path: root/perl-install/standalone
diff options
authorStew Benedict <>2004-02-19 00:05:24 +0000
committerStew Benedict <>2004-02-19 00:05:24 +0000
commit3c0580b342e58265dda787d66eba8a163a014fee (patch)
tree2a98b1124e16557ecdcc792fd3c87a833983edbc /perl-install/standalone
parent7484c79bb36e5d23bf639ca1eb8ad551245d9cf2 (diff)
Fix issue with multisession CDs (Anthill #349)
Diffstat (limited to 'perl-install/standalone')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/perl-install/standalone/drakbackup b/perl-install/standalone/drakbackup
index 0bf02270b..a1363da47 100755
--- a/perl-install/standalone/drakbackup
+++ b/perl-install/standalone/drakbackup
@@ -988,7 +988,7 @@ sub check_for_cd() {
if ($multi_session) {
- $command = "cdrecord dev=$cd_device -msinfo";
+ $command = "cdrecord -s dev=$cd_device -msinfo";
spawn_progress($command, "Check for previous session status");
#- if we don't find a previous session, start fresh
if ($log_buff =~ /Cannot read session offset/) {
70'>170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349

package keyboard; # $Id$

use diagnostics;
use strict;

#- misc imports
use common qw(:common :system :file);
use run_program;
use commands;
use log;
use c;

#- Globals
my $KMAP_MAGIC = 0x8B39C07F;

#- a best guess of the keyboard layout, based on the choosen locale
my %lang2keyboard =
  'af' => 'us_intl',
#-'ar' => 'ar:80',
  'az' => 'az:80 tr:10 us_intl:5',
  'be' => 'by:80 ru:50 ru_yawerty:40',
  'be_BY.CP1251' => 'by:80 ru:50 ru_yawerty:40',
  'bg' => 'bg:90',
'bg_BG'=> 'bg:90',
  'br' => 'fr:90',
  'bs' => 'hr:60 sr:50 si:40',
  'ca' => 'es:90 fr:15',
  'cs' => 'cz_qwerty:70 cz:50 cz_prog:10',
  'cy' => 'uk:90',
  'da' => 'dk:90',
  'de' => 'de_nodeadkeys:70 de:50',
'de_AT'=> 'de_nodeadkeys:70 de:50',
'de_BE'=> 'be:70 de_nodeadkeys:60 de:50',
'de_CH'=> 'ch_de:70 ch_fr:25 de_nodeadkeys:20 de:15',
'de_DE'=> 'de_nodeadkeys:70 de:50', 
  'el' => 'gr:90',
  'en' => 'us:90 us_intl:50',
'en_US'=> 'us:90 us_intl:50',
'en_GB'=> 'uk:90 us:60 us_intl:50',
  'eo' => 'us_intl:90 dvorak:20',
  'es' => 'es:90 la:80 us_intl:50',
  'es@tradicional' => 'es:90 la:80 us_intl:50',
'es_AR'=> 'la:80 us_intl:50 es:20',
'es_ES'=> 'es:90',
'es_MX'=> 'la:80 us_intl:50 es:20',
  'et' => 'ee:90',
  'eu' => 'es:90 fr:15',
  'fa' => 'ir:90',
  'fi' => 'fi:90',
  'fr' => 'fr:90',
'fr_BE'=> 'be:90 fr:5',
'fr_CA'=> 'qc:90 fr:5',
'fr_CH'=> 'ch_fr:70 ch_de:15 fr:10',
'fr_FR'=> 'fr:90',
  'ga' => 'uk:90',
  'gd' => 'uk:90',
  'gl' => 'es:90',
  'gv' => 'uk:90',
  'he' => 'il:90 il_phonetic:10',
  'hr' => 'hr:90 si:50',
  'hu' => 'hu:90',
  'hy' => 'am:80 am_old:10 am_phonetic:5',
  'id' => 'us:90 us_intl:20',
  'is' => 'is:90',
'it_CH' => 'ch_fr:80 ch_de:60 it:50',
'it_IT' => 'it:90',
  'ja' => 'jp:80 us:50 us_intl:20',
  'ka' => 'ge_la:80 ge_ru:50',
  'kl' => 'dk:80 us_intl:30',
  'ko' => 'kr:80 us:60',
  'kw' => 'uk:90',
  'lo' => 'us:60',
  'lt' => 'lt:80 lt_new:70 lt_b:60 lt_p:50',
  'lv' => 'lt:60 lt_new:50 lt_b:40 lt_p:30 ee:20',
  'mi' => 'us_intl:60 uk:20 us:10',
  'mk' => 'mk:80',
  'ms' => 'us:90 us_intl:20',
  'nb' => 'no:90 dvorak_no:10',
'nl_BE'=> 'be:90 nl:10 us_intl:5',
'nl_NL'=> 'us_intl:95 nl:15 us:10 uk:5',
  'nn' => 'no:90 dvorak_no:10',
  'no' => 'no:90 dvorak_no:10',
  'oc' => 'fr:90',
  'ph' => 'us:90 us_intl:20',
  'pl' => 'pl:80 pl2:60',
  'pp' => 'br:80 la:20 pt:10 us_intl:30',
'pt_BR'=> 'br:80 la:20 pt:10 us_intl:30',
'pt_PT'=> 'pt:80',
  'ro' => 'us-intl:10',
  'ru' => 'ru:90 ru_yawerty:80',
  'ru_RU.CP1251' => 'ru:90 ru_yawerty:80',
  'ru_RU.KOI8-R' => 'ru:90 ru_yawerty:80',
  'sk' => 'sk_qwerty:80 sk:70 sk_prog:50',
  'sl' => 'si:80 hr:50',
  'sp' => 'sr:80',
  'sr' => 'yu:80',
  'sv' => 'se:90 fi:20',
  'tg' => 'ru:50 ru_yawerty:40',
  'th' => 'th:90',
  'tr' => 'tr_q:90 tr_q:30',
  'tt' => 'ru:50 ru_yawerty:40',
  'uk' => 'ua:90 ru:50 ru_yawerty:40',
'uk_UA' => 'ua:90 ru:50 ru_yawerty:40',
  'uz' => 'us:80',
  'vi' => 'vn:80 us:60 us_intl:50',
'vi_VN.TCVN' => 'vn us:60 us_intl:50',
'vi_VN.VISCII' => 'vn us:60 us_intl:50',
  'wa' => 'be:90 fr:5',
'zh_CN.GB2312' => 'us:60',
'zh_TW.Big5' => 'us:60',

#- key = extension for Xmodmap file, [0] = description of the keyboard,
#- [1] = name for loadkeys, [2] = name for XKB
my %keyboards = (
arch() =~ /^sparc/ ? (
 "cz" => [ __("Czech (QWERTZ)"), "sunt5-cz-us", "czsk(cz_us_qwertz)" ],
 "de" => [ __("German"),         "sunt5-de-latin1", "de" ],
 "dvorak" => [ __("Dvorak"),     "sundvorak",   "dvorak" ],
 "es" => [ __("Spanish"),        "sunt5-es",    "es" ],
 "fi" => [ __("Finnish"),        "sunt5-fi-latin1", "fi" ],
 "fr" => [ __("French"),         "sunt5-fr-latin1", "fr" ],
 "no" => [ __("Norwegian"),      "sunt4-no-latin1", "no" ],
 "pl" => [ __("Polish"),         "sun-pl-altgraph", "pl" ],
 "ru" => [ __("Russian"),        "sunt5-ru",    "ru" ],
 "uk" => [ __("UK keyboard"),    "sunt5-uk",    "gb" ],
 "us" => [ __("US keyboard"),    "sunkeymap",   "us" ],
) : (
arch() eq "ppc" ? (
 "us" => [ __("US keyboard"),    "mac-us-ext",  "us" ],
 "de_nodeadkeys" => [ __("German"), "mac-de-latin1-nodeadkeys", "de(nodeadkeys)" ],
 "fr" => [ __("French"),         "mac-fr2-ext",   "fr" ],
) : (
 "am_old" => [ __("Armenian (old)"),	"am_old",	"am(old)" ],
 "am" => [ __("Armenian (typewriter)"),	"am-armscii8",	"am" ],
 "am_phonetic" => [ __("Armenian (phonetic)"), "am_phonetic", "am(phonetic)" ],
#- only xmodmap is currently available
#-"ar" => [ __("Arabic"),        "ar-8859_6",   "ar" ],
 "az" => [ __("Azerbaidjani (latin)"), "az",	"az" ],
 "a3" => [ __("Azerbaidjani (cyrillic)"), "az-koi8c","az(cyrillic)" ],
 "be" => [ __("Belgian"),        "be-latin1",   "be" ],
 "bg" => [ __("Bulgarian"),      "bg",          "bg" ],
 "br" => [ __("Brazilian (ABNT-2)"),      "br-abnt2",    "br" ],
 "by" => [ __("Belarusian"),      "by-cp1251",  "byru" ],
 "ch_de" => [ __("Swiss (German layout)"), "sg-latin1", "de_CH" ],
 "ch_fr" => [ __("Swiss (French layout)"), "fr_CH-latin1", "fr_CH" ],
 "cz" => [ __("Czech (QWERTZ)"), "cz-latin2",   "czsk(cz_us_qwertz)" ],
 "cz_qwerty" => [ __("Czech (QWERTY)"), "cz-lat2", "czsk(cz_us_qwerty)" ],
 "cz_prog" => [ __("Czech (Programmers)"), "cz-lat2-prog", "czsk(us_cz_prog)" ],
 "de" => [ __("German"),         "de-latin1",   "de" ],
 "de_nodeadkeys" => [ __("German (no dead keys)"), "de-latin1-nodeadkeys", "de(nodeadkeys)" ],
 "dk" => [ __("Danish"),         "dk-latin1",   "dk" ],
 "dvorak" => [ __("Dvorak (US)"),     "pc-dvorak-latin1", "dvorak" ],
 "dvorak_no" => [ __("Dvorak (Norwegian)"),     "no-dvorak", "dvorak(no)" ],
 "ee" => [ __("Estonian"),       "ee-latin9",   "ee" ],
 "es" => [ __("Spanish"),        "es-latin1",   "es" ],
 "fi" => [ __("Finnish"),        "fi-latin1",   "fi" ],
 "fr" => [ __("French"),         "fr-latin1",   "fr" ],
 "ge_ru"=>[__("Georgian (\"Russian\" layout)"),"ge_ru-georgian_academy","ge_ru"],
 "ge_la"=>[__("Georgian (\"Latin\" layout)"),"ge_la-georgian_academy","ge_la"],
 "gr" => [ __("Greek"),          "gr-8859_7",   "gr" ],
 "hu" => [ __("Hungarian"),      "hu-latin2",   "hu" ],
 "hr" => [ __("Croatian"),	 "croat",	"yu" ],
 "il" => [ __("Israeli"),        "il-8859_8",   "il" ],
 "il_phonetic" => [ __("Israeli (Phonetic)"),"hebrew",   "il_phonetic" ],
 "ir" => [ __("Iranian"),        "ir-isiri3342","ir" ],
 "is" => [ __("Icelandic"),      "is-latin1",   "is" ],
 "it" => [ __("Italian"),        "it-latin1",   "it" ],
 "jp" => [ __("Japanese 106 keys"), "jp106",	"jp" ],
 "kr" => [ __("Korean keyboard"),"us",	"kr" ],
 "la" => [ __("Latin American"), "la-latin1",   "la" ],
 "mk" => [ __("Macedonian"),	 "mk",		"mk" ],
 "nl" => [ __("Dutch"),          "nl-latin1",   "nl" ],
 "lt" => [ __("Lithuanian AZERTY (old)"), "lt-latin7","lt_a" ],
#- TODO: write a console kbd map for lt_new
 "lt_new" => [ __("Lithuanian AZERTY (new)"), "lt-latin7","lt_std" ],
 "lt_b" => [ __("Lithuanian \"number row\" QWERTY"), "ltb-latin7", "lt" ],
 "lt_p" => [ __("Lithuanian \"phonetic\" QWERTY"), "ltp-latin7", "lt_p" ],
 "no" => [ __("Norwegian"),      "no-latin1",   "no" ],
 "pl" => [ __("Polish (qwerty layout)"),        "pl", "pl" ],
 "pl2" => [ __("Polish (qwertz layout)"),       "pl-latin2", "pl2" ],
 "pt" => [ __("Portuguese"),     "pt-latin1",   "pt" ],
 "qc" => [ __("Canadian (Quebec)"), "qc-latin1","ca_enhanced" ],
 "ru" => [ __("Russian"),        "ru4",         "ru(winkeys)" ],
 "ru_yawerty" => [ __("Russian (Yawerty)"),"ru-yawerty","ru_yawerty" ],
 "se" => [ __("Swedish"),        "se-latin1",   "se" ],
 "si" => [ __("Slovenian"),      "slovene",     "si" ],
 "sk" => [ __("Slovakian (QWERTZ)"), "sk-qwertz",   "czsk(sk_us_qwertz)" ],
 "sk_qwerty" => [ __("Slovakian (QWERTY)"), "sk-qwerty", "czsk(sk_us_qwerty)" ],
 "sk_prog" => [ __("Slovakian (Programmers)"), "sk-prog", "czsk(us_sk_prog" ],
 "th" => [ __("Thai keyboard"),  "th",          "th" ],
 "tr_f" => [ __("Turkish (traditional \"F\" model)"), "trf", "tr_f" ],
 "tr_q" => [ __("Turkish (modern \"Q\" model)"), "tr_q-latin5", "tr" ],
 "ua" => [ __("Ukrainian"),      "ua",           "ua" ],
 "uk" => [ __("UK keyboard"),    "uk",           "gb" ],
 "us" => [ __("US keyboard"),    "us",           "us" ],
 "us_intl" => [ __("US keyboard (international)"), "us-latin1", "us_intl" ],
 "vn" => [ __("Vietnamese \"numeric row\" QWERTY"),"vn-tcvn", "vn" ], 
 "yu" => [ __("Yugoslavian (latin/cyrillic)"), "sr", "sr" ],

#- Functions
sub keyboards { keys %keyboards }
sub keyboard2text { $keyboards{$_[0]} && $keyboards{$_[0]}[0] }
sub keyboard2kmap { $keyboards{$_[0]} && $keyboards{$_[0]}[1] }
sub keyboard2xkb  { $keyboards{$_[0]} && $keyboards{$_[0]}[2] }

sub loadkeys_files {
    my $archkbd = arch() =~ /^sparc/ ? "sun" : arch() =~ /i.86/ ? "i386" : arch();
    my $p = "/usr/lib/kbd/keymaps/$archkbd";
    my $post = ".kmap.gz";
    my %trans = ("cz-latin2" => "cz-lat2");
    my (@l, %l);
    foreach (values %keyboards) {
	local $_ = $trans{$_->[1]} || $_->[1];
	my ($l) = grep { -e $_ } ("$p/$_$post");
	$l or /(..)/ and ($l) = grep { -e $_ } ("$p/$1$post");
	print STDERR "unknown $_\n" if $_[0] && !$l; $l or next;
	push @l, $l;
	foreach (`zgrep include $l | grep "^include"`) {
	    /include\s+"(.*)"/ or die "bad line $_";
	    @l{grep { -e $_ } ("$p/$")} = ();
    @l, keys %l, grep { -e $_ } map { "$p/$" } qw(compose euro windowkeys linux-keys-bare);

sub unpack_keyboards {
    my ($k) = @_ or return;
    [ map { [ split ':' ] } split ' ', $k ];
sub lang2keyboards {
    my ($l) = @_;
    my $li = unpack_keyboards($lang2keyboard{$l}) || [ $keyboards{$l} && $l || "us" ];
    $li->[0][1] ||= 100;
sub lang2keyboard {
    my ($l) = @_;
    my $kb = lang2keyboards($l)->[0][0];
    $keyboards{$kb} ? $kb : "us"; #- handle incorrect keyboad mapping to us.

sub load {
    my ($keymap) = @_;
    return if $::testing;

    my ($magic, @keymaps) = unpack "I i" . c::MAX_NR_KEYMAPS() . "a*", $keymap;
    $keymap = pop @keymaps;

    $magic != $KMAP_MAGIC and die "failed to read kmap magic";

    local *F;
    sysopen F, "/dev/console", 2 or die "failed to open /dev/console: $!";

    my $count = 0;
    foreach (0 .. c::MAX_NR_KEYMAPS() - 1) {
	$keymaps[$_] or next;

	my @keymap = unpack "s" . c::NR_KEYS() . "a*", $keymap;
	$keymap = pop @keymap;

	my $key = -1;
	foreach my $value (@keymap) {
	    c::KTYP($value) != c::KT_SPEC() or next;
	    ioctl(F, c::KDSKBENT(), pack("CCS", $_, $key, $value)) or die "keymap ioctl failed ($_ $key $value): $!";
    #- log::l("loaded $count keymap tables");

sub xmodmap_file {
    my ($keyboard) = @_;
    my $f = "$ENV{SHARE_PATH}/xmodmap/xmodmap.$keyboard";
    if (! -e $f) {
	eval {
	    require packdrake;
	    my $packer = new packdrake("$ENV{SHARE_PATH}/xmodmap.cz2");
	    $packer->extract_archive("/tmp", "xmodmap.$keyboard");
	#run_program::run("packdrake", "-x", "$ENV{SHARE_PATH}/xmodmap.cz2", '/tmp', "xmodmap.$keyboard");
	$f = "/tmp/xmodmap.$keyboard";
    -e $f && $f;

sub setup {
    return if arch() =~ /^sparc/;
    my ($keyboard) = @_;
    my $o = $keyboards{$keyboard} or return;

    log::l("loading keymap $o->[1]");
    if (-e (my $f = "$ENV{SHARE_PATH}/keymaps/$o->[1].bkmap")) {
	load(scalar cat_($f));
    } else {
	local *F;
	#open F, "packdrake -x $ENV{SHARE_PATH}/keymaps.cz2 '' $o->[1].bkmap |";
	if (my $pid = open F, "-|") {
	    local $/ = undef;
	    eval { load(join('', <F>)) };
	    waitpid $pid, 0;
	} else {
	    eval {
		require packdrake;
		my $packer = new packdrake("$ENV{SHARE_PATH}/keymaps.cz2");
		$packer->extract_archive(undef, "$o->[1].bkmap");
    my $f = xmodmap_file($keyboard);
    eval { run_program::run('xmodmap', $f) } if $f && !$::testing && $ENV{DISPLAY};

sub write {
    my ($prefix, $keyboard, $charset, $isNotDelete) = @_;

    setVarsInSh("$prefix/etc/sysconfig/keyboard", { KEYTABLE => keyboard2kmap($keyboard), 
						    KBCHARSET => $charset,
						    REMOVE_MOD_META_L => "",
						    BACKSPACE => $isNotDelete ? "BackSpace" : "Delete" });
    run_program::rooted($prefix, "dumpkeys > /etc/sysconfig/console/default.kmap") or log::l("dumpkeys failed");

sub read {
    my ($prefix) = @_;
    my %keyf = getVarsFromSh("$prefix/etc/sysconfig/keyboard");
    my $keytable = $keyf{KEYTABLE};
    keyboard2kmap($_) eq $keytable and return $_ foreach keys %keyboards;
    $keyboards{$keytable} && $keytable; #- keep track of unknown keyboard.

#- Wonderful perl :(