
use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX);

# prevent firing up drakbug (doesn't work w/o X11):

use strict;
use diagnostics;

# fix translating reasons for 2nd stage warning
use lang;
    my $locale = lang::read($>);

use standalone;     #- warning, standalone must be loaded very first, for 'explanations'
use c;
use common;
use interactive;
use detect_devices;
use harddrake::data;
use harddrake::autoconf;
use harddrake::sound;
use Xconfig::card;
use Xconfig::various;
use modules;
use Storable qw(store retrieve);

my $force = member('--force', @ARGV);
my $reboot_needed;
my $do_udev_settle;

my $invert_do_it = $ARGV[0] eq 'X11' ? 1 : 0;
my ($hw_sysconfdir, $timeout) = ("/etc/sysconfig/harddrake2", $invert_do_it ? 600 : 25);
my $last_boot_config = "$hw_sysconfdir/previous_hw";

$last_boot_config .= '_X11' if $invert_do_it;

# first run ? if not read old hw config
my $previous_config;
if (-f $last_boot_config && -s $last_boot_config) {
    eval { $previous_config = Storable::retrieve($last_boot_config) };
    log::explanations("resetting previous hardware file ($@)") if $@;
$previous_config ||= {};
$previous_config = $$previous_config if ref($previous_config) !~ /HASH/;
my $first_run = is_empty_hash_ref($previous_config);

my $modules_conf = modules::any_conf->read;

my $isLaptop = detect_devices::isLaptop();
my $curr_kernel = c::kernel_version();
my ($kernel_major) = $curr_kernel =~ /^(\d+\.\d+)/;

my %previous_kernel_config = getVarsFromSh("$hw_sysconfdir/kernel");
my %previous_xorg_config = getVarsFromSh("$hw_sysconfdir/xorg");
setVarsInSh("$hw_sysconfdir/kernel", { KERNEL => $kernel_major, IS_LAPTOP => bool2text($isLaptop) });
my %cfg = getVarsFromSh("$hw_sysconfdir/service.conf");

# default to 'yes' on upgrade:
$cfg{HANDLE_KMS_BOOT_CONFIG} = 'yes' if !exists $cfg{HANDLE_KMS_BOOT_CONFIG};

# autoreconfigure laptop-dependent services when switching from laptop to desktop, and vice versa
if (!exists $previous_kernel_config{IS_LAPTOP} || $force || $isLaptop != text2bool($previous_kernel_config{IS_LAPTOP})) {
    log::explanations("Autoconfiguring laptop tools since we switched between laptop and desktop systems");

my $known_kernels = "$hw_sysconfdir/kernels";
if (!member($curr_kernel, chomp_(cat_($known_kernels)))) {
    harddrake::autoconf::fix_aliases($modules_conf) if !$first_run;
    append_to_file($known_kernels, "$curr_kernel\n");

sub dialog_with_timeout {
    my ($type, $title, $msg, $timeout, $plymouth) = @_;
    my ($pid, $res, $timed_out);

    $SIG{ALRM} = sub { $timed_out = 1; kill 15, $pid };
    unless ($pid = fork()) {
	$plymouth and system('plymouth', 'hide-splash');
	exec("/usr/share/harddrake/confirm", $type, $title, $msg);
    $res = $?;
    return $res, $timed_out;

sub get_xorg_driver() {
    my $x = Xconfig::xfree->read;
    if ($x) {
        my ($dev_section) = grep { $_->{name} eq 'Device' } @{$x->{raw}};
        $dev_section && $dev_section->{l}{Driver}{val};

sub schedule_warn_about_switch {
    my ($reason) = @_;
    output('/var/run/harddrake-notify-x11-free-driver-switch', $reason);

my $lib = arch() =~ /x86_64/ ? "lib64" : "lib";

sub find_xorg_driver {
    my ($new_driver) = @_;
    # nvidia driver has special place:
    -e "/usr/$lib/xorg/modules/drivers/${new_driver}_drv.so"
      || -e "/usr/$lib/xorg/extra-modules/${new_driver}_drv.so";

sub after_x_driver_switch {
    # If a wrong driver is loaded, ask for a reboot.
    my $reboot_needed = -x "/sbin/display_driver_helper" && system("/sbin/display_driver_helper", "--check-loaded") != 0;
    if (!$reboot_needed) {
        # Load any new drivers.
        system("udevadm", "trigger",  "--subsystem-match=pci", "--attr-match=class=0x03*");

sub switch_x_driver {
    my ($old_driver, $new_driver, $reason) = @_;
    if (!find_xorg_driver($new_driver)) {
        log::explanations("would switch X.org driver from '$old_driver' to '$new_driver' ($reason); but new driver is not installed");
    # This should use calls to Xconfig instead of substitution. However, currently
    # Xconfig probably makes too intrusive changes to xorg.conf when switching the driver.
    cp_af('/etc/X11/xorg.conf', "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.mga$^T");
    substInFile { s!Driver "($old_driver)"!Driver "$new_driver"!g } '/etc/X11/xorg.conf';
    log::explanations("switch X.org driver from '$old_driver' to '$new_driver' ($reason)");
    Xconfig::card::libgl_config_and_more({ Driver => $new_driver });

    after_x_driver_switch(); # returns 1 if reboot is needed

sub should_reconfigure_x_driver {
    my ($card_data, $device, $current_driver) = @_;
    my $reason;
    my $reconfigure;
    my $new_key = $card_data->{Driver} . $card_data->{Driver2};
    setVarsInSh("$hw_sysconfdir/xorg", { XORG_DRV => $new_key });
    # auto reconfigure x11 only on first time default driver have changed:
    if ($previous_xorg_config{XORG_DRV} ne $new_key) {
	if (!member($current_driver, $card_data->{Driver}, $card_data->{Driver2}, 'fbdev', 'vesa')) {
	    $reason = N("The graphics card '%s' is no longer supported by driver '%s'",
			 $device->{description}, $current_driver);
	    $reconfigure = 1;
     } elsif ((stat('/etc/X11/xorg.conf'))[9] < (stat('/etc/product.id'))[9]) {
        # when switching to a new release (product.id is newer than xorg.conf),
	# regenerate xorg.conf even if the driver used is vesa or fbdev, this
	# way we handle switches like "no driver for the card in older releases
	# but good driver in new release", see bug #53753
	if (!member($current_driver, $card_data->{Driver}, $card_data->{Driver2})) {
	    $reason = N("New release, reconfiguring X for %s", $device->{description});
	    $reconfigure = 1;

    ($reconfigure, $reason);

my @cards = (
        ldetect_driver_regexp => 'Card:NVIDIA',
        xorg_driver_regexp => 'nv.+',
        module_names => [ qw(NVdriver nvidia.o nvidia.ko nvidia71xx.ko nvidia96xx.ko nvidia97xx.ko nvidia173.ko nvidia-current.ko) ]
        ldetect_driver_regexp => 'Card:ATI Radeon',
        xorg_driver_regexp => 'fglrx',
        module_names => [ qw(fglrx.ko fglrx-hd2000.ko) ]

my @devices;
@devices = grep { $_->{driver} =~ /^Card:/ } detect_devices::probeall()
       if -f '/etc/X11/xorg.conf';

# do not auto reconfigure if more than one graphic card:
$cfg{AUTORECONFIGURE_RIGHT_XORG_DRIVER} = 'no' if scalar(@devices) > 1;

foreach my $device (@devices) {
    next if !text2bool($cfg{AUTORECONFIGURE_RIGHT_XORG_DRIVER});

    my $id = $device->{driver} =~ /Card:(.*)/ && $1;
    my $card_data = Xconfig::card::readCardsDB("/usr/share/ldetect-lst/Cards+")->{$id};
    my $current_driver = get_xorg_driver(); 

    # nvidia proprietary driver in ldetect-lst can be 'nvidia173', 'nvidia-current', ...
    # but really is just 'nvidia' in xorg.conf:
    $card_data->{Driver2} =~ s/(nvidia).*/$1/;

    # auto reconfigure x11 only on first time default driver have changed:
    my ($should_reconfigure, $reason) = should_reconfigure_x_driver($card_data, $device, $current_driver);
    if ($should_reconfigure) {
	if (-e "/tmp/.X11-unix/X0") {
	    # We are too late, X server is already running.
	    # It was probably speedboot, disable it for next boot.
	    substInFile { s!^$curr_kernel .*\n!! } "/var/lib/speedboot/status" if -e "/var/lib/speedboot/status";
	    # Restore state as we were not able to switch the driver yet.
	    setVarsInSh("$hw_sysconfdir/xorg", { XORG_DRV => $previous_xorg_config{XORG_DRV} });
	} else {
	    $reboot_needed |= switch_x_driver($current_driver, $card_data->{Driver}, $reason);
	    $do_udev_settle = 1;
	    schedule_warn_about_switch($reason) if any { $current_driver =~ $_->{xorg_driver_regexp} } @cards;
	    # Update $current_driver with the new one
	    $current_driver = $card_data->{Driver};

    # nv->nouveau or non_kms_nouveau->kms_nouveau can't have "Disable dri"!
    if ($current_driver eq "nouveau") {
	my $raw_x = Xconfig::xfree->read;
	if ($raw_x) {
	    if (member("dri", $raw_x->get_disabled_modules)) {

foreach my $card (@cards) {
    my $device = find { $_->{driver} =~ /$card->{ldetect_driver_regexp}/ } @devices;
    next if !$device;
    if (find { -e join('', "/lib/modules/", c::kernel_version(), $_) }
          map { ("/dkms/$_", "/dkms-binary/$_", "/kernel/$_") } map { "/drivers/$_" } map { ("extra/$_", "video/$_", "char/$_", "char/drm/$_") } map { $_, "$_.gz" } @{$card->{module_names}}) {

        # do not automatically switch from nv to nvidia (in order to handle
        # cases where nvidia module crashes the system):
        # substInFile {
        #    log::explanations("switch XFree86 driver from nv to nvidia") if /Driver "nv"/;
        #    s!Driver "nv.*"!Driver "nvidia"!g;
        #    s!#*( Load.*glx)!\1!g;
        # } $_ foreach "/etc/X11/XF86Config-4", "/etc/X11/XF86Config";
    } else {
        my @cards = Xconfig::card::probe();
        my $driver = $cards[0]{Driver};
        my $old_driver = cat_('/etc/X11/xorg.conf') =~ /Driver "($card->{xorg_driver_regexp})"/ && $1;
        if ($old_driver) {
            my $reason = N("The proprietary kernel driver was not found for X.org driver '%s'",
            $reboot_needed |= switch_x_driver($card->{xorg_driver_regexp}, $driver, $reason);
            $do_udev_settle = 1;

my $is_globetrotter = -f '/usr/sbin/mdkmove';

my (%config, $wait);
my $in;
my $plymouth = -x '/bin/plymouth';

# For each hw, class, detect device, compare and offer to reconfigure if needed
foreach my $hw_class (@harddrake::data::tree) {
    my ($Ident, $item, $configurator, $detector, $do_it) = @$hw_class{qw(class string configurator detector checked_on_boot)};
    next if member($cfg{"DETECT_$Ident"}, qw(NO no));

    $configurator ||= $hw_class->{configurator};

    next unless $do_it ^ $invert_do_it;
    # No detector ? (should never happen but who know ?)
    ref($detector) eq 'CODE' or next;

    my %ID = map {
        my $i = $_;
        my $id = defined $i->{device} ? $i->{device} : join(':', map { $i->{$_} } qw(vendor id subvendor subid));
        $id => $i;
    } eval { $detector->({}) };
    $config{$Ident} = \%ID;
    next if !$is_globetrotter && !$force && $first_run; # do not fsck on first run but if --force

    my $oldconfig = $force ? {} : $previous_config->{$Ident};

    my $msg;
    my @was_removed = difference2([ keys %$oldconfig ], [ keys %ID ]);
    if (@was_removed) {
     $msg .= N("Some devices in the \"%s\" hardware class were removed:\n", $item) .
       join('', map { N("- %s was removed\n", harddrake::data::custom_id($oldconfig->{$_}, $item)) } @was_removed) . "\n";
    my @added = difference2([ keys %ID ], [ keys %$oldconfig ]);
    $msg .= N("Some devices were added: %s\n", $item) if @added;
    $msg .= N("- %s was added\n", harddrake::data::custom_id($ID{$_}, $item)) foreach @added;
    log::explanations("removed $Ident: " . harddrake::data::custom_id($oldconfig->{$_}, $item)) foreach @was_removed;
    log::explanations("added $Ident: " . harddrake::data::custom_id($ID{$_}, $item)) foreach @added;

    if ($Ident eq 'FIREWIRE_CONTROLLER' && any { $_->{driver} eq 'ohci1394' } @ID{@added}) {
        modules::load_and_configure($modules_conf, 'ohci1394');

    @added || @was_removed or $cfg{"DETECT_$Ident"} ne 'force' and next;

    next if $Ident eq 'MOUSE' && $kernel_major ne $previous_kernel_config{KERNEL} && $cfg{"DETECT_$Ident"} ne 'force';

    my @configurator_pool = $configurator;

    if ($Ident eq "AUDIO") {
        # automatic sound slots configuration
        rm_rf("/etc/asound.state") if -e "/etc/asound.state";
    } elsif ($Ident eq "ETHERNET") {
        modules::load_category($modules_conf, 'network/main|gigabit|usb|wireless|firewire|pcmcia');
        require network::connection::ethernet;
        require network::rfswitch;
        require network::shorewall;
        # set scsi_hostadapter in modprobe.conf:
        modules::load_category($modules_conf, 'disk/' . {
			ATA_STORAGE => 'ide',
			SATA_STORAGE => 'sata',
			SCSI_CONTROLLER => 'scsi',
			RAID_STORAGE => 'hardware_raid',
			CARD_READER => 'card_reader'
    } elsif (member($Ident, qw(AGP DVB TV))) {
        my @old_drivers = uniq(map { $_->{driver} } values %$oldconfig);
        my @new_drivers = uniq(map { $_->{driver} } values %ID);
        # load DVB & TV drivers (eg: for One), not for AGP (done by X):
        modules::load_category($modules_conf, 'multimedia/' . lc($Ident)) if member($Ident, qw(DVB TV));
        $modules_conf->remove_module(difference2(\@old_drivers, \@new_drivers));
        # add agpgart and the like modules to modprobe.preload if needed:
        foreach (difference2(\@new_drivers, \@old_drivers)) {
            eval { modules::load($_) };
            warn "warning: $@" if $@;
    } elsif ($Ident eq "BLUETOOTH") {
        harddrake::autoconf::bluetooth(scalar keys %ID);
    } elsif ($Ident eq "PCMCIA_CONTROLLER") {
        harddrake::autoconf::pcmcia(keys %ID ? first(values(%ID))->{driver} : '');
    } elsif ($Ident eq "USB_CONTROLLER") {
        # nearly useless (only mkinitrd uses it):
        modules::load_category($modules_conf, 'bus/usb');
    } elsif ($Ident eq "VIDEO") {
        # explicitely NOT read the existing config (eg: new profile with globetrotter)
        harddrake::autoconf::xconf($modules_conf, {}, member($cfg{SETUP_FB}, qw(NO no)), $cfg{RESOLUTION_WANTED});
        $reboot_needed |= after_x_driver_switch();
        $do_udev_settle = 1;
    } elsif ($Ident eq "MOUSE") {
    } elsif ($Ident eq "CPU") {
    } elsif ($Ident eq "FLOPPY") {

    next if $is_globetrotter && !$hw_class->{automatic};
    next unless $configurator_pool[0];
    if (ref($configurator) ne 'CODE' && !-x first(split /\s+/, $configurator_pool[0])) {
        log::explanations(qw(skip $Ident configuration since "$configurator" is not executable));
    my ($no, $res);
    $hw_class->{automatic} ||= ref($configurator) eq 'CODE';

    if (!$hw_class->{automatic}) {
	($res, $no) = dialog_with_timeout("yesorno", N("Hardware changes in \"%s\" class (%s seconds to answer)", $Ident, $timeout),
				    $msg . N("Do you want to run the appropriate config tool?"), $timeout, $plymouth);
    } else {
        $res = 1;
    if (ref($configurator) eq 'CODE') {
        eval { $configurator->() };
        log::explanations(qw(cannot run "$configurator": $@)) if $@;
    } elsif (!$no && $res) {
        foreach my $program (@configurator_pool) {
            if (fork()) {
            } else {
                log::explanations(qq(run "$program"));
                exec("$program 2>/dev/null") or do {
                    log::explanations(qq(cannot run "$program"));
                    require POSIX;
    if (!$hw_class->{automatic}) {
        require interactive;
        undef $wait;
        $in ||= interactive->vnew;
        $wait = $in->wait_message(N("Please wait"), N("Hardware probing in progress"));


# output new hw config
log::explanations("created file $last_boot_config");
Storable::store(\%config, $last_boot_config);

if (!$reboot_needed && text2bool($cfg{HANDLE_KMS_BOOT_CONFIG})) {
    if (-x "/sbin/display_driver_helper" && system("display_driver_helper", "--check-loaded") != 0) {
        # incorrect driver is loaded, X.org can't start (e.g. proprietary driver loaded while free driver in use,
        # or free driver loaded while vesa is configured).
        my $kms_changed = Xconfig::various::setup_kms();
        $reboot_needed |= $kms_changed;
        if (!$reboot_needed) {
	    my $kms_allowed = system("display_driver_helper", "--is-kms-allowed") == 0;
	    if (!$kms_allowed && cat_("/proc/cmdline") !~ /\bnokmsboot\b/) {
                # Wrong driver loaded and boot parameters incorrect, but fixing the
                # bootloader configuration failed.
                # Possibly a direct boot from another bootloader.
                dialog_with_timeout("warn", N("Display driver issue"),
                    N("The display driver currently configured requires you to use the 'nokmsboot' boot option to prevent the KMS driver of the kernel from being loaded in the boot process. Startup of the X server may now fail as that option was not specified."),
                    60, $plymouth);
            } else {
                # Wrong driver loaded even while boot parameters were correct.
                dialog_with_timeout("warn", N("Display driver issue"),
                    N("Detected a loaded display driver kernel module which conflicts with the driver the X server is configured to use. Startup of the X server may now fail."),
                    60, $plymouth);
    } elsif (-e "/dev/.late_kms") {
        # initrd didn't load the KMS driver; non-fatal but ugly, fix it for next boot

# Handle $reboot_needed from earlier:
my ($reply, $timedout);
# Don't do autoreboot if X was somehow already started (not normally the case).
if ($reboot_needed && ! -e "/tmp/.X11-unix/X0") {
    ($reply, $timedout) = dialog_with_timeout("okcancel", N("Display driver setup"), N("The system has to be rebooted due to a display driver change.") . "\n\n"
			. N("Press Cancel within %d seconds to abort.", 30), 30, $plymouth);
    if ($reply || $timedout) {

system("udevadm", "settle", "--timeout=10") if $do_udev_settle;

$in->exit(0) if $in;