package run_program; use diagnostics; use strict; use c; use MDK::Common; use common; # for get_parent_uid() use log; use Time::HiRes qw(ualarm); =head1 SYNOPSYS B enables to: =over 4 =item * run programs in foreground or in background, =item * to retrieve their stdout or stderr =item * ... =back Most functions exits in a normal form & a rooted one. e.g.: =over 4 =item * C & C =item * C & C =back Most functions exits in a normal form & one that die. e.g.: =over 4 =item * C & C =item * C & C =back =head1 Functions =over =cut 1; my $default_timeout = 10 * 60; =item set_default_timeout($seconds) Alters defaults timeout (eg for harddrake service) =cut sub set_default_timeout { my ($seconds) = @_; $default_timeout = $seconds; } my $callback_routine; my $callback_interval = 1 * 1000; =item set_wait_loop_callback($routine, $o_interval) Sets a callback routine that will be called at regular intervals whilst waiting for a program being run in the foreground. Optionally sets the interval in milliseconds between callbacks. If not set, the interval is 1 second. The callback routine will be passed one argument which is the pid of the program being run. The callback routine should not call sleep() or abort(), as that may prevent it being called again. =cut sub set_wait_loop_callback { my ($routine, $o_interval) = @_; $callback_routine = $routine; $callback_interval = $o_interval if $o_interval; } =item run_or_die($name, @args) Runs $name with @args parameterXs. Dies if it exit code is not 0. =cut sub run_or_die { my ($name, @args) = @_; run($name, @args) or die "$name failed\n"; } =item rooted_or_die($root, $name, @args) Similar to run_or_die() but runs in chroot in $root =cut sub rooted_or_die { my ($root, $name, @args) = @_; rooted($root, $name, @args) or die "$name failed\n"; } =item get_stdout($name, @args) Similar to run_or_die() but return stdout of program: =over 4 =item * a list of lines in list context =item * a string of concatenated lines in scalar context =back =cut sub get_stdout { my ($name, @args) = @_; my @r; run($name, '>', \@r, @args) or return; wantarray() ? @r : join('', @r); } =item get_stdout_raw($options, $name, @args) Similar to get_stdout() but allow to pass options to raw() =cut sub get_stdout_raw { my ($options, $name, @args) = @_; my @r; raw($options, $name, '>', \@r, @args) or return; wantarray() ? @r : join('', @r); } =item rooted_get_stdout($root, $name, @args) Similar to get_stdout() but runs in chroot in $root =cut sub rooted_get_stdout { my ($root, $name, @args) = @_; my @r; rooted($root, $name, '>', \@r, @args) or return; wantarray() ? @r : join('', @r); } =item run($name, @args) Runs $name with @args parameters. =cut sub run { raw({}, @_) } =item rooted($root, $name, @args) Similar to run() but runs in chroot in $root =cut sub rooted { my ($root, $name, @args) = @_; raw({ root => $root }, $name, @args); } =item raw($options, $name, @args) The function used by all the other, making every combination possible. Runs $name with @args parameters. $options is a hash ref that can contains: =over 4 =item * B: $name will be chrooted in $root prior to run =item * B: $name will be run as $ENV{PKEXEC_UID} or with the UID of parent process. Implies I =item * B: parameters will be hidden in logs (b/c eg there's a password) =item * B: $name will be run in the background. Default is foreground =item * B: $name will be run in a different default directory =item * B: a UID; $name will be with droped privileges ; make sure environment is set right and keep a copy of the X11 cookie =item * B: execution of $name will be aborted after C seconds =back eg: =over 4 =item * C<< run_program::raw({ root => $::prefix, sensitive_arguments => 1 }, "echo -e $user->{password} | cryptsetup luksFormat $device"); >> =item * C<< run_program::raw({ detach => 1 }, '/etc/rc.d/init.d/dm', '>', '/dev/null', '2>', '/dev/null', 'restart'); >> =back =cut sub raw { my ($options, $name, @args) = @_; my $root = $options->{root} || ''; my $real_name = ref($name) ? $name->[0] : $name; my ($stdout_raw, $stdout_mode, $stderr_raw, $stderr_mode); ($stdout_mode, $stdout_raw, @args) = @args if $args[0] =~ /^>>?$/; ($stderr_mode, $stderr_raw, @args) = @args if $args[0] =~ /^2>>?$/; my $home; if ($options->{as_user}) { $options->{setuid} = $ENV{PKEXEC_UID} ||= common::get_parent_uid();; } my $args = $options->{sensitive_arguments} ? '' : join(' ', @args); log::explanations("running: $real_name $args" . ($root ? " with root $root" : "")); return if $root && $<; $root ? ($root .= '/') : ($root = ''); my $tmpdir = sub { my $dir = $< != 0 ? "$ENV{HOME}/tmp" : -d '/root' ? '/root/tmp' : '/tmp'; -d $dir or mkdir($dir, 0700); $dir; }; my $stdout = $stdout_raw && (ref($stdout_raw) ? $tmpdir->() . "/.drakx-stdout.$$" : "$root$stdout_raw"); my $stderr = $stderr_raw && (ref($stderr_raw) ? $tmpdir->() . "/.drakx-stderr.$$" : "$root$stderr_raw"); #- checking if binary exist to avoid clobbering stdout file my $rname = $real_name =~ /(.*?)[\s\|]/ ? $1 : $real_name; if (! ($rname =~ m!^/! ? -x "$root$rname" || $root && -l "$root$rname" #- handle non-relative symlink which can be broken when non-rooted : whereis_binary($rname, $root))) { log::l("program not found: $real_name"); return; } if (my $pid = fork()) { if ($options->{detach}) { $pid; } else { my $ok; add2hash_($options, { timeout => $default_timeout }); my $remaining = $options->{timeout} if $options->{timeout} ne 'never'; #- We count in milliseconds when using a callback routine. $remaining *= 1000 if $remaining && $callback_routine; #- Preserve any pre-existing alarm. my $old_remaining = alarm(0) if $remaining; wait_again: eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "ALARM" }; if ($callback_routine) { ualarm($callback_interval * 1000); } elsif ($remaining) { alarm($remaining); } waitpid $pid, 0; $ok = $? == -1 || ($? >> 8) == 0; if ($callback_routine) { ualarm(0); } elsif ($remaining) { alarm(0); } }; if ($@) { if ($@ =~ /^ALARM/ && $callback_routine) { $callback_routine->($pid); $remaining -= $callback_interval if $remaining; goto wait_again if !defined $remaining || $remaining > 0; } log::l("ERROR: killing runaway process (process=$real_name, pid=$pid, args=@args, error=$@)"); kill 9, $pid; #- Restore any pre-existing alarm. alarm($old_remaining) if $old_remaining; return; } #- Restore any pre-existing alarm. alarm($old_remaining) if $old_remaining; if ($stdout_raw && ref($stdout_raw)) { if (ref($stdout_raw) eq 'ARRAY') { @$stdout_raw = cat_($stdout); } else { $$stdout_raw = cat_($stdout); } unlink $stdout; } if ($stderr_raw && ref($stderr_raw)) { if (ref($stderr_raw) eq 'ARRAY') { @$stderr_raw = cat_($stderr); } else { $$stderr_raw = cat_($stderr); } unlink $stderr; } $ok; } } else { if ($options->{setuid}) { require POSIX; my ($logname, $home) = (getpwuid($options->{setuid}))[0,7]; $ENV{LOGNAME} = $logname if $logname; $ENV{HOME} = $home if $home; # if we were root and are going to drop privilege, keep a copy of the X11 cookie: if (!$> && $home) { # FIXME: it would be better to remove this but most callers are using 'detach => 1'... my $xauth = chomp_(`mktemp $home/.Xauthority.XXXXX`); system('cp', '-a', $ENV{XAUTHORITY}, $xauth); system('chown', $logname, $xauth); $ENV{XAUTHORITY} = $xauth; } # drop privileges: POSIX::setuid($options->{setuid}); } sub die_exit { log::l($_[0]); c::_exit(128); } if ($stderr && $stderr eq 'STDERR') { } elsif ($stderr) { $stderr_mode =~ s/2//; open STDERR, "$stderr_mode $stderr" or die_exit("run_program cannot output in $stderr (mode `$stderr_mode')"); } elsif ($::isInstall) { open STDERR, ">> /tmp/ddebug.log" or open STDOUT, ">> /dev/tty7" or die_exit("run_program cannot log, give me access to /tmp/ddebug.log"); } if ($stdout && $stdout eq 'STDOUT') { } elsif ($stdout) { open STDOUT, "$stdout_mode $stdout" or die_exit("run_program cannot output in $stdout (mode `$stdout_mode')"); } elsif ($::isInstall) { open STDOUT, ">> /tmp/ddebug.log" or open STDOUT, ">> /dev/tty7" or die_exit("run_program cannot log, give me access to /tmp/ddebug.log"); } $root and chroot $root; chdir($options->{chdir} || "/"); my $ok = ref $name ? do { exec { $name->[0] } $name->[1], @args; } : do { exec $name, @args; }; if (!$ok) { die_exit("exec of $real_name failed: $!"); } } } package bg_command; =item bg_command::new($class, $sub) Runs in background a sub that give back data through STDOUT a la run_program::get_stdout but w/ arbitrary perl code instead of external program =cut sub new { my ($class, $sub) = @_; my $o = bless {}, $class; if ($o->{pid} = open(my $fd, "-|")) { $o->{fd} = $fd; $o; } else { $sub->(); c::_exit(0); } } =item bg_command::DESTROY($o) When undefined (either explicitly or at end of lexical scope), close the fd and wait for the child process. =cut sub DESTROY { my ($o) = @_; close $o->{fd} or warn "kid exited $?"; waitpid $o->{pid}, 0; } =back =cut 1; #- Local Variables: #- mode:cperl #- tab-width:8 #- End: