#!/usr/bin/perl # # author Guillaume Cottenceau (gc@mandrakesoft.com) # modified by Florin Grad (florin@mandrakesoft.com) # # Copyright 2000-2003 MandrakeSoft # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX); use standalone; #- warning, standalone must be loaded very first, for 'explanations' use common; use detect_devices; use interactive; use network::network; use log; use c; use network::netconnect; use network::shorewall; $::isInstall and die "Not supported during install.\n"; local $_ = join '', @ARGV; $::Wizard_pix_up = "wiz_drakgw.png"; $::direct = /-direct/; my $sysconf_network = "/etc/sysconfig/network"; my $sysconf_dhcpd = "/etc/sysconfig/dhcpd"; my $rc_firewall_generic = "/etc/rc.d/rc.firewall"; my $rc_firewall_drakgw = "/etc/rc.d/rc.firewall.inet_sharing"; my $rc_firewall_24 = "/etc/rc.d/rc.firewall.inet_sharing-2.4"; my $masq_file = "/etc/shorewall/masq"; my $dhcpd_conf = "/etc/dhcpd.conf"; my $cups_conf = "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"; my $in = 'interactive'->vnew('su'); my $shorewall = network::shorewall::read($in, 'silent'); $::Wizard_title = N("Internet Connection Sharing"); $in->isa('interactive::gtk') and $::isWizard = 1; sub sys { system(@_) == 0 or log::l("[drakgw] Warning, sys failed for $_[0]") } sub outpend { log::explanations("modified file $_[0]"); my $f = shift; local *F; open F, ">>$f" or die "outpend in file $f failed: $!\n"; print F foreach @_; } sub start_daemons () { return if $::testing; my $cups_used = 0; log::explanations("Starting daemons"); if (-f "/etc/rc.d/init.d/cups") { if (system("/etc/rc.d/init.d/cups status >/dev/null") == 0) { $cups_used = 1; sys("/etc/rc.d/init.d/cups stop"); } } system("/etc/rc.d/init.d/dhcpd status >/dev/null") == 0 and sys("/etc/rc.d/init.d/dhcpd stop"); system("/etc/rc.d/init.d/named status >/dev/null 2>/dev/null") == 0 and sys("/etc/rc.d/init.d/named stop"); my $netscripts = '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts'; sys("$netscripts/net_cnx_down >/dev/null"); sys("/etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart >/dev/null"); sys("$netscripts/net_cnx_up >/dev/null"); sys("/etc/init.d/shorewall restart >/dev/null"); sys("/etc/rc.d/init.d/$_ start >/dev/null"), sys("/sbin/chkconfig --level 345 $_ on") foreach 'named', 'dhcpd', 'shorewall'; sys("/etc/rc.d/init.d/cups start >/dev/null") if $cups_used; } sub stop_daemons () { return if $::testing; log::explanations("Stopping daemons"); foreach (qw(dhcpd named)) { system("/etc/rc.d/init.d/$_ status >/dev/null 2>/dev/null") == 0 and sys("/etc/rc.d/init.d/$_ stop"); } system("/etc/rc.d/init.d/shorewall status >/dev/null 2>/dev/null") == 0 and sys("/etc/rc.d/init.d/shorewall clear >/dev/null"); sys("/sbin/chkconfig --level 345 $_ off") foreach 'named', 'dhcpd'; } my $wait_configuring; sub fatal_quit ($) { log::l("[drakgw] FATAL: $_[0]"); undef $wait_configuring; $in->ask_warn('', $_[0]); quit_global($in, -1); } my ($kernel_version) = c::kernel_version() =~ /(...)/; log::l("[drakgw] kernel_version $kernel_version"); $kernel_version >= 2.4 or fatal_quit(N("Sorry, we support only 2.4 kernels.")); begin: #- ********************************** #- * 0th step: verify if we are already set up if ($shorewall && -f "/etc/shorewall/masq") { $::Wizard_no_previous = 1; if (!$shorewall->{disabled}) { my $r = $in->ask_from_list_(N("Internet Connection Sharing currently enabled"), N("The setup of Internet Connection Sharing has already been done. It's currently enabled. What would you like to do?"), [ N_("disable"), N_("reconfigure"), N_("dismiss") ]) or quit_global($in, 0); if ($r eq "disable") { { my $_wait_disabl = $in->wait_message('', N("Disabling servers...")); stop_daemons(); } foreach ($dhcpd_conf, $masq_file) { if (-f $_) { rename($_, "$_.drakgwdisable") or die "Could not rename $_ to $_.drakgwdisable" }; } sys("/etc/init.d/shorewall restart >/dev/null"); log::l("[drakgw] Disabled"); $::Wizard_finished = 1; $in->ask_okcancel('', N("Internet Connection Sharing is now disabled.")); quit_global($in, 0); } if ($r eq "dismiss") { quit_global($in, 0); } } else { my $r = $in->ask_from_list_(N("Internet Connection Sharing currently disabled"), N("The setup of Internet connection sharing has already been done. It's currently disabled. What would you like to do?"), [ N_("enable"), N_("reconfigure"), N_("dismiss") ]); if ($r eq "enable") { foreach ($dhcpd_conf, $masq_file) { rename($_, "$_.old") if -f $_; rename("$_.drakgwdisable", $_) or die "Could not find configuration. Please reconfigure."; } { my $_wait_enabl = $in->wait_message('', N("Enabling servers...")); start_daemons(); } log::l("[drakgw] Enabled"); $::Wizard_finished = 1; $in->ask_okcancel('', N("Internet Connection Sharing is now enabled.")); quit_global($in, 0); } if ($r eq "dismiss") { quit_global($in, 0); } } } #- ********************************** #- * 1st step: detect/setup step_ask_confirm: undef $::Wizard_no_previous; $::direct or $in->ask_okcancel(N("Internet Connection Sharing"), N("You are about to configure your computer to share its Internet connection. With that feature, other computers on your local network will be able to use this computer's Internet connection. Make sure you have configured your Network/Internet access using drakconnect before going any further. Note: you need a dedicated Network Adapter to set up a Local Area Network (LAN)."), 1) or goto begin; step_detectsetup: my @configured_devices = map { /ifcfg-(\S+)/ } glob('/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg*'); my %aliased_devices; /^\s*alias\s+(eth[0-9])\s+(\S+)/ and $aliased_devices{$1} = $2 foreach cat_("/etc/modules.conf"); my $card_netconnect = network::netconnect::get_net_device() || "eth0"; defined $card_netconnect and log::l("[drakgw] Information from netconnect: ignore card $card_netconnect"); $in->ask_from('', N("Please enter the name of the interface connected to the internet. Examples: ppp+ for modem or DSL connections, eth0, or eth1 for cable connection, ippp+ for a isdn connection. ", $card_netconnect), [ { label => N("Net Device"), val => \$card_netconnect, list => [ detect_devices::getNet() ], not_edit => 0 } ]) or goto step_ask_confirm; my @cards = grep { log::l("[drakgw] Have network card: $_"); $_ ne $card_netconnect } detect_devices::getNet(); push @cards, $card_netconnect if $::testing; log::l("[drakgw] Available network cards: ", join(", ", @cards)); my $format = sub { $aliased_devices{$_[0]} ? N("Interface %s (using module %s)", $_[0], $aliased_devices{$_[0]}) : N("Interface %s", $_[0]); }; #- setup the network interface we shall use step_interface_choice: my $device; if (!@cards) { $in->ask_warn(N("No network adapter on your system!"), N("No ethernet network adapter has been detected on your system. Please run the hardware configuration tool.")); quit_global($in, 0); } elsif (@cards == 1) { $device = $cards[0]; $in->ask_okcancel(N("Network interface"), N("There is only one configured network adapter on your system: %s I am about to setup your Local Area Network with that adapter.", $format->($device)), 1) or goto step_detectsetup; } else { $device = $in->ask_from_listf(N("Choose the network interface"), N("Please choose what network adapter will be connected to your Local Area Network."), $format, \@cards, ) or goto step_detectsetup; defined $device or quit_global($in, 0); } log::explanations("Choosing network device: $device"); my $conf = read_interface_conf("/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$device"); my $server_ip = $conf->{IPADDR} ||= network::network::read_dhcpd_conf()->{option_routers}[0] ||= ""; my $lan_address = $server_ip =~ m/(.*)\.(.*)/ && $1 ? "$1.0" : ""; my $nameserver_ip = network::network::read_resolv_conf_raw()->{nameserver}[0] ||= network::network::read_dhcpd_conf()->{domain_name_servers}[0] ||= ""; my $netmask = $conf->{NETMASK} ||= network::network::read_dhcpd_conf()->{subnet_mask}[0] ||= ""; my $start_range = network::network::read_dhcpd_conf()->{dynamic_bootp}[0] ||= "16"; my $end_range = network::network::read_dhcpd_conf()->{dynamic_bootp}[1] ||= "253"; my $default_lease = network::network::read_dhcpd_conf()->{max_lease_time}[0] ||= "21600"; my $max_lease = network::network::read_dhcpd_conf()->{default_lease_time}[0] ||= "43200"; my $internal_domain_name = network::network::read_dhcpd_conf()->{domain_name}[0] ||= network::network::read_resolv_conf_raw()->{search}[0] ||= "homeland.net"; my $reconf_dhcp_server_intf = 1; if (any { /$device/ } @configured_devices) { step_warning_already_conf: my $auto = N("Yes"); my $_dhcp_details = N("Yes"); $in->ask_from(N("Network interface already configured"), N("Warning, the network adapter (%s) is already configured. Do you want an automatic re-configuration? You can do it manually but you need to know what you're doing.", $device), [ { label => N("Automatic reconfiguration"), val => \$auto, list => [ N("Yes"), N("No (experts only)") ] }, { val => N("Show current interface configuration"), clicked => sub { $in->ask_okcancel(N("Current interface configuration"), N("Current configuration of `%s': Network: %s IP address: %s IP attribution: %s Driver: %s", $device, $conf->{NETWORK}, $conf->{IPADDR}, $conf->{BOOTPROTO}, $aliased_devices{$device} || '(unknown)')) } } ]) or goto step_interface_choice; if ($auto ne N("Yes")) { $reconf_dhcp_server_intf = 0; $server_ip = $conf->{IPADDR} ||= network::network::read_dhcpd_conf()->{option_routers}[0] ||= ""; $nameserver_ip = $conf->{IPADDR} ||= network::network::read_dhcpd_conf()->{domain_name_servers}[0] ||= ""; $lan_address = $server_ip =~ m/(.*)\.(.*)/ && $1 ? "$1.0" : $conf->{NETWORK}; $in->ask_from('', N("I can keep your current configuration and assume you already set up a DHCP server; in that case please verify I correctly read the Network that you use for your local network; I will not reconfigure it and I will not touch your DHCP server configuration. The default DNS entry is the Caching Nameserver configured on the firewall. You can replace that with your ISP DNS IP, for example. Otherwise, I can reconfigure your interface and (re)configure a DHCP server for you. ", $device), [ { label => N("Local Network adress"), val => \$lan_address, type => 'entry' }, { label => N("Netmask"), val => \$netmask, type => 'entry' } ]) or goto step_warning_already_conf; $in->ask_from('', N("DHCP Server Configuration. Here you can select different options for the DHCP server configuration. If you don't know the meaning of an option, simply leave it as it is. ", $device), [ { label => N("(This) DHCP Server IP"), val => \$server_ip, type => 'entry' }, { label => N("The DNS Server IP"), val => \$nameserver_ip, type => 'entry' }, { label => N("The internal domain name"), val => \$internal_domain_name, type => 'entry' }, { label => N("The DHCP start range"), val => \$start_range, type => 'entry' }, { label => N("The DHCP end range"), val => \$end_range, type => 'entry' }, { label => N("The default lease (in seconds)"), val => \$default_lease, type => 'entry' }, { label => N("The maximum lease (in seconds)"), val => \$max_lease, type => 'entry' }, { label => N("Re-configure interface and DHCP server"), val => \$reconf_dhcp_server_intf, type => 'bool' } ]) or goto step_warning_already_conf; } } if (!($lan_address =~ s/\.0$//)) { $in->ask_warn('', N("The Local Network did not finish with `.0', bailing out.")); quit_global($in, 0); } log::explanations("Using LAN address <$lan_address>"); #- test for potential conflict with other networks foreach (grep { $_ ne $device } @configured_devices) { any { /$lan_address/ } cat_("/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$_") and ($in->ask_warn('', N("Potential LAN address conflict found in current config of %s!\n", $_)) or goto step_detectsetup); } #- test for potential conflict with previous firewall config network::shorewall::check_iptables($in) or goto step_detectsetup; #- ********************************** #- * 2nd step: configure $wait_configuring = $in->wait_message(N("Configuring..."), N("Configuring scripts, installing software, starting servers...")); #- setup the /etc/sysconfig/network-script/ script if ($reconf_dhcp_server_intf) { log::explanations("Reconfiguring network parameters of $device"); my $network_scripts = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts"; my $ifcfg = "$network_scripts/ifcfg-$device"; renamef($ifcfg, "$network_scripts/old.ifcfg-$device"); output($ifcfg, qq(DEVICE=$device BOOTPROTO=static IPADDR=$server_ip NETMASK=$netmask NETWORK=$lan_address.0 BROADCAST=$lan_address.255 ONBOOT=yes )); } #- install and setup the RPM packages my $rpms_to_install; my %rpm2file = ('dhcp-server' => '/usr/sbin/dhcpd', bind => '/usr/sbin/named', shorewall => '/sbin/shorewall', 'caching-nameserver' => '/var/named/named.local'); #- first: try to install all in one step my @needed_to_install = grep { !-e $rpm2file{$_} } keys %rpm2file; @needed_to_install and $in->do_pkgs->install(@needed_to_install) if !$::testing; #- second: try one by one if failure detected if (!$::testing && any { !-e $rpm2file{$_} } keys %rpm2file) { foreach (keys %rpm2file) { -e $rpm2file{$_} or $in->do_pkgs->install($_); -e $rpm2file{$_} or fatal_quit(N("Problems installing package %s", $_)); } } put_in_hash($shorewall ||= {}, { disabled => 0, net_interface => $card_netconnect, loc_interface => [ grep { $_ ne $device } @cards ], masquerade => { interface => $device, subnet => "$lan_address.0/$netmask" }, }); network::shorewall::write($shorewall); #- be sure that FORWARD_IPV4 is enabled in /etc/sysconfig/network substInFile { s/^FORWARD_IPV4.*\n//; $_ .= "FORWARD_IPV4=true\n" if eof } $sysconf_network; #- setup the DHCP server if ($reconf_dhcp_server_intf) { log::explanations("Configuring a DHCP server on $lan_address.0"); renamef($dhcpd_conf, "$dhcpd_conf.old"); output($dhcpd_conf, qq(subnet $lan_address.0 netmask $netmask { # default gateway option routers $server_ip; option subnet-mask $netmask; option domain-name "$internal_domain_name"; option domain-name-servers $nameserver_ip; range dynamic-bootp $lan_address.$start_range $lan_address.$end_range; default-lease-time $default_lease; max-lease-time $max_lease; } )); } my $update_dhcp = '/usr/sbin/update_dhcp.pl'; -e $update_dhcp and system($update_dhcp); #- put the interface for the dhcp server in the sysconfig-dhcp config, for the /etc/init.d script of dhcpd substInFile { s/^INTERFACES\n//; $_ .= qq(INTERFACES="$device"\n) if eof } $sysconf_dhcpd; #- Set up /etc/cups/cupsd.conf to make the broadcasting of the printer info #- working correctly: #- #- 1. ServerName # because clients do necessarily #- # know the server's name #- #- 2. BrowseAddress # broadcast printer info into #- # the local network. #- #- 3. BrowseOrder Deny,Allow #- BrowseDeny All #- BrowseAllow # Only accept broadcast signals #- # coming from local network #- #- 4. #- Order Deny,Allow #- Deny From All #- Allow From # Allow only machines of local #- # network to access the server #- #- These steps are only done when the CUPS package is installed. #- Modify the root location block in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf if (-f $cups_conf) { log::explanations("Updating CUPS configuration accordingly"); substInFile { s/^ServerName[^:].*\n//; $_ .= "ServerName $server_ip\n" if eof; s/^BrowseAddress.*\n//; $_ .= "BrowseAddress $lan_address.255\n" if eof; s/^BrowseOrder.*\n//; $_ .= "BrowseOrder Deny,Allow\n" if eof; s/^BrowseDeny.*\n//; $_ .= "BrowseDeny All\n" if eof; s/^BrowseAllow.*\n//; $_ .= "BrowseAllow $lan_address.*\n" if eof; } $cups_conf; my @cups_conf_content = cat_($cups_conf); my @root_location; my $root_location_start; my $root_location_end; # Cut out the root location block so that it can be treated seperately # without affecting the rest of the file if (any { m|^\s*| } @cups_conf_content) { $root_location_start = -1; $root_location_end = -1; # Go through all the lines, bail out when start and end line found for (my $i = 0; $i < @cups_conf_content && $root_location_end == -1; $i++) { if ($cups_conf_content[$i] =~ m|^\s*<\s*Location\s+/\s*>|) { $root_location_start = $i; } elsif ($cups_conf_content[$i] =~ m|^\s*<\s*/Location\s*>| && $root_location_start != -1) { $root_location_end = $i; } } # Rip out the block and store it seperately @root_location = splice(@cups_conf_content, $root_location_start, $root_location_end - $root_location_start + 1); } else { # If there is no root location block, create one $root_location_start = @cups_conf_content; @root_location = ("\n", "\n"); } # Delete all former "Order", "Allow", and "Deny" lines from the root location block s/^\s*Order.*//, s/^\s*Allow.*//, s/^\s*Deny.*// foreach @root_location; # Add the new "Order" and "Deny" lines, add an "Allow" line for the local network splice(@root_location, -1, 0, $_) foreach "Order Deny,Allow\n", "Deny From All\n", "Allow From\n", "Allow From $lan_address.*\n"; # Put the changed root location block back into the file splice(@cups_conf_content, $root_location_start, 0, @root_location); output $cups_conf, @cups_conf_content; } #- start the daemons start_daemons(); #- bye-bye message undef $wait_configuring; $::Wizard_no_previous = 1; $::Wizard_finished = 1; $in->ask_okcancel(N("Congratulations!"), N("Everything has been configured. You may now share Internet connection with other computers on your Local Area Network, using automatic network configuration (DHCP).")); log::l("[drakgw] Installation complete, exiting"); quit_global($in, 0); sub quit_global { my ($in, $exitcode) = @_; $in->exit($exitcode); goto begin }