# Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Christian Belisle
#                         Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as
#  published by the Free Software Foundation.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

use strict;
use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX);
use common;
use standalone;
use vars qw($MODE %options);
use ugtk2 qw(:helpers :wrappers :ask :create);
use run_program;
use security::level;
use security::msec;
use security::help;
use security::l10n;

#$MODE = 'basic';
#$0 =~ /draksec-firewall$/ and $MODE = 'firewall';
#$0 =~ /draksec-perms$/ and $MODE = 'perms';

#/^-?-(\S+)$/ and $options{$1} = 1 foreach @ARGV;

my ($w, %fields);

############################    I18N     ###################################
my %translations = (
	'ALL'     => N("ALL"),
	'LOCAL'   => N("LOCAL"),
	'NONE'    => N("NONE"),
	'default' => N("Default"),
	'ignore'  => N("Ignore"),
 	'no'      => N("No"),
	'yes'     => N("Yes"),
my %inv_translations = reverse %translations;

sub to_i18n { map { $translations{$_} || $_ } @_ }
sub from_i18n { $inv_translations{$_[0]} || $_[0] }
sub resize { gtkset_size_request($_[0], 50, -1) }

%fields = security::l10n::fields();
my %inv_fields = reverse %fields;

# factorize this with rpmdrake and harddrake2
sub wait_msg {
    my $mainw = ugtk2->new(N("Please wait"), (modal => 1, if_(!$::isEmbedded, transient => $w->{rwindow})));

sub remove_wait_msg { $_[0]->destroy }

sub basic_seclevel_explanations() {
    my $text = Gtk2::TextView->new;
    use Gtk2::Pango;
    my %common_opts = ('left-margin' => '10', 'right-margin' => '10');
    # this is a small parser for a Pango Text Attribute Markup Language-like for TextViews widget
    gtktext_insert($text, [ map  {
        if (s!^/span>!!) {
            [ $_, \%common_opts ];
        } elsif (s!span !!) {
            my %tags = %common_opts;
            while (s!(\w+?)="(\w+?)"!!) {
                $tags{weight} ||= Gtk2::Pango->PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD if $1 eq 'foreground';
                $tags{$1} = $2 eq "bold" ? Gtk2::Pango->PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD : $2;
            [ $_, \%tags ];
        } else {
            [ $_, \%common_opts ];
    } split("<", formatAlaTeX(
#-PO: Do not alter the <span ..> and </span> tags.
#-PO: Translate the security levels (Poor, Standard, High, Higher and Paranoid) in the same way, you translated these individuals words.
#-PO: keep the double empty lines between sections, this is formatted a la LaTeX.
					  N("Here, you can setup the security level and administrator of your machine.

The '<span weight=\"bold\">Security Administrator</span>' is the one who will receive security alerts if the
'<span weight=\"bold\">Security Alerts</span>' option is set. It can be a username or an email.

The '<span weight=\"bold\">Security Level</span>' menu allows you to select one of the six preconfigured security levels
provided with msec. These levels range from '<span weight=\"bold\">poor</span>' security and ease of use, to
'<span weight=\"bold\">paranoid</span>' config, suitable for very sensitive server applications:

<span foreground=\"royalblue3\">Poor</span>: This is a totally unsafe but very
easy to use security level. It should only be used for machines not connected to
any network and that are not accessible to everybody.

<span foreground=\"royalblue3\">Standard</span>: This is the standard security
recommended for a computer that will be used to connect to the Internet as a

<span foreground=\"royalblue3\">High</span>: There are already some
restrictions, and more automatic checks are run every night.

<span foreground=\"royalblue3\">Higher</span>: The security is now high enough
to use the system as a server which can accept connections from many clients. If
your machine is only a client on the Internet, you should choose a lower level.

<span foreground=\"royalblue3\">Paranoid</span>: This is similar to the previous
level, but the system is entirely closed and security features are at their
maximum"))) ]);
    create_scrolled_window($text, [ 'never', 'automatic' ]);

sub new_nonedit_combo {
    my ($string_list, $o_default_value) = @_;
    Gtk2::ComboBox->new_with_strings([ to_i18n(@$string_list) ], to_i18n($o_default_value));

sub set_help_tip {
     my ($entry, $default, $opt) = @_;
     my $help = $security::help::help{$opt};
     gtkset_tip(Gtk2::Tooltips->new, $entry, formatAlaTeX($help) . "\n" . N("(default value: %s)", to_i18n($default)));

my $msec = new security::msec;
$w = ugtk2->new('draksec');
my $window = $w->{window};

############################ MAIN WINDOW ###################################
# Set different options to Gtk2::Window
unless ($::isEmbedded) {
    $window->set_size_request(598, 520);

# Connect the signals
$window->signal_connect('delete_event', sub { $window->destroy });
$window->signal_connect('destroy', sub { ugtk2->exit });

$window->add(my $vbox = gtkshow(Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 0)));

# Create the notebook (for bookmarks at the top)
my $notebook = create_notebook();

my $common_opts = { col_spacings => 10, row_spacings => 5, mcc => 1 };

######################## BASIC OPTIONS PAGE ################################
my ($seclevel_entry, $secadmin_entry);

$notebook->append_page(gtkshow(gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 0),
                                       1, basic_seclevel_explanations(),
                                       0, create_packtable($common_opts,
                                                          do {
                                                              my @sec_levels = security::level::get_common_list();
                                                              my $current_level = security::level::get_string();
                                                              push(@sec_levels, $current_level) unless member($current_level, @sec_levels);
                                                              $seclevel_entry = new_nonedit_combo(\@sec_levels, $current_level);
                                                              Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new(N("Security Level:")), $seclevel_entry;
                                                        [ Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new(N("Security Alerts:")), 
                                                          my $secadmin_check = gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::CheckButton->new, toggled => sub {
                                                                                                 }) ],
                                                        [ Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new(N("Security Administrator:")),
                                                          $secadmin_entry = Gtk2::Entry->new_with_text($msec->get_check_value("MAIL_USER")) ]))),
                               Gtk2::Label->new(N("Basic options")));
if ($msec->get_check_value("MAIL_WARN") eq "yes") {
} else {
######################### NETWORK & SYSTEM OPTIONS #########################
my @yesno_choices    = qw(yes no default ignore);
my @alllocal_choices = qw(ALL LOCAL NONE default);
my @all_choices = (@yesno_choices, @alllocal_choices);
my %options_values;
my $help_msg = N("The following options can be set to customize your\nsystem security. If you need an explanation, look at the help tooltip.\n");

foreach ([ 'network', N("Network Options") ], [ 'system', N("System Options") ]) {
    my ($domain, $label) = @$_;
    my %values;
    gtkappend_page($notebook, gtkshow(gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new,
                                            0, Gtk2::Label->new($help_msg),
                                            1, create_scrolled_window(create_packtable($common_opts,
                                                                                       map {
                                                                                           my $i = $_;
                                                                                           my $entry;
                                                                                           my $opt = $inv_fields{$i} || $i;
                                                                                           my $default = $msec->get_function_default($opt);
                                                                                           if (member($default, @all_choices)) {
                                                                                               $values{$i} = new_nonedit_combo(member($default, @yesno_choices) ? \@yesno_choices : if_(member($default, @alllocal_choices), \@alllocal_choices));
                                                                                               $entry = $values{$i}->entry;
                                                                                           } else {
                                                                                               $values{$i} = Gtk2::Entry->new;
                                                                                               $entry = $values{$i};
                                                                                           set_help_tip($entry, $default, $opt);
                                                                                           [ Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new($i), resize($values{$i}) ];
                                                                                       } sort map { $fields{$_} || $_ } $msec->list_functions($domain),
                                                                      [ 'never', 'automatic' ],
    $options_values{$domain} = \%values;

######################## PERIODIC CHECKS ###################################
my %security_checks_value;

gtkappend_page($notebook, gtkshow(gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new,
                                        0, Gtk2::Label->new($help_msg),
                                        1, create_scrolled_window(create_packtable($common_opts,
                                                                                   map {
                                                                                       my $i = $_;
                                                                                       my $opt = $inv_fields{$i} || $i;
                                                                                       $security_checks_value{$i} = new_nonedit_combo([ 'yes', 'no', 'default' ], $msec->get_check_value($opt));
                                                                                       my $entry = $security_checks_value{$i}->entry;
                                                                                       set_help_tip($entry, $msec->get_check_default($opt), $opt);
                                                                                       [ gtkshow(Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new($i)), resize($security_checks_value{$i}) ];
                                                                                   } sort map { $fields{$_} || $_ } $msec->list_checks)))),
                       Gtk2::Label->new(N("Periodic Checks")));

####################### OK CANCEL BUTTONS ##################################
         1, gtkshow($notebook),
         0, create_okcancel(my $oc =
                             cancel_clicked => sub { ugtk2->exit(0) },
                             ok_clicked => sub {
                                my $seclevel_value = $seclevel_entry->entry->get_text;
                                my $secadmin_check_value = $secadmin_check->get_active;
                                my $secadmin_value = $secadmin_entry->get_text;
                                my $w;

                                log::explanations("Configuring msec");

                                if ($seclevel_value ne security::level::get_string()) {
                                    $w = wait_msg(N("Please wait, setting security level..."));
                                    log::explanations(qq(Setting security level to "$seclevel_value"));

                                $w = wait_msg(N("Please wait, setting security options..."));
                                log::explanations(qq(Setting security administrator option to ") . bool2yesno($secadmin_check_value) . '"');
                                $msec->set_check('MAIL_WARN', bool2yesno($secadmin_check_value));

                                if ($secadmin_value ne $msec->get_check_value('MAIL_USER') && $secadmin_check_value) {
                                    log::explanations(qq(Setting security administrator contact to "$secadmin_value"));
                                    $msec->set_check('MAIL_USER', $secadmin_value);

                                log::explanations("Setting security periodic checks");
                                foreach my $key (keys %security_checks_value) {
                                    $msec->set_check($inv_fields{$key} || $key, from_i18n($security_checks_value{$key}->entry->get_text));

                                foreach my $domain (keys %options_values) {
                                    log::explanations("Setting msec functions related to $domain");
                                    foreach my $key (keys %{$options_values{$domain}}) {
                                        my $opt = $options_values{$domain}{$key};
                                        $msec->set_function($inv_fields{$key} || $key, from_i18n($opt->get_text));
                                log::explanations("Applying msec changes");


                            undef, undef, '',
                            [ N("Help"), sub { unless (fork()) { exec("drakhelp --id draksec") } } ],
