path: root/perl-install/interactive/
blob: 6825ee007a7d203c1c2015b481518c8175c858e0 (plain)
package interactive::http; # $Id$

use diagnostics;
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA);

@ISA = qw(interactive);

use CGI;
use interactive;
use common;
use log;

my $script_name = $ENV{INTERACTIVE_HTTP};
my $no_header;
my $pipe_r = "/tmp/interactive_http_r";
my $pipe_w = "/tmp/interactive_http_w";

sub open_stdout() {
    open STDOUT, ">$pipe_w" or die;
    $| = 1;
    print CGI::header();
    $no_header = 1;    

# cont_stdout must be called after open_stdout and before the first print
sub cont_stdout {
    my ($o_title) = @_;
    print CGI::start_html('-title' => $o_title) if $no_header;
    $no_header = 0;

sub new_uid() {
    my ($s, $ms) = gettimeofday();
    $s * 256 + $ms % 256;

sub new {
    bless {}, $_[0];

sub end { 
    -e $pipe_r or return; # do not run this twice
    my $q = CGI->new;
    print "It's done, thanks for playing", $q->end_html;
    close STDOUT;
    unlink $pipe_r, $pipe_w;
sub exit { end(); exit($_[1]) }
END { end() }

sub ask_fromW {
    my ($o, $common, $l, $_l2) = @_;

    my $uid = new_uid();
    my $q = CGI->new;
    $q->param(state => 'next_step');
    $q->param(uid => $uid);

#    print $q->img({ -src => "/icons/$o->{icon}" }) if $o->{icon};
    print @{$common->{messages}};
    print $q->start_form('-name' => 'form', '-action' => $script_name, '-method' => 'post');

    print "<table>\n";

    each_index {
	my $e = $_;

	print "<tr><td>$e->{label}</td><td>\n";

	$e->{type} = 'list' if $e->{type} =~ /(icon|tree)list/;

	#- combo does not exist, fallback to a sensible default
	$e->{type} = $e->{not_edit} ? 'list' : 'entry' if $e->{type} eq 'combo';

	if ($e->{type} eq 'bool') {
	    print $q->checkbox('-name' => "w$::i", '-checked' => ${$e->{val}} && 'on', '-label' => $e->{text} || " ");
	} elsif ($e->{type} eq 'button') {
	    print "nobuttonyet";
	} elsif ($e->{type} =~ /list/) {
	    my %t; 
	    $t{$_} = may_apply($e->{format}, $_) foreach @{$e->{list}};

	    print $q->scrolling_list('-name' => "w$::i",
				     '-values' => $e->{list},
				     '-default' => [ ${$e->{val}} ],
				     '-size' => 5, '-multiple' => '', '-labels' => \%t);
	} else {
	    print $e->{hidden} ?
	      $q->password_field('-name' => "w$::i", '-default' => ${$e->{val}}) :
		   $q->textfield('-name' => "w$::i", '-default' => ${$e->{val}});

	print "</td></tr>\n";
    } @$l;

    print "</table>\n";
    print $q->p;
    print $q->submit('-name' => 'ok_submit', '-value' => $common->{ok} || N("Ok"));
    print $q->submit('-name' => 'cancel_submit', '-value' => $common->{cancel} || N("Cancel")) if $common->{cancel} || !exists $common->{ok};
    print $q->hidden('state'), $q->hidden('uid');
    print $q->end_form, $q->end_html;

    close STDOUT; # page terminated

    while (1) {	
	open(my $F, "<$pipe_r") or die;
	$q = CGI->new($F);
	$q->param('force_exit_dead_prog') and $o->exit;
	last if $q->param('uid') == $uid;

	open_stdout(); # re-open for writing
	print $q->h1(N("Error")), $q->p("Sorry, you can not go back");
	goto redisplay;
    each_index {
	my $e = $_;
	my $v = $q->param("w$::i");
	if ($e->{type} eq 'bool') {
	    $v = $v eq 'on';
	${$e->{val}} = $v;
    } @$l;

    open_stdout(); # re-open for writing

sub p {
    print "\n" . CGI::br($_) foreach @_;

sub wait_messageW {
    my ($_o, $_title, $messages) = @_;
    print "\n" . CGI::p();

sub wait_message_nextW {
    my ($_o, $messages, $_w) = @_;
sub wait_message_endW {
    my ($_o, $_w) = @_;
    print "\n" . CGI::p();

sub ok {

sub cancel {

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2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157
- harddrake:
  o use actual package name to check for libalsa-plugins-pulseaudio
    availability instead of using the name of a provide
- partitioning wizard:
  o only display Help button in install
- remove CONSOLE_LOGO support
- kill draksplash
- bootloader-config:
  o fix migrating swap to UUID
- drakboot
  o rework UI layout to account for CONSOLE_LOGO support removal
- display_help:
  o handle window.close() events (#55099)
  o hide Gtk+ "close" button when displaying first time wizard that
    now has a HTML "close" button again
- fix detecting hidden partitions as recovery
- diskdrake:
  o allow to convert ext2/3 to ext4 but do not enable flags
  o don't request ntfs-3g on target not yet installed system if we are
    run inside draklive-install (#55160)
  o fix handling hdX/sdX devices (#53107)

Version 12.77 - 30 October 2009

- harddrake service: do not try to reconfigure xorg driver and crash
  if /etc/X11/xorg does not exist (breaks One startup)
- bootloader suggestion fixes (to fix removal of vga= option when
  updating with the installer):
  o make sure we use long name when adding second kernel with same
    extension than preferred one
  o do not add again kernels that are already in bootloader config file
  o add vga= option for kernels that are not the preferred one as well
  o remove previous linux-nonfb entries (like done for failsafe),
    not to add them twice or more

Version 12.74.2 - 29 October 2009

- notify-x11-free-driver-switch, service_harddrake:
  o explain why xorg driver was reconfigured

Version 12.74.1 - 29 October 2009

- service_harddrake: 
  o fix detecting nvidia71xx and nvidia96xx nvidia proprietary driver
    when checking if current xorg driver still supports current card

Version 12.74 - 28 October 2009

- partitioning wizard (Windows resize):
  o fix partition size computing (fixing pixel/sectors ratio)
  o improve default resizing suggestion:
    * try to keep at least 1GB free for Windows
    * try to use from 6GB to 10% free space for Linux
  o use same windows partition size suggestion for gtk and text installs
  o really ensure keeping free space for Linux partition
  o really ensure keeping free space for Windows partition
- service_harddrake: 
  o auto reconfigure x11 only on first time default driver have changed
  o do not auto reconfigure if more than one graphic card
  o do not reconfigure to default driver if driver is not installed
  o enable to disable reconfiguring to default driver through
  o fix detecting nvidia proprietary driver when checking if current
    xorg driver still supports current card (#54943)
  o reconfigure X11 driver if current X11 driver is neither one of
    currently supported driver for the card for drivers other than ATI
   & NVidia too (eg: poulsbo)

Version 12.72 - 27 October 2009

- drakboot:
  o drop support for --splash
- service_harddrake: 
  o explain why we switch driver in explanations
  o reconfigure X11 driver if current X11 driver is neither one of
    currently supported driver for the card, nor a legacy driver
    ('fbdev' or 'vesa') (#53753)

Version 12.71 - 23 October 2009

- cpufreq: load e_powersaver for VIA C7 (#41377)

Version 12.70 - 22 October 2009

- curses backend: do not crash when resuming interface

Version 12.68 - 19 October 2009

- avoid error messages when using lvm in draklive-install (#36415)
- partitioning wizard:
  o use mandriva logo on blue background for mandriva partition
  o fix option selection when using keyboard

Version 12.67 - 18 October 2009

- service_harddrake: allow to force screen resolution using
  RESOLUTION_WANTED=XxY in /etc/sysconfig/harddrake2/service.conf
- partitioning wizard:
  o use a different color for newly created partition
  o add legend for the colors
  o display mount point if known
  o display ext2 like ext3/4
  o allow setting new windows size with keyboard (#54691)
  o use available space

Version 12.66 - 15 October 2009

- finish-install: do not offer to configure 3D desktop if none is
  installed (requires drak3d >= 1.27)
- mount windows partitions under /media instead of /mnt (#53392)
- partitioning wizard:
  o initialize correctly labels for windows resizing
  o fix labels for windows resizing when getting back to the screen
  o offer to resize last big enough windows partition instead
    of the first one, until user can chose
- resize disk graphical description when resizing diskdrake

Version 12.65 - 14 October 2009

- partitioning wizard:
  o allow using existing partition on all disks (#54478)
  o reduce drawings height
  o fix windows resize width
- use UTF-8 for zh_TW (#53976)
- bootloader:
  o use initrd- instead of initrd-xen-
  o do not link /boot/vmlinuz to xen while allowing a unversioned /boot/vmlinuz-xen

Version 12.64 - 12 October 2009

- run_program layer:
  o keep a copy of the X11 cookie
  o try harder to drop privileges
- partitioning wizard:
  o put back "previous" button on actions (#54475)
  o fix typo in message
  o fix testing interactive::gtk in standalone mode
  o fix displaying help
- drakups
  o fix crash (#54399)

Version 12.63 - 9 October 2009

- drakboot:
  o fix displaying arrows

Version 12.62 - 9 October 2009

- autologin/desktop configuration (shared code):
  o fix guessing dm name from lookupdm
  o abort configuration if dm install fails

Version 12.61 - 8 October 2009

- partitionning_wizard:
  o do not fail when a windows partition is corrupted
  o add separator between solutions
  o give more space between header and solutions
  o prevent cursor to go under needed size because of rounding
  o chose windows resizing when clicking on the resize handle (not perfect)
  o improve resizing captions layout
- autologin/desktop configuration (shared code):
  o fix /etc/X11/lookupdm usage during install (for default dm selection)
  o use gdm for xfce4 and LXDE

Version 12.59 - 7 October 2009

- add back ram devices support (used by draklive)
- do not set mountpoints for rescue partitions (#53504)
- factorize default FS definition
- switch to ext4 by default

Version 12.58 - 5 October 2009

- display_help
  o block right click contextual menu
  o do not display "Help" title for first time wizard

Version 12.57 - 5 October 2009

- drakboot:
  o fix crash on clicking Up/Down buttons (#54077)

Version 12.56 - 30 September 2009

- harddrake:
  o better check for PCI Express capability
  o nicer display of PCI Express name

Version 12.55 - 23 September 2009

- harddrake:
  o display PCI revision (#42576)
  o report if devices are PCI or PCI Express (#28479)

Version 12.54 - 23 September 2009

- drakboot:
  o don't detect disks if we are not in bootloader or splash mode
- autologin/desktop configuration (drakboot/finish-install):
  o when detecting default desktop, use first session
    (instead of using hacks with dm config files)
  o guess display manager from /etc/sysconfig/desktop,
    or default session, or /etc/X11/lookupdm
  o read autologin settings from /etc/sysconfig/autologin as fallback
  o read kdm config file only if kdm is to be used
  o always ensure dm is installed before configuring autologin/desktop
  o test display manager instead of desktop when configuring autologin
  o always write /etc/sysconfig/desktop
  o write DISPLAYMANAGER in /etc/sysconfig/desktop too
  o only write dm conf files if they exist before

Version 12.53 - 22 September 2009

- drakxtools_http:
  o use LSB-compliant init script
- drakboot:
  o use stock icons for up & down buttons in order to pack them
    horizontaly so that we fit in default sizing(#53703)
- drakhelp
  o fix check for missing help
- diskdrake
  o suggest a LVM name and refuse empty or existing one (#53769)
  o prefer UUID on VirtIO too
  o don't consider lvm named md* as raid (#53767)
  o allow resizing ext4
- fix touchscreen module list
- list asix module in network/usb group

Version 12.51 - 8 September 2009

- display_help
  o new small webkit based browser for rendering help and for FTW
- harddrake:
  o fix detecting some memory card readers as unknown
  o allow to skip XFdrake framebuffer setup (and thus splash removal)
    if SETUP_FB is set to "no" in /etc/sysconfig/harddrake2/service.conf
    (requires drakx-kbd-mouse-x11 >= 0.79)

Version 12.49 - 8 September 2009

- mygtk2:
  o created 'WeaknessCheckEntry' widget
- adduserdrake:
  o added tooltip text to weakness icon
  o now use 'WeaknessCheckEntry' widget

Version 12.48 - 7 September 2009

- mygtk2: 
  o HScale widget: added digits and ref_value options
  o HScale widget: fix for value option
- adduserdrake:
  o use icons to display password weakness
- added security-{low,medium,strong}.png pixmaps used for 
  password weakness display
- authentication:
  o reduced password weakness check level
- draksound:
  o Fix soundprofile alternatives setting by using a more appropriate subroutine

Version 12.46 - 28 August 2009

- handle new drivers: 
  o DVB: dvb-usb-ce6230
  o sound: snd-indigodjx, snd-indigoiox, snd-lx6464es
  o wireless: ar9170usb, mwl8k, r8192s_usb, rt2800usb, rt3070sta
- adduserdrake
  o added weakness check for root password
- drakboot:
  o fix crash bug #52997
- diskdrake:
  o fix for libparted 1.9 (#52991)
- detect_devices:
  o fix VirtIO devices support

Version 12.45 - 18 August 2009 

- drakbug
  o Top textbox shrinked
  o Added browse button
- drakhelp
  o fix firefox launch bug #29775
- added the ability to add up/down buttons in add_modify_remove list 
  of interactive
- drakboot :
  o user is now able to re-order bootloader entries
- diskdrake
  o never pass username/password as options with davfs2 
  o store credentials in davfs2 secret file before mounting
  o when user does not specify user/pass with davfs2, fallback to nobody/nobody
  o Fix a crash with regexp when a /etc/davfs2/secrets line is 
    finished with one or more blank characters without comments
  o added the ability to exit the davfs2 mountpoint settings panel
  o added delete mountpoint support for davfs2
- adduserdrake
  o now use password weakness display
- added password weakness display feature in interactive
- handle new drivers: 
  o sound: snd_ctxfi
- draksound
  o fix enabling and disabling with udev-detect properly (new PA)
  o introduce the concept of soundprofiles for enabling/disabling PA
  o remove alsa->pulse routing option (enabling pulse but not alsa redirection is a niche setup)

Version 12.44 - 13 August 2009 

- fix parsing dmidecode output (broken since we use dmidecode-2.10,
  aka since November 24 2008) (#50106)
- localedrake
  o add "English (South Africa)" (#51057)
- fix window creation (#52812)
- don't add useless install lines in modprobe.conf

Version 12.43 - 10 August 2009 

- draksound
  o handle udev-detect module too (new PA)
- diskdrake
  o do not display nmblookup usage when there is no samba server
  o do not crash when /etc/davfs2/secrets contains empty lines (like
    the default one) (#52305)
  o do not crash when trying to create a partition on a device with 
    no cylinder_size
  o fix two crashes on handling devices
- use gtk instead of X to focus window

Version 12.40 - 22 July 2009

- lookup unlisted devices in /sys (or /proc) when looking for 
  major/minor of a device (#49339)
- don't log the links we ignore when looking for scsi devices (#49406)

Version 12.39 - 16 Jun 2009

- properly handle hidden variables in installer and diskdrake.

Version 12.38 - 12 Jun 2009

- use Hal list of recovery partitions (#51532)
- use blkid instead of vol_id which we no longer ship

Version 12.37 - 02 Jun 2009

- fixed crash when trying to get input devices (#51308)

Version 12.36 - 29 May 2009

- added support for toggling 'hidden' parameter on widgets.
- ide-disk module is now named ide-gd_mod
- add new 'touchpad' TYPE to rpmsrate
- add support for ElanTech touchpads (found on EEEPCs)
- harddrake:
  o adding sierra module to network/cellular.
  o fix detecting scanners
- scannerdrake:
  o do not reject scanners handled by 'usbcore' driver
- detect_devices:
  o don't ignore FB-DIMM memory

Version 12.32 - 23 April 2009

- don't set umask=0 by default on windows partitions in 'secure' level. 
- handle virtio block devices

Version 12.31 - 22 April 2009

- diskdrake:
  o handle partition starting after 1To

Version 12.30 - 21 April 2009

- add a basic testsuite (ensuring it compiles) in order to prevent
  future crashes like #50009
- diskdrake:
  o display a progress bar while formating an ext4 partition
  o render ext4 partition as red like ext3 ones
- finish-install:
  o ensure ntp package is installed when configuring ntp
- harddrake:
  o fix wrongly selecting some 32bits packages on x86_64 (#50148)
- service_harddrake:
  o do not crash if loading new drivers fails
    (happened with amd64_agp wrongly listed in pcitable, #43870)

Version 12.29 - 21 April 2009

- finish-install:
  o handle both "ll_CC" and "ll" locales parameter (#49914)
- harddrake:
  o do not offer to install java plugin (#48520)

Version 12.28.2 - 19 April 2009

- harddrake:
  o always detect PCI modems (even when (slow) detecting serial modems
    is disabled) (#48017)
  o do not offer to install KDE packages on GNOME or LXDE (#49671)

Version 12.28.1 - 16 April 2009

- diskdrake:
  o fix crash (#50009)

Version 12.28 - 15 April 2009

- diskdrake:
  o handle md devices not called md\d+, like md_d127
  o display an error when mount fails during View action
- bootloader:
  o keep grub entries which refer to unknown devices verbatim instead 
    of crashing (#48728)

Version 12.27 - 14 April 2009

- diskdrake:
  o Only write raid config into $::prefix if we are in install mode,
    this fixes draklive-install which should write to /etc directly as
    $::prefix does not yet exist (#49632)
- draksound:
  o enable to enable/disable glitch-free feature of PA
- harddrake:
  o do not open branches by default
  o fix listing some ATA (eg: pata_marvell) devices as unknown

Version 12.25 - 08 April 2009

- harddrake service:
  o do not try to add media to /etc/fstab (#49621)
  o do not check anymore for disks on startup
- harddrake:
  o list card readers as system components instead of unknows devices
  o when device has no description, use vendor string
- bootloader: add large-memory option to lilo

Version 12.24 - 03 April 2009

- fixed crypto module names when arch is not i586 (#46814)
- drakauth:
  o handling winbind configuration when REALM != DNS (#49189)
- handle new drivers:
  o gigabit: be2net, slicoss
  o wireless: agnx, arusb_lnx
  o dvb: dvb-usb-dtv5100

Version 12.20 - 30 March 2009

- draksec:
  o added support for drakroam authentication (#29566).
- changed X server restart routing not to rely on ctrl-alt-del (#49059).
- fixed a typo in list_modules for virtio modules
- diskdrake:
  o updated list of filesystems not handling bad blocks checking
  o display label in the graphical view when no mountpoint is set
  o always display label in partition info
- handle new drivers:
  o wireless: iwlagn

Version 12.18 - 25 March 2009

- add new Entry infrastructure for rpmdrake
- detect_devices:
  o only look at valid scsi devices in /sys

Version 12.17.1 - 21 March 2009

- fix syntax error in nb translation file

Version 12.17 - 21 March 2009

- add infrastucture for detecting vmware
- diskdrake:
  o allow LVM in non expert mode
  o allow Encrypted partition inside LVM

Version 12.16 - 18 March 2009

- handle new drivers:
  o wireless: wl
- diskdrake:
  o don't crash when creating a partition in LVM with the partition type 
    buttons (#38078)
  o write partition table if needed before setting label
  o fix setting label on not yet formatted partition
- drakbug:
  o add error to summary when crashing in order to help sort duplicates

Version 12.5 - 5 March 2009

- handle new drivers
  o dvb: dm1105, dvb-usb-af9015, dvb-usb-cinergyT2, firedtv
  o ethernet: smsc9420
  o gigabit: atl1c
  o pata: cs5536, it8172, it821x
  o ISDN: hfcpci, hfcmulti, hfcsusb, solos-pci
  o USB controllers: hwa-hc, whci-hcd
  o wireless: ath9k, i2400m-usb, rt2860, rt2870 and rtl8187se
- drakauth:
  o only install and enable pam_ccreds when required (#44027)
- finish-install:
  o finit support
  o give console rights for current session when renaming user
- drakdvb:
  o install w_scan if needed (#48242)
- harddrake:
  o all "gpsca*" driven devices are webcam
- localdrake/finish-install:
  o fix reading default input method setting
- remove extents options on ext4 when updating fstab

Version 11.91 - 25 February 2009

- harddrake:
  o hide module configuration button if needed (#16678)
  o remove empty module parameter instead of writing them  (#40581)
- harddrake service:
  o prevent wrongly notifying we switched from proprietary to free
    driver (anssi, #41969)
    (regression introduced in 11.70 on 16 October 2008)

Version 11.90 - 25 February 2009

- drakboot
  o do not crash b/c ext4 was forbidden for /boot (#47853)
- diskdrake
  o really don't set extents option for ext4
- drakdvb:
  o sort channels list
  o prefer vlc if present
  o kill running vlc if configured with one-instance by default
    (it does not use DVB options from new command line)

Version 11.88 - 16 February 2009

- mygtk2 layer:
  o make references usable for entries
- reorganized modules in fs section of list_modules and added reiser4
- diskdrake:
  o limit partition type list to 2 colmuns instead of 4
  o don't offer to format LVM

Version 11.87 - 14 February 2009

- diskdrake:
  o allow resizing on lvm for mounted ext3/4 and not mounted xfs
  o use a list instead of combo in the partition type selection window
  o don't crash on invalid partition table

Version 11.86 - 12 February 2009

- diskdrake:
  o forget the changed label when the user cancels
  o fix preserving UUID when formatting ext* and swap, and handle more FS (#39913)
  o don't set useless extents option for ext4 mounts
- localedrake:
  o set scim-thai as default IM for Thai
- drakboot:
  o when installing to a removable device, put boot sector there, else
    put it into first non removable drive (#47106)
- do_pkgs:
  o add ensure_files_are_installed 
- load cbc for encrypted loop

Version 11.81 - 3 February 2009

- interactive::curses: 
  o use a real file selector in curses too
- diskdrake:
  o don't rewrite label when it did not change (#47186)
  o rewrite gpt support with libparted
  o allow browsing partitions content to easily select the ones to destroy
- drakdvb: introduce new DVB channels scanning tool
  (from Pascal Terjan)
- draksound:
  o disable auto spawning when diasbling PA (#47258)

Version 11.80 - 21 January 2009

- diskdrake:
  o don't use label for mounting partitions on lvm (#47024)
- draksec:
  o changed draksec functionality to prevent overlapping with msecgui.
- use "ComboBoxEntry" gtk2 widget instead of "Combo" (which is deprecated),
  this also workarounds gtk2 bug with "hidden" Entry + "Combo"

Version 11.79 - 16 January 2009

- drakbug:
  o ask to attach blkid output as well as /etc/fstab & the like when
    debugging a boot issue
  o do not ask to include kernel version & /proc/cpuinfo since this is
    done automatically
 o request to attach lspcidrake's output rather than include it
   (smaller descriptions)
- diskdrake:
  o disable resizing ext4 since resize2fs is known to be broken regarding extents
  o --smb: fix netbios name resolution (#42483, thanks to Derek Jennings)
- scannerdrake:
  o fix a crash when installing firmware (#40738)

Version 11.77 - 15 January 2008

- diskdrake:
  o --smb: cifs must be used instead of smbfs (#42483)
  o ext4dev is now stable and called ext4 in 2.6.28+
  o allow editing partition label without formatting (bootloader config is not
    yet updated)
  o allow setting label on NTFS and reiser4 partitions
  o don't suggest mountpoint outside install (#39596)
- harddrake:
  o fix displaying in proper category sound coprocessor & misc ACPI event keys
- prevent mdkapplet from crashing (#46477)

Version 11.76 - 18 December 2008

- diskdrake:
  o use sysfs in order to discover major/minor for SCSI like devices
    since they're dynamic with kernel-2.6.28+

Version 11.75 - 17 December 2008

- handle new driver:
  o network: sxg, w35und
- bootloader-config:
  o do not modify /boot/vmlinuz symlinks before doing mkinitrd in case
    mkinitrd fails (#44862)
- diskdrake:
  o --nfs: handle "host:/" (#44320)
  o --nfs: handle domainname not set
  o kernel-2.6.28+ supports more than 15 partitions on SATA & SCSI devices

Version 11.73 - 15 December 2008

- diskdrake:
  o fix crashing on writing fstab when using SMB (#46084)
  o fix racing with udev (#41832)
- drakboot:
  o enable to disable SMP support (#31339)
- scannerdrake:
  o install task-scanning (so that xsane-gimp got installed)

Version 11.72 - 9 December 2008

- handle new driver:
  o network: et131x, smsc95xx
- drakbug:
  o write distro release in bug description
- finish-install:
  o use /dev/urandom instead of /dev/random to generate salt for passwords
    (since reading on /dev/random can block boot process)
  o show only installed 3D desktops
  o adapt to new Xconfig::glx API (drak3d 1.21)
- harddrake:
  o do not list PATA controllers as SATA
    (else we could just list all ATA controllers together)
  o do not show duplicated hardware as unknown (#46242):
    * list PC Speaker as sound card
    * track duplicated input devices
    * try harder to find duplicates
- ugtk2:
  o allow showing Skip button instead of Cancel in wizards
- diskdrake:
  o lookup for Samba master browsers too

Version 11.71 - 6 November 2008

- diskdrake
  o --dav: handle davfs2 credentials in /etc/davfs2/secrets (#44190)
  o --dav: handle https 

Version 11.70 - 16 October 2008

- handle new driver:
  o ide: tx4939ide
- libDrakX:
  o share infrastructure so that rpmdrake can get rid of some gray
- harddrake service:
  o do not backup xorg.conf if we won't change the driver

Version 11.67 - 2 October 2008

- detect_devices:
  o allow detection of low resources systems (extracted
    from and netbooks/nettops
  o do not detect pan* devices as ethernet devices for now
    (network configuration tools do not fully support them)

Version 11.63 - 1 October 2008

- bootloader-config (and other tools): handle /dev/mapper/xxx1 instead of
  /dev/mapper/xxxp1 (#44182)
- service_harddrake: enable/disable apmd if needed
- adapt ask_window_manager_to_logout() to make it work (need usermode changes)
Version 11.62 - 1 October 2008

- fix dithering regression (introduced on 2008-09-29)
- render banner background with dithering
  (smoother on 16bpp displays)

Version 11.61 - 30 September 2008

- bootloader-config:
  o --action migrate-to-uuids: 
    o do not migrate non sdx/hdx to UUID (bootloader config)
    o do migrate dmraid device names to UUID 
      (because of xxx1 vs xxxp1 device name issue, cf #44182) 
  o fix dropping "chainloader" and "configfile" entries (#44045)
- reduce banner font size

Version 11.60 - 30 September 2008

- libDrakX:
  o fix rpmdrake crashing when description begins by "Gtk2::.."
- drakperm:
  o show banner when not embedded
  o use Gtk+2's FileChooserDialog

Version 11.59 - 29 September 2008

- libDrakX:
  o add support for Gtk+2's FileChooserDialog for draksnapashot
- drakbug:
  o handle strange DBus errors

Version 11.58 - 29 September 2008

- libDrakX:
  o add spacing between radio buttons for readability (#44332)
  o render left background of MCC with dithering (looks better on
    16bit displays)

Version 11.57 - 29 September 2008

- libDrakX:
  o better positionning of mcc selection bar
- draksplash:
  o fix crashing when altering read-only combo boxes
    (regression introduced in 11.37 on 2008-09-08)
  o improved layout
  o increase default width so that translated widgets fit in
  o make it fit in 800x600 resolution (#36105)

Version 11.56 - 26 September 2008

- dmraid devices: use isw_xxxxp1 instead of isw_xxxx1 (see #42542, #44182)
- do not display Help buttons in standalone mode since we do not have
  any contents
- factorize WebKit code with mcc

Version 11.54.2 - 26 September 2008

- bootloader-config:
  o --action migrate-to-uuids: be more precautious when modifying /etc/fstab
    (especially do not drop unrecognised entries) (#43548)

Version 11.54.1 - 25 September 2008

- make gray background gradient available to mcc

Version 11.54 - 25 September 2008

- enable mcc to not display any shadow around HTML view when using
- make sure mcc always have fillers

Version 11.53 - 25 September 2008

- add support for new MCC style
- fix icon alignment in banners

Version 11.52.1 - 24 September 2008

- libDrakX:
  o add support for new mcc style

Version 11.52 - 23 September 2008

- drakbug:
  o enable to disable it trough the DISABLE_DRAKBUG environment variable
  o fix sizing some labels (workarounding infamous 6 years old gnome
    bug #101968)
- harddrake service:
  o auto-configure floppies
    (may require to load floppy module at first boot on a new system)
  o do not try to run drakbug

Version 11.51 - 23 September 2008

- finish-install:
  o set dialog hint if drakx-matchbox-window-manager is used
    (not to maximize windows)
- kill drakprinter link (#44115)

Version 11.50 - 22 September 2008

- restore support for right alignement for simple widgets
  (regression introduced in 11.46 - 17 September 2008)
- bootloader-config:
  o fix handling fd0 (regression introduced in 11.44) (#44049)

Version 11.49.2 - 22 September 2008

- fix crash (#44053)
- localedrake:
  o add support for ibus

Version 11.49.1 - 20 September 2008

- install banner images in the proper directory (#44038)

Version 11.49 - 19 September 2008

- handle new driver:
  o ethernet: enic, qlge
- remove harddrake service (now run by mandrake_everytime)

Version 11.48 - 18 September 2008

- libDrakx:
  o new banner style
- bootloader-config, drakboot:
  o handle /boot/grub/ with no "root (hd...)" line
    (this is the case for grub's installed prior to 2005-06-16)
    (#43786, #43431)

Version 11.47.1 - 17 September 2008

- bug fix: add mandatory new modules for dm-crypt

Version 11.47 - 17 September 2008

- handle new driver:
  o ethernet: jme
- diskdrake:
  o handle partitions encrypted with cryptsetup
  o fix file system type drop down list showing most types as "..." in
    "Change partition type" dialog in expert mode due to ellipsizing
- harddrake2:
  o detect network and graphical driver packages too
- harddrake2 / remove-unused-packages:
  o fix network packages detection
- list btusb instead of hci_usb in bus/bluetooth (renamed in 2.6.27)

Version 11.46 - 17 September 2008

- scannerdrake:
  o change all printerdrake references to system-config-printer
- libdrakX:
  o better layout for right aligned widgets
- bootloader-config:
  o --action migrate-to-uuids: do not migrate software raid to UUID (#43928)
- license: put focus back on Refuse button by default

Version 11.44 - 16 September 2008

- bootloader-config:
  o --action migrate-to-uuids: add UUID to swap v.2 in case the swap was
    created long ago when mkswap didn't do it by default
  o fix reading existing grub conf in present of /dev/mapper/xxxx0p1
    partitions (which was causing bootloader-config to drop correct entries,
    cf #37722)

Version 11.43 - 16 September 2008

- diskdrake:
  o fix check for mdadm in live install (#43785)
  o refresh GUI
- harddrake:
  o do not use anymore printerdrake and thus do not detect printers anymore

Version 11.41 - 11 September 2008

- fix default spacing between GUI elements
- "Help" dialogs:
  o add a separator before "Close" button
  o put "Close" button of help at right end
- finish-install:
  o fix setting utf8 when using lang=xx from /proc/cmdline (#43566)
- services (thanks to spuk):
  o list ip6tables in "Internet" category
  o list nfs-common and nfs-server in "File sharing" category
  o list rpcbind in "System" category

Version 11.40 - 10 September 2008

- libdrakX:
  o make advanced popup display the same title as their parents
- drakboot
  o fix nolapic/lapic logic due to altered kernel settings
- fix input devices detection in rpmsrate (broken for 3 years, #43721)
- finish-install:
  o always ask timezone (#23303, #42368)
  o extract a "country" step out of the "language" one
  o guess country from timezone when possible (#23303)
  o call "country" and "keyboard" steps after "timezone" (#23303)
  o guess country from timezone without asking if COUNTRY is set to
    "simplified" in the configuration file (#23303)
  o behave nicely when a window manager is running (for debugging)

Version 11.38 - 8 September 2008

- libDrakX:
  o fix missing maximize & minimize buttons with gnome WM (#43540) by
    reverting change from 2008-09-01: "make all windows are "dialog",
    so that gurpmi.addmedia during install displays nicely"
  o make all windows be "dialog" during install, so that
    gurpmi.addmedia during install displays nicely
- diskdrake
  o keep current UUID when formatting ext2/ext3 (was already done for swap), 
    so that fstab on other distros continue to work (#39913)
    (requires e2fsprogs-1.41.1-2mnb2)
- drakboot --boot
  o drop the ability to set mem=xxx (#42329)
  o allow UTF8 in /boot/grub/menu.lst (#43714)

Version 11.38 - 8 September 2008

- diskdrake
  o fix file system type drop down list showing most types as "..." in expert
    mode due to ellipsizing (#43611)
  o fix too large partition bar (#43073)
  o improved GUI

Version 11.37 - 8 September 2008

- add descriptions to menu entries (#26106)
- do not size radio button that have a label (eg: drakauth) thus preventing
  uneeded horizontal scrollbar to appear
- drakauth:
  o new look
- drakboot:
  o update /etc/sysconfig/desktop since we read it in order to display
    previous setting
- draksplash:
  o make it fit better in 1024x768
  o make it working again due to focus issue with two top windows (#43696)
  o make some pull down menus not editable

Version 11.36 - 5 September 2008

- bootloader-config:
  o --action migrate-to-uuids: backup conf file prior to migration with suffix
- libDrakX:
  o fix handling KDE4 in running_window_manager() and ask_window_manager_to_logout()
- merge remove-unused-hardware-packages and remove-unselected-locales
  helpers into a new remove-unused-packages tool (and make it reusable)

Version 11.35 - 4 September 2008

- bootloader-config:
  o add --action migrate-to-uuids
- fix sizing some label (workarounding infamous 6 years old gnome bug #101968)

Version 11.33.1 - 2 September 2008

- libDrakX:
  o handle KDE4 in running_window_manager() and ask_window_manager_to_logout()

Version 11.30 - 1 September 2008

- service_harddrake: adapt kernel modaliases that are not valid
  anymore in modprobe.conf when booting a new kernel, this should fix
  migration from e1000 to e1000e and from iwl4965 to iwlagn (#41248)
- libDrakX:
  o make all windows are "dialog", so that gurpmi.addmedia during install
    displays nicely
  o fix alignment of check buttons
  o fix size of right aligned labels
  o fix sizing radio buttons' labels (infamous 6 years old gnome bug
  o prevent big combo boxes to cause an horizontall scrollbar to appear by
    using the "ellipsize" property
  o no relief on 'advanced' buttons

Version 11.29 - 29 August 2008

- finish-install:
  o use gurpmi.addmedia when available to configure urpmi media
- diskdrake: use udevadm settle instead of udevsettle

Version 11.26.1 - 28 August 2008

- fix asterisk in titles

Version 11.26 - 27 August 2008

- fix "probe floppies only once" (#43216)
- bootloader-config:
  o call mkinitrd without "-v" to make it silent (#42992)
- harddrake service:
  o fix setting locales (#43224)
- misc GUI improvements
  o misc changes
  o properly size some labels (infamous 6 years old gnome bug #101968)
  o refresh "user management" step

Version 11.22 - 21 August 2008

- probe floppies only once
- do not bother probing /dev/fd0 and loading floppy device uselessly,
  it takes time and it is already done by boot process
  (just check /proc/devices)
- do not let MCC crashes if an icon is missing (#37651)

Version 11.21 - 21 August 2008

- diskdrake
  o ensure we initialize only once but at least one, thus fixing crash
    when embedded or in installer (#43011)
- localedrake
  o install proper qtX package for gcin

Version 11.20 - 20 August 2008

- diskdrake
  o fix sizing partitions bar (#24410)
  o increase default width of buttons so that they fit in expert mode
- drakauth:
  o handle pam_tcb instead of (deprecated) pam_unix (#42471)

Version 11.16 - 19 August 2008

- share new advanced icon with standalone tools

Version 11.14 - 19 August 2008

- authentication: enable network-auth meta-service if auth is not local

Version 11.13 - 18 August 2008

- do_pkgs: do not reload urpmi media at every check for package availability
- finish-install: set locale at first step when language is selected
  in gfxmenu (#42299)
- move hardware packages detection code from installer to drakxtools
- add helpers to remove unused localization and hardware packages
  (remove-unselected-locales, remove-unused-hardware-packages)

Version 11.10.2 - 18 August 2008

- really fix another focus bug (#42750)

Version 11.10.1 - 18 August 2008

- fix another focus bug (#42750)

Version 11.10 - 14 August 2008

- diskdrake:
  o refreshed GUI
- localedrake:
  o default to UTF-8 for chinese simplified (#42137)

Version 11.6 - 8 August 2008

- add product type to URL when fetching mirror list
- enable to share code between draksnapshot, mdkonline & net_applet

Version 11.5 - 6 August 2008

- fix more strange focus bugs

Version 11.4 - 5 August 2008

- fix strange focus bugs

Version 11.3 - 4 August 2008

- drakedm:
  o adapt to dm.d files being moved to /usr/share (#41879)
  o do not try to configure an undefined dm

Version 10.47 - 10 July 2008

- fix reading and setting kdmrc (by resolving alternative in chroot)

Version 10.46 - 10 July 2008

- authentication:
  o add back fix to force the password to be utf8 (#23273)
  o fix reading md5/shadow options in /etc/pam.d/system-auth
- finish-install: log in syslog

Version 10.45 - 09 July 2008

- update autologin file path for kdm4
- default to KDE4 (instead of KDE) if kdm config exists when reading
  autologin configuration
- change default authentication to local (instead of ldap)

Version 10.43 - 04 July 2008

- detect KDE4 when configuring autologin

Version 10.39 - 25 June 2008

- bootloader-config:
  o fix handling xen kernels: it should not replace an existing 'linux'
    entry (#40865)
- service_harddrake:
  o handle nvidia173.ko (new legacy series of the proprietary driver)

Version 10.37 - 18 June 2008

- handle jpeg icons (needed for next rpmdrake)
- draksound:
  o do not set snd-ac97-codec's "power_save=1" options on MIPS

Version 10.34 - 12 June 2008

- partitioning wizard:
  o do not propose to resize "hidden" fat partitions
  o do not say "the Windows partition" when there can be more than one
- allow mounting ntfs-3g partitions
  (also fixes detection of Windows partitions during live installation)
- service_harddrake:
  o do not allow fbdev if /proc/fb is empty
  o fix kbluetooth config path
  o fix autoconfiguration of harddisks
- drakupdate_fstab: make sure removable disks are not fs-checked on boot
  (regression introduced in 10.6.3)
- handle renamed drivers:
  o ide-cd is now named ide-cd_mod
  o generic is now named ide-pci-generic
- authentication:
  o add Kerberos Support
  o add disconnected mode for Ldap, Kerberos, Windows auth
  o add more options in Ldap configuration: Fetch DN, TLS
  o remove Active Directory SFU
  o change Winbind authentification to enable domain model choice (NT4 or AD)

Version 10.33 - 29 May 2008

- drakboot:
  o only read bootloader configuration when configuring it
    (usefull in chroots)
- draksound:
  o be more robust when managing /etc/alsa/pulse-default.conf
- drakbug:
  o automatically report CPU name & kernel version
  o prefill the platform field
- list hso driver in network/cellular

Version 10.32 - 13 May 2008

- draksound:
  o advise to log out if PA is enabled/disabled
  o disable PA routing when PA is disabled (#40219)
  o grey PA routing & 5.1 sound if PA is disabled
  o make sure that switch alsa-plugins-pulseaudio is installed when
    enabling PA routing (#40533)
- localedrake:
  o advise to restart when changing system wide settings too
- handle new drivers:
  o pata: pata_sch 

Version 10.31 - 24 April 2008

- bootloader-config:
  o do not detect inconsistency when "/boot" (or "/") is on Linux
    software raid (/dev/mdX), cf #28309 and #35714

Version 10.30 - 23 April 2008

- bootloader-config:
  o fix detecting inconsistency when "/boot" and "/" are not on
    same "drive" (esp. when "/" is LVM and "/boot" is not, #39229)
- diskdrake:
  o ensure no "division by zero" runtime error (#34931)
- drakupdate_fstab:
  o only add formatted partitions in fstab (or else it will make
    subsequent boot fail)
- fix file descriptor leak when detecting network driver
  (mostly notable in network center and drakroam)
- list generic module in disk/ide

Version 10.29 - 3 April 2008

- service_harddrake:
  o fix detecting modules installed in new dkms locations (/dkms and
    /dkms-binary) instead of /kernel
- drakclock: write UTC setting in /etc/adjtime (#36522)

Version 10.27 - 3 April 2008

- drakboot:
  o stop workarounding glibc misconfiguration when listing users
    (#38116), it is now handled in MDK::Common (see #34279)
- draksplash:
  o do not write decimal values in theme config (#38271)
- finish-install:
  o configure urpmi media if network is up and no media are configured

Version 10.25 - 1 April 2008

- DBus framework improvement

Version 10.24 - 1 April 2008

- drakups:
  o fix crash while removing an item (#34413)
- harddrake:
  o offer again to run drakxtv for TV cards (#39609)
- diskdrake:
  o allow relatime on ntfs-3g (#39666)
- diskdrake --fileshare:
  o do not ask to install nautilus-filesharing if already installed (#39544)

Version 10.22 - 27 March 2008

- partitioning wizard lirary: 
  o allow "Use free space" if there is an extended
  partition even if all primary partitions are used (#38804)
  (*old* bug!)
- draksplash:
  o fix reading grub conf (#39346)
- services backend:
  o handle services with "-" as default chkconfig level in more places
- mygtk2:
  o allow to create buttons with stock icons (for drakguard)
- finish-install:
  o really set the superuser password when using simplified user+root
    dialog (#39218)

Version 10.20 - 25 March 2008

- do not run main_quit if not in a main loop (eg: while loading GUI)
  but block window deletion instead (#39230)
- adduserdrake
  o force the password to be utf8 (#23273)
- diskdrake --nfs
  o ensure "nfs-common" is started (#34103)

Version 10.19 - 21 March 2008

- bootloader-config, drakboot:
  o fix if it is not consistent with the system
    (eg: it says hd0 in sdb whereas it now is sda) (#39160)
- diskdrake:
  o fix setting mount point of a /dev/mdX (#39142)
    (regression introduced in 10.8)
- list gspca, ov51x-jpeg and qc-usb-messenger in webcam modules group
- harddrake:
  o recommend using insensitive search (#39136)
  o notify at X11 startup when we switched to free video driver (#39164)
- drakupdate_fstab:
  o do not print added/removed mountpoints with --auto (when run from
    harddrake, like in Mandriva One), but add a --verbose option instead

Version 10.18 - 21 March 2008

- drakfont:
  o fix importing fonts without chkfontpath (#37604)
  o stop restarting XFS server
- diskdrake:
  o keep existing swap UUID (#38877)
- partitioning wizard: do not show error message in wizard mode when
  cancel is clicked (clean wizard window instead)
- finish-install:
  o allow to ask both root and user accounts in the same step
  o replace home path in user config files when renaming a user (#30380)

Version 10.17 - 20 March 2008

- use UUID by default (for diskdrake and draklive-install)
- finish-install:
  o write modprobe.conf after configuring network
  o do not configure network if already up
  o allow to use a simplified time step
    (no timezone selection, ntp settings as advanced)
- move functions to get available space from installer
  (to be used in draklive-install)
- localedrake: update OpenOffice/BrOffice alternative according to
  selected lang (#37820)

Version 10.16.1 - 18 March 2008

- handle position for paned widgets (needed for rpmdrake, #38762)

Version 10.16 - 18 March 2008

- adduserdrake:
  o display kdm/gdm icon again (was disabled on year ago)
- do not write aliases for asus_acpi and thinkpad_acpi in
  modprobe.preload, the modules are now handled by coldplug
- draksec
  o do not continue if installing msec crashed or was canceled (#38911)
- localdrake:
  o do not make /etc/sysconfig/i18n readable only by root in high
    security level (#39027)
- scannerdrake:
  o use provides instead of package name now that gurpmi handle them

Version 10.15 - 14 March 2008

- fix changing UID on forking
- scannerdrake: use package name instead of Provides.
- create Gtk2::Notify::Queue out of Gtk2::NotificationBubble::Queue
  for libnotify support in net_applet (#37509)

Version 10.12 - 13 March 2008

- fix gurpmi path (#38679)
- diskdrake:
  o graphical error message when "No hard drives found" (#38699)
    (otherwise drakbug will catch it and suggest to report a bug...)
- draksound:
  o enable to set 5.1 channels (#38796)
- scannerdrake: fix undefined variable $in (#36387, #37039)

Version 10.11 - 11 March 2008

- diskdrake:
  o really fix partition device name for some dmraid (missing "p", cf #38363)
- draksound (#37826):
  o add support to enable/disable ALSA to PA routing (#37826)
  o add support to enable/disable PulseAudio
  o add support to enable/disable user switching
  o display trouble shooting when there's no driver too
  o enable to reset the sound mixer to default values
- cpufreq: fix gsx-suspmod probe
- scannerdrake: fix to open usbtable.gz instead of usbtable

Version 10.10 - 6 March 2008

- finish-install:
  o do not show broken Cancel button in license step (#38195)
- diskdrake: 
  o fix resizing/formatting ntfs (broken because of ntfs-3g switch in previous
  o fix partition device name for some dmraid (missing "p", cf #38363)
  o do not timeout after 10 minutes when resizing NTFS partition
- detect_devices:
  o provide sysfs device path on Firewire and PCMCIA bus
    (to be able to fix #33950 in drakx-net)

Version 10.9 - 5 March 2008

- adapt to new kernel-2.6.25's sysfs layout (Eric Pielbug, #38235)
- diskdrake: use ntfs-3g by default for ntfs partitions
- draksplash: do not re-install grub, only modify grub's config file
- select proper padlock module for Via CPU (#38311)

Version 10.7 - 3 March 2008

- bootloader-config:
  o have a nicer name for "mnb" kernels
- drakbug:
  o do not catch exception if $^S is undef 
    (occurs when "eval { require foo }" and do "use not_available")
- use gurpmi when installing packages if possible (#24044)

Version 10.6.25 - 28 February 2008

- harddrake:
  o do not assign a mount point to partitions of type "Compaq diagnostics"
- API changes for drakx-net and rescue

Version 10.6.23 - 25 February 2008

- drakboot:
  o make sure users are not listed twice (#38116)
- drakfont:
  o fix crashing when encountering file names with meta characters on
    windows partitions (#36482)
- diskdrake:
  o jfsprogs is now jfsutils
- drop support for arch now that rpmdrake-4.3 dropped it

Version 10.6.22 - 18 February 2008

- diskdrake:
  o fix switching from LABEL=xxx to /dev/yyy in fstab (#37914)
- add support for snd-aw2
- drakboot --boot:
  o fix dropping grub "configfile" entries when switching to lilo
- draksound:
  o move all driver list & troubleshooting in an advanced expander

Version 10.6.20 - 18 February 2008

- diskdrake:
  o final fix for resizing's failures due to udev's race 
    (when writing the partition, do not del/add the same partition)
- harddrake GUI:
  o install linuxwacom if needed
- harddrake service:
  o use acpi-cpufreq for Mobile PIII/Celeron
    (family 6 model 11, for example Toshiba Port�g� 3500)
  o use speedstep-centrino only for supported models
    and prefer acpi-cpufreq (patch from Herton, #30208)
  o use p4-clockmod for some Intel family 6 processors not supporting EST

Version 10.6.18 - 12 February 2008

- handle 'icon-pressed' signal of Gtk2::Sexy::IconEntry

Version 10.6.17 - 11 February 2008

- add support for Gtk2::Sexy::IconEntry (needed for rpmdrake)
- drakperm:
  o warning dialogs are confusing since OK/cancel both ends in cancel,
    let's offer only a cancel button

Version 10.6.15 - 7 February 2008

- harddrake:
  o do not try to install openoffice64 on x86_64 (#37318)

Version 10.6.14 - 5 February 2008

- bootloader-config:
  o never use "vmlinuz-desktop" or "initrd-desktop.img", always use "vmlinuz"
    or "initrd.img" (#35721)
- drakfont:
  o fix crashing on file names with meta characters (#36482)
- enhance the logout dialog (ok/cancel instead of yes/no)
- short-circuit exit once drakbug was run on crash

Version 10.6.11 - 31 January 2008

- drakbug:
  o autoselect distro version in bugzilla
  o explain what is the usefull part of the gdb trace
  o open help as user
  o stop translating program name in bugzilla (#35241)

Version 10.6.10 - 28 January 2008

- handle new drivers: 
  o ethernet: cpmac
  o gigabit: ipg
  o pata/sata: pata_bf54x, sata_fsl
  o sound: snd-at73c213 
  o tv cards: cx23885
  o webcams: tcm825x
- detect raid partitions based on either type 0xfd or vol_id detecting
  linux_raid_member (#35684)
- bootloader-config:
  o fix handling LVM VGs with "-" in the name (#37267)
  o do not drop "lock" in chainload entries from grub's menu.lst (#36398)
- diskdrake --fileshare:
  o adapt to nfs-utils service rename (nfs-server instead of nfs) (#37069)

Version 10.6.9 - 25 January 2008

- harddrake:
  o class more sensors as biometric
- drakbug:
  o do not display twice "Cannot be run in console mode." message
- finish-install:
  o do ask again language (got wrongly disabled in 10.6.8)
- harddrake service:
  o backup xorg.conf before falling back to safe driver (#37182)

Version 10.6.8 - 24 January 2008

- bootloader-config, diskdrake:
  o look for LVM PV on non partitioned disk before looking for DOS
    partition_table (esp. for lilo which puts the DOS magic)
- drakbug:
  o make "Please describe what you were doing when it crashed" more
    visible and force people to write something in before opening
- mygtk2: make sure users of ::no_ugtk_init (eg: drakbug) do catch
  exceptions in callbacks

Version 10.6.6 - 22 January 2008

- bootloader-config:
  o fix root=xxx parameter for "/" on lvm using UUID= in fstab (#36542)
- adapt to perl 5.10.0

Version 10.6.5 - 14 January 2008

- drakboot:
  o fix handling root=UUID=xxx when modifying a bootloader entry (#36788)

Version 10.6.4 - 14 January 2008

- localedrake, drakx-finish-install:
  o fix proposing Belgium when lang is "nl" and locales-fr is not installed
    (same for Canada with lang "fr" and locales-en not installed) (#36413)

Version 10.6.3 - 9 January 2008, by Thierry Vignaud

- handle new drivers: atl2 (ethernet), snd-virtuoso
- bootloader-config:
  o fix regression introduced in 10.5.7: do not create alt_xxx entries when
    adding a new entry in bootloader
- harddrake:
  o allow to set zero values in module options (#26515)
  o make "Run config tool" available again (#34794)
  o mark the service as interactive, so that package requests are
    displayed with parallell init
  o check that media are not USB keys before auto-configuring them (#34568)
- drakupdate_fstab:
  o never set "sync" option, use default fs options from drakx (#35204)
  o remove --no-flag option, the "kudzu" option has not been written for ages
- drakbug:
  o report crash messages in the bug report only when --incident is used
    (and not when tools explicitely run drakbug with --report)

Version 10.6 - 11 December 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- handle new drivers:
  o ethernet: fec_mpc52xx, niu
  o gigabit: tehuti
  o pata: pata_cs5536
  o sata: sata_fsl
  o wireless: b43, b43legacy, iwlwifi, libertas_cs, p54pci, p54usb
- localedrake:
  o adjust Uzbek locale (cf locales-uz change)

Version 10.5.7 - 6 December 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- handle new drivers: e1000e, snd-oxygen, snd-pcsp
- bootloader-config:
  o do not drop entries "failsafe" and "linux-nonfb" when removing a kernel
- localedrake:
  o adapt to cooker: scim-tables-skim is now skim-scim-tables
  o restrict the proposed input-methods for each language
- bootloader:
  o when reading existing menu.lst, keep verbatim entries for which the device
  has no mount-point
  o handle "alien" grub entries that will be kept verbatim (#23591)
  o handle "root (hd...)" for menu.lst entries (#23591)
    (nb: when writing, "root ..." will not be used)
- diskdrake:
  o drop "Undo", "Restore partition table", "Save partition table"
    (preparing to switch to libparted)
  o fix garbaged error messages when umounting fs
  o disallow "Use for loopback" when the partition used for loopback is
    not formatted (#35535)
  o always display the {info} field of the drive (not only in expert mode)

Version 10.5.3 - 9 November 2007, by Pascal "Pixel" Rigaux

- bootloader-config:
  o do not create "linux" entries for xen kernels, but "xen" entries instead
- localedrake:
  o fix handling variant together with charset (eg: uz.UTF-8@Latn) (#35090)
- drakbug:
  o prevent altering tool and the like when catching a bug (#35241)

Version 10.5.2 - 6 November 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- diskdrake:
  o add support for ext4
- drakbug:
  o keep buggy process around so that we can run gdb on it (if perl segfaulted)
  o report gdb trace if possible
- harddrake: detect storage and various controllers before anything else
  (so that storage devices get detected at first boot on live)

Version 10.5.1 - 31 October 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- bootloader-config:
  o bootloader-config must not need network::network from libdrakx-net
  o if drakx-kbd-mouse-x11 is not installed, simply don't add bootsplash
    instead of dying
- fix buttons order under KDE when using compiz (by detecting kde-window-decorator)
- drakclock/finish-install: disable DPMS and screensaver when setting time,
  not to blank monitor (#17031)

Version 10.5.0 - 15 October 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- localedrake:
  o do propose "Suisse" after selecting french language (#34675)
- draksec:
  o fix switching from "no_password" to "_password" (#34490)

Version 10.4.239 - 5 October 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- finish-install: fix release notes window size

Version 10.4.237 - 5 October 2007, by Olivier "blino" Blin

- fix installed modules detection (#34478)
- fix version reported by drakfont & harddrake
- when checking dkms module packages, check that modules are either
  available in urpmi media, or already installed (fix detection in live)
- add shadow 'in' around Gtk2::SimpleList widgets

Version 10.4.235 - 4 October 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- diskdrake --fileshare
  o install nautilus-filesharing if nautilus is installed (#34262)
- finish-install: use translations for network step

Version 10.4.234 - 4 October 2007, by Olivier "blino" Blin

- finish-install: use translations for keyboard and 3D steps

Version 10.4.232 - 4 October 2007, by Olivier "blino" Blin

- add helper to get kernel module path (to be used in draklive)

Version 10.4.231 - 3 October 2007, by Nicolas Vigier

- wizards :
  o don't report a crash when an error prevent the wizard from
    running (#34371)

Version 10.4.230 - 3 October 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- drakboot --boot:
  o if there is a /boot, check /boot instead of "/" to allow grub or not

Version 10.4.226 - 2 October 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- drakauth:
  o install lib64sasl2-plug-gssapi on x86_64 (instead of libsasl2-plug-gssapi)
- draksec
  o make authentication items be aligned
- add ath5k module in wireless category

Version 10.4.225 - 1 October 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- diskdrake:
  o bugfix 10.4.162: allow "LVM" on RAID (#34359)
  o improved wrapping of mount option descriptions (#19848)

Version 10.4.222 - 28 September 2007, by Olivier "blino" Blin

- allow interactive::gtk frontends to ask for a directory
- allow interactive::gtk frontends not to pop wait messages

Version 10.4.221 - 28 September 2007, by Olivier "blino" Blin

- add back ipw3945 module in wireless modules list
- allow to detect VirtualBox guest systems
- add acpi-cpufreq support for some Intel CPUs (family 6 model 15)
  (from Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski, #30208)

Version 10.4.217 - 27 September 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- localedrake: 
  o allow to choose countries like "Angola" which have no locale (en_AO) in
    the "best" countries (alas it won't be remembered, will only be used in
    kde settings for now)
- finish-install:
  o display nicer HTML release notes rather than raw text version

Version 10.4.213 - 26 September 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- drakbug
  o don't report a non existant crash when run w/o --error
  o when unable to access X11, just print the backtrace on the console
- draksec:
  o add a right delegation tab
  o display arrows for tabs

Version 10.4.210 - 24 September 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- diskdrake
  o fix "Add to LVM"
- drakclock:
  o fix race on ugtk2->exit that causes a crash (#33894)
- drakfont:
  o handle fontpath.d
  o size font directory list dialog

Version 10.4.209 - 22 September 2007, by Olivier "blino" Blin

- make formatXiB() handle negative numbers (for rpmdrake)
- service_harddrake:
  o auto-configure CD-Rom drives in fstab again (even if it prevents
    KDE media manager from unmounting them), to be consistent with
    install which actually configures CD-Rom drives in fstab

Version 10.4.208 - 21 September 2007, by Olivier "blino" Blin

- service_harddrake:
  o do not auto-configure CD-Rom drives in fstab, it fordbids
    umounting with hal (install does not configure them in fstab either)
  o automatically configure harddisks
- finish-install:
  o write autologin settings after user creation only
    (so that home is set and exists, should partly fix GNOME autologin)
  o config first user to autologin if USER_AUTOLOGIN_FIRST is "yes"
  o read gdm autologin settings
- drakupdate_fstab: allow to configure harddisks

Version 10.4.207 - 21 September 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- drakboot:
  o create .dmrc with mode 0644 for gdm (#33774)
- harddrake:
  o fix listing DVD/CD as them and as unknown (#33366)
  o stop offering to run drakxtv
- localedrake:
  o default input method is now scim-bridge (#32138)

Version 10.4.203 - 19 September 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- diskdrake:
  o "Clear All" defaults to LVM on full disk if drive is >4TB
  o do not allow partitions bigger than 2TB-1 on DOS MBR, nor partitions
    starting above 2TB-1
- bootloader-config:
  o handle /boot/xxx files on linux raid1
- fix getting UUID on mdmadm (eg: md0) devices
- getInputDevices(): keep "Bus=..." for drakx-kbd-mouse-x11

Version 10.4.202 - 17 September 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- localedrake menu entries (#32941):
  o hide system config
  o make them more understandable

Version 10.4.200 - 17 September 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- only run "chksession -l" if needed
- bootloader-config:
  o --rebuild-initrds: don't choke on kernel files which have no version in
    file name (#28772)
- drakboot:
  o boot entrie list uses ellipsis rather than scroll bar
- harddrake2:
  o display model & vendor for SCSI devices too

Version 10.4.198 - 16 September 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- fix a crash
- localedrake:
  o install scim-bridge-qt4 if KDE4 is installed

Version 10.4.197 - 15 September 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- diskdrake:
  o fix typo breaking reading fstab with UUID= entries
- localedrake:
  o enable to select 'scim-bridge' as IM
  o install needed packages for skim
  o install scim-qtimm for scim default config
  o remove extra SCIM combinations (simpler)

Version 10.4.195 - 14 September 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- distinct exceptions from segfaults, thus restoring catching SIGSEGV
  and preventing looping while segfaulting again
- fix loading of tifm_sd module (#18237)
- run_program layer: enable to drop privileges through setuid()
- drakbug:
  o run the regular user browser (#33522)

Version 10.4.193 - 13 September 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- drakbug:
  o better behaviour when resizing
  o use a TextView instead of Label so that text is selectable (see #33023)
  o better formatting
- draksound:
  o prevent stupid & useless "driver for your sound card is unlisted"
  o no more need to:
    * list OSS/ALSA alternatives if none
    * sync with list_modules

Version 10.4.192 - 12 September 2007, by Olivier "blino" Blin

- localedrake
  o drop support for iiimf
- list jmicron driver in disk/ide
- library: have "defaults" mount option instead of empty string (for rescue)
- service_harddrake: drop snd-usb-audio blacklist, now done with a modprobe.d file

Version 10.4.190 - 5 September 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- display a warning when capslock is enabled and entering a password (#33028)

Version 10.4.188 - 4 September 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- hardware detection layer:
  o add support for tape device again (#31073)
  o enumerate generic SCSI devices again
- diskdrake
  o add a comment (a la ubuntu) in fstab when using UUID=
- harddrake
  o detect PS2 to USB converters as keyboards
  o display an identifier for generic SCSI devices
  o list generic SCSI devices

Version 10.4.184 - 3 September 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- diskdrake
  o support for UUID in filesystems (and UUID=... in fstab)

Version 10.4.183 - 31 August 2007, by Pascal "Pixel" Rigaux

- bootloader-config
  o handle new naming of vmlinuz flavors: vmlinuz-<version>-<flavor>-Xmdv
    instead of vmlinuz-<version>-Xmdv<flavor>
  o always use "linux" short name instead of "linux-<flavor>"
    (since the long name is quite nice nowadays)
- assume system is a laptop if it contains some "Intel Corporation|Mobile" devices
  (fix Samsung Q1U detection, #32967)
- draksound, harddrake service:
  o enable snd-ac97-codec power_save=1 option if installed on laptop (#32213)

Version 10.4.181 - 29 August 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- fix plural translating for C locale
- diskdrake:
  o fix displaying umount error message (#32273)
  o write mdadm.conf when it is modified (#32360)
    (a nicer fix would be to write it when needed, not so soon, but it's harder)
  o change the legend and the colors per partition
  o fix action "Type" on a software raid (eg: dm0)

Version 10.4.172 - 21 August 2007, by Olivier "blino" Blin

- ignore wmaster* devices when detecting wireless interfaces
- misc mygtk2 updates

Version 10.4.170 - 20 August 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- use '_' in modules names

Version 10.4.169 - 14 August 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- adduserdrake, finish-install:
  o create only one user
  o fix checking user info (#32517)
- diskdrake:
  o add support for 'relatime' mount option
  o kill support for 'nodiratime' mount option
  o in fstab, have "xxx" instead of "defaults,xxx"

Version 10.4.167 - 11 August 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- fix plural translations (#32505)
- 'ibm_acpi' driver was replaced by 'thinkpad_acpi (#31606)

Version 10.4.166 - 11 August 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- do a normal die if drakbug is not present
- make Gtk2::MDV::CellRendererPixWithLabel RTL aware (#32450)

Version 10.4.163 - 9 August 2007, by Pascal "Pixel" Rigaux

- for XFdrake: use update-alternatives command instead doing things by hand
  (this uses --set, new feature of update-alternatives) (#32362)
- harddrake:
  o display the PCI domain too
  o handle nvidia-current.ko (Anssi Hannula)

Version 10.4.162 - 08 August 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- fix fetching translations from "libDrakX-standalone" domain (#32402)
- diskdrake:
  o do not show partition types which have no associated filesystem
    for LVM LV (#32326)

Version 10.4.161 - 06 August 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- drakbug:
  o exceptions with "\n" are considered normal ways to quit and thus
    do not fire up drakbug (eg: #32292)
- diskdrake:
  o restore progress bar when formatting ext3

Version 10.4.160 - 06 August 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- diskdrake: 
  o add support for "nodiratime" mount option
  o fix range max value >2TB when creating a partition (useful for LVs >2TB)
- drakxservices: describe a few more services (#18612)

Version 10.4.159 - 06 August 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- diskdrake:
  o allow setting "flush" option (for vfat)
- drakbug: do not report "wizcancel" exceptions (#32308)

Version 10.4.157 - 03 August 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- report real version on --help
- drakbug:
  o report version of drakbug
- list iwl3945/iwl4965 modules (and unlist ipw3945)
- logdrake:
  o display "save" & "quit" button when run from the control center

Version 10.4.156 - 02 August 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- localedrake:
  o adapt configuration of consolefonts for kbd
- logdrake:
  o fix crash if /var/log/explanations doesn't exist (#32234)

Version 10.4.153 - 02 August 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- drakbug:
  o ask people to report lspcidrake -v output rather than lspci since it's more
    usefull to us
  o display the program that actually crashed and the error message
  o do not fire on exceptions in eval { }
  o do not loop if drakbug crashes
  o put full backtrace on bugzilla, not only last call point

Version 10.4.152 - 01 August 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- drakbug:
  o add --error option in order to provide a backtrace
  o fix crashing on unknown programs
  o fix passing several options
  o prefill description too and hint the reporter how to provide usefull data
- report ordinary crash (unhandled exceptions, not seg faults) on bugzilla too

Version 10.4.151 - 01 August 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- bootloader-config: handle vmdefault and vmdisable lilo.conf options (#26456)
- diskdrake: drop "Rescue partition table" feature 
  (was based on rescuept which has been dropped in util-linux, but was quite
  bad compared to testdisk anyway)
- drakauth: fix bogus string (#10776)
- drakbug:
  o basic adaption to new bugzilla (#31995)
  o display Mandriva Online for mdkapplet in the "select mandriva
    tool" field
  o prefill default summary with the name of the actual program which crashed
- draksec: improve explanations (#6969)
- drakups: adapt to new nut doc path (blino)

Version 10.4.145 - 9 July 2007, by Pascal "Pixel" Rigaux

- modify usbWacom() for mousedrake
  (conflicts with drakx-kbd-mouse-x11 < 0.19)

Version 10.4.144 - 05 July 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- service_harddrake:
  o do not bother configure old Xorg conf files anymore
  o log right driver we're switching to from fglrx
  o factorize code handling switch for both ati & nvidia

Version 10.4.143 - 04 July 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- centralize common textdomains in a single common place, thus
  ensuring they'll be binded (#31580)
- diskdrake:
  o fix resizing's faillures due to udev's race when writing the partition
    table (deleting then recreating the nodes leaves a race window...)
- service_harddrake:
  o do not enable fglrx libraries when disabling fglrx...
  o only log "switch xorg driver" & do actual GL config if we do need it
  o really log when switching from fglrx to another driver

Version 10.4.140 -  27 June 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- merge "ide" and "all_ide" categories since we now use fully
  modularized ide drivers
- bootloader-config: 
  o configure ide-controller in modprobe.conf for upgrading to kernels 
    with modularized ide drivers

Version 10.4.139 -  27 June 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- add mandrake_release_info() function

Version 10.4.138 -  21 June 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- add support for snd-cmi8788 driver
- do not package drakautoinst (#27860)
- draksound:
  o prevent "unlisted driver" error for snd-aoa, snd-cs5530,
    snd-echo3g, snd-usb-caiaq & snd-usb-usx2y drivers
- harddrake UI:
  o stop scannerdrake from fooling us about scanners and from leading
    us to display twice the same device (#31182)

Version 10.4.136 -  12 June 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- diskdrake
  o fix 1.9TB displayed as 1TB
- drakboot -boot
  o update splash when changing framebuffer resolution (#27470)
- harddrake UI:
  o add a class for biometric sensors (fingerprint for now) (#31182)

Version 10.4.135 -  08 June 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- interactive layer:
  o enable to override default size with Gtk+ frontend
- drakfont:
  o do not misbelieve a font is already installed if substring of
    another font name
  o simplify finding windows fonts
  o finding windows fonts is now really case insensitive

Version 10.4.134 -  06 June 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- drakfont:
  o fix crash (#28016)
  o fix enumerating fonts on old windows (#28016)

Version 10.4.133 -  05 June 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- bootloader-config:
  o handle kernel-xen-uptodate (#31154)
- drakfont: fix crash

Version 10.4.132 -  05 June 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- fix some UTF8 issue (#31067) (notably drakbug)
- hw support:
  o handle snd-cs5530 driver
- progress bar wait_message: ensure it doesn't go crazy when asked to update
  with the same fraction (eg #30090)
- diskdrake:
  o when formatting ntfs don't zero partition (#30928)
- drakfont:
  o do see fuse-mounted or ntfs-3g windows partitions (ffixxx, #28016)
  o try different cases on windows partitions (based on ffixxx suggestion, #28016)
- drakhelp:
  o fix .mozilla dir as root when it doesn't exists (#29775)
- draksec:
  o make the help dialog clearer about default values (#24159)
- harddrake GUI:
  o fix USB UPS detection logic (whitelist supported hardware)
- harddrake service:
  o drop support for kernel-2.4.x

Version 10.4.131 - 18 May 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- bug fix for rpmdrake: file was missing
- diskdrake:
  o fix resizing's failures due to udev race when writing the
    partition table

Version 10.4.130 - 16 May 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- bootloader-config: do create /boot/initrd-xxx.img when there is no
  bootloader (#30771 comment #21)
- create udev nodes configuration file in /etc/udev/devices.d/ instead
  of conf.d (used for modem and mouse)
- diskdrake:
  o use "mkfs.ext3" instead of "mkfs.ext2 -J"
    (to have dir_index & resize_inode features)
    (cf Frederik Himpe 23 Apr 2007 mail on cooker)
  o fix ext3 formatting with label and progress bar (#30032)
- localedrake: don't call grub-gfxmenu when used by simple user

Version 10.4.127 - 30 March 2007, by Olivier "blino" Blin

- don't configure /etc/kde/kdm/kdmrc if it doesn't exist
  (other kdmrc.rpmnew will be created, many important values will be missing)
- finish-install: source mandriva-release profile script to get
  correct gtk theme (Frederic Crozat)

Version 10.4.126 - 29 March 2007, by Olivier "blino" Blin

- use pci_domain when matching sysfs device and computing
  sysfs device path

Version 10.4.125 - 29 March 2007, by Olivier "blino" Blin

- fix multiple detection of PCI network cards with the same driver (#29688)

Version 10.4.123 - 26 March 2007, by Olivier "blino" Blin

- blacklist ax*, rose*, nr*, bce* and scc* Hamradio devices
  when detecting network interfaces (#28776)
- harddrake service: fallback on the right driver for ATI gfx cards
  when fglrx module is missing
- introduce shared bootloader functions so that draklive-install and
  drakboot add correct command line parameters (such as resume=)
- use grub by default (noticeable in One install)

Version 10.4.121 - 23 March 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- interactive::curses: 
  o handle multi-line labels, and wrap too long labels (#29060)
- do not use bold&big for advanced_messages
  (fixes authentication choice being big & ugly, #28676)

Version 10.4.118 - 22 March 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- diskdrake: 
  o minimal support for switching from ntfs to ntfs-3g
  o move ntfs in the list of "important" filesystems
- enable to set up 32bit media on x86_64
- fix lang configuration in KDE by writting it in current profile

Version 10.4.117 - 21 March 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- detect all known TV cards (#29633)
- harddrake service:
  o load modules for DVB & TV cards (#29633)
  o switch ATI cards to free driver if binary driver isn't installed
- use$type.$version.$arch instead of simply
  $version.$arch (useful to differentiate CorpoDesktop4)

Version 10.4.116 - 19 March 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- handle more drivers (dvb, ethernet, gigabit, ide, pcmcia, sata,
  sound, tv, usb hosts, wan, webcam, wireless)
- diskdrake: handle mkntfs
- localedrake: remove error running grub-gfxmenu when /boot/gfxmenu doesn't exit

Version 10.4.114 - 16 March 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- do not load anymore floppy module (#23158, #25975, #28911, #29280)
- fix testing success exit of child processes (mdkapplet)
- localedrake: set grub gfxmenu language

Version 10.4.113 - 16 March 2007, by Pascal "Pixel" Rigaux

- drakboot --boot: allow choosing a non-installed bootloader
  (ease switching from lilo to grub)
- use grub-gfxmenu comand to configure /boot/gfxmenu for grub

Version 10.4.112 - 15 March 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- die on downloading mirror list faillure
- log using mirror API into explanations

Version 10.4.110 - 15 March 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- add sizing dialog support for rpmdrake
- do not buggily use speedstep-centrino on Core2 duo, but use it on
  P4M (as initially intended?) (blino)

Version 10.4.108 - 13 March 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- load tifm_sd if needed (#25133)
- drakbug:
  o fix finding package for keyboarddrake
  o fix managing --incident MandrivaUpdate
  o menudrake was replaced by drakmenustyle
  o some tools were splited out of drakxtools; enable to lookup the proper package

Version 10.4.105 - 9 March 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- configure "tifm_7xx1" driven card_reader (#25133)
- enhance wrapping in some dialogs

Version 10.4.104 - 7 March 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- do not bother configure old modutils
- handle SD cards (#24054)
- harddrake2: list SD card readers in their own category

Version 10.4.102 - 6 March 2007, by Thierry Vignaud

- diskdrake in text mode: when choosing a partition, "Empty space on hdx"
  instead of "Empty" (#29087) 
- harddrake service: 
  o adapt to new nvidia drivers (#29052)
  o when switching from nvidia to nv, do setup gl_conf alternative
- symlinkf_update_alternatives: remove broken files for missing slave files
  (useful for not having a broken /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf (XFdrake))