
use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX);
use MDK::Common;
use Gtk;
use interactive;
use my_gtk ;
init Gtk;

#- convenience variables for true and false
my $false = 0;
my $true = 1;

#- this part is embedded management
$::isEmbedded = ($::XID, $::CCPID) = "@ARGV" =~/--embedded (\S*) (\S*)/;
if ($::isEmbedded) {
  print "EMBED\n";
  print "XID : $::XID\n";
  print "CCPID :  $::CCPID\n";

my $in = 'interactive'->vnew('su', 'default');
local $_ = join '', @ARGV;

/-h/ and die _("no help implemented yet.\n");
/-version/ and die 'version: $Id$'."\n";

my $window = $::isEmbedded ? new Gtk::Plug ($::XID) : new Gtk::Window ("toplevel");
$window->signal_connect(delete_event => sub { $::isEmbedded ? kill(USR1, $::CCPID) : &CloseAppWindow });

#- verification of package image magik
$in->ask_warn(_("Error"),_("package ImageMagick is required for correct working")) 
  and $::isEmbedded ? kill(USR1, $::CCPID) : &CloseAppWindow if system('rpm -q ImageMagick');

#- application vars
#my $mained = 1;
my $tmp_path = '/tmp/draksplash/';
! -d $tmp_path and mkdir($tmp_path);
my $thm_path = '/usr/share/bootsplash/themes/';
my $thm_conf_path = '/etc/bootsplash/themes/';

my $prev_window;
my $pix;

my $boot_conf_path = '/etc/bootsplash/themes/';
my %font_size = ('h'=>16,'w'=>8);
my %theme = ('name'=>'new_theme',
	     'res' =>{'res'=>'800x600',
	     'boot_conf'=>{ 'tx' => 0 ,
			    'ty' => 0 ,
			    'tw' => 0 ,
			    'th' => 0 ,
			    'px' => 0 ,
			    'py' => 0 ,
			    'pw' => 0 ,
			    'ph' => 0 ,
			    'pc' => '0x21459d',
		'boot_img'=> '',

my %scale_size = ('tx'=> ($theme{'res'}{'w'} / $font_size{'w'}),
		  'ty'=> ($theme{'res'}{'h'} / $font_size{'h'}),
		  'tw'=> ($theme{'res'}{'w'} / $font_size{'w'}),
		  'th'=> ($theme{'res'}{'h'} / $font_size{'h'}),
		  'px'=> $theme{'res'}{'w'},
		  'py'=> $theme{'res'}{'h'},
		  'pw'=> $theme{'res'}{'w'},
		  'ph'=> $theme{'res'}{'h'},

my %first = ('frame'=>new Gtk::Frame(_("first step creation")),
	     'widget'=>{ 'label'=> {	'res'=>_("final resolution"),
	   				'file'=>_("choose image file"),
					'name'=>_("Theme name")
			 'button'=>{ 'boot_conf'=>_("make bootsplash step 2"),
				     'lilo_conf'=>_("go to lilosplash configuration"),
				     'save'=>_("save theme"),
			 'combo'=> {'res'=>['800x600', '1024x768', '1280x1024'],
		       		    'name'=>[ $theme{'name'} , &giv_exist_thm]
	     'pos'=>[ 	'name',
my %boot_conf_frame = ('frame' => new Gtk::Frame( _("Configure bootsplash picture") ),
		       'widget'=> { 'label' => { 'tx'=> _("x coordinate of text box in number of character"),
						 'ty'=> _("y coordinate of text box in number of character"),
						 'tw'=> _("text width"),
						 'th'=> _("text box height"),
						 'px'=> _("the progress bar x coordinate of its upper left corner"),
						 'py'=> _("the progress bar y coordinate of its upper left corner"),
						 'pw'=> _("the width of the progress bar"),
						 'ph'=> _("the heigth of the progress bar"),
						 'pc'=> _("the color of the progress bar")
				#- must set scale values to true to get them created by mk_frame
				     'scale' => {'tx'=> 1,
				    		 'ty'=> 1,
						 'tw'=> 1,
						 'th'=> 1,
						 'px'=> 1,
						 'py'=> 1,
						 'pw'=> 1,
						 'ph'=> 1,
				     'button' => { 'annul'=> _("go back"),
						   'pc'=> _("choose color"),
				     'check'  => { 'logo' => _("Display logo on Console" ),
				     		   'quiet'=> _("Make kernel message quiet by default"),
		       'pos'=> [ 'tx' , 
				 'ty' ,
				 'tw' , 
				 'th' ,
				 'px' ,
				 'py' ,
				 'pw' ,
				 'ph' ,
				 'pc' ,
#- var action is used to hide/show the correct frame
my @action_frame = ( \%boot_conf_frame ,

# >>>>>>>>>> FIRST SCREEN >>>>>>>>>>
my $VB2 = new Gtk::VBox(0,5);
#****************************- Signal event actions
#- change resolution 
$first{'widgets'}{'combo'}{'res'}->entry->signal_connect( changed => sub {
	$theme{'res'}{'res'} = $first{'widgets'}{'combo'}{'res'}->entry->get_text;
	($theme{'res'}{'w'},$theme{'res'}{'h'}) = $theme{'res'}{'res'} =~ /([^x]+)x([^x]+)/;
	$boot_conf_frame{'frame'}->destroy ;
	$boot_conf_frame{'frame'} = new Gtk::Frame(_("Configure bootsplash picture") );
	member( $theme{'name'}, &giv_exist_thm) and &thm_in_this_res and &get_this_thm_res_conf or $in->ask_warn(_("Notice"),_("This theme haven't yet any bootsplash in %s !",$theme{'res'}{'res'}));
#- quit button
$first{'widgets'}{'button'}{'kill'}->signal_connect( clicked => \&CloseAppWindow);
#- go to bootsplash configuration step 2
$first{'widgets'}{'button'}{'boot_conf'}->signal_connect( clicked => sub{show_act(\%boot_conf_frame) } );
#- image file selection for new theme
$first{'widgets'}{'button'}{'file'}->signal_connect( clicked =>sub{
	my $file_dialog = new Gtk::FileSelection('choose image');
	$file_dialog->set_filename( ( $first{'widgets'}{'label'}{'file'}->get ne _("choose image file") )?$first{'widgets'}{'label'}{'file'}->get:'~/' );
	$file_dialog->cancel_button->signal_connect( clicked => sub{ $file_dialog->destroy} );
	$file_dialog->ok_button->signal_connect( clicked => sub{ $first{'widgets'}{'label'}{'file'}->set_text($file_dialog->get_filename) ; $file_dialog->destroy ;});
#- changing theme name
$first{'widgets'}{'combo'}{'name'}->entry->signal_connect( changed => sub{ &get_this_thm_res_conf; $theme{'name'} = $first{'widgets'}{'combo'}{'name'}->entry->get_text; });
$first{'widgets'}{'button'}{'save'}->signal_connect(clicked=> sub{ &write_boot_thm });
# <<<<<<<<<< FIRST SCREEN <<<<<<<<<<

$first_vbox = new Gtk::VBox(0,5);


# set window attributes and show it
$window->border_width( 5 );
$window->set_policy( 0, 1, 1 );

# Gtk event loop
main Gtk;

# Should never get here
exit( 0 );

### Callback function to close the window
sub CloseAppWindow{
   Gtk->exit( 0 );
   return $false;

#- ====## used funtions ##=====

#- Desc  => write config file for boot theme and copy image in the right location
sub write_boot_thm{
	my $w = $in->wait_message('',_("saving Bootsplash theme..."));
  	my $logo = ($boot_conf_frame{'widgets'}{'check'}{'logo'}->get_active)?'yes':'no';
	my $quiet = ($boot_conf_frame{'widgets'}{'check'}{'quiet'}->get_active)?'yes':'no';
	my $globalconf_file = $thm_conf_path.$theme{'name'}.'/global.config';
	my $cfg_file = $thm_conf_path.$theme{'name'}.'/cfg/bootsplash-'.$theme{'res'}{'res'}.'.cfg';
	#- verify all dir exists or create them
	-d $thm_conf_path.$theme{'name'}
	  or mkdir($thm_conf_path.$theme{'name'});
	-d $thm_conf_path.$theme{'name'}.'/cfg'
	  or mkdir($thm_conf_path.$theme{'name'}.'/cfg');
	-d $thm_path.$theme{'name'}
	  or mkdir($thm_path.$theme{'name'});
	-d $thm_path.$theme{'name'}.'/images/'
	  or mkdir($thm_path.$theme{'name'}.'/images/');
	#- copy image to dest by convert
	system('convert -scale '.$theme{'res'}{'res'} .' '.$first{'widgets'}{'label'}{'file'}->get.' '.$thm_path.$theme{'name'}.'/images/bootsplash-'.$theme{'res'}{'res'}.'.jpg');
	system('/usr/share/bootsplash/scripts/rewritejpeg '.$thm_path.$theme{'name'}.'/images/bootsplash-'.$theme{'res'}{'res'}.'.jpg');
	#- write conf files
	my $cfg_cont = '# This is the configuration file for the '.$theme{'res'}{'res'}.' bootsplash picture
	# this file is necessary to specify the coordinates of the text box on the
# splash screen.

# tx is the x coordinate of the text window in characters. default is 24
# multiply width font width for coordinate in pixels.

# ty is the y coordinate of the text window in characters. default is 14

# tw is the width of the text window in characters. default is 130
# note: this should at least be 80 as on the standard linux text console

# th is the height of the text window in characters. default is 44
# NOTE: this should at least be 25 as on the standard linux text console

# px is the progress bar x coordinate of its upper left corner

# py is the progress bar y coordinate of its upper left corner

# pw is the with of the progress bar

# ph is the heigth of the progress bar

# pc is the color of the progress bar
	my $globalconf_cont = '# Display logo on console.

# Make kernel message quiet by default.
	output($globalconf_file, $globalconf_cont);

#- Desc  => read the current bootsplash theme configuration if exist
sub get_this_thm_res_conf{
  	member($first{'widgets'}{'combo'}{'name'}->entry->get_text , &giv_exist_thm)
	  and $theme{'name'} = $first{'widgets'}{'combo'}{'name'}->entry->get_text
	  and &thm_in_this_res(1) 
	  and &read_boot_conf;
	  -f $thm_path.$theme{'name'}."/images/bootsplash-".$theme{'res'}{'res'}.".jpg"
	    and $first{'widgets'}{'label'}{'file'}->set_text($thm_path.$theme{'name'}."/images/bootsplash-".$theme{'res'}{'res'}.".jpg");
	  return 1;

sub read_boot_conf {
	my $line;
	if(-f $theme{'name'}.'/cfg/bootsplash-'.$theme{'res'}{'res'}.'.cfg') {
		open  CFG , $theme{'name'}.'/cfg/bootsplash-'.$theme{'res'}{'res'}.'.cfg';
	  	while($line = <CFG>){
			$line =~ m/^([a-z][a-z])=([^\n]+)/
			  and $theme{'boot_conf'}{$1} = $2;
		close CFG;
	} else {
		return 0;

sub set_scale_values{
	foreach (keys %{$theme{'boot_conf'}}){
		  and ${$_.'_adj'}->set_value($theme{'boot_conf'}{$_});

#- Desc  => check if this theme is available in the current resolution else
#-	    change the current resolution or display a ask_warn box
#- Args  => �
#- return=> (bool)
sub thm_in_this_res{
  my ($check_res) = @_;
  (-f $thm_path.$theme{'name'}."/images/bootsplash-".$theme{'res'}{'res'}.".jpg")?return 1 : ($check_res == 1)?return &which_res_exist : return 0 ;

sub which_res_exist{
	my $is_ok = 0;
		 -f "bootsplash-$_.jpg"
		   and $is_ok = 1
		   and $first{'widgets'}{'combo'}{'res'}->entry->set_text($_)
		   and last;
	$is_ok == 1  or $in->ask_warn(_("Notice"),_("This theme haven't yet any bootsplash in %s !",$theme{'res'}{'res'})) and return 0;
	return 1;

#- Desc  => retrieve all installed theme
#- Args  => �
#- Return=> @arr of available theme
sub giv_exist_thm{
  my @thms_dirs;
  foreach (glob("*")) {
    -d  $_ && m/^[^.]/ 
      and push @thms_dirs, $_;
  return @thms_dirs;

#- Desc  =>show only the right frame
#- Args  => action(str)
#- Return=> (bool)
sub show_act{
    my ($action) = @_;
    foreach (@action_frame){
	if($_ == $action){
	    $_->{'frame'}->show_all ;

#- Desc  => just add tooltips
#- Args  => name of widget(str) and frame to work on it (\%hash)
sub tool_tip{
	my ( $name , $ref ) = @_;
	foreach (keys %{$ref->{'widget'}}){
		$_ eq 'tooltip' and next;
		  ! ${$name.'_tip'} and ${$name.'_tip'} = new Gtk::Tooltips();
		  ${$name.'_tip'}->set_tip($ref->{'widgets'}{$_}{$name}, $ref->{'widget'}{'tooltip'}{$name},'');

#- Desc  => just prepare widgets for a fram hash 
#- Args  => $box(a Vbox widget to contain all widgets), \%frame (hash with complete definition of the frame)
#- Return=> all hash{'widgets'} are created and packed in $box
sub mk_frame{
	my ( $box , $ref ) = @_;
	  #- open a new hbox
	  ${$_.'hb'} = new Gtk::HBox(0,5);
	  #- look for label
	    and $ref->{'widgets'}{'label'}{$_} = new Gtk::Label($ref->{'widget'}{'label'}{$_}) 
	    and ${$_.'hb'}->add($ref->{'widgets'}{'label'}{$_});
	  #- look for scale
	    and $ref->{'widgets'}{'scale'}{$_} = new Gtk::HScale( ${$_."_adj"} =  new Gtk::Adjustment(0,0,$scale_size{$_},1,10,0))
	    and ${$_."hb"}->add($ref->{'widgets'}{'scale'}{$_})
	    and $ref->{'widgets'}{'scale'}{$_}->set_digits(0);
	  ${$_.'_adj'} and ${$_.'_adj'}->set_value($theme{'boot_conf'}{$_});
	  #- look for combo
	    and @popdown = @{$ref->{'widget'}{'combo'}{$_}}
	    and $ref->{'widgets'}{'combo'}{$_} = new Gtk::Combo
	    and ${$_."hb"}->add($ref->{'widgets'}{'combo'}{$_})
	    and $ref->{'widgets'}{'combo'}{$_}->set_popdown_strings(@popdown);
	  #- look for checkbox
	    and $ref->{'widgets'}{'check'}{$_} = new Gtk::CheckButton( $ref->{'widget'}{'check'}{$_} )
	    and ${$_."hb"}->add($ref->{'widgets'}{'check'}{$_})
	    and $ref->{'widgets'}{'check'}{$_}->set_active(1);
	  #- look for button
	    and $ref->{'widgets'}{'button'}{$_} = new Gtk::Button($ref->{'widget'}{'button'}{$_})
	    and  ${$_."hb"}->add($ref->{'widgets'}{'button'}{$_});
	  #- look for tooltips
	    and &tool_tip($_,\%{$ref});
	#####################la ligne en dessous est a revoir aparement##########################

#- Desc  => take a decimal value between 0 to 255 and return the corresponding hexadecimal value
sub dec2hex{
	my ($dec) = @_;
	my @dec_hex = (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,'A','B','C','D','E','F');
	my $int; 
	my $float;
	$dec = $dec/16;
	$int = int($dec);
	$float = $dec_hex[int(($dec-$int)*16)];
	$int = $dec_hex[$int];
	return "$int$float";

#- Desc  => prepare and set all signal_connect for boot_frame widget 
sub make_boot_frame{
	$VB = new Gtk::VBox(0,5);
	#- open a color choose box
	$boot_conf_frame{'widgets'}{'button'}{'pc'}->signal_connect( clicked => sub {
		$color = new Gtk::ColorSelectionDialog(_("ProgressBar color selection"));
		$theme{'boot_conf'}{'pc'} =~ m/0x(.{2})(.{2})(.{2})/;
		my @rgb = map { hex($_)/255 }  ($1 ,$2, $3);
		$color->cancel_button->signal_connect(clicked=> sub{$color->destroy});
		$color->ok_button->signal_connect(clicked=> sub{
			@rgb = $color->colorsel->get_color();
			@rgb = map ( dec2hex($_*255)  , @rgb);
			$theme{'boot_conf'}{'pc'} =  "0x$rgb[0]$rgb[1]$rgb[2]";
	#- return to first screen
	$boot_conf_frame{'widgets'}{'button'}{'annul'}->signal_connect( clicked => sub { show_act( \%first ) } );
	#- made a preview
	$boot_conf_frame{'widgets'}{'button'}{'prev'}->signal_connect( clicked => sub{
	  if(! -f $first{'widgets'}{'label'}{'file'}->get) {
	    $in->ask_warn(_("Notice"),_("You must choose an image file first!"));
	    return 0;
	  #- calculation of the 2 angle of text box and progress bar
	  my $text_tl = ($theme{'boot_conf'}{'tx'}*$font_size{'w'}).','.$theme{'boot_conf'}{'ty'}*$font_size{'h'};
	  my $text_br = ($theme{'boot_conf'}{'tw'}*$font_size{'w'}+$theme{'boot_conf'}{'tx'}*$font_size{'w'}).','.($theme{'boot_conf'}{'th'}*$font_size{'h'}+$theme{'boot_conf'}{'ty'}*$font_size{'h'});
	  my $progress_tl = $theme{'boot_conf'}{'px'}.','.$theme{'boot_conf'}{'py'};
	  my $progress_br = ($theme{'boot_conf'}{'px'}+$theme{'boot_conf'}{'pw'}).','.($theme{'boot_conf'}{'py'}+$theme{'boot_conf'}{'ph'});
	  my $w = $in->wait_message('', _("Generating preview ..."));
	  $com = "convert -scale $theme{'res'}{'res'} -fill black -draw 'rectangle $text_tl $text_br rectangle $progress_tl $progress_br' ".$first{'widgets'}{'label'}{'file'}->get." $tmp_path.prev$x.png";
	} );
	#- check scales values are possibly correct
	foreach my $k ( keys %{$theme{'boot_conf'}}){
		$k =~ m/[tp][hwyx]/
		  and ${$k.'_adj'}->signal_connect(value_changed =>  sub{ &check_boot_scales($k) });
	#	unlink "$tmp_path.prev$x.png";

#- Desc  => set theme values from user entry (scales widgets)
sub set_thm_values{
  foreach(keys %{$theme{'boot_conf'}}) {
	  and $theme{'boot_conf'}{$_} = int(${$_.'_adj'}->get_value);
#- Desc  => create a new window with a preview of splash screen
#- Args  => $file (str) full path to preview file
sub show_prev{
 my ($file) = @_;
   or ($prev_window = new Gtk::Window('toplevel') and $prev_window->set_policy( 0, 1, 1 ) ); 
 #- must destroy and recreate or get a bug on refreshing the preview window!
   and $pix->destroy;
 $pix = new Gtk::Pixmap(my_gtk::gtkcreate_png($file));
 $prev_window ->signal_connect(delete_event => sub{$prev_window->destroy} );

#- Desc  => define the max size of boot's scales
sub set_scale_size{
	 %scale_size = ('tx'=> ($theme{'res'}{'w'} / $font_size{'w'}),
 			'ty'=> ($theme{'res'}{'h'} / $font_size{'h'}),
			'tw'=> ($theme{'res'}{'w'} / $font_size{'w'}),
			'th'=> ($theme{'res'}{'h'} / $font_size{'h'}),
			'px'=> $theme{'res'}{'w'},
			'py'=> $theme{'res'}{'h'},
			'pw'=> $theme{'res'}{'w'},
			'ph'=> $theme{'res'}{'h'},

#- Desc  => verify that boot's  scales widgets are correctly set
#- Args  => $obj (str) is the scale to check value

sub check_boot_scales{
  my ($obj) = @_;
  my $tw = $tw_adj->get_value;
  my $tx = $tx_adj->get_value;
  my $th = $th_adj->get_value;
  my $ty = $ty_adj->get_value;
  my $pw = $pw_adj->get_value;
  my $ph = $ph_adj->get_value;
  my $px = $px_adj->get_value;
  my $py = $py_adj->get_value;
  my $max_x = $scale_size{'tw'};
  my $max_y = $scale_size{'th'};
  my $max_xres = $theme{'res'}{'w'};
  my $max_yres = $theme{'res'}{'h'};
  $obj eq 'tw' and $max_x < ($tw + $tx) and $tx_adj->set_value($max_x - $tw);
  $obj eq 'tx' and $max_x < ($tw + $tx) and $tw_adj->set_value($max_x - $tx);
  $obj eq 'th' and $max_y < ($th + $ty) and $ty_adj->set_value($max_y - $th);
  $obj eq 'ty' and $max_y < ($th + $ty) and $th_adj->set_value($max_y - $ty);
  $obj eq 'pw' and $max_xres < ($pw + $px) and $px_adj->set_value($max_xres - $pw);
  $obj eq 'px' and $max_xres < ($pw + $px) and $pw_adj->set_value($max_xres - $px);
  $obj eq 'ph' and $max_yres < ($ph + $py) and $py_adj->set_value($max_yres - $ph);
  $obj eq 'py' and $max_yres < ($ph + $py) and $ph_adj->set_value($max_yres - $py);