aewm-drakx - A DrakX-aware X11 Window Manager ====================================================================== aewm-drakx is a stripped down version of aewm with keyboard focus added. The main and only purpose of aewm-drakx is to provide keyboard focus. Thanks to aewm author for his job. The already small aewm, gives a tiny WM (source < 4Kl, binary < 8KB) when stripped down of nearly everything. Pixel. aewm ====================================================================== Author ====================================================================== aewm is maintained by Decklin Foster <>. If you have bug reports, comments, flames, want permission to change the license, or are just bored, send me email. Your messages are appreciated (but do read the thing above about virtual desktops ;-). License ====================================================================== Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Decklin Foster. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR "AS IS", WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES CONNECTED WITH THE USE OF THIS PROGRAM. You are granted permission to copy, publish, distribute, and/or sell copies of this program and any modified versions or derived works, provided that this copyright and notice are not removed or altered. Portions of the code were based on 9wm, which contains this license: > 9wm is free software, and is Copyright (c) 1994 by David Hogan. > Permission is granted to all sentient beings to use this software, > to make copies of it, and to distribute those copies, provided > that: > > (1) the copyright and licence notices are left intact > (2) the recipients are aware that it is free software > (3) any unapproved changes in functionality are either > (i) only distributed as patches > or (ii) distributed as a new program which is not called 9wm > and whose documentation gives credit where it is due > (4) the author is not held responsible for any defects > or shortcomings in the software, or damages caused by it. > > There is no warranty for this software. Have a nice day.