoft Windows partition. Resizing can\n"
-"be performed without the loss of any data, provided you previously\n"
-"defragment the Windows partition. Backing up your data won't hurt either..\n"
-"This solution is recommended if you want to use both Mandrake Linux and\n"
-"Microsoft Windows on the same computer.\n"
+" * \"GRUB\": if you prefer grub (text menu).\n"
-" Before choosing this option, please understand that after this\n"
-"procedure, the size of your Microsoft Windows partition will be smaller\n"
-"than at the present time. You will have less free space under Microsoft\n"
-"Windows to store your data or to install new software;\n"
+" * \"LILO with text menu\": if you prefer LILO with its text menu\n"
-" * \"Erase entire disk\": if you want to delete all data and all partitions\n"
-"present on your hard drive and replace them with your new Mandrake Linux\n"
-"system, choose this option. Be careful with this solution because you will\n"
-"not be able to revert your choice after you confirm;\n"
+" * \"LILO with graphical menu\": if you prefer LILO with its graphical\n"
-" !! If you choose this option, all data on your disk will be lost. !!\n"
+" * \"Boot device\": in most cases, you will not change the default\n"
+"(\"/dev/hda\"), but if you prefer, the bootloader can be installed on the\n"
+"second hard drive (\"/dev/hdb\"), or even on a floppy disk (\"/dev/fd0\");\n"
-" * \"Remove Windows\": this will simply erase everything on the drive and\n"
-"begin fresh, partitioning everything from scratch. All data on your disk\n"
-"will be lost;\n"
+" * \"Delay before booting the default image\": after a boot or a reboot of\n"
+"the computer, this is the delay given to the user at the console to select\n"
+"a boot entry other than the default.\n"
-" !! If you choose this option, all data on your disk will be lost. !!\n"
+"!! Beware that if you choose not to install a bootloader (by selecting\n"
+"\"Skip\"), you must ensure that you have a way to boot your Mandrake Linux\n"
+"system! Be sure you know what you do before changing any of the options. !!\n"
-" * \"Expert mode\": choose this option if you want to manually partition\n"
-"your hard drive. Be careful -- it is a powerful but dangerous option. You\n"
-"can very easily lose all your data. Hence, do not choose this unless you\n"
-"know what you are doing. To know how to use the DiskDrake utility used\n"
-"here, refer to the section ``Managing Your Partitions'' of the ````Starter\n"
+"Clicking the \"Advanced\" button in this dialog will offer advanced options\n"
+"that are reserved for the expert user."
msgstr ""
-"Pada tahap ini, pilihlah tempat Mandrake Linux akan diinstal di harddisk.\n"
-"Bila harddisk masih kosong / ada sistem operasi lain yg mengisi seluruhnya,\n"
-"Anda perlu melakukan proses partisi. Pada dasarnya, proses partisi harddisk\n"
-"adalah membagi harddisk, dg membuat ruang kosong utk instalasi sistem\n"
-"Mandrake Linux.\n"
+"LILO/GRUB adalah pemuat boot GNU/Linux. Step ini biasanya otomatis penuh.\n"
+"DrakX menganalisa sektor boot disk dan beraksi menurut apa yg ditemukan:\n"
-"Karena bersifat satu arah (tak dapat dikembalikan ke keadaan awal), proses\n"
-"partisi dapat membuat stres dan pusing kepala, apalagi jika Anda belum\n"
-"berpengalaman. Untungnya, ada wizard yang mempermudah proses ini.\n"
-"Sebelum mulai, baca dan pelajari dulu buku manual dengan baik.\n"
+" * jika sektor boot Mindows ditemukan, ia akan menggantinya dg sektor boot\n"
+"GRUB/LILO. Jadi Anda akan dapat memuat baik GNU/Linux maupun OS lain;\n"
-"Jika Anda menggunakan mode Ahli, Anda akan masuk DiskDrake, alat partisi\n"
-"Mandrake Linux, yg memungkinkan fine-tuning partisi Anda. Lihat manual bab\n"
-"DiskDrake. Dari antarmuka instalasi, Anda dapat menggunakan wizard seperti\n"
-"dijelaskan di sini dg meng-klik tombol \"Wizard\".\n"
+" * jika sektor boot GRUB/LILO ditemukan, ia akan menggantinya dg yg baru;\n"
-"Bila partisi-partisi tsb sudah ada sebelumnya (hasil instal sebelumnya\n"
-"atau hasil program partisi lain), pilihlah partisi tsb utk tempat instalasi\n"
-"sistem Linux Anda.\n"
+"Jika ragu, DrakX akan menampilkan dialog dengan opsi bervariasi.\n"
-"Jika belum ada partisi, Anda perlu membuatnya dengan program wizard. Ada\n"
-"bbrp opsi tergantung konfigurasi harddisk Anda:\n"
+" * \"Pemuat boot yang digunakan\": ada tiga pilihan:\n"
-" * \"Pakai ruang kosong\": opsi ini akan secara otomatis mem-partisi drive\n"
-"kosong Anda. Anda takkan ditanya lebih jauh.\n"
+" * \"GRUB\": jika Anda suka GRUB (menu teks).\n"
-" * \"Pakai partisi yang sudah ada\": wizard mendeteksi satu/lebih partisi\n"
-"Linux di hard drive Anda. Jika Anda ingin menggunakannya, pilih opsi ini.\n"
+" * \"LILO dengan menu grafis\": jika Anda suka LILO dg antarmuka grafis.\n"
-" * \"Pakai ruang kosong pada partisi Mindows\": jika wicrosoft mindows\n"
-"terinstal dan menghabiskan seluruh kapasitas disk, Anda perlu membuat ruang\n"
-"kosong untuk data Linux dg menghapus partisi dan data wicrosoft mindows\n"
-"(lihat solusi \"Hapus seluruh disk\" atau mode \"Ahli\") atau dapat juga\n"
-"mengubah ukuran partisi wicrosoft mindows. Cara ini dapat digunakan tanpa\n"
-"harus kehilangan data. Cara ini disarankan bila Anda ingin memakai Linux\n"
-"Mandrake dan wicrosoft mindows dlm satu komputer.\n"
+" * \"LILO dengan menu teks\": jika suka LILO dengan antarmuka menu teks.\n"
-" Sebelum memilih cara ini, mohon maklum bahwa partisi wicrosoft mindows\n"
-"sekarang berukuran lebih kecil. Ruang dlm wicrosoft mindows utk menyimpan\n"
-"data / menginstall software baru menjadi kecil.\n"
+" * \"Device boot\": Umumnya Anda takkan mengubah standar (\"/dev/hda\"),\n"
+"tapi jika suka, bootloader dapat diinstal di harddisk kedua (\"/dev/hdb\"),\n"
+"ataupun disket (\"/dev/fd0\").\n"
-" * \"Hapus seluruh disk\": jika Anda ingin hapus semua data dan partisi di\n"
-"harddisk Anda utk kemudian digantikan semuanya oleh sistem Mandrake Linux,\n"
-"pilih opsi ini. Hati-hati, Anda tak dapat kembali setelah konfirmasi.\n"
+" * \"Delay sebelum boot ke image default\": delay yang diberikan di menu\n"
+"pemuat boot kepada pengguna saat me-reboot komputer untuk memilih entri.\n"
-" !! Jika Anda pilih opsi ini semua data di disk Anda akan hilang. !!\n"
+"!! Awas, jika pemuat boot tak diinstal (dg memilih \"Cancel\" di sini),\n"
+"pastikan Anda punya jalan memboot sistem Mandrake Linux Anda! Juga pastikan\n"
+"bahwa Anda tahu apa yang Anda lakukan sebelum mengubah opsi. !!\n"
-" * \"Buang Mindows\": ini akan menghapus semua di drive dan mulai proses\n"
-"partisi dari nol. Semua data di disk akan hilang.\n"
+"Klik \"Tambahan\" untuk menampilkan opsi lain, yg disediakan utk pengguna "
-" !! Jika Anda pilih opsi ini semua data di disk Anda akan hilang. !!\n"
+"Setelah parameter pemuat-boot dikonfigurasikan, ditampilkan daftar opsi\n"
+"boot yang akan muncul saat boot.\n"
-" * \"Mode ahli\": pilih jika Anda ingin secara manual mempartisi harddisk.\n"
-"Awas! Cara ini amat perkasa tapi juga berbahaya. Anda bisa kehilangan data\n"
-"dg mudah. Jangan pilih kecuali Anda tahu yg Anda lakukan."
+"Jika ada OS lain terinstal di mesin Anda, itu akan otomatis ditambahkan ke\n"
+"menu boot. Di sini Anda dapat memperbaiki opsi yang ada. Pilih entri dan\n"
+"klik \"Modifikasi\" untuk mengubah atau menghapusnya; \"Tambah\"\n"
+"membuat masukan baru; dan \"Selesai\" membawa Anda ke tahap instalasi\n"
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:347
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"There you are. Installation is now completed and your GNU/Linux system is\n"
-"ready to use. Just click \"OK\" to reboot the system. You can start\n"
-"GNU/Linux or Windows, whichever you prefer (if you are dual-booting), as\n"
-"soon as the computer has booted up again.\n"
-"The \"Advanced\" button (in Expert mode only) shows two more buttons to:\n"
+"This is the most crucial decision point for the security of your GNU/Linux\n"
+"system: you have to enter the \"root\" password. \"Root\" is the system\n"
+"administrator and is the only one authorized to make updates, add users,\n"
+"change the overall system configuration, and so on. In short, \"root\" can\n"
+"do everything! That is why you must choose a password that is difficult to\n"
+"guess - DrakX will tell you if the password that you chose too easy. As you\n"
+"can see, you are not forced to enter a password, but we strongly advise you\n"
+"against. GNU/Linux is as prone to operator error as any other operating\n"
+"system. Since \"root\" can overcome all limitations and unintentionally\n"
+"erase all data on partitions by carelessly accessing the partitions\n"
+"themselves, it is important that it be difficult to become \"root\".\n"
-" * \"generate auto-install floppy\": to create an installation floppy disk\n"
-"which will automatically perform a whole installation without the help of\n"
-"an operator, similar to the installation you just configured.\n"
-" Note that two different options are available after clicking the button:\n"
+"The password should be a mixture of alphanumeric characters and at least 8\n"
+"characters long. Never write down the \"root\" password -- it makes it too\n"
+"easy to compromise a system.\n"
-" * \"Replay\". This is a partially automated installation as the\n"
-"partitioning step (and only this one) remains interactive;\n"
+"One caveat -- do not make the password too long or complicated because you\n"
+"must be able to remember it!\n"
-" * \"Automated\". Fully automated installation: the hard disk is\n"
-"completely rewritten, all data is lost.\n"
+"The password will not be displayed on screen as you type it in. To reduce\n"
+"the chance of a blind typing error you will need to enter the password\n"
+"twice. If you do happen to make the same typing error twice, this\n"
+"``incorrect'' password will have to be used the first time you connect.\n"
-" This feature is very handy when installing a great number of similar\n"
-"machines. See the Auto install section on our web site;\n"
+"If you wish access to this computer to be controlled by an authentication\n"
+"server, clisk the \"Advanced\" button.\n"
-" * \"Save packages selection\"(*): saves the package selection as done\n"
-"previously. Then, when doing another installation, insert the floppy inside\n"
-"the drive and run the installation going to the help screen by pressing on\n"
-"the [F1] key, and by issuing >>linux defcfg=\"floppy\"<<.\n"
+"If your network uses either LDAP, NIS, or PDC Windows Domain authentication\n"
+"services, select the appropriate one as \"authentication\". If you do not\n"
+"know which to use, ask your network administrator.\n"
-"(*) You need a FAT-formatted floppy (to create one under GNU/Linux, type\n"
-"\"mformat a:\")"
+"If you happen to have problems with reminding passwords, you can choose to\n"
+"have \"No password\", if your computer won't be connected to the Internet,\n"
+"and if you trust anybody having access to it."
msgstr ""
-"Oke, instalasi kini selesai dan sistem GNU/Linux Anda siap dipakai. Klik\n"
-"\"OK\" utk reboot sistem. Anda dapat menjalankan GNU/Linux atau Windows,\n"
-"tergantung pilihan Anda (jika Anda memakai dual-boot).\n"
-"Tombol \"Tambahan\" (hanya di mode Ahli) menampilkan 2 tombol utk:\n"
-" * \"Membuat floppy instalasi otomatis\": utk membuat disket instalasi yang\n"
-"akan secara otomatis melakukan instalasi tanpa bantuan operator, sama dg\n"
-"instalasi yang baru Anda konfigurasikan.\n"
+"Ini adalah poin terpenting penentuan sekuriti sistem GNU/Linux Anda: Anda\n"
+"harus mengisi katasandi \"root\". \"root\" adalah administrator sistem dan\n"
+"hanya dia yg berhak melakukan update, menambah pengguna, mengubah "
+"sistem, dll. Singkatnya, \"root\" dapat melakukan apapun! Karena itu Anda\n"
+"harus memilih katasandi yang sulit ditebak - DrakX akan memberitahu jika\n"
+"terlalu mudah. Seperti Anda lihat, Anda dapat memilih utk tak memasukkan\n"
+"katasandi, tapi amat kami anjurkan tidak melakukannya jika alasannya hanya:\n"
+"tidak mengira bhw jika GNU/Linux di-boot, sistem operasi lain aman dari\n"
+"kesalahan. Karena \"root\" dapat melampaui semua batasan dan secara tidak\n"
+"sengaja menghapus semua data di partisi, menjadi \"root\" harus dipersulit.\n"
-" Ada dua opsi setelah tombol di-klik:\n"
+"Katasandi harus berupa campuran nomor dan huruf minimal 8 karakter. Jangan\n"
+"pernah mencatat katasandi \"root\" - itu membuat sistem mudah dibajak.\n"
-" * \"Ulang\". Instalasi semi-otomatis, hanya proses partisi yang tetap\n"
+"Tapi katasandi juga jangan terlalu panjang/rumit karena Anda harus ingat\n"
+"tanpa banyak usaha.\n"
-" * \"Otomatis\". Instalasi otomatis penuh: harddisk ditulis ulang\n"
-"seluruhnya, semua data hilang.\n"
+"Katasandi takkan muncul di layar seperti yg diketikkan. Anda harus dua kali\n"
+"mengisi katasandi utk mengurangi kemungkinan salah ketik. Jika Anda 2 kali\n"
+"melakukan kesalahan yg sama, katasandi \"salah\" ini akan dipakai pertama\n"
+"kali anda login.\n"
-" Fitur ini amat praktis utk instalasi banyak mesin dg spesifikasi sama.\n"
-"Lihat pasal Auto install di website kami.\n"
+"Pada mode ahli, Anda akan ditanya apakah akan berhubungan dengan server\n"
+"otentikasi seperti NIS atau LDAP.\n"
-" * \"Menyimpan pilihan paket\"(*): simpan pilihan paket seperti yang dibuat\n"
-"sebelumnya. Lalu saat mengerjakan instalasi lain, masukkan floppy ke driver\n"
-"dan arahkan instalasi ke layar pertolongan dg menekan kunci [F1] lalu ketik\n"
-">>linux defcfg=\"floppy\"<<.\n"
+"Jika jaringan Anda memakai protokol otentikasi LDAP/NIS, pilih \"LDAP\"\n"
+"(atau \"NIS\") utk otentikasi. Tanyalah admin jaringan Anda jika tak tahu.\n"
-"(*) Anda perlu floppy berformat FAT (utk membuatnya di GNU/Linux, jalankan\n"
-"\"mformat a:\")"
+"Jika komputer Anda tak terhubung dengan jaringan terkelola, pilihlah\n"
+"\"File lokal\" untuk otentikasi."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:378
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Any partitions that have been newly defined must be formatted for use\n"
-"(formatting means creating a filesystem on it).\n"
-"At this time, you may wish to reformat some already existing partitions to\n"
-"erase any data they contain. If you wish to do that, please select those\n"
-"partitions as well.\n"
-"Please note that it is not necessary to reformat all pre-existing\n"
-"partitions. You must reformat the partitions containing the operating\n"
-"system (such as \"/\", \"/usr\" or \"/var\") but you do not have to\n"
-"reformat partitions containing data that you wish to keep (typically\n"
-"Please be careful when selecting partitions. After formatting, all data on\n"
-"the selected partitions will be deleted and you will not be able to recover\n"
-"Click on \"OK\" when you are ready to format partitions.\n"
+"Please select the correct port. For example, the \"COM1\" port under\n"
+"Windows is named \"ttyS0\" under GNU/Linux."
+msgstr ""
+"Pilih port yang benar. Misalnya \"COM1\" di Mindows bernama \"ttyS0\" di \n"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Usually, DrakX has no problems detecting the number of buttons on your\n"
+"mouse. If it does, it assumes you have a two-button mouse and will\n"
+"configure it for third-button emulation. The third-button mouse button of a\n"
+"two-button mouse can be ``pressed'' by simultaneously clicking the left and\n"
+"right mouse buttons. DrakX will automatically know whether your mouse uses\n"
+"a PS/2, serial or USB interface.\n"
-"Click on \"Cancel\" if you want to choose another partition for your new\n"
-"Mandrake Linux operating system installation.\n"
+"If for some reason you wish to specify a different type of mouse, select it\n"
+"from the provided list.\n"
-"Click on \"Advanced\" if you wish to select partitions that will be checked\n"
-"for bad blocks on the disk."
+"If you choose a mouse other than the default, a test screen will be\n"
+"displayed. Use the buttons and wheel to verify that the settings are\n"
+"correct and that the mouse is working correctly. If the mouse is not\n"
+"working well, press the space bar or [Return] key to cancel the test and to\n"
+"go back to the list of choices.\n"
+"Wheel mice are occasionally not detected automatically, so you will need to\n"
+"select your mouse from a list. Be sure to select the one corresponding to\n"
+"the port that your mouse is attached to. After selecting a mouse and\n"
+"pressing the \"Next ->\" button, a mouse image is displayed on-screen.\n"
+"Scroll the mouse wheel to ensure that it is activated correctly. Once you\n"
+"see the on-screen scroll wheel moving as you scroll your mouse wheel, test\n"
+"the buttons and check that the mouse pointer moves on-screen as you move\n"
+"your mouse."
msgstr ""
-"Tiap-tiap partisi yang telah dibuat harus diformat agar dapat digunakan\n"
-"(format berarti membuat filesystem).\n"
+"Secara standar DrakX berasumsi mouse Anda bertombol dua dan akan menset-up\n"
+"emulasi 3-tombol. DrakX otomatis tahu itu mouse PS/2, serial atau USB.\n"
-"Sekarang Anda bisa mem-format ulang partisi yg ada utk dihapus datanya.\n"
-"BIla ini hendak Anda lakukan, pilihlah partisi yang hendak diformat.\n"
+"Jika Anda ingin menunjuk tipe mouse lain, pilih tipe yg sesuai dari daftar\n"
+"yang disediakan.\n"
-"Ingat, Anda tak perlu melakukan format ulang pada semua partisi yg ada.\n"
-"Anda perlu mem-format ulang partisi yg akan diisi sistem operasi (misalnya\n"
-"pada partisi \"/\", \"./usr\", atau \"/var\"), tapi tak perlu melakukannya\n"
-"pada partisi berisi data yang masih akan digunakan (misalnya \"/home\").\n"
+"Jika Anda memilih mouse bukan standar, Anda akan dihadapkan pada layar tes\n"
+"mouse. Gunakan tombol dan roda untuk verifikasi setting. Jika mouse tak\n"
+"bekerja baik tekan spasi atau RETURN untuk \"Batal\" dan pilih lagi."
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Your choice of preferred language will affect the language of the\n"
+"documentation, the installer and the system in general. Select first the\n"
+"region you are located in, and then the language you speak.\n"
-"Hati-hati dalam memilih partisi. Setelah diformat semua data akan hilang\n"
-"dan tak dapat dikembalikan ke kondisi semula.\n"
+"Clicking on the \"Advanced\" button will allow you to select other\n"
+"languages to be installed on your workstation, thereby installing the\n"
+"language-specific files for system documentation and applications. For\n"
+"example, if you will host users from Spain on your machine, select English\n"
+"as the default language in the tree view and \"Espanol\" in the Advanced\n"
-"Klik \"OK\" bila Anda siap mem-format partisi.\n"
+"Note that you're not limited to choosing a single additional language. Once\n"
+"you have selected additional locales, click the \"Next ->\" button to\n"
-"Klik \"Batal\" jika Anda ingin memilih partisi lain utk instalasi sistem\n"
-"operasi Mandrake Linux baru Anda.\n"
+"To switch between the various languages installed on the system, you can\n"
+"launch the \"/usr/sbin/localedrake\" command as \"root\" to change the\n"
+"language used by the entire system. Running the command as a regular user\n"
+"will only change the language settings for that particular user."
+msgstr ""
+"Pilih bahasa kesukaan Anda utk instalasi dan penggunaan sistem.\n"
-"Klik \"Tambahan\" jika ingin memilih partisi yg akan dicek blok rusaknya\n"
-"di disk."
+"Klik \"Tambahan\" utk memilih bahasa-bahasa lain yg akan diinstal di\n"
+"workstation Anda. Hal ini akan menginstal file spesifik-bahasa dokumentasi\n"
+"sistem dan aplikasi. Misalnya jika Anda menginapkan pengguna dari Spanyol "
+"mesin Anda, pilih bhs Indonesia sbg bahasa utama di tampilan pohon dan di\n"
+"bagian Tambahan klik bintang abu-abu yg terkait dg \"Spanyol\".\n"
+"Anda dapat menginstal banyak bahasa. Setelah Anda selesai memilih tambahan\n"
+"bahasa (locale) klik \"OK\" untuk melanjutkan."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:404
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"Your new Mandrake Linux operating system is currently being installed.\n"
-"Depending on the number of packages you will be installing and the speed of\n"
-"your computer, this operation could take from a few minutes to a\n"
-"significant amount of time.\n"
+"Depending on the default language you chose in Section , DrakX will\n"
+"automatically select a particular type of keyboard configuration. However,\n"
+"you might not have a keyboard that corresponds exactly to your language:\n"
+"for example, if you are an English speaking Swiss person, you may have a\n"
+"Swiss keyboard. Or if you speak English but are located in Quebec, you may\n"
+"find yourself in the same situation where your native language and keyboard\n"
+"do not match. In either case, this installation step will allow you to\n"
+"select an appropriate keyboard from a list.\n"
-"Please be patient."
+"Click on the \"More \" button to be presented with the complete list of\n"
+"supported keyboards.\n"
+"If you choose a keyboard layout based on a non-Latin alphabet, the next\n"
+"dialog will allow you to choose the key binding that will switch the\n"
+"keyboard between the Latin and non-Latin layouts."
msgstr ""
-"Sistem operasi Mandrake Linux baru Anda sedang di-instal.\n"
-"Proses ini memakan waktu beberapa menit/jam, tergantung ukuran yang\n"
-"Anda install dan kecepatan komputer Anda.\n"
+"Normalnya, DrakX memilih papanketik utk Anda (sesuai bahasa yg Anda pilih)\n"
+"dan Anda bahkan takkan melihat tahap ini. Tapi Anda mungkin tak punya papan\n"
+"ketik yg persis cocok dg bhs Anda: misalnya, jika Anda orang Swis berbahasa\n"
+"Inggris, Anda mungkin masih ingin papanketik Swis. Atau jika Anda berbahasa\n"
+"Inggris tapi tinggal di Quebec, Anda mungkin menghadapi masalah sama. Dalam\n"
+"kedua kasus, Anda akan harus kembali ke tahap instalasi ini dan memilih\n"
+"papanketik yg sesuai dari daftar.\n"
+"Klik \"Lagi\" utk menampilkan daftar lengkap papanketik ter-support."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:412
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"At the time you are installing Mandrake Linux, it is likely that some\n"
-"packages have been updated since the initial release. Some bugs may have\n"
-"been fixed, and security issues solved. To allow you to benefit from these\n"
-"updates, you are now able to download them from the Internet. Choose\n"
-"\"Yes\" if you have a working Internet connection, or \"No\" if you prefer\n"
-"to install updated packages later.\n"
+"This step is activated only if an old GNU/Linux partition has been found on\n"
+"your machine.\n"
-"Choosing \"Yes\" displays a list of places from which updates can be\n"
-"retrieved. Choose the one nearest you. Then a package-selection tree\n"
-"appears: review the selection, and press \"Install\" to retrieve and\n"
-"install the selected package(s), or \"Cancel\" to abort."
-msgstr ""
-"Saat Mandrake Linux diinstal, nampaknya beberapa paket telah diupdate sejak\n"
-"rilis awal. Beberapa kutu mungkin telah diperbaiki, dan masalah keamanan\n"
-"dipecahkan. Untuk memanfaatkan update ini Anda dianjurkan men-download dari\n"
-"internet. Pilih \"Ya\" jika ada koneksi internet aktif, atau \"Tidak\" jika\n"
-"ingin mengupdate paket lain waktu.\n"
+"DrakX now needs to know if you want to perform a new install or an upgrade\n"
+"of an existing Mandrake Linux system:\n"
-"Jika \"Ya\", daftar sumber download update akan ditampilkan. Pilih yang\n"
-"dekat. Lalu muncul pohon seleksi paket: lihat lagi pilihan Anda, tekan\n"
-"\"Instal\" untuk mengambil/nstal paket atau \"Batal\" jika tak jadi."
+" * \"Install\": For the most part, this completely wipes out the old\n"
+"system. If you wish to change how your hard drives are partitioned, or\n"
+"change the file system, you should use this option. However, depending on\n"
+"your partitioning scheme, you can prevent some of your existing data from\n"
+"being over- written.\n"
+" * \"Upgrade\": this installation class allows you to update the packages\n"
+"currently installed on your Mandrake Linux system. Your current\n"
+"partitioning scheme and user data is not altered. Most of other\n"
+"configuration steps remain available, similar to a standard installation.\n"
+"Using the ``Upgrade'' option should work fine on Mandrake Linux systems\n"
+"running version \"8.1\" or later. Performing an Upgrade on versions prior\n"
+"to Mandrake Linux version \"8.1\" is not recommended."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:425
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Before continuing, you should read carefully the terms of the license. It\n"
-"covers the whole Mandrake Linux distribution, and if you do not agree with\n"
-"all the terms included in it, click on the \"Refuse\" button which will\n"
-"immediately terminate the installation. To continue with the installation,\n"
-"click on the \"Accept\" button."
+"\"Country\": check the current country selection. If you are not in this\n"
+"country, click on the button and choose another one."
msgstr ""
-"Bacalah lisensi sebelum melanjutkan. Itu mencakup seluruh distribusi\n"
-"Mandrake Linux, dan jika Anda tak setuju dengan semua pasal di\n"
-"dalamnya, klik \"Tolak\" agar instalasi terhenti. Untuk melanjutkan, klik\n"
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:432
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"At this point, it is time to choose the security level desired for the\n"
-"machine. As a rule of thumb, the more exposed the machine is, and the more\n"
-"the data stored in it is crucial, the higher the security level should be.\n"
-"However, a higher security level is generally obtained at the expense of\n"
-"ease of use. Refer to the \"msec\" chapter of the ``Reference Manual'' to\n"
-"get more information about the meaning of these levels.\n"
+"More than one Microsoft partition has been detected on your hard drive.\n"
+"Please choose the one you want to resize in order to install your new\n"
+"Mandrake Linux operating system.\n"
-"If you do not know what to choose, keep the default option."
+"Each partition is listed as follows: \"Linux name\", \"Windows name\"\n"
+"\"Linux name\" is structured: \"hard drive type\", \"hard drive number\",\n"
+"\"partition number\" (for example, \"hda1\").\n"
+"\"Hard drive type\" is \"hd\" if your hard dive is an IDE hard drive and\n"
+"\"sd\" if it is a SCSI hard drive.\n"
+"\"Hard drive number\" is always a letter after \"hd\" or \"sd\". With IDE\n"
+"hard drives:\n"
+" * \"a\" means \"master hard drive on the primary IDE controller\";\n"
+" * \"b\" means \"slave hard drive on the primary IDE controller\";\n"
+" * \"c\" means \"master hard drive on the secondary IDE controller\";\n"
+" * \"d\" means \"slave hard drive on the secondary IDE controller\".\n"
+"With SCSI hard drives, an \"a\" means \"lowest SCSI ID\", a \"b\" means\n"
+"\"second lowest SCSI ID\", etc.\n"
+"\"Windows name\" is the letter of your hard drive under Windows (the first\n"
+"disk or partition is called \"C:\")."
msgstr ""
-"Kini waktunya memilih tingkat keamanan mesin. Makin terbuka suatu mesin,\n"
-"dan makin penting data di dalamnya, tingkat keamanannya harus makin tinggi.\n"
-"Tapi, level keamanan yang tinggi umumnya mengorbankan kemudahan pemakaian.\n"
-"Info ttg level keamanan dapat dilihat bab MSEC pada ``Manual Referensi''.\n"
+"Ada lebih dari satu partisi wicrosoft mindows terdeteksi pada harddisk\n"
+"Anda. Pilih partisi yang hendak Anda ubah ukurannya untuk instalasi sistem\n"
+"operasi Linux Mandrake.\n"
-"Jika Anda tak tahu apa yg dipilih, tetaplah pada opsi standar."
+"Tiap partisi terdaftar sbb: \"Nama Linux\",\"Nama windows\",\"Kapasitas\".\n"
+"\"Nama Linux\" berstruktur: \"tipe hard drive\", \"nomor hard drive\",\n"
+"\"nomor partisi\" (misalnya \"hda1\").\n"
+"\"Tipe hard drive\" adalah \"hd\" bila drive bertipe IDE dan \"sd\" jika\n"
+"berupa drive SCSI.\n"
+"\"Nomor Hard Drive\", selalu berupa huruf setelah \"hd\" atau \"sd\". Jika\n"
+"berupa IDE, maka:\n"
+" * \"a\" berarti \"hard drive master pada kontroller IDE primer\",\n"
+" * \"b\" berarti \"hard drive slave pada kontroler IDE primer\",\n"
+" * \"c\" berarti \"hard drive master pada kontroler IDE sekunder\",\n"
+" * \"d\" berarti \"hard drive slave pada kontroler IDE sekunder\",\n"
+"Pada drive SCSI, \"a\" berarti \"ID SCSI terkecil, \"b\" berarti \"ID SCSI\n"
+"terkecil kedua\", dst.\n"
+"\"Nama windows\" adalah huruf hard drive Anda pada windows (disk pertama\n"
+"pada partisi disebut \"C:\")."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:442
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"At this point, you need to choose which partition(s) will be used for the\n"
"installation of your Mandrake Linux system. If partitions have already been\n"
@@ -3448,59 +2073,63 @@ msgid ""
"To partition the selected hard drive, you can use these options:\n"
" * \"Clear all\": this option deletes all partitions on the selected hard\n"
-" * \"Auto allocate\": this option enables to automatically create ext3 and\n"
-"swap partitions on your hard drive's free space;\n"
+" * \"Auto allocate\": this option enables you to automatically create ext3\n"
+"and swap partitions in free space of your hard drive\n"
"\"More\": gives access to additional features:\n"
" * \"Save partition table\": saves the partition table to a floppy. Useful\n"
"for later partition-table recovery, if necessary. It is strongly\n"
-"recommended to perform this step;\n"
+"recommended that you perform this step.\n"
-" * \"Restore partition table\": allows to restore a previously saved\n"
-"partition table from a floppy disk;\n"
+" * \"Restore partition table\": allows you to restore a previously saved\n"
+"partition table from a floppy disk.\n"
" * \"Rescue partition table\": if your partition table is damaged, you can\n"
"try to recover it using this option. Please be careful and remember that it\n"
-"can fail;\n"
+"doesn't always work.\n"
-" * \"Reload partition table\": discards all changes and loads your initial\n"
-"partition table;\n"
+" * \"Reload partition table\": discards all changes and reloads the\n"
+"partition table that was originally on the hard drive.\n"
" * \"Removable media automounting\": unchecking this option will force\n"
"users to manually mount and unmount removable medias such as floppies and\n"
" * \"Wizard\": use this option if you wish to use a wizard to partition\n"
-"your hard drive. This is recommended if you do not have a good knowledge of\n"
+"your hard drive. This is recommended if you do not have a good\n"
+"understanding of partitioning.\n"
-" * \"Undo\": use this option to cancel your changes;\n"
+" * \"Undo\": use this option to cancel your changes.\n"
" * \"Toggle to normal/expert mode\": allows additional actions on\n"
-"partitions (type, options, format) and gives more information;\n"
+"partitions (type, options, format) and gives more information about the\n"
+"hard drive.\n"
" * \"Done\": when you are finished partitioning your hard drive, this will\n"
"save your changes back to disk.\n"
+"When defining the size of a partition, you can finely set the partition\n"
+"size by using the Arrow keys of your keyboard.\n"
"Note: you can reach any option using the keyboard. Navigate through the\n"
-"partitions using [Tab] and [Up/Down] arrows.\n"
+"partitions using [Tab] and the [Up/Down] arrows.\n"
"When a partition is selected, you can use:\n"
-" * Ctrl-c to create a new partition (when an empty partition is selected);\n"
+" * Ctrl-c to create a new partition (when an empty partition is selected)\n"
-" * Ctrl-d to delete a partition;\n"
+" * Ctrl-d to delete a partition\n"
-" * Ctrl-m to set the mount point.\n"
+" * Ctrl-m to set the mount point\n"
-"To get information about the different filesystem types available, please\n"
+"To get information about the different file system types available, please\n"
"read the ext2FS chapter from the ``Reference Manual''.\n"
"If you are installing on a PPC machine, you will want to create a small HFS\n"
-"``bootstrap'' partition of at least 1MB, which will be used by the yaboot\n"
+"``bootstrap'' partition of at least 1MB which will be used by the yaboot\n"
"bootloader. If you opt to make the partition a bit larger, say 50MB, you\n"
"may find it a useful place to store a spare kernel and ramdisk images for\n"
"emergency boot situations."
@@ -3564,755 +2193,883 @@ msgstr ""
"lebih besar, katakan 50MB, Anda bisa memanfaatkannya utk menyimpan kernel\n"
"cadangan dan image ramdisk utk situasi boot darurat."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:513
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"More than one Microsoft partition has been detected on your hard drive.\n"
-"Please choose the one you want to resize in order to install your new\n"
-"Mandrake Linux operating system.\n"
+"At this point, DrakX will allow you to choose the security level desired\n"
+"for the machine. As a rule of thumb, the security level should be set\n"
+"higher if the machine will contain crucial data, or if it will be a machine\n"
+"directly exposed to the Internet. The trade-off of a higher security level\n"
+"is generally obtained at the expense of ease of use. Refer to the \"msec\"\n"
+"chapter of the ``Command Line Manual'' to get more information about the\n"
+"meaning of these levels.\n"
-"Each partition is listed as follows: \"Linux name\", \"Windows name\"\n"
+"If you do not know what to choose, keep the default option."
+msgstr ""
+"Kini waktunya memilih tingkat keamanan mesin. Makin terbuka suatu mesin,\n"
+"dan makin penting data di dalamnya, tingkat keamanannya harus makin tinggi.\n"
+"Tapi, level keamanan yang tinggi umumnya mengorbankan kemudahan pemakaian.\n"
+"Info ttg level keamanan dapat dilihat bab MSEC pada ``Manual Referensi''.\n"
-"\"Linux name\" is structured: \"hard drive type\", \"hard drive number\",\n"
-"\"partition number\" (for example, \"hda1\").\n"
+"Jika Anda tak tahu apa yg dipilih, tetaplah pada opsi standar."
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"At the time you are installing Mandrake Linux, it is likely that some\n"
+"packages have been updated since the initial release. Bugs may have been\n"
+"fixed, security issues resolved. To allow you to benefit from these\n"
+"updates, you are now able to download them from the Internet. Choose\n"
+"\"Yes\" if you have a working Internet connection, or \"No\" if you prefer\n"
+"to install updated packages later.\n"
-"\"Hard drive type\" is \"hd\" if your hard dive is an IDE hard drive and\n"
-"\"sd\" if it is a SCSI hard drive.\n"
+"Choosing \"Yes\" displays a list of places from which updates can be\n"
+"retrieved. Choose the one nearest you. A package-selection tree will\n"
+"appear: review the selection, and press \"Install\" to retrieve and install\n"
+"the selected package( s), or \"Cancel\" to abort."
+msgstr ""
+"Saat Mandrake Linux diinstal, nampaknya beberapa paket telah diupdate sejak\n"
+"rilis awal. Beberapa kutu mungkin telah diperbaiki, dan masalah keamanan\n"
+"dipecahkan. Untuk memanfaatkan update ini Anda dianjurkan men-download dari\n"
+"internet. Pilih \"Ya\" jika ada koneksi internet aktif, atau \"Tidak\" jika\n"
+"ingin mengupdate paket lain waktu.\n"
-"\"Hard drive number\" is always a letter after \"hd\" or \"sd\". With IDE\n"
-"hard drives:\n"
+"Jika \"Ya\", daftar sumber download update akan ditampilkan. Pilih yang\n"
+"dekat. Lalu muncul pohon seleksi paket: lihat lagi pilihan Anda, tekan\n"
+"\"Instal\" untuk mengambil/nstal paket atau \"Batal\" jika tak jadi."
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Any partitions that have been newly defined must be formatted for use\n"
+"(formatting means creating a file system).\n"
-" * \"a\" means \"master hard drive on the primary IDE controller\";\n"
+"At this time, you may wish to reformat some already existing partitions to\n"
+"erase any data they contain. If you wish to do that, please select those\n"
+"partitions as well.\n"
-" * \"b\" means \"slave hard drive on the primary IDE controller\";\n"
+"Please note that it is not necessary to reformat all pre-existing\n"
+"partitions. You must reformat the partitions containing the operating\n"
+"system (such as \"/\", \"/usr\" or \"/var\") but you do not have to\n"
+"reformat partitions containing data that you wish to keep (typically\n"
-" * \"c\" means \"master hard drive on the secondary IDE controller\";\n"
+"Please be careful when selecting partitions. After formatting, all data on\n"
+"the selected partitions will be deleted and you will not be able to recover\n"
-" * \"d\" means \"slave hard drive on the secondary IDE controller\".\n"
+"Click on \"Next ->\" when you are ready to format partitions.\n"
-"With SCSI hard drives, an \"a\" means \"lowest SCSI ID\", a \"b\" means\n"
-"\"second lowest SCSI ID\", etc.\n"
+"Click on \"<- Previous\" if you want to choose another partition for your\n"
+"new Mandrake Linux operating system installation.\n"
-"\"Windows name\" is the letter of your hard drive under Windows (the first\n"
-"disk or partition is called \"C:\")."
+"Click on \"Advanced\" if you wish to select partitions that will be checked\n"
+"for bad blocks on the disk."
msgstr ""
-"Ada lebih dari satu partisi wicrosoft mindows terdeteksi pada harddisk\n"
-"Anda. Pilih partisi yang hendak Anda ubah ukurannya untuk instalasi sistem\n"
-"operasi Linux Mandrake.\n"
-"Tiap partisi terdaftar sbb: \"Nama Linux\",\"Nama windows\",\"Kapasitas\".\n"
-"\"Nama Linux\" berstruktur: \"tipe hard drive\", \"nomor hard drive\",\n"
-"\"nomor partisi\" (misalnya \"hda1\").\n"
-"\"Tipe hard drive\" adalah \"hd\" bila drive bertipe IDE dan \"sd\" jika\n"
-"berupa drive SCSI.\n"
-"\"Nomor Hard Drive\", selalu berupa huruf setelah \"hd\" atau \"sd\". Jika\n"
-"berupa IDE, maka:\n"
+"Tiap-tiap partisi yang telah dibuat harus diformat agar dapat digunakan\n"
+"(format berarti membuat filesystem).\n"
-" * \"a\" berarti \"hard drive master pada kontroller IDE primer\",\n"
+"Sekarang Anda bisa mem-format ulang partisi yg ada utk dihapus datanya.\n"
+"BIla ini hendak Anda lakukan, pilihlah partisi yang hendak diformat.\n"
-" * \"b\" berarti \"hard drive slave pada kontroler IDE primer\",\n"
+"Ingat, Anda tak perlu melakukan format ulang pada semua partisi yg ada.\n"
+"Anda perlu mem-format ulang partisi yg akan diisi sistem operasi (misalnya\n"
+"pada partisi \"/\", \"./usr\", atau \"/var\"), tapi tak perlu melakukannya\n"
+"pada partisi berisi data yang masih akan digunakan (misalnya \"/home\").\n"
-" * \"c\" berarti \"hard drive master pada kontroler IDE sekunder\",\n"
+"Hati-hati dalam memilih partisi. Setelah diformat semua data akan hilang\n"
+"dan tak dapat dikembalikan ke kondisi semula.\n"
-" * \"d\" berarti \"hard drive slave pada kontroler IDE sekunder\",\n"
+"Klik \"OK\" bila Anda siap mem-format partisi.\n"
-"Pada drive SCSI, \"a\" berarti \"ID SCSI terkecil, \"b\" berarti \"ID SCSI\n"
-"terkecil kedua\", dst.\n"
+"Klik \"Batal\" jika Anda ingin memilih partisi lain utk instalasi sistem\n"
+"operasi Mandrake Linux baru Anda.\n"
-"\"Nama windows\" adalah huruf hard drive Anda pada windows (disk pertama\n"
-"pada partisi disebut \"C:\")."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:544
-msgid "Please be patient. This operation can take several minutes."
-msgstr "Sabar... Proses ini akan makan waktu beberapa menit"
+"Klik \"Tambahan\" jika ingin memilih partisi yg akan dicek blok rusaknya\n"
+"di disk."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:547
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"DrakX now needs to know if you want to perform a default (\"Recommended\")\n"
-"installation or if you want to have greater control (\"Expert\") over your\n"
-"installation. You can also choose to do a new installation or upgrade your\n"
-"existing Mandrake Linux system:\n"
-" * \"Install\": completely wipes out the old system. However, depending on\n"
-"what is currently installed on your machine, you may be able to keep some\n"
-"old partitions (Linux or otherwise) unchanged;\n"
+"There you are. Installation is now complete and your GNU/Linux system is\n"
+"ready to use. Just click \"Next ->\" to reboot the system. The first thing\n"
+"you should see after your computer has finished doing its hardware tests is\n"
+"the bootloader menu, giving you the choice of which operating system to\n"
-" * \"Upgrade\": this installation class allows to simply update the\n"
-"packages currently installed on your Mandrake Linux system. It keeps your\n"
-"hard drives' current partitions as well as user configurations. All other\n"
-"configuration steps remain available, similar to a normal installation;\n"
+"The \"Advanced\" button (in Expert mode only) shows two more buttons to:\n"
-" * \"Upgrade Packages Only\": this new installation class allows you to\n"
-"upgrade an existing Mandrake Linux system while keeping all system\n"
-"configurations unchanged. Adding new packages to the current installation\n"
-"is also possible.\n"
+" * \"generate auto-install floppy\": to create an installation floppy disk\n"
+"that will automatically perform a whole installation without the help of an\n"
+"operator, similar to the installation you just configured.\n"
-"Upgrades should work fine on Mandrake Linux systems using version \"8.1\"\n"
-"or later.\n"
+" Note that two different options are available after clicking the button:\n"
-"Depending on your GNU/Linux knowledge, select one of the following choices:\n"
+" * \"Replay\". This is a partially automated installation. The\n"
+"partitioning step is the only interactive procedure.\n"
-" * Recommended: choose this if you have never installed a GNU/Linux\n"
-"operating system. The installation will be very easy and you will only be\n"
-"asked a few questions;\n"
+" * \"Automated\". Fully automated installation: the hard disk is\n"
+"completely rewritten, all data is lost.\n"
-" * Expert: if you have a good GNU/Linux understanding, you may wish to\n"
-"perform a highly customized installation. Some of the decisions you will\n"
-"have to make may be difficult if you do not have good GNU/Linux knowledge,\n"
-"so it is not recommended that those without a fair amount of experience\n"
-"select this installation class."
-msgstr ""
-"DrakX kini perlu tahu Anda ingin instalasi standar (\"Disarankan\") atau\n"
-"ingin punya kontrol lebih besar (\"Ahli\"). Anda juga punya pilihan utk\n"
-"melakukan instalasi baru atau upgrade sistem Mandrake Linux yg ada:\n"
+" This feature is very handy when installing a number of similar machines.\n"
+"See the Auto install section on our web site for more information.\n"
-" * \"Instal\" Hapus total sistem lama. Tergantung isi mesin Anda saat ini,\n"
-"Anda dapat mempertahankan partisi lama (Linux atau lainnya).\n"
+" * \"Save packages selection\"(*): saves a list of the package selected in\n"
+"this installation. To use this selection with another installation, insert\n"
+"the floppy and start the installation. At the prompt, press the [F1] key\n"
+"and type >>linux defcfg=\"floppy\" <<.\n"
-" * \"Upgrade\" Kelas instalasi ini memungkinkan update paket yang terinstal\n"
-"di sistem Mandrake Linux Anda. Partisi dan konfigurasi pengguna yang ada "
-"dipertahankan. Semua tahapan konfigurasi lain tetap ada seperti layaknya\n"
-"instalasi biasa.\n"
+"(*) You need a FAT-formatted floppy (to create one under GNU/Linux, type\n"
+"\"mformat a:\")"
+msgstr ""
+"Oke, instalasi kini selesai dan sistem GNU/Linux Anda siap dipakai. Klik\n"
+"\"OK\" utk reboot sistem. Anda dapat menjalankan GNU/Linux atau Windows,\n"
+"tergantung pilihan Anda (jika Anda memakai dual-boot).\n"
-" * \"Upgrade Paket Saja\" Kelas instalasi baru yang memungkinkan upgrade\n"
-"sistem Mandrake Linux tanpa mengubah konfigurasi sistem. Penambahan paket\n"
-"juga dimungkinkan.\n"
+"Tombol \"Tambahan\" (hanya di mode Ahli) menampilkan 2 tombol utk:\n"
-"Upgrade dapat dilakukan terhadap sistem Mandrake Linux mulai versi \"8.1\".\n"
+" * \"Membuat floppy instalasi otomatis\": utk membuat disket instalasi yang\n"
+"akan secara otomatis melakukan instalasi tanpa bantuan operator, sama dg\n"
+"instalasi yang baru Anda konfigurasikan.\n"
-"Pilihlah opsi berikut sesuai pengetahuan Anda ttg GNU/Linux:\n"
+" Ada dua opsi setelah tombol di-klik:\n"
-" * Disarankan: pilih ini bila Anda belum pernah menginstal OS GNU/Linux.\n"
-"Proses instalasi amat mudah dan Anda hanya ditanya sedikit pertanyaan.\n"
+" * \"Ulang\". Instalasi semi-otomatis, hanya proses partisi yang tetap\n"
-" * Ahli: Anda dapat memiilih kelas instalasi ini jika tahu banyak tentang\n"
-"GNU/Linux. Instalasi ahli memungkinkan Anda melakukan instalasi bebas.\n"
-"Bbrp pertanyaan sulit dijawab jika Anda tak berpengetahuan kuat tentang\n"
-"GNU/Linux. Jangan pilih kelas ini kecuali Anda tahu apa yang Anda lakukan."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:582
-msgid ""
-"Normally, DrakX selects the right keyboard for you (depending on the\n"
-"language you have chosen). However, you might not have a keyboard that\n"
-"corresponds exactly to your language: for example, if you are an English\n"
-"speaking Swiss person, you may still want your keyboard to be a Swiss\n"
-"keyboard. Or if you speak English but are located in Quebec, you may find\n"
-"yourself in the same situation. In both cases, you will have to go back to\n"
-"this installation step and select an appropriate keyboard from the list.\n"
+" * \"Otomatis\". Instalasi otomatis penuh: harddisk ditulis ulang\n"
+"seluruhnya, semua data hilang.\n"
-"Click on the \"More\" button to be presented with the complete list of\n"
-"supported keyboards.\n"
+" Fitur ini amat praktis utk instalasi banyak mesin dg spesifikasi sama.\n"
+"Lihat pasal Auto install di website kami.\n"
-"If you choose a keyboard layout based on a non-latin alphabet, you will be\n"
-"asked in the next dialog to choose the key binding that will switch the\n"
-"keyboard layout between the latin and non-latin layouts."
-msgstr ""
-"Normalnya, DrakX memilih papanketik utk Anda (sesuai bahasa yg Anda pilih)\n"
-"dan Anda bahkan takkan melihat tahap ini. Tapi Anda mungkin tak punya papan\n"
-"ketik yg persis cocok dg bhs Anda: misalnya, jika Anda orang Swis berbahasa\n"
-"Inggris, Anda mungkin masih ingin papanketik Swis. Atau jika Anda berbahasa\n"
-"Inggris tapi tinggal di Quebec, Anda mungkin menghadapi masalah sama. Dalam\n"
-"kedua kasus, Anda akan harus kembali ke tahap instalasi ini dan memilih\n"
-"papanketik yg sesuai dari daftar.\n"
+" * \"Menyimpan pilihan paket\"(*): simpan pilihan paket seperti yang dibuat\n"
+"sebelumnya. Lalu saat mengerjakan instalasi lain, masukkan floppy ke driver\n"
+"dan arahkan instalasi ke layar pertolongan dg menekan kunci [F1] lalu ketik\n"
+">>linux defcfg=\"floppy\"<<.\n"
-"Klik \"Lagi\" utk menampilkan daftar lengkap papanketik ter-support."
+"(*) Anda perlu floppy berformat FAT (utk membuatnya di GNU/Linux, jalankan\n"
+"\"mformat a:\")"
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:598
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"The first step is to choose your preferred language.\n"
+"At this point, you need to decide where you want to install the Mandrake\n"
+"Linux operating system on your hard drive. If your hard drive is empty or\n"
+"if an existing operating system is using all the available space you will\n"
+"have to partition the drive. Basically, partitioning a hard drive consists\n"
+"of logically dividing it to create the space needed to install your new\n"
+"Mandrake Linux system.\n"
-"Please choose your preferred language for installation and system usage.\n"
+"Because the process of partitioning a hard drive is usually irreversible\n"
+"and can lead to lost data if there is an existing operating system already\n"
+"installed on the drive, partitioning can be intimidating and stressful if\n"
+"you are an inexperienced user. Fortunately, DrakX includes a wizard which\n"
+"simplifies this process. Before continuing with this step, read through the\n"
+"rest of this section and above all, take your time.\n"
-"Clicking on the \"Advanced\" button will allow you to select other\n"
-"languages to be installed on your workstation. Selecting other languages\n"
-"will install the language-specific files for system documentation and\n"
-"applications. For example, if you host users from Spain on your machine,\n"
-"select English as the main language in the tree view and in the Advanced\n"
-"section, click on the box corresponding to \"Spanish|Spain\".\n"
+"Depending on your hard drive configuration, several options are available:\n"
-"Note that multiple languages may be installed. Once you have selected any\n"
-"additional locales, click the \"OK\" button to continue.\n"
+" * \"Use free space\": this option will perform an automatic partitioning\n"
+"of your blank drive(s). If you use this option there will be no further\n"
-"To switch from one language to the other, you can launch the\n"
-"\"/usr/sbin/localedrake\" command as \"root\" to change the whole system\n"
-"language, or as a simple user to only change that user's default language."
-msgstr ""
-"Pilih bahasa kesukaan Anda utk instalasi dan penggunaan sistem.\n"
+" * \"Use existing partition\": the wizard has detected one or more existing\n"
+"Linux partitions on your hard drive. If you want to use them, choose this\n"
+"option. You will then be asked to choose the mount points associated with\n"
+"each of the partitions. The legacy mount points are selected by default,\n"
+"and for the most part it's a good idea to keep them.\n"
-"Klik \"Tambahan\" utk memilih bahasa-bahasa lain yg akan diinstal di\n"
-"workstation Anda. Hal ini akan menginstal file spesifik-bahasa dokumentasi\n"
-"sistem dan aplikasi. Misalnya jika Anda menginapkan pengguna dari Spanyol "
-"mesin Anda, pilih bhs Indonesia sbg bahasa utama di tampilan pohon dan di\n"
-"bagian Tambahan klik bintang abu-abu yg terkait dg \"Spanyol\".\n"
+" * \"Use the free space on the Windows partition\": if Microsoft Windows is\n"
+"installed on your hard drive and takes all the space available on it, you\n"
+"have to create free space for Linux data. To do so, you can delete your\n"
+"Microsoft Windows partition and data (see `` Erase entire disk'' solution)\n"
+"or resize your Microsoft Windows FAT partition. Resizing can be performed\n"
+"without the loss of any data, provided you previously defragment the\n"
+"Windows partition and that it uses the FAT format. Backing up your data is\n"
+"strongly recommended.. Using this option is recommended if you want to use\n"
+"both Mandrake Linux and Microsoft Windows on the same computer.\n"
-"Anda dapat menginstal banyak bahasa. Setelah Anda selesai memilih tambahan\n"
-"bahasa (locale) klik \"OK\" untuk melanjutkan."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:617
-msgid ""
-"DrakX generally detects the number of buttons your mouse possesses. If not,\n"
-"it assumes you have a two-button mouse and will set it up for third-button\n"
-"emulation. DrakX will automatically know whether it is a PS/2, serial or\n"
-"USB mouse.\n"
+" Before choosing this option, please understand that after this\n"
+"procedure, the size of your Microsoft Windows partition will be smaller\n"
+"then when you started. You will have less free space under Microsoft\n"
+"Windows to store your data or to install new software.\n"
-"If you wish to specify a different type of mouse, select the appropriate\n"
-"type from the provided list.\n"
+" * \"Erase entire disk\": if you want to delete all data and all partitions\n"
+"present on your hard drive and replace them with your new Mandrake Linux\n"
+"system, choose this option. Be careful, because you will not be able to\n"
+"undo your choice after you confirm.\n"
-"If you choose a mouse other than the default, a test screen will be\n"
-"displayed. Use the buttons and wheel to verify that the settings are\n"
-"correct. If the mouse is not working well, press the space bar or [Return]\n"
-"to \"Cancel\" and choose again.\n"
+" !! If you choose this option, all data on your disk will be deleted. !!\n"
-"Sometimes, wheel mouses are not automatically detected. You will need to\n"
-"manually select it in the list. Be sure to select the one corresponding to\n"
-"the correct port it is attached to. After you have pressed the \"OK\"\n"
-"button, a mouse image will be displayed. You then need to move the wheel of\n"
-"your mouse to activate it correctly. Then test that all buttons and\n"
-"movements are correct."
-msgstr ""
-"Secara standar DrakX berasumsi mouse Anda bertombol dua dan akan menset-up\n"
-"emulasi 3-tombol. DrakX otomatis tahu itu mouse PS/2, serial atau USB.\n"
+" * \"Remove Windows\": this will simply erase everything on the drive and\n"
+"begin fresh, partitioning everything from scratch. All data on your disk\n"
+"will be lost.\n"
-"Jika Anda ingin menunjuk tipe mouse lain, pilih tipe yg sesuai dari daftar\n"
-"yang disediakan.\n"
+" !! If you choose this option, all data on your disk will be lost. !!\n"
-"Jika Anda memilih mouse bukan standar, Anda akan dihadapkan pada layar tes\n"
-"mouse. Gunakan tombol dan roda untuk verifikasi setting. Jika mouse tak\n"
-"bekerja baik tekan spasi atau RETURN untuk \"Batal\" dan pilih lagi."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:638
-msgid ""
-"Please select the correct port. For example, the \"COM1\" port under\n"
-"Windows is named \"ttyS0\" under GNU/Linux."
+" * \"Custom disk partitionning\": choose this option if you want to\n"
+"manually partition your hard drive. Be careful -- it is a powerful but\n"
+"dangerous choice and you can very easily lose all your data. That's why\n"
+"this option is really only recommended if you have done something like this\n"
+"before and have some experience. For more instructions on how to use the\n"
+"DiskDrake utility, refer to the ``Managing Your Partitions '' section in\n"
+"the ``Starter Guide''."
msgstr ""
-"Pilih port yang benar. Misalnya \"COM1\" di Mindows bernama \"ttyS0\" di \n"
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:642
-msgid ""
-"This is the most crucial decision in regards with the security of your\n"
-"GNU/Linux system: you have to enter the \"root\" password. \"Root\" is the\n"
-"system administrator and is the only one authorized to make updates, add\n"
-"users, change the overall system configuration, and so on. In short,\n"
-"\"root\" can do everything! That is why you must choose a password that is\n"
-"difficult to guess -- DrakX will tell you if it is too easy. As you can\n"
-"see, you can choose not to enter a password, but we strongly advise you\n"
-"against this if only for one reason: do not think that because you booted\n"
-"GNU/Linux that your other operating systems are safe from mistakes. Since\n"
-"\"root\" can overcome all limitations and unintentionally erase all data on\n"
-"partitions by carelessly accessing the partitions themselves, it is\n"
-"important for it to be difficult to become \"root\".\n"
+"Pada tahap ini, pilihlah tempat Mandrake Linux akan diinstal di harddisk.\n"
+"Bila harddisk masih kosong / ada sistem operasi lain yg mengisi seluruhnya,\n"
+"Anda perlu melakukan proses partisi. Pada dasarnya, proses partisi harddisk\n"
+"adalah membagi harddisk, dg membuat ruang kosong utk instalasi sistem\n"
+"Mandrake Linux.\n"
-"The password should be a mixture of alphanumeric characters and at least 8\n"
-"characters long. Never write down the \"root\" password -- it makes it too\n"
-"easy to compromise a system.\n"
+"Karena bersifat satu arah (tak dapat dikembalikan ke keadaan awal), proses\n"
+"partisi dapat membuat stres dan pusing kepala, apalagi jika Anda belum\n"
+"berpengalaman. Untungnya, ada wizard yang mempermudah proses ini.\n"
+"Sebelum mulai, baca dan pelajari dulu buku manual dengan baik.\n"
-"However, please do not make the password too long or complicated because\n"
-"you must be able to remember it without too much effort.\n"
+"Jika Anda menggunakan mode Ahli, Anda akan masuk DiskDrake, alat partisi\n"
+"Mandrake Linux, yg memungkinkan fine-tuning partisi Anda. Lihat manual bab\n"
+"DiskDrake. Dari antarmuka instalasi, Anda dapat menggunakan wizard seperti\n"
+"dijelaskan di sini dg meng-klik tombol \"Wizard\".\n"
-"The password will not be displayed on screen as you type it in. Hence, you\n"
-"will have to type the password twice to reduce the chance of a typing\n"
-"error. If you do happen to make the same typing error twice, this\n"
-"``incorrect'' password will have to be used the first time you connect.\n"
+"Bila partisi-partisi tsb sudah ada sebelumnya (hasil instal sebelumnya\n"
+"atau hasil program partisi lain), pilihlah partisi tsb utk tempat instalasi\n"
+"sistem Linux Anda.\n"
-"In Expert mode, you will be asked if you will be connecting to an\n"
-"authentication server, like NIS or LDAP.\n"
+"Jika belum ada partisi, Anda perlu membuatnya dengan program wizard. Ada\n"
+"bbrp opsi tergantung konfigurasi harddisk Anda:\n"
-"If your network uses either LDAP, NIS, or PDC Windows Domain authentication\n"
-"services, select the appropriate one as \"authentication\". If you have no\n"
-"clue, ask your network administrator.\n"
+" * \"Pakai ruang kosong\": opsi ini akan secara otomatis mem-partisi drive\n"
+"kosong Anda. Anda takkan ditanya lebih jauh.\n"
-"If your computer is not connected to any administrated network, you will\n"
-"want to choose \"Local files\" for authentication."
-msgstr ""
-"Ini adalah poin terpenting penentuan sekuriti sistem GNU/Linux Anda: Anda\n"
-"harus mengisi katasandi \"root\". \"root\" adalah administrator sistem dan\n"
-"hanya dia yg berhak melakukan update, menambah pengguna, mengubah "
-"sistem, dll. Singkatnya, \"root\" dapat melakukan apapun! Karena itu Anda\n"
-"harus memilih katasandi yang sulit ditebak - DrakX akan memberitahu jika\n"
-"terlalu mudah. Seperti Anda lihat, Anda dapat memilih utk tak memasukkan\n"
-"katasandi, tapi amat kami anjurkan tidak melakukannya jika alasannya hanya:\n"
-"tidak mengira bhw jika GNU/Linux di-boot, sistem operasi lain aman dari\n"
-"kesalahan. Karena \"root\" dapat melampaui semua batasan dan secara tidak\n"
-"sengaja menghapus semua data di partisi, menjadi \"root\" harus dipersulit.\n"
+" * \"Pakai partisi yang sudah ada\": wizard mendeteksi satu/lebih partisi\n"
+"Linux di hard drive Anda. Jika Anda ingin menggunakannya, pilih opsi ini.\n"
-"Katasandi harus berupa campuran nomor dan huruf minimal 8 karakter. Jangan\n"
-"pernah mencatat katasandi \"root\" - itu membuat sistem mudah dibajak.\n"
+" * \"Pakai ruang kosong pada partisi Mindows\": jika wicrosoft mindows\n"
+"terinstal dan menghabiskan seluruh kapasitas disk, Anda perlu membuat ruang\n"
+"kosong untuk data Linux dg menghapus partisi dan data wicrosoft mindows\n"
+"(lihat solusi \"Hapus seluruh disk\" atau mode \"Ahli\") atau dapat juga\n"
+"mengubah ukuran partisi wicrosoft mindows. Cara ini dapat digunakan tanpa\n"
+"harus kehilangan data. Cara ini disarankan bila Anda ingin memakai Linux\n"
+"Mandrake dan wicrosoft mindows dlm satu komputer.\n"
-"Tapi katasandi juga jangan terlalu panjang/rumit karena Anda harus ingat\n"
-"tanpa banyak usaha.\n"
+" Sebelum memilih cara ini, mohon maklum bahwa partisi wicrosoft mindows\n"
+"sekarang berukuran lebih kecil. Ruang dlm wicrosoft mindows utk menyimpan\n"
+"data / menginstall software baru menjadi kecil.\n"
-"Katasandi takkan muncul di layar seperti yg diketikkan. Anda harus dua kali\n"
-"mengisi katasandi utk mengurangi kemungkinan salah ketik. Jika Anda 2 kali\n"
-"melakukan kesalahan yg sama, katasandi \"salah\" ini akan dipakai pertama\n"
-"kali anda login.\n"
+" * \"Hapus seluruh disk\": jika Anda ingin hapus semua data dan partisi di\n"
+"harddisk Anda utk kemudian digantikan semuanya oleh sistem Mandrake Linux,\n"
+"pilih opsi ini. Hati-hati, Anda tak dapat kembali setelah konfirmasi.\n"
-"Pada mode ahli, Anda akan ditanya apakah akan berhubungan dengan server\n"
-"otentikasi seperti NIS atau LDAP.\n"
+" !! Jika Anda pilih opsi ini semua data di disk Anda akan hilang. !!\n"
-"Jika jaringan Anda memakai protokol otentikasi LDAP/NIS, pilih \"LDAP\"\n"
-"(atau \"NIS\") utk otentikasi. Tanyalah admin jaringan Anda jika tak tahu.\n"
+" * \"Buang Mindows\": ini akan menghapus semua di drive dan mulai proses\n"
+"partisi dari nol. Semua data di disk akan hilang.\n"
-"Jika komputer Anda tak terhubung dengan jaringan terkelola, pilihlah\n"
-"\"File lokal\" untuk otentikasi."
+" !! Jika Anda pilih opsi ini semua data di disk Anda akan hilang. !!\n"
+" * \"Mode ahli\": pilih jika Anda ingin secara manual mempartisi harddisk.\n"
+"Awas! Cara ini amat perkasa tapi juga berbahaya. Anda bisa kehilangan data\n"
+"dg mudah. Jangan pilih kecuali Anda tahu yg Anda lakukan."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:678
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"LILO and grub are GNU/Linux bootloaders. Normally, this stage is totally\n"
-"automated. In fact, DrakX analyzes the disk boot sector and acts\n"
-"accordingly, depending on what it finds there:\n"
+"Checking \"Create a boot disk\" allows you to have a rescue bot media\n"
-" * if a Windows boot sector is found, it will replace it with a grub/LILO\n"
-"boot sector. Hence, you will be able to load either GNU/Linux or another\n"
+"The Mandrake Linux CD-ROM has a built-in rescue mode. You can access it by\n"
+"booting the CD-ROM, pressing the >> F1<< key at boot and typing >>rescue<<\n"
+"at the prompt. If your computer cannot boot from the CD-ROM, there are at\n"
+"least two situations where having a boot floppy is critical:\n"
+" * when installing the bootloader, DrakX will rewrite the boot sector (MBR)\n"
+"of your main disk (unless you are using another boot manager), to allow you\n"
+"to start up with either Windows or GNU/Linux (assuming you have Windows on\n"
+"your system). If at some point you need to reinstall Windows, the Microsoft\n"
+"install process will rewrite the boot sector and remove your ability to\n"
+"start GNU/Linux!\n"
+" * if a problem arises and you cannot start GNU/Linux from the hard disk,\n"
+"this floppy will be the only means of starting up GNU/Linux. It contains a\n"
+"fair number of system tools for restoring a system that has crashed due to\n"
+"a power failure, an unfortunate typing error, a forgotten root password, or\n"
+"any other reason.\n"
+"If you say \"Yes\", you will be asked to insert a disk in the drive. The\n"
+"floppy disk must be blank or have non-critical data on it - DrakX will\n"
+"format the floppy and will rewrite the whole disk."
+msgstr ""
+"CDROM Mandrake Linux punya mode pertolongan built-in, yg bisa diakses dg\n"
+"mem-boot dari CDROM, tekan >>F1<< dan ketik >>rescue<< di prompt. Tapi jika\n"
+"komputer Anda tak dapat mem-boot dari CDROM, kembalilah ke tahap ini untuk\n"
+"pertolongan dalam setidaknya 2 situasi:\n"
-" * if a grub or LILO boot sector is found, it will replace it with a new\n"
+" * saat instalasi bootloader, DrakX akan menulis ulang sektor boot (MBR)\n"
+"disk utama Anda (kecuali jika Anda memakai manajer boot lain) sehingga Anda\n"
+"dapat menjalankan GNU/Linux atau Mindows (jika Anda punya Mindows di sistem\n"
+"Anda). Jika Anda menginstal Mindows lagi, proses instal microsoft akan\n"
+"menulis ulang sektor boot, dan Anda takkan dapat menjalankan GNU/Linux!\n"
-"if in doubt, DrakX will display a dialog with various options.\n"
+" * jika ada masalah sehingga Anda tak dapat menjalankan GNU/Linux dari hard\n"
+"disk, disket ini adalah jalan satu-satunya utk menjalankan GNU/Linux. Ini\n"
+"berisi sejumlah alat utk mereparasi sistem yg rusak karena kegagalan power,\n"
+"salah ketik, alpa kata sandi, dan lain-lain.\n"
-" * \"Bootloader to use\": you have three choices:\n"
+"Jika \"Ya\", Anda akan diminta memasukkan disket ke drive. Disket\n"
+"harus kosong / berisi data yg tak Anda perlukan. Tak perlu diformat sebab\n"
+"DrakX akan menulis ulang seluruh disket."
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Finally, you will be asked whether you want to see the graphical interface\n"
+"at boot. Note this question will be asked even if you chose not to test the\n"
+"configuration. Obviously, you want to answer \"No\" if your machine is to\n"
+"act as a server, or if you were not successful in getting the display\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Akhirnya, Anda akan ditanya apakah Anda ingin punya antarmuka grafis saat\n"
+"boot. Pertanyaan ini diajukan meski Anda memilih tidak mentes konfigurasi.\n"
+"Jelas, Anda ingin menjawab \"Tidak\" jika mesin Anda dijadikan server, atau\n"
+"jika Anda gagal mengkonfigurasi display."
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"In the case that different servers are available for your card, with or\n"
+"without 3D acceleration, you are then proposed to choose the server that\n"
+"best suits your needs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
-" * \"GRUB\": if you prefer grub (text menu);\n"
+" You can choose here resolutions and color depth between those available\n"
+"for your hardware. Choose the one that best suit your needs (you will be\n"
+"able to change that after installation though). Asample of the chosen\n"
+"configuration is shown in the monitor."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
-" * \"LILO with graphical menu\": if you prefer LILO with its graphical\n"
+" The installer can normally automatically detect and configure the\n"
+"monitor connected to your machine. If it is not the case, you can choose in\n"
+"this list the monitor you actually own."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"X (for X Window System) is the heart of the GNU/Linux graphical interface\n"
+"on which all the graphical environments (KDE, GNOME, AfterStep,\n"
+"WindowMaker, etc.) bundled with Mandrake Linux rely upon.\n"
-" * \"LILO with text menu\": if you prefer LILO with its text menu\n"
+"You will be presented the list of different parameters to change to get an\n"
+"optimal graphical display: Graphic Card\n"
-" * \"Boot device\": in most cases, you will not change the default\n"
-"(\"/dev/hda\"), but if you prefer, the bootloader can be installed on the\n"
-"second hard drive (\"/dev/hdb\"), or even on a floppy disk (\"/dev/fd0\");\n"
+" The installer can normally automatically detect and configure the\n"
+"graphic card installed on your machine. If it is not the case, you can\n"
+"choose in this list the card you actually own.\n"
-" * \"Delay before booting the default image\": when rebooting the computer,\n"
-"this is the delay granted to the user to choose -- in the bootloader menu,\n"
-"another boot entry than the default one.\n"
+" In the case that different servers are available for your card, with or\n"
+"without 3D acceleration, you are then proposed to choose the server that\n"
+"best suits your needs.\n"
-"!! Beware that if you choose not to install a bootloader (by selecting\n"
-"\"Cancel\" here), you must ensure that you have a way to boot your Mandrake\n"
-"Linux system! Also, be sure you know what you do before changing any of the\n"
-"options. !!\n"
-"Clicking the \"Advanced\" button in this dialog will offer many advanced\n"
-"options, which are reserved for the expert user."
-msgstr ""
-"LILO/GRUB adalah pemuat boot GNU/Linux. Step ini biasanya otomatis penuh.\n"
-"DrakX menganalisa sektor boot disk dan beraksi menurut apa yg ditemukan:\n"
-" * jika sektor boot Mindows ditemukan, ia akan menggantinya dg sektor boot\n"
-"GRUB/LILO. Jadi Anda akan dapat memuat baik GNU/Linux maupun OS lain;\n"
-" * jika sektor boot GRUB/LILO ditemukan, ia akan menggantinya dg yg baru;\n"
+" The installer can normally automatically detect and configure the\n"
+"monitor connected to your machine. If it is not the case, you can choose in\n"
+"this list the monitor you actually own.\n"
-"Jika ragu, DrakX akan menampilkan dialog dengan opsi bervariasi.\n"
-" * \"Pemuat boot yang digunakan\": ada tiga pilihan:\n"
-" * \"GRUB\": jika Anda suka GRUB (menu teks).\n"
-" * \"LILO dengan menu grafis\": jika Anda suka LILO dg antarmuka grafis.\n"
+" You can choose here resolutions and color depth between those available\n"
+"for your hardware. Choose the one that best suit your needs (you will be\n"
+"able to change that after installation though). Asample of the chosen\n"
+"configuration is shown in the monitor.\n"
-" * \"LILO dengan menu teks\": jika suka LILO dengan antarmuka menu teks.\n"
-" * \"Device boot\": Umumnya Anda takkan mengubah standar (\"/dev/hda\"),\n"
-"tapi jika suka, bootloader dapat diinstal di harddisk kedua (\"/dev/hdb\"),\n"
-"ataupun disket (\"/dev/fd0\").\n"
-" * \"Delay sebelum boot ke image default\": delay yang diberikan di menu\n"
-"pemuat boot kepada pengguna saat me-reboot komputer untuk memilih entri.\n"
-"!! Awas, jika pemuat boot tak diinstal (dg memilih \"Cancel\" di sini),\n"
-"pastikan Anda punya jalan memboot sistem Mandrake Linux Anda! Juga pastikan\n"
-"bahwa Anda tahu apa yang Anda lakukan sebelum mengubah opsi. !!\n"
+" the system will try to open a graphical screen at the desired\n"
+"resolution. If you can see the message during the test and answer \"Yes\",\n"
+"then DrakX will proceed to the next step. If you cannot see the message, it\n"
+"means that some part of the autodetected configuration was incorrect and\n"
+"the test will automatically end after 12 seconds, bringing you back to the\n"
+"menu. Change settings until you get a correct graphical display.\n"
-"Klik \"Tambahan\" untuk menampilkan opsi lain, yg disediakan utk pengguna "
-"Setelah parameter pemuat-boot dikonfigurasikan, ditampilkan daftar opsi\n"
-"boot yang akan muncul saat boot.\n"
-"Jika ada OS lain terinstal di mesin Anda, itu akan otomatis ditambahkan ke\n"
-"menu boot. Di sini Anda dapat memperbaiki opsi yang ada. Pilih entri dan\n"
-"klik \"Modifikasi\" untuk mengubah atau menghapusnya; \"Tambah\"\n"
-"membuat masukan baru; dan \"Selesai\" membawa Anda ke tahap instalasi\n"
+" You can here choose whether you want to have your machine automatically\n"
+"switch to a graphical interface at boot. Obviously, you want to check\n"
+"\"No\" if your machine is to act as a server, or if you were not successful\n"
+"in getting the display configured."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:718
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"After you have configured the general bootloader parameters, the list of\n"
-"boot options which will be available at boot time will be displayed.\n"
+"Graphic Card\n"
-"If there is another operating system installed on your machine, it will\n"
-"automatically be added to the boot menu. Here, you can choose to fine-tune\n"
-"the existing options. Select an entry and click \"Modify\" to modify or\n"
-"remove it. \"Add\" creates a new entry. and \"Done\" goes on to the next\n"
-"installation step.\n"
+" The installer can normally automatically detect and configure the\n"
+"graphic card installed on your machine. If it is not the case, you can\n"
+"choose in this list the card you actually own.\n"
-"You may also not want to give access to these other operating systems to\n"
-"anyone. In which case, you can delete the corresponding entries. But then,\n"
-"you will need a boot disk in order to boot those other operating systems!"
+" In the case that different servers are available for your card, with or\n"
+"without 3D acceleration, you are then proposed to choose the server that\n"
+"best suits your needs."
msgstr ""
-"LILO (LInux LOader) dan Grub adalah pemuat boot. Dua-duanya dapat mem-boot\n"
-"GNU/Linux atau sistem operasi lain yang ada di komputer Anda.\n"
-"Biasanya, sistem operasi yang sudah ada akan dideteksi secara benar dan\n"
-"diinstallkan. Bila ternyata salah, Anda dapat menambahkan sendiri di layar\n"
-"ini. Hati-hati dalam memilih parameter yang benar.\n"
-"Anda mungkin ingin agar tak ada yg dapat mengakses sistem operasi lain ini.\n"
-"Anda dapat menghapus entrinya. Tapi untuk bisa masuk ke sistem operasi tsb.\n"
-"Anda perlu bootdisk nantinya."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:732
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"You must indicate where you wish to place the information required to boot\n"
+"GNU/Linux manages time in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) and translates it to\n"
+"local time according to the time zone you selected. If the clock on your\n"
+"motherboard is set to local time, you may deactivate this by unselecting\n"
+"\"Hardware clock set to GMT \", which will let GNU/Linux know that the\n"
+"system clock and the hardware clock are in the same timezone. This is\n"
+"useful when the machine also hosts another operating system like Windows.\n"
-"Unless you know exactly what you are doing, choose \"First sector of drive\n"
+"The \"Automatic time synchronization \" option will automatically regulate\n"
+"the clock by connecting to a remote time server on the Internet. For this\n"
+"feature to work, you must have a working Internet connection. It is best to\n"
+"choose a time server located near you. This option actually installs a time\n"
+"server that can used by other machines on your local network."
msgstr ""
-"Anda harus menentukan tempat meletakkan info boot GNU/Linux.\n"
+"GNU/Linux mengatur waktu dlm GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) dan menerjemahkannya\n"
+"ke waktu lokal tergantung zona waktu yang Anda pilih. Dapat di-nonaktifkan\n"
+"dengan melepas tanda \"Jam hardware diset ke GMT\" sehingga jam hardware\n"
+"sama dengan jam sistem. Berguna bila mesin didiami OS lain seperti Mindows.\n"
-"Kalau Anda kurang tahu, pilih saja \"Sektor pertama di drive (MBR)\"."
+"Opsi \"Sinkronisasi waktu otomatis\" akan otomatis mengatur jam dengan\n"
+"menghubungi server waktu remote di internet. Pilihlah server terdekat saat\n"
+"daftar muncul. Tentu saja Anda harus punya koneksi internet agar fitur ini\n"
+"berfungsi. Server waktu akan diinstalkan di mesin Anda dan dapat dipakai\n"
+"oleh mesin lain di jaringan lokal Anda."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:739
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"Here, we select a printing system for your computer. Other OSes may offer\n"
-"you one, but Mandrake Linux offers two.\n"
+"This step is used to choose which services you wish to start at boot time.\n"
+"DrakX will list all the services available on the current installation.\n"
+"Review each one carefully and uncheck those which are not always needed at\n"
+"boot time.\n"
-" * \"pdq\" -- which means ``print, don't queue'', is the choice if you have\n"
-"a direct connection to your printer and you want to be able to panic out of\n"
-"printer jams, and you do not have networked printers. It will handle only\n"
-"very simple network cases and is somewhat slow for networks. Pick \"pdq\"\n"
-"if this is your first voyage to GNU/Linux. You can change your choices\n"
-"after installation by running PrinterDrake from the Mandrake Control Center\n"
-"and clicking the expert button.\n"
+"A short explanatory text will be displayed about a service when it is\n"
+"selected. However, if you are not sure whether a service is useful or not,\n"
+"it is safer to leave the default behavior.\n"
-" * \"CUPS\" -- ``Common Unix Printing System'', is excellent at printing to\n"
-"your local printer and also halfway-around the planet. It is simple and can\n"
-"act as a server or a client for the ancient \"lpd\" printing system. Hence,\n"
-"it is compatible with the systems that went before. It can do many tricks,\n"
-"but the basic setup is almost as easy as \"pdq\". If you need this to\n"
-"emulate an \"lpd\" server, you must turn on the \"cups-lpd\" daemon. It has\n"
-"graphical front-ends for printing or choosing printer options."
+"!! At this stage, be very careful if you intend to use your machine as a\n"
+"server: you will probably not want to start any services that you do not\n"
+"need. Please remember that several services can be dangerous if they are\n"
+"enabled on a server. In general, select only the services you really need.\n"
msgstr ""
-"Kini kita pilih sistem cetak komputer Anda. OS lain mungkin punya satu,\n"
-"Mandrake menyediakan tiga.\n"
+"Kini Anda boleh pilih servis mana yang dijalankan saat boot.\n"
-" * \"pdq\" - artinya ``print, djangan nqantri'', adalah pilihan jika Anda\n"
-"punya koneksi langsung ke printer Anda dan ingin bebas dari panik kemacetan\n"
-"printer, serta tak punya printer jaringan. Ia akan meng-handle hanya kasus\n"
-"jaringan yg amat mudah dan agak lambat utk network. Ambil \"pdq\" jika ini\n"
-"kali pertama Anda mengenal GNU/Linux. Anda dapat mengubah pilihan setelah\n"
-"instalasi dg menjalankan PrinterDrake dari Pusat Kontrol Mandrake dan\n"
-"meng-klik tombol expert/ahli.\n"
+"Di sini ditampilkan semua servis yg tersedia di instalasi ini. Periksa dg\n"
+"baik dan jangan tandai servis yg tak selalu diperlukan saat boot.\n"
-" * \"CUPS\"``Sistem Cetak Unix Umum'' canggih untuk mencetak ke printer\n"
-"lokal dan juga separuh planet. Mudah dan berfungsi spt server/klien utk\n"
-"sistem cetak kuno \"lpd\" jadi kompatibel dg sistem lama. Banyak trik dapat\n"
-"dilakukan, tapi setup awalnya hampir semudah \"pdq\". Jika Anda perlu ini\n"
-"utk emulasi server \"lpd\", Anda harus menyalakan daemon \"cups-lpd\".\n"
-"Front-end grafis disediakan utk pencetakan/pemilihan opsi printer.\n"
+"Ada penjelasan singkat bila suatu servis dipilih. Tapi jika Anda tak yakin\n"
+"kegunaan servis tsb., lebih aman tak usah diusik.\n"
-" * \"lprNG\"``daemon printer baris Generasi Baru''. Sistem ini dapat\n"
-"melakukan hal yg mirip dg yg bisa dilakukan sistem lain, hanya saja ia akan\n"
-"mencetak ke printer yang terhubung dengan network Novell, karena mensupport\n"
-"protokol IPX, dan bisa mencetak langsung ke perintah shell. Jika Anda perlu\n"
-"Novell atau mencetak ke perintah tanpa memakai konstruksi pipa terpisah,\n"
-"gunakan lprNG. Jika tidak, pilihlah CUPS sebab lebih mudah dan bekerja baik\n"
-"di network."
+"Pada tahap ini, hati-hati jika Anda bermaksud menjadikan mesin Anda sebuah\n"
+"server: Anda mungkin tak ingin menjalankan servis yg tak diperlukan. Ingat,\n"
+"bbrp servis bisa berbahaya jika dijalankan. Secara umum, pilihlah hanya\n"
+"servis yang benar-benar Anda perlukan."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:759
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"DrakX now detects any IDE device present in your computer. It will also\n"
-"scan for one or more PCI SCSI cards on your system. If a SCSI card is\n"
-"found, DrakX will automatically install the appropriate driver.\n"
+"\"Printer\": clicking on the \"No Printer\" button will open the printer\n"
+"configuration wizard. Consult the corresponding chapter of the ``Starter\n"
+"Guide'' for more information on how to setup a new printer. The interface\n"
+"presented there is similar to the one used during installation."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You will now set up your Internet/network connection. If you wish to\n"
+"connect your computer to the Internet or to a local network, click \"Next\n"
+"->\". Mandrake Linux will attempt to autodetect network devices and modems.\n"
+"If this detection fails, uncheck the \"Use auto detection\" box. You may\n"
+"also choose not to configure the network, or to do it later, in which case\n"
+"clicking the \"Cancel\" button will take you to the next step.\n"
-"Because hardware detection does not always detect a piece of hardware,\n"
-"DrakX will ask you to confirm if a PCI SCSI card is present. Click \"Yes\"\n"
-"if you know that there is a SCSI card installed in your machine. You will\n"
-"be presented with a list of SCSI cards to choose from. Click \"No\" if you\n"
-"have no SCSI hardware. If you are unsure, you can check the list of\n"
-"hardware detected in your machine by selecting \"See hardware info\" and\n"
-"clicking \"OK\". Examine the hardware list and then click on the \"OK\"\n"
-"button to return to the SCSI interface question.\n"
+"When configuring your network, the available connections options are:\n"
+"traditional modem, ISDN modem, ADSL connection, cable modem, and finally a\n"
+"simple LAN connection (Ethernet).\n"
-"If you have to manually specify your adapter, DrakX will ask if you want to\n"
-"specify options for it. You should allow DrakX to probe the hardware for\n"
-"the card-specific options which the hardware needs to initialize. This\n"
-"usually works well.\n"
+"We will not detail each configuration option - just make sure that you have\n"
+"all the parameters, such as IP address, default gateway, DNS servers, etc.\n"
+"from your Internet Service Provider or system administrator.\n"
-"If DrakX is not able to probe for the options which need to be passed, you\n"
-"will need to manually provide options to the driver."
+"You can consult the ``Starter Guide'' chapter about Internet connections\n"
+"for details about the configuration, or simply wait until your system is\n"
+"installed and use the program described there to configure your connection."
msgstr ""
-"DrakX sedang mendeteksi perangkat IDE komputer Anda, juga men-scan kartu\n"
-"SCSI PCI di sistem Anda. Jika kartu SCSI ditemukan DrakX akan otomatis\n"
-"meng-instal driver yang sesuai.\n"
+"Kini koneksi internet/jaringan akan disetup. Jika Anda ingin menyambung\n"
+"komputer Anda dg Internet atau jaringan lokal, klik \"OK\". Deteksi\n"
+"otomatis perangkat jaringan dan modem akan diluncurkan. Jika deteksi gagal,\n"
+"selanjutnya jangan tandai kotak \"Pakai deteksi otomatis\". Anda juga dapat\n"
+"memilih tak mengkonfigurasikan jaringan, atau mengerjakannya nanti; jika\n"
+"demikian, klik tombol \"Batal\".\n"
-"Karena perangkat keras terkadang tak terdeteksi, DrakX akan bertanya apakah\n"
-"ada kartu SCSI PCI. Klik \"Ya\" jika Anda tahu ada kartu SCSI terinstal di\n"
-"mesin Anda. Akan disajikan list kartu SCSI utk dipilih. Klik \"Tidak\" jika\n"
-"tak ada hardware SCSI. Jika Anda tak yakin, periksa daftar perangkat keras\n"
-"yang terdeteksi di mesin Anda dg memilih \"Lihat info hardware\" lalu klik\n"
-"\"OK\". Periksa daftar hardware lalu klik \"OK\" utk kembali.\n"
+"Koneksi yg tersedia adalah: modem tradisional/ISDN, hubungan ADSL, modem\n"
+"kabel, dan hubungan LAN (Ethernet).\n"
-"Jika Anda harus menunjuk adaptor secara manual, DrakX akan bertanya apakah\n"
-"Anda ingin menunjuk opsi untuknya. Anda harus mengizinkan DrakX mem-probe\n"
-"hardware utk opsi spesifik-kartu yg diperlukan hardware utk inisiasi. Ini\n"
-"biasanya bekerja baik.\n"
+"Di sini konfigurasi tak dirinci. Pastikan Anda punya semua parameter dari\n"
+"ISP atau administrator sistem.\n"
-"Jika DrakX gagal mem-probe opsi yang harus diberikan, Anda perlu memberikan\n"
-"opsi ke driver secara manual. Baca ``User Guide'' (bab 3, bag. \"Collecting\n"
-"information on your hardware\") utk trik mendapat parameter yg dibutuhkan\n"
-"dari dokumentasi hardware, website pabrik (jika Anda punya akses Internet)\n"
-"atau wicrosoft mindows (jika Anda memakai hardware ini di windows)."
+"Penjelasan dapat dilihat di manual hubungan Internet. Atau tunggulah hingga\n"
+"sistem terinstal dan pakailah program yg dijelaskan utk setup koneksi.\n"
+"Jika Anda ingin mengkonfigurasi network pasca instalasi atau bila instalasi\n"
+"jaringan selesai, klik \"Batal\"."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:781
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"You can add additional entries for yaboot, either for other operating\n"
-"systems, alternate kernels, or for an emergency boot image.\n"
+"If you told the installer that you wanted to individually select packages,\n"
+"it will present a tree containing all packages classified by groups and\n"
+"subgroups. While browsing the tree, you can select entire groups,\n"
+"subgroups, or individual packages.\n"
-"For other OSes, the entry consists only of a label and the \"root\"\n"
+"Whenever you select a package on the tree, a description appears on the\n"
+"right to let you know the purpose of the package.\n"
+"!! If a server package has been selected, either because you specifically\n"
+"chose the individual package or because it was part of a group of packages,\n"
+"you will be asked to confirm that you really want those servers to be\n"
+"installed. By default Mandrake Linux will automatically start any installed\n"
+"services at boot time. Even if they are safe and have no known issues at\n"
+"the time the distribution was shipped, it is entirely possible that that\n"
+"security holes are discovered after this version of Mandrake Linux was\n"
+"finalized. If you do not know what a particular service is supposed to do\n"
+"or why it is being installed, then click \"No\". Clicking \"Yes \" will\n"
+"install the listed services and they will be started automatically by\n"
+"default during boot. !!\n"
+"The \"Automatic dependencies\" option is used to disable the warning dialog\n"
+"which appears whenever the installer automatically selects a package to\n"
+"resolve a dependency issue. Some packages have relationships between each\n"
+"other such that installation of a package requires that some other program\n"
+"is already installed. The installer can determine which packages are\n"
+"required to satisfy a dependency to successfully complete the installation.\n"
+"The tiny floppy disk icon at the bottom of the list allows you to load a\n"
+"package list created during a previous installation. This is useful if you\n"
+"have a number of machines that you wish to configure identically. Clicking\n"
+"on this icon will ask you to insert a floppy disk previously created at the\n"
+"end of another installation. See the second tip of last step on how to\n"
+"create such a floppy."
+msgstr ""
+"Akhirnya, tergantung apakah Anda memilih paket sendiri atau tidak, Anda\n"
+"akan diberi pohon berisi paket terkelompok dg grup/subgrup. Sambil meneliti\n"
+"pohon, Anda dapat memilih semua grup, subgrup, atau paket tersendiri.\n"
-"For Linux, there are a few possible options:\n"
+"Tiap kali Anda memilih paket di pohon, penjelasan muncul di sisi kanan.\n"
+"Bila seleksi Anda selesai, klik tombol \"Instal\" utk memulai instalasi.\n"
+"Tergantung kecepatan hardware dan jumlah paket yg diinstal, mungkin\n"
+"dibutuhkan bbrp saat utk instalasi. Perkiraan waktu instalasi ditampilkan\n"
+"di layar utk membantu Anda memperkirakan waktu menikmati secangkir kopi.\n"
+"!! Jika paket server terpilih dg sengaja atau karena merupakan bagian suatu\n"
+"grup besar, akan ada pertanyaan konfirmasi instalasi paket tersebut. Pada\n"
+"Mandrake Linux, secara default semua server terinstal dijalankan saat boot.\n"
+"Meski aman saat distribusi diluncurkan, ada kemungkinan lubang keamanan\n"
+"ditemukan setelah versi Mandrake Linux ini rampung. Jika Anda tak tahu apa\n"
+"yg dilakukan oleh suatu servis atau mengapa ia diinstal, klik \"Tidak\".\n"
+"Jika Anda menekan \"Ya\" servis terdaftar akan diinstal dan secara standar\n"
+"akan dijalankan secara otomatis. !!\n"
-" * Label: this is simply the name you will have to type at the yaboot\n"
-"prompt to select this boot option;\n"
+"Opsi \"Ketergantungan otomatis\" mematikan dialog yg muncul tiap kali\n"
+"instalator memilih suatu paket scr otomatis. Ini terjadi karena\n"
+"ketergantungan harus dipenuhi dg paket lain agar instalasi sukses.\n"
-" * Image: this would be the name of the kernel to boot. Typically, vmlinux\n"
-"or a variation of vmlinux with an extension;\n"
+"Ikon disket di dasar list memungkinkan pemuatan daftar paket ter-instal pd\n"
+"instalasi sebelumnya. Jika diklik, Anda akan diminta memasukkan disket yg\n"
+"dibuat pd akhir instalasi yg lalu. Lihat tip kedua di step terakhir utk\n"
+"membuat floppy tersebut."
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"It is now time to specify which programs you wish to install on your\n"
+"system. There are thousands of packages available for Mandrake Linux, and\n"
+"to make it simpler to manage the packages have been placed into groups of\n"
+"similar applications.\n"
-" * Root: the \"root\" device or ``/'' for your Linux installation;\n"
+"Packages are sorted into groups corresponding to a particular use of your\n"
+"machine. Mandrake Linux has four predefined installations available. You\n"
+"can think of these installation classes as containers for various packages.\n"
+"You can mix and match applications from the various containers, so a\n"
+"``Workstation'' installation can still have applications from the\n"
+"``Development'' container installed.\n"
-" * Append: on Apple hardware, the kernel append option is used quite often\n"
-"to assist in initializing video hardware, or to enable keyboard mouse\n"
-"button emulation for the often lacking 2nd and 3rd mouse buttons on a stock\n"
-"Apple mouse. The following are some examples:\n"
+" * \"Workstation\": if you plan to use your machine as a workstation,\n"
+"select one or more of the applications that are in the workstation\n"
-" video=aty128fb:vmode:17,cmode:32,mclk:71 adb_buttons=103,111\n"
+" * \"Development\": if plan on using your machine for programming, choose\n"
+"the appropriate packages from the container.\n"
-" video=atyfb:vmode:12,cmode:24 adb_buttons=103,111\n"
+" * \"Server\": if your machine is intended to be a server, select which of\n"
+"the more common services you wish to install on your machine.\n"
-" * Initrd: this option can be used either to load initial modules, before\n"
-"the boot device is available, or to load a ramdisk image for an emergency\n"
-"boot situation;\n"
+" * \"Graphical Environment\": this is where you will choose your preferred\n"
+"graphical environment. At least one must be selected if you want to have a\n"
+"graphical interface available.\n"
-" * Initrd-size: the default ramdisk size is generally 4,096 bytes. If you\n"
-"need to allocate a large ramdisk, this option can be used;\n"
+"Moving the mouse cursor over a group name will display a short explanatory\n"
+"text about that group. If you unselect all groups when performing a regular\n"
+"installation (as opposed to an upgrade), a dialog will pop up proposing\n"
+"different options for a minimal installation:\n"
-" * Read-write: normally the \"root\" partition is initially brought up in\n"
-"read-only, to allow a filesystem check before the system becomes ``live''.\n"
-"Here, you can override this option;\n"
+" * \"With X\": install the minimum number of packages possible to have a\n"
+"working graphical desktop.\n"
-" * NoVideo: should the Apple video hardware prove to be exceptionally\n"
-"problematic, you can select this option to boot in ``novideo'' mode, with\n"
-"native frame buffer support;\n"
+" * \"With basic documentation\": installs the base system plus basic\n"
+"utilities and their documentation. This installation is suitable for\n"
+"setting up a server.\n"
-" * Default: selects this entry as being the default Linux selection,\n"
-"selectable by just pressing ENTER at the yaboot prompt. This entry will\n"
-"also be highlighted with a ``*'', if you press [Tab] to see the boot\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Anda dapat menambahkan entri yaboot, baik untuk OS lain, kernel lain, atau\n"
-"untuk image boot darurat.\n"
+" * \"Truly minimal install\": will install the absolute minimum number of\n"
+"packages necessary to get a working Linux system. With this installation\n"
+"you will only have a command line interface. The total size of this\n"
+"installation is 65 megabytes.\n"
-"Untuk OS lain, entri hanya berisi label dan partisi root.\n"
+"You can check the \"Individual package selection\" box, which is useful if\n"
+"you are familiar with the packages being offered or if you want to have\n"
+"total control over what will be installed.\n"
-"Untuk Linux, ada beberapa pilihan:\n"
+"If you started the installation in \"Upgrade\" mode, you can unselect all\n"
+"groups to avoid installing any new package. This is useful for repairing or\n"
+"updating an existing system."
+msgstr ""
+"Kini kita tentukan program yg akan diinstal di sistem Anda. Ribuan paket\n"
+"tersedia di Mandrake Linux, Anda tak perlu mengenal semuanya.\n"
-" * Label: nama yg harus diketik di prompt yaboot utk memilih opsi boot ini.\n"
+"Jika Anda menjalankan instalasi standar dari CDROM, Anda akan diminta\n"
+"menentukan CD yg Anda punya (hanya pd mode Ahli). Cek label CD dan\n"
+"tandai kotak yg sesuai dg CD yg Anda miliki utk instalasi. Klik \"OK\" jika\n"
+"Anda siap melanjutkan.\n"
-" * Image: nama kernel untuk diboot. Biasanya bernama vmlinux atau nama lain\n"
-"yang mirip dengan vmlinux atau ditambahkan ekstensi lain.\n"
+"Paket disortir menurut grup sesuai kegunaan mesin Anda.\n"
+"Grup diurutkan ke dalam empat bagian:\n"
-" * Root: device \"root\" atau \"/\" untuk instalasi Linux Anda.\n"
+" * \"Workstation\": jika Anda ingin menggunakan mesin Anda sbg workstation, "
+"satu/lebih grup yg sesuai.\n"
-" * Append: pada hardware Apple, opsi append kernel sering digunakan untuk\n"
-"menolong inisialisasi hardware video, atau pengaktifan emulasi tombol mouse\n"
-"pada papanketik utk mouse Apple yang tidak memiliki tombol kedua dan "
-"Berikut adalah beberapa contohnya:\n"
+" * \"Development\": jika mesin akan digunakan utk pemrograman, pilih grup\n"
+"yg diinginkan.\n"
-" video=aty128fb:vmode:17,cmode:32,mclk:71 adb_buttons=103,111 "
+" * \"Server\": jika mesin diinginkan menjadi server, Anda dapat\n"
+"memilih servis paling umum yg akan diinstal.\n"
-" video=atyfb:vmode:12,cmode:24 adb_buttons=103,111\n"
+" * \"Lingkungan Grafis\": akhirnya, di sini Anda memilih lingkungan\n"
+"grafis. Minimal Anda harus pilih satu jika ingin punya workstation grafis!\n"
-" * Initrd: opsi ini bisa dipakai utk memuat modul awal sebelum device boot\n"
-"tersedia, atau untuk memuat image ramdisk untuk situasi boot darurat.\n"
+"Untuk melihat penjelasan singkat, gerakkan kursor mouse ke atas nama grup.\n"
+"Jika Anda tak memilih satu grup pun saat melakukan instalasi normal (bukan\n"
+"upgrade) popup dialog akan muncul dengan menu instalasi minimal:\n"
-" * Initrd-size: standar ukuran ramdisk biasanya 4096 byte. Jika Anda perlu\n"
-"mengalokasikan ramdisk yang lebih besar, gunakan opsi ini.\n"
+" * \"Dengan X\" Instal paket minimal yang memungkinkan kerja dengan desktop\n"
-" * Read-write: umumnya partisi \"root\" diberikan secara readonly agar bisa\n"
-"dilakukan pengecekan filesystem sebelum sistem \"hidup\". Di sini Anda bisa\n"
-"mengubah kelakuan aslinya.\n"
+" * \"Dengan dokumentasi dasar\" Instal sistem plus peralatan dasar dan\n"
+"dokumentasinya. Instalasi ini cocok untuk setup server.\n"
-" * NoVideo: Jika hardware video Apple problematis, Anda dapat memakai opsi\n"
-"ini utk mem-boot dalam mode \"novideo\", dengan support framebuffer native.\n"
+" * \"Instalasi minimal sungguh\" Hanya instal kebutuhan minimum sistem,\n"
+"dalam baris perintah saja. Butuh sekitar 65Mb.\n"
-" * Default: opsi standar Linux, dapat dipilih hanya dg menekan ENTER pada\n"
-"prompt yaboot. Entri ini juga akan ditandai \"*\" jika Anda menekan [Tab]\n"
-"untuk melihat pilihan boot."
+"Anda dapat memilih \"Pilih paket sendiri\", berguna jika Anda tahu baik\n"
+"paket yg disediakan atau ingin mengontrol instalasi secara total.\n"
+"Jika Anda memulai instalasi dg mode \"Upgrade\", Anda dapat melepas seleksi\n"
+"semua group utk menghindari instalasi paket baru. Ini berguna utk reparasi\n"
+"atau update sistem yg ada."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:828
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"Yaboot is a bootloader for NewWorld MacIntosh hardware. It is able to boot\n"
-"either GNU/Linux, MacOS or MacOSX if present on your computer. Normally,\n"
-"these other operating systems are correctly detected and installed. If this\n"
-"is not the case, you can add an entry by hand in this screen. Be careful to\n"
-"choose the correct parameters.\n"
-"Yaboot's main options are:\n"
-" * Init Message: a simple text message displayed before the boot prompt;\n"
+"The Mandrake Linux installation is distributed on several CD-ROMs. DrakX\n"
+"knows if a selected package is located on another CD-ROM so it will eject\n"
+"the current CD and ask you to insert the correct CD as required."
+msgstr ""
+"Instalasi Mandrake Linux terdiri atas bbrp CDROM. DrakX tahu jika paket\n"
+"terpilih berada di CDROM lain dan akan mengeluarkan CD yg ada utk kemudian\n"
+"meminta Anda memasukkan CD yg diperlukan."
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Here are Listed the existing Linux partitions detected on your hard drive.\n"
+"You can keep the choices made by the wizard, since they are good for most\n"
+"common installations. If you make any changes, you must at least define a\n"
+"root partition (\"/\"). Do not choose too small a partition or you will not\n"
+"be able to install enough software. If you want to store your data on a\n"
+"separate partition, you will also need to create a \"/home\" partition\n"
+"(only possible if you have more than one Linux partition available).\n"
-" * Boot Device: indicates where you want to place the information required\n"
-"to boot to GNU/Linux. Generally, you set up a bootstrap partition earlier\n"
-"to hold this information;\n"
+"Each partition is listed as follows: \"Name\", \"Capacity\".\n"
-" * Open Firmware Delay: unlike LILO, there are two delays available with\n"
-"yaboot. The first delay is measured in seconds and at this point, you can\n"
-"choose between CD, OF boot, MacOS or Linux;\n"
+"\"Name\" is structured: \"hard drive type\", \"hard drive number\",\n"
+"\"partition number\" (for example, \"hda1\").\n"
-" * Kernel Boot Timeout: this timeout is similar to the LILO boot delay.\n"
-"After selecting Linux, you will have this delay in 0.1 second before your\n"
-"default kernel description is selected;\n"
+"\"Hard drive type\" is \"hd\" if your hard drive is an IDE hard drive and\n"
+"\"sd\" if it is a SCSI hard drive.\n"
-" * Enable CD Boot?: checking this option allows you to choose ``C'' for CD\n"
-"at the first boot prompt;\n"
+"\"Hard drive number\" is always a letter after \"hd\" or \"sd\". For IDE\n"
+"hard drives:\n"
-" * Enable OF Boot?: checking this option allows you to choose ``N'' for\n"
-"Open Firmware at the first boot prompt;\n"
+" * \"a\" means \"master hard drive on the primary IDE controller\";\n"
-" * Default OS: you can select which OS will boot by default when the Open\n"
-"Firmware Delay expires."
-msgstr ""
-"Yaboot adalah pemuat boot utk hardware NewWorld MacIntosh. Ia mampu memboot\n"
-"GNU/Linux, MacOS maupun MacOSX jika terdapat di komputer Anda. Biasanya,\n"
-"OS lain ini terdeteksi dan terinstal dengan benar. Jika tidak, Anda dapat\n"
-"menambahkan entry secara manual di layar ini. Hati-hati memilih parameter.\n"
+" * \"b\" means \"slave hard drive on the primary IDE controller\";\n"
-"Opsi utama yaboot adalah:\n"
+" * \"c\" means \"master hard drive on the secondary IDE controller\";\n"
-" * Pesan Awal: pesan teks yang ditampilkan sebelum prompt boot.\n"
+" * \"d\" means \"slave hard drive on the secondary IDE controller\".\n"
-" * Device Boot: menunjukkan tempat Anda ingin meletakkan info yg diperlukan\n"
-"utk memboot GNU/LInux. Biasanya Anda men-setup partisi bootstrap lebih dulu\n"
-"untuk menyimpan informasi ini.\n"
+"With SCSI hard drives, an \"a\" means \"lowest SCSI ID\", a \"b\" means\n"
+"\"second lowest SCSI ID\", etc."
+msgstr ""
+"Yang terdaftar di atas adalah partisi Linux terdeteksi pd hard drive Anda.\n"
+"Anda dapat memakai pilihan yg dibuat oleh wizard, itu baik utk instalasi\n"
+"umum. Bila Anda mengubah pilihan, setidaknya Anda perlu mendefinisikan\n"
+"partisi root (\"/\"). Jangan pilih partisi yg terlalu kecil agar dapat\n"
+"menginstal software dg leluasa. Bila Anda ingin menyimpan data pada partisi\n"
+"lain, Anda perlu membuat partisi \"/home\" (hanya mungkin jika punya lebih\n"
+"dari satu partisi Linux.)\n"
-" * Delay Open Firmware: tak seperti LILO, ada dua macam delay tersedia di\n"
-"yaboot. Delay pertama diukur dalam detik dan di sini Anda bisa memilih CD,\n"
-"boot OF, MacOS, atau Linux.\n"
+"Tiap partisi terdaftar sbb: \"Nama\", \"Kapasitas\".\n"
-" * Timeout Boot Kernel: timeout ini mirip delay boot LILO. Setelah memilih\n"
-"Linux, akan ada delay 0.1 detik sebelum kernel default Anda dipilih.\n"
+"\"Nama\" berstruktur: \"tipe hard drive\", \"nomor hard drive\",\n"
+"\"nomor partisi\" (misalnya \"hda1\").\n"
-" * Aktifkan boot CD?: opsi ini memungkinkan Anda memilih \"C\" (CD) pada\n"
-"prompt boot pertama.\n"
+"\"Tipe hard drive\" adalah \"hd\" utk drive IDE dan \"sd\" utk drive SCSI.\n"
-" * Aktifkan boot OF?: dg opsi ini Anda bisa memilih \"N\" (Open Firmware)\n"
-"saat prompt boot pertama.\n"
+"\"Nomor Hard Drive\", selalu berupa huruf setelah \"hd\" atau \"sd\". Bila "
+"berupa IDE, maka:\n"
-" * OS Standar: Anda dapat memilih OS yang akan diboot secara default saat\n"
-"delay Open Firmware terlampaui."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:860
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"Here are presented various parameters concerning your machine. Depending on\n"
-"your installed hardware, you may (or may not), see the following entries:\n"
+" *\"a\" berarti \"hard drive master pada kontroller IDE primer\",\n"
-" * \"Mouse\": check the current mouse configuration and click on the button\n"
-"to change it if necessary;\n"
+" *\"b\" berarti \"hard drive slave pada kontroler IDE primer\",\n"
-" * \"Keyboard\": check the current keyboard map configuration and click on\n"
-"the button to change that if necessary;\n"
+" *\"c\" berarti \"hard drive master pada kontroler IDE sekunder\",\n"
-" * \"Timezone\": DrakX, by default, guesses your time zone from the\n"
-"language you have chosen. But here again, as for the choice of a keyboard,\n"
-"you may not be in the country for which the chosen language should\n"
-"correspond. Hence, you may need to click on the \"Timezone\" button in\n"
-"order to configure the clock according to the time zone you are in;\n"
+" *\"d\" berarti \"hard drive slave pada kontroler IDE sekunder\",\n"
-" * \"Printer\": clicking on the \"No Printer\" button will open the printer\n"
-"configuration wizard. Consult the correpsonding chapter of the ``Starter\n"
-"Guide'' for more information on how to setup a new printer. The interface\n"
-"presented there is similar to the one used at installation time;\n"
-" * \"Sound card\": if a sound card is detected on your system, it will be\n"
-"displayed here.\n"
+"Pada drive SCSI, \"a\" berarti \"hard drive utama, \"b\" berarti \"hard "
+"drive kedua\", dsb..."
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"GNU/Linux is a multi-user system, meaning each user can have their own\n"
+"preferences, their own files and so on. You can read the ``Starter Guide''\n"
+"to learn more about multi-user systems. But unlike \"root\", which is the\n"
+"system administrator, the users you add at this point will not be\n"
+"authorized to change anything except their own files and their own\n"
+"configuration, protecting the system from unintentional or malicious\n"
+"changes that impact the system as a whole. You will have to create at least\n"
+"one regular user for yourself -- this is the account which you should use\n"
+"for routine, day-to-day use. Although it is very easy to log in as \"root\"\n"
+"to do anything and everything, it may also be very dangerous! A mistake\n"
+"could mean that your system would not work any more. If you make a serious\n"
+"mistake as a regular user, the worst that will happen is that you will lose\n"
+"some information, but not affect the entire system.\n"
+"The first field asks you for a real name. Of course, this is not mandatory\n"
+"-- you can actually enter whatever you like. DrakX will use the first word\n"
+"you typed in and copy it to the \"User name\" field, which is the name this\n"
+"user will enter to log onto the system. If you like, you may override the\n"
+"default and change the username. The next step is to enter a password. From\n"
+"a security point of view, a non-privileged (regular) user password is not\n"
+"as crucial as the \"root\" password, but that is no reason to neglect it by\n"
+"making it blank or too simple: after all, your files could be the ones at\n"
+"Once you click on \"Accept user\", you can add other users. Add a user for\n"
+"each one of your friends: your father or your sister, for example. Click\n"
+"\"Next ->\" when you have finished adding users.\n"
-" * \"TV card\": if a TV card is detected on your system, it will be\n"
-"displayed here.\n"
+"Clicking the \"Advanced\" button allows you to change the default \"shell\"\n"
+"for that user (bash by default).\n"
-" * \"ISDN card\": if an ISDN card is detected on your system, it will be\n"
-"displayed here. You can click on the button to change the parameters\n"
-"associated to it."
+"When you are finished adding all users, you will be asked to choose a user\n"
+"that can automatically log into the system when the computer boots up. If\n"
+"you are interested in that feature (and do not care much about local\n"
+"security), choose the desired user and window manager, then click \"Next\n"
+"->\". If you are not interested in this feature, uncheck the \"Do you want\n"
+"to use this feature?\" box."
msgstr ""
-"Di sini disajikan macam-macam parameter mesin Anda. Tergantung hardware yg\n"
-"ter-instal, Anda dapat - atau tidak, melihat entri berikut:\n"
-" * \"Mouse\": cek konfigurasi mouse, klik tombol utk mengubahnya bila perlu\n"
-" * \"Papanketik\": cek konfigurasi map papanketik, klik tombol utk "
-"bila perlu.\n"
-" * \"Zona waktu\": DrakX menerka zona waktu Anda dari bahasa yg Anda pilih.\n"
-"Tapi sekali lagi seperti pilihan papanketik, Anda mungkin tak berada di "
-"yang selaras dg bahasa terpilih. Jadi Anda mungkin perlu menekan tombol\n"
-"\"Zona waktu\" utk mengkonfigurasikan jam sesuai zona waktu tempat Anda.\n"
-" * \"Printer\": klik \"No Printer\" utk membuka dukun konfigurasi printer.\n"
+"GNU/Linux adalah sistem multiuser, artinya tiap pengguna bisa punya "
+"file dll sendiri. Anda bisa membaca ``User Guide'' utk belajar lebih dalam.\n"
+"Tapi tak seperti \"root\", sang administrator, pengguna di sini tak berhak\n"
+"mengubah apapun kecuali konfigurasi dan file mereka sendiri. Anda harus\n"
+"membuat setidaknya satu pengguna reguler utk Anda sendiri. Account ini Anda\n"
+"pakai utk rutinitas. Meski Anda dapat login sbg \"root\" tiap hari, tapi\n"
+"itu amat berbahaya! Kesalahan terkecil dapat menyebabkan sistem Anda tak\n"
+"bekerja selamanya. Meski Anda melakukan kesalahan serius sbg pengguna "
+"Anda hanya akan kehilangan sebagian informasi, tidak seluruh sistem.\n"
-" * \"Kartu suara\": kartu suara terdeteksi di sistem Anda akan ditampilkan\n"
-"di sini. Tiada modifikasi yg dapat dilakukan saat instalasi.\n"
+"Pertama, Anda harus mengisi nama. Ini tidak wajib, tentu saja - Anda dapat\n"
+"mengisinya sesuka Anda. DrakX akan mengambil kata pertama yg anda masukkan\n"
+"di kotak sbg \"Nama pengguna\". Ini adalah nama pengguna yg dipakai utk "
+"login ke\n"
+"sistem. Anda bisa mengubahnya. Lalu Anda harus mengisi katasandi. Katasandi\n"
+"pengguna non-privileged (reguler) tak sepenting katasandi \"root\" dari "
+"keamanan, tapi tak ada alasan utk mengabaikannya - file Anda bisa beresiko.\n"
-" * \"Kartu TV\": kartu TV yg terdeteksi di sistem Anda akan ditampilkan di\n"
-"sini. Tiada modifikasi yg dapat dilakukan saat instalasi.\n"
+"Klik \"Buat pengguna\", selanjutnya Anda dapat menambahkan pengguna sebanyak "
+"mau. Misalnya, tambahkan pengguna utk teman, ayah, atau saudara Anda. Bila "
+"selesai menambahkan semua pengguna, pilih \"Selesai\".\n"
-" * \"Kartu ISDN\": kartu ISDN yg terdeteksi di sistem Anda akan ditampilkan\n"
-"di sini. Anda dapat meng-klik tombol utk mengubah parameternya."
+"Klik \"Tambahan\" memungkinkan Anda mengubah \"cangkang\" standar utk "
+"terkait (standar: bash)."
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:891
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"Choose the hard drive you want to erase in order to install your new\n"
-"Mandrake Linux partition. Be careful, all data present on it will be lost\n"
-"and will not be recoverable!"
+"Before continuing, you should carefully read the terms of the license. It\n"
+"covers the entire Mandrake Linux distribution. If you do agree with all the\n"
+"terms in it, check the \"Accept\" box. If not, simply turn off your\n"
msgstr ""
-"Pilih harddrive yg akan dihapus utk disediakan bagi partisi\n"
-"Linux Mandrake. Hati-hati, semua data di situ akan hilang dan\n"
-"tak dapat dikembalikan seperti semula!"
+"Bacalah lisensi sebelum melanjutkan. Itu mencakup seluruh distribusi\n"
+"Mandrake Linux, dan jika Anda tak setuju dengan semua pasal di\n"
+"dalamnya, klik \"Tolak\" agar instalasi terhenti. Untuk melanjutkan, klik\n"
-#: ../../help.pm_.c:896
-msgid ""
-"Click on \"OK\" if you want to delete all data and partitions present on\n"
-"this hard drive. Be careful, after clicking on \"OK\", you will not be able\n"
-"to recover any data and partitions present on this hard drive, including\n"
-"any Windows data.\n"
-"Click on \"Cancel\" to stop this operation without losing any data and\n"
-"partitions present on this hard drive."
-msgstr ""
-"Klik \"OK\" bila Anda ingin menghapus semua data dan partisi yang ada di\n"
-"hard drive ini. Awas, setelah mengklik \"OK\" Anda tak dapat mengembalikan\n"
-"data dan partisi di drive ini termasuk data windows.\n"
-"Pilih \"Batal\" utk membatalkan aksi ini tanpa kehilangan data dan partisi\n"
-"yang ada dalam hard drive ini."
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "You must also format %s"
+msgstr "Anda harus juga memformat %s"
-#: ../../install2.pm_.c:111
+#: ../../
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't access kernel modules corresponding to your kernel (file %s is "
@@ -4323,34 +3080,45 @@ msgstr ""
"berarti bahwa disket boot Anda tak sinkron dengan media instalasi (buatlah "
"disket boot baru"
-#: ../../install2.pm_.c:167
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "You must also format %s"
-msgstr "Anda harus juga memformat %s"
+msgid ""
+"An error occurred - no valid devices were found on which to create new "
+"filesystems. Please check your hardware for the cause of this problem"
+msgstr ""
+"Error - tidak ada device yang valid untuk membuat filesystem baru. Periksa "
+"kembali hardware untuk mencari penyebabnya"
+#: ../../ ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error reading file %s"
+msgstr "Error saat membaca file %s"
-#: ../../install_any.pm_.c:423
+#: ../../
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"You have selected the following server(s): %s\n"
-"These servers are activated by default. They don't have any known security\n"
-"issues, but some new could be found. In that case, you must make sure to "
-"as soon as possible.\n"
-"Do you really want to install these servers?\n"
+"To use this saved packages selection, boot installation with ``linux "
msgstr ""
-"Anda memilih server berikut: %s\n"
-"Server ini aktif sesuai standar. Sementara ini tiada kabar ttg sekuritas,\n"
-"tapi mungkin ada yg telah ditemukan. Jika terjadi, upgrade-lah selekas "
-"Jadi instal server ini?\n"
+"Untuk menggunakan pilihan paket yang sudah disimpan sebelumnya, bootlah "
+"instalasi dengan pilihan ''linux defcfg=floppy''"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "This floppy is not FAT formatted"
+msgstr "Disket ini tak diformat dengan sistem FAT"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Insert a FAT formatted floppy in drive %s"
+msgstr "Masukkan disket yang sudah diformat dengan tipe FAT di drive %s"
-#: ../../install_any.pm_.c:441
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Can't use broadcast with no NIS domain"
+msgstr "Tanpa domain NIS, broadcast tak dapat dipakai"
+#: ../../
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The following packages will be removed to allow upgrading your system: %s\n"
@@ -4363,142 +3131,147 @@ msgstr ""
"Benarkah Anda ingin menghapus paket tersebut?\n"
-#: ../../install_any.pm_.c:471
-msgid "Can't use broadcast with no NIS domain"
-msgstr "Tanpa domain NIS, broadcast tak dapat dipakai"
-#: ../../install_any.pm_.c:879
+#: ../../ ../../ ../../
+#: ../../ ../../modules/
#, c-format
-msgid "Insert a FAT formatted floppy in drive %s"
-msgstr "Masukkan disket yang sudah diformat dengan tipe FAT di drive %s"
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Tidak"
-#: ../../install_any.pm_.c:883
-msgid "This floppy is not FAT formatted"
-msgstr "Disket ini tak diformat dengan sistem FAT"
+#: ../../ ../../ ../../
+#: ../../ ../../modules/ ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Ya"
-#: ../../install_any.pm_.c:895
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"To use this saved packages selection, boot installation with ``linux "
+"You have selected the following server(s): %s\n"
+"These servers are activated by default. They don't have any known security\n"
+"issues, but some new ones could be found. In that case, you must make sure\n"
+"to upgrade as soon as possible.\n"
+"Do you really want to install these servers?\n"
msgstr ""
-"Untuk menggunakan pilihan paket yang sudah disimpan sebelumnya, bootlah "
-"instalasi dengan pilihan ''linux defcfg=floppy''"
+"Anda memilih server berikut: %s\n"
+"Server ini aktif sesuai standar. Sementara ini tiada kabar ttg sekuritas,\n"
+"tapi mungkin ada yg telah ditemukan. Jika terjadi, upgrade-lah selekas "
+"Jadi instal server ini?\n"
-#: ../../install_any.pm_.c:918 ../../partition_table.pm_.c:767
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "System configuration"
+msgstr "konfigurasi peringatan"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "System installation"
+msgstr "Instalasi SILO"
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Error reading file %s"
-msgstr "Error saat membaca file %s"
+msgid "Bringing down the network"
+msgstr "Matikan jaringan"
-#: ../../install_any.pm_.c:1040
-msgid ""
-"An error occurred - no valid devices were found on which to create new "
-"filesystems. Please check your hardware for the cause of this problem"
-msgstr ""
-"Error - tidak ada device yang valid untuk membuat filesystem baru. Periksa "
-"kembali hardware untuk mencari penyebabnya"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bringing up the network"
+msgstr "Aktifkan jaringan"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:21
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Some hardware on your computer needs ``proprietary'' drivers to work.\n"
-"You can find some information about them at: %s"
-msgstr ""
-"Ada hardware di komputer ini yang membutuhkan driver ``proprietary''.\n"
-"Anda bisa mencari informasinya di: %s"
+msgid "Partitioning failed: %s"
+msgstr "Proses partisi gagal: %s"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:56
-msgid ""
-"You must have a root partition.\n"
-"For this, create a partition (or click on an existing one).\n"
-"Then choose action ``Mount point'' and set it to `/'"
-msgstr ""
-"Pilih dulu partisi rootnya.\n"
-"Caranya, buatlah partisi (atau pilih di yang sudah ada).\n"
-"Lalu pilih ``Mount point'' dan set ke `/'"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "The DrakX Partitioning wizard found the following solutions:"
+msgstr "Wizard partisi DrakX menemukan solusi berikut:"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:61
-msgid "You must have a swap partition"
-msgstr "Anda harus buat partisi swap"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "I can't find any room for installing"
+msgstr "Tiada ruang untuk instalasi"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:62
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"You don't have a swap partition.\n"
-"Continue anyway?"
+"You can now partition %s.\n"
+"When you are done, don't forget to save using `w'"
msgstr ""
-"Anda belum punya partisi swap\n"
-"Jalan terus?"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:65 ../../install_steps.pm_.c:169
-msgid "You must have a FAT partition mounted in /boot/efi"
-msgstr "Anda harus punya partisi FAT termount pada /boot/efi"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:90
-msgid "Use free space"
-msgstr "Pakai ruang kosong"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:92
-msgid "Not enough free space to allocate new partitions"
-msgstr "Tidak ada cukup ruangan untuk mengalokasikan partisi baru"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:100
-msgid "Use existing partitions"
-msgstr "Pakai partisi yang sudah ada"
+"Anda kini dapat membuat partisi %s. \n"
+"Ketika selesai jangan lupa simpan dengan menekan tombol `w'"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:102
-msgid "There is no existing partition to use"
-msgstr "Tidak ada partisi yang bisa digunakan"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use fdisk"
+msgstr "gunakan fdisk"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:109
-msgid "Use the Windows partition for loopback"
-msgstr "Gunakan partisi windows untuk loopback"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Custom disk partitioning"
+msgstr "Lakukan partisi disk secara custom"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:112
-msgid "Which partition do you want to use for Linux4Win?"
-msgstr "Partisi mana yang hendak dipakai oleh Linux4Win?"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "ALL existing partitions and their data will be lost on drive %s"
+msgstr "SEMUA partisi yang ada beserta data pada drive %s akan hilang"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:114
-msgid "Choose the sizes"
-msgstr "Pilih ukurannya"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "You have more than one hard drive, which one do you install linux on?"
+msgstr "Anda punya beberapa harddisk, yang mana yang ingin di-instal linux?"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:115
-msgid "Root partition size in MB: "
-msgstr "Ukuran partisi root dalam MB: "
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Erase entire disk"
+msgstr "Hapus seluruh disk"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:116
-msgid "Swap partition size in MB: "
-msgstr "Ukuran partisi swap dalam MB: "
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remove Windows(TM)"
+msgstr "Buang Mindows"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:126
-msgid "Use the free space on the Windows partition"
-msgstr "Pakai ruang kosong pada partisi windows"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "There is no FAT partition to resize (or not enough space left)"
+msgstr ""
+"Tidak ada partisi FAT untuk diubah ukurannya atau untuk digunakan sebagai "
+"loopback (atau tidak ada cukup ruangan)"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:129
-msgid "Which partition do you want to resize?"
-msgstr "partisi mana yang mau Anda ubah ukurannya?"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "FAT resizing failed: %s"
+msgstr "Resize FAT gagal: %s"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:131
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid "Resizing Windows partition"
msgstr "Sedang menghitung bound sistem file Mindows"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:134
+#: ../../ ../../diskdrake/
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The FAT resizer is unable to handle your partition, \n"
-"the following error occured: %s"
-msgstr ""
-"Saya tidak dapat mengubah ukuran partisi FAT ini,\n"
-"Ada error ini yang terjadi: %s"
+msgid "Resizing"
+msgstr "Sedang mengubah ukuran"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:137
-msgid ""
-"Your Windows partition is too fragmented. Please reboot your computer under "
-"Windows, run the ``defrag'' utility, then restart the Mandrake Linux "
-msgstr "Partisi Mindows Anda terlalu terfragmen, jalankan ``defrag'' dulu"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "partition %s"
+msgstr "Partisi %s"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Which size do you want to keep for Windows on"
+msgstr "Tentukan ukuran untuk menyimpan Mindows"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:138
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
@@ -4517,312 +3290,165 @@ msgstr ""
"jalankan scandisk (dan defrag juga) di partisi ini lalu backup datanya.\n"
"Setelah yakin, tekan Ok."
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:148
-msgid "Which size do you want to keep for Windows on"
-msgstr "Tentukan ukuran untuk menyimpan Mindows"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:149
-#, c-format
-msgid "partition %s"
-msgstr "Partisi %s"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:156
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "FAT resizing failed: %s"
-msgstr "Resize FAT gagal: %s"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:171
msgid ""
-"There is no FAT partition to resize or to use as loopback (or not enough "
-"space left)"
-msgstr ""
-"Tidak ada partisi FAT untuk diubah ukurannya atau untuk digunakan sebagai "
-"loopback (atau tidak ada cukup ruangan)"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:177
-msgid "Erase entire disk"
-msgstr "Hapus seluruh disk"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:177
-msgid "Remove Windows(TM)"
-msgstr "Buang Mindows"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:180
-msgid "You have more than one hard drive, which one do you install linux on?"
-msgstr "Anda punya beberapa harddisk, yang mana yang ingin di-instal linux?"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:183
-#, c-format
-msgid "ALL existing partitions and their data will be lost on drive %s"
-msgstr "SEMUA partisi yang ada beserta data pada drive %s akan hilang"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:191
-msgid "Custom disk partitioning"
-msgstr "Lakukan partisi disk secara custom"
+"Your Windows partition is too fragmented. Please reboot your computer under "
+"Windows, run the ``defrag'' utility, then restart the Mandrake Linux "
+msgstr "Partisi Mindows Anda terlalu terfragmen, jalankan ``defrag'' dulu"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:195
-msgid "Use fdisk"
-msgstr "gunakan fdisk"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Computing the size of the Windows partition"
+msgstr "Pakai ruang kosong pada partisi windows"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:198
+#: ../../
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"You can now partition %s.\n"
-"When you are done, don't forget to save using `w'"
+"The FAT resizer is unable to handle your partition, \n"
+"the following error occured: %s"
msgstr ""
-"Anda kini dapat membuat partisi %s. \n"
-"Ketika selesai jangan lupa simpan dengan menekan tombol `w'"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:227
-msgid "You don't have enough free space on your Windows partition"
-msgstr "Anda tak punya cukup ruangan pada partisi Mindows!"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:243
-msgid "I can't find any room for installing"
-msgstr "Tiada ruang untuk instalasi"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:246
-msgid "The DrakX Partitioning wizard found the following solutions:"
-msgstr "Wizard partisi DrakX menemukan solusi berikut:"
+"Saya tidak dapat mengubah ukuran partisi FAT ini,\n"
+"Ada error ini yang terjadi: %s"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:250
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Partitioning failed: %s"
-msgstr "Proses partisi gagal: %s"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:260
-msgid "Bringing up the network"
-msgstr "Aktifkan jaringan"
-#: ../../install_interactive.pm_.c:265
-msgid "Bringing down the network"
-msgstr "Matikan jaringan"
-#: ../../install_steps.pm_.c:76
-msgid ""
-"An error occurred, but I don't know how to handle it nicely.\n"
-"Continue at your own risk."
-msgstr ""
-"Ada error, tapi cara mengatasinya tak diketahui.\n"
-"Jalan terus tapi resiko tanggung sendiri."
+msgid "Which partition do you want to resize?"
+msgstr "partisi mana yang mau Anda ubah ukurannya?"
-#: ../../install_steps.pm_.c:211
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Duplicate mount point %s"
-msgstr "Lokasi mount %s ada dua"
+msgid "Use the free space on the Windows partition"
+msgstr "Pakai ruang kosong pada partisi windows"
-#: ../../install_steps.pm_.c:380
-msgid ""
-"Some important packages didn't get installed properly.\n"
-"Either your cdrom drive or your cdrom is defective.\n"
-"Check the cdrom on an installed computer using \"rpm -qpl Mandrake/RPMS/*.rpm"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "There is no FAT partition to use as loopback (or not enough space left)"
msgstr ""
-"Ada paket penting yang tak benar diinstal.\n"
-"Mungkin drive cdrom atau cdromnya yang rusak.\n"
-"Cek dulu cdromnya di komputer yang sudah terinstal Linux dengan\n"
-"perintah \"rpm -qpl Mandrake/RPMS/*.rpm\"\n"
+"Tidak ada partisi FAT untuk diubah ukurannya atau untuk digunakan sebagai "
+"loopback (atau tidak ada cukup ruangan)"
-#: ../../install_steps.pm_.c:450
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Welcome to %s"
-msgstr "Selamat Datang di %s"
-#: ../../install_steps.pm_.c:543 ../../install_steps.pm_.c:769
-msgid "No floppy drive available"
-msgstr "Tidak ada floppy drive"
+msgid "Swap partition size in MB: "
+msgstr "Ukuran partisi swap dalam MB: "
-#: ../../install_steps_auto_install.pm_.c:76
-#: ../../install_steps_stdio.pm_.c:22
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Entering step `%s'\n"
-msgstr "Memulai langkah `%s'\n"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:146
-msgid ""
-"Your system is low on resources. You may have some problem installing\n"
-"Mandrake Linux. If that occurs, you can try a text install instead. For "
-"press `F1' when booting on CDROM, then enter `text'."
-msgstr ""
-"Sumber daya sistem Anda rendah. Nantinya Anda akan sulit menginstal\n"
-"Linux-Mandrake. Cobalah instalasi text. Untuk hal ini silakan\n"
-"tekan `F1' saat booting pada CDROM, lalu ketikkan `text'."
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:157 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:237
-msgid "Install Class"
-msgstr "Kelas Instalasi"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:160
-msgid "Please choose one of the following classes of installation:"
-msgstr "Pilihlah kelas instalasi berikut:"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:236 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:683
-msgid "Package Group Selection"
-msgstr "Pilihan Grup Paket"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:269 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:698
-msgid "Individual package selection"
-msgstr "Pilih paket sendiri"
+msgid "Root partition size in MB: "
+msgstr "Ukuran partisi root dalam MB: "
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:292 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:621
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Total size: %d / %d MB"
-msgstr "Ukuran total: %d / %d MB"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:334
-msgid "Bad package"
-msgstr "Paket buruk"
+msgid "Choose the sizes"
+msgstr "Pilih ukurannya"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:335
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Name: %s\n"
-msgstr "Nama: %s\n"
+msgid "Which partition do you want to use for Linux4Win?"
+msgstr "Partisi mana yang hendak dipakai oleh Linux4Win?"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:336
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Version: %s\n"
-msgstr "Versi: %s\n"
+msgid "Use the Windows partition for loopback"
+msgstr "Gunakan partisi windows untuk loopback"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:337
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Size: %d KB\n"
-msgstr "Ukuran: %d KB\n"
+msgid "There is no existing partition to use"
+msgstr "Tidak ada partisi yang bisa digunakan"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:338
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Importance: %s\n"
-msgstr "Derajat kepentingan: %s\n"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:360
-msgid ""
-"You can't select this package as there is not enough space left to install it"
-msgstr "Paket ini tak dapat dipilih sebab tak ada ruang untuk menginstalnya"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:365
-msgid "The following packages are going to be installed"
-msgstr "Paket berikut akan diinstal"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:366
-msgid "The following packages are going to be removed"
-msgstr "Paket berikut akan dihapus"
+msgid "Use existing partitions"
+msgstr "Pakai partisi yang sudah ada"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:378
-msgid "You can't select/unselect this package"
-msgstr "Anda tak bisa pilih/buang paket ini"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Not enough free space to allocate new partitions"
+msgstr "Tidak ada cukup ruangan untuk mengalokasikan partisi baru"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:390
-msgid "This is a mandatory package, it can't be unselected"
-msgstr "Paket ini harus diinstal, tak bisa dibuang"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use free space"
+msgstr "Pakai ruang kosong"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:392
-msgid "You can't unselect this package. It is already installed"
-msgstr "Anda tak bisa buang paket ini, sebab dia sudah diinstal"
+#: ../../ ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "You must have a FAT partition mounted in /boot/efi"
+msgstr "Anda harus punya partisi FAT termount pada /boot/efi"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:395
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"This package must be upgraded.\n"
-"Are you sure you want to deselect it?"
+"You don't have a swap partition.\n"
+"Continue anyway?"
msgstr ""
-"Paket ini mesti diupgrade\n"
-"Benar tak mau dipilih?"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:398
-msgid "You can't unselect this package. It must be upgraded"
-msgstr "Anda tak bisa buang paket ini. dia mesti diupgrade"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:403
-msgid "Show automatically selected packages"
-msgstr "Tunjukkan paket yang sudah dipilih secara otomatis"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:404 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:261
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:265
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4211
-msgid "Install"
-msgstr "Instal"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:407
-msgid "Load/Save on floppy"
-msgstr "Muat/Simpan di floppy"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:408
-msgid "Updating package selection"
-msgstr "Update pilihan paket"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:413
-msgid "Minimal install"
-msgstr "Instalasi minimal"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:428 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:529
-msgid "Choose the packages you want to install"
-msgstr "Pilih paket yang akan diinstal"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:444 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:767
-msgid "Installing"
-msgstr "Instalasi"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:450
-msgid "Estimating"
-msgstr "Perkiraan"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:457
-msgid "Time remaining "
-msgstr "Sisa waktu"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:469
-msgid "Please wait, preparing installation..."
-msgstr "Tunggu, instalasi sedang disiapkan..."
+"Anda belum punya partisi swap\n"
+"Jalan terus?"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:551
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "%d packages"
-msgstr "%d paket"
+msgid ""
+"You must have a root partition.\n"
+"For this, create a partition (or click on an existing one).\n"
+"Then choose action ``Mount point'' and set it to `/'"
+msgstr ""
+"Pilih dulu partisi rootnya.\n"
+"Caranya, buatlah partisi (atau pilih di yang sudah ada).\n"
+"Lalu pilih ``Mount point'' dan set ke `/'"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:556
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Installing package %s"
-msgstr "Instalasi paket %s"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:593 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:195
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:791
-#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst_.c:197
-msgid "Accept"
-msgstr "Terima"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:593 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:195
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:791
-msgid "Refuse"
-msgstr "Tolak"
+msgid ""
+"Some hardware on your computer needs ``proprietary'' drivers to work.\n"
+"You can find some information about them at: %s"
+msgstr ""
+"Ada hardware di komputer ini yang membutuhkan driver ``proprietary''.\n"
+"Anda bisa mencari informasinya di: %s"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:594 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:792
+#: ../../
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Change your Cd-Rom!\n"
+"Congratulations, installation is complete.\n"
+"Remove the boot media and press return to reboot.\n"
-"Please insert the Cd-Rom labelled \"%s\" in your drive and press Ok when "
-"If you don't have it, press Cancel to avoid installation from this Cd-Rom."
+"For information on fixes which are available for this release of Mandrake "
+"consult the Errata available from:\n"
+"Information on configuring your system is available in the post\n"
+"install chapter of the Official Mandrake Linux User's Guide."
msgstr ""
-"Ganti Cd-Rom!\n"
+"Selamat, instalasi selesai.\n"
+"Cabut media boot dan tekan Return/Enter untuk reboot.\n"
-"Masukkan Cd-Rom berlabel \"%s\" ke drive dan tekan Ok. Jika Anda tak punya,\n"
-"tekan Batal untuk menghindari instalasi dari Cd-Rom ini."
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:608 ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:612
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:804
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:808
-msgid "Go on anyway?"
-msgstr "Jalan terus?"
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:608 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:804
-msgid "There was an error ordering packages:"
-msgstr "Ada error mengurutkan paket:"
+"Untuk informasi perbaikan rilis Linux Mandrake ini,\n"
+"silakan lihat Errata di:\n"
+"Informasi untuk konfigurasi sistem juga tersedia di \n"
+"bab Instalasi akhir di Buku Petunjuk Resmi Linux Mandrake."
-#: ../../install_steps_gtk.pm_.c:612 ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:808
-msgid "There was an error installing packages:"
-msgstr "Ada error saat instalasi paket:"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:10
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
@@ -4888,19 +3514,8 @@ msgstr ""
"dan dilindungi oleh hukum hak cipta dan hak intelektual khusus untuk program "
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:67
-msgid "An error occurred"
-msgstr "Ada error"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:85
-msgid "Do you really want to leave the installation?"
-msgstr "Anda ingin tinggalkan instalasi?"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:112
-msgid "License agreement"
-msgstr "Persetujuan Lisensi"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:113
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
@@ -5138,3423 +3753,7655 @@ msgstr ""
"Paris - France.\n"
"For any question on this document, please contact MandrakeSoft S.A. \n"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:197
-msgid "Are you sure you refuse the licence?"
-msgstr "Benarkah Anda menolak lisensi?"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:217
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:995
-#: ../../standalone/keyboarddrake_.c:25
-msgid "Keyboard"
-msgstr "Papanketik"
+#: ../../ ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Entering step `%s'\n"
+msgstr "Memulai langkah `%s'\n"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:218
-msgid "Please choose your keyboard layout."
-msgstr "Pilih layout papanketik Anda"
+#: ../../ ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Go on anyway?"
+msgstr "Jalan terus?"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:219
-msgid "Here is the full list of keyboards available"
-msgstr "Ini adalah daftar papanketik yang tersedia"
+#: ../../ ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "There was an error installing packages:"
+msgstr "Ada error saat instalasi paket:"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:237
-msgid "Which installation class do you want?"
-msgstr "Kelas instalasi yang anda diinginkan?"
+#: ../../ ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "There was an error ordering packages:"
+msgstr "Ada error mengurutkan paket:"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:241
-msgid "Install/Update"
-msgstr "Instal/Update"
+#: ../../ ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Change your Cd-Rom!\n"
+"Please insert the Cd-Rom labelled \"%s\" in your drive and press Ok when "
+"If you don't have it, press Cancel to avoid installation from this Cd-Rom."
+msgstr ""
+"Ganti Cd-Rom!\n"
+"Masukkan Cd-Rom berlabel \"%s\" ke drive dan tekan Ok. Jika Anda tak punya,\n"
+"tekan Batal untuk menghindari instalasi dari Cd-Rom ini."
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:241
-msgid "Is this an install or an update?"
-msgstr "Akan instal atau update?"
+#: ../../ ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Refuse"
+msgstr "Tolak"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:250
-msgid "Recommended"
-msgstr "Disarankan"
+#: ../../ ../../
+#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Accept"
+msgstr "Terima"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:253
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:256
-msgid "Expert"
-msgstr "Ahli"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Installing package %s"
+msgstr "Instalasi paket %s"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:261
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:265
-msgid "Upgrade"
-msgstr "Upgrade"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d packages"
+msgstr "%d paket"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:261
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:265
-msgid "Upgrade packages only"
-msgstr "Hanya upgrade paket"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "No details"
+msgstr "Detil"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:282
-msgid "Please choose the type of your mouse."
-msgstr "Pilihlah tipe mouse Anda."
+#: ../../ ../../diskdrake/
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Detil"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:288 ../../standalone/mousedrake_.c:52
-msgid "Mouse Port"
-msgstr "Port Mouse"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please wait, preparing installation..."
+msgstr "Tunggu, instalasi sedang disiapkan..."
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:289 ../../standalone/mousedrake_.c:53
-msgid "Please choose on which serial port your mouse is connected to."
-msgstr "Di serial port mana mouse Anda dicolokkan ?"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Time remaining "
+msgstr "Sisa waktu"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:297
-msgid "Buttons emulation"
-msgstr "Emulasi tombol"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Estimating"
+msgstr "Perkiraan"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:299
-msgid "Button 2 Emulation"
-msgstr "Emulasi tombol 2"
+#: ../../ ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Installing"
+msgstr "Instalasi"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:300
-msgid "Button 3 Emulation"
-msgstr "Emulasi tombol 3"
+#: ../../ ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Choose the packages you want to install"
+msgstr "Pilih paket yang akan diinstal"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:321
-msgid "Configuring PCMCIA cards..."
-msgstr "Konfigurasikan card PCMCIA"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Minimal install"
+msgstr "Instalasi minimal"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:321
-msgid "PCMCIA"
-msgstr "PCMCIA"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Updating package selection"
+msgstr "Update pilihan paket"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:328
-msgid "Configuring IDE"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi IDE"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Load/Save on floppy"
+msgstr "Muat/Simpan di floppy"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:328
-msgid "IDE"
-msgstr "IDE"
+#: ../../ ../../ ../../
+#: ../../ ../../interactive/
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "<- Previous"
+msgstr "<- Tahap sebelumnya"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:345
-msgid "No partition available"
-msgstr "Tidak ada partisi"
+#: ../../ ../../
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Install"
+msgstr "Instal"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:348
-msgid "Scanning partitions to find mount points"
-msgstr "Mendeteksi partisi untuk mencari lokasi mount"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show automatically selected packages"
+msgstr "Tunjukkan paket yang sudah dipilih secara otomatis"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:356
-msgid "Choose the mount points"
-msgstr "Pilih lokasi mount"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "You can't unselect this package. It must be upgraded"
+msgstr "Anda tak bisa buang paket ini. dia mesti diupgrade"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:386
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"No free space for 1MB bootstrap! Install will continue, but to boot your "
-"system, you'll need to create the bootstrap partition in DiskDrake"
+"This package must be upgraded.\n"
+"Are you sure you want to deselect it?"
msgstr ""
-"Tiada ruang 1MB utk bootstrap! Instal akan berlanjut, tetapi utk mem-boot "
-"sistem, Anda perlu membuat partisi bootstrap di DiskDrake"
+"Paket ini mesti diupgrade\n"
+"Benar tak mau dipilih?"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:395
-msgid "No root partition found to perform an upgrade"
-msgstr "Tiada partisi root ditemukam utk upgrade"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "You can't unselect this package. It is already installed"
+msgstr "Anda tak bisa buang paket ini, sebab dia sudah diinstal"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:396
-msgid "Root Partition"
-msgstr "Partisi root"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "This is a mandatory package, it can't be unselected"
+msgstr "Paket ini harus diinstal, tak bisa dibuang"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:397
-msgid "What is the root partition (/) of your system?"
-msgstr "Manakah partisi root (/) di sistem Anda?"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "You can't select/unselect this package"
+msgstr "Anda tak bisa pilih/buang paket ini"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:411
-msgid "You need to reboot for the partition table modifications to take place"
-msgstr "Anda harus reboot agar perubahan tabel partisi dapat berlaku"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "The following packages are going to be removed"
+msgstr "Paket berikut akan dihapus"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:435
-msgid "Choose the partitions you want to format"
-msgstr "Pilih partisi yang akan diformat"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "The following packages are going to be installed"
+msgstr "Paket berikut akan diinstal"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:436
-msgid "Check bad blocks?"
-msgstr "Periksa bad blok?"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You can't select this package as there is not enough space left to install it"
+msgstr "Paket ini tak dapat dipilih sebab tak ada ruang untuk menginstalnya"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:463
-msgid "Formatting partitions"
-msgstr "Melakukan format partisi"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Importance: %s\n"
+msgstr "Derajat kepentingan: %s\n"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:465
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Creating and formatting file %s"
-msgstr "Membuat dan memformat file %s"
+msgid "Size: %d KB\n"
+msgstr "Ukuran: %d KB\n"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:470
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Failed to check filesystem %s. Do you want to repair the errors? (beware, "
-"you can loose data)"
-msgstr ""
-"Gagal mencek sistem file %s. Ingin direparasi? (awas, data Anda bisa hilang)"
+msgid "Version: %s\n"
+msgstr "Versi: %s\n"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:472
-msgid "Not enough swap space to fulfill installation, please add some"
-msgstr "Instalasi tak dapat diteruskan karena swap kurang, tambahkan"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Name: %s\n"
+msgstr "Nama: %s\n"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:479
-msgid "Looking for available packages and rebuilding rpm database..."
-msgstr "Sedang mencari paket yg tersedia dan membangun ulang database rpm..."
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bad package"
+msgstr "Paket buruk"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:480
-msgid "Looking for available packages..."
-msgstr "Sedang mencari paket yang tersedia..."
+#: ../../ ../../ ../../
+#: ../../diskdrake/ ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Lainnya"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:483
-msgid "Looking at packages already installed..."
-msgstr "Paket terinstal sedang dicari..."
+#: ../../ ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Total size: %d / %d MB"
+msgstr "Ukuran total: %d / %d MB"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:487
-msgid "Finding packages to upgrade..."
-msgstr "Sedang mencari paket untuk diupgrade"
+#: ../../ ../../ ../../
+#: ../../ ../../interactive/
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Next ->"
+msgstr "Lanjutkan ->"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:505
+#: ../../ ../../
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Your system does not have enough space left for installation or upgrade (%d "
-"> %d)"
-msgstr "Tak cukup ruang untuk instalasi atau upgrade (%d > %d)"
+msgid "Individual package selection"
+msgstr "Pilih paket sendiri"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:541
+#: ../../ ../../
+#: ../../Xconfig/ ../../diskdrake/
+#: ../../interactive/ ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1 ../../standalone/drakbug:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Help"
+msgstr "Pertolongan"
+#: ../../ ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Package Group Selection"
+msgstr "Pilihan Grup Paket"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Please choose load or save package selection on floppy.\n"
-"The format is the same as auto_install generated floppies."
+"Your system is low on resources. You may have some problem installing\n"
+"Mandrake Linux. If that occurs, you can try a text install instead. For "
+"press `F1' when booting on CDROM, then enter `text'."
msgstr ""
-"Pilih muat/simpan seleksi paket di floppy.\n"
-"Formatnya sama dengan floppy buatan auto_install."
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:543
-msgid "Load from floppy"
-msgstr "Muat dari floppy"
+"Sumber daya sistem Anda rendah. Nantinya Anda akan sulit menginstal\n"
+"Linux-Mandrake. Cobalah instalasi text. Untuk hal ini silakan\n"
+"tekan `F1' saat booting pada CDROM, lalu ketikkan `text'."
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:543
-msgid "Save on floppy"
-msgstr "Simpan di floppy"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save packages selection"
+msgstr "Simpan pilihan paket"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:547
-msgid "Loading from floppy"
-msgstr "Memuat dari floppy"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Automated"
+msgstr "Otomatis"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:547
-msgid "Package selection"
-msgstr "Pilihan paket"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Replay"
+msgstr "Ulang"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:552
-msgid "Insert a floppy containing package selection"
-msgstr "Masukkan disket yg berisi seleksi paket"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The auto install can be fully automated if wanted,\n"
+"in that case it will take over the hard drive!!\n"
+"(this is meant for installing on another box).\n"
+"You may prefer to replay the installation.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Bila Anda mau, auto install bisa dilakukan secara otomatis penuh,\n"
+"jadi instalasinya akan mengusai hard drive!\n"
+"(ini dimaksudkan untuk menginstall pada komputer lain)\n"
+"Mungkin Anda perlu mengulangi instalasinya.\n"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:634
-msgid "Selected size is larger than available space"
-msgstr "Ukuran terpilih melebihi area yg ada"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Generate auto install floppy"
+msgstr "Buat floppy instalasi otomatis"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:649
-msgid "Type of install"
-msgstr "Tipe instalasi"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Reboot"
+msgstr "Root"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:650
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"You haven't selected any group of packages.\n"
-"Please choose the minimal installation you want:"
+"Some steps are not completed.\n"
+"Do you really want to quit now?"
msgstr ""
-"Anda belum memilih grup paket.\n"
-"Pilih instalasi minimal yang Anda ingin:"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:653
-msgid "With X"
-msgstr "Dengan X"
+"Ada tahapan yang tidak diselesaikan.\n"
+"Anda ingin keluar sekarang?"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:655
-msgid "With basic documentation (recommended!)"
-msgstr "Dengan dokumentasi dasar (disarankan!)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Creating auto install floppy..."
+msgstr "Lagi buat disket auto install"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:656
-msgid "Truly minimal install (especially no urpmi)"
-msgstr "Sungguh instalasi minimal (khususnya tanpa urpmi)"
+#: ../../ ../../standalone/drakautoinst:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Insert a blank floppy in drive %s"
+msgstr "Masukkan disket kosong di drive %s"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:741
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"If you have all the CDs in the list below, click Ok.\n"
-"If you have none of those CDs, click Cancel.\n"
-"If only some CDs are missing, unselect them, then click Ok."
+"You may need to change your Open Firmware boot-device to\n"
+" enable the bootloader. If you don't see the bootloader prompt at\n"
+" reboot, hold down Command-Option-O-F at reboot and enter:\n"
+" setenv boot-device %s,\\\\:tbxi\n"
+" Then type: shut-down\n"
+"At your next boot you should see the bootloader prompt."
msgstr ""
-"Kalau Anda punya semua CD pada daftar di bawah, tekan OK.\n"
-"Kalau tak punya sama sekali, click Cancel.\n"
-"Kalau cuma punya beberapa aja, pilih aja, trus klik Ok."
+"Gantilah bootdevice Open Firmware untuk mengaktifkan bootloader.\n"
+" Jika Anda tak melihat prompt bootloader saat reboot, tekan\n"
+" Command-Option-O-F saat reboot dan ketik:\n"
+" setenv boot-device %s,\\\\:tbxi\n"
+" kemudian: shut-down\n"
+"Anda akan melihat prompt bootloader pada boot selanjutnya."
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:746
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Cd-Rom labeled \"%s\""
-msgstr "Label CD-ROM \"%s\""
+msgid "Installation of bootloader failed. The following error occured:"
+msgstr "Instalasi bootloader gagal. Ada kesalahan berikut:"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:767
-msgid "Preparing installation"
-msgstr "Sedang menyiapkan instalasi"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Installing bootloader"
+msgstr "Instalasi bootloader"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:776
+#: ../../
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Installing package %s\n"
+"Error installing aboot, \n"
+"try to force installation even if that destroys the first partition?"
msgstr ""
-"Instalasi paket %s\n"
+"Ada error saat install aboot,\n"
+"paksakan instalasi walau merusak partisi awal?"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:822
-msgid "Post-install configuration"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi instalasi akhir"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Do you want to use aboot?"
+msgstr "Ingin pakai aboot?"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:828
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You appear to have an OldWorld or Unknown\n"
+" machine, the yaboot bootloader will not work for you.\n"
+"The install will continue, but you'll\n"
+" need to use BootX or some other means to boot your machine"
+msgstr ""
+"Nampaknya Anda punya mesin DuniaLama/TakJelas.\n"
+"Bootloader yaboot takkan bekerja.\n"
+"Instal akan berlanjut, tapi Anda perlu memakai\n"
+"BootX utk mem-boot mesin Anda"
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Please insert the Boot floppy used in drive %s"
-msgstr "Masukkan floppy boot ke drive %s"
+msgid "Preparing bootloader..."
+msgstr "Membuat bootloader"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:834
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Please insert the Update Modules floppy in drive %s"
-msgstr "Masukkan disket Update Modules ke drive %s"
+msgid "Domain Admin Password"
+msgstr "Katasandi Admin Domain"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Domain Admin User Name"
+msgstr "Nama Pengguna Admin Domain"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Windows Domain"
+msgstr "Domain Mindows"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:861
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Authentication Windows Domain"
+msgstr "Otentikasi Domain Mindows"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"You now have the opportunity to download updated packages. These packages\n"
-"have been released after the distribution was released. They may\n"
-"contain security or bug fixes.\n"
-"To download these packages, you will need to have a working Internet \n"
-"Do you want to install the updates ?"
+"For this to work for a W2K PDC, you will probably need to have the admin "
+"run: C:\\>net localgroup \"Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access\" everyone /"
+"add and reboot the server.\n"
+"You will also need the username/password of a Domain Admin to join the "
+"machine to the Windows(TM) domain.\n"
+"If networking is not yet enabled, Drakx will attempt to join the domain "
+"after the network setup step.\n"
+"Should this setup fail for some reason and domain authentication is not "
+"working, run 'smbpasswd -j DOMAIN -U USER%%PASSWORD' using your Windows(tm) "
+"Domain, and Admin Username/Password, after system boot.\n"
+"The command 'wbinfo -t' will test whether your authentication secrets are "
msgstr ""
-"Anda kini dapat men-download paket terupdate yg dirilis pasca distribusi,\n"
-"mungkin berisi pembetulan keamanan/kutu.\n"
-"Anda perlu koneksi Internet untuk men-download.\n"
-"Ingin instal update ?"
+"Agar ini dapat bekerja dg PDC W2K, Anda mungkin perlu minta tolong admin "
+"menjalankan: C:\\>net localgroup \"Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access\" "
+"everyone / add dan me-reboot server.\n"
+"Anda mungkin juga perlu namapengguna/katasandi Admin Domain utk mengikutkan "
+"mesin ke domain Mindows(TM).\n"
+"Jika jaringan belum aktif, Drakx akan mencoba ikut domain setelah tahapan "
+"setup jaringan.\n"
+"Jika setup dan otentikasi domain gagal, jalankan 'smbpasswd -j DOMAIN -U USER"
+"%PASSWORD' menggunakan Domain Mindows(tm) Anda, dan Namapengguna/Katasandi "
+"Admin, setelah boot system.\n"
+"Perintah 'wbinfo -t' akan mengetes apakah rahasia otentikasi Anda baik."
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:876
-msgid ""
-"Contacting Mandrake Linux web site to get the list of available mirrors..."
-msgstr "Mandrake Linux sedang dihubungi untuk mengambil daftar mirror"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "NIS Server"
+msgstr "Server NIS"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:881
-msgid "Choose a mirror from which to get the packages"
-msgstr "Pilih mirror tempat Anda ingin mengambil paket program"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "NIS Domain"
+msgstr "Domain NIS"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:890
-msgid "Contacting the mirror to get the list of available packages..."
-msgstr "Saya sedang mencek mirror untuk mengambil daftar paket yang tersedia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Authentication NIS"
+msgstr "Otentikasi NIS"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:918
-msgid "Which is your timezone?"
-msgstr "Pilih zonawaktu Anda"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "NIS"
+msgstr "NIS"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:923
-msgid "Hardware clock set to GMT"
-msgstr "Jam hardware diset ke GMT"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "LDAP Server"
+msgstr "Server LDAP"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:924
-msgid "Automatic time synchronization (using NTP)"
-msgstr "sinkronisasi waktu otomatis (dg NTP)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "LDAP Base dn"
+msgstr "Basis dn LDAP"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:931
-msgid "NTP Server"
-msgstr "Server NTP"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Authentication LDAP"
+msgstr "Otentikasi LDAP"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:965
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:972
-msgid "Remote CUPS server"
-msgstr "Server CUPS remote"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "LDAP"
+msgstr "LDAP"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:966
-msgid "No printer"
-msgstr "Tidak ada printer"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Local files"
+msgstr "File lokal"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:982
-msgid "Do you have an ISA sound card?"
-msgstr "Anda punya kartu suara ISA?"
+#: ../../ ../../network/
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1 ../../standalone/logdrake:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Authentication"
+msgstr "Otentikasi"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:984
-msgid "Run \"sndconfig\" after installation to configure your sound card"
-msgstr "Jalankan \"sndconfig\" setelah instalasi untuk konfigurasi kartu suara"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "This password is too short (it must be at least %d characters long)"
+msgstr "Katasandinya terlalu mudah (harus paling tidak %d karakter)"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:986
-msgid "No sound card detected. Try \"harddrake\" after installation"
-msgstr "Kartu suara tak terdeteksi. Coba \"harddrake\" setelah instalasi"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "No password"
+msgstr "Tiada katasandi"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:991 ../../steps.pm_.c:27
-msgid "Summary"
-msgstr "Ringkasan"
+#: ../../ ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Set root password"
+msgstr "Set katasandi root"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:994
-msgid "Mouse"
-msgstr "Mouse"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "You have not configured X. Are you sure you really want this?"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:996
-msgid "Timezone"
-msgstr "Zonawaktu"
+#: ../../ ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Services: %d activated for %d registered"
+msgstr "Servis: %d diaktifkan utk %d tercatat"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:997
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2759 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2844
-msgid "Printer"
-msgstr "Printer"
+#: ../../ ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Services"
+msgstr "Servis"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:999
-msgid "ISDN card"
-msgstr "Kartu ISDN"
+#: ../../ ../../
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Sistem"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1003
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1009
-msgid "Sound card"
-msgstr "Kartu suara"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Bootloader"
+msgstr "Bootloader yang hendak digunakan"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1012
-msgid "TV card"
-msgstr "Kartu TV"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Boot"
+msgstr "Root"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1055
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1080
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1084
-msgid "LDAP"
-msgstr "LDAP"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "disabled"
+msgstr "matikan"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1056
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1080
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1093
-msgid "NIS"
-msgstr "NIS"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "activated"
+msgstr "aktifkan sekarang"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1057
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1080
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1101
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1107
-msgid "Windows Domain"
-msgstr "Domain Mindows"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Firewall"
+msgstr "Server, Firewall/Router"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1058
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1080
-msgid "Local files"
-msgstr "File lokal"
+#: ../../ ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Security"
+msgstr "Keamanan"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1067
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1068 ../../steps.pm_.c:24
-msgid "Set root password"
-msgstr "Set katasandi root"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Security Level"
+msgstr "Tingkat Keamanan:"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1069
-msgid "No password"
-msgstr "Tiada katasandi"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "not configured"
+msgstr "konfigurasi ulang"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1074
+#: ../../ ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
#, c-format
-msgid "This password is too short (it must be at least %d characters long)"
-msgstr "Katasandinya terlalu mudah (harus paling tidak %d karakter)"
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Jaringan"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1080 ../../network/modem.pm_.c:72
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:623 ../../standalone/logdrake_.c:144
-msgid "Authentication"
-msgstr "Otentikasi"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Network & Internet"
+msgstr "Antarmuka jaringan"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1088
-msgid "Authentication LDAP"
-msgstr "Otentikasi LDAP"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Graphical interface"
+msgstr "Antarmuka grafis saat startup"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1089
-msgid "LDAP Base dn"
-msgstr "Basis dn LDAP"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Hardware"
+msgstr "HardDrake"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1090
-msgid "LDAP Server"
-msgstr "Server LDAP"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "TV card"
+msgstr "Kartu TV"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1096
-msgid "Authentication NIS"
-msgstr "Otentikasi NIS"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "No sound card detected. Try \"harddrake\" after installation"
+msgstr "Kartu suara tak terdeteksi. Coba \"harddrake\" setelah instalasi"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1097
-msgid "NIS Domain"
-msgstr "Domain NIS"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run \"sndconfig\" after installation to configure your sound card"
+msgstr "Jalankan \"sndconfig\" setelah instalasi untuk konfigurasi kartu suara"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1098
-msgid "NIS Server"
-msgstr "Server NIS"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Do you have an ISA sound card?"
+msgstr "Anda punya kartu suara ISA?"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1104
-msgid ""
-"For this to work for a W2K PDC, you will probably need to have the admin "
-"run: C:\\>net localgroup \"Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access\" everyone /"
-"add and reboot the server.\n"
-"You will also need the username/password of a Domain Admin to join the "
-"machine to the Windows(TM) domain.\n"
-"If networking is not yet enabled, Drakx will attempt to join the domain "
-"after the network setup step.\n"
-"Should this setup fail for some reason and domain authentication is not "
-"working, run 'smbpasswd -j DOMAIN -U USER%PASSWORD' using your Windows(tm) "
-"Domain, and Admin Username/Password, after system boot.\n"
-"The command 'wbinfo -t' will test whether your authentication secrets are "
-msgstr ""
-"Agar ini dapat bekerja dg PDC W2K, Anda mungkin perlu minta tolong admin "
-"menjalankan: C:\\>net localgroup \"Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access\" "
-"everyone / add dan me-reboot server.\n"
-"Anda mungkin juga perlu namapengguna/katasandi Admin Domain utk mengikutkan "
-"mesin ke domain Mindows(TM).\n"
-"Jika jaringan belum aktif, Drakx akan mencoba ikut domain setelah tahapan "
-"setup jaringan.\n"
-"Jika setup dan otentikasi domain gagal, jalankan 'smbpasswd -j DOMAIN -U USER"
-"%PASSWORD' menggunakan Domain Mindows(tm) Anda, dan Namapengguna/Katasandi "
-"Admin, setelah boot system.\n"
-"Perintah 'wbinfo -t' akan mengetes apakah rahasia otentikasi Anda baik."
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Sound card"
+msgstr "Kartu suara"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1106
-msgid "Authentication Windows Domain"
-msgstr "Otentikasi Domain Mindows"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remote CUPS server"
+msgstr "Server CUPS remote"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1108
-msgid "Domain Admin User Name"
-msgstr "Nama Pengguna Admin Domain"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "No printer"
+msgstr "Tidak ada printer"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1109
-msgid "Domain Admin Password"
-msgstr "Katasandi Admin Domain"
+#: ../../ ../../harddrake/
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Printer"
+msgstr "Printer"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1144
-msgid ""
-"A custom bootdisk provides a way of booting into your Linux system without\n"
-"depending on the normal bootloader. This is useful if you don't want to "
-"SILO on your system, or another operating system removes SILO, or SILO "
-"work with your hardware configuration. A custom bootdisk can also be used "
-"the Mandrake rescue image, making it much easier to recover from severe "
-"If you want to create a bootdisk for your system, insert a floppy in the "
-"drive and press \"Ok\"."
-msgstr ""
-"Bootdisk baru membantu Anda untuk melakukan boot sistem Linux tanpa\n"
-"tergantung pada bootloader. Ini berguna bila Anda tidak mau menginstal\n"
-"SILO di sistem Anda, atau saat sistem operasi lain menghapus SILO, atau\n"
-"SILO tak bisa digunakan pada konfigurasi hardware Anda. Bootdisk ini juga\n"
-"bisa digunakan dengan image rescue Mandrake, yang memudahkan kita untuk\n"
-"merecover sistem dari kegagalan. Jika Anda mau bikin bootdisk, masukkan\n"
-"disket ke drive pertama dan tekan \"Ok\"."
+#: ../../ ../../harddrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Mouse"
+msgstr "Mouse"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1160
-msgid "First floppy drive"
-msgstr "Drive disket Pertama"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Timezone"
+msgstr "Zonawaktu"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1161
-msgid "Second floppy drive"
-msgstr "Drive disket kedua"
+#: ../../ ../../standalone/keyboarddrake:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Keyboard"
+msgstr "Papanketik"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1162
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2397
-msgid "Skip"
-msgstr "Lewatkan"
+#: ../../ ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Summary"
+msgstr "Ringkasan"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "NTP Server"
+msgstr "Server NTP"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Automatic time synchronization (using NTP)"
+msgstr "sinkronisasi waktu otomatis (dg NTP)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Hardware clock set to GMT"
+msgstr "Jam hardware diset ke GMT"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Which is your timezone?"
+msgstr "Pilih zonawaktu Anda"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1167
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Contacting the mirror to get the list of available packages..."
+msgstr "Saya sedang mencek mirror untuk mengambil daftar paket yang tersedia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Choose a mirror from which to get the packages"
+msgstr "Pilih mirror tempat Anda ingin mengambil paket program"
+#: ../../
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"A custom bootdisk provides a way of booting into your Linux system without\n"
-"depending on the normal bootloader. This is useful if you don't want to "
-"LILO (or grub) on your system, or another operating system removes LILO, or "
-"LILO doesn't\n"
-"work with your hardware configuration. A custom bootdisk can also be used "
-"the Mandrake rescue image, making it much easier to recover from severe "
-"failures. Would you like to create a bootdisk for your system?\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Bootdisk baru membantu Anda untuk melakukan boot sistem Linux tanpa\n"
-"tergantung pada bootloader. Ini berguna bila Anda tidak mau menginstal\n"
-"lilo (atau grub) di sistem Anda, atau saat sistem operasi lain menghapus\n"
-"lilo, atau lilo tak bisa digunakan pada konfigurasi hardware Anda.\n"
-"Bootdisk ini juga bisa digunakan dengan image rescue Mandrake, yang\n"
-"memudahkan kita untuk merecover sistem dari kegagalan. Ingin buat bootdisk?\n"
+"Contacting Mandrake Linux web site to get the list of available mirrors..."
+msgstr "Mandrake Linux sedang dihubungi untuk mengambil daftar mirror"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1173
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
+"You now have the opportunity to download updated packages. These packages\n"
+"have been updated after the distribution was released. They may\n"
+"contain security or bug fixes.\n"
+"To download these packages, you will need to have a working Internet \n"
-"(WARNING! You're using XFS for your root partition,\n"
-"creating a bootdisk on a 1.44 Mb floppy will probably fail,\n"
-"because XFS needs a very large driver)."
+"Do you want to install the updates ?"
msgstr ""
+"Anda kini dapat men-download paket terupdate yg dirilis pasca distribusi,\n"
+"mungkin berisi pembetulan keamanan/kutu.\n"
+"Anda perlu koneksi Internet untuk men-download.\n"
-"(PERINGATAN! Anda menggunakan XFS untuk partisi root,\n"
-"pembuatan bootdisk di disket 1.44 Mb mungkin gagal,\n"
-"karena XFS perlu driver amat besar)."
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1181
-msgid "Sorry, no floppy drive available"
-msgstr "Tiada floppy drive tersedia"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1185
-msgid "Choose the floppy drive you want to use to make the bootdisk"
-msgstr "Pilih drive floppy untuk membuat bootdisk"
+"Ingin instal update ?"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1189
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Insert a floppy in %s"
-msgstr "Masukkan disket ke %s"
+msgid "Please insert the Update Modules floppy in drive %s"
+msgstr "Masukkan disket Update Modules ke drive %s"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1192
-msgid "Creating bootdisk..."
-msgstr "Membuat bootdisk"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please insert the Boot floppy used in drive %s"
+msgstr "Masukkan floppy boot ke drive %s"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1199
-msgid "Preparing bootloader..."
-msgstr "Membuat bootloader"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Post-install configuration"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi instalasi akhir"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1210
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"You appear to have an OldWorld or Unknown\n"
-" machine, the yaboot bootloader will not work for you.\n"
-"The install will continue, but you'll\n"
-" need to use BootX to boot your machine"
+"Installing package %s\n"
msgstr ""
-"Nampaknya Anda punya mesin DuniaLama/TakJelas.\n"
-"Bootloader yaboot takkan bekerja.\n"
-"Instal akan berlanjut, tapi Anda perlu memakai\n"
-"BootX utk mem-boot mesin Anda"
+"Instalasi paket %s\n"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1216
-msgid "Do you want to use aboot?"
-msgstr "Ingin pakai aboot?"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Preparing installation"
+msgstr "Sedang menyiapkan instalasi"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1219
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cd-Rom labeled \"%s\""
+msgstr "Label CD-ROM \"%s\""
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Error installing aboot, \n"
-"try to force installation even if that destroys the first partition?"
+"If you have all the CDs in the list below, click Ok.\n"
+"If you have none of those CDs, click Cancel.\n"
+"If only some CDs are missing, unselect them, then click Ok."
msgstr ""
-"Ada error saat install aboot,\n"
-"paksakan instalasi walau merusak partisi awal?"
+"Kalau Anda punya semua CD pada daftar di bawah, tekan OK.\n"
+"Kalau tak punya sama sekali, click Cancel.\n"
+"Kalau cuma punya beberapa aja, pilih aja, trus klik Ok."
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1226
-msgid "Installing bootloader"
-msgstr "Instalasi bootloader"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Truly minimal install (especially no urpmi)"
+msgstr "Sungguh instalasi minimal (khususnya tanpa urpmi)"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1232
-msgid "Installation of bootloader failed. The following error occured:"
-msgstr "Instalasi bootloader gagal. Ada kesalahan berikut:"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "With basic documentation (recommended!)"
+msgstr "Dengan dokumentasi dasar (disarankan!)"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1240
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "With X"
+msgstr "Dengan X"
+#: ../../
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"You may need to change your Open Firmware boot-device to\n"
-" enable the bootloader. If you don't see the bootloader prompt at\n"
-" reboot, hold down Command-Option-O-F at reboot and enter:\n"
-" setenv boot-device %s,\\\\:tbxi\n"
-" Then type: shut-down\n"
-"At your next boot you should see the bootloader prompt."
+"You haven't selected any group of packages.\n"
+"Please choose the minimal installation you want:"
msgstr ""
-"Gantilah bootdevice Open Firmware untuk mengaktifkan bootloader.\n"
-" Jika Anda tak melihat prompt bootloader saat reboot, tekan\n"
-" Command-Option-O-F saat reboot dan ketik:\n"
-" setenv boot-device %s,\\\\:tbxi\n"
-" kemudian: shut-down\n"
-"Anda akan melihat prompt bootloader pada boot selanjutnya."
+"Anda belum memilih grup paket.\n"
+"Pilih instalasi minimal yang Anda ingin:"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1274
-#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst_.c:76
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Insert a blank floppy in drive %s"
-msgstr "Masukkan disket kosong di drive %s"
+msgid "Type of install"
+msgstr "Tipe instalasi"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1278
-msgid "Creating auto install floppy..."
-msgstr "Lagi buat disket auto install"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Selected size is larger than available space"
+msgstr "Ukuran terpilih melebihi area yg ada"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1289
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Insert a floppy containing package selection"
+msgstr "Masukkan disket yg berisi seleksi paket"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading from floppy"
+msgstr "Memuat dari floppy"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Package selection"
+msgstr "Pilihan paket"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save on floppy"
+msgstr "Simpan di floppy"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Load from floppy"
+msgstr "Muat dari floppy"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Some steps are not completed.\n"
-"Do you really want to quit now?"
+"Please choose load or save package selection on floppy.\n"
+"The format is the same as auto_install generated floppies."
msgstr ""
-"Ada tahapan yang tidak diselesaikan.\n"
-"Anda ingin keluar sekarang?"
+"Pilih muat/simpan seleksi paket di floppy.\n"
+"Formatnya sama dengan floppy buatan auto_install."
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1300
+#: ../../
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Congratulations, installation is complete.\n"
-"Remove the boot media and press return to reboot.\n"
-"For information on fixes which are available for this release of Mandrake "
-"consult the Errata available from:\n"
-"Information on configuring your system is available in the post\n"
-"install chapter of the Official Mandrake Linux User's Guide."
+"Your system does not have enough space left for installation or upgrade (%d "
+"> %d)"
+msgstr "Tak cukup ruang untuk instalasi atau upgrade (%d > %d)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Finding packages to upgrade..."
+msgstr "Sedang mencari paket untuk diupgrade"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Looking at packages already installed..."
+msgstr "Paket terinstal sedang dicari..."
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Looking for available packages..."
+msgstr "Sedang mencari paket yang tersedia..."
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Looking for available packages and rebuilding rpm database..."
+msgstr "Sedang mencari paket yg tersedia dan membangun ulang database rpm..."
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Not enough swap space to fulfill installation, please add some"
+msgstr "Instalasi tak dapat diteruskan karena swap kurang, tambahkan"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Failed to check filesystem %s. Do you want to repair the errors? (beware, "
+"you can loose data)"
msgstr ""
-"Selamat, instalasi selesai.\n"
-"Cabut media boot dan tekan Return/Enter untuk reboot.\n"
-"Untuk informasi perbaikan rilis Linux Mandrake ini,\n"
-"silakan lihat Errata di:\n"
-"Informasi untuk konfigurasi sistem juga tersedia di \n"
-"bab Instalasi akhir di Buku Petunjuk Resmi Linux Mandrake."
+"Gagal mencek sistem file %s. Ingin direparasi? (awas, data Anda bisa hilang)"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1313
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Check bad blocks?"
+msgstr "Periksa bad blok?"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1318
-msgid "Generate auto install floppy"
-msgstr "Buat floppy instalasi otomatis"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Choose the partitions you want to format"
+msgstr "Pilih partisi yang akan diformat"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1320
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "You need to reboot for the partition table modifications to take place"
+msgstr "Anda harus reboot agar perubahan tabel partisi dapat berlaku"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"The auto install can be fully automated if wanted,\n"
-"in that case it will take over the hard drive!!\n"
-"(this is meant for installing on another box).\n"
-"You may prefer to replay the installation.\n"
+"No free space for 1MB bootstrap! Install will continue, but to boot your "
+"system, you'll need to create the bootstrap partition in DiskDrake"
msgstr ""
-"Bila Anda mau, auto install bisa dilakukan secara otomatis penuh,\n"
-"jadi instalasinya akan mengusai hard drive!\n"
-"(ini dimaksudkan untuk menginstall pada komputer lain)\n"
-"Mungkin Anda perlu mengulangi instalasinya.\n"
+"Tiada ruang 1MB utk bootstrap! Instal akan berlanjut, tetapi utk mem-boot "
+"sistem, Anda perlu membuat partisi bootstrap di DiskDrake"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1325
-msgid "Automated"
-msgstr "Otomatis"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Choose the mount points"
+msgstr "Pilih lokasi mount"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1325
-msgid "Replay"
-msgstr "Ulang"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Scanning partitions to find mount points"
+msgstr "Mendeteksi partisi untuk mencari lokasi mount"
-#: ../../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:1328
-msgid "Save packages selection"
-msgstr "Simpan pilihan paket"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "No partition available"
+msgstr "Tidak ada partisi"
-#: ../../install_steps_newt.pm_.c:20
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Mandrake Linux Installation %s"
-msgstr "Instalasi Linux Mandrake %s"
+msgid "Configuring IDE"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi IDE"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "IDE"
+msgstr "IDE"
-#. -PO This string must fit in a 80-char wide text screen
-#: ../../install_steps_newt.pm_.c:33
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Configuring PCMCIA cards..."
+msgstr "Konfigurasikan card PCMCIA"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "PCMCIA"
+msgstr "PCMCIA"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Button 3 Emulation"
+msgstr "Emulasi tombol 3"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Button 2 Emulation"
+msgstr "Emulasi tombol 2"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Buttons emulation"
+msgstr "Emulasi tombol"
+#: ../../ ../../standalone/mousedrake:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please choose which serial port your mouse is connected to."
+msgstr "Di serial port mana mouse Anda dicolokkan ?"
+#: ../../ ../../standalone/mousedrake:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Mouse Port"
+msgstr "Port Mouse"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please choose your type of mouse."
+msgstr "Pilihlah tipe mouse Anda."
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Upgrade"
+msgstr "Upgrade"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Upgrade %s"
+msgstr "Upgrade"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Is this an install or an upgrade?"
+msgstr "Akan instal atau update?"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Install/Upgrade"
+msgstr "Instal/Update"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Here is the full list of keyboards available"
+msgstr "Ini adalah daftar papanketik yang tersedia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please choose your keyboard layout."
+msgstr "Pilih layout papanketik Anda"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "License agreement"
+msgstr "Persetujuan Lisensi"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "default:LTR"
+msgstr "standar"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "An error occurred"
+msgstr "Ada error"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
" <Tab>/<Alt-Tab> between elements | <Space> selects | <F12> next screen "
msgstr ""
" <Tab>/<Alt-Tab> untuk pindah | <Spasi> untuk pilih | <F12> Layar berikut"
-#: ../../interactive.pm_.c:87
-msgid "kdesu missing"
-msgstr "kdesu hilang"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Mandrake Linux Installation %s"
+msgstr "Instalasi Linux Mandrake %s"
-#: ../../interactive.pm_.c:89 ../../interactive.pm_.c:100
-msgid "consolehelper missing"
-msgstr "consolehelper hilang"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "No floppy drive available"
+msgstr "Tidak ada floppy drive"
-#: ../../interactive.pm_.c:152
-msgid "Choose a file"
-msgstr "Pilih file"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s"
+msgstr "Selamat Datang di %s"
-#: ../../interactive.pm_.c:318
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Opsi Lengkap"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Some important packages didn't get installed properly.\n"
+"Either your cdrom drive or your cdrom is defective.\n"
+"Check the cdrom on an installed computer using \"rpm -qpl Mandrake/RPMS/*.rpm"
+msgstr ""
+"Ada paket penting yang tak benar diinstal.\n"
+"Mungkin drive cdrom atau cdromnya yang rusak.\n"
+"Cek dulu cdromnya di komputer yang sudah terinstal Linux dengan\n"
+"perintah \"rpm -qpl Mandrake/RPMS/*.rpm\"\n"
-#: ../../interactive.pm_.c:319 ../../security/main.pm_.c:117
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Duplicate mount point %s"
+msgstr "Lokasi mount %s ada dua"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"An error occurred, but I don't know how to handle it nicely.\n"
+"Continue at your own risk."
+msgstr ""
+"Ada error, tapi cara mengatasinya tak diketahui.\n"
+"Jalan terus tapi resiko tanggung sendiri."
+#: ../../ ../../harddrake/
+#: ../../standalone/drakxtv:1 ../../standalone/harddrake2:1
+#: ../../standalone/service_harddrake:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please wait"
+msgstr "Tunggu..."
+#: ../../ ../../ ../../
+#: ../../Xconfig/ ../../interactive/
+#: ../../interactive/ ../../interactive/
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1 ../../standalone/draksec:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Ok"
+msgstr "Ok"
+#: ../../ ../../ ../../
+#: ../../interactive/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Finish"
+msgstr "Selesai"
+#: ../../ ../../standalone/draksec:1
+#, c-format
msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Opsi Dasar"
-#: ../../interactive/newt.pm_.c:194 ../../my_gtk.pm_.c:158
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2055 ../../ugtk2.pm_.c:434
-msgid "<- Previous"
-msgstr "<- Tahap sebelumnya"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Advanced"
+msgstr "Opsi Lengkap"
-#: ../../interactive/newt.pm_.c:194 ../../interactive/newt.pm_.c:196
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4060 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4087
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4117 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4143
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Lanjut"
+#: ../../ ../../interactive/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Remove"
+msgstr "Hapus Daftar"
-#: ../../interactive/stdio.pm_.c:29 ../../interactive/stdio.pm_.c:149
-msgid "Bad choice, try again\n"
-msgstr "Pilihan salah, silakan ulangi\n"
+#: ../../ ../../interactive/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Modify"
+msgstr "Modifikasi"
-#: ../../interactive/stdio.pm_.c:30 ../../interactive/stdio.pm_.c:150
+#: ../../ ../../interactive/
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1 ../../standalone/drakfont:1
#, c-format
-msgid "Your choice? (default %s) "
-msgstr "Pilihan Anda? (default %s) "
+msgid "Add"
+msgstr "Tambah"
-#: ../../interactive/stdio.pm_.c:54
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Choose a file"
+msgstr "Pilih file"
+#: ../../
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Entries you'll have to fill:\n"
+"Here you can choose the key or key combination that will \n"
+"allow switching between the different keyboard layouts\n"
+"(eg: latin and non latin)"
msgstr ""
-"Entri yang harus Anda penuhi:\n"
+"Di sini Anda dapat memilih kunci atau kombinasinya untuk \n"
+"berganti layout papanketik (mis: latin dan non latin)"
-#: ../../interactive/stdio.pm_.c:70
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Your choice? (0/1, default `%s') "
-msgstr "Pilihan Anda? (0/1, default %s) "
+msgid "Right \"Windows\" key"
+msgstr "Kunci \"Mindows\" kanan"
-#: ../../interactive/stdio.pm_.c:95
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Button `%s': %s"
-msgstr "Tombol `%s': %s"
+msgid "Left \"Windows\" key"
+msgstr "Kunci \"Mindows\" kiri"
-#: ../../interactive/stdio.pm_.c:96
-msgid "Do you want to click on this button?"
-msgstr "Anda ingin meng-klik tombol ini? "
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "\"Menu\" key"
+msgstr "Kunci \"Menu\""
-#: ../../interactive/stdio.pm_.c:105
-msgid " enter `void' for void entry"
-msgstr "ketikkan `void' untuk entri kosong"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Alt and Shift keys simultaneously"
+msgstr "Alt dan Shift bersamaan"
-#: ../../interactive/stdio.pm_.c:105
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Your choice? (default `%s'%s) "
-msgstr "Pilihan Anda? (default `%s'%s) "
+msgid "Ctrl and Alt keys simultaneously"
+msgstr "Ctrl dan Alt bersamaan"
-#: ../../interactive/stdio.pm_.c:123
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "=> There are many things to choose from (%s).\n"
-msgstr "=> Banyak yang dapat dipilih dari (%s).\n"
+msgid "CapsLock key"
+msgstr "CapsLock"
-#: ../../interactive/stdio.pm_.c:126
-msgid ""
-"Please choose the first number of the 10-range you wish to edit,\n"
-"or just hit Enter to proceed.\n"
-"Your choice? "
-msgstr ""
-"Pilihlah nomor pertama dari 10-range yang ingin Anda edit,\n"
-"atau tekan Enter untuk melanjutkan.\n"
-"Pilihan Anda? "
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Control and Shift keys simultaneously"
+msgstr "Control dan Shift bersamaan"
-#: ../../interactive/stdio.pm_.c:139
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"=> Notice, a label changed:\n"
+msgid "Both Shift keys simultaneously"
+msgstr "Kedua Shift bersamaan"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Right Alt key"
+msgstr "kunci Alt Kanan"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Yugoslavian (latin)"
+msgstr "Yugoslavia (latin)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Vietnamese \"numeric row\" QWERTY"
+msgstr "Vietnam \"numeric row\" QWERTY"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "US keyboard (international)"
+msgstr "Keyboard US (internasional)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "US keyboard"
+msgstr "Keyboard US"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "UK keyboard"
+msgstr "Keyboard UK"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Ukrainian"
+msgstr "Ukraina"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Turkish (modern \"Q\" model)"
+msgstr "Turki (model \"Q\" modern)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Turkish (traditional \"F\" model)"
+msgstr "Turki (model \"F\" tradisional)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Tajik keyboard"
+msgstr "Papanketik Tajik"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Thai keyboard"
+msgstr "Papanketik Muangthai"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Tamil (Typewriter-layout)"
+msgstr "Armenia (mesintik)"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Tamil (ISCII-layout)"
+msgstr "Tamil (TSCII)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Serbian (cyrillic)"
+msgstr "Serbia (cyrillic)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Slovakian (QWERTY)"
+msgstr "Slovakia (QWERTY)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Slovakian (QWERTZ)"
+msgstr "Slovakia (QWERTZ)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Slovenian"
+msgstr "Slovenia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Swedish"
+msgstr "Swedia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Russian (Yawerty)"
+msgstr "Rusia (Yawerty)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Russian"
+msgstr "Rusia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Romanian (qwerty)"
+msgstr "Romania (qwerty)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Romanian (qwertz)"
+msgstr "Romania (qwertz)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Canadian (Quebec)"
+msgstr "Kanada (Quebec)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Portuguese"
+msgstr "Portugis"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Polish (qwertz layout)"
+msgstr "Polandia (layout qwertz)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Polish (qwerty layout)"
+msgstr "Polandia (layout qwerty)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Norwegian"
+msgstr "Norwegia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Dutch"
+msgstr "Belanda"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Maltese (US)"
+msgstr "Malta (Amerika)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Maltese (UK)"
+msgstr "Malta (Inggris)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Mongolian (cyrillic)"
+msgstr "Mongol (cyrillic)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Myanmar (Burmese)"
+msgstr "Myanmar (Burma)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Macedonian"
+msgstr "Macedonia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Malayalam"
msgstr ""
-"=> Catatan, label berubah:\n"
-#: ../../interactive/stdio.pm_.c:146
-msgid "Re-submit"
-msgstr "Kirim ulang"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Latvian"
+msgstr "Latvia"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:153 ../../keyboard.pm_.c:188
-msgid "Czech (QWERTZ)"
-msgstr "Ceko (QWERTZ)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Lithuanian \"phonetic\" QWERTY"
+msgstr "Lithuania \"fonetik\" QWERTY"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:154 ../../keyboard.pm_.c:190
-msgid "German"
-msgstr "Jerman"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Lithuanian \"number row\" QWERTY"
+msgstr "Lithuania \"number row\" QWERTY"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:155
-msgid "Dvorak"
-msgstr "Dvorak"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Lithuanian AZERTY (new)"
+msgstr "Lithuania AZERTY (baru)"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:156 ../../keyboard.pm_.c:198
-msgid "Spanish"
-msgstr "Spanyol"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Lithuanian AZERTY (old)"
+msgstr "Lithuania AZERTY (lama)"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:157 ../../keyboard.pm_.c:199
-msgid "Finnish"
-msgstr "Finland"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Laotian"
+msgstr "Laos"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Latin American"
+msgstr "Amerika Latin"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Korean keyboard"
+msgstr "Keyboard Korea"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Japanese 106 keys"
+msgstr "Jepang 106 tombol"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Inuktitut"
+msgstr "Eskimo"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Italian"
+msgstr "Itali"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Icelandic"
+msgstr "Islandia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Iranian"
+msgstr "Iran"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Israeli (Phonetic)"
+msgstr "Ibrani (fonetik)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Israeli"
+msgstr "Ibrani"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Croatian"
+msgstr "Kroasia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Hungarian"
+msgstr "Hungaria"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Gurmukhi"
+msgstr "Gurmukh"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Gujarati"
+msgstr "Gujarat"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Greek"
+msgstr "Yunani"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Georgian (\"Latin\" layout)"
+msgstr "Georgia (layout \"Latin\")"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Georgian (\"Russian\" layout)"
+msgstr "Georgia (layout \"Rusia\")"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:158 ../../keyboard.pm_.c:200
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid "French"
msgstr "Perancis"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:159 ../../keyboard.pm_.c:233
-msgid "Norwegian"
-msgstr "Norwegia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Finnish"
+msgstr "Finland"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Spanish"
+msgstr "Spanyol"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Estonian"
+msgstr "Estonia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Dvorak (Swedish)"
+msgstr "Dvorak (Swedia)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Dvorak (Norwegian)"
+msgstr "Dvorak (Norwegia)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Dvorak (US)"
+msgstr "Dvorak (US)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Danish"
+msgstr "Denmark"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Devanagari"
+msgstr "Devanagari"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "German (no dead keys)"
+msgstr "Jerman (tanpa dead key)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "German"
+msgstr "Jerman"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Czech (QWERTY)"
+msgstr "Ceko (QWERTY)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Czech (QWERTZ)"
+msgstr "Ceko (QWERTZ)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Swiss (French layout)"
+msgstr "Swis (layout Prancis)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Swiss (German layout)"
+msgstr "Swis (layout Jerman)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Belarusian"
+msgstr "Belarusia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bosnian"
+msgstr "Bosnia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Brazilian (ABNT-2)"
+msgstr "Brazil (ABNT-2)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bulgarian (BDS)"
+msgstr "Bulgaria (BDS)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bulgarian (phonetic)"
+msgstr "Bulagaria (fonetik)"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:160
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bengali"
+msgstr "Bengal"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Belgian"
+msgstr "Belgia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Azerbaidjani (latin)"
+msgstr "Azerbaijan (latin)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Armenian (phonetic)"
+msgstr "Armenia (fonetik)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Armenian (typewriter)"
+msgstr "Armenia (mesintik)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Armenian (old)"
+msgstr "Armenia (lama)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Albanian"
+msgstr "Albania"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid "Polish"
msgstr "Polandia"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:161 ../../keyboard.pm_.c:241
-msgid "Russian"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Dvorak"
+msgstr "Dvorak"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Zimbabwe"
+msgstr "Zimbabwe"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Zambia"
+msgstr "Zambia"
+#: ../../ ../../standalone/drakxtv:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "South Africa"
+msgstr "Afrika Selatan"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Serbia"
+msgstr "serial"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Mayotte"
+msgstr "Mayotte"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Yemen"
+msgstr "Yaman"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Samoa"
+msgstr "Samoa"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Wallis and Futuna"
+msgstr "Kepulauan Wallis dan Futuna"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Vanuatu"
+msgstr "Vanuatu"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Vietnam"
+msgstr "Viet Nam"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Virgin Islands (U.S.)"
+msgstr "Virgin Islands (Amerika)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Virgin Islands (British)"
+msgstr "Kepulauan Virgin (Inggris)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Venezuela"
+msgstr "Venezuela"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"
+msgstr "Santa Vincent dan Grenadin"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Vatican"
+msgstr "Latvia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Uzbekistan"
+msgstr "Uzbekistan"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Uruguay"
+msgstr "Uruguay"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "United States Minor Outlying Islands"
+msgstr "Amerika Serikat, kepulauan Luar Minor"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Uganda"
+msgstr "Uganda"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Ukraine"
+msgstr "Ukraina"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Tanzania"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Taiwan"
+msgstr "Muangthai"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Tuvalu"
+msgstr "Tuvalu"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Trinidad and Tobago"
+msgstr "Trinidad dan Tobago"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Turkey"
+msgstr "Turki"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Tonga"
+msgstr "Tonga"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Tunisia"
+msgstr "Tunisia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Turkmenistan"
+msgstr "Turkmenistan"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "East Timor"
+msgstr "Nusantara"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Tokelau"
+msgstr "Tokelau"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Tajikistan"
+msgstr "Tajikistan"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Thailand"
+msgstr "Muangthai"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Togo"
+msgstr "Togo"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "French Southern Territories"
+msgstr "Perancis, Teritori Selatan"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Chad"
+msgstr "Chad"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Turks and Caicos Islands"
+msgstr "Kepulauan Turks dan Caicos"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Swaziland"
+msgstr "Swaziland"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Syria"
+msgstr "Suriname"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "El Salvador"
+msgstr "El Salvador"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Sao Tome and Principe"
+msgstr "Sao Tome dan Principe"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Suriname"
+msgstr "Suriname"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Somalia"
+msgstr "Somalia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Senegal"
+msgstr "Senegal"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "San Marino"
+msgstr "San Marino"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Sierra Leone"
+msgstr "Sierra Leone"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Slovakia"
+msgstr "Slovakia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands"
+msgstr "Kepulauan Svalbard dan Jan Mayen"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Slovenia"
+msgstr "Slovenia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saint Helena"
+msgstr "Santa Helena"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Singapore"
+msgstr "Singapura"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Sudan"
+msgstr "Sudan"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Seychelles"
+msgstr "Seychelles"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Solomon Islands"
+msgstr "Pulau Sulaiman"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saudi Arabia"
+msgstr "Arab Saudi"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Rwanda"
+msgstr "Rwanda"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Russia"
msgstr "Rusia"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:163 ../../keyboard.pm_.c:243
-msgid "Swedish"
-msgstr "Swedia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Romania"
+msgstr "Romania"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:164 ../../keyboard.pm_.c:259
-msgid "UK keyboard"
-msgstr "Keyboard UK"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Reunion"
+msgstr "Reunion"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:165 ../../keyboard.pm_.c:260
-msgid "US keyboard"
-msgstr "Keyboard US"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Qatar"
+msgstr "Qatar"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:167
-msgid "Albanian"
-msgstr "Albania"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Palau"
+msgstr "Palau"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:168
-msgid "Armenian (old)"
-msgstr "Armenia (lama)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Paraguay"
+msgstr "Paraguay"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:169
-msgid "Armenian (typewriter)"
-msgstr "Armenia (mesintik)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Portugal"
+msgstr "Portugis"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:170
-msgid "Armenian (phonetic)"
-msgstr "Armenia (fonetik)"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Palestine"
+msgstr "Pilihan path"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:175
-msgid "Azerbaidjani (latin)"
-msgstr "Azerbaijan (latin)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Puerto Rico"
+msgstr "Puerto Rico"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:177
-msgid "Belgian"
-msgstr "Belgia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pitcairn"
+msgstr "Pitcairn"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:178
-msgid "Bengali"
-msgstr "Bengal"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saint Pierre and Miquelon"
+msgstr "Santa Pierre dan Miquelon"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:179
-msgid "Bulgarian (phonetic)"
-msgstr "Bulagaria (fonetik)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Poland"
+msgstr "Polandia"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:180
-msgid "Bulgarian (BDS)"
-msgstr "Bulgaria (BDS)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pakistan"
+msgstr "Pakistan"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:181
-msgid "Brazilian (ABNT-2)"
-msgstr "Brazil (ABNT-2)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Philippines"
+msgstr "Filipina"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:184
-msgid "Bosnian"
-msgstr "Bosnia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Papua New Guinea"
+msgstr "Papua New Guinea"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:185
-msgid "Belarusian"
-msgstr "Belarusia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "French Polynesia"
+msgstr "Polinesia Perancis"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:186
-msgid "Swiss (German layout)"
-msgstr "Swis (layout Jerman)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Peru"
+msgstr "Peru"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:187
-msgid "Swiss (French layout)"
-msgstr "Swis (layout Prancis)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Panama"
+msgstr "Panama"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:189
-msgid "Czech (QWERTY)"
-msgstr "Ceko (QWERTY)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Oman"
+msgstr "Oman"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:191
-msgid "German (no dead keys)"
-msgstr "Jerman (tanpa dead key)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "New Zealand"
+msgstr "New Zealand"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:192
-msgid "Devanagari"
-msgstr "Devanagari"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Niue"
+msgstr "Niue"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:193
-msgid "Danish"
-msgstr "Denmark"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Nauru"
+msgstr "Nauru"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:194
-msgid "Dvorak (US)"
-msgstr "Dvorak (US)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Nepal"
+msgstr "Nepal"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:195
-msgid "Dvorak (Norwegian)"
-msgstr "Dvorak (Norwegia)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Nicaragua"
+msgstr "Nicaragua"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:196
-msgid "Dvorak (Swedish)"
-msgstr "Dvorak (Swedia)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Nigeria"
+msgstr "Nigeria"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:197
-msgid "Estonian"
-msgstr "Estonia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Norfolk Island"
+msgstr "Kepulauan Norfolk"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:201
-msgid "Georgian (\"Russian\" layout)"
-msgstr "Georgia (layout \"Rusia\")"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Niger"
+msgstr "Niger"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:202
-msgid "Georgian (\"Latin\" layout)"
-msgstr "Georgia (layout \"Latin\")"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "New Caledonia"
+msgstr "Caledonia Baru"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:203
-msgid "Greek"
-msgstr "Yunani"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Namibia"
+msgstr "Namibia"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:204
-msgid "Gujarati"
-msgstr "Gujarat"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Mozambique"
+msgstr "Mozambique"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:205
-msgid "Gurmukhi"
-msgstr "Gurmukh"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Malaysia"
+msgstr "Malaysia"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:206
-msgid "Hungarian"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Mexico"
+msgstr "Meksiko"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Malawi"
+msgstr "Malawi"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Maldives"
+msgstr "Maladewa"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Mauritius"
+msgstr "Mauritius"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Malta"
+msgstr "Malta"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Montserrat"
+msgstr "Montserrat"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Mauritania"
+msgstr "Mauritania"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Martinique"
+msgstr "Martinique"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Northern Mariana Islands"
+msgstr "Kepulauan Mariana Utara"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Mongolia"
+msgstr "Mongolia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Myanmar"
+msgstr "Myanmar"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Mali"
+msgstr "Mali"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Macedonia"
+msgstr "Macedonia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Marshall Islands"
+msgstr "Kepulauan Marshall"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Madagascar"
+msgstr "Madagaskar"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Moldova"
+msgstr "Moldova"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Monaco"
+msgstr "Monako"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Morocco"
+msgstr "Maroko"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Libya"
+msgstr "Liberia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Latvia"
+msgstr "Latvia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Luxembourg"
+msgstr "Luxembourg"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Lithuania"
+msgstr "Lithuania"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Lesotho"
+msgstr "Lesotho"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Liberia"
+msgstr "Liberia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Sri Lanka"
+msgstr "Sri Lanka"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Liechtenstein"
+msgstr "Liechtenstein"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saint Lucia"
+msgstr "Santa Lucia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Lebanon"
+msgstr "Lebanon"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Laos"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Kazakhstan"
+msgstr "Kazakhstan"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cayman Islands"
+msgstr "Pulau Cayman"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Kuwait"
+msgstr "Kuwait"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Korea"
+msgstr "Tambahan"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Korea (North)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saint Kitts and Nevis"
+msgstr "Santa Kitts dan Nevis"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Comoros"
+msgstr "Comoros"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Kiribati"
+msgstr "Kiribati"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cambodia"
+msgstr "Kamboja"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Kyrgyzstan"
+msgstr "Kirgistan"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Kenya"
+msgstr "Kenya"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Japan"
+msgstr "jepang"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Jordan"
+msgstr "Jordania"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Jamaica"
+msgstr "Jamaika"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Iceland"
+msgstr "Islandia"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Iran"
+msgstr "Iraq"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Iraq"
+msgstr "Iraq"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "British Indian Ocean Territory"
+msgstr "Inggris, Teritori Samudera Indonesia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "India"
+msgstr "India"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Israel"
+msgstr "Palestina"
+#: ../../ ../../standalone/drakxtv:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Ireland"
+msgstr "Irlandia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Indonesia"
+msgstr "Indonesia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Hungary"
msgstr "Hungaria"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:207
-msgid "Croatian"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Haiti"
+msgstr "Haiti"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Croatia"
msgstr "Kroasia"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:208
-msgid "Israeli"
-msgstr "Ibrani"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Honduras"
+msgstr "Honduras"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:209
-msgid "Israeli (Phonetic)"
-msgstr "Ibrani (fonetik)"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Heard and McDonald Islands"
+msgstr "Pulau Heard dan Kepulauan McDonald"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:210
-msgid "Iranian"
-msgstr "Iran"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Hong Kong"
+msgstr "Hong Kong"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:211
-msgid "Icelandic"
-msgstr "Islandia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Guyana"
+msgstr "Guyana"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:212
-msgid "Italian"
-msgstr "Itali"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Guinea-Bissau"
+msgstr "Guinea-Bissau"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:213
-msgid "Inuktitut"
-msgstr "Eskimo"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Guam"
+msgstr "Guam"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:214
-msgid "Japanese 106 keys"
-msgstr "Jepang 106 tombol"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Guatemala"
+msgstr "Guatemala"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:217
-msgid "Korean keyboard"
-msgstr "Keyboard Korea"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"
+msgstr "Georgia Selatan dan Pulau Sandwich Selatan"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:218
-msgid "Latin American"
-msgstr "Amerika Latin"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Equatorial Guinea"
+msgstr "Guinea Equator"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:219
-msgid "Laotian"
-msgstr "Laos"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Guadeloupe"
+msgstr "Guadeloupe"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:220
-msgid "Lithuanian AZERTY (old)"
-msgstr "Lithuania AZERTY (lama)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Guinea"
+msgstr "Guinea"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:222
-msgid "Lithuanian AZERTY (new)"
-msgstr "Lithuania AZERTY (baru)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Gambia"
+msgstr "Gambia"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:223
-msgid "Lithuanian \"number row\" QWERTY"
-msgstr "Lithuania \"number row\" QWERTY"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Greenland"
+msgstr "Greenland"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:224
-msgid "Lithuanian \"phonetic\" QWERTY"
-msgstr "Lithuania \"fonetik\" QWERTY"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Gibraltar"
+msgstr "Jibraltar"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:225
-msgid "Latvian"
-msgstr "Latvia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Ghana"
+msgstr "Ghana"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:226
-msgid "Malayalam"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "French Guiana"
+msgstr "Guiana Perancis"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Georgia"
+msgstr "Grujia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Grenada"
+msgstr "Grenada"
+#: ../../ ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "United Kingdom"
+msgstr "Inggris"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Gabon"
+msgstr "Gabon"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Faroe Islands"
+msgstr "Kepulauan Faroe"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Micronesia"
+msgstr "Mikronesia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)"
+msgstr "Kepulauan Malvinas"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Fiji"
+msgstr "Fiji"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Finland"
+msgstr "Finlandia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Ethiopia"
+msgstr "Ethiopia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Spain"
+msgstr "Spanyol"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Eritrea"
+msgstr "Eritrea"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Western Sahara"
+msgstr "Sahara Barat"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Egypt"
+msgstr "Mesir"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Estonia"
+msgstr "Estonia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Ecuador"
+msgstr "Ekuador"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Algeria"
+msgstr "Aljazair"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Dominican Republic"
+msgstr "Republik Dominika"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Dominica"
+msgstr "Dominika"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Denmark"
+msgstr "Denmark"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Djibouti"
+msgstr "Jibouti"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cyprus"
+msgstr "Kipros"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Christmas Island"
+msgstr "Pulau Christmas"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cape Verde"
+msgstr "Tanjung Verde"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cuba"
+msgstr "Kuba"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Colombia"
+msgstr "Colombia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "China"
+msgstr "Cina"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cameroon"
+msgstr "Kamerun"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Chile"
+msgstr "Chile"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cook Islands"
+msgstr "Kepulauan Cook"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cote d'Ivoire"
+msgstr "Pantai Gading"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Switzerland"
+msgstr "Swiss"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Congo (Brazzaville)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:227
-msgid "Macedonian"
-msgstr "Macedonia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Central African Republic"
+msgstr "Republik Afrika Tengah"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:228
-msgid "Myanmar (Burmese)"
-msgstr "Myanmar (Burma)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Congo (Kinshasa)"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:229
-msgid "Mongolian (cyrillic)"
-msgstr "Mongol (cyrillic)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cocos (Keeling) Islands"
+msgstr "Kepulauan Cocos (Keeling)"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:230
-msgid "Maltese (UK)"
-msgstr "Malta (Inggris)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Canada"
+msgstr "Kanada"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:231
-msgid "Maltese (US)"
-msgstr "Malta (Amerika)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Belize"
+msgstr "Belize"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:232
-msgid "Dutch"
-msgstr "Belanda"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Belarus"
+msgstr "Belarus"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:234
-msgid "Polish (qwerty layout)"
-msgstr "Polandia (layout qwerty)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Botswana"
+msgstr "Botswana"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:235
-msgid "Polish (qwertz layout)"
-msgstr "Polandia (layout qwertz)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bouvet Island"
+msgstr "Pulau Bouvet"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:236
-msgid "Portuguese"
-msgstr "Portugis"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bhutan"
+msgstr "Bhutan"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:237
-msgid "Canadian (Quebec)"
-msgstr "Kanada (Quebec)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bahamas"
+msgstr "Bahama"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:239
-msgid "Romanian (qwertz)"
-msgstr "Romania (qwertz)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Brazil"
+msgstr "Brazil"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:240
-msgid "Romanian (qwerty)"
-msgstr "Romania (qwerty)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bolivia"
+msgstr "Bolivia"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:242
-msgid "Russian (Yawerty)"
-msgstr "Rusia (Yawerty)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Brunei Darussalam"
+msgstr "Brunei Darussalam"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:244
-msgid "Slovenian"
-msgstr "Slovenia"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bermuda"
+msgstr "Bermuda"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:245
-msgid "Slovakian (QWERTZ)"
-msgstr "Slovakia (QWERTZ)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Benin"
+msgstr "Benin"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:246
-msgid "Slovakian (QWERTY)"
-msgstr "Slovakia (QWERTY)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Burundi"
+msgstr "Burundi"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:248
-msgid "Serbian (cyrillic)"
-msgstr "Serbia (cyrillic)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bahrain"
+msgstr "Bahrain"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:250
-msgid "Tamil (Unicode)"
-msgstr "Tamil (Unicode)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bulgaria"
+msgstr "Bulgaria"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:251
-msgid "Tamil (TSCII)"
-msgstr "Tamil (TSCII)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Burkina Faso"
+msgstr "Burkina Faso"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:252
-msgid "Thai keyboard"
-msgstr "Papanketik Muangthai"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bangladesh"
+msgstr "Bangladesh"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:254
-msgid "Tajik keyboard"
-msgstr "Papanketik Tajik"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Barbados"
+msgstr "Barbados"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:255
-msgid "Turkish (traditional \"F\" model)"
-msgstr "Turki (model \"F\" tradisional)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bosnia and Herzegovina"
+msgstr "Bosnia Herzegovina"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:256
-msgid "Turkish (modern \"Q\" model)"
-msgstr "Turki (model \"Q\" modern)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Azerbaijan"
+msgstr "Azerbaijan"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:258
-msgid "Ukrainian"
-msgstr "Ukraina"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Aruba"
+msgstr "Aruba"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:261
-msgid "US keyboard (international)"
-msgstr "Keyboard US (internasional)"
+#: ../../ ../../standalone/drakxtv:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Australia"
+msgstr "Australia"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:262
-msgid "Vietnamese \"numeric row\" QWERTY"
-msgstr "Vietnam \"numeric row\" QWERTY"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "American Samoa"
+msgstr "Samoa Amerika"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:263
-msgid "Yugoslavian (latin)"
-msgstr "Yugoslavia (latin)"
+#: ../../ ../../standalone/drakxtv:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Argentina"
+msgstr "Argentina"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:270
-msgid "Right Alt key"
-msgstr "kunci Alt Kanan"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Antarctica"
+msgstr "Antartika"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:271
-msgid "Both Shift keys simultaneously"
-msgstr "Kedua Shift bersamaan"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Angola"
+msgstr "Angola"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:272
-msgid "Control and Shift keys simultaneously"
-msgstr "Control dan Shift bersamaan"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Netherlands Antilles"
+msgstr "Belanda Antilles"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:273
-msgid "CapsLock key"
-msgstr "CapsLock"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Armenia"
+msgstr "Armenia"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:274
-msgid "Ctrl and Alt keys simultaneously"
-msgstr "Ctrl dan Alt bersamaan"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Albania"
+msgstr "Albania"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:275
-msgid "Alt and Shift keys simultaneously"
-msgstr "Alt dan Shift bersamaan"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Anguilla"
+msgstr "Anguilla"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:276
-msgid "\"Menu\" key"
-msgstr "Kunci \"Menu\""
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Antigua and Barbuda"
+msgstr "Antigua dan Barbuda"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:277
-msgid "Left \"Windows\" key"
-msgstr "Kunci \"Mindows\" kiri"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "United Arab Emirates"
+msgstr "Uni Emirat Arab"
-#: ../../keyboard.pm_.c:278
-msgid "Right \"Windows\" key"
-msgstr "Kunci \"Mindows\" kanan"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Andorra"
+msgstr "Andorra"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Afghanistan"
+msgstr "Afghanistan"
-#: ../../loopback.pm_.c:32
+#: ../../
#, c-format
msgid "Circular mounts %s\n"
msgstr "Mount melingkar %s\n"
-#: ../../lvm.pm_.c:103
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid "Remove the logical volumes first\n"
msgstr "Hapus dulu volume logiknya\n"
-#: ../../modules.pm_.c:290
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"PCMCIA support no longer exists for 2.2 kernels. Please use a 2.4 kernel."
msgstr "Support PCMCIA tak ada lagi utk kernel 2.2, pakailah kernel 2.4."
-#: ../../modules/interactive.pm_.c:16
-msgid "You can configure each parameter of the module here."
-msgstr "Konfigurasi tiap parameter modul dapat dilakukan di sini."
-#: ../../modules/parameters.pm_.c:18
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "modinfo is not available"
-msgstr "Tidak ada floppy drive"
-#: ../../modules/parameters.pm_.c:50
-msgid "a number"
-msgstr "nomor"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
-#: ../../modules/parameters.pm_.c:52
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "%d comma separated numbers"
-msgstr "%d bilangan terpisah koma\""
+msgid "To activate the mouse,"
+msgstr "Untuk mengaktifkan mouse,"
-#: ../../modules/parameters.pm_.c:52
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "%d comma separated strings"
-msgstr "%d string terpisah koma"
+msgid "Please test the mouse"
+msgstr "Silakan tes mouse Anda"
-#: ../../modules/parameters.pm_.c:54
-msgid "comma separated numbers"
-msgstr "bilangan terpisah koma"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "No mouse"
+msgstr "Tidak pakai mouse"
-#: ../../modules/parameters.pm_.c:54
-msgid "comma separated strings"
-msgstr "string terpisah koma"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "none"
+msgstr "tiada"
-#: ../../mouse.pm_.c:25
-msgid "Sun - Mouse"
-msgstr "Mouse Sun"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "3 buttons"
+msgstr "3 tombol"
-#: ../../mouse.pm_.c:32
-msgid "Logitech MouseMan+"
-msgstr "Logitech MouseMan+"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "2 buttons"
+msgstr "2 tombol"
-#: ../../mouse.pm_.c:33
-msgid "Generic PS2 Wheel Mouse"
-msgstr "Mouse PS2 wheel generik"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "1 button"
+msgstr "1 tombol"
-#: ../../mouse.pm_.c:34
-msgid "GlidePoint"
-msgstr "GlidePoint"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "busmouse"
+msgstr "busmouse"
-#: ../../mouse.pm_.c:36 ../../mouse.pm_.c:65
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid "Kensington Thinking Mouse"
msgstr "Kensington Thinking Mouse"
-#: ../../mouse.pm_.c:37 ../../mouse.pm_.c:61
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Logitech Mouse (serial, old C7 type)"
+msgstr "Logitech Mouse (serial, old C7 type)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "MM HitTablet"
+msgstr "MM HitTablet"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "MM Series"
+msgstr "MM Series"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid "Genius NetMouse"
msgstr "Genius NetMouse"
-#: ../../mouse.pm_.c:38
-msgid "Genius NetScroll"
-msgstr "Genius NetScroll"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Logitech MouseMan+/FirstMouse+"
+msgstr "Logitech MouseMan+/FirstMouse+"
-#: ../../mouse.pm_.c:39 ../../mouse.pm_.c:48
-msgid "Microsoft Explorer"
-msgstr "microsoft Explorer"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Logitech CC Series"
+msgstr "Logitech CC Series"
-#: ../../mouse.pm_.c:44 ../../mouse.pm_.c:70
-msgid "1 button"
-msgstr "1 tombol"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Mouse Systems"
+msgstr "Sistem Mouse (serial)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Logitech MouseMan"
+msgstr "Logitech MouseMan"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Microsoft IntelliMouse"
+msgstr "Microsoft IntelliMouse"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Generic 3 Button Mouse"
+msgstr "Mouse Generik 3 Tombol"
-#: ../../mouse.pm_.c:45 ../../mouse.pm_.c:53
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid "Generic 2 Button Mouse"
msgstr "Mouse Generik 2 Tombol"
-#: ../../mouse.pm_.c:47
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "serial"
+msgstr "serial"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Microsoft Explorer"
+msgstr "microsoft Explorer"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid "Wheel"
msgstr "Wheel"
-#: ../../mouse.pm_.c:51
-msgid "serial"
-msgstr "serial"
+#: ../../ ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Generic"
+msgstr "Generik"
-#: ../../mouse.pm_.c:54
-msgid "Generic 3 Button Mouse"
-msgstr "Mouse Generik 3 Tombol"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Genius NetScroll"
+msgstr "Genius NetScroll"
-#: ../../mouse.pm_.c:55
-msgid "Microsoft IntelliMouse"
-msgstr "Microsoft IntelliMouse"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "GlidePoint"
+msgstr "GlidePoint"
-#: ../../mouse.pm_.c:56
-msgid "Logitech MouseMan"
-msgstr "Logitech MouseMan"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Generic PS2 Wheel Mouse"
+msgstr "Mouse PS2 wheel generik"
-#: ../../mouse.pm_.c:57
-msgid "Mouse Systems"
-msgstr "Sistem Mouse (serial)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Logitech MouseMan+"
+msgstr "Logitech MouseMan+"
-#: ../../mouse.pm_.c:59
-msgid "Logitech CC Series"
-msgstr "Logitech CC Series"
+#: ../../ ../../security/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Standard"
+msgstr "Standar"
-#: ../../mouse.pm_.c:60
-msgid "Logitech MouseMan+/FirstMouse+"
-msgstr "Logitech MouseMan+/FirstMouse+"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Sun - Mouse"
+msgstr "Mouse Sun"
-#: ../../mouse.pm_.c:62
-msgid "MM Series"
-msgstr "MM Series"
+#: ../../ ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Toggle between flat and group sorted"
+msgstr "Togel tampilan rata dan terurut grupnya"
-#: ../../mouse.pm_.c:63
-msgid "MM HitTablet"
-msgstr "MM HitTablet"
+#: ../../ ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Collapse Tree"
+msgstr "Tutup Tree"
-#: ../../mouse.pm_.c:64
-msgid "Logitech Mouse (serial, old C7 type)"
-msgstr "Logitech Mouse (serial, old C7 type)"
+#: ../../ ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Expand Tree"
+msgstr "Buka Tree"
-#: ../../mouse.pm_.c:68
-msgid "busmouse"
-msgstr "busmouse"
+#: ../../ ../../ ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Info"
+msgstr "Info"
-#: ../../mouse.pm_.c:71
-msgid "2 buttons"
-msgstr "2 tombol"
+#: ../../ ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Is this correct?"
+msgstr "Sudah sesuai?"
-#: ../../mouse.pm_.c:72
-msgid "3 buttons"
-msgstr "3 tombol"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "-adobe-utopia-regular-r-*-*-25-*-*-*-p-*-iso8859-*,*-r-*"
+msgstr "-adobe-utopia-regular-r-*-*-25-*-*-*-p-*-iso8859-*,*-r-*"
-#: ../../mouse.pm_.c:75
-msgid "none"
-msgstr "tiada"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error writing to file %s"
+msgstr "Error pada saat menulis file %s"
-#: ../../mouse.pm_.c:77
-msgid "No mouse"
-msgstr "Tidak pakai mouse"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bad backup file"
+msgstr "File backup rusak"
-#: ../../mouse.pm_.c:490
-msgid "Please test the mouse"
-msgstr "Silakan tes mouse Anda"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Restoring from file %s failed: %s"
+msgstr "Proses restore dari file %s gagal: %s"
-#: ../../mouse.pm_.c:491
-msgid "To activate the mouse,"
-msgstr "Untuk mengaktifkan mouse,"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You have a hole in your partition table but I can't use it.\n"
+"The only solution is to move your primary partitions to have the hole next "
+"to the extended partitions."
+msgstr ""
+"Anda punya tabel partisi tapi tidak bisa saya gunakan.\n"
+"Satu-satunya cara adalah memindahkan partisi primary Anda ke partisi\n"
+"extended selanjutnya"
-#: ../../mouse.pm_.c:492
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Extended partition not supported on this platform"
+msgstr "Partisi extended tak bisa dipakai di platform ini"
-#: ../../my_gtk.pm_.c:65
-msgid "-adobe-utopia-regular-r-*-*-25-*-*-*-p-*-iso8859-*,*-r-*"
-msgstr "-adobe-utopia-regular-r-*-*-25-*-*-*-p-*-iso8859-*,*-r-*"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "mount failed: "
+msgstr "gagal melakukan mount: "
-#: ../../my_gtk.pm_.c:159 ../../ugtk2.pm_.c:435
-msgid "Finish"
-msgstr "Selesai"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "maybe"
+msgstr "hmm.."
-#: ../../my_gtk.pm_.c:159 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2057
-#: ../../ugtk2.pm_.c:435
-msgid "Next ->"
-msgstr "Lanjutkan ->"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "nice"
+msgstr "bagus"
-#: ../../my_gtk.pm_.c:287 ../../ugtk2.pm_.c:926
-msgid "Is this correct?"
-msgstr "Sudah sesuai?"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "very nice"
+msgstr "amat bagus"
-#: ../../my_gtk.pm_.c:359 ../../services.pm_.c:227 ../../ugtk2.pm_.c:1011
-msgid "Info"
-msgstr "Info"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "important"
+msgstr "penting"
-#: ../../my_gtk.pm_.c:380 ../../ugtk2.pm_.c:1036
-msgid "Expand Tree"
-msgstr "Buka Tree"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "must have"
+msgstr "harus ada"
-#: ../../my_gtk.pm_.c:381 ../../ugtk2.pm_.c:1037
-msgid "Collapse Tree"
-msgstr "Tutup Tree"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Not enough partitions for RAID level %d\n"
+msgstr "Partisi tidak cukup untuk level RAID %d\n"
-#: ../../my_gtk.pm_.c:382 ../../ugtk2.pm_.c:1038
-msgid "Toggle between flat and group sorted"
-msgstr "Togel tampilan rata dan terurut grupnya"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "mkraid failed"
+msgstr "mkraid gagal"
-#: ../../network/adsl.pm_.c:23
-msgid "use pppoe"
-msgstr "gunakan pppoe"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "mkraid failed (maybe raidtools are missing?)"
+msgstr "mkraid gagal (mungkin raidtoolsnya tak ada?)"
-#: ../../network/adsl.pm_.c:24
-msgid "use pptp"
-msgstr "gunakan pptp"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Can't add a partition to _formatted_ RAID md%d"
+msgstr "Tidak dapat menambah partisi ke RAID md%d yang terformat"
-#: ../../network/adsl.pm_.c:25
-msgid "use dhcp"
-msgstr "gunakan dhcp"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Stop"
+msgstr "Stop"
-#: ../../network/adsl.pm_.c:26
-msgid "Alcatel speedtouch usb"
-msgstr "usb speedtouch Alcatel"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Mulai"
-#: ../../network/adsl.pm_.c:27
-msgid "Sagem (using pppoe) usb"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "On boot"
+msgstr "Saat boot"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"No additional information\n"
+"about this service, sorry."
msgstr ""
+"Mohon maaf, informasi lengkap\n"
+"tentang layanan ini tidak tersedia."
-#: ../../network/adsl.pm_.c:29 ../../network/ethernet.pm_.c:36
-msgid "Connect to the Internet"
-msgstr "Hubungan ke Internet"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Services and deamons"
+msgstr "Services dan daemon"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "stopped"
+msgstr "dihentikan"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "running"
+msgstr "sedang jalan"
-#: ../../network/adsl.pm_.c:30
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Choose which services should be automatically started at boot time"
+msgstr "Pilih service mana yang hendak dijalankan saat boot scr otomatis"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Database Server"
+msgstr "Server Database"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remote Administration"
+msgstr "Administrasi remote"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "File sharing"
+msgstr "Pemakaian file bersama"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Internet"
+msgstr "Internet"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Printing"
+msgstr "Pencetakan"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Starts the X Font Server (this is mandatory for XFree to run)."
+msgstr "Aktifkan Server Font X (agar XFree dapat berjalan)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Load the drivers for your usb devices."
+msgstr "Muat driver piranti USB"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"The most common way to connect with adsl is pppoe.\n"
-"Some connections use pptp, a few ones use dhcp.\n"
-"If you don't know, choose 'use pppoe'"
+"Syslog is the facility by which many daemons use to log messages\n"
+"to various system log files. It is a good idea to always run syslog."
msgstr ""
-"Cara yang umum untuk terkoneksi ke adsl adalah dengan menggunakan pppoe.\n"
-"Namun ada juga yang menggunakan pptp, dan ada yang pakai dhcp saja.\n"
-"Bila ragu, pilih saja 'gunakan pppoe'"
+"Syslog adalah fasilitas yang digunakan para daemon untuk mencatat\n"
+"pesan log sistem di file. Sebaiknya syslog selalu hidup."
-#: ../../network/adsl.pm_.c:166
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Launch the sound system on your machine"
+msgstr "Aktifkan sistem suara"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"You need the alcatel microcode.\n"
-"Download it at\n"
-"and copy the mgmt.o in /usr/share/speedtouch"
+"The rwho protocol lets remote users get a list of all of the users\n"
+"logged into a machine running the rwho daemon (similiar to finger)."
msgstr ""
+"Protokol rwho digunakan untuk melihat daftar pengguna yang sedang login\n"
+"di suatu sistem yang juga menjalankan daemon rwho (mirip dengan finger)."
-#: ../../network/drakfirewall.pm_.c:12
-msgid "Web Server"
-msgstr "Server Web"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The rusers protocol allows users on a network to identify who is\n"
+"logged in on other responding machines."
+msgstr ""
+"Protokol ruser digunakan di jaringan untuk mengidentifikasi siapa\n"
+"yang lagi login di jaringan."
-#: ../../network/drakfirewall.pm_.c:17
-msgid "Domain Name Server"
-msgstr "Server Nama Domain"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The rstat protocol allows users on a network to retrieve\n"
+"performance metrics for any machine on that network."
+msgstr ""
+"Protokol rstat digunakan pada jaringan untuk mengambil\n"
+"ukuran kinerja sistem di network."
-#: ../../network/drakfirewall.pm_.c:32
-msgid "Mail Server"
-msgstr "Server Mail"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The routed daemon allows for automatic IP router table updated via\n"
+"the RIP protocol. While RIP is widely used on small networks, more complex\n"
+"routing protocols are needed for complex networks."
+msgstr ""
+"Daemon routed digunakan untuk update tabel routing IP otomatis liwat\n"
+"protokol RIP. RIP dipakai di jaringan kecil, dan semakin besar jaringannya\n"
+"maka protokol routing yang canggih pun semakin dibutuhkan."
-#: ../../network/drakfirewall.pm_.c:37
-msgid "POP and IMAP Server"
-msgstr "Server POP dan IMAP"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Assign raw devices to block devices (such as hard drive\n"
+"partitions), for the use of applications such as Oracle"
+msgstr ""
+"Tunjuk raw device ke block devices (misalnya partisi hard drive),\n"
+"utk digunakan oleh aplikasi semacam Oracle"
-#: ../../network/drakfirewall.pm_.c:111
-msgid "No network card"
-msgstr "Tiada kartu jaringan"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Saves and restores system entropy pool for higher quality random\n"
+"number generation."
+msgstr ""
+"Menyimpan dan mengembalikan pool entropi sistem untuk membuat\n"
+"angka acak dengan kualitas sangat acak."
-#: ../../network/drakfirewall.pm_.c:129
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"drakfirewall configurator\n"
-"This configures a personal firewall for this Mandrake Linux machine.\n"
-"For a powerful dedicated firewall solution, please look to the\n"
-"specialized MandrakeSecurity Firewall distribution."
+"Postfix is a Mail Transport Agent, which is the program that moves mail from "
+"one machine to another."
msgstr ""
-"konfigurator drakfirewall\n"
-"Program ini mengkonfigurasi firewall pribadi sistem Linux Mandrake.\n"
-"Untuk membuat solusi firewall yang lebih baik, cobalah\n"
-"distribusi khusus MandrakeSecurity Firewall"
+"Postfix adalah Mail Transport Agent, program pengantar surat dari satu ke "
+"lain mesin."
-#: ../../network/drakfirewall.pm_.c:135
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"drakfirewall configurator\n"
-"Make sure you have configured your Network/Internet access with\n"
-"drakconnect before going any further."
+"The portmapper manages RPC connections, which are used by\n"
+"protocols such as NFS and NIS. The portmap server must be running on "
+"which act as servers for protocols which make use of the RPC mechanism."
msgstr ""
-"konfigurator drakfirewall\n"
-"Pastikan Anda telah mengkonfigurasikan akses Jaringan/Internet dg\n"
-"drakconnect sebelum melanjutkan."
+"Portmapper mengelola koneksi RPC, yang digunakan oleh protokol seperti\n"
+"NFS dan NIS. Server portmap harus jalan di mesin yang bertindak sebagai\n"
+"server untuk protokol yang menggunakan mekanisme RPC."
-#: ../../network/drakfirewall.pm_.c:152
-msgid "Which services would you like to allow the Internet to connect to?"
-msgstr "Layanan apa yg Anda suka untuk akses dari Internet?"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"PCMCIA support is usually to support things like ethernet and\n"
+"modems in laptops. It won't get started unless configured so it is safe to "
+"it installed on machines that don't need it."
+msgstr ""
+"PCMCIA digunakan untuk menjalankan perangkat semacam ethernet atau modem\n"
+"pada laptop. Dia tak bisa jalan kecuali dikonfigurasikan di sini, jadi tak\n"
+"apa-apa kalau tak diinstal di mesin yang tak perlu PCMCIA."
-#: ../../network/drakfirewall.pm_.c:153
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Support the OKI 4w and compatible winprinters."
+msgstr "Support OKI 4w and winprinter kompatibel."
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"You can enter miscellaneous ports. \n"
-"Valid examples are: 139/tcp 139/udp.\n"
-"Have a look at /etc/services for information."
+"Automatically switch on numlock key locker under console\n"
+"and XFree at boot."
+msgstr "Secara otomatis nyalakan numlock saat boot pada console/XFree."
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"NFS is a popular protocol for file sharing across TCP/IP\n"
+"networks. This service provides NFS file locking functionality."
msgstr ""
-"Anda dapat memasukkan berbagai port. \n"
-"Contoh lazim adalah: 139/tcp 139/udp.\n"
-"Informasi ada di /etc/services."
+"NFS adalah protokol populer untuk file sharing di TCP/IP\n"
+"Servis ini memberikan fungsi file lock pada NFS."
-#: ../../network/drakfirewall.pm_.c:159
+#: ../../
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Invalid port given: %s.\n"
-"The proper format is \"port/tcp\" or \"port/udp\", \n"
-"where port is between 1 and 65535."
+"NFS is a popular protocol for file sharing across TCP/IP networks.\n"
+"This service provides NFS server functionality, which is configured via the\n"
+"/etc/exports file."
msgstr ""
-"Port tak berlaku: %s.\n"
-"Format yg benar adalah \"port/tcp\" atau \"port/udp\", \n"
-"sedangkan port berkisar dari 1 sampai 65535."
+"NFS adalah protokol populer untuk file sharing lewat network TCP/IP.\n"
+"Servis ini dinyalakan untuk membuat NFS server bisa jalan dengan "
+"konfigurasi pada file /etc/exports."
-#: ../../network/drakfirewall.pm_.c:167
-msgid "Everything (no firewall)"
-msgstr "Semua (tanpa firewall)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Activates/Deactivates all network interfaces configured to start\n"
+"at boot time."
+msgstr ""
+"Aktif/nonaktifkan semua interface network yang terkonfigurasi nyala\n"
+"pada saat boot."
-#: ../../network/drakfirewall.pm_.c:169
-msgid "Other ports"
-msgstr "Port lain"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Mounts and unmounts all Network File System (NFS), SMB (Lan\n"
+"Manager/Windows), and NCP (NetWare) mount points."
+msgstr ""
+"Mount dan unmount semua Network File System (NFS), SMB (Lan\n"
+"Manager/windows), dan NCP (Netware)."
-#: ../../network/ethernet.pm_.c:37
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Which dhcp client do you want to use?\n"
-"Default is dhcp-client"
+"named (BIND) is a Domain Name Server (DNS) that is used to resolve host "
+"names to IP addresses."
msgstr ""
-"Klien dhcp mana yang ingin Anda pakai?\n"
-"defaultnya adalah dhcp-client"
+"named (BIND) adalah Domain Name Server (DNS) yang digunakan untuk "
+"menerjemahkan nama host ke IP address."
-#: ../../network/ethernet.pm_.c:88
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"No ethernet network adapter has been detected on your system.\n"
-"I cannot set up this connection type."
+"Linux Virtual Server, used to build a high-performance and highly\n"
+"available server."
msgstr ""
-"Tidak ada adapter jaringan ethernet yang terdeteksi di sistem ini.\n"
-"Tipe koneksi ini tak dapat diset up."
+"Linux Virtual Server, digunakan utk membangun server dg performans dan\n"
+"kapasitas tinggi."
-#: ../../network/ethernet.pm_.c:92 ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:234
-msgid "Choose the network interface"
-msgstr "Pilih interface jaringan"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"lpd is the print daemon required for lpr to work properly. It is\n"
+"basically a server that arbitrates print jobs to printer(s)."
+msgstr ""
+"lpd adalah daemon printer yang jadi tulang punggung lpr. Dia\n"
+"bertugas sebagai server yang memberi perintah kepada printer untuk mencetak."
-#: ../../network/ethernet.pm_.c:93
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Please choose which network adapter you want to use to connect to Internet"
-msgstr "Pilih adapter jaringan yang akan digunakan untuk terhubung ke Internet"
+"Linuxconf will sometimes arrange to perform various tasks\n"
+"at boot-time to maintain the system configuration."
+msgstr ""
+"Linuxconf kadang bekerja keras saat boot utk perawatan konfigurasi sistem."
-#: ../../network/ethernet.pm_.c:176
-msgid "no network card found"
-msgstr "kartu jaringan tak ditemukan"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Automatic detection and configuration of hardware at boot."
+msgstr "Deteksi dan konfigurasi otomatis hardware saat boot."
-#: ../../network/ethernet.pm_.c:200 ../../network/network.pm_.c:349
-msgid "Configuring network"
-msgstr "Konfigureasi jaringan"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Automatic regeneration of kernel header in /boot for\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Regenerasi otomatis header kernel di /boot utk\n"
-#: ../../network/ethernet.pm_.c:201
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Please enter your host name if you know it.\n"
-"Some DHCP servers require the hostname to work.\n"
-"Your host name should be a fully-qualified host name,\n"
-"such as ``''."
+"This package loads the selected keyboard map as set in\n"
+"/etc/sysconfig/keyboard. This can be selected using the kbdconfig utility.\n"
+"You should leave this enabled for most machines."
msgstr ""
-"Masukkan hostname sebab ada server DHCP yg mengharuskan adanya hostname.\n"
-"Hostname (nama komputer) sebaiknya merupakan nama host yg fully-qualified\n"
-"misalnya ``''."
+"Paket ini akan memuat map papanketik yang dipilih di file\n"
+"/etc/sysconfig/keyboard. Mapnya dapat dipilih dari utility kbdconfig.\n"
+"Biarkan aktif!"
-#: ../../network/ethernet.pm_.c:205 ../../network/network.pm_.c:354
-msgid "Host name"
-msgstr "Nama Host"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Launch packet filtering for Linux kernel 2.2 series, to set\n"
+"up a firewall to protect your machine from network attacks."
+msgstr ""
+"Luncurkan filter paket Linux kernel seri 2.2, untuk set-up\n"
+"firewall yang melindungi mesin Anda dari serangan network."
-#: ../../network/isdn.pm_.c:21 ../../network/isdn.pm_.c:44
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:89 ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:103
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:156 ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:171
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:222 ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:245
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:253
-msgid "Network Configuration Wizard"
-msgstr "Wizard Konfigurasi Jaringan"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The internet superserver daemon (commonly called inetd) starts a\n"
+"variety of other internet services as needed. It is responsible for "
+"many services, including telnet, ftp, rsh, and rlogin. Disabling inetd "
+"all of the services it is responsible for."
+msgstr ""
+"daemon superserver internet (biasa dipanggil inetd) bertugas untuk\n"
+"menjalankan servis-servis internet yang dibutuhkan. Dia bertanggung jawab\n"
+"atas banyak server, misalnya telnet, ftp, rsh, dan rlogin. Menonaktifkan\n"
+"inetd berarti menonaktifkan semua servis-servis tadi."
-#: ../../network/isdn.pm_.c:22
-msgid "External ISDN modem"
-msgstr "Modem ISDN external"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Apache is a World Wide Web server. It is used to serve HTML files and CGI."
+msgstr ""
+"Apache adalah server World Wide Web. Dia dipakai untuk menyediakan file\n"
+"HTML dan CGI."
-#: ../../network/isdn.pm_.c:22
-msgid "Internal ISDN card"
-msgstr "Kartu ISDN internal"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"HardDrake runs a hardware probe, and optionally configures\n"
+"new/changed hardware."
+msgstr ""
+"HardDrake mendeteksi hardware, dan mengkonfigurasi yg baru/berubah bila "
-#: ../../network/isdn.pm_.c:22
-msgid "What kind is your ISDN connection?"
-msgstr "Tipe koneksi ISDN apa yang Anda miliki?"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"GPM adds mouse support to text-based Linux applications such the\n"
+"Midnight Commander. It also allows mouse-based console cut-and-paste "
+"and includes support for pop-up menus on the console."
+msgstr ""
+"GPM memberikan akses ke mouse pada aplikasi Linux yang text based semacam\n"
+"Midnight Commander. Dia juga bisa bikin cut-and-paste dengan mouse pada "
+"dan juga bikin menu pop-up di konsol."
-#: ../../network/isdn.pm_.c:45
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Which ISDN configuration do you prefer?\n"
-"* The Old configuration uses isdn4net. It contains powerful\n"
-" tools, but is tricky to configure, and not standard.\n"
-"* The New configuration is easier to understand, more\n"
-" standard, but with less tools.\n"
-"We recommand the light configuration.\n"
+"cron is a standard UNIX program that runs user-specified programs\n"
+"at periodic scheduled times. vixie cron adds a number of features to the "
+"UNIX cron, including better security and more powerful configuration options."
msgstr ""
-"Konfigurasi ISDN mana yg Anda suka?\n"
-"* Konfigurasi lama menggunakan isdn4net, berisi alat perkasa,\n"
-" tetapi tricky bagi pemula, dan tidak standar.\n"
-"* Konfigurasi baru lebih mudah dimengerti, lebih standar,\n"
-" tapi dg alat lebih sedikit.\n"
-"Kami sarankan konfigurasi ringan.\n"
+"Cron adalah program UNIX standar yang menjalankan program pengguna\n"
+"pada waktu yang terjadwal. vixie cron memiliki fitur yang lebih lengkap\n"
+"dari cron UNIX biasa, termasuk pembenahan sekuriti yang lebih baik dan\n"
+"lebih mantapnya option pada konfigurasinya."
-#: ../../network/isdn.pm_.c:54
-msgid "New configuration (isdn-light)"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi baru (isdn-light)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Runs commands scheduled by the at command at the time specified when\n"
+"at was run, and runs batch commands when the load average is low enough."
+msgstr ""
+"Menjalankan perintah terjadwal dengan perintah at pada waktu tertentu\n"
+"saat at dijalankan, dan memulai perintah secara batch waktu rata-rata load\n"
+"sedang rendah."
-#: ../../network/isdn.pm_.c:54
-msgid "Old configuration (isdn4net)"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi lama (isdn4net)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"apmd is used for monitoring battery status and logging it via syslog.\n"
+"It can also be used for shutting down the machine when the battery is low."
+msgstr ""
+"apmd digunakan untuk monitoring status batere dan mencatatnya di syslog.\n"
+"apmd juga bisa untuk mematikan mesin waktu baterenya habis."
-#: ../../network/isdn.pm_.c:166 ../../network/isdn.pm_.c:184
-#: ../../network/isdn.pm_.c:196 ../../network/isdn.pm_.c:202
-#: ../../network/isdn.pm_.c:209 ../../network/isdn.pm_.c:219
-msgid "ISDN Configuration"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi ISDN"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Anacron is a periodic command scheduler."
+msgstr "Skeduler command periodik, Anacron"
-#: ../../network/isdn.pm_.c:166
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Launch the ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) sound system"
+msgstr "Luncurkan sistem suara ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Installing packages..."
+msgstr "Instalasi paket..."
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Select your provider.\n"
-"If it isn't listed, choose Unlisted."
+"Usage: %s [--auto] [--beginner] [--expert] [-h|--help] [--noauto] [--"
+"testing] [-v|--version] "
msgstr ""
-"Pilih provider Anda.\n"
-"Bila tidak ada dalam daftar, pilih Tidak Terdaftar"
-#: ../../network/isdn.pm_.c:179
-msgid "Europe protocol"
-msgstr "Protokol Eropa"
-#: ../../network/isdn.pm_.c:179
-msgid "Europe protocol (EDSS1)"
-msgstr "Protokol Eropa (EDSS1)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+" [everything]\n"
+" XFdrake [--noauto] monitor\n"
+" XFdrake resolution"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../network/isdn.pm_.c:181
-msgid "Protocol for the rest of the world"
-msgstr "Protokol lain"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"[--manual] [--device=dev] [--update-sane=sane_desc_dir] [--update-usbtable] "
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../network/isdn.pm_.c:181
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Protocol for the rest of the world\n"
-"No D-Channel (leased lines)"
+" --no-confirmation don't ask first confirmation question in "
+"MandrakeUpdate mode\n"
+" --no-verify-rpm don't verify packages signatures\n"
+" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
+"description window\n"
+" --merge-all-rpmnew propose to merge all .rpmnew/.rpmsave files found"
msgstr ""
-"Protokol lain \n"
-" tanpa D-Channel (leased lines)"
-#: ../../network/isdn.pm_.c:185
-msgid "Which protocol do you want to use?"
-msgstr "Protokol apa yang ingin Anda gunakan?"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid " [--skiptest] [--cups] [--lprng] [--lpd] [--pdq]"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../network/isdn.pm_.c:196
+#: ../../
#, c-format
-msgid "Found \"%s\" interface do you want to use it ?"
-msgstr "Ditemukan antarmuka \"%s\" Anda ingin menggunakannya?"
+msgid ""
+"Network & Internet connection and monitoring application\n"
+"--defaultintf interface : show this interface by default\n"
+"--connect : connect to internet if not already connected\n"
+"--disconnect : disconnect to internet if already connected\n"
+"--force : used with (dis)connect : force (dis)connection.\n"
+"--status : returns 1 if connected 0 otherwise, then exit.\n"
+"--quiet : don't be interactive. To be used with (dis)connect."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../network/isdn.pm_.c:203
-msgid "What kind of card do you have?"
-msgstr "Tipe card mana yang Anda punya?"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "[--file=myfile] [--word=myword] [--explain=regexp] [--alert]"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../network/isdn.pm_.c:204
-msgid "I don't know"
-msgstr "Saya tak tahu"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "[keyboard]"
+msgstr "Papanketik"
-#: ../../network/isdn.pm_.c:204
-msgid "ISA / PCMCIA"
-msgstr "ISA / PCMCIA"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Mandrake Terminal Server Configurator\n"
+"--enable : enable MTS\n"
+"--disable : disable MTS\n"
+"--start : start MTS\n"
+"--stop : stop MTS\n"
+"--adduser : add an existing system user to MTS (requires username)\n"
+"--deluser : delete an existing system user from MTS (requires "
+"--addclient : add a client machine to MTS (requires MAC address, IP, "
+"nbi image name)\n"
+"--delclient : delete a client machine from MTS (requires MAC address, "
+"IP, nbi image name)"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../network/isdn.pm_.c:204
-msgid "PCI"
-msgstr "PCI"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Font Importation and monitoring "
+"application \n"
+"--windows_import : import from all available windows partitions.\n"
+"--xls_fonts : show all fonts that already exist from xls\n"
+"--strong : strong verification of font.\n"
+"--install : accept any font file and any directry.\n"
+"--uninstall : uninstall any font or any directory of font.\n"
+"--replace : replace all font if already exist\n"
+"--application : 0 none application.\n"
+" : 1 all application available supported.\n"
+" : name_of_application like so for staroffice \n"
+" : and gs for ghostscript for only this one."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../network/isdn.pm_.c:210
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"If you have an ISA card, the values on the next screen should be right.\n"
+" --help - print this help message.\n"
+" --report - program should be one of mandrake tools\n"
+" --incident - program should be one of mandrake tools"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"[--config-info] [--daemon] [--debug] [--default] [--show-conf]\n"
+"Backup and Restore application\n"
-"If you have a PCMCIA card, you have to know the \"irq\" and \"io\" of your "
+"--default : save default directories.\n"
+"--debug : show all debug messages.\n"
+"--show-conf : list of files or directories to backup.\n"
+"--config-info : explain configuration file options (for non-X "
+"--daemon : use daemon configuration. \n"
+"--help : show this message.\n"
+"--version : show version number.\n"
msgstr ""
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n"
+"it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n"
+"the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)\n"
+"any later version.\n"
-"Bila Anda punya card ISA, konfigurasi pada layar berikut nanti harusnya "
-"sudah benar.\n"
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n"
+"but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n"
+"GNU General Public License for more details.\n"
-"Bila Anda punya card PCMCIA, Anda harus mengetahui irq dan io kartu Anda "
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n"
+"along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\n"
+"Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.\n"
+msgstr ""
+" Program ini gratis; Anda dapat menyebar ulang dan/atau mengubah\n"
+" menurut Lisensi Publik Umum GNU dari the Free Software Foundation; baik\n"
+" versi 2, atau yang lebih baru.\n"
+" Program ini disebar agar dapat berguna, tapi TANPA GARANSI APAPUN; bahkan\n"
+" tanpa garansi sebagai implikasi DAGANG atau KELAYAKAN UNTUK KEGUNAAN\n"
+" TERTENTU. Info lebih lanjut ada di Lisensi Publik Umum GNU.\n"
+" Anda mestinya sudah menerima salinan Lisensi Publik Umum GNU dari program\n"
+" ini; jika tidak, tulis ke the Free Software\n"
+" Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
-#: ../../network/isdn.pm_.c:214
-msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Batal"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Exit install"
+msgstr "Keluar dari proses instalasi"
-#: ../../network/isdn.pm_.c:214
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Lanjut"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Install system updates"
+msgstr "Instal update sistem"
-#: ../../network/isdn.pm_.c:220
-msgid "Which is your ISDN card?"
-msgstr "Manakah kartu ISDN Anda?"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Configure services"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi service"
-#: ../../network/isdn.pm_.c:239
-msgid ""
-"I have detected an ISDN PCI card, but I don't know its type. Please select a "
-"PCI card on the next screen."
-msgstr ""
-"Saya mendeteksi adanya sebuah card ISDN PCI, tapi saya tidak tahu tipenya. "
-"Silakan pilih card PCI tersebut pada layar berikutnya."
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Configure X"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi X"
-#: ../../network/isdn.pm_.c:248
-msgid "No ISDN PCI card found. Please select one on the next screen."
-msgstr "Tiada kartu PCI ISDN ditemukan. Pilihlah satu pd layar berikut."
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Install bootloader"
+msgstr "Instal bootloader"
-#: ../../network/modem.pm_.c:57
-msgid "Please choose which serial port your modem is connected to."
-msgstr "Di serial port mana modem Anda terhubung?"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Configure networking"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi jaringan"
-#: ../../network/modem.pm_.c:67
-msgid "Dialup options"
-msgstr "Parameter Dialup"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Add a user"
+msgstr "Tambahkan pengguna"
-#: ../../network/modem.pm_.c:68 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:619
-msgid "Connection name"
-msgstr "Nama koneksi"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Install system"
+msgstr "Instal sistem"
-#: ../../network/modem.pm_.c:69 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:620
-msgid "Phone number"
-msgstr "Nomor telepon"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Choose packages to install"
+msgstr "Paket yang akan diinstal"
-#: ../../network/modem.pm_.c:70 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:621
-msgid "Login ID"
-msgstr "Login ID"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Format partitions"
+msgstr "Melakukan format partisi"
-#: ../../network/modem.pm_.c:72 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:623
-msgid "CHAP"
-msgstr "CHAP"
+#: ../../
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Partitioning"
+msgstr "Pencetakan"
-#: ../../network/modem.pm_.c:72 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:623
-msgid "PAP"
-msgstr "PAP"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Choose your keyboard"
+msgstr "Pilih papanketik"
-#: ../../network/modem.pm_.c:72 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:623
-msgid "Script-based"
-msgstr "Script-based"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Select installation class"
+msgstr "Pilih kelas instalasi"
-#: ../../network/modem.pm_.c:72 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:623
-msgid "Terminal-based"
-msgstr "Terminal-based"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Hard drive detection"
+msgstr "Deteksi hard disk"
-#: ../../network/modem.pm_.c:73 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:624
-msgid "Domain name"
-msgstr "Nama domain"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Configure mouse"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi mouse"
-#: ../../network/modem.pm_.c:74 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:625
-msgid "First DNS Server (optional)"
-msgstr "Server DNS Primer (boleh diisi/tidak)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "License"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../network/modem.pm_.c:75 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:626
-msgid "Second DNS Server (optional)"
-msgstr "Server DNS Sekunder (boleh tidak diisi)"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "Choose your language"
+msgstr "Pilih bahasa"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "utopia 25"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../ ../../ ../../standalone/logdrake:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "logdrake"
+msgstr "logdrake"
+#: ../../
+#, c-format
+msgid "-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--17-*-100-100-p-*-iso8859-*,*-r-*"
+msgstr "-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--17-*-100-100-p-*-iso8859-*,*-r-*"
-#: ../../network/modem.pm_.c:95
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Xpmac (installation display driver)"
+msgstr "Xpmac (instalasi driver display)"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Your modem isn't supported by the system.\n"
-"Take a look at"
+"Your card can have 3D hardware acceleration support with XFree %s,\n"
msgstr ""
+"Kartu Anda dapat menggunakan akselerasi hardware 3D pada XFree %s,\n"
-#: ../../network/modem.pm_.c:97
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "XFree %s with EXPERIMENTAL 3D hardware acceleration"
+msgstr "XFree %s dengan akselerasi hardware 3D PERCOBAAN"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your card can have 3D hardware acceleration support with XFree %s."
+msgstr "Kartu Anda dapat menggunakan akselerasi hardware 3D pada XFree %s."
+#: ../../Xconfig/ ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "XFree %s with 3D hardware acceleration"
+msgstr "XFree %s dengan akselerasi hardware 3D"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"\"%s\" based winmodem detected, do you want to install needed software ?"
+"Your card can have 3D hardware acceleration support but only with XFree %s,\n"
+"Your card is supported by XFree %s which may have a better support in 2D."
msgstr ""
+"Kartu Anda dapat menggunakan akselerasi hardware 3D pada XFree %s,\n"
+"Kartu Anda ini dapat digunakan XFree %s yang lebih baik dalam 2D."
-#: ../../network/modem.pm_.c:97
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Do nothing"
-msgstr "tapi bukan pencocokan"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Your card can have 3D hardware acceleration support but only with XFree %s.\n"
+"Your card is supported by XFree %s which may have a better support in 2D."
+msgstr ""
+"Kartu Anda punya akselerasi hardware 3D, tapi hanya bisa digunakan pada "
+"XFree %s.\n"
+"Kartu Anda ini dapat dipakai pada XFree %s yg punya dukungan baik dalam 2D."
-#: ../../network/modem.pm_.c:97
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Install rpm"
-msgstr "Instal"
+#: ../../Xconfig/ ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "XFree %s"
+msgstr "XFree %s"
-#: ../../network/modem.pm_.c:97
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Title"
-msgstr "Tabel"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Configure only card \"%s\"%s"
+msgstr "Konfigurasikan hanya kartu \"%s\"%s"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use Xinerama extension"
+msgstr "Gunakan ekstensi Xinerama"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:29
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Configure all heads independently"
+msgstr "Konfigurasikan semua head secara terpisah"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Which configuration of XFree do you want to have?"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi XFree mana yang Anda inginkan?"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "XFree configuration"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi XFree"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Select the memory size of your graphics card"
+msgstr "Pilih memori kartu grafis Anda"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"You can disconnect or reconfigure your connection."
+"Your system supports multiple head configuration.\n"
+"What do you want to do?"
msgstr ""
-"Anda bisa putuskan atau konfigurasi koneksi yang ada sekarang."
+"Sistem Anda mendukung konfigurasi head majemuk.\n"
+"Apa yg ingin Anda lakukan?"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Multi-head configuration"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi head majemuk"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:29 ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:32
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Choose an X server"
+msgstr "Pilih server X"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "X server"
+msgstr "Server X"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "64 MB or more"
+msgstr "64 MB atau lebih"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "32 MB"
+msgstr "32 MB"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "16 MB"
+msgstr "16 MB"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "8 MB"
+msgstr "8 MB"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "4 MB"
+msgstr "4 MB"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "2 MB"
+msgstr "2 MB"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "1 MB"
+msgstr "1 MB"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "512 kB"
+msgstr "512 kb"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "256 kB"
+msgstr "256 kb"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
+"Keep the changes?\n"
+"The current configuration is:\n"
-"You can reconfigure your connection."
msgstr ""
+"Lakukan perubahan?\n"
+"Konfigurasi sekarang adalah:\n"
-"Anda bisa mengkonfigurasikan ulang koneksi ini"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:29
-msgid "You are currently connected to internet."
-msgstr "Sekarang Anda sedang terhubung ke Internet."
+#: ../../Xconfig/ ../../diskdrake/
+#: ../../diskdrake/ ../../diskdrake/
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Pilihan"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Test"
+msgstr "Tes"
+#: ../../Xconfig/ ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Resolution"
+msgstr "Resolusi"
+#: ../../Xconfig/ ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Monitor"
+msgstr "Monitor"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Graphic Card"
+msgstr "Kartu Grafik"
+#: ../../Xconfig/ ../../diskdrake/
+#: ../../printer/ ../../standalone/drakperm:1
+#: ../../standalone/draksplash:1 ../../standalone/harddrake2:1
+#: ../../standalone/logdrake:1 ../../standalone/scannerdrake:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Quit"
+msgstr "Keluar"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Vertical refresh rate"
+msgstr "Laju refresh vertikal"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:32
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Horizontal refresh rate"
+msgstr "Laju refresh horisontal"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
+"The two critical parameters are the vertical refresh rate, which is the "
+"at which the whole screen is refreshed, and most importantly the horizontal\n"
+"sync rate, which is the rate at which scanlines are displayed.\n"
-"You can connect to Internet or reconfigure your connection."
+"It is VERY IMPORTANT that you do not specify a monitor type with a sync "
+"that is beyond the capabilities of your monitor: you may damage your "
+" If in doubt, choose a conservative setting."
msgstr ""
+"Ada dua parameter penting, yaitu laju refresh vertikal, yaitu laju\n"
+"kecepatan saat seluruh layar direfresh, dan yang lebih penting lagi adalah\n"
+"laju sync horisontal, yaitu laju kecepatan saat menanyangkan scan line.\n"
-"Anda bisa sambungkan koneksi ke Internet atau mengkonfigurasikan ulang."
+"Anda TIDAK BOLEH mengisi parameter yang tak dapat diimbangi oleh kemampuan\n"
+"monitor Anda, karena ia akan rusak berat.\n"
+"Jika ragu, gunakan setting yang umum."
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:32
-msgid "You are not currently connected to Internet."
-msgstr "Anda sedang tidak terhubung ke Internet."
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Plug'n Play probing failed. Please select the correct monitor"
+msgstr "Probe Plug'n Play gagal. Pilihlah monitor yang benar"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:36
-msgid "Connect"
-msgstr "Tersambung"
+#: ../../Xconfig/ ../../standalone/harddrake2:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Vendor"
+msgstr "Pembuat"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:37
-msgid "Disconnect"
-msgstr "Putus"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Plug'n Play"
+msgstr "Plug'n Play"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:38
-msgid "Configure the connection"
-msgstr "Konfigurasikan koneksi"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Choose a monitor"
+msgstr "Pilih monitor"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:41
-msgid "Internet connection & configuration"
-msgstr "Koneksi dan konfigurasi Internet"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Graphics card: %s"
+msgstr "Kartu grafis: %s"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:94
+#: ../../Xconfig/
#, c-format
-msgid "We are now going to configure the %s connection."
-msgstr "Kita akan mengkonfigurasi koneksi %s."
+msgid "Choose the resolution and the color depth"
+msgstr "Pilih resolusi dan kedalaman warna"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Resolutions"
+msgstr "Resolusi"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:103
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "4 billion colors (32 bits)"
+msgstr "4 milyar warna (32 bit)"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "16 million colors (24 bits)"
+msgstr "16 juta warna (24 bit)"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "65 thousand colors (16 bits)"
+msgstr "65 ribu warna (16 bit)"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "32 thousand colors (15 bits)"
+msgstr "32 ribu warna (15 bit)"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "256 colors (8 bits)"
+msgstr "256 warna (8 bit)"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Is this the correct setting?"
+msgstr "Sudah sesuai?"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Leaving in %d seconds"
+msgstr "%d detik"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"We are now going to configure the %s connection.\n"
-"Press OK to continue."
+"An error occurred:\n"
+"Try to change some parameters"
msgstr ""
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Warning: testing this graphic card may freeze your computer"
+msgstr "Awas: pengujian kartu grafis ini dapat membekukan komputer"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Do you want to test the configuration?"
+msgstr "Anda ingin tes konfigurasi ini?"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Test of the configuration"
+msgstr "Tes konfigurasi"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "What norm is your TV using?"
+msgstr "Norm apa yg digunakan TV Anda?"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Your graphic card seems to have a TV-OUT connector.\n"
+"It can be configured to work using frame-buffer.\n"
+"For this you have to plug your graphic card to your TV before booting your "
+"Then choose the \"TVout\" entry in the bootloader\n"
+"Do you have this feature?"
+msgstr ""
+"Kartu grafik Anda tak punya konektor TV-OUT.\n"
+"Ia dapat dikonfigurasikan agar bekerja menggunakan frame-buffer.\n"
-"Konfigurasi koneksi %s.\n"
+"Untuk ini Anda harus menyambung kartu grafik ke TV sebelum memboot "
+"Lalu pilih entri \"TVout\" di bootloader\n"
-"Tekan OK utk mulai."
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:132 ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:272
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:292 ../../network/tools.pm_.c:77
-msgid "Network Configuration"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi Jaringan"
+"Anda punya fitur ini?"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:133
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Because you are doing a network installation, your network is already "
-"Click on Ok to keep your configuration, or cancel to reconfigure your "
-"Internet & Network connection.\n"
+"I can setup your computer to automatically start the graphical interface "
+"(XFree) upon booting.\n"
+"Would you like XFree to start when you reboot?"
msgstr ""
-"Jaringan Anda sudah terkonfigurasi lho\n"
-"Silakan klik OK untuk rekonfigurasi ulang koneksi jaringan/internet ini, "
-"atau batal jika Anda berubah pikiran.\n"
+"Komputer Anda bisa diset agar menjalankan X saat booting.\n"
+"Anda mau fasilitas ini?"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Graphical interface at startup"
+msgstr "Antarmuka grafis saat startup"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "XFree86 driver: %s\n"
+msgstr "Driver XFree86: %s\n"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "XFree86 server: %s\n"
+msgstr "Server XFree86: %s\n"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Resolution: %s\n"
+msgstr "Resolusi: %s\n"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Color depth: %s\n"
+msgstr "Pilihan kedalaman warna: %s\n"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Graphics memory: %s kB\n"
+msgstr "Memori grafis: %s KB\n"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Graphics card: %s\n"
+msgstr "Kartu grafis: %s\n"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Monitor VertRefresh: %s\n"
+msgstr "VertRefresh Monitor: %s\n"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Monitor HorizSync: %s\n"
+msgstr "HorizSync Monitor: %s\n"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Monitor: %s\n"
+msgstr "Monitor: %s\n"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Mouse device: %s\n"
+msgstr "Device Mouse: %s\n"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Mouse type: %s\n"
+msgstr "Jenis Mouse: %s\n"
+#: ../../Xconfig/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Keyboard layout: %s\n"
+msgstr "Layout papanketik: %s\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/ ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Options: %s"
+msgstr "Pilihan: %s"
+#: ../../diskdrake/ ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Mount point: "
+msgstr "Posisi mount: "
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Server: "
+msgstr "Server: "
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "The URL must begin with http:// or https://"
+msgstr "URL harus dimulai dg http:// atau https://"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:157
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please enter the WebDAV server URL"
+msgstr "Masukkan URL server WebDAV"
+#: ../../diskdrake/ ../../diskdrake/
+#: ../../diskdrake/ ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Mount point"
+msgstr "Posisi mount"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Server"
+msgstr "Server"
+#: ../../diskdrake/ ../../diskdrake/
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Mount"
+msgstr "Mount"
+#: ../../diskdrake/ ../../diskdrake/
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unmount"
+msgstr "Unmount"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "New"
+msgstr "Baru"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Welcome to The Network Configuration Wizard.\n"
-"We are about to configure your internet/network connection.\n"
-"If you don't want to use the auto detection, deselect the checkbox.\n"
+"WebDAV is a protocol that allows you to mount a web server's directory\n"
+"locally, and treat it like a local filesystem (provided the web server is\n"
+"configured as a WebDAV server). If you would like to add WebDAV mount\n"
+"points, select \"New\"."
msgstr ""
-"Selamat Datang di Wizard Koneksi Jaringan\n"
-"Sekarang kita akan mengkonfigurasikan internet/jaringan.\n"
-"Bila Anda tidak mau menggunakan deteksi otomatis, mohon untuk tidak memilih "
+"WebDAV adalah protokol yg memungkinkan Anda me-mount direktori server web\n"
+"secara lokal, dan memperlakukannya sbg sistem file lokal (asal server web\n"
+"dikonfigurasikan sbg server WebDAV). Jika Anda ingin menambah titik mount\n"
+"WebDav, pilih \"Baru\"."
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:163
-msgid "Choose the profile to configure"
-msgstr "Pilih profil yang hendak Anda konfigurasikan"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use ``%s'' instead"
+msgstr "Gunakan ``%s'' saja"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:164
-msgid "Use auto detection"
-msgstr "Gunakan deteksi otomatis"
+#: ../../diskdrake/ ../../diskdrake/
+#: ../../diskdrake/ ../../standalone/harddrake2:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Type"
+msgstr "Tipe"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:165 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2966
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:271 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:274
-#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy_.c:118
-msgid "Expert Mode"
-msgstr "Mode Ahli"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use ``Unmount'' first"
+msgstr "Gunakan ``unmount'' terlebih dahulu"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:171 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:364
-msgid "Detecting devices..."
-msgstr "Deteksi device..."
+#: ../../diskdrake/ ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Hapus"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:214
-msgid "Normal modem connection"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi koneksi modem biasa "
+#: ../../diskdrake/ ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Create"
+msgstr "Buat"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:214
+#: ../../diskdrake/
#, c-format
-msgid "detected on port %s"
-msgstr "dideteksi pada port %s"
+msgid "Filesystem types:"
+msgstr "Tipe filesystem:"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:215
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Winmodem connection"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi koneksi modem biasa "
+#: ../../diskdrake/ ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Empty"
+msgstr "Kosong"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:215 ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:217
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "detected"
-msgstr "%s telah terdeteksi"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Windows"
+msgstr "Domain Mindows"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:216
-msgid "ISDN connection"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi koneksi ISDN"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "HFS"
+msgstr "HFS"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:216
+#: ../../diskdrake/
#, c-format
-msgid "detected %s"
-msgstr "%s telah terdeteksi"
+msgid "SunOS"
+msgstr "SunOS"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:217
-msgid "ADSL connection"
-msgstr "Koneksi ADSL"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Swap"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:218
-msgid "Cable connection"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi jaringan kabel"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Journalised FS"
+msgstr "FS terjournal"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:218
-msgid "cable connection detected"
-msgstr "Koneksi kabel terdeteksi"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Ext2"
+msgstr "Ext2"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:219
-msgid "LAN connection"
-msgstr "koneksi LAN"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "No hard drives found"
+msgstr "Harddisk tak ditemukan"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:219
-msgid "ethernet card(s) detected"
-msgstr "ada kartu ethernet terdeteksi"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please click on a partition"
+msgstr "Silakan pilih partisi"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:222
-msgid "Choose the connection you want to configure"
-msgstr "Pilih koneksi yg hendak dikonfigurasi"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You have one big MicroSoft Windows partition.\n"
+"I suggest you first resize that partition\n"
+"(click on it, then click on \"Resize\")"
+msgstr ""
+"Anda punya satu partisi FAT yang besar.\n"
+"(umumnya dipakai oleh wicrosoft Dos/mindows).\n"
+"Disarankan utk mengubah ukuran partisi ini\n"
+"(klik di situ, lalu pilih \"Ubah ukuran\")"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:246
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Choose action"
+msgstr "Pilih aksi"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Wizard"
+msgstr "Wizard"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"You have configured multiple ways to connect to the Internet.\n"
-"Choose the one you want to use.\n"
+"If you plan to use aboot, be carefull to leave a free space (2048 sectors is "
+"at the beginning of the disk"
msgstr ""
-"Anda mengkonfigurasi bbrp jalan utk koneksi Internet.\n"
-"Pilih yg ingin Anda pakai.\n"
+"Jika Anda ingin pakai aboot, sisakan ruang (cukup 2048 sektor) di awal disk"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:247
-msgid "Internet connection"
-msgstr "Koneksi Internet"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please make a backup of your data first"
+msgstr "Lebih dulu buatlah backup data Anda"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:253
-msgid "Do you want to start the connection at boot?"
-msgstr "Anda mau jalankan koneksi ini saat boot?"
+#: ../../diskdrake/ ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Read carefully!"
+msgstr "Baca dengan seksama!"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:267
-msgid "Network configuration"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi jaringan"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Encryption key (again)"
+msgstr "Kunci sandi (lagi)"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Encryption key"
+msgstr "Kunci sandi"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "The encryption keys do not match"
+msgstr "Kunci sandi tak cocok"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "This encryption key is too simple (must be at least %d characters long)"
+msgstr "Katasandi ini terlalu mudah (harus paling tidak %d karakter)"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Choose your filesystem encryption key"
+msgstr "Pilih kunci sandi sistem file Anda"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Filesystem encryption key"
+msgstr "Kunci sandi sistem file"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Type: "
+msgstr "Tipe: "
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "on channel %d id %d\n"
+msgstr "pada kanal %d id %d\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Partition table type: %s\n"
+msgstr "Partisi tipe: %s\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "LVM-disks %s\n"
+msgstr "Disk LVM %s\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Info: "
+msgstr "Info: "
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Geometry: %s cylinders, %s heads, %s sectors\n"
+msgstr "Ukuran: %s silinder, %s head, %s sektor\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Size: %s\n"
+msgstr "Ukuran: %s\n"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:268
-msgid "The network needs to be restarted"
-msgstr "Jaringan perlu di-start ulang"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Read-only"
+msgstr "Baca-saja"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Device: "
+msgstr "Device: "
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:272
+#: ../../diskdrake/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"A problem occured while restarting the network: \n"
+"This special Bootstrap\n"
+"partition is for\n"
+"dual-booting your system.\n"
msgstr ""
-"Problem terjadi saat restart jaringan:\n"
+"partisi ini adalah partisi bootstrap\n"
+"yang khusus digunakan \n"
+"oleh sistem dual boot.\n"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:282
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"Congratulations, the network and Internet configuration is finished.\n"
-"The configuration will now be applied to your system.\n"
+"Chances are, this partition is\n"
+"a Driver partition. You should\n"
+"probably leave it alone.\n"
msgstr ""
-"Selamat, jaringan dan internet telah dikonfigurasikan.\n"
-"Konfigurasi akan diterapkan di sistem Anda.\n"
+"Mungkin partisi ini adalah \n"
+"partisi Driver, sebaiknya\n"
+"biarkan begitu saja.\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loopback file name: %s"
+msgstr "Nama file loopback: %s"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:286
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "RAID-disks %s\n"
+msgstr "Disk RAID %s\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Chunk size %s\n"
+msgstr "Ukuran chunk %s\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Level %s\n"
+msgstr "Level %s\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"After this is done, we recommend that you restart your X environment to "
-"avoid any hostname-related problems."
+"Partition booted by default\n"
+" (for MS-DOS boot, not for lilo)\n"
msgstr ""
-"Setelah itu, silakan restart X Anda agar bebas dari masalah pergantian\n"
-"nama host."
+"Partisi di-boot secara default\n"
+" (untuk MS-DOS boot, bukan untuk lilo)\n"
-#: ../../network/netconnect.pm_.c:287
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Problems occured during configuration.\n"
-"Test your connection via net_monitor or mcc. If your connection doesn't "
-"work, you might want to relaunch the configuration."
+"Loopback file(s):\n"
+" %s\n"
msgstr ""
-"Problem konfigurasi.\n"
-"Tes koneksi Anda via net_monitor atau mcc. Jika koneksi tak berjalan, Anda "
-"mungkin perlu jalankan konfigurasi dari awal lagi"
+"File loopback:\n"
+" %s\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "RAID md%s\n"
+msgstr "RAID md%s\n"
-#: ../../network/network.pm_.c:278
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Mounted\n"
+msgstr "Telah di-mount\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Not formatted\n"
+msgstr "Belum diformat\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Formatted\n"
+msgstr "Telah diformat\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cylinder %d to %d\n"
+msgstr "Silinder %d sampai %d\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid ", %s sectors"
+msgstr ", %s sektor"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Size: %s"
+msgstr "Ukuran: %s"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Start: sector %s\n"
+msgstr "Mulai: sektor %s\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Name: "
+msgstr "Nama: "
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "DOS drive letter: %s (just a guess)\n"
+msgstr "DOS letter: %s (hanya tebakan)\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "partition %s is now known as %s"
+msgstr "partisi %s sekarang jadi %s"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Removing %s"
+msgstr "Hapus %s"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Copying %s"
+msgstr "Salin %s"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Moving files to the new partition"
+msgstr "Pindah file ke partisi baru"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"WARNING: this device has been previously configured to connect to the "
-"Simply accept to keep this device configured.\n"
-"Modifying the fields below will override this configuration."
+"Directory %s already contains data\n"
msgstr ""
-"AWAS: device ini sebelumnya telah dikonfigurasikan untuk terhubung ke "
-"Tekan OK untuk tetap menggunakan konfigurasi lama.\n"
-"Bila ingin menggantinya, silakan ganti isi pada kolom-kolom di konfigurasi "
+"Direktori %s telah berisi data\n"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Hide files"
+msgstr "Sembunyikan file"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Move files to the new partition"
+msgstr "Pindah file ke partisi baru"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "After formatting partition %s, all data on this partition will be lost"
+msgstr "Sehabis memformat partisi %s semua data pada partisi ini akan hilang"
-#: ../../network/network.pm_.c:283
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "You'll need to reboot before the modification can take place"
+msgstr "Anda harus reboot agar perubahan tabel partisi dapat berlaku"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Partition table of drive %s is going to be written to disk!"
+msgstr "Tabel partisi pada drive %s akan ditulis ke disk!"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"Please enter the IP configuration for this machine.\n"
-"Each item should be entered as an IP address in dotted-decimal\n"
-"notation (for example,"
+"You've selected a software RAID partition as root (/).\n"
+"No bootloader is able to handle this without a /boot partition.\n"
+"Please be sure to add a /boot partition"
msgstr ""
-"Masukkan konfigurasi IP untuk mesin ini.\n"
-"Tiap item harus diberikan sebagai alamat IP dalam notasi decimal\n"
-"bertitik (misalnya"
+"Anda memilih partisi RAID software sebagai root (/).\n"
+"Sekarang bootloader tak ada yang bisa handel tanpa partisi /boot.\n"
+"Jadi hati-hati dalam menambahkan partisi /boot"
-#: ../../network/network.pm_.c:293 ../../network/network.pm_.c:294
+#: ../../diskdrake/
#, c-format
-msgid "Configuring network device %s"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi perangkat jaringan %s"
+msgid ""
+"The partition you've selected to add as root (/) is physically located "
+"the 1024th cylinder of the hard drive, and you have no /boot partition.\n"
+"If you plan to use the LILO boot manager, be careful to add a /boot partition"
+msgstr ""
+"Anda menambahkan partisi root di luar silinder 1024,\n"
+"dan Anda tidak memiliki partisi /boot. Apabila Anda akan menggunakan lilo\n"
+"(boot manager), hati-hati dalam menambahkan partisi /boot"
-#: ../../network/network.pm_.c:294
+#: ../../diskdrake/
#, c-format
-msgid " (driver %s)"
-msgstr " (driver %s)"
+msgid ""
+"Sorry I won't accept to create /boot so far onto the drive (on a cylinder > "
+"Either you use LILO and it won't work, or you don't use LILO and you don't "
+"need /boot"
+msgstr ""
+"Maaf, Saya tidak mau membuat /boot di drive ini (silindernya > 1024).\n"
+"Kalau Anda pakai LILO dan tak jalan, atau Anda tak mau LILO dan tak mau /"
+"boot juga"
-#: ../../network/network.pm_.c:296 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:228
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:464
-msgid "IP address"
-msgstr "Alamat IP"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "The package %s is needed. Install it?"
+msgstr "Perlu paket %s. Anda ingin instal?"
-#: ../../network/network.pm_.c:297 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:465
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:291
-msgid "Netmask"
-msgstr "Netmask"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "What type of partitioning?"
+msgstr "Tipe partisi apa yang hendak digunakan?"
-#: ../../network/network.pm_.c:298
-msgid "(bootp/dhcp)"
-msgstr "(bootp/dhcp)"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Be careful: this operation is dangerous."
+msgstr "Hati-hati: operasi ini berbahaya"
-#: ../../network/network.pm_.c:298
-msgid "Automatic IP"
-msgstr "IP otomatis"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "chunk size"
+msgstr "ukuran chunk"
-#: ../../network/network.pm_.c:299
-msgid "Start at boot"
-msgstr "Start saat boot"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "level"
+msgstr "level"
-#: ../../network/network.pm_.c:320 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:812
-msgid "IP address should be in format"
-msgstr "Alamat IP harus dalam format"
+#: ../../diskdrake/ ../../standalone/drakfloppy:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "device"
+msgstr "device"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Various"
+msgstr "Macam-macam"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Mount options"
+msgstr "Opsi mount"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "File already exists. Use it?"
+msgstr "File sudah ada. Gunakan file ini ?"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "File is already used by another loopback, choose another one"
+msgstr "File sudah digunakan loopback yang lain, pilih yang lainnya dong"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Give a file name"
+msgstr "Berikan nama file"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Filesystem type: "
+msgstr "Tipe filesystem: "
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Size in MB: "
+msgstr "Ukuran dalam MB: "
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loopback file name: "
+msgstr "Nama file loopback: "
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loopback"
+msgstr "Loopback"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "This partition can't be used for loopback"
+msgstr "Partisi ini tak bisa dipakai sebagai loopback"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "LVM name?"
+msgstr "nama LVM?"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "new"
+msgstr "baru"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Choose an existing LVM to add to"
+msgstr "Pilih LVM yang ada untuk ditambahkan ke"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Choose an existing RAID to add to"
+msgstr "Pilih RAID yang ada untuk ditambahkan ke"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Moving partition..."
+msgstr "Memindahkan partisi..."
-#: ../../network/network.pm_.c:326
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Moving"
+msgstr "Pindah"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Which sector do you want to move it to?"
+msgstr "Sektor mana yang hendak dipindah"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Sector"
+msgstr "Sektor"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Which disk do you want to move it to?"
+msgstr "Disk mana yang hendak dipindah?"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Move"
+msgstr "Pindah"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "New size in MB: "
+msgstr "Ukuran baru dalam MB: "
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Choose the new size"
+msgstr "Pilih ukuran baru"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Resize"
+msgstr "Ubah ukuran"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "After resizing partition %s, all data on this partition will be lost"
+msgstr "Sehabis meresize partisi %s, semua data pada partisi ini akan hilang"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "All data on this partition should be backed-up"
+msgstr "Semua data pada partisi ini sebaiknya dibackup dulu"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "This partition is not resizeable"
+msgstr "Ukuran partisi ini tidak dapat diubah"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Computing FAT filesystem bounds"
+msgstr "Sedang menghitung bound filesystem FAT"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Where do you want to mount %s?"
+msgstr "%s akan dimount ke mana?"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Freq should have the suffix k, M or G (for example, \"2.46G\" for 2.46 GHz "
-"frequency), or add enough '0'."
+"Can't unset mount point as this partition is used for loop back.\n"
+"Remove the loopback first"
msgstr ""
+"Tak bisa unset mount point karena partisi ini sudah digunakan untuk\n"
+"loopback. Hapus dulu loopbacknya."
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Where do you want to mount device %s?"
+msgstr "Mount device %s akan dimount ke mana?"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Where do you want to mount the loopback file %s?"
+msgstr "Device loopback %s akan dimount ke mana?"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Switching from ext2 to ext3"
+msgstr "Pindah dari ext2 ke ext3"
-#: ../../network/network.pm_.c:330
+#: ../../diskdrake/ ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Which filesystem do you want?"
+msgstr "Filesystem apa yang Anda inginkan?"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Change partition type"
+msgstr "Mengubah tipe partisi"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Rate should have the suffix k, M or G (for example, \"11M\" for 11M), or add "
-"enough '0'."
+"After changing type of partition %s, all data on this partition will be lost"
msgstr ""
+"Setelah mengganti tipe partisi %s, semua data pada partisi ini akan hilang"
-#: ../../network/network.pm_.c:350
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remove the loopback file?"
+msgstr "Hapus file loopback?"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Please enter your host name.\n"
-"Your host name should be a fully-qualified host name,\n"
-"such as ``''.\n"
-"You may also enter the IP address of the gateway if you have one"
+"You can't create a new partition\n"
+"(since you reached the maximal number of primary partitions).\n"
+"First remove a primary partition and create an extended partition."
msgstr ""
-"Masukkan nama host Anda.\n"
-"Hostname (nama komputer) sebaiknya merupakan nama host yg fully-qualified\n"
-"misalnya ``''.\n"
-"Anda juga bisa masukkan alamat IP gateway kalau ada"
+"Anda tak dapat membuat partisi baru\n"
+"(karena jumlah maksimal partisi primer telah tercapai).\n"
+"Hapuslah satu partisi primer dan buatlah partisi extended."
-#: ../../network/network.pm_.c:355
-msgid "DNS server"
-msgstr "Server DNS"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Preference: "
+msgstr "Kesukaan: "
-#: ../../network/network.pm_.c:356
+#: ../../diskdrake/
#, c-format
-msgid "Gateway (e.g. %s)"
-msgstr "Gateway (mis. %s)"
+msgid "Start sector: "
+msgstr "Sektor awal: "
-#: ../../network/network.pm_.c:358
-msgid "Gateway device"
-msgstr "Device gateway"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Create a new partition"
+msgstr "Membuat partisi baru"
-#: ../../network/network.pm_.c:363
-msgid "DNS server address should be in format"
-msgstr "Alamat server DNS harus dalam format"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use for loopback"
+msgstr "digunakan untuk loopback"
-#: ../../network/network.pm_.c:367
-msgid "Gateway address should be in format"
-msgstr "Alamat gateway harus dalam format"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Modify RAID"
+msgstr "Ganti RAID"
-#: ../../network/network.pm_.c:381
-msgid "Proxies configuration"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi proxy"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remove from LVM"
+msgstr "Hapus dari LVM"
-#: ../../network/network.pm_.c:382
-msgid "HTTP proxy"
-msgstr "Proxy HTTP"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remove from RAID"
+msgstr "Hapus dari RAID"
-#: ../../network/network.pm_.c:383
-msgid "FTP proxy"
-msgstr "Proxy FTP"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Add to LVM"
+msgstr "Tambahkan ke LVM"
-#: ../../network/network.pm_.c:384
-msgid "Track network card id (useful for laptops)"
-msgstr "Lacak ID kartu network (berguna di laptop)"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Add to RAID"
+msgstr "Tambahkan ke RAID"
-#: ../../network/network.pm_.c:387
-msgid "Proxy should be http://..."
-msgstr "Proxy biasanya http://..."
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Format"
+msgstr "Format"
-#: ../../network/network.pm_.c:388
-msgid "Url should begin with 'ftp:' or 'http:'"
-msgstr "Url harus berawalan 'ftp:' atau 'http:'"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Detailed information"
+msgstr "Info detil"
-#: ../../network/shorewall.pm_.c:26
-msgid "Firewalling configuration detected!"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi firewall terdeteksi!"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Trying to rescue partition table"
+msgstr "Sedang mencoba menyelamatkan tabel partisi"
-#: ../../network/shorewall.pm_.c:27
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Warning! An existing firewalling configuration has been detected. You may "
-"need some manual fix after installation."
+"Insert a floppy in drive\n"
+"All data on this floppy will be lost"
msgstr ""
-"Awas! Sudah ada konfigurasi firewall. Anda perlu mengecek dan membetulkan "
-"secara manual setelah instalasi."
+"Masukkan disket ke drive\n"
+"semua data di disket ini akan hilang"
-#: ../../network/tools.pm_.c:57
-msgid "Internet configuration"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi Internet"
+#: ../../diskdrake/ ../../harddrake/
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Warning"
+msgstr "Awas"
-#: ../../network/tools.pm_.c:58
-msgid "Do you want to try to connect to the Internet now?"
-msgstr "Anda ingin tes koneksi Internet sekarang?"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Select file"
+msgstr "Pilih file"
-#: ../../network/tools.pm_.c:61 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:193
-msgid "Testing your connection..."
-msgstr "Tes koneksi Anda..."
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The backup partition table has not the same size\n"
+"Still continue?"
+msgstr ""
+"Backup tabel partisi tidak memiliki ukuran yg sama\n"
+"Jalan terus?"
-#: ../../network/tools.pm_.c:70
-msgid "The system is now connected to Internet."
-msgstr "Sistem ini sekarang terhubung ke Internet."
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Removable media automounting"
+msgstr "Mount otomatis media lepas"
-#: ../../network/tools.pm_.c:71
-msgid "For security reason, it will be disconnected now."
-msgstr "Untuk alasan keamanan, sekarang koneksi akan diputus"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Reload partition table"
+msgstr "Muat ulang tabel partisi"
-#: ../../network/tools.pm_.c:72
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Rescue partition table"
+msgstr "Selamatkan tabel partisi"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Restore partition table"
+msgstr "Kembalikan tabel partisi"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save partition table"
+msgstr "Simpan tabel partisi"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"The system doesn't seem to be connected to internet.\n"
-"Try to reconfigure your connection."
+"To have more partitions, please delete one to be able to create an extended "
msgstr ""
-"Sistem ini sepertinya tidak terhubung ke Internet.\n"
-"Cobalah konfigurasikan ulang koneksinya."
+"Untuk menambahkan partisi, hapus satu agar dapat membuat partisi extended"
-#: ../../network/tools.pm_.c:96
-msgid "Connection Configuration"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi Koneksi"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "I can't add any more partition"
+msgstr "Partisi tak dapat ditambah"
-#: ../../network/tools.pm_.c:97
-msgid "Please fill or check the field below"
-msgstr "Silakan isi atau cek kolom berikut"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "All primary partitions are used"
+msgstr "Semua partisi primary telah digunakan"
-#: ../../network/tools.pm_.c:99 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:605
-msgid "Card IRQ"
-msgstr "IRQ kartu"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Hard drive information"
+msgstr "Info hard drive"
-#: ../../network/tools.pm_.c:100 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:606
-msgid "Card mem (DMA)"
-msgstr "Mem kartu (DMA)"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Auto allocate"
+msgstr "Alokasi otomatis"
-#: ../../network/tools.pm_.c:101 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:607
-msgid "Card IO"
-msgstr "IO kartu"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Clear all"
+msgstr "Hapus semua"
-#: ../../network/tools.pm_.c:102 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:608
-msgid "Card IO_0"
-msgstr "IO_0 kartu"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Do you want to save /etc/fstab modifications"
+msgstr "Ingin simpan modifikasi /etc/fstab"
-#: ../../network/tools.pm_.c:103 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:609
-msgid "Card IO_1"
-msgstr "IO_1 kartu"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Quit without writing the partition table?"
+msgstr "Keluar dari program tanpa menyimpan dalam tabel partisi?"
-#: ../../network/tools.pm_.c:104 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:610
-msgid "Your personal phone number"
-msgstr "Nomor telepon Anda"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Quit without saving"
+msgstr "Keluar tanpa menyimpan"
-#: ../../network/tools.pm_.c:105 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:611
-msgid "Provider name (ex"
-msgstr "Nama provider (misalnya"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Continue anyway?"
+msgstr "Jalan terus?"
-#: ../../network/tools.pm_.c:106 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:612
-msgid "Provider phone number"
-msgstr "Nomor telepon provider"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Toggle to expert mode"
+msgstr "Ubah ke modus ahli"
-#: ../../network/tools.pm_.c:107 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:613
-msgid "Provider dns 1 (optional)"
-msgstr "DNS Provider 1 (boleh diisi boleh tidak)"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Toggle to normal mode"
+msgstr "Ubah ke modus normal"
-#: ../../network/tools.pm_.c:108 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:614
-msgid "Provider dns 2 (optional)"
-msgstr "DNS Provider 2 (boleh diisi boleh tidak)"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Undo"
+msgstr "Kembali"
-#: ../../network/tools.pm_.c:109
-msgid "Choose your country"
-msgstr "Pilih negri Anda"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Exit"
+msgstr "Keluar"
-#: ../../network/tools.pm_.c:110 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:617
-msgid "Dialing mode"
-msgstr "mode dial"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Choose a partition"
+msgstr "Pilih partisi"
-#: ../../network/tools.pm_.c:111 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:629
-msgid "Connection speed"
-msgstr "Laju koneksi"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Choose another partition"
+msgstr "Pilih partisi lain"
-#: ../../network/tools.pm_.c:112 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:630
-msgid "Connection timeout (in sec)"
-msgstr "Timeout koneksi (detik)"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Change type"
+msgstr "Ubah tipe"
-#: ../../network/tools.pm_.c:113 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:615
-msgid "Account Login (user name)"
-msgstr "Login Account (nama pengguna)"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Search servers"
+msgstr "Cari Server"
-#: ../../network/tools.pm_.c:114 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:616
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:647
-msgid "Account Password"
-msgstr "Katasandi Account"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Domain"
+msgstr "Domain"
-#: ../../network/tools.pm_.c:118 ../../network/tools.pm_.c:132
-msgid "United Kingdom"
-msgstr "Inggris"
+#: ../../diskdrake/ ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Username"
+msgstr "Nama pengguna"
-#: ../../partition_table.pm_.c:603
-msgid "mount failed: "
-msgstr "gagal melakukan mount: "
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Please enter your username, password and domain name to access this host."
+msgstr ""
+"Masukkan nama pengguna, katasandi dan nama domain utk mengakses host ini."
-#: ../../partition_table.pm_.c:667
-msgid "Extended partition not supported on this platform"
-msgstr "Partisi extended tak bisa dipakai di platform ini"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Domain Authentication Required"
+msgstr "Otentikasi Domain Dibutuhkan"
-#: ../../partition_table.pm_.c:685
-msgid ""
-"You have a hole in your partition table but I can't use it.\n"
-"The only solution is to move your primary partitions to have the hole next "
-"to the extended partitions."
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Another one"
+msgstr "Yang lain"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Which username"
+msgstr "Nama pengguna yang mana"
+#: ../../diskdrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Can't login using username %s (bad password?)"
+msgstr "Gagal login dg nama pengguna %s (katasandi salah?)"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "cpu # "
msgstr ""
-"Anda punya tabel partisi tapi tidak bisa saya gunakan.\n"
-"Satu-satunya cara adalah memindahkan partisi primary Anda ke partisi\n"
-"extended selanjutnya"
-#: ../../partition_table.pm_.c:774
+#: ../../harddrake/
#, c-format
-msgid "Restoring from file %s failed: %s"
-msgstr "Proses restore dari file %s gagal: %s"
+msgid "SMBus controllers"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../partition_table.pm_.c:776
-msgid "Bad backup file"
-msgstr "File backup rusak"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "USB controllers"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../partition_table.pm_.c:796
+#: ../../harddrake/
#, c-format
-msgid "Error writing to file %s"
-msgstr "Error pada saat menulis file %s"
+msgid "SCSI controllers"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../partition_table/raw.pm_.c:192
-msgid ""
-"Something bad is happening on your drive. \n"
-"A test to check the integrity of data has failed. \n"
-"It means writing anything on the disk will end up with random trash"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "(E)IDE/ATA controllers"
msgstr ""
-"Ada sesuatu yang buruk terjadi pada drive Anda,\n"
-"hal ini saya ketahui saat gagal mengecek integritas data di situ.\n"
-"Artinya, data apapun yang ditulis ke situ akan gagal."
-#: ../../pkgs.pm_.c:26
-msgid "must have"
-msgstr "harus ada"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Joystick"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../pkgs.pm_.c:27
-msgid "important"
-msgstr "penting"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Scanner"
+msgstr "Pilih scanner"
-#: ../../pkgs.pm_.c:28
-msgid "very nice"
-msgstr "amat bagus"
+#: ../../harddrake/ ../../standalone/harddrake2:1
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Unknown/Others"
+msgstr "Takdikenal|Generik"
-#: ../../pkgs.pm_.c:29
-msgid "nice"
-msgstr "bagus"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bridges and system controllers"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../pkgs.pm_.c:30
-msgid "maybe"
-msgstr "hmm.."
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Model"
-#: ../../printer/data.pm_.c:18
-msgid "PDQ - Print, Don't Queue"
-msgstr "PDQ - Print, Don't Queue"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Ethernetcard"
+msgstr "Kartu Ethernet"
-#: ../../printer/data.pm_.c:19
-msgid "PDQ"
-msgstr "PDQ"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Processors"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../printer/data.pm_.c:30
-msgid "LPD - Line Printer Daemon"
-msgstr "LPD - Line Printer Daemon"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Webcam"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../printer/data.pm_.c:31
-msgid "LPD"
-msgstr "LPD"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Soundcard"
+msgstr "Kartu suara"
-#: ../../printer/data.pm_.c:51
-msgid "LPRng - LPR New Generation"
-msgstr "LPRng - LPR New Generation"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Other MultiMedia devices"
+msgstr "Media Lain"
-#: ../../printer/data.pm_.c:52
-msgid "LPRng"
-msgstr "LPRng"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Tvcard"
+msgstr "Kartu TV"
-#: ../../printer/data.pm_.c:75
-msgid "CUPS - Common Unix Printing System"
-msgstr "CUPS - Common Unix Printing System"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Videocard"
+msgstr "Mode video"
-#: ../../printer/data.pm_.c:76 ../../printer/main.pm_.c:677
-msgid "CUPS"
-msgstr "CUPS"
+#: ../../harddrake/ ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Tape"
+msgstr "Tape"
-#: ../../printer/detect.pm_.c:80 ../../printer/detect.pm_.c:213
-#: ../../printer/detect.pm_.c:250
-msgid "Unknown Model"
-msgstr "Model Tak Dikenal"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "DVD-ROM"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../printer/main.pm_.c:26
-msgid "Local printer"
-msgstr "Printer lokal"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "CD/DVD burners"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../printer/main.pm_.c:27
-msgid "Remote printer"
-msgstr "printer remote"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "CDROM"
+msgstr "di CDROM"
-#: ../../printer/main.pm_.c:28
-msgid "Printer on remote CUPS server"
-msgstr "Printer di server CUPS remote"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Disk"
+msgstr "Denmark"
-#: ../../printer/main.pm_.c:29 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:835
-msgid "Printer on remote lpd server"
-msgstr "Printer di server lpd remote"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Zip"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../printer/main.pm_.c:30
-msgid "Network printer (TCP/Socket)"
-msgstr "Printer jaringan (TCP/Socket)"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Floppy"
+msgstr "Disket boot"
-#: ../../printer/main.pm_.c:31
-msgid "Printer on SMB/Windows 95/98/NT server"
-msgstr "Printer di server SMB/windows 95/98/NT"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Let me pick any driver"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../printer/main.pm_.c:32
-msgid "Printer on NetWare server"
-msgstr "Printer di server NetWare"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Driver:"
+msgstr "Driver:"
-#: ../../printer/main.pm_.c:33 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:839
-msgid "Enter a printer device URI"
-msgstr "Masukkan URI device printer"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If you really think that you know which driver is the right one for your "
+"you can pick one in the above list.\n"
+"The current driver for your \"%s\" sound card is \"%s\" "
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../printer/main.pm_.c:34
-msgid "Pipe job into a command"
-msgstr "Pipe job ke perintah"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Choosing an arbitratry driver"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../printer/main.pm_.c:290 ../../printer/main.pm_.c:478
-#: ../../printer/main.pm_.c:794 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3228
-msgid "Unknown model"
-msgstr "Model tak dikenal"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The classic bug sound tester is to run the following commands:\n"
+"- \"lspcidrake -v | fgrep AUDIO\" will tell you which driver your card use\n"
+"by default\n"
+"- \"grep snd-slot /etc/modules.conf\" will tell you what driver it\n"
+"currently uses\n"
+"- \"/sbin/lsmod\" will enable you to check if its module (driver) is\n"
+"loaded or not\n"
+"- \"/sbin/chkconfig --list sound\" and \"/sbin/chkconfig --list alsa\" will\n"
+"tell you if sound and alsa services're configured to be run on\n"
+"initlevel 3\n"
+"- \"aumix -q\" will tell you if the sound volume is muted or not\n"
+"- \"/sbin/fuser -v /dev/dsp\" will tell which program uses the sound card.\n"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../printer/main.pm_.c:317
-msgid "Local Printers"
-msgstr "Printer Lokal"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Sound trouble shooting"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../printer/main.pm_.c:319 ../../printer/main.pm_.c:678
-msgid "Remote Printers"
-msgstr "Printer Remote"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Error: The \"%s\" driver for your sound card is unlisted"
+msgstr "Tak diketahui adanya driver utk kartu suara Anda (%s)"
-#: ../../printer/main.pm_.c:326 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:381
+#: ../../harddrake/
#, c-format
-msgid " on parallel port \\/*%s"
-msgstr " di port paralel \\/*%s"
+msgid "Unkown driver"
+msgstr "Driver tak dikenal"
-#: ../../printer/main.pm_.c:329 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:383
+#: ../../harddrake/
#, c-format
-msgid ", USB printer \\/*%s"
-msgstr ", printer USB \\/*%s"
+msgid "There's no known driver for your sound card (%s)"
+msgstr "Tak diketahui adanya driver utk kartu suara Anda (%s)"
-#: ../../printer/main.pm_.c:334
+#: ../../harddrake/
#, c-format
-msgid ", multi-function device on parallel port \\/*%s"
-msgstr ", alat multifungsi di port paralel \\/*%s"
+msgid "No known driver"
+msgstr "Tiada driver yg diketahui"
-#: ../../printer/main.pm_.c:337
-msgid ", multi-function device on USB"
-msgstr ", alat multifungsi di USB"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"There's no free driver for your sound card (%s), but there's a proprietary "
+"driver at \"%s\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Tak diketahui adanya driver alternatif OSS/ALSA utk kartu suara Anda (%s) yg "
+"kini memakai \"%s\""
-#: ../../printer/main.pm_.c:339
-msgid ", multi-function device on HP JetDirect"
-msgstr ", alat multifungsi di HP JetDirect"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "No open source driver"
+msgstr "Tiada driver yg diketahui"
-#: ../../printer/main.pm_.c:341
-msgid ", multi-function device"
-msgstr ", alat multifungsi"
+#: ../../harddrake/ ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please Wait... Applying the configuration"
+msgstr "Tunggu, konfigurasi sedang diterapkan..."
-#: ../../printer/main.pm_.c:344
+#: ../../harddrake/
#, c-format
-msgid ", printing to %s"
-msgstr ", cetak ke %s"
+msgid ""
+"The old \"%s\" driver is blacklisted.\n"
+"It has been reported to oops the kernel on unloading.\n"
+"The new \"%s\" driver'll only be used on next bootstrap."
+msgstr ""
+"Driver \"%s\" lama di-blacklist.\n"
+"Ia merusak kernel saat pembongkaran (unload).\n"
+"Driver baru \"%s\" akan digunakan pada boot berikut."
-#: ../../printer/main.pm_.c:346
+#: ../../harddrake/
#, c-format
-msgid " on LPD server \"%s\", printer \"%s\""
-msgstr " di server LPD \"%s\", printer \"%s\""
+msgid "Trouble shooting"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../printer/main.pm_.c:348
+#: ../../harddrake/
#, c-format
-msgid ", TCP/IP host \"%s\", port %s"
-msgstr ", host TCP/IP \"%s\", port %s"
+msgid ""
+"OSS (Open Sound System) was the first sound API. It's an OS independant "
+"sound API (it's available on most unices systems) but it's a very basic and "
+"limited API.\n"
+"What's more, OSS drivers all reinvent the wheel.\n"
+"ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) is a modularized architecture "
+"supports quite a large range of ISA, USB and PCI cards.\n"
+"It also provides a much higher API than OSS.\n"
+"To use alsa, one can either use:\n"
+"- the old compatibility OSS api\n"
+"- the new ALSA api that provides many enhanced features but requires using "
+"the ALSA library.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"OSS (Open Sound System) adalah API suara pertama, tak tergantung OS "
+"(tersedia di hampir semua sistem unix) tapi amat primitif dan terbatas.\n"
+"ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) adalah arsitektur modular yg\n"
+"men-support banyak kartu ISA, USB dan PCI.\n"
+"Ia juga menyediakan API lebih baik daripada OSS.\n"
+"Utk menggunakan alsa, pakailah:\n"
+"- api OSS kompatibel lama, atau\n"
+"- api ALSA baru yg menyediakan banyak fitur canggih tapi memerlukan library "
-#: ../../printer/main.pm_.c:352
+#: ../../harddrake/
#, c-format
-msgid " on SMB/Windows server \"%s\", share \"%s\""
-msgstr " di server SMB/Mindows \"%s\", share \"%s\""
+msgid ""
+"Your card currently use the %s\"%s\" driver (default driver for your card is "
+msgstr ""
+"Kartu Anda kini memakai driver %s\"%s\" (driver standar kartu Anda adalah \"%"
-#: ../../printer/main.pm_.c:356
+#: ../../harddrake/
#, c-format
-msgid " on Novell server \"%s\", printer \"%s\""
-msgstr " di server Novell \"%s\", printer \"%s\""
+msgid ""
+"Here you can select an alternative driver (either OSS or ALSA) for your "
+"sound card (%s)."
+msgstr ""
+"Di sini dapat dipilih driver alternatif (OSS atau ALSA) utk kartu suara Anda "
-#: ../../printer/main.pm_.c:358
+#: ../../harddrake/
#, c-format
-msgid ", using command %s"
-msgstr ", menggunakan perintah %s"
+msgid "Sound configuration"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi suara"
-#: ../../printer/main.pm_.c:475 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1603
-msgid "Raw printer (No driver)"
-msgstr "Printer telanjang (tanpa driver)"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"There's no known OSS/ALSA alternative driver for your sound card (%s) which "
+"currently uses \"%s\""
+msgstr ""
+"Tak diketahui adanya driver alternatif OSS/ALSA utk kartu suara Anda (%s) yg "
+"kini memakai \"%s\""
-#: ../../printer/main.pm_.c:647
+#: ../../harddrake/
#, c-format
-msgid "(on %s)"
-msgstr "(di %s)"
+msgid "No alternative driver"
+msgstr "Tiada driver alternatif"
-#: ../../printer/main.pm_.c:649
-msgid "(on this machine)"
-msgstr "(di mesin ini)"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "enable radio support"
+msgstr "aktifkan support radio"
-#: ../../printer/main.pm_.c:674
+#: ../../harddrake/
#, c-format
-msgid "On CUPS server \"%s\""
-msgstr "Di server CUPS \"%s\""
+msgid "Radio support:"
+msgstr "Support radio :"
-#: ../../printer/main.pm_.c:680 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2888
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2899 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3120
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3171 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3197
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3352 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3354
-msgid " (Default)"
-msgstr " (Default)"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "PLL setting:"
+msgstr "setting PLL :"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:27
-msgid "Select Printer Connection"
-msgstr "Pilih koneksi Printer"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "number of capture buffers for mmap'ed capture"
+msgstr "Jumlah buffer penangkap utk penangkapan mmap"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:28
-msgid "How is the printer connected?"
-msgstr "Bagaimana printer ini disambung ke komputer?"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Number of capture buffers:"
+msgstr "Jumlah buffer penangkap :"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Tuner type:"
+msgstr "Tipe tuner :"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:30
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Card model:"
+msgstr "Model kartu :"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Printers on remote CUPS servers you do not have to configure here; these "
-"printers will be automatically detected."
+"For most modern TV cards, the bttv module of the GNU/Linux kernel just auto-"
+"detect the rights parameters.\n"
+"If your card is misdetected, you can force the right tuner and card types "
+"here. Just select your tv card parameters if needed."
msgstr ""
-"Printer pada server CUPS remote tak perlu dikonfigurasikan di sini; printer "
-"ini akan secara otomatis dideteksi."
+"Pada kartu TV modern umumnya, modul bttv kernel GNU/Linux otomatis "
+"mendeteksi parameter yg benar.\n"
+"Jika kartu Anda tak terdeteksi, pilihlah tuner dan tipe kartu di sini. Pilih "
+"parameter kartu tv Anda jika perlu"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:38
-msgid "Printer auto-detection (Local, TCP/Socket, and SMB printers)"
-msgstr "Printer deteksi otomatis (Lokal, TCP/Socket, dan SMB)"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unknown|Generic"
+msgstr "Takdikenal|Generik"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:81 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2950
-msgid "CUPS configuration"
-msgstr "konfigurasi CUPS"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unknown|CPH06X (bt878) [many vendors]"
+msgstr "Takdikenal|CPH06X (bt878) [banyak vendors]"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:82 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2951
-msgid "Specify CUPS server"
-msgstr "Tentukan server CUPS"
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unknown|CPH05X (bt878) [many vendors]"
+msgstr "Takdikenal|CPH05X (bt878) [banyak pembuat]"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:83
+#: ../../harddrake/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Auto-detect"
+msgstr "Deteksi otomatis"
+#: ../../interactive/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Do"
+msgstr "Turun"
+#: ../../interactive/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your choice? (default %s) "
+msgstr "Pilihan Anda? (default %s) "
+#: ../../interactive/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bad choice, try again\n"
+msgstr "Pilihan salah, silakan ulangi\n"
+#: ../../interactive/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Re-submit"
+msgstr "Kirim ulang"
+#: ../../interactive/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To get access to printers on remote CUPS servers in your local network you "
-"do not have to configure anything; the CUPS servers inform your machine "
-"automatically about their printers. All printers currently known to your "
-"machine are listed in the \"Remote printers\" section in the main window of "
-"Printerdrake. When your CUPS server is not in your local network, you have "
-"to enter the CUPS server IP address and optionally the port number to get "
-"the printer information from the server, otherwise leave these fields blank."
+"=> Notice, a label changed:\n"
msgstr ""
-"Untuk mengakses printer di server CUPS remote dari jaringan lokal, Anda tak "
-"perlu mengkonfigurasi apapun; server CUPS otomatis memberi tahu mesin Anda "
-"ttg printer mereka. Semua printer yg dikenal mesin Anda terdaftar di bagian "
-"\"Printer remote\" di window utama Printerdrake. Bila server CUPS Anda ada "
-"di jaringan lain, Anda harus menyodorkan alamat IP dan nomor port server "
-"CUPS utk mendapat info printer dari server. Jika tidak, biarkan kosong."
+"=> Catatan, label berubah:\n"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:84
+#: ../../interactive/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Normally, CUPS is automatically configured according to your network "
-"environment, so that you can access the printers on the CUPS servers in your "
-"local network. If this does not work correctly, turn off \"Automatic CUPS "
-"configuration\" and edit your file /etc/cups/cupsd.conf manually. Do not "
-"forget to restart CUPS afterwards (command: \"service cups restart\")."
+"Please choose the first number of the 10-range you wish to edit,\n"
+"or just hit Enter to proceed.\n"
+"Your choice? "
msgstr ""
-"Biasanya CUPS terkonfigurasi otomatis sesuai jaringan Anda, sehingga Anda "
-"dapat mengakses printer di server CUPS jaringan lokal Anda. Jika tak jalan, "
-"matikan \"Konfigurasi CUPS otomatis\" dan edit /etc/cups/cupsd.conf secara "
-"manual. Jangan lupa restart CUPS selanjutnya (komando: \"service cups restart"
+"Pilihlah nomor pertama dari 10-range yang ingin Anda edit,\n"
+"atau tekan Enter untuk melanjutkan.\n"
+"Pilihan Anda? "
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:88
-msgid "The IP address should look like"
-msgstr "Alamat IP harus seperti"
+#: ../../interactive/
+#, c-format
+msgid "=> There are many things to choose from (%s).\n"
+msgstr "=> Banyak yang dapat dipilih dari (%s).\n"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:92 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1041
-msgid "The port number should be an integer!"
-msgstr "Nomor port harus berupa bilangan bulat"
+#: ../../interactive/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your choice? (default `%s'%s) "
+msgstr "Pilihan Anda? (default `%s'%s) "
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:99
-msgid "CUPS server IP"
-msgstr "IP server CUPS"
+#: ../../interactive/
+#, c-format
+msgid " enter `void' for void entry"
+msgstr "ketikkan `void' untuk entri kosong"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:100 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1061
-#: ../../standalone/harddrake2_.c:63
-msgid "Port"
-msgstr "Port"
+#: ../../interactive/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Do you want to click on this button?"
+msgstr "Anda ingin meng-klik tombol ini? "
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:102
-msgid "Automatic CUPS configuration"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi CUPS otomatis"
+#: ../../interactive/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Button `%s': %s"
+msgstr "Tombol `%s': %s"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:159
-msgid "Checking your system..."
-msgstr "Pengecekan sistem..."
+#: ../../interactive/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your choice? (0/1, default `%s') "
+msgstr "Pilihan Anda? (0/1, default %s) "
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:159 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:226
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1477 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1481
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1598 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2133
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2284 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2343
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2415 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2436
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2625 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2630
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2636 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2701
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2720 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2731
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2764 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2809
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2825 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2911
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2989 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3281
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3328 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3369
-#: ../../standalone/printerdrake_.c:47
-msgid "Printerdrake"
-msgstr "Printerdrake"
+#: ../../interactive/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Entries you'll have to fill:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Entri yang harus Anda penuhi:\n"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:167
+#: ../../modules/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"There are no printers found which are directly connected to your machine"
-msgstr "Tiada printer yg ditemukan terhubung langsung ke mesin Anda"
+"Loading module %s failed.\n"
+"Do you want to try again with other parameters?"
+msgstr ""
+"Module %s gagal diload.\n"
+"Mau coba lagi dengan parameter yang lain?"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:179
+#: ../../modules/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Specify options"
+msgstr "Tentukan opsi"
+#: ../../modules/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Autoprobe"
+msgstr "Probe otomatis"
+#: ../../modules/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"The following printers\n"
+"In some cases, the %s driver needs to have extra information to work\n"
+"properly, although it normally works fine without them. Would you like to "
+"extra options for it or allow the driver to probe your machine for the\n"
+"information it needs? Occasionally, probing will hang a computer, but it "
+"not cause any damage."
msgstr ""
-"Printer berikut\n"
+"Kadangkala, driver %s butuh info tambahan agar dapat bekerja normal walau\n"
+"biasanya tak perlu. Inginkah Anda memberikan parameter tambahan tadi atau\n"
+"biarkan saja drivernya melakukan deteksi sendiri parameternya? Deteksi\n"
+"otomatis bisa membuat komputer hang), tapi tak merusak."
+#. -PO: the %s is the driver type (scsi, network, sound,...)
+#: ../../modules/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Which %s driver should I try?"
+msgstr "Driver %s mana yang harus saya coba?"
+#: ../../modules/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Module options:"
+msgstr "Pilihan Modul:"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:180
+#: ../../modules/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"The following printer\n"
+"You may now provide options to module %s.\n"
+"Options are in format ``name=value name2=value2 ...''.\n"
+"For instance, ``io=0x300 irq=7''"
msgstr ""
-"Printer berikut\n"
+"Silakan beri parameter untuk modul %s ini.\n"
+"Parameter biasanya dalam format ``nama=nilai nama2=nilai2...''.\n"
+"Misalnya, ``io=0x300 irq=7''"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:182
+#: ../../modules/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"and one unknown printer are "
+"You may now provide options to module %s.\n"
+"Note that any address should be entered with the prefix 0x like '0x123'"
msgstr ""
-"dan satu printer tak dikenal "
+"Anda dapat memberikan opsi terhadap modul %s.\n"
+"Ingat, semua alamat harus diisikan dengan awalan 0x misalnya '0x123'"
+#: ../../modules/
+#, c-format
+msgid "(module %s)"
+msgstr "(modul %s)"
+#. -PO: the first %s is the card type (scsi, network, sound,...)
+#. -PO: the second is the vendor+model name
+#: ../../modules/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Installing driver for %s card %s"
+msgstr "Menginstal driver untuk kartu %s %s"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:184
+#: ../../modules/
+#, c-format
+msgid "See hardware info"
+msgstr "Lihat info hardware"
+#: ../../modules/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Do you have any %s interfaces?"
+msgstr "Punya antarmuka %s?"
+#: ../../modules/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Do you have another one?"
+msgstr "Anda punya lagi?"
+#: ../../modules/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Found %s %s interfaces"
+msgstr "Ditemukan interface %s %s"
+#: ../../modules/
+#, c-format
+msgid "You can configure each parameter of the module here."
+msgstr "Konfigurasi tiap parameter modul dapat dilakukan di sini."
+#: ../../modules/
+#, c-format
+msgid "comma separated strings"
+msgstr "string terpisah koma"
+#: ../../modules/
+#, c-format
+msgid "comma separated numbers"
+msgstr "bilangan terpisah koma"
+#: ../../modules/
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d comma separated strings"
+msgstr "%d string terpisah koma"
+#: ../../modules/
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d comma separated numbers"
+msgstr "%d bilangan terpisah koma\""
+#: ../../modules/
+#, c-format
+msgid "a number"
+msgstr "nomor"
+#: ../../network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"and %d unknown printers are "
+"You need the alcatel microcode.\n"
+"Download it at\n"
+"and copy the mgmt.o in /usr/share/speedtouch"
msgstr ""
-"dan %d printer tak dikenal "
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:187
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"are "
+"The most common way to connect with adsl is pppoe.\n"
+"Some connections use pptp, a few use dhcp.\n"
+"If you don't know, choose 'use pppoe'"
msgstr ""
-" "
+"Cara yang umum untuk terkoneksi ke adsl adalah dengan menggunakan pppoe.\n"
+"Namun ada juga yang menggunakan pptp, dan ada yang pakai dhcp saja.\n"
+"Bila ragu, pilih saja 'gunakan pppoe'"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:187
+#: ../../network/ ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Connect to the Internet"
+msgstr "Hubungan ke Internet"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Sagem (using pppoe) usb"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Alcatel speedtouch usb"
+msgstr "usb speedtouch Alcatel"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "use dhcp"
+msgstr "gunakan dhcp"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "use pptp"
+msgstr "gunakan pptp"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "use pppoe"
+msgstr "gunakan pppoe"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Other ports"
+msgstr "Port lain"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Everything (no firewall)"
+msgstr "Semua (tanpa firewall)"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"is "
+"Invalid port given: %s.\n"
+"The proper format is \"port/tcp\" or \"port/udp\", \n"
+"where port is between 1 and 65535."
msgstr ""
-" "
+"Port tak berlaku: %s.\n"
+"Format yg benar adalah \"port/tcp\" atau \"port/udp\", \n"
+"sedangkan port berkisar dari 1 sampai 65535."
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You can enter miscellaneous ports. \n"
+"Valid examples are: 139/tcp 139/udp.\n"
+"Have a look at /etc/services for information."
+msgstr ""
+"Anda dapat memasukkan berbagai port. \n"
+"Contoh lazim adalah: 139/tcp 139/udp.\n"
+"Informasi ada di /etc/services."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:189
-msgid "directly connected to your system"
-msgstr "terhubung langsung dengan sistem Anda"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Which services would you like to allow the Internet to connect to?"
+msgstr "Layanan apa yg Anda suka untuk akses dari Internet?"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:192
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
+"drakfirewall configurator\n"
-"There is one unknown printer directly connected to your system"
+"Make sure you have configured your Network/Internet access with\n"
+"drakconnect before going any further."
msgstr ""
+"konfigurator drakfirewall\n"
-"Sebuah printer tak dikenal terhubung langsung dengan sistem Anda"
+"Pastikan Anda telah mengkonfigurasikan akses Jaringan/Internet dg\n"
+"drakconnect sebelum melanjutkan."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:194
+#: ../../network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
+"drakfirewall configurator\n"
-"There are %d unknown printers directly connected to your system"
+"This configures a personal firewall for this Mandrake Linux machine.\n"
+"For a powerful and dedicated firewall solution, please look to the\n"
+"specialized MandrakeSecurity Firewall distribution."
msgstr ""
+"konfigurator drakfirewall\n"
-"%d printer tak dikenal terhubung langsung dengan sistem Anda"
+"Program ini mengkonfigurasi firewall pribadi sistem Linux Mandrake.\n"
+"Untuk membuat solusi firewall yang lebih baik, cobalah\n"
+"distribusi khusus MandrakeSecurity Firewall"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:200
-msgid " (Make sure that all your printers are connected and turned on).\n"
-msgstr " (Pastikan semua printer Anda terhubung dan hidup).\n"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "No network card"
+msgstr "Tiada kartu jaringan"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "POP and IMAP Server"
+msgstr "Server POP dan IMAP"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Mail Server"
+msgstr "Server Mail"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Domain Name Server"
+msgstr "Server Nama Domain"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Web Server"
+msgstr "Server Web"
+#: ../../network/ ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Zeroconf host name must not contain a ."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../network/ ../../network/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Zeroconf Host name"
+msgstr "Nama Host"
+#: ../../network/ ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Host name"
+msgstr "Nama Host"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:214
+#: ../../network/ ../../network/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Do you want to enable printing on the printers mentioned above or on "
-"printers in the local network?\n"
+"Enter a Zeroconf host name without any dot if you don't\n"
+"want to use the default host name."
msgstr ""
-"Anda ingin mengaktifkan pencetakan di printer tersebut di atas atau printer "
-"di jaringan lokal?\n"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:215
-msgid "Do you want to enable printing on printers in the local network?\n"
-msgstr "Anda ingin mengaktifkan pencetakan di printer jaringan lokal?\n"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Please enter your host name if you know it.\n"
+"Some DHCP servers require the hostname to work.\n"
+"Your host name should be a fully-qualified host name,\n"
+"such as ``''."
+msgstr ""
+"Masukkan hostname sebab ada server DHCP yg mengharuskan adanya hostname.\n"
+"Hostname (nama komputer) sebaiknya merupakan nama host yg fully-qualified\n"
+"misalnya ``''."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:217
-msgid "Do you want to enable printing on the printers mentioned above?\n"
-msgstr "Anda ingin mengaktifkan pencetakan di printer tersebut di atas?\n"
+#: ../../network/ ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Configuring network"
+msgstr "Konfigureasi jaringan"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:218
-msgid "Are you sure that you want to set up printing on this machine?\n"
-msgstr "Anda yakin ingin men-setup pencetakan di mesin ini?\n"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "no network card found"
+msgstr "kartu jaringan tak ditemukan"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:219
+#: ../../network/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"NOTE: Depending on the printer model and the printing system up to %d MB of "
-"additional software will be installed."
+"Please choose which network adapter you want to use to connect to Internet."
+msgstr "Pilih adapter jaringan yang akan digunakan untuk terhubung ke Internet"
+#: ../../network/ ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#: ../../standalone/drakpxe:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Choose the network interface"
+msgstr "Pilih interface jaringan"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"No ethernet network adapter has been detected on your system.\n"
+"I cannot set up this connection type."
msgstr ""
-"CATATAN: Akan diinstal piranti lunak tambahan hingga %d MB tergantung model "
-"printer dan sistem cetak."
+"Tidak ada adapter jaringan ethernet yang terdeteksi di sistem ini.\n"
+"Tipe koneksi ini tak dapat diset up."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:258 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:270
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:328 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2933
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3060
-msgid "Add a new printer"
-msgstr "Tambah printer baru"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Which dhcp client do you want to use?\n"
+"Default is dhcp-client."
+msgstr ""
+"Klien dhcp mana yang ingin Anda pakai?\n"
+"defaultnya adalah dhcp-client"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "No ISDN PCI card found. Please select one on the next screen."
+msgstr "Tiada kartu PCI ISDN ditemukan. Pilihlah satu pd layar berikut."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:259
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"I have detected an ISDN PCI card, but I don't know its type. Please select a "
+"PCI card on the next screen."
+msgstr ""
+"Saya mendeteksi adanya sebuah card ISDN PCI, tapi saya tidak tahu tipenya. "
+"Silakan pilih card PCI tersebut pada layar berikutnya."
+#: ../../network/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Which of the following is your ISDN card?"
+msgstr "Manakah kartu ISDN Anda?"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "ISDN Configuration"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi ISDN"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Abort"
+msgstr "Batal"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Continue"
+msgstr "Lanjut"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Welcome to the Printer Setup Wizard\n"
-"This wizard allows you to install local or remote printers to be used from "
-"this machine and also from other machines in the network.\n"
+"If you have an ISA card, the values on the next screen should be right.\n"
-"It asks you for all necessary information to set up the printer and gives "
-"you access to all available printer drivers, driver options, and printer "
-"connection types."
+"If you have a PCMCIA card, you have to know the \"irq\" and \"io\" of your "
msgstr ""
-"Selamat Datang di Dukun Setup Printer\n"
-"Dukun ini dapat menginstal printer lokal atau remote utk digunakan dari "
-"mesin ini dan juga dari mesin lain di network.\n"
+"Bila Anda punya card ISA, konfigurasi pada layar berikut nanti harusnya "
+"sudah benar.\n"
-"Dia akan menanyai semua info yg dibutuhkan utk menset up printer dan memberi "
-"Anda akses ke semua driver printer tersedia, opsi driver, dan tipe koneksi "
+"Bila Anda punya card PCMCIA, Anda harus mengetahui irq dan io kartu Anda "
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:272
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "I don't know"
+msgstr "Saya tak tahu"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "PCI"
+msgstr "PCI"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "ISA / PCMCIA"
+msgstr "ISA / PCMCIA"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "What kind of card do you have?"
+msgstr "Tipe card mana yang Anda punya?"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Found \"%s\" interface do you want to use it ?"
+msgstr "Ditemukan antarmuka \"%s\" Anda ingin menggunakannya?"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Which protocol do you want to use?"
+msgstr "Protokol apa yang ingin Anda gunakan?"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Protocol for the rest of the world"
+msgstr "Protokol lain"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
+"Protocol for the rest of the world\n"
+"No D-Channel (leased lines)"
+msgstr ""
+"Protokol lain \n"
+" tanpa D-Channel (leased lines)"
+#: ../../network/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "European protocol"
+msgstr "Protokol Eropa"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "European protocol (EDSS1)"
+msgstr "Protokol Eropa (EDSS1)"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Select your provider.\n"
+"If it isn't listed, choose Unlisted."
+msgstr ""
+"Pilih provider Anda.\n"
+"Bila tidak ada dalam daftar, pilih Tidak Terdaftar"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "External ISDN modem"
+msgstr "Modem ISDN external"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Internal ISDN card"
+msgstr "Kartu ISDN internal"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "What kind is your ISDN connection?"
+msgstr "Tipe koneksi ISDN apa yang Anda miliki?"
+#: ../../network/ ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Network Configuration Wizard"
+msgstr "Wizard Konfigurasi Jaringan"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Old configuration (isdn4net)"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi lama (isdn4net)"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "New configuration (isdn-light)"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi baru (isdn-light)"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Which ISDN configuration do you prefer?\n"
-"Welcome to the Printer Setup Wizard\n"
-"This wizard will help you to install your printer(s) connected to this "
-"computer, connected directly to the network or to a remote Windows machine.\n"
-"If you have printer(s) connected to this machine, Please plug it/them in on "
-"this computer and turn it/them on so that it/they can be auto-detected. Also "
-"your network printer(s) and you Windows machines must be connected and "
-"turned on.\n"
+"* The Old configuration uses isdn4net. It contains powerful\n"
+" tools, but is tricky to configure, and not standard.\n"
-"Note that auto-detecting printers on the network takes longer than the auto-"
-"detection of only the printers connected to this machine. So turn off the "
-"auto-detection of network and/or Windows-hosted printers when you don't need "
+"* The New configuration is easier to understand, more\n"
+" standard, but with less tools.\n"
-" Click on \"Next\" when you are ready, and on \"Cancel\" when you do not "
-"want to set up your printer(s) now."
+"We recommand the light configuration.\n"
msgstr ""
+"Konfigurasi ISDN mana yg Anda suka?\n"
-"Selamat Datang di Dukun Setup Printer\n"
-"Dukun ini menolong Anda menginstal printer yg terhubung dg komputer ini, dg "
-"jaringan atau dg mesin Mindows remote.\n"
+"* Konfigurasi lama menggunakan isdn4net, berisi alat perkasa,\n"
+" tetapi tricky bagi pemula, dan tidak standar.\n"
-"Jika Anda punya printer terhubung dg mesin ini, hubungkan dan nyalakan "
-"sehingga ia/mereka dapat dideteksi. Juga printer jaringan dan mesin Mindows "
-"harus terhubung dan dinyalakan.\n"
+"* Konfigurasi baru lebih mudah dimengerti, lebih standar,\n"
+" tapi dg alat lebih sedikit.\n"
-"Ingat, deteksi printer jaringan membutuhkan waktu lebih lama daripada "
-"printer yg terhubung langsung dg mesin ini. Matikan deteksi printer jaringan "
-"dan/atau Mindows jika tak perlu.\n"
+"Kami sarankan konfigurasi ringan.\n"
-" Klik \"Lanjut\" jika siap, dan \"Batal\" jika Anda tak ingin men-setup "
-"printer sekarang."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:281 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:298
+#: ../../network/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Do nothing"
+msgstr "tapi bukan pencocokan"
+#: ../../network/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Install rpm"
+msgstr "Instal"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
+"\"%s\" based winmodem detected, do you want to install needed software ?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../network/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Title"
+msgstr "Tabel"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Your modem isn't supported by the system.\n"
+"Take a look at"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../network/ ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Second DNS Server (optional)"
+msgstr "Server DNS Sekunder (boleh tidak diisi)"
+#: ../../network/ ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "First DNS Server (optional)"
+msgstr "Server DNS Primer (boleh diisi/tidak)"
+#: ../../network/ ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Domain name"
+msgstr "Nama domain"
+#: ../../network/ ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "CHAP"
+msgstr "CHAP"
+#: ../../network/ ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Script-based"
+msgstr "Script-based"
+#: ../../network/ ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Terminal-based"
+msgstr "Terminal-based"
+#: ../../network/ ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "PAP"
+msgstr "PAP"
+#: ../../network/ ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Login ID"
+msgstr "Login ID"
+#: ../../network/ ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Phone number"
+msgstr "Nomor telepon"
+#: ../../network/ ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Connection name"
+msgstr "Nama koneksi"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Dialup options"
+msgstr "Parameter Dialup"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please choose which serial port your modem is connected to."
+msgstr "Di serial port mana modem Anda terhubung?"
+#: ../../network/ ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Network Configuration"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi Jaringan"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Problems occured during configuration.\n"
+"Test your connection via net_monitor or mcc. If your connection doesn't "
+"work, you might want to relaunch the configuration."
+msgstr ""
+"Problem konfigurasi.\n"
+"Tes koneksi Anda via net_monitor atau mcc. Jika koneksi tak berjalan, Anda "
+"mungkin perlu jalankan konfigurasi dari awal lagi"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"After this is done, we recommend that you restart your X environment to "
+"avoid any hostname-related problems."
+msgstr ""
+"Setelah itu, silakan restart X Anda agar bebas dari masalah pergantian\n"
+"nama host."
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Congratulations, the network and Internet configuration is finished.\n"
+"The configuration will now be applied to your system.\n"
-"Welcome to the Printer Setup Wizard\n"
-"This wizard will help you to install your printer(s) connected to this "
+msgstr ""
+"Selamat, jaringan dan internet telah dikonfigurasikan.\n"
-"If you have printer(s) connected to this machine, Please plug it/them in on "
-"this computer and turn it/them on so that it/they can be auto-detected.\n"
+"Konfigurasi akan diterapkan di sistem Anda.\n"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A problem occured while restarting the network: \n"
-" Click on \"Next\" when you are ready, and on \"Cancel\" when you do not "
-"want to set up your printer(s) now."
msgstr ""
+"Problem terjadi saat restart jaringan:\n"
-"Selamat Datang di Dukun Setup Printer\n"
+#: ../../network/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "The network needs to be restarted. Do you want to restart it ?"
+msgstr "Paket %s perlu diupgrade. Anda ingin instal?"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Network configuration"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi jaringan"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Do you want to start the connection at boot?"
+msgstr "Anda mau jalankan koneksi ini saat boot?"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Internet connection"
+msgstr "Koneksi Internet"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You have configured multiple ways to connect to the Internet.\n"
+"Choose the one you want to use.\n"
-"Dukun ini menolong Anda menginstal printer yg terhubung dg komputer ini.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Anda mengkonfigurasi bbrp jalan utk koneksi Internet.\n"
+"Pilih yg ingin Anda pakai.\n"
-"Jika Anda punya printer terhubung dg mesin ini, hubungkan dan nyalakan "
-"sehingga ia/mereka dapat dideteksi.\n"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Choose the connection you want to configure"
+msgstr "Pilih koneksi yg hendak dikonfigurasi"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "ethernet card(s) detected"
+msgstr "ada kartu ethernet terdeteksi"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "LAN connection"
+msgstr "koneksi LAN"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "cable connection detected"
+msgstr "Koneksi kabel terdeteksi"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cable connection"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi jaringan kabel"
+#: ../../network/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "detected"
+msgstr "%s telah terdeteksi"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "ADSL connection"
+msgstr "Koneksi ADSL"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "detected %s"
+msgstr "%s telah terdeteksi"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "ISDN connection"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi koneksi ISDN"
+#: ../../network/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Winmodem connection"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi koneksi modem biasa "
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "detected on port %s"
+msgstr "dideteksi pada port %s"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Normal modem connection"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi koneksi modem biasa "
+#: ../../network/ ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Detecting devices..."
+msgstr "Deteksi device..."
+#: ../../network/ ../../printer/
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1 ../../standalone/drakfloppy:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Expert Mode"
+msgstr "Mode Ahli"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use auto detection"
+msgstr "Gunakan deteksi otomatis"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Choose the profile to configure"
+msgstr "Pilih profil yang hendak Anda konfigurasikan"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Welcome to The Network Configuration Wizard.\n"
-" Klik \"Lanjut\" jika siap, dan \"Batal\" jika Anda tak ingin men-setup "
-"printer sekarang."
+"We are about to configure your internet/network connection.\n"
+"If you don't want to use the auto detection, deselect the checkbox.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Selamat Datang di Wizard Koneksi Jaringan\n"
+"Sekarang kita akan mengkonfigurasikan internet/jaringan.\n"
+"Bila Anda tidak mau menggunakan deteksi otomatis, mohon untuk tidak memilih "
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:289
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Because you are doing a network installation, your network is already "
+"Click on Ok to keep your configuration, or cancel to reconfigure your "
+"Internet & Network connection.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Jaringan Anda sudah terkonfigurasi lho\n"
+"Silakan klik OK untuk rekonfigurasi ulang koneksi jaringan/internet ini, "
+"atau batal jika Anda berubah pikiran.\n"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Welcome to the Printer Setup Wizard\n"
-"This wizard will help you to install your printer(s) connected to this "
-"computer or connected directly to the network.\n"
-"If you have printer(s) connected to this machine, Please plug it/them in on "
-"this computer and turn it/them on so that it/they can be auto-detected. Also "
-"your network printer(s) must be connected and turned on.\n"
+"We are now going to configure the %s connection.\n"
-"Note that auto-detecting printers on the network takes longer than the auto-"
-"detection of only the printers connected to this machine. So turn off the "
-"auto-detection of network printers when you don't need it.\n"
-" Click on \"Next\" when you are ready, and on \"Cancel\" when you do not "
-"want to set up your printer(s) now."
+"Press OK to continue."
msgstr ""
-"Selamat Datang di Dukun Setup Printer\n"
-"Dukun ini menolong Anda menginstal printer yg terhubung dg komputer ini atau "
-"Jika Anda punya printer terhubung dg mesin ini, hubungkan dan nyalakan "
-"sehingga ia/mereka dapat dideteksi. Juga printer jaringan harus terhubung "
-"dan dinyalakan.\n"
+"Konfigurasi koneksi %s.\n"
-"Ingat, deteksi printer jaringan membutuhkan waktu lebih lama daripada "
-"printer yg terhubung langsung dg mesin ini. Matikan deteksi printer jaringan "
-"jika tak perlu.\n"
-" Klik \"Lanjut\" jika siap, dan \"Batal\" jika Anda tak ingin men-setup "
-"printer sekarang."
+"Tekan OK utk mulai."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:307
-msgid "Auto-detect printers connected to this machine"
-msgstr "Deteksi printer yg terhubung dg mesin ini"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "We are now going to configure the %s connection."
+msgstr "Kita akan mengkonfigurasi koneksi %s."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:310
-msgid "Auto-detect printers connected directly to the local network"
-msgstr "Deteksi printer yang terhubung dengan jaringan lokal"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Internet connection & configuration"
+msgstr "Koneksi dan konfigurasi Internet"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:313
-msgid "Auto-detect printers connected to machines running Microsoft Windows"
-msgstr "Deteksi printer yg terhubung dg mesin Microsoft Windows"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Configure the connection"
+msgstr "Konfigurasikan koneksi"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Disconnect"
+msgstr "Putus"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:329
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Connect"
+msgstr "Tersambung"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Congratulations, your printer is now installed and configured!\n"
+"You can reconfigure your connection."
+msgstr ""
-"You can print using the \"Print\" command of your application (usually in "
-"the \"File\" menu).\n"
+"Anda bisa mengkonfigurasikan ulang koneksi ini"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
-"If you want to add, remove, or rename a printer, or if you want to change "
-"the default option settings (paper input tray, printout quality, ...), "
-"select \"Printer\" in the \"Hardware\" section of the Mandrake Control "
+"You can connect to the Internet or reconfigure your connection."
msgstr ""
-"Selamat, printer Anda kini terinstal dan terkonfigurasi!\n"
+"Anda bisa sambungkan koneksi ke Internet atau mengkonfigurasikan ulang."
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "You are not currently connected to the Internet."
+msgstr "Anda sedang tidak terhubung ke Internet."
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
-"Anda dapat mencetak dg perintah \"Cetak\" di aplikasi Anda (biasanya di menu "
+"You can disconnect or reconfigure your connection."
+msgstr ""
-"Jika Anda ingin menambah, menghapus atau mengubah nama printer, atau jika "
-"ingin mengubah opsi standar setting (tray kertas, kualitas cetak, ...), "
-"pilih \"Printer\" di bagian \"Perangkat Keras\" Pusat Kontrol Mandrake."
+"Anda bisa putuskan atau konfigurasi koneksi yang ada sekarang."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:364 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:538
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:742 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:978
-msgid "Printer auto-detection"
-msgstr "Deteksi otomatis printer"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "You are currently connected to the Internet."
+msgstr "Sekarang Anda sedang terhubung ke Internet."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:385
+#: ../../network/
#, c-format
-msgid ", network printer \"%s\", port %s"
-msgstr ", printer jaringan \"%s\", port %s"
+msgid "URL should begin with 'ftp:' or 'http:'"
+msgstr "Url harus berawalan 'ftp:' atau 'http:'"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:387
+#: ../../network/
#, c-format
-msgid ", printer \"%s\" on SMB/Windows server \"%s\""
-msgstr ", printer \"%s\" di server SMB/Windows \"%s\""
+msgid "Proxy should be http://..."
+msgstr "Proxy biasanya http://..."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:391
+#: ../../network/
#, c-format
-msgid "Detected %s"
-msgstr "Terdeteksi %s"
+msgid "FTP proxy"
+msgstr "Proxy FTP"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:395 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:423
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:440
+#: ../../network/
#, c-format
-msgid "Printer on parallel port \\/*%s"
-msgstr "Printer di port paralel \\/*%s"
+msgid "HTTP proxy"
+msgstr "Proxy HTTP"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:397 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:425
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:443
+#: ../../network/
#, c-format
-msgid "USB printer \\/*%s"
-msgstr "printer USB \\/*%s"
+msgid "Proxies configuration"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi proxy"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:399
+#: ../../network/
#, c-format
-msgid "Network printer \"%s\", port %s"
-msgstr "Printer jaringan \"%s\", port %s"
+msgid "Gateway address should be in format"
+msgstr "Alamat gateway harus dalam format"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:401
+#: ../../network/
#, c-format
-msgid "Printer \"%s\" on SMB/Windows server \"%s\""
-msgstr "Printer \"%s\" di server SMB/Windows \"%s\""
+msgid "DNS server address should be in format"
+msgstr "Alamat server DNS harus dalam format"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:525 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:547
-msgid "Local Printer"
-msgstr "Printer Lokal"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Gateway device"
+msgstr "Device gateway"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:526
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Gateway (e.g. %s)"
+msgstr "Gateway (mis. %s)"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "DNS server"
+msgstr "Server DNS"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"No local printer found! To manually install a printer enter a device name/"
-"file name in the input line (Parallel Ports: /dev/lp0, /dev/lp1, ..., "
-"equivalent to LPT1:, LPT2:, ..., 1st USB printer: /dev/usb/lp0, 2nd USB "
-"printer: /dev/usb/lp1, ...)."
+"Please enter your host name.\n"
+"Your host name should be a fully-qualified host name,\n"
+"such as ``''.\n"
+"You may also enter the IP address of the gateway if you have one."
msgstr ""
-"Printer tak ditemukan! Untuk menginstal printer secara manual masukkan nama "
-"alat / file di baris masukan (Port Parallel: /dev/lp0, /dev/lp1, ..., "
-"sebanding dg LPT1:, LPT2:, ..., printer USB pertama: /dev/usb/lp0, printer "
-"USB kedua: /dev/usb/lp1, ...)."
+"Masukkan nama host Anda.\n"
+"Hostname (nama komputer) sebaiknya merupakan nama host yg fully-qualified\n"
+"misalnya ``''.\n"
+"Anda juga bisa masukkan alamat IP gateway kalau ada"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:530
-msgid "You must enter a device or file name!"
-msgstr "Masukkan nama alat atau file!"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Rate should have the suffix k, M or G (for example, \"11M\" for 11M), or add "
+"enough '0' (zeroes)."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:539
-msgid "No printer found!"
-msgstr "Printer tak ditemukan!"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Freq should have the suffix k, M or G (for example, \"2.46G\" for 2.46 GHz "
+"frequency), or add enough '0' (zeroes)."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:548
-msgid "Available printers"
-msgstr "Printer yg tersedia"
+#: ../../network/ ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "IP address should be in format"
+msgstr "Alamat IP harus dalam format"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Start at boot"
+msgstr "Start saat boot"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:552
+#: ../../network/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Network Hotplugging"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi Jaringan"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Track network card id (useful for laptops)"
+msgstr "Lacak ID kartu network (berguna di laptop)"
+#: ../../network/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "(bootp/dhcp/zeroconf)"
+msgstr "(bootp/dhcp)"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Automatic IP"
+msgstr "IP otomatis"
+#: ../../network/ ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Netmask"
+msgstr "Netmask"
+#: ../../network/ ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "IP address"
+msgstr "Alamat IP"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid " (driver %s)"
+msgstr " (driver %s)"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Configuring network device %s"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi perangkat jaringan %s"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"The following printer was auto-detected, if it is not the one you want to "
-"configure, enter a device name/file name in the input line"
+"Please enter the IP configuration for this machine.\n"
+"Each item should be entered as an IP address in dotted-decimal\n"
+"notation (for example,"
msgstr ""
-"Printer berikut terdeteksi otomatis, jika bukan yang ingin dikonfigurasikan, "
-"masukkan nama alat/file di baris masukan"
+"Masukkan konfigurasi IP untuk mesin ini.\n"
+"Tiap item harus diberikan sebagai alamat IP dalam notasi decimal\n"
+"bertitik (misalnya"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:553
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Here is a list of all auto-detected printers. Please choose the printer you "
-"want to set up or enter a device name/file name in the input line"
+"WARNING: this device has been previously configured to connect to the "
+"Simply accept to keep this device configured.\n"
+"Modifying the fields below will override this configuration."
msgstr ""
-"Daftar printer terdeteksi otomatis. Pilihlah printer yang ingin diset up "
-"atau masukkan nama alat/file di baris masukan"
+"AWAS: device ini sebelumnya telah dikonfigurasikan untuk terhubung ke "
+"Tekan OK untuk tetap menggunakan konfigurasi lama.\n"
+"Bila ingin menggantinya, silakan ganti isi pada kolom-kolom di konfigurasi "
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:555
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"The following printer was auto-detected. The configuration of the printer "
-"will work fully automatically. If your printer was not correctly detected or "
-"if you prefer a customized printer configuration, turn on \"Manual "
+"Warning! An existing firewalling configuration has been detected. You may "
+"need some manual fixes after installation."
msgstr ""
-"Printer berikut terdeteksi otomatis. Konfigurasi printer akan bekerja "
-"otomatis. Jika printer Anda tak terdeteksi dengan benar atau jika ingin Anda "
-"konfigurasi sendiri, jalankan \"Konfigurasi manual\"."
+"Awas! Sudah ada konfigurasi firewall. Anda perlu mengecek dan membetulkan "
+"secara manual setelah instalasi."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:556
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Firewalling configuration detected!"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi firewall terdeteksi!"
+#: ../../network/ ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Account Password"
+msgstr "Katasandi Account"
+#: ../../network/ ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Account Login (user name)"
+msgstr "Login Account (nama pengguna)"
+#: ../../network/ ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Connection timeout (in sec)"
+msgstr "Timeout koneksi (detik)"
+#: ../../network/ ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Connection speed"
+msgstr "Laju koneksi"
+#: ../../network/ ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Dialing mode"
+msgstr "mode dial"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Choose your country"
+msgstr "Pilih negri Anda"
+#: ../../network/ ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Provider dns 2 (optional)"
+msgstr "DNS Provider 2 (boleh diisi boleh tidak)"
+#: ../../network/ ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Provider dns 1 (optional)"
+msgstr "DNS Provider 1 (boleh diisi boleh tidak)"
+#: ../../network/ ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Provider phone number"
+msgstr "Nomor telepon provider"
+#: ../../network/ ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Provider name (ex"
+msgstr "Nama provider (misalnya"
+#: ../../network/ ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your personal phone number"
+msgstr "Nomor telepon Anda"
+#: ../../network/ ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Card IO_1"
+msgstr "IO_1 kartu"
+#: ../../network/ ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Card IO_0"
+msgstr "IO_0 kartu"
+#: ../../network/ ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Card IO"
+msgstr "IO kartu"
+#: ../../network/ ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Card mem (DMA)"
+msgstr "Mem kartu (DMA)"
+#: ../../network/ ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Card IRQ"
+msgstr "IRQ kartu"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please fill or check the field below"
+msgstr "Silakan isi atau cek kolom berikut"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Connection Configuration"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi Koneksi"
+#: ../../network/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"Here is a list of all auto-detected printers. Please choose the printer you "
-"want to set up. The configuration of the printer will work fully "
-"automatically. If your printer was not correctly detected or if you prefer a "
-"customized printer configuration, turn on \"Manual configuration\"."
+"The system doesn't seem to be connected to the Internet.\n"
+"Try to reconfigure your connection."
msgstr ""
-"Daftar printer terdeteksi otomatis. Pilihlah printer yang ingin diset up. "
-"Konfigurasi printer akan bekerja otomatis. Jika printer Anda tak terdeteksi "
-"dengan benar atau jika ingin Anda konfigurasi sendiri, jalankan "
-"\"Konfigurasi manual\"."
+"Sistem ini sepertinya tidak terhubung ke Internet.\n"
+"Cobalah konfigurasikan ulang koneksinya."
+#: ../../network/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "For security reasons, it will be disconnected now."
+msgstr "Untuk alasan keamanan, sekarang koneksi akan diputus"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:558
+#: ../../network/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "The system is now connected to the Internet."
+msgstr "Sistem ini sekarang terhubung ke Internet."
+#: ../../network/ ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Testing your connection..."
+msgstr "Tes koneksi Anda..."
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Do you want to try to connect to the Internet now?"
+msgstr "Anda ingin tes koneksi Internet sekarang?"
+#: ../../network/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Internet configuration"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi Internet"
+#: ../../partition_table/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"Please choose the port where your printer is connected to or enter a device "
-"name/file name in the input line"
+"Something bad is happening on your drive. \n"
+"A test to check the integrity of data has failed. \n"
+"It means writing anything on the disk will end up with random, corrupted "
msgstr ""
-"Pilih port tempat printer Anda terhubung atau masukkan nama alat/file di "
-"baris masukan"
+"Ada sesuatu yang buruk terjadi pada drive Anda,\n"
+"hal ini saya ketahui saat gagal mengecek integritas data di situ.\n"
+"Artinya, data apapun yang ditulis ke situ akan gagal."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:559
-msgid "Please choose the port where your printer is connected to."
-msgstr "Pilihlah port tempat printer Anda terhubung."
+#: ../../printer/ ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid " (Default)"
+msgstr " (Default)"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "On CUPS server \"%s\""
+msgstr "Di server CUPS \"%s\""
+#: ../../printer/ ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remote Printers"
+msgstr "Printer Remote"
+#: ../../printer/ ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "CUPS"
+msgstr "CUPS"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:561
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "(on this machine)"
+msgstr "(di mesin ini)"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "(on %s)"
+msgstr "(di %s)"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "CUPS - Common Unix Printing System"
+msgstr "CUPS - Common Unix Printing System"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "LPRng"
+msgstr "LPRng"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "LPRng - LPR New Generation"
+msgstr "LPRng - LPR New Generation"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "LPD"
+msgstr "LPD"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "LPD - Line Printer Daemon"
+msgstr "LPD - Line Printer Daemon"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "PDQ"
+msgstr "PDQ"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "PDQ - Print, Don't Queue"
+msgstr "PDQ - Print, Don't Queue"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unknown Model"
+msgstr "Model Tak Dikenal"
+#: ../../printer/ ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unknown model"
+msgstr "Model tak dikenal"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Host %s"
+msgstr "Nama Host"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Network %s"
+msgstr "Jaringan"
+#: ../../printer/ ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Interface \"%s\""
+msgstr "Antarmuka %s"
+#: ../../printer/ ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Local network(s)"
+msgstr "Alamat Jaringan Lokal"
+#: ../../printer/ ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Raw printer (No driver)"
+msgstr "Printer telanjang (tanpa driver)"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ", using command %s"
+msgstr ", menggunakan perintah %s"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid " on Novell server \"%s\", printer \"%s\""
+msgstr " di server Novell \"%s\", printer \"%s\""
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid " on SMB/Windows server \"%s\", share \"%s\""
+msgstr " di server SMB/Mindows \"%s\", share \"%s\""
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ", TCP/IP host \"%s\", port %s"
+msgstr ", host TCP/IP \"%s\", port %s"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid " on LPD server \"%s\", printer \"%s\""
+msgstr " di server LPD \"%s\", printer \"%s\""
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ", printing to %s"
+msgstr ", cetak ke %s"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ", multi-function device"
+msgstr ", alat multifungsi"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ", multi-function device on HP JetDirect"
+msgstr ", alat multifungsi di HP JetDirect"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ", multi-function device on USB"
+msgstr ", alat multifungsi di USB"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ", multi-function device on parallel port \\#%s"
+msgstr ", alat multifungsi di port paralel \\/*%s"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ", USB printer"
+msgstr ", printer USB \\/*%s"
+#: ../../printer/ ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ", USB printer \\#%s"
+msgstr ", printer USB \\/*%s"
+#: ../../printer/ ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid " on parallel port \\#%s"
+msgstr " di port paralel \\/*%s"
+#: ../../printer/ ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Local Printers"
+msgstr "Printer Lokal"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pipe job into a command"
+msgstr "Pipe job ke perintah"
+#: ../../printer/ ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Enter a printer device URI"
+msgstr "Masukkan URI device printer"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Printer on NetWare server"
+msgstr "Printer di server NetWare"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Printer on SMB/Windows 95/98/NT server"
+msgstr "Printer di server SMB/windows 95/98/NT"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Network printer (TCP/Socket)"
+msgstr "Printer jaringan (TCP/Socket)"
+#: ../../printer/ ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Printer on remote lpd server"
+msgstr "Printer di server lpd remote"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Printer on remote CUPS server"
+msgstr "Printer di server CUPS remote"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remote printer"
+msgstr "printer remote"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Local printer"
+msgstr "Printer lokal"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Configuring applications..."
+msgstr "Konfigurasi aplikasi..."
+#: ../../printer/ ../../standalone/printerdrake:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Printerdrake"
+msgstr "Printerdrake"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Do you want to configure another printer?"
+msgstr "Ingin konfigurasikan printer lain?"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Removing printer \"%s\"..."
+msgstr "Menghapus printer \"%s\"..."
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Do you really want to remove the printer \"%s\"?"
+msgstr "Anda ingin menghapus printer \"%s\"?"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remove printer"
+msgstr "Hapus printer"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Know how to use this printer"
+msgstr "Cara penggunaan printer ini"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Print test pages"
+msgstr "Cetak halaman tes"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-" (Parallel Ports: /dev/lp0, /dev/lp1, ..., equivalent to LPT1:, LPT2:, ..., "
-"1st USB printer: /dev/usb/lp0, 2nd USB printer: /dev/usb/lp1, ...)."
-msgstr ""
-" (Port Paralel: /dev/lp0, /dev/lp1, ..., sebanding dengan LPT1:, LPT2:, ..., "
-"printer USB pertama: /dev/usb/lp0, printer USB kedua: /dev/usb/lp1, ...)."
+"Failed to remove the printer \"%s\" from Star Office/"
+msgstr "Gagal menghapus printer \"%s\" dari Star Office/"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:565
-msgid "You must choose/enter a printer/device!"
-msgstr "Pilih/masukkan printer/device!"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The printer \"%s\" was successfully removed from Star Office/"
+msgstr "Printer \"%s\" sukses dihapus dari Star Office/"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:584
-msgid "Manual configuration"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi manual"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Removing printer from Star Office/"
+msgstr "Hapus printer dari Star Office/"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:633
-msgid "Remote lpd Printer Options"
-msgstr "Pilihan printer lpd remote"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remove this printer from Star Office/"
+msgstr "Hapus printer ini dari Star Office/"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:634
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Failed to add the printer \"%s\" to Star Office/"
+msgstr "Gagal menambahkan printer \"%s\" ke Star Office/"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To use a remote lpd printer, you need to supply the hostname of the printer "
-"server and the printer name on that server."
-msgstr ""
-"Untuk memakai printer lpd remote, berikan nama host\n"
-"server printer dan nama printer di server tsb."
+"The printer \"%s\" was successfully added to Star Office/"
+msgstr "Printer \"%s\" sukses ditambahkan ke Star Office/"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:635
-msgid "Remote host name"
-msgstr "Nama host remote"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Adding printer to Star Office/"
+msgstr "Penambahan printer ke Star Office/"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:636
-msgid "Remote printer name"
-msgstr "Nama printer remote"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Add this printer to Star Office/"
+msgstr "Tambah printer ini ke Star Office/"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:639
-msgid "Remote host name missing!"
-msgstr "Nama host remote hilang!"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "The printer \"%s\" is set as the default printer now."
+msgstr "Printer \"%s\" kini diset sbg printer standar."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:643
-msgid "Remote printer name missing!"
-msgstr "Nama printer remote hilang!"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Default printer"
+msgstr "Printer standar"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:665 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1170
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
-msgid "Detected model: %s %s"
-msgstr "Terdeteksi model: %s %s"
+msgid "Set this printer as the default"
+msgstr "Set printer ini sebagai standar"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:742 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:978
-msgid "Scanning network..."
-msgstr "Jaringan sedang di-scan..."
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Printer options"
+msgstr "Opsi printer"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:751 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:772
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
-msgid ", printer \"%s\" on server \"%s\""
-msgstr ", printer \"%s\" di server \"%s\""
+msgid "Printer manufacturer, model"
+msgstr "Pembuat, model printer"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:754 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:775
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
-msgid "Printer \"%s\" on server \"%s\""
-msgstr "Printer \"%s\" di server \"%s\""
+msgid "Printer manufacturer, model, driver"
+msgstr "Pembuat, model, driver printer"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:795
-msgid "SMB (Windows 9x/NT) Printer Options"
-msgstr "Pilihan printer SMB (windows 95/NT)"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Removing old printer \"%s\"..."
+msgstr "Menghapus printer lama \"%s\"..."
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Printer name, description, location"
+msgstr "Nama, penjelasan, lokasi printer"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Printer connection type"
+msgstr "Tipe koneksi printer"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Learn how to use this printer"
+msgstr "Cara penggunaan printer ini"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Raw printer"
+msgstr "Printer telanjang"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:796
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Do it!"
+msgstr "Kerjakan!"
+#: ../../printer/ ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1 ../../standalone/drakbug:1
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1 ../../standalone/net_monitor:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Tutup"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To print to a SMB printer, you need to provide the SMB host name (Note! It "
-"may be different from its TCP/IP hostname!) and possibly the IP address of "
-"the print server, as well as the share name for the printer you wish to "
-"access and any applicable user name, password, and workgroup information."
+"Printer %s\n"
+"What do you want to modify on this printer?"
msgstr ""
-"Untuk mencetak ke printer SMB, berikan nama host SMB (Catatan! Mungkin "
-"berbeda dengan nama host TCP/IP) dan mungkin alamat IP server printer, nama "
-"share printer yang ingin Anda akses, juga nama pengguna, katasandi, dan info "
+"Printer %s\n"
+"Apa yg Anda inginkan utk modifikasi printer ini?"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Modify printer configuration"
+msgstr "Modifikasi konfigurasi printer"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Add a new printer"
+msgstr "Tambah printer baru"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:797
+#: ../../printer/ ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Normal Mode"
+msgstr "Modus Normal"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Change the printing system"
+msgstr "Ubah sistem cetak"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Printer sharing"
+msgstr "Pemakaian file bersama"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "CUPS configuration"
+msgstr "konfigurasi CUPS"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Refresh printer list (to display all available remote CUPS printers)"
+msgstr "Penyegaran daftar printer (utk menampilkan semua printer CUPS remote)"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-" If the desired printer was auto-detected, simply choose it from the list "
-"and then add user name, password, and/or workgroup if needed."
+"The following printers are configured. Double-click on a printer to change "
+"its settings; to make it the default printer; or to view information about "
msgstr ""
-" Jika printer yg diinginkan terdeteksi, pilihlah dari daftar lalu tambahkan "
-"nama pengguna, katasandi, dan/atau grupkerja jika perlu."
+"Printer berikut telah dikonfigurasikan. Klik-dobel printer utk memodifikasi "
+"setting; membuatnya printer default; atau melihat info tentangnya."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:799
-msgid "SMB server host"
-msgstr "Host server SMB"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The following printers are configured. Double-click on a printer to change "
+"its settings; to make it the default printer; to view information about it; "
+"or to make a printer on a remote CUPS server available for Star Office/"
+msgstr ""
+"Printer berikut telah dikonfigurasikan. Klik-dobel printer utk memodifikasi "
+"setting; membuatnya printer default; atau melihat info tentangnya; atau "
+"membuat printer di server CUPS remote dapat dipakai oleh Star Office/"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:800
-msgid "SMB server IP"
-msgstr "IP server SMB"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Printing system: "
+msgstr "Sistem cetak: "
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:801
-msgid "Share name"
-msgstr "Nama share"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Would you like to configure printing?"
+msgstr "Ingin konfigurasi printer?"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:804
-msgid "Workgroup"
-msgstr "Grupkerja"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Preparing Printerdrake..."
+msgstr "Persiapan PrinterDrake..."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:806
-msgid "Auto-detected"
-msgstr "Otomatis terdeteksi"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Checking installed software..."
+msgstr "Pemeriksaan perangkat lunak terinstal"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:816
-msgid "Either the server name or the server's IP must be given!"
-msgstr "Harus ada nama/IP server!"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Installing Foomatic..."
+msgstr "Instalasi Foomatic ..."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:820
-msgid "Samba share name missing!"
-msgstr "Nama share Samba hilang!"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Failed to configure printer \"%s\"!"
+msgstr "Konfigurasikan printer \"%s\"..."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:826
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Configuring printer \"%s\"..."
+msgstr "Konfigurasikan printer \"%s\"..."
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Reading printer data..."
+msgstr "Pembacaan data printer..."
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Which printing system (spooler) do you want to use?"
+msgstr "Sistem (spooler) printer mana yang ingin digunakan?"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:827
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Select Printer Spooler"
+msgstr "Pilih spooler printer"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Installing %s ..."
+msgstr "Instalasi paket..."
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Removing %s ..."
+msgstr "Hapus %s"
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"You are about to set up printing to a Windows account with password. Due to "
-"a fault in the architecture of the Samba client software the password is put "
-"in clear text into the command line of the Samba client used to transmit the "
-"print job to the Windows server. So it is possible for every user on this "
-"machine to display the password on the screen by issuing commands as \"ps "
+"The printing system (%s) will not be started automatically when the machine "
+"is booted.\n"
-"We recommend to make use of one of the following alternatives (in all cases "
-"you have to make sure that only machines from your local network have access "
-"to your Windows server, for example by means of a firewall):\n"
+"It is possible that the automatic starting was turned off by changing to a "
+"higher security level, because the printing system is a potential point for "
-"Use a password-less account on your Windows server, as the \"GUEST\" account "
-"or a special account dedicated for printing. Do not remove the password "
-"protection from a personal account or the administrator account.\n"
+"Do you want to have the automatic starting of the printing system turned on "
+msgstr ""
+"Sistem cetak (%s) takkan otomatis jalan saat mesin diboot.\n"
-"Set up your Windows server to make the printer available under the LPD "
-"protocol. Then set up printing from this machine with the \"%s\" connection "
-"type in Printerdrake.\n"
+"Sebabnya mungkin auto-start dimatikan sbg implikasi level sekuriti tinggi, "
+"karena sistem cetak potensial diserang.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Anda akan menset up pencetakan ke account Mindows dengan katasandi. "
-"Berhubung kesalahan arsitekture piranti lunak klien Samba, katasandi "
-"ditampilkan dalam teks di baris perintah klien Samba untuk mengirim job "
-"cetak ke server Mindows. Ini memungkinkan tiap pengguna di mesin ini melihat "
-"katasandi di layar dengan perintah \"ps auxwww\".\n"
+"Anda ingin auto-start sistem cetak dinyalakan lagi?"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Starting the printing system at boot time"
+msgstr "Inisiasi sistem cetak pada saat boot"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You are about to install the printing system %s on a system running in the %"
+"s security level.\n"
-"Kami anjurkan beberapa alternatif berikut (pada semua kasus Anda harus yakin "
-"bahwa hanya mesin di jaringan lokal Anda yang dapat mengakses server Mindows "
-"Anda, misalnya dengan adanya firewall):\n"
+"This printing system runs a daemon (background process) which waits for "
+"print jobs and handles them. This daemon is also accessable by remote "
+"machines through the network and so it is a possible point for attacks. "
+"Therefore only a few selected daemons are started by default in this "
+"security level.\n"
-"Pakailah account tanpa-katasandi di server Mindows Anda, sebagai account "
-"\"GUEST\" atau account khusus untuk pencetakan. Jangan hapus proteksi "
-"katasandi account pribadi atau administrator.\n"
+"Do you really want to configure printing on this machine?"
+msgstr ""
+"Anda akan menginstal sistem cetak %s di sistem dg level keamanan %s.\n"
-"Set up server Mindows Anda agar printer dapat dipakai dengan protokol LPD. "
-"Laluset up pencetakan dari mesin ini dengan tipe koneksi \"%s\" di "
+"Sistem cetak ini menjalankan daemon (proses background) yang menunggu dan "
+"memproses job cetak. Daemon ini juga dapat diakses oleh mesin remote via "
+"network jadi ia juga bisa jadi sasaran serangan. Karenanya hanya sedikit "
+"daemon terpilih yg dijalankan dlm level sekuriti ini.\n"
+"Benarkah Anda ingin mengkonfigurasikan printer di mesin ini?"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Installing a printing system in the %s security level"
+msgstr "Instalasi sistem cetak dalam level keamanan %s"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "paranoid"
+msgstr "pengecut"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "high"
+msgstr "tinggi"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:837
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Restarting printing system..."
+msgstr "Mulai ulang sistem cetak ..."
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Configuration of a remote printer"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi printer remote"
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Set up your Windows server to make the printer available under the IPP "
-"protocol and set up printing from this machine with the \"%s\" connection "
-"type in Printerdrake.\n"
+"The network access was not running and could not be started. Please check "
+"your configuration and your hardware. Then try to configure your remote "
+"printer again."
msgstr ""
-"Set up server Windows Anda agar printer tersedia di protokol IPP dan set up "
-"pencetakan dari mesin ini dengan tipe koneksi \"%s\" di Printerdrake.\n"
+"Akses network tak jalan dan tak dapat dimulai. Cek konfigurasi dan hardware "
+"Anda, lalu coba konfigurasikan printer remote Anda lagi."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:840
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Connect your printer to a Linux server and let your Windows machine(s) "
-"connect to it as a client.\n"
-"Do you really want to continue setting up this printer as you are doing now?"
+"The network configuration done during the installation cannot be started "
+"now. Please check whether the network is accessable after booting your "
+"system and correct the configuration using the Mandrake Control Center, "
+"section \"Network & Internet\"/\"Connection\", and afterwards set up the "
+"printer, also using the Mandrake Control Center, section \"Hardware\"/"
msgstr ""
-"Hubungkan printer Anda ke server Linux server dan membuat mesin Mindows "
-"terhubung sebagai klien.\n"
-"Anda ingin lanjutkan set up printer ini seperti yang Anda lakukan sekarang?"
+"Konfigurasi network yang dilakukan saat instalasi kini tak dapat jalan. "
+"Tolong cek apakah network dapat diakses setelah sistem diboot dan betulkan "
+"konfigurasi dengan Pusat Kontrol Mandrake, bagian \"Network & Internet\"/"
+"\"Koneksi\", lalu set printer juga dg Pusat Kontrol Mandrake, bagian "
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:911
-msgid "NetWare Printer Options"
-msgstr "Pilihan printer NetWare"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Configure the network now"
+msgstr "Konfigurasikan jaringan sekarang"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Go on without configuring the network"
+msgstr "Jalan tanpa konfigurasi jaringan"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:912
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To print on a NetWare printer, you need to provide the NetWare print server "
-"name (Note! it may be different from its TCP/IP hostname!) as well as the "
-"print queue name for the printer you wish to access and any applicable user "
-"name and password."
+"You are going to configure a remote printer. This needs working network "
+"access, but your network is not configured yet. If you go on without network "
+"configuration, you will not be able to use the printer which you are "
+"configuring now. How do you want to proceed?"
msgstr ""
-"Jika ingin mencetak pakai printer NetWare, berikan nama server printer "
-"NetWare (tak selalu sama dengan nama TCP/IPnya) juga nama antrian printer "
-"yang ingin digunakan beserta nama pengguna dan katasandinya."
+"Anda akan melakukan konfigurasi printer remote. Ini memerlukan akses "
+"jaringan aktif, tapi konfigurasi jaringan Anda belum ada. Jika diteruskan "
+"tanpa konfigurasi network, Anda takkan dapat menggunakan printer yang Anda "
+"konfigurasikan sekarang. Bagaimana Anda mau teruskan?"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:913
-msgid "Printer Server"
-msgstr "Server Printer"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Network functionality not configured"
+msgstr "Fungsi network tak dikonfigurasi"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:914
-msgid "Print Queue Name"
-msgstr "Nama antrian printer"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Starting network..."
+msgstr "Pemulaian network..."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:919
-msgid "NCP server name missing!"
-msgstr "Nama server NCP hilang!"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Refreshing printer data..."
+msgstr "Penyegaran data printer..."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:923
-msgid "NCP queue name missing!"
-msgstr "Nama antrian NCP hilang!"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You have transferred your former default printer (\"%s\"), Should it be also "
+"the default printer under the new printing system %s?"
+msgstr ""
+"Anda telah men-transfer printer standar lama Anda (\"%s\"), Akankah ia juga "
+"dijadikan printer default pada sistem cetak baru %s?"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:987 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1007
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
-msgid ", host \"%s\", port %s"
-msgstr ", host \"%s\", port %s"
+msgid "Transfer printer configuration"
+msgstr "Transfer konfigurasi printer"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:990 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1010
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
-msgid "Host \"%s\", port %s"
-msgstr "Host \"%s\", port %s"
+msgid "Transferring %s..."
+msgstr "Pemindahan %s ..."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1030
-msgid "TCP/Socket Printer Options"
-msgstr "Opsi Printer TCP/Soket"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "New printer name"
+msgstr "Nama printer baru"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1032
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Choose one of the auto-detected printers from the list or enter the hostname "
-"or IP and the optional port number (default is 9100) into the input fields."
+"The printer \"%s\" already exists,\n"
+"do you really want to overwrite its configuration?"
+msgstr "Sudah ada printer \"%s\", Anda benar ingin menindih konfigurasinya?"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Name of printer should contain only letters, numbers and the underscore"
+msgstr "Nama printer harus hanya berupa huruf, angka, atau garisbawah"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transfer"
+msgstr "Transfer"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A printer named \"%s\" already exists under %s. \n"
+"Click \"Transfer\" to overwrite it.\n"
+"You can also type a new name or skip this printer."
msgstr ""
-"Pilih satu printer dari daftar atau isilah namahost atau IP dan nomor port "
-"opsional (default 9100)."
+"Printer bernama \"%s\" telah ada di %s. \n"
+"Klik \"Transfer\" untuk menindihnya.\n"
+"Anda juga dapat menuliskan nama baru atau melewatkan printer ini."
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Do not transfer printers"
+msgstr "Jangan transfer printer"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1033
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To print to a TCP or socket printer, you need to provide the host name or IP "
-"of the printer and optionally the port number (default is 9100). On HP "
-"JetDirect servers the port number is usually 9100, on other servers it can "
-"vary. See the manual of your hardware."
+"Mark the printers which you want to transfer and click \n"
msgstr ""
-"Untuk mencetak ke printer TCP/socket, berikan nama host atau IP printer dan "
-"nomor portnya (default 9100). Nomor port server HP JetDirect biasanya 9100, "
-"server lain mungkin bervariasi. Lihat manual perangkat keras Anda."
+"Tandai printer yg ingin Anda transfer lalu klik\"Transfer\"."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1037
-msgid "Printer host name or IP missing!"
-msgstr "Nama host printer atau IP tidak ada!"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Also printers configured with the PPD files provided by their manufacturers "
+"or with native CUPS drivers cannot be transferred."
+msgstr ""
+"Juga printer yg terkonfigurasi dengan file PPD dari pabrik atau driver CUPS "
+"asli tak dapat ditransfer."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1059
-msgid "Printer host name or IP"
-msgstr "Nama host atau IP printer"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"In addition, queues not created with this program or \"foomatic-configure\" "
+"cannot be transferred."
+msgstr ""
+"Antrian tak dibuat oleh program ini atau \"foomatic-configure\" tak dapat "
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1107 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1109
-msgid "Printer Device URI"
-msgstr "Device Printer URI"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "LPD and LPRng do not support IPP printers.\n"
+msgstr "LPD and LPRng tak men-support printer IPP.\n"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1108
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"You can specify directly the URI to access the printer. The URI must fulfill "
-"either the CUPS or the Foomatic specifications. Note that not all URI types "
-"are supported by all the spoolers."
+"PDQ only supports local printers, remote LPD printers, and Socket/TCP "
+msgstr "PDQ hanya men-support printer lokal, LPD remote, dan Soket/TCP.\n"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"CUPS does not support printers on Novell servers or printers sending the "
+"data into a free-formed command.\n"
msgstr ""
-"Anda dapat menset langsung URI utk akses printer. URI harus memenuhi "
-"spesifikasi CUPS/Foomatic. Ingat, tak semua tipe URI di-support oleh semua "
+"CUPS tak men-support printer server Novell atau printer yg mengirim data ke "
+"perintah format-bebas.\n"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1123
-msgid "A valid URI must be entered!"
-msgstr "Harus diisi URI valid!"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You can copy the printer configuration which you have done for the spooler %"
+"s to %s, your current spooler. All the configuration data (printer name, "
+"description, location, connection type, and default option settings) is "
+"overtaken, but jobs will not be transferred.\n"
+"Not all queues can be transferred due to the following reasons:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Anda dapat menyalin konfigurasi printer yg Anda buat utk spooler %s ke %s, "
+"spooler Anda sekarang. Semua data konfigurasi (nama printer, keterangan, "
+"lokasi, tipe koneksi, dan setting opsi default) disamakan, tapi job takkan "
+"ditransfer. \n"
+"Tak semua antrian dapat ditransfer karena alasan berikut:\n"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1463
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Every printer needs a name (for example \"printer\"). The Description and "
-"Location fields do not need to be filled in. They are comments for the users."
+"Your printer was configured automatically to give you access to the photo "
+"card drives from your PC. Now you can access your photo cards using the "
+"graphical program \"MtoolsFM\" (Menu: \"Applications\" -> \"File tools\" -> "
+"\"MTools File Manager\") or the command line utilities \"mtools\" (enter "
+"\"man mtools\" on the command line for more info). You find the card's file "
+"system under the drive letter \"p:\", or subsequent drive letters when you "
+"have more than one HP printer with photo card drives. In \"MtoolsFM\" you "
+"can switch between drive letters with the field at the upper-right corners "
+"of the file lists."
msgstr ""
-"Tiap printer perlu nama (misalnya \"printer\"). Kolom Penjelasan / Lokasi "
-"tak harus terisi. Itu komentar utk pengguna."
+"Printer Anda telah dikonfigurasikan secara otomatis untuk mengakses drive "
+"kartu foto dari PC Anda. Kini Anda dapat mengakses kartu foto Anda dg "
+"program grafis \"MtoolsFM\" (Menu: \"Aplikasi\" -> \"Perkakas File\" -> "
+"\"Manajer File MTools\") atau baris komando \"mtools\" (ketik \"man mtools\" "
+"di baris komando utk info lebih lanjut). Anda temukan sistem file kartu di "
+"drive \"p:\", atau huruf drive selanjutnya bila Anda punya lebih dari satu "
+"printer HP dengan drive kartu foto. Di \"MtoolsFM\" Anda dapat men-switch "
+"drive dg isian di sudut kanan atas daftar file."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1464
-msgid "Name of printer"
-msgstr "Nama Printer"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Your multi-function device was configured automatically to be able to scan. "
+"Now you can scan with \"scanimage\" (\"scanimage -d hp:%s\" to specify the "
+"scanner when you have more than one) from the command line or with the "
+"graphical interfaces \"xscanimage\" or \"xsane\". If you are using the GIMP, "
+"you can also scan by choosing the appropriate point in the \"File\"/\"Acquire"
+"\" menu. Call also \"man scanimage\" on the command line to get more "
+"Do not use \"scannerdrake\" for this device!"
+msgstr ""
+"Alat multifungsi Anda terkonfigurasi otomatis agar dapat men-scan. Kini Anda "
+"dapat men-scan dg \"scanimage\" (\"scanimage -d hp:%s\" utk menentukan "
+"scanner jika Anda punya beberapa) dari baris perintah atau dg antarmuka "
+"grafis \"xscanimage\" atau \"xsane\". Jika Anda memakai GIMP, Anda dapat "
+"juga men-scan dg memilih poin yg sesuai di menu \"File\"/\"Acquire\". "
+"Panggil \"man scanimage\" di baris perintah untuk informasi lanjut.\n"
+"Jangan pakai \"scannerdrake\" utk alat ini!"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1465 ../../standalone/harddrake2_.c:38
-msgid "Description"
-msgstr "Keterangan"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Printing test page(s)..."
+msgstr "Pencetakan halaman tes..."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1466
-msgid "Location"
-msgstr "Lokasi"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Print option list"
+msgstr "Daftar opsi cetak"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1478 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1599
-msgid "Reading printer database..."
-msgstr "Pembacaan database printer..."
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Printing on the printer \"%s\""
+msgstr "Pencetakan di printer \"%s\""
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1482
-msgid "Preparing printer database..."
-msgstr "Persiapan database printer ..."
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Printing/Photo Card Access on \"%s\""
+msgstr "Cetak/Akses Kartu Foto di \"%s\""
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1578
-msgid "Your printer model"
-msgstr "Model printer Anda"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Printing/Scanning on \"%s\""
+msgstr "Cetak/Scan di \"%s\""
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Printing/Scanning/Photo Cards on \"%s\""
+msgstr "Cetak/Scan/Kartu Foto di \"%s\""
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1579
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Printerdrake has compared the model name resulting from the printer auto-"
-"detection with the models listed in its printer database to find the best "
-"match. This choice can be wrong, especially when your printer is not listed "
-"at all in the database. So check whether the choice is correct and click "
-"\"The model is correct\" if so and if not, click \"Select model manually\" "
-"so that you can choose your printer model manually on the next screen.\n"
-"For your printer Printerdrake has found:\n"
+"To know about the options available for the current printer read either the "
+"list shown below or click on the \"Print option list\" button.%s%s\n"
msgstr ""
-"Printerdrake telan membandingkan nama model printer terdeteksi dengan daftar "
-"model di database untuk menemukan yang paling cocok. Ini mungkin salah, "
-"khususnya jika printer Anda tak terdaftar di semua database. Periksa apakah "
-"pilihan sudah benar dan klik \"Model sudah benar\", jika salah, klik \"Pilih "
-"model secara manual\" sehingga Anda dapat memilih model printer Anda secara "
-"manual di layar berikut.\n"
+"Untuk mengetahui opsi printer bacalah daftar di bawah atau klik tombol "
+"\"Daftar opsi cetak\".%s%s\n"
-"Printerdrake telah menemukan:\n"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The \"%s\" and \"%s\" commands also allow to modify the option settings for "
+"a particular printing job. Simply add the desired settings to the command "
+"line, e. g. \"%s <file>\".\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Komando \"%s\" dan \"%s\" juga memungkinkan modifikasi setting opsi job "
+"cetak tertentu. Tambahkan setting yg diinginkan ke baris perintah, misalnya "
+"\"%s <file>\".\n"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1584 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1587
-msgid "The model is correct"
-msgstr "Model sudah benar"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You can also use the graphical interface \"xpdq\" for setting options and "
+"handling printing jobs.\n"
+"If you are using KDE as desktop environment you have a \"panic button\", an "
+"icon on the desktop, labeled with \"STOP Printer!\", which stops all print "
+"jobs immediately when you click it. This is for example useful for paper "
+msgstr ""
+"Anda juga dapat memakai antarmuka grafis \"xpdq\" untuk setting opsi dan "
+"kontrol job cetak.\n"
+"Jika KDE Anda pakai sbg lingkungan desktop Anda punya ikon \"tombol panik\", "
+"di desktop, berlabel \"STOP Printer!\", yang menghentikan semua job cetak "
+"seketika bila Anda tekan. Ini berguna contohnya saat kertas macet.\n"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1585 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1586
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1589
-msgid "Select model manually"
-msgstr "Pilih model secara manual"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"This command you can also use in the \"Printing command\" field of the "
+"printing dialogs of many applications. But here do not supply the file name "
+"because the file to print is provided by the application.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Perintah ini digunakan di kotak \"Perintah cetak\" di dialog cetak beberapa "
+"aplikasi. Tapi jangan berikan nama file di sini karena file yg dicetak akan "
+"diberikan oleh aplikasi.\n"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1606
-msgid "Printer model selection"
-msgstr "Seleksi model printer"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"To print a file from the command line (terminal window) use the command \"%s "
+"<file>\" or \"%s <file>\".\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Utk mencetak file dari baris komando (jendela terminal) gunakan komando \"%s "
+"<file>\" atau \"%s <file>\".\n"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1607
-msgid "Which printer model do you have?"
-msgstr "Anda punya model printer mana?"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"To get a list of the options available for the current printer click on the "
+"\"Print option list\" button."
+msgstr "Untuk mendapat daftar opsi printer klik \"Daftar opsi cetak\"."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1608
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
+"The \"%s\" command also allows to modify the option settings for a "
+"particular printing job. Simply add the desired settings to the command "
+"line, e. g. \"%s <file>\". "
+msgstr ""
-"Please check whether Printerdrake did the auto-detection of your printer "
-"model correctly. Search the correct model in the list when the cursor is "
-"standing on a wrong model or on \"Raw printer\"."
+"Komando \"%s\" juga memungkinkan modifikasi setting job cetak tertentu. "
+"Tambahkan setting yang diinginkan ke baris perintah, mis. \"%s <file>\". "
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"To print a file from the command line (terminal window) use the command \"%s "
msgstr ""
+"Utk mencetak file dari baris komando (window terminal) gunakan perintah \"%s "
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Here is a list of the available printing options for the current printer:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Daftar opsi cetak tersedia untuk printer ini:\n"
-"Periksa apakah Printerdrake mendeteksi otomatis model printer Anda dengan "
-"benar. Cari model yang benar di daftar jika kursor menunjukkan model yang "
-"salah atau di \"Printer telanjang\"."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1611
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"If your printer is not listed, choose a compatible (see printer manual) or a "
-"similar one."
+"These commands you can also use in the \"Printing command\" field of the "
+"printing dialogs of many applications, but here do not supply the file name "
+"because the file to print is provided by the application.\n"
msgstr ""
-"Jika printer Anda tak terdaftar, pilih yang kompatibel (lihat manual) atau "
-"yang mirip."
+"Komando ini dapat Anda pakai dalam kotak \"Perintah cetak\" dialog cetak di "
+"banyak aplikasi, tapi jangan berikan nama file di sini karena file yang "
+"dicetak akan diberikan oleh aplikasi.\n"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1697
-msgid "OKI winprinter configuration"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi winprinter OKI"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"To print a file from the command line (terminal window) you can either use "
+"the command \"%s <file>\" or a graphical printing tool: \"xpp <file>\" or "
+"\"kprinter <file>\". The graphical tools allow you to choose the printer and "
+"to modify the option settings easily.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Utk mencetak file dari baris perintah (window terminal) pakailah komando "
+"komando \"%s <file>\" atau alat cetak grafis: \"xpp <file>\" atau \"kprinter "
+"<file>\". Alat grafis memungkinkan Anda memilih printer dan memodifikasi "
+"setting dengan mudah.\n"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1698
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Did it work properly?"
+msgstr "Bekerja dg baik?"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"You are configuring an OKI laser winprinter. These printers\n"
-"use a very special communication protocol and therefore they work only when "
-"connected to the first parallel port. When your printer is connected to "
-"another port or to a print server box please connect the printer to the "
-"first parallel port before you print a test page. Otherwise the printer will "
-"not work. Your connection type setting will be ignored by the driver."
+"Test page(s) have been sent to the printer.\n"
+"It may take some time before the printer starts.\n"
msgstr ""
-"Anda sedang melakukan konfigurasi winprinter laser OKI. Printer ini memakai "
-"protokol komunikasi khusus dan karenanya bekerja hanya saat terhubung port "
-"paralel pertama. Bila printer Anda terhubung dg port lain atau dengan kotak "
-"server cetak hubungkan printer dg port paralel pertama sebelum melakukan tes "
-"cetak. Jika tidak, printer takkan bekerja. Setting tipe koneksi Anda akan "
-"diabaikan oleh driver."
+"Halaman test telah dikirim ke printer.\n"
+"Akan butuh waktu sebentar untuk mulai mencetak.\n"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1718 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1745
-msgid "Lexmark inkjet configuration"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi Lexmark inkjet"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Test page(s) have been sent to the printer.\n"
+"It may take some time before the printer starts.\n"
+"Printing status:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Halaman tes telah dikirim ke printer.\n"
+"Akan butuh waktu sebentar untuk mulai mencetak.\n"
+"Status cetak:\n"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Do not print any test page"
+msgstr "Jangan cetak halaman tes"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Photo test page"
+msgstr "Halaman tes foto"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Alternative test page (A4)"
+msgstr "Halaman tes alternatif (A4)"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Alternative test page (Letter)"
+msgstr "Halaman tes alternatif (Letter)"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Standard test page"
+msgstr "Halaman tes standar"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1719
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Print"
+msgstr "Cetak"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "No test pages"
+msgstr "Tiada halaman tes"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"The inkjet printer drivers provided by Lexmark only support local printers, "
-"no printers on remote machines or print server boxes. Please connect your "
-"printer to a local port or configure it on the machine where it is connected "
+"Please select the test pages you want to print.\n"
+"Note: the photo test page can take a rather long time to get printed and on "
+"laser printers with too low memory it can even not come out. In most cases "
+"it is enough to print the standard test page."
msgstr ""
-"Driver printer inkjet yg disediakan Lexmark hanya men-support printer lokal, "
-"bukan printer di mesin remote atau kotak server cetak. Hubungkan printer "
-"Anda ke port lokal atau konfigurasikan di mesin yang terhubung dengannya."
+"Pilihlah halaman tes yang ingin Anda cetak.\n"
+"Ingat: halaman tes photo perlu waktu lama untuk dicetak. Di printer laser "
+"bermemori rendah itu bahkan takkan muncul. Umumnya cukup halaman tes standar."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1746
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Test pages"
+msgstr "Halaman tes"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To be able to print with your Lexmark inkjet and this configuration, you "
-"need the inkjet printer drivers provided by Lexmark (http://www.lexmark."
-"com/). Click on the \"Drivers\" link. Then choose your model and afterwards "
-"\"Linux\" as operating system. The drivers come as RPM packages or shell "
-"scripts with interactive graphical installation. You do not need to do this "
-"configuration by the graphical frontends. Cancel directly after the license "
-"agreement. Then print printhead alignment pages with \"lexmarkmaintain\" and "
-"adjust the head alignment settings with this program."
+"Do you want to set this printer (\"%s\")\n"
+"as the default printer?"
msgstr ""
-"Agar dapat mencetak dg Lexmark inkjet dan konfigurasi ini, Anda perlu driver "
-"printer inkjet yg disediakan Lexmark ( Klik link "
-"\"Drivers\". Pilih model Anda lalu sistem operasi \"Linux\". Driver "
-"disediakan berupa paket RPM atau shell script dg instalasi grafis "
-"interaktif. Anda tak perlu melakukan konfigurasi via frontend grafis ini. "
-"Batalkan langsung setelah persetujuan lisensi. Lalu cetak halaman printhead "
-"alignment dg \"lexmarkmaintain\" dan cocokkan setting head alignment dg "
-"program ini."
+"Ingin menset printer ini (\"%s\")\n"
+"sbg printer standar?"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1749
-msgid "GDI Laser Printer using the Zenographics ZJ-Stream Format"
-msgstr "Printer Laser GDI dengan Format ZJ-Stream Zenographics"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Option %s out of range!"
+msgstr "Opsi %s keluar batas!"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Option %s must be a number!"
+msgstr "Opsi %s harus berupa bilangan!"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1750
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Option %s must be an integer number!"
+msgstr "Opsi %s harus berupa integer!"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Printer default settings\n"
+"You should make sure that the page size and the ink type/printing mode (if "
+"available) and also the hardware configuration of laser printers (memory, "
+"duplex unit, extra trays) are set correctly. Note that with a very high "
+"printout quality/resolution printing can get substantially slower."
+msgstr ""
+"Setting standar printer\n"
+"Cek ukuran halaman dan jenis tinta/mode cetak (jika ada) juga konfigurasi "
+"perangkat keras printer laser (memori, unit duplex, tray extra). Ingat, "
+"pencetakan dg kualitas tinggi berjalan amat lambat."
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your printer belongs to the group of GDI laser printers (winprinters) sold "
"by different manufacturers which uses the Zenographics ZJ-stream raster "
@@ -8592,1230 +11439,1685 @@ msgstr ""
"Perintah pertama dapat diberikan oleh pengguna normal, yang kedua harus "
"dikerjakan oleh root. Setelah itu Anda baru dapat mencetak.\n"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1972
-msgid ""
-"Printer default settings\n"
-"You should make sure that the page size and the ink type/printing mode (if "
-"available) and also the hardware configuration of laser printers (memory, "
-"duplex unit, extra trays) are set correctly. Note that with a very high "
-"printout quality/resolution printing can get substantially slower."
-msgstr ""
-"Setting standar printer\n"
-"Cek ukuran halaman dan jenis tinta/mode cetak (jika ada) juga konfigurasi "
-"perangkat keras printer laser (memori, unit duplex, tray extra). Ingat, "
-"pencetakan dg kualitas tinggi berjalan amat lambat."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1981
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
-msgid "Option %s must be an integer number!"
-msgstr "Opsi %s harus berupa integer!"
+msgid "GDI Laser Printer using the Zenographics ZJ-Stream Format"
+msgstr "Printer Laser GDI dengan Format ZJ-Stream Zenographics"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1985
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
-msgid "Option %s must be a number!"
-msgstr "Opsi %s harus berupa bilangan!"
+msgid ""
+"To be able to print with your Lexmark inkjet and this configuration, you "
+"need the inkjet printer drivers provided by Lexmark (http://www.lexmark."
+"com/). Click on the \"Drivers\" link. Then choose your model and afterwards "
+"\"Linux\" as operating system. The drivers come as RPM packages or shell "
+"scripts with interactive graphical installation. You do not need to do this "
+"configuration by the graphical frontends. Cancel directly after the license "
+"agreement. Then print printhead alignment pages with \"lexmarkmaintain\" and "
+"adjust the head alignment settings with this program."
+msgstr ""
+"Agar dapat mencetak dg Lexmark inkjet dan konfigurasi ini, Anda perlu driver "
+"printer inkjet yg disediakan Lexmark ( Klik link "
+"\"Drivers\". Pilih model Anda lalu sistem operasi \"Linux\". Driver "
+"disediakan berupa paket RPM atau shell script dg instalasi grafis "
+"interaktif. Anda tak perlu melakukan konfigurasi via frontend grafis ini. "
+"Batalkan langsung setelah persetujuan lisensi. Lalu cetak halaman printhead "
+"alignment dg \"lexmarkmaintain\" dan cocokkan setting head alignment dg "
+"program ini."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:1989
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
-msgid "Option %s out of range!"
-msgstr "Opsi %s keluar batas!"
+msgid "Lexmark inkjet configuration"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi Lexmark inkjet"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2028
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Do you want to set this printer (\"%s\")\n"
-"as the default printer?"
+"The inkjet printer drivers provided by Lexmark only support local printers, "
+"no printers on remote machines or print server boxes. Please connect your "
+"printer to a local port or configure it on the machine where it is connected "
msgstr ""
-"Ingin menset printer ini (\"%s\")\n"
-"sbg printer standar?"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2051
-msgid "Test pages"
-msgstr "Halaman tes"
+"Driver printer inkjet yg disediakan Lexmark hanya men-support printer lokal, "
+"bukan printer di mesin remote atau kotak server cetak. Hubungkan printer "
+"Anda ke port lokal atau konfigurasikan di mesin yang terhubung dengannya."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2052
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Please select the test pages you want to print.\n"
-"Note: the photo test page can take a rather long time to get printed and on "
-"laser printers with too low memory it can even not come out. In most cases "
-"it is enough to print the standard test page."
+"You are configuring an OKI laser winprinter. These printers\n"
+"use a very special communication protocol and therefore they work only when "
+"connected to the first parallel port. When your printer is connected to "
+"another port or to a print server box please connect the printer to the "
+"first parallel port before you print a test page. Otherwise the printer will "
+"not work. Your connection type setting will be ignored by the driver."
msgstr ""
-"Pilihlah halaman tes yang ingin Anda cetak.\n"
-"Ingat: halaman tes photo perlu waktu lama untuk dicetak. Di printer laser "
-"bermemori rendah itu bahkan takkan muncul. Umumnya cukup halaman tes standar."
+"Anda sedang melakukan konfigurasi winprinter laser OKI. Printer ini memakai "
+"protokol komunikasi khusus dan karenanya bekerja hanya saat terhubung port "
+"paralel pertama. Bila printer Anda terhubung dg port lain atau dengan kotak "
+"server cetak hubungkan printer dg port paralel pertama sebelum melakukan tes "
+"cetak. Jika tidak, printer takkan bekerja. Setting tipe koneksi Anda akan "
+"diabaikan oleh driver."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2056
-msgid "No test pages"
-msgstr "Tiada halaman tes"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "OKI winprinter configuration"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi winprinter OKI"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2057
-msgid "Print"
-msgstr "Cetak"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If your printer is not listed, choose a compatible (see printer manual) or a "
+"similar one."
+msgstr ""
+"Jika printer Anda tak terdaftar, pilih yang kompatibel (lihat manual) atau "
+"yang mirip."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2114
-msgid "Standard test page"
-msgstr "Halaman tes standar"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Please check whether Printerdrake did the auto-detection of your printer "
+"model correctly. Find the correct model in the list when a wrong model or "
+"\"Raw printer\" is highlighted."
+msgstr ""
+"Periksa apakah Printerdrake mendeteksi otomatis model printer Anda dengan "
+"benar. Cari model yang benar di daftar jika kursor menunjukkan model yang "
+"salah atau di \"Printer telanjang\"."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2117
-msgid "Alternative test page (Letter)"
-msgstr "Halaman tes alternatif (Letter)"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Which printer model do you have?"
+msgstr "Anda punya model printer mana?"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2120
-msgid "Alternative test page (A4)"
-msgstr "Halaman tes alternatif (A4)"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Printer model selection"
+msgstr "Seleksi model printer"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2122
-msgid "Photo test page"
-msgstr "Halaman tes foto"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Reading printer database..."
+msgstr "Pembacaan database printer..."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2126
-msgid "Do not print any test page"
-msgstr "Jangan cetak halaman tes"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Select model manually"
+msgstr "Pilih model secara manual"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2134 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2285
-msgid "Printing test page(s)..."
-msgstr "Pencetakan halaman tes..."
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "The model is correct"
+msgstr "Model sudah benar"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2159
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Test page(s) have been sent to the printer.\n"
-"It may take some time before the printer starts.\n"
-"Printing status:\n"
+"Printerdrake has compared the model name resulting from the printer auto-"
+"detection with the models listed in its printer database to find the best "
+"match. This choice can be wrong, especially when your printer is not listed "
+"at all in the database. So check whether the choice is correct and click "
+"\"The model is correct\" if so and if not, click \"Select model manually\" "
+"so that you can choose your printer model manually on the next screen.\n"
+"For your printer Printerdrake has found:\n"
msgstr ""
-"Halaman tes telah dikirim ke printer.\n"
-"Akan butuh waktu sebentar untuk mulai mencetak.\n"
-"Status cetak:\n"
+"Printerdrake telan membandingkan nama model printer terdeteksi dengan daftar "
+"model di database untuk menemukan yang paling cocok. Ini mungkin salah, "
+"khususnya jika printer Anda tak terdaftar di semua database. Periksa apakah "
+"pilihan sudah benar dan klik \"Model sudah benar\", jika salah, klik \"Pilih "
+"model secara manual\" sehingga Anda dapat memilih model printer Anda secara "
+"manual di layar berikut.\n"
+"Printerdrake telah menemukan:\n"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2163
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your printer model"
+msgstr "Model printer Anda"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Preparing printer database..."
+msgstr "Persiapan database printer ..."
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Location"
+msgstr "Lokasi"
+#: ../../printer/ ../../standalone/harddrake2:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Keterangan"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Name of printer"
+msgstr "Nama Printer"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Test page(s) have been sent to the printer.\n"
-"It may take some time before the printer starts.\n"
+"Every printer needs a name (for example \"printer\"). The Description and "
+"Location fields do not need to be filled in. They are comments for the users."
msgstr ""
-"Halaman test telah dikirim ke printer.\n"
-"Akan butuh waktu sebentar untuk mulai mencetak.\n"
+"Tiap printer perlu nama (misalnya \"printer\"). Kolom Penjelasan / Lokasi "
+"tak harus terisi. Itu komentar utk pengguna."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2170
-msgid "Did it work properly?"
-msgstr "Bekerja dg baik?"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Enter Printer Name and Comments"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2190 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3229
-msgid "Raw printer"
-msgstr "Printer telanjang"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Making printer port available for CUPS..."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2216
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"To print a file from the command line (terminal window) you can either use "
-"the command \"%s <file>\" or a graphical printing tool: \"xpp <file>\" or "
-"\"kprinter <file>\". The graphical tools allow you to choose the printer and "
-"to modify the option settings easily.\n"
+msgid "Photo memory card access on your HP multi-function device"
msgstr ""
-"Utk mencetak file dari baris perintah (window terminal) pakailah komando "
-"komando \"%s <file>\" atau alat cetak grafis: \"xpp <file>\" atau \"kprinter "
-"<file>\". Alat grafis memungkinkan Anda memilih printer dan memodifikasi "
-"setting dengan mudah.\n"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2218
-msgid ""
-"These commands you can also use in the \"Printing command\" field of the "
-"printing dialogs of many applications, but here do not supply the file name "
-"because the file to print is provided by the application.\n"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Scanning on your HP multi-function device"
+msgstr ", alat multifungsi"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Installing mtools packages..."
+msgstr "Instalasi paket..."
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Installing SANE packages..."
+msgstr "Instalasi paket..."
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Checking device and configuring HPOJ..."
msgstr ""
-"Komando ini dapat Anda pakai dalam kotak \"Perintah cetak\" dialog cetak di "
-"banyak aplikasi, tapi jangan berikan nama file di sini karena file yang "
-"dicetak akan diberikan oleh aplikasi.\n"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2221 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2238
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2248
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Installing HPOJ package..."
+msgstr "Instalasi paket..."
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"The \"%s\" command also allows to modify the option settings for a "
-"particular printing job. Simply add the desired settings to the command "
-"line, e. g. \"%s <file>\". "
+"Is your printer a multi-function device from HP or Sony (OfficeJet, PSC, "
+"LaserJet 1100/1200/1220/3200/3300 with scanner, Sony IJP-V100), an HP "
+"PhotoSmart or an HP LaserJet 2200?"
msgstr ""
-"Komando \"%s\" juga memungkinkan modifikasi setting job cetak tertentu. "
-"Tambahkan setting yang diinginkan ke baris perintah, mis. \"%s <file>\". "
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2224 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2264
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "A command line must be entered!"
+msgstr "Harus diisi URI valid!"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Command line"
+msgstr "Nama domain"
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To know about the options available for the current printer read either the "
-"list shown below or click on the \"Print option list\" button.%s%s\n"
+"Here you can specify any arbitrary command line into which the job should be "
+"piped instead of being sent directly to a printer."
msgstr ""
-"Untuk mengetahui opsi printer bacalah daftar di bawah atau klik tombol "
-"\"Daftar opsi cetak\".%s%s\n"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2228
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Pipe into command"
+msgstr "Pipe job ke perintah"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Detected model: %s %s"
+msgstr "Terdeteksi model: %s %s"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "A valid URI must be entered!"
+msgstr "Harus diisi URI valid!"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Printer Device URI"
+msgstr "Device Printer URI"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Here is a list of the available printing options for the current printer:\n"
+"You can specify directly the URI to access the printer. The URI must fulfill "
+"either the CUPS or the Foomatic specifications. Note that not all URI types "
+"are supported by all the spoolers."
msgstr ""
-"Daftar opsi cetak tersedia untuk printer ini:\n"
+"Anda dapat menset langsung URI utk akses printer. URI harus memenuhi "
+"spesifikasi CUPS/Foomatic. Ingat, tak semua tipe URI di-support oleh semua "
+#: ../../printer/ ../../standalone/harddrake2:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Port"
+msgstr "Port"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2233 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2243
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Printer host name or IP"
+msgstr "Nama host atau IP printer"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "The port number should be an integer!"
+msgstr "Nomor port harus berupa bilangan bulat"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Printer host name or IP missing!"
+msgstr "Nama host printer atau IP tidak ada!"
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To print a file from the command line (terminal window) use the command \"%s "
+"To print to a TCP or socket printer, you need to provide the host name or IP "
+"of the printer and optionally the port number (default is 9100). On HP "
+"JetDirect servers the port number is usually 9100, on other servers it can "
+"vary. See the manual of your hardware."
msgstr ""
-"Utk mencetak file dari baris komando (window terminal) gunakan perintah \"%s "
+"Untuk mencetak ke printer TCP/socket, berikan nama host atau IP printer dan "
+"nomor portnya (default 9100). Nomor port server HP JetDirect biasanya 9100, "
+"server lain mungkin bervariasi. Lihat manual perangkat keras Anda."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2235 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2245
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2255
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"This command you can also use in the \"Printing command\" field of the "
-"printing dialogs of many applications. But here do not supply the file name "
-"because the file to print is provided by the application.\n"
+"Choose one of the auto-detected printers from the list or enter the hostname "
+"or IP and the optional port number (default is 9100) in the input fields."
msgstr ""
-"Perintah ini digunakan di kotak \"Perintah cetak\" di dialog cetak beberapa "
-"aplikasi. Tapi jangan berikan nama file di sini karena file yg dicetak akan "
-"diberikan oleh aplikasi.\n"
+"Pilih satu printer dari daftar atau isilah namahost atau IP dan nomor port "
+"opsional (default 9100)."
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "TCP/Socket Printer Options"
+msgstr "Opsi Printer TCP/Soket"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Host \"%s\", port %s"
+msgstr "Host \"%s\", port %s"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ", host \"%s\", port %s"
+msgstr ", host \"%s\", port %s"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Scanning network..."
+msgstr "Jaringan sedang di-scan..."
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Printer auto-detection"
+msgstr "Deteksi otomatis printer"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "NCP queue name missing!"
+msgstr "Nama antrian NCP hilang!"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "NCP server name missing!"
+msgstr "Nama server NCP hilang!"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Print Queue Name"
+msgstr "Nama antrian printer"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Printer Server"
+msgstr "Server Printer"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2240 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2250
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To get a list of the options available for the current printer click on the "
-"\"Print option list\" button."
-msgstr "Untuk mendapat daftar opsi printer klik \"Daftar opsi cetak\"."
+"To print on a NetWare printer, you need to provide the NetWare print server "
+"name (Note! it may be different from its TCP/IP hostname!) as well as the "
+"print queue name for the printer you wish to access and any applicable user "
+"name and password."
+msgstr ""
+"Jika ingin mencetak pakai printer NetWare, berikan nama server printer "
+"NetWare (tak selalu sama dengan nama TCP/IPnya) juga nama antrian printer "
+"yang ingin digunakan beserta nama pengguna dan katasandinya."
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "NetWare Printer Options"
+msgstr "Pilihan printer NetWare"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2253
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To print a file from the command line (terminal window) use the command \"%s "
-"<file>\" or \"%s <file>\".\n"
+"Connect your printer to a Linux server and let your Windows machine(s) "
+"connect to it as a client.\n"
+"Do you really want to continue setting up this printer as you are doing now?"
msgstr ""
-"Utk mencetak file dari baris komando (jendela terminal) gunakan komando \"%s "
-"<file>\" atau \"%s <file>\".\n"
+"Hubungkan printer Anda ke server Linux server dan membuat mesin Mindows "
+"terhubung sebagai klien.\n"
+"Anda ingin lanjutkan set up printer ini seperti yang Anda lakukan sekarang?"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2257
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"You can also use the graphical interface \"xpdq\" for setting options and "
-"handling printing jobs.\n"
-"If you are using KDE as desktop environment you have a \"panic button\", an "
-"icon on the desktop, labeled with \"STOP Printer!\", which stops all print "
-"jobs immediately when you click it. This is for example useful for paper "
+"Set up your Windows server to make the printer available under the IPP "
+"protocol and set up printing from this machine with the \"%s\" connection "
+"type in Printerdrake.\n"
msgstr ""
-"Anda juga dapat memakai antarmuka grafis \"xpdq\" untuk setting opsi dan "
-"kontrol job cetak.\n"
-"Jika KDE Anda pakai sbg lingkungan desktop Anda punya ikon \"tombol panik\", "
-"di desktop, berlabel \"STOP Printer!\", yang menghentikan semua job cetak "
-"seketika bila Anda tekan. Ini berguna contohnya saat kertas macet.\n"
+"Set up server Windows Anda agar printer tersedia di protokol IPP dan set up "
+"pencetakan dari mesin ini dengan tipe koneksi \"%s\" di Printerdrake.\n"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2261
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
+"You are about to set up printing to a Windows account with password. Due to "
+"a fault in the architecture of the Samba client software the password is put "
+"in clear text into the command line of the Samba client used to transmit the "
+"print job to the Windows server. So it is possible for every user on this "
+"machine to display the password on the screen by issuing commands as \"ps "
+"We recommend to make use of one of the following alternatives (in all cases "
+"you have to make sure that only machines from your local network have access "
+"to your Windows server, for example by means of a firewall):\n"
+"Use a password-less account on your Windows server, as the \"GUEST\" account "
+"or a special account dedicated for printing. Do not remove the password "
+"protection from a personal account or the administrator account.\n"
+"Set up your Windows server to make the printer available under the LPD "
+"protocol. Then set up printing from this machine with the \"%s\" connection "
+"type in Printerdrake.\n"
-"The \"%s\" and \"%s\" commands also allow to modify the option settings for "
-"a particular printing job. Simply add the desired settings to the command "
-"line, e. g. \"%s <file>\".\n"
msgstr ""
+"Anda akan menset up pencetakan ke account Mindows dengan katasandi. "
+"Berhubung kesalahan arsitekture piranti lunak klien Samba, katasandi "
+"ditampilkan dalam teks di baris perintah klien Samba untuk mengirim job "
+"cetak ke server Mindows. Ini memungkinkan tiap pengguna di mesin ini melihat "
+"katasandi di layar dengan perintah \"ps auxwww\".\n"
+"Kami anjurkan beberapa alternatif berikut (pada semua kasus Anda harus yakin "
+"bahwa hanya mesin di jaringan lokal Anda yang dapat mengakses server Mindows "
+"Anda, misalnya dengan adanya firewall):\n"
+"Pakailah account tanpa-katasandi di server Mindows Anda, sebagai account "
+"\"GUEST\" atau account khusus untuk pencetakan. Jangan hapus proteksi "
+"katasandi account pribadi atau administrator.\n"
+"Set up server Mindows Anda agar printer dapat dipakai dengan protokol LPD. "
+"Laluset up pencetakan dari mesin ini dengan tipe koneksi \"%s\" di "
-"Komando \"%s\" dan \"%s\" juga memungkinkan modifikasi setting opsi job "
-"cetak tertentu. Tambahkan setting yg diinginkan ke baris perintah, misalnya "
-"\"%s <file>\".\n"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2271
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
-msgid "Printing/Scanning/Photo Cards on \"%s\""
-msgstr "Cetak/Scan/Kartu Foto di \"%s\""
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2272
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
-msgid "Printing/Scanning on \"%s\""
-msgstr "Cetak/Scan di \"%s\""
+msgid "Samba share name missing!"
+msgstr "Nama share Samba hilang!"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2274
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
-msgid "Printing/Photo Card Access on \"%s\""
-msgstr "Cetak/Akses Kartu Foto di \"%s\""
+msgid "Either the server name or the server's IP must be given!"
+msgstr "Harus ada nama/IP server!"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2275
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
-msgid "Printing on the printer \"%s\""
-msgstr "Pencetakan di printer \"%s\""
+msgid "Auto-detected"
+msgstr "Otomatis terdeteksi"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2278 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2281
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2282 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2283
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3216 ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:307
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1533 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4156
-#: ../../standalone/drakbug_.c:108 ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:695
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:956 ../../standalone/net_monitor_.c:118
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Tutup"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Workgroup"
+msgstr "Grupkerja"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2281
-msgid "Print option list"
-msgstr "Daftar opsi cetak"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Share name"
+msgstr "Nama share"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2301
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "SMB server IP"
+msgstr "IP server SMB"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "SMB server host"
+msgstr "Host server SMB"
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Your multi-function device was configured automatically to be able to scan. "
-"Now you can scan with \"scanimage\" (\"scanimage -d hp:%s\" to specify the "
-"scanner when you have more than one) from the command line or with the "
-"graphical interfaces \"xscanimage\" or \"xsane\". If you are using the GIMP, "
-"you can also scan by choosing the appropriate point in the \"File\"/\"Acquire"
-"\" menu. Call also \"man scanimage\" on the command line to get more "
-"Do not use \"scannerdrake\" for this device!"
+" If the desired printer was auto-detected, simply choose it from the list "
+"and then add user name, password, and/or workgroup if needed."
msgstr ""
-"Alat multifungsi Anda terkonfigurasi otomatis agar dapat men-scan. Kini Anda "
-"dapat men-scan dg \"scanimage\" (\"scanimage -d hp:%s\" utk menentukan "
-"scanner jika Anda punya beberapa) dari baris perintah atau dg antarmuka "
-"grafis \"xscanimage\" atau \"xsane\". Jika Anda memakai GIMP, Anda dapat "
-"juga men-scan dg memilih poin yg sesuai di menu \"File\"/\"Acquire\". "
-"Panggil \"man scanimage\" di baris perintah untuk informasi lanjut.\n"
-"Jangan pakai \"scannerdrake\" utk alat ini!"
+" Jika printer yg diinginkan terdeteksi, pilihlah dari daftar lalu tambahkan "
+"nama pengguna, katasandi, dan/atau grupkerja jika perlu."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2322
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Your printer was configured automatically to give you access to the photo "
-"card drives from your PC. Now you can access your photo cards using the "
-"graphical program \"MtoolsFM\" (Menu: \"Applications\" -> \"File tools\" -> "
-"\"MTools File Manager\") or the command line utilities \"mtools\" (enter "
-"\"man mtools\" on the command line for more info). You find the card's file "
-"system under the drive letter \"p:\", or subsequent drive letters when you "
-"have more than one HP printer with photo card drives. In \"MtoolsFM\" you "
-"can switch between drive letters with the field at the upper-right corners "
-"of the file lists."
+"To print to a SMB printer, you need to provide the SMB host name (Note! It "
+"may be different from its TCP/IP hostname!) and possibly the IP address of "
+"the print server, as well as the share name for the printer you wish to "
+"access and any applicable user name, password, and workgroup information."
msgstr ""
-"Printer Anda telah dikonfigurasikan secara otomatis untuk mengakses drive "
-"kartu foto dari PC Anda. Kini Anda dapat mengakses kartu foto Anda dg "
-"program grafis \"MtoolsFM\" (Menu: \"Aplikasi\" -> \"Perkakas File\" -> "
-"\"Manajer File MTools\") atau baris komando \"mtools\" (ketik \"man mtools\" "
-"di baris komando utk info lebih lanjut). Anda temukan sistem file kartu di "
-"drive \"p:\", atau huruf drive selanjutnya bila Anda punya lebih dari satu "
-"printer HP dengan drive kartu foto. Di \"MtoolsFM\" Anda dapat men-switch "
-"drive dg isian di sudut kanan atas daftar file."
+"Untuk mencetak ke printer SMB, berikan nama host SMB (Catatan! Mungkin "
+"berbeda dengan nama host TCP/IP) dan mungkin alamat IP server printer, nama "
+"share printer yang ingin Anda akses, juga nama pengguna, katasandi, dan info "
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2344 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2702
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2990
-msgid "Reading printer data..."
-msgstr "Pembacaan data printer..."
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "SMB (Windows 9x/NT) Printer Options"
+msgstr "Pilihan printer SMB (windows 95/NT)"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2364 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2391
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2426
-msgid "Transfer printer configuration"
-msgstr "Transfer konfigurasi printer"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Printer \"%s\" on server \"%s\""
+msgstr "Printer \"%s\" di server \"%s\""
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ", printer \"%s\" on server \"%s\""
+msgstr ", printer \"%s\" di server \"%s\""
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remote printer name missing!"
+msgstr "Nama printer remote hilang!"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remote host name missing!"
+msgstr "Nama host remote hilang!"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remote printer name"
+msgstr "Nama printer remote"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remote host name"
+msgstr "Nama host remote"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2365
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"You can copy the printer configuration which you have done for the spooler %"
-"s to %s, your current spooler. All the configuration data (printer name, "
-"description, location, connection type, and default option settings) is "
-"overtaken, but jobs will not be transferred.\n"
-"Not all queues can be transferred due to the following reasons:\n"
+"To use a remote lpd printer, you need to supply the hostname of the printer "
+"server and the printer name on that server."
msgstr ""
-"Anda dapat menyalin konfigurasi printer yg Anda buat utk spooler %s ke %s, "
-"spooler Anda sekarang. Semua data konfigurasi (nama printer, keterangan, "
-"lokasi, tipe koneksi, dan setting opsi default) disamakan, tapi job takkan "
-"ditransfer. \n"
-"Tak semua antrian dapat ditransfer karena alasan berikut:\n"
+"Untuk memakai printer lpd remote, berikan nama host\n"
+"server printer dan nama printer di server tsb."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2368
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remote lpd Printer Options"
+msgstr "Pilihan printer lpd remote"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Manual configuration"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi manual"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "You must choose/enter a printer/device!"
+msgstr "Pilih/masukkan printer/device!"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"CUPS does not support printers on Novell servers or printers sending the "
-"data into a free-formed command.\n"
+" (Parallel Ports: /dev/lp0, /dev/lp1, ..., equivalent to LPT1:, LPT2:, ..., "
+"1st USB printer: /dev/usb/lp0, 2nd USB printer: /dev/usb/lp1, ...)."
msgstr ""
-"CUPS tak men-support printer server Novell atau printer yg mengirim data ke "
-"perintah format-bebas.\n"
+" (Port Paralel: /dev/lp0, /dev/lp1, ..., sebanding dengan LPT1:, LPT2:, ..., "
+"printer USB pertama: /dev/usb/lp0, printer USB kedua: /dev/usb/lp1, ...)."
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please choose the port that your printer is connected to."
+msgstr "Pilihlah port tempat printer Anda terhubung."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2370
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"PDQ only supports local printers, remote LPD printers, and Socket/TCP "
-msgstr "PDQ hanya men-support printer lokal, LPD remote, dan Soket/TCP.\n"
+"Please choose the port that your printer is connected to or enter a device "
+"name/file name in the input line"
+msgstr ""
+"Pilih port tempat printer Anda terhubung atau masukkan nama alat/file di "
+"baris masukan"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2372
-msgid "LPD and LPRng do not support IPP printers.\n"
-msgstr "LPD and LPRng tak men-support printer IPP.\n"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Please choose the printer to which the print jobs should go."
+msgstr "Pilihlah port tempat printer Anda terhubung."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2374
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"In addition, queues not created with this program or \"foomatic-configure\" "
-"cannot be transferred."
+"Please choose the printer you want to set up. The configuration of the "
+"printer will work fully automatically. If your printer was not correctly "
+"detected or if you prefer a customized printer configuration, turn on "
+"\"Manual configuration\"."
msgstr ""
-"Antrian tak dibuat oleh program ini atau \"foomatic-configure\" tak dapat "
+"Daftar printer terdeteksi otomatis. Pilihlah printer yang ingin diset up. "
+"Konfigurasi printer akan bekerja otomatis. Jika printer Anda tak terdeteksi "
+"dengan benar atau jika ingin Anda konfigurasi sendiri, jalankan "
+"\"Konfigurasi manual\"."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2375
-msgid ""
-"Also printers configured with the PPD files provided by their manufacturers "
-"or with native CUPS drivers cannot be transferred."
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Here is a list of all auto-detected printers. "
msgstr ""
-"Juga printer yg terkonfigurasi dengan file PPD dari pabrik atau driver CUPS "
-"asli tak dapat ditransfer."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2376
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Currently, no alternative possibility is available"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"Mark the printers which you want to transfer and click \n"
+"The configuration of the printer will work fully automatically. If your "
+"printer was not correctly detected or if you prefer a customized printer "
+"configuration, turn on \"Manual configuration\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Printer berikut terdeteksi otomatis. Konfigurasi printer akan bekerja "
+"otomatis. Jika printer Anda tak terdeteksi dengan benar atau jika ingin Anda "
+"konfigurasi sendiri, jalankan \"Konfigurasi manual\"."
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "The following printer was auto-detected. "
msgstr ""
+"Printer berikut\n"
-"Tandai printer yg ingin Anda transfer lalu klik\"Transfer\"."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2379
-msgid "Do not transfer printers"
-msgstr "Jangan transfer printer"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Please choose the printer to which the print jobs should go or enter a "
+"device name/file name in the input line"
+msgstr ""
+"Pilih port tempat printer Anda terhubung atau masukkan nama alat/file di "
+"baris masukan"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2380 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2396
-msgid "Transfer"
-msgstr "Transfer"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Please choose the printer you want to set up or enter a device name/file "
+"name in the input line"
+msgstr ""
+"Pilih port tempat printer Anda terhubung atau masukkan nama alat/file di "
+"baris masukan"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2392
-#, c-format
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"A printer named \"%s\" already exists under %s. \n"
-"Click \"Transfer\" to overwrite it.\n"
-"You can also type a new name or skip this printer."
+"Alternatively, you can specify a device name/file name in the input line"
msgstr ""
-"Printer bernama \"%s\" telah ada di %s. \n"
-"Klik \"Transfer\" untuk menindihnya.\n"
-"Anda juga dapat menuliskan nama baru atau melewatkan printer ini."
+"Pilih port tempat printer Anda terhubung atau masukkan nama alat/file di "
+"baris masukan"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2400
-msgid "Name of printer should contain only letters, numbers and the underscore"
-msgstr "Nama printer harus hanya berupa huruf, angka, atau garisbawah"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If it is not the one you want to configure, enter a device name/file name in "
+"the input line"
+msgstr ""
+"Printer berikut terdeteksi otomatis, jika bukan yang ingin dikonfigurasikan, "
+"masukkan nama alat/file di baris masukan"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2405
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The printer \"%s\" already exists,\n"
-"do you really want to overwrite its configuration?"
-msgstr "Sudah ada printer \"%s\", Anda benar ingin menindih konfigurasinya?"
+msgid "Available printers"
+msgstr "Printer yg tersedia"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2413
-msgid "New printer name"
-msgstr "Nama printer baru"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "No printer found!"
+msgstr "Printer tak ditemukan!"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2416
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
-msgid "Transferring %s..."
-msgstr "Pemindahan %s ..."
+msgid "You must enter a device or file name!"
+msgstr "Masukkan nama alat atau file!"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2427
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"You have transferred your former default printer (\"%s\"), Should it be also "
-"the default printer under the new printing system %s?"
+"No local printer found! To manually install a printer enter a device name/"
+"file name in the input line (Parallel Ports: /dev/lp0, /dev/lp1, ..., "
+"equivalent to LPT1:, LPT2:, ..., 1st USB printer: /dev/usb/lp0, 2nd USB "
+"printer: /dev/usb/lp1, ...)."
msgstr ""
-"Anda telah men-transfer printer standar lama Anda (\"%s\"), Akankah ia juga "
-"dijadikan printer default pada sistem cetak baru %s?"
+"Printer tak ditemukan! Untuk menginstal printer secara manual masukkan nama "
+"alat / file di baris masukan (Port Parallel: /dev/lp0, /dev/lp1, ..., "
+"sebanding dg LPT1:, LPT2:, ..., printer USB pertama: /dev/usb/lp0, printer "
+"USB kedua: /dev/usb/lp1, ...)."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2437
-msgid "Refreshing printer data..."
-msgstr "Penyegaran data printer..."
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Local Printer"
+msgstr "Printer Lokal"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2445 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2516
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2528
-msgid "Configuration of a remote printer"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi printer remote"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "USB printer \\#%s"
+msgstr "printer USB \\/*%s"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2446
-msgid "Starting network..."
-msgstr "Pemulaian network..."
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Printer on parallel port \\#%s"
+msgstr "Printer di port paralel \\/*%s"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2479 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2483
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2485
-msgid "Configure the network now"
-msgstr "Konfigurasikan jaringan sekarang"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Printer \"%s\" on SMB/Windows server \"%s\""
+msgstr "Printer \"%s\" di server SMB/Windows \"%s\""
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2480
-msgid "Network functionality not configured"
-msgstr "Fungsi network tak dikonfigurasi"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Network printer \"%s\", port %s"
+msgstr "Printer jaringan \"%s\", port %s"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2481
-msgid ""
-"You are going to configure a remote printer. This needs working network "
-"access, but your network is not configured yet. If you go on without network "
-"configuration, you will not be able to use the printer which you are "
-"configuring now. How do you want to proceed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Anda akan melakukan konfigurasi printer remote. Ini memerlukan akses "
-"jaringan aktif, tapi konfigurasi jaringan Anda belum ada. Jika diteruskan "
-"tanpa konfigurasi network, Anda takkan dapat menggunakan printer yang Anda "
-"konfigurasikan sekarang. Bagaimana Anda mau teruskan?"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Detected %s"
+msgstr "Terdeteksi %s"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2484
-msgid "Go on without configuring the network"
-msgstr "Jalan tanpa konfigurasi jaringan"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ", printer \"%s\" on SMB/Windows server \"%s\""
+msgstr ", printer \"%s\" di server SMB/Windows \"%s\""
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2518
-msgid ""
-"The network configuration done during the installation cannot be started "
-"now. Please check whether the network gets accessable after booting your "
-"system and correct the configuration using the Mandrake Control Center, "
-"section \"Network & Internet\"/\"Connection\", and afterwards set up the "
-"printer, also using the Mandrake Control Center, section \"Hardware\"/"
-msgstr ""
-"Konfigurasi network yang dilakukan saat instalasi kini tak dapat jalan. "
-"Tolong cek apakah network dapat diakses setelah sistem diboot dan betulkan "
-"konfigurasi dengan Pusat Kontrol Mandrake, bagian \"Network & Internet\"/"
-"\"Koneksi\", lalu set printer juga dg Pusat Kontrol Mandrake, bagian "
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ", network printer \"%s\", port %s"
+msgstr ", printer jaringan \"%s\", port %s"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2519
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"The network access was not running and could not be started. Please check "
-"your configuration and your hardware. Then try to configure your remote "
-"printer again."
+"Congratulations, your printer is now installed and configured!\n"
+"You can print using the \"Print\" command of your application (usually in "
+"the \"File\" menu).\n"
+"If you want to add, remove, or rename a printer, or if you want to change "
+"the default option settings (paper input tray, printout quality, ...), "
+"select \"Printer\" in the \"Hardware\" section of the Mandrake Control "
msgstr ""
-"Akses network tak jalan dan tak dapat dimulai. Cek konfigurasi dan hardware "
-"Anda, lalu coba konfigurasikan printer remote Anda lagi."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2529
-msgid "Restarting printing system..."
-msgstr "Mulai ulang sistem cetak ..."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2568
-msgid "high"
-msgstr "tinggi"
+"Selamat, printer Anda kini terinstal dan terkonfigurasi!\n"
+"Anda dapat mencetak dg perintah \"Cetak\" di aplikasi Anda (biasanya di menu "
+"Jika Anda ingin menambah, menghapus atau mengubah nama printer, atau jika "
+"ingin mengubah opsi standar setting (tray kertas, kualitas cetak, ...), "
+"pilih \"Printer\" di bagian \"Perangkat Keras\" Pusat Kontrol Mandrake."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2568
-msgid "paranoid"
-msgstr "pengecut"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Auto-detect printers connected to machines running Microsoft Windows"
+msgstr "Deteksi printer yg terhubung dg mesin Microsoft Windows"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2569
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
-msgid "Installing a printing system in the %s security level"
-msgstr "Instalasi sistem cetak dalam level keamanan %s"
+msgid "Auto-detect printers connected directly to the local network"
+msgstr "Deteksi printer yang terhubung dengan jaringan lokal"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2570
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
+msgid "Auto-detect printers connected to this machine"
+msgstr "Deteksi printer yg terhubung dg mesin ini"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"You are about to install the printing system %s on a system running in the %"
-"s security level.\n"
-"This printing system runs a daemon (background process) which waits for "
-"print jobs and handles them. This daemon is also accessable by remote "
-"machines through the network and so it is a possible point for attacks. "
-"Therefore only a few selected daemons are started by default in this "
-"security level.\n"
+"Welcome to the Printer Setup Wizard\n"
-"Do you really want to configure printing on this machine?"
+"This wizard will help you to install your printer(s) connected to this "
+"If you have printer(s) connected to this machine, Please plug it/them in on "
+"this computer and turn it/them on so that it/they can be auto-detected.\n"
+" Click on \"Next\" when you are ready, and on \"Cancel\" if you do not want "
+"to set up your printer(s) now."
msgstr ""
-"Anda akan menginstal sistem cetak %s di sistem dg level keamanan %s.\n"
-"Sistem cetak ini menjalankan daemon (proses background) yang menunggu dan "
-"memproses job cetak. Daemon ini juga dapat diakses oleh mesin remote via "
-"network jadi ia juga bisa jadi sasaran serangan. Karenanya hanya sedikit "
-"daemon terpilih yg dijalankan dlm level sekuriti ini.\n"
+"Selamat Datang di Dukun Setup Printer\n"
-"Benarkah Anda ingin mengkonfigurasikan printer di mesin ini?"
+"Dukun ini menolong Anda menginstal printer yg terhubung dg komputer ini.\n"
+"Jika Anda punya printer terhubung dg mesin ini, hubungkan dan nyalakan "
+"sehingga ia/mereka dapat dideteksi.\n"
+" Klik \"Lanjut\" jika siap, dan \"Batal\" jika Anda tak ingin men-setup "
+"printer sekarang."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2604
-msgid "Starting the printing system at boot time"
-msgstr "Inisiasi sistem cetak pada saat boot"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Welcome to the Printer Setup Wizard\n"
+"This wizard will help you to install your printer(s) connected to this "
+"computer or connected directly to the network.\n"
+"If you have printer(s) connected to this machine, Please plug it/them in on "
+"this computer and turn it/them on so that it/they can be auto-detected. Also "
+"your network printer(s) must be connected and turned on.\n"
+"Note that auto-detecting printers on the network takes longer than the auto-"
+"detection of only the printers connected to this machine. So turn off the "
+"auto-detection of network printers when you don't need it.\n"
+" Click on \"Next\" when you are ready, and on \"Cancel\" if you do not want "
+"to set up your printer(s) now."
+msgstr ""
+"Selamat Datang di Dukun Setup Printer\n"
+"Dukun ini menolong Anda menginstal printer yg terhubung dg komputer ini atau "
+"Jika Anda punya printer terhubung dg mesin ini, hubungkan dan nyalakan "
+"sehingga ia/mereka dapat dideteksi. Juga printer jaringan harus terhubung "
+"dan dinyalakan.\n"
+"Ingat, deteksi printer jaringan membutuhkan waktu lebih lama daripada "
+"printer yg terhubung langsung dg mesin ini. Matikan deteksi printer jaringan "
+"jika tak perlu.\n"
+" Klik \"Lanjut\" jika siap, dan \"Batal\" jika Anda tak ingin men-setup "
+"printer sekarang."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2605
-#, c-format
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"The printing system (%s) will not be started automatically when the machine "
-"is booted.\n"
-"It is possible that the automatic starting was turned off by changing to a "
-"higher security level, because the printing system is a potential point for "
+"Welcome to the Printer Setup Wizard\n"
-"Do you want to have the automatic starting of the printing system turned on "
+"This wizard will help you to install your printer(s) connected to this "
+"computer, connected directly to the network or to a remote Windows machine.\n"
+"If you have printer(s) connected to this machine, Please plug it/them in on "
+"this computer and turn it/them on so that it/they can be auto-detected. Also "
+"your network printer(s) and your Windows machines must be connected and "
+"turned on.\n"
+"Note that auto-detecting printers on the network takes longer than the auto-"
+"detection of only the printers connected to this machine. So turn off the "
+"auto-detection of network and/or Windows-hosted printers when you don't need "
+" Click on \"Next\" when you are ready, and on \"Cancel\" if you do not want "
+"to set up your printer(s) now."
msgstr ""
-"Sistem cetak (%s) takkan otomatis jalan saat mesin diboot.\n"
-"Sebabnya mungkin auto-start dimatikan sbg implikasi level sekuriti tinggi, "
-"karena sistem cetak potensial diserang.\n"
+"Selamat Datang di Dukun Setup Printer\n"
-"Anda ingin auto-start sistem cetak dinyalakan lagi?"
+"Dukun ini menolong Anda menginstal printer yg terhubung dg komputer ini, dg "
+"jaringan atau dg mesin Mindows remote.\n"
+"Jika Anda punya printer terhubung dg mesin ini, hubungkan dan nyalakan "
+"sehingga ia/mereka dapat dideteksi. Juga printer jaringan dan mesin Mindows "
+"harus terhubung dan dinyalakan.\n"
+"Ingat, deteksi printer jaringan membutuhkan waktu lebih lama daripada "
+"printer yg terhubung langsung dg mesin ini. Matikan deteksi printer jaringan "
+"dan/atau Mindows jika tak perlu.\n"
+" Klik \"Lanjut\" jika siap, dan \"Batal\" jika Anda tak ingin men-setup "
+"printer sekarang."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2625 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2765
-msgid "Checking installed software..."
-msgstr "Pemeriksaan perangkat lunak terinstal"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Welcome to the Printer Setup Wizard\n"
+"This wizard allows you to install local or remote printers to be used from "
+"this machine and also from other machines in the network.\n"
+"It asks you for all necessary information to set up the printer and gives "
+"you access to all available printer drivers, driver options, and printer "
+"connection types."
+msgstr ""
+"Selamat Datang di Dukun Setup Printer\n"
+"Dukun ini dapat menginstal printer lokal atau remote utk digunakan dari "
+"mesin ini dan juga dari mesin lain di network.\n"
+"Dia akan menanyai semua info yg dibutuhkan utk menset up printer dan memberi "
+"Anda akses ke semua driver printer tersedia, opsi driver, dan tipe koneksi "
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2630
+#: ../../printer/
#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "Removing %s ..."
-msgstr "Hapus %s"
+msgid "Searching for new printers..."
+msgstr "Printer yg tersedia"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2636
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "Installing %s ..."
-msgstr "Instalasi paket..."
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"NOTE: Depending on the printer model and the printing system up to %d MB of "
+"additional software will be installed."
+msgstr ""
+"CATATAN: Akan diinstal piranti lunak tambahan hingga %d MB tergantung model "
+"printer dan sistem cetak."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2685
-msgid "Select Printer Spooler"
-msgstr "Pilih spooler printer"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Are you sure that you want to set up printing on this machine?\n"
+msgstr "Anda yakin ingin men-setup pencetakan di mesin ini?\n"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2686
-msgid "Which printing system (spooler) do you want to use?"
-msgstr "Sistem (spooler) printer mana yang ingin digunakan?"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Do you want to enable printing on the printers mentioned above?\n"
+msgstr "Anda ingin mengaktifkan pencetakan di printer tersebut di atas?\n"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2720
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
-msgid "Configuring printer \"%s\"..."
-msgstr "Konfigurasikan printer \"%s\"..."
+msgid "Do you want to enable printing on printers in the local network?\n"
+msgstr "Anda ingin mengaktifkan pencetakan di printer jaringan lokal?\n"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2731
-msgid "Installing Foomatic..."
-msgstr "Instalasi Foomatic ..."
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Do you want to enable printing on the printers mentioned above or on "
+"printers in the local network?\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Anda ingin mengaktifkan pencetakan di printer tersebut di atas atau printer "
+"di jaringan lokal?\n"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2800 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2838
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3230 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3300
-msgid "Printer options"
-msgstr "Opsi printer"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid " (Make sure that all your printers are connected and turned on).\n"
+msgstr " (Pastikan semua printer Anda terhubung dan hidup).\n"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2810
-msgid "Preparing Printerdrake..."
-msgstr "Persiapan PrinterDrake..."
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"There are no printers found which are directly connected to your machine"
+msgstr "Tiada printer yg ditemukan terhubung langsung ke mesin Anda"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2825 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3369
-msgid "Configuring applications..."
-msgstr "Konfigurasi aplikasi..."
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"There are %d unknown printers directly connected to your system"
+msgstr ""
+"%d printer tak dikenal terhubung langsung dengan sistem Anda"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2845
-msgid "Would you like to configure printing?"
-msgstr "Ingin konfigurasi printer?"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"There is one unknown printer directly connected to your system"
+msgstr ""
+"Sebuah printer tak dikenal terhubung langsung dengan sistem Anda"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2857
-msgid "Printing system: "
-msgstr "Sistem cetak: "
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The following printer\n"
+"is directly connected to your system"
+msgstr ""
+"Sebuah printer tak dikenal terhubung langsung dengan sistem Anda"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2915
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"The following printers are configured. Double-click on a printer to change "
-"its settings; to make it the default printer; to view information about it; "
-"or to make a printer on a remote CUPS server available for Star Office/"
+"The following printer\n"
+"are directly connected to your system"
msgstr ""
-"Printer berikut telah dikonfigurasikan. Klik-dobel printer utk memodifikasi "
-"setting; membuatnya printer default; atau melihat info tentangnya; atau "
-"membuat printer di server CUPS remote dapat dipakai oleh Star Office/"
+"Sebuah printer tak dikenal terhubung langsung dengan sistem Anda"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2916
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"The following printers are configured. Double-click on a printer to change "
-"its settings; to make it the default printer; or to view information about "
+"The following printers\n"
+"are directly connected to your system"
msgstr ""
-"Printer berikut telah dikonfigurasikan. Klik-dobel printer utk memodifikasi "
-"setting; membuatnya printer default; atau melihat info tentangnya."
+"Sebuah printer tak dikenal terhubung langsung dengan sistem Anda"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2942
-msgid "Refresh printer list (to display all available remote CUPS printers)"
-msgstr "Penyegaran daftar printer (utk menampilkan semua printer CUPS remote)"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "and %d unknown printers"
+msgstr ""
+"dan %d printer tak dikenal "
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2960
-msgid "Change the printing system"
-msgstr "Ubah sistem cetak"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "and one unknown printer"
+msgstr ""
+"dan satu printer tak dikenal "
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:2965 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:274
-msgid "Normal Mode"
-msgstr "Modus Normal"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Checking your system..."
+msgstr "Pengecekan sistem..."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3127 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3176
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3363
-msgid "Do you want to configure another printer?"
-msgstr "Ingin konfigurasikan printer lain?"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "IP address of host/network:"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3211
-msgid "Modify printer configuration"
-msgstr "Modifikasi konfigurasi printer"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "This host/network is already in the list, it cannot be added again.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "10.1.*\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "10.0.0.*\n"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3213
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Examples for correct IPs:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "The entered host/network IP is not correct.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Printer %s\n"
-"What do you want to modify on this printer?"
+"Choose the network or host on which the local printers should be made "
msgstr ""
-"Printer %s\n"
-"Apa yg Anda inginkan utk modifikasi printer ini?"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3217
-msgid "Do it!"
-msgstr "Kerjakan!"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Sharing of local printers"
+msgstr "Printer yg tersedia"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3222 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3271
-msgid "Printer connection type"
-msgstr "Tipe koneksi printer"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Remove selected host/network"
+msgstr "Hapus Pilihan"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3223 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3275
-msgid "Printer name, description, location"
-msgstr "Nama, penjelasan, lokasi printer"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Edit selected host/network"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3225 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3293
-msgid "Printer manufacturer, model, driver"
-msgstr "Pembuat, model, driver printer"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Add host/network"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3226 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3294
-msgid "Printer manufacturer, model"
-msgstr "Pembuat, model printer"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"These are the machines and networks on which the locally connected printer"
+"(s) should be available:"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3232 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3304
-msgid "Set this printer as the default"
-msgstr "Set printer ini sebagai standar"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"When this option is turned on, on every startup of CUPS it is automatically "
+"made sure that\n"
+"- if LPD/LPRng is installed, /etc/printcap will not be overwritten by CUPS\n"
+"- if /etc/cups/cupsd.conf is missing, it will be created\n"
+"- when printer information is broadcasted, it does not contain \"localhost\" "
+"as the server name.\n"
+"If some of these measures lead to problems for you, turn this option off, "
+"but then you have to take care of these points."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3234 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3309
-msgid "Add this printer to Star Office/"
-msgstr "Tambah printer ini ke Star Office/"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Automatic correction of CUPS configuration"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi CUPS otomatis"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3235 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3314
-msgid "Remove this printer from Star Office/"
-msgstr "Hapus printer ini dari Star Office/"
+#: ../../printer/ ../../standalone/scannerdrake:1
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "No remote machines"
+msgstr "(di mesin ini)"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3236 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3319
-msgid "Print test pages"
-msgstr "Cetak halaman tes"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Custom configuration"
+msgstr "konfigurasi peringatan"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3237 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3321
-msgid "Know how to use this printer"
-msgstr "Cara penggunaan printer ini"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Printer sharing on hosts/networks: "
+msgstr "Pemakaian file bersama"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3238 ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3323
-msgid "Remove printer"
-msgstr "Hapus printer"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Automatically find available printers on remote machines"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3282
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
-msgid "Removing old printer \"%s\"..."
-msgstr "Menghapus printer lama \"%s\"..."
+msgid "The printers on this machine are available to other computers"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3307
-msgid "Default printer"
-msgstr "Printer standar"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You can also decide here whether printers on remote machines should be "
+"automatically made available on this machine."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3308
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
-msgid "The printer \"%s\" is set as the default printer now."
-msgstr "Printer \"%s\" kini diset sbg printer standar."
+msgid ""
+"Here you can choose whether the printers connected to this machine should be "
+"accessable by remote machines and by which remote machines."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3310
-msgid "Adding printer to Star Office/"
-msgstr "Penambahan printer ke Star Office/"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "CUPS printer sharing configuration"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi winprinter OKI"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3312
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
+msgid "Printer auto-detection (Local, TCP/Socket, and SMB printers)"
+msgstr "Printer deteksi otomatis (Lokal, TCP/Socket, dan SMB)"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"The printer \"%s\" was successfully added to Star Office/"
-msgstr "Printer \"%s\" sukses ditambahkan ke Star Office/"
+"Printers on remote CUPS servers do not need to be configured here; these "
+"printers will be automatically detected."
+msgstr ""
+"Printer pada server CUPS remote tak perlu dikonfigurasikan di sini; printer "
+"ini akan secara otomatis dideteksi."
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3313
+#: ../../printer/
#, c-format
-msgid "Failed to add the printer \"%s\" to Star Office/"
-msgstr "Gagal menambahkan printer \"%s\" ke Star Office/"
+msgid "How is the printer connected?"
+msgstr "Bagaimana printer ini disambung ke komputer?"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3315
-msgid "Removing printer from Star Office/"
-msgstr "Hapus printer dari Star Office/"
+#: ../../printer/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Select Printer Connection"
+msgstr "Pilih koneksi Printer"
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3317
+#: ../../security/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"The printer \"%s\" was successfully removed from Star Office/"
-msgstr "Printer \"%s\" sukses dihapus dari Star Office/"
+"Arguments: (umask)\n"
+"Set the user umask."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3318
+#: ../../security/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Failed to remove the printer \"%s\" from Star Office/"
-msgstr "Gagal menghapus printer \"%s\" dari Star Office/"
+"Arguments: (val)\n"
+"Set the shell timeout. A value of zero means no timeout."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3325
+#: ../../security/
#, c-format
-msgid "Do you really want to remove the printer \"%s\"?"
-msgstr "Anda ingin menghapus printer \"%s\"?"
+msgid ""
+"Arguments: (size)\n"
+"Set shell commands history size. A value of -1 means unlimited."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../printer/printerdrake.pm_.c:3329
+#: ../../security/
#, c-format
-msgid "Removing printer \"%s\"..."
-msgstr "Menghapus printer \"%s\"..."
+msgid "if set to yes, check additions/removals of sgid files."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../raid.pm_.c:35
+#: ../../security/
#, c-format
-msgid "Can't add a partition to _formatted_ RAID md%d"
-msgstr "Tidak dapat menambah partisi ke RAID md%d yang terformat"
+msgid "if set to yes, check open ports."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../raid.pm_.c:137
-msgid "mkraid failed"
-msgstr "mkraid gagal"
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"if set, send the mail report to this email address else send it to root."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../raid.pm_.c:137
-msgid "mkraid failed (maybe raidtools are missing?)"
-msgstr "mkraid gagal (mungkin raidtoolsnya tak ada?)"
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
+msgid "if set to yes, report check result by mail."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../raid.pm_.c:153
+#: ../../security/
#, c-format
-msgid "Not enough partitions for RAID level %d\n"
-msgstr "Partisi tidak cukup untuk level RAID %d\n"
+msgid "if set to yes, check files/directories writable by everybody."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../security/main.pm_.c:36
-msgid ""
-"Standard: This is the standard security recommended for a computer that will "
-"be used to connect\n"
-" to the Internet as a client.\n"
-"High: There are already some restrictions, and more automatic checks "
-"are run every night.\n"
-"Higher: The security is now high enough to use the system as a server "
-"which can accept\n"
-" connections from many clients. If your machine is only a "
-"client on the Internet, you\n"
-"\t should choose a lower level.\n"
-"Paranoid: This is similar to the previous level, but the system is entirely "
-"closed and security\n"
-" features are at their maximum\n"
-"Security Administrator:\n"
-" If the 'Security Alerts' option is set, security alerts will "
-"be sent to this user (username or\n"
-"\t email)"
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
+msgid "if set to yes, reports check result to tty."
msgstr ""
-"Standar: Keamanan standar dianjurkan utk komputer yg terhubung ke "
-"Internet sbg klien.\n"
-"Tinggi: Ada beberapa pembatasan, dan pemeriksaan otomatis tiap malam.\n"
-"Lebih Tinggi: Cukup aman utk dipakai sbg server yg menerima koneksi dari\n"
-" banyak klien. Jika mesin Anda hanya klien Internet pilihlah\n"
-"\t tingkat lebih rendah.\n"
-"Paranoid: Sama dengan tingkat terdahulu, tapi sistem tertutup "
-"seluruhnya dengan fitur keamanan maksimum\n"
-"Administrator Keamanan:\n"
-" Jika opsi 'Pemberitahuan Keamanan' diset, berita keamanan "
-"akan dikirim ke pengguna ini\n"
-"\t (nama pengguna atau email)"
-#: ../../security/main.pm_.c:66
-msgid "Security Level:"
-msgstr "Tingkat Keamanan:"
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
+msgid "if set to yes, run some checks against the rpm database."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../security/main.pm_.c:77
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid " (default value: %s)"
-msgstr " (standar: %s)"
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
+msgid "if set to yes, check if the network devices are in promiscuous mode."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../security/main.pm_.c:113
-msgid "Security Alerts:"
-msgstr "Pemberitahuan Keamanan:"
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
+msgid "if set to yes, run chkrootkit checks."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../security/main.pm_.c:115
-msgid "Security Administrator:"
-msgstr "Admin Keamanan:"
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
+msgid "if set to yes, check permissions of files in the users' home."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../security/main.pm_.c:128
-msgid "Network Options"
-msgstr "Opsi Jaringan"
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
+msgid "if set to yes, check additions/removals of suid root files."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../security/main.pm_.c:128
-msgid "System Options"
-msgstr "Opsi Sistem"
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
+msgid "if set to yes, report check result to syslog."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../security/main.pm_.c:133 ../../security/main.pm_.c:164
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"The following options can be set to customize your\n"
-"system security. If you need explanations, click on Help.\n"
+"if set to yes, check for empty password, or a password while it should be "
+"in /etc/shadow or other users with id 0."
msgstr ""
-"Opsi berikut dapat diset utk mengatur keamanan sistem Anda.\n"
-"Klik Pertolongan jika Anda butuh penjelasan.\n"
-#: ../../security/main.pm_.c:177
-msgid "Periodic Checks"
-msgstr "Cek Periodik"
-#: ../../security/main.pm_.c:191
-msgid "Please wait, setting security level..."
-msgstr "Tunggu, tingkat keamanan sedang diset..."
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
+msgid "if set to yes, run the daily security checks."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../security/main.pm_.c:197
-msgid "Please wait, setting security options..."
-msgstr "Tunggu, opsi keamanan sedang diset..."
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
+msgid "if set to yes, verify checksum of the suid/sgid files."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:19
-msgid "Launch the ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) sound system"
-msgstr "Luncurkan sistem suara ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture)"
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
+msgid "if set to yes, check empty password in /etc/shadow."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:20
-msgid "Anacron a periodic command scheduler."
-msgstr "Skeduler command periodik, Anacron"
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
+msgid "if set to yes, report unowned files."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:21
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"apmd is used for monitoring batery status and logging it via syslog.\n"
-"It can also be used for shutting down the machine when the battery is low."
+"Arguments: (umask)\n"
+"Set the root umask."
msgstr ""
-"apmd digunakan untuk monitoring status batere dan mencatatnya di syslog.\n"
-"apmd juga bisa untuk mematikan mesin waktu baterenya habis."
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:23
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Runs commands scheduled by the at command at the time specified when\n"
-"at was run, and runs batch commands when the load average is low enough."
+"Arguments: (length, ndigits=0, nupper=0)\n"
+"Set the password minimum length and minimum number of digit and minimum "
+"number of capitalized letters."
msgstr ""
-"Menjalankan perintah terjadwal dengan perintah at pada waktu tertentu\n"
-"saat at dijalankan, dan memulai perintah secara batch waktu rata-rata load\n"
-"sedang rendah."
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:25
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"cron is a standard UNIX program that runs user-specified programs\n"
-"at periodic scheduled times. vixie cron adds a number of features to the "
-"UNIX cron, including better security and more powerful configuration options."
+"Arguments: (arg)\n"
+"Set the password history length to prevent password reuse."
msgstr ""
-"Cron adalah program UNIX standar yang menjalankan program pengguna\n"
-"pada waktu yang terjadwal. vixie cron memiliki fitur yang lebih lengkap\n"
-"dari cron UNIX biasa, termasuk pembenahan sekuriti yang lebih baik dan\n"
-"lebih mantapnya option pada konfigurasinya."
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:28
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"GPM adds mouse support to text-based Linux applications such the\n"
-"Midnight Commander. It also allows mouse-based console cut-and-paste "
-"and includes support for pop-up menus on the console."
+"Arguments: (max, inactive=-1)\n"
+"Set password aging to \\fImax\\fP days and delay to change to \\fIinactive"
msgstr ""
-"GPM memberikan akses ke mouse pada aplikasi Linux yang text based semacam\n"
-"Midnight Commander. Dia juga bisa bikin cut-and-paste dengan mouse pada "
-"dan juga bikin menu pop-up di konsol."
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:31
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"HardDrake runs a hardware probe, and optionally configures\n"
-"new/changed hardware."
+"Arguments: (name)\n"
+"Add the name as an exception to the handling of password aging by msec."
msgstr ""
-"HardDrake mendeteksi hardware, dan mengkonfigurasi yg baru/berubah bila "
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:33
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Apache is a World Wide Web server. It is used to serve HTML files and CGI."
+"Arguments: (arg)\n"
+" Enable/Disable sulogin(8) in single user level."
msgstr ""
-"Apache adalah server World Wide Web. Dia dipakai untuk menyediakan file\n"
-"HTML dan CGI."
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:34
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"The internet superserver daemon (commonly called inetd) starts a\n"
-"variety of other internet services as needed. It is responsible for "
-"many services, including telnet, ftp, rsh, and rlogin. Disabling inetd "
-"all of the services it is responsible for."
+"Arguments: (arg)\n"
+" Activate/Disable daily security check."
msgstr ""
-"daemon superserver internet (biasa dipanggil inetd) bertugas untuk\n"
-"menjalankan servis-servis internet yang dibutuhkan. Dia bertanggung jawab\n"
-"atas banyak server, misalnya telnet, ftp, rsh, dan rlogin. Menonaktifkan\n"
-"inetd berarti menonaktifkan semua servis-servis tadi."
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:38
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Launch packet filtering for Linux kernel 2.2 series, to set\n"
-"up a firewall to protect your machine from network attacks."
+"Arguments: (arg)\n"
+"Activate/Disable ethernet cards promiscuity check."
msgstr ""
-"Luncurkan filter paket Linux kernel seri 2.2, untuk set-up\n"
-"firewall yang melindungi mesin Anda dari serangan network."
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:40
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"This package loads the selected keyboard map as set in\n"
-"/etc/sysconfig/keyboard. This can be selected using the kbdconfig utility.\n"
-"You should leave this enabled for most machines."
+"Arguments: (arg)\n"
+"Use password to authenticate users."
msgstr ""
-"Paket ini akan memuat map papanketik yang dipilih di file\n"
-"/etc/sysconfig/keyboard. Mapnya dapat dipilih dari utility kbdconfig.\n"
-"Biarkan aktif!"
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:43
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Automatic regeneration of kernel header in /boot for\n"
+"Arguments: (arg)\n"
+" Enabling su only from members of the wheel group or allow su from any user."
msgstr ""
-"Regenerasi otomatis header kernel di /boot utk\n"
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:45
-msgid "Automatic detection and configuration of hardware at boot."
-msgstr "Deteksi dan konfigurasi otomatis hardware saat boot."
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:46
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Linuxconf will sometimes arrange to perform various tasks\n"
-"at boot-time to maintain the system configuration."
+"Arguments: (arg)\n"
+"Enable/Disable msec hourly security check."
msgstr ""
-"Linuxconf kadang bekerja keras saat boot utk perawatan konfigurasi sistem."
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:48
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"lpd is the print daemon required for lpr to work properly. It is\n"
-"basically a server that arbitrates print jobs to printer(s)."
+"Arguments: (arg)\n"
+"Enable/Disable the logging of IPv4 strange packets."
msgstr ""
-"lpd adalah daemon printer yang jadi tulang punggung lpr. Dia\n"
-"bertugas sebagai server yang memberi perintah kepada printer untuk mencetak."
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:50
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Linux Virtual Server, used to build a high-performance and highly\n"
-"available server."
+"Arguments: (arg)\n"
+"Enable/Disable libsafe if libsafe is found on the system."
msgstr ""
-"Linux Virtual Server, digunakan utk membangun server dg performans dan\n"
-"kapasitas tinggi."
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:52
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"named (BIND) is a Domain Name Server (DNS) that is used to resolve host "
-"names to IP addresses."
+"Arguments: (arg, alert=1)\n"
+"Enable/Disable IP spoofing protection."
msgstr ""
-"named (BIND) adalah Domain Name Server (DNS) yang digunakan untuk "
-"menerjemahkan nama host ke IP address."
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:53
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Mounts and unmounts all Network File System (NFS), SMB (Lan\n"
-"Manager/Windows), and NCP (NetWare) mount points."
+"Arguments: (arg, alert=1)\n"
+"Enable/Disable name resolution spoofing protection. If\n"
+"\\fIalert\\fP is true, also reports to syslog."
msgstr ""
-"Mount dan unmount semua Network File System (NFS), SMB (Lan\n"
-"Manager/windows), dan NCP (Netware)."
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:55
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Activates/Deactivates all network interfaces configured to start\n"
-"at boot time."
+"Arguments: (arg, expr='*.*', dev='tty12')\n"
+"Enable/Disable syslog reports to console 12. \\fIexpr\\fP is the\n"
+"expression describing what to log (see syslog.conf(5) for more details) and\n"
+"dev the device to report the log."
msgstr ""
-"Aktif/nonaktifkan semua interface network yang terkonfigurasi nyala\n"
-"pada saat boot."
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:57
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"NFS is a popular protocol for file sharing across TCP/IP networks.\n"
-"This service provides NFS server functionality, which is configured via the\n"
-"/etc/exports file."
+"Arguments: (arg)\n"
+"Enable/Disable crontab and at for users. Put allowed users in /etc/cron."
+"allow and /etc/at.allow\n"
+"(see man at(1) and crontab(1))."
msgstr ""
-"NFS adalah protokol populer untuk file sharing lewat network TCP/IP.\n"
-"Servis ini dinyalakan untuk membuat NFS server bisa jalan dengan "
-"konfigurasi pada file /etc/exports."
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:60
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"NFS is a popular protocol for file sharing across TCP/IP\n"
-"networks. This service provides NFS file locking functionality."
+"Arguments: ()\n"
+"If SERVER_LEVEL (or SECURE_LEVEL if absent) is greater than 3\n"
+"in /etc/security/msec/security.conf, creates the symlink /etc/security/msec/"
+"to point to /etc/security/msec/server.<SERVER_LEVEL>. The /etc/security/msec/"
+"is used by chkconfig --add to decide to add a service if it is present in "
+"the file\n"
+"during the installation of packages."
msgstr ""
-"NFS adalah protokol populer untuk file sharing di TCP/IP\n"
-"Servis ini memberikan fungsi file lock pada NFS."
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:62
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Automatically switch on numlock key locker under console\n"
-"and XFree at boot."
-msgstr "Secara otomatis nyalakan numlock saat boot pada console/XFree."
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:64
-msgid "Support the OKI 4w and compatible winprinters."
-msgstr "Support OKI 4w and winprinter kompatibel."
+"Arguments: (arg)\n"
+"Authorize all services controlled by tcp_wrappers (see hosts.deny(5)) if "
+"\\fIarg\\fP = ALL. Only local ones\n"
+"if \\fIarg\\fP = LOCAL and none if \\fIarg\\fP = NONE. To authorize the "
+"services you need, use /etc/hosts.allow\n"
+"(see hosts.allow(5))."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:65
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"PCMCIA support is usually to support things like ethernet and\n"
-"modems in laptops. It won't get started unless configured so it is safe to "
-"it installed on machines that don't need it."
+"Arguments: (arg)\n"
+"The argument specifies if clients are authorized to connect\n"
+"to the X server on the tcp port 6000 or not."
msgstr ""
-"PCMCIA digunakan untuk menjalankan perangkat semacam ethernet atau modem\n"
-"pada laptop. Dia tak bisa jalan kecuali dikonfigurasikan di sini, jadi tak\n"
-"apa-apa kalau tak diinstal di mesin yang tak perlu PCMCIA."
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:68
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"The portmapper manages RPC connections, which are used by\n"
-"protocols such as NFS and NIS. The portmap server must be running on "
-"which act as servers for protocols which make use of the RPC mechanism."
+"Arguments: (arg, listen_tcp=None)\n"
+"Allow/Forbid X connections. First arg specifies what is done\n"
+"on the client side: ALL (all connections are allowed), LOCAL (only\n"
+"local connection) and NONE (no connection)."
msgstr ""
-"Portmapper mengelola koneksi RPC, yang digunakan oleh protokol seperti\n"
-"NFS dan NIS. Server portmap harus jalan di mesin yang bertindak sebagai\n"
-"server untuk protokol yang menggunakan mekanisme RPC."
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:71
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Postfix is a Mail Transport Agent, which is the program that moves mail from "
-"one machine to another."
+"Arguments: (arg)\n"
+"Allow/Forbid the list of users on the system on display managers (kdm and "
msgstr ""
-"Postfix adalah Mail Transport Agent, program pengantar surat dari satu ke "
-"lain mesin."
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:72
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Saves and restores system entropy pool for higher quality random\n"
-"number generation."
+"Arguments: (arg)\n"
+"Allow/Forbid direct root login."
msgstr ""
-"Menyimpan dan mengembalikan pool entropi sistem untuk membuat\n"
-"angka acak dengan kualitas sangat acak."
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:74
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Assign raw devices to block devices (such as hard drive\n"
-"partitions), for the use of applications such as Oracle"
+"Arguments: (arg)\n"
+"Allow/Forbid remote root login."
msgstr ""
-"Tunjuk raw device ke block devices (misalnya partisi hard drive),\n"
-"utk digunakan oleh aplikasi semacam Oracle"
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:76
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"The routed daemon allows for automatic IP router table updated via\n"
-"the RIP protocol. While RIP is widely used on small networks, more complex\n"
-"routing protocols are needed for complex networks."
+"Arguments: (arg)\n"
+"Allow/Forbid reboot by the console user."
msgstr ""
-"Daemon routed digunakan untuk update tabel routing IP otomatis liwat\n"
-"protokol RIP. RIP dipakai di jaringan kecil, dan semakin besar jaringannya\n"
-"maka protokol routing yang canggih pun semakin dibutuhkan."
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:79
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"The rstat protocol allows users on a network to retrieve\n"
-"performance metrics for any machine on that network."
+"Arguments: (arg)\n"
+"If \\fIarg\\fP = ALL allow /etc/issue and /etc/ to exist. If \\fIarg"
+"\\fP = NONE no issues are\n"
+"allowed else only /etc/issue is allowed."
msgstr ""
-"Protokol rstat digunakan pada jaringan untuk mengambil\n"
-"ukuran kinerja sistem di network."
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:81
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"The rusers protocol allows users on a network to identify who is\n"
-"logged in on other responding machines."
+"Arguments: (arg)\n"
+"Allow/Forbid autologin."
msgstr ""
-"Protokol ruser digunakan di jaringan untuk mengidentifikasi siapa\n"
-"yang lagi login di jaringan."
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:83
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"The rwho protocol lets remote users get a list of all of the users\n"
-"logged into a machine running the rwho daemon (similiar to finger)."
+"Arguments: (arg)\n"
+" Accept/Refuse icmp echo."
msgstr ""
-"Protokol rwho digunakan untuk melihat daftar pengguna yang sedang login\n"
-"di suatu sistem yang juga menjalankan daemon rwho (mirip dengan finger)."
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:85
-msgid "Launch the sound system on your machine"
-msgstr "Aktifkan sistem suara"
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:86
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Syslog is the facility by which many daemons use to log messages\n"
-"to various system log files. It is a good idea to always run syslog."
+"Arguments: (arg)\n"
+" Accept/Refuse broadcasted icmp echo."
msgstr ""
-"Syslog adalah fasilitas yang digunakan para daemon untuk mencatat\n"
-"pesan log sistem di file. Sebaiknya syslog selalu hidup."
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:88
-msgid "Load the drivers for your usb devices."
-msgstr "Muat driver piranti USB"
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:89
-msgid "Starts the X Font Server (this is mandatory for XFree to run)."
-msgstr "Aktifkan Server Font X (agar XFree dapat berjalan)"
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:115 ../../services.pm_.c:157
-msgid "Choose which services should be automatically started at boot time"
-msgstr "Pilih service mana yang hendak dijalankan saat boot scr otomatis"
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Arguments: (arg)\n"
+"Accept/Refuse bogus IPv4 error messages."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:127
-msgid "Printing"
-msgstr "Pencetakan"
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Security Administrator (login or email)"
+msgstr "Admin Keamanan (login / email)"
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:128
-msgid "Internet"
-msgstr "Internet"
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A library which defends against buffer overflow and format string attacks."
+msgstr "Library penahan serangan string format dan overflow buffer"
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:131
-msgid "File sharing"
-msgstr "Pemakaian file bersama"
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use libsafe for servers"
+msgstr "Gunakan libsafe utk server"
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:133 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1709
-msgid "System"
-msgstr "Sistem"
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Security level"
+msgstr "Tingkat keamanan"
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:138
-msgid "Remote Administration"
-msgstr "Administrasi remote"
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please choose the desired security level"
+msgstr "Pilih tingkat keamanan yg Anda inginkan"
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:146
-msgid "Database Server"
-msgstr "Server Database"
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
+msgid "DrakSec Basic Options"
+msgstr "Opsi Dasar DrakSec"
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:175
+#: ../../security/
#, c-format
-msgid "Services: %d activated for %d registered"
-msgstr "Servis: %d diaktifkan utk %d tercatat"
+msgid ""
+"This is similar to the previous level, but the system is entirely closed and "
+"security features are at their maximum."
+msgstr ""
+"Sama dengan level sebelumnya, tapi sistem sepenuhnya ditutup.\n"
+"Fitur sekuriti maksimum."
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:191
-msgid "Services"
-msgstr "Servis"
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"With this security level, the use of this system as a server becomes "
+"The security is now high enough to use the system as a server which can "
+"connections from many clients. Note: if your machine is only a client on the "
+"Internet, you should choose a lower level."
+msgstr ""
+"Dengan level sekuriti ini, sistem akan dapat digunakan sebagai server.\n"
+"Sekuriti kini cukup tinggi untuk dapat melayani koneksi banyak klien.\n"
+"Jika mesin Anda hanya berfungsi sebagai klien, pilihlah level lebih rendah."
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:203
-msgid "running"
-msgstr "sedang jalan"
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"There are already some restrictions, and more automatic checks are run every "
+msgstr ""
+"Sudah ada beberapa batasan, dan beberapa pengecekan otomatis berjalan tiap "
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:203
-msgid "stopped"
-msgstr "dihentikan"
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"This is the standard security recommended for a computer that will be used "
+"to connect to the Internet as a client."
+msgstr ""
+"Ini adalah sekuriti standar, dianjurkan untuk komputer yang akan\n"
+"terkoneksi ke Internet sebagai klien."
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:217
-msgid "Services and deamons"
-msgstr "Services dan daemon"
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Passwords are now enabled, but use as a networked computer is still not "
+msgstr "Katasandi akan diaktifkan, tapi mohon jangan disambungkan ke jaringan."
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:222
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"No additional information\n"
-"about this service, sorry."
+"This level is to be used with care. It makes your system more easy to use,\n"
+"but very sensitive. It must not be used for a machine connected to others\n"
+"or to the Internet. There is no password access."
msgstr ""
-"Mohon maaf, informasi lengkap\n"
-"tentang layanan ini tidak tersedia."
+"Level ini harus digunakan hati-hati. Ia akan membuat sistem Anda akan mudah\n"
+"digunakan, tapi sangat sensitif: mesin ini tidak boleh digunakan untuk\n"
+"mesin yang terhubung ke mesin lain atau ke Internet. Tidak akan ada\n"
+"akses katasandi."
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:229
-msgid "On boot"
-msgstr "Saat boot"
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Paranoid"
+msgstr "Pengecut"
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:241
-msgid "Start"
-msgstr "Mulai"
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Higher"
+msgstr "Lebih Kuat"
-#: ../../services.pm_.c:241
-msgid "Stop"
-msgstr "Stop"
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
+msgid "High"
+msgstr "Kuat"
-#: ../../share/advertising/01-thanks.pl_.c:9
-msgid "Thank you for choosing Mandrake Linux 9.0"
-msgstr "Terima kasih memilih Mandrake Linux 9.0"
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Poor"
+msgstr "Lemah"
-#: ../../share/advertising/01-thanks.pl_.c:10
-msgid "Welcome to the Open Source world"
-msgstr "Selamat datang di dunia Source Terbuka"
+#: ../../security/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome To Crackers"
+msgstr "Selamat Datang di Crackers"
-#: ../../share/advertising/01-thanks.pl_.c:11
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"The success of MandrakeSoft is based upon the principle of Free Software. "
"Your new operating system is the result of collaborative work on the part of "
@@ -9824,15 +13126,18 @@ msgstr ""
"Sukses MandrakeSoft berdasar prinsip Perangkat Lunak Bebas. OS baru Anda "
"adalah hasil kerja kolaborasi Komunitas Linux seluruh dunia"
-#: ../../share/advertising/02-community.pl_.c:9
-msgid "Get involved in the Free Software world"
-msgstr "Gabung dunia Perangkat Lunak Bebas"
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to the Open Source world"
+msgstr "Selamat datang di dunia Source Terbuka"
-#: ../../share/advertising/02-community.pl_.c:10
-msgid "Want to know more about the Open Source community?"
-msgstr "Ingin tahu lebih tentang komunitas Open Source?"
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Thank you for choosing Mandrake Linux 9.1"
+msgstr "Terima kasih memilih Mandrake Linux 9.1"
-#: ../../share/advertising/02-community.pl_.c:11
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"To share your own knowledge and help build Linux tools, join the discussion "
"forums you'll find on our \"Community\" webpages"
@@ -9840,91 +13145,112 @@ msgstr ""
"Untuk berbagi pengetahuan dan membantu membangun peralatan Linux, mari "
"bergabung dalam forum diskusi yg tertera di halaman web \"Komunitas\" kami"
-#: ../../share/advertising/03-internet.pl_.c:9
-msgid "Get the most from the Internet"
-msgstr "Ambil yang paling Wah! dari Internet"
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Want to know more about the Open Source community?"
+msgstr "Ingin tahu lebih tentang komunitas Open Source?"
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Get involved in the Free Software world"
+msgstr "Gabung dunia Perangkat Lunak Bebas"
-#: ../../share/advertising/03-internet.pl_.c:10
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Mandrake Linux 9.0 has selected the best software for you. Surf the Web and "
+"Mandrake Linux 9.1 has selected the best software for you. Surf the Web and "
"view animations with Mozilla and Konqueror, or read your mail and handle "
"your personal information with Evolution and Kmail"
msgstr ""
-"Mandrake Linux 9.0 menyajikan software terbaik. Jelajah web dan lihat "
+"Mandrake Linux 9.1 menyajikan software terbaik. Jelajah web dan lihat "
"animasi dengan Mozilla dan Konqueror, atau baca email dan atur info pribadi "
"Anda dengan Evolution dan Kmail"
-#: ../../share/advertising/04-multimedia.pl_.c:9
-msgid "Discover the most up-to-date graphical and multimedia tools!"
-msgstr "Temukan perlengkapan grafis dan multimedia terbaru!"
-#: ../../share/advertising/04-multimedia.pl_.c:10
-msgid "Push multimedia to its limits!"
-msgstr "Dorong multimedia hingga tapal batas!"
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Get the most from the Internet"
+msgstr "Ambil yang paling Wah! dari Internet"
-#: ../../share/advertising/04-multimedia.pl_.c:11
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Mandrake Linux 9.0 enables you to use the very latest software to play audio "
+"Mandrake Linux 9.1 enables you to use the very latest software to play audio "
"files, edit and handle your images or photos, and play videos"
msgstr ""
-"Mandrake Linux 9.0 memungkinkan Anda menggunakan software mutakhir untuk "
+"Mandrake Linux 9.1 memungkinkan Anda menggunakan software mutakhir untuk "
"memainkan file audio, edit dan mengatur gambar/foto, dan melihat video"
-#: ../../share/advertising/05-games.pl_.c:9
-msgid "Games"
-msgstr "Game"
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Push multimedia to its limits!"
+msgstr "Dorong multimedia hingga tapal batas!"
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Discover the most up-to-date graphical and multimedia tools!"
+msgstr "Temukan perlengkapan grafis dan multimedia terbaru!"
-#: ../../share/advertising/05-games.pl_.c:10
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Mandrake Linux 9.0 provides the best Open Source games - arcade, action, "
+"Mandrake Linux 9.1 provides the best Open Source games - arcade, action, "
"strategy, ..."
msgstr ""
"Mandrake Linux menyediakan game Open Source terbaik - arcade, aksi, kartu, "
"olah raga, strategi, ..."
-#: ../../share/advertising/06-mcc.pl_.c:9 ../../standalone/drakbug_.c:49
-msgid "Mandrake Control Center"
-msgstr "Pusat Kontrol Mandrake"
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Games"
+msgstr "Game"
-#: ../../share/advertising/06-mcc.pl_.c:10
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Mandrake Linux 9.0 provides a powerful tool to fully customize and configure "
+"Mandrake Linux 9.1 provides a powerful tool to fully customize and configure "
"your machine"
msgstr ""
"Mandrake Linux menyediakan alat perkasa untuk mengkonfigurasi mesin Anda"
-#: ../../share/advertising/07-desktop.pl_.c:9
-msgid "User interfaces"
-msgstr "Antarmuka pengguna"
+#: ../../share/advertising/ ../../standalone/drakbug:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Mandrake Control Center"
+msgstr "Pusat Kontrol Mandrake"
-#: ../../share/advertising/07-desktop.pl_.c:10
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Mandrake Linux 9.0 provides you with 11 user interfaces that can be fully "
+"Mandrake Linux 9.1 provides you with 11 user interfaces that can be fully "
"modified: KDE 3, Gnome 2, WindowMaker, ..."
msgstr ""
"Mandrake Linux menyediakan 11 antarmuka pengguna yang dapat dimodifikasi: "
"KDE 3, Gnome 2, WindowMaker, ..."
-#: ../../share/advertising/08-development.pl_.c:9
-msgid "Development simplified"
-msgstr "Pemrograman dipermudah"
-#: ../../share/advertising/08-development.pl_.c:10
-msgid "Mandrake Linux 9.0 is the ultimate development platform"
-msgstr "Mandrake Linux adalah platform bangun terampuh"
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
+msgid "User interfaces"
+msgstr "Antarmuka pengguna"
-#: ../../share/advertising/08-development.pl_.c:11
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"Use the full power of the GNU gcc 3 compiler as well as the best Open Source "
"development environments"
msgstr ""
"Gunakan power compiler gcc GNU, juga lingkungan bangun Open Source terbaik"
-#: ../../share/advertising/09-server.pl_.c:9
-msgid "Turn your machine into a reliable server"
-msgstr "Jadikan mesin Anda server yang handal"
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Mandrake Linux 9.1 is the ultimate development platform"
+msgstr "Mandrake Linux adalah platform bangun terampuh"
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Development simplified"
+msgstr "Pemrograman dipermudah"
-#: ../../share/advertising/09-server.pl_.c:10
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"Transform your machine into a powerful Linux server with a few clicks of "
"your mouse: Web server, mail, firewall, router, file and print server, ..."
@@ -9932,17 +13258,18 @@ msgstr ""
"Jadikan mesin Anda server perkasa dengan hanya beberapa klik mouse: server "
"Web, email, firewall, router, server file dan cetak, ..."
-#: ../../share/advertising/10-mnf.pl_.c:9
-msgid "Optimize your security"
-msgstr "Optimasi keamanan"
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Turn your machine into a reliable server"
+msgstr "Jadikan mesin Anda server yang handal"
-#: ../../share/advertising/10-mnf.pl_.c:10
-msgid ""
-"The MandrakeSecurity range includes the Multi Network Firewall product (M.N."
-msgstr "MandrakeSecurity mencakup produk Multi Network Firewall (M.N.F.)"
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
+msgid "This product is available on MandrakeStore website"
+msgstr "Produk ini tersedia di situs MandrakeStore"
-#: ../../share/advertising/10-mnf.pl_.c:11
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"This firewall product includes network features that allow you to fulfill "
"all your security needs"
@@ -9950,15 +13277,20 @@ msgstr ""
"Produk firewall ini mencakup fitur jaringan yang memungkinkan Anda memenuhi "
"semua kebutuhan sekuritas"
-#: ../../share/advertising/10-mnf.pl_.c:12
-msgid "This product is available on MandrakeStore website"
-msgstr "Produk ini tersedia di situs MandrakeStore"
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The MandrakeSecurity range includes the Multi Network Firewall product (M.N."
+msgstr "MandrakeSecurity mencakup produk Multi Network Firewall (M.N.F.)"
-#: ../../share/advertising/11-mdkstore.pl_.c:9
-msgid "The official MandrakeSoft store"
-msgstr "Toko resmi MandrakeSoft"
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Optimize your security"
+msgstr "Optimasi keamanan"
-#: ../../share/advertising/11-mdkstore.pl_.c:10
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"Our full range of Linux solutions, as well as special offers on products and "
"other \"goodies,\" are available online on our e-store:"
@@ -9966,11 +13298,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Solusi Linux lengkap, termasuk sajian khusus produk dan \"goodies\" lain, "
"tersedia online di e-store kami:"
-#: ../../share/advertising/12-mdkstore.pl_.c:9
-msgid "Strategic partners"
-msgstr "Mitra strategis"
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
+msgid "The official MandrakeSoft store"
+msgstr "Toko resmi MandrakeSoft"
-#: ../../share/advertising/12-mdkstore.pl_.c:10
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"MandrakeSoft works alongside a selection of companies offering professional "
"solutions compatible with Mandrake Linux. A list of these partners is "
@@ -9980,23 +13314,13 @@ msgstr ""
"profesional yang kompatibel dengan Mandrake Linux. Daftar mitra ada di "
-#: ../../share/advertising/13-mdkcampus.pl_.c:9
-msgid "Discover MandrakeSoft's training catalogue Linux-Campus"
-msgstr "Temukan katalog training MandrakeSoft Kampus-Linux"
-#: ../../share/advertising/13-mdkcampus.pl_.c:10
-msgid ""
-"The training program has been created to respond to the needs of both end "
-"users and experts (Network and System administrators)"
-msgstr ""
-"Program training diadakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan para pengguna akhir dan "
-"pakar (admin jaringan dan sistem)"
-#: ../../share/advertising/13-mdkcampus.pl_.c:11
-msgid "Certify yourself on Linux"
-msgstr "Sertifikasikan diri Anda di Linux"
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Strategic partners"
+msgstr "Mitra strategis"
-#: ../../share/advertising/13-mdkcampus.pl_.c:12
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"Whether you choose to teach yourself online or via our network of training "
"partners, the Linux-Campus catalogue prepares you for the acknowledged LPI "
@@ -10006,17 +13330,27 @@ msgstr ""
"katalog Kampus-Linux mempersiapkan Anda untuk program sertifikasi LPI baku "
"(sertifikat teknik profesional dunia)"
-#: ../../share/advertising/14-mdkexpert.pl_.c:9
-msgid "Become a MandrakeExpert"
-msgstr "Jadi AhliMandrake"
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Certify yourself on Linux"
+msgstr "Sertifikasikan diri Anda di Linux"
-#: ../../share/advertising/14-mdkexpert.pl_.c:10
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Find the solutions of your problems via MandrakeSoft's online support "
-msgstr "Temukan solusi problem via platform dukungan online MandrakeSoft"
+"The training program has been created to respond to the needs of both end "
+"users and experts (Network and System administrators)"
+msgstr ""
+"Program training diadakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan para pengguna akhir dan "
+"pakar (admin jaringan dan sistem)"
-#: ../../share/advertising/14-mdkexpert.pl_.c:11
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Discover MandrakeSoft's training catalogue Linux-Campus"
+msgstr "Temukan katalog training MandrakeSoft Kampus-Linux"
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"Join the MandrakeSoft support teams and the Linux Community online to share "
"your knowledge and help others by becoming a recognized Expert on the online "
@@ -10026,26 +13360,38 @@ msgstr ""
"pengetahuan dan membantu sesama dengan menjadi Pakar di situs support teknik "
-#: ../../share/advertising/15-mdkexpert-corporate.pl_.c:9
-msgid "MandrakeExpert Corporate"
-msgstr "AhliMandrake Perusahaan"
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Find the solutions of your problems via MandrakeSoft's online support "
+msgstr "Temukan solusi problem via platform dukungan online MandrakeSoft"
-#: ../../share/advertising/15-mdkexpert-corporate.pl_.c:10
-msgid "An online platform to respond to company's specific support needs"
-msgstr "Platform online yang melayani kebutuhan support spesifik perusahaan"
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Become a MandrakeExpert"
+msgstr "Jadi AhliMandrake"
-#: ../../share/advertising/15-mdkexpert-corporate.pl_.c:11
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"All incidents will be followed up by a single qualified MandrakeSoft "
"technical expert."
msgstr ""
"Semua insiden akan di-followup oleh pakar teknis MandrakeSoft berkualitas."
-#: ../../share/advertising/17-mdkclub.pl_.c:9
-msgid "Discover MandrakeClub and Mandrake Corporate Club"
-msgstr "KlubMandrake dan Klub Perusahaan Mandrake"
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
+msgid "An online platform to respond to company's specific support needs"
+msgstr "Platform online yang melayani kebutuhan support spesifik perusahaan"
-#: ../../share/advertising/17-mdkclub.pl_.c:10
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
+msgid "MandrakeExpert Corporate"
+msgstr "AhliMandrake Perusahaan"
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"MandrakeClub and Mandrake Corporate Club were created for business and "
"private users of Mandrake Linux who would like to directly support their "
@@ -10060,227 +13406,248 @@ msgstr ""
"produk kami membantu perusahaan Anda dalam bersaing, jika Anda ingin "
"membantu pembangunan Mandrake Linux, bergabunglah dengan MandrakeClub!"
-#: ../../standalone.pm_.c:21
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n"
-"it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n"
-"the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)\n"
-"any later version.\n"
-"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n"
-"but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n"
-"GNU General Public License for more details.\n"
-"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n"
-"along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\n"
-"Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.\n"
-msgstr ""
-" Program ini gratis; Anda dapat menyebar ulang dan/atau mengubah\n"
-" menurut Lisensi Publik Umum GNU dari the Free Software Foundation; baik\n"
-" versi 2, atau yang lebih baru.\n"
-" Program ini disebar agar dapat berguna, tapi TANPA GARANSI APAPUN; bahkan\n"
-" tanpa garansi sebagai implikasi DAGANG atau KELAYAKAN UNTUK KEGUNAAN\n"
-" TERTENTU. Info lebih lanjut ada di Lisensi Publik Umum GNU.\n"
-" Anda mestinya sudah menerima salinan Lisensi Publik Umum GNU dari program\n"
-" ini; jika tidak, tulis ke the Free Software\n"
-" Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../../share/advertising/
+#, c-format
+msgid "Discover MandrakeClub and Mandrake Corporate Club"
+msgstr "KlubMandrake dan Klub Perusahaan Mandrake"
-#: ../../standalone.pm_.c:40
-msgid ""
-"[--config-info] [--daemon] [--debug] [--default] [--show-conf]\n"
-"Backup and Restore application\n"
-"--default : save default directories.\n"
-"--debug : show all debug messages.\n"
-"--show-conf : list of files or directories to backup.\n"
-"--config-info : explain configuration file options (for non-X "
-"--daemon : use daemon configuration. \n"
-"--help : show this message.\n"
-"--version : show version name.\n"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../../standalone/XFdrake:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please relog into %s to activate the changes"
+msgstr "Silakan masuk lagi ke %s untuk mengaktifkan perubahan"
-#: ../../standalone.pm_.c:51
-msgid ""
-" --help - print this help message.\n"
-" --report - program should be one of mandrake tools\n"
-" --incident - program should be one of mandrake tools"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../../standalone/XFdrake:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please log out and then use Ctrl-Alt-BackSpace"
+msgstr "Silakan log out dan tekan Ctrl-Alt-BackSpace"
-#: ../../standalone.pm_.c:57
-msgid ""
-"Font Importation and monitoring "
-"application \n"
-"--windows_import : import from all available windows partitions.\n"
-"--xls_fonts : show all fonts that already exist from xls\n"
-"--strong : strong verification of font.\n"
-"--install : accept any font file and any directry.\n"
-"--uninstall : uninstall any font or any directory of font.\n"
-"--replace : replace all font if already exist\n"
-"--application : 0 none application.\n"
-" : 1 all application available supported.\n"
-" : name_of_application like so for staroffice \n"
-" : and gs for ghostscript for only this one."
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "/etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny already configured - not changed"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../standalone.pm_.c:68
-msgid ""
-"\t --debug print debugging information"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Need to create /etc/dhcpd.conf first!"
+msgstr "Perlu bikin dulu /etc/dhcpd.conf first!"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Something went wrong! - Is mkisofs installed?"
+msgstr "Ada yg salah! - mkisofs sudah diinstal?"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Etherboot ISO image is %s"
+msgstr "Image ISO Etherboot adalah %s"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "No floppy drive available!"
+msgstr "Floppy drive tak tersedia"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Floppy can be removed now"
+msgstr "Disket dapat dilepas sekarang"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access the floppy!"
+msgstr "Gagal akses ke floppy!"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please insert floppy disk:"
+msgstr "Masukkan floppy:"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Write Config"
+msgstr "Tulis konfigurasi"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Dynamic IP Address Pool:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../standalone.pm_.c:70
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"Mandrake Terminal Server Configurator\n"
-"--enable : enable MTS\n"
-"--disable : disable MTS\n"
-"--start : start MTS\n"
-"--stop : stop MTS\n"
-"--adduser : add an existing system user to MTS (requires username)\n"
-"--deluser : delete an existing system user from MTS (requires "
-"--addclient : add a client machine to MTS (requires MAC address, IP, "
-"nbi image name)\n"
-"--delclient : delete a client machine from MTS (requires MAC address, "
-"IP, nbi image name)"
+"Most of these values were extracted\n"
+"from your running system.\n"
+"You can modify as needed."
msgstr ""
+"Sebagian besar nilai ini disusun dari sistem Anda\n"
+"yg sedang berjalan. Anda dapat mengganti seperlunya."
-#: ../../standalone.pm_.c:82
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "[keyboard]"
-msgstr "Papanketik"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "dhcpd Server Configuration"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi Server dhcpd"
-#: ../../standalone.pm_.c:83
-msgid "[--file=myfyle] [--word=myword] [--explain=regexp] [--alert]"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "IP Range End:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../standalone.pm_.c:84
-msgid ""
-"Network & Internet connection and monitoring application\n"
-"--defaultintf interface : show this interface by default\n"
-"--connect : connect to internet if not already connected\n"
-"--disconnect : disconnect to internet if already connected\n"
-"--force : used with (dis)connect : force (dis)connection.\n"
-"--status : returns 1 if connected 0 otherwise, then exit.\n"
-"--quiet : don't be interactive. To be used with (dis)connect."
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "IP Range Start:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../standalone.pm_.c:93
-msgid " [--skiptest] [--cups] [--lprng] [--lpd] [--pdq]"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Name Servers:"
+msgstr "Server Samba"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Domain Name:"
+msgstr "Nama domain"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Broadcast Address:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../standalone.pm_.c:94
-msgid ""
-" --no-confirmation don't ask first confirmation question in "
-"MandrakeUpdate mode\n"
-" --no-verify-rpm don't verify packages signatures\n"
-" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
-"description window\n"
-" --merge-all-rpmnew propose to merge all .rpmnew/.rpmsave files found"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Subnet Mask:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../standalone.pm_.c:99
-msgid ""
-"[--manual] [--device=dev] [--update-sane=sane_desc_dir] [--update-usbtable] "
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Routers:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../standalone.pm_.c:100
-msgid ""
-" [everything]\n"
-" XFdrake [--noauto] monitor\n"
-" XFdrake resolution"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Netmask:"
+msgstr "Netmask"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Subnet:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../standalone.pm_.c:114
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Usage: %s [--auto] [--beginner] [--expert] [-h|--help] [--noauto] [--"
-"testing] [-v|--version] "
+"Need to restart the Display Manager for full changes to take effect. \n"
+"(service dm restart - at the console)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../standalone.pm_.c:168
-msgid "Installing packages..."
-msgstr "Instalasi paket..."
-#: ../../standalone/XFdrake_.c:138
-msgid "Please log out and then use Ctrl-Alt-BackSpace"
-msgstr "Silakan log out dan tekan Ctrl-Alt-BackSpace"
-#: ../../standalone/XFdrake_.c:142
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
#, c-format
-msgid "Please relog into %s to activate the changes"
-msgstr "Silakan masuk lagi ke %s untuk mengaktifkan perubahan"
+msgid "dhcpd Config..."
+msgstr "Konfig dhcpd..."
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:239
-msgid "Mandrake Terminal Server Configuration"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi Server Terminal Mandrake"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Delete Client"
+msgstr "<-- Hapus Klien"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:253
-msgid "Enable Server"
-msgstr "Aktifkan Server"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "<-- Edit Client"
+msgstr "<-- Hapus Klien"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:260
-msgid "Disable Server"
-msgstr "Pasifkan Server"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Add Client -->"
+msgstr "Tambah Klien -->"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:268
-msgid "Start Server"
-msgstr "Jalankan Server"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Allow Thin Clients"
+msgstr "Tambah/Hapus Klien DHCP"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:275
-msgid "Stop Server"
-msgstr "Stop Server"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Thin Client"
+msgstr "Klien DHCP"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:283
-msgid "Etherboot Floppy/ISO"
-msgstr "Floppy Etherboot/ISO"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "No net boot images created!"
+msgstr "Image boot jaringan tak dibuat!"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:288
-msgid "Net Boot Images"
-msgstr "Image Boot Net"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "type: %s"
+msgstr "Tipe: "
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:294
-msgid "Add/Del Users"
-msgstr "Tambah/Hapus Pengguna"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "<-- Del User"
+msgstr "<-- Hapus Pengguna"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:299
-msgid "Add/Del Clients"
-msgstr "Tambah/Hapus Klien DHCP"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Add User -->"
+msgstr "Tambah pengguna -->"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:328
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-" Copyright (C) 2002 by MandrakeSoft \n"
-"\tStew Benedict sbenedict\\\n"
+"!!! Indicates the password in the system database is different than\n"
+" the one in the Terminal Server database.\n"
+"Delete/re-add the user to the Terminal Server to enable login."
msgstr ""
-" update 2002 MandrakeSoft oleh Stew Benedict <sbenedict\\>"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:332
-msgid ""
-" Thanks:\n"
-"\t- LTSP Project\n"
-"\t- Michael Brown <mbrown\\>\n"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Delete All NBIs"
+msgstr "Hapus Semua NBI"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:365
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "<-- Delete"
+msgstr "<-- Hapus"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "This will take a few minutes."
+msgstr "Butuh beberapa menit."
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Build All Kernels -->"
+msgstr "Bangun Semua Kernel -->"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "No NIC selected!"
+msgstr "Tiada nic terpilih"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Build Single NIC -->"
+msgstr "Bangun NIC Single -->"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "No kernel selected!"
+msgstr "Tiada kernel terpilih!"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Build Whole Kernel -->"
+msgstr "Bangun Seluruh Kernel -->"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Boot ISO"
+msgstr "ISO boot"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Boot Floppy"
+msgstr "Disket boot"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"drakTermServ Overview\n"
"\t\t\t \n"
@@ -10309,7 +13676,7 @@ msgid ""
"\t\t\t\thost curly {\n"
"\t\t\t\t\thardware ethernet 00:20:af:2f:f7:9d;\n"
-"\t\t\t\t\t/*type fat;*/\n"
+"\t\t\t\t\t#type fat;\n"
"\t\t\t\t\tfilename \"i386/boot/boot-3c509.2.4.18-6mdk."
@@ -10320,8 +13687,8 @@ msgid ""
"\t\t\tof client-specific configuration files that ClusterNFS provides.\n"
-"\t\t\tNote: The \"/*type\" entry is only used by drakTermServ. Clients can "
-"either be \"thin\"*/\n"
+"\t\t\tNote: The \"#type\" entry is only used by drakTermServ. Clients can "
+"either be \"thin\"\n"
"\t\t\tor 'fat'. Thin clients run most software on the server via xdmcp, "
"while fat clients run most\n"
"\t\t\tsoftware on the client machine. A special inittab, /etc/inittab\\$\\"
@@ -10410,218 +13777,149 @@ msgid ""
" \t\tA basic example of creating a boot floppy for a 3Com 3c509 "
" \t\t\n"
-" \t\tcat /usr/lib/etherboot/boot1a.bin /\\n \t\t\t/usr/lib/"
-"etherboot/lzrom/3c509.lzrom > /dev/fd0\n"
+" \t\tcat /usr/lib/etherboot/boot1a.bin \\\n"
+" \t\t\t/usr/lib/etherboot/lzrom/3c509.lzrom > /dev/fd0\n"
" \n"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:488
-msgid "Boot Floppy"
-msgstr "Disket boot"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:490
-msgid "Boot ISO"
-msgstr "ISO boot"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:559
-msgid "Build Whole Kernel -->"
-msgstr "Bangun Seluruh Kernel -->"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:561 ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:591
-msgid "This will take a few minutes."
-msgstr "Butuh beberapa menit."
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:573
-msgid "No kernel selected!"
-msgstr "Tiada kernel terpilih!"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:576
-msgid "Build Single NIC -->"
-msgstr "Bangun NIC Single -->"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:587
-msgid "No nic selected!"
-msgstr "Tiada nic terpilih"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:590
-msgid "Build All Kernels -->"
-msgstr "Bangun Semua Kernel -->"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:604
-msgid "<-- Delete"
-msgstr "<-- Hapus"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:611
-msgid "Delete All NBIs"
-msgstr "Hapus Semua NBI"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:668
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"!!! Indicates the password in the system database is different than\n"
-" the one in the Terminal Server database.\n"
-"Delete/re-add the user to the Terminal Server to enable login."
+" Thanks:\n"
+"\t- LTSP Project\n"
+"\t- Michael Brown <mbrown\\>\n"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:673
-msgid "Add User -->"
-msgstr "Tambah pengguna -->"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:681
-msgid "<-- Del User"
-msgstr "<-- Hapus Pengguna"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:720
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "type: %s"
-msgstr "Tipe: "
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:753
-msgid "No net boot images created!"
-msgstr "Image boot jaringan tak dibuat!"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:773
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Thin Client"
-msgstr "Klien DHCP"
+msgid ""
+" Copyright (C) 2002 by MandrakeSoft \n"
+"\tStew Benedict sbenedict\\\n"
+msgstr ""
+" update 2002 MandrakeSoft oleh Stew Benedict <sbenedict\\>"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:775
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Allow Thin Clients"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Add/Del Clients"
msgstr "Tambah/Hapus Klien DHCP"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:778
-msgid "Add Client -->"
-msgstr "Tambah Klien -->"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:821
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "<-- Edit Client"
-msgstr "<-- Hapus Klien"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:837
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Delete Client"
-msgstr "<-- Hapus Klien"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Add/Del Users"
+msgstr "Tambah/Hapus Pengguna"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:843
-msgid "dhcpd Config..."
-msgstr "Konfig dhcpd..."
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Net Boot Images"
+msgstr "Image Boot Net"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:876
-msgid ""
-"Need to restart the Display Manager for full changes to take effect. \n"
-"(service dm restart - at the console)"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Etherboot Floppy/ISO"
+msgstr "Floppy Etherboot/ISO"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:894
-msgid "Subnet:"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Stop Server"
+msgstr "Stop Server"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:901
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Netmask:"
-msgstr "Netmask"
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Start Server"
+msgstr "Jalankan Server"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:908
-msgid "Routers:"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Disable Server"
+msgstr "Pasifkan Server"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:915
-msgid "Subnet Mask:"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Enable Server"
+msgstr "Aktifkan Server"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:922
-msgid "Broadcast Address:"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Mandrake Terminal Server Configuration"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi Server Terminal Mandrake"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:929
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Domain Name:"
-msgstr "Nama domain"
+#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remove the last item"
+msgstr "Hapus item terakhir"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:937
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Name Servers:"
-msgstr "Server Samba"
+#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Add an item"
+msgstr "Tambah item"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:948
-msgid "IP Range Start:"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Auto Install"
+msgstr "Instalasi Otomatis"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:949
-msgid "IP Range End:"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst:1
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The floppy has been successfully generated.\n"
+"You may now replay your installation."
+msgstr "Floppy sukses dibuat. Instalasi bisa direplikasi."
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:1001
-msgid "dhcpd Server Configuration"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi Server dhcpd"
+#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst:1 ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#: ../../standalone/scannerdrake:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Congratulations!"
+msgstr "Selamat!"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:1002
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Most of these values were extracted\n"
-"from your running system.\n"
-"You can modify as needed."
-msgstr ""
-"Sebagian besar nilai ini disusun dari sistem Anda\n"
-"yg sedang berjalan. Anda dapat mengganti seperlunya."
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:1005
-msgid "Dynamic IP Address Pool:"
+"The parameters of the auto-install are available in the sections on the left"
msgstr ""
+"Selamat Datang.\n"
+"Parameter instalasi otomatis tersedia di bagian sebelah kiri"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:1018
-msgid "Write Config"
-msgstr "Tulis konfigurasi"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:1120
-msgid "Please insert floppy disk:"
-msgstr "Masukkan floppy:"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:1124
-msgid "Couldn't access the floppy!"
-msgstr "Gagal akses ke floppy!"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:1126
-msgid "Floppy can be removed now"
-msgstr "Disket dapat dilepas sekarang"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:1129
-msgid "No floppy drive available!"
-msgstr "Floppy drive tak tersedia"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:1138
+#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst:1
#, c-format
-msgid "Etherboot ISO image is %s"
-msgstr "Image ISO Etherboot adalah %s"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:1140
-msgid "Something went wrong! - Is mkisofs installed?"
-msgstr "Ada yg salah! - mkisofs sudah diinstal?"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:1159
-msgid "Need to create /etc/dhcpd.conf first!"
-msgstr "Perlu bikin dulu /etc/dhcpd.conf first!"
+msgid "Creating auto install floppy"
+msgstr "Disket auto install sedang dibuat"
-#: ../../standalone/drakTermServ_.c:1451
-msgid "/etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny already configured - not changed"
+#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "manual"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst_.c:40
-msgid "Error!"
-msgstr "Ada Kesalahan"
+#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst:1
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Please choose for each step whether it will replay like your install, or it "
+"will be manual"
+msgstr ""
+"Pada tiap tahapan pilih apakah instalasi akan diulang, atau akan manual"
-#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst_.c:41
+#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst:1
#, c-format
-msgid "I can't find needed image file `%s'."
-msgstr "File image `%s' tak ditemukan."
+msgid "Automatic Steps Configuration"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi Step Otomatis"
-#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst_.c:43
-msgid "Auto Install Configurator"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi Instalasi Otomatis"
+#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst:1
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "replay"
+msgstr "Ulang"
-#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst_.c:44
+#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"You are about to configure an Auto Install floppy. This feature is somewhat "
"dangerous and must be used circumspectly.\n"
@@ -10647,503 +13945,717 @@ msgstr ""
"Jalan terus?"
-#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst_.c:62 ../../standalone/drakautoinst_.c:71
-msgid "manual"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Auto Install Configurator"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi Instalasi Otomatis"
-#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst_.c:62
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "replay"
-msgstr "Ulang"
+#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "I can't find needed image file `%s'."
+msgstr "File image `%s' tak ditemukan."
-#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst_.c:66
-msgid "Automatic Steps Configuration"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi Step Otomatis"
+#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error!"
+msgstr "Ada Kesalahan"
-#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst_.c:67
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Please choose for each step whether it will replay like your install, or it "
-"will be manual"
+"Restore Backup Problems:\n"
+"During the restore step, Drakbackup will verify all your\n"
+"backup files before restoring them.\n"
+"Before the restore, Drakbackup will remove \n"
+"your original directory, and you will loose all your \n"
+"data. It is important to be careful and not modify the \n"
+"backup data files by hand.\n"
msgstr ""
-"Pada tiap tahapan pilih apakah instalasi akan diulang, atau akan manual"
-#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst_.c:78 ../../standalone/drakautoinst_.c:79
-msgid "Creating auto install floppy"
-msgstr "Disket auto install sedang dibuat"
+"Problem Restore Backup:\n"
+"Saat tahap restore, Drakbackup akan mencek semua file\n"
+"backup sebelum menempatkannya kembali. Sebelum restore,\n"
+"Drakbackup akan menghapus direktori asli Anda, dan Anda\n"
+"akan kehilangan semua data. Hati-hati dan jangan mengubah\n"
+"file data backup secara manual.\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst_.c:139
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
+"options description:\n"
+"Please be careful when you are using ftp backup, because only \n"
+"backups that are already built are sent to the server.\n"
+"So at the moment, you need to build the backup on your hard \n"
+"drive before sending it to the server.\n"
-"The parameters of the auto-install are available in the sections on the left"
msgstr ""
+"penjelasan opsi:\n"
-"Selamat Datang.\n"
+"Hati-hati menggunakan backup ftp, karena hanya backup yg telah \n"
+"dibangun yg akan dikirim ke server. Jadi sementara Anda perlu \n"
+"membangun backup di harddrive Anda sebelum mengirimnya ke server.\n"
-"Parameter instalasi otomatis tersedia di bagian sebelah kiri"
-#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst_.c:234 ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:504
-#: ../../standalone/scannerdrake_.c:117
-msgid "Congratulations!"
-msgstr "Selamat!"
-#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst_.c:235
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"The floppy has been successfully generated.\n"
-"You may now replay your installation."
-msgstr "Floppy sukses dibuat. Instalasi bisa direplikasi."
-#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst_.c:273
-msgid "Auto Install"
-msgstr "Instalasi Otomatis"
-#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst_.c:343
-msgid "Add an item"
-msgstr "Tambah item"
-#: ../../standalone/drakautoinst_.c:350
-msgid "Remove the last item"
-msgstr "Hapus item terakhir"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:580
-msgid "Cron not available yet as non-root"
-msgstr "Cron non-root belum tersedia"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:690
-msgid "WARNING"
-msgstr "PERINGATAN"
+" Drakbackup is used to backup your system.\n"
+" During the configuration you can select: \n"
+"\t- System files, \n"
+"\t- Users files, \n"
+"\t- Other files.\n"
+"\tor All your system ... and Other (like Windows Partitions)\n"
+" Drakbackup allows you to backup your system on:\n"
+"\t- Harddrive.\n"
+"\t- NFS.\n"
+"\t- CDROM (CDRW), DVDROM (with autoboot, rescue and autoinstall.).\n"
+"\t- FTP.\n"
+"\t- Rsync.\n"
+"\t- Webdav.\n"
+"\t- Tape.\n"
+" Drakbackup allows you to restore your system to\n"
+" a user selected directory.\n"
+" Per default all backups will be stored on your\n"
+" /var/lib/drakbackup directory\n"
+" Configuration file:\n"
+"Restore Step:\n"
+" \n"
+" During the restore step, DrakBackup will remove \n"
+" your original directory and verify that all \n"
+" backup files are not corrupted. It is recommended \n"
+" you do a last backup before restoring.\n"
+msgstr ""
+" Drakbackup digunakan untuk membackup system Anda.\n"
+" Selama konfigurasi Anda dapat memilih: \n"
+"\t- File System, \n"
+"\t- File Pengguna, \n"
+"\t- File Lain-lain.\n"
+"\tatau Seluruh sistem ... dan Lain-lain (mis. partisi Windows)\n"
+" Drakbackup dapat melakukan backup system di:\n"
+"\t- Harddrive.\n"
+"\t- NFS.\n"
+"\t- CDROM (CDRW), DVDROM (dg autoboot, rescue dan autoinstall.).\n"
+"\t- FTP.\n"
+"\t- Rsync.\n"
+"\t- Webdav.\n"
+"\t- Tape.\n"
+" Drakbackup dapat menyimpan ulang (restore) sistem Anda ke\n"
+" direktori pilihan pengguna.\n"
+" Per default semua backup ditempatkan di direktori\n"
+" /var/lib/drakbackup\n"
+" File konfigurasi:\n"
+"Tahap Restore:\n"
+" \n"
+" Saat tahap restore, DrakBackup akan menghapus \n"
+" direktori asli Anda dan mencek bahwa semua file \n"
+" backup tak rusak. Disarankan Anda melakukan \n"
+" backup sebelum menyimpan ulang.\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:691
-msgid "FATAL"
-msgstr "FATAL"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+" updates 2002 MandrakeSoft by Stew Benedict <sbenedict\\>"
+msgstr ""
+" update 2002 MandrakeSoft oleh Stew Benedict <sbenedict\\>"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:692
-msgid "INFO"
-msgstr "INFO"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+" Copyright (C) 2001-2002 MandrakeSoft by DUPONT Sebastien <dupont_s\\@epita."
+msgstr ""
+" Haksalin (C) 2001 MandrakeSoft oleh DUPONT Sebastien <dupont_s\\>"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:704
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
+"restore description:\n"
+" \n"
+"Only the most recent date will be used, because with incremental \n"
+"backups it is necessary to restore one by one each older backup.\n"
-" DrakBackup Report \n"
+"So if you don't want to restore a user please unselect all their\n"
+"check boxes.\n"
-msgstr ""
+"Otherwise, you are able to select only one of these.\n"
-" Laporan DrakBackup \n"
+" - Incremental Backups:\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:705
-msgid ""
+"\tThe incremental backup is the most powerful \n"
+"\toption to use. This option allows you to \n"
+"\tbackup all of your data the first time, and \n"
+"\tonly the changed data after.\n"
+"\tSo you will be able, during the restore\n"
+"\tstep, to restore your data from a specified\n"
+"\tIf you have not selected this option all\n"
+"\told backups are deleted before each backup. \n"
-" DrakBackup Daemon Report\n"
msgstr ""
+"penjelasan restorasi:\n"
+" \n"
+"Hanya tanggal terkini yang akan dipakai, karena dg backup incremental \n"
+"diperlukan restorasi satu demi satu tiap backup lama.\n"
+"Jadi jika Anda tak ingin merestorasi pengguna lepaslah pilihan semua kotak\n"
+"Jika tidak, Anda dapat memilih hanya satu opsi.\n"
+" - Backup Incremental:\n"
+"\tBackup incremental adalah opsi terkuat backup,\n"
+"\tAnda dapat mem-backup semua data pertama kali,\n"
+"\tdan kemudian hanya yg berubah.\n"
+"\tJadi Anda dapat, saat restorasi, menaruh\n"
+"\tulang data Anda dari tanggal yg ditentukan.\n"
+"\tJika Anda belum memilih opsi ini semua backup\n"
+"\tlama akan dihapus sebelum tiap backup. \n"
-" Laporan Daemon DrakBackup\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:709
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
+"options description:\n"
-" DrakBackup Report Details\n"
+" - Backup system files:\n"
+" \n"
+"\tThis option allows you to backup your /etc directory,\n"
+"\twhich contains all configuration files. Please be\n"
+"\tcareful during the restore step to not overwrite:\n"
+"\t\t/etc/passwd \n"
+"\t\t/etc/group \n"
+" - Backup User files: \n"
+"\tThis option allows you select all users that you want \n"
+"\tto backup.\n"
+"\tTo preserve disk space, it is recommended that you \n"
+"\tdo not include the web browser's cache.\n"
+" - Backup Other files: \n"
+"\tThis option allows you to add more data to save.\n"
+"\tWith the other backup it's not possible at the \n"
+"\tmoment to select incremental backup.\t\t\n"
+" \n"
+" - Incremental Backups:\n"
+"\tThe incremental backup is the most powerful \n"
+"\toption for backup. This option allows you \n"
+"\tto backup all your data the first time, and \n"
+"\tonly the changed data afterward.\n"
+"\tThen you will be able, during the restore\n"
+"\tstep, to restore your data from a specified\n"
+"\tIf you have not selected this option all\n"
+"\told backups are deleted before each backup. \n"
msgstr ""
+"penjelasan opsi:\n"
-" Detil Laporan DrakBackup\n"
+" - Backup file sistem:\n"
+" \n"
+"\tOpsi ini dapat mem-backup direktori /etc, yg berisi\n"
+"\tsemua file konfigurasi. Hati-hati saat tahap restore\n"
+"\t(restorasi) agar tak menindih:\n"
+"\t\t/etc/passwd \n"
+"\t\t/etc/group \n"
+" - Backup file Pengguna: \n"
+"\tDengan opsi ini Anda dapat memilih pengguna yg ingin \n"
+"\tAnda backup.\n"
+"\tUntuk menghemat ruang disk, cache browser web harap \n"
+"\ttak dimasukkan.\n"
+" - Backup file Lain: \n"
+"\tOpsi ini memungkinkan Anda menambah data utk disimpan.\n"
+"\tDengan backup lain-lain Anda sementara tak dapat \n"
+"\tmemilih backup incremental.\t\t\n"
+" \n"
+" - Backup Incremental:\n"
+"\tIni adalah opsi terkuat backup. Anda dapat mem-backup \n"
+"\tsemua data pertama kali, setelah itu hanya yang berubah.\n"
+"\tKemudian Anda akan dapat, saat tahap restore, menyimpan\n"
+"\tulang data dari tanggal yg ditentukan date.\n"
+"\tJika Anda belum memilih opsi ini semua backup lama akan \n"
+"\tdihapus sebelum tiap backup. \n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:730 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:803
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:859
-msgid "Total progess"
-msgstr "Total perkembangan"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:785
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"%s exists, delete?\n"
-"Warning: If you've already done this process you'll probably\n"
-" need to purge the entry from authorized_keys on the server."
+" Some errors during sendmail are caused by \n"
+" a bad configuration of postfix. To solve it you have to\n"
+" set myhostname or mydomain in /etc/postfix/\n"
msgstr ""
-"Ada %s, hapus?\n"
-"Awas: Jika Anda telah melakukan proses ini Anda mungkin perlu\n"
-" membersihkan entri dari authorized_keys pada server."
+" Beberapa error saat sendmail disebabkan oleh \n"
+" konfigurasi buruk postfix. Utk mengatasinya \n"
+" myhostname atau mydomain di /etc/postfix/ harus diset\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:794
-msgid "This may take a moment to generate the keys."
-msgstr "Perlu waktu untuk membuat kunci"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"options description:\n"
+" In this step Drakbackup allow you to change:\n"
+" - The compression mode:\n"
+" \n"
+" If you check bzip2 compression, you will compress\n"
+" your data better than gzip (about 2-10 %%).\n"
+" This option is not checked by default because\n"
+" this compression mode needs more time (about 1000%% more).\n"
+" \n"
+" - The update mode:\n"
+" This option will update your backup, but this\n"
+" option is not really useful because you need to\n"
+" decompress your backup before you can update it.\n"
+" \n"
+" - the .backupignore mode:\n"
+" Like with cvs, Drakbackup will ignore all references\n"
+" included in .backupignore files in each directories.\n"
+" ex: \n"
+" #> cat .backupignore\n"
+" *.o\n"
+" *~\n"
+" ...\n"
+" \n"
+msgstr ""
+"penjelasan opsi:\n"
+" Di tahap ini Drakbackup memungkinkan Anda mengubah:\n"
+" - Mode kompresi:\n"
+" Jika Anda pilih kompresi bzip2, Anda akan mengkompres\n"
+" data lebih baik daripada gzip (sekitar 2-10 %).\n"
+" Opsi ini bukan standar karena\n"
+" banyak makan waktu (sekitar 1000% lebih).\n"
+" - Mode update:\n"
+" Opsi ini akan mengupdate backup Anda, tapi tak\n"
+" benar-benar berguna karena Anda perlu\n"
+" mengurai backup Anda sebelum dapat meng-update.\n"
+" \n"
+" - Mode .backupignore:\n"
+" Seperti cvs, Drakbackup akan mengabaikan semua referensi\n"
+" tertulis dalam file .backupignore di tiap direktori.\n"
+" mis: \n"
+" /*> cat .backupignore*/\n"
+" *.o\n"
+" *~\n"
+" ...\n"
+" \n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:801
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
#, c-format
-msgid "ERROR: Cannot spawn %s."
-msgstr "ERROR: Tak dapat menghasilkan %s."
+msgid "Drakbackup"
+msgstr "Drakbackup"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:818
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
#, c-format
-msgid "No password prompt on %s at port %s"
-msgstr "Tiada prompt katasandi di %s pada port %s"
+msgid "Restore"
+msgstr "Restorasi"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:819
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
#, c-format
-msgid "Bad password on %s"
-msgstr "Salah katasandi pada %s"
+msgid "Backup Now"
+msgstr "Backup Sekarang"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:820
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
#, c-format
-msgid "Permission denied transferring %s to %s"
-msgstr "Tak ada izin pemindahan %s ke %s"
+msgid "Advanced Configuration"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi Lanjutan"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:821
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
#, c-format
-msgid "Can't find %s on %s"
-msgstr "%s di %s tak tercari"
+msgid "Wizard Configuration"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi Dukun"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:824
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
#, c-format
-msgid "%s not responding"
-msgstr "tak ada respon %s"
+msgid "View Backup Configuration."
+msgstr "Lihat Konfigurasi Backup."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:828
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Transfer successful\n"
-"You may want to verify you can login to the server with:\n"
-"ssh -i %s %s\\@%s\n"
-"without being prompted for a password."
-msgstr ""
-"Transfer sukses\n"
-"Anda mungkin ingin mengecek Anda dapat login ke server dg:\n"
-"ssh -i %s %s\\@%s\n"
-"tanpa ditanyai katasandi."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:873
-msgid "WebDAV remote site already in sync!"
-msgstr "Situs remote WebDAV telah sinkron!"
+msgid "Backup Now from configuration file"
+msgstr "Backup Sekarang dari file konfigurasi"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:877
-msgid "WebDAV transfer failed!"
-msgstr "Transfer WebDAV gagal!"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Drakbackup Configuration"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi Drakbackup"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:898
-msgid "No CDR/DVDR in drive!"
-msgstr "Tiada CDR/DVDR di drive!"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Total Progress"
+msgstr "Total Kemajuan"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:902
-msgid "Does not appear to be recordable media!"
-msgstr "Tampaknya bukan media yang dapat merekam!"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Sending files..."
+msgstr "Kirim file..."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:906
-msgid "Not erasable media!"
-msgstr "Media tak terhapuskan"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "files sending by FTP"
+msgstr "file dikirim dg FTP"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:945
-msgid "This may take a moment to erase the media."
-msgstr "Perlu waktu untuk menghapus media."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Backup other files"
+msgstr "Backup file lain"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1033
-msgid "Permission problem accessing CD."
-msgstr "Problem izin pada akses CD."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Backup user files"
+msgstr "Backup file pengguna"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1060
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
#, c-format
-msgid "No tape in %s!"
-msgstr "Tak ada pita di %s!"
+msgid "Backup system files"
+msgstr "Backup file sistem"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1174 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1223
-msgid "Backup system files..."
-msgstr "Backup file sistem..."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Under Devel ... please wait."
+msgstr "Sedang dibangun ... tunggu."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1224 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1291
-msgid "Hard Disk Backup files..."
-msgstr "File Backup Hard Disk..."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"No configuration file found \n"
+"please click Wizard or Advanced."
+msgstr ""
+"Tiada file konfigurasi \n"
+"Mohon klik Dukun atau Lanjutan"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1236
-msgid "Backup User files..."
-msgstr "Backup file pengguna..."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please select data to backup..."
+msgstr "Pilih data backup..."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1237
-msgid "Hard Disk Backup Progress..."
-msgstr "Kemajuan Backup Hard Disk..."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please select media for backup..."
+msgstr "Pilih media backup..."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1290
-msgid "Backup Other files..."
-msgstr "Backup file lain..."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please select data to restore..."
+msgstr "Pilih data utk direstorasi..."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1296
-msgid "No changes to backup!"
-msgstr "Tak ada perubahan backup!"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "The following packages need to be installed:\n"
+msgstr "Paket berikut akan diinstal"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1312 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1335
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Drakbackup activities via %s:\n"
+"Error during sending file via FTP.\n"
+" Please correct your FTP configuration."
msgstr ""
-"Aktivitas drakbackup via %s:\n"
+"Error saat pengiriman file via FTP.\n"
+" Betulkan konfigurasi FTP Anda."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1319
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"file list sent by FTP: %s\n"
-" "
-msgstr ""
-"daftar file yg dikirim oleh FTP: %s\n"
-" "
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1322
-msgid ""
-" FTP connection problem: It was not possible to send your backup files by "
-msgstr ""
-" Problem koneksi FTP: Gagal mengirim file backup dengan FTP.\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1340
-msgid ""
-"Drakbackup activities via CD:\n"
+"Error during sendmail.\n"
+" Your report mail was not sent.\n"
+" Please configure sendmail"
msgstr ""
-"Aktivitas drakbackup via CD:\n"
+"Error saat sendmail.\n"
+" Surat laporan Anda tak terkirim.\n"
+" Mohon konfigurasikan sendmail"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1345
-msgid ""
-"Drakbackup activities via tape:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Aktivitas drakbackup via tape:\n"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Lanjut"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1354
-msgid " Error during mail sending. \n"
-msgstr " Kesalahan saat pengiriman surat. \n"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Sebelumnya"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1380
-msgid "Can't create catalog!"
-msgstr "Katalog tak dapat dibuat!"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1 ../../standalone/drakperm:1
+#: ../../standalone/logdrake:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Simpan"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1490 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1501
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:946
-msgid "File Selection"
-msgstr "Pilihan File"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Build Backup"
+msgstr "Bangun Backup"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1529
-msgid "Select the files or directories and click on 'Add'"
-msgstr "Pilih file atau direktori dan klik 'Tambah'"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Restore Progress"
+msgstr "Perkembangan Restorasi"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1573
-msgid ""
-"Please check all options that you need.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Periksa semua opsi yang Anda inginkan.\n"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Restore From Catalog"
+msgstr "Restorasi Dari Katalog"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1574
-msgid ""
-"These options can backup and restore all files in your /etc directory.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Opsi ini memungkinkan backup / restorasi semua file di direktori /etc.\n"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Browse to new restore repository."
+msgstr "Jelajahi repositori restorasi baru."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1575
-msgid "Backup your System files. (/etc directory)"
-msgstr "Backup file System Anda. (direktori /etc)"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "CD in place - continue."
+msgstr "CD di tempat - lanjutkan."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1576
-msgid "Use incremental backup (do not replace old backups)"
-msgstr "Pakai backup incremental (tidak menghapus backup lama)"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Custom Restore"
+msgstr "Restorasi pilihan sendiri"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1577
-msgid "Do not include critical files (passwd, group, fstab)"
-msgstr "Tidak memasukkan file penting (passwd, group, fstab)"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Restore all backups"
+msgstr "Restorasi semua backup"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1578
-msgid ""
-"With this option you will be able to restore any version\n"
-" of your /etc directory."
-msgstr "Dengan opsi ini Anda dapat menyimpan ulang semua versi direktori /etc."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Restore Failed..."
+msgstr "Restorasi Gagal..."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1595
-msgid "Please check all users that you want to include in your backup."
-msgstr "Periksa semua pengguna yang ingin Anda masukkan ke backup."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Files Restored..."
+msgstr "File Telah Direstorasi..."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1622
-msgid "Do not include the browser cache"
-msgstr "Jangan masukkan cache browser"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Path or Module required"
+msgstr "Path atau Modul dibutuhkan"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1623 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1647
-msgid "Use Incremental Backups (do not replace old backups)"
-msgstr "Pakai Backup Incremental (tidak menghapus backup lama)"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Hostname required"
+msgstr "Nama Host dibutuhkan"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1645 ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:1000
-msgid "Remove Selected"
-msgstr "Hapus Pilihan"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Username required"
+msgstr "Nama pengguna dibutuhkan"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1679
-msgid "Windows (FAT32)"
-msgstr "Mindows (FAT32)"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Password required"
+msgstr "Katasandi dibutuhkan"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1714
-msgid "Users"
-msgstr "Pengguna"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Host Path or Module"
+msgstr "Path atau Modul Host"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1740
-msgid "Use network connection to backup"
-msgstr "Pakai koneksi jaringan utk backup"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Host Name"
+msgstr "Nama Host"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1742
-msgid "Net Method:"
-msgstr "Metode Jaring:"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Restore Via Network Protocol: %s"
+msgstr "Restorasi Via Protokol Jaringan: %s"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1746
-msgid "Use Expect for SSH"
-msgstr "Pakai Expect utk SSH"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Restore Via Network"
+msgstr "Restorasi Via Jaringan"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1747
-msgid ""
-"backup keys for SSH"
-msgstr ""
-"kunci cadangan SSH"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Not the correct tape label. Tape is labelled %s."
+msgstr "Bukan label pita yang benar. Pita berlabel %s."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1748
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-" Transfer \n"
+"Insert the tape with volume label %s\n"
+" in the tape drive device %s"
msgstr ""
-" Transfer \n"
+"Masukkan pita dengan label %s\n"
+" ke drive pita device %s"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1749
-msgid ""
-"Other (not drakbackup)\n"
-"keys in place already"
-msgstr ""
-"Kunci lain (bukan drakbackup)\n"
-"sudah ada di tempat"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Restore From Tape"
+msgstr "Restorasi Dari Pita"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1753
-msgid "Please enter the host name or IP."
-msgstr "Masukkan nama host atau IP."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Not the correct CD label. Disk is labelled %s."
+msgstr "Bukan label CD yang benar. Disk berlabel %s."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1758
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Please enter the directory (or module) to\n"
-" put the backup on this host."
+"Insert the CD with volume label %s\n"
+" in the CD drive under mount point /mnt/cdrom"
msgstr ""
-"Masukkan direktori (atau modul) utk\n"
-" meletakkan backup di host ini."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1763
-msgid "Please enter your login"
-msgstr "Masukkan login"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1768
-msgid "Please enter your password"
-msgstr "Masukkan katasandi"
+"Masukkan CD dengan label %s\n"
+" ke drive CD di titik mount /mnt/cdrom"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1774
-msgid "Remember this password"
-msgstr "Ingat katasandi ini"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Restore From CD"
+msgstr "Restorasi Dari CD"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1785
-msgid "Need hostname, username and password!"
-msgstr "Perlu namahost, namapengguna dan katasandi!"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Backup files not found at %s."
+msgstr "File backup tak ditemukan di %s."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1879
-msgid "Use CD/DVDROM to backup"
-msgstr "Pakai CD/DVDROM utk backup"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Restore Path"
+msgstr ""
+"Path Restorasi"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1882
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Please choose your CD/DVD device\n"
-"(Press Enter to propogate settings to other fields.\n"
-"This field isn't necessary, only a tool to fill in the form.)"
+"Restore Selected\n"
msgstr ""
-"Pilih alat CD/DVD Anda\n"
-"(Tekan Enter untuk menyalurkan setting ke tempat isian lain.\n"
-"Field ini tak diperlukan, hanya alat utk mengisi formulir.)"
+"Restorasi File\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1887
-msgid "Please choose your CD/DVD media size (Mb)"
-msgstr "Pilih ukuran media CD/DVD Anda"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Restore Selected\n"
+"Catalog Entry"
+msgstr ""
+"Restorasi Entri\n"
+"Katalog Terpilih"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1893
-msgid "Please check for multisession CD"
-msgstr "Mohon cek perihal CD multisession"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remove user directories before restore."
+msgstr "Hapus direktori pengguna sebelum restorasi."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1899
-msgid "Please check if you are using CDRW media"
-msgstr "Periksa apakah Anda menggunakan media CDRW"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Do new backup before restore (only for incremental backups.)"
+msgstr "Lakukan backup baru sebelum restorasi (hanya utk backup incremental.)"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1905
-msgid "Please check if you want to erase your RW media (1st Session)"
-msgstr "Cek apakah Anda ingin menghapus media RW (session pertama)"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "select path to restore (instead of /)"
+msgstr "pilih path utk restorasi (selain /)"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1906
-msgid " Erase Now "
-msgstr " Hapus Sekarang "
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Restore Other"
+msgstr "Restorasi Lain-lain"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1912
-msgid "Please check if you are using a DVDR device"
-msgstr "Periksa apakah Anda menggunakan alat DVDR"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Restore Users"
+msgstr "Restorasi Pengguna"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1918
-msgid "Please check if you are using a DVDRAM device"
-msgstr "Periksa apakah Anda menggunakan alat DVDRAM"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Restore system"
+msgstr "Restorasi sistem"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1931
-msgid ""
-"Please enter your CD Writer device name\n"
-" ex: 0,1,0"
-msgstr ""
-"Masukkan nama alat Penulis CD Anda\n"
-" mis: 0,1,0"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Other Media"
+msgstr "Media Lain"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:1964
-msgid "No CD device defined!"
-msgstr "Tidak ada alat CD didefinisikan!"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Select another media to restore from"
+msgstr "Pilih media lain utk direstorasi"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2012
-msgid "Use tape to backup"
-msgstr "Gunakan pita utk backup"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please enter the directory where backups are stored"
+msgstr "Masukkan direktori tempat backup disimpan"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2015
-msgid "Please enter the device name to use for backup"
-msgstr "Masukkan nama alat utk backup"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Restore from Hard Disk."
+msgstr "Restorasi dari Hard Disk."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2021
-msgid "Please check if you want to use the non-rewinding device."
-msgstr "Cek apakah Anda ingin menggunakan alat non-rewinding."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Secure Connection"
+msgstr "Koneksi Aman"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2027
-msgid "Please check if you want to erase your tape before the backup."
-msgstr "Cek apakah Anda ingin menghapus tape sebelum backup."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "FTP Connection"
+msgstr "Koneksi FTP"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2033
-msgid "Please check if you want to eject your tape after the backup."
-msgstr "Cek apakah Anda ingin meng-eject tape setelah backup."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use quota for backup files."
+msgstr "Pakai quota utk file backup."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2039 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2112
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3068
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"Please enter the maximum size\n"
" allowed for Drakbackup"
@@ -11151,1069 +14663,943 @@ msgstr ""
"Masukkan ukuran maximum\n"
" yg diizinkan utk Drakbackup"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2103
-msgid "Please enter the directory to save to:"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please enter the directory to save:"
msgstr "Masukkan direktori utk penyimpanan:"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2118 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3074
-msgid "Use quota for backup files."
-msgstr "Pakai quota utk file backup."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2180
-msgid "Network"
-msgstr "Jaringan"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use Hard Disk to backup"
+msgstr "Pakai Hard Disk utk backup"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2185
-msgid "CDROM / DVDROM"
-msgstr "CDROM / DVDROM"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "please choose the date to restore"
+msgstr "pilih tanggal restorasi"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2190
-msgid "HardDrive / NFS"
-msgstr "HardDrive / NFS"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Backup the system files before:"
+msgstr "Backup file sistem sebelum:"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2195
-msgid "Tape"
-msgstr "Tape"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "User list to restore (only the most recent date per user is important)"
+msgstr ""
+"Daftar pengguna restorasi (hanya tanggal terakhir per pengguna yg penting)"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2208 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2212
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2216
-msgid "hourly"
-msgstr "perjam"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "OK to restore the other files."
+msgstr "OK utk restorasi file lain."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2209 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2213
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2216
-msgid "daily"
-msgstr "harian"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid " Restore Configuration "
+msgstr " Restorasi Konfigurasi "
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2210 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2214
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2216
-msgid "weekly"
-msgstr "mingguan"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid " Successfuly Restored on %s "
+msgstr " Berhasil Direstorasi di %s "
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2211 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2215
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2216
-msgid "monthly"
-msgstr "bulanan"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid " All of your selected data have been "
+msgstr " Semua data terpilih telah "
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2229
-msgid "Use daemon"
-msgstr "Pakai daemon"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Backup files are corrupted"
+msgstr "File backup rusak"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2234
-msgid ""
-"Please choose the time \n"
-"interval between each backup"
-msgstr "Pilih interval waktu backup"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please uncheck or remove it on next time."
+msgstr "Mohon uncheck atau hapus nanti."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2240
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Please choose the\n"
-"media for backup."
-msgstr "Pilih media backup."
+"List of data corrupted:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Daftar data rusak:\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2247
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Please be sure that the cron daemon is included in your services. \n"
+"List of data to restore:\n"
-"Note that currently all 'net' medias also use the hard drive."
msgstr ""
-"Pastikan daemon cron masuk dalam daftar servis.\n"
+"Daftar data restorasi:\n"
-"Ingat bahwa kini semua media 'net' juga menggunakan harddisk."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2283
-msgid "Send mail report after each backup to:"
-msgstr "Kirim laporan mail setelah tiap backup ke :"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2289
-msgid "Delete Hard Drive tar files after backup to other media."
-msgstr "Hapus file tar Harddisk setelah backup ke media lain."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2324
-msgid "What"
-msgstr "Apa"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2329
-msgid "Where"
-msgstr "Mana"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2334
-msgid "When"
-msgstr "Kapan"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2339
-msgid "More Options"
-msgstr "Opsi Tambahan"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2358 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4444
-msgid "Drakbackup Configuration"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi Drakbackup"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2376
-msgid "Please choose where you want to backup"
-msgstr "Pilih tempat backup"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2378
-msgid "on Hard Drive"
-msgstr "di Hard Drive"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "No configuration, please click Wizard or Advanced.\n"
+msgstr "Tiada konfigurasi, mohon klik Dukun atau Lanjutan.\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2388
-msgid "across Network"
-msgstr "lewat Network"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "\t-Network by webdav.\n"
+msgstr "\t-Network dg webdav.\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2398
-msgid "on CDROM"
-msgstr "di CDROM"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "\t-Network by rsync.\n"
+msgstr "\t-Network dg rsync.\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2406
-msgid "on Tape Device"
-msgstr "di Device Pita"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "\t-Network by SSH.\n"
+msgstr "\t-Network dg SSH.\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2449
-msgid "Please choose what you want to backup"
-msgstr "Pilih apa yang akan di-backup"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "\t-Network by FTP.\n"
+msgstr "\t-Network dg FTP.\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2450
-msgid "Backup system"
-msgstr "Backup sistem"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "\t-Tape \n"
+msgstr "\t-Tape \n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2451
-msgid "Backup Users"
-msgstr "Backup Pengguna"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "\t-CDROM.\n"
+msgstr "\t-CDROM.\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2454
-msgid "Select user manually"
-msgstr "Pilih pengguna secara manual"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "\t-Hard drive.\n"
+msgstr "\t-Hard drive.\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2537
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Backup Sources: \n"
+"- Daemon (%s) include:\n"
msgstr ""
-"Sumber Backup: \n"
+"- Cakupan daemon (%s) :\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2538
-msgid ""
-"- System Files:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"- File Sistem:\n"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "\tBackups use tar and gzip\n"
+msgstr "\tBackup dengan tar dan gzip\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2540
-msgid ""
-"- User Files:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"- File Pengguna:\n"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "\tBackups use tar and bzip2\n"
+msgstr "\tBackup dengan tar dan bzip2\n"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "\tDo not include System Files\n"
+msgstr "\tJangan masukkan File Sistem\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2542
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"- Other Files:\n"
+"- Options:\n"
msgstr ""
-"- File Lain:\n"
+"- Opsi:\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2544
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"- Save on Hard drive on path: %s\n"
+"\t\t user name: %s\n"
+"\t\t on path: %s \n"
msgstr ""
-"- Simpan di Hard drive di path: %s\n"
+"\t\t name pengguna: %s\n"
+"\t\t di path: %s \n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2547
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"- Delete hard drive tar files after backup.\n"
+"- Save via %s on host: %s\n"
msgstr ""
-"- Hapus file tar harddisk setelah backup.\n"
+"- Simpan via %s di host: %s\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2553
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "\t\tErase=%s"
+msgstr "\t\tHapus=%s"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"- Burn to CD"
+"- Save to Tape on device: %s"
msgstr ""
-"- Bakar ke CD"
+"- Simpan ke tape di alat: %s"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2554
-msgid "RW"
-msgstr "RW"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid " (multi-session)"
+msgstr " (multi-session)"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2555
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
#, c-format
msgid " on device: %s"
msgstr " di device: %s"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2556
-msgid " (multi-session)"
-msgstr " (multi-session)"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "RW"
+msgstr "RW"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2557
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"- Save to Tape on device: %s"
+"- Burn to CD"
msgstr ""
-"- Simpan ke tape di alat: %s"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2558
-#, c-format
-msgid "\t\tErase=%s"
-msgstr "\t\tHapus=%s"
+"- Bakar ke CD"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2561
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"- Save via %s on host: %s\n"
+"- Delete hard drive tar files after backup.\n"
msgstr ""
-"- Simpan via %s di host: %s\n"
+"- Hapus file tar harddisk setelah backup.\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2562
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"\t\t user name: %s\n"
-"\t\t on path: %s \n"
+"- Save on Hard drive on path: %s\n"
msgstr ""
-"\t\t name pengguna: %s\n"
-"\t\t di path: %s \n"
+"- Simpan di Hard drive di path: %s\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2563
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"- Options:\n"
+"- Other Files:\n"
msgstr ""
-"- Opsi:\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2564
-msgid "\tDo not include System Files\n"
-msgstr "\tJangan masukkan File Sistem\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2567
-msgid "\tBackups use tar and bzip2\n"
-msgstr "\tBackup dengan tar dan bzip2\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2569
-msgid "\tBackups use tar and gzip\n"
-msgstr "\tBackup dengan tar dan gzip\n"
+"- File Lain:\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2572
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"- Daemon (%s) include:\n"
+"- User Files:\n"
msgstr ""
-"- Cakupan daemon (%s) :\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2573
-msgid "\t-Hard drive.\n"
-msgstr "\t-Hard drive.\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2574
-msgid "\t-CDROM.\n"
-msgstr "\t-CDROM.\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2575
-msgid "\t-Tape \n"
-msgstr "\t-Tape \n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2576
-msgid "\t-Network by FTP.\n"
-msgstr "\t-Network dg FTP.\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2577
-msgid "\t-Network by SSH.\n"
-msgstr "\t-Network dg SSH.\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2578
-msgid "\t-Network by rsync.\n"
-msgstr "\t-Network dg rsync.\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2579
-msgid "\t-Network by webdav.\n"
-msgstr "\t-Network dg webdav.\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2581
-msgid "No configuration, please click Wizard or Advanced.\n"
-msgstr "Tiada konfigurasi, mohon klik Dukun atau Lanjutan.\n"
+"- File Pengguna:\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2587
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"List of data to restore:\n"
+"- System Files:\n"
msgstr ""
-"Daftar data restorasi:\n"
+"- File Sistem:\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2754
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"List of data corrupted:\n"
+"Backup Sources: \n"
msgstr ""
-"Daftar data rusak:\n"
+"Sumber Backup: \n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2756
-msgid "Please uncheck or remove it on next time."
-msgstr "Mohon uncheck atau hapus nanti."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2766
-msgid "Backup files are corrupted"
-msgstr "File backup rusak"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2787
-msgid " All of your selected data have been "
-msgstr " Semua data terpilih telah "
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2788
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
#, c-format
-msgid " Successfuly Restored on %s "
-msgstr " Berhasil Direstorasi di %s "
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2906
-msgid " Restore Configuration "
-msgstr " Restorasi Konfigurasi "
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2924
-msgid "OK to restore the other files."
-msgstr "OK utk restorasi file lain."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:2941
-msgid "User list to restore (only the most recent date per user is important)"
-msgstr ""
-"Daftar pengguna restorasi (hanya tanggal terakhir per pengguna yg penting)"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3019
-msgid "Backup the system files before:"
-msgstr "Backup file sistem sebelum:"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3021
-msgid "please choose the date to restore"
-msgstr "pilih tanggal restorasi"
+msgid "Select user manually"
+msgstr "Pilih pengguna secara manual"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3057
-msgid "Use Hard Disk to backup"
-msgstr "Pakai Hard Disk utk backup"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Backup Users"
+msgstr "Backup Pengguna"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3060
-msgid "Please enter the directory to save:"
-msgstr "Masukkan direktori utk penyimpanan:"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Backup system"
+msgstr "Backup sistem"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3103
-msgid "FTP Connection"
-msgstr "Koneksi FTP"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please choose what you want to backup"
+msgstr "Pilih apa yang akan di-backup"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3110
-msgid "Secure Connection"
-msgstr "Koneksi Aman"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "on Tape Device"
+msgstr "di Device Pita"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3134
-msgid "Restore from Hard Disk."
-msgstr "Restorasi dari Hard Disk."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "on CDROM"
+msgstr "di CDROM"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3136
-msgid "Please enter the directory where backups are stored"
-msgstr "Masukkan direktori tempat backup disimpan"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "across Network"
+msgstr "lewat Network"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3204
-msgid "Select another media to restore from"
-msgstr "Pilih media lain utk direstorasi"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "on Hard Drive"
+msgstr "di Hard Drive"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3206
-msgid "Other Media"
-msgstr "Media Lain"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please choose where you want to backup"
+msgstr "Pilih tempat backup"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3211
-msgid "Restore system"
-msgstr "Restorasi sistem"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "More Options"
+msgstr "Opsi Tambahan"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3212
-msgid "Restore Users"
-msgstr "Restorasi Pengguna"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "When"
+msgstr "Kapan"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3213
-msgid "Restore Other"
-msgstr "Restorasi Lain-lain"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Where"
+msgstr "Mana"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3215
-msgid "select path to restore (instead of /)"
-msgstr "pilih path utk restorasi (selain /)"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "What"
+msgstr "Apa"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3219
-msgid "Do new backup before restore (only for incremental backups.)"
-msgstr "Lakukan backup baru sebelum restorasi (hanya utk backup incremental.)"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Delete Hard Drive tar files after backup to other media."
+msgstr "Hapus file tar Harddisk setelah backup ke media lain."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3221
-msgid "Remove user directories before restore."
-msgstr "Hapus direktori pengguna sebelum restorasi."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Send mail report after each backup to:"
+msgstr "Kirim laporan mail setelah tiap backup ke :"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3334
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Restore Selected\n"
-"Catalog Entry"
+"Please be sure that the cron daemon is included in your services. \n"
+"Note that currently all 'net' medias also use the hard drive."
msgstr ""
-"Restorasi Entri\n"
-"Katalog Terpilih"
+"Pastikan daemon cron masuk dalam daftar servis.\n"
+"Ingat bahwa kini semua media 'net' juga menggunakan harddisk."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3344
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Restore Selected\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Restorasi File\n"
+"Please choose the\n"
+"media for backup."
+msgstr "Pilih media backup."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3361
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Restore Path"
-msgstr ""
-"Path Restorasi"
+"Please choose the time \n"
+"interval between each backup"
+msgstr "Pilih interval waktu backup"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3427
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
#, c-format
-msgid "Backup files not found at %s."
-msgstr "File backup tak ditemukan di %s."
+msgid "Use daemon"
+msgstr "Pakai daemon"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3440
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Insert the CD with volume label %s\n"
-" in the CD drive under mount point /mnt/cdrom"
-msgstr ""
-"Masukkan CD dengan label %s\n"
-" ke drive CD di titik mount /mnt/cdrom"
+msgid "monthly"
+msgstr "bulanan"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3440
-msgid "Restore From CD"
-msgstr "Restorasi Dari CD"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "weekly"
+msgstr "mingguan"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3442
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
#, c-format
-msgid "Not the correct CD label. Disk is labelled %s."
-msgstr "Bukan label CD yang benar. Disk berlabel %s."
+msgid "daily"
+msgstr "harian"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3452
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Insert the tape with volume label %s\n"
-" in the tape drive device %s"
-msgstr ""
-"Masukkan pita dengan label %s\n"
-" ke drive pita device %s"
+msgid "hourly"
+msgstr "perjam"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3452
-msgid "Restore From Tape"
-msgstr "Restorasi Dari Pita"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "HardDrive / NFS"
+msgstr "HardDrive / NFS"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3454
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
#, c-format
-msgid "Not the correct tape label. Tape is labelled %s."
-msgstr "Bukan label pita yang benar. Pita berlabel %s."
+msgid "CDROM / DVDROM"
+msgstr "CDROM / DVDROM"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3474
-msgid "Restore Via Network"
-msgstr "Restorasi Via Jaringan"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please enter the directory to save to:"
+msgstr "Masukkan direktori utk penyimpanan:"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3474
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
#, c-format
-msgid "Restore Via Network Protocol: %s"
-msgstr "Restorasi Via Protokol Jaringan: %s"
+msgid "Please check if you want to eject your tape after the backup."
+msgstr "Cek apakah Anda ingin meng-eject tape setelah backup."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3475
-msgid "Host Name"
-msgstr "Nama Host"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please check if you want to erase your tape before the backup."
+msgstr "Cek apakah Anda ingin menghapus tape sebelum backup."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3476
-msgid "Host Path or Module"
-msgstr "Path atau Modul Host"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please check if you want to use the non-rewinding device."
+msgstr "Cek apakah Anda ingin menggunakan alat non-rewinding."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3483
-msgid "Password required"
-msgstr "Katasandi dibutuhkan"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please enter the device name to use for backup"
+msgstr "Masukkan nama alat utk backup"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3489
-msgid "Username required"
-msgstr "Nama pengguna dibutuhkan"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use tape to backup"
+msgstr "Gunakan pita utk backup"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3492
-msgid "Hostname required"
-msgstr "Nama Host dibutuhkan"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "No CD device defined!"
+msgstr "Tidak ada alat CD didefinisikan!"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3497
-msgid "Path or Module required"
-msgstr "Path atau Modul dibutuhkan"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Please enter your CD Writer device name\n"
+" ex: 0,1,0"
+msgstr ""
+"Masukkan nama alat Penulis CD Anda\n"
+" mis: 0,1,0"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3510
-msgid "Files Restored..."
-msgstr "File Telah Direstorasi..."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please check if you are using a DVDRAM device"
+msgstr "Periksa apakah Anda menggunakan alat DVDRAM"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3513
-msgid "Restore Failed..."
-msgstr "Restorasi Gagal..."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please check if you are using a DVDR device"
+msgstr "Periksa apakah Anda menggunakan alat DVDR"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3751
-msgid "Restore all backups"
-msgstr "Restorasi semua backup"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid " Erase Now "
+msgstr " Hapus Sekarang "
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3760
-msgid "Custom Restore"
-msgstr "Restorasi pilihan sendiri"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please check if you want to erase your RW media (1st Session)"
+msgstr "Cek apakah Anda ingin menghapus media RW (session pertama)"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3804
-msgid "CD in place - continue."
-msgstr "CD di tempat - lanjutkan."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please check if you are using CDRW media"
+msgstr "Periksa apakah Anda menggunakan media CDRW"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3810
-msgid "Browse to new restore repository."
-msgstr "Jelajahi repositori restorasi baru."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please check for multisession CD"
+msgstr "Mohon cek perihal CD multisession"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3813
-msgid "Restore From Catalog"
-msgstr "Restorasi Dari Katalog"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please choose your CD/DVD media size (Mb)"
+msgstr "Pilih ukuran media CD/DVD Anda"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3841
-msgid "Restore Progress"
-msgstr "Perkembangan Restorasi"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Please choose your CD/DVD device\n"
+"(Press Enter to propogate settings to other fields.\n"
+"This field isn't necessary, only a tool to fill in the form.)"
+msgstr ""
+"Pilih alat CD/DVD Anda\n"
+"(Tekan Enter untuk menyalurkan setting ke tempat isian lain.\n"
+"Field ini tak diperlukan, hanya alat utk mengisi formulir.)"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3883 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3916
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3942 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3969
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3996 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4056
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4083 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4113
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4139
-msgid "Previous"
-msgstr "Sebelumnya"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use CD/DVDROM to backup"
+msgstr "Pakai CD/DVDROM utk backup"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3887 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3973
-#: ../../standalone/logdrake_.c:203
-msgid "Save"
-msgstr "Simpan"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Need hostname, username and password!"
+msgstr "Perlu namahost, namapengguna dan katasandi!"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:3946
-msgid "Build Backup"
-msgstr "Bangun Backup"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remember this password"
+msgstr "Ingat katasandi ini"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4000 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4544
-msgid "Restore"
-msgstr "Restorasi"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please enter your password"
+msgstr "Masukkan katasandi"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4189
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please enter your login"
+msgstr "Masukkan login"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Error during sendmail.\n"
-" Your report mail was not sent.\n"
-" Please configure sendmail"
+"Please enter the directory (or module) to\n"
+" put the backup on this host."
msgstr ""
-"Error saat sendmail.\n"
-" Surat laporan Anda tak terkirim.\n"
-" Mohon konfigurasikan sendmail"
+"Masukkan direktori (atau modul) utk\n"
+" meletakkan backup di host ini."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4195
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please enter the host name or IP."
+msgstr "Masukkan nama host atau IP."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Error during sending file via FTP.\n"
-" Please correct your FTP configuration."
+"Other (not drakbackup)\n"
+"keys in place already"
msgstr ""
-"Error saat pengiriman file via FTP.\n"
-" Betulkan konfigurasi FTP Anda."
+"Kunci lain (bukan drakbackup)\n"
+"sudah ada di tempat"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4209
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"The following packages need to be installed:\n"
-" @list_of_rpm_to_install"
+" Transfer \n"
msgstr ""
-"Paket berikut perlu diinstal:\n"
-" @list_of_rpm_to_install"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4232
-msgid "Please select data to restore..."
-msgstr "Pilih data utk direstorasi..."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4267
-msgid "Please select media for backup..."
-msgstr "Pilih media backup..."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4275
-msgid "Please select data to backup..."
-msgstr "Pilih data backup..."
+" Transfer \n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4293 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4304
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"No configuration file found \n"
-"please click Wizard or Advanced."
+"backup keys for SSH"
msgstr ""
-"Tiada file konfigurasi \n"
-"Mohon klik Dukun atau Lanjutan"
+"kunci cadangan SSH"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4308
-msgid "Under Devel ... please wait."
-msgstr "Sedang dibangun ... tunggu."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use Expect for SSH"
+msgstr "Pakai Expect utk SSH"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4382
-msgid "Backup system files"
-msgstr "Backup file sistem"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Net Method:"
+msgstr "Metode Jaring:"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4384
-msgid "Backup user files"
-msgstr "Backup file pengguna"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use network connection to backup"
+msgstr "Pakai koneksi jaringan utk backup"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4386
-msgid "Backup other files"
-msgstr "Backup file lain"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Users"
+msgstr "Pengguna"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4388 ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4421
-msgid "Total Progress"
-msgstr "Total Kemajuan"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Windows (FAT32)"
+msgstr "Mindows (FAT32)"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4412
-msgid "files sending by FTP"
-msgstr "file dikirim dg FTP"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use Incremental Backups (do not replace old backups)"
+msgstr "Pakai Backup Incremental (tidak menghapus backup lama)"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4416
-msgid "Sending files..."
-msgstr "Kirim file..."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1 ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remove Selected"
+msgstr "Hapus Pilihan"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4500
-msgid "Backup Now from configuration file"
-msgstr "Backup Sekarang dari file konfigurasi"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Do not include the browser cache"
+msgstr "Jangan masukkan cache browser"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4505
-msgid "View Backup Configuration."
-msgstr "Lihat Konfigurasi Backup."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please check all users that you want to include in your backup."
+msgstr "Periksa semua pengguna yang ingin Anda masukkan ke backup."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4526
-msgid "Wizard Configuration"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi Dukun"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"With this option you will be able to restore any version\n"
+" of your /etc directory."
+msgstr "Dengan opsi ini Anda dapat menyimpan ulang semua versi direktori /etc."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4531
-msgid "Advanced Configuration"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi Lanjutan"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Do not include critical files (passwd, group, fstab)"
+msgstr "Tidak memasukkan file penting (passwd, group, fstab)"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4536
-msgid "Backup Now"
-msgstr "Backup Sekarang"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use incremental backup (do not replace old backups)"
+msgstr "Pakai backup incremental (tidak menghapus backup lama)"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4576
-msgid "Drakbackup"
-msgstr "Drakbackup"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Backup your System files. (/etc directory)"
+msgstr "Backup file System Anda. (direktori /etc)"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4624
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"options description:\n"
-" In this step Drakbackup allow you to change:\n"
-" - The compression mode:\n"
-" \n"
-" If you check bzip2 compression, you will compress\n"
-" your data better than gzip (about 2-10 %).\n"
-" This option is not checked by default because\n"
-" this compression mode needs more time (about 1000% more).\n"
-" \n"
-" - The update mode:\n"
-" This option will update your backup, but this\n"
-" option is not really useful because you need to\n"
-" decompress your backup before you can update it.\n"
-" \n"
-" - the .backupignore mode:\n"
-" Like with cvs, Drakbackup will ignore all references\n"
-" included in .backupignore files in each directories.\n"
-" ex: \n"
-" /*> cat .backupignore*/\n"
-" *.o\n"
-" *~\n"
-" ...\n"
-" \n"
+"These options can backup and restore all files in your /etc directory.\n"
msgstr ""
-"penjelasan opsi:\n"
-" Di tahap ini Drakbackup memungkinkan Anda mengubah:\n"
-" - Mode kompresi:\n"
-" Jika Anda pilih kompresi bzip2, Anda akan mengkompres\n"
-" data lebih baik daripada gzip (sekitar 2-10 %).\n"
-" Opsi ini bukan standar karena\n"
-" banyak makan waktu (sekitar 1000% lebih).\n"
-" - Mode update:\n"
-" Opsi ini akan mengupdate backup Anda, tapi tak\n"
-" benar-benar berguna karena Anda perlu\n"
-" mengurai backup Anda sebelum dapat meng-update.\n"
-" \n"
-" - Mode .backupignore:\n"
-" Seperti cvs, Drakbackup akan mengabaikan semua referensi\n"
-" tertulis dalam file .backupignore di tiap direktori.\n"
-" mis: \n"
-" /*> cat .backupignore*/\n"
-" *.o\n"
-" *~\n"
-" ...\n"
-" \n"
+"Opsi ini memungkinkan backup / restorasi semua file di direktori /etc.\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4654
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-" Some errors during sendmail are caused by \n"
-" a bad configuration of postfix. To solve it you have to\n"
-" set myhostname or mydomain in /etc/postfix/\n"
+"Please check all options that you need.\n"
msgstr ""
-" Beberapa error saat sendmail disebabkan oleh \n"
-" konfigurasi buruk postfix. Utk mengatasinya \n"
-" myhostname atau mydomain di /etc/postfix/ harus diset\n"
+"Periksa semua opsi yang Anda inginkan.\n"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Select the files or directories and click on 'Add'"
+msgstr "Pilih file atau direktori dan klik 'Tambah'"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4662
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1 ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "File Selection"
+msgstr "Pilihan File"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Can't create catalog!"
+msgstr "Katalog tak dapat dibuat!"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid " Error while sending mail. \n"
+msgstr " Kesalahan saat pengiriman surat. \n"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"options description:\n"
-" - Backup system files:\n"
-" \n"
-"\tThis option allows you to backup your /etc directory,\n"
-"\twhich contains all configuration files. Please be\n"
-"\tcareful during the restore step to not overwrite:\n"
-"\t\t/etc/passwd \n"
-"\t\t/etc/group \n"
-" - Backup User files: \n"
-"\tThis option allows you select all users that you want \n"
-"\tto backup.\n"
-"\tTo preserve disk space, it is recommended that you \n"
-"\tdo not include web browser's cache.\n"
-" - Backup Other files: \n"
-"\tThis option allows you to add more data to save.\n"
-"\tWith the other backup it's not possible at the \n"
-"\tmoment to select incremental backup.\t\t\n"
-" \n"
-" - Incremental Backups:\n"
-"\tThe incremental backup is the most powerful \n"
-"\toption for backup. This option allows you \n"
-"\tto backup all your data the first time, and \n"
-"\tonly the changed afterward.\n"
-"\tThen you will be able, during the restore\n"
-"\tstep, to restore your data from a specified\n"
-"\tIf you have not selected this option all\n"
-"\told backups are deleted before each backup. \n"
+"Drakbackup activities via tape:\n"
msgstr ""
-"penjelasan opsi:\n"
-" - Backup file sistem:\n"
-" \n"
-"\tOpsi ini dapat mem-backup direktori /etc, yg berisi\n"
-"\tsemua file konfigurasi. Hati-hati saat tahap restore\n"
-"\t(restorasi) agar tak menindih:\n"
-"\t\t/etc/passwd \n"
-"\t\t/etc/group \n"
-" - Backup file Pengguna: \n"
-"\tDengan opsi ini Anda dapat memilih pengguna yg ingin \n"
-"\tAnda backup.\n"
-"\tUntuk menghemat ruang disk, cache browser web harap \n"
-"\ttak dimasukkan.\n"
-" - Backup file Lain: \n"
-"\tOpsi ini memungkinkan Anda menambah data utk disimpan.\n"
-"\tDengan backup lain-lain Anda sementara tak dapat \n"
-"\tmemilih backup incremental.\t\t\n"
-" \n"
-" - Backup Incremental:\n"
-"\tIni adalah opsi terkuat backup. Anda dapat mem-backup \n"
-"\tsemua data pertama kali, setelah itu hanya yang berubah.\n"
-"\tKemudian Anda akan dapat, saat tahap restore, menyimpan\n"
-"\tulang data dari tanggal yg ditentukan date.\n"
-"\tJika Anda belum memilih opsi ini semua backup lama akan \n"
-"\tdihapus sebelum tiap backup. \n"
+"Aktivitas drakbackup via tape:\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4701
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"restore description:\n"
-" \n"
-"Only the most recent date will be used, because with incremental \n"
-"backups it is necessary to restore one by one each older backup.\n"
-"So if you don't want to restore a user please unselect all their\n"
-"check boxes.\n"
-"Otherwise, you are able to select only one of these.\n"
-" - Incremental Backups:\n"
-"\tThe incremental backup is the most powerful \n"
-"\toption to use. This option allows you to \n"
-"\tbackup all of your data the first time, and \n"
-"\tonly the changed data after.\n"
-"\tSo you will be able, during the restore\n"
-"\tstep, to restore your data from a specified\n"
-"\tIf you have not selected this option all\n"
-"\told backups are deleted before each backup. \n"
+"Drakbackup activities via CD:\n"
msgstr ""
-"penjelasan restorasi:\n"
-" \n"
-"Hanya tanggal terkini yang akan dipakai, karena dg backup incremental \n"
-"diperlukan restorasi satu demi satu tiap backup lama.\n"
-"Jadi jika Anda tak ingin merestorasi pengguna lepaslah pilihan semua kotak\n"
-"Jika tidak, Anda dapat memilih hanya satu opsi.\n"
+"Aktivitas drakbackup via CD:\n"
-" - Backup Incremental:\n"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
-"\tBackup incremental adalah opsi terkuat backup,\n"
-"\tAnda dapat mem-backup semua data pertama kali,\n"
-"\tdan kemudian hanya yg berubah.\n"
-"\tJadi Anda dapat, saat restorasi, menaruh\n"
-"\tulang data Anda dari tanggal yg ditentukan.\n"
-"\tJika Anda belum memilih opsi ini semua backup\n"
-"\tlama akan dihapus sebelum tiap backup. \n"
+"Drakbackup activities via %s:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Aktivitas drakbackup via %s:\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4727
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-" Copyright (C) 2001-2002 MandrakeSoft by DUPONT Sebastien <dupont_s\\@epita."
+" FTP connection problem: It was not possible to send your backup files by "
msgstr ""
-" Haksalin (C) 2001 MandrakeSoft oleh DUPONT Sebastien <dupont_s\\>"
+" Problem koneksi FTP: Gagal mengirim file backup dengan FTP.\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4729
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-" updates 2002 MandrakeSoft by Stew Benedict <sbenedict\\>"
+"file list sent by FTP: %s\n"
+" "
msgstr ""
-" update 2002 MandrakeSoft oleh Stew Benedict <sbenedict\\>"
+"daftar file yg dikirim oleh FTP: %s\n"
+" "
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4732
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "No changes to backup!"
+msgstr "Tak ada perubahan backup!"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Hard Disk Backup files..."
+msgstr "File Backup Hard Disk..."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Backup Other files..."
+msgstr "Backup file lain..."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Hard Disk Backup Progress..."
+msgstr "Kemajuan Backup Hard Disk..."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Backup User files..."
+msgstr "Backup file pengguna..."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Backup system files..."
+msgstr "Backup file sistem..."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "No tape in %s!"
+msgstr "Tak ada pita di %s!"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Permission problem accessing CD."
+msgstr "Problem izin pada akses CD."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "This may take a moment to erase the media."
+msgstr "Perlu waktu untuk menghapus media."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Not erasable media!"
+msgstr "Media tak terhapuskan"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Does not appear to be recordable media!"
+msgstr "Tampaknya bukan media yang dapat merekam!"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "No CDR/DVDR in drive!"
+msgstr "Tiada CDR/DVDR di drive!"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "WebDAV transfer failed!"
+msgstr "Transfer WebDAV gagal!"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "WebDAV remote site already in sync!"
+msgstr "Situs remote WebDAV telah sinkron!"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Total progess"
+msgstr "Total perkembangan"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-" Drakbackup is used to backup your system.\n"
-" During the configuration you can select: \n"
-"\t- System files, \n"
-"\t- Users files, \n"
-"\t- Other files.\n"
-"\tor All your system ... and Other (like Windows Partitions)\n"
-" Drakbackup allows you to backup your system on:\n"
-"\t- Harddrive.\n"
-"\t- NFS.\n"
-"\t- CDROM (CDRW), DVDROM (with autoboot, rescue and autoinstall.).\n"
-"\t- FTP.\n"
-"\t- Rsync.\n"
-"\t- Webdav.\n"
-"\t- Tape.\n"
-" Drakbackup allows you to restore your system to\n"
-" a user selected directory.\n"
+"Transfer successful\n"
+"You may want to verify you can login to the server with:\n"
-" Per default all backup will be stored on your\n"
-" /var/lib/drakbackup directory\n"
+"ssh -i %s %s\\@%s\n"
-" Configuration file:\n"
+"without being prompted for a password."
+msgstr ""
+"Transfer sukses\n"
+"Anda mungkin ingin mengecek Anda dapat login ke server dg:\n"
-"Restore Step:\n"
-" \n"
-" During the restore step, DrakBackup will remove \n"
-" your original directory and verify that all \n"
-" backup files are not corrupted. It is recommended \n"
-" you do a last backup before restoring.\n"
+"ssh -i %s %s\\@%s\n"
+"tanpa ditanyai katasandi."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s not responding"
+msgstr "tak ada respon %s"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Can't find %s on %s"
+msgstr "%s di %s tak tercari"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Permission denied transferring %s to %s"
+msgstr "Tak ada izin pemindahan %s ke %s"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bad password on %s"
+msgstr "Salah katasandi pada %s"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "No password prompt on %s at port %s"
+msgstr "Tiada prompt katasandi di %s pada port %s"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "ERROR: Cannot spawn %s."
+msgstr "ERROR: Tak dapat menghasilkan %s."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "This may take a moment to generate the keys."
+msgstr "Perlu waktu untuk membuat kunci"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"%s exists, delete?\n"
+"Warning: If you've already done this process you'll probably\n"
+" need to purge the entry from authorized_keys on the server."
msgstr ""
-" Drakbackup digunakan untuk membackup system Anda.\n"
-" Selama konfigurasi Anda dapat memilih: \n"
-"\t- File System, \n"
-"\t- File Pengguna, \n"
-"\t- File Lain-lain.\n"
-"\tatau Seluruh sistem ... dan Lain-lain (mis. partisi Windows)\n"
-" Drakbackup dapat melakukan backup system di:\n"
-"\t- Harddrive.\n"
-"\t- NFS.\n"
-"\t- CDROM (CDRW), DVDROM (dg autoboot, rescue dan autoinstall.).\n"
-"\t- FTP.\n"
-"\t- Rsync.\n"
-"\t- Webdav.\n"
-"\t- Tape.\n"
+"Ada %s, hapus?\n"
-" Drakbackup dapat menyimpan ulang (restore) sistem Anda ke\n"
-" direktori pilihan pengguna.\n"
+"Awas: Jika Anda telah melakukan proses ini Anda mungkin perlu\n"
+" membersihkan entri dari authorized_keys pada server."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
-" Per default semua backup ditempatkan di direktori\n"
-" /var/lib/drakbackup\n"
+" DrakBackup Report Details\n"
-" File konfigurasi:\n"
+msgstr ""
-"Tahap Restore:\n"
-" \n"
-" Saat tahap restore, DrakBackup akan menghapus \n"
-" direktori asli Anda dan mencek bahwa semua file \n"
-" backup tak rusak. Disarankan Anda melakukan \n"
-" backup sebelum menyimpan ulang.\n"
+" Detil Laporan DrakBackup\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4769
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"options description:\n"
-"Please be careful when you are using ftp backup, because only \n"
-"backups that are already built are sent to the server.\n"
-"So at the moment, you need to build the backup on your hard \n"
-"drive before sending it to the server.\n"
+" DrakBackup Daemon Report\n"
msgstr ""
-"penjelasan opsi:\n"
-"Hati-hati menggunakan backup ftp, karena hanya backup yg telah \n"
-"dibangun yg akan dikirim ke server. Jadi sementara Anda perlu \n"
-"membangun backup di harddrive Anda sebelum mengirimnya ke server.\n"
+" Laporan Daemon DrakBackup\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbackup_.c:4778
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Restore Backup Problems:\n"
+" DrakBackup Report \n"
-"During the restore step, Drakbackup will verify all your\n"
-"backup files before restoring them.\n"
-"Before the restore, Drakbackup will remove \n"
-"your original directory, and you will loose all your \n"
-"data. It is important to be careful and not modify the \n"
-"backup data files by hand.\n"
msgstr ""
-"Problem Restore Backup:\n"
+" Laporan DrakBackup \n"
-"Saat tahap restore, Drakbackup akan mencek semua file\n"
-"backup sebelum menempatkannya kembali. Sebelum restore,\n"
-"Drakbackup akan menghapus direktori asli Anda, dan Anda\n"
-"akan kehilangan semua data. Hati-hati dan jangan mengubah\n"
-"file data backup secara manual.\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakboot_.c:50
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
#, c-format
-msgid "Installation of %s failed. The following error occured:"
-msgstr "Instalasi %s gagal. Ada kesalahan berikut:"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbug_.c:45
-msgid "Mandrake Bug Report Tool"
-msgstr "Pelapor Kutu Mandrake"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbug_.c:50
-msgid "First Time Wizard"
-msgstr "Dukun Kali Pertama"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbug_.c:51
-msgid "Synchronization tool"
-msgstr "Sinkronisator"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbug_.c:52 ../../standalone/drakbug_.c:66
-#: ../../standalone/drakbug_.c:133 ../../standalone/drakbug_.c:135
-#: ../../standalone/drakbug_.c:139
-msgid "Standalone Tools"
-msgstr "Alat Mandiri"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbug_.c:53
-msgid "HardDrake"
-msgstr "HardDrake"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbug_.c:54
-msgid "Mandrake Online"
-msgstr "Mandrake Online"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbug_.c:55
-msgid "Menudrake"
-msgstr "Menudrake"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbug_.c:56
-msgid "Msec"
-msgstr "Msec"
+msgid "INFO"
+msgstr "INFO"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbug_.c:57
-msgid "Remote Control"
-msgstr "Kontrol Remote"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "FATAL"
+msgstr "FATAL"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbug_.c:58
-msgid "Software Manager"
-msgstr "Manajer Software"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "WARNING"
+msgstr "PERINGATAN"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbug_.c:59
-msgid "Urpmi"
-msgstr "Urpmi"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbackup:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cron not available yet as non-root"
+msgstr "Cron non-root belum tersedia"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbug_.c:60
-msgid "Windows Migration tool"
-msgstr "Alat Migrasi Mindows"
+#: ../../standalone/drakboot:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Installation of %s failed. The following error occured:"
+msgstr "Instalasi %s gagal. Ada kesalahan berikut:"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbug_.c:61
-msgid "Userdrake"
-msgstr "Userdrake"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbug:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
+msgstr "Browser tak tersedia! Installah satu"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbug_.c:62
-msgid "Configuration Wizards"
-msgstr "Dukun Konfigurasi"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbug:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "connecting to Bugzilla wizard ..."
+msgstr "koneksi ke dukun Bugzilla ..."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbug_.c:75
-msgid "Application:"
-msgstr "Aplikasi:"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbug:1
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Package not installed"
+msgstr "Tak terinstal"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbug_.c:76
-msgid "Package: "
-msgstr "Paket: "
+#: ../../standalone/drakbug:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Not installed"
+msgstr "Tak terinstal"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbug_.c:77
-msgid "Kernel:"
-msgstr "Kernel:"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbug:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Standalone Tools"
+msgstr "Alat Mandiri"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbug_.c:78
-msgid "Release: "
-msgstr "Release: "
+#: ../../standalone/drakbug:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Report"
+msgstr "Laporan"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbug_.c:93
+#: ../../standalone/drakbug:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
@@ -12232,328 +15618,350 @@ msgstr ""
"ditransfer ke server tsb\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbug_.c:112
-msgid "Report"
-msgstr "Laporan"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbug_.c:148
-msgid "Not installed"
-msgstr "Tak terinstal"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbug_.c:160
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Package not installed"
-msgstr "Tak terinstal"
-#: ../../standalone/drakbug_.c:173
-msgid "connecting to Bugzilla wizard ..."
-msgstr "koneksi ke dukun Bugzilla ..."
-#: ../../standalone/drakbug_.c:180
-msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
-msgstr "Browser tak tersedia! Installah satu"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:75
+#: ../../standalone/drakbug:1
#, c-format
-msgid "Network configuration (%d adapters)"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi Jaringan (adapter %d)"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:83 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:591
-msgid "Profile: "
-msgstr "Profil: "
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:91
-msgid "Del profile..."
-msgstr "Hapus profil..."
+msgid "Release: "
+msgstr "Release: "
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:97
-msgid "Profile to delete:"
-msgstr "Profil yang hendak dihapus:"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbug:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Kernel:"
+msgstr "Kernel:"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:125
-msgid "New profile..."
-msgstr "Buat profil baru..."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbug:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Package: "
+msgstr "Paket: "
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:131
-msgid ""
-"Name of the profile to create (the new profile is created as a copy of the "
-"current one) :"
-msgstr ""
-"Nama profil yg akan dibuat (profil baru dibuat sbg salinan yg sekarang) :"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbug:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Application:"
+msgstr "Aplikasi:"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:157
-msgid "Hostname: "
-msgstr "Nama Host: "
+#: ../../standalone/drakbug:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Configuration Wizards"
+msgstr "Dukun Konfigurasi"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:164
-msgid "Internet access"
-msgstr "Akses Internet"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbug:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Userdrake"
+msgstr "Userdrake"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:177
-msgid "Type:"
-msgstr "Tipe:"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbug:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Windows Migration tool"
+msgstr "Alat Migrasi Mindows"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:180 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:372
-msgid "Gateway:"
-msgstr "Gateway:"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbug:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Urpmi"
+msgstr "Urpmi"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:180 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:372
-msgid "Interface:"
-msgstr "Antarmuka:"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbug:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Software Manager"
+msgstr "Manajer Software"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:191
-msgid "Status:"
-msgstr "Status:"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbug:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remote Control"
+msgstr "Kontrol Remote"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:198 ../../standalone/net_monitor_.c:145
-msgid "Wait please"
-msgstr "Tunggu"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbug:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Msec"
+msgstr "Msec"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:216
-msgid "Configure Internet Access..."
-msgstr "Konfigurasi Akses Internet..."
+#: ../../standalone/drakbug:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Menudrake"
+msgstr "Menudrake"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:223 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:445
-msgid "LAN configuration"
-msgstr "konfigurasi LAN"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbug:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Mandrake Online"
+msgstr "Mandrake Online"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:228
-msgid "Driver"
-msgstr "Driver"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbug:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "HardDrake"
+msgstr "HardDrake"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:228
-msgid "Interface"
-msgstr "Interface"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbug:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Synchronization tool"
+msgstr "Sinkronisator"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:228
-msgid "Protocol"
-msgstr "Protokol"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbug:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "First Time Wizard"
+msgstr "Dukun Kali Pertama"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:228
-msgid "State"
-msgstr "Status"
+#: ../../standalone/drakbug:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Mandrake Bug Report Tool"
+msgstr "Pelapor Kutu Mandrake"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:240
-msgid "Configure Local Area Network..."
-msgstr "Konfigurasi Local Area Network..."
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "DHCP Client"
+msgstr "Klien DHCP"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:252
-msgid "Click here to launch the wizard ->"
-msgstr "Klik di sini utk meluncurkan wizard ->"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Ethernet Card"
+msgstr "Kartu Ethernet"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:253
-msgid "Wizard..."
-msgstr "Dukun..."
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Gateway"
+msgstr "Gateway"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:279
-msgid "Apply"
-msgstr "Terapkan"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Parameters"
+msgstr "Parameter"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:380 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:403
-#: ../../standalone/net_monitor_.c:457
-msgid "Connected"
-msgstr "Tersambung"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1 ../../standalone/net_monitor:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Connection type: "
+msgstr "Tipe koneksi"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:380 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:403
-#: ../../standalone/net_monitor_.c:457
-msgid "Not connected"
-msgstr "Tak tersambung"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Profile: "
+msgstr "Profil: "
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:381 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:404
-msgid "Connect..."
-msgstr "Sambungkan..."
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Internet Connection Configuration"
+msgstr "konfigurasi koneksi Internet"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:381 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:404
-msgid "Disconnect..."
-msgstr "Koneksi diputus"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Internet connection configuration"
+msgstr "konfigurasi koneksi Internet"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:400
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Warning, another Internet connection has been detected, maybe using your "
-msgstr "Awas, koneksi Internet lain terdeteksi, mungkin memakai jaringan Anda"
+"You don't have an Internet connection.\n"
+"Create one first by clicking on 'Configure'"
+msgstr ""
+"Tiada koneksi internet.\n"
+"Buat dulu dg meng-klik 'Configure'"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:427
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"You don't have any configured interface.\n"
-"Configure them first by clicking on 'Configure'"
+"This interface has not been configured yet.\n"
+"Launch the configuration wizard in the main window"
msgstr ""
-"Tiada antarmuka terkonfigurasi.\n"
-"Konfigurasikan dulu dg meng-klik 'Configure'"
+"Antarmuka ini belum dikonfigurasikan.\n"
+"Luncurkan dukun konfigurasi di window utama"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:449
-msgid "LAN Configuration"
-msgstr "konfigurasi LAN"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "activate now"
+msgstr "aktifkan sekarang"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:460
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
#, c-format
-msgid "Adapter %s: %s"
-msgstr "Adapter %s: %s"
+msgid "deactivate now"
+msgstr "non-aktifkan sekarang"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:466
-msgid "Boot Protocol"
-msgstr "Protokol Boot"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "DHCP client"
+msgstr "Klien DHCP"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:467
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
msgid "Started on boot"
msgstr "Dijalankan saat boot"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:468
-msgid "DHCP client"
-msgstr "Klien DHCP"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Boot Protocol"
+msgstr "Protokol Boot"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:493 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:496
-msgid "activate now"
-msgstr "aktifkan sekarang"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Adapter %s: %s"
+msgstr "Adapter %s: %s"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:493 ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:496
-msgid "deactivate now"
-msgstr "non-aktifkan sekarang"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "LAN Configuration"
+msgstr "konfigurasi LAN"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:499
-msgid ""
-"This interface has not been configured yet.\n"
-"Launch the configuration wizard in the main window"
-msgstr ""
-"Antarmuka ini belum dikonfigurasikan.\n"
-"Luncurkan dukun konfigurasi di window utama"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "LAN configuration"
+msgstr "konfigurasi LAN"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:556
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"You don't have any internet connection.\n"
-"Create one first by clicking on 'Configure'"
+"You don't have any configured interface.\n"
+"Configure them first by clicking on 'Configure'"
msgstr ""
-"Tiada koneksi internet.\n"
-"Buat dulu dg meng-klik 'Configure'"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:580
-msgid "Internet connection configuration"
-msgstr "konfigurasi koneksi Internet"
+"Tiada antarmuka terkonfigurasi.\n"
+"Konfigurasikan dulu dg meng-klik 'Configure'"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:584
-msgid "Internet Connection Configuration"
-msgstr "konfigurasi koneksi Internet"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Connect..."
+msgstr "Sambungkan..."
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:593 ../../standalone/net_monitor_.c:94
-msgid "Connection type: "
-msgstr "Tipe koneksi"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Disconnect..."
+msgstr "Koneksi diputus"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:599
-msgid "Parameters"
-msgstr "Parameter"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1 ../../standalone/net_monitor:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Not connected"
+msgstr "Tak tersambung"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:618
-msgid "Gateway"
-msgstr "Gateway"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1 ../../standalone/net_monitor:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Connected"
+msgstr "Tersambung"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:627
-msgid "Ethernet Card"
-msgstr "Kartu Ethernet"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Warning, another Internet connection has been detected, maybe using your "
+msgstr "Awas, koneksi Internet lain terdeteksi, mungkin memakai jaringan Anda"
-#: ../../standalone/drakconnect_.c:628
-msgid "DHCP Client"
-msgstr "Klien DHCP"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Interface:"
+msgstr "Antarmuka:"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy_.c:39
-msgid "-misc-Fixed-Medium-r-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*,*"
-msgstr "-misc-Fixed-Medium-r-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*,*"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Gateway:"
+msgstr "Gateway:"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy_.c:40
-msgid "Module name"
-msgstr "Nama modul"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Apply"
+msgstr "Terapkan"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy_.c:40
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Ukuran"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Click here to launch the wizard ->"
+msgstr "Klik di sini utk meluncurkan wizard ->"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy_.c:45
-msgid "drakfloppy"
-msgstr "drakfloppy"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Wizard..."
+msgstr "Dukun..."
-#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy_.c:63
-msgid "boot disk creation"
-msgstr "pembuatan bootdisk"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Status:"
+msgstr "Status:"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy_.c:71 ../../standalone/drakfloppy_.c:84
-msgid "default"
-msgstr "standar"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Tipe:"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy_.c:87
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
#, c-format
-msgid "DrakFloppy Error: %s"
-msgstr "Error DrakFloppy: %s"
+msgid "Internet access"
+msgstr "Akses Internet"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy_.c:98
-msgid "kernel version"
-msgstr "versi kernel"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Hostname: "
+msgstr "Nama Host: "
-#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy_.c:104
-msgid "General"
-msgstr "Umum"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Configure Local Area Network..."
+msgstr "Konfigurasi Local Area Network..."
-#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy_.c:109
-msgid "Expert Area"
-msgstr "Area Pakar"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "State"
+msgstr "Status"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy_.c:112
-msgid "mkinitrd optional arguments"
-msgstr "opsi argumen mkinitrd"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Driver"
+msgstr "Driver"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy_.c:113
-msgid "Add a module"
-msgstr "tambah modul"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Protocol"
+msgstr "Protokol"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy_.c:133
-msgid "force"
-msgstr "paksa"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Interface"
+msgstr "Interface"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy_.c:134
-msgid "if needed"
-msgstr "jika perlu"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Configure Internet Access..."
+msgstr "Konfigurasi Akses Internet..."
-#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy_.c:135
-msgid "omit scsi modules"
-msgstr "abaikan modul SCSI"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1 ../../standalone/net_monitor:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Wait please"
+msgstr "Tunggu"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy_.c:136
-msgid "omit raid modules"
-msgstr "abaikan modul RAID"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Name of the profile to create (the new profile is created as a copy of the "
+"current one) :"
+msgstr ""
+"Nama profil yg akan dibuat (profil baru dibuat sbg salinan yg sekarang) :"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy_.c:172
-msgid "Remove a module"
-msgstr "Hapus modul"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "New profile..."
+msgstr "Buat profil baru..."
-#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy_.c:194
-msgid "Output"
-msgstr "Keluaran"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Profile to delete:"
+msgstr "Profil yang hendak dihapus:"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy_.c:206
-msgid "Build the disk"
-msgstr "Buat disk"
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Del profile..."
+msgstr "Hapus profil..."
-#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy_.c:336
+#: ../../standalone/drakconnect:1
#, c-format
-msgid "Be sure a media is present for the device %s"
-msgstr "Pastikan media ada di device %s"
+msgid "Network configuration (%d adapters)"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi Jaringan (adapter %d)"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy_.c:341
+#: ../../standalone/drakedm:1
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"There is no medium or it is write-protected for device %s.\n"
-"Please insert one."
+"X11 Display Manager allows you to graphically log\n"
+"into your system with the X Window System running and supports running\n"
+"several different X sessions on your local machine at the same time."
msgstr ""
-"Media di device %s tidak ada atau write-protected.\n"
-"Masukkan satu."
-#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy_.c:344
+#: ../../standalone/drakedm:1
#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to fork: %s"
-msgstr "Fork gagal: %s"
+msgid "Choosing a display manager"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy_.c:349
+#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy:1
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Unable to close properly mkbootdisk: \n"
+"Unable to properly close mkbootdisk: \n"
" %s \n"
" %s"
msgstr ""
@@ -12561,105 +15969,193 @@ msgstr ""
" %s \n"
" %s"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:213
-msgid "Search installed fonts"
-msgstr "Cari font terinstal"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unable to fork: %s"
+msgstr "Fork gagal: %s"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:215
-msgid "Unselect fonts installed"
-msgstr "Lepas pilih font terinstal"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy:1
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"There is no medium or it is write-protected for device %s.\n"
+"Please insert one."
+msgstr ""
+"Media di device %s tidak ada atau write-protected.\n"
+"Masukkan satu."
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:239
-msgid "parse all fonts"
-msgstr "baca semua font"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Be sure a media is present for the device %s"
+msgstr "Pastikan media ada di device %s"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:242
-msgid "no fonts found"
-msgstr "tiada font ditemukan"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Build the disk"
+msgstr "Buat disk"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:251 ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:305
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:361 ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:454
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:466 ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:493
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:514 ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:532
-msgid "done"
-msgstr "selesai"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Output"
+msgstr "Keluaran"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:257
-msgid "could not find any font in your mounted partitions"
-msgstr "tak ditemukan font di partisi termount"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remove a module"
+msgstr "Hapus modul"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:303
-msgid "Reselect correct fonts"
-msgstr "Pilih ulang font yg benar"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "omit raid modules"
+msgstr "abaikan modul RAID"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:307
-msgid "could not find any font.\n"
-msgstr "gagal temukan font.\n"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "omit scsi modules"
+msgstr "abaikan modul SCSI"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:331
-msgid "Search fonts in installed list"
-msgstr "Cari font di daftar instalasi"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "if needed"
+msgstr "jika perlu"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:359
-msgid "Fonts copy"
-msgstr "Copy font"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "force"
+msgstr "paksa"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:363
-msgid "True Type fonts installation"
-msgstr "Instalasi font True Tupe"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Add a module"
+msgstr "tambah modul"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:371
-msgid "please wait during ttmkfdir..."
-msgstr "tunggu saat ttmkfdir..."
+#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "mkinitrd optional arguments"
+msgstr "opsi argumen mkinitrd"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:377
-msgid "True Type install done"
-msgstr "Instalasi True Type selesai"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Expert Area"
+msgstr "Area Pakar"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:386 ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:413
-msgid "Fonts conversion"
-msgstr "Konversi font"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Umum"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:392 ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:417
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:450
-msgid "type1inst building"
-msgstr "bangun type1inst"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "kernel version"
+msgstr "versi kernel"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:403 ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:427
-msgid "Ghostscript referencing"
-msgstr "referensi Ghostscript"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "DrakFloppy Error: %s"
+msgstr "Error DrakFloppy: %s"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:437
-msgid "ttf fonts conversion"
-msgstr "konversi font ttf"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "default"
+msgstr "standar"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:444
-msgid "pfm fonts conversion"
-msgstr "konversi font pfm"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "boot disk creation"
+msgstr "pembuatan bootdisk"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:456
-msgid "Suppress temporary Files"
-msgstr "Sembunyikan file temporer"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "drakfloppy"
+msgstr "drakfloppy"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:459
-msgid "Restart XFS"
-msgstr "Jalankan ulang XFS"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Ukuran"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:512 ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:526
-msgid "Suppress Fonts Files"
-msgstr "Sembunyikan File Font"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Module name"
+msgstr "Nama modul"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:528
-msgid "xfs restart"
-msgstr "jalankan ulang xfs"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfloppy:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "-misc-Fixed-Medium-r-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*,*"
+msgstr "-misc-Fixed-Medium-r-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*,*"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:536 ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:902
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Post Uninstall"
+msgstr "Un-Instalasi Akhir"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remove fonts on your system"
+msgstr "Hapus font di sistem Anda"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Initial tests"
+msgstr "Tes Awal"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Post Install"
+msgstr "Instalasi Akhir"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Install & convert Fonts"
+msgstr "Instal & konversikan Font"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Copy fonts on your system"
+msgstr "Salin font di sistem Anda"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remove List"
+msgstr "Hapus Daftar"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Selected All"
+msgstr "Semua Dipilih"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unselected All"
+msgstr "Semua tak dipilih"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "here if no."
+msgstr "di sini jika tidak."
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "click here if you are sure."
+msgstr "klik di sini jika Anda yakin."
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Install List"
+msgstr "Daftar Instalasi"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Select the font file or directory and click on 'Add'"
+msgstr "Pilih file font atau direktori dan klik 'Tambah'"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"Before installing any fonts, be sure that you have the right to use and "
"install them on your system.\n"
-"-You can install the fonts using the normal way. In rare cases, bogus fonts "
-"may hang up your X Server."
+"-You can install the fonts the normal way. In rare cases, bogus fonts may "
+"hang up your X Server."
msgstr ""
"Sebelum menginstl font, Anda harus punya hak memakai dan menginstalnya di "
"sistem Anda.\n"
@@ -12667,32 +16163,38 @@ msgstr ""
"-Anda dapat menginstal font dengan cara normal. Terkadang, font palsu dapat "
"membuat server X Anda hang."
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:621
-msgid "Fonts Importation"
-msgstr "Impor Font"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Generic Printers"
+msgstr "Printer Generik"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:650
-msgid "Get Windows Fonts"
-msgstr "Ambil Font Windows"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Abiword"
+msgstr "Abiword"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:658
-msgid "Uninstall Fonts"
-msgstr "Buang Font"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "StarOffice"
+msgstr "StarOffice"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:669
-msgid "Advanced Options"
-msgstr "Opsi Lanjutan"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Ghostscript"
+msgstr "Ghostscript"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:677
-msgid "Font List"
-msgstr "Daftaf Font"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Choose the applications that will support the fonts:"
+msgstr "Pilih aplikasi yang mensupport font :"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:737
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
" Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by MandrakeSoft \n"
-"\tDUPONT Sebastien sdupont\\\n"
+"\tDUPONT Sebastien (original version)\n"
+" CHAUMETTE Damien <dchaumette\\>\n"
" This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n"
" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n"
@@ -12718,8 +16220,6 @@ msgid ""
" - ttf2pt1: \n"
"\t by Andrew Weeks, Frank Siegert, Thomas Henlich, Sergey Babkin \n"
" Convert ttf font files to afm and pfb fonts\n"
msgstr ""
" Program ini gratis; Anda dapat menyebar ulang dan/atau mengubah\n"
" menurut Lisensi Publik Umum GNU dari the Free Software Foundation; baik\n"
@@ -12733,329 +16233,280 @@ msgstr ""
" ini; jika tidak, tulis ke the Free Software\n"
" Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:793
-msgid ""
-"drakfont Future Overview\n"
-" - Fonts import:\n"
-" pfb ( Adobe Type 1 binary )\n"
-" pfa ( Adobe Type 1 ASCII )\n"
-" ttf ( True-Type )\n"
-" pcf.gz\n"
-" Speedo\n"
-" and Bitmap (PCF, BDF, and SNF)\n"
-" - Features\n"
-" - Install fonts from any directory\n"
-" - Get windows fonts on any vfat partitions\n"
-" - Get fonts on any partitions.\n"
-" - UN-installation of any fonts (even if not installed "
-"through drakfont)\n"
-" - Support\n"
-" - Xfs\n"
-" - ghostscript & printer\n"
-" - Staroffice & printer\n"
-" - abiword\n"
-"\t - netscape\n"
-" - Koffice, Gnumeric, ... studying\n"
-" - all fonts supported by printer\n"
-" - anti-aliases by RENDER in Xfree86 .... \n"
-"\t\t\t\tsupported by KDE.\n"
-"\t\t\t\twill be supported by gnome 1.2.\n"
-"Visual Interface:\n"
-" Window interface:\n"
-" - Fontselectiondialog widget\n"
-" - Command buttons under Fontselectiondialog (like the actual "
-" Commands buttons:\n"
-" - import from windows partition.\n"
-" import from all fat32 partitions and look for winnt/windows/"
-" and import all (delete doublon) but don't import if already "
-" - import from directory\n"
-" look for if it exist before for each font and not delete the "
-" (replace all, no, none)\n"
-" expert options:\n"
-" ask the directory, and look for if it exist before\n"
-" if it exist ask: (replace all, no, none)\n"
-" - uninstall with list per font type\n"
-" Expert additional switch\n"
-" - option support: ghostscript, Staroffice, etc...\n"
-" check-button. (by default all check)\n"
-" - Printer Application Fonts Support...\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:862
-msgid "Choose the applications that will support the fonts:"
-msgstr "Pilih aplikasi yang mensupport font :"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "About"
+msgstr "Batal"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:870
-msgid "Ghostscript"
-msgstr "Ghostscript"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Font List"
+msgstr "Daftaf Font"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:877
-msgid "StarOffice"
-msgstr "StarOffice"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Advanced Options"
+msgstr "Opsi Lanjutan"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:884
-msgid "Abiword"
-msgstr "Abiword"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Uninstall Fonts"
+msgstr "Buang Font"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:891
-msgid "Generic Printers"
-msgstr "Printer Generik"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Get Windows Fonts"
+msgstr "Ambil Font Windows"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:958
-msgid "Select the font file or directory and click on 'Add'"
-msgstr "Pilih file font atau direktori dan klik 'Tambah'"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Import Fonts"
+msgstr "Impor Font"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:1005
-msgid "Install List"
-msgstr "Daftar Instalasi"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "done"
+msgstr "selesai"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:1048
-msgid "click here if you are sure."
-msgstr "klik di sini jika Anda yakin."
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "xfs restart"
+msgstr "jalankan ulang xfs"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:1055
-msgid "here if no."
-msgstr "di sini jika tidak."
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Suppress Fonts Files"
+msgstr "Sembunyikan File Font"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:1112
-msgid "Unselected All"
-msgstr "Semua tak dipilih"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Restart XFS"
+msgstr "Jalankan ulang XFS"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:1116
-msgid "Selected All"
-msgstr "Semua Dipilih"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Suppress Temporary Files"
+msgstr "Sembunyikan file temporer"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:1120
-msgid "Remove List"
-msgstr "Hapus Daftar"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "type1inst building"
+msgstr "bangun type1inst"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:1142 ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:1175
-msgid "Initials tests"
-msgstr "Tes Awal"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "pfm fonts conversion"
+msgstr "konversi font pfm"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:1145
-msgid "Copy fonts on your system"
-msgstr "Salin font di sistem Anda"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "ttf fonts conversion"
+msgstr "konversi font ttf"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:1149
-msgid "Install & convert Fonts"
-msgstr "Instal & konversikan Font"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Ghostscript referencing"
+msgstr "referensi Ghostscript"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:1153
-msgid "Post Install"
-msgstr "Instalasi Akhir"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Fonts conversion"
+msgstr "Konversi font"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:1178
-msgid "Remove fonts on your system"
-msgstr "Hapus font di sistem Anda"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "True Type install done"
+msgstr "Instalasi True Type selesai"
-#: ../../standalone/drakfont_.c:1182
-msgid "Post Uninstall"
-msgstr "Un-Instalasi Akhir"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "please wait during ttmkfdir..."
+msgstr "tunggu saat ttmkfdir..."
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:42 ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:182
-msgid "Internet Connection Sharing"
-msgstr "Pemakaian Bersama Koneksi Internet"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "True Type fonts installation"
+msgstr "Instalasi font True Tupe"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:114
-msgid "Sorry, we support only 2.4 kernels."
-msgstr "Maaf, support hanya untuk kernel 2.4"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Fonts copy"
+msgstr "Copy font"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:125
-msgid "Internet Connection Sharing currently enabled"
-msgstr "Pemakaian Bersama Koneksi Internet telah aktif"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Search for fonts in installed list"
+msgstr "Cari font di daftar instalasi"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:126
-msgid ""
-"The setup of Internet connection sharing has already been done.\n"
-"It's currently enabled.\n"
-"What would you like to do?"
-msgstr ""
-"Konfigurasi Internet Connection Sharing telah seleasi.\n"
-"Namun sekarang sudah aktif.\n"
-"Apa yang ingin Anda lakukan?"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not find any font.\n"
+msgstr "gagal temukan font.\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:130
-msgid "disable"
-msgstr "matikan"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Reselect correct fonts"
+msgstr "Pilih ulang font yg benar"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:130 ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:154
-msgid "dismiss"
-msgstr "tutup"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not find any font in your mounted partitions"
+msgstr "tak ditemukan font di partisi termount"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:130 ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:154
-msgid "reconfigure"
-msgstr "konfigurasi ulang"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "no fonts found"
+msgstr "tiada font ditemukan"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:133
-msgid "Disabling servers..."
-msgstr "Server-server sedang dimatikan"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "parse all fonts"
+msgstr "baca semua font"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:142
-msgid "Internet connection sharing is now disabled."
-msgstr "Internet Connection Sharing telah dimatikan"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unselect fonts installed"
+msgstr "Lepas pilih font terinstal"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:149
-msgid "Internet Connection Sharing currently disabled"
-msgstr "Internet Connection Sharing masih dimatikan"
+#: ../../standalone/drakfont:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Search installed fonts"
+msgstr "Cari font terinstal"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:150
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"The setup of Internet connection sharing has already been done.\n"
-"It's currently disabled.\n"
+"Welcome to the Internet Connection Sharing utility!\n"
-"What would you like to do?"
+"Click on Configure to launch the setup wizard."
msgstr ""
-"Konfigurasi Internet Connection Sharing telah seleasi.\n"
-"Namun sekarang masih dimatikan.\n"
+"Selamat datang di utiliti Internet Connection Sharing!\n"
-"Apa yang ingin Anda lakukan?"
+"Silakan pencet Konfigurasikan untuk mulai."
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:154
-msgid "enable"
-msgstr "aktifkan"
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Internet Connection Sharing configuration"
+msgstr "Koneksi dan konfigurasi sharing Internet"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:161
-msgid "Enabling servers..."
-msgstr "Server-server akan dinyalakan"
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "No Internet Connection Sharing has ever been configured."
+msgstr "Internet Connection Sharing belum pernah dikonfigurasikan"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:166
-msgid "Internet connection sharing is now enabled."
-msgstr "Internet Connection Sharing sudah aktif"
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "The setup has already been done, and it's currently enabled."
+msgstr "Konfigurasi telah selesai.Namun sekarang sudah aktif."
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "The setup has already been done, but it's currently disabled."
+msgstr "Konfigurasi telah seleasi.Namun sekarang masih dimatikan."
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:183
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"You are about to configure your computer to share its Internet connection.\n"
-"With that feature, other computers on your local network will be able to use "
-"this computer's Internet connection.\n"
-"Make sure you have configured your Network/Internet access using drakconnect "
-"before going any further.\n"
-"Note: you need a dedicated Network Adapter to set up a Local Area Network "
+"Everything has been configured.\n"
+"You may now share Internet connection with other computers on your Local "
+"Area Network, using automatic network configuration (DHCP)."
msgstr ""
-"Anda sedang membuat komputer Anda membagi koneksi Internetnya.\n"
-"Dengan cara ini, komputer lain di jaringan lokal dapat memakai koneksi "
-"Internet komputer ini.\n"
-"Pastikan Anda telah mengkonfigurasikan akses Jaringan/Internet dg "
-"drakconnect sebelum pergi lebih jauh.\n"
-"Catatan: Anda mesti punya Adapter Jaringan untuk mensetup Jaringan Area "
-"Lokal (LAN)."
+"Semuanya sudah dikonfigurasikan.\n"
+"Anda sekarang bisa membagi koneksi Internet dengan komputer-komputer lain "
+"pada Local Area Network di tempat Anda, dengan menggunakan konfigurasi "
+"jaringan otomatis (DHCP)."
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:211
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1 ../../standalone/drakpxe:1
#, c-format
-msgid "Interface %s (using module %s)"
-msgstr "Interface %s (pakai module %s)"
+msgid "Problems installing package %s"
+msgstr "Problem instalasi paket %s"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:212
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
#, c-format
-msgid "Interface %s"
-msgstr "Antarmuka %s"
+msgid "Configuring scripts, installing software, starting servers..."
+msgstr "Mengkonfigurasikan skrip, menginstall software, menjalankan server..."
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:220
-msgid "No network adapter on your system!"
-msgstr "Tidak ada adaptor jaringan di sistem ini!"
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Configuring..."
+msgstr "Konfigurasi..."
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:221
-msgid ""
-"No ethernet network adapter has been detected on your system. Please run the "
-"hardware configuration tool."
-msgstr ""
-"Tiada adapter jaringan ethernet terdeteksi. Jalankan konfigurator hardware."
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Potential LAN address conflict found in current config of %s!\n"
+msgstr "Ada potensi konflik alamat LAN pada konfigurasi %s!\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:227
-msgid "Network interface"
-msgstr "Antarmuka jaringan"
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "The Local Network did not finish with `.0', bailing out."
+msgstr "Jaringan Lokal tak berakhiran `.0', keluar."
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:228
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"There is only one configured network adapter on your system:\n"
-"I am about to setup your Local Area Network with that adapter."
-msgstr ""
-"Hanya ada satu adapter jaringan yang dikonfigurasikan di sistem ini:\n"
-"Apakah Anda mau melakukan setup Local Area Network untuk adapter itu?"
+msgid "Re-configure interface and DHCP server"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi ulang antarmuka dan server DHCP"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:235
-msgid ""
-"Please choose what network adapter will be connected to your Local Area "
-msgstr ""
-"Silakan pilih adapter jaringan yang hendak disambung ke Local Area Network "
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "The maximum lease (in seconds)"
+msgstr "Lama peminjaman maksimum (dalam detik)"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:261
-msgid "Network interface already configured"
-msgstr "Antarmuka network telah dikonfigurasi"
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "The default lease (in seconds)"
+msgstr "Lama peminjaman standar (dalam detik)"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:262
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Warning, the network adapter (%s) is already configured.\n"
-"Do you want an automatic re-configuration?\n"
-"You can do it manually but you need to know what you're doing."
-msgstr ""
-"Awas, adaptor network (%s) telah terkonfigurasikan.\n"
-"Anda ingin konfigurasi ulang otomatis?\n"
-"Anda dapat melakukannya secara manual tapi Anda perlu tahu yg Anda kerjakan."
+msgid "The DHCP end range"
+msgstr "Kisar akhir DHCP"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:267
-msgid "Automatic reconfiguration"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi ulang otomatis"
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "The DHCP start range"
+msgstr "Kisar awal DHCP"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:267
-msgid "No (experts only)"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "The internal domain name"
+msgstr "Nama domain internal"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:268
-msgid "Show current interface configuration"
-msgstr "Tampilkan konfigurasi antarmuka"
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "The DNS Server IP"
+msgstr "IP Server DNS"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:269
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Current interface configuration"
-msgstr "Tampilkan konfigurasi antarmuka"
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "(This) DHCP Server IP"
+msgstr "IP Server DHCP (Ini)"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:270
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Current configuration of `%s':\n"
+"DHCP Server Configuration.\n"
+"Here you can select different options for the DHCP server configuration.\n"
+"If you don't know the meaning of an option, simply leave it as it is.\n"
-"Network: %s\n"
-"IP address: %s\n"
-"IP attribution: %s\n"
-"Driver: %s"
msgstr ""
-"Konfigurasi `%s':\n"
+"Konfigurasi Server DHCP\n"
+"Di sini Anda dapat memilih opsi konfigurasi server DHCP.\n"
+"Jika Anda tak tahu arti opsi, tinggalkan apa adanya.\n"
-"Network: %s\n"
-"Alamat IP: %s\n"
-"Atribut IP: %s\n"
-"Driver: %s"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:283
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Local Network adress"
+msgstr "Alamat Jaringan Lokal"
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"I can keep your current configuration and assume you already set up a DHCP "
"server; in that case please verify I correctly read the Network that you use "
@@ -13065,8 +16516,8 @@ msgid ""
"The default DNS entry is the Caching Nameserver configured on the firewall. "
"You can replace that with your ISP DNS IP, for example.\n"
"\t\t \n"
-"Else, I can reconfigure your interface and (re)configure a DHCP server for "
+"Otherwise, I can reconfigure your interface and (re)configure a DHCP server "
+"for you.\n"
msgstr ""
"Konfigurasi Anda dapat dipakai dengan anggapan Anda telah menset up server "
@@ -13080,161 +16531,317 @@ msgstr ""
"Atau, antarmuka dan server DHCP dapat dikonfigurasikan (lagi).\n"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:290
-msgid "Local Network adress"
-msgstr "Alamat Jaringan Lokal"
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Current configuration of `%s':\n"
+"Network: %s\n"
+"IP address: %s\n"
+"IP attribution: %s\n"
+"Driver: %s"
+msgstr ""
+"Konfigurasi `%s':\n"
+"Network: %s\n"
+"Alamat IP: %s\n"
+"Atribut IP: %s\n"
+"Driver: %s"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:294
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Current interface configuration"
+msgstr "Tampilkan konfigurasi antarmuka"
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show current interface configuration"
+msgstr "Tampilkan konfigurasi antarmuka"
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "No (experts only)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Automatic reconfiguration"
+msgstr "Konfigurasi ulang otomatis"
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
msgid ""
-"DHCP Server Configuration.\n"
+"Warning, the network adapter (%s) is already configured.\n"
-"Here you can select different options for the DHCP server configuration.\n"
-"If you don't know the meaning of an option, simply leave it as it is.\n"
+"Do you want an automatic re-configuration?\n"
+"You can do it manually but you need to know what you're doing."
msgstr ""
-"Konfigurasi Server DHCP\n"
+"Awas, adaptor network (%s) telah terkonfigurasikan.\n"
-"Di sini Anda dapat memilih opsi konfigurasi server DHCP.\n"
-"Jika Anda tak tahu arti opsi, tinggalkan apa adanya.\n"
+"Anda ingin konfigurasi ulang otomatis?\n"
+"Anda dapat melakukannya secara manual tapi Anda perlu tahu yg Anda kerjakan."
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:300
-msgid "(This) DHCP Server IP"
-msgstr "IP Server DHCP (Ini)"
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Network interface already configured"
+msgstr "Antarmuka network telah dikonfigurasi"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:301
-msgid "The DNS Server IP"
-msgstr "IP Server DNS"
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Please choose what network adapter will be connected to your Local Area "
+msgstr ""
+"Silakan pilih adapter jaringan yang hendak disambung ke Local Area Network "
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:302
-msgid "The internal domain name"
-msgstr "Nama domain internal"
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"There is only one configured network adapter on your system:\n"
+"I am about to setup your Local Area Network with that adapter."
+msgstr ""
+"Hanya ada satu adapter jaringan yang dikonfigurasikan di sistem ini:\n"
+"Apakah Anda mau melakukan setup Local Area Network untuk adapter itu?"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:303
-msgid "The DHCP start range"
-msgstr "Kisar awal DHCP"
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Network interface"
+msgstr "Antarmuka jaringan"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:304
-msgid "The DHCP end range"
-msgstr "Kisar akhir DHCP"
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1 ../../standalone/drakpxe:1
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"No ethernet network adapter has been detected on your system. Please run the "
+"hardware configuration tool."
+msgstr ""
+"Tiada adapter jaringan ethernet terdeteksi. Jalankan konfigurator hardware."
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:305
-msgid "The default lease (in seconds)"
-msgstr "Lama peminjaman standar (dalam detik)"
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1 ../../standalone/drakpxe:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "No network adapter on your system!"
+msgstr "Tidak ada adaptor jaringan di sistem ini!"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:306
-msgid "The maximum lease (in seconds)"
-msgstr "Lama peminjaman maksimum (dalam detik)"
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Interface %s"
+msgstr "Antarmuka %s"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:307
-msgid "Re-configure interface and DHCP server"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi ulang antarmuka dan server DHCP"
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Interface %s (using module %s)"
+msgstr "Interface %s (pakai module %s)"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:314
-msgid "The Local Network did not finish with `.0', bailing out."
-msgstr "Jaringan Lokal tak berakhiran `.0', keluar."
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You are about to configure your computer to share its Internet connection.\n"
+"With that feature, other computers on your local network will be able to use "
+"this computer's Internet connection.\n"
+"Make sure you have configured your Network/Internet access using drakconnect "
+"before going any further.\n"
+"Note: you need a dedicated Network Adapter to set up a Local Area Network "
+msgstr ""
+"Anda sedang membuat komputer Anda membagi koneksi Internetnya.\n"
+"Dengan cara ini, komputer lain di jaringan lokal dapat memakai koneksi "
+"Internet komputer ini.\n"
+"Pastikan Anda telah mengkonfigurasikan akses Jaringan/Internet dg "
+"drakconnect sebelum pergi lebih jauh.\n"
+"Catatan: Anda mesti punya Adapter Jaringan untuk mensetup Jaringan Area "
+"Lokal (LAN)."
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:325
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
#, c-format
-msgid "Potential LAN address conflict found in current config of %s!\n"
-msgstr "Ada potensi konflik alamat LAN pada konfigurasi %s!\n"
+msgid "Internet Connection Sharing"
+msgstr "Pemakaian Bersama Koneksi Internet"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:335
-msgid "Configuring..."
-msgstr "Konfigurasi..."
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Internet Connection Sharing is now enabled."
+msgstr "Internet Connection Sharing sudah aktif"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:336
-msgid "Configuring scripts, installing software, starting servers..."
-msgstr "Mengkonfigurasikan skrip, menginstall software, menjalankan server..."
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Enabling servers..."
+msgstr "Server-server akan dinyalakan"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:372
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
#, c-format
-msgid "Problems installing package %s"
-msgstr "Problem instalasi paket %s"
+msgid "dismiss"
+msgstr "tutup"
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "reconfigure"
+msgstr "konfigurasi ulang"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:505
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "enable"
+msgstr "aktifkan"
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"Everything has been configured.\n"
-"You may now share Internet connection with other computers on your Local "
-"Area Network, using automatic network configuration (DHCP)."
+"The setup of Internet connection sharing has already been done.\n"
+"It's currently disabled.\n"
+"What would you like to do?"
msgstr ""
-"Semuanya sudah dikonfigurasikan.\n"
-"Anda sekarang bisa membagi koneksi Internet dengan komputer-komputer lain "
-"pada Local Area Network di tempat Anda, dengan menggunakan konfigurasi "
-"jaringan otomatis (DHCP)."
+"Konfigurasi Internet Connection Sharing telah seleasi.\n"
+"Namun sekarang masih dimatikan.\n"
+"Apa yang ingin Anda lakukan?"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:523
-msgid "The setup has already been done, but it's currently disabled."
-msgstr "Konfigurasi telah seleasi.Namun sekarang masih dimatikan."
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Internet Connection Sharing currently disabled"
+msgstr "Internet Connection Sharing masih dimatikan"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:524
-msgid "The setup has already been done, and it's currently enabled."
-msgstr "Konfigurasi telah selesai.Namun sekarang sudah aktif."
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Internet Connection Sharing is now disabled."
+msgstr "Internet Connection Sharing telah dimatikan"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:525
-msgid "No Internet Connection Sharing has ever been configured."
-msgstr "Internet Connection Sharing belum pernah dikonfigurasikan"
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Disabling servers..."
+msgstr "Server-server sedang dimatikan"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:531
-msgid "Internet connection sharing configuration"
-msgstr "Koneksi dan konfigurasi sharing Internet"
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "disable"
+msgstr "matikan"
-#: ../../standalone/drakgw_.c:539
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Welcome to the Internet Connection Sharing utility!\n"
+"The setup of Internet Connection Sharing has already been done.\n"
+"It's currently enabled.\n"
-"Click on Configure to launch the setup wizard."
+"What would you like to do?"
msgstr ""
-"Selamat datang di utiliti Internet Connection Sharing!\n"
+"Konfigurasi Internet Connection Sharing telah seleasi.\n"
+"Namun sekarang sudah aktif.\n"
-"Silakan pencet Konfigurasikan untuk mulai."
+"Apa yang ingin Anda lakukan?"
-#: ../../standalone/drakperm_.c:36
-msgid "group"
-msgstr "grup"
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Internet Connection Sharing currently enabled"
+msgstr "Pemakaian Bersama Koneksi Internet telah aktif"
-#: ../../standalone/drakperm_.c:36
-msgid "path"
-msgstr "path"
+#: ../../standalone/drakgw:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Sorry, we support only 2.4 kernels."
+msgstr "Maaf, support hanya untuk kernel 2.4"
-#: ../../standalone/drakperm_.c:36
-msgid "permissions"
-msgstr "izin"
+#: ../../standalone/drakhelp:1
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"No browser is installed on your system, Please install one if you want to "
+"browse the help system"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../standalone/drakperm_.c:36
-msgid "user"
-msgstr "pengguna"
+#: ../../standalone/drakperm:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "group :"
+msgstr "grup :"
-#: ../../standalone/drakperm_.c:43
-msgid "Up"
-msgstr "Naik"
+#: ../../standalone/drakperm:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "user :"
+msgstr "pengguna :"
-#: ../../standalone/drakperm_.c:44
-msgid "delete"
-msgstr "hapus"
+#: ../../standalone/drakperm:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Path selection"
+msgstr "Pilihan path"
-#: ../../standalone/drakperm_.c:45
-msgid "edit"
-msgstr "edit"
+#: ../../standalone/drakperm:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "when checked, owner and group won't be changed"
+msgstr "jika dipilih, pemilik dan grup takkan diubah"
-#: ../../standalone/drakperm_.c:46
-msgid "Down"
-msgstr "Turun"
+#: ../../standalone/drakperm:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use group id for execution"
+msgstr "Gunakan id grup utk eksekusi"
-#: ../../standalone/drakperm_.c:47
-msgid "add a rule"
-msgstr "tambah aturan"
+#: ../../standalone/drakperm:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use owner id for execution"
+msgstr "Gunakan id pemilik utk eksekusi"
+#: ../../standalone/drakperm:1
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Used for directory:\n"
+" only owner of directory or file in this directory can delete it"
+msgstr ""
+"Digunakan utk direktori:\n"
+" hanya pemilik direktori atau file dalam direktori ini yg dapat menghapusnya"
-#: ../../standalone/drakperm_.c:48
+#: ../../standalone/drakperm:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Set-GID"
+msgstr "Set-GID (ID Grup)"
+#: ../../standalone/drakperm:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Set-UID"
+msgstr "Set-UID (ID Pengguna)"
+#: ../../standalone/drakperm:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "sticky-bit"
+msgstr "sticky-bit (bit-lengket)"
+#: ../../standalone/drakperm:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Property"
+msgstr "Properti"
+#: ../../standalone/drakperm:1
+#, c-format
+msgid "Path"
+msgstr "Path"
+#: ../../standalone/drakperm:1