generated by cgit v1.2.1 (git 2.21.0) at 2025-01-16 15:29:47 +0000
id='n365' href='#n365'>365
package partition_table_mac; # $Id$
use diagnostics;
#use strict; - fixed other PPC code to comply, but program bails on empty partition table - sbenedict
use vars qw(@ISA $freepart_device $bootstrap_part $freepart_start $freepart_size $freepart_part $macos_part);
@ISA = qw(partition_table_raw);
use common;
use partition_table_raw;
use partition_table;
use c;
my %typeToDos = (
"Apple_partition_map" => 0x401,
"Apple_Bootstrap" => 0x401,
"Apple_Driver43" => 0x401,
"Apple_Driver_IOKit" => 0x401,
"Apple_Patches" => 0x401,
"Apple_HFS" => 0x402,
"Apple_UNIX_SVR2" => 0x83,
"Apple_Free" => 0x0,
my %typeFromDos = reverse %typeToDos;
my ($bz_format, $bz_fields) = list2kv(
n => 'bzSig',
n => 'bzBlkSize',
N => 'bzBlkCnt',
n => 'bzDevType',
n => 'bzDevID',
N => 'bzReserved',
n => 'bzDrvrCnt',
$bz_format = join '', @$bz_format;
my ($dd_format, $dd_fields) = list2kv(
N => 'ddBlock',
n => 'ddSize',
n => 'ddType',
$dd_format = join '', @$dd_format;
my ($p_format, $p_fields) = list2kv(
n => 'pSig',
n => 'pSigPad',
N => 'pMapEntry',
N => 'pPBlockStart',
N => 'pPBlocks',
a32 => 'pName',
a32 => 'pType',
N => 'pLBlockStart',
N => 'pLBlocks',
N => 'pFlags',
N => 'pBootBlock',
N => 'pBootBytes',
N => 'pAddrs1',
N => 'pAddrs2',
N => 'pAddrs3',
N => 'pAddrs4',
N => 'pChecksum',
a16 => 'pProcID',
a128 => 'pBootArgs',
a248 => 'pReserved',
$p_format = join '', @$p_format;
my $magic = 0x4552;
my $pmagic = 0x504D;
sub adjustStart($$) {
my ($hd, $part) = @_;
my $end = $part->{start} + $part->{size};
my $partmap_end = $hd->{primary}{raw}[0]{size};
if ($part->{start} <= $partmap_end) {
$part->{start} = $partmap_end + 1;
$part->{size} = $end - $part->{start};
sub adjustEnd($$) {
my ($hd, $part) = @_;
sub read($$) {
my ($hd, $sector) = @_;
my $tmp;
local *F; partition_table_raw::openit($hd, *F) or die "failed to open device";
c::lseek_sector(fileno(F), $sector, 0) or die "reading of partition in sector $sector failed";
sysread F, $tmp, psizeof($bz_format) or die "error while reading bz \(Block Zero\) in sector $sector";
my %info; @info{@$bz_fields} = unpack $bz_format, $tmp;
my $i;
foreach $i (0 .. $info{bzDrvrCnt}-1) {
sysread F, $tmp, psizeof($dd_format) or die "error while reading driver data in sector $sector";
my %dd; @dd{@$dd_fields} = unpack $dd_format, $tmp;
push @{$info{ddMap}}, \%dd;
#- check magic number
$info{bzSig} == $magic or die "bad magic number";
my $numparts;
c::lseek_sector(fileno(F), $sector, 516) or die "reading of partition in sector $sector failed";
sysread F, $tmp, 4 or die "error while reading partition info in sector $sector";
$numparts = unpack "N", $tmp;
my $partmapsize;
c::lseek_sector(fileno(F), $sector, 524) or die "reading of partition in sector $sector failed";
sysread F, $tmp, 4 or die "error while reading partition info in sector $sector";
$partmapsize = ((unpack "N", $tmp) * $info{bzBlkSize}) / psizeof($p_format);
c::lseek_sector(fileno(F), $sector, 512) or die "reading of partition in sector $sector failed";
my @pt;
for ($i=0;$i<$partmapsize;$i++) {
my $part;
sysread F, $part, psizeof($p_format) or die "error while reading partition info in sector $sector";
push @pt, map {
my %h; @h{@$p_fields} = unpack $p_format, $part;
if ($i < $numparts && $h{pSig} eq $pmagic) {
$h{size} = ($h{pPBlocks} * $info{bzBlkSize}) / 512;
$h{start} = ($h{pPBlockStart} * $info{bzBlkSize}) / 512;
if ($h{pType} =~ /^Apple_UNIX_SVR2/i) {
$h{pName} =~ /swap/i ? ($h{type} = 0x82) : ($h{type} = 0x83);
} elsif ($h{pType} =~ /^Apple_Free/i) {
#- need to locate a 1MB partition to setup a bootstrap on
if (defined $freepart_start && $freepart_size >= 1) {
#- already found a suitable partition
} else {
$freepart_start = $h{start};
$freepart_size = $h{size}/2048;
$freepart_device = $hd;
$freepart_part = "/dev/" . $hd->{device} . ($i+1);
log::l("free apple partition found on drive /dev/$freepart_device->{device}, block $freepart_start, size $freepart_size");
$h{type} = 0x0;
$h{pName} = 'Extra';
} elsif ($h{pType} =~ /^Apple_HFS/i) {
$h{type} = 0x402;
if (defined $macos_part) {
#- swag at identifying MacOS - 1st HFS partition
} else {
$macos_part = "/dev/" . $hd->{device} . ($i+1);
log::l("found MacOS at partition $macos_part");
} elsif ($h{pType} =~ /^Apple_Partition_Map/i) {
$h{type} = 0x401;
$h{isMap} = 1;
} elsif ($h{pType} =~ /^Apple_Bootstrap/i) {
$h{type} = 0x401;
$h{isBoot} = 1;
if (defined $bootstrap_part) {
#found a bootstrap already - use it, but log the find
log::l("found another apple bootstrap at partition /dev/$hd->{device}" . ($i+1));
} else {
$bootstrap_part = "/dev/" . $hd->{device} . ($i+1);
log::l("found apple bootstrap at partition $bootstrap_part");
} else {
$h{type} = 0x401;
$h{isDriver} = 1;
# Let's see if this partition is a driver.
foreach (@{$info{ddMap}}) {
$_->{ddBlock} == $h{pPBlockStart} and $h{isDriver} = 1;
} [ $part ];
[ @pt ], \%info;
sub write($$$;$) {
my ($hd, $sector, $pt, $info) = @_;
#- handle testing for writing partition table on file only!
local *F;
if ($::testing) {
my $file = "/tmp/partition_table_$hd->{device}";
open F, ">$file" or die "error opening test file $file";
} else {
partition_table_raw::openit($hd, *F, 2) or die "error opening device $hd->{device} for writing";
c::lseek_sector(fileno(F), $sector, 0) or return 0;
# Find the partition map.
my @partstowrite;
my $part = $pt->[0];
(defined $part->{isMap}) or die "the first partition is not the partition map";
push @partstowrite, $part;
# Now go thru the partitions, sort and fill gaps.
my $last;
while ($part) {
$last = $part;
$part = &partition_table::next($hd, $part);
$part or last;
if ($last->{start} + $last->{size} < $part->{start}) {
#There is a gap between partitions. Fill it and move on.
push @partstowrite, {
type => 0x0,
start => $last->{start} + $last->{size},
size => $part->{start} - ($last->{start} + $last->{size}),
push @partstowrite, $part;
# now, fill a gap at the end if there is one.
if ($last->{start} + $last->{size} < $hd->{totalsectors}) {
push @partstowrite, {
type => 0x0,
start => $last->{start} + $last->{size},
size => $hd->{totalsectors} - ($last->{start} + $last->{size}),
# Since we didn't create any new drivers, let's try and match up our driver records with out partitons and see if any are missing.
$info->{bzDrvrCnt} = 0;
my @ddstowrite;
my $dd;
foreach $dd (@{$info->{ddMap}}) {
foreach (@partstowrite) {
if ($dd->{ddBlock} == $_->{pPBlockStart}) {
push @ddstowrite, $dd;
# Now let's write our first block.
syswrite F, pack($bz_format, @$info{@$bz_fields}), psizeof($bz_format) or return 0;
# ...and now the driver information.
foreach (@ddstowrite) {
syswrite F, pack($dd_format, @$_{@$dd_fields}), psizeof($dd_format) or return 0;
# zero the rest of the data in the first block.
foreach ( 1 .. (494 - ((@ddstowrite) * 8))) {
syswrite F, "\0", 1 or return 0;
#c::lseek_sector(fileno(F), $sector, 512) or return 0;
# Now, we iterate thru the partstowrite and write them.
foreach (@partstowrite) {
if (!defined $_->{pSig}) {
# The values we need to write to disk are not defined. Let's make them up.
$_->{pSig} = $pmagic;
$_->{pSigPad} = 0;
$_->{pPBlockStart} = ($_->{start} * 512) / $info->{bzBlkSize};
$_->{pPBlocks} = ($_->{size} * 512) / $info->{bzBlkSize};
$_->{pLBlockStart} = 0;
$_->{pLBlocks} = $_->{pPBlocks};
$_->{pBootBlock} = 0;
$_->{pBootBytes} = 0;
$_->{pAddrs1} = 0;
$_->{pAddrs2} = 0;
$_->{pAddrs3} = 0;
$_->{pAddrs4} = 0;
$_->{pChecksum} = 0;
$_->{pProcID} = "\0";
$_->{pBootArgs} = "\0";
$_->{pReserved} = "\0";
if ($_->{type} == 0x402) {
$_->{pType} = "Apple_HFS";
$_->{pName} = "MacOS";
$_->{pFlags} = 0x4000037F;
} elsif ($_->{type} == 0x401 && $_->{start} == 1) {
$_->{pType} = "Apple_Partition_Map";
$_->{pName} = "Apple";
$_->{pFlags} = 0x33;
} elsif ($_->{type} == 0x401) {
$_->{pType} = "Apple_Bootstrap";
$_->{pName} = "bootstrap";
$_->{pFlags} = 0x33;
$_->{isBoot} = 1;
log::l("writing a bootstrap at /dev/$_->{device}");
$install_steps_interactive::new_bootstrap = 1 if !(defined $partition_table_mac::bootstrap_part);
$bootstrap_part = "/dev/" . $_->{device};
} elsif ($_->{type} == 0x82) {
$_->{pType} = "Apple_UNIX_SVR2";
$_->{pName} = "swap";
$_->{pFlags} = 0x33;
} elsif ($_->{type} == 0x83) {
$_->{pType} = "Apple_UNIX_SVR2";
$_->{pName} = "Linux Native";
$_->{pFlags} = 0x33;
} elsif ($_->{type} == 0x0) {
$_->{pType} = "Apple_Free";
$_->{pName} = "Extra";
$_->{pFlags} = 0x31;
$_->{pMapEntry} = @partstowrite;
syswrite F, pack($p_format, @$_{@$p_fields}), psizeof($p_format) or return 0;
sub info {
my ($hd) = @_;
# - Build the first block of the drive.
my $info = {
bzSig => $magic,
bzBlkSize => 512,
bzBlkCnt => $hd->{totalsectors},
bzDevType => 0,
bzDevID => 0,
bzReserved => 0,
bzDrvrCnt => 0,
sub clear_raw {
my ($hd) = @_;
my @oldraw = @{$hd->{primary}{raw}};
my $pt = { raw => [ ({}) x 63 ], info => info($hd) };
#- handle special case for partition 1 which is the partition map.
$pt->{raw}[0] = {
type => 0x401,
start => 1,
size => 63,
isMap => 1,
# $pt->{raw}[1] = {
# type => 0x0,
# start => 64,
# size => $hd->{totalsectors} - 64,
# isMap => 0,
# };
push @{$pt->{normal}}, $pt->{raw}[0];
# push @{$pt->{normal}}, $pt->{raw}[1];
#- Recover any Apple Drivers, if any.
my $i = 1;
foreach (@oldraw) {
if (defined $_->{isDriver}) {
$pt->{raw}[$i] = $_;
push @{$pt->{normal}}, $pt->{raw}[$i];
@{$pt->{info}{ddMap}} = @{$hd->{primary}{info}{ddMap}};