# Main author Pascal Rigaux (pixel@mandriva.com)
# Put together by Guillaume Cottenceau
# Copyright 1999-2005 Mandriva
# This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU
# public license.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# This code is extracted from DrakX, the Mandriva Linux graphical installer.
#   http://www.mandrivalinux.com/drakx/
# Open development rulz, find CVS here:
#   http://www.mandrivalinux.com/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/gi/
# Detects partition types using signatures

sub cat_ { local *F; open F, $_[0] or $_[1] ? die "cat of file $_[0] failed: $!\n" : return; my @l = <F>; wantarray ? @l : join '', @l }

sub arch() {
    my $t = `uname -m`;
    chomp $t;

# from Perl Cookbook / Pleac
# http://pleac.sourceforge.net/pleac_perl/numbers.html#AEN121
sub commify {
    my $text = reverse $_[0];
    $text =~ s/(\d\d\d)(?=\d)(?!\d*\.)/$1,/g;
    return scalar reverse $text;

my @partitions_signatures = (
    [ 0x8e, 0, "HM\1\0" ],
    [ 0x83, 0x438, "\x53\xEF" ],
    [ 0x183, 0x10034, "ReIsErFs" ],
    [ 0x183, 0x10034, "ReIsEr2Fs" ],
    [ 0x283, 0, 'XFSB', 0x200, 'XAGF', 0x400, 'XAGI' ],
    [ 0x383, 0x8000, 'JFS1' ],
    [ 0x82, 4086, "SWAP-SPACE" ],
    [ 0x82, 4086, "SWAPSPACE2" ],
    [ 0x7,  0x1FE, "\x55\xAA", 0x3, "NTFS" ],
    [ 0xc,  0x1FE, "\x55\xAA", 0x52, "FAT32" ],
arch() !~ /^sparc/ ? (
    [ 0x6,  0x1FE, "\x55\xAA", 0x36, "FAT" ],
) : (),

sub typeFromMagic {
    my $f = shift;
    local *F; sysopen F, $f, 0 or return;

    my $tmp;
  M: foreach (@partitions_signatures) {
	my ($name, @l) = @$_;
	while (@l) {
	    my ($offset, $signature) = splice(@l, 0, 2);
	    sysseek(F, $offset, 0) or next M;
	    sysread(F, $tmp, length $signature);
	    $tmp eq $signature or next M;
	return $name;
    return -1;

my %type2name = (
		 0x1 => 'DOS 12-bit FAT',
		 0x4 => 'DOS 16-bit FAT (up to 32M)',
		 0x5 => 'DOS 3.3+ Extended Partition',
		 0x6 => 'DOS FAT16',
		 0x7 => 'NTFS (or HPFS)',
		 0xb => 'Win98 FAT32',
		 0xc => 'Win98 FAT32, LBA-mapped',
		 0xe => 'Win95: DOS 16-bit FAT, LBA-mapped',
		 0xf => 'Win95: Extended partition, LBA-mapped',
		 0x82 => 'Linux Swap',
		 0x83 => 'Ext2',
		 0x183 => 'ReiserFS',
		 0x283 => 'XFS',
		 0x383 => 'JFS',
		 0x85 => 'Linux extended partition',
		 0x87 => 'NTFS volume set',
		 0x8e => 'Linux LVM',
		 -1 => 'unknown'

my $params = join '', @ARGV;

$params =~ /-h/ and die "usage: lsparts [-v]\n";
$params =~ /-v/ and $verbose = 1;

my (undef, undef, @parts) = cat_('/proc/partitions');

P: foreach (@parts) {
    my (undef, undef, $blocks, $dev) = split or next;
    my %skip_conditions = (
			   "Skipping <$dev> because too little blocks ($blocks)" => ($blocks <= 1),
			   "Skipping <$dev> because doesn't end with a number (e.g. seems to not be a partition)" => ($dev !~ /\d$/),
    $skip_conditions{$_} and ($verbose and print(STDERR $_, "\n")), next P foreach keys %skip_conditions;
    my $type = typeFromMagic("/dev/$dev");
    $type and printf "$dev: %6s Mbytes, type <0x%0x> (%s)\n", commify($blocks >> 10), $type, $type2name{$type};

#- $Log$
#- Revision 1.5  2005/04/19 13:10:25  prigaux
#- mandriva switch
#- Revision 1.4  2004/07/20 02:42:12  prigaux
#- MandrakeSoft -> Mandrakesoft
#- Revision 1.3  2004/07/19 04:09:06  prigaux
#- replace "Mandrake Linux" with "Mandrakelinux"
#- Revision 1.2  2002/01/10 21:28:15  gc
#- better looking output of type of partition (%x => %0x)
#- Revision 1.1  2001/10/24 22:34:01  gc
#- - add a GUI to the rescue
#-   - provide guessmounts with better efficiency and output, go to console, and reboot
#-   - provide install_bootloader which runs lilo from /mnt if it seems safe
#- - add lsparts to rescue, which prints partitions with detected types