#!/usr/bin/perl use MDK::Common; my $SLASH_LOCATION = '/tmp/drakx-in-chroot'; my $verbose = 0; my $prefix_ROOTED = '/mnt'; my $IMAGE_LOCATION_ROOTED = '/tmp/image'; my $MEDIA_LOCATION_ROOTED = '/tmp/media'; my $STAGE2_LOCATION_ROOTED = '/tmp/stage2'; my $LOOP_MOUNT_POINT = "$SLASH_LOCATION/tmp/loop"; my $LIVE_LOCATION_REL = 'install/stage2/live/'; my $COMPRESSED_LOCATION_REL = 'install/stage2/'; my $COMPRESSED_FILE_REL = $COMPRESSED_LOCATION_REL . 'mdkinst.sqfs'; my $AUTO_INSTALL_ROOTED = '/tmp/auto_inst.cfg.pl'; my $DEFCFG_ROOTED = '/tmp/defcfg.pl'; my $RPMSRATE_ROOTED = '/tmp/rpmsrate'; my $resolution = '800x600'; my ($disk_iso_repository, $repository_uri); @ARGV >= 2 or die "usage: drakx-in-chroot <root of distrib> <dir to install to> [options]\n \nOptions specific to drakx-in-chroot: --flang XX use XX locale --disk-iso path of a distro --resolution=XXXxYYYY (eg: --resolution=1024x768)\n --repository=<path> path of packages repository --text text mode installer "; (my $repository, my $dir, @ARGV) = @ARGV; my ($wrapper); foreach (@ARGV) { if (/--resolution=(.*)/) { $resolution = $1; } elsif (/--disk-iso=(.*)/) { $disk_iso_repository = $1; } elsif (/--repository=(.*)/) { $repository_uri = $1; } elsif (/--gdb/) { $wrapper = "gdb -q --args"; } elsif (/--strace/) { $wrapper = "strace -e file"; } } my ($repository_without_arch, $repository_arch) = basename($repository) eq arch() ? (dirname($repository), '/' . arch()) : ($repository, ''); my $STAGE2_LOCATION = $SLASH_LOCATION . $STAGE2_LOCATION_ROOTED; my $sudo; if ($>) { $sudo = "sudo"; $ENV{PATH} = "/sbin:/usr/sbin:$ENV{PATH}"; } undef $ENV{TMPDIR}; # prevent packdrake faillure on creating temporary files if (-d $SLASH_LOCATION) { umount_all() == 0 or exit(1); sys("$sudo rm -rf $SLASH_LOCATION/var/lib/rpm $SLASH_LOCATION/dev/mapper"); rm_rf($SLASH_LOCATION); } mkdir_p("$SLASH_LOCATION$_") foreach '/dev', '/dev/usb', '/etc', '/var', '/proc', '/sys', '/run', $STAGE2_LOCATION_ROOTED, $MEDIA_LOCATION_ROOTED, $prefix_ROOTED; sys("$sudo rm -rf $dir") if $ENV{CLEAN}; -e $dir or sys("$sudo mkdir -p $dir"); copy_auto_install_files(); my $remote_repository = $repository =~ m!^(ftp|http)://! && $1; if ($remote_repository) { my $local_mdkinst = "$SLASH_LOCATION/tmp/mdkinst.sqfs"; sys("curl --silent -o $local_mdkinst $repository/$COMPRESSED_FILE_REL"); mount_mdkinst($local_mdkinst); } elsif (-d "$repository/$LIVE_LOCATION_REL") { sys("$sudo mount -o bind $repository/$LIVE_LOCATION_REL $STAGE2_LOCATION"); } elsif (-e "$repository/$COMPRESSED_FILE_REL") { mount_mdkinst("$repository/$COMPRESSED_FILE_REL"); } sys("$sudo mount -o bind $dir $SLASH_LOCATION$prefix_ROOTED"); $repository_uri ||= $repository_without_arch if !$remote_repository; sys("$sudo mount -o bind $repository_uri $SLASH_LOCATION$MEDIA_LOCATION_ROOTED") if $repository_uri; sys("$sudo mount -t proc none $SLASH_LOCATION/proc"); sys("$sudo mount -t sysfs none $SLASH_LOCATION/sys"); sys("$sudo mount -t debugfs none $SLASH_LOCATION/sys/kernel/debug"); sys("$sudo mount -t tmpfs none $SLASH_LOCATION/run"); # - Ensure we mount the udev run dir for various extra metadata from udevadm # - If dracut has been used (and thus udev has yummy metadata) make sure # drakx knows about it when running in the chroot # - Also speedup blkid by using its cache foreach my $dir (qw(initramfs udev blkid)) { next if !-d "/run/$dir"; mkdir_p("$SLASH_LOCATION/run/$dir"); sys("$sudo mount -o bind /run/$dir $SLASH_LOCATION/run/$dir"); } if ($disk_iso_repository) { my $repository_arch = $repository_arch || 'i586'; mkdir_p($LOOP_MOUNT_POINT); sys("$sudo mount -o loop,ro $disk_iso_repository $LOOP_MOUNT_POINT"); symlinkf('loop/' . $repository_arch, "$SLASH_LOCATION$IMAGE_LOCATION_ROOTED"); # FIXME: arch() } symlinkf('media' . $repository_arch, "$SLASH_LOCATION$IMAGE_LOCATION_ROOTED"); create_initial_symlinks(); create_initial_devices(); apply_stage2_updates(); output("$SLASH_LOCATION/etc/hosts", " localhost\n") if ! -e "$SLASH_LOCATION/etc/hosts"; #- in the chroot, we have no way to know which device corresponds to the "/" partition. #- so helping it by giving the device which provide major/minor information mkdir_p("$dir/dev"); eval { cp_af($_, "$dir$_") } foreach qw(/dev/root); #- if the DISPLAY is remote, we may need to resolve the name: eval { cp_af('/etc/resolv.conf', "$SLASH_LOCATION/etc/resolv.conf") }; { chomp(my $kernel_version = `uname -r`); my $dir = "/modules/$kernel_version"; mkdir_p("$SLASH_LOCATION$dir"); output_p("$SLASH_LOCATION$dir" . $_, "\n") foreach "/lib/$dir/modules.dep", "/lib/$dir/modules.alias"; } my $Xnest_pid; my $Xnest_bin = find { whereis_binary($_) } 'Xephyr', 'Xnest'; if (!-f ($SLASH_LOCATION . $AUTO_INSTALL_ROOTED) && $Xnest_bin && join('', @ARGV) !~ /--text/) { my $DISPLAY = ':8'; $Xnest_pid = fork(); if (!$Xnest_pid) { exec $Xnest_bin, $DISPLAY, '-ac', ($Xnest_bin eq 'Xephyr' ? '-screen' : '-geometry'), $resolution or die "Xnest failed\n"; } $ENV{DISPLAY} = '' . $DISPLAY; } if (my $pid = fork()) { waitpid $pid, 0; umount_all() == 0 or warn "umounting failed\n"; $Xnest_pid and kill 15, $Xnest_pid; } else { $ENV{TERM} = 'linux'; # we only have terminfo for terminal "linux" $ENV{HOME} = '/'; # to kept sync with gi/mdk-stage1/init.c::env: $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}='/lib:/usr/lib:/mnt/lib:/mnt/usr/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib:/mnt/usr/X11R6/lib:/lib64:/usr/lib64:/usr/X11R6/lib64:/mnt/lib64:/mnt/usr/lib64:/mnt/usr/X11R6/lib64'; if ($remote_repository) { $ENV{URLPREFIX} = $repository; } my $cmd = join(' ', "/usr/bin/runinstall2 --local_install", if_($disk_iso_repository, "--method disk-iso"), if_($remote_repository, "--method $remote_repository"), @ARGV); if ($wrapper) { warn qq(GDB USAGE Beware that debug info won't be found so on segfault just generate a core dump with "gcore" and then analyze it offline. Thus you sessions will look like: (gdb) run (gdb) gcore (gdb) exit ); } exec "$sudo $wrapper chroot $SLASH_LOCATION $cmd" or die "exec $cmd in $SLASH_LOCATION failed\n"; } sub system_verbose { warn join(' ', @_), "\n" if $verbose; system(@_) } sub sys { &system_verbose; $? and die qq(running "@_" failed: $?\n) } sub mount_mdkinst { my ($mdkinst) = @_; sys("$sudo mount -t squashfs -o loop,ro $mdkinst $STAGE2_LOCATION"); } sub create_initial_symlinks() { foreach (cat_or_die("$STAGE2_LOCATION/usr/share/symlinks")) { my ($from, $to_) = split; my $to = $SLASH_LOCATION . ($to_ || $from); $from = "$STAGE2_LOCATION_ROOTED$from" if !$to_; if (! -l $to) { symlink $from, $to or die "symlinking $to failed\n"; } } $from = "$STAGE2_LOCATION_ROOTED/usr"; $to = "$SLASH_LOCATION/usr"; symlink $from, $to or die "symlinking $to failed\n"; foreach ('bin', 'sbin', 'lib', 'lib64') { $from = "usr/$_"; $to = "$SLASH_LOCATION/$_"; symlink $from, $to or die "symlinking $to failed\n"; } } sub create_initial_devices() { sys("$sudo cp -a /dev/{mem,null,random,urandom,tty} $SLASH_LOCATION/dev"); } sub umount_all() { my $err; clean_stage2_updates(); my @procs = ('/proc', '/sys/kernel/debug', '/sys', '/run/udev', '/run/blkid', '/run/initramfs', '/run'); foreach ((map { "$prefix_ROOTED$_" } @procs, '/dev', ''), @procs, $STAGE2_LOCATION_ROOTED, $LOOP_MOUNT_POINT, $MEDIA_LOCATION_ROOTED, $IMAGE_LOCATION_ROOTED) { my $dir = "$SLASH_LOCATION$_"; rmdir $dir; if (-d $dir) { if (m!/sys/kernel/debug! || begins_with($_, $prefix_ROOTED)) { system_verbose "$sudo umount $dir 2>/dev/null"; next; } system_verbose "$sudo umount $dir"; } rmdir $dir; if (-d $dir) { warn "$dir is busy\n"; $err++; } } if (my @remaining = cat_('/proc/mounts') =~ m!($SLASH_LOCATION/mnt/\S+)!g) { warn "umount those mount points first: ", join(' ', @remaining), "\n"; $err++; } $err; } sub copy_auto_install_files() { my ($opt); each_index { if ($opt eq 'auto_install' && -f $_) { cp_f($_, $SLASH_LOCATION . $AUTO_INSTALL_ROOTED); $_ = $AUTO_INSTALL_ROOTED; } elsif ($opt eq 'defcfg' && -f $_) { cp_f($_, $SLASH_LOCATION . $DEFCFG_ROOTED); $_ = $DEFCFG_ROOTED; } elsif ($opt eq 'rpmsrate' && -f $_) { cp_f($_, $SLASH_LOCATION . $RPMSRATE_ROOTED); } undef $opt; /^--?(.*)/ and $opt = $1; } @ARGV; } my @stage2_updates; sub apply_stage2_updates() { each_index { if ($_ eq '--stage2-update') { my $file = $ARGV[$::i+1]; my $dest = $ARGV[$::i+2]; if (-f $file && $dest) { undef $_; undef $ARGV[$::i+1]; undef $ARGV[$::i+2]; push @stage2_updates, $dest; sys("$sudo mount --bind $file $STAGE2_LOCATION/$dest"); } } } @ARGV; } sub clean_stage2_updates() { sys("$sudo umount $STAGE2_LOCATION/$_") foreach @stage2_updates; }