package sbus_probing::main; # $Id$
use c;
use log;
use common;
use modules;
my %sbus_table_network = (
hme => [ "Sun Happy Meal Ethernet", "sunhme" ],
le => [ "Sun Lance Ethernet", "ignore:lance" ],
qe => [ "Sun Quad Ethernet", "sunqe" ],
mlanai => [ "MyriCOM MyriNET Gigabit Ethernet", "myri_sbus" ],
myri => [ "MyriCOM MyriNET Gigabit Ethernet", "myri_sbus" ],
my %sbus_table_scsi = (
soc => [ "Sun SPARCStorage Array", "fc4:soc:pluto" ],
socal => [ "Sun Enterprise Network Array", "fc4:socal:fcal" ],
esp => [ "Sun Enhanced SCSI Processor (ESP)", "ignore:esp" ],
fas => [ "Sun Swift (ESP)", "ignore:esp" ],
ptisp => [ "Performance Technologies ISP", "qlogicpti" ],
isp => [ "QLogic ISP", "qlogicpti" ],
my %sbus_table_audio = (
audio => [ "AMD7930", "amd7930" ],
CS4231 => [ "CS4231 APC DMA (SBUS)", "cs4231" ],
CS4231_PCI => [ "CS4231 EB2 DMA (PCI)", "cs4231" ],
my %sbus_table_video = (
bwtwo => [ "Sun|Monochrome (bwtwo)", "Server:SunMono" ],
cgthree => [ "Sun|Color3 (cgthree)", "Server:Sun" ],
cgeight => [ "Sun|CG8/RasterOps", "Server:Sun" ],
cgtwelve => [ "Sun|GS (cgtwelve)", "Server:Sun24" ],
gt => [ "Sun|Graphics Tower", "Server:Sun24" ],
mgx => [ "Sun|Quantum 3D MGXplus", "Server:Sun24" ],
mgx_4M => [ "Sun|Quantum 3D MGXplus with 4M VRAM", "Server:Sun24" ],
cgsix => [ "Sun|Unknown GX", "Server:Sun" ],
cgsix_dbl => [ "Sun|Double Width GX", "Server:Sun" ],
cgsix_sgl => [ "Sun|Single Width GX", "Server:Sun" ],
cgsix_t1M => [ "Sun|Turbo GX with 1M VSIMM", "Server:Sun" ],
cgsix_tp => [ "Sun|Turbo GX Plus", "Server:Sun" ],
cgsix_t => [ "Sun|Turbo GX", "Server:Sun" ],
cgfourteen => [ "Sun|SX", "Server:Sun24" ],
cgfourteen_4M => [ "Sun|SX with 4M VSIMM", "Server:Sun24" ],
cgfourteen_8M => [ "Sun|SX with 8M VSIMM", "Server:Sun24" ],
leo => [ "Sun|ZX or Turbo ZX", "Server:Sun24" ],
leo_t => [ "Sun|Turbo ZX", "Server:Sun24" ],
tcx => [ "Sun|TCX (S24)", "Server:Sun24" ],
tcx_8b => [ "Sun|TCX (8bit)", "Server:Sun" ],
afb => [ "Sun|Elite3D", "Server:Sun24" ],
afb_btx03 => [ "Sun|Elite3D-M6 Horizontal", "Server:Sun24" ],
ffb => [ "Sun|FFB", "Server:Sun24" ],
ffb_btx08 => [ "Sun|FFB 67Mhz Creator", "Server:Sun24" ],
ffb_btx0b => [ "Sun|FFB 67Mhz Creator 3D", "Server:Sun24" ],
ffb_btx1b => [ "Sun|FFB 75Mhz Creator 3D", "Server:Sun24" ],
ffb_btx20 => [ "Sun|FFB2 Vertical Creator", "Server:Sun24" ],
ffb_btx28 => [ "Sun|FFB2 Vertical Creator", "Server:Sun24" ],
ffb_btx23 => [ "Sun|FFB2 Vertical Creator 3D", "Server:Sun24" ],
ffb_btx2b => [ "Sun|FFB2 Vertical Creator 3D", "Server:Sun24" ],
ffb_btx30 => [ "Sun|FFB2+ Vertical Creator", "Server:Sun24" ],
ffb_btx33 => [ "Sun|FFB2+ Vertical Creator 3D", "Server:Sun24" ],
ffb_btx40 => [ "Sun|FFB2 Horizontal Creator", "Server:Sun24" ],
ffb_btx48 => [ "Sun|FFB2 Horizontal Creator", "Server:Sun24" ],
ffb_btx43 => [ "Sun|FFB2 Horizontal Creator 3D", "Server:Sun24" ],
ffb_btx4b => [ "Sun|FFB2 Horizontal Creator 3D", "Server:Sun24" ],
sub prom_getint { unpack "I", c::prom_getproperty($_[0]) }
#- update $@sbus_probed according to SBUS detection.
sub prom_walk {
my ($sbus_probed, $node, $sbus, $ebus) = @_;
my ($prob_name, $prob_type) = (c::prom_getstring("name"), c::prom_getstring("device_type"));
my ($nextnode, $nsbus, $nebus) = (undef, $sbus, $ebus);
#- probe for network devices.
if ($sbus && $prob_type eq 'network') {
$prob_name =~ s/[A-Z,]*(.*)/$1/;
$sbus_table_network{$prob_name} and push @$sbus_probed, [ "NETWORK", @{$sbus_table_network{$prob_name}} ];
#- TODO for Sun Quad Ethernet (qe)
#- probe for scsi devices.
if ($sbus && ($prob_type eq 'scsi' || $prob_name =~ /^(soc|socal)$/)) {
$prob_name =~ s/[A-Z,]*(.*)/$1/;
$sbus_table_scsi{$prob_name} and push @$sbus_probed, [ "SCSI", @{$sbus_table_scsi{$prob_name}} ];
#- probe for audio devices, there are no type to check here.
if ($sbus_table_audio{$prob_name}) {
$prob_name =~ /,/ and $prob_name =~ s/[A-Z,]*(.*)/$1/;
my $ext = $prob_name eq 'CS4231' && $ebus && "_PCI";
$sbus_table_audio{$prob_name . $ext} ?
push @$sbus_probed, [ "AUDIO", @{$sbus_table_audio{$prob_name . $ext}} ] :
push @$sbus_probed, [ "AUDIO", @{$sbus_table_audio{$prob_name}} ];
#- probe for video devices.
if ($prob_type eq 'display' && ($sbus || $prob_name =~ /^(ffb|afb|cgfourteen)$/)) {
$prob_name =~ s/[A-Z,]*(.*)/$1/;
my $ext = ($prob_name eq 'mgx' && prom_getint('fb_size') == 0x400000 && '_4M' ||
$prob_name eq 'cgsix' && do {
my ($chiprev, $vmsize) = (prom_getint('chiprev'), prom_getint('vmsize'));
my $result = '';
$chiprev >= 1 && $chiprev <= 4 and $result = '_dbl';
$chiprev >= 5 && $chiprev <= 9 and $result = '_sgl';
$chiprev == 11 && $vmsize == 2 and $result = '_t1M';
$chiprev == 11 && $vmsize == 4 and $result = '_tp';
$chiprev == 11 && !$result and $result = '_t';
} ||
$prob_name eq 'leo' && c::prom_getstring('model') =~ /501-2503/ && '_t' ||
$prob_name eq 'tcx' && c::prom_getbool('tcx-8-bit') && '_8b' ||
$prob_name eq 'afb' && sprintf "_btx%x", prom_getint('board_type') ||
$prob_name eq 'ffb' && sprintf "_btx%x", prom_getint('board_type'));
$sbus_table_video{$prob_name . $ext} ?
push @$sbus_probed, [ "VIDEO", @{$sbus_table_video{$prob_name . $ext}} ] :
push @$sbus_probed, [ "VIDEO", @{$sbus_table_video{$prob_name}} ];
#- parse prom tree.
$prob_name eq 'sbus' || $prob_name eq 'sbi' and $nsbus = 1;
$prob_name eq 'ebus' and $nebus = 1;
$nextnode = c::prom_getchild($node) and prom_walk($sbus_probed, $nextnode, $nsbus, $nebus);
$nextnode = c::prom_getsibling($node) and prom_walk($sbus_probed, $nextnode, $sbus, $ebus);
sub probe() {
eval { modules::load("openprom") } if arch() =~ /sparc/;
my $root_node = c::prom_open() or return;
my @l;
prom_walk(\@l, $root_node, 0, 0);
map { my %l; @l{qw(type description drivers)} = @$_; \%l } @l;