This document details the entry points you can call without the DrakX graohical
toolkit. First, the general variables you will encounter further. If you don't
know wht a variable is, look here. Any additional locally variables are
commented 'in place'

Special types (in upper cases)
 DB_FILE : file storing the ISDN ISP database. see share/isdndb.txt : file of lines in 'Unlisted - edit manually' or /^(.*)\|(.*)\|(.*)=>([0-9]*)=>(.*)=>(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})=>(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})$/ where $1=Land $2=City $3=ISP_name $4=phone_number $5=hostname $6=dns1 $7=dns2

Summary of common variables used (local variables are described in the function itself)
notation : keys : description : type : format (regexp or enumeration. `...' means it's not exhaustive
 $prefix : prefix path (empty in post-install) : string : path
 $isLaptop : flag for laptop : boolean or int : guess
 $isdn : hash table containing isdn infos
  $isdn->{login} : cnx login : string
  $isdn->{passwd} : cnx passwd : string
  $isdn->{phone_in} : user phone : /^[0-9]*$/
  $isdn->{phone_out} : ISP phone : /^[0-9]*$/
  $isdn->{dialing_mode} : dialing mode : "auto" or "manual"
  $isdn->{driver} : driver used for the card : "hisax" or "b1pci" or ...
  $isdn->{type} : type of card, used for the driver, see netconnect_consts : integer : /^[1-22]|[24-37]$/
  $isdn->{irq} : irq of the ISA card : integer |
  $isdn->{mem} : mem of the ISA card : string  |
  $isdn->{io} : io of the ISA card : string    | see netconnect_consts for examples.
  $isdn->{io0} : io0 of the ISA card : string  |
  $isdn->{io1} : i01 of the ISA card : string  |
  $isdn->{idl} : amount of time after the cnx times out in secs : int
  $isdn->{user_name} : not used anymore. Not explicit. It represented the name of the connexion.
  $isdn->{card_type} : card type : string : "isa" or "pci" or "pcmcia"
  $isdn->{protocol} : cnx protocol : int : 1|2|3 : 1 for old german specific (not used anymore), 2 for europe, 3 for rest of the world
  $isdn->{id} : card id. Associated with vendor, identify strictly the card. see pcitable : integer
  $isdn->{description} : card description from pcitable : string
  $isdn->{vendor} : card vendor : integer
  $isdn->{passwd2} : passwd verification : string
 $modem : hash table containing modem infos
  $modem->{device} : device of the modem : string : /ttyS[0-9]/
 $adsl : hash table containing modem infos
  $adsl->{login} : cnx login : string
  $adsl->{passwd} : cnx passwd : string
  $adsl->{atboot} : 
 $netc : hash table containing system-wide networking infos (maybe not true, correct this) : 
  $netc->{NET_INTERFACE} is set to "ppp0"
 $in : interactive object

Entry points

isdn_write_config_backend : write isdn info, only for ippp0 -> ask_connect_now
input :
$isdn input:
 $isdn->{login} $isdn->{passwd} $isdn->{phone_in} $isdn->{phone_out} $isdn->{dialing_mode}
 $isdn->{driver} $isdn->{type} $isdn->{irq} $isdn->{mem} $isdn->{io} $isdn->{io0} $isdn->{io1}

write_secret_backend : write login and passwd into /etc/ppp/{chap, pap}-secrets. Replace old passwd only if same login
input :
 $a : login : string : /^.*$/
 $b : passwd : string : /^.*$/

connect_backend : launch the cnx script
input : $prefix

connect_backend : launch the cnx script
input : $prefix

read_providers_backend : build the tree of isdn ISP
input :
 $file : 1st location of the file : ISDN_DB_FILE
 $file2 : 2nd location of the file : ISDN_DB_FILE
output : the list of ISP : array of strings : array of /^(.*)\|(.*)\|(.*)$/ where $1=Land $2=City $3=ISP_name

get_info_isdn_backend : fills the infos from the line of the tree returned into $isdn and $netc
input :
 $name : the line choosen in the tree of ISP : string : /^(.*)\|(.*)\|(.*)$/ with $1=Land $2=City $3=ISP_name
 $file : 1st location of the file : ISDN_DB_FILE
 $file2 : 2nd location of the file : ISDN_DB_FILE
$isdn ouput
 $isdn->{user_name}, $isdn->{phone_out}, $netc->{DOMAINNAME2}, $netc->{dnsServer2}, $netc->{dnsServer3},
$netc output
 $netc->{DOMAINNAME2}, $netc->{dnsServer2}, $netc->{dnsServer3}

isdn_detect_backend : detects isdn pci card and fills the infos in $isdn : only detects one card
$isdn output:
 $isdn->{description} $isdn->{vendor} $isdn->{id} $isdn->{driver} $isdn->{card_type} $isdn->{type}

isdn_get_list : return isdn cards descriptions list. This function is not use internally.
output : descriptions : list of strings

isdn_get_info : return isdn card infos. This function is not use internally.
input : the description of the card (see isdn_get_list)
output : a reference on the decription of the card. : ref on a hash(description,type,irq,mem,io,io0,io1card,)

conf_network_card_backend : configure the network cards and return the list of them, or configure one specified interface : WARNING, you have to setup the ethernet cards, by calling setup_thiskind($in, 'net', !$::expert, 1) or setup_thiskind_backend before calling this function. Basically, you call this function in 2 times.
 $type : type of interface, must be given if $interface is : string : "static" or "dhcp"
 $interface : facultative, if given, set this interface and return it in a proper form. If not, return @all_cards
 $ipadr : facultative, ip address of the interface : string
 $netadr : facultative, netaddress of the interface : string
when $interface is given, informations are written in $intf and $netc. If not, @all_cards is returned.
$intf output: $device is the result of
 $intf->{$device}->{DEVICE} : which device is concerned : $device is the result of $interface =~ /(eth[0-9]+)/; my $device = $1;;
 $intf->{$device}->{BOOTPROTO} : $type
 $intf->{$device}->{NETMASK} : ''
 $intf->{$device}->{NETWORK} : $netadr
 $intf->{$device}->{ONBOOT} : "yes"
$netc output:
 $netc->{nb_cards} : nb of ethernet cards
 $netc->{NET_DEVICE} : this is used to indicate that this eth card is used to connect to internet : $device
 $all_cards : a list of a list ( (eth1, module1), ... , (ethn, modulen)). Pass the ethx as $interface in further call.
 $device : only returned in case $interface was given it's $interface, but filtered by /eth[0-9+]/ : string : /eth[0-9+]/

adsl_conf_backend : write adsl configuration
input :
 $adsl_type : type of cnx : string : "pptp" or "pppoe"
$adsl input:
 $adsl->{login}, $adsl->{passwd}, $adsl->{atboot}
$netc input:
$netc output:
 $netc->{NET_INTERFACE} is set to "ppp0"

modem_detect_backend : detects modem on serial ports and fills the infos in $modem : detects only one card
 $mouse : facultative, hash containing device to exclude not to test mouse port : ( device => /ttyS[0-9]/ )
 $modem->{device} : device where the modem were detected

get_net_device : return the device choosen for the net cnx
no input
output : name of the internet device.

read_net_conf : read the information stored in $prefix/etc/sysconfig/draknet and $prefix/etc/sysconfig/draknet.`type`

set_net_conf : set the information from netcnx in $prefix/etc/sysconfig/draknet and $prefix/etc/sysconfig/draknet.`type`
 $netc : useless! REMOVE ME
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<td class='lines'><pre><code>#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# drakfont Future Overview
#         - Fonts import :
#                 pfb ( Adobe Type 1 binary )
#                 pfa ( Adobe Type 1 ASCII )
#                 ttf ( True-Type  )
#                 pcf.gz
#                 Speedo
#                 and Bitmap (PCF, BDF, and SNF)
#         - Features
#                 - Install fonts from any directory
#                 - Get windows fonts on any vfat partitions
#                 - UN-installation of any fonts (even if not installed through drakfont)
#         - Support
#               - Xfs
#               - ghostscript &amp; printer
#               - Staroffice &amp; printer
#               - abiword
#               - Koffice, Gnumeric, ... studying
#               - all fonts supported by printer
#                          ( aliases by RENDER in Xfree86 .... -&gt; later )
# Visual Interface:
#         Window interface:
#           - Fontselectiondialog widget
#           - Command buttons under Fontselectiondialog (like the actual frontend).
#         Commands buttons:
#           - import from windows partition.
#                 import from all fat32 partitions and look for winnt/windows/font
#                 and import all (delete doublon) but don&apos;t import if already exist.
#           - import from directory
#                 look for if it exist before for each font and not delete the original.
#                 (replace all, no, none)
#                 expert options:
#                         ask the directory, and look for if it exist before
#                         if it exist ask: (replace all, no, none)
#           - uninstall with list per font type
#         Expert additional switch
#           - option support:   ghostscript, Staroffice, etc...
#                 check-button. (by default all check)
#           - Printer Application Fonts Support...
#                 check-button. (by default all check)

use Gtk;
use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX);
#use interactive;
#use standalone;
use my_gtk qw(:helpers :wrappers);
use common;
use strict;
use MDK::Common::Globals &quot;network&quot;, qw($in $prefix $connect_file $disconnect_file $connect_prog);

if (&quot;&#64;ARGV&quot; =~ /--help|-h/) {
    print q(Font Importation and monitoring application
--windows_import : import from all available windows partitions.
--xls_fonts      : show all fonts that already exist from xls
--strong         : strong verification of font.
--install        : accept any font file and any directry.
--uninstall      : uninstall any font or any directory of font.
--replace        : replace all font if already exist
--application    : 0 none application.
                 : 1 all application available supported.
                 : name_of_application&quot; like  staroffice for only this one.

my $xlsfonts;
my $windows;
my $strong;
my $replace;
my $application;
my $install;
my $uninstall;

my $mode = -1;
my &#64;application;
my &#64;install;
my &#64;uninstall;

foreach (&#64;ARGV) {
    /--xls_fonts/ and $xlsfonts = 1, $mode=-1;
    /--windows_import|-wi/ and $windows = 1, $mode=-1;
    /--strong|-s/ and $strong = 1, $mode=-1;
    /--replace|-r/ and $replace = 1, $mode=-1;
    /--application/ and $mode = 0, next;
    $mode == 0 and push &#64;application, $_;
    /--install/ and $mode = 1, next;
    $mode == 1 and push &#64;install, $_;
    /--uninstall/ and $mode = 2, next;
    $mode == 2 and push &#64;uninstall, $_;

print &quot;app : &#64;application\n&quot;;
print &quot;install : &#64;install\n&quot;;
print &quot;uninstall : &#64;uninstall\n&quot;;
print &quot;xx $xlsfonts\n&quot;;

my $xfs_conffile = &apos;/etc/X11/fs/config&apos;;
my $drakfont_dir = &apos;/home/seb/new_drackfont&apos;;
my $chkfontpath = &apos;/usr/sbin/chkfontpath&apos;;

my $part;
my &#64;list_part;
my &#64;test;
my &#64;font_list = ();
my &#64;installed_fonts = ();
my &#64;installed_fonts_path = ();
my &#64;fontsdir_to_install= ();
my &#64;fontsdir_to_uninstall= ();
my &#64;installed_fonts_full_path = (); 

sub search_installed_fonts {
    foreach (grep { /\d+:\s/ } `$chkfontpath -l`) {
	push &#64;installed_fonts_path, $_;
    push &#64;installed_fonts, all($_) foreach &#64;installed_fonts_path;

sub search_installed_fonts_full_path {
    my $j;
    foreach (grep { /\d+:\s/ } `$chkfontpath -l`) {
	push &#64;installed_fonts_path, $_;
    foreach my $i (&#64;installed_fonts_path) {
	foreach $j (all($i)) {
	    push &#64;installed_fonts_full_path, &quot;$i/$j&quot;;

sub search_windows_font {
    foreach my $fstab_line (grep { /ext2/ } cat_(&apos;/etc/mtab&apos;) ) {
	my $win_dir = (split(&apos;\s&apos;, $fstab_line))[1];
	my &#64;list_fonts_win = all(&quot;$win_dir/windows/fonts&quot;);
	my &#64;list_fonts_winnt = all(&quot;$win_dir/winnt/fonts&quot;);
	if(!&#64;list_fonts_win &amp;&amp; !&#64;list_fonts_winnt) {
	    print &quot;drakfont:: could not find any font in $win_dir/win*/fonts \n&quot;;
	    return 0;
	foreach my $i (&#64;list_fonts_win) {
	    grep ( /$i$/, &#64;font_list) || grep (/$i/, &#64;installed_fonts) or push &#64;font_list, &quot;$win_dir/windows/fonts/$i&quot;;
	foreach my $i (&#64;list_fonts_winnt) {
	    grep ( /$i$/, &#64;font_list) || grep (/$i/, &#64;installed_fonts) or push &#64;font_list, &quot;$win_dir/winnt/fonts/$i&quot;;

sub search_dir_font {
    my &#64;font_list_tmp = ();
    my &#64;font_list_tmpp = ();
    my $fn = $_;
    if (!(-e $fn )) { print &quot;$_ :: no such file or directory \n&quot;;}
    else {
	if ( -d $fn ) { 
	    foreach my $i (all($fn)) { if (($i =~ /.ttf$/i) || ($i =~ /.pfa$/i) || ($i =~ /.pfb$/i)
		    || ($i =~ /.pcf$/i) || ($i =~ /.pcf.gz$/i)) {
		    push &#64;font_list_tmp, &quot;$fn$i&quot;;
	else {
	    if (($fn =~ /.ttf$/i) || ($fn =~ /.pfa$/i) || ($fn =~ /.pfb$/i) || ($fn =~ /.pcf$/i)
		|| ($fn =~ /.pcf.gz$/i)) {
		push &#64;font_list_tmp, &quot;$fn&quot;;
	print &quot;Fonts in directory  : &quot;.$_.&quot;\n&quot; foreach (&#64;font_list_tmp);
#	&#64;font_list = grep !$_, &#64;font_list_tmp foreach &#64;installed_fonts;

	foreach my $i (&#64;installed_fonts) {
	    foreach my $j (&#64;font_list_tmp) {
		if (( $j =~ !/$i/) &amp;&amp; !grep ($j , &#64;font_list))  { push &#64;font_list, &quot;$j&quot; ;}

	print &quot;Font to install : &quot;.$_.&quot;\n&quot; foreach (&#64;font_list);


# Probleme: reperage des fontes de3ja existantes

sub search_dir_font_uninstall {
    my &#64;font_list_tmp = ();
    my $fn = $_;
    if ( -d $fn ) { 
	foreach my $i (all($fn)) { if (($i =~ /.ttf$/i)	|| ($i =~ /.pfa$/i) || ($i =~ /.pfb$/i)
		|| ($i =~ /.pcf$/i) || ($i =~ /.pcf.gz$/i)) {
	    push &#64;font_list_tmp, &quot;$i&quot;;
    else {
	if (($fn =~ /.ttf$/i) || ($fn =~ /.pfa$/i) || ($fn =~ /.pfb$/i) || ($fn =~ /.pcf$/i)
	    || ($fn =~ /.pcf.gz$/i)) {
	    push &#64;font_list_tmp, &quot;$fn&quot;;
    foreach my $i (&#64;installed_fonts_full_path) {
	foreach my $j (&#64;font_list_tmp) {
	    if ( $i =~ /$j/) { push &#64;font_list, &quot;$i&quot; ;}
    print &quot;Fonts to uninstal : &quot;.$_.&quot;\n&quot; foreach (&#64;font_list);

sub print_list { print &quot;Font(s) to Install :\n\n&quot;; print &quot;$_\n&quot; foreach (&#64;font_list) }

sub put_font_dir {
#    mkdir_p($drakfont_dir);
#    cp_af(&#64;font_list, $drakfont_dir);
#    system (&quot;cd $drakfont_dir &amp;&amp; type1inst  &amp;&amp; chkfontpath -a $drakfont_dir&quot;);
    # xlsfonts | less pour verifier l&apos;installation des polices.

$xlsfonts || $windows || $install || $uninstall ? backend_mod() : interactive_mode();

sub backend_mod {
    if ($xlsfonts) {
	system (&quot;xlsfonts&quot;);
    if ($windows) {
	print &quot;........Windows fonts Installation........\n\n&quot;;
	if(search_windows_font()) {
	print &quot;\n...............The End...................\n&quot;;

    if ($install) {
	print &quot;.......Install Specifics Fonts...........\n\n&quot;;
	foreach my $tmp (&#64;ARGV) {
	    if (!($tmp =~ /^-/ ))  {
		print &quot;parse : $tmp \n&quot;;
		push &#64;fontsdir_to_install, $tmp;
	search_dir_font $_ foreach (&#64;fontsdir_to_install);
	print &quot;\n...............The End...................\n&quot;;

    if ($uninstall) {
	print &quot;........Uninstall Specifics Fonts........\n\n&quot;;
	foreach my $tmp (&#64;ARGV) {
	    if (!($tmp =~ /^-/ ))  {
		print &quot;parse : $tmp \n&quot;;
		push &#64;fontsdir_to_uninstall, $tmp;
	search_dir_font_uninstall $_ foreach (&#64;fontsdir_to_uninstall);
	print &quot;\n...............The End...................\n&quot;;

sub interactive_mode {

#   install &amp; uninstall a revoir 
#   au niveau du passage de paramettre
#   un grep comme avant (qui ne sert pas a rien)
#   faire une valeure de retour pour toutes les fonctions
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