
# This script compares the perl modules used by the .pm files in perl-install
# against the ones listed in share/list, to detect potential missing modules
# (and potential run-time problems during the stage 2)

cd ../perl-install || exit 1;

# list of used .pm files
find . -name '*.pm' -not -name b_dump_strings.pm -not -path ./interactive/http.pm | \
    xargs perl -lne '/^\s*(use|require)\s+([\w:]+)/ && print $2' | sort -u > /tmp/gi-used-pm

# list of .pm files included in install
perl -lne 'm{/(?:PERL_VERSION|ARCH-linux|vendor_perl/\*)/([\w/]+)\.pm$} and $_=$1, s,/,::,g, print' share/list > /tmp/gi-found-pm0
find . -name blib -prune -o -name '*.pm' | perl -ne 's,^\./,,; s/\.pm$// or next; s,/,::,g; print' >> /tmp/gi-found-pm0

# compute difference
sort -u /tmp/gi-found-pm0 > /tmp/gi-found-pm
diff -u /tmp/gi-{used,found}-pm | perl -lne 'BEGIN{print"Unpackaged modules:"} s/^-(?!-)/  / && print'

# cleanup
rm -f /tmp/gi-used-pm /tmp/gi-found-pm{,0}