
use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX);

use common qw(:common :system :file :functional);
use interactive;
use any;
use bootloader;
use detect_devices;
use fsedit;
use c;

local $_ = join '', @ARGV;

/-h/ and die "usage: drakboot [--expert]\n";

$::expert = /-expert/;
$::isStandalone = 1;

my $in = vnew interactive('su');

my %l = (
	 arch() !~ /sparc|alpha/ ? (
	 _("Configure LILO/GRUB") => '',
	 _("Create a boot floppy") => ['/usr/X11R6/bin/drakfloppy'],
				   ) : (),
	 _("Format floppy") => [ '/usr/bin/kfloppy', '/usr/bin/gfloppy' ],

while (my ($k, $v) = each %l) {
    $v or next;
    foreach (@$v) {
	-x $_ and $l{$k} = $_, last;
    -x $l{$k} or delete $l{$k};

if ($ENV{DISPLAY} && c::Xtest($ENV{DISPLAY})) {
    my $cmd = $l{$in->ask_from_list(_("Choice"), _("What do you want to do?"), [ keys %l ])};
    exec $cmd if $cmd;

my $bootloader = bootloader::read('', '/etc/lilo.conf');
local ($_) = `detectloader`;
$bootloader->{methods} = { lilo => 1, grub => !!/grub/i };

my $hds = catch_cdie { fsedit::hds([ detect_devices::hds() ], {}) } sub { 1 };
my $fstab = [ fsedit::get_fstab(@$hds) ];

any::setupBootloader($in, $bootloader, $hds, $fstab, $ENV{SECURE_LEVEL}) or $in->exit(0);

eval { bootloader::install('', $bootloader, $fstab, $hds) };

if ($@) {
		 [ _("Installation of LILO failed. The following error occured:"),
		   grep { !/^Warning:/ } cat_("/tmp/.error") ]);
    unlink "/tmp/.error";
    goto ask;
