path: root/perl-install/pixmaps/selected.png
blob: 49b225b93737adb31131aa5a74e1011c9bc3dce7 (plain)
ofshex dumpascii
0000 89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a 00 00 00 0d 49 48 44 52 00 00 00 0c 00 00 00 0c 08 03 00 00 00 61 ab ac .PNG........IHDR.............a..
0020 d5 00 00 00 96 50 4c 54 45 00 00 00 40 3f 6a 73 66 58 33 33 66 d9 c6 83 96 7d 33 4d 4a 6c d9 cc .....PLTE...@?jsfX33f....}3MJl..
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0060 ea 96 ff d0 13 a2 81 00 99 8a 69 ff e8 8a d9 b6 34 ff d1 1b 97 79 06 47 41 53 99 86 53 ff e0 66 ..........i.....4....y.GAS..S..f
0080 ff d8 3a d9 b9 42 d9 cc a4 99 81 3a ff d0 15 ff d4 2a ff d8 3d ff e4 78 ff e5 7f 55 4c 53 d1 a8 ..:..B.....:.....*..=..x...ULS..
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00e0 63 49 44 41 54 78 da 63 60 80 03 46 26 04 9b 99 85 15 ce 66 63 e7 e0 64 e0 e2 86 a8 61 e7 e1 e5 cIDATx.c`..F&......fc..d....a...
0100 63 e0 17 10 04 b3 85 84 45 f8 18 44 c5 c4 05 41 6c 09 11 49 29 06 69 19 59 39 36 79 08 9b 41 41 c.......E..D...Al..I).i.Y96y..AA
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package interactive::stdio; # $Id$

use diagnostics;
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA);

@ISA = qw(interactive);

use interactive;
use common;

$| = 1;

sub readln() {
    my $l = <STDIN>;
    chomp $l;

sub check_it {
    my ($i, $n) = @_;
    $i =~ /^\s*\d+\s*$/ && 1 <= $i && $i <= $n

sub good_choice {
    my ($def_s, $max) = @_;
    my $i;
    do {
	defined $i and print N("Bad choice, try again\n");
	print N("Your choice? (default %s) ", $def_s);
	$i = readln();
    } until !$i || check_it($i, $max);

sub ask_fromW {
    my ($_o, $common, $l, $_l2) = @_;

    add2hash_($common, { ok => N("Ok"), cancel => N("Cancel") }) if !exists $common->{ok};


    my $already_entries = 0;
    my $predo_widget = sub {
	my ($e) = @_;

	$e->{type} = 'list' if $e->{type} =~ /(icon|tree)list/;
	#- combo doesn't exist, fallback to a sensible default
	$e->{type} = $e->{not_edit} ? 'list' : 'entry' if $e->{type} eq 'combo';

	if ($e->{type} eq 'entry') {
	    my $t = "\t$e->{label} $e->{text}\n";
	    if ($already_entries) {
		length($already_entries) > 1 and print N("Entries you'll have to fill:\n%s", $already_entries);
		$already_entries = 1;
		print $t;
	    } else {
		$already_entries = $t;

    my @labels;
    my $format_label = sub { my ($e) = @_; return sprintf("`%s' %s %s\n", ${$e->{val}}, $e->{label}, $e->{text}) };
    my $do_widget = sub {
	my ($e, $ind) = @_;

	if ($e->{type} eq 'bool') {
	    print "$e->{text} $e->{label}\n";
	    print N("Your choice? (0/1, default `%s') ", ${$e->{val}} || '0');
	    my $i = readln();
	    if ($i) {
		to_bool($i) != to_bool(${$e->{val}}) and $common->{callbacks}{changed}->($ind);
		${$e->{val}} = $i;
	} elsif ($e->{type} =~ /list/) {
	    $e->{text} || $e->{label} and print "=> $e->{label} $e->{text}\n";
	    my $n = 0; my $size = 0;
	    foreach (@{$e->{list}}) {
		my $t = "$n: " . may_apply($e->{format}, $_) . "\t";
		if ($size + length($t) >= 80) {
		    print "\n";
		    $size = 0;
		print $t;
		$size += length($t);
	    print "\n";
	    my $i = good_choice(may_apply($e->{format}, ${$e->{val}}), $n);
	    print "Setting to <", $i ? ${$e->{list}}[$i-1] : ${$e->{val}}, ">\n";
	    $i and ${$e->{val}} = ${$e->{list}}[$i-1], $common->{callbacks}{changed}->($ind);
	} elsif ($e->{type} eq 'button') {
	    print N("Button `%s': %s", $e->{label}, may_apply($e->{format}, ${$e->{val}})), " $e->{text}\n";
	    print N("Do you want to click on this button?");
	    my $i = readln();
	    $i && $i !~ /^n/i and $e->{clicked_may_quit}(), $common->{callbacks}{changed}->($ind);
	} elsif ($e->{type} eq 'label') {
	    my $t = $format_label->($e);
	    push @labels, $t;
	    print $t;
	} elsif ($e->{type} eq 'entry') {
	    print "$e->{label} $e->{text}\n";
	    print N("Your choice? (default `%s'%s) ", ${$e->{val}}, ${$e->{val}} ? N(" enter `void' for void entry") : '');
	    my $i = readln();
	    ${$e->{val}} = $i || ${$e->{val}};
	    ${$e->{val}} = '' if ${$e->{val}} eq 'void';
	    print "Setting to <", ${$e->{val}}, ">\n";
	    $i and $common->{callbacks}{changed}->($ind);
	} else {
	    printf "UNSUPPORTED WIDGET TYPE (type <%s> label <%s> text <%s> val <%s>\n", $e->{type}, $e->{label}, $e->{text}, ${$e->{val}};

    print "* ";
    $common->{title} and print "$common->{title}\n";
    print(map { "$_\n" } @{$common->{messages}});

    $predo_widget->($_) foreach @$l;
    if (listlength(@$l) > 30) {
	my $ll = listlength(@$l);
	print N("=> There are many things to choose from (%s).\n", $ll);
N("Please choose the first number of the 10-range you wish to edit,
or just hit Enter to proceed.
Your choice? ");
	my $i = readln();
	if (check_it($i, $ll)) {
	    each_index { $do_widget->($_, $::i) } grep_index { $::i >= $i-1 && $::i < $i+9 } @$l;
	    goto ask_fromW_handle_verylonglist;
    } else {
	each_index { $do_widget->($_, $::i) } @$l;

    my $lab;
    each_index { $labels[$::i] && (($lab = $format_label->($_)) ne $labels[$::i]) and print N("=> Notice, a label changed:\n%s", $lab) }
      grep { $_->{type} eq 'label' } @$l;

    my $i;
    if (listlength(@$l) != 1 || $common->{ok} ne N("Ok") || $common->{cancel} ne N("Cancel")) {
	print "[1] ", $common->{ok} || N("Ok");
	$common->{cancel} and print "  [2] $common->{cancel}";
	@$l and print "  [9] ", N("Re-submit");
	print "\n";
	do {
	    defined $i and print N("Bad choice, try again\n");
	    print N("Your choice? (default %s) ", $common->{focus_cancel} ? $common->{cancel} : $common->{ok});
	    $i = readln() || ($common->{focus_cancel} ? "2" : "1");
	} until check_it($i, 9);
	$i == 9 and goto ask_fromW_begin;
    } else {
	$i = 1;
    my ($callback_error) = $common->{callbacks}{$i == 2 ? 'canceled' : 'complete'}->();
    $callback_error and goto ask_fromW_begin;
    return !($i == 2);

sub wait_messageW {
    my ($_o, $_title, $message) = @_;
    print join "\n", @$message;
sub wait_message_nextW { 
    my $m = join "\n", @{$_[1]};
    print "\r$m", ' ' x (60 - length $m);
sub wait_message_endW { print "\nDone\n" }

sub ok {

sub cancel {
