#include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h" /* set by scan_fat, used by next */ short *fat = NULL; char *fat_flag_map = NULL; unsigned int *fat_remap = NULL; int fat_remap_size; int type_size, nb_clusters, bad_cluster_value; void free_all() { #define FREE(p) if (p) free(p), p = NULL; FREE(fat); FREE(fat_flag_map); FREE(fat_remap); #undef FREE } unsigned int next(unsigned int cluster) { short *p = fat + type_size * cluster; if (!fat) { free_all(); croak("fat::next: trying to use null pointer"); } if (cluster >= nb_clusters + 2) { free_all(); croak("fat::next: cluster %d outside filesystem", cluster); } return type_size == 1 ? *p : *((unsigned int *) p); } void set_next(unsigned int cluster, unsigned int val) { short *p = fat + type_size * cluster; if (!fat) { free_all(); croak("fat::set_next: trying to use null pointer"); } if (cluster >= nb_clusters + 2) { free_all(); croak("fat::set_next: cluster %d outside filesystem", cluster); } if (type_size == 1) *p = val; else *((unsigned int *) p) = val; } MODULE = resize_fat::c_rewritten PACKAGE = resize_fat::c_rewritten PROTOTYPES: DISABLE void read_fat(fd, offset, size, magic) int fd int offset int size unsigned char magic PPCODE: { fat = (short *) malloc(size); if (!fat) { free_all(); croak("read_fat: not enough memory"); } if (lseek(fd, offset, SEEK_SET) != offset || read(fd, fat, size) != size) { free_all(); croak("read_fat: reading FAT failed"); } if (magic != *(unsigned char *) fat) { free_all(); croak("read_fat: FAT has invalid signature"); } } void write_fat(fd, size) int fd int size PPCODE: { if (write(fd, fat, size) != size) { free_all(); croak("write_fat: write failed"); } } void free_all() PPCODE: free_all(); void scan_fat(nb_clusters_, type_size_) int nb_clusters_ int type_size_ PPCODE: { unsigned int v; int free = 0, bad = 0, used = 0; short *p; type_size = type_size_; nb_clusters = nb_clusters_; bad_cluster_value = type_size == 32 ? 0x0ffffff7 : 0xfff7; if (type_size % 16) { free_all(); croak("scan_fat: unable to handle FAT%d", type_size); } type_size /= 16; for (p = fat + 2 * type_size; p < fat + type_size * (nb_clusters + 2); p += type_size) { v = type_size == 1 ? *p : *((unsigned int *) p); if (v == 0) free++; else if (v == bad_cluster_value) bad++; } used = nb_clusters - free - bad; EXTEND(SP, 3); PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(free))); PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(bad))); PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(used))); } unsigned int next(unused, cluster) void *unused unsigned int cluster CODE: RETVAL = next(cluster); OUTPUT: RETVAL void set_next(unused, cluster, val) void *unused unsigned int cluster unsigned int val CODE: set_next(cluster, val); void allocate_fat_flag(size) int size CODE: fat_flag_map = calloc(size, 1); if (!fat_flag_map) { free_all(); croak("allocate_fat_flag: not enough memory"); } int checkFat(cluster, type, name) unsigned int cluster int type char *name CODE: int nb = 0; if (!fat_flag_map) { free_all(); croak("Bad FAT: trying to use null pointer"); } for (; cluster < bad_cluster_value; cluster = next(cluster)) { if (cluster == 0) { free_all(); croak("Bad FAT: unterminated chain for %s\n", name); } if (cluster >= nb_clusters + 2) { free_all(); croak("Bad FAT: chain outside filesystem for %s\n", name); } if (fat_flag_map[cluster]) { free_all(); croak("Bad FAT: cluster %d is cross-linked for %s\n", cluster, name); } fat_flag_map[cluster] = type; nb++; } RETVAL = nb; OUTPUT: RETVAL unsigned int flag(cluster) unsigned int cluster CODE: if (!fat_flag_map) { free_all(); croak("Bad FAT: trying to use null pointer"); } if (cluster >= nb_clusters + 2) { free_all(); croak("Bad FAT: going outside filesystem"); } RETVAL = fat_flag_map[cluster]; OUTPUT: RETVAL void set_flag(cluster, flag) unsigned int cluster int flag CODE: if (!fat_flag_map) { free_all(); croak("Bad FAT: trying to use null pointer"); } if (cluster >= nb_clusters + 2) { free_all(); croak("Bad FAT: going outside filesystem"); } fat_flag_map[cluster] = flag; void allocate_fat_remap(size) int size CODE: fat_remap_size = size; fat_remap = (unsigned int *) calloc(size, sizeof(unsigned int *)); if (!fat_remap) { free_all(); croak("allocate_fat_remap: not enough memory"); } unsigned int fat_remap(cluster) unsigned int cluster CODE: if (!fat_remap) { free_all(); croak("fat_remap: trying to use null pointer"); } if (cluster >= bad_cluster_value) { RETVAL = cluster; /* special cases */ } else { if (cluster >= fat_remap_size) { free_all(); croak("fat_remap: cluster %d >= %d in fat_remap", cluster, fat_remap_size); } RETVAL = fat_remap[cluster]; } OUTPUT: RETVAL void set_fat_remap(cluster, val) unsigned int cluster unsigned int val CODE: if (!fat_remap) { free_all(); croak("set_fat_remap: trying to use null pointer"); } if (cluster >= fat_remap_size) { free_all(); croak("set_fat_remap: cluster %d >= %d in set_fat_remap", cluster, fat_remap_size); } if (val < bad_cluster_value && val >= fat_remap_size) { free_all(); croak("set_fat_remap: remapping cluster %d to cluster %d >= %d in set_fat_remap", cluster, val, fat_remap_size); } fat_remap[cluster] = val; type='search' size='10' name='q' value=''/>
path: root/perl-install/network/adsl_consts.pm
diff options
authorPablo Saratxaga <pablo@mandriva.com>2004-10-07 12:39:58 +0000
committerPablo Saratxaga <pablo@mandriva.com>2004-10-07 12:39:58 +0000
commit91daae81333182f281cc2e68616813379f3bd0e1 (patch)
tree8e0735962c7d90e2287c52c5fe5b9ebb97bf673f /perl-install/network/adsl_consts.pm
parentee3fc3eef31f59d49bd742d30916b7303bd147b0 (diff)
corrected "Morocco" name; converted to UTF-8
Diffstat (limited to 'perl-install/network/adsl_consts.pm')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/perl-install/network/adsl_consts.pm b/perl-install/network/adsl_consts.pm
index b470a6025..3968c7e2e 100644
--- a/perl-install/network/adsl_consts.pm
+++ b/perl-install/network/adsl_consts.pm
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ our %adsl_data = (
Encapsulation => 3,
- N("France") . "|Free non dégroupé 512/128 & 1024/128" =>
+ N("France") . "|Free non dégroupé 512/128 & 1024/128" =>
vpi => 8,
vci => 23,
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ our %adsl_data = (
DOMAINNAME2 => 'free.fr',
- N("France") . "|Free dégroupé 1024/256 (mini)" =>
+ N("France") . "|Free dégroupé 1024/256 (mini)" =>
vpi => 8,
vci => 24,
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ our %adsl_data = (
DOMAINNAME2 => 'free.fr',
- N("France") . "|n9uf tel9com 512 & dégroupé 1024" =>
+ N("France") . "|n9uf tel9com 512 & dégroupé 1024" =>
vpi => 8,
vci => 23,
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ our %adsl_data = (
method => 'pppoa',
- N("France") . "|Cegetel non dégroupé 512 IP/ADSL et dégroupé" =>
+ N("France") . "|Cegetel non dégroupé 512 IP/ADSL et dégroupé" =>
vpi => 8,
vci => 23,
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ our %adsl_data = (
DOMAINNAME2 => 'wanadoo.fr',
- N("France") . "|Télé2" =>
+ N("France") . "|Télé2" =>
vpi => 8,
vci => 23,
@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ our %adsl_data = (
method => 'pppoe',
- N("Morrocco") . "|Maroc Telecom" =>
+ N("Morocco") . "|Maroc Telecom" =>
vpi => 8,
vci => 23,
@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ our %adsl_data = (
Encapsulation => 1,
- N("Spain") . "|Telefónica IP dinámica" =>
+ N("Spain") . "|Telefónica IP dinámica" =>
vpi => 8,
vci => 20,
@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ our %adsl_data = (
dnsServer3 => '',
method => 'pppoe',
- N("Spain") . "|Telefónica ip fija" =>
+ N("Spain") . "|Telefónica ip fija" =>
vpi => 8,