#!/usr/bin/perl use MDK::Common; use lib "/usr/lib/libDrakX"; use keyboard; my $tmp = "/tmp/rescue_tmp"; my $rescue = "rescue.sqfs"; if ($>) { $ENV{PATH} = "/sbin:/usr/sbin:$ENV{PATH}"; } BEGIN { undef *_ } sub __ { print @_, "\n"; system(@_) } sub _ { __ @_; $? and die } _ "rm -rf $tmp" if -e $tmp; _ "mkdir $tmp"; _ 'find . -name "*~" | xargs rm -f'; mkdir_p($tmp . chomp_($_)) foreach cat_("dirs"); _ "cp -a tree/* $tmp"; _ "find $tmp -name .svn | xargs rm -rf"; _ "perl devices.pl $tmp/dev"; _ "mkfifo $tmp/dev/initctl"; substInFile { s/DISTRIB_DESCR/$ENV{DISTRIB_DESCR}/ } "$tmp/etc/issue"; _ "../tools/install-xml-file-list list.xml $tmp"; my %keytable_conflicts; my @less_important_keytables = qw(am_old am_phonetic no-dvorak); foreach (keyboard::loadkeys_files()) { my ($dir, $fname) = (dirname($_), basename($_)); my ($name) = $fname =~ /(.*)\.map\.gz/ or next; next if member($name, @less_important_keytables); if (my ($short2, $short) = $name =~ m|((.+?)[\W_][^\W_]*)|) { $keytable_conflicts{$short} && $short2 ne $name and $short = $short2; $keytable_conflicts{$short} and warn("conflict between $keytable_conflicts{$short} and $name for short name $short (choosing the first)\n"), next; $keytable_conflicts{$short} = $name; # create the short name based on the long one symlinkf($fname, "$tmp$dir/$short.map.gz"); } } foreach (cat_("aliases")) { chomp; my ($f, $dest) = split; symlink $dest, "$tmp$f"; } if (my ($LANGUAGE) = map { if_(/LANGUAGE_(.*)/, $1) } keys %ENV) { substInFile { $_ = "export LANGUAGE=$LANGUAGE\n" . "export LC_ALL=$LANGUAGE\n" if /^#LANGUAGE/; } "$tmp/etc/rc.sysinit"; } if ($ENV{PARTIMAGE_RPM}) { #_ "rpm2cpio $ENV{PARTIMAGE_RPM} | (cd $tmp ; cpio -idu ./usr/sbin/partimage)"; } exit 0 if $ARGV[0]; _ "mksquashfs $tmp $rescue -all-root -noappend >/dev/null"; _ "chmod 755 $rescue"; _ "rm -rf $tmp";