#!/usr/bin/perl # drakroam: wireless network roaming GUI # beta version uses wlandetect as backend # Austin Acton, 2005 # # Licensed under the GPL # problems # - deletes comments in config file # - expects an ifcfg file for static IP configurations (not uncommon) # - roaming status fails (no idea why) # maybe same reason bash-completion killall can not see wlandetect? # todo (wlandetect version) # - make known and available lists have more rows by default (why so small?) # - refresh status every x seconds # - find a good way to drop the access point and resume roaming # - make 'key' column wider by default # todo (waproamd version) # - listen to dbus for pings from waproamd; update all on receiving a dbus ping # - setup static network configurations # - handle keys (can key file be named after ESSID?) # - should files be named as MAC or as essid:ESSID ? use strict; use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX); use standalone; use common; use run_program; use detect_devices; use Glib qw(TRUE FALSE); use ugtk2 qw(:create :helpers :wrappers); use Gtk2::SimpleList; use Socket; require_root_capability(); unless (any { detect_devices::is_wireless_interface($_) } detect_devices::getNet()) { ugtk2::err_dialog(N("Error"), N("You do not have any wireless interface. Run the \"%s\" assistant from the Mandriva Linux Control Center", N("Set up a new network interface (LAN, ISDN, ADSL, ...)"))); ugtk2::exit(0); } # global settings my $route = '/sbin/route -n'; my $IWList = '/sbin/iwlist'; my $IWConfig = '/sbin/iwconfig'; my $IFConfig = '/sbin/ifconfig'; my $IFUp = '/sbin/ifup'; my $IFDown = '/sbin/ifdown'; my $DHClient = '/sbin/dhclient'; my $enable_roaming = member('--roaming', @ARGV); #- not tested yet ... # initialize variables my $ScanInterval = 30; # tell deamon to search for new nets every x seconds my ($KnownList, $AvailableList); my $device; my %available_roaming_daemons = ( wlandetect => { config_location => '/etc/wlandetect.conf', binary => '/usr/sbin/wlandetect', start_options => sub { my ($interval, undef) = @_; "-d -t $interval"; }, read_config => sub { my ($config) = @_; each_index { /^#/ || /^\n/ and next; #ignore comments and blank lines if (/^(\S+)\s+(.*)$/) { my ($essid, $mode, $channel, $dhcp, $key); my $command = $2; # setup new network entry $essid = $1; ($mode) = $command =~ /mode\s([^\s;]+)/; ($channel) = $command =~ /channel\s([^\s;]+)/; ($key) = $command =~ /key\s([^\s;]+)/; $dhcp = $command =~ /dhclient/; &AddNet($essid, $mode, $channel, $dhcp, $key); } else { die "Line $::i of configuration file is not parseable.\n" } } cat_($config); }, write_config => sub { my ($config) = @_; my @contents = ( "#wlandetect configuration file\n", "#format: essidcommands\n", "#use \@DEV\@ for device name\n" ); foreach my $row (@{$KnownList->{data}}) { # again, lame my $essid = $row->[0]; my $iwc = join(' ', $IWConfig, "essid $essid", if_($row->[1], "mode $row->[1]"), if_($row->[2], "channel $row->[2]"), if_($row->[4], "key $row->[4]")); my $ifc = $row->[3] ? "$IFConfig \@DEV\@ up; $DHClient \@DEV\@" : "$IFUp \@DEV\@"; push @contents, "$essid\t\t$iwc; $ifc\n"; } output_with_perm($config, 0600, @contents); }, add_net => sub {}, remove_net => sub {}, }, waproamd => { config_location => '/etc/waproamd/scripts', binary => '/usr/sbin/waproamd', start_options => sub { my ($interval, $device) = @_; "-i $device -t $interval"; }, read_config => sub { my ($config) = @_; foreach my $net (all($config)) { $net eq "default" or next; print "Adding net $net\n" if $::testing; push @{$KnownList->{data}}, [$net]; } }, write_config => sub {}, add_net => sub { my ($config, $essid) = @_; output_p("$config/$essid", qq(# essid specific config file)); }, remove_net => sub { my ($config, $essid) = @_; system("rm -f $config/$essid"); }, }, ); my $roaming_daemon = $available_roaming_daemons{wlandetect}; my $ScanEntry = Gtk2::Entry->new; $ScanEntry->set_width_chars(4); $ScanEntry->set_text($ScanInterval); $KnownList = Gtk2::SimpleList->new( N("ESSID") => "text", N("Mode") => "text", N("Channel") => "text", N("DHCP") => "bool", N("Key") => "text" ); $KnownList->get_selection->set_mode('single'); $KnownList->set_reorderable(1); $KnownList->set_column_editable(1, TRUE); # allow to change mode $KnownList->set_column_editable(2, TRUE); # allow to change channel $KnownList->set_column_editable(4, TRUE); # allow to change key $AvailableList = Gtk2::SimpleList->new( "ESSID" => "text", "Type" => "text", "Encryption" => "text", "Signal (%)" => "int" ); $AvailableList->get_selection->set_mode('single'); my $NetLabel = Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new(N("Network:")); my $IpLabel = Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new(N("IP:")); my $GwLabel = Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new(N("Gateway:")); my $ModeLabel = Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new(N("Mode:")); my $WepLabel = Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new(N("Encryption:")); my $SignalLabel = Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new(N("Signal:")); my $net_field = Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new; my $mode_field = Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new; my $ip_field = Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new; my $wep_field = Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new; my $gw_field = Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new; my $sig_field = Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new; my $w = ugtk2->new('Drakroam'); gtkadd(gtkset_border_width($w->{window}, 2), gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new, if_($enable_roaming, 0, gtkadd(gtkset_border_width(Gtk2::Frame->new(N("Roaming")), 2), gtkpack(create_hbox(), gtkpack(Gtk2::VBox->new, my $RoamStatus = Gtk2::Label->new(N("Roaming: %s", N("off"))), gtkpack(create_hbox(), gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Start")), clicked => sub { &StartRoam }), gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Stop")), clicked => sub { &StopRoam }) ) ), gtkpack(Gtk2::VBox->new, Gtk2::Label->new(N("Scan interval (sec): ")), gtkpack(Gtk2::HBox->new, $ScanEntry, gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Set")), clicked => sub { &SetInterval }) ) ) ) )), 1, gtkadd(gtkset_border_width(Gtk2::Frame->new(N("Known Networks (Drag up/down or edit)")), 2), gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new, 1, create_scrolled_window($KnownList), 0, gtkpack(create_hbox(), gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Remove")), clicked => sub { my ($selected) = $KnownList->get_selected_indices; &RemoveNet($selected); }), gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Connect")), clicked => sub { my ($selected) = $KnownList->get_selected_indices; &ConnectNow($selected); }), gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Save")), clicked => sub { &WriteConfig }) ) ) ), 1, gtkadd(gtkset_border_width(Gtk2::Frame->new(N("Available Networks")), 2), gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new, 1, create_scrolled_window($AvailableList), 0, gtkpack(create_hbox(), gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Add")), clicked => sub { my @selected = $AvailableList->get_selected_indices; my ($mode, $channel, $key); my $essid = $AvailableList->{data}["@selected"][0]; my $dhcp = 1; # assume dhcp for new networks if ($essid) { &AddNet($essid, $mode, $channel, $dhcp, $key); } else { print "ESSID is empty, skipping network\n"; } }), gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Rescan")), clicked => sub { &UpdateAvailable }) ) ) ), 0, gtkadd(gtkset_border_width(Gtk2::Frame->new(N("Status")), 2), gtkpack(Gtk2::VBox->new, create_packtable({ col_spacings => 5, row_spacings => 5, homogenous => 1 }, [ $NetLabel, $net_field, $IpLabel, $ip_field, $GwLabel, $gw_field ], [ $ModeLabel, $mode_field, $WepLabel, $wep_field, $SignalLabel, $sig_field ], ), gtkpack(create_hbox(), gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Disconnect")), clicked => sub { &Disconnect }), gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Refresh")), clicked => sub { &UpdateStatus }), gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Close")), clicked => sub { Gtk2->main_quit }) ) ) ), ) ); # fill the GUI &ReadConfig; &UpdateAll; sub UpdateAll { &UpdateAvailable; #must go first as it defines the device name &UpdateStatus; &UpdateRoaming; } sub isRoamingRunning() { my $name = basename($roaming_daemon->{binary}); any { /\Q$name\E$/ } run_program::get_stdout("ps", "-A"); } sub UpdateRoaming() { my $status = isRoamingRunning() ? N("on") : N("off"); $RoamStatus->set_text(N("Roaming: %s", $status)); return FALSE; #- do not update again if launched on timeout } sub UpdateStatus() { my $CurrentNet = "-"; my $CurrentIP = "---.---.---.---"; my $CurrentGW = "---.---.---.---"; my $CurrentMode = ""; my $CurrentWEP = ""; my $CurrentSignal = "-"; print "Updating\n" if $::testing; foreach (run_program::get_stdout($IWConfig, $device)) { /ESSID:"(.*?)"/ and $CurrentNet = $1; /Mode:(\S*)\s/ and $CurrentMode = $1; /key:(\S*)\s/ and $CurrentWEP = $1; m!Quality[:=](\S*)/! and $CurrentSignal = $1; } foreach (run_program::get_stdout($IFConfig, $device)) { if (/inet addr:(\S*)\s/) { $CurrentIP = $1 } } foreach (run_program::get_stdout($route)) { #- FIXME: use timeout for DNS resolution, factorize with activefw.pm if (/^\s*(\S*)\s/) { $CurrentGW = gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($1), AF_INET) } else { $CurrentGW = "---.---.---.---" } } $net_field->set_text($CurrentNet); $mode_field->set_text($CurrentMode); $ip_field->set_text($CurrentIP); $wep_field->set_text($CurrentWEP); $gw_field->set_text($CurrentGW); $sig_field->set_text($CurrentSignal); } sub UpdateAvailable() { my ($essid, $mode, $wep, $signal); print "Running iwlist\n" if $::testing; @{$AvailableList->{data}} = (); foreach (`$IWList scan 2>/dev/null`) { /([^ ]+)([ \t]+)Scan completed :/ and $device = $1; /([^ ]+)([ \t]+)No scan results/ and $device = $1; /ESSID:"(.*?)"/ and $essid = $1; /Mode:(\S*)/ and $mode = $1; m!Quality[:=](\S*)/! and $signal = $1; if (/key:(\S*)\s/) { $wep = $1; print "ESSID: $essid, Mode: $mode, WEP: $wep, Signal: $signal\n" if $::testing; push @{$AvailableList->{data}}, [$essid, $mode, $wep, $signal]; } } } sub AddNet { my ($essid, $mode, $channel, $dhcp, $key) = @_; print "Adding net $essid\n" if $::testing; push @{$KnownList->{data}}, [ $essid, $mode, $channel, $dhcp, $key ]; $_->{add_net}($_->{config_location}, $essid) foreach values %available_roaming_daemons; } sub RemoveNet { my ($selected) = @_; my $essid = $KnownList->{data}[$selected][0]; print "Removing net $essid\n" if $::testing; splice @{$KnownList->{data}}, $selected, 1; $_->{remove_net}($_->{config_location}, $essid) foreach values %available_roaming_daemons; } sub ReadConfig() { $_->{read_config}($_->{config_location}) foreach values %available_roaming_daemons; } sub WriteConfig() { $_->{write_config}($_->{config_location}) foreach values %available_roaming_daemons; } sub StartRoam() { my $options = $roaming_daemon->{start_options}($ScanInterval, $device); my $name = basename($roaming_daemon->{binary}); system("killall $name; $roaming_daemon->{binary} $options &"); Glib::Timeout->add(1000, \&UpdateRoaming); } sub StopRoam() { my $name = basename($roaming_daemon->{binary}); system("killall $name"); Glib::Timeout->add(1000, \&UpdateRoaming); } sub SetInterval() { $ScanInterval = $ScanEntry->get_text; if (isRoamingRunning()) { StopRoam(); StartRoam(); } } sub ConnectNow { my ($row) = @_; my @command = ""; push @command, "$IWConfig $device essid $KnownList->{data}[$row][0] "; my %commands = (1 => 'mode', 2 => 'channel', 4 => 'key'); push @command, map { "$commands{$_} $KnownList->{data}[$row][$_] " } grep { $KnownList->{data}[$row][$_] } keys %commands; push @command, "; "; if ($KnownList->{data}[$row][3]) { push @command, "$IFConfig $device up; $DHClient $device"; } else { push @command, "$IFUp $device"; } my $ToBash = join("", @command); print "Sending $ToBash\n" if $::testing; system($ToBash); &UpdateStatus; } sub Disconnect { print "Dropping $device\n" if $::testing; system("$IFDown $device"); &UpdateStatus; } sub Dialog { my ($FilePointer) = @_; my $content = join('', cat_($FilePointer)); # dump into a dialog my $AboutWindow = Gtk2::Dialog->new(N("Information"), $w->{real_window}, 'destroy-with-parent', N("Ok") => 'none'); $AboutWindow->vbox->add(create_scrolled_window(Gtk2::Label->new($content))); $AboutWindow->signal_connect(response => sub { $_[0]->destroy }); $AboutWindow->show_all; } $w->main;