
use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX);

use common qw(:system);
use interactive;
use mouse;
use c;

local $_ = join '', @ARGV;

/-h/ and die "usage: mousedrake [--auto] [--noauto] [--testing]\n";

$::auto = /-auto/;
$::noauto = /-noauto/;
$::testing = /-testing/;
$::isStandalone = 1;

my $in = vnew interactive('su');

my $mouse = eval { mouse::detect() } unless $::noauto;

if (!(my $name = $mouse && $mouse->{FULLNAME}) || !$::auto) {
    $name ||= "Generic Mouse (serial)";
    $name = $in->ask_from_list_('', _("What is the type of your mouse?"), [ mouse::names() ], $name);
    $mouse = mouse::name2mouse($name);

    if ($mouse->{device} eq "usbmouse") {
	require pci_probing::main;
	my ($c) = pci_probing::main::probe("serial_usb") or die _("no serial_usb found\n");
	eval { modules::load($c->[1], "serial_usb") };

$mouse->{XEMU3} = 'yes' if $mouse->{nbuttons} < 3 && (!$::noauto || $in->ask_yesorno('', _("Emulate third button?"), 1));

$mouse->{device} = mouse::serial_ports_names2dev(
	$in->ask_from_list(_("Mouse Port"),
			   _("Which serial port is your mouse connected to?"),
			   [ mouse::serial_ports_names() ])) if $mouse->{device} eq "ttyS";

mouse::write('', $mouse);
modules::write_conf('') if $mouse->{device} eq "usbmouse" && !$::testing;

my $f = "/etc/X11/XF86Config";
my $g = "/etc/X11/XF86Config-4";
substInFile {
    if (/^Section "Pointer"/ .. /^EndSection/) {
#-	  my $zaxis = "4 5" if $mouse->{nbuttons} > 3;
#-	  $zaxis .= " 6 7" if $mouse->{nbuttons} > 5;
#-	  s|^(\s*ZAxisMapping\s+).*|$1$zaxis| if $zaxis;
#-	  s|^([#]\s*ZAxisMapping\s+).*|#    ZAxisMapping\t\n|; }
} $f if -e $f && !$::testing;
substInFile {
    if (/^Identifier "Mouse1"/ .. /^EndSection/) {
} $g if -e $g && !$::testing;
