package ugtk2; use diagnostics; use strict; use vars qw(@ISA %EXPORT_TAGS @EXPORT_OK @icon_paths $force_center $force_focus $force_position $grab $pop_it $border); #- leave it on one line, for automatic removal of the line at package creation @ISA = qw(Exporter); %EXPORT_TAGS = ( wrappers => [ qw(gtkadd gtkappend gtkappend_page gtkappenditems gtkcombo_setpopdown_strings gtkdestroy gtkentry gtkexpand gtkflush gtkhide gtkmodify_font gtkmove gtkpack gtkpack2 gtkpack2_ gtkpack2__ gtkpack_ gtkpack__ gtkpowerpack gtkput gtkradio gtkresize gtkroot gtkset_active gtkset_border_width gtkset_editable gtkset_justify gtkset_alignment gtkset_layout gtkset_markup gtkset_modal gtkset_mousecursor gtkset_mousecursor_normal gtkset_mousecursor_wait gtkset_name gtkset_property gtkset_relief gtkset_selectable gtkset_sensitive gtkset_shadow_type gtkset_size_request gtkset_text gtkset_tip gtkset_visibility gtksetstyle gtkshow gtksignal_connect gtksize gtktext_append gtktext_insert ) ], helpers => [ qw(add2notebook add_icon_path fill_tiled fill_tiled_coords get_text_coord gtkcolor gtkcreate_img gtkcreate_pixbuf gtkfontinfo gtkset_background n_line_size set_back_pixbuf string_size string_width string_height wrap_paragraph) ], create => [ qw(create_adjustment create_box_with_title create_dialog create_factory_menu create_factory_popup_menu create_hbox create_hpaned create_menu create_notebook create_okcancel create_packtable create_scrolled_window create_vbox create_vpaned _create_dialog ) ], ask => [ qw(ask_browse_tree_info ask_browse_tree_info_given_widgets ask_dir ask_from_entry ask_okcancel ask_warn ask_yesorno ) ], dialogs => [ qw(err_dialog info_dialog warn_dialog) ], ); $EXPORT_TAGS{all} = [ map { @$_ } values %EXPORT_TAGS ]; @EXPORT_OK = map { @$_ } values %EXPORT_TAGS; use c; use log; use common; use Gtk2; use Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms; unless ($::no_ugtk_init) { !check_for_xserver() and die "Cannot be run in console mode.\n"; $::one_message_has_been_translated and warn("N() was called from $::one_message_has_been_translated BEFORE gtk2 initialisation, replace it with a N_() AND a translate() later.\n"), c::_exit(1); Gtk2->init; c::bind_textdomain_codeset($_, 'UTF8') foreach 'libDrakX', @::textdomains; $::need_utf8_i18n = 1; } $border = 5; # -=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=--- # wrappers # # Functional-style wrappers to existing Gtk functions; allows to program in # a more functional way, and especially, first, to avoid using temp # variables, and second, to "see" directly in the code the user interface # you're building. sub gtkdestroy { $_[0] and $_[0]->destroy } sub gtkflush() { Gtk2->main_iteration while Gtk2->events_pending } sub gtkhide { $_[0]->hide; $_[0] } sub gtkmove { $_[0]->window->move($_[1], $_[2]); $_[0] } sub gtkpack { gtkpowerpack(1, 1, @_) } sub gtkpack_ { gtkpowerpack('arg', 1, @_) } sub gtkpack__ { gtkpowerpack(0, 1, @_) } sub gtkpack2 { gtkpowerpack(1, 0, @_) } sub gtkpack2_ { gtkpowerpack('arg', 0, @_) } sub gtkpack2__ { gtkpowerpack(0, 0, @_) } sub gtkput { $_[0]->put(gtkshow($_[1]), $_[2], $_[3]); $_[0] } sub gtkresize { $_[0]->window->resize($_[1], $_[2]); $_[0] } sub gtkset_active { $_[0]->set_active($_[1]); $_[0] } sub gtkset_border_width { $_[0]->set_border_width($_[1]); $_[0] } sub gtkset_editable { $_[0]->set_editable($_[1]); $_[0] } sub gtkset_selectable { $_[0]->set_selectable($_[1]); $_[0] } sub gtkset_justify { $_[0]->set_justify($_[1]); $_[0] } sub gtkset_alignment { $_[0]->set_alignment($_[1], $_[2]); $_[0] } sub gtkset_layout { $_[0]->set_layout($_[1]); $_[0] } sub gtkset_modal { $_[0]->set_modal($_[1]); $_[0] } sub gtkset_mousecursor_normal { gtkset_mousecursor('left-ptr', @_) } sub gtkset_mousecursor_wait { gtkset_mousecursor('watch', @_) } sub gtkset_relief { $_[0]->set_relief($_[1]); $_[0] } sub gtkset_sensitive { $_[0]->set_sensitive($_[1]); $_[0] } sub gtkset_visibility { $_[0]->set_visibility($_[1]); $_[0] } sub gtkset_tip { $_[0]->set_tip($_[1], $_[2]) if $_[2]; $_[1] } sub gtkset_shadow_type { $_[0]->set_shadow_type($_[1]); $_[0] } sub gtkset_style { $_[0]->set_style($_[1]); $_[0] } sub gtkset_size_request { $_[0]->set_size_request($_[1], $_[2]); $_[0] } sub gtkshow { $_[0]->show; $_[0] } sub gtksize { $_[0]->size($_[1], $_[2]); $_[0] } sub gtkexpand { $_[0]->expand; $_[0] } sub gtkset_markup { $_[0]->set_markup($_[1]); $_[0] } sub gtkadd { my $w = shift; foreach (@_) { my $l = $_; ref $l or $l = Gtk2::Label->new($l); $w->add(gtkshow($l)); } $w } sub gtkappend { my $w = shift; foreach (@_) { my $l = $_; ref $l or $l = Gtk2::Label->new($l); $w->append(gtkshow($l)); } $w } sub gtkappenditems { my $w = shift; $_->show foreach @_; $w->append_items(@_); $w } # append page to a notebook sub gtkappend_page { my $w = shift; $w->append_page(@_); $w } sub gtkentry { my ($text) = @_; my $e = Gtk2::Entry->new; $text and $e->set_text($text); $e; } sub gtksetstyle { my ($w, $s) = @_; $w->set_style($s); $w; } sub gtkradio { my $def = shift; my $radio; map { gtkset_active($radio = Gtk2::RadioButton->new($radio ? $radio->get_group : undef, $_), $_ eq $def) } @_; } sub gtkroot() { my $root if 0; $root ||= Gtk2::Gdk->get_default_root_window; } sub gtkset_text { my ($w, $s) = @_; $w->set_text($s); $w; } sub gtkcombo_setpopdown_strings { my $w = shift; $w->set_popdown_strings(@_); $w; } sub gtkset_mousecursor { my ($type, $w) = @_; ($w || gtkroot())->set_cursor(Gtk2::Gdk::Cursor->new($type)); } sub gtksignal_connect { my $w = shift; $w->signal_connect(@_); $w; } sub gtkset_name { my ($widget, $name) = @_; $widget->set_name($name); $widget; } sub gtkpowerpack { #- Get Default Attributes (if any). 2 syntaxes allowed : #- gtkpowerpack( {expand => 1, fill => 0}, $box...) : the attributes are picked from a specified hash ref #- gtkpowerpack(1, 0, 1, $box, ...) : the attributes are picked from the non-ref list, in the order (expand, fill, padding, pack_end). my @attributes_list = qw(expand fill padding pack_end); my $default_attrs = {}; if (ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH') { $default_attrs = shift; } elsif (!ref($_[0])) { foreach (@attributes_list) { ref($_[0]) and last; $default_attrs->{$_} = shift; } } my $box = shift; while (@_) { #- Get attributes (if specified). 4 syntaxes allowed (default values are undef ie. false...) : #- gtkpowerpack({defaultattrs}, $box, $widget1, $widget2, ...) : the attrs are picked from the default ones (if they exist) #- gtkpowerpack($box, {fill=>1, expand=>0, ...}, $widget1, ...) : the attributes are picked from a specified hash ref #- gtkpowerpack($box, [1,0,1], $widget1, ...) : the attributes are picked from the array ref : (expand, fill, padding, pack_end). #- gtkpowerpack({attr=>'arg'}, $box, 1, $widget1, 0, $widget2, etc...) : the 'arg' value will tell gtkpowerpack to always read the #- attr value directly in the arg list (avoiding confusion between value 0 and Gtk::Label("0"). That can simplify some writings but #- this arg(s) MUST then be present... my (%attr, $attrs); ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH' || ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY' and $attrs = shift; foreach (@attributes_list) { if (($default_attrs->{$_} || '') eq 'arg') { ref($_[0]) and die "error in packing definition\n"; $attr{$_} = shift; ref($attrs) eq 'ARRAY' and shift @$attrs; } elsif (ref($attrs) eq 'HASH' && defined($attrs->{$_})) { $attr{$_} = $attrs->{$_}; } elsif (ref($attrs) eq 'ARRAY') { $attr{$_} = shift @$attrs; } elsif (defined($default_attrs->{$_})) { $attr{$_} = int $default_attrs->{$_}; } else { $attr{$_} = 0; } } #- Get and pack the widget (create it if necessary to a label...) my $widget = ref($_[0]) ? shift : Gtk2::Label->new(shift); my $pack_call = 'pack_'.($attr{pack_end} ? 'end' : 'start'); $box->$pack_call($widget, $attr{expand}, $attr{fill}, $attr{padding}); $widget->show; } return $box; } sub gtktreeview_children { my ($model, $iter) = @_; my @l; $model && $iter or return; for (my $p = $model->iter_children($iter); $p; $p = $model->iter_next($p)) { push @l, $p; } @l; } # -=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=--- # create # # Helpers that allow omitting common operations on common widgets # (e.g. create widgets with good default properties) sub create_pixbutton { my ($label, $pix, $reverse_order) = @_; my @label_and_pix = (0, $label, if_($pix, 0, $pix)); gtkadd(Gtk2::Button->new, gtkpack_(Gtk2::HBox->new(0, 3), 1, "", $reverse_order ? reverse(@label_and_pix) : @label_and_pix, 1, "")); } sub create_adjustment { my ($val, $min, $max) = @_; Gtk2::Adjustment->new($val, $min, $max + 1, 1, ($max - $min + 1) / 10, 1); } sub create_scrolled_window { my ($W, $o_policy, $o_viewport_shadow) = @_; my $w = Gtk2::ScrolledWindow->new(undef, undef); $w->set_policy($o_policy ? @$o_policy : ('automatic', 'automatic')); if (member(ref($W), qw(Gtk2::Layout Gtk2::Text Gtk2::TextView Gtk2::TreeView))) { $w->add($W) } else { $w->add_with_viewport($W); } $o_viewport_shadow and gtkset_shadow_type($w->child, $o_viewport_shadow); $W->can('set_focus_vadjustment') and $W->set_focus_vadjustment($w->get_vadjustment); $W->show; if (ref($W) eq 'Gtk2::TextView') { gtkadd(gtkset_shadow_type(Gtk2::Frame->new, 'in'), $w) } else { $w } } sub n_line_size { my ($nbline, $type, $widget) = @_; my $spacing = ${{ text => 3, various => 17 }}{$type}; my %fontinfo = gtkfontinfo($widget); round($nbline * ($fontinfo{ascent} + $fontinfo{descent} + $spacing) + 8); } sub create_box_with_title { my $o = shift; my $nbline = sum(map { round(length($_) / 60 + 1/2) } map { split "\n" } @_); my $box = Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0); if ($nbline == 0) { $o->{box_size} = 0; return $box; } $o->{box_size} = n_line_size($nbline, 'text', $box); if (@_ <= 2 && ($nbline > 4 || ($nbline > 1 && ref($::o) && member($::o->{locale}{lang}, qw(ja))))) { $o->{icon} && !$::isWizard and eval { gtkpack__($box, gtkset_border_width(gtkpack_(Gtk2::HBox->new(0,0), 1, gtkcreate_img($o->{icon})),5)) }; my $wanted = $o->{box_size}; $o->{box_size} = min(200, $o->{box_size}); my $has_scroll = $o->{box_size} < $wanted; my $wtext = Gtk2::TextView->new; $wtext->set_left_margin(3); $wtext->can_focus($has_scroll); $wtext->signal_connect(button_press_event => sub { 1 }); #- disable selecting text and popping the contextual menu (GUI team says it's *horrible* to be able to do select text!) chomp(my $text = join("\n", @_)); my $scroll = create_scrolled_window(gtktext_insert($wtext, $text)); $scroll->set_size_request(400, $o->{box_size}); gtkpack($box, $scroll); } else { my $a = !$::no_separator; undef $::no_separator; if ($o->{icon} && (!$::isWizard || $::isInstall)) { gtkpack__($box, gtkpack_(Gtk2::HBox->new(0,0), 0, gtkset_size_request(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), 15, 0), 0, eval { gtkcreate_img($o->{icon}) }, 0, gtkset_size_request(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), 15, 0), 1, gtkpack_($o->{box_title} = Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), 1, Gtk2::HBox->new(0,0), (map { my $w = ref($_) ? $_ : Gtk2::Label->new($_); $::isWizard and $w->set_justify("left"); (0, gtkset_name($w, "Title")); } map { ref($_) ? $_ : warp_text($_) } @_), 1, Gtk2::HBox->new(0,0), ) ), if_($a, Gtk2::HSeparator->new) ) } else { gtkpack__($box, if_($::isWizard, gtkset_size_request(Gtk2::Label->new, 0, 10)), (map { my $w = ref($_) ? $_ : Gtk2::Label->new($_); gtkset_name($w, "Title"); $::isWizard ? gtkpack__(Gtk2::HBox->new(0,0), gtkset_size_request(Gtk2::Label->new, 20, 0), $w) : $w } map { ref($_) ? $_ : warp_text($_) } @_), if_($::isWizard, gtkset_size_request(Gtk2::Label->new, 0, 15)), if_($a, Gtk2::HSeparator->new) ) } } } sub _create_dialog { my ($title, $o_options) = @_; my $dialog = Gtk2::Dialog->new; $dialog->set_title($title); $dialog->set_position('center-on-parent'); # center-on-parent doesn't work $dialog->set_size_request(-1, $o_options->{small} ? -1 : 400); $dialog->set_modal(1); $dialog->set_transient_for($o_options->{transient}) if $o_options->{transient}; $dialog; } # drakfloppy / drakfont / harddrake2 / mcc sub create_dialog { my ($title, $label, $o_options) = @_; my $ret = 0; my $dialog = _create_dialog($title, $o_options); $dialog->set_border_width(10); my $text = $o_options->{use_markup} ? gtkset_markup(Gtk2::Label->new, $label) : Gtk2::Label->new($label); gtkpack($dialog->vbox, gtkpack_(Gtk2::HBox->new, if_($o_options->{stock}, 0, Gtk2::Image->new_from_stock($o_options->{stock}, 'dialog')), 1, create_scrolled_window($text, [ 'never', 'automatic' ]), ), ); $text->set_line_wrap(1); if ($o_options->{cancel}) { my $button2 = Gtk2::Button->new(N("Cancel")); $button2->signal_connect(clicked => sub { $ret = 0; $dialog->destroy; Gtk2->main_quit }); $button2->can_default(1); $dialog->action_area->pack_start($button2, 1, 1, 0); } my $button = Gtk2::Button->new(N("Ok")); $button->can_default(1); $button->signal_connect(clicked => sub { $ret = 1; $dialog->destroy; Gtk2->main_quit }); $dialog->action_area->pack_start($button, 1, 1, 0); $button->grab_default; $dialog->show_all; Gtk2->main; $ret; } sub info_dialog { my ($title, $label, $o_options) = @_; $o_options ||= { }; add2hash_($o_options, { small => 1, stock => 'gtk-dialog-info' }); create_dialog($title, $label, $o_options); } sub warn_dialog { my ($title, $label, $o_options) = @_; $o_options ||= { }; add2hash_($o_options, { small => 1, stock => 'gtk-dialog-warning', cancel => 1 }); create_dialog($title, $label, $o_options); } sub err_dialog { my ($title, $label, $o_options) = @_; $o_options ||= { }; add2hash_($o_options, { small => 1, stock => 'gtk-dialog-error' }); create_dialog($title, $label, $o_options); } sub create_hbox { gtkset_layout(gtkset_border_width(Gtk2::HButtonBox->new, 3), $_[0] || 'spread') } sub create_vbox { gtkset_layout(Gtk2::VButtonBox->new, $_[0] || 'spread') } sub create_factory_menu_ { my ($type, $name, $window, @menu_items) = @_; my $widget = Gtk2::ItemFactory->new($type, $name, my $accel_group = Gtk2::AccelGroup->new); $widget->create_items($window, @menu_items); $window->add_accel_group($accel_group); ($widget->get_widget($name), $widget); } sub create_factory_popup_menu { create_factory_menu_("Gtk2::Menu", '
', @_) } sub create_factory_menu { create_factory_menu_("Gtk2::MenuBar", '
', @_) } sub create_menu { my $title = shift; my $w = Gtk2::MenuItem->new($title); $w->set_submenu(gtkshow(gtkappend(Gtk2::Menu->new, @_))); $w } sub create_notebook { my $n = Gtk2::Notebook->new; while (@_) { my ($title, $book) = splice(@_, 0, 2); add2notebook($n, $title, $book); } $n } sub create_packtable { my ($options, @l) = @_; my $w = Gtk2::Table->new(0, 0, $options->{homogeneous} || 0); each_index { my ($i, $l) = ($::i, $_); each_index { my $j = $::i; if ($_) { ref $_ or $_ = Gtk2::Label->new($_); $j != $#$l && !$options->{mcc} ? $w->attach($_, $j, $j + 1, $i, $i + 1, 'fill', 'fill', 5, 0) : $w->attach($_, $j, $j + 1, $i, $i + 1, ['expand', 'fill'], ref($_) eq 'Gtk2::ScrolledWindow' || $_->get_data('must_grow') ? ['expand', 'fill'] : [], 0, 0); $_->show; } } @$l; } @l; $w->set_col_spacings($options->{col_spacings} || 0); $w->set_row_spacings($options->{row_spacings} || 0); $w } sub create_okcancel { my ($w, $o_ok, $o_cancel, $o_spread, @other) = @_; my $wizard_buttons = $::isWizard && !$w->{pop_it}; my $cancel = defined $o_cancel || defined $o_ok ? $o_cancel : $wizard_buttons ? N("<- Previous") : N("Cancel"); my $ok = defined $o_ok ? $o_ok : $wizard_buttons ? ($::Wizard_finished ? N("Finish") : N("Next ->")) : N("Ok"); my $b1 = gtksignal_connect($w->{ok} = Gtk2::Button->new($ok), clicked => $w->{ok_clicked} || sub { $w->{retval} = 1; Gtk2->main_quit }); my $b2 = $cancel && gtksignal_connect($w->{cancel} = Gtk2::Button->new($cancel), clicked => $w->{cancel_clicked} || sub { log::l("default cancel_clicked"); undef $w->{retval}; Gtk2->main_quit }); gtksignal_connect($w->{wizcancel} = Gtk2::Button->new(N("Cancel")), clicked => sub { die 'wizcancel' }) if $wizard_buttons && !$::isInstall; my @l = grep { $_ } $wizard_buttons ? (if_(!$::isInstall, $w->{wizcancel}), if_(!$::Wizard_no_previous, $b2), $b1) : ($b1, $b2); my @l2 = map { gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new($_->[0]), clicked => $_->[1]) } grep { $_->[2] } @other; my @r2 = map { gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new($_->[0]), clicked => $_->[1]) } grep { !$_->[2] } @other; my $box = create_hbox($o_spread || "edge"); $box->pack_start($_, 0, 0, 1) foreach @l2; $box->pack_end($_, 0, 0, 1) foreach @r2, @l; foreach (@l2, @r2, @l) { $_->show; $_->can_default($wizard_buttons); } $box; } sub _setup_paned { my ($paned, $child1, $child2, %options) = @_; foreach ([ 'resize1', 0 ], [ 'shrink1', 1 ], [ 'resize2', 1 ], [ 'shrink2', 1 ]) { $options{$_->[0]} = $_->[1] unless defined($options{$_->[0]}); } $paned->pack1(gtkshow($child1), $options{resize1}, $options{shrink1}); $paned->pack2(gtkshow($child2), $options{resize2}, $options{shrink2}); gtkshow($paned); } sub create_vpaned { _setup_paned(Gtk2::VPaned->new, @_); } sub create_hpaned { _setup_paned(Gtk2::HPaned->new, @_); } # -=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=--- # helpers # # Functions that do typical operations on widgets, that you may need in # several places of your programs. sub _find_imgfile { my ($f, @extensions) = shift; @extensions or @extensions = qw(.png .xpm); if ($f !~ m|^/|) { foreach my $path (icon_paths()) { -e "$path/$f$_" and $f = "$path/$f$_" foreach '', @extensions; } } return $f; } # use it if you want to display an icon/image in your app sub gtkcreate_img { return Gtk2::Image->new_from_file(_find_imgfile(@_)); } # use it if you want to draw an image onto a drawingarea sub gtkcreate_pixbuf { return Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf->new_from_file(_find_imgfile(@_)); } sub gtktext_append { gtktext_insert(@_, append => 1) } # choose one of the two styles: # - gtktext_insert($textview, "My text.."); # - gtktext_insert($textview, [ [ 'first text', { 'foreground' => 'blue', 'background' => 'green', ... } ], # [ 'second text' ], # [ 'third', { 'font' => 'Serif 15', ... } ], # ... ]); sub gtktext_insert { my ($textview, $t, %opts) = @_; my $buffer = $textview->get_buffer; if (ref($t) eq 'ARRAY') { $opts{append} or $buffer->set_text(''); foreach my $token (@$t) { my $iter1 = $buffer->get_end_iter; my $c = $buffer->get_char_count; if ($token->[0] =~ /^Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf/) { $buffer->insert_pixbuf($iter1, $token->[0]); next; } $buffer->insert($iter1, $token->[0]); if ($token->[1]) { my $tag = $buffer->create_tag(rand()); $tag->set(%{$token->[1]}); $buffer->apply_tag($tag, $iter1 = $buffer->get_iter_at_offset($c), $buffer->get_end_iter); } } } else { $buffer->set_text($t); } #- the following line is needed to move the cursor to the beginning, so that if the #- textview has a scrollbar, it won't scroll to the bottom when focusing (#3633) $buffer->place_cursor($buffer->get_start_iter); $textview->set_wrap_mode($opts{wrap_mode} || 'word'); $textview->set_editable($opts{editable} || 0); $textview->set_cursor_visible($opts{visible} || 0); $textview; } # extracts interesting font metrics for a given widget sub gtkfontinfo { my ($widget) = @_; my $context = $widget->get_pango_context; my $metrics = $context->get_metrics($context->get_font_description, $context->get_language); my %fontinfo; foreach (qw(ascent descent approximate_char_width approximate_digit_width)) { no strict; my $func = "get_$_"; $fontinfo{$_} = Gtk2::Pango->pixels($metrics->$func); } %fontinfo; } sub gtkmodify_font { my ($w, $arg) = @_; $w->modify_font(ref($arg) ? $arg : Gtk2::Pango::FontDescription->from_string($arg)); $w; } sub gtkset_property { my ($w, $property, $value) = @_; $w->set_property($property, $value); $w; } sub set_back_pixbuf { my ($widget, $pixbuf) = @_; my $window = $widget->window; my ($width, $height) = ($pixbuf->get_width, $pixbuf->get_height); my $pixmap = Gtk2::Gdk::Pixmap->new($window, $width, $height, $window->get_depth); $pixbuf->render_to_drawable($pixmap, $widget->style->fg_gc('normal'), 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, 'none', 0, 0); $window->set_back_pixmap($pixmap, 0); } sub fill_tiled_coords { my ($widget, $pixbuf, $x_back, $y_back, $width, $height) = @_; my ($x2, $y2) = (0, 0); while (1) { $x2 = 0; while (1) { $pixbuf->render_to_drawable($widget->window, $widget->style->fg_gc('normal'), 0, 0, $x2, $y2, $x_back, $y_back, 'none', 0, 0); $x2 += $x_back; $x2 >= $width and last; } $y2 += $y_back; $y2 >= $height and last; } } sub fill_tiled { my ($widget, $pixbuf) = @_; my ($window_width, $window_height) = $widget->window->get_size; fill_tiled_coords($widget, $pixbuf, $pixbuf->get_width, $pixbuf->get_height, $window_width, $window_height); } sub add2notebook { my ($n, $title, $book) = @_; $n->append_page($book, gtkshow(Gtk2::Label->new($title))); $book->show; } sub string_size { my ($widget, $text) = @_; my $layout = $widget->create_pango_layout($text); my @size = $layout->get_pixel_size; @size; } sub string_width { my ($widget, $text) = @_; my ($width, undef) = string_size($widget, $text); $width; } sub string_height { my ($widget, $text) = @_; my (undef, $height) = string_size($widget, $text); $height; } sub get_text_coord { my ($text, $widget4style, $max_width, $max_height, $can_be_greater, $can_be_smaller, $centeredx, $centeredy, $o_wrap_char) = @_; my $wrap_char = $o_wrap_char || ' '; my $idx = 0; my $real_width = 0; my $real_height = 0; my @lines; my @widths; my @heights; $heights[0] = 0; my $max_width2 = $max_width; my $height = 0; my $width = 0; my $flag = 1; my @t = split($wrap_char, $text); my @t2; if ($::isInstall && $::o->{locale}{lang} =~ /ja|zh/) { @t = map { $_ . $wrap_char } @t; $wrap_char = ''; foreach (@t) { my @c = split(''); my $i = 0; my $el = ''; while (1) { $i >= @c and last; $el .= $c[$i]; if (ord($c[$i]) >= 128) { $el .= $c[$i+1]; $i++; push @t2, $el; $el = '' } $i++; } $el ne '' and push @t2, $el; } } else { @t2 = @t; } foreach (@t2) { my $l = string_width($widget4style, $_ . (!$flag ? $wrap_char : '')); if ($width + $l > $max_width2 && !$flag) { $flag = 1; $height += string_height($widget4style, $lines[$idx]) + 1; $heights[$idx+1] = $height; $widths[$idx] = $centeredx && !$can_be_smaller ? (max($max_width2-$width, 0))/2 : 0; $width = 0; $idx++; } $lines[$idx] = $flag ? $_ : $lines[$idx] . $wrap_char . $_; $width += $l; $flag = 0; $l <= $max_width2 or $max_width2 = $l; $width <= $real_width or $real_width = $width; } $height += string_height($widget4style, $lines[$idx]); $widths[$idx] = $centeredx && !$can_be_smaller ? (max($max_width2-$width, 0))/2 : 0; $height < $real_height or $real_height = $height; $width = $max_width; $height = $max_height; $real_width < $max_width && $can_be_smaller and $width = $real_width; $real_width > $max_width && $can_be_greater and $width = $real_width; $real_height < $max_height && $can_be_smaller and $height = $real_height; $real_height > $max_height && $can_be_greater and $height = $real_height; if ($centeredy) { my $dh = ($height-$real_height)/2 + (string_height($widget4style, $lines[0]))/2; @heights = map { $_ + $dh } @heights; } ($width, $height, \@lines, \@widths, \@heights); } sub wrap_paragraph { my ($text, $widget4style, $max_width) = @_; my ($width, @lines, @widths, @heights); my $ydec; foreach (@$text) { if ($_ ne '') { my ($width_, $height, $lines, $widths, $heights) = get_text_coord($_, $widget4style, $max_width, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0); push @widths, @$widths; push @heights, map { $_ + $ydec } @$heights; push @lines, @$lines; $width = max($width, $width_); $ydec += $height + 1; } else { #- void line my $yvoid = $ydec / @lines; push @widths, 0; push @heights, $yvoid; push @lines, ''; $ydec += $yvoid; } } ($width, \@lines, \@widths, \@heights); } sub gtkcolor { my ($r, $g, $b) = @_; my $color = Gtk2::Gdk::Color->new($r, $g, $b); gtkroot()->get_colormap->rgb_find_color($color); $color; } sub gtkset_background { my ($r, $g, $b) = @_; my $root = gtkroot(); my $gc = Gtk2::Gdk::GC->new($root); my $color = gtkcolor($r, $g, $b); $gc->set_rgb_fg_color($color); $root->set_background($color); my ($w, $h) = $root->get_size; $root->draw_rectangle($gc, 1, 0, 0, $w, $h); } sub add_icon_path { push @icon_paths, @_ } sub icon_paths() { (@icon_paths, (exists $ENV{SHARE_PATH} ? ($ENV{SHARE_PATH}, "$ENV{SHARE_PATH}/icons", "$ENV{SHARE_PATH}/libDrakX/pixmaps") : ()), "/usr/lib/libDrakX/icons", "pixmaps", 'standalone/icons', '/usr/share/rpmdrake/icons'); } add_icon_path(@icon_paths, exists $ENV{SHARE_PATH} ? "$ENV{SHARE_PATH}/libDrakX/pixmaps" : (), '/usr/lib/libDrakX/icons', 'standalone/icons'); # -=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=--- # toplevel window creation helper # # Use the 'new' function as a method constructor and then 'main' on it to # launch the main loop. Use $o->{retval} to indicate that the window needs # to terminate. # Set $::isWizard to have a wizard appearance. # Set $::isEmbedded and $::XID so that the window will plug. sub new { my ($type, $title, %opts) = @_; my $o = bless { %opts }, $type; $o->_create_window($title); while (my $e = shift @tempory::objects) { $e->destroy } push @interactive::objects, $o if !$opts{no_interactive_objects}; $o->{rwindow}->set_modal(1) if ($grab || $o->{grab} || $o->{modal}) && !$::isInstall; $o->{rwindow}->set_transient_for($o->{transient}) if $o->{transient}; $o->{pop_it} ||= $pop_it || $::WizardTable && do { my @l = $::WizardTable->get_children; pop @l if !$::isInstall && $::isWizard; #- don't take into account the DrawingArea any { $_->visible } @l; }; if ($::isWizard && !$o->{pop_it}) { $o->{isWizard} = 1; $o->{window} = Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0); $o->{window}->set_border_width($::Wizard_splash ? 0 : 10); $o->{rwindow} = $o->{window}; if (!defined($::WizardWindow)) { $::WizardWindow = Gtk2::Window->new('toplevel'); $::WizardWindow->signal_connect(delete_event => sub { die 'wizcancel' }); $::WizardTable = Gtk2::Table->new(2, 2, 0); $::WizardWindow->add(gtkadd(gtkset_shadow_type(Gtk2::Frame->new, 'out'), $::WizardTable)); if ($::isInstall) { $::WizardTable->set_size_request($::windowwidth * 0.90, $::windowheight * ($::logoheight ? 0.73 : 0.9)); $::WizardWindow->set_uposition($::stepswidth + $::windowwidth * 0.04, $::logoheight + $::windowheight * ($::logoheight ? 0.12 : 0.05)); $::WizardWindow->signal_connect(key_press_event => sub { my (undef, $event) = @_; my $d = ${{ $Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{F2} => 'screenshot' }}{$event->keyval}; if ($d eq 'screenshot') { common::take_screenshot(); } elsif (chr($event->keyval) eq 'e' && member('mod1-mask', @{$event->state})) { #- alt-e log::l("Switching to " . ($::expert ? "beginner" : "expert")); $::expert = !$::expert; } 0; }); } else { my $draw1 = Gtk2::DrawingArea->new; $draw1->set_size_request(540, 100); my $draw2 = Gtk2::DrawingArea->new; $draw2->set_size_request(100, 300); my $pixbuf_up = gtkcreate_pixbuf($::Wizard_pix_up || "wiz_default_up.png"); my $pixbuf_left = gtkcreate_pixbuf($::Wizard_pix_left || "wiz_default_left.png"); $draw1->modify_font(Gtk2::Pango::FontDescription->from_string(N("utopia 25"))); $draw1->signal_connect(expose_event => sub { my $height = $pixbuf_up->get_height; for (my $i = 0; $i < 540/$height; $i++) { $pixbuf_up->render_to_drawable($draw1->window, $draw1->style->bg_gc('normal'), 0, 0, 0, $height*$i, -1, -1, 'none', 0, 0); my $layout = $draw1->create_pango_layout($::Wizard_title); $draw1->window->draw_layout($draw1->style->white_gc, 40, 62, $layout); } }); $draw2->signal_connect(expose_event => sub { my $height = $pixbuf_left->get_height; for (my $i = 0; $i < 300/$height; $i++) { $pixbuf_left->render_to_drawable($draw2->window, $draw2->style->bg_gc('normal'), 0, 0, 0, $height*$i, -1, -1, 'none', 0, 0); } }); $::WizardWindow->set_position('center_always') if !$::isStandalone; $::WizardTable->attach($draw1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 'fill', 'fill', 0, 0); $::WizardTable->set_size_request(540,420); } $::WizardWindow->show_all; flush(); } $::WizardTable->attach($o->{window}, 0, 2, 1, 2, ['fill', 'expand'], ['fill', 'expand'], 0, 0); } if ($::isEmbedded && !$o->{pop_it}) { $o->{isEmbedded} = 1; $o->{window} = new Gtk2::HBox(0,0); $o->{rwindow} = $o->{window}; if (!$::Plug) { $::Plug = gtkshow(Gtk2::Plug->new($::XID)); flush(); $::WizardTable = Gtk2::Table->new(2, 2, 0); $::Plug->add($::WizardTable); } $::WizardTable->attach($o->{window}, 0, 2, 1, 2, ['fill', 'expand'], ['fill', 'expand'], 0, 0); $::WizardTable->show; } $o->{rwindow}->signal_connect(destroy => sub { $o->{destroyed} = 1 }); $o; } sub main { my ($o, $o_completed, $o_canceled) = @_; gtkset_mousecursor_normal(); my $timeout = Glib::Timeout->add(1000, sub { gtkset_mousecursor_normal(); 1 }); my $_b = MDK::Common::Func::before_leaving { Glib::Source->remove($timeout) }; $o->show; do { Gtk2->main; } while (!$o->{destroyed} && ($o->{retval} ? $o_completed && !$o_completed->() : $o_canceled && !$o_canceled->())); $o->destroy; $o->{retval} } sub show($) { my ($o) = @_; $o->{window}->show; $o->{rwindow}->show; } sub destroy($) { my ($o) = @_; $o->{rwindow}->destroy if !$o->{destroyed}; gtkset_mousecursor_wait(); flush(); } sub DESTROY { goto &destroy } sub sync { my ($o) = @_; show($o); flush(); } sub flush() { gtkflush() } sub exit { gtkset_mousecursor_normal(); #- for restoring a normal in any case flush(); c::_exit($_[1]) #- workaround } #- in case "exit" above was not called by the program END { &exit() } sub _create_window($$) { my ($o, $title) = @_; my $w = Gtk2::Window->new('toplevel'); my $inner = gtkadd(gtkset_shadow_type(Gtk2::Frame->new(undef), 'out'), my $f = gtkset_border_width(gtkset_shadow_type(Gtk2::Frame->new(undef), 'none'), 3) ); gtkadd($w, $inner) if !$::noBorder; $w->set_name("Title"); $w->set_title($title); $w->signal_connect(expose_event => sub { eval { $interactive::objects[-1]{rwindow} == $w and $w->window->XSetInputFocus } }) if $force_focus || $o->{force_focus}; $w->signal_connect(delete_event => sub { if ($::isWizard) { $w->destroy; die 'wizcancel' } else { Gtk2->main_quit } }); $w->set_uposition(@{$force_position || $o->{force_position}}) if $force_position || $o->{force_position}; if ($::o->{mouse}{unsafe}) { $w->add_events('pointer-motion-mask'); my $signal; #- don't make this line part of next one, signal_disconnect won't be able to access $signal value $signal = $w->signal_connect(motion_notify_event => sub { delete $::o->{mouse}{unsafe}; log::l("unsetting unsafe mouse"); $w->signal_handler_disconnect($signal); }); } my ($wi, $he); $w->signal_connect(size_allocate => sub { my (undef, $event) = @_; my @w_size = $event->values; return if $w_size[2] == $wi && $w_size[3] == $he; #BUG (undef, undef, $wi, $he) = @w_size; my ($X, $Y, $Wi, $He) = @{$force_center || $o->{force_center}}; $w->set_uposition(max(0, $X + ($Wi - $wi) / 2), max(0, $Y + ($He - $he) / 2)); }) if ($force_center || $o->{force_center}) && !($force_position || $o->{force_position}); $o->{window} = $::noBorder ? $w : $f; $o->{rwindow} = $w; } # -=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=---=-=--- # ask # # Full UI managed functions that will return to you the value that the # user chose. sub ask_warn { my $w = ugtk2->new(shift @_, grab => 1); $w->_ask_warn(@_); main($w) } sub ask_yesorno { my $w = ugtk2->new(shift @_, grab => 1); $w->_ask_okcancel(@_, N("Yes"), N("No")); main($w) } sub ask_okcancel { my $w = ugtk2->new(shift @_, grab => 1); $w->_ask_okcancel(@_, N("Is this correct?"), N("Ok"), N("Cancel")); main($w) } sub ask_from_entry { my $w = ugtk2->new(shift @_, grab => 1); $w->_ask_from_entry(@_); main($w) } sub ask_dir { my $w = ugtk2->new(shift @_, grab => 1); $w->_ask_dir(@_); main($w) } sub _ask_from_entry($$@) { my ($o, @msgs) = @_; my $entry = Gtk2::Entry->new; my $f = sub { $o->{retval} = $entry->get_text; Gtk2->main_quit }; $o->{ok_clicked} = $f; $o->{cancel_clicked} = sub { undef $o->{retval}; Gtk2->main_quit }; gtkadd($o->{window}, gtkpack($o->create_box_with_title(@msgs), gtksignal_connect($entry, 'activate' => $f), ($o->{hide_buttons} ? () : create_okcancel($o))), ); $entry->grab_focus; } sub _ask_warn($@) { my ($o, @msgs) = @_; gtkadd($o->{window}, gtkpack($o->create_box_with_title(@msgs), gtksignal_connect(my $w = Gtk2::Button->new(N("Ok")), "clicked" => sub { Gtk2->main_quit }), ), ); $w->grab_focus; } sub _ask_okcancel($@) { my ($o, @msgs) = @_; my ($ok, $cancel) = splice @msgs, -2; gtkadd($o->{window}, gtkpack(create_box_with_title($o, @msgs), create_okcancel($o, $ok, $cancel), ) ); $o->{ok}->grab_focus; } sub _ask_file { my ($o, $title, $path) = @_; my ($modality, $position) = ($o->{rwindow}->get_modal, $o->{rwindow}->get('window-position')); my $f = $o->{rwindow} = Gtk2::FileSelection->new($title); $f->set_modal($modality); $f->set_position($position); $path and $f->set_filename($path); $f->ok_button->signal_connect(clicked => sub { $o->{retval} = $f->get_filename; Gtk2->main_quit }); $f->cancel_button->signal_connect(clicked => sub { Gtk2->main_quit }); $f->grab_focus; $f; } sub _ask_dir { my ($o) = @_; my $f = &_ask_file; $f->file_list->get_parent->hide; $f->selection_entry->get_parent->hide; $f->ok_button->signal_connect(clicked => sub { my ($model, $iter) = $f->dir_list->get_selection->get_selected; $o->{retval} .= $model->get($iter, 0) if $model; }); } sub ask_browse_tree_info { my ($common) = @_; my $w = ugtk2->new($common->{title}); my $tree_model = Gtk2::TreeStore->new("Glib::String", "Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf", "Glib::String"); my $tree = Gtk2::TreeView->new_with_model($tree_model); $tree->get_selection->set_mode('browse'); $tree->append_column(my $textcolumn = Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes(undef, Gtk2::CellRendererText->new, 'text' => 0)); $tree->append_column(my $pixcolumn = Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes(undef, Gtk2::CellRendererPixbuf->new, 'pixbuf' => 1)); $tree->append_column(Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes(undef, Gtk2::CellRendererText->new, 'text' => 2)); $tree->set_headers_visible(0); $tree->set_rules_hint(1); #TODO CHANGE METHOD WHICH DOES NOT EXISTS $textcolumn->set_minmax_width(200); gtkadd($w->{window}, gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,5), 0, $common->{message}, 1, gtkpack(Gtk2::HBox->new(0,0), create_scrolled_window($tree), gtkadd(Gtk2::Frame->new(N("Info")), create_scrolled_window(my $info = Gtk2::TextView->new), )), 0, my $box1 = Gtk2::HBox->new(0,15), 0, my $box2 = Gtk2::HBox->new(0,10), )); #gtkpack__($box2, my $toolbar = Gtk2::Toolbar->new('horizontal', 'icons')); gtkpack__($box2, my $toolbar = Gtk2::Toolbar->new); my @l = ([ $common->{ok}, 1 ], if_($common->{cancel}, [ $common->{cancel}, 0 ])); @l = reverse @l if !$::isInstall; my @buttons = map { my ($t, $val) = @$_; $box2->pack_end(my $w = gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new($t), clicked => sub { $w->{retval} = $val; Gtk2->main_quit; }), 0, 1, 20); $w; } @l; @buttons = reverse @buttons if !$::isInstall; gtkpack__($box2, gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Help")), clicked => sub { ask_warn(N("Help"), $common->{interactive_help}->()) })) if $common->{interactive_help}; if ($common->{auto_deps}) { gtkpack__($box1, gtksignal_connect(gtkset_active(Gtk2::CheckButton->new($common->{auto_deps}), $common->{state}{auto_deps}), clicked => sub { invbool \$common->{state}{auto_deps} })); } $box1->pack_end(my $status = Gtk2::Label->new, 0, 1, 20); $w->{window}->set_size_request(map { $_ - 2 * $border - 4 } $::windowwidth, $::windowheight) if !$::isInstall; $buttons[0]->grab_focus; $w->{rwindow}->show_all; #- TODO: $tree->queue_draw is a workaround to a bug in gtk-2.2.1; submit it in their bugzilla my @toolbar = (ftout => [ N("Expand Tree"), sub { $tree->expand_all; $tree->queue_draw } ], ftin => [ N("Collapse Tree"), sub { $tree->collapse_all } ], reload => [ N("Toggle between flat and group sorted"), sub { invbool(\$common->{state}{flat}); $common->{rebuild_tree}->() } ]); foreach my $ic (@{$common->{icons} || []}) { push @toolbar, ($ic->{icon} => [ $ic->{help}, sub { if ($ic->{code}) { my $_w = $ic->{wait_message} && $common->{wait_message}->('', $ic->{wait_message}); $ic->{code}(); $common->{rebuild_tree}->(); } } ]); } my %toolbar = @toolbar; foreach (grep_index { $::i % 2 == 0 } @toolbar) { $toolbar->append_item(undef, $toolbar{$_}[0], undef, gtkcreate_img("$_.png"), $toolbar{$_}[1]); } $pixcolumn->{is_pix} = 1; $common->{widgets} = { w => $w, tree => $tree, tree_model => $tree_model, textcolumn => $textcolumn, pixcolumn => $pixcolumn, info => $info, status => $status }; ask_browse_tree_info_given_widgets($common); } sub ask_browse_tree_info_given_widgets { my ($common) = @_; my $w = $common->{widgets}; my ($curr, $prev_label, $idle, $mouse_toggle_pending); my (%wtree, %ptree, %pix, %node_state, %state_stats); my $update_size = sub { my $new_label = $common->{get_status}(); $prev_label ne $new_label and $w->{status}->set($prev_label = $new_label); }; my $set_node_state_flat = sub { my ($iter, $state) = @_; $state eq 'XXX' and return; $pix{$state} ||= gtkcreate_pixbuf($state); $w->{tree_model}->set($iter, 1 => $pix{$state}); }; my $set_node_state_tree; $set_node_state_tree = sub { my ($iter, $state) = @_; my $iter_str = $w->{tree_model}->get_path_str($iter); $state eq 'XXX' and return; $pix{$state} ||= gtkcreate_pixbuf($state); if ($node_state{$iter_str} ne $state) { my $parent; if (!$w->{tree_model}->iter_has_child($iter) && ($parent = $w->{tree_model}->iter_parent($iter))) { my $parent_str = $w->{tree_model}->get_path_str($parent); my $stats = $state_stats{$parent_str} ||= {}; $stats->{$node_state{$iter_str}}--; $stats->{$state}++; my @list = grep { $stats->{$_} > 0 } keys %$stats; my $new_state = @list == 1 ? $list[0] : 'semiselected'; $node_state{$parent_str} ne $new_state and $set_node_state_tree->($parent, $new_state); } $w->{tree_model}->set($iter, 1 => $pix{$state}); $node_state{$iter_str} = $state; #- cache for efficiency } }; my $set_node_state = $common->{state}{flat} ? $set_node_state_flat : $set_node_state_tree; my $set_leaf_state = sub { my ($leaf, $state) = @_; $set_node_state->($_, $state) foreach @{$ptree{$leaf}}; }; my $add_parent; $add_parent = sub { my ($root, $state) = @_; $root or return undef; if (my $w = $wtree{$root}) { return $w } my $s; foreach (split '\|', $root) { my $s2 = $s ? "$s|$_" : $_; $wtree{$s2} ||= do { my $iter = $w->{tree_model}->append_set($s ? $add_parent->($s, $state) : undef, [ 0 => $_ ]); $iter; }; $s = $s2; } $set_node_state->($wtree{$s}, $state); #- use this state by default as tree is building. $wtree{$s}; }; my $add_node = sub { my ($leaf, $root, $options) = @_; my $state = $common->{node_state}($leaf) or return; if ($leaf) { my $iter = $w->{tree_model}->append_set($add_parent->($root, $state), [ 0 => $leaf ]); $set_node_state->($iter, $state); push @{$ptree{$leaf}}, $iter; } else { my $parent = $add_parent->($root, $state); #- hackery for partial displaying of trees, used in rpmdrake: #- if leaf is void, we may create the parent and one child (to have the [+] in front of the parent in the ctree) #- though we use '' as the label of the child; then rpmdrake will connect on tree_expand, and whenever #- the first child has '' as the label, it will remove the child and add all the "right" children $options->{nochild} or $w->{tree_model}->append_set($parent, [ 0 => '' ]); } }; my $clear_all_caches = sub { foreach (values %ptree) { foreach my $n (@$_) { delete $node_state{$w->{tree_model}->get_path_str($n)}; } } foreach (values %wtree) { my $iter_str = $w->{tree_model}->get_path_str($_); delete $node_state{$iter_str}; delete $state_stats{$iter_str}; } %ptree = %wtree = (); }; $common->{delete_all} = sub { $clear_all_caches->(); $w->{tree_model}->clear; }; $common->{rebuild_tree} = sub { $common->{delete_all}->(); $set_node_state = $common->{state}{flat} ? $set_node_state_flat : $set_node_state_tree; $common->{build_tree}($add_node, $common->{state}{flat}, $common->{tree_mode}); &$update_size; }; $common->{delete_category} = sub { my ($cat) = @_; exists $wtree{$cat} or return; foreach (keys %ptree) { my @to_remove; foreach my $node (@{$ptree{$_}}) { my $category; my $parent = $node; my @parents; while ($parent = $w->{tree_model}->iter_parent($parent)) { #- LEAKS my $parent_name = $w->{tree_model}->get($parent, 0); $category = $category ? "$parent_name|$category" : $parent_name; $_->[1] = "$parent_name|$_->[1]" foreach @parents; push @parents, [ $parent, $category ]; } if ($category =~ /^\Q$cat/) { push @to_remove, $node; foreach (@parents) { next if $_->[1] eq $cat || !exists $wtree{$_->[1]}; delete $wtree{$_->[1]}; delete $node_state{$w->{tree_model}->get_path_str($_->[0])}; delete $state_stats{$w->{tree_model}->get_path_str($_->[0])}; } } } foreach (@to_remove) { delete $node_state{$w->{tree_model}->get_path_str($_)}; } @{$ptree{$_}} = difference2($ptree{$_}, \@to_remove); } if (exists $wtree{$cat}) { my $iter_str = $w->{tree_model}->get_path_str($wtree{$cat}); delete $node_state{$iter_str}; delete $state_stats{$iter_str}; $w->{tree_model}->remove($wtree{$cat}); delete $wtree{$cat}; } &$update_size; }; $common->{add_nodes} = sub { my (@nodes) = @_; $add_node->($_->[0], $_->[1], $_->[2]) foreach @nodes; &$update_size; }; $common->{display_info} = sub { gtktext_insert($w->{info}, $common->{get_info}($curr)); 0 }; my $children = sub { map { my $v = $w->{tree_model}->get($_, 0); $v } gtktreeview_children($w->{tree_model}, $_[0]) }; my $toggle = sub { if (ref($curr) && !$_[0]) { $w->{tree}->toggle_expansion($w->{tree_model}->get_path($curr)); } else { if (ref $curr) { my @_a = $children->($curr); my @l = $common->{grep_allowed_to_toggle}($children->($curr)) or return; my @unsel = $common->{grep_unselected}(@l); my @p = @unsel ? #- not all is selected, select all if no option to potentially override (exists $common->{partialsel_unsel} && $common->{partialsel_unsel}->(\@unsel, \@l) ? difference2(\@l, \@unsel) : @unsel) : @l; $common->{toggle_nodes}($set_leaf_state, @p); &$update_size; } else { $common->{check_interactive_to_toggle}($curr) and $common->{toggle_nodes}($set_leaf_state, $curr); &$update_size; } } }; $w->{tree}->signal_connect(key_press_event => sub { my $c = chr($_[1]->keyval & 0xff); if ($_[1]->keyval >= 0x100 ? $c eq "\r" || $c eq "\x8d" : $c eq ' ') { $toggle->(0); } 0; }); $w->{tree}->get_selection->signal_connect(changed => sub { my ($model, $iter) = $_[0]->get_selected; $model && $iter or return; Glib::Source->remove($idle) if $idle; if (!$model->iter_has_child($iter)) { $curr = $model->get($iter, 0); $idle = Glib::Timeout->add(100, $common->{display_info}); } else { $curr = $iter; } #- the following test for equality is because we can have a button_press_event first, then #- two changed events, the first being on a different row :/ (is it a bug in gtk2?) - that #- happens in rpmdrake when doing a "search" and directly trying to select a found package if ($mouse_toggle_pending eq $model->get($iter, 0)) { $toggle->(1); $mouse_toggle_pending = 0; } 0; }); $w->{tree}->signal_connect(button_press_event => sub { #- not too good, but CellRendererPixbuf doesn't have the needed signals :( my ($path, $column) = $w->{tree}->get_path_at_pos($_[1]->x, $_[1]->y); if ($path && $column) { $column->{is_pix} and $mouse_toggle_pending = $w->{tree_model}->get($w->{tree_model}->get_iter($path), 0); } 0; }); $common->{rebuild_tree}->(); &$update_size; my $_b = before_leaving { $clear_all_caches->() }; $w->{w}->main; } # misc helpers: package Gtk2::TreeStore; sub append_set { my ($model, $parent, @values) = @_; # compatibility: @values = @{$values[0]} if $#values == 0 && ref($values[0]) eq 'ARRAY'; my $iter = $model->append($parent); $model->set($iter, @values); return $iter; } package Gtk2::ListStore; # Append a new row, set the values, return the TreeIter sub append_set { my ($model, @values) = @_; # compatibility: @values = @{$values[0]} if $#values == 0 && ref($values[0]) eq 'ARRAY'; my $iter = $model->append; $model->set($iter, @values); return $iter; } package Gtk2::TreeModel; # gets the string representation of a TreeIter sub get_path_str { my ($self, $iter) = @_; my $path = $self->get_path($iter); $path or return; $path->to_string; } package Gtk2::TreeView; # likewise gtk-1.2 function sub toggle_expansion { my ($self, $path, $b_open_all) = @_; if ($self->row_expanded($path)) { $self->collapse_row($path); } else { $self->expand_row($path, $b_open_all || 0); } } # With GTK+, for more GUIes coherency, GtkOptionMenu is recommended instead of a # combo if the user is selecting from a fixed set of options. # # That is, non-editable combo boxes are not encouraged. GtkOptionMenu is much # easier to use than GtkCombo as well. Use GtkCombo only when you need the # editable text entry. # # GtkOptionMenu is a much better-implemented widget and also the right UI for # noneditable sets of choices.) # # GtkCombo isn't deprecated yet in 2.2 but will be in 2.4.x because it still # uses deprecated GtkList. # # A replacement widget for both GtkCombo and GtkOption menu is expected in 2.4 # (currently in libegg). This widget will be themeable to look like either a # combo box or the current option menu. # # # This layer try to make OptionMenu look be api compatible with Combo since new # widget API seems following the current Combo API. package Gtk2::OptionMenu; use common; # try to get combox <==> option menu mapping sub set_popdown_strings { my ($w, @strs) = @_; my $menu = Gtk2::Menu->new; # keep string list around for ->set_text compatibilty helper $w->{strings} = \@strs; #$w->set_menu((ugtk2::create_factory_menu($window, [ "File", (undef) x 3, '' ], map { [ "File/" . $_, (undef) x 3, '' ] } @strs))[0]); $menu->append(ugtk2::gtkshow(Gtk2::MenuItem->new_with_label($_))) foreach @strs; $w->set_menu($menu); $w } sub entry { my ($w) = @_; return $w; } sub get_text { my ($w) = @_; $w->{strings}[$w->get_history]; } sub set_text { my ($w, $val) = @_; each_index { if ($_ eq $val) { $w->set_history($::i); return; } } @{$w->{strings}}; } package Gtk2::Label; sub set { my ($label) = shift; $label->set_label(@_); } package Gtk2::Entry; sub new_with_text { my ($_class, @text) = @_; my $entry = Gtk2::Entry->new; @text and $entry->set_text(@text); return $entry; } 1; n1298'>1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434
package lang; # $Id$

use diagnostics;
use strict;
use common;
use utf8;
use log;

#- key: lang name (locale name for some (~5) special cases needing
#-      extra distinctions)
#- [0]: lang name in english
#- [1]: transliterated locale name in the locale name (used for sorting)
#- [2]: default locale name to use for that language if there is not
#-      an existing locale for the combination language+country choosen
#- [3]: geographic groups that this language belongs to (for displaying
#-      in the menu grouped in smaller lists), 1=Europe, 2=Asia, 3=Africa,
#-      4=Oceania&Pacific, 5=America (if you wonder, it's the order
#-      used in the olympic flag)
#- [4]: special value for LANGUAGE variable (if different of the default
#-      of 'll_CC:ll_DD:ll' (ll_CC: locale (if exist) resulting of the
#-      combination of chosen lang (ll) and country (CC), ll_DD: the
#-      default locale shown here (field [2]) and ll: the language (the key))
our %langs = (
'af' =>    [ 'Afrikaans',           'Afrikaans',         'af_ZA', '  3  ', 'iso-8859-1' ],
'am' =>    [ 'Amharic',             'ZZ emarNa',         'am_ET', '  3  ', 'utf_ethi' ],
'ar' =>    [ 'Arabic',              'AA Arabic',         'ar_EG', ' 23  ', 'utf_ar' ],
'as' =>    [ 'Assamese',            'ZZ Assamese',       'as_IN', ' 2   ', 'utf_beng' ],
'az' =>    [ 'Azeri (Latin)',       'Azerbaycanca',      'az_AZ', ' 2   ', 'utf_az' ],
'be' =>    [ 'Belarussian',         'Belaruskaya',       'be_BY', '1    ', 'utf_cyr1' ],
'ber' =>   [ 'Berber',              'ZZ Tamazight',      'ber_MA', '  3  ', 'utf_tfng', 'ber_MA:ber:fr' ],
'bg' =>    [ 'Bulgarian',           'Blgarski',          'bg_BG', '1    ', 'cp1251' ],
'bn' =>    [ 'Bengali',             'ZZ Bengali',        'bn_BD', ' 2   ', 'utf_beng' ],
#- bo_CN not yet done, using dz_BT locale instead
'bo' =>    [ 'Tibetan',             'ZZ Bod skad',       'dz_BT', ' 2   ', 'utf_tibt', 'bo' ],
'br' =>    [ 'Breton',              'Brezhoneg',         'br_FR', '1    ', 'iso-8859-15', 'br:fr_FR:fr' ],
'bs' =>    [ 'Bosnian',             'Bosanski',          'bs_BA', '1    ', 'iso-8859-2' ],
'ca' =>    [ 'Catalan',             'Catala',            'ca_ES', '1    ', 'iso-8859-15', 'ca:es_ES:es' ],
'ca@valencian' =>  [ 'Catalan (Valencian)', 'Catala (Valencia)', 'ca_ES', '1    ', 'iso-8859-15', 'ca_ES@valencian:ca@valencian:ca:es_ES:es' ],
'cs' =>    [ 'Czech',               'Cestina',           'cs_CZ', '1    ', 'iso-8859-2' ],
'cy' =>    [ 'Welsh',               'Cymraeg',           'cy_GB', '1    ', 'utf_lat8',    'cy:en_GB:en' ],
'da' =>    [ 'Danish',              'Dansk',             'da_DK', '1    ', 'iso-8859-15' ],
'de' =>    [ 'German',              'Deutsch',           'de_DE', '1    ', 'iso-8859-15' ],
'dz' =>    [ 'Buthanese',           'ZZ Dzhonka',        'dz_BT', ' 2   ', 'utf_tibt' ],
'el' =>    [ 'Greek',               'Ellynika',          'el_GR', '1    ', 'iso-8859-7' ],
'en_AU' => [ 'English (Australia)', 'English (AU)',      'en_AU', '   4 ', 'iso-8859-1', 'en_AU:en_GB:en' ],
'en_CA' => [ 'English (Canada)',    'English (Canada)',  'en_CA', '    5', 'iso-8859-15', 'en_CA:en_GB:en' ],
'en_GB' => [ 'English',             'English',           'en_GB', '123 5', 'iso-8859-15' ],
'en_IE' => [ 'English (Ireland)',   'English (Ireland)', 'en_IE', '1    ', 'iso-8859-15', 'en_IE:en_GB:en' ],
'en_NZ' => [ 'English (New-Zealand)', 'English (NZ)',    'en_NZ', '   4 ', 'iso-8859-1', 'en_NZ:en_AU:en_GB:en' ],
'en_US' => [ 'English (American)', 'English (American)', 'en_US', '    5', 'C' ],
'eo' =>    [ 'Esperanto',           'Esperanto',         'eo_XX', '12345', 'unicode' ],
'es' =>    [ 'Spanish',             'Espanol',           'es_ES', '1 3 5', 'iso-8859-15' ],
'et' =>    [ 'Estonian',            'Eesti',             'et_EE', '1    ', 'iso-8859-15' ],
'eu' =>    [ 'Euskara (Basque)',    'Euskara',           'eu_ES', '1    ', 'utf_lat1' ],
'fa' =>    [ 'Farsi (Iranian)',     'AA Farsi',          'fa_IR', ' 2   ', 'utf_ar' ],
'fi' =>    [ 'Finnish (Suomi)',     'Suomi',             'fi_FI', '1    ', 'iso-8859-15' ],
#- 'tl' in priority position for now, as 'fil' is not much used.
#- Monolingual window managers will not see the menus otherwise
'fil' =>   [ 'Filipino',            'Filipino',          'fil_PH', ' 2   ', 'utf_lat1',  'tl:fil' ],
'fo' =>    [ 'Faroese',             'Foroyskt',          'fo_FO', '1    ', 'utf_lat1' ],
'fr' =>    [ 'French',              'Francais',          'fr_FR', '1 345', 'iso-8859-15' ],
'fur' =>   [ 'Furlan',              'Furlan',            'fur_IT', '1    ', 'utf_lat1', 'fur:it_IT:it' ],
'fy' =>    [ 'Frisian',             'Frysk',             'fy_NL', '1    ', 'utf_lat1' ],
'ga' =>    [ 'Gaelic (Irish)',      'Gaeilge',           'ga_IE', '1    ', 'utf_lat1', 'ga:en_IE:en_GB:en' ],
#'gd' =>   [ 'Gaelic (Scottish)',   'Gaidhlig',          'gd_GB', '1    ', 'utf_lat8',    'gd:en_GB:en' ],
'gl' =>    [ 'Galician',            'Galego',            'gl_ES', '1    ', 'iso-8859-15', 'gl:es_ES:es:pt:pt_BR' ],
#- gn_PY not yet done, using es_PY locale instead
'gn' =>    [ 'Guarani',             'Avane-e',           'es_PY', '    5', 'utf_lat1',    'gn:es_PY:es' ],
'gu' =>    [ 'Gujarati',            'ZZ Gujarati',       'gu_IN', ' 2   ', 'unicode' ],
#'gv' =>   [ 'Gaelic (Manx)',       'Gaelg',             'gv_GB', '1    ', 'utf_lat8',    'gv:en_GB:en' ],
'ha' =>    [ 'Hausa',               'Hausa',             'ha_NG', '  3  ', 'utf_yo', 'ha:en_NG' ],
'he' =>    [ 'Hebrew',              'AA Ivrit',          'he_IL', ' 2   ', 'utf_he' ],
'hi' =>    [ 'Hindi',               'ZZ Hindi',          'hi_IN', ' 2   ', 'utf_deva' ],
'hr' =>    [ 'Croatian',            'Hrvatski',          'hr_HR', '1    ', 'iso-8859-2' ],
'hu' =>    [ 'Hungarian',           'Magyar',            'hu_HU', '1    ', 'iso-8859-2' ],
'hy' =>    [ 'Armenian',            'ZZ Armenian',       'hy_AM', ' 2   ', 'utf_armn' ],
# locale not done yet
#'ia' =>   [ 'Interlingua',         'Interlingua',       'ia_XX', '1   5', 'utf_lat1' ],
'id' =>    [ 'Indonesian',          'Bahasa Indonesia',  'id_ID', ' 2   ', 'utf_lat1' ],
'ig' =>    [ 'Igbo',                'Igbo',              'ig_NG', '  3  ', 'utf_yo', 'ig:en_NG' ],
'is' =>    [ 'Icelandic',           'Islenska',          'is_IS', '1    ', 'iso-8859-15' ],
'it' =>    [ 'Italian',             'Italiano',          'it_IT', '1    ', 'iso-8859-15' ],
'iu' =>    [ 'Inuktitut',           'ZZ Inuktitut',      'iu_CA', '    5', 'utf_iu' ],
'ja' =>    [ 'Japanese',            'ZZ Nihongo',        'ja_JP', ' 2   ', 'jisx0208' ],
'ka' =>    [ 'Georgian',            'ZZ Georgian',       'ka_GE', ' 2   ', 'utf_geor' ],
'kk' =>    [ 'Kazakh',              'Kazak',             'kk_KZ', ' 2   ', 'utf_cyr2' ],
'kl' =>    [ 'Greenlandic (inuit)', 'Kalaallisut',       'kl_GL', '    5', 'utf_lat1' ],
'km' =>    [ 'Khmer',               'ZZ Khmer',          'km_KH', ' 2   ', 'utf_khmr' ],
'kn' =>    [ 'Kannada',             'ZZ Kannada',        'kn_IN', ' 2   ', 'utf_knda' ],
'ko' =>    [ 'Korean',              'ZZ Korea',          'ko_KR', ' 2   ', 'ksc5601' ],
'ku' =>    [ 'Kurdish',             'Kurdi',             'ku_TR', ' 2   ', 'utf_lat5' ],
#-'kw' =>  [ 'Cornish',             'Kernewek',          'kw_GB', '1    ', 'utf_lat8',    'kw:en_GB:en' ],
'ky' =>    [ 'Kyrgyz',              'Kyrgyz',            'ky_KG', ' 2   ', 'utf_cyr2' ],
#- lb_LU not yet done, using de_LU locale instead
'lb' =>    [ 'Luxembourgish',       'Letzebuergesch',    'de_LU', '1    ', 'utf_lat1', 'lb:de_LU' ],
'li' =>    [ 'Limbourgish',         'Limburgs',          'li_NL', '1    ', 'utf_lat1' ],
'lo' =>    [ 'Laotian',             'Laotian',           'lo_LA', ' 2   ', 'utf_laoo' ],
'lt' =>    [ 'Lithuanian',          'Lietuviskai',       'lt_LT', '1    ', 'iso-8859-13' ],
#- ltg_LV locale not done yet, using lv_LV for now
#- "ltg" is not a standard lang code, ISO-639 code was refused;
#- LTG_LV should be used instead (uppercase is for non-standard
#- langcodes, as defined by locale naming standard
'ltg' =>   [ 'Latgalian',           'Latgalisu',         'lv_LV', '1    ', 'utf_lat7', 'ltg:LTG:lv' ],
#'lu' =>    [ 'Luganda',             'Luganda',           'lg_UG', '  3  ', 'utf_lat1' ],
'lv' =>    [ 'Latvian',             'Latviesu',          'lv_LV', '1    ', 'iso-8859-13' ],
'mi' =>    [ 'Maori',               'Maori',             'mi_NZ', '   4 ', 'utf_lat7' ],
'mk' =>    [ 'Macedonian',          'Makedonski',        'mk_MK', '1    ', 'utf_cyr1' ],
'ml' =>    [ 'Malayalam',           'ZZ Malayalam',      'ml_IN', ' 2   ', 'utf_mlym' ],
'mn' =>    [ 'Mongolian',           'Mongol',            'mn_MN', ' 2   ', 'utf_cyr2' ],
'mr' =>    [ 'Marathi',             'ZZ Marathi',        'mr_IN', ' 2   ', 'utf_deva' ],
'ms' =>    [ 'Malay',               'Bahasa Melayu',     'ms_MY', ' 2   ', 'utf_lat1' ],
'mt' =>    [ 'Maltese',             'Maltin',            'mt_MT', '1 3  ', 'unicode' ],
#- "my_MM" not yet done, using "en_US" for now
'my' =>    [ 'Burmese',             'ZZ Bamaca',         'en_US', ' 2   ', 'utf_mymr', 'my_MM:my' ],
'nb' =>    [ 'Norwegian Bokmaal',   'Norsk, Bokmal',     'nb_NO', '1    ', 'iso-8859-15',  'nb:no' ],
'nds' =>   [ 'Low Saxon',           'Platduutsch',       'nds_DE', '1    ', 'utf_lat1', 'nds_DE:nds' ],
'ne' =>    [ 'Nepali',              'ZZ Nepali',         'ne_NP', ' 2   ', 'utf_deva' ],
'nl' =>    [ 'Dutch',               'Nederlands',        'nl_NL', '1    ', 'iso-8859-15' ],
'nn' =>    [ 'Norwegian Nynorsk',   'Norsk, Nynorsk',    'nn_NO', '1    ', 'iso-8859-15',  'nn:no@nynorsk:no_NY:no:nb' ],
'nr' =>    [ 'Ndebele',             'IsiNdebele',        'nr_ZA', '  3  ', 'utf_lat1', 'nr:en_ZA' ],
'nso' =>   [ 'Northern Sotho',      'Sesotho sa Leboa',  'nso_ZA', '  3  ', 'utf_lat1', 'st:nso:en_ZA' ],
'oc' =>    [ 'Occitan',             'Occitan',           'oc_FR', '1    ', 'utf_lat1',  'oc:fr_FR:fr' ],
'pa_IN' => [ 'Punjabi (gurmukhi)',  'ZZ Punjabi',        'pa_IN', ' 2   ', 'utf_guru' ],
'pl' =>    [ 'Polish',              'Polski',            'pl_PL', '1    ', 'iso-8859-2' ],
'pt' =>    [ 'Portuguese',          'Portugues',         'pt_PT', '1 3  ', 'iso-8859-15', 'pt_PT:pt:pt_BR' ],
'pt_BR' => [ 'Portuguese Brazil', 'Portugues do Brasil', 'pt_BR', '    5', 'iso-8859-1',  'pt_BR:pt_PT:pt' ],
#- qu_PE not yet done, using es_PE locale instead
'qu' =>    [ 'Quichua',             'Runa Simi',         'es_PE', '    5', 'utf_lat1', 'qu:es_PE:es' ],
'ro' =>    [ 'Romanian',            'Romana',            'ro_RO', '1    ', 'iso-8859-2' ],
'ru' =>    [ 'Russian',             'Russkij',           'ru_RU', '12   ', 'koi8-u' ],
'rw' =>    [ 'Kinyarwanda',         'Kinyarwanda',       'rw_RW', '  3  ', 'utf_lat1', 'rw' ],
'sc' =>    [ 'Sardinian',           'Sardu',             'sc_IT', '1    ', 'utf_lat1', 'sc:it_IT:it' ],
'se' =>    [ 'Saami',               'Samegiella',        'se_NO', '1    ', 'unicode' ], 
'sk' =>    [ 'Slovak',              'Slovencina',        'sk_SK', '1    ', 'iso-8859-2' ],
'sl' =>    [ 'Slovenian',           'Slovenscina',       'sl_SI', '1    ', 'iso-8859-2' ],
'so' =>    [ 'Somali',              'Soomaali',          'so_SO', '  3  ', 'utf_lat1' ], 
'sq' =>    [ 'Albanian',            'Shqip',             'sq_AL', '1    ', 'iso-8859-1' ], 
'sr' =>    [ 'Serbian Cyrillic',    'Srpska',            'sr_CS', '1    ', 'utf_cyr1', 'sp:sr' ],
#- "sh" comes first, because otherwise, due to the way glibc does language
#- fallback, if "sr@Latn" is not there but a "sr" (whichs uses cyrillic)
#- is there, "sh" will never be used.
'sr@Latn' => [ 'Serbian Latin',     'Srpska',            'sr_CS', '1    ', 'unicode',  'sh:sr@Latn' ], 
'ss' =>    [ 'Swati',               'SiSwati',           'ss_ZA', '  3  ', 'utf_lat1', 'ss:en_ZA' ],
'st' =>    [ 'Sotho',               'Sesotho',           'st_ZA', '  3  ', 'utf_lat1', 'st:nso:en_ZA' ],
'sv' =>    [ 'Swedish',             'Svenska',           'sv_SE', '1    ', 'iso-8859-15' ],
'ta' =>    [ 'Tamil',               'ZZ Tamil',          'ta_IN', ' 2   ', 'utf_taml' ],
'te' =>    [ 'Telugu',              'ZZ Telugu',         'te_IN', ' 2   ', 'unicode' ],
'tg' =>    [ 'Tajik',               'Tojiki',            'tg_TJ', ' 2   ', 'utf_cyr2' ],
'th' =>    [ 'Thai',                'ZZ Thai',           'th_TH', ' 2   ', 'tis620' ],
'tk' =>    [ 'Turkmen',             'Turkmence',         'tk_TM', ' 2   ', 'utf_az' ],
'tn' =>    [ 'Tswana',              'Setswana',          'tn_ZA', '  3  ', 'utf_lat1', 'tn:en_ZA' ],
'tr' =>    [ 'Turkish',             'Turkce',            'tr_TR', '12   ', 'iso-8859-9' ],
'ts' =>    [ 'Tsonga',              'Xitsonga',          'ts_ZA', '  3  ', 'utf_lat1', 'ts:en_ZA' ],
'tt' =>    [ 'Tatar',               'Tatarca',           'tt_RU', ' 2   ', 'utf_lat5' ],
'ug' =>    [ 'Uyghur',              'AA Uyghur',         'ug_CN', ' 2   ', 'utf_ar', 'ug' ],  
'uk' =>    [ 'Ukrainian',           'Ukrayinska',        'uk_UA', '1    ', 'koi8-u' ],
'ur' =>    [ 'Urdu',                'AA Urdu',           'ur_PK', ' 2   ', 'utf_ar' ],  
'uz' => [ 'Uzbek',     'Ozbekcha',          'uz_UZ', ' 2   ', 'utf_cyr2', 'uz' ],
 'uz@cyrillic' =>    [ 'Uzbek (cyrillic)',    'Ozbekcha',          'uz_UZ@cyrillic', ' 2   ', 'utf_cyr2', 'uz@cyrillic' ],
've' =>    [ 'Venda',               'Tshivenda',         've_ZA', '  3  ', 'utf_lat1', 've:ven:en_ZA' ],
'vi' =>    [ 'Vietnamese',          'Tieng Viet',        'vi_VN', ' 2   ', 'utf_vi' ],
'wa' =>    [ 'Walon',               'Walon',             'wa_BE', '1    ', 'utf_lat1', 'wa:fr_BE:fr' ],
#- locale "wen_DE" not done yet, using "de_DE" instead
#- wen disabled until we have a perl-install/pixmaps/langs/lang-wen.png for it
#'wen' =>   [ 'Sorbian',             'Sorbian',           'de_DE', '1    ', 'utf_lat1', 'wen' ],
'xh' =>    [ 'Xhosa',               'IsiXhosa',          'xh_ZA', '  3  ', 'utf_lat1', 'xh:en_ZA' ],
'yi' =>    [ 'Yiddish',             'AA Yidish',         'yi_US', '1    ', 'utf_he' ],
'yo' =>    [ 'Yoruba',              'Yoruba',            'yo_NG', '  3  ', 'utf_yo', 'yo:en_NG' ],
'zh_CN' => [ 'Chinese Simplified',  'ZZ ZhongWen',       'zh_CN', ' 2   ', 'gb2312',      'zh_CN.GBK:zh_CN.GB2312:zh_CN:zh' ],
'zh_TW' => [ 'Chinese Traditional', 'ZZ ZhongWen',       'zh_TW', ' 2   ', 'Big5',        'zh_TW.Big5:zh_TW:zh_HK:zh' ],
'zu' =>    [ 'Zulu',                 'IsiZulu',          'zu_ZA', '  3  ', 'utf_lat1', 'xh:en_ZA' ],
sub l2name           { exists $langs{$_[0]} && $langs{$_[0]}[0] }
sub l2transliterated { exists $langs{$_[0]} && $langs{$_[0]}[1] }
sub l2locale         { exists $langs{$_[0]} && $langs{$_[0]}[2] }
sub l2location {
    my ($lang) = @_;
    my %geo = (1 => 'Europe', 2 => 'Asia', 3 => 'Africa', 4 => 'Oceania/Pacific', 5 => 'America');
    map { $geo{$_} } grep { $langs{$lang} && $langs{$lang}[3] =~ $_ } 1..5;
sub l2charset        { exists $langs{$_[0]} && $langs{$_[0]}[4] }
sub l2language       { exists $langs{$_[0]} && $langs{$_[0]}[5] }
sub list_langs {
    my (%options) = @_;
    my @l = keys %langs;
    $options{exclude_non_installed} ? grep { -e "/usr/share/locale/" . l2locale($_) . "/LC_CTYPE" } @l : @l;

sub text_direction_rtl() {
#-PO: the string "default:LTR" can be translated *ONLY* as "default:LTR"
#-PO: or as "default:RTL", depending if your language is written from
#-PO: left to right, or from right to left; any other string is wrong.
       	N("default:LTR") eq "default:RTL";

#- key: country name (that should be YY in xx_YY locale)
#- [0]: country name in natural language
#- [1]: default locale for that country 
#- [2]: geographic groups that this country belongs to (for displaying
#-      in the menu grouped in smaller lists), 1=Europe, 2=Asia, 3=Africa,
#-      4=Oceania&Pacific, 5=America (if you wonder, it's the order
#-      used in the olympic flag)
#- Note: for countries for which a glibc locale do not exist (yet) I tried to
#- put a locale that makes sense; and a '#' at the end of the line to show
#- the locale is not the "correct" one. 'en_US' is used when no good choice
#- is available.
my %countries = (
'AD' => [ N_("Andorra"),        'ca_AD', '1' ],
'AE' => [ N_("United Arab Emirates"), 'ar_AE', '2' ],
'AF' => [ N_("Afghanistan"),    'en_US', '2' ], #
'AG' => [ N_("Antigua and Barbuda"), 'en_US', '5' ], #
'AI' => [ N_("Anguilla"),       'en_US', '5' ], #
'AL' => [ N_("Albania"),        'sq_AL', '1' ],
'AM' => [ N_("Armenia"),        'hy_AM', '2' ],
'AN' => [ N_("Netherlands Antilles"), 'en_US', '5' ], #
'AO' => [ N_("Angola"),         'pt_PT', '3' ], #
'AQ' => [ N_("Antarctica"),     'en_US', '4' ], #
'AR' => [ N_("Argentina"),      'es_AR', '5' ],
'AS' => [ N_("American Samoa"), 'en_US', '4' ], #
'AT' => [ N_("Austria"),        'de_AT', '1' ],
'AU' => [ N_("Australia"),      'en_AU', '4' ],
'AW' => [ N_("Aruba"),          'en_US', '5' ], #
'AZ' => [ N_("Azerbaijan"),     'az_AZ', '1' ],
'BA' => [ N_("Bosnia and Herzegovina"), 'bs_BA', '1' ],
'BB' => [ N_("Barbados"),       'en_US', '5' ], #
'BD' => [ N_("Bangladesh"),     'bn_BD', '2' ],
'BE' => [ N_("Belgium"),        'fr_BE', '1' ],
'BF' => [ N_("Burkina Faso"),   'en_US', '3' ], #
'BG' => [ N_("Bulgaria"),       'bg_BG', '1' ],
'BH' => [ N_("Bahrain"),        'ar_BH', '2' ],
'BI' => [ N_("Burundi"),        'en_US', '3' ], #
'BJ' => [ N_("Benin"),          'fr_FR', '3' ], #
'BM' => [ N_("Bermuda"),        'en_US', '5' ], #
'BN' => [ N_("Brunei Darussalam"), 'ar_EG', '2' ], #
'BO' => [ N_("Bolivia"),        'es_BO', '5' ],
'BR' => [ N_("Brazil"),         'pt_BR', '5' ],
'BS' => [ N_("Bahamas"),        'en_US', '5' ], #
'BT' => [ N_("Bhutan"),         'dz_BT', '2' ],
'BV' => [ N_("Bouvet Island"),  'en_US', '3' ], #
'BW' => [ N_("Botswana"),       'en_BW', '3' ],
'BY' => [ N_("Belarus"),        'be_BY', '1' ],
'BZ' => [ N_("Belize"),         'en_US', '5' ], #
'CA' => [ N_("Canada"),         'en_CA', '5' ],
'CC' => [ N_("Cocos (Keeling) Islands"), 'en_US', '4' ], #
'CD' => [ N_("Congo (Kinshasa)"), 'fr_FR', '3' ], #
'CF' => [ N_("Central African Republic"), 'fr_FR', '3' ], #
'CG' => [ N_("Congo (Brazzaville)"), 'fr_FR', '3' ], #
'CH' => [ N_("Switzerland"),    'de_CH', '1' ],
'CI' => [ N_("Cote d'Ivoire"),  'fr_FR', '3' ], #
'CK' => [ N_("Cook Islands"),   'en_US', '4' ], #
'CL' => [ N_("Chile"),          'es_CL', '5' ],
'CM' => [ N_("Cameroon"),       'fr_FR', '3' ], #
'CN' => [ N_("China"),          'zh_CN', '2' ],
'CO' => [ N_("Colombia"),       'es_CO', '5' ],
'CR' => [ N_("Costa Rica"),     'es_CR', '5' ],
'CS' => [ N_("Serbia & Montenegro"), 'sr_CS', '1' ],
'CU' => [ N_("Cuba"),           'es_DO', '5' ], #
'CV' => [ N_("Cape Verde"),     'pt_PT', '3' ], #
'CX' => [ N_("Christmas Island"), 'en_US', '4' ], #
'CY' => [ N_("Cyprus"),         'el_CY', '1' ],
'CZ' => [ N_("Czech Republic"), 'cs_CZ', '2' ],
'DE' => [ N_("Germany"),        'de_DE', '1' ],
'DJ' => [ N_("Djibouti"),       'en_US', '3' ], #
'DK' => [ N_("Denmark"),        'da_DK', '1' ],
'DM' => [ N_("Dominica"),       'en_US', '5' ], #
'DO' => [ N_("Dominican Republic"), 'es_DO', '5' ],
'DZ' => [ N_("Algeria"),        'ar_DZ', '3' ],
'EC' => [ N_("Ecuador"),        'es_EC', '5' ],
'EE' => [ N_("Estonia"),        'et_EE', '1' ],
'EG' => [ N_("Egypt"),          'ar_EG', '3' ],
'EH' => [ N_("Western Sahara"), 'ar_MA', '3' ], #
'ER' => [ N_("Eritrea"),        'ti_ER', '3' ],
'ES' => [ N_("Spain"),          'es_ES', '1' ],
'ET' => [ N_("Ethiopia"),       'am_ET', '3' ],
'FI' => [ N_("Finland"),        'fi_FI', '1' ],
'FJ' => [ N_("Fiji"),           'en_US', '4' ], #
'FK' => [ N_("Falkland Islands (Malvinas)"), 'en_GB', '5' ], #
'FM' => [ N_("Micronesia"),     'en_US', '4' ], #
'FO' => [ N_("Faroe Islands"),  'fo_FO', '1' ],
'FR' => [ N_("France"),         'fr_FR', '1' ],
'GA' => [ N_("Gabon"),          'fr_FR', '3' ], #
'GB' => [ N_("United Kingdom"), 'en_GB', '1' ],
'GD' => [ N_("Grenada"),        'en_US', '5' ], #
'GE' => [ N_("Georgia"),        'ka_GE', '2' ],
'GF' => [ N_("French Guiana"),  'fr_FR', '5' ], #
'GH' => [ N_("Ghana"),          'en_GB', '3' ], #
'GI' => [ N_("Gibraltar"),      'en_GB', '1' ], #
'GL' => [ N_("Greenland"),      'kl_GL', '5' ],
'GM' => [ N_("Gambia"),         'en_US', '3' ], #
'GN' => [ N_("Guinea"),         'en_US', '3' ], #
'GP' => [ N_("Guadeloupe"),     'fr_FR', '5' ], #
'GQ' => [ N_("Equatorial Guinea"), 'en_US', '3' ], #
'GR' => [ N_("Greece"),         'el_GR', '1' ],
'GS' => [ N_("South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"), 'en_US', '4' ], #
'GT' => [ N_("Guatemala"),      'es_GT', '5' ],
'GU' => [ N_("Guam"),           'en_US', '4' ], #
'GW' => [ N_("Guinea-Bissau"),  'pt_PT', '3' ], #
'GY' => [ N_("Guyana"),         'en_US', '5' ], #
'HK' => [ N_("Hong Kong SAR (China)"),      'zh_HK', '2' ],
'HM' => [ N_("Heard and McDonald Islands"), 'en_US', '4' ], #
'HN' => [ N_("Honduras"),       'es_HN', '5' ],
'HR' => [ N_("Croatia"),        'hr_HR', '1' ],
'HT' => [ N_("Haiti"),          'fr_FR', '5' ], #
'HU' => [ N_("Hungary"),        'hu_HU', '1' ],
'ID' => [ N_("Indonesia"),      'id_ID', '2' ],
'IE' => [ N_("Ireland"),        'en_IE', '1' ],
'IL' => [ N_("Israel"),         'he_IL', '2' ],
'IN' => [ N_("India"),          'hi_IN', '2' ],
'IO' => [ N_("British Indian Ocean Territory"), 'en_GB', '2' ], #
'IQ' => [ N_("Iraq"),           'ar_IQ', '2' ],
'IR' => [ N_("Iran"),           'fa_IR', '2' ],
'IS' => [ N_("Iceland"),        'is_IS', '1' ],
'IT' => [ N_("Italy"),          'it_IT', '1' ],
'JM' => [ N_("Jamaica"),        'en_US', '5' ], #
'JO' => [ N_("Jordan"),         'ar_JO', '2' ],
'JP' => [ N_("Japan"),          'ja_JP', '2' ],
'KE' => [ N_("Kenya"),          'en_ZW', '3' ], #
'KG' => [ N_("Kyrgyzstan"),     'ky_KG', '2' ],
'KH' => [ N_("Cambodia"),       'km_KH', '2' ],
'KI' => [ N_("Kiribati"),       'en_US', '3' ], #
'KM' => [ N_("Comoros"),        'en_US', '2' ], #
'KN' => [ N_("Saint Kitts and Nevis"), 'en_US', '5' ], #
'KP' => [ N_("Korea (North)"),  'ko_KR', '2' ], #
'KR' => [ N_("Korea"),          'ko_KR', '2' ],
'KW' => [ N_("Kuwait"),         'ar_KW', '2' ],
'KY' => [ N_("Cayman Islands"), 'en_US', '5' ], #
'KZ' => [ N_("Kazakhstan"),     'kk_KZ', '2' ],
'LA' => [ N_("Laos"),           'lo_LA', '2' ],
'LB' => [ N_("Lebanon"),        'ar_LB', '2' ],
'LC' => [ N_("Saint Lucia"),    'en_US', '5' ], #
'LI' => [ N_("Liechtenstein"),  'de_CH', '1' ], #
'LK' => [ N_("Sri Lanka"),      'si_LK', '2' ],
'LR' => [ N_("Liberia"),        'en_US', '3' ], #
'LS' => [ N_("Lesotho"),        'en_BW', '3' ], #
'LT' => [ N_("Lithuania"),      'lt_LT', '1' ],
'LU' => [ N_("Luxembourg"),     'de_LU', '1' ], # lb_LU
'LV' => [ N_("Latvia"),         'lv_LV', '1' ],
'LY' => [ N_("Libya"),          'ar_LY', '3' ],
'MA' => [ N_("Morocco"),        'ar_MA', '3' ],
'MC' => [ N_("Monaco"),         'fr_FR', '1' ], #
'MD' => [ N_("Moldova"),        'ro_RO', '1' ], #
'MG' => [ N_("Madagascar"),     'mg_MG', '3' ],
'MH' => [ N_("Marshall Islands"), 'en_US', '4' ], #
'MK' => [ N_("Macedonia"),      'mk_MK', '1' ],
'ML' => [ N_("Mali"),           'en_US', '3' ], #
'MM' => [ N_("Myanmar"),        'en_US', '2' ], # my_MM
'MN' => [ N_("Mongolia"),       'mn_MN', '2' ],
'MP' => [ N_("Northern Mariana Islands"), 'en_US', '2' ], #
'MQ' => [ N_("Martinique"),     'fr_FR', '5' ], #
'MR' => [ N_("Mauritania"),     'en_US', '3' ], #
'MS' => [ N_("Montserrat"),     'en_US', '5' ], #
'MT' => [ N_("Malta"),          'mt_MT', '1' ],
'MU' => [ N_("Mauritius"),      'en_US', '3' ], #
'MV' => [ N_("Maldives"),       'en_US', '4' ], #
'MW' => [ N_("Malawi"),         'en_US', '3' ], #
'MX' => [ N_("Mexico"),         'es_MX', '5' ],
'MY' => [ N_("Malaysia"),       'ms_MY', '2' ],
'MZ' => [ N_("Mozambique"),     'pt_PT', '3' ], #
'NA' => [ N_("Namibia"),        'en_US', '3' ], #
'NC' => [ N_("New Caledonia"),  'fr_FR', '4' ], #
'NE' => [ N_("Niger"),          'en_US', '3' ], #
'NF' => [ N_("Norfolk Island"), 'en_GB', '4' ], #
'NG' => [ N_("Nigeria"),        'en_NG', '3' ],
'NI' => [ N_("Nicaragua"),      'es_NI', '5' ],
'NL' => [ N_("Netherlands"),    'nl_NL', '1' ],
'NO' => [ N_("Norway"),         'nb_NO', '1' ],
'NP' => [ N_("Nepal"),          'ne_NP', '2' ],
'NR' => [ N_("Nauru"),          'en_US', '4' ], #
'NU' => [ N_("Niue"),           'en_US', '4' ], #
'NZ' => [ N_("New Zealand"),    'en_NZ', '4' ],
'OM' => [ N_("Oman"),           'ar_OM', '2' ],
'PA' => [ N_("Panama"),         'es_PA', '5' ],
'PE' => [ N_("Peru"),           'es_PE', '5' ],
'PF' => [ N_("French Polynesia"), 'fr_FR', '4' ], #
'PG' => [ N_("Papua New Guinea"), 'en_NZ', '4' ], #
'PH' => [ N_("Philippines"),    'fil_PH', '2' ],
'PK' => [ N_("Pakistan"),       'ur_PK', '2' ],
'PL' => [ N_("Poland"),         'pl_PL', '1' ],
'PM' => [ N_("Saint Pierre and Miquelon"), 'fr_CA', '5' ], #
'PN' => [ N_("Pitcairn"),      'en_US', '4' ], #
'PR' => [ N_("Puerto Rico"),    'es_PR', '5' ],
'PS' => [ N_("Palestine"),      'ar_JO', '2' ], #
'PT' => [ N_("Portugal"),       'pt_PT', '1' ],
'PY' => [ N_("Paraguay"),       'es_PY', '5' ],
'PW' => [ N_("Palau"),          'en_US', '2' ], #
'QA' => [ N_("Qatar"),          'ar_QA', '2' ],
'RE' => [ N_("Reunion"),        'fr_FR', '2' ], #
'RO' => [ N_("Romania"),        'ro_RO', '1' ],
'RU' => [ N_("Russia"),         'ru_RU', '1' ],
'RW' => [ N_("Rwanda"),         'rw_RW', '3' ],
'SA' => [ N_("Saudi Arabia"),   'ar_SA', '2' ],
'SB' => [ N_("Solomon Islands"), 'en_US', '4' ], #
'SC' => [ N_("Seychelles"),     'en_US', '4' ], #
'SD' => [ N_("Sudan"),          'ar_SD', '5' ],
'SE' => [ N_("Sweden"),         'sv_SE', '1' ],
'SG' => [ N_("Singapore"),      'en_SG', '2' ],
'SH' => [ N_("Saint Helena"),   'en_GB', '5' ], #
'SI' => [ N_("Slovenia"),       'sl_SI', '1' ],
'SJ' => [ N_("Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands"), 'en_US', '1' ], #
'SK' => [ N_("Slovakia"),       'sk_SK', '1' ],
'SL' => [ N_("Sierra Leone"),   'en_US', '3' ], #
'SM' => [ N_("San Marino"),     'it_IT', '1' ], #
'SN' => [ N_("Senegal"),        'fr_FR', '3' ], #
'SO' => [ N_("Somalia"),        'so_SO', '3' ],
'SR' => [ N_("Suriname"),       'nl_NL', '5' ], #
'ST' => [ N_("Sao Tome and Principe"), 'en_US', '5' ], #
'SV' => [ N_("El Salvador"),    'es_SV', '5' ],
'SY' => [ N_("Syria"),          'ar_SY', '2' ],
'SZ' => [ N_("Swaziland"),      'en_BW', '3' ], #
'TC' => [ N_("Turks and Caicos Islands"), 'en_US', '5' ], #
'TD' => [ N_("Chad"),           'en_US', '3' ], #
'TF' => [ N_("French Southern Territories"), 'fr_FR', '4' ], #
'TG' => [ N_("Togo"),           'fr_FR', '3' ], #
'TH' => [ N_("Thailand"),       'th_TH', '2' ],
'TJ' => [ N_("Tajikistan"),     'tg_TJ', '2' ],
'TK' => [ N_("Tokelau"),        'en_US', '4' ], #
'TL' => [ N_("East Timor"),     'pt_PT', '4' ], #
'TM' => [ N_("Turkmenistan"),   'tk_TM', '2' ],
'TN' => [ N_("Tunisia"),        'ar_TN', '5' ],
'TO' => [ N_("Tonga"),          'en_US', '3' ], #
'TR' => [ N_("Turkey"),         'tr_TR', '2' ],
'TT' => [ N_("Trinidad and Tobago"), 'en_US', '5' ], #
'TV' => [ N_("Tuvalu"),         'en_US', '4' ], #
'TW' => [ N_("Taiwan"),         'zh_TW', '2' ],
'TZ' => [ N_("Tanzania"),       'en_US', '3' ], #
'UA' => [ N_("Ukraine"),        'uk_UA', '1' ],
'UG' => [ N_("Uganda"),         'lg_UG', '3' ],
'UM' => [ N_("United States Minor Outlying Islands"), 'en_US', '5' ], #
'US' => [ N_("United States"),  'en_US', '5' ],
'UY' => [ N_("Uruguay"),        'es_UY', '5' ],
'UZ' => [ N_("Uzbekistan"),     'uz_UZ', '2' ],
'VA' => [ N_("Vatican"),        'it_IT', '1' ], #
'VC' => [ N_("Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"), 'en_US', '5' ], 
'VE' => [ N_("Venezuela"),      'es_VE', '5' ],
'VG' => [ N_("Virgin Islands (British)"), 'en_GB', '5' ], #
'VI' => [ N_("Virgin Islands (U.S.)"), 'en_US', '5' ], #
'VN' => [ N_("Vietnam"),        'vi_VN', '2' ],
'VU' => [ N_("Vanuatu"),        'en_US', '4' ], #
'WF' => [ N_("Wallis and Futuna"), 'fr_FR', '4' ], #
'WS' => [ N_("Samoa"),          'en_US', '4' ], #
'YE' => [ N_("Yemen"),          'ar_YE', '2' ],
'YT' => [ N_("Mayotte"),        'fr_FR', '3' ], #
'ZA' => [ N_("South Africa"),   'en_ZA', '5' ],
'ZM' => [ N_("Zambia"),         'en_US', '3' ], #
'ZW' => [ N_("Zimbabwe"),       'en_ZW', '5' ],
sub c2name   { exists $countries{$_[0]} && translate($countries{$_[0]}[0]) }
sub c2locale { exists $countries{$_[0]} && $countries{$_[0]}[1] }
sub list_countries {
    my (%_options) = @_;
    keys %countries;

#- this list is built with the following command on the compile cluster:
#- rpm -qpl /cooker/RPMS/release/locales-* | grep LC_CTYPE | grep '\.UTF-8' | cut -d'/' -f5 | sed 's/.UTF-8//' | sort | tr '\n' ' ' ; echo
our @locales = qw(aa_DJ aa_ER aa_ER@saaho aa_ET af_ZA am_ET an_ES ar_AE ar_BH ar_DZ ar_EG ar_IN ar_IQ ar_JO ar_KW ar_LB ar_LY ar_MA ar_OM ar_QA ar_SA ar_SD ar_SY ar_TN ar_YE as_IN az_AZ be_BY ber_DZ ber_MA bg_BG bn_BD bn_IN br_FR bs_BA byn_ER ca_AD ca_ES ca_FR ca_IT cs_CZ cy_GB da_DK de_AT de_BE de_CH de_DE de_LU dz_BT el_CY el_GR en_AU en_BE en_BW en_CA en_DK en_GB en_HK en_IE en_IN en_NG en_NZ en_PH en_SG en_US en_ZA en_ZW eo_XX es_AR es_BO es_CL es_CO es_CR es_DO es_EC es_ES es_GT es_HN es_MX es_NI es_PA es_PE es_PR es_PY es_SV es_US es_UY es_VE et_EE eu_ES fa_IR fi_FI fil_PH fo_FO fr_BE fr_CA fr_CH fr_FR fr_LU fur_IT fy_DE fy_NL ga_IE gd_GB gez_ER gez_ER@abegede gez_ET gez_ET@abegede gl_ES gu_IN gv_GB ha_NG he_IL hi_IN hr_HR hsb_DE hu_HU hy_AM id_ID ig_NG ik_CA is_IS it_CH it_IT iu_CA ja_JP ka_GE kk_KZ kl_GL km_KH kn_IN ko_KR ku_TR kw_GB ky_KG lg_UG li_BE li_NL lo_LA lt_LT lv_LV mg_MG mi_NZ mk_MK ml_IN mn_MN mr_IN ms_MY mt_MT nb_NO nds_DE@traditional ne_NP nl_BE nl_NL nn_NO no_NO nr_ZA nso_ZA oc_FR om_ET om_KE pa_IN pap_AN pa_PK ph_PH pl_PL pt_BR pt_PT ro_RO ru_RU ru_UA rw_RW sc_IT se_NO sid_ET si_LK sk_SK sl_SI so_DJ so_ET so_KE so_SO sq_AL sr_ME sr_RS sr_RS@latin ss_ZA st_ZA sv_FI sv_SE sw_XX ta_IN te_IN tg_TJ th_TH ti_ER ti_ET tig_ER tk_TM tl_PH tn_ZA tr_CY tr_TR ts_ZA tt_RU ug_CN uk_UA ur_PK uz_UZ uz_UZ@cyrillic ve_ZA vi_VN wa_BE wal_ET xh_ZA yi_US yo_NG zh_CN zh_HK zh_SG zh_TW zu_ZA);
sub standard_locale {
    my ($lang, $country, $prefer_lang) = @_;

    my $lang_ = force_lang_country($lang, $country);
    if (member($lang_, @locales)) {
    } elsif ($prefer_lang && member($lang, @locales)) {
    } else {

sub force_lang_country {
    my ($lang, $country) = @_;
    my $h = analyse_locale_name($lang);
    $h->{country} = $country;

sub force_lang_charset {
    my ($lang, $charset) = @_;
    my $h = analyse_locale_name($lang);
    $h->{charset} = $charset;

sub analysed_to_lang {
    my ($h) = @_;
    $h->{main} . '_' . $h->{country} . 
      ($h->{charset} ? '.' . $h->{charset} : '') .
      ($h->{variant} ? '@' . $h->{variant} : '');

sub analyse_locale_name {
    my ($lang) = @_;
    $lang =~ /^(.*?) (?:_(.*?))? (?:\.(.*?))? (?:\@(.*?))? $/x &&
      { main => $1, country => $2, charset => $3, variant => $4 };

sub locale_to_main_locale {
    my ($lang) = @_;

sub getlocale_for_lang {
    my ($lang, $country, $o_utf8) = @_;
    force_lang_charset(standard_locale($lang, $country, 'prefer_lang') || l2locale($lang), $o_utf8 && 'UTF-8');

sub getlocale_for_country {
    my ($lang, $country, $o_utf8) = @_;
    force_lang_charset(standard_locale($lang, $country, '') || c2locale($country), $o_utf8 && 'UTF-8');

sub getLANGUAGE {
    my ($lang, $o_country, $o_utf8) = @_;
    l2language($lang) || join(':', uniq(getlocale_for_lang($lang, $o_country, $o_utf8), 

sub countries_to_locales {
    my (%options) = @_;

    my %country2locales;
    my $may_add = sub {
	my ($locale, $country) = @_;
	if ($options{exclude_non_installed}) {
	    -e "/usr/share/locale/$locale/LC_CTYPE" or return;
	my $h = analyse_locale_name($locale) or internal_error();
	push @{$country2locales{$country || $h->{country}}}, $h;

    # first add all real locales
    foreach (@locales) {
	$may_add->($_, undef);
    # then add countries XX for which we use locale yy_ZZ and not yy_XX
    foreach my $country (list_countries()) {
	$may_add->(c2locale($country), $country);

# IM configuration hash tables
# in order to configure an IM, one has to:
# - put generic configuration in %IM_config

# This set generic IM fields.
my @IM_i18n_fields = (
#-      is the environnement variable used by the X11 XIM protocol
#-	it is of the form XIMODIFIERS="@im=foo"
#-      is used by some programs, it usually is the like XIMODIFIERS
#-	with the "@im=" part stripped
#-      the module to use for Gtk programs ("xim" to use an X11
#-	XIM server; or a a native gtk module if exists)
#-      the XIM program to run (usually the same as XIM value, but
#-	in some cases different, particularly if parameters are needed;
#-     the module to use for Qt programs ("xim" to use an X11
#-     XIM server; or a Qt plugin if exists)

my ($is_kde3, $is_kde4);

# keep the 'packages' field in sync with share/rpmsrate:
my %IM_config =
   chinput => {
               GTK_IM_MODULE => 'xim',
               XIM => 'chinput',
               XMODIFIERS => '@im=Chinput',
	       XIM_PROGRAM => {
		   'zh_CN' => 'chinput -gb',
		   'en_SG' => 'chinput -gb',
		   'zh_HK' => 'chinput -big5',
		   'zh_TW' => 'chinput -big5',
	       langs => 'zh',
	       packages => { generic => sub { 'miniChinput' } },
   fcitx => {
             GTK_IM_MODULE => 'xim',
             XIM => 'fcitx',
             XIM_PROGRAM => 'fcitx',
             XMODIFIERS => '@im=fcitx',
	     langs => 'zh',
   gcin => {
             GTK_IM_MODULE => 'gcin',
             XIM => 'gcin',
             XIM_PROGRAM => 'gcin',
             XMODIFIERS => '@im=gcin',
	     langs => 'zh',
	     packages => {
		     common => sub { if_($is_kde3, 'gcin-qt3'), if_($is_kde4, 'gcin-qt4') },
		     generic => sub { qw(gcin) },
   'im-ja' => {
               GTK_IM_MODULE => 'im-ja',
               QT_IM_MODULE => 'xim',
               XIM => 'im-ja-xim-server',
               XIM_PROGRAM => 'im-ja-xim-server',
               XMODIFIERS => '@im=im-ja-xim-server',
	       langs => 'ja',

   kinput2 => {   
               GTK_IM_MODULE => 'xim',
               XIM => 'kinput2',
               XIM_PROGRAM => 'kinput2',
               XMODIFIERS => '@im=kinput2',
	       langs => 'ja',
	       packages => { generic => sub { 'kinput2-wnn' } },
   nabi => {
            GTK_IM_MODULE => 'xim',
            XIM => 'nabi',
            XIM_PROGRAM => 'nabi',
            XMODIFIERS => '@im=nabi',
	    langs => 'ko',

   oxim => {
       GTK_IM_MODULE => 'oxim',
       XIM => 'oxim',
       XIM_PROGRAM => 'oxim',
       XMODIFIERS => '@im=oxim', # '@im=SCIM' is broken for now
       langs => 'zh_TW',
       packages => { generic => sub { 'oxim' } },
   'scim' => {
            GTK_IM_MODULE => 'scim',
            XIM_PROGRAM => 'scim -d',
            XMODIFIERS => '@im=SCIM',
	    packages => {
		common => sub { if_($is_kde3, 'scim-qtimm') },
		generic => sub { qw(scim-m17n scim-tables) },
		am => sub { qw(scim-tables) },
		ja => sub { qw(scim-anthy scim-input-pad scim-tomoe) },
		ko => sub { qw(scim-hangul) },
		vi => sub { qw(scim-m17n) },
		zh => sub { qw(scim-pinyin scim-tables scim-chewing) },

   'scim-bridge' => {
       GTK_IM_MODULE => 'scim-bridge',
       XIM_PROGRAM => 'scim -d',
       XMODIFIERS => '@im=SCIM',
       default_for_lang => 'am ja ko vi zh_CN zh_TW',
       packages => {
	   common => sub { if_($is_kde3, 'scim-bridge-qt3'), if_($is_kde4, 'scim-bridge-qt4') },
           generic => sub { qw(scim-m17n scim-tables) },
           am => sub { qw(scim-tables) },
           ja => sub { qw(scim-anthy scim-input-pad scim-tomoe) },
           ko => sub { qw(scim-hangul) },
           vi => sub { qw(scim-m17n) },
           zh => sub { qw(scim-pinyin scim-tables scim-chewing) },
   skim => {
            GTK_IM_MODULE => 'scim',
            XIM_PROGRAM => 'skim -d',
            XMODIFIERS => '@im=SCIM',
            packages => {
		common => sub { if_($is_kde3, 'scim-qtimm') },
                generic => sub { qw(skim-scim-tables scim-m17n) },
                am => sub { qw(skim-scim-tables) },
                ja => sub { qw(skim-scim-anthy scim-input-pad scim-tomoe) },
                ko => sub { qw(scim-hangul-skim) },
                vi => sub { qw(skim scim-m17n) },
                zh => sub { qw(skim-scim-pinyin skim-scim-tables scim-chewing) },
   uim => {
           GTK_IM_MODULE => 'uim',
           XIM => 'uim',
           XIM_PROGRAM => 'uim-xim',
           XMODIFIERS => '@im=uim',
	   langs => 'ja',
	   packages => {
		  common => sub { if_($is_kde3, 'uim-qtimmodule'), if_($is_kde4, 'uim-qt4immodule') },
		  generic => sub { qw(uim-gtk uim) },
   xcin => {
            XIM => 'xcin',
            XIM_PROGRAM => 'xcin',
            XMODIFIERS => '@im=xcin-zh_TW',
            GTK_IM_MODULE => 'xim',
	    langs => 'zh',
   'x-unikey' => {
                  GTK_IM_MODULE => 'xim',
                  XMODIFIERS => '@im=unikey',
		  langs => 'vi',

# Locale configuration regarding encoding/IM

#- ENC is used by some versions or rxvt
my %locale2ENC = (
                       'ja' => 'eucj',
                       'ko' => 'kr',
                       'zh_CN' => 'gb',
                       # zh_SG zh_HK were reported as missing by make check:
                       'zh_HK' => 'big5',
                       'zh_SG' => 'gb',
                       'zh_TW' => 'big5',

my %IM_locale_specific_config = (
           #-XFree86 has an internal XIM for Thai that enables syntax checking etc.
           #-'Passthroug' is no check at all, 'BasicCheck' accepts bad sequences
           #-and convert them to right ones, 'Strict' refuses bad sequences
           'th' => {
                       XIM_PROGRAM => '/bin/true', #- it's an internal module
                       XMODIFIERS => '"@im=BasicCheck"',

sub get_ims { 
    my ($lang) = @_;
    my $main_lang = analyse_locale_name($lang)->{main};

    sort grep {
	my $langs = $IM_config{$_}{langs};
	!$langs || intersection([ $lang, $main_lang ], 
				[ split(' ', $langs) ]);
    } keys %IM_config;

sub get_default_im {
    my ($lang) = @_;
    find { 
	member($lang, split(' ', $IM_config{$_}{default_for_lang}));
    } keys %IM_config;

sub IM2packages {
    my ($locale) = @_;
    if ($locale->{IM}) {
	require any;
	my @sessions = any::sessions();
	$is_kde3 = member('KDE', @sessions);
	$is_kde4 = member('KDE4', @sessions);
	my $per_lang = $IM_config{$locale->{IM}}{packages} || {};
	my $main_lang = analyse_locale_name($locale->{lang})->{main};
	my $packages = $per_lang->{$main_lang} || $per_lang->{generic};
	my @pkgs = ($packages ? $packages->() : $locale->{IM},
		    $per_lang->{common} ? $per_lang->{common}->() : ());
    } else { () }

#- [0]: console font name
#- [1]: unused
#- [2]: console map (none if utf8)
#- [3]: iocharset param for mount (utf8 if utf8)
#- [4]: codepage parameter for mount (none if utf8)
my %charsets = (
#- chinese needs special console driver for text mode
"Big5"        => [ undef,         undef,   undef,           "big5",       "950" ],
"gb2312"      => [ undef,         undef,   undef,           "gb2312",     "936" ],
"gbk"         => [ undef,         undef,   undef,           "gb2312",     "936" ],
"C"           => [ "lat0-16",     undef,   "8859-15",         "iso8859-1",  "850" ],
"iso-8859-1"  => [ "lat1-16",     undef,   "8859-1",         "iso8859-1",  "850" ],
"iso-8859-2"  => [ "lat2-16",  undef,   "8859-2",         "iso8859-2",  "852" ],
"iso-8859-5"  => [ "UniCyr_8x16", undef,   "8859-5",         "iso8859-5",  "866" ],
"iso-8859-7"  => [ "iso07u-16",   undef,   "8859-7",         "iso8859-7",  "869" ],
"iso-8859-9"  => [ "lat5-16",    undef,   "8859-9",         "iso8859-9",  "857" ],
"iso-8859-13" => [ "tlat7",       undef,   "8859-13",         "iso8859-13", "775" ],
"iso-8859-15" => [ "lat0-16",     undef,   "8859-15",         "iso8859-15", "850" ],
#- japanese needs special console driver for text mode [kon2]
"jisx0208"    => [ undef,         undef,   undef, "euc-jp",     "932" ],
"koi8-r"      => [ "UniCyr_8x16", undef,   "koi8-r",        "koi8-r",     "866" ],
"koi8-u"      => [ "UniCyr_8x16", undef,   "koi8-u",        "koi8-u",     "866" ],
"cp1251"      => [ "UniCyr_8x16", undef,   "cp1251",        "cp1251",     "866" ],
#- korean needs special console driver for text mode
"ksc5601"     => [ undef,         undef,   undef,           "euc-kr",     "949" ],
#- I have no console font for Thai...
"tis620"      => [ undef,         undef,   undef, "tis-620",    "874" ],
# UTF-8 encodings here; they differ in the console font mainly.
"utf_ar"      => [ undef,      undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_armn"    => [ undef,           undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_az"      => [ "tiso09e",        undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_beng"    => [ undef,            undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_cyr1"    => [ "UniCyr_8x16",    undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_cyr2"    => [ "koi8-k",         undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_deva"    => [ undef,            undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_ethi"    => [ "Agafari-16",     undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_geor"    => [ "t_geors",        undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_guru"    => [ undef,            undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_he"      => [ undef,      undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_iu"      => [ undef,            undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_khmr"    => [ undef,            undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_knda"    => [ undef,            undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_laoo"    => [ undef,            undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_lat1"    => [ "lat0-16",        undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_lat5"    => [ undef,       undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_lat7"    => [ "tlat7",          undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_lat8"    => [ undef,      undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_mlym"    => [ undef,            undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_mymr"    => [ undef,            undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_taml"    => [ "tamil",          undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
# console font still to do
"utf_tfng"    => [ undef,            undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_tibt"    => [ undef,            undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_vi"      => [ "tcvn8x16",       undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_yo"      => [ undef,            undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
# default for utf-8 encodings
"unicode"     => [ "LatArCyrHeb-16", undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],

#- for special cases not handled magically
my %charset2kde_charset = (
    gb2312 => 'gb2312.1980-0',
    gbk => 'gb2312.1980-0',
    jisx0208 => 'jisx0208.1983-0',
    ksc5601 => 'ksc5601.1987-0',
    Big5 => 'big5-0',
    cp1251 => 'microsoft-cp1251',
    utf8 => 'iso10646-1',
    tis620 => 'tis620-0',

#- -------------------

sub l2console_font {
    my ($locale, $during_install) = @_;
    my $c = $charsets{l2charset($locale->{lang}) || return} or return;
    my ($name, $_sfm, $acm) = @$c;
    undef $acm if $locale->{utf8} && !$during_install;
    ($name, $acm);

sub get_kde_lang {
    my ($locale, $o_default) = @_;

    #- get it using 
    #- echo C $(rpm -qp --qf "%{name}\n" /RPMS/kde4-l10n-*  | sed 's/kde4-l10n-//')
    my @valid_kde_langs = qw(C
ar be bg ca cs csb da de el en_GB eo es et eu fa fi fr fy ga gl hi hu is it ja kk km ko ku lt lv mk ml nb nds ne nl nn pa pl pt pt_BR ro ru se sl sr sv ta th tr uk wa zh_CN zh_TW);
    my %valid_kde_langs; @valid_kde_langs{@valid_kde_langs} = ();

    my $valid_lang = sub {
	my ($lang) = @_;
	#- fast & dirty solution to ensure bad entries do not happen
        my %fixlangs = (en => 'C', en_US => 'C',
                        en_AU => 'en_GB', en_CA => 'en_GB',
                        en_IE => 'en_GB', en_NZ => 'en_GB',
                        pa_IN => 'pa',
                        'sr@Latn' => 'sr',
                        ve => 'ven',
                        zh_CN => 'zh_CN', zh_SG => 'zh_CN',
		       	zh_TW => 'zh_TW', zh_HK => 'zh_TW');
        exists $fixlangs{$lang} ? $fixlangs{$lang} :
	  exists $valid_kde_langs{$lang} ? $lang :
	  exists $valid_kde_langs{locale_to_main_locale($lang)} ? locale_to_main_locale($lang) : '';

    my $r;
    $r ||= $valid_lang->($locale->{lang});
    $r ||= find { $valid_lang->($_) } split(':', getlocale_for_lang($locale->{lang}, $locale->{country}));
    $r || $o_default || 'C';

sub charset2kde_charset {
    my ($charset, $o_default) = @_;
    my $iocharset = ($charsets{$charset} || [])->[3];

    my @valid_kde_charsets = qw(big5-0 gb2312.1980-0 iso10646-1 iso8859-1 iso8859-4 iso8859-6 iso8859-8 iso8859-13 iso8859-14 iso8859-15 iso8859-2 iso8859-3 iso8859-5 iso8859-7 iso8859-9 koi8-r koi8-u ksc5601.1987-0 jisx0208.1983-0 microsoft-cp1251 tis620-0);
    my %valid_kde_charsets; @valid_kde_charsets{@valid_kde_charsets} = ();

    my $valid_charset = sub {
	my ($charset) = @_;
	#- fast & dirty solution to ensure bad entries do not happen
	exists $valid_kde_charsets{$charset} && $charset;

    my $r;
    $r ||= $valid_charset->($charset2kde_charset{$charset});
    $r ||= $valid_charset->($charset2kde_charset{$iocharset});
    $r ||= $valid_charset->($iocharset);
    $r || $o_default || 'iso10646-1';

#- font+size for different charsets; the field [0] is the default,
#- others are overrridens for fixed(1), toolbar(2), menu(3) and taskbar(4)
my %charset2kde_font = (
  'C' => [ "Sans,10", "Monospace,10" ],
  'iso-8859-1'  => [ "Sans,10", "Monospace,10" ],
  'iso-8859-2'  => [ "Sans,10", "Monospace,10" ],
  'iso-8859-7'  => [ "DejaVu Sans,10", "FreeMono,10" ],
  'iso-8859-9'  => [ "Sans,10", "Monospace,10" ],
  'iso-8859-13' => [ "Sans,10", "Monospace,10" ],
  'iso-8859-15' => [ "Sans,10", "Monospace,10" ],
  'jisx0208' => [ "UmePlus P Gothic,12", "UmePlus Gothic,12" ],
  'ksc5601' => [ "Baekmuk Gulim,12" ],
  'gb2312' => [ "Sans,10", "Monospace,10" ],
  'Big5' => [ "Sans,10", "Monospace,10" ],
  'tis620' => [ "Norasi,16", "Norasi,15" ],
  'koi8-u' => [ "DejaVu Sans,10", "FreeMono,10" ],
  'utf_ar' => [ "DejaVu Sans,11", "Courier New,13" ],
  'utf_az' => [ "DejaVu Sans,10", "FreeMono,10" ],
  'utf_he' => [ "DejaVu Sans,10", "FreeMono,10" ],
#-'utf_iu' => [ "????,14", ],
  'utf_vi' => [ "DejaVu Sans,12", "FreeMono,11", "DejaVu Sans,11" ],
  'utf_yo' => [ "DejaVu Sans,12", "FreeMono,11", "DejaVu Sans,11" ],
  #- script based
  'utf_armn' => [ "DejaVu Sans,11", "FreeMono,11" ],
  'utf_cyr2' => [ "DejaVu Sans,10", "FreeMono,10" ],
  'utf_beng' => [ "Mukti Narrow,13", "Mitra Mono,13", "Mukti Narrow,12" ],
  'utf_deva' => [ "Raghindi,12", ],
  'utf_ethi' => [ "GF Zemen Unicode,13" ],
  'utf_guru' => [ "Lohit Punjab,14", ],
#-'utf_khmr' => [ "????,14", ],
  'utf_knda' => [ "Sampige,14", ],
  'utf_lat1' => [ "Sans,10", "Monospace,10" ],
  'utf_lat5' => [ "Sans,10", "Monospace,10" ],
  'utf_lat7' => [ "Sans,10", "Monospace,10" ],
  'utf_lat8' => [ "DejaVu Sans,10", "FreeMono,10" ],
  'utf_mlym' => [ "malayalam,12", ],
#-'utf_mymr' => [ "????,14", ],
  'utf_taml' => [ "TSCu_Paranar,14", "Tsc_avarangalfxd,14", "TSCu_Paranar,13", ],
  'utf_tfng' => [ "Hapax Berbère,12", ],
  'utf_tibt' => [ "Tibetan Machine Uni,14", ],
  #- the following should be changed to better defaults when better fonts
  #- get available
  'utf_geor' => [ "ClearlyU,13" ],
  'utf_laoo' => [ "DejaVu Sans,11", "ClearlyU,13" ],
  'default'  => [ "DejaVu Sans,12", "FreeMono,11", "DejaVu Sans,11" ],

sub charset2kde_font {
    my ($charset, $type) = @_;

    my $font = $charset2kde_font{$charset} || $charset2kde_font{default};
    my $r = $font->[$type] || $font->[0];

    #- the format is "font-name,size,-1,5,0,0,0,0,0,0" I have no idea of the
    #- meaning of that "5"...

# this define pango name fonts (like "NimbusSans L") depending
# on the "charset" defined by language array. This allows to selecting
# an appropriate font for each language for the installer only.
my %charset2pango_font = (
  'utf_geor' =>    "Sans 14",
  'utf_taml' =>    "TSCu_Paranar 14",
  'jisx0208' =>    "Sans 14",
  'utf_ar' =>      "Sans 15",
  'tis620' =>      "Norasi 20",
  'default' =>     "DejaVu Sans 12"

sub charset2pango_font {
    my ($charset) = @_;
    $charset2pango_font{exists $charset2pango_font{$charset} ? $charset : 'default'};

sub l2pango_font {
    my ($lang) = @_;

    my $charset = l2charset($lang) or log::l("no charset found for lang $lang!"), return;
    my $font = charset2pango_font($charset);
    log::l("lang:$lang charset:$charset font:$font consolefont:$charsets{$charset}[0]");
    return $font;

sub set {
    my ($locale, $b_translate_for_console) = @_;
    put_in_hash(\%ENV, i18n_env($locale));

    if (!$::isInstall) {
    } else {
	$ENV{LC_NUMERIC} = 'C'; #- otherwise eval "1.5" returns 1 in fr_FR
	if ($b_translate_for_console && $locale->{lang} =~ /^(ko|ja|zh|th)/) {
	    log::l("not translating in console");
	    $ENV{LANGUAGE}  = 'C';

sub langs {
    my ($l) = @_;
    $l->{all} ? list_langs() : grep { $l->{$_} } keys %$l;

sub langsLANGUAGE {
    my ($l, $o_c) = @_;
    uniq(map { split ':', getLANGUAGE($_, $o_c) } langs($l));

sub utf8_should_be_needed {
    my ($_locale) = @_; 

sub pack_langs { 
    my ($l) = @_; 
    my $s = $l->{all} ? 'all' : join ':', uniq(map { getLANGUAGE($_) } langs($l));

sub system_locales_to_ourlocale {
    my ($locale_lang, $locale_country) = @_;
    my $locale = {};
    my $h = analyse_locale_name($locale_lang);
    my $locale_lang_no_encoding = join('_', $h->{main}, if_($h->{country}, $h->{country}));
    $locale->{lang} = member($locale_lang_no_encoding, list_langs()) ?
	$locale_lang_no_encoding : #- special lang's such as en_US pt_BR
    $locale->{lang} .= '@' . $h->{variant} if $h->{variant};
    $locale->{country} = analyse_locale_name($locale_country)->{country};
    $locale->{utf8} = $h->{charset} && $h->{charset} eq 'UTF-8';

    #- safe fallbacks
    $locale->{lang} ||= 'en_US';
    $locale->{country} ||= 'US';


sub lang_to_ourlocale {
    my ($lang) = @_;

    my $locale = system_locales_to_ourlocale($lang);

sub lang_changed {
    my ($locale) = @_;
    my $h = analyse_locale_name(l2locale($locale->{lang}));
    $locale->{country} = $h->{country} if $h->{country};

    $locale->{IM} = get_default_im($locale->{lang});

sub read {
    my ($b_user_only) = @_;
    my ($f1, $f2) = ("$::prefix$ENV{HOME}/.i18n", "$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/i18n");
    my %h = getVarsFromSh($b_user_only && -e $f1 ? $f1 : $f2);
    my $locale = system_locales_to_ourlocale($h{LC_MESSAGES} || 'en_US', $h{LC_MONETARY} || 'en_US');
    if (find { $h{$_} } @IM_i18n_fields) {
	my @l = grep { !/^scim/ || /\(default\)/ } keys %IM_config;
	foreach my $field ('XMODIFIERS', 'XIM_PROGRAM') {
	    $h{$field} or next;
	    my @m = grep { $h{$field} eq $IM_config{$_}{$field} } @l or last;
	    @l = @m;
	$locale->{IM} = $l[0] if @l;

sub write_langs {
    my ($langs) = @_;
    my $s = pack_langs($langs);
    symlink "$::prefix/etc/rpm/macros", "/etc/rpm/macros" if $::prefix;
    require URPM;
    URPM::add_macro("_install_langs $s");
    substInFile { s/%_install_langs.*//; $_ .= "%_install_langs $s\n" if eof && $s } "$::prefix/etc/rpm/macros";

sub i18n_env {
    my ($locale) = @_;

    my $locale_lang = getlocale_for_lang($locale->{lang}, $locale->{country}, $locale->{utf8});
    my $locale_country = getlocale_for_country($locale->{lang}, $locale->{country}, $locale->{utf8});

    my $h = {
	XKB_IN_USE => '',
	(map { $_ => $locale_lang } qw(LANG LC_COLLATE LC_CTYPE LC_MESSAGES LC_TIME)),
	LANGUAGE => getLANGUAGE($locale->{lang}, $locale->{country}, $locale->{utf8}),

    log::l("i18n_env: lang:$locale->{lang} country:$locale->{country} locale|lang:$locale_lang locale|country:$locale_country LANGUAGE:$h->{LANGUAGE}");


sub write_and_install {
    my ($locale, $do_pkgs, $b_user_only, $b_dont_touch_kde_files) = @_;

    my @packages = IM2packages($locale);
    if (@packages && !$b_user_only) {
	log::explanations("Installing IM packages: ", join(', ', @packages));
	$do_pkgs->ensure_are_installed(\@packages, 1);
    &write($locale, $b_user_only, $b_dont_touch_kde_files);

sub write { 
    my ($locale, $b_user_only, $b_dont_touch_kde_files) = @_;

    $locale && $locale->{lang} or return;

    my $h = i18n_env($locale);

    my ($name, $acm) = l2console_font($locale, 0);
    if ($name && !$b_user_only) {
	my $p = "$::prefix/usr/lib/kbd";
	if ($name) {
	    eval {
		log::explanations(qq(Set system font to "$name"));
		cp_af(glob_("$p/consolefonts/$name.*"), "$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/console/consolefonts");
		add2hash $h, { SYSFONT => $name };
	    $@ and log::explanations("missing console font $name");
	if ($acm) {
	    eval {
		log::explanations(qq(Set application-charset map (Unicode mapping table) to "$name"));
		cp_af(glob_("$p/consoletrans/$acm*"), "$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/console/consoletrans");
		add2hash $h, { SYSFONTACM => $acm };
	    $@ and log::explanations("missing console acm file $acm");

    add2hash($h, $IM_locale_specific_config{$locale->{lang}});
    $h->{ENC} = $locale2ENC{$locale->{lang}};
    $h->{ENC} = 'utf8' if $h->{ENC} && $locale->{utf8};

    if ($locale->{IM}) {
        log::explanations(qq(Configuring "$locale->{IM}" IM));
	foreach (@IM_i18n_fields) {
	    $h->{$_} = $IM_config{$locale->{IM}}{$_};
	$h->{QT_IM_MODULE} ||= $h->{GTK_IM_MODULE};

	if (ref $h->{XIM_PROGRAM}) {
	    $h->{XIM_PROGRAM} = 
	      $h->{XIM_PROGRAM}{$locale->{lang}} ||
		$h->{XIM_PROGRAM}{getlocale_for_country($locale->{lang}, $locale->{country})};

    #- deactivate translations on console for most CJK, RTL and complex languages
    if (member($locale->{lang}, qw(ar bn fa he hi ja kn ko pa_IN ug ur yi zh_TW zh_CN))) {
        #- CONSOLE_NOT_LOCALIZED if defined to yes, disables translations on console
        #-	it is needed for languages not supported by the linux console
        log::explanations(qq(Disabling translation on console since "$locale->{lang}" is not supported by the console));
        add2hash($h, { CONSOLE_NOT_LOCALIZED => 'yes' });

    my $file = $b_user_only ? "$ENV{HOME}/.i18n" : '/etc/sysconfig/i18n';
    log::explanations(qq(Setting l10n configuration in "$file"));
    setVarsInShMode($::prefix . $file, 0644, $h);

    configure_hal($locale) if !$b_user_only;

    run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'grub-gfxmenu', '--quiet', '--lang', $locale->{lang}) if !$b_user_only;
    my $charset = l2charset($locale->{lang});
    my $qtglobals = $b_user_only ? "$ENV{HOME}/.qt/qtrc" : "$::prefix/etc/qtrc";
    update_gnomekderc($qtglobals, General => (
       		      font => charset2kde_font($charset, 0),

    eval {
	my $confdir = $::prefix . ($b_user_only ? "$ENV{HOME}/.kde" : do {
	    my $kderc = $::prefix ? common::expand_symlinks_with_absolute_symlinks_in_prefix($::prefix, '/etc/kderc') : '/etc/kderc';
	    log::l("reading $kderc");
	    my %dir_defaults = read_gnomekderc($kderc, 'Directories-default');
	    first(split(',', $dir_defaults{prefixes})) || "/etc/kde"
	}) . '/share/config';

	-d $confdir or die 'not configuring kde config files since it is not installed/used';

	configure_kdeglobals($locale, $confdir);

	my %qt_xim = (zh => 'Over The Spot', ko => 'On The Spot', ja => 'On The Spot');
	if ($b_user_only && (my $qt_xim = $qt_xim{locale_to_main_locale($locale->{lang})})) {
         log::explanations(qq(Setting XIM input style to "$qt_xim"));
	    update_gnomekderc("$ENV{HOME}/.qt/qtrc", General => (XIMInputStyle => $qt_xim));

	if (!$b_user_only) {
	    my $kde_charset = charset2kde_charset(l2charset($locale->{lang}));
	    my $welcome = common::to_utf8(N("Welcome to %s", '%n'));
         log::explanations(qq(Configuring KDM/MdkKDM));
	    substInFile { 
		if (!member($kde_charset, 'iso8859-1', 'iso8859-15')) { 
		    #- do not keep the default for those
    		    my $font_list = $charset2kde_font{l2charset($locale->{lang})} || $charset2kde_font{default};
		    my $font_small = $font_list->[0];
		    my $font_huge = $font_small;
		    $font_huge =~ s/(.*?),\d+/$1,24/;
	    } "$::prefix/etc/kde/kdm/kdmrc";

    } if !$b_dont_touch_kde_files;

    #- update alternatives for OpenOffice/BrOffice if present
    foreach my $name (grep { /^oobr_bootstraprc/ } all("$::prefix/var/lib/alternatives/")) {
        my $alternative  = common::get_alternatives($name) or next;
        my $wanted = $locale->{lang} eq 'pt_BR' ? 'bootstraprc.bro' : '';
        my $path = find { basename($_) eq $wanted } map { $_->{file} } @{$alternative->{alternatives}};
        common::symlinkf_update_alternatives($name, $path) if $path;

sub configure_hal {
    my ($locale) = @_;
    my $option = sub {
	my ($cat, $val) = @_;
	qq(\t\t<merge key="$cat.policy.mount_option.$val" type="bool">true</merge>);
    my %options = (fs_options($locale), utf8 => 1);
    my %known_options = (
	auto  => [ 'iocharset', 'codepage' ],
	vfat  => [ 'iocharset', 'codepage' ],
	msdos => [ 'iocharset', 'codepage' ],
	ntfs  => [ 'iocharset', 'utf8' ],
	cdrom => [ 'iocharset', 'codepage', 'utf8' ],
    my $options = sub {
	my ($cat, $name) = @_;
	join("\n", map { 
	    $option->($cat, $_ eq 'utf8' ? $_ : "$_=$options{$_}");
	} grep { $options{$_} } @{$known_options{$name}});
    my $options_per_fs = join('', map {
	my $s = $options->('volume', $_);
	$s && sprintf(<<'EOF', $_, $s);
	<match key="volume.fstype" string="%s">
    } 'auto', 'vfat', 'msdos', 'ntfs');
	     sprintf(<<'EOF', $options_per_fs, $options->('storage', 'cdrom')));
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- -*- SGML -*- --> 

<deviceinfo version="0.2">

    <match key="block.is_volume" bool="true">
      <match key="volume.fsusage" string="filesystem">


    <match key="storage.drive_type" string="cdrom">


sub configure_kdeglobals {
    my ($locale, $confdir) = @_;
    my $kdeglobals = "$confdir/kdeglobals";

    my $charset = l2charset($locale->{lang});
    my $kde_charset = charset2kde_charset($charset);


    my $lang = get_kde_lang($locale);
    log::explanations("Configuring KDE regarding charset ($kde_charset), language ($lang) and country ($locale->{country})");
    update_gnomekderc($kdeglobals, Locale => (
    	      Charset => $kde_charset,
    	      Country => lc($locale->{country}),
    	      Language => getLANGUAGE($locale->{lang}, $locale->{country}, $locale->{utf8}),

    log::explanations("Configuring KDE regarding fonts");
        update_gnomekderc($kdeglobals, WM => (
       		      activeFont => charset2kde_font($charset,0),
        update_gnomekderc($kdeglobals, General => (
       		      fixed => charset2kde_font($charset, 1),
       		      font => charset2kde_font($charset, 0),
       		      menuFont => charset2kde_font($charset, 3),
       		      taskbarFont => charset2kde_font($charset, 4),
       		      toolBarFont => charset2kde_font($charset, 2),
        update_gnomekderc("$confdir/konquerorrc", FMSettings => (
       		      StandardFont => charset2kde_font($charset, 0),
        update_gnomekderc("$confdir/kdesktoprc", FMSettings => (
       		      StandardFont => charset2kde_font($charset, 0),

sub bindtextdomain() {
    #- if $::prefix is set, search for in locale_special
    #- NB: not using $::isInstall to make it work more easily at install and standalone
    my $localedir = "$ENV{SHARE_PATH}/locale" . ($::prefix ? "_special" : '');

    foreach (@::textdomains, 'libDrakX') {
	Locale::gettext::bind_textdomain_codeset($_, 'UTF-8');
	Locale::gettext::bindtextdomain($_, $localedir);


sub load_mo {
    my ($o_lang) = @_;

    my $localedir = bindtextdomain();
    my $suffix = 'LC_MESSAGES/';

    $o_lang ||= $ENV{LANGUAGE} || $ENV{LC_ALL} || $ENV{LC_MESSAGES} || $ENV{LANG};

    my @possible_langs = map { { name => $_, mofile => "$localedir/$_/$suffix" } } split ':', $o_lang;

    -s $_->{mofile} and return $_->{name} foreach @possible_langs;


#- used in share/list.xml during "make get_needed_files"
sub console_font_files() {
    map { -e $_ ? $_ : "$_.gz" }
      (map { my $p = "/usr/lib/kbd/consolefonts/$_"; -e "$p.psfu" || -e "$p.psfu.gz" ? "$p.psfu" : "$p.psf" } uniq grep { $_ } map { $_->[0] } values %charsets),
      (map { "/usr/lib/kbd/consoletrans/${_}_to_uni.trans" } uniq grep { $_ } map { $_->[2] } values %charsets);

sub load_console_font {
    my ($locale) = @_;
    return if $::local_install;

    my ($name, $acm) = l2console_font($locale, 1);

    require run_program;
    run_program::run('setfont', '-v', $name || 'lat0-16', if_($acm, '-m', $acm));

sub fs_options {
    my ($locale) = @_;
    if ($locale->{utf8}) {
	(iocharset => 'utf8', codepage => undef);
    } else {
	my $c = $charsets{l2charset($locale->{lang}) || return} or return;
	my ($iocharset, $codepage) = @$c[3..4];
	(iocharset => $iocharset, codepage => $codepage);

sub check() {
    $^W = 0;
    my ($warnings, $errors) = (0, 0);
    my $warn = sub {
	my ($msg, $b_is_error) = @_;
	if ($b_is_error) {
	    print STDERR "\tErrors:\n" if !$errors++;
	} else {
	    print STDERR "\tWarnings:\n" if !$warnings++;
	print STDERR "$msg\n";
    my $err = sub { $warn->($_[0], 'error') };
    my @wanted_charsets = uniq map { l2charset($_) } list_langs();
    $warn->("unused charset $_ (given in \%charsets, but not used in \%langs)") foreach difference2([ keys %charsets ], \@wanted_charsets);

    $warn->("unused entry $_ in \%xim") foreach grep { !/UTF-8/ } difference2([ keys %IM_locale_specific_config ], [ map { l2locale($_) } list_langs() ]);

    #- consolefonts are checked during build via console_font_files()

    if (my @l = difference2([ 'default', keys %charsets ], [ keys %charset2kde_font ])) {
	$warn->("no kde font for charset " . join(" ", @l));

    if (my @l = grep { get_kde_lang({ lang => $_, country => 'US' }, 'err') eq 'err' } list_langs()) {
	$warn->("no KDE lang for langs " . join(" ", @l));
    if (my @l = grep { charset2kde_charset($_, 'err') eq 'err' } keys %charsets) {
	$warn->("no KDE charset for charsets " . join(" ", @l));

    $warn->("no country corresponding to default locale $_->[1] of lang $_->[0]")
      foreach grep { $_->[1] =~ /.._(..)/ && !exists $countries{$1} } map { [ $_, l2locale($_) ] } list_langs();

    $err->("invalid charset $_ ($_ does not exist in \%charsets)") foreach difference2(\@wanted_charsets, [ keys %charsets ]);
    $err->("invalid charset $_ in \%charset2kde_font ($_ does not exist in \%charsets)") foreach difference2([ keys %charset2kde_font ], [ 'default', keys %charsets ]);

    $err->("default locale $_->[1] of lang $_->[0] is not listed in \@locales")
      foreach grep { !member($_->[1], @locales) } map { [ $_, l2locale($_) ] } list_langs();

    $err->("lang image for lang $_->[0] is missing (file $_->[1])")
      foreach grep { !(-e $_->[1]) } map { [ $_, "install/pixmaps/langs/lang-$_.png" ] } list_langs();

    $err->("default locale $_->[1] of country $_->[0] is not listed in \@locales")
      foreach grep { !member($_->[1], @locales) } map { [ $_, c2locale($_) ] } list_countries();

    exit($errors ? 1 : 0);
