#!/usr/bin/perl # DrakConnect $Id$ # Copyright (C) 1999-2004 MandrakeSoft # Damien "Dam's" Krotkine # Damien "poulpy" Chaumette # Thierry Vignaud # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. use strict; use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX); use standalone; #- warning, standalone must be loaded very first, for 'explanations' use interactive; use common; use network::netconnect; use network::ethernet; use network::tools; use network::modem; use network::network; use c; use modules; use network::isdn; use network::adsl; use network::tools; use MDK::Common::Globals "network", qw($in); use POSIX ":sys_wait_h"; my ($netcnx, $netc, $intf) = ({}, {}, {}); #my @conx_type = ('modem', 'isdn_internal', 'isdn_external', 'adsl', 'cable', 'lan'); my $in = 'interactive'->vnew('su'); if ($in->isa('interactive::gtk')) { require ugtk2; ugtk2->import(qw(:create :dialogs :helpers :wrappers)); } reread_net_conf(); $::Wizard_title = N("Network & Internet Configuration"); $::Wizard_pix_up = "drakconnect.png"; MDK::Common::Globals::init(in => $in); local $_ = join '', @ARGV; /--skip-wizard/ and manage($netc, $intf); /--add/ and add_intf(); /--del/ and del_intf(); if (/--install/) { $::isInstall = 1; add_intf() } /--internet/ and configure_net($netcnx, $netc, $intf); # default is to run wizard add_intf(); my @all_cards; my $window1 = ugtk2->new('drakconnect'); $window1->{rwindow}->signal_connect(delete_event => sub { ugtk2->exit(0) }); unless ($::isEmbedded) { $window1->{rwindow}->set_position('center'); $window1->{rwindow}->set_title(N("Network configuration (%d adapters)", scalar @all_cards)); $window1->{rwindow}->set_size_request(-1, -1); } $window1->{rwindow}->set_border_width(10); my $warning_label1; my ($lan_button, $host_button, $button_apply); my $hostname = chomp_(`hostname`); my $int_label = Gtk2::Label->new($netcnx->{type} eq 'lan' ? N("Gateway:") : N("Interface:")); my $interface_name = Gtk2::Label->new($netcnx->{type} eq 'lan' ? $netc->{GATEWAY} : $netcnx->{NET_INTERFACE}); my $isconnected = -1; my $int_connect = Gtk2::Button->new(N("Wait please")); $int_connect->set_sensitive(0); $int_connect->signal_connect(clicked => sub { if (!$isconnected) { if (cat_($network::tools::connect_prog) =~ m|/usr/bin/kppp| && -e '/usr/bin/kppp') { run_program::run("/usr/bin/kppp &"); } else { connect_backend(); } } else { disconnect_backend(); } }); my $tree_model = Gtk2::TreeStore->new("Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf", map { "Glib::String" } 2..6); my $list = Gtk2::TreeView->new_with_model($tree_model); $list->append_column(Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes(undef, Gtk2::CellRendererPixbuf->new, 'pixbuf' => 0)); each_index { $list->append_column(my $col = Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes($_, Gtk2::CellRendererText->new, 'text' => $::i + 1)); $col->set_sort_column_id($::i); } (N("Interface"), N("IP address"), N("Protocol"), N("Driver"), N("State")); $list->signal_connect(button_press_event => sub { my (undef, $event) = @_; my (undef, $iter) = $list->get_selection->get_selected; return unless $iter; configure_lan() if $event->type eq '2button-press'; }); update_list(); my ($label_host, $int_state); $window1->{window}->add( gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,10), 0, gtkpack(Gtk2::HBox->new, Gtk2::Label->new(N("Hostname: ")), $label_host = Gtk2::Label->new($hostname), $host_button = gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Configure hostname...")), clicked => sub { local ($::isWizard, $::Wizard_finished) = (1, 1); eval { # For wizcancel configureNetworkNet($in, $netc, $intf, map { $_->[0] } @all_cards); $button_apply->set_sensitive(1); update(); }; if ($@ =~ /wizcancel/) {} $::WizardWindow->destroy; undef $::WizardWindow; } ), ), 1, gtkadd(Gtk2::Frame->new(N("LAN configuration")), gtkpack_(gtkset_border_width(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), 5), 0, $list, 0, Gtk2::HBox->new(0,0), 0, gtkpack_(Gtk2::HBox->new(0, 0), 0, $lan_button = gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Configure Local Area Network...")), clicked => \&configure_lan), ), ) ), 0, gtkpack(Gtk2::HButtonBox->new, gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Help")), clicked => sub { exec("drakhelp --id internet-connection") unless fork() }), $button_apply = gtksignal_connect(gtkset_sensitive(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Apply")), 0), clicked => \&apply), gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Cancel")), clicked => \&quit_global), gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Ok")), clicked => sub { if ($button_apply->get('sensitive')) { my $dialog = _create_dialog(N("Please wait")); gtkpack($dialog->vbox, Gtk2::Label->new(N("Please Wait... Applying the configuration"))); $dialog->show_all; gtkflush(); apply(); $dialog->destroy; } update(); quit_global(); }), ), ), ); $window1->{rwindow}->show_all; gtkflush(); $window1->main; ugtk2->exit(0); sub manage { my ($netc, $intf) = @_; my $p = {}; my ($interface_menu, $selected, $apply_button); my $window = ugtk2->new('Manage Connection'); my $notebook = Gtk2::Notebook->new; $notebook->set_property('show-tabs', 0); $notebook->set_property('show-border', 0); eval(cat_('/etc/sysconfig/drakconnect')); my %name = network::ethernet::get_eth_cards_names(network::ethernet::get_eth_cards); foreach (keys %name) { $p->{/eth|ath|wlan/ ? $name{$_} : $_} = { kind => $_ }; } foreach (keys %$intf) { /^ippp/ and $p->{isdn} = { kind => $_ }; /^ppp0/ and $p->{modem} = { kind => $_ }; }; $window->{rwindow}->add(gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new, 0, $interface_menu = gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::OptionMenu->new, changed => sub { $selected = $interface_menu->get_text; $notebook->set_current_page($p->{$selected}{gui}{index}); }, ), 1, $notebook, 0, create_okcancel(my $oc = { cancel_clicked => sub { $window->destroy; Gtk2->main_quit }, ok_clicked => sub { if ($apply_button->get_property('sensitive')) { save($netc, $p, $apply_button); } $window->destroy; Gtk2->main_quit; }, }, undef, undef, '', [ N("Help"), sub { exec("drakhelp --id internet-connection") unless fork() } ], [ N("Apply"), sub { save($netc, $p, $apply_button) }, 0, 1 ], ), ), ); $apply_button = $oc->{buttons}{N("Apply")}; each_index { my ($name, $interface, $protocol) = ($_, $p->{$_}{kind}, $p->{$_}{protocol}); $p->{$name}{gui}{index} = $::i; build_tree($netc, $p->{$name}{intf} = $intf->{$name =~ /eth|ath|wlan/ ? $interface : $name} || {}, $name, $interface, $protocol); build_notebook($netc, $p->{$name}{intf}, $p->{$name}{gui}, $apply_button, $name, $interface); $notebook->append_page(gtkpack(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), $p->{$name}{gui}{notebook})); } (sort keys %$p); $interface_menu->set_popdown_strings(sort keys %$p); $apply_button->set_sensitive(0); $window->{rwindow}->show_all; $window->main; ugtk2->exit(0); } sub build_tree { my ($netc, $intf, $interface, $interface_kind, $protocol) = @_; if ($interface eq 'adsl') { $intf->{pages} = { N("TCP/IP") => 1, N("Account") => 1, N("Options") => 1, N("Information") => 1 }; network::adsl::adsl_probe_info($intf, $netc, $protocol, $interface_kind); $intf->{save} = sub { $netc->{internet_cnx_choice} = 'adsl'; $netc->{at_boot} = $intf->{ONBOOT} eq 'yes' ? 1 : 0; network::adsl::adsl_conf_backend($in, $intf, $netc, $interface_kind, $protocol) }; } elsif ($interface eq 'modem') { $intf->{pages} = { N("TCP/IP") => 1, N("Account") => 1, N("Modem") => 1, N("Options") => 1 }; # FIXME: code duplication, should be in network::modem::read_config $intf->{device} = $netc->{autodetect}{modem}; my %l = getVarsFromSh("$::prefix/usr/share/config/kppprc"); $intf->{kppprc} = "$::prefix/root/.kde/share/config/kppprc"; my %m = getVarsFromSh($intf->{kppprc}); $l{$_} = $m{$_} foreach keys %m; ($intf->{dns1}, $intf->{dns2}) = split(',', $l{DNS}); $intf->{$_->[0]} = $l{$_->[1]} foreach [ 'connection' , 'Name' ], [ 'domain', 'Domain' ], [ 'login', 'Username' ], [ 'Timeout', 'Timeout' ], [ 'UseLockFile', 'UseLockFile' ], [ 'Enter', 'Enter' ], [ 'BusyWait', 'BusyWait' ], [ 'FlowControl', 'FlowControl' ], [ 'Speed', 'Speed' ], [ 'DialTone', 'DialTone' ], [ 'Volume', 'Volume' ]; /.*ATDT(\d*)/ and $intf->{phone} = $1 foreach cat_("/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/chat-ppp0"); /NAME=(['"]?)(.*)\1/ and $intf->{login} ||= $2 foreach cat_("/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ppp0"); $_->{login} eq $intf->{login} and $intf->{passwd} = $_->{passwd} foreach @{network::tools::read_secret_backend()}; $intf->{save} = sub { network::modem::ppp_configure($in, $intf) }; } elsif ($interface eq 'isdn') { $intf->{pages} = { N("TCP/IP") => 1, N("Account") => 1, N("Modem") => 1, N("Options") => 1 }; network::isdn::isdn_read_config($intf); $intf->{save} = sub { network::isdn::isdn_write_config($intf, $netc) }; } else { #- ethernet is default $intf->{pages} = { N("TCP/IP") => 1, if_($intf->{WIRELESS_MODE}, N("Wireless") => 1), N("Options") => 1, N("Information") => 1 }; } } sub build_notebook { my ($netc, $intf, $gui, $apply_button, $interface, $interface_kind) = @_; my $apply = sub { $apply_button->set_sensitive(1) }; my $is_ethernet = $interface =~ /eth|ath|wlan/; if ($intf->{pages}{N("TCP/IP")}) { gtkpack_($gui->{sheet}{N("TCP/IP")} = Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), if_($is_ethernet, 0, $gui->{intf}{BOOTPROTO} = gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::OptionMenu->new, changed => sub { return if !$_[0]->realized; my $proto = $gui->{intf}{BOOTPROTO}; my $protocol = $intf->{BOOTPROTO} = { reverse %{$proto->{protocols}} }->{$proto->get_text}; foreach ($gui->{intf}{IPADDR}, $gui->{intf}{NETMASK}, $gui->{netc}{GATEWAY}) { $_->set_sensitive($protocol eq "static" ? 1 : 0) }; $apply->() }, ), ), 1, gtkpack(Gtk2::HBox->new(0,0), gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), 0, gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), 1, Gtk2::Label->new(N("IP address")), 0, gtksignal_connect($gui->{intf}{IPADDR} = Gtk2::Entry->new, key_press_event => $apply), ), 0, gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), 1, Gtk2::Label->new(N("Netmask")), 0, gtksignal_connect($gui->{intf}{NETMASK} = Gtk2::Entry->new, key_press_event => $apply), ), if_($is_ethernet, 0, gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), 1, Gtk2::Label->new(N("Gateway")), 0, gtksignal_connect($gui->{netc}{GATEWAY} = Gtk2::Entry->new, key_press_event => $apply), ), ), ), Gtk2::VSeparator->new, gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), 1, gtkadd(Gtk2::Frame->new(N("DNS servers")), gtkpack(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), Gtk2::Label->new($intf->{dns1} || $netc->{dnsServer}), Gtk2::Label->new($intf->{dns2} || $netc->{dnsServer2}), Gtk2::Label->new($intf->{dns3} || $netc->{dnsServer3}), ), ), 1, gtkadd(Gtk2::Frame->new(N("Search Domain")), Gtk2::Label->new($intf->{domain} || $netc->{DOMAINNAME} || 'none'), ), ), ), ); if ($is_ethernet) { my $proto = $gui->{intf}{BOOTPROTO}; $proto->{protocols} = { static => N("static"), dhcp => N_("DHCP") }; $proto->set_popdown_strings(values %{$proto->{protocols}}); $proto->set_text($proto->{protocols}{$intf->{BOOTPROTO}}); } else { $_->set_sensitive(0) foreach $gui->{intf}{IPADDR}, $gui->{intf}{NETMASK}; delete $gui->{intf}{BOOTPROTO}; } !$intf->{IPADDR} and ($intf->{IPADDR}, $gui->{active}, $intf->{NETMASK}) = get_intf_ip($interface_kind); $gui->{netc}{$_}->set_text($netc->{$_}) foreach keys %{$gui->{netc}}; } if ($intf->{pages}{N("Wireless")}) { gtkpack($gui->{sheet}{N("Wireless")} = Gtk2::HBox->new(0,0), gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), map { (0, gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), 1, Gtk2::Label->new($_->[0]), 0, gtksignal_connect($gui->{intf}{$_->[1]} = Gtk2::Entry->new, key_press_event => $apply), )); } ([ N("Operating Mode"), "WIRELESS_MODE" ], [ N("Network name (ESSID)"), "WIRELESS_ESSID" ], [ N("Network ID"), "WIRELESS_NWID" ], [ N("Operating frequency"), "WIRELESS_FREQ" ], [ N("Sensitivity threshold"), "WIRELESS_SENS" ], [ N("Bitrate (in b/s)"), "WIRELESS_RATE" ] ), ), Gtk2::VSeparator->new, gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), map { (0, gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), 1, Gtk2::Label->new($_->[0]), 0, gtksignal_connect($gui->{intf}{$_->[1]} = Gtk2::Entry->new, key_press_event => $apply), )); } ([ N("Encryption key"), 'WIRELESS_ENC_KEY' ], [ N("RTS/CTS"), 'WIRELESS_RTS' ], [ N("Fragmentation"), 'WIRELESS_FRAG' ], [ N("Iwconfig command extra arguments"), 'WIRELESS_IWCONFIG' ], [ N("Iwspy command extra arguments"), 'WIRELESS_IWSPY' ], [ N("Iwpriv command extra arguments"), 'WIRELESS_IWPRIV' ], ), ), ); } if ($intf->{pages}{N("Options")}) { gtkpack($gui->{sheet}{N("Options")} = Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), gtkpack__(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), $gui->{intf_bool}{ONBOOT} = gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::CheckButton->new(N("Start at boot")), toggled => $apply), if_($is_ethernet, map { ($gui->{intf_bool}{$_->[0]} = gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::CheckButton->new($_->[1]), toggled => $apply)) } ([ "HWADDR", N("Track network card id (useful for laptops)") ], [ "MII_NOT_SUPPORTED", N("Network Hotplugging") ], ), ), if_($interface eq 'isdn', gtkpack(Gtk2::HBox->new(0,0), gtkpack__(new Gtk2::VBox(0,0), Gtk2::Label->new(N("Dialing mode")), my @dialing_mode_radio = gtkradio(("auto") x 2, "manual"), ), Gtk2::VSeparator->new, gtkpack__(new Gtk2::VBox(0,0), Gtk2::Label->new(N("Connection speed")), my @speed_radio = gtkradio(("64 Kb/s") x 2, "128 Kb/s"), ), ), gtkpack_(Gtk2::HBox->new(0,0), 0, Gtk2::Label->new(N("Connection timeout (in sec)")), 1, gtksignal_connect($gui->{intf}{huptimeout} = Gtk2::Entry->new, key_press_event => $apply), ), ), )); $dialing_mode_radio[0]->signal_connect(toggled => sub { $gui->{intf_radio}{dialing_mode} = 'auto'; $apply->() }); $dialing_mode_radio[1]->signal_connect(toggled => sub { $gui->{intf_radio}{dialing_mode} = 'static'; $apply->() }); $speed_radio[0]->signal_connect(toggled => sub { $gui->{intf_radio}{speed} = '64'; $apply->() }); $speed_radio[1]->signal_connect(toggled => sub { $gui->{intf_radio}{speed} = '128'; $apply->() }); $gui->{intf_bool}{ONBOOT}->set_active($interface eq 'adsl' ? adsl_atboot() : ($intf->{ONBOOT} eq 'yes' ? 1 : 0)); $gui->{intf_bool}{MII_NOT_SUPPORTED}->set_active($intf->{MII_NOT_SUPPORTED} eq 'no' ? 1 : 0); $gui->{intf_bool}{HWADDR}->set_active($intf->{HWADDR}); } if ($intf->{pages}{N("Account")}) { if ($interface_kind =~ /^speedtouch|sagem$/) { $gui->{description} = $interface_kind eq 'speedtouch' ? 'Alcatel|USB ADSL Modem (Speed Touch)' : 'Analog Devices Inc.|USB ADSL modem'; } gtkpack_($gui->{sheet}{N("Account")} = Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), if_($interface eq 'modem', 0, gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), 1, Gtk2::Label->new(N("Authentication")), 0, $gui->{intf}{auth} = gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::OptionMenu->new, changed => $apply), )), map { (0, gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), 1, Gtk2::Label->new($_->[0]), 0, $gui->{intf}{$_->[1]} = gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Entry->new, key_press_event => $apply), ), ); } ([ N("Account Login (user name)"), 'login' ], [ N("Account Password"), 'passwd' ], if_($interface =~ /^(isdn|modem)$/, [ N("Provider phone number"), $1 eq 'modem' ? 'phone' : 'phone_out' ]), ), ); my %auth_methods = map_index { $::i => $_ } N("PAP"), N("Terminal-based"), N("Script-based"), N("CHAP"), N("PAP/CHAP"); $gui->{intf}{auth}->set_popdown_strings(values %auth_methods); $gui->{intf}{auth}->set_text($auth_methods{$intf->{Authentication}}); $gui->{intf}{passwd}->set_visibility(0); } if ($intf->{pages}{N("Modem")}) { gtkpack($gui->{sheet}{N("Modem")} = Gtk2::HBox->new(0,0), if_($interface eq 'modem', gtkpack__(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), (map { (gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), 1, Gtk2::Label->new($_->[0]), 0, $gui->{intf}{$_->[1]} = gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::OptionMenu->new, changed => $apply), ), ), } ([ N("Flow control"), 'FlowControl' ], [ N("Line termination"), 'Enter' ], [ N("Connection speed"), 'Speed' ], )), # gtkpack(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), # no relative kppp option found :-( # Gtk2::Label->new(N("Dialing mode")), # gtkradio('', N("Tone dialing"), N("Pulse dialing")), # ), ), Gtk2::VSeparator->new, gtkpack__(new Gtk2::VBox(0,0), gtksignal_connect($gui->{intf_bool}{UseLockFile} = Gtk2::CheckButton->new(N("Use lock file")), toggled => $apply), gtkpack(Gtk2::HBox->new(0,0), Gtk2::Label->new(N("Modem timeout")), $gui->{intf}{Timeout} = gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::SpinButton->new(Gtk2::Adjustment->new($intf->{Timeout}, 0, 120, 1, 5, 0), 0, 0), value_changed => $apply), ), gtksignal_connect($gui->{intf_bool}{WaitForDialTone} = Gtk2::CheckButton->new(N("Wait for dialup tone before dialing")), toggled => $apply), gtkpack(Gtk2::HBox->new(0,0), Gtk2::Label->new(N("Busy wait")), $gui->{intf}{BusyWait} = gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::SpinButton->new(Gtk2::Adjustment->new($intf->{BusyWait}, 0, 120, 1, 5, 0), 0, 0), value_changed => $apply), ), Gtk2::Label->new(N("Modem sound")), my @volume_radio = gtkradio('', N("Enable"), N("Disable")), ), ), if_($interface eq 'isdn', gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), map { (0, gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), 1, Gtk2::Label->new($_->[0]), 0, $gui->{intf}{$_->[1]} = gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Entry->new, key_press_event => $apply), ), ); } ([ N("Card IRQ"), 'irq' ], [ N("Card mem (DMA)"), 'mem' ], [ N("Card IO"), 'io' ], [ N("Card IO_0"), 'io0' ], ), ), Gtk2::VSeparator->new, gtkpack__(new Gtk2::VBox(0,0), Gtk2::Label->new(N("Protocol")), my @protocol_radio = gtkradio('', N("European protocol (EDSS1)"), N("Protocol for the rest of the world\nNo D-Channel (leased lines)")), ), ), ); $protocol_radio[0]->signal_connect(toggled => sub { $gui->{intf_radio}{protocol} = 2; $apply->() }); $protocol_radio[1]->signal_connect(toggled => sub { $gui->{intf_radio}{protocol} = 3; $apply->() }); $volume_radio[0]->signal_connect(toggled => sub { $gui->{intf_radio}{Volume} = 1; $apply->() }); $volume_radio[1]->signal_connect(toggled => sub { $gui->{intf_radio}{Volume} = 0; $apply->() }); $gui->{intf}{FlowControl}->set_popdown_strings('Hardware [CRTSCTS]', 'Software [XON/XOFF]', 'None'); $gui->{intf}{Enter}->set_popdown_strings('CR', 'CF', 'CR/LF'); $gui->{intf}{Speed}->set_popdown_strings('2400', '9600', '19200', '38400', '57600', '115200'); } if ($intf->{pages}{N("Information")}) { my ($info) = $gui->{description} ? find { $_->{description} eq $gui->{description} } detect_devices::probeall : network::ethernet::mapIntfToDevice($interface_kind); gtkpack($gui->{sheet}{N("Information")} = Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), gtktext_insert(Gtk2::TextView->new, join('', map { $_->[0] . ": \x{200e}" . $_->[1] . "\n" } ( [ N("Vendor"), split('\|', $info->{description}) ], [ N("Description"), reverse split('\|', $info->{description}) ], [ N("Media class"), $info->{media_type} || '-' ], [ N("Module name"), $info->{driver} || '-' ], [ N("Mac Address"), c::get_hw_address($interface_kind) || '-' ], [ N("Bus"), $info->{bus} || '-' ], [ N("Location on the bus"), $info->{pci_bus} || '-' ], ) ) ), ); } $gui->{intf}{$_}->set_text($intf->{$_}) foreach keys %{$gui->{intf}}; $gui->{notebook} = Gtk2::Notebook->new; populate_notebook($gui->{notebook}, $gui); } sub populate_notebook { my ($notebook, $gui) = @_; foreach (N("TCP/IP"), N("Account"), N("Wireless"), N("Modem"), N("Options"), N("Information")) { !$gui->{sheet}{$_} and next; $notebook->append_page($gui->{sheet}{$_}, Gtk2::Label->new($_)); } } sub save { my ($netc, $p, $apply_button) = @_; foreach (keys %$p) { save_notebook($netc, $p->{$_}{intf}, $p->{$_}{gui}) or return; $p->{$_}{intf}{save} ? $p->{$_}{intf}{save}->() : apply($netc, $p->{$_}{intf}); } system("/etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart"); $apply_button->set_sensitive(0); } sub save_notebook { my ($netc, $intf, $gui) = @_; $netc->{$_} = $gui->{netc}{$_}->get_text foreach keys %{$gui->{netc}}; $gui->{intf}{$_} and $intf->{$_} = $gui->{intf}{$_}->get_text foreach keys %{$gui->{intf}}; $gui->{intf_radio}{$_} and $intf->{$_} = $gui->{intf_radio}{$_} foreach keys %{$gui->{intf_radio}}; $intf->{$_} = bool2yesno($gui->{intf_bool}{$_}->get_active) foreach keys %{$gui->{intf_bool}}; $gui->{intf_bool}{MII_NOT_SUPPORTED} and $intf->{MII_NOT_SUPPORTED} = bool2yesno(!$gui->{intf_bool}{MII_NOT_SUPPORTED}->get_active); $gui->{intf_bool}{HWADDR} and (bool2yesno($gui->{intf_bool}{HWADDR}->get_active) eq 'yes' ? ($intf->{HWADDR} = 'yes') : delete $intf->{HWADDR}); if (my $proto = $gui->{intf}{BOOTPROTO}) { $intf->{BOOTPROTO} = { reverse %{$proto->{protocols}} }->{$proto->get_text}; } if ($intf->{BOOTPROTO} eq 'static') { check_field($intf, 'IPADDR', 'NETMASK') or $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), N("IP address should be in format")) and return 0; } if ($netc->{GATEWAY}) { check_field($netc, 'GATEWAY') or $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), N("Gateway address should be in format")) and return 0; } 1; } sub check_field { my ($field, @ip) = @_; (map { if_(!is_ip($field->{$_}), 1) } @ip) ? 0 : 1; } sub add_intf() { $::isWizard = 1; network::netconnect::load_conf($netcnx, $netc, $intf); # network::netconnect::add_interface($in, $netcnx); network::netconnect::main('', $netcnx, $in, $netc, undef, $intf); $in->exit(0); } sub del_intf() { my ($intf2delete, $faillure); if (!keys %$intf) { $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), N("No ethernet network adapter has been detected on your system. Please run the hardware configuration tool.")); $in->exit(0); } my $wiz = { defaultimage => "drakconnect.png", name => N("Remove a network interface"), pages => { welcome => { no_back => 1, name => N("Select the network interface to remove:"), data => [ { label => N("Net Device"), val => \$intf2delete, list => [ keys %$intf ], allow_empty_list => 1 } ], post => sub { !$::testing and eval { system("ifdown $intf2delete"); rm_rf("/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$intf2delete"); }; $faillure = $@; }, next => "end", }, end => { name => sub { ($faillure ? N("An error occured while deleting the \"%s\" network interface:\n\n%s", $intf2delete, $faillure) : N("Congratulations, the \"%s\" network interface has been succesfully deleted", $intf2delete) ) }, end => 1, }, }, }; require wizards; wizards->new->safe_process($wiz, $in); $in->exit(0); } sub get_intf_ip { my ($interface) = @_; my ($ip, $state, $mask); if (-x "/sbin/ifconfig") { local $_ = `LC_ALL=C LANGUAGE=C /sbin/ifconfig $interface`; $ip = /inet addr:(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/mso ? $1 : N("No Ip"); $mask = /Mask:(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/mso ? $1 : N("No Mask"); $state = /inet/ ? N("up") : N("down"); } else { $ip = $intf->{$interface}{IPADDR}; $state = "n/a"; } ($ip, $state, $mask); } my %intf; sub update_list() { @all_cards = network::ethernet::get_eth_cards(); my %new_intf = map { @$_ } @all_cards; my @new_intf = sort keys %new_intf; foreach my $interface (difference2(\@new_intf, [ keys %intf ])) { $intf{$interface} = $tree_model->append(undef); } foreach my $interface (@new_intf) { my ($ip, $state) = get_intf_ip($interface); $tree_model->set($intf{$interface}, map_index { $::i => $_ } (gtkcreate_pixbuf("eth_card_mini2.png"), $interface, $ip , $intf->{$interface}{BOOTPROTO}, $new_intf{$interface}, $state)); } foreach my $i (difference2([ keys %intf ], \@new_intf)) { $tree_model->remove($intf{$i}); delete $intf{$i}; } } sub apply { my ($netc, $intf) = @_; network::network::sethostname($netc) if is_dynamic_ip($intf); network::network::configureNetwork2($in, '', $netc, {$intf->{DEVICE} => $intf }); } sub ethisup { `LC_ALL=C LANGUAGE=C /sbin/ifconfig $_[0]` =~ /inet/ } sub chk_internet() { `LC_ALL=C LANGUAGE=C /sbin/chkconfig --list | grep internet` =~ /:on/ ? 1 : 0 }; sub adsl_atboot() { (any { /x--boot_time/ } cat_($network::tools::connect_file)) ? 0 : 1 }; sub update_intbutt() { $int_state->set($isconnected ? N("Connected") : N("Not connected")); $int_connect->child->set($isconnected ? N("Disconnect...") : N("Connect...")); $int_connect->set_sensitive(1); } my $to_update; sub update() { my $h = chomp_(`hostname`); $label_host->set_label($h); $int_label->set($netcnx->{type} eq 'lan' ? N("Gateway:") : N("Interface:")); $interface_name->set($netcnx->{type} eq 'lan' ? $netc->{GATEWAY} : $netcnx->{NET_INTERFACE}); update_list(); update_intbutt() if $isconnected != -1; 1; } sub in_ifconfig { my ($intf) = @_; -e '/sbin/ifconfig' or return 1; $intf eq '' and return 1; `/sbin/ifconfig` =~ /$intf/; } sub update2() { undef $to_update; connected_bg(\$to_update); if (defined $to_update) { $isconnected = $to_update; if ($isconnected != -1) { if ($isconnected && !in_ifconfig($netcnx->{NET_INTERFACE})) { $warning_label1->set(N("Warning, another Internet connection has been detected, maybe using your network")); $isconnected = 0; } else { $warning_label1->set("") } update_intbutt(); } } update(); 1; } sub quit_global() { ugtk2->exit(0); } sub get_intf_status { my ($c) = @_; ethisup($c) ? N("Deactivate now") : N("Activate now") } sub configure_lan() { my $window = _create_dialog(N("LAN configuration")); my @card_tab; if (@all_cards < 1) { $window->vbox->add(Gtk2::Label->new(N("You don't have any configured interface. Configure them first by clicking on 'Configure'"))); gtkpack(gtkset_layout($window->action_area, 'end'), gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Ok")), clicked => sub { Gtk2->main_quit }) ); $window->show_all; $window->run; $window->destroy; return; } $window->set_border_width(10); gtkpack($window->vbox, Gtk2::Label->new(N("LAN Configuration")), my $notebook = Gtk2::Notebook->new, ); foreach (0..$#all_cards) { my @infos; my @conf_data; $card_tab[2*$_] = \@infos; $card_tab[2*$_+1] = \@conf_data; my $vbox_local = Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0); $vbox_local->set_border_width(10); $vbox_local->pack_start(Gtk2::Label->new(N("Adapter %s: %s", $_+1 , $all_cards[$_][0])),1,1,0); # Eth${_}Hostname = $netc->{HOSTNAME} # Eth${_}HostAlias = " . do { $netc->{HOSTNAME} =~ /([^\.]*)\./; $1 } . " # Eth${_}Driver = $all_cards[$_]->[1] my $interface = $all_cards[$_][0]; my ($ip, undef, $mask) = get_intf_ip($interface); $mask ||= $intf->{$interface}{NETMASK}; @conf_data = ([ N("IP address"), \$ip ], [ N("Netmask"), \$mask ], [ N("Boot Protocol"), \$intf->{$interface}{BOOTPROTO}, ["static", "dhcp", "bootp"] ], [ N("Started on boot"), \$intf->{$interface}{ONBOOT} , ["yes", "no"] ], [ N("DHCP client"), \$netcnx->{dhcp_client} ] ); my $i = 0; my $size_group = Gtk2::SizeGroup->new('horizontal'); foreach my $j (@conf_data) { my $l = Gtk2::Label->new($j->[0]); $l->set_justify('left'); $infos[2*$i] = gtkpack_(Gtk2::HBox->new, 1, $l); $vbox_local->pack_start($infos[2*$i], 1, 1, 0); my $c; if (defined $j->[2]) { $c = Gtk2::OptionMenu->new; $c->set_popdown_strings(@{$j->[2]}); $infos[2*$i+1] = $c->entry; $infos[2*$i]->pack_start($c,0,0,0); } else { $infos[2*$i+1] = ($c = Gtk2::Entry->new); $infos[2*$i]->pack_start($infos[2*$i+1],0,0,0); } $size_group->add_widget($c); $infos[2*$i+1]->set_text(${$j->[1]}); $i++; } my $widget_temp; if (-e "$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$interface") { $widget_temp = gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(get_intf_status($interface)), clicked => sub { system("/sbin/if" . (ethisup($interface) ? N("down") : N("up")) . " $interface"); $_[0]->set_label(get_intf_status($interface)); update(); }); } else { $widget_temp = N("This interface has not been configured yet.\nRun the \"Add an interface\" assistant from the Mandrake Control Center"); } $vbox_local->pack_start(gtkpack__(Gtk2::HBox->new(0,0), $widget_temp ),0,0,0); # $list->append($_+1, $interface, $intf->{$interface}{IPADDR}, $intf->{$interface}{BOOTPROTO}, $all_cards[$_]->[1]); # $list->set_selectable($_, 0); $notebook->append_page($vbox_local, Gtk2::Label->new($interface)); } my $exit_dialogsub = sub { $window->destroy; Gtk2->main_quit; }; gtkpack($window->action_area, gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Cancel")), clicked => $exit_dialogsub), gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Ok")), clicked => sub { foreach (0..$#all_cards) { my @infos = @{$card_tab[2*$_]}; each_index { ${$_->[1]} = $infos[2*$::i+1]->get_text } @{$card_tab[2*$_+1]}; my $interface = $all_cards[$_][0]; if ($intf->{$interface}{BOOTPROTO} ne "static") { delete @{$intf->{$interface}}{qw(IPADDR NETWORK NETMASK BROADCAST)}; } else { if ($infos[1]->get_text ne "No ip") { $intf->{$interface}{IPADDR} = $infos[1]->get_text; $intf->{$interface}{NETMASK} = $infos[3]->get_text; } } } update(); $button_apply->set_sensitive(1); $exit_dialogsub->(); }), ); $window->show_all; foreach (0..$#all_cards) { my @infos = @{$card_tab[2*$_]}; $intf->{$all_cards[$_][0]}{BOOTPROTO} eq "dhcp" or $infos[8]->hide; } $window->run; } sub configure_net { my ($netcnx, $netc, $_intf) = @_; my $dialog = ugtk2->new('drakconnect'); my $exit_dialogsub = sub { Gtk2->main_quit }; if (!$netcnx->{type}) { $in->ask_warn( N("Warning"), #-PO here "Internet access" should be translated the same was as in control-center N("You don't have any configured Internet connection. Please run \"Internet access\" in control center.")); $in->exit; } my $cnx = {}; $cnx = $netcnx->{$netcnx->{type}}; unless ($::isEmbedded) { $dialog->{rwindow}->set_position('center'); $dialog->{rwindow}->set_title(N("Internet connection configuration")); $dialog->{rwindow}->set_size_request(-1, -1); } $dialog->{rwindow}->signal_connect(delete_event => $exit_dialogsub); my $param_vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0); my $i = 0; #- duplicated code (waiting for 9.1 to be out to merge everything correctly, avoid bug elsewhere). if ($netcnx->{type} =~ /adsl/) { require network::adsl; network::adsl::adsl_probe_info($cnx, $netc, $intf); } my @conf_data = ( [ N("Domain name"), \$cnx->{domain} ], [ N("First DNS Server (optional)"), \$netc->{dnsServer3} ], # \$cnx->{dns1} [ N("Second DNS Server (optional)"), \$netc->{dnsServer2} ], #\$cnx->{dns2} ); my @infos; gtkpack($param_vbox, create_packtable({}, map { my $c; if (defined $_->[2]) { $c = Gtk2::Combo->new; $c->set_popdown_strings(@{$_->[2]}); $infos[2*$i+1] = $c->entry; } else { $c = $infos[2*$i+1] = Gtk2::Entry->new; } $infos[2*$i+1]->set_text(${$_->[1]}); $i++; [ $_->[0], $c ]; } @conf_data ) ); $dialog->{rwindow}->add(gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new, 0, Gtk2::Label->new(N("Internet Connection Configuration")), 1, gtkadd(Gtk2::Frame->new(N("Internet access")), gtkset_border_width(create_packtable({ col_spacings => 5, row_spacings => 5, homogenous => 1 }, [ Gtk2::Label->new(N("Connection type: ")), Gtk2::Label->new(translate($netcnx->{type})) ], [ $int_label, $interface_name ], [ Gtk2::Label->new(N("Status:")), $int_state = Gtk2::Label->new(N("Testing your connection...")) ] ), 5), ), 1, gtkadd(Gtk2::Frame->new(N("Parameters")), $param_vbox), 0, gtkpack(create_hbox('edge'), gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Cancel")), clicked => $exit_dialogsub), gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Ok")), clicked => sub { foreach my $i (0..$#conf_data) { ${$conf_data[$::i][1]} = $infos[2*$::i+1]->get_text; } @conf_data; update(); $button_apply->set_sensitive(1); $exit_dialogsub->(); }), ), ), ); $dialog->{rwindow}->show_all; $dialog->main; ugtk2->exit(0); } sub reread_net_conf() { network::netconnect::read_net_conf('', $netcnx, $netc); modules::load_category('net'); @all_cards = network::ethernet::get_eth_cards(); network::netconnect::load_conf($netcnx, $netc, $intf); network::network::probe_netcnx_type('', $netc, $intf, $netcnx); } '#n1058'>1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426
package install::any; # $Id$

use strict;

our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(addToBeDone);

#- misc imports
use common;
use run_program;
use fs::type;
use fs::format;
use fs::any;
use partition_table;
use devices;
use modules;
use detect_devices;
use install::media 'getFile_';
use lang;
use any;
use log;

our @advertising_images;

sub drakx_version { 
    my ($o) = @_;

	my $version = cat__(getFile_($o->{stage2_phys_medium}, "install/stage2/VERSION"));
	sprintf "DrakX v%s", chomp_($version);

#- Functions
sub dont_run_directly_stage2() {
    readlink("/usr/bin/runinstall2") eq "runinstall2.sh";

sub is_network_install {
    my ($o) = @_;
    member($o->{method}, qw(ftp http nfs));

sub start_i810fb() {
    my ($vga) = cat_('/proc/cmdline') =~ /vga=(\S+)/;
    return if !$vga || listlength(cat_('/proc/fb'));

    my %vga_to_xres = (0x311 => '640', 0x314 => '800', 0x317 => '1024');
    my $xres = $vga_to_xres{$vga} || '800';

    log::l("trying to load i810fb module with xres <$xres> (vga was <$vga>)");
    eval { modules::load('intel_agp') };
    eval {
	my $opt = "xres=$xres hsync1=32 hsync2=48 vsync1=50 vsync2=70 vram=2 bpp=16 accel=1 mtrr=1"; #- this sucking i810fb does not accept floating point numbers in hsync!
	modules::load_with_options([ 'i810fb' ], { i810fb => $opt }); 

sub spawnShell() {
    return if $::local_install || $::testing || dont_run_directly_stage2();

    my $shellpid_file = '/var/run/drakx_shell.pid';
    return if -e $shellpid_file && -d '/proc/' . chomp_(cat_($shellpid_file));

    if (my $shellpid = fork()) {
        output($shellpid_file, $shellpid);

    $ENV{DISPLAY} ||= ":0"; #- why not :pp

    local *F;
    sysopen F, "/dev/tty2", 2 or log::l("cannot open /dev/tty2 -- no shell will be provided: $!"), goto cant_spawn;

    open STDIN, "<&F" or goto cant_spawn;
    open STDOUT, ">&F" or goto cant_spawn;
    open STDERR, ">&F" or goto cant_spawn;
    close F;

    print drakx_version($::o), "\n";


    ioctl(STDIN, c::TIOCSCTTY(), 0) or warn "could not set new controlling tty: $!";

    my @args; -e '/etc/bashrc' and @args = qw(--rcfile /etc/bashrc);
    foreach (qw(/bin/bash /usr/bin/busybox /bin/sh)) {
        -x $_ or next;
        my $program_name = /busybox/ ? "/bin/sh" : $_;  #- since perl_checker is too dumb
        exec { $_ } $program_name, @args or log::l("exec of $_ failed: $!");

    log::l("cannot open any shell");

sub getAvailableSpace {
    my ($o) = @_;

    #- make sure of this place to be available for installation, this could help a lot.
    #- currently doing a very small install use 36Mb of postinstall-rpm, but installing
    #- these packages may eat up to 90Mb (of course not all the server may be installed!).
    #- 65mb may be a good choice to avoid almost all problem of insuficient space left...
    my $minAvailableSize = 65 * sqr(1024);

    my $n = !$::testing && getAvailableSpace_mounted($::prefix) || 
            getAvailableSpace_raw($o->{fstab}) * 512 / 1.07;
    $n - max(0.1 * $n, $minAvailableSize);

sub getAvailableSpace_mounted {
    my ($prefix) = @_;
    my $dir = -d "$prefix/usr" ? "$prefix/usr" : $prefix;
    my (undef, $free) = MDK::Common::System::df($dir) or return;
    log::l("getAvailableSpace_mounted $free KB");
    $free * 1024 || 1;
sub getAvailableSpace_raw {
    my ($fstab) = @_;

    do { $_->{mntpoint} eq '/usr' and return $_->{size} } foreach @$fstab;
    do { $_->{mntpoint} eq '/'    and return $_->{size} } foreach @$fstab;

    if ($::testing) {
	my $nb = 450;
	log::l("taking ${nb}MB for testing");
	return MB($nb);
    die "missing root partition";

sub preConfigureTimezone {
    my ($o) = @_;
    require timezone;
    #- can not be done in install cuz' timeconfig %post creates funny things
    add2hash($o->{timezone}, timezone::read()) if $o->{isUpgrade};

    $o->{timezone}{timezone} ||= timezone::bestTimezone($o->{locale}{country});

    my $utc = every { !isFat_or_NTFS($_) } @{$o->{fstab}};
    my $ntp = timezone::ntp_server();
    add2hash_($o->{timezone}, { UTC => $utc, ntp => $ntp });

sub ask_suppl_media_method {
    my ($o) = @_;
    our $suppl_already_asked;

    my $msg = $suppl_already_asked
      ? N("Do you have further supplementary media?")
      : formatAlaTeX(
#-PO: keep the double empty lines between sections, this is formatted a la LaTeX
	    N("The following media have been found and will be used during install: %s.

Do you have a supplementary installation medium to configure?",
	    join(", ", map { $_->{name} } install::media::allMediums($o->{packages}))));

    my %l = my @l = (
	''      => N("None"),
	'cdrom' => N("CD-ROM"),
	'http'  => N("Network (HTTP)"),
	'ftp'   => N("Network (FTP)"),
	'nfs'   => N("Network (NFS)"),

	'', $msg,
	[ {
	    val => \my $suppl,
	    list => [ map { $_->[0] } group_by2(@l) ],
	    type => 'list',
	    format => sub { $l{$_[0]} },
	} ],

    $suppl_already_asked = 1;

#- if the supplementary media is networked, but not the main one, network
#- support must be installed and network started.
sub prep_net_suppl_media {
    my ($o) = @_;

    require network::tools;
    my (undef, $is_up, undef) = network::tools::get_internet_connection($o->{net});

    return if our $net_suppl_media_configured && $is_up;
    $net_suppl_media_configured = 1;

    #- install basesystem now
    $o->do_pkgs->ensure_is_installed('basesystem', undef, 1);

    require network::netconnect;
    network::netconnect::real_main($o->{net}, $o, $o->{modules_conf});
    require install::interactive;

sub ask_url {
    my ($in, $o_url) = @_;

    my $url = $o_url;
    $in->ask_from_({ messages => N("URL of the mirror?"), focus_first => 1 }, [ 
	{ val => \$url,
	  validate => sub { 
	      if ($url =~ m!^(http|ftp)://!) {
	      } else {
		  $in->ask_warn('', N("URL must start with ftp:// or http://"));
	  } } ]) && $url;
sub ask_mirror {
    my ($o, $type, $o_url) = @_;
    require mirror;

    my $mirrors = eval {
	my $_w = $o->wait_message('', N("Contacting Mandriva Linux web site to get the list of available mirrors..."));
	mirror::list($o->{product_id}, $type);
    my $err = $@;
    if (!$mirrors) {
	$o->ask_warn('', N("Failed contacting Mandriva Linux web site to get the list of available mirrors") . "\n$err");
	return ask_url($o, $o_url);

    my $give_url = { country => '-', host => 'URL' };

    my $mirror = $o_url ? (find { $_->{url} eq $o_url } @$mirrors) || $give_url 
        #- use current time zone to select best mirror
      : mirror::nearest($o->{timezone}{timezone}, $mirrors);

    $o->ask_from_({ messages => N("Choose a mirror from which to get the packages"),
		    cancel => N("Cancel"),
		}, [ { separator => '|',
		       format => \&mirror::mirror2text,
		       list => [ @$mirrors, $give_url ],
		       val => \$mirror,
		 ]) or return;

    my $url;
    if ($mirror eq $give_url) {
	$url = ask_url($o, $o_url) or goto &ask_mirror;
    } else {
	$url = $mirror->{url};
    $url =~ s!/main/?$!!;
    log::l("chosen mirror: $url");

sub ask_suppl_media_url {
    my ($o, $method, $o_url) = @_;

    if ($method eq 'ftp' || $method eq 'http') {
	install::any::ask_mirror($o, 'distrib', $o_url);
    } elsif ($method eq 'cdrom') {
    } elsif ($method eq 'nfs') {
	my ($host, $dir) = $o_url ? $o_url =~ m!nfs://(.*?)(/.*)! : ();
	    { title => N("NFS setup"), 
	      messages => N("Please enter the hostname and directory of your NFS media"),
	      focus_first => 1,
	      callbacks => {
		  complete => sub {
		      $host or $o->ask_warn('', N("Hostname missing")), return 1, 0;
		      $dir eq '' || begins_with($dir, '/') or $o->ask_warn('', N("Directory must begin with \"/\"")), return 1, 1;
	      } },
	    [ { label => N("Hostname of the NFS mount ?"), val => \$host }, 
	      { label => N("Directory"), val => \$dir } ],
	) or return;
	$dir =~ s!/+$!!; 
	$dir ||= '/';
    } else { internal_error("bad method $method") }
sub selectSupplMedia {
    my ($o) = @_;
    my $url;

    my $method = ask_suppl_media_method($o) or return;

    #- configure network if needed
    if (!scalar keys %{$o->{net}{ifcfg}} && $method !~ /^(?:cdrom|disk)/ && !$::local_install) {

    $url = ask_suppl_media_url($o, $method, $url) or goto ask_method;

    my $phys_medium = install::media::url2mounted_phys_medium($o, $url, undef, N("Supplementary")) or $o->ask_warn('', formatError($@)), goto ask_url;
    $phys_medium->{is_suppl} = 1;
    $phys_medium->{unknown_CD} = 1;

    my $arch = $o->{product_id}{arch};
    my $field = $phys_medium->{device} ? 'rel_path' : 'url';
    my $val = $phys_medium->{$field};
    my $val0 = $val =~ m!^(.*?)(/media)?/?$! && "$1/media";
    my $val2 = $val =~ m!^(.*?)(/\Q$arch\E)?(/media)?/?$! && "$1/$arch/media";

    foreach (uniq($val0, $val, $val2)) {
	log::l("trying with $field set to $_");
	$phys_medium->{$field} = $_;

	#- first, try to find a media.cfg file
	eval { install::media::get_media_cfg($o, $phys_medium, $o->{packages}, undef, 'force_rpmsrate') };
	if (!$@) {
	    delete $phys_medium->{unknown_CD}; #- we have a known CD now
	    return 1;
    #- restore it
    $phys_medium->{$field} = $val;

    #- try using media_info/hdlist.cz
    my $medium_id = int(@{$o->{packages}{media}});
    eval { install::media::get_standalone_medium($o, $phys_medium, $o->{packages}, { name => "Supplementary media $medium_id" }) };
    if (!$@) {
	log::l("read suppl hdlist (via $method)");
	delete $phys_medium->{unknown_CD}; #- we have a known CD now
	return 1;

    install::media::remove_from_fstab($o->{all_hds}, $phys_medium);
    $o->ask_warn('', N("Can't find a package list file on this mirror. Make sure the location is correct."));
    goto ask_url;

sub load_rate_files {
    my ($o) = @_;
    #- must be done after getProvides

    install::pkgs::read_rpmsrate($o->{packages}, $o->{rpmsrate_flags_chosen}, '/tmp/rpmsrate', $o->{match_all_hardware});

    ($o->{compssUsers}, $o->{gtk_display_compssUsers}) = install::pkgs::readCompssUsers('/tmp/compssUsers.pl');

    defined $o->{compssUsers} or die "Can't read compssUsers.pl file, aborting installation\n";

sub setPackages {
    my ($o) = @_;

    require install::pkgs;
	$o->{packages} = install::pkgs::empty_packages($o->{keep_unrequested_dependencies});
	my $media = $o->{media} || [ { type => 'media_cfg', url => 'drakx://media' } ];

	my ($suppl_method, $copy_rpms_on_disk) = install::media::get_media($o, $media, $o->{packages});

	if ($suppl_method) {
	    1 while $o->selectSupplMedia;

	#- open rpm db according to right mode needed (ie rebuilding database if upgrading)
	$o->{packages}{rpmdb} ||= install::pkgs::rpmDbOpen($o->{isUpgrade}, $o->{rpm_dbapi});

	    my $_wait = $o->wait_message('', N("Looking at packages already installed..."));

	if (my $extension = $o->{upgrade_by_removing_pkgs_matching}) {
	    my $time = time();
	    my ($_w, $wait_message) = $o->wait_message_with_progress_bar;
	    $wait_message->(N("Removing packages prior to upgrade..."));
	    my ($current, $total);
	    my $callback = sub {
		my (undef, $type, $_id, $subtype, $amount) = @_;
		if ($type eq 'user') {
		    ($current, $total) = (0, $amount);
		} elsif ($type eq 'uninst' && $subtype eq 'stop') {
		    $wait_message->('', $current++, $total);
	    push @{$o->{default_packages}}, install::pkgs::upgrade_by_removing_pkgs($o->{packages}, $callback, $extension, $o->{isUpgrade});
	    log::l("Removing packages took: ", formatTimeRaw(time() - $time));


	#- always try to select basic kernel (else on upgrade, kernel will never be updated provided a kernel is already
	#- installed and provides what is necessary).
	my $kernel_pkg = install::pkgs::bestKernelPackage($o->{packages}, $o->{match_all_hardware});
	install::pkgs::selectPackage($o->{packages}, $kernel_pkg, 1);
	if ($o->{isUpgrade} && $o->{packages}{sizes}{dkms}) {
	    log::l("selecting kernel-desktop-devel-latest (since dkms was installed)");
	    install::pkgs::select_by_package_names($o->{packages}, ['kernel-desktop-devel-latest'], 1);

	install::pkgs::select_by_package_names_or_die($o->{packages}, ['basesystem'], 1);

	my $rpmsrate_flags_was_chosen = $o->{rpmsrate_flags_chosen};

	put_in_hash($o->{rpmsrate_flags_chosen} ||= {}, rpmsrate_always_flags($o)); #- must be done before install::pkgs::read_rpmsrate()