package security::msec; use strict; use MDK::Common::File; use MDK::Common; #------------------------------------------------------------- # msec files my $check_file = "$::prefix/etc/security/msec/security.conf"; my $curr_sec_file = "$::prefix/var/lib/msec/security.conf"; my $options_file = "$::prefix/etc/security/msec/level.local"; my $num_level; #------------------------------------------------------------- # msec options managment methods #------------------------------------------------------------- # option defaults sub load_defaults { my ($category) = @_; my $default_file; my $num_level = 0; if ($category eq 'functions') { require security::level; $num_level ||= security::level::get(); $default_file = "$::prefix/usr/share/msec/level.".$num_level; } elsif ($category eq 'checks') { $default_file = $curr_sec_file } my $separator = $category eq 'functions' ? ' ' : $category eq 'checks' ? '=' : undef; do { print "BACKTRACE:\n", backtrace(), "\n"; die 'wrong category' } unless $separator; map { my ($opt, $val) = split /$separator/; chop $val; if_($opt ne 'set_security_conf', $opt => $val); } cat_($default_file); } # get_XXX_default(function) - # return the default of the function|check passed in argument. sub get_check_default { my ($msec, $check) = @_; $msec->{checks}{default}{$check}; } sub get_function_default { my ($msec, $function) = @_; $msec->{functions}{default}{$function}; } #------------------------------------------------------------- # option values sub load_values { my ($category) = @_; my $item_file = $category eq 'functions' ? $options_file : $category eq 'checks' ? $check_file : ''; my $separator = $category eq 'functions' ? '\(' : $category eq 'checks' ? '=' : undef; do { print "BACKTRACE:\n", backtrace(), "\n"; die 'wrong category' } unless $separator; map { my ($opt, $val) = split /$separator/; chop $val; $val =~ s/[()]//g; chop $opt if $separator eq '\('; # $opt =~ s/ //g if $separator eq '\('; $opt => $val; } cat_($item_file); } # get_XXX_value(function) - # return the value of the function|check passed in argument. # If no value is set, return "default". sub get_function_value { my ($msec, $function) = @_; $msec->{functions}{value}{$function} || "default"; } sub get_check_value { my ($msec, $check) = @_; # print "value for '$check' is '$msec->{checks}{value}{$check}'\n"; $msec->{checks}{value}{$check} || "default"; } #------------------------------------------------------------- # get list of functions # list_(functions|checks) - # return a list of functions|checks handled by level.local|security.conf sub list_checks { my ($msec) = @_; map { if_(!member($_, qw(MAIL_WARN MAIL_USER)), $_) } keys %{$msec->{checks}{default}}; } sub list_functions { my ($msec, $category) = @_; ## TODO handle 3 last functions here so they can be removed from this list my @ignore_list = qw(indirect commit_changes closelog error initlog log set_secure_level set_security_conf set_server_level print_changes get_translation create_server_link); my %options = ( 'network' => [qw(accept_bogus_error_responses accept_broadcasted_icmp_echo accept_icmp_echo enable_dns_spoofing_protection enable_ip_spoofing_protection enable_log_strange_packets enable_promisc_check no_password_aging_for)], 'system' => [qw(allow_autologin allow_issues allow_reboot allow_remote_root_login allow_root_login allow_user_list allow_x_connections allow_xserver_to_listen authorize_services enable_at_crontab enable_console_log enable_msec_cron enable_pam_wheel_for_su enable_password enable_security_check enable_sulogin password_aging password_history password_length set_root_umask set_shell_history_size set_shell_timeout set_user_umask)]); # get all function names; filter out those which are in the ignore # list, return what lefts. map { if_(!member($_, @ignore_list) && member($_, @{$options{$category}}), $_) } keys %{$msec->{functions}{default}}; } #------------------------------------------------------------- # set back checks|functions values sub set_function { my ($msec, $function, $value) = @_; $msec->{functions}{value}{$function} = $value; } sub set_check { my ($msec, $check, $value) = @_; $msec->{checks}{value}{$check} = $value; } #------------------------------------------------------------- # apply configuration # config_(check|function)(check|function, value) - # Apply the configuration to 'prefix'/etc/security/msec/security.conf||/etc/security/msec/level.local sub apply_functions { my ($msec) = @_; my @list = ($msec->list_functions('system'), $msec->list_functions('network')); substInFile { foreach my $function (@list) { s/^$function.*\n// } if (eof) { print "\n", join("\n", map { my $value = $msec->get_function_value($_); if_($value ne 'default', "$_ ($value)"); } @list); } } $options_file; } sub apply_checks { my ($msec) = @_; my @list = $msec->list_checks; substInFile { foreach my $check (@list) { s/^$check.*\n// } if (eof) { print "\n", join("\n", map { my $value = $msec->get_check_value($_); if_($value ne 'default', $_ . '=' . $value); } @list), "\n"; } } $check_file; } sub new { my $type = shift; my $thing = {}; $thing->{checks}{default} = { load_defaults('checks') }; $thing->{functions}{default} = { load_defaults('functions') }; $thing->{functions}{value} = { load_values('functions') }; $thing->{checks}{value} = { load_values('checks') }; bless $thing, $type; } 1;