path: root/perl-install/
blob: 324fe34428aa778c9b5fd113befe9dbbda1a9129 (plain)
package interactive; # $Id$

use diagnostics;
use strict;

#- misc imports
use common;
use do_pkgs;

#- minimal example using interactive:
#- > use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX);
#- > use interactive;
#- > my $in = interactive->vnew;
#- > $in->ask_okcancel('title', 'question');
#- > $in->exit;

#- ask_from_ takes global options ($common):
#-  title                => window title
#-  messages             => message displayed in the upper part of the window
#-  advanced_messages    => message displayed when "Advanced" is pressed
#-  ok                   => force the name of the "Ok"/"Next" button
#-  cancel               => force the name of the "Cancel"/"Previous" button
#-  advanced_label       => force the name of the "Advanced" button
#-  advanced_label_close => force the name of the "Basic" button
#-  advanced_state       => if set to 1, force the "Advanced" part of the dialog to be opened initially
#-  focus_cancel         => force focus on the "Cancel" button
#-  focus_first          => force focus on the first entry
#-  callbacks            => functions called when something happen: complete canceled advanced changed focus_out ok_disabled

#- ask_from_ takes a list of entries with fields:
#-  val      => reference to the value
#-  label    => description
#-  icon     => icon to put before the description
#-  help     => tooltip
#-  advanced => wether it is shown in by default or only in advanced mode
#-  disabled => function returning wether it should be disabled (grayed)
#-  gtk      => gtk preferences
#-  type     => 
#-     button => (with clicked or clicked_may_quit)
#-               (type defaults to button if clicked or clicked_may_quit is there)
#-               (val need not be a reference) (if clicked_may_quit return true, it's as if "Ok" was pressed)
#-     label => (val need not be a reference) (type defaults to label if val is not a reference) 
#-     bool (with "text" or "image" (which overrides text) giving an image filename)
#-     range (with min, max)
#-     combo (with list, not_edit, format)
#-     list (with list, icon2f (aka icon), separator (aka tree), format (aka pre_format function),
#-           help can be a hash or a function,
#-           tree_expanded boolean telling wether the tree should be wide open by default
#-           quit_if_double_click boolean
#-           allow_empty_list disables the special cases for 0 and 1 element lists
#-           image2f is a subroutine which takes a value of the list as parameter, and returns an array (text, image_file_name))
#-     entry (the default) (with hidden)
#- heritate from this class and you'll get all made interactivity for same steps.
#- for this you need to provide
#- - ask_from_listW(o, title, messages, arrayref, default) returns one string of arrayref
#- where
#- - o is the object
#- - title is a string
#- - messages is an refarray of strings
#- - default is an optional string (default is in arrayref)
#- - arrayref is an arrayref of strings
#- - arrayref2 contains booleans telling the default state,
#- ask_from_list and ask_from_list_ are wrappers around ask_from_biglist and ask_from_smalllist
#- ask_from_list_ just translate arrayref before calling ask_from_list and untranslate the result
#- ask_from_listW should handle differently small lists and big ones.

#- OO Stuff
our @ISA = qw(do_pkgs);

sub new($) {
    my ($type) = @_;

    bless {}, ref($type) || $type;

sub vnew {
    my ($_type, $o_su, $o_icon) = @_;
    my $su = $o_su eq "su";
	require interactive::http;
	return interactive::http->new;
    require c;
    if ($su) {
	$ENV{PATH} = "/sbin:/usr/sbin:$ENV{PATH}";
	$su = '' if $::testing || $ENV{TESTING};
    require_root_capability() if $su;
    if (check_for_xserver()) {
	eval { require interactive::gtk };
	if (!$@) {
	    my $o = interactive::gtk->new;
	    if ($o_icon && $o_icon ne 'default' && !$::isWizard) { $o->{icon} = $o_icon } else { undef $o->{icon} }
	    return $o;
	} elsif ($::testing) {

    require ''; #- "require log" causes some pb, perl thinking that "log" is the log() function
    undef *log::l;
    *log::l = sub {}; # otherwise, it will bother us :(
    require interactive::newt;

sub enter_console {}
sub leave_console {}
sub suspend {}
sub resume {}
sub end {}
sub exit {
    if ($::isStandalone) {
        require standalone;
    } else {

#- Interactive functions
sub ask_warn {
    my ($o, $title, $message) = @_;
    ask_warn_($o, { title => $title, messages => $message });
sub ask_yesorno {
    my ($o, $title, $message, $b_def) = @_;
    ask_yesorno_($o, { title => $title, messages => $message }, $b_def);
sub ask_okcancel {
    my ($o, $title, $message, $b_def) = @_;
    ask_okcancel_($o, { title => $title, messages => $message }, $b_def);

sub ask_warn_ {
    my ($o, $common) = @_;
    ask_from_listf_raw_no_check($o, $common, undef, [ $o->ok ]);

sub ask_yesorno_ {
    my ($o, $common, $b_def) = @_;
    $common->{cancel} = '';
    ask_from_listf_raw($o, $common, sub { translate($_[0]) }, [ N_("Yes"), N_("No") ], $b_def ? "Yes" : "No") eq "Yes";

sub ask_okcancel_ {
    my ($o, $common, $b_def) = @_;

    if ($::isWizard) {
	$::no_separator = 1;
	$common->{focus_cancel} = !$b_def;
    	ask_from_no_check($o, $common, []);
    } else {
	ask_from_listf_raw($o, $common, sub { translate($_[0]) }, [ $o->ok, $o->cancel ], $b_def ? $o->ok : "Cancel") eq $o->ok;

sub ask_filename {
    my ($o, $common) = @_;
    $common->{want_a_dir} = 0;

sub ask_directory {
    my ($o, $common) = @_;
    $common->{want_a_dir} = 1;

#- predecated
sub ask_file {
    my ($o, $title, $o_dir) = @_;
    $o->ask_fileW({ title => $title, want_a_dir => 0, directory => $o_dir });

sub ask_fileW {
    my ($o, $common) = @_;
    $o->ask_from_entry($common->{title}, $common->{message} || N("Choose a file"));

sub ask_from_list {
    my ($o, $title, $message, $l, $o_def) = @_;
    ask_from_listf($o, $title, $message, undef, $l, $o_def);

sub ask_from_list_ {
    my ($o, $title, $message, $l, $o_def) = @_;
    ask_from_listf($o, $title, $message, sub { translate($_[0]) }, $l, $o_def);

sub ask_from_listf_ {
    my ($o, $title, $message, $f, $l, $o_def) = @_;
    ask_from_listf($o, $title, $message, sub { translate($f->(@_)) }, $l, $o_def);
sub ask_from_listf {
    my ($o, $title, $message, $f, $l, $o_def) = @_;
    ask_from_listf_raw($o, { title => $title, messages => $message }, $f, $l, $o_def);
sub ask_from_listf_raw {
    my ($_o, $_common, $_f, $l, $_o_def) = @_;
    @$l == 0 and die "ask_from_list: empty list\n" . backtrace();
    @$l == 1 and return $l->[0];
    goto &ask_from_listf_raw_no_check;

sub ask_from_listf_raw_no_check {
    my ($o, $common, $f, $l, $o_def) = @_;

    if (@$l <= ($::isWizard ? 1 : 2)) {
	my ($ok, $cancel) = map { $_ && may_apply($f, $_) } @$l;
	if (length "$ok$cancel" < 70) {
	    my $ret = eval {
		put_in_hash($common, { ok => $ok, 
				       if_($cancel, cancel => $cancel, focus_cancel => $o_def eq $l->[1]) });
		ask_from_no_check($o, $common, []) ? $l->[0] : $l->[1];
	    die if $@ && $@ !~ /^wizcancel/;
	    return $@ ? undef : $ret;
    ask_from_no_check($o, $common, [ { val => \$o_def, type => 'list', list => $l, format => $f } ]) && $o_def;

sub ask_from_treelist {
    my ($o, $title, $message, $separator, $l, $o_def) = @_;
    ask_from_treelistf($o, $title, $message, $separator, undef, $l, $o_def);
sub ask_from_treelist_ {
    my ($o, $title, $message, $separator, $l, $o_def) = @_;
    my $transl = sub { join '|', map { translate($_) } split(quotemeta($separator), $_[0]) }; 
    ask_from_treelistf($o, $title, $message, $separator, $transl, $l, $o_def);
sub ask_from_treelistf {
    my ($o, $title, $message, $separator, $f, $l, $o_def) = @_;
    ask_from($o, $title, $message, [ { val => \$o_def, separator => $separator, list => $l, format => $f, sort => 1 } ]) or return;

sub ask_many_from_list {
    my ($o, $title, $message, @l) = @_;
    @l = grep { @{$_->{list}} } @l or return '';
    foreach my $h (@l) {
	$h->{e}{$_} = {
	    text => may_apply($h->{label}, $_),
	    val => $h->{val} ? $h->{val}->($_) : do {
		my $i =
		  $h->{value} ? $h->{value}->($_) : 
		    $h->{values} ? member($_, @{$h->{values}}) : 0;
	    type => 'bool',
	    help => may_apply($h->{help}, $_, ''),
	    icon => may_apply($h->{icon2f}, $_, ''),
	} foreach @{$h->{list}};
	if ($h->{sort}) {
	    $h->{list} = [ sort { $h->{e}{$a}{text} cmp $h->{e}{$b}{text} } @{$h->{list}} ];
    $o->ask_from($title, $message, [ map { my $h = $_; map { $h->{e}{$_} } @{$h->{list}} } @l ]) or return;

    @l = map {
	my $h = $_;
	[ grep { ${$h->{e}{$_}{val}} } @{$h->{list}} ];
    } @l;
    wantarray() ? @l : $l[0];

sub ask_from_entry {
    my ($o, $title, $message, %callback) = @_;
    first(ask_from_entries($o, $title, $message, [''], %callback));
sub ask_from_entries {
    my ($o, $title, $message, $l, %callback) = @_;

    my @l = map { my $i = ''; { label => $_, val => \$i } } @$l;

    $o->ask_from_({ title => $title, messages => $message, callbacks => \%callback, 
		    focus_first => 1 }, \@l) or return;
    map { ${$_->{val}} } @l;

sub ask_from__add_modify_remove {
    my ($o, $title, $message, $l, %callback) = @_;
    die "ask_from__add_modify_remove only handles one item" if @$l != 1;

    $callback{$_} or internal_error("missing callback $_") foreach qw(Add Modify Remove);

    if ($o->can('ask_from__add_modify_removeW')) {
	$o->ask_from__add_modify_removeW($title, $message, $l, %callback);
    } else {
	my $e = $l->[0];
	my $chosen_element;
	put_in_hash($e, { allow_empty_list => 1, val => \$chosen_element, type => 'list' });

	while (1) {
	    my $continue;
	    my @l = (@$l, 
		     map { my $s = $_; { val => translate($_), clicked_may_quit => sub { 
					     my $r = $callback{$s}->($chosen_element);
					     defined $r or return;
					     $continue = 1;
					 } } }
		     N_("Add"), if_(@{$e->{list}} > 0, N_("Modify"), N_("Remove")));
	    $o->ask_from_({ title => $title, messages => $message, callbacks => \%callback }, \@l) or return;
	    return 1 if !$continue;

#- can get a hash of callback: focus_out changed and complete
#- moreove if you pass a hash with a field list -> combo
#- if you pass a hash with a field hidden -> emulate stty -echo
sub ask_from {
    my ($o, $title, $message, $l, %callback) = @_;
    ask_from_($o, { title => $title, messages => $message, callbacks => \%callback }, $l);

sub ask_from_normalize {
    my ($o, $common, $l) = @_;

    ref($l) eq 'ARRAY' or internal_error('ask_from_normalize');
    foreach my $e (@$l) {
	if (my $li = $e->{list}) {
	    ref($e->{val}) =~ /SCALAR|REF/ or internal_error($e->{val} ? "field {val} must be a reference (it is $e->{val})" : "field {val} is mandatory"); #-#
	    if ($e->{sort} || @$li > 10 && !exists $e->{sort}) {
		my @l2 = map { may_apply($e->{format}, $_) } @$li;
		my @places = sort { $l2[$a] cmp $l2[$b] } 0 .. $#l2;
		$e->{list} = $li = [ map { $li->[$_] } @places ];
	    $e->{type} = 'iconlist' if $e->{icon2f};
	    $e->{type} = 'treelist' if $e->{separator} && $e->{type} ne 'combo';
	    add2hash_($e, { not_edit => 1 });
	    $e->{type} ||= 'combo';

	    if (!$e->{not_edit}) {
		die q(when using "not_edit" you must use strings, not a data structure) if ref(${$e->{val}}) || any { ref $_ } @$li;
	    if ($e->{type} ne 'combo' || $e->{not_edit}) {
		${$e->{val}} = $li->[0] if !member(may_apply($e->{format}, ${$e->{val}}), map { may_apply($e->{format}, $_) } @$li);
	} elsif ($e->{type} eq 'range') {
	    $e->{min} <= $e->{max} or die "bad range min $e->{min} > max $e->{max} (called from " . join(':', caller()) . ")";
	    ${$e->{val}} = max($e->{min}, min(${$e->{val}}, $e->{max}));
	} elsif ($e->{type} eq 'button' || $e->{clicked} || $e->{clicked_may_quit}) {
	    $e->{type} = 'button';
	    $e->{clicked_may_quit} ||= $e->{clicked} ? sub { $e->{clicked}(); 0 } : sub {};	    
	    $e->{val} = \ (my $_v = $e->{val}) if !ref($e->{val});
	} elsif ($e->{type} eq 'label' || !ref($e->{val})) {
	    $e->{type} = 'label';
	    $e->{val} = \ (my $_v = $e->{val}) if !ref($e->{val});
	} else {
	    $e->{type} ||= 'entry';
	$e->{disabled} ||= sub { 0 };

    #- do not display empty lists and one element lists
    @$l = grep { 
	if ($_->{list} && $_->{not_edit} && !$_->{allow_empty_list}) {
	    if (!@{$_->{list}}) {
		eval {
		    require ''; #- "require log" causes some pb, perl thinking that "log" is the log() function
		    log::l("ask_from_normalize: empty list for $_->{label}\n" . backtrace());
	    @{$_->{list}} > 1;
	} else {
    } @$l;

    if (!$common->{title} && $::isStandalone) {
	($common->{title} = $0) =~ s|.*/||;
    $common->{interactive_help} ||= $o->{interactive_help};
    $common->{interactive_help} ||= $common->{interactive_help_id} && $o->interactive_help_sub_get_id($common->{interactive_help_id});
    $common->{advanced_label} ||= N("Advanced");
    $common->{advanced_label_close} ||= N("Basic");
    $common->{$_} = $common->{$_} ? [ deref($common->{$_}) ] : [] foreach qw(messages advanced_messages);
    add2hash_($common->{callbacks} ||= {}, { changed => sub {}, focus_out => sub {}, complete => sub { 0 }, canceled => sub { 0 }, advanced => sub {} });

sub ask_from_ {
    my ($o, $common, $l) = @_;
    ask_from_normalize($o, $common, $l);
    @$l or return 1;
    $common->{cancel} = '' if !defined wantarray();
    ask_from_real($o, $common, $l);
sub ask_from_no_check {
    my ($o, $common, $l) = @_;
    ask_from_normalize($o, $common, $l);
    $common->{cancel} = '' if !defined wantarray();
    my ($l1, $l2) = partition { !$_->{advanced} } @$l;
    $o->ask_fromW($common, $l1, $l2);
sub ask_from_real {
    my ($o, $common, $l) = @_;
    my ($l1, $l2) = partition { !$_->{advanced} } @$l;
    my $v = $o->ask_fromW($common, $l1, $l2);

    foreach my $e (@$l1, @$l2) {
	if ($e->{type} eq 'range') {
	    ${$e->{val}} = max($e->{min}, min(${$e->{val}}, $e->{max}));

    %$common = ();

sub ask_browse_tree_info {
    my ($o, $title, $message, $common) = @_;
    $common->{interactive_help} ||= $common->{interactive_help_id} && $o->interactive_help_sub_get_id($common->{interactive_help_id});
    add2hash_($common, { ok => $::isWizard ? ($::Wizard_finished ? N("Finish") : N("Next")) : N("Ok"), 
			 cancel => $::isWizard ? N("Previous") : N("Cancel") });
    add2hash_($common, { title => $title, message => $message });
    add2hash_($common, { grep_allowed_to_toggle      => sub { @_ },
			 grep_unselected             => sub { grep { $common->{node_state}($_) eq 'unselected' } @_ },
			 check_interactive_to_toggle => sub { 1 },
			 toggle_nodes                => sub {
			     my ($set_state, @nodes) = @_;
			     my $new_state = !$common->{grep_unselected}($nodes[0]) ? 'selected' : 'unselected';
			     $set_state->($_, $new_state) foreach @nodes;
sub ask_browse_tree_info_refW { #- default definition, do not use with too many items (memory consuming)
    my ($o, $common) = @_;
    my ($l, $v, $h) = ([], [], {});
    $common->{build_tree}(sub {
			      my ($node) = $common->{grep_allowed_to_toggle}(@_);
			      if (my $state = $node && $common->{node_state}($node)) {
				  push @$l, $node;
				  $state eq 'selected' and push @$v, $node;
				  $h->{$node} = $state eq 'selected';
			  }, 'flat');
    add2hash_($common, { list   => $l, #- TODO interactivity of toggle is missing
			 values => $v,
			 help   => sub { $common->{get_info}($_[0]) },
    my ($new_v) = $o->ask_many_from_list($common->{title}, $common->{message}, $common) or return;
    $common->{toggle_nodes}(sub {}, grep { ! delete $h->{$_} } @$new_v);
    $common->{toggle_nodes}(sub {}, grep { $h->{$_} } keys %$h);

sub wait_message {
    my ($o, $title, $message, $b_temp) = @_;

    my $w = $o->wait_messageW($title, [ N("Please wait"), deref($message) ]);
    push @tempory::objects, $w if $b_temp;
    my $b = before_leaving { $o->wait_message_endW($w) };

    #- enable access through set
    MDK::Common::Func::add_f4before_leaving(sub { $o->wait_message_nextW([ deref($_[1]) ], $w) }, $b, 'set');

sub kill() {}

sub helper_separator_tree_to_tree {
    my ($separator, $list, $formatted_list) = @_;
    my $sep = quotemeta $separator;
    my $tree = {};
    each_index {
	my @l = split $sep;
	my $leaf = pop @l;
	my $node = $tree;
	foreach (@l) {
	    $node = $node->{$_} ||= do {
		my $r = {};
		push @{$node->{_order_}}, $_;
	push @{$node->{_leaves_}}, [ $leaf, $list->[$::i] ];
    } @$formatted_list;


sub interactive_help_has_id {
    my ($_o, $id) = @_;
    exists $help::{$id};

sub interactive_help_get_id {
    my ($_o, @l) = @_;
    @l = map { 
	join("\n\n", map { s/\n/ /mg; $_ } split("\n\n", translate($help::{$_}->())));
    } grep { exists $help::{$_} } @l;
    join("\n\n\n", @l);

sub interactive_help_sub_get_id {
    my ($o, $id) = @_;
    $o->interactive_help_has_id($id) && sub { $o->interactive_help_get_id($id) };

sub interactive_help_sub_display_id {
    my ($o, $id) = @_;
    $o->interactive_help_has_id($id) && sub { $o->ask_warn(N("Help"), $o->interactive_help_get_id($id)) };

309,8 +6309,8 @@ msgid ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -6353,8 +6353,8 @@ msgid ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -6418,8 +6418,8 @@ msgstr ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -6433,8 +6433,8 @@ msgstr ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -6477,8 +6477,8 @@ msgstr ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -16045,8 +16045,8 @@ msgstr "Dobro došli u svijet <b>otvorenog izvornog koda</b>!"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrivalinux is committed to the open source model. This means that this "
-"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's "
-"team of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
+"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's team "
+"of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
"Mandrivalinux u potpunosti podržava open-source model. To znači da je ovo "
@@ -16214,9 +16214,8 @@ msgid ""
"includes <b>thousands of applications</b> - everything from the most popular "
"to the most advanced."
msgstr ""
-"PowerPack je Mandriva-ov <b>premijerni Linux desktop</b> proizvod. "
-"PowerPack uključuje <b>hiljade programa</b> - sve od najpopularnijih do "
+"PowerPack je Mandriva-ov <b>premijerni Linux desktop</b> proizvod. PowerPack "
+"uključuje <b>hiljade programa</b> - sve od najpopularnijih do najsloženijih."
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16248,10 +16247,8 @@ msgstr "<b>Mandriva proizvodi</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> "
-msgstr ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> je razvio širok raspon <b>Mandrivalinux</b> proizvoda."
+"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> products."
+msgstr "<b>Mandriva</b> je razvio širok raspon <b>Mandrivalinux</b> proizvoda."
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16323,8 +16320,8 @@ msgstr "<b>Mandriva proizvodi (profesionalna rješenja)</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional "
+"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional needs</"
msgstr ""
"Ispod su navedeni Mandriva proizvodi dizajnirani da zadovolje "
"<b>profesionalne potrebe</b>:"
@@ -16388,8 +16385,8 @@ msgid ""
"With PowerPack, you will have the choice of the <b>graphical desktop "
"environment</b>. Mandriva has chosen <b>KDE</b> as the default one."
msgstr ""
-"Sa PowerPack-om, imaćete izbor <b>grafičkog radnog okruženja</b>. "
-"Mandriva je izabrao <b>KDE</b> kao podrazumijevano okruženje."
+"Sa PowerPack-om, imaćete izbor <b>grafičkog radnog okruženja</b>. Mandriva "
+"je izabrao <b>KDE</b> kao podrazumijevano okruženje."
#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16416,8 +16413,8 @@ msgid ""
"With PowerPack+, you will have the choice of the <b>graphical desktop "
"environment</b>. Mandriva has chosen <b>KDE</b> as the default one."
msgstr ""
-"Uz PowerPack+, imaćete izbor <b>grafičkog radnog okruženja</b>. Mandriva "
-"je izabrao <b>KDE</b> kao podrazumijevano okruženje."
+"Uz PowerPack+, imaćete izbor <b>grafičkog radnog okruženja</b>. Mandriva je "
+"izabrao <b>KDE</b> kao podrazumijevano okruženje."
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16864,8 +16861,8 @@ msgstr "<b>On-line prodavnica</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our "
-"<b>e-commerce platform</b>."
+"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our <b>e-"
+"commerce platform</b>."
msgstr ""
"Da naučite više o našim proizvodima i uslugama, možete posjetiti našu e-"
"commerce platforma. u</"
@@ -16955,8 +16952,8 @@ msgid ""
"<b>Mandriva Online</b> is a new premium service that Mandriva is proud to "
"offer its customers!"
msgstr ""
-"<b>Mandriva Online</b> je nova premijum usluga koju Mandriva s ponosom "
-"nudi svojim klijentima!"
+"<b>Mandriva Online</b> je nova premijum usluga koju Mandriva s ponosom nudi "
+"svojim klijentima!"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16964,8 +16961,8 @@ msgid ""
"Mandriva Online provides a wide range of valuable services for <b>easily "
"updating</b> your Mandrivalinux systems:"
msgstr ""
-"Mandriva Online vam pruža širok izbor usluga za <b>jednostavno ažuriranje</b> "
-"vaših Mandrivalinux sistema:"
+"Mandriva Online vam pruža širok izbor usluga za <b>jednostavno ažuriranje</"
+"b> vaših Mandrivalinux sistema:"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -17006,9 +17003,8 @@ msgid ""
"Do you require <b>assistance?</b> Meet Mandriva's technical experts on "
"<b>our technical support platform</b>"
msgstr ""
-"Da li vam je potrebna <b>podrška?</b> Upoznajte Mandriva tehničke "
-"eksperte na našoj <b>platformi za tehničku podršku</b> www.mandrakeexpert."
+"Da li vam je potrebna <b>podrška?</b> Upoznajte Mandriva tehničke eksperte "
+"na našoj <b>platformi za tehničku podršku</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -17544,8 +17540,8 @@ msgstr " [--skiptest] [--cups] [--lprng] [--lpd] [--pdq]"
#, c-format
msgid ""
-" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in "
-"Mandriva Update mode\n"
+" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in Mandriva "
+"Update mode\n"
" --no-verify-rpm do not verify packages signatures\n"
" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
"description window\n"
@@ -26701,9 +26697,6 @@ msgstr "Instalacija nije uspjela"
#~ msgid "You've not selected any font"
#~ msgstr "Niste izabrali nijedan font"
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "Mandriva čarobnjaci"
#~ msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
#~ msgstr "Nemate nijedan browser! Molim instalirajte neki browser"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/ca.po b/perl-install/share/po/ca.po
index 068b7ed9e..380d2dad4 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/ca.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/ca.po
@@ -6346,8 +6346,8 @@ msgid ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -6361,8 +6361,8 @@ msgid ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -6405,8 +6405,8 @@ msgid ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -6498,8 +6498,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Qualsevol pregunta sobre la llicència d'un component s'ha d'adreçar\n"
"al seu autor i no a Mandriva.\n"
"Els programes desenvolupats per Mandriva S.A. es regeixen per la\n"
-"llicència GPL.La documentació escrita per Mandriva S.A. està regida per "
+"llicència GPL.La documentació escrita per Mandriva S.A. està regida per una\n"
"llicència específica; consulteu la documentació per a més\n"
@@ -16232,8 +16231,8 @@ msgstr "Benvingut al <b>món del Codi Font Obert</b>!"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrivalinux is committed to the open source model. This means that this "
-"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's "
-"team of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
+"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's team "
+"of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
"Mandrivalinux està compromès amb el model de codi font obert i respecta "
@@ -16417,8 +16416,7 @@ msgstr "<b>Productes de Mandriva</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> "
+"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> products."
msgstr ""
"<b>Mandriva</b> ha desenvolupat una àmplia gama de productes "
@@ -16486,8 +16484,8 @@ msgstr "<b>Productes de Mandriva (Solucions professionals)</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional "
+"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional needs</"
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -16979,11 +16977,11 @@ msgstr "<b>Tenda en línia</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our "
-"<b>e-commerce platform</b>."
+"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our <b>e-"
+"commerce platform</b>."
msgstr ""
-"Conegui tots els productes i serveis de Mandriva a <b>Mandriva Store</b> "
-"-- la nostra plataforma de serveis de comerç electrònic."
+"Conegui tots els productes i serveis de Mandriva a <b>Mandriva Store</b> -- "
+"la nostra plataforma de serveis de comerç electrònic."
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -17641,8 +17639,8 @@ msgstr " [--skiptest] [--cups] [--lprng] [--lpd] [--pdq]"
#, c-format
msgid ""
-" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in "
-"Mandriva Update mode\n"
+" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in Mandriva "
+"Update mode\n"
" --no-verify-rpm do not verify packages signatures\n"
" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
"description window\n"
@@ -26548,9 +26546,6 @@ msgstr "La instal·lació ha fallat"
#~ msgid "You've not selected any font"
#~ msgstr "No heu seleccionat cap tipus de lletra"
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "Auxiliars de Mandriva"
#~ msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
#~ msgstr "No hi ha cap navegador disponible! Si us plau, instal·leu-ne un"
@@ -29641,11 +29636,11 @@ msgstr "La instal·lació ha fallat"
#~ "ordinador."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Find all Mandriva products and services at <b>MandrakeStore</b> -- "
-#~ "our full service e-commerce platform."
+#~ "Find all Mandriva products and services at <b>MandrakeStore</b> -- our "
+#~ "full service e-commerce platform."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Conegui tots els productes i serveis de Mandriva a <b>MandrakeStore</"
-#~ "b> -- la nostra plataforma de serveis de comerç electrònic."
+#~ "Conegui tots els productes i serveis de Mandriva a <b>MandrakeStore</b> "
+#~ "-- la nostra plataforma de serveis de comerç electrònic."
#~ msgid "Become a <b>MandrakeClub</b> member!"
@@ -29658,13 +29653,14 @@ msgstr "La instal·lació ha fallat"
#~ msgid "\t* Special discounts for products and services at MandrakeStore"
#~ msgstr "\t* Descomptes especials en productes i serveis de MandrakeStore"
-#~ msgid "\t* Find out Mandrivalinux on a bootable CD with <b>Mandriva Move</b>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\t* Find out Mandrivalinux on a bootable CD with <b>Mandriva Move</b>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\t* Conegui Mandrivalinux en un CD autoarrancable amb <b>Mandriva Move</b>"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Find all Mandriva products at <b>MandrakeStore</b> -- our full "
-#~ "service e-commerce platform."
+#~ "Find all Mandriva products at <b>MandrakeStore</b> -- our full service e-"
+#~ "commerce platform."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Conegui tots els productes de Mandriva a <b>MandrakeStore</b> -- la "
#~ "nostra plataforma de serveis de comerç electrònic."
@@ -29694,9 +29690,6 @@ msgstr "La instal·lació ha fallat"
#~ " --report - el programa ha de ser una de les eines de Mandrake\n"
#~ " --incident - el programa ha de ser una de les eines de Mandrake"
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Online"
-#~ msgstr "Mandriva Online"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This interface has not been configured yet.\n"
#~ "Run the \"Add an interface\" assistant from the Mandrake Control Center"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/cs.po b/perl-install/share/po/cs.po
index 4fbf9b567..3915da04e 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/cs.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/cs.po
@@ -6295,8 +6295,8 @@ msgid ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -6310,8 +6310,8 @@ msgid ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -6354,8 +6354,8 @@ msgid ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -6411,8 +6411,8 @@ msgstr ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -6426,8 +6426,8 @@ msgstr ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -6470,8 +6470,8 @@ msgstr ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -16000,8 +16000,8 @@ msgstr "Vítejte do <b>světa Open Source</b>!"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrivalinux is committed to the open source model. This means that this "
-"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's "
-"team of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
+"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's team "
+"of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
"Mandrivalinux využívá a je plně oddán modelu Open Source. To znamená, že "
@@ -16207,11 +16207,10 @@ msgstr "<b>Produkty společnosti Mandriva</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> "
+"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> products."
msgstr ""
-"Společnost <b>Mandriva</b> vyvinula širokou řadu produktů "
+"Společnost <b>Mandriva</b> vyvinula širokou řadu produktů <b>Mandrivalinux</"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16283,11 +16282,11 @@ msgstr "<b>Produkty společnosti Mandriva (profesionální řešení)</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional "
+"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional needs</"
msgstr ""
-"Níže uvedené jsou produkty společnosti Mandriva určené pro "
-"<b>profesionální potřeby</b>:"
+"Níže uvedené jsou produkty společnosti Mandriva určené pro <b>profesionální "
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16830,11 +16829,11 @@ msgstr "<b>Online obchod</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our "
-"<b>e-commerce platform</b>."
+"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our <b>e-"
+"commerce platform</b>."
msgstr ""
-"Všechny produkty a služby společnosti Mandriva najdete na naší "
-"<b>platformě pro e-komerci</b>."
+"Všechny produkty a služby společnosti Mandriva najdete na naší <b>platformě "
+"pro e-komerci</b>."
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16921,8 +16920,8 @@ msgid ""
"<b>Mandriva Online</b> is a new premium service that Mandriva is proud to "
"offer its customers!"
msgstr ""
-"<b>Mandriva Online</b> je nová prvotřídní služba, kterou společnost "
-"Mandriva hrdě nabízí svým zákazníkům!"
+"<b>Mandriva Online</b> je nová prvotřídní služba, kterou společnost Mandriva "
+"hrdě nabízí svým zákazníkům!"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -17510,8 +17509,8 @@ msgstr " [--skiptest] [--cups] [--lprng] [--lpd] [--pdq]"
#, c-format
msgid ""
-" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in "
-"Mandriva Update mode\n"
+" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in Mandriva "
+"Update mode\n"
" --no-verify-rpm do not verify packages signatures\n"
" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
"description window\n"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/cy.po b/perl-install/share/po/cy.po
index 213517d95..230b7d8ea 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/cy.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/cy.po
@@ -6243,8 +6243,8 @@ msgid ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -6258,8 +6258,8 @@ msgid ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -6302,8 +6302,8 @@ msgid ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -6365,8 +6365,8 @@ msgstr ""
"\"fel ag y maent\",\n"
"heb ddim gwarant,\n"
"hyd y mae'r gyfraith yn caniatáu.\n"
-"Ni fydd Mandriva S.A. yn gyfrifol, o dan unrhyw amgylchiad, a chyhyd ag "
-"y bydd y gyfraith yn\n"
+"Ni fydd Mandriva S.A. yn gyfrifol, o dan unrhyw amgylchiad, a chyhyd ag y "
+"bydd y gyfraith yn\n"
"caniatáu, am unrhyw iawn o gwbl,\n"
"arbennig, damweiniol, uniongyrchol neu anuniongyrchol (gan gynnwys heb "
"gyfyngu ar iawndal\n"
@@ -6374,15 +6374,14 @@ msgstr ""
"chosb o ganlyniad i achos llys,\n"
"neu unrhyw golled o ganlyniad) yn codi o'r defnydd neu'r anallu i "
"ddefnyddio'r Cynnyrch Meddalwedd,\n"
-"hyd yn oed os yw Mandriva wedi eu cynghori o'r posibilrwydd o'r fath "
+"hyd yn oed os yw Mandriva wedi eu cynghori o'r posibilrwydd o'r fath iawn.\n"
-"Ni fydd Mandriva S.A. yn gyfrifol, o dan unrhyw amgylchiad, a chyhyd y "
-"bydd y gyfraith yn caniatáu,\n"
+"Ni fydd Mandriva S.A. yn gyfrifol, o dan unrhyw amgylchiad, a chyhyd y bydd "
+"y gyfraith yn caniatáu,\n"
"i fod yn atebol am unrhyw iawn o gwbl, arbennig, damweiniol, uniongyrchol "
"neu anuniongyrchol (gan gynnwys\n"
"heb gyfyngu ar iawndal am golli busnes, tarfu ar fusnes, colled ariannol, "
@@ -16015,8 +16014,8 @@ msgstr "Croeso i <b>fyd Cod Agored</b>!"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrivalinux is committed to the open source model. This means that this "
-"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's "
-"team of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
+"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's team "
+"of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
"Mae Mandrivalinux yn ymroddedig i fodel cod agored. Mae'n golygu fod y "
@@ -16184,9 +16183,9 @@ msgid ""
"includes <b>thousands of applications</b> - everything from the most popular "
"to the most advanced."
msgstr ""
-"PowerPack yw <b>prif gynnyrch bwrdd gwaith Linux</b> Mandriva. Mae "
-"PowerPack yn cynnwys <b>miloedd o raglenni</b> - popeth o'r mwyaf poblogaidd "
-"i'r mwyaf technegol."
+"PowerPack yw <b>prif gynnyrch bwrdd gwaith Linux</b> Mandriva. Mae PowerPack "
+"yn cynnwys <b>miloedd o raglenni</b> - popeth o'r mwyaf poblogaidd i'r mwyaf "
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16218,11 +16217,9 @@ msgstr "<b>Cynnyrch Mandriva</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> "
+"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> products."
msgstr ""
-"Mae <b>Mandriva</b> wedi datblygu ystod eang o gynnyrch "
+"Mae <b>Mandriva</b> wedi datblygu ystod eang o gynnyrch <b>Mandrivalinux</b>."
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16293,8 +16290,8 @@ msgstr "<b>Cynnyrch Mandriva (Atebion Proffesiynol)</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional "
+"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional needs</"
msgstr ""
"Isod mae cynnyrch Mandriva sydd wedi eu cynllunio i ateb <b>anghenion "
@@ -16824,10 +16821,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Fel pob rhaglenni cyfrifiadurol, mae meddalwedd cod agored <b>yn golygu "
"amser a phobl</b> ar gyfer datblygiad. Er mwyn parchu athroniaeth cod "
-"agored, mae Mandriva yn gwerthu cynnyrch gwerth ychwanegol a "
-"gwasanaethau i <b>barhau i wella Mandrivalinux</b>. Os hoffech chi "
-"<b>gefnogi athroniaeth cod agored</b> a datblygiad Mandrivalinux, <b>os "
-"gwelwch chi'n dda</b> ystyriwch brynu ein cynnyrch neu ein gwasanaethau!"
+"agored, mae Mandriva yn gwerthu cynnyrch gwerth ychwanegol a gwasanaethau i "
+"<b>barhau i wella Mandrivalinux</b>. Os hoffech chi <b>gefnogi athroniaeth "
+"cod agored</b> a datblygiad Mandrivalinux, <b>os gwelwch chi'n dda</b> "
+"ystyriwch brynu ein cynnyrch neu ein gwasanaethau!"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16837,11 +16834,11 @@ msgstr "<b>Siop Ar-lein</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our "
-"<b>e-commerce platform</b>."
+"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our <b>e-"
+"commerce platform</b>."
msgstr ""
-"I ddysgu rhagor am gynnyrch a gwasanaethau Mandriva, ewch i'n "
-"<b>platfform e-fasnachu</b>."
+"I ddysgu rhagor am gynnyrch a gwasanaethau Mandriva, ewch i'n <b>platfform e-"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16927,8 +16924,8 @@ msgid ""
"<b>Mandriva Online</b> is a new premium service that Mandriva is proud to "
"offer its customers!"
msgstr ""
-"<b>Mandriva Online</b> yw'r gwasanaeth newydd gwerthfawr mae Mandriva yn "
-"ei gynnig i 'w gwsmeriaid!"
+"<b>Mandriva Online</b> yw'r gwasanaeth newydd gwerthfawr mae Mandriva yn ei "
+"gynnig i 'w gwsmeriaid!"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16977,8 +16974,8 @@ msgid ""
"Do you require <b>assistance?</b> Meet Mandriva's technical experts on "
"<b>our technical support platform</b>"
msgstr ""
-"Ydych chi angen <b>cymorth?</b> Mae arbenigwyr technegol Mandriva i'w "
-"cael ar <b>ein platfform cefnogaeth dechnegol </b>"
+"Ydych chi angen <b>cymorth?</b> Mae arbenigwyr technegol Mandriva i'w cael "
+"ar <b>ein platfform cefnogaeth dechnegol </b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -17516,16 +17513,16 @@ msgstr " [--skiptest] [--cups] [--lprng] [--lpd] [--pdq]"
#, c-format
msgid ""
-" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in "
-"Mandriva Update mode\n"
+" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in Mandriva "
+"Update mode\n"
" --no-verify-rpm do not verify packages signatures\n"
" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
"description window\n"
" --merge-all-rpmnew propose to merge all .rpmnew/.rpmsave files found"
msgstr ""
-" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in "
-"Mandriva Update mode\n"
+" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in Mandriva "
+"Update mode\n"
" --no-verify-rpm do not verify packages signatures\n"
" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
"description window\n"
@@ -26683,10 +26680,6 @@ msgstr "Methodd y gosod"
#~ msgid "Save and close"
#~ msgstr "Cadw a chau"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "Dewiniaid Mandriva"
#~ msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
#~ msgstr "Dim porwr ar gael! Gosodwch un"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/da.po b/perl-install/share/po/da.po
index 576243bfc..b258fd6d6 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/da.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/da.po
@@ -29709,8 +29709,6 @@ msgstr "Installation mislykkedes"
#~ " --report - program bær være én af Mandrakes værktøjer\n"
#~ " --incident - program bær være én af Mandrakes værktøjer"
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Online"
-#~ msgstr "Mandriva Online"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This interface has not been configured yet.\n"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/de.po b/perl-install/share/po/de.po
index ab646b84e..a2fa5c8e7 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/de.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/de.po
@@ -1,31 +1,30 @@
-# translation of de.po to
# translation of de.po to
# translation of de.po to deutsch
# translation of DrakX-de.po to deutsch
# translation of de.po to Deutsch
# translation of DrakX-de.po to german
-# german translation of the MandrakeInstaller.
+# german translation of the MandrivaInstaller.
# Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Mandriva S.A.
# Stefan Siegel <>, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003.
# Sebastian Deutscher <>, 2003,2004.
# Gerhard Ortner <>, 2003, 2004.
# Roy Steuber <>, 2004.
# Marcus Fischer <>, 2004.
-# Frank Köster <>, 2004.
+# Frank Köster <>, 2004, 2005.
# Ronny Standtke <>, 2003, 2004.
# Ronny Standtke <>, 2004, 2005.
# Nicolas Bauer <>, 2005.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: de\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: DrakX-de\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-04-21 14:27+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-04-18 22:19+0200\n"
-"Last-Translator: Ronny Standtke <>\n"
-"Language-Team: <>\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-04-18 23:28+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Frank Köster <>\n"
+"Language-Team: deutsch\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Generator: KBabel 1.9.1\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.10\n"
#: ../move/
#, c-format
@@ -117,7 +116,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Sie können auch ohne einen USB-Stick weitermachen - \n"
"Sie können dann Mandriva Move immernoch als normales\n"
-"Mandrake Betriebssystem nutzen."
+"Mandriva Betriebssystem nutzen."
#: ../move/
#, c-format
@@ -144,7 +143,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Sie können auch ohne einen USB-Stick weitermachen - \n"
"Sie können dann Mandriva Move immernoch als normales\n"
-"Mandrake Betriebssystem nutzen."
+"Mandriva Betriebssystem nutzen."
#: ../move/
#, c-format
@@ -1676,12 +1675,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Administrator wahrscheinlich folgendes ausführen: „C:\\>net localgroup \"Pre-"
"Windows 2000 Compatible Access\" everyone /add“. Anschließend muss der "
"Server neu gestartet werden.\n"
-"Damit Sie Ihren Mandrivalinux-Rechner zur Windows™-Domäne hinzufügen können, "
-"benötigen Sie noch Benutzername und Passwort eines Domänen-Administrators.\n"
+"Damit Sie Ihren Mandriva Linux-Rechner zur Windows™-Domäne hinzufügen "
+"können, benötigen Sie noch Benutzername und Passwort eines Domänen-"
"Sollte das Netzwerk noch nicht aktiv sein, wird DrakX nach der "
"Netzwerkkonfiguration versuchen, sich in die Domäne zu integrieren.\n"
"Sollte dies schief gehen, und die Domänenauthentifizierung funktioniert "
-"nicht, verwenden Sie nach der Installation von Mandrivalinux folgenden "
+"nicht, verwenden Sie nach der Installation von Mandriva Linux folgenden "
"Befehl: „smbpasswd -j DOMÄNE -U BENUTZER%%PASSWORT“, wobei „DOMÄNE“ die "
"Windows™-Domäne ist, „BENUTZER“ und „PASSWORT“ der Benutzername und das "
"Passwort des Domänen-Administrators.\n"
@@ -3898,8 +3898,6 @@ msgstr "Weiter"
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Fortgeschritten"
#, c-format
msgid ""
@@ -4219,8 +4217,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Automatic dependencies"
msgstr "Automatische Abhängigkeiten"
#, c-format
msgid ""
@@ -4241,8 +4237,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Configure"
msgstr "Konfigurieren"
#, c-format
msgid ""
@@ -4282,8 +4276,6 @@ msgstr ""
"im Serverbetrieb laufen. Also, nur die Dienste einschalten, die Sie\n"
"wirklich brauchen! !!"
#, c-format
msgid ""
@@ -4324,8 +4316,6 @@ msgstr "Hardware Uhr gestellt auf GMT"
msgid "Automatic time synchronization"
msgstr "Automatische Zeit-Synchronisation (durch NTP)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
@@ -4502,8 +4492,6 @@ msgstr ""
"(Sie können diese Angaben natürlich nach der Installation noch ändern). Sie\n"
"können sich einen Eindruck anhand des abgebildeten Monitors bilden."
#, c-format
msgid ""
@@ -4515,8 +4503,6 @@ msgstr ""
"ohne 3D-Beschleunigung, werden Sie gebeten, den zu wählen, der Ihren\n"
"Bedürfnissen am besten entspricht."
#, c-format
msgid ""
@@ -4694,8 +4680,6 @@ msgstr "Windows™ löschen"
msgid "Custom disk partitioning"
msgstr "Benutzerdefinierte Partitionierung"
#, c-format
msgid ""
@@ -5153,8 +5137,6 @@ msgstr ""
"„Windows-Name“ ist der Buchstabe, den die Partition (vermutlich) unter\n"
"Windows erhalten würde (die erste Partition der ersten Platte heißt „C:“)."
#, c-format
msgid ""
@@ -5217,8 +5199,6 @@ msgstr ""
"problemlos funktionieren. Ältere Versionen von Mandrivalinux sollten Sie\n"
"nicht zu aktualisieren versuchen."
#, c-format
msgid ""
@@ -5350,7 +5330,7 @@ msgid "Espanol"
msgstr "Spanisch"
#, c-format
msgid ""
@@ -5430,7 +5410,7 @@ msgid "Universal | Any PS/2 & USB mice"
msgstr "Universal | Alle PS/2 & USB-Mäuse"
#, c-format
msgid ""
@@ -5441,7 +5421,7 @@ msgstr ""
"„COM1“ genannte Anschluss in GNU/Linux unter „ttyS0“ erreichbar."
#, c-format
msgid ""
@@ -5528,7 +5508,7 @@ msgid "authentication"
msgstr "Authentifizierung"
#, c-format
msgid ""
@@ -5642,7 +5622,7 @@ msgid "Expert"
msgstr "Expertenmodus"
#, c-format
msgid ""
@@ -5684,7 +5664,7 @@ msgstr ""
"(sofern Sie einen WWW-Zugang haben)."
#, c-format
msgid ""
@@ -5909,7 +5889,7 @@ msgstr ""
"dieser Platte nach diesem Schritt unwiederbringlich verloren sind!"
#, c-format
msgid ""
@@ -6424,8 +6404,8 @@ msgid ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -6439,8 +6419,8 @@ msgid ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -6483,8 +6463,8 @@ msgid ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -6753,7 +6733,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Einige wichtige Pakete wurden nicht richtig installiert. \n"
"Entweder ist Ihr CD-ROM-Laufwerk oder Ihre CD-ROM defekt. \n"
"Testen Sie die CD-ROM auf einem Linux-Rechner mittels „rpm -qpl \n"
#, c-format
@@ -11499,7 +11479,7 @@ msgid ""
"work, you might want to relaunch the configuration."
msgstr ""
"Während der Konfiguration traten Fehler auf.\n"
-"Kontrollieren Sie Ihre Verbindung mit „net_monitor“ oder dem Mandrake "
+"Kontrollieren Sie Ihre Verbindung mit „net_monitor“ oder dem Mandriva "
"Kontrollzentrum. Falls die Verbindung nicht funktioniert, sollten Sie erneut "
"die Konfiguration starten."
@@ -14697,7 +14677,7 @@ msgstr "Das CUPS-Drucksystem kann auf zwei Arten verwendet werden:"
#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "1. The CUPS printing system can run locally. "
-msgstr "1. Das CUPS-Drucksystem kann lokal arbeiten. "
+msgstr "1. Das CUPS-Drucksystem kann lokal arbeiten."
#: printer/
#, c-format
@@ -14707,7 +14687,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"So können lokal angeschlossene Drucker verwendet werden und entfernte "
"Drucker an anderen CUPS-Servern im gleichen Netzwerk werden automatisch "
-"erkannt. "
#: printer/
#, c-format
@@ -14717,17 +14697,16 @@ msgid ""
"daemon has to run in the background and needs some memory, and the IPP port "
"(port 631) is opened. "
msgstr ""
-"Der Nachteil dieser Herangehensweise ist, dass mehr Ressourcen auf dem "
+"Der nachteil dieser Heangehensweise ist, dass mehr Ressourcen auf dem "
"lokalen Rechner gebraucht werden: Zusätzliche Software muss installiert "
"werden, der CUPS-Dämon muss im Hintergrund laufen und braucht etwas "
-"Arbeitsspeicher und der IPP-Port (631) ist offen. "
+"Arbeitsspeicher und der IPP-Port (631) is offen."
#: printer/
#, c-format
msgid "2. All printing requests are immediately sent to a remote CUPS server. "
msgstr ""
-"2. Alle Druckaufträge werden sofort zu einem entfernten CUPS-Server "
-"gesendet. "
+"2. Alle Druckaufträge werden sofort zu einem entfernten CUPS-Server gesendet."
#: printer/
#, c-format
@@ -14749,7 +14728,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Der Nachteil ist, dass dann keine lokalen Drucker eingerichtet werden können "
"und von dieser Maschine überhaupt nicht gedruckt werden kann, wenn der "
-"Server heruntergefahren ist. "
+"Server heruntergefahren ist."
#: printer/
#, c-format
@@ -16284,8 +16263,8 @@ msgstr "Willkommen in der <b>Open Source Welt</b>!"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrivalinux is committed to the open source model. This means that this "
-"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's "
-"team of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
+"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's team "
+"of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
"Mandrivalinux verpflichtet sich dem Open-Source-Modell. Das bedeutet, dass "
@@ -16493,11 +16472,10 @@ msgstr "<b>Mandriva Produkte</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> "
+"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> products."
msgstr ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> hat eine breite Auswahl an <b>Mandrivalinux</b>-"
-"Produkten entwickelt."
+"<b>Mandriva</b> hat eine breite Auswahl an <b>Mandrivalinux</b>-Produkten "
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16539,9 +16517,8 @@ msgid ""
"Mandriva has developed two products that allow you to use Mandrivalinux "
"<b>on any computer</b> and without any need to actually install it:"
msgstr ""
-"Mandriva hat zwei Produkte entwickelt, die es Ihnen erlauben, "
-"Mandrivalinux <b>auf jedem Rechner</b> ohne vorherige Installation zu "
+"Mandriva hat zwei Produkte entwickelt, die es Ihnen erlauben, Mandrivalinux "
+"<b>auf jedem Rechner</b> ohne vorherige Installation zu verwenden:"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16569,8 +16546,8 @@ msgstr "<b>Mandriva Produkte (Professionelle Lösungen)</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional "
+"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional needs</"
msgstr ""
"Unten aufgeführt sind die Mandriva-Produkte für die <b>professionellen "
@@ -16819,13 +16796,12 @@ msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "\t* Browse the web with <b>Mozilla</b> and <b>Konqueror</b>."
msgstr ""
-"\t* Durchstöbern Sie das Internet mit <b>Mozilla</b> und <b>Konqueror</b>."
+"\t* Durchstöbern Sie das Internet mit <b>Mozilla</b> und <b>Konqueror</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "\t* Participate in online chat with <b>Kopete</b>."
-msgstr ""
-"\t* Nehmen Sie mit <b>Kopete</b> und <b>Xchat</b> an Online-Chats teil."
+msgstr "\t* Nehmen Sie an Chats teil mit <b>Kopete</b> und <b>Xchat</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16839,7 +16815,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid "\t* Edit and create images with the <b>GIMP</b>."
-msgstr "\t* Bearbeiten Sie Bilder und Fotos mit <b>Gimp</b>."
+msgstr "\t* Bearbeiten Sie Bilder und Fotos mit <b>The Gimp!</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16860,8 +16836,8 @@ msgid ""
"You will enjoy the powerful, integrated development environment from KDE, "
"<b>KDevelop</b>, which will let you program in a lot of languages."
msgstr ""
-"Sie werden sich an der leistungsfähigen, integrierten Entwicklungsumgebung "
-"von KDE, <b>KDevelop</b>, erfreuen, die Sie in einer Vielzahl von Sprachen "
+"Sie werden sich an der leistungsfähige, integrierte Entwicklungsumgebung von "
+"KDE, <b>KDevelop</b>, erfreuen, die Sie in einer Vielzahl von Sprachen "
"programmieren lässt."
#: share/advertising/
@@ -17112,11 +17088,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Wie jede andere Software, benötigt auch Open Source Software <b>Zeit und "
"Leute</b> für ihre Entwicklung. Um die Open Source Philosophie anzuerkennen, "
-"verkauft Mandriva Mehrwertprodukte und Dienstleistungen, um "
-"<b>Mandrivalinux zu verbessern</b>. Wenn Sie die Open Source Philosophy und "
-"die Entwicklung von Mandrivalinux <b>unterstützen</b> wollen, ziehen Sie "
-"<b>bitte</b> den Kauf eines unserer Produkte oder Dienstleistungen in "
+"verkauft Mandriva Mehrwertprodukte und Dienstleistungen, um <b>Mandrivalinux "
+"zu verbessern</b>. Wenn Sie die Open Source Philosophy und die Entwicklung "
+"von Mandrivalinux <b>unterstützen</b> wollen, ziehen Sie <b>bitte</b> den "
+"Kauf eines unserer Produkte oder Dienstleistungen in Betracht!"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -17126,11 +17101,11 @@ msgstr "<b>Online Warenhaus</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our "
-"<b>e-commerce platform</b>."
+"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our <b>e-"
+"commerce platform</b>."
msgstr ""
-"Um mehr über Mandriva-Produkte und -dienstleistungen zu erfahren, können "
-"Sie unsere <b>e-commerce Plattform</b> besuchen."
+"Um mehr über Mandriva-Produkte und -dienstleistungen zu erfahren, können Sie "
+"unsere <b>e-commerce Plattform</b> besuchen."
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -17266,9 +17241,8 @@ msgid ""
"Do you require <b>assistance?</b> Meet Mandriva's technical experts on "
"<b>our technical support platform</b>"
msgstr ""
-"Benötigen Sie <b>Unterstützung?</b> Treffen Sie Mandrivas "
-"Technikexperten auf <b>unserer technischen Supportplattform</b> www."
+"Benötigen Sie <b>Unterstützung?</b> Treffen Sie Mandrivas Technikexperten "
+"auf <b>unserer technischen Supportplattform</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -17681,8 +17655,8 @@ msgstr ""
" --help - Asgabe dieses Hilfetextes.\n"
-" --report - Name eines Mandrivalinux-Werkzeuges.\n"
-" --incident - Name eines Mandrivalinux-Werkzeuges."
+" --report - Name eines Mandriva Linux-Werkzeuges.\n"
+" --incident - Name eines Mandriva Linux-Werkzeuges."
#, c-format
@@ -17808,8 +17782,8 @@ msgstr " [--skiptest] [--cups] [--lprng] [--lpd] [--pdq]"
#, c-format
msgid ""
-" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in "
-"Mandriva Update mode\n"
+" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in Mandriva "
+"Update mode\n"
" --no-verify-rpm do not verify packages signatures\n"
" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
"description window\n"
@@ -26252,7 +26226,7 @@ msgstr "/_Löschen"
#: standalone/printerdrake:134
#, c-format
msgid "/_Expert mode"
-msgstr "/_Expertenmodus"
+msgstr "/-Expertenmodus"
#: standalone/printerdrake:139
#, c-format
@@ -26666,7 +26640,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Ihr %s wurde konfiguriert.\n"
"Sie können nun Dokumente mit „XSane“ oder „Kooka“ scannen (unter „Multimedia/"
-"Graphik“ im Mandrake-Menü)."
+"Graphik“ im Mandriva-Menü)."
#: standalone/scannerdrake:431
#, c-format
@@ -26952,7 +26926,7 @@ msgstr "Netzwerk konfigurieren"
#, c-format
msgid "Install bootloader"
-msgstr "Betriebsystemstarter"
+msgstr "Betriebssystemstarter"
#, c-format
@@ -27033,15 +27007,1656 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Installation failed"
msgstr "Die Installation schlug fehl!"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Mandriva Linux can support multiple languages. Select\n"
+#~ "the languages you would like to install. They will be available\n"
+#~ "when your installation is complete and you restart your system."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Mandriva Linux unterstützt verschiedene Sprachen. Wählen\n"
+#~ "Sie die Sprachen, die Sie installieren wollen.Diese stehen Ihnen zur\n"
+#~ "Verfügung, nachdem die Installation fertig ist und Sie einen Neustart\n"
+#~ "durchgeführt haben."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Before continuing, you should carefully read the terms of the license. "
+#~ "It\n"
+#~ "covers the entire Mandriva Linux distribution. If you agree with all the\n"
+#~ "terms it contains, check the \"%s\" box. If not, clicking on the \"%s\"\n"
+#~ "button will reboot your computer."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Lesen Sie bitte aufmerksam die Lizenz, bevor Sie fortfahren. Sie umfasst\n"
+#~ "die gesamte Mandriva Linux Distribution. Sollten Sie nicht in allen "
+#~ "Punkten\n"
+#~ "zustimmen, betätigen Sie bitte die Schaltfläche „%s“, um die "
+#~ "Installation\n"
+#~ "abzubrechen. Um mit der Installation fortzufahren, betätigen Sie die\n"
+#~ "Schaltfläche „%s“."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The Mandriva Linux installation is distributed on several CD-ROMs. If a\n"
+#~ "selected package is located on another CD-ROM, DrakX will eject the "
+#~ "current\n"
+#~ "CD and ask you to insert the required one. If you do not have the "
+#~ "requested\n"
+#~ "CD at hand, just click on \"%s\", the corresponding packages will not be\n"
+#~ "installed."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Die Mandriva Linux-Distribution wird auf mehreren CD-ROMs ausgeliefert. "
+#~ "Es\n"
+#~ "kann daher vorkommen, dass DrakX Pakete von anderen, als der\n"
+#~ "Installations-CD-ROM installieren will. In diesem Fall wird es die "
+#~ "aktuelle\n"
+#~ "CD auswerfen und nach einer anderen fragen. Wenn Sie dieses CD nicht "
+#~ "haben,\n"
+#~ "klicken Sie einfach auf „%s“. Die entsprechenden Pakete werden in dem "
+#~ "Fall\n"
+#~ "nicht installiert."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "It's now time to specify which programs you wish to install on your "
+#~ "system.\n"
+#~ "There are thousands of packages available for Mandriva Linux, and to make "
+#~ "it\n"
+#~ "simpler to manage, they have been placed into groups of similar\n"
+#~ "applications.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Mandriva Linux sorts package groups in four categories. You can mix and\n"
+#~ "match applications from the various categories, so a ``Workstation''\n"
+#~ "installation can still have applications from the ``Server'' category\n"
+#~ "installed.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": if you plan to use your machine as a workstation, select one "
+#~ "or\n"
+#~ "more of the groups in the workstation category.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": if you plan on using your machine for programming, select the\n"
+#~ "appropriate groups from that category. The special \"LSB\" group will\n"
+#~ "configure your system so that it complies as much as possible with the\n"
+#~ "Linux Standard Base specifications.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " Selecting the \"LSB\" group will also install the \"2.4\" kernel "
+#~ "series,\n"
+#~ "instead of the default \"2.6\" one. This is to ensure 100%%-LSB "
+#~ "compliance\n"
+#~ "of the system. However, if you do not select the \"LSB\" group you will\n"
+#~ "still have a system which is nearly 100%% LSB-compliant.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": if your machine is intended to be a server, select which of "
+#~ "the\n"
+#~ "more common services you wish to install on your machine.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": this is where you will choose your preferred graphical\n"
+#~ "environment. At least one must be selected if you want to have a "
+#~ "graphical\n"
+#~ "interface available.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Moving the mouse cursor over a group name will display a short "
+#~ "explanatory\n"
+#~ "text about that group.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "You can check the \"%s\" box, which is useful if you're familiar with "
+#~ "the\n"
+#~ "packages being offered or if you want to have total control over what "
+#~ "will\n"
+#~ "be installed.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "If you start the installation in \"%s\" mode, you can deselect all "
+#~ "groups\n"
+#~ "and prevent the installation of any new packages. This is useful for\n"
+#~ "repairing or updating an existing system.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "If you deselect all groups when performing a regular installation (as\n"
+#~ "opposed to an upgrade), a dialog will pop up suggesting different "
+#~ "options\n"
+#~ "for a minimal installation:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": install the minimum number of packages possible to have a\n"
+#~ "working graphical desktop.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": installs the base system plus basic utilities and their\n"
+#~ "documentation. This installation is suitable for setting up a server.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": will install the absolute minimum number of packages "
+#~ "necessary\n"
+#~ "to get a working Linux system. With this installation you will only have "
+#~ "a\n"
+#~ "command-line interface. The total size of this installation is about 65\n"
+#~ "megabytes."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Nun ist es Zeit sich zu entscheiden, welche Programme Sie auf Ihrem "
+#~ "Rechner\n"
+#~ "installieren wollen. Es gibt tausende von Paketen für Mandriva Linux, "
+#~ "und\n"
+#~ "Sie müssen sie nicht alle auswendig kennen.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Die Pakete sind nach ihrer Verwendung in vier Kategorien eingeteilt. Sie\n"
+#~ "können Pakete aus verschiedenen Kategorien nach Belieben mischen, sodass\n"
+#~ "beispielsweise eine „Workstation“-Installation auch Bestandteile einer\n"
+#~ "„Server“-Installation aufweisen kann.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Falls Ihr Rechner als Arbeitsplatzrechner verwendet werden "
+#~ "soll,\n"
+#~ "markieren Sie eine oder mehrere Gruppen.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Falls Sie mit Ihrem Rechner programmieren wollen, sollten Sie\n"
+#~ "diese Gruppe markieren. Die spezielle Gruppe „LSB“ wird Ihr System\n"
+#~ "möglichst eng an den Vorgaben der Linux Standard Base ausrichten.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " Die Auswahl der „LSB“-Gruppe bewirkt auch, dass der Kernel „2.4“\n"
+#~ "anstelle des standardmäßigen Kernel „2.6“ installiert wird, um die 100%%"
+#~ "ige\n"
+#~ "Einhaltung der-LSB-Bedingungen zu garantieren. Allerdings erhalten Sie "
+#~ "auch\n"
+#~ "ohne die Auswahl der „LSB“-Gruppe ein nahezu 100%%ig LSB-konformes "
+#~ "System.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Wenn Ihre Maschine ein Server werden soll, können Sie hier die\n"
+#~ "wichtigsten Dienste auswählen, die auf Ihren Rechner installiert werden\n"
+#~ "sollen.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Wählen Sie hier Ihre bevorzugte grafische Arbeitsoberfläche. "
+#~ "Wenn\n"
+#~ "Sie eine grafische Oberfläche verwenden wollen, so müssen Sie hier\n"
+#~ "zumindest eine Gruppe auswählen.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Wenn Sie die Maus über eine Gruppe bewegen, erhalten Sie einen kurzen\n"
+#~ "erklärenden Text über die Gruppe.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Sie können auch die „%s“ markieren. Das macht Sinn, wenn Sie die Pakete\n"
+#~ "genau kennen oder wenn Sie volle Kontrolle darüber haben wollen, was\n"
+#~ "installiert werden soll.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Haben Sie die Installation als „%s“ gestartet, können Sie die "
+#~ "Markierungen\n"
+#~ "aller Gruppen entfernen, um die Installation neuer Pakete zu vermeiden.\n"
+#~ "Hierdurch werden nur bereits installierte Pakete aktualisiert oder\n"
+#~ "repariert.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Wenn Sie bei einer normalen Installation alle Gruppen de-markieren\n"
+#~ "erscheint ein Dialog, der Ihnen verschiedene Optionen für eine\n"
+#~ "Minimal-Installation anbietet:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“ Installiert eine rudimentäre grafische Oberfläche;\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“ Installiert das Basissystem zuzüglich grundlegender Werkzeuge\n"
+#~ "inklusive deren Dokumentation. Dies ist die sinnvollste Wahl für eine\n"
+#~ "Serverinstallation.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“ Sie erhalten eine komplett „nackte“ 65MB große\n"
+#~ "GNU/Linux-Distribution. Es versteht sich von selbst, dass das nur eine\n"
+#~ "Kommandozeileninstallation sein kann."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you choose to install packages individually, the installer will "
+#~ "present\n"
+#~ "a tree containing all packages classified by groups and subgroups. While\n"
+#~ "browsing the tree, you can select entire groups, subgroups, or "
+#~ "individual\n"
+#~ "packages.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Whenever you select a package on the tree, a description will appear on "
+#~ "the\n"
+#~ "right to let you know the purpose of that package.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "!! If a server package has been selected, either because you "
+#~ "specifically\n"
+#~ "chose the individual package or because it was part of a group of "
+#~ "packages,\n"
+#~ "you'll be asked to confirm that you really want those servers to be\n"
+#~ "installed. By default Mandriva Linux will automatically start any "
+#~ "installed\n"
+#~ "services at boot time. Even if they are safe and have no known issues at\n"
+#~ "the time the distribution was shipped, it is entirely possible that\n"
+#~ "security holes were discovered after this version of Mandriva Linux was\n"
+#~ "finalized. If you do not know what a particular service is supposed to do "
+#~ "or\n"
+#~ "why it's being installed, then click \"%s\". Clicking \"%s\" will "
+#~ "install\n"
+#~ "the listed services and they will be started automatically at boot "
+#~ "time. !!\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "The \"%s\" option is used to disable the warning dialog which appears\n"
+#~ "whenever the installer automatically selects a package to resolve a\n"
+#~ "dependency issue. Some packages depend on others and the installation of\n"
+#~ "one particular package may require the installation of another package. "
+#~ "The\n"
+#~ "installer can determine which packages are required to satisfy a "
+#~ "dependency\n"
+#~ "to successfully complete the installation.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "The tiny floppy disk icon at the bottom of the list allows you to load a\n"
+#~ "package list created during a previous installation. This is useful if "
+#~ "you\n"
+#~ "have a number of machines that you wish to configure identically. "
+#~ "Clicking\n"
+#~ "on this icon will ask you to insert the floppy disk created at the end "
+#~ "of\n"
+#~ "another installation. See the second tip of the last step on how to "
+#~ "create\n"
+#~ "such a floppy."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Falls Sie sich für die einzelne Paketauswahl entschieden haben erhalten "
+#~ "Sie eine\n"
+#~ "Baumliste aller Pakete, nach Gruppen und Untergruppen klassifiziert. "
+#~ "Beim\n"
+#~ "Durchstöbern des Baums können Sie Gruppen, Untergruppen oder einzelne "
+#~ "Pakete\n"
+#~ "auswählen.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Wenn Sie ein Paket auswählen, erscheint rechts eine kurze Beschreibung.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "!! Es kommt vor, dass Server- und Dienst-Pakete angewählt wurden - "
+#~ "entweder\n"
+#~ "absichtlich, oder als Paket einer ganzen Gruppe; sollte das der Fall "
+#~ "sein,\n"
+#~ "werden Sie nun gefragt, ob Sie diese wirklich installiert haben wollen.\n"
+#~ "Unter Mandriva Linux werden installierte Server und Dienste automatisch "
+#~ "beim\n"
+#~ "Betriebssystemstart gestartet. Selbst wenn zum Zeitpunkt, als die\n"
+#~ "Distribution zusammengestellt wurde, keine Sicherheitslücken oder Fehler "
+#~ "in\n"
+#~ "diesen Paketen bekannt waren, ist natürlich nicht auszuschließen, dass\n"
+#~ "später solche Fehler gefunden werden. Sollten Sie also nicht wissen, "
+#~ "wovon\n"
+#~ "hier die Rede ist, wählen Sie sicherheitshalber lieber „%s“. Falls Sie "
+#~ "mit\n"
+#~ "„%s“ antworten, werden die Dienste und Server installiert und stehen "
+#~ "Ihnen\n"
+#~ "nach der Installation standardmäßig zur Verfügung. !!\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Die Option „%s“ unterdrückt nur die Warnungen, die erscheinen, wenn das\n"
+#~ "Installationsprogramm Pakete automatisch markiert, um "
+#~ "Paketabhängigkeiten\n"
+#~ "aufzulösen, wenn Sie ein Paket auswählen. Einige Pakete hängen von der\n"
+#~ "Existenz anderer Pakete ab und die Installation eines Paketes mag die\n"
+#~ "Installation eines anderen voraussetzen. Das Installprogramm ist in der\n"
+#~ "Lage, diese Abhängigkeiten zu erkennen und zu erfüllen.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Das kleine Diskettensymbol am unteren Rand der Liste ermöglicht es "
+#~ "Ihnen,\n"
+#~ "die während einer vorangegangenen Installation gespeicherte Paketauswahl\n"
+#~ "erneut zu verwenden. Durch Betätigen der Schaltfläche öffnen Sie einen\n"
+#~ "Dialog, der Sie auffordert, die Diskette einzulegen, die die Auswahl der\n"
+#~ "früheren Installation enthält. Um zu erfahren, wie Sie diese Diskette\n"
+#~ "erstellen, lesen Sie bitte den zweiten Tipp des vorangegangenen\n"
+#~ "Installationsschrittes."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "X (for X Window System) is the heart of the GNU/Linux graphical "
+#~ "interface\n"
+#~ "on which all the graphical environments (KDE, GNOME, AfterStep,\n"
+#~ "WindowMaker, etc.) bundled with Mandriva Linux rely upon.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "You'll see a list of different parameters to change to get an optimal\n"
+#~ "graphical display.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Graphic Card\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " The installer will normally automatically detect and configure the\n"
+#~ "graphic card installed on your machine. If this is not correct, you can\n"
+#~ "choose from this list the card you actually have installed.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " In the situation where different servers are available for your card,\n"
+#~ "with or without 3D acceleration, you're asked to choose the server which\n"
+#~ "best suits your needs.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Monitor\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " Normally the installer will automatically detect and configure the\n"
+#~ "monitor connected to your machine. If it is not correct, you can choose\n"
+#~ "from this list the monitor which is connected to your computer.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Resolution\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " Here you can choose the resolutions and color depths available for "
+#~ "your\n"
+#~ "graphics hardware. Choose the one which best suits your needs (you will "
+#~ "be\n"
+#~ "able to make changes after the installation). A sample of the chosen\n"
+#~ "configuration is shown in the monitor picture.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Test\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " Depending on your hardware, this entry might not appear.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " The system will try to open a graphical screen at the desired\n"
+#~ "resolution. If you see the test message during the test and answer \"%s"
+#~ "\",\n"
+#~ "then DrakX will proceed to the next step. If you do not see it, then it\n"
+#~ "means that some part of the auto-detected configuration was incorrect "
+#~ "and\n"
+#~ "the test will automatically end after 12 seconds and return you to the\n"
+#~ "menu. Change settings until you get a correct graphical display.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Options\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " This steps allows you to choose whether you want your machine to\n"
+#~ "automatically switch to a graphical interface at boot. Obviously, you "
+#~ "may\n"
+#~ "want to check \"%s\" if your machine is to act as a server, or if you "
+#~ "were\n"
+#~ "not successful in getting the display configured."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "X (das X Window System) ist das Herz der grafischen Benutzeroberfläche "
+#~ "von\n"
+#~ "GNU/Linux. Es bildet die Grundlage für die Vielzahl grafischer\n"
+#~ "Benutzerumgebungen, die Mandriva Linux Ihnen anbietet (wie etwa KDE, "
+#~ "GNOME,\n"
+#~ "AfterStep oder WindowMaker).\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Sie erhalten eine Liste möglicher Parameter, mit deren Hilfe Sie die\n"
+#~ "Grafikausgabe ändern können:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Grafikkarte\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " DrakX erkennt normalerweise automatisch Ihre Grafikkarte und richtet "
+#~ "sie\n"
+#~ "entsprechend ein. Sollten dabei Probleme auftreten, können Sie in der "
+#~ "hier\n"
+#~ "aufgeführten Liste Ihr Modell auswählen.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " Falls für Ihre Karte verschiedene Server zur Verfügung stehen, etwa "
+#~ "mit\n"
+#~ "und ohne 3D-Beschleunigung, werden Sie gebeten, den zu wählen, der Ihren\n"
+#~ "Bedürfnissen am besten entspricht.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Monitor\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " DrakX erkennt normalerweise automatisch Ihren Monitor. Sollten dabei\n"
+#~ "Probleme auftreten, können Sie in der hier aufgeführten Liste Ihr Modell\n"
+#~ "auswählen.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Auflösung\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " Sie können hier Auflösung und Farbtiefe für Ihre Hardware wählen.\n"
+#~ "Entscheiden Sie sich, welche Variante Ihren Wünschen am ehesten "
+#~ "entspricht\n"
+#~ "(Sie können diese Angaben natürlich nach der Installation noch ändern).\n"
+#~ "Anhand des abgebildeten Monitors können Sie sich einen sofortigen "
+#~ "Eindruck\n"
+#~ "bilden.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Test\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " Je nach Hardware kann es sein, dass dieser Eintrag nicht erscheint.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " DrakX versucht eine Testbild mit denen von Ihnen gewünschten\n"
+#~ "Einstellungen zu öffnen. Falls Sie während des Tests einen Dialog sehen, "
+#~ "in\n"
+#~ "dem Sie gefragt werden, ob sie die getroffenen Einstellungen behalten\n"
+#~ "wollen, antworten Sie mit „%s“, damit DrakX mit dem nächsten\n"
+#~ "Installationsschritt fortfährt. Sollten Sie die Nachricht nicht sehen,\n"
+#~ "bedeutet das, dass eine oder mehrere getroffene Einstellungen nicht "
+#~ "korrekt\n"
+#~ "sind. Nach 12 Sekunden sollten Sie wieder das Installationsmenü sehen. "
+#~ "Sie\n"
+#~ "können nun die Einstellungen ändern, bis Sie das Testbild sehen.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Optionen\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " Sie können direkt bei Betriebssystemstart die grafische Umgebung\n"
+#~ "aktivieren. Durch Betätigen der Schaltfläche „%s“ wird in eine reine\n"
+#~ "Textumgebung gestartet. Das ist sinnvoll für Server oder wenn Sie bei "
+#~ "dem\n"
+#~ "Versuch die grafische Umgebung zu konfigurieren erfolglos waren."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You now need to decide where you want to install the Mandriva Linux\n"
+#~ "operating system on your hard drive. If your hard drive is empty or if "
+#~ "an\n"
+#~ "existing operating system is using all the available space you will have "
+#~ "to\n"
+#~ "partition the drive. Basically, partitioning a hard drive means to\n"
+#~ "logically divide it to create the space needed to install your new\n"
+#~ "Mandriva Linux system.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Because the process of partitioning a hard drive is usually irreversible\n"
+#~ "and can lead to data losses, partitioning can be intimidating and "
+#~ "stressful\n"
+#~ "for the inexperienced user. Fortunately, DrakX includes a wizard which\n"
+#~ "simplifies this process. Before continuing with this step, read through "
+#~ "the\n"
+#~ "rest of this section and above all, take your time.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Depending on the configuration of your hard drive, several options are\n"
+#~ "available:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\". This option will perform an automatic partitioning of your "
+#~ "blank\n"
+#~ "drive(s). If you use this option there will be no further prompts.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\". The wizard has detected one or more existing Linux partitions "
+#~ "on\n"
+#~ "your hard drive. If you want to use them, choose this option. You will "
+#~ "then\n"
+#~ "be asked to choose the mount points associated with each of the "
+#~ "partitions.\n"
+#~ "The legacy mount points are selected by default, and for the most part "
+#~ "it's\n"
+#~ "a good idea to keep them.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\". If Microsoft Windows is installed on your hard drive and "
+#~ "takes\n"
+#~ "all the space available on it, you will have to create free space for\n"
+#~ "GNU/Linux. To do so, you can delete your Microsoft Windows partition and\n"
+#~ "data (see ``Erase entire disk'' solution) or resize your Microsoft "
+#~ "Windows\n"
+#~ "FAT or NTFS partition. Resizing can be performed without the loss of any\n"
+#~ "data, provided you've previously defragmented the Windows partition.\n"
+#~ "Backing up your data is strongly recommended. Using this option is\n"
+#~ "recommended if you want to use both Mandriva Linux and Microsoft Windows "
+#~ "on\n"
+#~ "the same computer.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " Before choosing this option, please understand that after this\n"
+#~ "procedure, the size of your Microsoft Windows partition will be smaller\n"
+#~ "than when you started. You'll have less free space under Microsoft "
+#~ "Windows\n"
+#~ "to store your data or to install new software.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\". If you want to delete all data and all partitions present on\n"
+#~ "your hard drive and replace them with your new Mandriva Linux system, "
+#~ "choose\n"
+#~ "this option. Be careful, because you will not be able to undo this "
+#~ "operation\n"
+#~ "after you confirm.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " !! If you choose this option, all data on your disk will be "
+#~ "deleted. !!\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\". This option appears when the hard drive is entirely taken by\n"
+#~ "Microsoft Windows. Choosing this option will simply erase everything on "
+#~ "the\n"
+#~ "drive and begin fresh, partitioning everything from scratch.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " !! If you choose this option, all data on your disk will be lost. !!\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\". Choose this option if you want to manually partition your "
+#~ "hard\n"
+#~ "drive. Be careful -- it is a powerful but dangerous choice and you can "
+#~ "very\n"
+#~ "easily lose all your data. That's why this option is really only\n"
+#~ "recommended if you have done something like this before and have some\n"
+#~ "experience. For more instructions on how to use the DiskDrake utility,\n"
+#~ "refer to the ``Managing Your Partitions'' section in the ``Starter "
+#~ "Guide''."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Sie müssen nun entscheiden, wo auf Ihrer/n Festplatte(n) Ihr Mandriva "
+#~ "Linux\n"
+#~ "System installiert werden soll. Sofern alles leer ist bzw. ein\n"
+#~ "Betriebssystem alles belegt, müssen die Platte(n) neu partitioniert "
+#~ "werden.\n"
+#~ "Prinzipiell besteht das Partitionieren der Platte(n) darin, den\n"
+#~ "Plattenplatz so aufzuteilen, dass Ihr Mandriva Linux darauf installiert\n"
+#~ "werden kann.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Da dieser Schritt normalerweise irreversibel ist und auch zu "
+#~ "Datenverlusten\n"
+#~ "führen kann haben manche unerfahrenen User Hemmungen, diesen Schritt\n"
+#~ "auszuführen. Glücklicherweise enthält DrakX einen Assistenten, der den\n"
+#~ "Prozess sehr vereinfacht. Lesen Sie dennoch vor Beginn im Handbuch die\n"
+#~ "entsprechenden Passagen und lassen Sie sich Zeit mit der Entscheidung.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Abhängig vom aktuellen Zustand Ihrer Platte(n) haben Sie verschiedene\n"
+#~ "Alternativen:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Dies führt einfach dazu, dass Ihre leere(n) Festplatte(n)\n"
+#~ "automatisch partitioniert werden; Sie müssen sich also um nichts weiter\n"
+#~ "kümmern.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Der Assistent hat eine oder mehrere existierende Linux-"
+#~ "Partitionen\n"
+#~ "auf Ihrer Platte gefunden. Wählen Sie diese Schaltfläche, falls Sie sie\n"
+#~ "behalten wollen. Sie werden dann gebeten, die Einhängpunkte der "
+#~ "Partitionen\n"
+#~ "anzugeben. Als Vorgabe erhalten Sie die Einhängpunkte der gefundenen\n"
+#~ "Distribution, normalerweise ist es nicht nötig diese zu ändern.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Falls der gesamte Plattenplatz aktuell für Microsoft Windows™\n"
+#~ "verschwendet ist, müssen Sie für GNU/Linux Platz schaffen. Um dies zu\n"
+#~ "erreichen, können Sie entweder Ihre Microsoft Windows™ Partition(en)\n"
+#~ "samt Daten löschen (siehe „Komplette Platte löschen“) oder Ihre "
+#~ "Microsoft\n"
+#~ "Windows NTFS oder FAT Partition verkleinern. Letzteres geht ohne\n"
+#~ "Datenverlust, vorausgesetzt Sie haben ihre Windows Partition(en) vorher\n"
+#~ "defragmentiert. Dennoch sollten Sie vor diesem Schritt eine "
+#~ "Sicherungskopie\n"
+#~ "Ihrer Daten auf einem anderem Medium als der zu verändernden Festplatte\n"
+#~ "vornehmen. Sie sollten diese Variante wählen, falls Sie beide\n"
+#~ "Betriebssysteme (Microsoft Windows und Mandriva Linux) nebeneinander "
+#~ "nutzen\n"
+#~ "wollen.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " Bevor Sie sich für diese Variante entscheiden, sei hier noch einmal\n"
+#~ "betont, dass das bedeutet, Sie haben weniger Platz für Microsoft Windows\n"
+#~ "als momentan.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Falls Sie alle Daten Ihrer Platte verlieren, und sie durch Ihr\n"
+#~ "neues Mandriva Linux System ersetzen wollen, wählen Sie diese "
+#~ "Schaltfläche.\n"
+#~ "Beachten Sie, dass dieser Schritt nicht rückgängig gemacht werden kann.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " !! Wenn Sie diese Variante wählen, werden alle Ihre Daten auf der "
+#~ "Platte\n"
+#~ "gelöscht! !!\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Diese Option erscheint, wenn der gesamte Platz von Microsoft\n"
+#~ "Windows eingenommen wird. Bei der Auswahl der Option wird einfach der\n"
+#~ "gesamte Inhalt der Platte gelöscht und neu partitioniert.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " !! Wenn Sie diese Variante wählen, werden alle Ihre Daten auf der "
+#~ "Platte\n"
+#~ "gelöscht! !!\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Wenn Sie Ihre Festplatte selbst von Hand partitionieren wollen,\n"
+#~ "dann können Sie diese Option wählen. Seien Sie bitte sehr sorgfältig, "
+#~ "wenn\n"
+#~ "Sie diese Lösung wählen, da Sie zwar alle möglichen Einstellungen\n"
+#~ "vornehmen, aber gleichzeitig auch sehr leicht Daten verlieren können. "
+#~ "Diese\n"
+#~ "Option ist nur geeignet, wenn Sie wissen, was Sie tun. Um zu erfahren, "
+#~ "wie\n"
+#~ "Sie DiskDrake verwenden können, lesen Sie bitte das Kapitel „Ihre\n"
+#~ "Partitionen verwalten“ im „Starter Handbuch“."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you chose to reuse some legacy GNU/Linux partitions, you may wish to\n"
+#~ "reformat some of them and erase any data they contain. To do so, please\n"
+#~ "select those partitions as well.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Please note that it's not necessary to reformat all pre-existing\n"
+#~ "partitions. You must reformat the partitions containing the operating\n"
+#~ "system (such as \"/\", \"/usr\" or \"/var\") but you do not have to "
+#~ "reformat\n"
+#~ "partitions containing data that you wish to keep (typically \"/home\").\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Please be careful when selecting partitions. After the formatting is\n"
+#~ "completed, all data on the selected partitions will be deleted and you\n"
+#~ "will not be able to recover it.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Click on \"%s\" when you're ready to format the partitions.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Click on \"%s\" if you want to choose another partition for your new\n"
+#~ "Mandriva Linux operating system installation.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Click on \"%s\" if you wish to select partitions which will be checked "
+#~ "for\n"
+#~ "bad blocks on the disk."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Sie erhalten hier die Möglichkeit bereits existierende Partitionen neu "
+#~ "zu\n"
+#~ "formatieren, um die darauf vorhandenen Daten zu löschen. Markieren Sie\n"
+#~ "diese einfach ebenfalls in der Liste.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Es sei angemerkt, dass nicht alle Partitionen neu formatiert werden "
+#~ "müssen.\n"
+#~ "Sie sollten normalerweise nur die Partitionen neu formatieren, die\n"
+#~ "Systemdateien, jedoch keine Privatdaten enthalten (etwa „/“, „/usr“ oder\n"
+#~ "„/var“). Partitionen wie etwa „/home“ sollten Sie normalerweise nicht "
+#~ "neu\n"
+#~ "formatieren.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Seien Sie sorgfältig bei der Auswahl der Partitionen. Nach dem "
+#~ "Formatieren\n"
+#~ "sind alle zuvor darauf existierenden Daten unwiederbringlich verloren.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Wenn Sie alle Einstellungen vorgenommen haben, betätigen Sie die\n"
+#~ "Schaltfläche „%s“, um mit dem Formatieren der Partitionen zu beginnen.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Betätigen Sie „%s“, wenn Sie eine andere Partition für Ihr neues\n"
+#~ "Mandriva Linux vorgesehen haben.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Betätigen Sie die Schaltfläche „%s“, falls Sie Partitionen auf defekte\n"
+#~ "Blöcke untersuchen wollen."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "By the time you install Mandriva Linux, it's likely that some packages "
+#~ "will\n"
+#~ "have been updated since the initial release. Bugs may have been fixed,\n"
+#~ "security issues resolved. To allow you to benefit from these updates,\n"
+#~ "you're now able to download them from the Internet. Check \"%s\" if you\n"
+#~ "have a working Internet connection, or \"%s\" if you prefer to install\n"
+#~ "updated packages later.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Choosing \"%s\" will display a list of web locations from which updates "
+#~ "can\n"
+#~ "be retrieved. You should choose one near to you. A package-selection "
+#~ "tree\n"
+#~ "will appear: review the selection, and press \"%s\" to retrieve and "
+#~ "install\n"
+#~ "the selected package(s), or \"%s\" to abort."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Es ist sehr wahrscheinlich, dass zum Zeitpunkt Ihrer Mandriva Linux\n"
+#~ "Installation bereits einige Pakete aktualisiert wurden, etwa da noch "
+#~ "Fehler\n"
+#~ "entdeckt und beseitigt wurden oder da in Paketen Sicherheitslücken "
+#~ "entdeckt\n"
+#~ "wurden, für die bereits Lösungen existieren. Um von diesen "
+#~ "aktualisierten\n"
+#~ "Paketen Gebrauch zu machen, wird Ihnen nun angeboten, diese aus dem\n"
+#~ "Internet nachzuladen. Betätigen Sie die Schaltfläche „%s“, wenn Sie "
+#~ "einen\n"
+#~ "Internetzugang haben, um die Pakete zu installieren, andernfalls "
+#~ "betätigen\n"
+#~ "Sie die Schaltfläche „%s“. Sie können diese Pakete natürlich auch "
+#~ "jederzeit\n"
+#~ "nach der Installation noch installieren.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Betätigen der Schaltfläche „%s“ zeigt Ihnen eine Liste von Servern, von\n"
+#~ "denen Sie die Aktualisierungen herunterladen können. Wählen Sie einen in\n"
+#~ "Ihrer Nähe. Sie erhalten dann einen Paketauswahldialog: Kontrollieren "
+#~ "Sie\n"
+#~ "die Auswahl und bestätigen Sie diese durch Betätigen von „%s“. Die "
+#~ "Pakete\n"
+#~ "werden nun angefordert und installiert. Sollten Sie das nicht wünschen,\n"
+#~ "betätigen Sie einfach die Schaltfläche „%s“."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "At this point, DrakX will allow you to choose the security level you "
+#~ "desire\n"
+#~ "for your machine. As a rule of thumb, the security level should be set\n"
+#~ "higher if the machine is to contain crucial data, or if it's to be "
+#~ "directly\n"
+#~ "exposed to the Internet. The trade-off that a higher security level is\n"
+#~ "generally obtained at the expense of ease of use.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "If you do not know what to choose, keep the default option. You'll be "
+#~ "able\n"
+#~ "to change it later with the draksec tool, which is part of Mandriva "
+#~ "Linux\n"
+#~ "Control Center.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Fill the \"%s\" field with the e-mail address of the person responsible "
+#~ "for\n"
+#~ "security. Security messages will be sent to that address."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Nun ist es an der Zeit, mittels DrakX die gewünschte Sicherheitsebene "
+#~ "für\n"
+#~ "Ihr System festzulegen. Als Faustregel sollte hier dienen: Je "
+#~ "zugänglicher\n"
+#~ "die Maschine ist und je kritischer die auf ihr gesicherten Daten sind,\n"
+#~ "desto höher sollte die Sicherheitsebene sein. Andererseits geht die\n"
+#~ "gewonnene Sicherheit zulasten der Benutzerfreundlichkeit und "
+#~ "Einfachheit.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Sollten Sie sich an dieser Stelle nicht sicher sein, so behalten Sie die\n"
+#~ "Standardeinstellung bei. Sie können die Ebene später noch mittels "
+#~ "draksec\n"
+#~ "im Mandriva Linux Control Center anpassen.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Das Feld „%s“ dient dazu, dem System mitzuteilen, wer für die Sicherheit\n"
+#~ "dieses Rechners verantwortlich ist. An dieses Kennzeichen/diese E-Mail\n"
+#~ "Adresse werden sicherheitsrelevante Informationen per E-Mail versandt."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "At this point, you need to choose which partition(s) will be used for "
+#~ "the\n"
+#~ "installation of your Mandriva Linux system. If partitions have already "
+#~ "been\n"
+#~ "defined, either from a previous installation of GNU/Linux or by another\n"
+#~ "partitioning tool, you can use existing partitions. Otherwise, hard "
+#~ "drive\n"
+#~ "partitions must be defined.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "To create partitions, you must first select a hard drive. You can select\n"
+#~ "the disk for partitioning by clicking on ``hda'' for the first IDE "
+#~ "drive,\n"
+#~ "``hdb'' for the second, ``sda'' for the first SCSI drive and so on.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "To partition the selected hard drive, you can use these options:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": this option deletes all partitions on the selected hard drive\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": this option enables you to automatically create ext3 and swap\n"
+#~ "partitions in the free space of your hard drive\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\"%s\": gives access to additional features:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": saves the partition table to a floppy. Useful for later\n"
+#~ "partition-table recovery if necessary. It is strongly recommended that "
+#~ "you\n"
+#~ "perform this step.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": allows you to restore a previously saved partition table from "
+#~ "a\n"
+#~ "floppy disk.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": if your partition table is damaged, you can try to recover it\n"
+#~ "using this option. Please be careful and remember that it does not "
+#~ "always\n"
+#~ "work.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": discards all changes and reloads the partition table that was\n"
+#~ "originally on the hard drive.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": un-checking this option will force users to manually mount "
+#~ "and\n"
+#~ "unmount removable media such as floppies and CD-ROMs.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": use this option if you wish to use a wizard to partition your\n"
+#~ "hard drive. This is recommended if you do not have a good understanding "
+#~ "of\n"
+#~ "partitioning.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": use this option to cancel your changes.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": allows additional actions on partitions (type, options, "
+#~ "format)\n"
+#~ "and gives more information about the hard drive.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": when you are finished partitioning your hard drive, this will\n"
+#~ "save your changes back to disk.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "When defining the size of a partition, you can finely set the partition\n"
+#~ "size by using the Arrow keys of your keyboard.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Note: you can reach any option using the keyboard. Navigate through the\n"
+#~ "partitions using [Tab] and the [Up/Down] arrows.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "When a partition is selected, you can use:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * Ctrl-c to create a new partition (when an empty partition is "
+#~ "selected)\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * Ctrl-d to delete a partition\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * Ctrl-m to set the mount point\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "To get information about the different file system types available, "
+#~ "please\n"
+#~ "read the ext2FS chapter from the ``Reference Manual''.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "If you are installing on a PPC machine, you will want to create a small "
+#~ "HFS\n"
+#~ "``bootstrap'' partition of at least 1MB which will be used by the yaboot\n"
+#~ "bootloader. If you opt to make the partition a bit larger, say 50MB, you\n"
+#~ "may find it a useful place to store a spare kernel and ramdisk images "
+#~ "for\n"
+#~ "emergency boot situations."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Sie müssen nun entscheiden, auf welche(n) Partition(en) Ihr neues "
+#~ "Mandriva\n"
+#~ "Linux System installiert werden soll. Falls bereits Partitionen "
+#~ "existieren\n"
+#~ "(etwa von einer früheren Installation von GNU/Linux oder durch das "
+#~ "Erzeugen\n"
+#~ "mit einem anderen Partitionierungswerkzeug), können Sie diese verwenden.\n"
+#~ "Anderenfalls müssen Sie Partitionen definieren.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Um Partitionen zu erzeugen müssen Sie erst eine Festplatte wählen. Sie\n"
+#~ "können die Platte wählen in dem Sie „hda“ für die erste IDE-Platte "
+#~ "wählen,\n"
+#~ "„sda“ für die erste SCSI-Platte, usw.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Um die gewählte Platte zu partitionieren stehen folgende Möglichkeiten "
+#~ "zur\n"
+#~ "Verfügung:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Betätigen dieser Schaltfläche löscht alle Partitionen auf der\n"
+#~ "markierten Festplatte.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Dieser Punkt aktiviert die automatische ext3- und\n"
+#~ "Swap-Partitionen-Erstellung im ungenutzten Bereich Ihrer Festplatte.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "„%s“: bietet Zugriff auf weitere Möglichkeiten:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Sie können hiermit Ihre aktuelle Partitionstabelle auf Diskette\n"
+#~ "speichern.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Mit dieser Schaltfläche können Sie eine vorher auf Diskette\n"
+#~ "gesicherte Partitionstabelle wieder herstellen.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Sollte Ihre Partitionstabelle zerstört worden sein, können Sie\n"
+#~ "versuchen, mit dieser Schaltfläche eine Restaurierung vorzunehmen. Seien\n"
+#~ "Sie vorsichtig! Es ist nicht unwahrscheinlich, dass dieser Versuch fehl\n"
+#~ "schlägt.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Alle Änderungen verwerfen und mit der ursprünglichen\n"
+#~ "Partitionstabelle neu beginnen.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Entfernen dieser Markierung führt dazu, dass die Anwender\n"
+#~ "hinterher die Wechselmedien manuell ein- und aushängen müssen.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Falls Sie keine Ahnung haben wie Sie die Festplatte "
+#~ "partitionieren\n"
+#~ "sollen, wählen Sie diese Schaltfläche. Sie überlassen damit die gesamte\n"
+#~ "Arbeit unserem Assistenten, der mittels „Abra Kadabra“™ Ihre Platte\n"
+#~ "partitioniert.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Mit dieser Schaltfläche können Sie alle Einstellungen "
+#~ "rückgängig\n"
+#~ "machen.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Anbieten bzw. Maskieren von Zusatzmöglichkeiten.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Nachdem Sie das Partitionieren Ihrer Festplatte beendet haben,\n"
+#~ "aktivieren Sie diese Schaltfläche, um Ihre Änderungen zu speichern.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Wenn Sie die Größe einer Partition festlegen wollen, können Sie die\n"
+#~ "Feineinstellungen mit den Rechts- / Links-Pfeiltasten Ihrer Tastatur\n"
+#~ "vornehmen.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Information: Sie können alle Einstellungen per Tastatur vornehmen. "
+#~ "Mittels\n"
+#~ "[Tab] und den Hoch-/Runter-Pfeiltasten können Sie sich bewegen.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Wenn eine Partition ausgewählt ist, können Sie mittels:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * Strg-C - eine neue Partition erstellen (wenn Sie auf einer leeren\n"
+#~ "Partition sind)\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * Strg-D - die Partition löschen\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * Strg-M - den Einhängpunkt festlegen.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Um mehr Informationen über die verschiedenen Dateisystemtypen zu "
+#~ "erhalten,\n"
+#~ "lesen Sie bitte das Kapitel ext2FS in der „Referenz“.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Falls Sie die Installation auf einem PPC-Rechner vornehmen, sollten Sie\n"
+#~ "eine mindestens 1MB, große HFS Start-Partition für den\n"
+#~ "Betriebssystemstarter yaboot erstellen. Wenn Sie diese Partition etwas\n"
+#~ "größer dimensionieren, etwa 50MB, haben Sie einen geeigneten Platz, um\n"
+#~ "einen Rettungskern samt RamDisk abzulegen, um in Notfällen starten zu\n"
+#~ "können."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "More than one Microsoft partition has been detected on your hard drive.\n"
+#~ "Please choose the one which you want to resize in order to install your "
+#~ "new\n"
+#~ "Mandriva Linux operating system.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Each partition is listed as follows: \"Linux name\", \"Windows name\"\n"
+#~ "\"Capacity\".\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\"Linux name\" is structured: \"hard drive type\", \"hard drive number"
+#~ "\",\n"
+#~ "\"partition number\" (for example, \"hda1\").\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\"Hard drive type\" is \"hd\" if your hard dive is an IDE hard drive and\n"
+#~ "\"sd\" if it is a SCSI hard drive.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\"Hard drive number\" is always a letter after \"hd\" or \"sd\". With "
+#~ "IDE\n"
+#~ "hard drives:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"a\" means \"master hard drive on the primary IDE controller\";\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"b\" means \"slave hard drive on the primary IDE controller\";\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"c\" means \"master hard drive on the secondary IDE controller\";\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"d\" means \"slave hard drive on the secondary IDE controller\".\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "With SCSI hard drives, an \"a\" means \"lowest SCSI ID\", a \"b\" means\n"
+#~ "\"second lowest SCSI ID\", etc.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\"Windows name\" is the letter of your hard drive under Windows (the "
+#~ "first\n"
+#~ "disk or partition is called \"C:\")."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Es wurde mehr als eine Windows-Partition gefunden. Wählen Sie bitte, "
+#~ "welche\n"
+#~ "Sie verkleinern wollen, um Platz für Ihr neues Mandriva Linux zu "
+#~ "schaffen.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Die Partitionen werden folgendermaßen aufgelistet: „Linux-Name“,\n"
+#~ "„Windows-Name“, „Kapazität“.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "„Linux-Name“ hat folgende Struktur: „Festplattentyp“, "
+#~ "„Festplattennummer“,\n"
+#~ "„Partitionsnummer“ (etwa „hda1“).\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "„Festplattentyp“ ist „hd“, falls Ihre Platte eine IDE/ATAPI-Platte ist, "
+#~ "und\n"
+#~ "„sd“, wenn es sich um eine SCSI-Platte handelt.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "„Festplattennummer“ ist immer der Buchstabe hinter dem Festplattentyp. "
+#~ "Bei\n"
+#~ "IDE-Platten bedeutet:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „a“ ist „Master-Platte am primären IDE-Controller“;\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „b“ ist „Slave-Platte am primären IDE-Controller“;\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „c“ ist „Master-Platte am sekundären IDE-Controller“;\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „d“ ist „Slave-Platte am sekundären IDE-Controller“;\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Bei SCSI-Platten steht „a“ für „niedrigste SCSI-ID“, „b“ für\n"
+#~ "„zweitniedrigste SCSI-ID“, etc.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "„Windows-Name“ ist der Buchstabe, den die Partition (vermutlich) unter\n"
+#~ "Windows erhalten würde (die erste Partition der ersten Platte heißt „C:“)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This step is activated only if an existing GNU/Linux partition has been\n"
+#~ "found on your machine.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "DrakX now needs to know if you want to perform a new installation or an\n"
+#~ "upgrade of an existing Mandriva Linux system:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\". For the most part, this completely wipes out the old system.\n"
+#~ "However, depending on your partitioning scheme, you can prevent some of\n"
+#~ "your existing data (notably \"home\" directories) from being over-"
+#~ "written.\n"
+#~ "If you wish to change how your hard drives are partitioned, or to change\n"
+#~ "the file system, you should use this option.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\". This installation class allows you to update the packages\n"
+#~ "currently installed on your Mandriva Linux system. Your current "
+#~ "partitioning\n"
+#~ "scheme and user data will not be altered. Most of the other "
+#~ "configuration\n"
+#~ "steps remain available and are similar to a standard installation.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Using the ``Upgrade'' option should work fine on Mandriva Linux systems\n"
+#~ "running version \"8.1\" or later. Performing an upgrade on versions "
+#~ "prior\n"
+#~ "to Mandriva Linux version \"8.1\" is not recommended."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Dieser Schritt wird nur aufgerufen, wenn mindestens eine GNU/Linux\n"
+#~ "Partition auf Ihren Festplatten gefunden wird.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "DrakX fragt Sie nun nach der gewünschten Installationsart. Sie haben die\n"
+#~ "Wahl zwischen einer Aktualisierung einer bereits vorhandenen\n"
+#~ "Mandriva Linux-Version oder einer kompletten Neuinstallation:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Entfernt komplett ältere Versionen von Mandriva Linux, die noch\n"
+#~ "installiert sind - um genau zu sein, können Sie je nach aktuellem Inhalt\n"
+#~ "Ihrer Platte auch einige ältere Linux- oder anderweitige Partitionen\n"
+#~ "unangetastet behalten. Diese Installationsart ist gut, wenn Sie die\n"
+#~ "Partitionseinteilung auf Ihrer Festplatte sowieso ändern oder das "
+#~ "benutzte\n"
+#~ "Dateisystem austauschen wollen\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Mit dieser Variante können Sie eine existierende Mandriva Linux\n"
+#~ "Version aktualisieren. Die Partitionstabellen sowie die persönlichen\n"
+#~ "Verzeichnisse der Anwender bleiben erhalten. Alle anderen\n"
+#~ "Installationsschritte werden wie bei einer Installation ausgeführt.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Aktualisierungen von Mandriva Linux „8.1“ oder neueren Systemen sollten\n"
+#~ "problemlos funktionieren. Ältere Versionen von Mandriva Linux sollten "
+#~ "Sie\n"
+#~ "nicht zu aktualisieren versuchen."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The first step is to choose your preferred language.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Your choice of preferred language will affect the installer, the\n"
+#~ "documentation, and the system in general. First select the region you're\n"
+#~ "located in, then the language you speak.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Clicking on the \"%s\" button will allow you to select other languages "
+#~ "to\n"
+#~ "be installed on your workstation, thereby installing the language-"
+#~ "specific\n"
+#~ "files for system documentation and applications. For example, if Spanish\n"
+#~ "users are to use your machine, select English as the default language in\n"
+#~ "the tree view and \"%s\" in the Advanced section.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "About UTF-8 (unicode) support: Unicode is a new character encoding meant "
+#~ "to\n"
+#~ "cover all existing languages. However full support for it in GNU/Linux "
+#~ "is\n"
+#~ "still under development. For that reason, Mandriva Linux's use of UTF-8 "
+#~ "will\n"
+#~ "depend on the user's choices:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * If you choose a language with a strong legacy encoding (latin1\n"
+#~ "languages, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Thai, Greek, Turkish, "
+#~ "most\n"
+#~ "iso-8859-2 languages), the legacy encoding will be used by default;\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * Other languages will use unicode by default;\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * If two or more languages are required, and those languages are not "
+#~ "using\n"
+#~ "the same encoding, then unicode will be used for the whole system;\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * Finally, unicode can also be forced for use throughout the system at "
+#~ "a\n"
+#~ "user's request by selecting the \"%s\" option independently of which\n"
+#~ "languages were been chosen.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Note that you're not limited to choosing a single additional language. "
+#~ "You\n"
+#~ "may choose several, or even install them all by selecting the \"%s\" "
+#~ "box.\n"
+#~ "Selecting support for a language means translations, fonts, spell "
+#~ "checkers,\n"
+#~ "etc. will also be installed for that language.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "To switch between the various languages installed on your system, you "
+#~ "can\n"
+#~ "launch the \"localedrake\" command as \"root\" to change the language "
+#~ "used\n"
+#~ "by the entire system. Running the command as a regular user will only\n"
+#~ "change the language settings for that particular user."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Als ersten Schritt wählen Sie bitte die gewünschte Sprache.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Wählen Sie Ihre bevorzugte Sprache für den Installationsvorgang und\n"
+#~ "Systemlaufzeit. Wählen Sie zuerst die Region, in der Sie sich befinden,\n"
+#~ "anschließend die Sprache, die Sie sprechen.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Durch Betätigen der Schaltfläche „%s“ erhalten Sie die Möglichkeit, "
+#~ "weitere\n"
+#~ "Sprachen auf Ihrem Rechner zu installieren, um diese später verwenden zu\n"
+#~ "können. Wollen Sie etwa Spaniern muttersprachlichen Zugang zu Ihrem "
+#~ "System\n"
+#~ "erlauben, wählen Sie Deutsch als Hauptsprache in der Liste und im\n"
+#~ "Fortgeschrittenen-Bereich „%s“.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Zur UTF-8 (Unicode) Unterstützung: Unicode ist ein Zeichenkodierung, die\n"
+#~ "die existierenden Kodierungen ablösen soll und die Zeichen aller\n"
+#~ "existierender Sprachen beinhalten. Komplette Unterstützung in GNU/Linux "
+#~ "ist\n"
+#~ "leider immer noch nicht gegeben. Daher verwendet Mandriva Linux diese\n"
+#~ "Kodierung nur auf Wunsch des Anwenders:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * Falls Sie eine Sprache nutzen, die eine gut unterstütztes Kodierung\n"
+#~ "verwendet (Sprachen mit Lateinischen Zeichen, Russisch, Griechisch,\n"
+#~ "Japanisch, Chinesisch, Koreanisch, Thailändisch), wird standardmäßig das\n"
+#~ "klassische Kodierung beibehalten;\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * Alle anderen Sprachen verwenden standardmäßig Unicode;\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * Fall Sie zwei oder mehr Sprachen verwenden wollen, die "
+#~ "unterschiedliche\n"
+#~ "klassische Kodierungen verwenden, wird ebenfalls Unicode verwendet;\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * Schlussendlich kann Unicode vom Anwender auch für Sprachen mit\n"
+#~ "klassischer Kodierung ausgewählt werden, indem er den Punkt „%s“ "
+#~ "markiert.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Sie sind nicht auf eine weitere Sprache begrenzt. Sie können so viele\n"
+#~ "auswählen, wie Sie wollen, ja sogar alle, indem Sie die Schaltfläche „%"
+#~ "s“\n"
+#~ "verwenden. Das Auswählen einer Sprache beeinflusst die installierten\n"
+#~ "Übersetzungen der Programme, Schriften, Rechtschreibkorrekturen, etc.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Um die Spracheinstellungen des ganzen Systems zwischen verschiedenen\n"
+#~ "Sprachen umzuschalten, starten Sie einfach „localedrake“ unter dem\n"
+#~ "privilegierten Kennzeichen „root“. Wollen Sie die Einstellungen nur für "
+#~ "ein\n"
+#~ "Kennzeichen ändern starten Sie denselben Befehl mit eben diesem\n"
+#~ "Kennzeichen."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Now, it's time to select a printing system for your computer. Other\n"
+#~ "operating systems may offer you one, but Mandriva Linux offers two. Each "
+#~ "of\n"
+#~ "the printing systems is best suited to particular types of "
+#~ "configuration.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\" -- which is an acronym for ``print, do not queue'', is the "
+#~ "choice\n"
+#~ "if you have a direct connection to your printer, you want to be able to\n"
+#~ "panic out of printer jams, and you do not have networked printers. (\"%s"
+#~ "\"\n"
+#~ "will handle only very simple network cases and is somewhat slow when "
+#~ "used\n"
+#~ "within networks.) It's recommended that you use \"pdq\" if this is your\n"
+#~ "first experience with GNU/Linux.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\" stands for `` Common Unix Printing System'' and is an "
+#~ "excellent\n"
+#~ "choice for printing to your local printer or to one halfway around the\n"
+#~ "planet. It's simple to configure and can act as a server or a client for\n"
+#~ "the ancient \"lpd\" printing system, so it's compatible with older\n"
+#~ "operating systems which may still need print services. While quite\n"
+#~ "powerful, the basic setup is almost as easy as \"pdq\". If you need to\n"
+#~ "emulate a \"lpd\" server, make sure you turn on the \"cups-lpd\" daemon.\n"
+#~ "\"%s\" includes graphical front-ends for printing or choosing printer\n"
+#~ "options and for managing the printer.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "If you make a choice now, and later find that you do not like your "
+#~ "printing\n"
+#~ "system you may change it by running PrinterDrake from the Mandriva Linux\n"
+#~ "Control Center and clicking on the \"%s\" button."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Hier können Sie das Drucksystem für Ihren Rechner wählen. Andere\n"
+#~ "Betriebssysteme bieten Ihnen nur eines, bei Mandriva Linux können Sie\n"
+#~ "zwischen zwei verschiedenen wählen. jedes dieser Systeme ist für eine\n"
+#~ "bestimmte Konfiguration des Systems am besten geeignet.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“ -- Es steht für „print, do not queue“ (engl. für „Drucken ohne\n"
+#~ "Warteschlange“). Falls Sie einen Drucker haben, der direkt an Ihrem "
+#~ "Rechner\n"
+#~ "hängt und Sie keine Netzwerkdrucker verwenden wollen, ist dies das\n"
+#~ "Drucksystem Ihrer Wahl. „%s“ kann zwar auch mit Netzwerkdruckern umgehen, "
+#~ "ist\n"
+#~ "dabei aber extrem langsam. Wählen Sie „pdq“, wenn Sie ein GNU/Linux "
+#~ "Neuling\n"
+#~ "sind.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“ - Mit dem „Common Unix Printing System“ (engl. für „Allgemeines\n"
+#~ "Unix-Drucksystem“) können Sie ebensogut auf Ihrem direkt angeschlossenen\n"
+#~ "Drucker drucken, wie auf einem Drucker, der an einem Server auf der "
+#~ "anderen\n"
+#~ "Seite der Welt hängt. Es ist einfach zu bedienen und kann sowohl als "
+#~ "Server\n"
+#~ "als auch als Klient für das alte „lpd“-Drucksystem verwendet werden - Es\n"
+#~ "ist somit rückwärtskompatibel. Es ist sehr mächtig, in seiner\n"
+#~ "Grundeinstellung verhält es sich jedoch genau wie „pdq“. Wenn Sie einen\n"
+#~ "„lpd“ Server benötigen, müssen Sie einfach nur den „cups-lpd“ Dämon\n"
+#~ "starten. „%s“ bietet grafische Konfigurations- und Druckmenüs.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Sie können diese Wahl später immer wieder ändern, indem Sie PrinterDrake\n"
+#~ "aus dem Mandriva Linux Control Center starten und dort die Schaltfläche „%"
+#~ "s“\n"
+#~ "betätigen."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "As a review, DrakX will present a summary of information it has gathered\n"
+#~ "about your system. Depending on the hardware installed on your machine, "
+#~ "you\n"
+#~ "may have some or all of the following entries. Each entry is made up of "
+#~ "the\n"
+#~ "hardware item to be configured, followed by a quick summary of the "
+#~ "current\n"
+#~ "configuration. Click on the corresponding \"%s\" button to make the "
+#~ "change.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": check the current keyboard map configuration and change it if\n"
+#~ "necessary.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": check the current country selection. If you're not in this\n"
+#~ "country, click on the \"%s\" button and choose another. If your country\n"
+#~ "is not in the list shown, click on the \"%s\" button to get the complete\n"
+#~ "country list.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": by default, DrakX deduces your time zone based on the country\n"
+#~ "you have chosen. You can click on the \"%s\" button here if this is not\n"
+#~ "correct.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": verify the current mouse configuration and click on the "
+#~ "button\n"
+#~ "to change it if necessary.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": clicking on the \"%s\" button will open the printer\n"
+#~ "configuration wizard. Consult the corresponding chapter of the ``Starter\n"
+#~ "Guide'' for more information on how to set up a new printer. The "
+#~ "interface\n"
+#~ "presented in our manual is similar to the one used during installation.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": if a sound card is detected on your system, it'll be "
+#~ "displayed\n"
+#~ "here. If you notice the sound card is not the one actually present on "
+#~ "your\n"
+#~ "system, you can click on the button and choose a different driver.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": if you have a TV card, this is where information about its\n"
+#~ "configuration will be displayed. If you have a TV card and it is not\n"
+#~ "detected, click on \"%s\" to try to configure it manually.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": you can click on \"%s\" to change the parameters associated "
+#~ "with\n"
+#~ "the card if you feel the configuration is wrong.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": by default, DrakX configures your graphical interface in\n"
+#~ "\"800x600\" or \"1024x768\" resolution. If that does not suit you, click "
+#~ "on\n"
+#~ "\"%s\" to reconfigure your graphical interface.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": if you wish to configure your Internet or local network "
+#~ "access,\n"
+#~ "you can do so now. Refer to the printed documentation or use the\n"
+#~ "Mandriva Linux Control Center after the installation has finished to "
+#~ "benefit\n"
+#~ "from full in-line help.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": allows to configure HTTP and FTP proxy addresses if the "
+#~ "machine\n"
+#~ "you're installing on is to be located behind a proxy server.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": this entry allows you to redefine the security level as set in "
+#~ "a\n"
+#~ "previous step ().\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": if you plan to connect your machine to the Internet, it's a "
+#~ "good\n"
+#~ "idea to protect yourself from intrusions by setting up a firewall. "
+#~ "Consult\n"
+#~ "the corresponding section of the ``Starter Guide'' for details about\n"
+#~ "firewall settings.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": if you wish to change your bootloader configuration, click "
+#~ "this\n"
+#~ "button. This should be reserved to advanced users. Refer to the printed\n"
+#~ "documentation or the in-line help about bootloader configuration in the\n"
+#~ "Mandriva Linux Control Center.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": through this entry you can fine tune which services will be "
+#~ "run\n"
+#~ "on your machine. If you plan to use this machine as a server it's a good\n"
+#~ "idea to review this setup."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Nun bekommen Sie eine Zusammenfassung verschiedener Informationen Ihres\n"
+#~ "Systems. Je nach vorhandener Hardware sehen Sie hier (oder eben nicht) "
+#~ "die\n"
+#~ "folgende Einträge. Jeder Eintrag besteht aus einem konfigurierbaren "
+#~ "Gerät\n"
+#~ "gefolgt vom dessen aktuellen Zustand. Durch Betätigen der Schaltfläche „%"
+#~ "s“\n"
+#~ "können Sie diesen ändern.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Kontrollieren Sie die aktuelle Tastaturvorgabe und wählen Sie "
+#~ "die\n"
+#~ "Schaltfläche, falls Sie die Vorgabe ändern wollen.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Kontrollieren Sie, ob die Auswahl des Staates, in dem Sie sich\n"
+#~ "befinden korrekt ist. Falls nicht, betätigen Sie bitte die Schaltfläche\n"
+#~ "„%s“ und wählen Sie den richtigen. Ist Ihr Staat nicht in der Liste, "
+#~ "können\n"
+#~ "Sie über die Schaltfläche „%s“ eine vollständigere Liste erzwingen.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: DrakX versucht die Zeitzone anhand des gewählten Staates zu\n"
+#~ "setzen. Sollte diese Auswahl nicht korrekt sein können Sie durch "
+#~ "Betätige\n"
+#~ "der Schaltfläche „%s“ Ihre lokale Zeitzone setzen.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Kontrollieren Sie die konfigurierte Maus und betätigen Sie, "
+#~ "falls\n"
+#~ "notwendig, die Schaltfläche.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Durch Anwahl der Schaltfläche „%s“ startet den "
+#~ "Druckerassistenten.\n"
+#~ "Weitere Informationen zu diesem Assistenten erhalten Sie im Drucker-"
+#~ "Kapitel\n"
+#~ "des „Starter Handbuch“. Das dort vorgestellte Programm entspricht dem\n"
+#~ "während der Installation angebotenen.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Falls eine Soundkarte in Ihrem Rechner gefunden wurde, wird sie\n"
+#~ "hier angezeigt. Sollte die von DrakX getroffene Auswahl nicht korrekt "
+#~ "sein,\n"
+#~ "betätigen Sie einfach die Schaltfläche, um sie zu korrigieren.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Falls eine TV-Karte in Ihrem Rechner gefunden wurde, wird sie "
+#~ "hier\n"
+#~ "angezeigt. Falls Sie eine TV-Karte besitzen, die hier nicht richtig "
+#~ "erkannt\n"
+#~ "wurde, können Sie versuchen, diese manuell einzurichten. Betätigen Sie\n"
+#~ "einfach die Schaltfläche „%s“.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Falls eine ISDN Karte in Ihrem Rechner gefunden wurde, wird sie\n"
+#~ "hier angezeigt. Durch Anwahl der Schaltfläche „%s“ können Sie die "
+#~ "Parameter\n"
+#~ "ändern.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: DrakX richtet Ihre Grafikumgebung normalerweise in der "
+#~ "Auflösung\n"
+#~ "„800×600“ bzw. „1024×768“ ein. Sollte Ihnen das nicht zusagen, können "
+#~ "Sie\n"
+#~ "es durch betätigen der Schaltfläche „%s“ ändern.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Falls Sie Ihren Internetzugang oder Ihr lokales Netzwerk nun\n"
+#~ "einrichten wollen, können Sie das hier tun. Lesen Sie sich dazu die\n"
+#~ "gedruckte Dokumentation durch oder benutzen Sie das Mandriva Linux "
+#~ "Control\n"
+#~ "Center nachdem die Installation beendet ist.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Hier können Sie HTTP- und FTP-Proxyadressen eintragen falls "
+#~ "Ihre\n"
+#~ "Maschine die Verbindung über einen Proxyserver abwickelt.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Dieser Eintrag ermöglicht es Ihnen, die Sicherheitsebene Ihres\n"
+#~ "Systems zu ändern, die Sie in einem früheren Installationsschritt ()\n"
+#~ "gewählt haben.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Falls Sie Ihren Rechner mit dem Internet verbinden wollen, ist "
+#~ "es\n"
+#~ "sinnvoll sich vor ungebetenen Eindringlingen durch Einrichten einer\n"
+#~ "Firewall zu schützen. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie im „Starter\n"
+#~ "Handbuch“.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Falls Sie die Konfiguration Ihres Betriebssystemstarters\n"
+#~ "(„Bootloader“) ändern wollen, wählen Sie diese Schaltfläche. Es sei\n"
+#~ "angemerkt, dass dieser Punkt sich an fortgeschrittenere Nutzer richtet.\n"
+#~ "Hilfe finden Sie in der gedruckten Dokumentation oder im integrierten\n"
+#~ "Hilfeteil des Mandriva Linux Control Center.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * „%s“: Sie können hier die Dienste wählen, die ab dem Start von\n"
+#~ "Mandriva Linux zur Verfügung gestellt werden sollen. Wollen Sie den "
+#~ "Rechner\n"
+#~ "als Server verwenden, sollten Sie unbedingt einen Blick auf diese Liste\n"
+#~ "werfen."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Choose the hard drive you want to erase in order to install your new\n"
+#~ "Mandriva Linux partition. Be careful, all data on this drive will be "
+#~ "lost\n"
+#~ "and will not be recoverable!"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bitte wählen Sie die Festplatte, die Sie löschen wollen, um Ihr neues\n"
+#~ "Mandriva Linux zu installieren. Bedenken Sie dabei, dass alle Daten auf\n"
+#~ "dieser Platte nach diesem Schritt unwiederbringlich verloren sind!"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Your Windows partition is too fragmented. Please reboot your computer "
+#~ "under Windows, run the ``defrag'' utility, then restart the Mandriva "
+#~ "Linux installation."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ihre Windows-Partition ist zu sehr fragmentiert.\n"
+#~ "Starten Sie bitte erst „defrag“ unter Windows."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Introduction\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "The operating system and the different components available in the "
+#~ "Mandriva Linux distribution \n"
+#~ "shall be called the \"Software Products\" hereafter. The Software "
+#~ "Products include, but are not \n"
+#~ "restricted to, the set of programs, methods, rules and documentation "
+#~ "related to the operating \n"
+#~ "system and the different components of the Mandriva Linux distribution.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "1. License Agreement\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Please read this document carefully. This document is a license agreement "
+#~ "between you and \n"
+#~ "Mandriva S.A. which applies to the Software Products.\n"
+#~ "By installing, duplicating or using the Software Products in any manner, "
+#~ "you explicitly \n"
+#~ "accept and fully agree to conform to the terms and conditions of this "
+#~ "License. \n"
+#~ "If you disagree with any portion of the License, you are not allowed to "
+#~ "install, duplicate or use \n"
+#~ "the Software Products. \n"
+#~ "Any attempt to install, duplicate or use the Software Products in a "
+#~ "manner which does not comply \n"
+#~ "with the terms and conditions of this License is void and will terminate "
+#~ "your rights under this \n"
+#~ "License. Upon termination of the License, you must immediately destroy "
+#~ "all copies of the \n"
+#~ "Software Products.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "2. Limited Warranty\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
+#~ "with no warranty, to the \n"
+#~ "extent permitted by law.\n"
+#~ "Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
+#~ "law, be liable for any special,\n"
+#~ "incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
+#~ "limitation damages for loss of \n"
+#~ "business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and "
+#~ "penalties resulting from a court \n"
+#~ "judgment, or any other consequential loss) arising out of the use or "
+#~ "inability to use the Software \n"
+#~ "Products, even if Mandriva S.A. has been advised of the possibility or "
+#~ "occurrence of such \n"
+#~ "damages.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
+#~ "in no circumstances, be \n"
+#~ "liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
+#~ "(including without \n"
+#~ "limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, "
+#~ "financial loss, legal fees \n"
+#~ "and penalties resulting from a court judgment, or any other consequential "
+#~ "loss) arising out \n"
+#~ "of the possession and use of software components or arising out of "
+#~ "downloading software components \n"
+#~ "from one of Mandriva Linux sites which are prohibited or restricted in "
+#~ "some countries by local laws.\n"
+#~ "This limited liability applies to, but is not restricted to, the strong "
+#~ "cryptography components \n"
+#~ "included in the Software Products.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "3. The GPL License and Related Licenses\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "The Software Products consist of components created by different persons "
+#~ "or entities. Most \n"
+#~ "of these components are governed under the terms and conditions of the "
+#~ "GNU General Public \n"
+#~ "Licence, hereafter called \"GPL\", or of similar licenses. Most of these "
+#~ "licenses allow you to use, \n"
+#~ "duplicate, adapt or redistribute the components which they cover. Please "
+#~ "read carefully the terms \n"
+#~ "and conditions of the license agreement for each component before using "
+#~ "any component. Any question \n"
+#~ "on a component license should be addressed to the component author and "
+#~ "not to Mandriva.\n"
+#~ "The programs developed by Mandriva S.A. are governed by the GPL License. "
+#~ "Documentation written \n"
+#~ "by Mandriva S.A. is governed by a specific license. Please refer to the "
+#~ "documentation for \n"
+#~ "further details.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "4. Intellectual Property Rights\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "All rights to the components of the Software Products belong to their "
+#~ "respective authors and are \n"
+#~ "protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to "
+#~ "software programs.\n"
+#~ "Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
+#~ "Products, as a whole or in \n"
+#~ "parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
+#~ "\"Mandrake\", \"Mandriva Linux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
+#~ "Mandriva S.A. \n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "5. Governing Laws \n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "If any portion of this agreement is held void, illegal or inapplicable by "
+#~ "a court judgment, this \n"
+#~ "portion is excluded from this contract. You remain bound by the other "
+#~ "applicable sections of the \n"
+#~ "agreement.\n"
+#~ "The terms and conditions of this License are governed by the Laws of "
+#~ "France.\n"
+#~ "All disputes on the terms of this license will preferably be settled out "
+#~ "of court. As a last \n"
+#~ "resort, the dispute will be referred to the appropriate Courts of Law of "
+#~ "Paris - France.\n"
+#~ "For any question on this document, please contact Mandriva S.A. \n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bei dieser Übersetzung handelt es sich um eine inoffizielle Übersetzung\n"
+#~ "der Mandriva Linux-Lizenz in die deutsche Sprache. Sie ist keine\n"
+#~ "rechtsverbindliche Darstellung der Lizenzbedingungen der Software in\n"
+#~ "dieser Distribution - nur der ursprüngliche französische Text der\n"
+#~ "Mandriva Linux-Lizenz ist rechtsverbindlich. Wir hoffen aber, dass diese\n"
+#~ "Übersetzung den deutschsprechenden Benutzern das Verständnis dieser\n"
+#~ "Lizenz erleichtert.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Einführung\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Das Betriebssystem und die anderen Komponenten, die in Mandriva Linux\n"
+#~ "enthalten sind, werden hier „Software-Produkte“ genannt. Die\n"
+#~ "Software-Produkte umfassen, aber sind nicht beschränkt auf, die\n"
+#~ "Gesamtheit der Programme, Methoden, Regeln, und Dokumentation, welche\n"
+#~ "zum Betriebssystem und den anderen Komponenten der Mandriva Linux\n"
+#~ "Distribution gehören.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "1. Lizenzabkommen\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Bitte lesen Sie dieses Dokument sorgfältig. Dieses Dokument ist ein\n"
+#~ "Lizenzabkommen zwischen Ihnen und Mandriva S. A. welches sich auf\n"
+#~ "die Software-Produkte bezieht.\n"
+#~ "Durch Installation, Duplizierung oder Benutzung der Software-Produkte in\n"
+#~ "irgendeiner Art und Weise erklären Sie sich mit den Bedingungen dieser\n"
+#~ "Lizenz einverstanden.\n"
+#~ "Wenn Sie mit irgendeinem Punkt dieser Lizenz nicht einverstanden sind,\n"
+#~ "ist es Ihnen nicht erlaubt, die Software-Produkte zu installieren,\n"
+#~ "duplizieren oder zu benutzen.\n"
+#~ "Mit jedem Versuch, die Software-Produkte in einer Art und Weise zu\n"
+#~ "benutzen, die nicht den Bedingungen dieser Lizenz entspricht, verlieren\n"
+#~ "Sie die Ihnen mit dieser Lizenz eingeräumten Rechte. In diesem Fall\n"
+#~ "haben Sie unverzüglich alle Kopien der Software-Produkte zu vernichten.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "2. Eingeschränkte Garantie\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Die Software-Produkte und die beigefügte Dokumentation werden dem\n"
+#~ "Benutzer lediglich zur Verfügung gestellt, es wird keinerlei Garantie\n"
+#~ "gegeben soweit es gesetzlich zulässig ist.\n"
+#~ "Mandriva S. A. haftet unter keinen Umständen, soweit gesetzlich\n"
+#~ "zulässig, für direkte oder indirekte Schäden irgendwelcher Art,\n"
+#~ "(inklusive uneingeschränkten Schäden aufgrund Verlust von\n"
+#~ "Geschäftsbeziehungen, Unterbrechung von Geschäftsvorgängen,\n"
+#~ "finanziellen Verlust, Gebühren oder Strafen aufgrund gerichtlicher\n"
+#~ "Entscheide, oder jegliche Folgeschäden) die aufgrund der Benutzung oder\n"
+#~ "der Unmöglichkeit der Benutzung der Software-Produkte entstehen, auch\n"
+#~ "wenn Mandriva S. A. über die Möglichkeit und das Auftreten\n"
+#~ "derartiger Schäden unterrichtet wurde.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Soweit gesetzlich zulässig, haften Mandriva S. A. und deren\n"
+#~ "Vertreiber unter keinen Umständen für direkte oder indirekte Schäden\n"
+#~ "irgendwelcher Art, (inklusive uneingeschränkten Schäden aufgrund Verlust\n"
+#~ "von Geschäftsbeziehungen, Unterbrechung von Geschäftsvorgängen,\n"
+#~ "finanziellen Verlust, Gebühren oder Strafen aufgrund gerichtlicher\n"
+#~ "Entscheide, oder jegliche Folgeschäden) die aufgrund des Besitzes und\n"
+#~ "der Benutzung von Software-Komponenten oder aufgrund des Ladens von\n"
+#~ "Software-Komponenten von den Internet-Servern von Mandriva S. A.,\n"
+#~ "deren Besitz und Benutzung in einigen Ländern aufgrund lokaler Gesetze\n"
+#~ "nicht gestattet ist, entstehen.\n"
+#~ "Diese Einschränkung der Verantwortlichkeit bezieht sich auch, aber nicht\n"
+#~ "nur, auf die Komponenten für starke Kryptografie enthalten in den\n"
+#~ "Software-Produkten.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "3. Die GPL und verwandte Lizenzen\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Die Software-Produkte bestehen aus Komponenten, die von verschiedenen\n"
+#~ "Personen und Einrichtungen erstellt wurden. Die meisten Komponenten\n"
+#~ "unterliegen den Bedingungen der GNU General Public License, im folgenden\n"
+#~ "„GPL“ genannt, oder ähnlichen Lizenzen. Die meisten dieser Lizenzen\n"
+#~ "erlauben es, die Komponenten, die diesen Lizenzen unterliegen, zu\n"
+#~ "benutzen, zu duplizieren, anzupassen, und weiterzugeben. Bitte lesen sie\n"
+#~ "sorgfältig die Bedingungen der Lizenzabkommen von jeder Komponente,\n"
+#~ "bevor Sie sie benutzen. Jegliche Frage zur Lizenz einer Komponente ist "
+#~ "an\n"
+#~ "den Autor der Komponente und nicht an Mandriva S. A. zu richten. Die\n"
+#~ "von Mandriva S. A. erstellten Programme unterliegen der GPL.\n"
+#~ "Von Mandriva S. A. geschriebene Dokumentation unterliegt einer\n"
+#~ "spezifischen Lizenz. Bitte lesen Sie die Dokumentation für weitere\n"
+#~ "Details.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "4. Geistiges Eigentum\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Alle Rechte an den Komponenten der Software-Produkte liegen bei den\n"
+#~ "entsprechenden Autoren und sind durch die Urheberrechtsgesetze für\n"
+#~ "Softwareprodukte geschützt.\n"
+#~ "Mandriva S. A. behält sich das Recht vor, die Software-Produkte zu\n"
+#~ "modifizieren und anzupassen.\n"
+#~ "„Mandrake“, „Mandriva Linux“ und entsprechende Logos sind eingetragene\n"
+#~ "Warenzeichen der Mandriva S. A..\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "5. Gesetzliche Bestimmungen\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Wenn irgendein Teil dieses Lizenzabkommens durch einen Gerichtsentscheid\n"
+#~ "für ungültig, illegal oder inakzeptabel erklärt wird, wird dieser Teil\n"
+#~ "aus dem Abkommen ausgeschlossen. Sie bleiben weiterhin an die anderen,\n"
+#~ "anwendbaren Teile gebunden.\n"
+#~ "Die Bedingungen dieses Lizenzabkommens unterliegen den Gesetzen von\n"
+#~ "Frankreich. Alle Unstimmigkeiten bezüglich der Bedingungen dieser Lizenz\n"
+#~ "werden vorzugsweise außergerichtlich beigelegt. Letztes Mittel ist das\n"
+#~ "zuständige Gericht in Paris, Frankreich.\n"
+#~ "Zu jeglicher Frage zu diesem Dokument kontaktieren Sie bitte\n"
+#~ "Mandriva S. A.\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Congratulations, installation is complete.\n"
+#~ "Remove the boot media and press return to reboot.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "For information on fixes which are available for this release of Mandriva "
+#~ "Linux,\n"
+#~ "consult the Errata available from:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "%s\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Information on configuring your system is available in the post\n"
+#~ "install chapter of the Official Mandriva Linux User's Guide."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Herzlichen Glückwunsch, die Installation ist abgeschlossen.\n"
+#~ "Entfernen Sie die Startmedien (CD-ROMs / Disketten) und drücken Sie die "
+#~ "Eingabetaste zum Neustart Ihres Rechners.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Für Informationen zu Sicherheitsaktualisierungen dieser Version von "
+#~ "Mandriva Linux informieren Sie sich bitte unter \n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "%s\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Wie Sie Ihr System warten können, erfahren Sie im Kapitel „Nach der "
+#~ "Installation“ im offiziellen Benutzerhandbuch von Mandriva Linux."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "No floppy drive available"
#~ msgstr "Kein Disketten-Laufwerk verfügbar"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Your system is low on resources. You may have some problem installing\n"
+#~ "Mandriva Linux. If that occurs, you can try a text install instead. For "
+#~ "this,\n"
+#~ "press `F1' when booting on CDROM, then enter `text'."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ihr Rechner hat nicht genug Ressourcen. Vermutlich werden bei der \n"
+#~ "Installation Probleme auftreten. In diesem Fall sollten Sie eine \n"
+#~ "Text-Installation versuchen. Drücken Sie dafür <F1> während dem \n"
+#~ "Installationsstart und geben Sie „text“ an der Eingabeaufforderung \n"
+#~ "ein."
#~ msgid "Please insert the Update Modules floppy in drive %s"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Bitte legen Sie die Diskette der zu aktualisierenden Module in Laufwerk %"
#~ "s ein."
#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Contacting Mandriva Linux web site to get the list of available mirrors..."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Kontaktiere Mandriva Linux Web-Server, um eine Liste verfügbarer Pakete "
+#~ "zu erhalten..."
+#~ msgid "Mandriva Linux Installation %s"
+#~ msgstr "Mandriva Linux-Installation %s"
+#~ msgid ""
#~ "_: keyboard\n"
#~ "Tifinagh (+latin/arabic)"
#~ msgstr "Tifinagh (+latainisch/arabisch)"
@@ -27050,6 +28665,20 @@ msgstr "Die Installation schlug fehl!"
#~ msgstr "Keine Netzwerkkarte"
#~ msgid ""
+#~ "drakfirewall configurator\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "This configures a personal firewall for this Mandriva Linux machine.\n"
+#~ "For a powerful and dedicated firewall solution, please look to the\n"
+#~ "specialized MandrakeSecurity Firewall distribution."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "DrakFirewall-Konfigurator\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Hiermit konfigurieren Sie eine persönliche Firewall für diesen\n"
+#~ "Mandriva Linux-Rechner. Sollten Sie an einer speziellen ausgereiften\n"
+#~ "Firewall-Lösung interessiert sein, schauen Sie sich nach der speziell\n"
+#~ "dafür entwickelten MandrakeSecurity-Firewall-Distribution um."
+#~ msgid ""
#~ "The following protocols can be used to configure an ethernet connection. "
#~ "Please choose the one you want to use"
#~ msgstr ""
@@ -27062,8 +28691,381 @@ msgstr "Die Installation schlug fehl!"
#~ msgid "Use Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA)"
#~ msgstr "Benutze Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA)"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Run Scannerdrake (Hardware/Scanner in Mandriva Linux Control Center) to "
+#~ "share your scanner on the network.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Starten Sie Scannerdrake (Hardware/Scanner im Mandriva Linux "
+#~ "Kontrollzentrum), um Ihren Scanner im Netzwerk freizugeben.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgid "<b>What is Mandriva Linux?</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Was ist Mandriva Linux?</b>"
+#~ msgid "Welcome to <b>Mandriva Linux</b>!"
+#~ msgstr "Willkommen zu <b>Mandriva Linux</b>!"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Mandriva Linux is a <b>Linux distribution</b> that comprises the core of "
+#~ "the system, called the <b>operating system</b> (based on the Linux "
+#~ "kernel) together with <b>a lot of applications</b> meeting every need you "
+#~ "could even think of."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Mandriva Linux ist eine <b>Linuxdistribution</b>, die sowohl den Kern des "
+#~ "Systems umfasst, der <b>Betriebssystem</b> (basierend auf dem Linux-"
+#~ "Kernel) genannt wird, als auch <b>eine Menge Anwendungen</b>, die jeden "
+#~ "Bedarf abdecken, den Sie sich vorstellen können."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Mandriva Linux is the most <b>user-friendly</b> Linux distribution today. "
+#~ "It is also one of the <b>most widely used</b> Linux distributions "
+#~ "worldwide!"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Mandriva Linux ist die <b>benutzerfreundlichste</b> Linuxdistribution "
+#~ "heutzutage. Sie ist außerdem eine der <b>am weitesten verbreiteten</b> "
+#~ "Linuxdistributionen weltweit!"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Mandriva Linux is committed to the open source model. This means that "
+#~ "this new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between "
+#~ "<b>Mandriva's team of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> "
+#~ "of Mandriva Linux contributors."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Mandriva Linux verpflichtet sich dem Open-Source-Modell. Das bedeutet, "
+#~ "dass diese neue Ausgabe das Resultat der <b>Zusammenarbeit</b> zwischen "
+#~ "<b>Mandrivas Entwicklern</b> und der <b>weltweiten Gemeinschaft</b> von "
+#~ "Mitwirkenden ist."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Most of the software included in the distribution and all of the Mandriva "
+#~ "Linux tools are licensed under the <b>General Public License</b>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ein Großteil der in der Distribution enthaltenen Programme und alle "
+#~ "Mandriva Linux-Werkzeuge sind unter der <b>General Public License</b> "
+#~ "lizensiert."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Mandriva Linux has one of the <b>biggest communities</b> of users and "
+#~ "developers. The role of such a community is very wide, ranging from bug "
+#~ "reporting to the development of new applications. The community plays a "
+#~ "<b>key role</b> in the Mandriva Linux world."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Mandriva Linux hat eine der <b>größten Gemeinschaften</b> von Nutzern und "
+#~ "Entwicklern. Die Rolle dieser Gemeinschaft ist sehr umfassend und "
+#~ "erstreckt sich von Fehlerberichten bis zur Entwicklung neuer Anwendungen. "
+#~ "Die Gemeinschaft spielt eine <b>Schlüsselrolle</b> in der Mandriva Linux-"
+#~ "Welt."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To <b>learn more</b> about our dynamic community, please visit <b>www."
+#~ "</b> or directly <b>"
+#~ "php3</b> if you would like to get <b>involved</b> in the development."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Um mehr über unsere dynamische Gemeinschaft zu <b>erfahren</b>, besuchen "
+#~ "Sie bitte <b></b> oder direkt <b>www.mandrivalinux."
+#~ "com/en/cookerdevel.php3</b>, wenn Sie sich in die Entwicklung "
+#~ "<b>einbringen</b> wollen."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You are now installing <b>Mandriva Linux Download</b>. This is the free "
+#~ "version that Mandriva wants to keep <b>available to everyone</b>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Sie installieren <b>Mandriva Linux Download</b>. Das ist die freie "
+#~ "Version, die Mandriva <b>für jeden zur Verfügung</b> stellt."
+#~ msgid "You are now installing <b>Mandriva Linux Discovery</b>."
+#~ msgstr "Sie installieren <b>Mandriva Linux Discovery</b>."
+#~ msgid "You are now installing <b>Mandriva Linux PowerPack</b>."
+#~ msgstr "Sie installieren <b>Mandriva Linux PowerPack</b>."
+#~ msgid "You are now installing <b>Mandriva Linux PowerPack+</b>."
+#~ msgstr "Sie installieren <b>Mandriva Linux PowerPack+</b>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandriva Linux</b> "
+#~ "products."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<b>Mandriva</b> hat eine breite Auswahl an <b>Mandriva Linux</b>-"
+#~ "Produkten entwickelt."
+#~ msgid "The Mandriva Linux products are:"
+#~ msgstr "Die Mandriva Linux Produkte sind:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\t* <b>Mandriva Linux for x86-64</b>, The Mandriva Linux solution for "
+#~ "making the most of your 64-bit processor."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "\t* <b>Mandriva Linux für x86-64</b>, die Mandriva Linux-Lösung, um das "
+#~ "Beste aus Ihrem 64-Bit-Prozessor zu machen."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Mandriva has developed two products that allow you to use Mandriva Linux "
+#~ "<b>on any computer</b> and without any need to actually install it:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Mandriva hat zwei Produkte entwickelt, die es Ihnen erlauben, Mandriva "
+#~ "Linux <b>auf jedem Rechner</b> ohne vorherige Installation zu verwenden:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\t* <b>Move</b>, a Mandriva Linux distribution that runs entirely from a "
+#~ "bootable CD-ROM."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "\t* <b>Move</b>, eine Mandriva Linux-Distribution, die komplett von einer "
+#~ "startbaren CD-ROM läuft."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\t* <b>GlobeTrotter</b>, a Mandriva Linux distribution pre-installed on "
+#~ "the ultra-compact “LaCie Mobile Hard Drive”."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "\t* <b>GlobeTrotter</b>, eine Mandriva Linux-Distribution vorinstalliert "
+#~ "auf der ultra-kompakten „LaCie Mobilen Festplatte“."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\t* <b>Corporate Desktop</b>, The Mandriva Linux Desktop for Businesses."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "\t* <b>Corporate Desktop</b>, der Mandriva Linux-Desktop für Unternehmen."
+#~ msgid "\t* <b>Corporate Server</b>, The Mandriva Linux Server Solution."
+#~ msgstr "\t* <b>Corporate Server</b>, die Mandriva Linux-Serverlösung."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\t* <b>Multi-Network Firewall</b>, The Mandriva Linux Security Solution."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "\t* <b>Multi-Network-Firewall</b>, die Mandriva Linux-Sicherheitslösung."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In the Mandriva Linux menu you will find <b>easy-to-use</b> applications "
+#~ "for <b>all of your tasks</b>:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Im Mandriva Linux-Menü finden Sie <b>einfach zu bedienende<b/> "
+#~ "Anwendungen für <b>alle Ihre Aufgaben</b>:"
+#~ msgid "<b>Mandriva Linux Control Center</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Mandriva Linux Kontrollzentrum</b>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The <b>Mandriva Linux Control Center</b> is an essential collection of "
+#~ "Mandriva Linux-specific utilities designed to simplify the configuration "
+#~ "of your computer."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Das <b>Mandriva Linux-Kontrollzentrum</b> ist eine wesentliche Sammlung "
+#~ "der Mandriva Linux-spezifischen Werkzeuge um die Einrichtung des "
+#~ "Computers zu vereinfachen."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Like all computer programming, open source software <b>requires time and "
+#~ "people</b> for development. In order to respect the open source "
+#~ "philosophy, Mandriva sells added value products and services to <b>keep "
+#~ "improving Mandriva Linux</b>. If you want to <b>support the open source "
+#~ "philosophy</b> and the development of Mandriva Linux, <b>please</b> "
+#~ "consider buying one of our products or services!"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Wie jede andere Software, benötigt auch Open Source Software <b>Zeit und "
+#~ "Leute</b> für ihre Entwicklung. Um die Open Source Philosophie "
+#~ "anzuerkennen, verkauft Mandriva Mehrwertprodukte und Dienstleistungen, um "
+#~ "<b>Mandriva Linux zu verbessern</b>. Wenn Sie die Open Source Philosophie "
+#~ "und die Entwicklung von Mandriva Linux <b>unterstützen</b> wollen, ziehen "
+#~ "Sie <b>bitte</b> den Kauf eines unserer Produkte oder Dienstleistungen in "
+#~ "Betracht!"
+#~ msgid "Stop by today at <b></b>!"
+#~ msgstr "Schauen Sie noch heute unter <b></b> rein!"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<b>Mandriva Club</b> is the <b>perfect companion</b> to your Mandriva "
+#~ "Linux product.."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<b>Mandriva Club</b> ist der <b>perfekte Begleiter</b> für Ihr Mandriva "
+#~ "Linux-Produkt."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\t* <b>Special discounts</b> on products and services of our online store "
+#~ "<b></b>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "\t* <b>Spezialrabatte</b> auf Produkte und Dienstleistungen unseres "
+#~ "Online-Warenhauses <b></b>."
+#~ msgid "\t* Participation in Mandriva Linux <b>user forums</b>."
+#~ msgstr "\t* Teilnahme an Mandriva Linux <b>Nutzerforen</b>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\t* <b>Early and privileged access</b>, before public release, to "
+#~ "Mandriva Linux <b>ISO images</b>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "\t* <b>Früher und privilegierter Zugriff</b>, vor der öffentlichen "
+#~ "Ausgabe, auf Mandriva Linux <b>ISO-Abbilder</b>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Mandriva Online provides a wide range of valuable services for <b>easily "
+#~ "updating</b> your Mandriva Linux systems:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Mandriva Online bietet eine breite Palette wertvoller Dienstleistungen "
+#~ "zur <b>einfachen Aktualisierung</b> Ihres Mandriva Linux-Systems:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\t* Management of <b>all your Mandriva Linux systems</b> with one account."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "\t* Verwaltung <b>all Ihrer Mandriva Linux-Systeme</b> mit einem Konto."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Do you require <b>assistance?</b> Meet Mandriva's technical experts on "
+#~ "<b>our technical support platform</b>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Benötigen Sie <b>Unterstützung?</b> Treffen Sie Mandrivas Technikexperten "
+#~ "auf <b>unserer technischen Supportplattform</b>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Thanks to the help of <b>qualified Mandriva Linux experts</b>, you will "
+#~ "save a lot of time."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Dank der <b>qualifzierten Mandriva Linux-Experten</b> werden Sie eine "
+#~ "Menge Zeit sparen."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "For any question related to Mandriva Linux, you have the possibility to "
+#~ "purchase support incidents at <b></b>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Zu jeder Frage bezüglich Mandriva Linux können Sie Support unter <b>store."
+#~ "</b> kaufen."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "[OPTIONS]...\n"
+#~ "Mandriva Linux Terminal Server Configurator\n"
+#~ "--enable : enable MTS\n"
+#~ "--disable : disable MTS\n"
+#~ "--start : start MTS\n"
+#~ "--stop : stop MTS\n"
+#~ "--adduser : add an existing system user to MTS (requires "
+#~ "username)\n"
+#~ "--deluser : delete an existing system user from MTS (requires "
+#~ "username)\n"
+#~ "--addclient : add a client machine to MTS (requires MAC address, IP, "
+#~ "nbi image name)\n"
+#~ "--delclient : delete a client machine from MTS (requires MAC "
+#~ "address, IP, nbi image name)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "[OPTIONEN]...\n"
+#~ "Mandrake Terminal-Server-Konfigurator\n"
+#~ "--enable : MTS einschalten\n"
+#~ "--disable : MTS ausschalten\n"
+#~ "--start : MTS starten\n"
+#~ "--stop : MTS anhalten\n"
+#~ "--adduser : einen existierenden Systemnutzer zu MTS hinzufügen "
+#~ "(benötigt Nutzernamen)\n"
+#~ "--deluser : einen existierenden Systemnutzer von MTS löschen "
+#~ "(benötigt Nutzernamen)\n"
+#~ "--addclient : einen Client zu MTS hinzufügen (benötigt MAC Adresse, "
+#~ "IP, Name des NBI-Abbildes)\n"
+#~ "--delclient : einen Client von MTS löschen (benötigt MAC Adresse, "
+#~ "IP, Name des NBI-Abbildes)"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "[OPTION]...\n"
+#~ " --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in "
+#~ "MandrakeUpdate mode\n"
+#~ " --no-verify-rpm do not verify packages signatures\n"
+#~ " --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
+#~ "description window\n"
+#~ " --merge-all-rpmnew propose to merge all .rpmnew/.rpmsave files found"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "[OPTION]...\n"
+#~ " --no-confirmation keine Fragen im MandrakeUpdate-Modus stellen\n"
+#~ " --no-verify-rpm Paketsignaturen nicht überprüfen\n"
+#~ " --changelog-first Änderungsprotokoll vor Dateiliste anzeigen\n"
+#~ " --merge-all-rpmnew Zusammenlegen aller .rpmnew/.rpmsave-Dateien "
+#~ "vorschlagen"
+#~ msgid "Mandriva Linux Bug Report Tool"
+#~ msgstr "Mandriva Linux Fehlerberichte"
+#~ msgid "Mandriva Linux Control Center"
+#~ msgstr "Mandriva Linux Kontrollzentrum"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This interface has not been configured yet.\n"
+#~ "Run the \"Add an interface\" assistant from the Mandriva Linux Control "
+#~ "Center"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Diese Schnittstelle wurde noch nicht eingerichtet.\n"
+#~ "Starten Sie den Assistenten „Schnittstelle hinzufügen“ im Mandriva Linux "
+#~ "Kontrollzentrum."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You do not have any configured Internet connection.\n"
+#~ "Run the \"%s\" assistant from the Mandriva Linux Control Center"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Sie haben noch keine eingerichtete Internetverbindung.\n"
+#~ "Starten Sie den Assistenten „%s“ im Mandriva Linux Kontrollzentrum."
+#~ msgid "MdkKDM (Mandriva Linux Display Manager)"
+#~ msgstr "MdkKDM (Mandriva Linux Display Manager)"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by Mandriva \n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " DUPONT Sebastien (original version)\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " CHAUMETTE Damien <>\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " VIGNAUD Thierry <>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Copyright © 2001-2002 by Mandriva \n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " DUPONT Sebastien (Orginalversion)\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " CHAUMETTE Damien <>\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " VIGNAUD Thierry <>"
#~ msgid "You've not selected any font"
#~ msgstr "Sie haben keine Schriftart ausgewählt"
+#~ msgid "Mandriva Linux Help Center"
+#~ msgstr "Mandriva Linux Hilfezentrum"
#~ msgid "Save and close"
#~ msgstr "Abspeichern und Schließen"
+#~ msgid "Network: %s"
+#~ msgstr "Netzwerk: %s"
+#~ msgid "Mode: %s"
+#~ msgstr "Modus: %s"
+#~ msgid "IP: %s"
+#~ msgstr "IP: %s"
+#~ msgid "Encryption: %s"
+#~ msgstr "Verschlüsselung: %s"
+#~ msgid "Gateway: %s"
+#~ msgstr "Gateway: %s"
+#~ msgid "Signal: %s"
+#~ msgstr "Signal: %s"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This is HardDrake, a %s hardware configuration tool.\n"
+#~ "<span foreground=\"royalblue3\">Version:</span> %s\n"
+#~ "<span foreground=\"royalblue3\">Author:</span> Thierry Vignaud &lt;"
+#~ ";\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Das ist HardDrake, ein %s Hardware-Konfigurationswerkzeug.\n"
+#~ "<span foreground=\"royalblue3\">Version:</span> %s\n"
+#~ "<span foreground=\"royalblue3\">Autor:</span> Thierry Vignaud &lt;"
+#~ ";\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgid "Mandriva Linux Tools Logs"
+#~ msgstr "Mandriva Linux Werkzeugprotokolle"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Connection failed.\n"
+#~ "Verify your configuration in the Mandriva Linux Control Center."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Verbinden fehlgeschlagen.\n"
+#~ "Überprüfen Sie Ihre Konfiguration im Mandriva Linux Kontrollzentrum."
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/el.po b/perl-install/share/po/el.po
index edd371902..555aaf81f 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/el.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/el.po
@@ -25274,18 +25274,6 @@ msgstr "Η εγκατάσταση απέτυχε"
#~ msgid "No network card"
#~ msgstr "δεν βρέθηκε κάρτα δικτύου"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Use already installed driver (%s)"
-#~ msgstr "Η ταυτότητα ssh είναι ήδη εγκατεστημένη"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "You've not selected any font"
-#~ msgstr "δεν βρέθηκε καμία γραμματοσειρά\n"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "Κέντρο Ελέγχου Mandrivalinux"
#~ msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
#~ msgstr "Δεν βρέθηκε περιηγητής! Παρακαλώ εγκαταστήστε τον"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/eo.po b/perl-install/share/po/eo.po
index 3f7eeeda9..aa812c194 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/eo.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/eo.po
@@ -5344,8 +5344,8 @@ msgid ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -5359,8 +5359,8 @@ msgid ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -5403,8 +5403,8 @@ msgid ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -14322,8 +14322,8 @@ msgstr "Provu konfiguraĵon"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrivalinux is committed to the open source model. This means that this "
-"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's "
-"team of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
+"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's team "
+"of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
@@ -14486,8 +14486,7 @@ msgstr "Konekti al la interreto"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> "
+"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> products."
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -14551,8 +14550,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional "
+"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional needs</"
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -15021,8 +15020,8 @@ msgstr "Konekti al la interreto"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our "
-"<b>e-commerce platform</b>."
+"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our <b>e-"
+"commerce platform</b>."
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -15649,15 +15648,16 @@ msgstr " [--skiptest] [--cups] [--lprng] [--lpd] [--pdq]"
#, c-format
msgid ""
-" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in "
-"Mandriva Update mode\n"
+" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in Mandriva "
+"Update mode\n"
" --no-verify-rpm do not verify packages signatures\n"
" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
"description window\n"
" --merge-all-rpmnew propose to merge all .rpmnew/.rpmsave files found"
msgstr ""
-" --no-confirmation ne postulu unue konfirmadon en Mandriva Update mode\n"
+" --no-confirmation ne postulu unue konfirmadon en Mandriva Update "
" --no-verify-rpm ne kontrolu la pakaĵ-subskribojn\n"
" --changelog-first afiŝu changelog antaŭ dosierliston en la priskribo-"
@@ -23764,23 +23764,6 @@ msgstr "Instalado malsukcesis"
#~ msgid "No network card"
#~ msgstr "neniu retkarto"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Use already installed driver (%s)"
-#~ msgstr "Ssh-identaĵo jam instalita"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "You've not selected any font"
-#~ msgstr "Malinstalu printvicon"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "Konekti al la interreto"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Vi povas elektu aliajn lingvojn kiujn estos uzeblaj malantaŭ la instalado"
#~ msgid "Installing HPOJ package..."
#~ msgstr "Instalanta pakaĵon HPOJ..."
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/es.po b/perl-install/share/po/es.po
index 30397fc24..0d13b108b 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/es.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/es.po
@@ -6419,8 +6419,8 @@ msgid ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -6434,8 +6434,8 @@ msgid ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -6478,8 +6478,8 @@ msgid ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -16275,14 +16275,14 @@ msgstr "¡Bienvenido al <b>mundo del Código Abierto</b>!"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrivalinux is committed to the open source model. This means that this "
-"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's "
-"team of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
+"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's team "
+"of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
"Mandrivalinux está comprometido con el modelo Open Source. Ello significa "
"que esta nueva versión es el resultado de la <b>colaboración</b> entre el "
-"<b>equipo de desarrolladores de Mandriva</b> y la <b>comunidad mundial</"
-"b> de contribuyentes de Mandrivalinux."
+"<b>equipo de desarrolladores de Mandriva</b> y la <b>comunidad mundial</b> "
+"de contribuyentes de Mandrivalinux."
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16482,8 +16482,7 @@ msgstr "<b>Productos Mandriva</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> "
+"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> products."
msgstr ""
"<b>Mandriva</b> ha desarrollado una amplia gama de productos "
@@ -16528,8 +16527,8 @@ msgid ""
"Mandriva has developed two products that allow you to use Mandrivalinux "
"<b>on any computer</b> and without any need to actually install it:"
msgstr ""
-"Mandriva ha desarrollado dos productos que le permiten usar "
-"Mandrivalinux <b>en cualquier ordenador</b> sin necesidad de instalación."
+"Mandriva ha desarrollado dos productos que le permiten usar Mandrivalinux "
+"<b>en cualquier ordenador</b> sin necesidad de instalación."
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16557,8 +16556,8 @@ msgstr "<b>Productos Mandriva (Soluciones Profesionales)</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional "
+"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional needs</"
msgstr ""
"Abajo están los productos de Mandriva diseñados para cubrir las "
"<b>necesidades profesionales</b>:"
@@ -17099,8 +17098,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Como todos los programas de ordenador, el software de código abierto "
"<b>requiere tiempo y personas</b> para su desarrollo. Para continuar la "
-"filosofía del código abierto, Mandriva vende productos de valor añadido "
-"y servicios para <b>seguir mejorando Mandrivalinux</b>. Si desea <b>apoyar a "
+"filosofía del código abierto, Mandriva vende productos de valor añadido y "
+"servicios para <b>seguir mejorando Mandrivalinux</b>. Si desea <b>apoyar a "
"la filosofía de código abierto</b> y al desarrollo de Mandrivalinux, <b>por "
"favor</b>, ¡considere el comprar uno de nuestros productos o servicios!"
@@ -17112,8 +17111,8 @@ msgstr "<b>Tienda en línea</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our "
-"<b>e-commerce platform</b>."
+"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our <b>e-"
+"commerce platform</b>."
msgstr ""
"Para saber más sobre todos los productos y servicios Mandriva, visite "
"<b>Mandriva Store</b>, nuestra plataforma completa de servicios e-commerce."
@@ -17254,8 +17253,8 @@ msgid ""
"Do you require <b>assistance?</b> Meet Mandriva's technical experts on "
"<b>our technical support platform</b>"
msgstr ""
-"¿Necesita <b>ayuda?</b> Encuentre técnicos expertos de Mandriva "
-"en<b>nuestra plataforma de soporte técnico</b>"
+"¿Necesita <b>ayuda?</b> Encuentre técnicos expertos de Mandriva en<b>nuestra "
+"plataforma de soporte técnico</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -17798,8 +17797,8 @@ msgstr "[--skiptest] [--cups] [--lprng] [--lpd] [--pdq]"
#, c-format
msgid ""
-" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in "
-"Mandriva Update mode\n"
+" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in Mandriva "
+"Update mode\n"
" --no-verify-rpm do not verify packages signatures\n"
" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
"description window\n"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/et.po b/perl-install/share/po/et.po
index 3d4181888..bd34352f5 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/et.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/et.po
@@ -6271,8 +6271,8 @@ msgid ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -6286,8 +6286,8 @@ msgid ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -6330,8 +6330,8 @@ msgid ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -6392,8 +6392,8 @@ msgstr ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -6407,8 +6407,8 @@ msgstr ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -6451,8 +6451,8 @@ msgstr ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -15977,8 +15977,8 @@ msgstr "Tere tulemast <b>vaba tarkvara maailma</b>!"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrivalinux is committed to the open source model. This means that this "
-"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's "
-"team of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
+"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's team "
+"of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
"Mandrivalinux toetab kõigiti vaba tarkvara. Ka praegune väljalase on "
@@ -16070,8 +16070,7 @@ msgid ""
"version that Mandriva wants to keep <b>available to everyone</b>."
msgstr ""
"Paigaldate praegu <b>Mandrivalinuxi allatõmmatavat</b> versiooni. See on "
-"vaba versioon, mis Mandrivai tahtmist mööda on <b>kättesaadav kõigile</"
+"vaba versioon, mis Mandrivai tahtmist mööda on <b>kättesaadav kõigile</b>."
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16105,8 +16104,8 @@ msgid ""
"You will not have access to the <b>services included</b> in the other "
"Mandriva products either."
msgstr ""
-"Teil puudub ligipääs ka muudesse Mandrivai toodetesse <b>lisatud "
+"Teil puudub ligipääs ka muudesse Mandrivai toodetesse <b>lisatud teenustele</"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16183,11 +16182,9 @@ msgstr "<b>Mandrivai tooted</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> "
+"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> products."
msgstr ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> on välja töötanud terve rea <b>Mandrivalinuxi</b> "
+"<b>Mandriva</b> on välja töötanud terve rea <b>Mandrivalinuxi</b> tooteid."
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16259,11 +16256,11 @@ msgstr "<b>Mandrivai tooted (professonaalsed lahendused)</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional "
+"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional needs</"
msgstr ""
-"Toome siin ära Mandrivai tooted, mis peavad rahuldama ka kõige "
-"nõudlikumaid <b>professionaalseid vajadusi</b>:"
+"Toome siin ära Mandrivai tooted, mis peavad rahuldama ka kõige nõudlikumaid "
+"<b>professionaalseid vajadusi</b>:"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16787,9 +16784,9 @@ msgid ""
"our products or services!"
msgstr ""
"Nagu programmeerimine üldse, nõuab ka vaba tarkvara arendamiseks <b>aega ja "
-"inimesi</b>. Vaba tarkvara põhimõtete vaimu elushoidmiseks müüb Mandriva "
-"oma tooteid ja teenuseid, et <b>aidata arendada Mandrivalinuxit</b>. Kui ka "
-"Teie soovite <b>toetada vaba tarkvara põhimõtteid</b> ning Mandrivalinuxi "
+"inimesi</b>. Vaba tarkvara põhimõtete vaimu elushoidmiseks müüb Mandriva oma "
+"tooteid ja teenuseid, et <b>aidata arendada Mandrivalinuxit</b>. Kui ka Teie "
+"soovite <b>toetada vaba tarkvara põhimõtteid</b> ning Mandrivalinuxi "
"arendustegevust, kaaluge <b>palun</b> mõtet osta mõni meie toode või teenus!"
#: share/advertising/
@@ -16800,11 +16797,11 @@ msgstr "<b>Internetikauplus</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our "
-"<b>e-commerce platform</b>."
+"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our <b>e-"
+"commerce platform</b>."
msgstr ""
-"Mandrivai toodete ja teenustega põhjalikumaks tutvumiseks võite "
-"külastada meie <b>e-kaubanduse keskust</b>."
+"Mandrivai toodete ja teenustega põhjalikumaks tutvumiseks võite külastada "
+"meie <b>e-kaubanduse keskust</b>."
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16845,8 +16842,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Take advantage of <b>valuable benefits</b> by joining Mandriva Club, such as:"
msgstr ""
-"Saage kasu <b>hinnalistest eelistest</b>, mida pakub ühinemine "
-"Mandriva Club'iga:"
+"Saage kasu <b>hinnalistest eelistest</b>, mida pakub ühinemine Mandriva "
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16891,8 +16888,8 @@ msgid ""
"<b>Mandriva Online</b> is a new premium service that Mandriva is proud to "
"offer its customers!"
msgstr ""
-"<b>Mandriva Online</b> on uus suurepärane teenus, mida Mandriva uhkusega "
-"oma klientidele pakub!"
+"<b>Mandriva Online</b> on uus suurepärane teenus, mida Mandriva uhkusega oma "
+"klientidele pakub!"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16941,8 +16938,8 @@ msgid ""
"Do you require <b>assistance?</b> Meet Mandriva's technical experts on "
"<b>our technical support platform</b>"
msgstr ""
-"Läheb Teil vaja <b>veidi abi</b>? Mandrivai asjatundjad on valmis seda "
-"Teile osutama <b>meie tehnilise toe keskkonnas</b>"
+"Läheb Teil vaja <b>veidi abi</b>? Mandrivai asjatundjad on valmis seda Teile "
+"osutama <b>meie tehnilise toe keskkonnas</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -17478,8 +17475,8 @@ msgstr " [--skiptest] [--cups] [--lprng] [--lpd] [--pdq]"
#, c-format
msgid ""
-" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in "
-"Mandriva Update mode\n"
+" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in Mandriva "
+"Update mode\n"
" --no-verify-rpm do not verify packages signatures\n"
" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
"description window\n"
@@ -26615,9 +26612,6 @@ msgstr "Paigaldamine ebaõnnestus!"
#~ msgid "Save and close"
#~ msgstr "Salvesta ja sulge"
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "Mandrivai nõustajad"
#~ msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
#~ msgstr "Brauserit ei leitud! Palun paigaldage mõni"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/eu.po b/perl-install/share/po/eu.po
index 7c20ba07b..32f82048e 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/eu.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/eu.po
@@ -6344,8 +6344,8 @@ msgid ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -6359,8 +6359,8 @@ msgid ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -6403,8 +6403,8 @@ msgid ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -6437,8 +6437,8 @@ msgstr ""
"1. Lizentzia-kontratua\n"
-"Irakurri arretaz dokumentu hau. Software produktuei buruz zuk eta "
-"Mandriva S.A.k adostutako lizentzia-kontratu bat da.\n"
+"Irakurri arretaz dokumentu hau. Software produktuei buruz zuk eta Mandriva S."
+"A.k adostutako lizentzia-kontratu bat da.\n"
"Software-produktuak instalatu, bikoiztu edo era batean edo bestean erabiliz, "
"esplizituki \n"
@@ -6503,10 +6503,10 @@ msgstr ""
"Osagai bat erabili aurretik, irakurri \n"
"arretaz osagai horren lizentzia-kontratuko baldintzak. Osagaiaren "
"lizentziari \n"
-"buruzko galdera oro osagaiaren egileari egin beharko zaio, eta ez "
-"Mandriva S.A.k garatutako programak GPL Lizentziak eaenduak dira. "
-"Mandriva S.A.k\n"
+"buruzko galdera oro osagaiaren egileari egin beharko zaio, eta ez Mandriva-"
+"Mandriva S.A.k garatutako programak GPL Lizentziak eaenduak dira. Mandriva S."
"idatzitako dokumentazioa lizentzia zehatz baten araberakoa da. Xehetasun "
"gehiago nahi izanez gero \n"
"jo dokumentaziora.\n"
@@ -6518,11 +6518,11 @@ msgstr ""
"eta software-programei \n"
"aplikatzen zaizkien jabetza intelektualaren eta copyriht-aren legeen babesa "
-"Mandriva S.A.k eskubidea du Software-produktuak bere osotasunean edo "
-"zatika aldatzeko, \n"
+"Mandriva S.A.k eskubidea du Software-produktuak bere osotasunean edo zatika "
+"aldatzeko, \n"
"edozein bide erabiliz eta helburu guztietarako.\n"
-"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" eta asoziatutako logotipoak Mandriva S.A."
-"ren marka erregistratuak dira. \n"
+"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" eta asoziatutako logotipoak Mandriva "
+"marka erregistratuak dira. \n"
"5. Lege eraentzaileak \n"
@@ -16128,8 +16128,8 @@ msgstr "Ongi etorri <b>Iturburu Irekiaren mundura</b>!"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrivalinux is committed to the open source model. This means that this "
-"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's "
-"team of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
+"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's team "
+"of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
"Mandrivalinux iturburu irekiko ereduari herabat atsekitzen zaio. Honek esan "
@@ -16297,8 +16297,8 @@ msgid ""
"includes <b>thousands of applications</b> - everything from the most popular "
"to the most advanced."
msgstr ""
-"PowerPack Mandriva-en <b>lehen mailako idaztegi</b> produktua da. "
-"PowerPack-ek <b>milaka aplikazio</b> dakartza - guztia ospetsuenetatik "
+"PowerPack Mandriva-en <b>lehen mailako idaztegi</b> produktua da. PowerPack-"
+"ek <b>milaka aplikazio</b> dakartza - guztia ospetsuenetatik "
#: share/advertising/
@@ -16331,10 +16331,8 @@ msgstr "<b>Mandriva Produktuak</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> "
-msgstr ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b>ek <b>Mandrivalinux</b> produktu eremu zabala garatudu."
+"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> products."
+msgstr "<b>Mandriva</b>ek <b>Mandrivalinux</b> produktu eremu zabala garatudu."
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16405,11 +16403,11 @@ msgstr "<b>Mandriva Produktuak (Soluzio Profesionalak)</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional "
+"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional needs</"
msgstr ""
-"Azpian daude <b>behar profesionalei</b> erantzuteko diseinatutako "
-"Mandriva produktuak:"
+"Azpian daude <b>behar profesionalei</b> erantzuteko diseinatutako Mandriva "
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16941,11 +16939,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Konputagailu programaketa guztiak bezala, iturburu irekiko softwareak "
"<b>denbora eta jendea</b> behar du garapenerako. Iturburu irekiko filosofia "
-"errespetatzeko asmoz, Mandriva-ek balio erantsidun produktu eta "
-"zerbitzuak saltzen ditu <b>Mandrivalinux hobetzen jarraitzeko</b>. "
-"<b>Iturburu irekiko filosofiari</b> eta Mandrivalinux-en garapenari laguntza "
-"eman nahi badiezu, <b>mesedez</b> gogoan hartu gure produktu edo "
-"zerbitzuetako baten erosketa!"
+"errespetatzeko asmoz, Mandriva-ek balio erantsidun produktu eta zerbitzuak "
+"saltzen ditu <b>Mandrivalinux hobetzen jarraitzeko</b>. <b>Iturburu irekiko "
+"filosofiari</b> eta Mandrivalinux-en garapenari laguntza eman nahi badiezu, "
+"<b>mesedez</b> gogoan hartu gure produktu edo zerbitzuetako baten erosketa!"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16955,11 +16952,11 @@ msgstr "<b>Lerroko Denda</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our "
-"<b>e-commerce platform</b>."
+"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our <b>e-"
+"commerce platform</b>."
msgstr ""
-"Mandriva produktu eta zerbitzuei buruz gehiago ikasteko, gure <b>e-"
-"commece plataforma</b> bisitatu dezakezu."
+"Mandriva produktu eta zerbitzuei buruz gehiago ikasteko, gure <b>e-commece "
+"plataforma</b> bisitatu dezakezu."
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16993,7 +16990,8 @@ msgid ""
"<b>Mandriva Club</b> is the <b>perfect companion</b> to your Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
-"<b>Mandriva Club</b> zure Mandrivalinux produktuen <b>lagunperfektua</b> da..."
+"<b>Mandriva Club</b> zure Mandrivalinux produktuen <b>lagunperfektua</b> "
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -17096,8 +17094,8 @@ msgid ""
"Do you require <b>assistance?</b> Meet Mandriva's technical experts on "
"<b>our technical support platform</b>"
msgstr ""
-"<b>Laguntza</b> behar duzu? Mandriva-en aditu teknikoak aurkituko dituzu "
-" <b>gure euskarri teknikoaren plataforman</b>."
+"<b>Laguntza</b> behar duzu? Mandriva-en aditu teknikoak aurkituko dituzu www."
+" <b>gure euskarri teknikoaren plataforman</b>."
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -17638,8 +17636,8 @@ msgstr " [--skiptest] [--cups] [--lprng] [--lpd] [--pdq]"
#, c-format
msgid ""
-" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in "
-"Mandriva Update mode\n"
+" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in Mandriva "
+"Update mode\n"
" --no-verify-rpm do not verify packages signatures\n"
" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
"description window\n"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/fa.po b/perl-install/share/po/fa.po
index 4cacbf188..4a5fabcfc 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/fa.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/fa.po
@@ -6278,8 +6278,8 @@ msgid ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -6293,8 +6293,8 @@ msgid ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -6337,8 +6337,8 @@ msgid ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -6423,8 +6423,8 @@ msgstr ""
"مربوط به مجوز \n"
"نرم‌افزار بایستی به نویسنده‌ی آن نرم‌افزار ونه به ماندرایک فرستاده شوند. "
"برنامه‌های تهیه شده بوسیله \n"
-"ماندرایک توسط مجوز GPL اداره می‌شوند. نوشتارهای نوشته شده توسط Mandriva S."
-"A. تحت \n"
+"ماندرایک توسط مجوز GPL اداره می‌شوند. نوشتارهای نوشته شده توسط Mandriva S.A. "
+"تحت \n"
"مجوز مخصوص اداره می‌شوند. لطفاً به این نوشتارها برای توضیحات بیشتر مراجعه "
@@ -6436,8 +6436,8 @@ msgstr ""
"شرکت Mandriva S.A.حقوق امتیازی خود را برای تغییر یا وفق دادن محصولات "
"نرم‌افزاری \n"
"بطور کامل یا قسمت‌هایی از آنها، در هر صورت و برای هر منظور محفوظ می‌دارد. \n"
-"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" و علائم مربوطه آرم‌های بازرگانی Mandriva "
-"S.A. می باشند.\n"
+"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" و علائم مربوطه آرم‌های بازرگانی Mandriva S.A. "
+"می باشند.\n"
"۵. اجرای قوانین \n"
@@ -15943,8 +15943,8 @@ msgstr "به <b>دنیای منبع باز</b> خوش آمدید!"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrivalinux is committed to the open source model. This means that this "
-"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's "
-"team of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
+"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's team "
+"of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
"لینوکس ماندرایک به مدل منبع باز متعهد است. این بدین معنی است که این توزیع "
@@ -16141,8 +16141,7 @@ msgstr "<b>محصولات نرم افزار ماندرایک</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> "
+"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> products."
msgstr ""
"<b>نرم افزار ماندرایک</b> گستره پهناوری از محصولات <b>لینوکس ماندرایک</b> را "
"توسعه داده است."
@@ -16216,8 +16215,8 @@ msgstr "<b>محصولات نرم افزار ماندرایک (راه حلهای
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional "
+"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional needs</"
msgstr ""
"در زیر محصولات نرم افزار ماندرایک که برای <b>نیازهای حرفه‌ای</b> طراحی شده‌اند "
"قرار دارند:"
@@ -16740,8 +16739,8 @@ msgstr "<b>فروشگاه اینترنتی</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our "
-"<b>e-commerce platform</b>."
+"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our <b>e-"
+"commerce platform</b>."
msgstr ""
"برای یادگیری درباره محصولات و خدمات نرم افزار ماندرایک میتوانید از <b>پایگاه "
"تجارت-الکترونیکی</b> بازدید کنید."
@@ -17407,8 +17406,8 @@ msgstr " [--skiptest] [--cups] [--lprng] [--lpd] [--pdq]"
#, c-format
msgid ""
-" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in "
-"Mandriva Update mode\n"
+" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in Mandriva "
+"Update mode\n"
" --no-verify-rpm do not verify packages signatures\n"
" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
"description window\n"
@@ -26551,10 +26550,6 @@ msgstr "نصب شکست خورد"
#~ msgid "You've not selected any font"
#~ msgstr "شما هیچ قلمی را انتخاب نکرده‌اید"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "جادوگران نرم افزار ماندرایک"
#~ msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
#~ msgstr "هیچ مرورگری در دسترس نیست! لطفاً یکی را نصب کنید"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/fi.po b/perl-install/share/po/fi.po
index 1d9f5df1a..d034e524d 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/fi.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/fi.po
@@ -26869,9 +26869,6 @@ msgstr "Asennus epäonnistui"
#~ msgid "Save and close"
#~ msgstr "Tallenna ja Sulje"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "Mandriva Velhoja"
#~ msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
#~ msgstr "Ei selainta käytettävissä! Ole hyvä ja asenna jokin"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/fr.po b/perl-install/share/po/fr.po
index 0e46ae012..1d02c8154 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/fr.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/fr.po
@@ -6474,8 +6474,8 @@ msgid ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -6489,8 +6489,8 @@ msgid ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -6533,8 +6533,8 @@ msgid ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -11015,7 +11015,8 @@ msgid ""
"The following protocols can be used to configure a LAN connection. Please "
"choose the one you want to use"
msgstr ""
-"Les protocoles suivants peuvent être utilisés pour configurer une connexion LAN.\n"
+"Les protocoles suivants peuvent être utilisés pour configurer une connexion "
"Veuillez sélectionner celui que vous désirez utiliser"
#: network/
@@ -16388,14 +16389,14 @@ msgstr "Bienvenue dans le <b>monde du logiciel libre</b> !"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrivalinux is committed to the open source model. This means that this "
-"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's "
-"team of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
+"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's team "
+"of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
"Mandrivalinux adhère au modèle du logiciel libre. Cela signifie que cette "
"dernière version est le résultat d'une <b>collaboration</b> entre "
-"<b>l'équipe des développeurs de Mandriva</b> et la <b>communauté "
-"mondiale</b> des contributeurs à Mandrivalinux."
+"<b>l'équipe des développeurs de Mandriva</b> et la <b>communauté mondiale</"
+"b> des contributeurs à Mandrivalinux."
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16594,11 +16595,9 @@ msgstr "<b>Les produits Mandriva</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> "
+"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> products."
msgstr ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> a développé une large gamme de produits "
+"<b>Mandriva</b> a développé une large gamme de produits <b>Mandrivalinux</b>."
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16641,8 +16640,8 @@ msgid ""
"Mandriva has developed two products that allow you to use Mandrivalinux "
"<b>on any computer</b> and without any need to actually install it:"
msgstr ""
-"Mandriva a développé deux produits qui permettent d'utiliser "
-"Mandrivalinux <b>sur n'importe quel ordinateur</b> et sans installation :"
+"Mandriva a développé deux produits qui permettent d'utiliser Mandrivalinux "
+"<b>sur n'importe quel ordinateur</b> et sans installation :"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16670,8 +16669,8 @@ msgstr "<b>Les produits Mandriva (solutions professionnelles)</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional "
+"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional needs</"
msgstr ""
"Voici les produits Mandriva destinés à répondre aux <b>besoins "
"professionnels</b> :"
@@ -17212,11 +17211,11 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Comme toute autre activité informatique, le logiciel libre requiert du "
"<b>temps et des effectifs</b> pour mener à bien les développements. Pour "
-"respecter la philosophie du logiciel libre, Mandriva vend des produits "
-"et des services à valeur ajoutée pour <b>continuer d'améliorer "
-"Mandrivalinux</b>. Si vous souhaitez <b>soutenir la philosophie du logiciel "
-"libre</b> et le développement de Mandrivalinux, <b>merci</b> d'envisager "
-"l'achat d'un de nos produits ou services !"
+"respecter la philosophie du logiciel libre, Mandriva vend des produits et "
+"des services à valeur ajoutée pour <b>continuer d'améliorer Mandrivalinux</"
+"b>. Si vous souhaitez <b>soutenir la philosophie du logiciel libre</b> et le "
+"développement de Mandrivalinux, <b>merci</b> d'envisager l'achat d'un de nos "
+"produits ou services !"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -17226,8 +17225,8 @@ msgstr "<b>Boutique en ligne</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our "
-"<b>e-commerce platform</b>."
+"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our <b>e-"
+"commerce platform</b>."
msgstr ""
"Pour en savoir plus sur les produits et les services de Mandriva, vous "
"pouvez visitez notre <b>plate-forme de commerce électronique</b>."
@@ -17316,8 +17315,8 @@ msgid ""
"<b>Mandriva Online</b> is a new premium service that Mandriva is proud to "
"offer its customers!"
msgstr ""
-"<b>Mandriva Online</b> est le tout nouveau service que Mandriva est fier "
-"de présenter à ses clients !"
+"<b>Mandriva Online</b> est le tout nouveau service que Mandriva est fier de "
+"présenter à ses clients !"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -17912,8 +17911,8 @@ msgstr " [--skiptest] [--cups] [--lprng] [--lpd] [--pdq]"
#, c-format
msgid ""
-" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in "
-"Mandriva Update mode\n"
+" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in Mandriva "
+"Update mode\n"
" --no-verify-rpm do not verify packages signatures\n"
" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
"description window\n"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/fur.po b/perl-install/share/po/fur.po
index 15bfe8ab5..99d5ffd2d 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/fur.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/fur.po
@@ -5133,8 +5133,8 @@ msgid ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -5148,8 +5148,8 @@ msgid ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -5192,8 +5192,8 @@ msgid ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -13831,8 +13831,8 @@ msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrivalinux is committed to the open source model. This means that this "
-"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's "
-"team of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
+"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's team "
+"of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
@@ -13995,8 +13995,7 @@ msgstr "<b>Mandriva Expert</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> "
+"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> products."
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -14060,8 +14059,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional "
+"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional needs</"
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -14530,8 +14529,8 @@ msgstr "<b>Server</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our "
-"<b>e-commerce platform</b>."
+"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our <b>e-"
+"commerce platform</b>."
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -15093,8 +15092,8 @@ msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid ""
-" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in "
-"Mandriva Update mode\n"
+" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in Mandriva "
+"Update mode\n"
" --no-verify-rpm do not verify packages signatures\n"
" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
"description window\n"
@@ -23133,20 +23132,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Installation failed"
msgstr "Instalazion falade"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "_: keyboard\n"
-#~ "Tifinagh (+latin/arabic)"
-#~ msgstr "Arap"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Use already installed driver (%s)"
-#~ msgstr "Identitât ssh dizà instalade"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "<b>Mandriva Expert</b>"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Insert a floppy in drive\n"
#~ "All data on this floppy will be lost"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/ga.po b/perl-install/share/po/ga.po
index f15975650..907a3f58d 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/ga.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/ga.po
@@ -5133,8 +5133,8 @@ msgid ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -5148,8 +5148,8 @@ msgid ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -5192,8 +5192,8 @@ msgid ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -13871,8 +13871,8 @@ msgstr "Trialaigh an cumraíocht"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrivalinux is committed to the open source model. This means that this "
-"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's "
-"team of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
+"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's team "
+"of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
@@ -14035,8 +14035,7 @@ msgstr "Bainteach le hIdirlíon"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> "
+"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> products."
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -14100,8 +14099,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional "
+"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional needs</"
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -14570,8 +14569,8 @@ msgstr "Bainteach le hIdirlíon"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our "
-"<b>e-commerce platform</b>."
+"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our <b>e-"
+"commerce platform</b>."
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -15134,8 +15133,8 @@ msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid ""
-" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in "
-"Mandriva Update mode\n"
+" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in Mandriva "
+"Update mode\n"
" --no-verify-rpm do not verify packages signatures\n"
" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
"description window\n"
@@ -23190,18 +23189,6 @@ msgstr "Theip ar shuiteáil"
#~ msgid "No network card"
#~ msgstr "ní fuaireathas cárta gréasánú"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Use already installed driver (%s)"
-#~ msgstr "tá gach rud ann cheana féin"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "You've not selected any font"
-#~ msgstr "Scrios ciú"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "Bainteach le hIdirlíon"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Insert a floppy in drive\n"
#~ "All data on this floppy will be lost"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/gl.po b/perl-install/share/po/gl.po
index 845e977cb..829275ea0 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/gl.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/gl.po
@@ -5590,8 +5590,8 @@ msgid ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -5605,8 +5605,8 @@ msgid ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -5649,8 +5649,8 @@ msgid ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -14867,8 +14867,8 @@ msgstr "¡Benvid@ ó <b>mundo do Código Aberto</b>!"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrivalinux is committed to the open source model. This means that this "
-"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's "
-"team of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
+"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's team "
+"of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
"Mandrivalinux comprométese co Modelo de Código Aberto. Isto significa que "
@@ -15037,9 +15037,9 @@ msgid ""
"includes <b>thousands of applications</b> - everything from the most popular "
"to the most advanced."
msgstr ""
-"PowerPack é o <b>principal producto Linux para escritorio</b> de "
-"Mandriva. PowerPack inclúe <b>milleiros de aplicacións</b> - dende as "
-"máis populares ás máis avanzadas."
+"PowerPack é o <b>principal producto Linux para escritorio</b> de Mandriva. "
+"PowerPack inclúe <b>milleiros de aplicacións</b> - dende as máis populares "
+"ás máis avanzadas."
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -15068,8 +15068,7 @@ msgstr "<b>Productos de Mandriva</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> "
+"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> products."
msgstr ""
"<b>Mandriva</b> desenvolveu unha gran cantidade de productos "
@@ -15141,8 +15140,8 @@ msgstr "<b>Productos de Mandriva (Solucións Profesionais)</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional "
+"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional needs</"
msgstr ""
"Debaixo están os productos de Mandriva deseñados para solucionar as "
"<b>necesidades profesionais</b>:"
@@ -15661,11 +15660,11 @@ msgstr "<b>Tenda en liña</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our "
-"<b>e-commerce platform</b>."
+"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our <b>e-"
+"commerce platform</b>."
msgstr ""
-"Para saber máis acerca dos productos e servicios de Mandriva, pode "
-"visitar a nosa <b>plataforma de comercio electrónico</b>."
+"Para saber máis acerca dos productos e servicios de Mandriva, pode visitar a "
+"nosa <b>plataforma de comercio electrónico</b>."
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16261,8 +16260,8 @@ msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid ""
-" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in "
-"Mandriva Update mode\n"
+" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in Mandriva "
+"Update mode\n"
" --no-verify-rpm do not verify packages signatures\n"
" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
"description window\n"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/he.po b/perl-install/share/po/he.po
index fa2706c94..c43710740 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/he.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/he.po
@@ -877,7 +877,8 @@ msgstr "יש להגדיראת גודל הזיכרון בMB"
#, c-format
-msgid "Option ``Restrict command line options'' is of no use without a password"
+msgid ""
+"Option ``Restrict command line options'' is of no use without a password"
msgstr "אפשרות ''הגבלת אפשרויות שורת הפקודה'' לא שימושית ללא הגדרת סיסמה"
@@ -1135,7 +1136,8 @@ msgstr "עליך להגדיר שם משתמש"
#, c-format
-msgid "The user name must contain only lower cased letters, numbers, `-' and `_'"
+msgid ""
+"The user name must contain only lower cased letters, numbers, `-' and `_'"
msgstr "שם המשתמש יכול להכיל אך ורק אותיות קטנות, מספרים, `-' ו `_'"
@@ -1205,7 +1207,8 @@ msgstr "כניסה-אוטומטית"
#, c-format
msgid "I can set up your computer to automatically log on one user."
-msgstr "ניתן להגדיר שכאשר המערכת תופעל היא תכנס אוטומטית לחשבון של אחד המשתמשים."
+msgstr ""
+"ניתן להגדיר שכאשר המערכת תופעל היא תכנס אוטומטית לחשבון של אחד המשתמשים."
#, c-format
@@ -1346,7 +1349,8 @@ msgstr ""
#, c-format
-msgid "You can export using NFS or SMB. Please select which you would like to use."
+msgid ""
+"You can export using NFS or SMB. Please select which you would like to use."
msgstr "ניתן לייצא בעזרת NFS או SMB. עליך לבחור במה להשתמש."
@@ -1415,7 +1419,8 @@ msgstr "קובץ מקומי:"
#, c-format
-msgid "Use local for all authentication and information user tell in local file"
+msgid ""
+"Use local for all authentication and information user tell in local file"
msgstr ""
@@ -1461,7 +1466,8 @@ msgstr "מדריך Active Directory עם SFU:"
#, c-format
-msgid "Kerberos is a secure system for providing network authentication services."
+msgid ""
+"Kerberos is a secure system for providing network authentication services."
msgstr ""
@@ -2381,7 +2387,8 @@ msgstr "מחיקת קובץ ה-loopback?"
#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
-msgid "After changing type of partition %s, all data on this partition will be lost"
+msgid ""
+"After changing type of partition %s, all data on this partition will be lost"
msgstr "אחרי שינוי סוג של מחיצה %s, כל המידע שעליה יאבד"
#: diskdrake/
@@ -2850,8 +2857,10 @@ msgstr "עוד אחד"
#: diskdrake/
#, c-format
-msgid "Please enter your username, password and domain name to access this host."
-msgstr "עליך להכניס את שם המשתמש, הסיסמה ושם המתחם (DNS) שלך כדי לגשת למחשב זה."
+msgid ""
+"Please enter your username, password and domain name to access this host."
+msgstr ""
+"עליך להכניס את שם המשתמש, הסיסמה ושם המתחם (DNS) שלך כדי לגשת למחשב זה."
#: diskdrake/ standalone/drakbackup:3502
#, c-format
@@ -3347,9 +3356,10 @@ msgstr "הגדרות קול"
msgid ""
"Here you can select an alternative driver (either OSS or ALSA) for your "
"sound card (%s)."
-msgstr "כאן באפשרותך לבחור מנהל התקן תחליפי (או OSS או ALSA) לכרטיס הקול שלך (%s)."
+msgstr ""
+"כאן באפשרותך לבחור מנהל התקן תחליפי (או OSS או ALSA) לכרטיס הקול שלך (%s)."
-#. -PO: here the first %s is either "OSS" or "ALSA",
+#. -PO: here the first %s is either "OSS" or "ALSA",
#. -PO: the second %s is the name of the current driver
#. -PO: and the third %s is the name of the default driver
#: harddrake/
@@ -5581,7 +5591,8 @@ msgstr "הסרת מערכת חלונות"
#, c-format
msgid "You have more than one hard drive, which one do you install linux on?"
-msgstr "במערכת מותקנים מספר כוננים קשיחים, באיזה מהם ברצונך להתקין את מערכת הלינוקס?"
+msgstr ""
+"במערכת מותקנים מספר כוננים קשיחים, באיזה מהם ברצונך להתקין את מערכת הלינוקס?"
#, c-format
@@ -5668,8 +5679,8 @@ msgid ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -5683,8 +5694,8 @@ msgid ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -5727,8 +5738,8 @@ msgid ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -5775,14 +5786,14 @@ msgstr ""
"מוצרי התכנה והתיעוד הנספח מסופקים \"כמות שהם\", בלי אחריות, עד לגבולות "
"המותרים על פי חוק.\n"
-"חברת Mandriva S.A. לא תהיה אחראית, בשום תנאי שהוא בכפוף להוראות החוק, "
-"לכל אירוע מיוחד, נזקים ישירים\n"
+"חברת Mandriva S.A. לא תהיה אחראית, בשום תנאי שהוא בכפוף להוראות החוק, לכל "
+"אירוע מיוחד, נזקים ישירים\n"
"ועקיפים למיניהם (כולל, בין היתר הפסדים הנובעים עקב אבדן עסקים, הפרעה "
"להתנהלות העסק, הפסד כספי, שכר טרחת\n"
"עורך דין, קנסות ואגרות הנובעים מהחלטת בית משפט, או הפסד כתוצאה מכך) הנובעים "
"מהשימוש או מאי היכולת להשתמש\n"
-"במוצרי התכנה, וזאת גם אם הובאה לידיעתה חברת Mandriva S.A האפשרות "
-"לאפשרות ההתרחשות של נזקים\n"
+"במוצרי התכנה, וזאת גם אם הובאה לידיעתה חברת Mandriva S.A האפשרות לאפשרות "
+"ההתרחשות של נזקים\n"
"הגבלת אחריות הנובעת משימוש או הפצת תוכנה אסורה במדינות מסוימות\n"
@@ -5803,14 +5814,14 @@ msgstr ""
"מוצרי התכנה כוללים מרכיבים שנוצרו על ידי אנשים וגופים שונים. רוב המרכיבים "
"האלו כפופים לתנאי הרישיון הציבורי\n"
-"הכללי של GNU, שיכונה להלן \"GPL\", או רישיונות דומים. רוב הרישיונות האלו מרשים "
-"לך להשתמש, לשכפל, לשנות או\n"
+"הכללי של GNU, שיכונה להלן \"GPL\", או רישיונות דומים. רוב הרישיונות האלו "
+"מרשים לך להשתמש, לשכפל, לשנות או\n"
"להפיץ את המרכיבים אשר הם מכסים. עליך לקרוא בעיון את התנאים והסייגים של כל "
"מרכיב לפני השימוש במרכיב כלשהו.\n"
"עליך להפנות כל שאלה בנוגע לרישיון השימוש הנוגעת לרישיון של מרכיב כלשהו למפתח "
"התכנה ולא ל Mandriva.\n"
-" התכנות שפותחו ע\"י חברת Mandriva S.A. כפופות לרישיון ה GPL. תיעוד "
-"שנכתב על ידי חברת Mandriva\n"
+" התכנות שפותחו ע\"י חברת Mandriva S.A. כפופות לרישיון ה GPL. תיעוד שנכתב על "
+"ידי חברת Mandriva\n"
"כפוף לרישיון מיוחד. עליך לעיין בתיעוד למידע נוסף בנידון.\n"
@@ -6513,7 +6524,8 @@ msgstr ""
#, c-format
-msgid "Contacting Mandrivalinux web site to get the list of available mirrors..."
+msgid ""
+"Contacting Mandrivalinux web site to get the list of available mirrors..."
msgstr "מתחבר לאתר מנדריבה לינוקס בכדי לקבל רשימה של אתרי מראה זמינים..."
@@ -6736,7 +6748,8 @@ msgstr "התקנת מנדריבה לינוקס %s"
#. -PO: This string must fit in a 80-char wide text screen
#, c-format
-msgid " <Tab>/<Alt-Tab> between elements | <Space> selects | <F12> next screen "
+msgid ""
+" <Tab>/<Alt-Tab> between elements | <Space> selects | <F12> next screen "
msgstr "<Tab>/<Alt-Tab> בין אלמנטים | <Space> בחירה | <F12> מסך הבא"
@@ -10724,7 +10737,8 @@ msgstr "נא להכניס תקליטון"
msgid ""
"Insert a FAT formatted floppy in drive %s with %s in root directory and "
"press %s"
-msgstr "עליך להכניס תקליטון מפורמט כ FAT לכונן %s, עם %s בספריית השורש, וללחוץ על %s"
+msgstr ""
+"עליך להכניס תקליטון מפורמט כ FAT לכונן %s, עם %s בספריית השורש, וללחוץ על %s"
#: network/
#, c-format
@@ -11525,7 +11539,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: printer/
#, c-format
-msgid "Printer auto-detection (Local, TCP/Socket, SMB printers, and device URI)"
+msgid ""
+"Printer auto-detection (Local, TCP/Socket, SMB printers, and device URI)"
msgstr "זיהוי מדפסת אוטומטי (מקומית, TCP/Socket, מדפסות SMB והתקן URI)"
#: printer/
@@ -11625,7 +11640,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: printer/
#, c-format
-msgid "There are no printers found which are directly connected to your machine"
+msgid ""
+"There are no printers found which are directly connected to your machine"
msgstr "לא נמצאה מדפסות המחוברות ישירות למחשבך"
#: printer/
@@ -12042,7 +12058,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: printer/
#, c-format
-msgid "Alternatively, you can specify a device name/file name in the input line"
+msgid ""
+"Alternatively, you can specify a device name/file name in the input line"
msgstr "לחלופין, עליך לכתוב את שם ההתקן/שם הקובץ בשורת הקלט"
#: printer/ printer/
@@ -12055,7 +12072,8 @@ msgstr "להלן רשימה של כל המדפסות שזוהו באופן או
msgid ""
"Please choose the printer you want to set up or enter a device name/file "
"name in the input line"
-msgstr "עליך לבחור את המדפסת שברצונך להגדיר או לכתוב את שם ההתקן/שם הקובץ בשורת הקלט"
+msgstr ""
+"עליך לבחור את המדפסת שברצונך להגדיר או לכתוב את שם ההתקן/שם הקובץ בשורת הקלט"
#: printer/
#, c-format
@@ -12740,7 +12758,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Here you can choose the PPD file to be installed on your machine, it will "
"then be used for the setup of your printer."
-msgstr "כאן באפשרותך לבחור את קובץ PPD שיותקן במחשבך, קובץ זה ישמש להגדרת המדפסת שלך."
+msgstr ""
+"כאן באפשרותך לבחור את קובץ PPD שיותקן במחשבך, קובץ זה ישמש להגדרת המדפסת שלך."
#: printer/
#, c-format
@@ -13060,7 +13079,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"To print a file from the command line (terminal window) use the command \"%s "
-msgstr "כדי להדפיס קובץ משורת הפקודה (המעטפת) יש להשתמש בפקודה \"%s <file>\".\n"
+msgstr ""
+"כדי להדפיס קובץ משורת הפקודה (המעטפת) יש להשתמש בפקודה \"%s <file>\".\n"
#: printer/ printer/
#: printer/
@@ -13985,7 +14005,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: security/
#, c-format
-msgid " Enabling su only from members of the wheel group or allow su from any user."
+msgid ""
+" Enabling su only from members of the wheel group or allow su from any user."
msgstr "אפשור של su רק מחברי קבוצת \"wheel\" או אפשור של su מכל משתמש."
#: security/
@@ -14092,7 +14113,8 @@ msgstr "אם הוגדר ככן, בדוק את ה- checksum של קבצי suid/sg
#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "if set to yes, check additions/removals of suid root files."
-msgstr "אם מסומן \"כן\", ייבדקו הוספות או שינויים של קצבים שמסומנים suid של root."
+msgstr ""
+"אם מסומן \"כן\", ייבדקו הוספות או שינויים של קצבים שמסומנים suid של root."
#: security/
#, c-format
@@ -14111,8 +14133,10 @@ msgstr "אם הוגדר ככן, הרץ בדיקת chkrootkit."
#: security/
#, c-format
-msgid "if set, send the mail report to this email address else send it to root."
-msgstr "אם מוגדר, שלח את הדו\"ח לדוא\"ל הזה, אחרת שלח אותו למנהל המערכת (root)."
+msgid ""
+"if set, send the mail report to this email address else send it to root."
+msgstr ""
+"אם מוגדר, שלח את הדו\"ח לדוא\"ל הזה, אחרת שלח אותו למנהל המערכת (root)."
#: security/
#, c-format
@@ -14392,7 +14416,8 @@ msgstr "אל תשלח הודעות דוא\"ל כשאין בכך צורך"
#: security/
#, c-format
msgid "If set, send the mail report to this email address else send it to root"
-msgstr "אם נבחר, שלח את הדו\"ח לכתובת דוא\"ל זו, אחרת שלח את הדו\"ח למנהל המערכת"
+msgstr ""
+"אם נבחר, שלח את הדו\"ח לכתובת דוא\"ל זו, אחרת שלח את הדו\"ח למנהל המערכת"
#: security/
#, c-format
@@ -14468,7 +14493,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"There are already some restrictions, and more automatic checks are run every "
-msgstr "תצורת אבטחה זו כוללת מספר הגבלות נוספות וכן הפעלת בדיקות שגרתיות מדי לילה."
+msgstr ""
+"תצורת אבטחה זו כוללת מספר הגבלות נוספות וכן הפעלת בדיקות שגרתיות מדי לילה."
#: security/
#, c-format
@@ -14515,7 +14541,8 @@ msgstr "השתמש ב-libsafe עבור כל השרתים"
#: security/
#, c-format
-msgid "A library which defends against buffer overflow and format string attacks."
+msgid ""
+"A library which defends against buffer overflow and format string attacks."
msgstr "זוהי ספרייה המגנה בפני buffer overflow והתקפות format string."
#: security/
@@ -14599,7 +14626,8 @@ msgstr ""
#, c-format
-msgid "Apache is a World Wide Web server. It is used to serve HTML files and CGI."
+msgid ""
+"Apache is a World Wide Web server. It is used to serve HTML files and CGI."
msgstr ""
@@ -14679,7 +14707,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"named (BIND) is a Domain Name Server (DNS) that is used to resolve host "
"names to IP addresses."
-msgstr "named (BIND) הוא שרת כתובות מתחם (DNS) המשמש לתרגום שמות מתחם לכתובות IP."
+msgstr ""
+"named (BIND) הוא שרת כתובות מתחם (DNS) המשמש לתרגום שמות מתחם לכתובות IP."
#, c-format
@@ -14960,8 +14989,8 @@ msgstr "ברוך בואך לעולם הקוד הפתוח!"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrivalinux is committed to the open source model. This means that this "
-"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's "
-"team of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
+"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's team "
+"of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
"מנדריבה לינוקס מחוייבת למודל הקוד הפתוח. משמעות הדבר היא שגרסת הפצה חדשה זו "
@@ -15062,15 +15091,18 @@ msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
-msgid "\t* <b>Proprietary drivers</b> (such as drivers for NVIDIA®, ATI™, etc.)."
-msgstr "\t* מנהלי התקנים קנייניים (כגון אלו עבור כרטיסי המסך NVIDIA®, ATI™, וכו'.)."
+msgid ""
+"\t* <b>Proprietary drivers</b> (such as drivers for NVIDIA®, ATI™, etc.)."
+msgstr ""
+"\t* מנהלי התקנים קנייניים (כגון אלו עבור כרטיסי המסך NVIDIA®, ATI™, וכו'.)."
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"\t* <b>Proprietary software</b> (such as Acrobat® Reader®, RealPlayer®, "
"Flash™, etc.)."
-msgstr "\t* תוכנות קנייניות (כגון Acrobat® Reader®, RealPlayer®, Flash™, וכו'.)."
+msgstr ""
+"\t* תוכנות קנייניות (כגון Acrobat® Reader®, RealPlayer®, Flash™, וכו'.)."
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -15150,8 +15182,7 @@ msgstr "מוצרי מנדריבה"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> "
+"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> products."
msgstr "מנדריבה פיתחה מגוון רחב של מוצרי מנדריבה לינוקס."
#: share/advertising/
@@ -15194,8 +15225,8 @@ msgid ""
"Mandriva has developed two products that allow you to use Mandrivalinux "
"<b>on any computer</b> and without any need to actually install it:"
msgstr ""
-"מנדריבה פיתחה שני מוצרים המאפשרים לך להשתמש במנדריבה לינוקס על כל מחשב "
-"ללא צורך בהתקנה:"
+"מנדריבה פיתחה שני מוצרים המאפשרים לך להשתמש במנדריבה לינוקס על כל מחשב ללא "
+"צורך בהתקנה:"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -15221,8 +15252,8 @@ msgstr "מוצרי מנדריבה (פתרונות מקצועיים)"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional "
+"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional needs</"
msgstr "להלן רשימת מוצרי מנדריבה המיועדים לענות על צרכים מקצועיים:"
#: share/advertising/
@@ -15334,7 +15365,8 @@ msgstr "Kontact"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
-msgid "Discovery includes <b>Kontact</b>, the new KDE <b>groupware solution</b>."
+msgid ""
+"Discovery includes <b>Kontact</b>, the new KDE <b>groupware solution</b>."
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -15465,7 +15497,8 @@ msgstr "סביבות פיתוח"
#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#, c-format
-msgid "PowerPack gives you the best tools to <b>develop</b> your own applications."
+msgid ""
+"PowerPack gives you the best tools to <b>develop</b> your own applications."
msgstr "גרסת PowerPack מכילה את הכלים הטובים ביותר לפתח את התוכנות שלך."
#: share/advertising/
@@ -15506,7 +15539,8 @@ msgstr "\t* XEmacs: עורך טקסט קוד פתוח אחר ומערכת פית
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
-msgid "\t* <b>Vim</b>: an advanced text editor with more features than standard Vi."
+msgid ""
+"\t* <b>Vim</b>: an advanced text editor with more features than standard Vi."
msgstr "\t* Vim: עורך טקסט מתקדם עם יותר אפשרויות מהעורך הסטנדרטי Vi."
#: share/advertising/
@@ -15611,12 +15645,14 @@ msgstr "שרתים"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
-msgid "Empower your business network with <b>premier server solutions</b> including:"
+msgid ""
+"Empower your business network with <b>premier server solutions</b> including:"
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
-msgid "\t* <b>Samba</b>: File and print services for Microsoft® Windows® clients."
+msgid ""
+"\t* <b>Samba</b>: File and print services for Microsoft® Windows® clients."
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -15640,7 +15676,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
-msgid "\t* <b>ProFTPD</b>: The highly configurable GPL-licensed FTP server software."
+msgid ""
+"\t* <b>ProFTPD</b>: The highly configurable GPL-licensed FTP server software."
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -15700,8 +15737,8 @@ msgstr "החנות המקוונת"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our "
-"<b>e-commerce platform</b>."
+"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our <b>e-"
+"commerce platform</b>."
msgstr "בחנות המקוונת שלנו ניתן למצוא מגוון מוצרים ושרותים של מנדריבה."
#: share/advertising/
@@ -15735,8 +15772,10 @@ msgstr "מועדון מנדריבה הוא השרות המושלם למוצר מ
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
-msgid "Take advantage of <b>valuable benefits</b> by joining Mandriva Club, such as:"
-msgstr "הצטרפות למועדון מנדריבה תעניק לך גישה להטבות רבות ערך, מוצרים ושרותים, כגון:"
+msgid ""
+"Take advantage of <b>valuable benefits</b> by joining Mandriva Club, such as:"
+msgstr ""
+"הצטרפות למועדון מנדריבה תעניק לך גישה להטבות רבות ערך, מוצרים ושרותים, כגון:"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -15788,8 +15827,8 @@ msgid ""
"Mandriva Online provides a wide range of valuable services for <b>easily "
"updating</b> your Mandrivalinux systems:"
msgstr ""
-"מנדריבה אונליין מספק מגוון רחב של שרותים רבי ערך לעדכון קל של מערכות מנדריבה"
-"לינוקס שברשותך:"
+"מנדריבה אונליין מספק מגוון רחב של שרותים רבי ערך לעדכון קל של מערכות "
+"מנדריבהלינוקס שברשותך:"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -15812,7 +15851,8 @@ msgstr "\t* עדכונים גמישים במועדים מתוכננים מראש
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
-msgid "\t* Management of <b>all your Mandrivalinux systems</b> with one account."
+msgid ""
+"\t* Management of <b>all your Mandrivalinux systems</b> with one account."
msgstr "\t* ניהול כל מערכות מנדריבה לינוקס שברשותך בעזרת חשבון אחד."
#: share/advertising/
@@ -15826,8 +15866,8 @@ msgid ""
"Do you require <b>assistance?</b> Meet Mandriva's technical experts on "
"<b>our technical support platform</b>"
msgstr ""
-"האם דרושה לך עזרה? המומחים המקצועניים של מנדריבה מחכים לך במערכת התמיכה "
-"שלנו באתר"
+"האם דרושה לך עזרה? המומחים המקצועניים של מנדריבה מחכים לך במערכת התמיכה שלנו "
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -15898,7 +15938,8 @@ msgstr "תחנת עבודה לאינטרנט"
msgid ""
"Set of tools to read and send mail and news (mutt, tin..) and to browse the "
-msgstr "ערכת כלים לקריאה וכתיבת דוא\"ל וחדשות (pine, mutt, tin..) ולגלישה באינטרנט"
+msgstr ""
+"ערכת כלים לקריאה וכתיבת דוא\"ל וחדשות (pine, mutt, tin..) ולגלישה באינטרנט"
#: share/
#, c-format
@@ -16341,8 +16382,8 @@ msgstr " [--skiptest] [--cups] [--lprng] [--lpd] [--pdq]"
#, c-format
msgid ""
-" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in "
-"Mandriva Update mode\n"
+" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in Mandriva "
+"Update mode\n"
" --no-verify-rpm do not verify packages signatures\n"
" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
"description window\n"
@@ -17168,7 +17209,8 @@ msgstr "הגדרת שלבים אוטומטיים"
msgid ""
"Please choose for each step whether it will replay like your install, or it "
"will be manual"
-msgstr "עליך לבחור עבור כל שלב האם לשחזר את ההתקנה, או האם השלב יבוקר באופן ידני."
+msgstr ""
+"עליך לבחור עבור כל שלב האם לשחזר את ההתקנה, או האם השלב יבוקר באופן ידני."
#: standalone/drakautoinst:77 standalone/drakautoinst:78
#: standalone/drakautoinst:92
@@ -17244,7 +17286,8 @@ msgstr "קלטת"
msgid ""
"Expect is an extension to the TCL scripting language that allows interactive "
"sessions without user intervention."
-msgstr "Expect היא הרחבה לשפת התסריטים TCL המאפשרת מיכון תהליכים ללא מעורבות משתמש."
+msgstr ""
+"Expect היא הרחבה לשפת התסריטים TCL המאפשרת מיכון תהליכים ללא מעורבות משתמש."
#: standalone/drakbackup:153
#, c-format
@@ -17560,7 +17603,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: standalone/drakbackup:1126
#, c-format
-msgid "Error during sending file via FTP. Please correct your FTP configuration."
+msgid ""
+"Error during sending file via FTP. Please correct your FTP configuration."
msgstr "חלה שגיאה בעת שליחת הקובץ דרך FTP. עליך לתקן את הגדרות ה FTP."
#: standalone/drakbackup:1128
@@ -17616,7 +17660,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: standalone/drakbackup:1424
#, c-format
-msgid "These options can backup and restore all files in your /etc directory.\n"
+msgid ""
+"These options can backup and restore all files in your /etc directory.\n"
msgstr "האפשרויות הללו יכולות לגבות ולשחזר את כל המידע בספרית /etc\n"
#: standalone/drakbackup:1425
@@ -18020,7 +18065,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: standalone/drakbackup:2165
#, c-format
-msgid "If your machine is not on all the time, you might want to install anacron."
+msgid ""
+"If your machine is not on all the time, you might want to install anacron."
msgstr "אם מחשבך אינו דלוק כל הזמן, מומלץ לך להתקין את anacron."
#: standalone/drakbackup:2166
@@ -19300,7 +19346,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: standalone/drakconnect:752
#, c-format
-msgid "Congratulations, the \"%s\" network interface has been successfully deleted"
+msgid ""
+"Congratulations, the \"%s\" network interface has been successfully deleted"
msgstr "איחולינו! ממשק הרשת \"%s\" נמחק בהצלחה"
#: standalone/drakconnect:768
@@ -20272,7 +20319,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: standalone/drakhelp:23
#, c-format
-msgid " --id <id_label> - load the html help page which refers to id_label\n"
+msgid ""
+" --id <id_label> - load the html help page which refers to id_label\n"
msgstr ""
#: standalone/drakhelp:24
@@ -20603,7 +20651,8 @@ msgstr "לא נמצאה תמונה"
#: standalone/drakpxe:197
#, c-format
-msgid "No CD or DVD image found, please copy the installation program and rpm files."
+msgid ""
+"No CD or DVD image found, please copy the installation program and rpm files."
msgstr "לא נמצאה תמונת CD או DVD, נא להעתיק את תכנית ההתקנה וקבצי ה-RPM."
#: standalone/drakpxe:210
@@ -22519,7 +22568,8 @@ msgstr "הרשימה של התקנים אלטרנטיביים לכרטיס קו
#: standalone/harddrake2:28
#, c-format
-msgid "this is the physical bus on which the device is plugged (eg: PCI, USB, ...)"
+msgid ""
+"this is the physical bus on which the device is plugged (eg: PCI, USB, ...)"
msgstr "זה הערוץ הפיזי שאליו ההתקן מחובר (כמו PCI,USB ועוד...)"
#: standalone/harddrake2:30 standalone/harddrake2:145
@@ -22532,7 +22582,8 @@ msgstr "זיהוי ערוץ"
msgid ""
"- PCI and USB devices: this lists the vendor, device, subvendor and "
"subdevice PCI/USB ids"
-msgstr "התקני PCI ו-USB: רשימה זו מכילה את היצרן, יצרן משנה וזיהוי תת התקני PCI/USB "
+msgstr ""
+"התקני PCI ו-USB: רשימה זו מכילה את היצרן, יצרן משנה וזיהוי תת התקני PCI/USB "
#: standalone/harddrake2:34
#, c-format
@@ -23027,7 +23078,8 @@ msgstr "קובץ התקן"
#: standalone/harddrake2:114
#, c-format
-msgid "the device file used to communicate with the kernel driver for the mouse"
+msgid ""
+"the device file used to communicate with the kernel driver for the mouse"
msgstr "קובץ ההתקן המשמש לתקשורת בין העכבר למנהל ההתקן בגרעין"
#: standalone/harddrake2:115
@@ -23245,7 +23297,8 @@ msgstr "שונות"
#: standalone/harddrake2:344
#, c-format
-msgid "Click on a device in the left tree in order to display its information here."
+msgid ""
+"Click on a device in the left tree in order to display its information here."
msgstr "עליך לבחור התקן בחלון הימני בכדי להציג את המידע עבורו בחלון זה."
#: standalone/harddrake2:396
@@ -24035,8 +24088,10 @@ msgstr "פעולת אשף הגדרת הסורק הופסקה."
#: standalone/scannerdrake:60
#, c-format
-msgid "Could not install the packages needed to set up a scanner with Scannerdrake."
-msgstr "לא יכול להתקין את החבליות הבסיסיות עבור תמיכה בסורק עם אשף הגדרת הסורק."
+msgid ""
+"Could not install the packages needed to set up a scanner with Scannerdrake."
+msgstr ""
+"לא יכול להתקין את החבליות הבסיסיות עבור תמיכה בסורק עם אשף הגדרת הסורק."
#: standalone/scannerdrake:61
#, c-format
@@ -24163,7 +24218,8 @@ msgstr "יתכן שיש צורך לטעון את הקושחה של הסורק ש
msgid ""
"To do so, you need to supply the firmware files for your scanners so that it "
"can be installed."
-msgstr "לצורך זה, עליך לספק את קובץ הקושחה עבור הסורק שלך בכדי שניתן יהיה להתקינו."
+msgstr ""
+"לצורך זה, עליך לספק את קובץ הקושחה עבור הסורק שלך בכדי שניתן יהיה להתקינו."
#: standalone/scannerdrake:233
#, c-format
@@ -24684,4 +24740,3 @@ msgstr "ההתקנה נכשלה"
#~ msgid "You've not selected any font"
#~ msgstr "שום גופן לא נבחר"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/hi.po b/perl-install/share/po/hi.po
index 184c4bf68..a66285030 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/hi.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/hi.po
@@ -5777,8 +5777,8 @@ msgid ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -5792,8 +5792,8 @@ msgid ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -5836,8 +5836,8 @@ msgid ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -5895,8 +5895,8 @@ msgstr ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -5910,8 +5910,8 @@ msgstr ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -5954,8 +5954,8 @@ msgstr ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -15260,8 +15260,8 @@ msgstr "मुक्त स्रोत जगत में स्वागत !
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrivalinux is committed to the open source model. This means that this "
-"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's "
-"team of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
+"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's team "
+"of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
"आपका नवीन मैनड्रैक लिनक्स संचालन-तंत्र और इसके अनेकों कार्यक्रम,मैनड्रैकसॉफ़्ट विकासकर्ताओं व "
@@ -15432,8 +15432,7 @@ msgstr "<b>मैनड्रैकस्टोर</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> "
+"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> products."
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -15497,8 +15496,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional "
+"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional needs</"
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -15967,8 +15966,8 @@ msgstr "<b>मैनड्रैकस्टोर</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our "
-"<b>e-commerce platform</b>."
+"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our <b>e-"
+"commerce platform</b>."
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -16543,8 +16542,8 @@ msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid ""
-" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in "
-"Mandriva Update mode\n"
+" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in Mandriva "
+"Update mode\n"
" --no-verify-rpm do not verify packages signatures\n"
" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
"description window\n"
@@ -25083,17 +25082,9 @@ msgstr "संसाधन असफ़ल"
#~ "निम्नलिखित प्रोटोकॉलो का उपयोग एक इथरनेट संरचना हेतु हो सकता है।कॄपया अपनी "
#~ "इच्छानुसार एक का चयन करें ।"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Use already installed driver (%s)"
-#~ msgstr "एस०एस०एच० पहचान पहले से संसाधित है"
#~ msgid "You've not selected any font"
#~ msgstr "आपने किसी फ़ॉन्ट का चयन नहीं किया है"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "<b>मैनड्रैकस्टोर</b>"
#~ msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
#~ msgstr "कोई ब्राउज़र उपलब्ध नहीं है ! कृपया किसी एक को संसाधित करें"
@@ -26555,9 +26546,6 @@ msgstr "संसाधन असफ़ल"
#~ " --report - कार्यक्रम को मैनड्रैक औजारों में से एक होना चाहिए \n"
#~ " --incident - कार्यक्रम को मैनड्रैक औजारों में से एक होना चाहिए"
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Online"
-#~ msgstr "मैनड्रैक ऑनलाइन"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This interface has not been configured yet.\n"
#~ "Run the \"Add an interface\" assistant from the Mandrake Control Center"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/hr.po b/perl-install/share/po/hr.po
index 3b034b251..599973ae5 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/hr.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/hr.po
@@ -24985,21 +24985,6 @@ msgstr "Instalacija nije uspjela"
#~ msgid "No network card"
#~ msgstr "ne mogu pronaći niti jednu mrežnu karticu"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Use already installed driver (%s)"
-#~ msgstr "Ssh identitet već je instaliran"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "You've not selected any font"
-#~ msgstr "nisam mogao naći nijedan font.\n"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "Mandrivalinux Kontrolni Centar"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
-#~ msgstr "Screenshotovi će biti raspoloživi poslije instalaciju u %s"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "No browser is installed on your system, Please install one if you want to "
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/hu.po b/perl-install/share/po/hu.po
index 1fa77f30c..540bfafa1 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/hu.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/hu.po
@@ -28244,8 +28244,6 @@ msgstr "A telepítés hibával ért véget."
#~ " --report - paraméter: programnév (a Mandrake-eszközök egyike)\n"
#~ " --incident - paraméter: programnév (a Mandrake-eszközök egyike)"
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Online"
-#~ msgstr "Mandriva Online"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This interface has not been configured yet.\n"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/id.po b/perl-install/share/po/id.po
index 2b25ec77c..b8343fd27 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/id.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/id.po
@@ -3459,7 +3459,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Di sini Anda dapat dipilih driver alternatif (OSS atau ALSA) untuk kartu "
"suara Anda (%s)"
-#. -PO: here the first %s is either "OSS" or "ALSA",
+#. -PO: here the first %s is either "OSS" or "ALSA",
#. -PO: the second %s is the name of the current driver
#. -PO: and the third %s is the name of the default driver
#: harddrake/
@@ -6306,8 +6306,8 @@ msgid ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -6321,8 +6321,8 @@ msgid ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -6365,8 +6365,8 @@ msgid ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -6424,8 +6424,8 @@ msgstr ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -6439,8 +6439,8 @@ msgstr ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -6483,8 +6483,8 @@ msgstr ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Linux-Mandrake\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -16233,13 +16233,13 @@ msgstr "Selamat datang di <b>dunia open source</b>!"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrivalinux is committed to the open source model. This means that this "
-"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's "
-"team of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
+"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's team "
+"of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
"Mandrivalinux berkomitmen dengan model open source. Hal ini berarti rilis "
-"baru adalah hasil <b>kolaborasi</b> antara <b>tim pengembang Mandriva</"
-"b> dengan <b>komunitas</b> kontributor Mandrivalinux."
+"baru adalah hasil <b>kolaborasi</b> antara <b>tim pengembang Mandriva</b> "
+"dengan <b>komunitas</b> kontributor Mandrivalinux."
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16435,11 +16435,9 @@ msgstr "<b>Produk Mandriva</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> "
+"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> products."
msgstr ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> telah mengembangkan produk <b>Mandrivalinux</b> yang "
+"<b>Mandriva</b> telah mengembangkan produk <b>Mandrivalinux</b> yang luas."
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16510,11 +16508,11 @@ msgstr "<b>Produk Mandriva (Solusi Professional)</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional "
+"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional needs</"
msgstr ""
-"Dibawah ini adalah produk Mandriva yang didesain untuk memenuhi "
-"<b>kebutuhan professional</b>:"
+"Dibawah ini adalah produk Mandriva yang didesain untuk memenuhi <b>kebutuhan "
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -17052,11 +17050,11 @@ msgstr "<b>Toko Online</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our "
-"<b>e-commerce platform</b>."
+"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our <b>e-"
+"commerce platform</b>."
msgstr ""
-"Untuk mempelajari tentang produk dan layanan Mandriva, Anda bisa "
-"mengujungi <b>platform e-commerce</b> kami."
+"Untuk mempelajari tentang produk dan layanan Mandriva, Anda bisa mengujungi "
+"<b>platform e-commerce</b> kami."
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -17192,8 +17190,8 @@ msgid ""
"Do you require <b>assistance?</b> Meet Mandriva's technical experts on "
"<b>our technical support platform</b>"
msgstr ""
-"Apakah Anda membutuhkan <b>asisten?</b> Temukan teknisi ahli Mandriva "
-"pada <b>platform dukungan teknis kami</b>"
+"Apakah Anda membutuhkan <b>asisten?</b> Temukan teknisi ahli Mandriva pada "
+"<b>platform dukungan teknis kami</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -17730,15 +17728,16 @@ msgstr " [--skiptest] [--cups] [--lprng] [--lpd] [--pdq]"
#, c-format
msgid ""
-" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in "
-"Mandriva Update mode\n"
+" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in Mandriva "
+"Update mode\n"
" --no-verify-rpm do not verify packages signatures\n"
" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
"description window\n"
" --merge-all-rpmnew propose to merge all .rpmnew/.rpmsave files found"
msgstr ""
-" --no-confirmation tidak ada konfirmasi awal pada mode Mandriva Update\n"
+" --no-confirmation tidak ada konfirmasi awal pada mode Mandriva "
" --no-verify-rpm tidak ada verifikasi tandatangan paket\n"
" --changelog-first tampilkan changelog sebelum filelist di window "
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/is.po b/perl-install/share/po/is.po
index eb9473d14..13ed89029 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/is.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/is.po
@@ -24605,9 +24605,6 @@ msgstr "Innsetning mistókst"
#~ msgid "You've not selected any font"
#~ msgstr "Þú hefur ekki valið neitt letur"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "Mandriva Álfar"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "No browser is installed on your system, Please install one if you want to "
@@ -25095,8 +25092,6 @@ msgstr "Innsetning mistókst"
#~ msgid "mkraid failed"
#~ msgstr "mkraid mistókst"
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Online"
-#~ msgstr "Mandrake beint"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Connection failed.\n"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/it.po b/perl-install/share/po/it.po
index b47e0ccb9..201c50900 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/it.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/it.po
@@ -6433,8 +6433,8 @@ msgid ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -6448,8 +6448,8 @@ msgid ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -6492,8 +6492,8 @@ msgid ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -6552,9 +6552,8 @@ msgstr ""
"commerciali, interruzioni dell'attività commerciale, perdite finanziarie, "
"oneri legali e sanzioni pecuniarie che derivino da sentenze giudiziarie, o "
"qualsiasi altra perdita conseguente), dovuto all'utilizzo o "
-"all'impossibilità di utilizzo del Software, anche nel caso in cui "
-"Mandriva S.A. sia stata avvertita della possibilità che si verificassero "
-"tali danni.\n"
+"all'impossibilità di utilizzo del Software, anche nel caso in cui Mandriva S."
+"A. sia stata avvertita della possibilità che si verificassero tali danni.\n"
@@ -6583,9 +6582,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Per favore, si leggano con attenzione i termini e le condizioni della "
"licenza relativi a ciascuna componente prima di utilizzarla. Qualsiasi "
"domanda relativa alla licenza di una componente software dovrebbe essere "
-"indirizzata all'autore di tale componente, e non alla Mandriva. I "
-"programmi sviluppati dalla Mandriva S.A. sono soggetti alla licenza GPL."
-"La documentazione scritta dalla Mandriva S.A. è soggetta ad una licenza "
+"indirizzata all'autore di tale componente, e non alla Mandriva. I programmi "
+"sviluppati dalla Mandriva S.A. sono soggetti alla licenza GPL.La "
+"documentazione scritta dalla Mandriva S.A. è soggetta ad una licenza "
"specifica. Per favore si consulti la documentazione per ulteriori dettagli.\n"
@@ -6593,11 +6592,10 @@ msgstr ""
"Tutti i diritti relativi alle componenti del Software appartengono ai "
"rispettivi autori e sono protetti dalle leggi che disciplinano la proprietà "
-"intellettuale e il copyright applicabili ai programmi software. La "
-"Mandriva S.A. si riserva il diritto di modificare o adattare il "
-"Software, in parte o in tutto, con ogni mezzo e per qualsiasi scopo."
-"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" e i relativi logo sono proprietà della "
-"Mandriva S.A.\n"
+"intellettuale e il copyright applicabili ai programmi software. La Mandriva "
+"S.A. si riserva il diritto di modificare o adattare il Software, in parte o "
+"in tutto, con ogni mezzo e per qualsiasi scopo.\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux"
+"\" e i relativi logo sono proprietà della Mandriva S.A.\n"
"5. Disposizioni diverse\n"
@@ -16210,8 +16208,8 @@ msgstr "Benvenuto nel <b>mondo dell'open source</b>!"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrivalinux is committed to the open source model. This means that this "
-"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's "
-"team of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
+"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's team "
+"of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
"Mandrivalinux è impegnata nel modello di sviluppo a codice sorgente aperto "
@@ -16415,11 +16413,10 @@ msgstr "<b>Prodotti Mandriva</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> "
+"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> products."
msgstr ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> ha sviluppato un'ampia gamma di prodotti "
+"<b>Mandriva</b> ha sviluppato un'ampia gamma di prodotti <b>Mandrivalinux</"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16492,8 +16489,8 @@ msgstr "<b>Prodotti Mandriva (soluzioni professionali)</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional "
+"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional needs</"
msgstr ""
"Questi sono i prodotti Mandriva progettati per soddisfare le <b>esigenze "
@@ -16561,8 +16558,8 @@ msgid ""
"With PowerPack, you will have the choice of the <b>graphical desktop "
"environment</b>. Mandriva has chosen <b>KDE</b> as the default one."
msgstr ""
-"Con PowerPack, puoi scegliere <b>l'ambiente grafico di lavoro</b>. "
-"Mandriva ha impostato <b>KDE</b> come predefinito."
+"Con PowerPack, puoi scegliere <b>l'ambiente grafico di lavoro</b>. Mandriva "
+"ha impostato <b>KDE</b> come predefinito."
#: share/advertising/ share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16588,8 +16585,8 @@ msgid ""
"With PowerPack+, you will have the choice of the <b>graphical desktop "
"environment</b>. Mandriva has chosen <b>KDE</b> as the default one."
msgstr ""
-"Con PowerPack, puoi scegliere <b>l'ambiente grafico di lavoro</b>. "
-"Mandriva ha impostato <b>KDE</b> come predefinito."
+"Con PowerPack, puoi scegliere <b>l'ambiente grafico di lavoro</b>. Mandriva "
+"ha impostato <b>KDE</b> come predefinito."
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -17042,8 +17039,8 @@ msgstr "<b>Il negozio online</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our "
-"<b>e-commerce platform</b>."
+"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our <b>e-"
+"commerce platform</b>."
msgstr ""
"Per saperne di più sui prodotti e i servizi di Mandriva puoi visitare la "
"nostra <b>piattaforma e-commerce</b>."
@@ -17080,7 +17077,8 @@ msgid ""
"<b>Mandriva Club</b> is the <b>perfect companion</b> to your Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
-"<b>Mandriva Club</b> è il <b>perfetto completamento</b> del tuo Mandrivalinux."
+"<b>Mandriva Club</b> è il <b>perfetto completamento</b> del tuo "
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -17141,8 +17139,8 @@ msgid ""
"Mandriva Online provides a wide range of valuable services for <b>easily "
"updating</b> your Mandrivalinux systems:"
msgstr ""
-"Mandriva Online fornisce un'ampia gamma di preziosi servizi per <b>aggiornare "
-"facilmente</b> i tuoi sistemi Mandrivalinux:"
+"Mandriva Online fornisce un'ampia gamma di preziosi servizi per "
+"<b>aggiornare facilmente</b> i tuoi sistemi Mandrivalinux:"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -17184,9 +17182,8 @@ msgid ""
"Do you require <b>assistance?</b> Meet Mandriva's technical experts on "
"<b>our technical support platform</b>"
msgstr ""
-"Ti serve <b>assistenza?</b> Incontra gli esperti tecnici di Mandriva "
-"sulla <b>nostra piattaforma per il supporto tecnico</b> www.mandrakeexpert."
+"Ti serve <b>assistenza?</b> Incontra gli esperti tecnici di Mandriva sulla "
+"<b>nostra piattaforma per il supporto tecnico</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -17726,8 +17723,8 @@ msgstr " [--skiptest] [--cups] [--lprng] [--lpd] [--pdq]"
#, c-format
msgid ""
-" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in "
-"Mandriva Update mode\n"
+" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in Mandriva "
+"Update mode\n"
" --no-verify-rpm do not verify packages signatures\n"
" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
"description window\n"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/ja.po b/perl-install/share/po/ja.po
index b7499573d..76bf2a53a 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/ja.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/ja.po
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: DrakX-ja\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-04-21 14:27+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-04-02 07:15+0900\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-04-22 20:15+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: Yukiko Bando <>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -6148,8 +6148,8 @@ msgid ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -6163,8 +6163,8 @@ msgid ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -6207,8 +6207,8 @@ msgid ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -6968,7 +6968,7 @@ msgstr "インストール後の設定"
#, c-format
msgid "Please ensure the Update Modules media is in drive %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "更新モジュールメディアがドライブ %s に入っていることを確認してください"
#, c-format
@@ -7972,7 +7972,7 @@ msgstr "スロベニア語"
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "シンハラ語"
#, c-format
@@ -8056,14 +8056,14 @@ msgstr "タイ語(Pattachote配列)"
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Tifinagh (moroccan layout) (+latin/arabic)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ティフナグ(モロッコ配列)(+latin/arabic)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Tifinagh (phonetic) (+latin/arabic)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ティフナグ(phonetic)(+latin/arabic)"
#, c-format
@@ -9903,7 +9903,7 @@ msgstr "手動"
#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "No device supporting the %s ndiswrapper driver is present!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s ndiswrapperドライバをサポートするデバイスがありません"
#: network/
#, c-format
@@ -9913,12 +9913,12 @@ msgstr "Windowsのドライバ(.infファイル)を選んでください"
#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to install the %s ndiswrapper driver!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s ndiswrapperドライバをインストールできません"
#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to load the ndiswrapper module!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ndiswrapperモジュールをロードできません"
#: network/
#, c-format
@@ -9926,11 +9926,13 @@ msgid ""
"The selected device has already been configured with the %s driver.\n"
"Do you really want to use a ndiswrapper driver ?"
msgstr ""
+"選択されたデバイスは %s ドライバで設定済みです。\n"
#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to find the ndiswrapper interface!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ndiswrapperインターフェースがみつかりません"
#: network/ network/
#: network/
@@ -10086,17 +10088,17 @@ msgstr "PAP/CHAP"
#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Open WEP"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "openモードWEP"
#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Restricted WEP"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "restrictedモードWEP"
#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "WPA Pre-Shared Key"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "WPA事前共有鍵(PSK)"
#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:60
#, c-format
@@ -10726,7 +10728,7 @@ msgstr "ndiswrapperドライバを選択"
#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Use the ndiswrapper driver %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ndiswrapperドライバ %s を使用"
#: network/
#, c-format
@@ -10736,7 +10738,7 @@ msgstr "新しいドライバをインストール"
#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Select a device:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "デバイスを選択:"
#: network/
#, c-format
@@ -10806,7 +10808,7 @@ msgstr "ビットレート(b/s)"
#: network/
#, c-format
msgid "Encryption mode"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "暗号化方式"
#: network/ standalone/drakconnect:431
#, c-format
@@ -15746,13 +15748,13 @@ msgstr "オープンソースの世界へようこそ"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrivalinux is committed to the open source model. This means that this "
-"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's "
-"team of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
+"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's team "
+"of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
"Mandrivalinux はオープンソースモデルに力を注いでいます。この新しいリリースは "
-"Mandriva の開発チームと Mandrivalinux のコントリビュータが生み出した世界"
+"Mandriva の開発チームと Mandrivalinux のコントリビュータが生み出した世界規模"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -15835,9 +15837,8 @@ msgid ""
"You are now installing <b>Mandrivalinux Download</b>. This is the free "
"version that Mandriva wants to keep <b>available to everyone</b>."
msgstr ""
-"これは Mandriva が無償で提供するダウンロードバージョンです。 "
-"Mandriva は今後もすべての人が利用できる無償版の提供を続けていきたいと思っ"
+"これは Mandriva が無償で提供するダウンロードバージョンです。 Mandriva は今後"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -15909,8 +15910,8 @@ msgid ""
"includes <b>thousands of applications</b> - everything from the most popular "
"to the most advanced."
msgstr ""
-"PowerPack は Mandriva のプレミアム製品です。最も人気の高いものから最先端"
-"に至るまで、 PowerPack には数千のアプリケーションがぎっしり詰まっています。"
+"PowerPack は Mandriva のプレミアム製品です。最も人気の高いものから最先端に至"
+"るまで、 PowerPack には数千のアプリケーションがぎっしり詰まっています。"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -15942,8 +15943,7 @@ msgstr "Mandriva の製品"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> "
+"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> products."
msgstr "Mandriva は幅広い Mandrivalinux 製品を開発しています。"
#: share/advertising/
@@ -15984,8 +15984,8 @@ msgid ""
"Mandriva has developed two products that allow you to use Mandrivalinux "
"<b>on any computer</b> and without any need to actually install it:"
msgstr ""
-"Mandriva は Mandrivalinux をインストールすることなしにどのコンピュータで"
+"Mandriva は Mandrivalinux をインストールすることなしにどのコンピュータでもお"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16012,11 +16012,10 @@ msgstr "Mandrivaの製品 - プロフェッショナル・ユースに"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional "
+"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional needs</"
msgstr ""
-"Mandriva はプロフェッショナルなニーズを満たすため、次の製品を開発しまし"
+"Mandriva はプロフェッショナルなニーズを満たすため、次の製品を開発しました。"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16514,8 +16513,8 @@ msgid ""
"our products or services!"
msgstr ""
-"す。オープンソースの理念を尊重するために、 Mandriva は付加価値商品やサー"
-"ビスを販売して Mandrivalinux の改良を続けています。オープンソースの理念と "
+"す。オープンソースの理念を尊重するために、 Mandriva は付加価値商品やサービス"
+"を販売して Mandrivalinux の改良を続けています。オープンソースの理念と "
"Mandrivalinux の開発を支援して下さるのであれば、ぜひ当社の製品またはサービス"
@@ -16527,8 +16526,8 @@ msgstr "オンラインストア"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our "
-"<b>e-commerce platform</b>."
+"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our <b>e-"
+"commerce platform</b>."
msgstr ""
"Mandriva の製品とサービスについては当社の E-コマース をご利用ください。"
@@ -16606,8 +16605,8 @@ msgid ""
"<b>Mandriva Online</b> is a new premium service that Mandriva is proud to "
"offer its customers!"
msgstr ""
-"Mandriva Online は Mandriva が自信をもってご提案する新しいプリミアムサービ"
+"Mandriva Online は Mandriva が自信をもってご提案する新しいプリミアムサービス"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -17182,8 +17181,8 @@ msgstr " [--skiptest] [--cups] [--lprng] [--lpd] [--pdq]"
#, c-format
msgid ""
-" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in "
-"Mandriva Update mode\n"
+" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in Mandriva "
+"Update mode\n"
" --no-verify-rpm do not verify packages signatures\n"
" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
"description window\n"
@@ -20943,7 +20942,7 @@ msgstr "ファイルを選択"
#: standalone/drakfont:590
#, c-format
msgid "Fonts"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "フォント"
#: standalone/drakfont:653
#, c-format
@@ -21440,7 +21439,7 @@ msgstr "権限"
#: standalone/drakperm:58
#, c-format
msgid "Add a new rule"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "新しいルールを追加"
#: standalone/drakperm:65 standalone/drakperm:100 standalone/drakperm:125
#, c-format
@@ -26283,9 +26282,6 @@ msgstr "インストール失敗"
#~ msgid "Save and close"
#~ msgstr "保存して閉じる"
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "Mandrivaウィザード"
#~ msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
#~ msgstr "ブラウザがありません。インストールしてください。"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/ko.po b/perl-install/share/po/ko.po
index 59b2703a7..b668b7ac0 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/ko.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/ko.po
@@ -24025,17 +24025,6 @@ msgstr "설치 실패."
#~ msgid "No network card"
#~ msgstr "네트웍 카드 없음"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Use already installed driver (%s)"
-#~ msgstr "SSH 신원은 이미 설치되어 있습니다."
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "You've not selected any font"
-#~ msgstr "폰트를 찾을 수 없었습니다.\n"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "맨드레이크 제어 센터"
#~ msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
#~ msgstr "브라우저를 찾을 수 없습니다! 설치해 주세요."
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/ky.po b/perl-install/share/po/ky.po
index 70241b603..ea3575a13 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/ky.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/ky.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: DrakX-ky\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-04-21 14:27+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-04-19 18:35+0500\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-04-20 20:27+0500\n"
"Last-Translator: Nurlan Borubaev <>\n"
"Language-Team: Kyrgyz\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -4696,7 +4696,7 @@ msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "Generate auto-install floppy"
-msgstr "Авто-орнотуу флопписин түзүү"
+msgstr "Авто-орнотуу флопписин жаратуу"
#, c-format
@@ -5533,7 +5533,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Сиз төмөнкү серверлерди тандадыңыз: %s\n"
-"Бул серверлер алдынала жандандырылган болушант. Аларда кандайдыр бир "
+"Бул серверлер алдынала жандандырылган болушат. Аларда кандайдыр бир "
"коопсуздук көйгөйлөрү жок, бирок алар табыла элек болушу да мүмкүн. Мындай\n"
"учурда сиз аладрды мүмкүн болушунча тезирээк жаңылашыңыз керек.\n"
@@ -5866,8 +5866,8 @@ msgid ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -5881,8 +5881,8 @@ msgid ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -5925,8 +5925,8 @@ msgid ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -6864,633 +6864,633 @@ msgstr ""
#: interactive/
#, c-format
msgid "Re-submit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Кайрадан жөнөтүү"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Czech (QWERTZ)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Чехтик (QWERTZ)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Немистик"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Дворактык"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Испандык"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Финдик"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Француздук"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Норвегиялык"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Поляктык"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Орустук"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Шведдик"
#, c-format
msgid "UK keyboard"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "UK ариптергичи"
#, c-format
msgid "US keyboard"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "US ариптергичи"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Албандык"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Armenian (old)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Армяндык (эски)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Armenian (typewriter)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Армяндык (басмамашине)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Armenian (phonetic)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Армяндык (фонетикалык)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr "Арапча"
+msgstr "Араптык"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Azerbaidjani (latin)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Азербайжандык (латын)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Бельгиялык"
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Bengali (Inscript-layout)"
-msgstr "Арапча"
+msgstr "Бенгалдык (Inscript-layout)"
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Bengali (Probhat)"
-msgstr "Арапча"
+msgstr "Бенгалдык (Probhat)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Bulgarian (phonetic)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Болгардык (фонетикалык)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Bulgarian (BDS)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Болгарская (BDS)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Brazilian (ABNT-2)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Бразилдик (ABNT-2)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Босниялык"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Белорустук"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Swiss (German layout)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Швейцардык (немисче жайгашуусу)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Swiss (French layout)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Швейцардык (французча жайгашуусу)"
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Cherokee syllabics"
-msgstr "Арапча"
+msgstr "Cherokee syllabics"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Czech (QWERTY)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Чехтик (QWERTY)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"German (no dead keys)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Немистик (жансыз баскычтарсыз)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Деванагари"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Даниялык"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Dvorak (US)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Дворактык (АКШ)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Dvorak (Esperanto)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Дворактык (Эсперанто)"
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Dvorak (French)"
-msgstr "Арапча"
+msgstr "Дворактык (Французча)"
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Dvorak (UK)"
-msgstr "Арапча"
+msgstr "Дворактык (UK)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Dvorak (Norwegian)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Дворактык (норвегче)"
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Dvorak (Polish)"
-msgstr "Арапча"
+msgstr "Дворактык (Полякча)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Dvorak (Swedish)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Дворактык (Шведче)"
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr "Арапча"
+msgstr "Дзонгха/Тибеттик"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Эстондук"
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr "Арапча"
+msgstr "Фарердик"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Georgian (\"Russian\" layout)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Грузиндик (\"орусча\" жайгашуу)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Georgian (\"Latin\" layout)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Грузиндик (\"латынча\" жайгашуу)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Гректик"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Greek (polytonic)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Гректик (polytonic)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Гужараттык"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Гурмукилик"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Хорваттык"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Венгердик"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ирланддык"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Израилдик"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Israeli (phonetic)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Израилдик (фонетикалык)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ирандык"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Исланддык"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Итальяндык"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Инуктитуттук"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Japanese 106 keys"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Жапондук 106 баскыч"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kannada"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Кореялык"
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Kurdish (arabic script)"
-msgstr "Арапча"
+msgstr "Күрддүк (arabic script)"
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr "Алиптергич"
+msgstr "Кыргыздык"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Latin American"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Латынамерикалык"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Лаостук"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Lithuanian AZERTY (old)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Литвалык AZERTY (эски)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Lithuanian AZERTY (new)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Литвалык AZERTY (жаңы)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Lithuanian \"number row\" QWERTY"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Литвалык \"сан катар\" QWERTY"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Lithuanian \"phonetic\" QWERTY"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Литвалык \"фонетикалык\" QWERTY"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Латвиялык"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Малайдык"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Македондук"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Myanmar (Burmese)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Мьянмдык (Бирма)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Mongolian (cyrillic)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Монголдук (кириллица)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Maltese (UK)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Мальтиялык (UK)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Maltese (US)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Мальтиялык (США)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Голланддык"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ориссалык"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Polish (qwerty layout)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Поляктык (QWERTY жайгашуусу)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Polish (qwertz layout)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Поляктык (QWERTZ жайгашуусу)"
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr "Арапча"
+msgstr "Pashto"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Португалдык"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Canadian (Quebec)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Канадалык (Квебек)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Romanian (qwertz)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Румындык (QWERTZ)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Romanian (qwerty)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Румындык (QWERTY)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Russian (phonetic)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Орустук (фонетикалык)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Saami (norwegian)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Саамилик (норвегиялык)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Saami (swedish/finnish)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Саами (шведдик/финдик)"
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr "Арапча"
+msgstr "Sindhi"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Словендик"
#, c-format
@@ -7504,77 +7504,77 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Slovakian (QWERTZ)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Словактык (QWERTZ)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Slovakian (QWERTY)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Словактык (QWERTY)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Serbian (cyrillic)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Сербдик (кириллица)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Сириялык"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Syriac (phonetic)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Сириялык (фонетикалык)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Telugu"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Tamil (ISCII-layout)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Тамилдик (ISCII жайгашуусу)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Tamil (Typewriter-layout)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Тамилдик (басмамашине жайгашуусу)"
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Thai (Kedmanee)"
-msgstr "Арапча"
+msgstr "Thai (Kedmanee)"
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Thai (TIS-820)"
-msgstr "Арапча"
+msgstr "Thai (TIS-820)"
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Thai (Pattachote)"
-msgstr "Арапча"
+msgstr "Thai (Pattachote)"
#, c-format
@@ -7595,153 +7595,153 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Тажиктик"
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr "Арапча"
+msgstr "Түркмөндүк"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Turkish (traditional \"F\" model)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Түрктүк (адаткы \"F\" модели)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Turkish (modern \"Q\" model)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Түрктүк (соңку \"Q\" модели)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Украиндик"
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Urdu keyboard"
-msgstr "Арапча"
+msgstr "Урду ариптергичи"
#, c-format
msgid "US keyboard (international)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "US ариптергичи (эларалык)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Uzbek (cyrillic)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Өзбектик (кириллица)"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Vietnamese \"numeric row\" QWERTY"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Вьетнамдык \"сандык катар\" QWERTY"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Yugoslavian (latin)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Югославдык (латын)"
#, c-format
msgid "Right Alt key"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Оңдогу Alt баскычы"
#, c-format
msgid "Both Shift keys simultaneously"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Кош Shift баскычтарын тең бирдей"
#, c-format
msgid "Control and Shift keys simultaneously"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Control жана Shift баскычтарын тең бирдей"
#, c-format
msgid "CapsLock key"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "CapsLock баскычы"
#, c-format
msgid "Shift and CapsLock keys simultaneously"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Shift жана CapsLock баскычтарын тең бирдей"
#, c-format
msgid "Ctrl and Alt keys simultaneously"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ctrl жана Alt баскычтарын тең бирдей"
#, c-format
msgid "Alt and Shift keys simultaneously"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Alt жана Shift баскычтарын тең бирдей"
#, c-format
msgid "\"Menu\" key"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "\"Меню\" баскычы"
#, c-format
msgid "Left \"Windows\" key"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Солдогу \"Windows\" баскычы"
#, c-format
msgid "Right \"Windows\" key"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Оңдогу \"Windows\" баскычы"
#, c-format
msgid "Both Control keys simultaneously"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Кош Control баскычтарын тең бирдей"
#, c-format
msgid "Both Alt keys simultaneously"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Кош Alt баскычтарын тең бирдей"
#, c-format
msgid "Left Shift key"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Солдогу Shift баскычы"
#, c-format
msgid "Right Shift key"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Оңдогу Shift баскычы"
#, c-format
msgid "Left Alt key"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Солдогу Alt баскычы"
#, c-format
msgid "Left Control key"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Солдогу Control баскычы"
#, c-format
msgid "Right Control key"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Оңдогу Control баскычы"
#, c-format
@@ -7770,7 +7770,7 @@ msgstr "default:LTR"
#, c-format
msgid "Andorra"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Андорра"
#: network/
#, c-format
@@ -7780,7 +7780,7 @@ msgstr "Араб Эмираттары"
#, c-format
msgid "Afghanistan"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Афганистан"
#, c-format
@@ -7805,7 +7805,7 @@ msgstr "Армения"
#, c-format
msgid "Netherlands Antilles"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Голландиялык Антил аралдары"
#, c-format
@@ -7825,7 +7825,7 @@ msgstr "Аргентина"
#, c-format
msgid "American Samoa"
-msgstr "Американдык Самоа"
+msgstr "Америкалык Самоа"
#, c-format
@@ -7835,12 +7835,12 @@ msgstr "Аруба"
#, c-format
msgid "Azerbaijan"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Азербайжан"
#, c-format
msgid "Bosnia and Herzegovina"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Босния жана Герцеговина"
#, c-format
@@ -7925,12 +7925,12 @@ msgstr "Белиз"
#, c-format
msgid "Cocos (Keeling) Islands"
-msgstr "Кокос аралдары "
+msgstr "Кокос аралдары"
#, c-format
msgid "Congo (Kinshasa)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Конго (Kinshasa)"
#, c-format
@@ -7940,17 +7940,17 @@ msgstr "Борбордук Африка Республикасы"
#, c-format
msgid "Congo (Brazzaville)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Конго (Brazzaville)"
#, c-format
msgid "Cote d'Ivoire"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Кот-д'Ивуар"
#, c-format
msgid "Cook Islands"
-msgstr "Кука аралдары"
+msgstr "Кук аралдары"
#, c-format
@@ -7984,7 +7984,7 @@ msgstr "Колумбия"
#, c-format
msgid "Serbia & Montenegro"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Сербия жана Черногория"
#, c-format
@@ -7999,7 +7999,7 @@ msgstr "Кабо-Верде"
#, c-format
msgid "Christmas Island"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Кристмас аралы"
#, c-format
@@ -8019,7 +8019,7 @@ msgstr "Доминика"
#, c-format
msgid "Dominican Republic"
-msgstr "Доминикандык республика"
+msgstr "Доминик республикасы"
#: network/
#, c-format
@@ -8059,7 +8059,7 @@ msgstr "Фиджи"
#, c-format
msgid "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Фолкленд (Мальвиналар) аралдары"
#, c-format
@@ -8069,12 +8069,12 @@ msgstr "Микронезия"
#, c-format
msgid "Faroe Islands"
-msgstr "Фарердик аралдар"
+msgstr "Фаре аралдары"
#, c-format
msgid "Gabon"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Габон"
#: network/ network/
#: network/
@@ -8095,7 +8095,7 @@ msgstr "Грузия"
#, c-format
msgid "French Guiana"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Француз Гвианасы"
#, c-format
@@ -8125,7 +8125,7 @@ msgstr "Гвинея"
#, c-format
msgid "Guadeloupe"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Гваделупа"
#, c-format
@@ -8135,7 +8135,7 @@ msgstr "Экваториалдык Гвинея"
#, c-format
msgid "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Түштүк Жорджия жана Түштүк Сандвич аралдары"
#, c-format
@@ -8150,7 +8150,7 @@ msgstr "Гуам"
#, c-format
msgid "Guinea-Bissau"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Гвинея-Бисау"
#, c-format
@@ -8160,7 +8160,7 @@ msgstr "Гайана"
#, c-format
msgid "Hong Kong SAR (China)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Гонконг (Кытай)"
#, c-format
@@ -8230,17 +8230,17 @@ msgstr "Кения"
#, c-format
msgid "Kyrgyzstan"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Кыргызстан"
#, c-format
msgid "Cambodia"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Камбоджа"
#, c-format
msgid "Kiribati"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Кирибати"
#, c-format
@@ -8250,12 +8250,12 @@ msgstr "Комор аралдары"
#, c-format
msgid "Saint Kitts and Nevis"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Сент-Китс жана Невис"
#, c-format
msgid "Korea (North)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Корея (Түндүк)"
#, c-format
@@ -8345,7 +8345,7 @@ msgstr "Монако"
#, c-format
msgid "Moldova"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Молдова"
#, c-format
@@ -8355,7 +8355,7 @@ msgstr "Мадагаскар"
#, c-format
msgid "Marshall Islands"
-msgstr "Маршал аралдары"
+msgstr "Маршалл аралдары"
#, c-format
@@ -8385,7 +8385,7 @@ msgstr "Түндүк Мариана аралдары"
#, c-format
msgid "Martinique"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Мартиника"
#, c-format
@@ -8440,7 +8440,7 @@ msgstr "Намибия"
#, c-format
msgid "New Caledonia"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Жаңы Каледония"
#, c-format
@@ -8495,7 +8495,7 @@ msgstr "Перу"
#, c-format
msgid "French Polynesia"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Француз Полинезиясы"
#, c-format
@@ -8515,12 +8515,12 @@ msgstr "Пакистан"
#, c-format
msgid "Saint Pierre and Miquelon"
-msgstr "Ыйык Пьер и Микелон"
+msgstr "Сен-Пьер жана Микелон"
#, c-format
msgid "Pitcairn"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Питкэрн"
#, c-format
@@ -8550,7 +8550,7 @@ msgstr "Катар"
#, c-format
msgid "Reunion"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Реюньон"
#, c-format
@@ -8600,7 +8600,7 @@ msgstr "Словения"
#, c-format
msgid "Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands"
-msgstr "Свалбард жана Яна Майена аралдары"
+msgstr "Свалбард жана Ян Майен аралдары"
#, c-format
@@ -8630,7 +8630,7 @@ msgstr "Суринам"
#, c-format
msgid "Sao Tome and Principe"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Сао Томе жана Принсипи"
#, c-format
@@ -8670,7 +8670,7 @@ msgstr "Того"
#, c-format
msgid "Tajikistan"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Тажикистан"
#, c-format
@@ -8685,7 +8685,7 @@ msgstr "Чыгыш Тимор"
#, c-format
msgid "Turkmenistan"
-msgstr "Туркменистан"
+msgstr "Түркмөнстан"
#: network/
#, c-format
@@ -8700,7 +8700,7 @@ msgstr "Тонга"
#, c-format
msgid "Turkey"
-msgstr "Турция"
+msgstr "Түркия"
#, c-format
@@ -8730,7 +8730,7 @@ msgstr "Уганда"
#, c-format
msgid "United States Minor Outlying Islands"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Кошмо штаттардын Алыстагы Кичи аралдары"
#, c-format
@@ -8740,17 +8740,17 @@ msgstr "Уругвай"
#, c-format
msgid "Uzbekistan"
-msgstr "Узбекистан"
+msgstr "Өзбекстан"
#, c-format
msgid "Vatican"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ватикан"
#, c-format
msgid "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Сент-Винсент жана Гренадиндер"
#, c-format
@@ -8760,12 +8760,12 @@ msgstr "Венесуэла"
#, c-format
msgid "Virgin Islands (British)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Виргин аралдары (Британия)"
#, c-format
msgid "Virgin Islands (U.S.)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Виргин аралдары (АКШ)"
#, c-format
@@ -8780,7 +8780,7 @@ msgstr "Вануату"
#, c-format
msgid "Wallis and Futuna"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Уоллес жана Футана"
#, c-format
@@ -8808,9 +8808,9 @@ msgid "Zimbabwe"
msgstr "Зимбабве"
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
msgid "You should install the following packages: %s"
-msgstr "Xorg пакети орнутулбады: %s"
+msgstr "Сиз төмөнкү пакеттерди орнотушуңуз зарыл: %s"
#. -PO: the following is used to combine packages names. eg: "initscripts, harddrake, yudit"
#: standalone/scannerdrake:135
@@ -8821,7 +8821,7 @@ msgstr ", "
#, c-format
msgid "Welcome to %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s Кош келиңиз!"
#, c-format
@@ -14575,8 +14575,8 @@ msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrivalinux is committed to the open source model. This means that this "
-"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's "
-"team of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
+"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's team "
+"of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
@@ -14739,8 +14739,7 @@ msgstr "<b>Mandriva Expert</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> "
+"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> products."
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -14804,8 +14803,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional "
+"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional needs</"
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -14909,7 +14908,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "<b>Kontact</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Mandriva Club</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Mandrakeclub</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -15274,8 +15273,8 @@ msgstr "<b>Серверлер</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our "
-"<b>e-commerce platform</b>."
+"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our <b>e-"
+"commerce platform</b>."
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -15853,8 +15852,8 @@ msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid ""
-" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in "
-"Mandriva Update mode\n"
+" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in Mandriva "
+"Update mode\n"
" --no-verify-rpm do not verify packages signatures\n"
" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
"description window\n"
@@ -21360,6 +21359,22 @@ msgid ""
"So, here, the lifetime numbers are 1, 1, 30, 30, 60 and 12.\n"
msgstr ""
+"phase 1 макулдашуулары учунда сунушталуучу белгиленген\n"
+"убакыттын lifetime'ын аныктайт. Каалагандай эле сунуш\n"
+"кабыл алына берет, жана эгерде сиз аларды аныктабасаңыз,\n"
+"аттрибуттар алыстагы түйүнгө (peer) сунушталып жөнөтүлбөйт.\n"
+"Аларды ар бир сунуш үчүн өзүнчө аныктаса болот.\n"
+"Мисалы: \n"
+" lifetime time 1 min; # sec,min,hour\n"
+" lifetime time 1 min; # sec,min,hour\n"
+" lifetime time 30 sec;\n"
+" lifetime time 30 sec;\n"
+" lifetime time 60 sec;\n"
+"\tlifetime time 12 hour;\n"
+"Ушинтип, бул жерде lifetime сандары бул 1, 1, 30, 30, 60 жана 12.\n"
#: standalone/drakvpn:1013
#, c-format
@@ -21387,6 +21402,23 @@ msgid ""
"So, here, the lifetime units are 'min', 'min', 'sec', 'sec', 'sec' and "
msgstr ""
+"phase 1 макулдашуулары учунда сунушталуучу белгиленген\n"
+"убакыттын lifetime'ын аныктайт. Каалагандай эле сунуш\n"
+"кабыл алына берет, жана эгерде сиз аларды аныктабасаңыз,\n"
+"аттрибуттар алыстагы түйүнгө (peer) сунушталып жөнөтүлбөйт.\n"
+"Аларды ар бир сунуш үчүн өзүнчө айрымдап аныктаса болот.\n"
+"Мисалы: \n"
+" lifetime time 1 min; # sec,min,hour\n"
+" lifetime time 1 min; # sec,min,hour\n"
+" lifetime time 30 sec;\n"
+" lifetime time 30 sec;\n"
+" lifetime time 60 sec;\n"
+"\tlifetime time 12 hour;\n"
+"Ушинтип, бул жерде lifetime бирдиктери булар 'min', 'min', 'sec', 'sec', "
+"'sec' жана 'hour'.\n"
#: standalone/drakvpn:1033
#, c-format
@@ -21422,11 +21454,21 @@ msgid ""
"remote anonymous\n"
"remote ::1 [8000]"
msgstr ""
+"remote (address | anonymous) [[port]] { statements }\n"
+"ар бир алыстагы түйүн үчүн IKE phase 1 үчүн параметрлерин\n"
+"аныктайт. Алдынала коюлган порт - 500. Эгерде anonymous\n"
+"аныкталса, анда statements каалагандай эле башка бир алыстагы\n"
+"директивага туш келбеген бардык түйүндөр үчүн колдонулат.\n"
+"Мисалы: \n"
+"remote anonymous\n"
+"remote ::1 [8000]"
#: standalone/drakvpn:1052
#, c-format
msgid "Exchange mode"
-msgstr "Айырбаштоо режими"
+msgstr "Өз ара алмашуу режими"
#: standalone/drakvpn:1054
#, c-format
@@ -21438,11 +21480,18 @@ msgid ""
"modes are acceptable. The first exchange mode is what\n"
"racoon uses when it is the initiator.\n"
msgstr ""
+"racoon демилгечи катары чыккан учурдагы phase 1 үчүн өз ара\n"
+"алмашуу режимин аныктайт. Ошондой эле racoon жооп берүүчү\n"
+"болгон учурда бул жарамдуу өз ара алмашуу режими\n"
+"экендигин айгинелейт. Бир нече режимди арасын үтүр менен\n"
+"ажыратып берсе болот. Бардык режимдер жарамдуу.\n"
+"Биринчи өз ара алмашуу режимин racoon эгерде ал\n"
+"демилгечи болгон учурда колдонот.\n"
#: standalone/drakvpn:1060
#, c-format
msgid "Generate policy"
-msgstr "Саясат туудуруу"
+msgstr "Саясат жаратуу"
#: standalone/drakvpn:1062
#, c-format
@@ -21462,11 +21511,30 @@ msgid ""
"tiator and the responder. This directive is ignored in\n"
"the initiator case. The default value is off."
msgstr ""
+"Бил директива ким жооп берүүчү болсо, ошого арналган.\n"
+"Ошондон улам, сиз racoon(8) жооп берүүчү болуп калуусу\n"
+"үчүн passive on (пассивдүүлүк жандырылган)деп орноту-\n"
+"шуңуз керек. Эгер жооп берүүчү phase 2 макулдашуусу\n"
+"учурунда SPD ичинде бир да саясатка ээ эмес, жана\n"
+"директивада on (жандырылган) деп тандалган болсо,\n"
+"анда racoon(8) демилгечиден келген SA пайдалуу артуу-\n"
+"сундагы биринчи эле сунуш сүйлөмдөн тандап алат, жана\n"
+"саясаттын жазуусун сунуш сүйлөмдөн жаратат. Бул IP\n"
+"адресин динамикалык түрдө алуучу клиент менен макул-\n"
+"дашуу үчүн ыңгайлуу. Эскерте кетчү нерсе, демилгечи\n"
+"тарабынан жооп берүүчүнүн SPD'де ыңгайсыз саясат\n"
+"орнотулган болуп калуусу мүмкүн. Ушинтип, эгерде\n"
+"мындай саясаттар демилгечи менен жооп берүүчүнүн\n"
+"ортосундагы саясаттын дал келишпестигинин негизинде\n"
+"түзүлсө, калган башка туташуулар ишке ашпай калуусу\n"
+"Демилгечи учурда бул директивага көңүл бөлүнбөйт.\n"
+"Алдынала бул off (өчүрүлгөн) болот."
#: standalone/drakvpn:1076
#, c-format
msgid "Passive"
-msgstr "Пассивдүү"
+msgstr "Пассивдүүлүк"
#: standalone/drakvpn:1078
#, c-format
@@ -21913,7 +21981,7 @@ msgstr "Жаңы devfs түзүлүшү"
#: standalone/harddrake2:42
#, c-format
msgid "new dynamic device name generated by core kernel devfs"
-msgstr "devfs ядросу тарабынан туулган жаңы динамикалык түзүлүштүн аты"
+msgstr "devfs ядросу тарабынан жаратылган жаңы динамикалык түзүлүштүн аты"
#. -PO: here "module" is the "jargon term" for a kernel driver
#: standalone/harddrake2:45
@@ -24050,11 +24118,749 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Installation failed"
msgstr "Орнотуу ийгиликсиз аяктады"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The USB key seems to have write protection enabled, but we can not "
+#~ "safely\n"
+#~ "unplug it now.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Click the button to reboot the machine, unplug it, remove write "
+#~ "protection,\n"
+#~ "plug the key again, and launch Mandrake Move again."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "USB-ачкычта жазуудан коргонуу орнотулса керек,\n"
+#~ "бирок азыр аны чыгаруу кооптуу.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Машинени кайра жүктөтүүчү түймөнү басыңыз, ачкычты чыгарып алыңыз,\n"
+#~ "жазуудан коргонуусун алыңыз дагы, ачкычты кайра салыңыз, андан соң\n"
+#~ "Mandrake Move'ни кайра жүктөңүз."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Your USB key does not have any valid Windows (FAT) partitions.\n"
+#~ "We need one to continue (beside, it's more standard so that you\n"
+#~ "will be able to move and access your files from machines\n"
+#~ "running Windows). Please plug in an USB key containing a\n"
+#~ "Windows partition instead.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "You may also proceed without an USB key - you'll still be\n"
+#~ "able to use Mandrake Move as a normal live Mandrake\n"
+#~ "Operating System."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Сиздин USB-ачкычта бир дагы туура Windows (FAT) бөлүмү жок.\n"
+#~ "Улантуу үчүн жок дегенде бир бөлүм керек (мындан сырткары\n"
+#~ "бул стандарттуураак болот, себеби иштеп жаткан Windows машинадан\n"
+#~ "файлдарыңызды жылдыруу жана аларга жетүү мүмкүнчүлүгүн аласыз).\n"
+#~ "Windows бөлүмү бар USB-ачкычын орнотуңуз.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Сиз USB-ачкычы жок эле ишти улантсаңыз боло берет - мындай\n"
+#~ "учурда сиз Mandrake Move'ду кадимки live Mandrake операциондук\n"
+#~ "системасы катары колдоно аласыз."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "We did not detect any USB key on your system. If you\n"
+#~ "plug in an USB key now, Mandrake Move will have the ability\n"
+#~ "to transparently save the data in your home directory and\n"
+#~ "system wide configuration, for next boot on this computer\n"
+#~ "or another one. Note: if you plug in a key now, wait several\n"
+#~ "seconds before detecting again.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "You may also proceed without an USB key - you'll still be\n"
+#~ "able to use Mandrake Move as a normal live Mandrake\n"
+#~ "Operating System."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Сиздин системада эч бир USB-ачкычы табылган жок. Эгерде\n"
+#~ "сиз USB-ачкычын азыр орнотсоңуз, Mandrake Move ушул же башка\n"
+#~ "компьютерде келечектеги жүктөлүүсүндө пайдалана алгыдай кылып\n"
+#~ "беримдерди өздүк каталогуңузга жана бүтүндөй системанын конфигурациясын\n"
+#~ "так сактап алуу мүмкүнчүлүгүн алат. Эскертүү: эгер ачкычты жаңы\n"
+#~ "орнотсоңуз, ал кайра аныкталгычакты бир-нече секунда күтө туруңуз.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Учурда сиз USB-ачкычы жок эле ишти улантсаңыз болот - мындай\n"
+#~ "учурда сиз Mandrake Move'ду кадимки Mandrake операциондук системасы\n"
+#~ "катары колдоно аласыз."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "An error occurred:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "%s\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "This may come from corrupted system configuration files\n"
+#~ "on the USB key, in this case removing them and then\n"
+#~ "rebooting Mandrake Move would fix the problem. To do\n"
+#~ "so, click on the corresponding button.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "You may also want to reboot and remove the USB key, or\n"
+#~ "examine its contents under another OS, or even have\n"
+#~ "a look at log files in console #3 and #4 to try to\n"
+#~ "guess what's happening."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Жаңылыштык орун алды:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "%s\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Мунун себеби USB-ачкычынындагы системалык конфигурациялык\n"
+#~ "файлдардын жабырланышында болушу мүмкүн, бул учурда\n"
+#~ "көйгөйдү чечүү үчүн ачкычты сууруп салып Mandrake Move'ни\n"
+#~ "кайра жүктөө жетиштүү. Ал үчүн тиешелүү түймөнү басыңыз.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Ошондой эле сиз кайра жүктөп жана USB-ачкычты\n"
+#~ "сууруп алып, анын мазмунун башка OC аркылуу изилдесеңиз\n"
+#~ "же №3 жана №4 консолдору аркылуу\n"
+#~ "лог-файлдардан эмне болгонун көрсөңүз болот."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Mandrakelinux can support multiple languages. Select\n"
+#~ "the languages you would like to install. They will be available\n"
+#~ "when your installation is complete and you restart your system."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Mandrakelinux көп тилдүүлүктү колдойт. Орнотуу үчүн\n"
+#~ "каалаган тилди тандаңыз. Орнотуу процесси бүтүп,\n"
+#~ "системаңызды кайра жүктөгөн соң алар колдонууга даяр болот."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Before continuing, you should carefully read the terms of the license. "
+#~ "It\n"
+#~ "covers the entire Mandrakelinux distribution. If you agree with all the\n"
+#~ "terms it contains, check the \"%s\" box. If not, clicking on the \"%s\"\n"
+#~ "button will reboot your computer."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Мындан ары улантуу үчүн сиз лицензия шартын көңүл коюп окууңуз керек.\n"
+#~ "Ал Mandrakelinux'тун бардык дистрибутивдерине таратылат. Эгер сиз анын\n"
+#~ "ичиндеги бардык шарттарга көнбөсөңүз, \"%s\" рамкасын тандаңыз. Андай\n"
+#~ "болбосо, \"%s\" баскычын бассаңыз сиздин компьютер кайра жүктөлөт."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The Mandrakelinux installation is distributed on several CD-ROMs. If a\n"
+#~ "selected package is located on another CD-ROM, DrakX will eject the "
+#~ "current\n"
+#~ "CD and ask you to insert the required one. If you do not have the "
+#~ "requested\n"
+#~ "CD at hand, just click on \"%s\", the corresponding packages will not be\n"
+#~ "installed."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Mandrakelinux орнотулушу бир нече CD-ROMго бөлүнүп жайгаштырылган. "
+#~ "Эгерде\n"
+#~ "тандалган пакет башка CD-ROMдо жатса, DrakX учурдагы CDни чыгарып\n"
+#~ "керектелип жаткан тийишүү CDни салууңузду сурайт. Эгерде Сизде тийиштүү\n"
+#~ "CD кол алдыңызда жок болсо, жөн гана \"%s\" түймөсүн чертиңиз, бул "
+#~ "учурда\n"
+#~ "тиешелүү пакет орнотулбай кала берет."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "It's now time to specify which programs you wish to install on your "
+#~ "system.\n"
+#~ "There are thousands of packages available for Mandrakelinux, and to make "
+#~ "it\n"
+#~ "simpler to manage, they have been placed into groups of similar\n"
+#~ "applications.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Mandrakelinux sorts package groups in four categories. You can mix and\n"
+#~ "match applications from the various categories, so a ``Workstation''\n"
+#~ "installation can still have applications from the ``Server'' category\n"
+#~ "installed.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": if you plan to use your machine as a workstation, select one "
+#~ "or\n"
+#~ "more of the groups in the workstation category.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": if you plan on using your machine for programming, select the\n"
+#~ "appropriate groups from that category. The special \"LSB\" group will\n"
+#~ "configure your system so that it complies as much as possible with the\n"
+#~ "Linux Standard Base specifications.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " Selecting the \"LSB\" group will also install the \"2.4\" kernel "
+#~ "series,\n"
+#~ "instead of the default \"2.6\" one. This is to ensure 100%%-LSB "
+#~ "compliance\n"
+#~ "of the system. However, if you do not select the \"LSB\" group you will\n"
+#~ "still have a system which is nearly 100%% LSB-compliant.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": if your machine is intended to be a server, select which of "
+#~ "the\n"
+#~ "more common services you wish to install on your machine.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": this is where you will choose your preferred graphical\n"
+#~ "environment. At least one must be selected if you want to have a "
+#~ "graphical\n"
+#~ "interface available.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Moving the mouse cursor over a group name will display a short "
+#~ "explanatory\n"
+#~ "text about that group.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "You can check the \"%s\" box, which is useful if you're familiar with "
+#~ "the\n"
+#~ "packages being offered or if you want to have total control over what "
+#~ "will\n"
+#~ "be installed.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "If you start the installation in \"%s\" mode, you can deselect all "
+#~ "groups\n"
+#~ "and prevent the installation of any new packages. This is useful for\n"
+#~ "repairing or updating an existing system.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "If you deselect all groups when performing a regular installation (as\n"
+#~ "opposed to an upgrade), a dialog will pop up suggesting different "
+#~ "options\n"
+#~ "for a minimal installation:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": install the minimum number of packages possible to have a\n"
+#~ "working graphical desktop.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": installs the base system plus basic utilities and their\n"
+#~ "documentation. This installation is suitable for setting up a server.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": will install the absolute minimum number of packages "
+#~ "necessary\n"
+#~ "to get a working Linux system. With this installation you will only have "
+#~ "a\n"
+#~ "command-line interface. The total size of this installation is about 65\n"
+#~ "megabytes."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Эми системаңызга кайсы программаларды орнотууну кааларыңызды аныктоого\n"
+#~ "убакыт келип жетти. Mandrakelinux менен кошо миңдеген пакеттер сунуш "
+#~ "кылынат,\n"
+#~ "тандоону жеңилдетүү үчүн алар жакындыгынакарата топторго бөлүнгөн.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Пакеттер машинаңыздын колдонуу спецификасына дал келе тургандай\n"
+#~ "болуп топторго иреттелген. Mandrakelinux'та пакетер төрт категория\n"
+#~ "боюнча иреттелет. Сиз ар түрдүү категорияларда жайгашкан тиркемелерди\n"
+#~ "аралаштырып же айкалыштыра аласыз, мисалы ``Иш станциясы'' орнотуу "
+#~ "варианты\n"
+#~ "``Иштеп түзүү'' категорясындагы тиркемелерди да камтышы мүмкүн.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": эгер сиз машинаны иш станциясы катары колдонгуңуз келсе,\n"
+#~ "иш станциясы категориясынан бир же бир нече тийиштүү группаны\n"
+#~ "тандаңыз.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": эгер сиз програмалоо менен алектенгиңиз келсе,\n"
+#~ "бул категориядагы тийиштүү группаны тандаңыз.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": эгер сиздин машина сервер катары иштей турган болсо, ага көп\n"
+#~ "колдонулуучу кызматтардын кайсыларын орнотууну кааласаңыз тандаңыз.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": бул жерден сиз жактырган графикалык чөйрөнү тандашыңыз\n"
+#~ " керек. Эгер сиз графикалык чөйрөдө иштөөнү кааласаңыз,\n"
+#~ "жок дегенде алардын бири тандалышы керек.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Чычкандын сөөмөйүн группанын атына алып келсеңиз, ал группага\n"
+#~ "тийиштүү түшүндүрмө көрсөтүлөт.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Сизге \"%s\" чарчыбелгисин тандоо пайдалуу болот, албетте эгерде сиз\n"
+#~ "сунушталып жаткан пакеттерди жакшы билесиңиз, же орнотулуп жаткандарды\n"
+#~ "толук көзөмөлдөп турууну кааласаңыз.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Эгер орнотууну \"%s\" режиминде баштасаңыз, кандайдыр бир жаңы пакеттер\n"
+#~ "орнотулушуна жол бербөө үчүн бардык группаларды тандоо чарчыбелгисин "
+#~ "тазалап\n"
+#~ "таштасаңыз болот. Бул орнотулган системаны калыбына келтирүү же жаңылоо "
+#~ "учурунда пайдалуу.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Эгеред кадимкидей орнотуу учурунда бир да группа тандабасаңыз (жаңылоого "
+#~ "тийиштүү\n"
+#~ "эмес), минималдык инсталляция үчүн ар кандай опциялары менен\n"
+#~ "диалог пайда болот:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": графикалык иш столунун иштешине керектелинүүчү\n"
+#~ "пакеттердин минималдык тобун орнотуу.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": негизги системаны жана базалык утилиталарды документациялары "
+#~ "менен\n"
+#~ "кошо орнотуу. Бул инсталляция сервер катары орнотууга туура келет.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": Linux системасынын иштеши үчүн керектүү эң эле минималдык "
+#~ "пакеттер\n"
+#~ "орнотулат. Бул вариантта сиз командалык сап режиминде гана иштей аласыз. "
+#~ "Бул\n"
+#~ "орнотуунун жалпы өлчөмү 65 мегабайтты ээлейт."
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you choose to install packages individually, the installer will "
+#~ "present\n"
+#~ "a tree containing all packages classified by groups and subgroups. While\n"
+#~ "browsing the tree, you can select entire groups, subgroups, or "
+#~ "individual\n"
+#~ "packages.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Whenever you select a package on the tree, a description will appear on "
+#~ "the\n"
+#~ "right to let you know the purpose of that package.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "!! If a server package has been selected, either because you "
+#~ "specifically\n"
+#~ "chose the individual package or because it was part of a group of "
+#~ "packages,\n"
+#~ "you'll be asked to confirm that you really want those servers to be\n"
+#~ "installed. By default Mandrakelinux will automatically start any "
+#~ "installed\n"
+#~ "services at boot time. Even if they are safe and have no known issues at\n"
+#~ "the time the distribution was shipped, it is entirely possible that\n"
+#~ "security holes were discovered after this version of Mandrakelinux was\n"
+#~ "finalized. If you do not know what a particular service is supposed to do "
+#~ "or\n"
+#~ "why it's being installed, then click \"%s\". Clicking \"%s\" will "
+#~ "install\n"
+#~ "the listed services and they will be started automatically at boot "
+#~ "time. !!\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "The \"%s\" option is used to disable the warning dialog which appears\n"
+#~ "whenever the installer automatically selects a package to resolve a\n"
+#~ "dependency issue. Some packages depend on others and the installation of\n"
+#~ "one particular package may require the installation of another package. "
+#~ "The\n"
+#~ "installer can determine which packages are required to satisfy a "
+#~ "dependency\n"
+#~ "to successfully complete the installation.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "The tiny floppy disk icon at the bottom of the list allows you to load a\n"
+#~ "package list created during a previous installation. This is useful if "
+#~ "you\n"
+#~ "have a number of machines that you wish to configure identically. "
+#~ "Clicking\n"
+#~ "on this icon will ask you to insert the floppy disk created at the end "
+#~ "of\n"
+#~ "another installation. See the second tip of the last step on how to "
+#~ "create\n"
+#~ "such a floppy."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Эгер сиз инсталляторго пакеттерди өз алдыңызча тандоону билдирсеңиз,\n"
+#~ "анда ал группаларга жана подгруппаларга бөлүнгөн бардык пакеттердин\n"
+#~ "дарагын көрсөтөт. Даракты кароо учурунда сиз группаны толугу менен,\n"
+#~ "подгруппаларды же өз алдынча турган пакеттерди тандасаңыз болот.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Дарактан пакетти тандоо учурунда, оң жак тарабына пакеттин максатын\n"
+#~ "баяндоочу жардам чыгарылат.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "!! Эгерде кандайдыр бир сервердик пакет тандалса, сиз аны атайын\n"
+#~ "тандасаңыз же ал башка пакеттин бөлүгү болсо, сиз аны чынында эле\n"
+#~ "ал серверлерди орнотууну каалагандыгыңызды сурайт. Mandrakelinux\n"
+#~ "бардык орнотулган серверлерлерди жүктөө убагында алдынала ишке\n"
+#~ "киргизилет. Дистрибутив чыгарылып жаткан убакта алар коопсуздук\n"
+#~ "боюнча белгилүү проблемалары жок болгону менен, аларда бул\n"
+#~ "Mandrakelinux версиясы чыгарылгандан кийин да, кооптуу болгон\n"
+#~ "жылчыктар табылышы мүмкүн. Эгер сиз берилген кызмат эмне үчүн\n"
+#~ "колдонорун жана эмне иш кыларын билбесеңиз \"%s\" басыңыз.\n"
+#~ "Эгер сиз \"%s\" бассаңыз тизмедеги бардык кызматтар орнотулуп\n"
+#~ "система жүктөлүү учурунда автоматтык түрө ишке киргизилет!!\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Инсталлятор менен пакеттерди автоматтык түрдө тандоодо\n"
+#~ "\"%s\" опциясы көз карандылык бардыгын билдирүүчү эскертүү\n"
+#~ "диалогун чыгарууга тыйуу салат. Кээ бир пакеттер бири-бири менен\n"
+#~ "байланышкандыктан инсталляторго кээ бир кошумча программаларды\n"
+#~ "орнотууга туура келет. Инсталлятор орнотуунун ийгиликтүү аякташы\n"
+#~ "максатында, көз карандылыктарды канаатандыруу үчүн кандай\n"
+#~ "пакеттердин керектигин өзү аныктайт.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Тизменин төмөн жагындагы флоппинин кичинекей сүрөтбелгиси мындан\n"
+#~ "мурунку инсталляцияда тандалган пакеттердин тизмесин жүктөөгө\n"
+#~ "мүмкүндүк берет. Эгер сиз бул сүрөтбелгини бассаңыз, мындан мурунку\n"
+#~ "инсталляция учурунда даярдалган флоппини салууңузду суранат. Мындай\n"
+#~ "флоппини түзүү үчүн акыркы кадамдагы экинчи кеңешти караңыз."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
+#~ "X (for X Window System) is the heart of the GNU/Linux graphical "
+#~ "interface\n"
+#~ "on which all the graphical environments (KDE, GNOME, AfterStep,\n"
+#~ "WindowMaker, etc.) bundled with Mandrakelinux rely upon.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "You'll see a list of different parameters to change to get an optimal\n"
+#~ "graphical display.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Graphic Card\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " The installer will normally automatically detect and configure the\n"
+#~ "graphic card installed on your machine. If this is not correct, you can\n"
+#~ "choose from this list the card you actually have installed.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " In the situation where different servers are available for your card,\n"
+#~ "with or without 3D acceleration, you're asked to choose the server which\n"
+#~ "best suits your needs.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Monitor\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " Normally the installer will automatically detect and configure the\n"
+#~ "monitor connected to your machine. If it is not correct, you can choose\n"
+#~ "from this list the monitor which is connected to your computer.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Resolution\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " Here you can choose the resolutions and color depths available for "
+#~ "your\n"
+#~ "graphics hardware. Choose the one which best suits your needs (you will "
+#~ "be\n"
+#~ "able to make changes after the installation). A sample of the chosen\n"
+#~ "configuration is shown in the monitor picture.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Test\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " Depending on your hardware, this entry might not appear.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " The system will try to open a graphical screen at the desired\n"
+#~ "resolution. If you see the test message during the test and answer \"%s"
+#~ "\",\n"
+#~ "then DrakX will proceed to the next step. If you do not see it, then it\n"
+#~ "means that some part of the auto-detected configuration was incorrect "
+#~ "and\n"
+#~ "the test will automatically end after 12 seconds and return you to the\n"
+#~ "menu. Change settings until you get a correct graphical display.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Options\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " This steps allows you to choose whether you want your machine to\n"
+#~ "automatically switch to a graphical interface at boot. Obviously, you "
+#~ "may\n"
+#~ "want to check \"%s\" if your machine is to act as a server, or if you "
+#~ "were\n"
+#~ "not successful in getting the display configured."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "X (X Window системасы үчүн) GNU/Linux графикалык интерфейсинин\n"
+#~ "жүрөгү, анын негизинде Mandrakelinux-ка кирген бардык графикалык\n"
+#~ "чөйрөлөр (KDE, GNOME, AfterStep, WindowMaker, ж.б.д.у.с.) иштейт.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Оптималдык графикалык көрүнүштү алуу үчүн, сизге ар түрдүү\n"
+#~ "параметрлердин тизмеси сунушталат: Видеокарта\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " Инсталлятор демейде сиздин машинаңызда орнотулган видеокартаны\n"
+#~ "автоматтык түрдө таап калыптандырат. Эгер антпесе, сизде орнотулган\n"
+#~ "картаны бул тизмеден тандасаңыз болот.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " Эгерде сиздин картаңыз үчүн ар кандай серверлер мүмкүн болсо, 3D\n"
+#~ "тездетүүсү менен же анысы жок, сиздин керектөөңүзгө көбүрөөк туура\n"
+#~ "келген серверди тандап алууңузду сунуштайт.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Монитор\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " Инсталлятор демейде сиздин машинаңызга туташкан мониторду\n"
+#~ "автоматтык түрдө таап калыптандырат. Эгер антпесе, сизге туташкан\n"
+#~ "мониторду тизмеден өз алдынча тандасаңыз болот.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Мүмкүнчүлүк\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " Бул жерден сиздин техникаңыз колдой алган көрсөтүү мүмкүнчүлүгүн жана\n"
+#~ "түс тереңдигин тандасаңыз болот. Сизге көбүрөөк туура келгенин тандаңыз "
+#~ "(сиз\n"
+#~ "аны инсталляциядан кийин өзгөртө аласыз). Тандалып алынган "
+#~ "конфигурациянын\n"
+#~ "үлгүсү мониторго чыгарылат.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Текшерүү\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " Сиздин каражатыңызга карата, бул пункт бар же жок болушу мүмкүн.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " Система тандалган мүмкүнчүлүктү колдонуп графикалык экранды ачуу\n"
+#~ "аракетин жасайт. Эгер сиз текшерүү учурунда маалыматты көрө алсаңыз\n"
+#~ "жана \"%s\" жообун тандасаңыз анда DrakX кийинки кадамга өтөт.\n"
+#~ "Эгер сиз маалыматты көрө албасаңыз, анда автоматтык түрдө аныкталган\n"
+#~ "конфигурциянын бөлүгү туура эмес аныкталган деп түшүнүлүп, автоматтык\n"
+#~ "түрдө 12 секунд өткөн соң сизди менюга кайра алып келет. Туура "
+#~ "графикалык\n"
+#~ "сүрөттү алмайынча, параметрлерди оңдоп кайталап көрүңүз.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Параметрлер\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " Бул жерден сиз машинаңызды автоматтык түрдө гафикалык интерфейсти\n"
+#~ "жүктөөгө калыптасаңыз болот. Албетте, эгерде сиздин машинаңыз сервер\n"
+#~ "катары иштесе же графикалык режимди калыптандыруу мүмкүн болбосо\n"
+#~ "анда сиз \"%s\" тандооңуз туура."
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You now need to decide where you want to install the Mandrakelinux\n"
+#~ "operating system on your hard drive. If your hard drive is empty or if "
+#~ "an\n"
+#~ "existing operating system is using all the available space you will have "
+#~ "to\n"
+#~ "partition the drive. Basically, partitioning a hard drive means to\n"
+#~ "logically divide it to create the space needed to install your new\n"
+#~ "Mandrakelinux system.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Because the process of partitioning a hard drive is usually irreversible\n"
+#~ "and can lead to data losses, partitioning can be intimidating and "
+#~ "stressful\n"
+#~ "for the inexperienced user. Fortunately, DrakX includes a wizard which\n"
+#~ "simplifies this process. Before continuing with this step, read through "
+#~ "the\n"
+#~ "rest of this section and above all, take your time.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Depending on the configuration of your hard drive, several options are\n"
+#~ "available:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\". This option will perform an automatic partitioning of your "
+#~ "blank\n"
+#~ "drive(s). If you use this option there will be no further prompts.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\". The wizard has detected one or more existing Linux partitions "
+#~ "on\n"
+#~ "your hard drive. If you want to use them, choose this option. You will "
+#~ "then\n"
+#~ "be asked to choose the mount points associated with each of the "
+#~ "partitions.\n"
+#~ "The legacy mount points are selected by default, and for the most part "
+#~ "it's\n"
+#~ "a good idea to keep them.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\". If Microsoft Windows is installed on your hard drive and "
+#~ "takes\n"
+#~ "all the space available on it, you will have to create free space for\n"
+#~ "GNU/Linux. To do so, you can delete your Microsoft Windows partition and\n"
+#~ "data (see ``Erase entire disk'' solution) or resize your Microsoft "
+#~ "Windows\n"
+#~ "FAT or NTFS partition. Resizing can be performed without the loss of any\n"
+#~ "data, provided you've previously defragmented the Windows partition.\n"
+#~ "Backing up your data is strongly recommended. Using this option is\n"
+#~ "recommended if you want to use both Mandrakelinux and Microsoft Windows "
+#~ "on\n"
+#~ "the same computer.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " Before choosing this option, please understand that after this\n"
+#~ "procedure, the size of your Microsoft Windows partition will be smaller\n"
+#~ "than when you started. You'll have less free space under Microsoft "
+#~ "Windows\n"
+#~ "to store your data or to install new software.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\". If you want to delete all data and all partitions present on\n"
+#~ "your hard drive and replace them with your new Mandrakelinux system, "
+#~ "choose\n"
+#~ "this option. Be careful, because you will not be able to undo this "
+#~ "operation\n"
+#~ "after you confirm.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " !! If you choose this option, all data on your disk will be "
+#~ "deleted. !!\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\". This option appears when the hard drive is entirely taken by\n"
+#~ "Microsoft Windows. Choosing this option will simply erase everything on "
+#~ "the\n"
+#~ "drive and begin fresh, partitioning everything from scratch.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " !! If you choose this option, all data on your disk will be lost. !!\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\". Choose this option if you want to manually partition your "
+#~ "hard\n"
+#~ "drive. Be careful -- it is a powerful but dangerous choice and you can "
+#~ "very\n"
+#~ "easily lose all your data. That's why this option is really only\n"
+#~ "recommended if you have done something like this before and have some\n"
+#~ "experience. For more instructions on how to use the DiskDrake utility,\n"
+#~ "refer to the ``Managing Your Partitions'' section in the ``Starter "
+#~ "Guide''."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Бул кадамда, Mandrakelinux аркеттер системасын сиздин катуу дисктин\n"
+#~ "кайсы жерине орнотууну чечүүңүзгө туура келет. Эгер сиздин катуу диск "
+#~ "бош\n"
+#~ "болсо же орнотулган аракеттери системасы дисктин бардыгын ээлесе, сизге\n"
+#~ "дискиңизди кайра бөлүүгө туура келет. Негизинен дискти бөлүү сиздин\n"
+#~ "жаңы Mandrakelinux системасын орнотуу үчүн дисктен логикалык түрдө\n"
+#~ "орун бөлүүдө турат.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Эгерде дискте орнотулган аракеттер системасы болсо, дискти бөлүү кайра\n"
+#~ "калыбына келбөөчү процесс болгондуктан андагы маалыматтарды жоготууга\n"
+#~ "алып келиши мүмкүн экендигинен, үйрөнчүк колдонуучулар үчүн бир топ\n"
+#~ "кыйыныраак жана коркунучтуу момент. Тилекке жараша DrakXте бул\n"
+#~ "процессти жеңилдетүүчү уста бар. Бул кадамды улантуу алдында колдонмонун\n"
+#~ "тийиштүү бөлүгүн окуп чыгыңыз жана шашпаңыз.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Катуу дискиңиздин конфигурациясына жараша бир нече параметрлер мүмкүн:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": бул опция бош дискти же дисктерди автоматтык түрдө бөлүүнү\n"
+#~ "түшүндүрөт. Эгер бул опция тандалса, андан ары суроо берилбейт;\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": уста катуу дискиңиздеги Linux бөлүмдөрүн аныктады. Эгер сиз\n"
+#~ "аларды колдонгуңуз келсе бул опцияны тандаңыз. Ар бир бөлүм үчүн\n"
+#~ "бириктирүү чекиттерин көрсөтүү суралат. Алыднала бириктирүү чекиттери\n"
+#~ "салтка жараша тандалгандыктан аны тийбей койсоңуз да болот.\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": эгерде сиздин дискте Microsoft Windows орнотулуп аны толук "
+#~ "ээлесе,\n"
+#~ "Linux берилиштерин сактоо үчүн бош орун түзүүңүзгө туура келет. Муну "
+#~ "түзүү\n"
+#~ "үчүн Microsoft Windows бөлүмүн жана берилиштерин жоготсоңуз, же "
+#~ "Microsoft\n"
+#~ "Windows FAT же NTFS бөлүмдөрүнүн өлчөмдөрүн өзгөртсөңүз болот.\n"
+#~ "Өлчөмүн өзгөртүү процессин маалыматтарды жоготпой жасаса да болот, "
+#~ "өзгөчө\n"
+#~ "Windows бөлүмү дефрагментация кылынгандан кийин. Маалыматтарыңыздын\n"
+#~ "резервдик копиясын түзүү көптөн-көп сунуш кылынат.Эгер сиз Mandrakelinux\n"
+#~ "жана Microsoft Windows бир компьютерде колдонгуңуз келсе, бул опцияны\n"
+#~ "тандаңыз.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " Бул опцияны тандоо алдында сиздин Microsoft Windows бөлүмүңүздүн "
+#~ "өлчөмү\n"
+#~ "мурдагыдан азыраак болуусун түшүнүүңүз керек. Сизде Microsoft Windows-"
+#~ "тун\n"
+#~ "берилиштерин жана жаңы программаларды орнотуу үчүн бош орун азыраак "
+#~ "болот.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\" эгер сиз катуу дискиңиздеги бардык маалыматтарды жоготуп "
+#~ "ордуна\n"
+#~ "Mandrakelinux орнотууну кааласаңыз, бул опцияны тандаңыз. Бул чечимди\n"
+#~ "тандоодо этият болуңуз, себеби муну тастыктаган соң бардыгын мурда\n"
+#~ "болгондой кылып калыбына келтире албайсыз.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " !! Эгер бул опцияны тандасаңыз, катуу дискиңиздеги бардык маалыматтар\n"
+#~ "жоготулат. !!\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": бул опция катуу дисктеги бардык маалыматты жоготуп бөлүмдөрдү\n"
+#~ "түзүүнү кайра башынан бош жерден баштоого мүмкүндүк берет. Дискиңиздеги\n"
+#~ "бардык информация жоголот.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " !! Эгер бул опцияны тандасаңыз, катуу дискиңиздеги бардык маалыматтар\n"
+#~ "жоготулат. !!\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " * \"%s\": згер сиз дискти өз алдынча бөлгүңүз келсе бул опцияны "
+#~ "тандаңыз.\n"
+#~ "Этият болуңуз - бул кубаттуу жана ошол эле маалда кооптуу мүмкүнчүлүк.\n"
+#~ "Сиз бир заматта болгон мааламаттардын бардыгын жоготуп алышыңыз мүмкүн.\n"
+#~ "Ошондуктан, ушул сыяктуу нерсени мурда жасап, кандайдыр бир тажрыйбаңыз\n"
+#~ "болгон учурда гана бул опцияны тандоо сунуш кылынат. DiskDrake "
+#~ "утилитасын\n"
+#~ "кантип колдонуу керектигин билүү үчүн ``Баштоочунун колдонмосу' "
+#~ "китебинин\n"
+#~ "``Дисктин бөлүмдөрүн башкаруу'' бөлүмүнө кайрылыңыз."
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you chose to reuse some legacy GNU/Linux partitions, you may wish to\n"
+#~ "reformat some of them and erase any data they contain. To do so, please\n"
+#~ "select those partitions as well.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Please note that it's not necessary to reformat all pre-existing\n"
+#~ "partitions. You must reformat the partitions containing the operating\n"
+#~ "system (such as \"/\", \"/usr\" or \"/var\") but you do not have to "
+#~ "reformat\n"
+#~ "partitions containing data that you wish to keep (typically \"/home\").\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Please be careful when selecting partitions. After the formatting is\n"
+#~ "completed, all data on the selected partitions will be deleted and you\n"
+#~ "will not be able to recover it.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Click on \"%s\" when you're ready to format the partitions.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Click on \"%s\" if you want to choose another partition for your new\n"
+#~ "Mandrakelinux operating system installation.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Click on \"%s\" if you wish to select partitions which will be checked "
+#~ "for\n"
+#~ "bad blocks on the disk."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Кайрадан жыңы түзүлгөн бөлүмдөрдү колдонууга киргизүү үчүн аларды\n"
+#~ "форматтоо талап кылынат (форматтоо файл системасын түзүүнү\n"
+#~ "түшүндүрөт).\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Бул этапта сизде мурда болүнгөн бөлүмдөрдө сакталган берилиштерди өчүрүү\n"
+#~ "үчүн аларды кайра форматто мүмкүнчүлүгү бар. Эгер бул сизге керек болсо,\n"
+#~ "бул бөлүмдөрдү дагы тандаңыз.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Мурда түзүлгөн бөлүмдөрдү кайрадан форматтоо дайыма керек эместигин\n"
+#~ "эске алыңыз. Сиз, аракеттер системасы орнотулган (\"/\", \"/usr\" или \"/"
+#~ "var\")\n"
+#~ "бөлүмдөрүн кайра форматтоңуз керек, бирок сиз сактап калууну каалаган\n"
+#~ "бөлүмдөрдү кайра форматтоо талап кылынбайт (демейде бул \"/home\").\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Бөлүмдөрдү тандоодо этияттаңыз. Форматталган соң көрсөтүлгөн "
+#~ "бөлүмдөрдөгү\n"
+#~ "бардык берилиштер жоготулат, ошондуктан аларды кайра калыбына келтирүүгө\n"
+#~ "мүмкүн эмес.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Бөлүмдөрдү форматтого даяр болгондон кийин \"%s\" баскычын басыңыз.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Эгер сиз Mandrakelinux системасын башка бөлүмгө орноткуңуз келсе \"%s\"\n"
+#~ "баскычын басыңыз.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Эгер сиз начар делген блокторду (bad blocks) текшерүүгө бөлүмдөрдү\n"
+#~ "тандагыңыз келсе \"%s\" баскычын басыңыз."
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "By the time you install Mandrakelinux, it's likely that some packages "
+#~ "will\n"
+#~ "have been updated since the initial release. Bugs may have been fixed,\n"
+#~ "security issues resolved. To allow you to benefit from these updates,\n"
+#~ "you're now able to download them from the Internet. Check \"%s\" if you\n"
+#~ "have a working Internet connection, or \"%s\" if you prefer to install\n"
+#~ "updated packages later.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Choosing \"%s\" will display a list of web locations from which updates "
+#~ "can\n"
+#~ "be retrieved. You should choose one near to you. A package-selection "
+#~ "tree\n"
+#~ "will appear: review the selection, and press \"%s\" to retrieve and "
+#~ "install\n"
+#~ "the selected package(s), or \"%s\" to abort."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Mandrakelinux орнотуу убагында баштапкы релиздин кээ бир пакеттерин\n"
+#~ "жаңы чыкандары менен жаңыласаңыз жакшы болот. Кээ бир багдар\n"
+#~ "оңдолушу жана коопсуздук проблемалары чечилиши мүмкүн. Бул\n"
+#~ "жаңылоолордон пайда алуу үчүн аларды сиз азыр Интернеттен жүктөп\n"
+#~ "алсаңыз болот. Жаңылоо үчүн, эгер сизде иштеп жаткан Интернет байланышы\n"
+#~ "болсо \"%s\" баскычын басыңыз, же \"%s\" басып пакеттерди\n"
+#~ " жаңылоону кийинчээрек жасасаңыз болот.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\"%s\" баскычын басканда жаңылоолорду жүктөп алууга мүмкүн болгон\n"
+#~ "орундарды тизеси чыгат. Сизге эң жакын жайгашканын тандаңыз. Андан\n"
+#~ "соң пакттерди тандоо дарагы чыгат: тизмени карап чыгып тандаган соң\n"
+#~ "кабыл алуу жана орнотуу үчүн \"%s\" же орнотпоо үчүн \"%s\" басыңыз."
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "At this point, DrakX will allow you to choose the security level you "
+#~ "desire\n"
+#~ "for your machine. As a rule of thumb, the security level should be set\n"
+#~ "higher if the machine is to contain crucial data, or if it's to be "
+#~ "directly\n"
+#~ "exposed to the Internet. The trade-off that a higher security level is\n"
+#~ "generally obtained at the expense of ease of use.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "If you do not know what to choose, keep the default option. You'll be "
+#~ "able\n"
+#~ "to change it later with the draksec tool, which is part of Mandrakelinux\n"
+#~ "Control Center.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Fill the \"%s\" field with the e-mail address of the person responsible "
+#~ "for\n"
+#~ "security. Security messages will be sent to that address."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Бул этапта DrakX сизге машинаңыз үчүн каалаган коопсуздук деңгээлин\n"
+#~ "тандоого мүмкүндүк берет. Эгерде машинаңызда критикалык маалымат\n"
+#~ "болсо же ал Интернетке түздөн-түз туташкан болсо, эреже катары анда\n"
+#~ "коопсуздук деңгээли жогору болушу керек. Бирок коопсуздуктун\n"
+#~ "жогорураак деңгээли жалып учурда колдонуу ыңгайлуулугун чектөө\n"
+#~ "эсебинен жасалат.\n"
+#~ "Эгер кайсынынсын тандоону билбесеңиз, аны ошол боюнча калтырыңыз.\n"
+#~ "Коопсуздук деңгээлин кийин Mandrake Башкаруу Борборунун draksec\n"
+#~ "утилитинин жардамы менен өзгөртсөңүз болот.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\"%s\" талаасында системанын коопсуздугу үчүн жооп берген колдонуучу\n"
+#~ "көрсөтүлөт. Бул адреске коопсуздук боюнча кабарлар жөнөтүлөт."
+#~ msgid ""
#~ "_: keyboard\n"
#~ "Tifinagh (+latin/arabic)"
-#~ msgstr "Арапча"
+#~ msgstr "Tifinagh (+латын/арабтык)"
#~ msgid "No network card"
#~ msgstr "Тармактык карта жок"
@@ -24062,3 +24868,48 @@ msgstr "Орнотуу ийгиликсиз аяктады"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Use already installed driver (%s)"
#~ msgstr "Ssh-идентификатору алдгачан орнотулган"
+#~ msgid "Welcome to <b>Mandrakelinux</b>!"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Mandrakelinux</b>'ка кош келиңиз!"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "<b>Mandrakesoft Products</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Mandrakeexpert</b>"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "The Mandrakelinux products are:"
+#~ msgstr "Mandrakelinux Updates апплети"
+#~ msgid "<b>Mandrakeclub</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Mandrakeclub</b>"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "<b>Mandrakeonline</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Mandrakeclub</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Mandrakeexpert</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Mandrakeexpert</b>"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Mandrakesoft Wizards"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Mandrakeexpert</b>"
+#~ msgid "Mandrakelinux Control Center"
+#~ msgstr "Mandrakelinux Башкаруу Борбору"
+#~ msgid "Mandrakeonline"
+#~ msgstr "Mandrakeonline"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Mandrakelinux Help Center"
+#~ msgstr "Mandrakelinux Башкаруу Борбору"
+#~ msgid "Mandrakelinux Tools Logs"
+#~ msgstr "Mandrake куралдарынын журналдары"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Connection failed.\n"
+#~ "Verify your configuration in the Mandrakelinux Control Center."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Туташуу ишке ашпады.\n"
+#~ "Mandrake Башкаруу Борборунан конфигурацияны текшериңиз."
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/lt.po b/perl-install/share/po/lt.po
index bafb1abd7..efa64b52e 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/lt.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/lt.po
@@ -5500,8 +5500,8 @@ msgid ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -5515,8 +5515,8 @@ msgid ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -5559,8 +5559,8 @@ msgid ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -14435,8 +14435,8 @@ msgstr "Nustatymų tikrinimas"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrivalinux is committed to the open source model. This means that this "
-"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's "
-"team of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
+"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's team "
+"of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
@@ -14599,8 +14599,7 @@ msgstr "Prisijungti prie interneto"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> "
+"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> products."
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -14664,8 +14663,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional "
+"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional needs</"
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -15134,8 +15133,8 @@ msgstr "Prisijungti prie interneto"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our "
-"<b>e-commerce platform</b>."
+"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our <b>e-"
+"commerce platform</b>."
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -15708,8 +15707,8 @@ msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid ""
-" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in "
-"Mandriva Update mode\n"
+" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in Mandriva "
+"Update mode\n"
" --no-verify-rpm do not verify packages signatures\n"
" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
"description window\n"
@@ -23810,22 +23809,6 @@ msgstr "Įdiegimas nepavyko"
#~ msgid "No network card"
#~ msgstr "nerasta jokia tinklo plokštė"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Use already installed driver (%s)"
-#~ msgstr "Ssh identitetas jau įdiegtas"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "You've not selected any font"
-#~ msgstr "Pašalinti eilę"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "Prisijungti prie interneto"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
-#~ msgstr "Tu gali pasirinkti kitas kalbas, kurios bus prieinamos po įdiegimo"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Insert a floppy in drive\n"
#~ "All data on this floppy will be lost"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/ltg.po b/perl-install/share/po/ltg.po
index 25b3933dc..4da0b1a55 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/ltg.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/ltg.po
@@ -24325,9 +24325,6 @@ msgstr "Instalaceja naizadeve"
#~ msgid "You've not selected any font"
#~ msgstr "Jius naizavielēt nivīnu fontu"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "<b>Mandrake veikals</b>"
#~ msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
#~ msgstr "Puorlyuks nav pīejams. Lyudzu, instalejit kaidu"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/lv.po b/perl-install/share/po/lv.po
index b8eb07ecb..7923411c0 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/lv.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/lv.po
@@ -24286,17 +24286,6 @@ msgstr "Instalēšana neizdevās"
#~ msgid "No network card"
#~ msgstr "Nav tīkla kartes"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Use already installed driver (%s)"
-#~ msgstr "Ssh identitāte jau instalēta"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "You've not selected any font"
-#~ msgstr "netika atrasts neviens fonts.\n"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "Mandrivalinux kontroles centrs"
#~ msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
#~ msgstr "Pārlūks nav pieejams. Lūdzu, instalējiet kādu"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/mk.po b/perl-install/share/po/mk.po
index df0417276..5720d09e4 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/mk.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/mk.po
@@ -6158,8 +6158,8 @@ msgid ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -6173,8 +6173,8 @@ msgid ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -6217,8 +6217,8 @@ msgid ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -6308,8 +6308,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Било какви прашања за лиценца на некоја компонента треба да се адресира\n"
"на авторот на компонентата, а не на Mandriva. Програмите развиени од\n"
"Mandriva S.A. потпаѓаат под GPL лиценцата. Документацијата напишана\n"
-"од Mandriva S.A. потпаѓа под посебна лиценца. Видете ја "
+"од Mandriva S.A. потпаѓа под посебна лиценца. Видете ја документацијата,\n"
"за повеќе детали.\n"
"4. Права на интелектиална сопственост\n"
@@ -15673,8 +15672,8 @@ msgstr "Добредојдовте во светот на Open Source."
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrivalinux is committed to the open source model. This means that this "
-"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's "
-"team of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
+"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's team "
+"of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
@@ -15837,8 +15836,7 @@ msgstr "Mandrivalinux контролен центар"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> "
+"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> products."
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -15902,8 +15900,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional "
+"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional needs</"
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -16372,8 +16370,8 @@ msgstr "Mandrivalinux контролен центар"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our "
-"<b>e-commerce platform</b>."
+"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our <b>e-"
+"commerce platform</b>."
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -16996,8 +16994,8 @@ msgstr "[--skiptest] [--cups] [--lprng] [--lpd] [--pdq]"
#, c-format
msgid ""
-" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in "
-"Mandriva Update mode\n"
+" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in Mandriva "
+"Update mode\n"
" --no-verify-rpm do not verify packages signatures\n"
" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
"description window\n"
@@ -25515,14 +25513,6 @@ msgstr "Неуспешна инсталација"
#~ msgid "You've not selected any font"
#~ msgstr "немате одбрано ни еден фонт"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "Лансирај го волшебникот"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
-#~ msgstr "Не пости пребарувач! Ве молиме инсталирајте некој"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "No browser is installed on your system, Please install one if you want to "
#~ "browse the help system"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/mn.po b/perl-install/share/po/mn.po
index be42ed3e6..437277f23 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/mn.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/mn.po
@@ -5197,8 +5197,8 @@ msgid ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -5212,8 +5212,8 @@ msgid ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -5256,8 +5256,8 @@ msgid ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -14034,8 +14034,8 @@ msgstr "Тавтай морил Нээх."
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrivalinux is committed to the open source model. This means that this "
-"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's "
-"team of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
+"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's team "
+"of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
@@ -14198,8 +14198,7 @@ msgstr "Мандрак удирдлагын төв"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> "
+"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> products."
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -14263,8 +14262,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional "
+"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional needs</"
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -14733,8 +14732,8 @@ msgstr "Мандрак удирдлагын төв"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our "
-"<b>e-commerce platform</b>."
+"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our <b>e-"
+"commerce platform</b>."
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -15309,8 +15308,8 @@ msgstr ""
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in "
-"Mandriva Update mode\n"
+" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in Mandriva "
+"Update mode\n"
" --no-verify-rpm do not verify packages signatures\n"
" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
"description window\n"
@@ -23477,18 +23476,6 @@ msgstr "Хэлбэр!"
#~ msgstr "Үгүй"
#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Use already installed driver (%s)"
-#~ msgstr "Ssh таних тэмдэг хэдийнэ суусан"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "You've not selected any font"
-#~ msgstr "Та"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "Мандрак удирдлагын төв"
-#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
#~ msgstr "ямх"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/ms.po b/perl-install/share/po/ms.po
index 4d83bc2c2..139463a10 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/ms.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/ms.po
@@ -5224,8 +5224,8 @@ msgid ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -5239,8 +5239,8 @@ msgid ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -5283,8 +5283,8 @@ msgid ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -13971,8 +13971,8 @@ msgstr "Selamat Datang Buka."
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrivalinux is committed to the open source model. This means that this "
-"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's "
-"team of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
+"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's team "
+"of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
@@ -14135,8 +14135,7 @@ msgstr "/_Produk Mandrivalinux"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> "
+"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> products."
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -14200,8 +14199,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional "
+"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional needs</"
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -14670,8 +14669,8 @@ msgstr " %-20s dalamtalian\n"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our "
-"<b>e-commerce platform</b>."
+"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our <b>e-"
+"commerce platform</b>."
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -15240,8 +15239,8 @@ msgstr "lpd"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
-" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in "
-"Mandriva Update mode\n"
+" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in Mandriva "
+"Update mode\n"
" --no-verify-rpm do not verify packages signatures\n"
" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
"description window\n"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/mt.po b/perl-install/share/po/mt.po
index a74a0d8d7..1100d21ba 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/mt.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/mt.po
@@ -6264,8 +6264,8 @@ msgid ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -6279,8 +6279,8 @@ msgid ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -6323,8 +6323,8 @@ msgid ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -15851,8 +15851,8 @@ msgstr "Merħba għad-<b>dinja ta' Sors Miftuħ</b>!"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrivalinux is committed to the open source model. This means that this "
-"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's "
-"team of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
+"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's team "
+"of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
"Mandrivalinux hija kommessa għall-mudell ta' sors miftuħ. Dan ifisser li din "
@@ -16056,8 +16056,7 @@ msgstr "<b>Prodotti Mandriva</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> "
+"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> products."
msgstr ""
"<b>Mandriva</b> żviluppaw għażla sħiħa ta' prodotti <b>Mandrivalinux</b>."
@@ -16131,8 +16130,8 @@ msgstr "<b>Prodotti Mandriva (Soluzzjonijiet Professjonali)</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional "
+"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional needs</"
msgstr ""
"Hawn taħt issib il-prodotti Mandriva intenzjonati li jaqdu <b>ħtiġijiet "
@@ -16659,10 +16658,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Bħal kull programmar tal-kompjuter, softwer sors miftuħ <b>jiħtieġ ħin u "
"nies</b> biex jiżviluppawh. Sabiex tirrispetta l-filosofija tas-sors miftuħ, "
-"Mandriva ibiegħu prodotti b'valur miżjud u servizzi biex <b>ikomplu "
-"itejbu lil Mandrivalinux</b>. Jekk tixtieq <b>tappoġġja l-filosofija ta' "
-"sors miftuħ</b> u l-iżvilupp ta' Mandrivalinux, <b>jekk jogħġbok</b> "
-"ikkunsidra li tixtri wieħed mill-prodotti jew servizzi tagħna!"
+"Mandriva ibiegħu prodotti b'valur miżjud u servizzi biex <b>ikomplu itejbu "
+"lil Mandrivalinux</b>. Jekk tixtieq <b>tappoġġja l-filosofija ta' sors "
+"miftuħ</b> u l-iżvilupp ta' Mandrivalinux, <b>jekk jogħġbok</b> ikkunsidra "
+"li tixtri wieħed mill-prodotti jew servizzi tagħna!"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16672,11 +16671,11 @@ msgstr "<b>Ħanut Online</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our "
-"<b>e-commerce platform</b>."
+"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our <b>e-"
+"commerce platform</b>."
msgstr ""
-"Biex issir taf iżjed dwar il-prodotti u servizzi Mandriva, tista' żżur "
-"il-<b>pjattaforma e-kummerċ</b> tagħna."
+"Biex issir taf iżjed dwar il-prodotti u servizzi Mandriva, tista' żżur il-"
+"<b>pjattaforma e-kummerċ</b> tagħna."
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16710,8 +16709,8 @@ msgid ""
"<b>Mandriva Club</b> is the <b>perfect companion</b> to your Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
-"<b>Mandriva Club</b> huwa s-<b>sieħeb idejali</b> għall-prodott Mandrivalinux "
+"<b>Mandriva Club</b> huwa s-<b>sieħeb idejali</b> għall-prodott "
+"Mandrivalinux tiegħek.."
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16763,8 +16762,8 @@ msgid ""
"<b>Mandriva Online</b> is a new premium service that Mandriva is proud to "
"offer its customers!"
msgstr ""
-"<b>Mandriva Online</b> huwa servizz ġdid ewlieni li Mandriva kburin "
-"joffru lill-klijenti!"
+"<b>Mandriva Online</b> huwa servizz ġdid ewlieni li Mandriva kburin joffru "
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16814,9 +16813,8 @@ msgid ""
"Do you require <b>assistance?</b> Meet Mandriva's technical experts on "
"<b>our technical support platform</b>"
msgstr ""
-"Għandek bżonn l-<b>għajnuna</b>? Iltaqa' mal-esperti tekniċi ta' "
-"Mandriva fuq il-<b>pjattaforma ta' għajnuna teknika</b> www."
+"Għandek bżonn l-<b>għajnuna</b>? Iltaqa' mal-esperti tekniċi ta' Mandriva "
+"fuq il-<b>pjattaforma ta' għajnuna teknika</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -17287,8 +17285,8 @@ msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid ""
-" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in "
-"Mandriva Update mode\n"
+" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in Mandriva "
+"Update mode\n"
" --no-verify-rpm do not verify packages signatures\n"
" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
"description window\n"
@@ -26219,10 +26217,6 @@ msgstr "Installazzjoni falliet"
#~ msgid "You've not selected any font"
#~ msgstr "Ma għażilt ebda font"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "<b>Prodotti Mandriva</b>"
#~ msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
#~ msgstr "Ebda browser disponibbli! Jekk jogħġbok installa wieħed"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/nb.po b/perl-install/share/po/nb.po
index 80ad58e5b..2e27791b2 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/nb.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/nb.po
@@ -6374,8 +6374,8 @@ msgid ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -6389,8 +6389,8 @@ msgid ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -6433,8 +6433,8 @@ msgid ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -6471,8 +6471,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Vennligst les dette dokumentet nøye. Dokumentet er en lisensavtale mellom "
"deg og\n"
-"Mandriva S.A.som gjelder programvareproduktene. Ved å installere, "
-"duplisere eller\n"
+"Mandriva S.A.som gjelder programvareproduktene. Ved å installere, duplisere "
"bruke programvareproduktene godtar du og samtykker i vilkårene i denne "
"Dersom du ikke samtykker i hele eller deler av lisensen kan du ikke "
@@ -6490,8 +6490,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Programvareproduktene og den medfølgende dokumentasjonen er levert \"som de "
-"uten garanti så langt som det er tillatt ved lov. Mandriva S.A. vil "
-"under ingen\n"
+"uten garanti så langt som det er tillatt ved lov. Mandriva S.A. vil under "
"omstendigheter, og så langt som loven tillater det, være ansvarlige for noen "
"tilfeldige, direkte eller indirekte skader (inkludert skader for tap av "
@@ -6507,8 +6507,8 @@ msgstr ""
-"Mandriva S.A. eller dets distributører vil under ingen omstendigheter, "
-"og så langt som loven\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. eller dets distributører vil under ingen omstendigheter, og så "
+"langt som loven\n"
"tillater det, være ansvarlige for noen spesielle, tilfeldige, direkte eller "
"indirekte skader (inkludert\n"
"skader for tap av forretning, driftsavbrudd, økonomisk tap, rettsgebyr, "
@@ -6538,10 +6538,10 @@ msgstr ""
"du bruker dem.\n"
"Spørsmål om en gitt komponents lisens skal rettes til forfatteren av "
"komponenten og ikke til\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. Programmene som er utviklet av Mandrakesoft S.A. er "
-"regulert av GPL-lisensen.\n"
-"Dokumentasjon skrevet av Mandriva S.A er regulert av en spesifikk "
-"lisens. Vennligst referer\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. Programmene som er utviklet av Mandrakesoft S.A. er regulert "
+"av GPL-lisensen.\n"
+"Dokumentasjon skrevet av Mandriva S.A er regulert av en spesifikk lisens. "
+"Vennligst referer\n"
"til dokumentasjonen for detaljer.\n"
@@ -6549,8 +6549,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Alle rettigheter til programvareproduktene tilhører deres respektive "
"forfattere og er beskyttet\n"
-"av opphavrettlover som gjelder for programvare. Mandriva S.A. "
-"forbeholder seg retten til å\n"
+"av opphavrettlover som gjelder for programvare. Mandriva S.A. forbeholder "
+"seg retten til å\n"
"modifisere eller tilpasse programvareproduktene helt eller delvis, på alle "
"måter og for alle formål.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" og tilhørende logoer er varemerker "
@@ -16138,14 +16138,14 @@ msgstr "Velkommen til <b>Open Source-verdenen</b>!"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrivalinux is committed to the open source model. This means that this "
-"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's "
-"team of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
+"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's team "
+"of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
"Mandrivalinux er og skal fortsette å være basert på åpen kildekode-modellen. "
"Dette betyr at hver nye utgivelse er resultatet av <b>samarbeid</b> mellom "
-"<b>Mandriva's utviklergruppe</b> og det <b>verdensomspennende samfunnet</"
-"b> av Mandrivalinux bidragsytere."
+"<b>Mandriva's utviklergruppe</b> og det <b>verdensomspennende samfunnet</b> "
+"av Mandrivalinux bidragsytere."
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16341,8 +16341,7 @@ msgstr "<b>Mandriva-produkter</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> "
+"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> products."
msgstr ""
"<b>Mandriva</b> har utviklet en lang rekke med <b>Mandrivalinux</b>-"
@@ -16416,11 +16415,10 @@ msgstr "<b>Mandriva-produkter (Profesjonelle løsninger)</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional "
-msgstr ""
-"Under er Mandriva-produktene utformet for å møte <b>profesjonelle behov</"
+"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional needs</"
+msgstr ""
+"Under er Mandriva-produktene utformet for å møte <b>profesjonelle behov</b>:"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16943,11 +16941,11 @@ msgid ""
"our products or services!"
msgstr ""
"Som all dataprogrammering, trenger open source-programvare <b>tid og folk</"
-"b> for utvikling. For å respektere open source-filosofien selger "
-"Mandriva ekstra produkter og tjenester for å <b>fortsette å forbedre "
-"Mandrivalinux</b>. Hvis du vil <b>støtte open source-filosofien</b> og "
-"utviklingen av Mandrivalinux, <b>vennligst</b> vurder å kjøpe et av våre "
-"produkter eller tjenester!"
+"b> for utvikling. For å respektere open source-filosofien selger Mandriva "
+"ekstra produkter og tjenester for å <b>fortsette å forbedre Mandrivalinux</"
+"b>. Hvis du vil <b>støtte open source-filosofien</b> og utviklingen av "
+"Mandrivalinux, <b>vennligst</b> vurder å kjøpe et av våre produkter eller "
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16957,8 +16955,8 @@ msgstr "<b>Nettbutikk</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our "
-"<b>e-commerce platform</b>."
+"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our <b>e-"
+"commerce platform</b>."
msgstr ""
"For å lære mer om Mandriva-produkter og tjenester kan du besøke vår <b>e-"
@@ -17639,8 +17637,8 @@ msgstr " [--skiptest] [--cups] [--lprng] [--lpd] [--pdq]"
#, c-format
msgid ""
-" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in "
-"Mandriva Update mode\n"
+" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in Mandriva "
+"Update mode\n"
" --no-verify-rpm do not verify packages signatures\n"
" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
"description window\n"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/nl.po b/perl-install/share/po/nl.po
index 512502669..ba296de37 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/nl.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/nl.po
@@ -26734,9 +26734,6 @@ msgstr "Installatie mislukt"
#~ msgid "Save and close"
#~ msgstr "Opslaan en sluiten"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "Mandriva-wizards"
#~ msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
#~ msgstr "Geen bladerprogramma beschikbaar! Installeert u er alstublieft één."
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/nn.po b/perl-install/share/po/nn.po
index 4e6df334a..62905536b 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/nn.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/nn.po
@@ -5960,8 +5960,8 @@ msgid ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -5975,8 +5975,8 @@ msgid ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -6019,8 +6019,8 @@ msgid ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -15434,8 +15434,8 @@ msgstr "Velkommen til <b>open kjeldekode-verda</b>!"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrivalinux is committed to the open source model. This means that this "
-"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's "
-"team of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
+"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's team "
+"of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
@@ -15603,8 +15603,7 @@ msgstr "<b>Mandriva-produkt</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> "
+"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> products."
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -15668,8 +15667,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional "
+"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional needs</"
msgstr ""
#: share/advertising/
@@ -16143,8 +16142,8 @@ msgstr "<b>Nettbutikk</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our "
-"<b>e-commerce platform</b>."
+"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our <b>e-"
+"commerce platform</b>."
msgstr ""
"Du finn alle Mandriva-produkta og -tenestene på <b>e-handelsplattforma</b> "
@@ -16712,8 +16711,8 @@ msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid ""
-" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in "
-"Mandriva Update mode\n"
+" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in Mandriva "
+"Update mode\n"
" --no-verify-rpm do not verify packages signatures\n"
" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
"description window\n"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/pa_IN.po b/perl-install/share/po/pa_IN.po
index c9cc5e23a..39213ae44 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/pa_IN.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/pa_IN.po
@@ -5432,8 +5432,8 @@ msgid ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -5447,8 +5447,8 @@ msgid ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -5491,8 +5491,8 @@ msgid ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -14648,8 +14648,8 @@ msgstr "<b>ਮੁਕਤ ਸਰੋਤ ਦੀ ਦੁਨੀਆਂ</b> ਵੱਲੋ
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrivalinux is committed to the open source model. This means that this "
-"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's "
-"team of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
+"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's team "
+"of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
@@ -14829,8 +14829,7 @@ msgstr "<b>ਮੈਂਡਰਿਕ-ਸਾਫਟ ਉਤਪਾਦ</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> "
+"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> products."
msgstr "<b>ਮੈਂਡਰਿਕ-ਸਾਫਟ</b> ਨੇ ਬਹੁਤ ਸਾਰੇ <b>ਮੈਂਡਰਿਕ-ਲੀਨਕਸ</b> ਉਤਪਾਦਾਂ ਦਾ ਵਿਕਾਸ ਕੀਤਾ।"
#: share/advertising/
@@ -14901,8 +14900,8 @@ msgstr "<b>ਮੈਂਡਰਿਕ-ਸਾਫਟ ਉਤਪਾਦ (ਪੇਸ਼ੇਵ
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional "
+"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional needs</"
msgstr "ਹੇਠਾਂ <b>ਪੇਸ਼ੇਵਰ ਲੋੜਾਂ</b> ਦੀ ਪੂਰਤੀ ਲਈ ਬਣਾਏ ਉਤਪਾਦ ਹਨ:"
#: share/advertising/
@@ -15412,8 +15411,8 @@ msgstr "<b>ਆਨਲਾਈਨ ਭੰਡਾਰ</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our "
-"<b>e-commerce platform</b>."
+"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our <b>e-"
+"commerce platform</b>."
msgstr "ਮੈਂਡਰਿਕ-ਸਾਫਟ ਅਤੇ ਸੇਵਾਵਾਂ ਬਾਰੇ ਵਧੇਰੇ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਲਈ ਸਾਡਾ <b>ਈ-ਕਮਰਸ ਪਲੇਟਫਾਰਮ</b> ਵੇਖੋ"
#: share/advertising/
@@ -16010,8 +16009,8 @@ msgstr " [--skiptest] [--cups] [--lprng] [--lpd] [--pdq]"
#, c-format
msgid ""
-" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in "
-"Mandriva Update mode\n"
+" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in Mandriva "
+"Update mode\n"
" --no-verify-rpm do not verify packages signatures\n"
" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
"description window\n"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/pl.po b/perl-install/share/po/pl.po
index b673d562b..e4ec43a57 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/pl.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/pl.po
@@ -6321,8 +6321,8 @@ msgid ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -6336,8 +6336,8 @@ msgid ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -6380,8 +6380,8 @@ msgid ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -6443,15 +6443,15 @@ msgstr ""
"przerwanie działalności\n"
"firmy, straty finansowe, zasądzone grzywny i kary prawne lub inne straty) "
"powstałe w wyniku\n"
-"używania lub niemożności używania Oprogramowania, nawet jeśli firma "
-"Mandriva S.A.\n"
+"używania lub niemożności używania Oprogramowania, nawet jeśli firma Mandriva "
"została ostrzeżona o możliwości wystąpienia takich uszkodzeń.\n"
-"W zakresie określonym przez prawo firma Mandriva S.A. lub jej "
-"dystrybutorzy bez względu\n"
+"W zakresie określonym przez prawo firma Mandriva S.A. lub jej dystrybutorzy "
+"bez względu\n"
"na okoliczności nie będą odpowiedzialni za żadne specjalne, uboczne, "
"bezpośrednie i pośrednie uszkodzenia\n"
"jakkolwiek (włączając bez ograniczeń uszkodzenia powodujące utratę firmy, "
@@ -6480,8 +6480,8 @@ msgstr ""
"komponentu przed\n"
"jego użyciem. Dowolne pytanie dotyczące licencji powinno być przesyłane do "
"autora, nie\n"
-"do firmy Mandriva. Programy stworzone przez Mandrakesoft S.A. są wydane "
-"na zasadach\n"
+"do firmy Mandriva. Programy stworzone przez Mandrakesoft S.A. są wydane na "
"licencji GPL. Dokumentacja napisana przez Mandriva S.A. jest wydana na "
"wybranej licencji. Zajrzyj do dokumentacji, aby uzyskać więcej szczegółów.\n"
@@ -16102,8 +16102,8 @@ msgstr "Witaj w <b>świecie Otwartego Oprogramowania</b>!"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrivalinux is committed to the open source model. This means that this "
-"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's "
-"team of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
+"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's team "
+"of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
"Mandrivalinux został wydany na zasadzie Open Source. To oznacza, że to nowe "
@@ -16198,8 +16198,7 @@ msgid ""
"version that Mandriva wants to keep <b>available to everyone</b>."
msgstr ""
"Właśnie instalujesz <b>Mandrivalinux Download</b>. Ta wersja jest wersją "
-"bezpłatną, którą Mandriva chce utrzymać jako <b>dostępną dla wszystkich</"
+"bezpłatną, którą Mandriva chce utrzymać jako <b>dostępną dla wszystkich</b>."
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16277,9 +16276,9 @@ msgid ""
"includes <b>thousands of applications</b> - everything from the most popular "
"to the most advanced."
msgstr ""
-"PowerPack jest <b>głównym produktem Linuksowym</b> firmy Mandriva. "
-"PowerPack zawiera <b>tysiące aplikacji</b> - wszystko od najbardziej "
-"popularnych aplikacji do tych najbardziej zaawansowanych."
+"PowerPack jest <b>głównym produktem Linuksowym</b> firmy Mandriva. PowerPack "
+"zawiera <b>tysiące aplikacji</b> - wszystko od najbardziej popularnych "
+"aplikacji do tych najbardziej zaawansowanych."
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16312,8 +16311,7 @@ msgstr "<b>Produkty Mandriva</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> "
+"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> products."
msgstr ""
"Firma <b>Mandriva</b> stworzyła szeroką gamę produktów dla dystrybucji "
@@ -16387,8 +16385,8 @@ msgstr "<b>Produkty Mandriva (Rozwiązania Profesjonalne)</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional "
+"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional needs</"
msgstr ""
"Poniżej wymienione są produkty Mandriva zaprojektowane z myślą<b>o "
"zastosowaniach profesjonalnych</b>:"
@@ -16941,8 +16939,8 @@ msgstr "<b>Sklep internetowy Mandrake</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our "
-"<b>e-commerce platform</b>."
+"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our <b>e-"
+"commerce platform</b>."
msgstr ""
"Aby dowiedzieć się więcej na temat produktów i usług Mandriva, możesz "
"odwiedzić naszą <b>internetową platformę e-commerce</b>."
@@ -17035,8 +17033,8 @@ msgid ""
"<b>Mandriva Online</b> is a new premium service that Mandriva is proud to "
"offer its customers!"
msgstr ""
-"<b>Mandriva Online</b> jest nową usługą, którą Mandriva z dumą oferuje "
-"swoim klientom."
+"<b>Mandriva Online</b> jest nową usługą, którą Mandriva z dumą oferuje swoim "
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -17044,8 +17042,8 @@ msgid ""
"Mandriva Online provides a wide range of valuable services for <b>easily "
"updating</b> your Mandrivalinux systems:"
msgstr ""
-"Mandriva Online dostarcza szeroką gamę wartościowych usług do <b>łatwiejszego "
-"uaktualniania</b> swoich systemów Mandrivalinux:"
+"Mandriva Online dostarcza szeroką gamę wartościowych usług do "
+"<b>łatwiejszego uaktualniania</b> swoich systemów Mandrivalinux:"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -17622,16 +17620,16 @@ msgstr " [--skiptest] [--cups] [--lprng] [--lpd] [--pdq]"
#, c-format
msgid ""
-" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in "
-"Mandriva Update mode\n"
+" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in Mandriva "
+"Update mode\n"
" --no-verify-rpm do not verify packages signatures\n"
" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
"description window\n"
" --merge-all-rpmnew propose to merge all .rpmnew/.rpmsave files found"
msgstr ""
-" --no-confirmation nie pyta o pierwsze potwierdzenie w trybie "
-"Mandriva Update\n"
+" --no-confirmation nie pyta o pierwsze potwierdzenie w trybie Mandriva "
" --no-verify-rpm nie sprawdza podpisów pakietów\n"
" --changelog-first wyświetla dziennik zmian przed listą plików w oknie "
@@ -26716,10 +26714,6 @@ msgstr "Instalacja zakończyła się niepowodzeniem"
#~ "\t* <b>Mandrivalinux 10.1 dla x86-64</b>, edycja Mandrivalinux dla "
#~ "procesorów 64-ro bitowych."
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "Druidy Mandriva"
#~ msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
#~ msgstr "Brak dostępnych przeglądarek! Proszę jakąś zainstalować"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/pt_BR.po b/perl-install/share/po/pt_BR.po
index ac51ea271..00b567bf5 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/pt_BR.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/pt_BR.po
@@ -6332,8 +6332,8 @@ msgid ""
"The Software Products and attached documentation are provided \"as is\", "
"with no warranty, to the \n"
"extent permitted by law.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by "
-"law, be liable for any special,\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, "
+"be liable for any special,\n"
"incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without "
"limitation damages for loss of \n"
"business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties "
@@ -6347,8 +6347,8 @@ msgid ""
-"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, "
-"in no circumstances, be \n"
+"To the extent permitted by law, Mandriva S.A. or its distributors will, in "
+"no circumstances, be \n"
"liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever "
"(including without \n"
"limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial "
@@ -6391,8 +6391,8 @@ msgid ""
"respective authors and are \n"
"protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software "
-"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software "
-"Products, as a whole or in \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, "
+"as a whole or in \n"
"parts, by all means and for all purposes.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" and associated logos are trademarks of "
"Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -6449,8 +6449,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Os Programas Informativos e a documentação são fornecidos \"assim como\", "
"com nenhuma garantia, \n"
"quanto permitido pela lei.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. não vai ser, em nenhuma circunstância e quanto permitido "
-"pela lei, responsável de qualquer\n"
+"Mandriva S.A. não vai ser, em nenhuma circunstância e quanto permitido pela "
+"lei, responsável de qualquer\n"
"acidente particular, dos danos diretos ou indiretos (inclusive os "
"resultantes de perda de lucros, interrupção\n"
"de negócios, perda de informações e dividas legais resultando dum julgamento,"
@@ -6462,8 +6462,8 @@ msgstr ""
-"Mandriva S.A. e os seus distribuidores não vão ser, em nenhuma "
-"circunstância e quanto permitido \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. e os seus distribuidores não vão ser, em nenhuma circunstância "
+"e quanto permitido \n"
"pela lei, responsável de quaisqueres danos diretos ou indiretos (inclusive "
"os resultantes de perda de lucros, interrupção\n"
"de negócios, perda de informações e dividas legais resultando dum julgamento,"
@@ -6491,8 +6491,8 @@ msgstr ""
"qualquer pergunta sobre a \n"
"licença dum elemento devera ser feita ao autor do elemento e não á "
-"O programas desenvolvidos por Mandriva S.A. são publicados sob os termos "
-"da licença GPL. \n"
+"O programas desenvolvidos por Mandriva S.A. são publicados sob os termos da "
+"licença GPL. \n"
"A documentação escrita por Mandriva S.A. é publicada sob uma licença "
"especifica. Por favor veja \n"
"a documentação para mais detalhes.\n"
@@ -6504,8 +6504,8 @@ msgstr ""
"respectivos \n"
"e são protegidos pela propriedade intelectual e pelas leis de Copyright "
"aplicáveis a programas de informática.\n"
-"Mandriva S.A. reserva os seus direitos de modificar ou adaptar os "
-"Programas de informática, como um \n"
+"Mandriva S.A. reserva os seus direitos de modificar ou adaptar os Programas "
+"de informática, como um \n"
"tudo ou por partes, em qualquer sentido e para todos fins.\n"
"\"Mandriva\", \"Mandrivalinux\" e os logotipos associados são marcas "
"registradas da Mandriva S.A. \n"
@@ -6523,8 +6523,8 @@ msgstr ""
"resolvidos sem tribunal. \n"
"Como ultima solução, o desacordo será referido ao Tribunal de Paris - "
-"Para qualquer pergunta sobre este documento, contate por favor Mandriva "
-"S.A. \n"
+"Para qualquer pergunta sobre este documento, contate por favor Mandriva S."
+"A. \n"
#, c-format
@@ -16150,14 +16150,14 @@ msgstr "Seja bem-vindo ao <b>mundo do código aberto</b>!"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Mandrivalinux is committed to the open source model. This means that this "
-"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's "
-"team of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
+"new release is the result of <b>collaboration</b> between <b>Mandriva's team "
+"of developers</b> and the <b>worldwide community</b> of Mandrivalinux "
msgstr ""
"Mandrivalinux é comprometida com o Modelo de Código Aberto e respeita "
"integralmente a General Public License (GPL). Esta nova versão é o resultado "
-"da <b>colaboração</b> entre a <b>equipe de desenvolvedores da Mandriva</"
-"b> e a <b>comunidade mundial</b> de colaboradores do Mandrivalinux."
+"da <b>colaboração</b> entre a <b>equipe de desenvolvedores da Mandriva</b> e "
+"a <b>comunidade mundial</b> de colaboradores do Mandrivalinux."
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16319,10 +16319,10 @@ msgid ""
"includes <b>thousands of applications</b> - everything from the most popular "
"to the most advanced."
msgstr ""
-"PowerPack é o produto <b>Desktop Linux premier</b> da Mandriva. Além de "
-"ser a distribuição Linux mais fácil de usar e a mais amigável, PowerPack "
-"inclui também <b>milhares de aplicações</b> - todas das mais populares às "
-"mais técnicas."
+"PowerPack é o produto <b>Desktop Linux premier</b> da Mandriva. Além de ser "
+"a distribuição Linux mais fácil de usar e a mais amigável, PowerPack inclui "
+"também <b>milhares de aplicações</b> - todas das mais populares às mais "
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16354,8 +16354,7 @@ msgstr "<b>Produtos Mandriva</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> "
+"<b>Mandriva</b> has developed a wide range of <b>Mandrivalinux</b> products."
msgstr ""
"<b>Mandriva</b> tem desenvolvido uma larga série de produtos "
@@ -16429,11 +16428,11 @@ msgstr "<b>Produtos Mandriva (Soluções Profissionais)</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional "
+"Below are the Mandriva products designed to meet the <b>professional needs</"
msgstr ""
-"Abaixo estão os produtos Mandriva desenhados para reunir as "
-"<b>necessidades profissionais</b>:"
+"Abaixo estão os produtos Mandriva desenhados para reunir as <b>necessidades "
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -16980,8 +16979,8 @@ msgstr "<b>Loja Online</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
msgid ""
-"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our "
-"<b>e-commerce platform</b>."
+"To learn more about Mandriva products and services, you can visit our <b>e-"
+"commerce platform</b>."
msgstr ""
"Encontre todos os produtos da Mandriva na <b>Mandriva Store</b> - nossa "
"plataforma de serviços em e-commece."
@@ -17071,8 +17070,8 @@ msgid ""
"<b>Mandriva Online</b> is a new premium service that Mandriva is proud to "
"offer its customers!"
msgstr ""
-"<b>Mandriva Online</b> é um novo serviço premiado que a Mandriva se "
-"orgulha em oferecer para seus clientes!"
+"<b>Mandriva Online</b> é um novo serviço premiado que a Mandriva se orgulha "
+"em oferecer para seus clientes!"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -17122,9 +17121,8 @@ msgid ""
"Do you require <b>assistance?</b> Meet Mandriva's technical experts on "
"<b>our technical support platform</b>"
msgstr ""
-"Você precisa de <b>ajuda</b>? Conheça os experientes técnicos da "
-"Mandriva em <b>nossa plataforma de suporte técnico</b> www."
+"Você precisa de <b>ajuda</b>? Conheça os experientes técnicos da Mandriva em "
+"<b>nossa plataforma de suporte técnico</b>"
#: share/advertising/
#, c-format
@@ -17667,8 +17665,8 @@ msgstr " [--skiptest] [--cups] [--lprng] [--lpd] [--pdq]"
#, c-format
msgid ""
-" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in "
-"Mandriva Update mode\n"
+" --no-confirmation do not ask first confirmation question in Mandriva "
+"Update mode\n"
" --no-verify-rpm do not verify packages signatures\n"
" --changelog-first display changelog before filelist in the "
"description window\n"
@@ -26781,12 +26779,6 @@ msgstr "Falha na instalação"
#~ msgid "You've not selected any font"
#~ msgstr "Você não selecionou nenhuma fonte"
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "Assistentes Mandriva"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
#~ msgstr "Nenhum navegador disponível! Instale um por favor"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/ro.po b/perl-install/share/po/ro.po
index 47170d01d..d77dd64bc 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/ro.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/ro.po
@@ -23653,9 +23653,6 @@ msgstr "Instalarea a eşuat"
#~ msgid "You've not selected any font"
#~ msgstr "Nu aţi selectat nici un font"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "Centrul de control Mandrivalinux"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "No browser is installed on your system, Please install one if you want to "
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/sq.po b/perl-install/share/po/sq.po
index 71bdc2add..de47e1de2 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/sq.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/sq.po
@@ -25940,9 +25940,6 @@ msgstr "Instalimi dështio"
#~ msgid "You've not selected any font"
#~ msgstr "Ju nuk keni zgjedhur ndonji polisë"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "Qendra Kontrolluese Mandrivalinux"
#~ msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
#~ msgstr "Asnjë shfletues i lirë! Ju lutemi instalone njërin"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/sr.po b/perl-install/share/po/sr.po
index d8353620a..29696db4d 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/sr.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/sr.po
@@ -25591,17 +25591,6 @@ msgstr "Инсталација није успела"
#~ msgid "No network card"
#~ msgstr "Није пронађена мрежна картица"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Use already installed driver (%s)"
-#~ msgstr "Ssh идентитет већ постоји"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "You've not selected any font"
-#~ msgstr "не могу да пронађен ниједан фонт.\n"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "Mandrivalinux Контролни Центар"
#~ msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
#~ msgstr "Нема доступног претраживача! Молим Вас да инсталирате барем једног"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/sr@Latn.po b/perl-install/share/po/sr@Latn.po
index 90c9084ca..c3e489f01 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/sr@Latn.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/sr@Latn.po
@@ -25620,9 +25620,6 @@ msgstr "Instalacija nije uspela"
#~ msgid "You've not selected any font"
#~ msgstr "ne mogu da pronađen nijedan font.\n"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "Mandrivalinux Kontrolni Centar"
#~ msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
#~ msgstr "Nema dostupnog pretraživača! Molim Vas da instalirate barem jednog"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/ta.po b/perl-install/share/po/ta.po
index 1f474d056..45a34e654 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/ta.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/ta.po
@@ -24234,9 +24234,6 @@ msgstr "நிறுவுதலில் பிழை நேர்ந்து
#~ msgid "You've not selected any font"
#~ msgstr "நுழைவிடத்தை நீக்கு"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "மாண்ட்ேரக் கட்டுப்பட்டு மையம்"
#~ msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
#~ msgstr "மேலோடி ஏதுமில்ைல.தயவுசெய்து நிறுவவும்"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/tg.po b/perl-install/share/po/tg.po
index 169be1240..a90ccccd9 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/tg.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/tg.po
@@ -27019,9 +27019,6 @@ msgstr "Коргузорӣ бо нокомӣ анҷомид"
#~ msgid "You've not selected any font"
#~ msgstr "Шумо ягон ҳуруфро интихоб накардед"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "Устодҳои Mandriva"
#~ msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
#~ msgstr "Баррас дастрас нест! Марҳамат карда онро коргузорӣ кунед"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/th.po b/perl-install/share/po/th.po
index 700feef63..0032baa65 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/th.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/th.po
@@ -23527,21 +23527,6 @@ msgstr "การติดตั้งไม่สำเร็จ"
#~ msgid "No network card"
#~ msgstr "ไม่พบการ์ดเน็ตเวิร์ก"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Use already installed driver (%s)"
-#~ msgstr "ข้อมูลเฉพาะตัวของผู้ใช้สำหรับ ssh ได้ถูกติดตั้งแล้ว"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "You've not selected any font"
-#~ msgstr "ลบคิว"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "Control Center"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
-#~ msgstr "คุณสามารถเลือกภาษาอื่นซึ่งจะสามารถใช้ได้หลังติดตั้ง"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Insert a floppy in drive\n"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/tl.po b/perl-install/share/po/tl.po
index f4a36a05d..8d4b594b1 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/tl.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/tl.po
@@ -26837,9 +26837,6 @@ msgstr "Pag-i-install nabigo"
#~ msgid "You've not selected any font"
#~ msgstr "Hindi kayo nakapili ng font"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "<b>Mandriva Store</b>"
#~ msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
#~ msgstr "Walang available na browser! Mag-install ng isa"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/tr.po b/perl-install/share/po/tr.po
index 2b8ca8137..754f41a42 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/tr.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/tr.po
@@ -25098,9 +25098,6 @@ msgstr "Kurulum başarısız!"
#~ msgid "You've not selected any font"
#~ msgstr "Hiç yazı tipi seçmemişsiniz"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "<b>Mandriva Store</b>"
#~ msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
#~ msgstr "Hiç bir web tarayıcısı kurulu değil! Lütfen bir tane kurun."
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/uz.po b/perl-install/share/po/uz.po
index 200e015c9..277d7c845 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/uz.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/uz.po
@@ -23869,9 +23869,6 @@ msgstr "Ўрнатиш муваффақиятсиз тугади"
#~ msgid "You've not selected any font"
#~ msgstr "Сиз ҳеч қандай шрифтни танламадингиз"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "Mandriva ёрдамчилари"
#~ msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
#~ msgstr "Ҳеч қандай браузер мавжуд эмас! Илтимос бирортасини ўрнатинг"
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/uz@Latn.po b/perl-install/share/po/uz@Latn.po
index e0e46522e..807966519 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/uz@Latn.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/uz@Latn.po
@@ -23913,9 +23913,6 @@ msgstr "O'rnatish muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi"
#~ msgid "You've not selected any font"
#~ msgstr "Siz hech qanday shriftni tanlamadingiz"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Mandriva Wizards"
-#~ msgstr "Mandriva yordamchilari"
#~ msgid "No browser available! Please install one"
#~ msgstr "Hech qanday brauzer mavjud emas! Iltimos birortasini o'rnating"