#!/usr/bin/perl # DrakAutoLogin # Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Mandriva # Yves Duret, Thierry Vignaud # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. use strict; use diagnostics; use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX); use standalone; #- warning, standalone must be loaded very first, for 'explanations' use common; use interactive; use any; use Xconfig::various; my $in = 'interactive'->vnew('su'); require ugtk3; ugtk3->import(qw(:helpers :wrappers :create)); require mygtk3; mygtk3->import(qw(gtknew)); autologin_choice(); sub run_boot_window { my ($title, $pack_list, $apply_sub) = @_; my $w = ugtk3->new($title); my $window = $w->{window}; mygtk3::register_main_window($w->{real_window}); $window->signal_connect(delete_event => sub { ugtk3->exit(0) }); unless ($::isEmbedded) { $window->set_border_width(2); ### menus definition # the menus are not shown but they provides shiny shortcut like C-q my $ui = gtknew('UIManager', actions => [ # [name, stock_id, value, label, accelerator, tooltip, callback] [ 'FileMenu', undef, N("_File") ], [ 'Quit', undef, N("_Quit"), N("<control>Q"), undef, sub { ugtk3->exit(0) } ], ], string => qq(<ui> <menubar name='MenuBar'> <menu action='FileMenu'> <menuitem action='Quit'/> </menu> </menubar> </ui>)); $w->{rwindow}->add_accel_group($ui->get_accel_group); ######### menus end } gtkadd($window, gtknew('VBox', children => [ @$pack_list, 0, create_okcancel({ cancel_clicked => sub { ugtk3->exit(0) }, ok_clicked => sub { $apply_sub->(); ugtk3->exit(0); } }) ])); $window->show_all; gtkflush(); $w->main; $in->exit(0); } sub autologin_choice() { my @users = sort(list_users()); my @sessions = sort(split(' ', `/usr/sbin/chksession -l`)); my $x_mode = Xconfig::various::runlevel() == 5; my $auto_mode = any::get_autologin(); my $user = member($auto_mode->{user}, @users) ? $auto_mode->{user} : $users[0]; if (!$user) { # no user, bad but add root anyway: $user = "root"; push @users, $user; } my $user_combo = gtknew('ComboBox', text => $user, list => \@users); my $desktop_combo = Gtk3::ComboBoxText->new_with_strings(\@sessions, if_(member($auto_mode->{desktop}, @sessions), $auto_mode->{desktop})); my $auto_box = gtknew('Table', col_spacings => 5, row_spacings => 5, homogeneous => 1, children => [ [ gtknew('Label_Left', text => N("Default user")), $user_combo ], [ gtknew('Label_Left', text => N("Default desktop")), $desktop_combo ] ]); $auto_box->set_sensitive($auto_mode->{user} ? 1 : 0); my @auto_buttons = gtkradio((N("No, I do not want autologin")) x 2, N("Yes, I want autologin with this (user, desktop)")); $auto_buttons[1]->signal_connect('toggled' => sub { $auto_box->set_sensitive($auto_buttons[1]->get_active) }); $auto_buttons[0]->signal_connect('toggled' => sub { $auto_box->set_sensitive(!$auto_buttons[0]->get_active) }); $auto_buttons[1]->set_active(1) if $auto_mode->{user}; $auto_buttons[0]->set_active(1) if !$auto_mode->{user}; my $x_box; run_boot_window(N("System mode"), [ 1, gtknew('VBox', spacing => 5, children_tight => [ gtksignal_connect(gtkset_active(gtknew('CheckButton', text => N("Launch the graphical environment when your system starts")), $x_mode), clicked => sub { $x_box->set_sensitive(!$x_mode); $x_mode = !$x_mode; }), $x_box = gtknew('VBox', sensitive => $x_mode, children_tight => [ gtknew('VBox', children_tight => [ @auto_buttons ]), $auto_box ]) ]) ], sub { Xconfig::various::runlevel($x_mode ? 5 : 3); $::testing and return; if ($auto_buttons[1]->get_active) { $auto_mode->{user} = $user_combo->entry->get_text; $auto_mode->{desktop} = $desktop_combo->entry->get_text; } else { $auto_mode->{user} = undef; $auto_mode->{desktop} = undef; } any::set_autologin($in->do_pkgs, $auto_mode); }); }