path: root/perl-install/
blob: 0fc9a4b5557784ff92b343392d43553213ec1ef8 (plain)
package services;

use diagnostics;
use strict;

#- misc imports
use common qw(:common :functional :system :file);
use commands;
use run_program;

my %services = (
anacron => __("Anacron a periodic command scheduler."),
apmd => __("apmd is used for monitoring batery status and logging it via syslog.
It can also be used for shutting down the machine when the battery is low."),
atd => __("Runs commands scheduled by the at command at the time specified when
at was run, and runs batch commands when the load average is low enough."),
crond => __("cron is a standard UNIX program that runs user-specified programs
at periodic scheduled times. vixie cron adds a number of features to the basic
UNIX cron, including better security and more powerful configuration options."),
gpm => __("GPM adds mouse support to text-based Linux applications such the
Midnight Commander. It also allows mouse-based console cut-and-paste operations,
and includes support for pop-up menus on the console."),
httpd => __("Apache is a World Wide Web server.  It is used to serve HTML files
and CGI."),
inet => __("The internet superserver daemon (commonly called inetd) starts a
variety of other internet services as needed. It is responsible for starting
many services, including telnet, ftp, rsh, and rlogin. Disabling inetd disables
all of the services it is responsible for."),
keytable => __("This package loads the selected keyboard map as set in
/etc/sysconfig/keyboard.  This can be selected using the kbdconfig utility.
You should leave this enabled for most machines."),
lpd => __("lpd is the print daemon required for lpr to work properly. It is
basically a server that arbitrates print jobs to printer(s)."),
named => __("named (BIND) is a Domain Name Server (DNS) that is used to resolve
host names to IP addresses."),
netfs => __("Mounts and unmounts all Network File System (NFS), SMB (Lan
Manager/Windows), and NCP (NetWare) mount points."),
network => __("Activates/Deactivates all network interfaces configured to start
at boot time."),
nfs => __("NFS is a popular protocol for file sharing across TCP/IP networks.
This service provides NFS server functionality, which is configured via the
/etc/exports file."),
nfslock => __("NFS is a popular protocol for file sharing across TCP/IP
networks. This service provides NFS file locking functionality."),
pcmcia => __("PCMCIA support is usually to support things like ethernet and
modems in laptops.  It won't get started unless configured so it is safe to have
it installed on machines that don't need it."),
portmap => __("The portmapper manages RPC connections, which are used by
protocols such as NFS and NIS. The portmap server must be running on machines
which act as servers for protocols which make use of the RPC mechanism."),
postfix => __("Postfix is a Mail Transport Agent, which is the program that
moves mail from one machine to another."),
random => __("Saves and restores system entropy pool for higher quality random
number generation."),
routed => __("The routed daemon allows for automatic IP router table updated via
the RIP protocol. While RIP is widely used on small networks, more complex
routing protocols are needed for complex networks."),
rstatd => __("The rstat protocol allows users on a network to retrieve
performance metrics for any machine on that network."),
rusersd => __("The rusers protocol allows users on a network to identify who is
logged in on other responding machines."),
rwhod => __("The rwho protocol lets remote users get a list of all of the users
logged into a machine running the rwho daemon (similiar to finger)."),
syslog => __("Syslog is the facility by which many daemons use to log messages
to various system log files.  It is a good idea to always run syslog."),
usb => __("This startup script try to load your modules for your usb mouse."),
xfs => __("Starts and stops the X Font Server at boot time and shutdown."),

sub drakxservices {
    my ($in, $prefix) = @_;
    my $cmd = $prefix ? "chroot $prefix" : "";
    my @services = map { [/(\S+)/, /:on/ ] } sort `LANGUAGE=C $cmd chkconfig --list`;
    my @l      = map { $_->[0] } @services;
    my @before = map { $_->[1] } @services;
    my @descr  = map {
	my $s = $services{$_};
	if ($s) {
	    $s = translate($s);
	} else {
	    ($s = cat_("$prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/$_")) =~ s/\\\s*\n#\s*//mg;
	    ($s) = $s =~ /^# description:\s+(.*?)^(?:[^#]|# {0,2}\S)/sm;
	    $s =~ s/^#\s*//m;
	$s =~ s/\n/ /gm; $s =~ s/\s+$//;
    } @l;

    my $after = $in->ask_many_from_list_with_help("drakxservices",
						  _("Choose which services should be automatically started at boot time"),
						  \@l, \@descr, \@before) or return;

    mapn { 
	my ($name, $before, $after) = @_;
	if ($before != $after) {
	    my $script = "/etc/rc.d/init.d/$name";
	    run_program::rooted($prefix, "chkconfig", $after ? "--add" : "--del", $name);
	    if ($after && cat_("$prefix$script") =~ /^#\s+chkconfig:\s+-/m) {
		run_program::rooted($prefix, "chkconfig", "--level", "35", $name, "on");
	    if (!$after && $::isStandalone) {
		run_program::rooted($prefix, $script, "stop");
    } \@l, \@before, $after;
64' href='#n564'>564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647
package interactive; # $Id$

use diagnostics;
use strict;

#- misc imports
use common;
use do_pkgs;

#- minimal example using interactive:
#- > use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX);
#- > use interactive;
#- > my $in = interactive->vnew;
#- > $in->ask_okcancel('title', 'question');
#- > $in->exit;

#- ask_from_ takes global options ($common):
#-  title                => window title
#-  messages             => message displayed in the upper part of the window
#-  ok                   => force the name of the "Ok"/"Next" button
#-  cancel               => force the name of the "Cancel"/"Previous" button
#-  focus_cancel         => force focus on the "Cancel" button
#-  focus_first          => (deprecated) force focus on the first entry
#-  ok_disabled          => function returning wether {ok} should be disabled (grayed)
#-  validate             => function called when {ok} is pressed. If it returns false, the first entry is focused, otherwise it quits
#-  advanced             => (deprecated) function called when the "advanced" expander is toggled
#-  advanced_messages    => (deprecated) message displayed when "Advanced" is pressed
#-  advanced_label       => (deprecated) force the name of the "Advanced" button
#-  advanced_label_close => (deprecated) force the name of the "Basic" button
#-  advanced_state       => (deprecated) if set to 1, force the "Advanced" part of the dialog to be opened initially
#-  callbacks            => (deprecated) functions called when something happen: complete advanced ok_disabled

#- ask_from_ takes a list of entries with fields:
#-  val      => reference to the value
#-  label    => description
#-  title    => a boolean: whether the label should be displayed as a title (see GNOME's HIG)
#-  icon     => icon to put before the description
#-  help     => tooltip
#-  advanced => (deprecated) wether it is shown in by default or only in advanced mode
#-  focus_out => function called when the entry is focused out
#-  changed  => function called when the entry is modified
#-  validate => function called when "Ok" is pressed. If it returns false, this entry is focused, otherwise it quits
#-  disabled => function returning wether it should be disabled (grayed)
#-  focus    => function returning wether it should be focused
#-  gtk      => gtk preferences
#-  type     => 
#-     button => (with clicked or clicked_may_quit)
#-               (type defaults to button if clicked or clicked_may_quit is there)
#-               (val need not be a reference) (if clicked_may_quit return true, it's as if "Ok" was pressed)
#-     label => (val need not be a reference) (type defaults to label if val is not a reference) 
#-     bool (with "text" or "image" (which overrides text) giving an image filename)
#-     range (with min, max, SpinButton)
#-     combo (with list, not_edit, format)
#-     list (with list, icon2f (aka icon), separator (aka tree), format (aka pre_format function),
#-           help can be a hash or a function,
#-           tree_expanded boolean telling wether the tree should be wide open by default
#-           quit_if_double_click boolean
#-           allow_empty_list disables the special cases for 0 and 1 element lists
#-           image2f is a subroutine which takes a value of the list as parameter, and returns image_file_name
#-     entry (the default) (with hidden)
#-     expander (with text, expanded, message, children(a list of sub entries))
#- heritate from this class and you'll get all made interactivity for same steps.
#- for this you need to provide
#- - ask_from_listW(o, title, messages, arrayref, default) returns one string of arrayref
#- where
#- - o is the object
#- - title is a string
#- - messages is an refarray of strings
#- - default is an optional string (default is in arrayref)
#- - arrayref is an arrayref of strings
#- - arrayref2 contains booleans telling the default state,
#- ask_from_list and ask_from_list_ are wrappers around ask_from_biglist and ask_from_smalllist
#- ask_from_list_ just translate arrayref before calling ask_from_list and untranslate the result
#- ask_from_listW should handle differently small lists and big ones.

#- OO Stuff
our @ISA = qw(do_pkgs);

sub new($) {
    my ($type) = @_;

    bless {}, ref($type) || $type;

sub vnew {
    my ($_type, $o_su, $o_icon) = @_;
    my $su = $o_su eq "su";
	require interactive::http;
	return interactive::http->new;
    require c;
    if ($su) {
	$ENV{PATH} = "/sbin:/usr/sbin:$ENV{PATH}";
	$su = '' if $::testing || $ENV{TESTING};
    require_root_capability() if $su;
    if (check_for_xserver()) {
	eval { require interactive::gtk };
	if (!$@) {
	    my $o = interactive::gtk->new;
	    if ($o_icon && $o_icon ne 'default' && !$::isWizard) { $o->{icon} = $o_icon } else { undef $o->{icon} }
	    return $o;
	} elsif ($::testing) {

    require interactive::curses;

sub ok { N_("Ok") }
sub cancel { N_("Cancel") }

sub markup_parse {
    my ($s) = @_;
    my @l;
    my @attrs;

    while ($s) {
	if ($s =~ s!^<(\w+)(\s+[^>]*?)?>!!s) {
	    push @attrs, [ $1, $2 ];
	} elsif ($s =~ s!^</(\w+)>!!) {
	    my $previous = pop @attrs;
	    $previous->[0] eq $1 or return;
	} elsif ($s =~ s!^(&(amp|lt|gt);)!!) {
	    push @l, [ $1, @attrs ];
	} elsif ($s =~ s!^([^<>&]+)!!s) {
	    push @l, [ $1, @attrs ];
	} else {

sub markup_simplify {
    my ($l) = @_;
    foreach (@$l) {
	my ($s, @attrs) = @$_;
	my %attrs = map {
	    my ($tag, $attrs) = @$_;
	    my $long = { b => { weight => "bold" },
			 i => { style => "italic" },
			 big => { size => 'larger' },
	    $long ? %$long : map { /^(.*?)=['"]?(.*?)['"]?$/ } split(' ', $attrs);
	} @attrs;

	$s = +{ '&amp;' => '&', '&lt;' => '<', '&gt;' => '>' }->{$s} || $s;

	@$_ = ($s, if_(%attrs, \%attrs));

sub markup_remove {
    my ($s) = @_;
    if (my $l = markup_parse($s)) {
	join('', map { $_->[0] } @$l);
    } else {

#- drop markup as fallback
sub adapt_markup {
    my ($_o, $s) = @_;

sub enter_console {}
sub leave_console {}
sub suspend {}
sub resume {}
sub end {}
sub exit {
    if ($::isStandalone) {
        require standalone;
    } else {

#- Interactive functions
sub ask_warn {
    my ($o, $title, $message, $o_icon) = @_;
    ask_warn_($o, { title => $title, messages => $message, icon => $o_icon });
sub ask_yesorno {
    my ($o, $title, $message, $b_def) = @_;
    ask_yesorno_($o, { title => $title, messages => $message }, $b_def);
sub ask_okcancel {
    my ($o, $title, $message, $b_def, $o_icon) = @_;
    ask_okcancel_($o, { title => $title, messages => $message, icon => $o_icon }, $b_def);

sub ask_warn_ {
    my ($o, $common) = @_;
    ask_from_listf_raw_no_check($o, $common, \&translate, [ $o->ok ]);

sub ask_yesorno_ {
    my ($o, $common, $b_def) = @_;
    $common->{cancel} = '';
    ask_from_listf_raw($o, $common, \&translate, [ N_("Yes"), N_("No") ], $b_def ? "Yes" : "No") eq "Yes";

sub ask_okcancel_ {
    my ($o, $common, $b_def) = @_;

    if ($::isWizard) {
	$common->{focus_cancel} = !$b_def;
    	ask_from_no_check($o, $common, []);
    } else {
	ask_from_listf_raw($o, $common, \&translate, [ $o->ok, $o->cancel ], $b_def ? $o->ok : $o->cancel) eq $o->ok;

sub ask_filename {
    my ($o, $common) = @_;
    $common->{want_a_dir} = 0;

sub ask_directory {
    my ($o, $common) = @_;
    $common->{want_a_dir} = 1;

#- predecated
sub ask_file {
    my ($o, $title, $o_dir) = @_;
    $o->ask_fileW({ title => $title, want_a_dir => 0, directory => $o_dir });

sub ask_fileW {
    my ($o, $common) = @_;
    $o->ask_from_entry($common->{title}, $common->{message} || N("Choose a file"));

sub ask_from_list {
    my ($o, $title, $message, $l, $o_def) = @_;
    ask_from_listf($o, $title, $message, undef, $l, $o_def);

sub ask_from_list_ {
    my ($o, $title, $message, $l, $o_def) = @_;
    ask_from_listf($o, $title, $message, \&translate, $l, $o_def);

sub ask_from_listf_ {
    my ($o, $title, $message, $f, $l, $o_def) = @_;
    ask_from_listf($o, $title, $message, sub { translate($f->(@_)) }, $l, $o_def);
sub ask_from_listf {
    my ($o, $title, $message, $f, $l, $o_def) = @_;
    ask_from_listf_raw($o, { title => $title, messages => $message }, $f, $l, $o_def);
sub ask_from_listf_raw {
    my ($_o, $_common, $_f, $l, $_o_def) = @_;
    @$l == 0 and die "ask_from_list: empty list\n" . backtrace();
    @$l == 1 and return $l->[0];
    goto &ask_from_listf_raw_no_check;

sub ask_from_listf_raw_no_check {
    my ($o, $common, $f, $l, $o_def) = @_;

    if (@$l <= ($::isWizard ? 1 : 2)) {
	my ($ok, $cancel) = map { $_ && may_apply($f, $_) } @$l;
	if (length "$ok$cancel" < 70) {
	    my $ret = eval {
		put_in_hash($common, { ok => $ok, 
				       if_($cancel, cancel => $cancel, focus_cancel => $o_def eq $l->[1]) });
		ask_from_no_check($o, $common, []) ? $l->[0] : $l->[1];
	    die if $@ && $@ !~ /^wizcancel/;
	    return $@ ? undef : $ret;
    ask_from_no_check($o, $common, [ { val => \$o_def, type => 'list', list => $l, format => $f } ]) && $o_def;

sub ask_from_treelist {
    my ($o, $title, $message, $separator, $l, $o_def) = @_;
    ask_from_treelistf($o, $title, $message, $separator, undef, $l, $o_def);
sub ask_from_treelist_ {
    my ($o, $title, $message, $separator, $l, $o_def) = @_;
    my $transl = sub { join '|', map { translate($_) } split(quotemeta($separator), $_[0]) }; 
    ask_from_treelistf($o, $title, $message, $separator, $transl, $l, $o_def);
sub ask_from_treelistf {
    my ($o, $title, $message, $separator, $f, $l, $o_def) = @_;
    ask_from($o, $title, $message, [ { val => \$o_def, separator => $separator, list => $l, format => $f, sort => 1 } ]) or return;

sub ask_many_from_list {
    my ($o, $title, $message, @l) = @_;
    @l = grep { @{$_->{list}} } @l or return '';
    foreach my $h (@l) {
	$h->{e}{$_} = {
	    text => may_apply($h->{label}, $_),
	    val => $h->{val} ? $h->{val}->($_) : do {
		my $i =
		  $h->{value} ? $h->{value}->($_) : 
		    $h->{values} ? member($_, @{$h->{values}}) : 0;
	    type => 'bool',
	    help => may_apply($h->{help}, $_, ''),
	    icon => may_apply($h->{icon2f}, $_, ''),
	} foreach @{$h->{list}};
	if ($h->{sort}) {
	    $h->{list} = [ sort { $h->{e}{$a}{text} cmp $h->{e}{$b}{text} } @{$h->{list}} ];
    $o->ask_from($title, $message, [ map { my $h = $_; map { $h->{e}{$_} } @{$h->{list}} } @l ]) or return;

    @l = map {
	my $h = $_;
	[ grep { ${$h->{e}{$_}{val}} } @{$h->{list}} ];
    } @l;
    wantarray() ? @l : $l[0];

sub ask_from_entry {
    my ($o, $title, $message, %callback) = @_;
    first(ask_from_entries($o, $title, $message, [''], %callback));
sub ask_from_entries {
    my ($o, $title, $message, $l, %callback) = @_;

    my @l = map { my $i = ''; { label => $_, val => \$i } } @$l;

    $o->ask_from_({ title => $title, messages => $message, %callback, 
		    focus_first => 1 }, \@l) or return;
    map { ${$_->{val}} } @l;

sub ask_from__add_modify_remove {
    my ($o, $title, $message, $l, %callback) = @_;
    die "ask_from__add_modify_remove only handles one item" if @$l != 1;

    $callback{$_} or internal_error("missing callback $_") foreach qw(Add Modify Remove);

    if ($o->can('ask_from__add_modify_removeW')) {
	$o->ask_from__add_modify_removeW($title, $message, $l, %callback);
    } else {
	my $e = $l->[0];
	my $chosen_element;
	put_in_hash($e, { allow_empty_list => 1, val => \$chosen_element, type => 'list' });

	while (1) {
	    my $continue;
	    my @l = (@$l, 
		     map { my $s = $_; { val => translate($_), clicked_may_quit => sub { 
					     my $r = $callback{$s}->($chosen_element);
					     defined $r or return;
					     $continue = 1;
					 } } }
		     N_("Add"), if_(@{$e->{list}} > 0, N_("Modify"), N_("Remove")));
	    $o->ask_from_({ title => $title, messages => $message, %callback }, \@l) or return;
	    return 1 if !$continue;

#- can get a hash of callback: validate
#- moreove if you pass a hash with a field list -> combo
#- if you pass a hash with a field hidden -> emulate stty -echo
sub ask_from {
    my ($o, $title, $message, $l, %callback) = @_;
    ask_from_($o, { title => $title, messages => $message, %callback }, $l);

sub _normalize_entry {
    my ($o, $e) = @_;

    if (my $li = $e->{list}) {
	ref($e->{val}) =~ /SCALAR|REF/ or internal_error($e->{val} ? "field {val} must be a reference (it is $e->{val})" : "field {val} is mandatory");	#-#
	if ($e->{sort} || @$li > 10 && !exists $e->{sort}) {
	    my @l2 = map { may_apply($e->{format}, $_) } @$li;
	    my @places = sort { $l2[$a] cmp $l2[$b] } 0 .. $#l2;
	    $e->{list} = $li = [ map { $li->[$_] } @places ];
	$e->{type} = 'iconlist' if $e->{icon2f};
	$e->{type} = 'treelist' if $e->{separator} && $e->{type} ne 'combo';
	add2hash_($e, { not_edit => 1 });
	$e->{type} ||= 'combo';

	if (!$e->{not_edit}) {
	    die q(when using "not_edit" you must use strings, not a data structure) if ref(${$e->{val}}) || any { ref $_ } @$li;
	if ($e->{type} ne 'combo' || $e->{not_edit}) {
	    ${$e->{val}} = $li->[0] if !member(may_apply($e->{format}, ${$e->{val}}), map { may_apply($e->{format}, $_) } @$li);
    } elsif ($e->{type} eq 'range') {
	$e->{min} <= $e->{max} or die "bad range min $e->{min} > max $e->{max} (called from " . join(':', caller()) . ")";
	${$e->{val}} = max($e->{min}, min(${$e->{val}}, $e->{max}));
    } elsif ($e->{type} eq 'button' || $e->{clicked} || $e->{clicked_may_quit}) {
	$e->{type} = 'button';
	$e->{clicked_may_quit} ||= $e->{clicked} ? sub { $e->{clicked}(); 0 } : sub {};	    
	$e->{val} = \ (my $_v = $e->{val}) if !ref($e->{val});
    } elsif (!$e->{type} && !$e->{val}) {
	$e->{type} = 'only_label';
	$e->{val} = \ (my $_v = $o->adapt_markup(delete $e->{label}));
    } elsif ($e->{type} eq 'label' || !ref($e->{val})) {
	$e->{type} = 'label';
	$e->{val} = \ (my $_v = $e->{val}) if !ref($e->{val});
    } elsif ($e->{type} eq 'expander') {
	_normalize_entries($o, $e->{children});
    } else {
	$e->{type} ||= 'entry';
    $e->{label} = $o->adapt_markup($e->{label}) if $e->{label};

sub _normalize_entries {
    my ($o, $l) = @_;

    ref($l) eq 'ARRAY' or internal_error('ask_from_normalize');

    _normalize_entry($o, $_) foreach @$l;

    #- do not display empty lists and one element lists
    @$l = grep { 
	if ($_->{list} && $_->{not_edit} && !$_->{allow_empty_list}) {
	    if (!@{$_->{list}}) {
		eval {
		    require ''; #- "require log" causes some pb, perl thinking that "log" is the log() function
		    log::l("ask_from_normalize: empty list for $_->{label}\n" . backtrace());
	    @{$_->{list}} > 1;
	} else {
    } @$l;

sub ask_from_normalize {
    my ($o, $common, $l) = @_;

    if ($common->{focus_first}) {
	if (my $e = find { $_->{val} } @$l) {
	    $e->{focus} = sub { 1 };

    _normalize_entries($o, $l);

    if (!$common->{title} && $::isStandalone) {
	($common->{title} = $0) =~ s|.*/||;
    $common->{interactive_help} ||= $o->{interactive_help};
    $common->{interactive_help} ||= $common->{interactive_help_id} && $o->interactive_help_sub_get_id($common->{interactive_help_id});
    $common->{advanced_label} ||= N("Advanced");
    $common->{advanced_label_close} and log::l("advanced_label_close is not used anymore");
    $common->{$_} = $common->{$_} ? [ map { $o->adapt_markup($_) } deref($common->{$_}) ] : [] 
      foreach qw(messages advanced_messages);

    if ($common->{callbacks}) {
	$common->{callbacks}{changed} and internal_error(q(global "changed" callback is not handled anymore, use a per-entry changed callback));
	$common->{callbacks}{focus_out} and internal_error(q(global "focus_out" callback is not handled anymore, use a per-entry focus_out callback));
	add2hash($common, delete $common->{callbacks});
    if (my $complete = delete $common->{complete}) {
	$common->{validate} = sub { !first($complete->()) };
    add2hash_($common, { validate => sub { 1 } });

sub migrate_advanced {
    my ($common, $l) = @_;
    my ($l1, $l2) = partition { !$_->{advanced} } @$l;
    my $advanced_message = join("\n", @{$common->{advanced_messages}});
    [ @$l1, if_(@$l2, { type => 'expander', 
			if_($advanced_message, message => $advanced_message),
			text => $common->{advanced_label},
			expanded => $common->{advanced_state},
			children => $l2,
		    }) ];

sub ask_from_ {
    my ($o, $common, $l) = @_;
    ask_from_normalize($o, $common, $l);
    @$l or return 1;
    $common->{cancel} = '' if !defined wantarray();
    ask_from_real($o, $common, $l);
sub ask_from_no_check {
    my ($o, $common, $l) = @_;
    ask_from_normalize($o, $common, $l);
    $common->{cancel} = '' if !defined wantarray();
    my $l_ = migrate_advanced($common, $l);
    $o->ask_fromW($common, $l_);
sub ask_from_real {
    my ($o, $common, $l) = @_;
    my $l_ = migrate_advanced($common, $l);
    my $v = $o->ask_fromW($common, $l_);

    foreach my $e (@$l) {
	if ($e->{type} eq 'range') {
	    ${$e->{val}} = max($e->{min}, min(${$e->{val}}, $e->{max}));

    %$common = ();

sub ask_browse_tree_info {
    my ($o, $title, $message, $common) = @_;
    $common->{interactive_help} ||= $common->{interactive_help_id} && $o->interactive_help_sub_get_id($common->{interactive_help_id});
    add2hash_($common, { ok => $::isWizard ? ($::Wizard_finished ? N("Finish") : N("Next")) : N("Ok"), 
			 cancel => $::isWizard ? N("Previous") : N("Cancel") });
    add2hash_($common, { title => $title, message => $message });
    add2hash_($common, { grep_allowed_to_toggle      => sub { @_ },
			 grep_unselected             => sub { grep { $common->{node_state}($_) eq 'unselected' } @_ },
			 check_interactive_to_toggle => sub { 1 },
			 toggle_nodes                => sub {
			     my ($set_state, @nodes) = @_;
			     my $new_state = !$common->{grep_unselected}($nodes[0]) ? 'selected' : 'unselected';
			     $set_state->($_, $new_state) foreach @nodes;
sub ask_browse_tree_info_refW { #- default definition, do not use with too many items (memory consuming)
    my ($o, $common) = @_;
    my ($l, $v, $h) = ([], [], {});
    $common->{build_tree}(sub {
			      my ($node) = $common->{grep_allowed_to_toggle}(@_);
			      if (my $state = $node && $common->{node_state}($node)) {
				  push @$l, $node;
				  $state eq 'selected' and push @$v, $node;
				  $h->{$node} = $state eq 'selected';
			  }, 'flat');
    add2hash_($common, { list   => $l, #- TODO interactivity of toggle is missing
			 values => $v,
			 help   => sub { $common->{get_info}($_[0]) },
    my ($new_v) = $o->ask_many_from_list($common->{title}, $common->{message}, $common) or return;
    $common->{toggle_nodes}(sub {}, grep { ! delete $h->{$_} } @$new_v);
    $common->{toggle_nodes}(sub {}, grep { $h->{$_} } keys %$h);

sub wait_message {
    my ($o, $title, $message, $b_temp) = @_;

    my $w = $o->wait_messageW($title, N("Please wait"), $message);
    push @tempory::objects, $w if $b_temp;
    my $b = before_leaving { $o->wait_message_endW($w) };

    #- enable access through set
    MDK::Common::Func::add_f4before_leaving(sub { $o->wait_message_nextW($_[1], $w) }, $b, 'set');

sub wait_message_with_progress_bar {
    my ($in, $o_title) = @_;

    my $w = $in->wait_message($o_title, '');
    my $last_msg;
    $w, sub {
	my ($msg, $current, $total) = @_;
	if ($msg) {
	    $w->set($last_msg = $msg);
	if ($total) {
	    $w or internal_error('You must first give some text to display');
	    $w->set(join("\n", $last_msg, "$current / $total"));

sub kill() {}

sub helper_separator_tree_to_tree {
    my ($separator, $list, $formatted_list) = @_;
    my $sep = quotemeta $separator;
    my $tree = {};
    each_index {
	my @l = split $sep;
	my $leaf = pop @l;
	my $node = $tree;
	foreach (@l) {
	    $node = $node->{$_} ||= do {
		my $r = {};
		push @{$node->{_order_}}, $_;
	push @{$node->{_leaves_}}, [ $leaf, $list->[$::i] ];
    } @$formatted_list;


sub interactive_help_sub_get_id {
    my ($o, $id) = @_;
    eval { $o->interactive_help_has_id($id) }
      && sub { $o->interactive_help_get_id($id) };

sub interactive_help_sub_display_id {
    my ($o, $id) = @_;
    eval { $o->interactive_help_has_id($id) }
      && sub { $o->ask_warn(N("Help"), $o->interactive_help_get_id($id)) };
