package timezone; use diagnostics; use strict; use common qw(:common :system); use commands; use log; sub getTimeZones { my ($prefix) = @_; local *F; open F, "cd $prefix/usr/share/zoneinfo && find [A-Z]* -type f |"; my @l = sort map { chop; $_ } <F>; close F or die "cannot list the available zoneinfos"; @l; } sub read ($) { my ($f) = @_; my %t = getVarsFromSh($f) or die "cannot open file $f: $!"; ("timezone", $t{ZONE}, "UTC", text2bool($t{UTC})); } sub write($$$) { my ($prefix, $t, $f) = @_; eval { commands::cp("-f", "$prefix/usr/share/zoneinfo/$t->{timezone}", "$prefix/etc/localtime") }; $@ and log::l("installing /etc/localtime failed"); setVarsInSh($f, { ZONE => $t->{timezone}, UTC => bool2text($t->{UTC}), ARC => "false", }); } my %l2t = ( 'Brezhoneg (Brittany)' => 'Europe/Paris', 'Danish (Denmark)' => 'Europe/Copenhagen', 'English (USA)' => 'America/New_York', 'English (UK)' => 'Europe/London', 'Estonian (Estonia)' => 'Europe/Tallinn', 'Finnish (Finland)' => 'Europe/Helsinki', 'French (France)' => 'Europe/Paris', 'French (Belgium)' => 'Europe/Brussels', 'French (Canada)' => 'Canada/Atlantic', # or Newfoundland ? or Eastern ? 'German (Germany)' => 'Europe/Berlin', 'Hungarian (Hungary)' => 'Europe/Budapest', 'Icelandic (Iceland)' => 'Atlantic/Reykjavik', 'Indonesian (Indonesia)' => 'Asia/Jakarta', 'Italian (Italy)' => 'Europe/Rome', 'Italian (San Marino)' => 'Europe/San_Marino', 'Italian (Vatican)' => 'Europe/Vatican', 'Italian (Switzerland)' => 'Europe/Zurich', 'Japanese' => 'Asia/Tokyo', 'Latvian (Latvia)' => 'Europe/Riga', 'Lithuanian (Lithuania)' => 'Europe/Vilnius', 'Norwegian (Bokmaal)' => 'Europe/Oslo', 'Norwegian (Nynorsk)' => 'Europe/Oslo', 'Polish (Poland)' => 'Europe/Warsaw', 'Portuguese (Brazil)' => 'Brazil/East', # most people live on the east coast 'Portuguese (Portugal)' => 'Europe/Lisbon', 'Romanian (Rumania)' => 'Europe/Bucharest', 'Russian (Russia)' => 'Europe/Moscow', 'Slovak (Slovakia)' => 'Europe/Bratislava', 'Spanish (Spain)' => 'Europe/Madrid', 'Swedish (Finland)' => 'Europe/Helsinki', 'Swedish (Sweden)' => 'Europe/Stockholm', 'Turkish (Turkey)' => 'Europe/Istanbul', 'Ukrainian (Ukraine)' => 'Europe/Kiev', 'Walon (Belgium)' => 'Europe/Brussels', ); sub bestTimezone { my ($langtext) = @_; $l2t{common::bestMatchSentence($langtext, keys %l2t)}; } my %sex = ( fr_FR => { '[iln]a$' => 1, '[cdilnst]e$' => 1, 'e$' => .8, 'n$' => .1, 'd$' => .05 }, en => { 'a$' => 1, 'o$' => 0, '[ln]$' => .3, '[rs]$' => .2 }, ); sub sexProb($) { local ($_) = @_; my $l = $sex{$ENV{LC_ALL}} or return 0.5; my ($prob, $nb) = (0, 0); foreach my $k (keys %$l) { /$k/ and $prob += $l->{$k}, $nb++; } $nb ? $prob / $nb : 0.5; } 1;