package raid; # $Id$

use diagnostics;
use strict;

#- misc imports
use common;
use fs::type;
use fs::get;
use run_program;
use devices;
use modules;

sub max_nb() { 31 }

sub check_prog {
    my ($in) = @_;
    $::isInstall || $in->do_pkgs->ensure_binary_is_installed('mdadm', 'mdadm');

sub new {
    my ($raids, %opts) = @_;
    my $md_part = { %opts };
    add2hash_($md_part, { 'chunk-size' => '64', disks => [], 
			  fs_type => 'ext3',
			  device => first(free_mds($raids)), 
			  notFormatted => 1, level => 1 });
    push @$raids, $md_part;
    foreach (@{$md_part->{disks}}) {
	$_->{raid} = $md_part->{device};
	fs::type::set_pt_type($_, 0xfd);
	delete $_->{mntpoint};

sub add {
    my ($md_part, $part) = @_;
    $md_part->{isMounted} and die N("Can not add a partition to _formatted_ RAID %s", $md_part->{device});
    set_isFormatted($part, 0);
    $part->{raid} = $md_part->{device};
    delete $part->{mntpoint};
    push @{$md_part->{disks}}, $part;

sub delete {
    my ($raids, $md_part) = @_;
    delete $_->{raid} foreach @{$md_part->{disks}};
    @$raids = grep { $_ != $md_part } @$raids;
    write_conf($raids) if $::isStandalone;

sub change_device {
    my ($md_part, $new_device) = @_;
    if ($new_device ne $md_part->{device}) {
	$md_part->{device} = $new_device;
	$_->{raid} = $new_device foreach @{$md_part->{disks}};

sub removeDisk {
    my ($raids, $part) = @_;
    my $md_part = fs::get::device2part($part->{raid}, $raids);
    fs::type::set_isFormatted($part, 0);
    delete $part->{raid};
    my $disks = $md_part->{disks};
    @$disks = grep { $_ != $part } @$disks;
    if (@$disks) {
    } else {
	@$raids = grep { $_ != $md_part } @$raids;
    write_conf($raids) if $::isStandalone;

sub updateSize {
    my ($part) = @_;
    local $_ = $part->{level};
    my @l = map { $_->{size} } @{$part->{disks}};

    $part->{size} = do {
	if (/0|linear/) { sum @l }
	elsif (/1/)     { min @l }
	elsif (/4|5/)   { min(@l) * (@l - 1) }
	elsif (/6/)     { min(@l) * (@l - 2) }

sub module {
    my ($part) = @_;
    my $level = $part->{level};
    log::l("level $level");

    if (member($level, 4, 5, 6)) {
    } elsif ($level =~ /^\d+$/) {
    } else {

sub update {
    updateSize($_) foreach @_;

sub make {
    my ($raids, $part) = @_;    

    return if is_active($part->{device});


    isRAID($_) and make($raids, $_) foreach @{$part->{disks}};
    eval { modules::load(module($part)) };

    whereis_binary('mdadm') or die 'mdadm not installed';

    my $dev = devices::make($part->{device});
    my $nb = @{$part->{disks}};

    run_program::run_or_die('mdadm', '--create', '--run', $dev, 
			    if_($nb == 1, '--force'),
			    '--chunk=' . $part->{'chunk-size'}, 
			    map { devices::make($_->{device}) } @{$part->{disks}});

    if (my $raw_part = get_md_info($dev)) {
	$part->{UUID} = $raw_part->{UUID};
    write_conf($raids) if $::isStandalone;

sub format_part {
    my ($raids, $part) = @_;
    $part->{isFormatted} and return;

    make($raids, $part);
    fs::format::part_raw($part, undef);
    set_isFormatted($_, 1) foreach @{$part->{disks}};

sub verify {
    my ($raids) = @_;
    foreach (@$raids) {
	my $nb = $_->{level} =~ /6/ ? 4 : $_->{level} =~ /4|5/ ? 3 : 2;
	@{$_->{disks}} >= $nb or die N("Not enough partitions for RAID level %d\n", $_->{level});

sub inactivate_and_dirty {
    my ($part) = @_;
    run_program::run('mdadm', '--stop', devices::make($part->{device}));
    set_isFormatted($part, 0);

sub active_mds() {
    map { if_(/^(md\d+)\s*:\s*active/, $1) } cat_("/proc/mdstat");
sub inactive_mds() {
    map { if_(/^(md\d+)\s*:\s*inactive/, $1) } cat_("/proc/mdstat");

sub free_mds {
    my ($raids) = @_;
    difference2([ map { "md$_" } 0 .. max_nb() ], [ map { $_->{device} } @$raids ]);

sub detect_during_install {
    my (@parts) = @_;
    detect_during_install_once(@parts) if active_mds(); #- try again to detect RAID 10

    foreach (inactive_mds()) {
	log::l("$_ is an inactive md, we stop it to ensure it doesn't busy devices");
	run_program::run('mdadm', '--stop', devices::make($_));

sub detect_during_install_once {
    my (@parts) = @_;
    devices::make("md$_") foreach 0 .. max_nb();
    output('/etc/mdadm.conf', join(' ', 'DEVICE', 
				   (map { "/dev/$_" } active_mds()), 
				   map { devices::make($_->{device}) } @parts), "\n");
    run_program::run('mdadm', '>>', '/etc/mdadm.conf', '--examine', '--scan');

    foreach (@{parse_mdadm_conf(scalar cat_('/etc/mdadm.conf'))->{ARRAY}}) {
	eval { modules::load(module($_)) };
    run_program::run('mdadm', '--assemble', '--scan');    

sub get_existing {
    my @parts = @_;
    my $raids = [];
    foreach my $md (active_mds()) {
	my $raw_part = get_md_info(devices::make($md)) or next;

	$raw_part->{level} =~ s/raid//; #- { linear | raid0 | raid1 | raid5 | raid6 } -> { linear | 0 | 1 | 5 | 6 }

	my @mdparts = 
	  map { 
	      if (my $part = fs::get::device2part($_, [ @parts, @$raids ])) {
	      } else {
		  log::l("ERROR: unknown raw raid device $_");
	  } split(',', $raw_part->{devices});

	my $md_part = new($raids, device => $md, UUID => $raw_part->{UUID}, level => $raw_part->{level}, disks => \@mdparts);

	my $type = fs::type::type_subpart_from_magic($md_part);
	if ($type) {
	    put_in_hash($md_part, $type);
	} else {
	    fs::type::set_fs_type($md_part, 'ext3');
	my $fs_type = $type && $type->{fs_type};
	fs::type::set_isFormatted($md_part, to_bool($fs_type));

	log::l("RAID: found $md (raid $md_part->{level}) type $fs_type with parts $raw_part->{devices}");

sub is_active {
    my ($dev) = @_;
    member($dev, active_mds());

sub write_conf {
    my ($raids) = @_;

    @$raids or return;

    my @devices = uniq(map { devices::make($_->{device}) } map { @{$_->{disks}} } @$raids);

	   join(' ', 'DEVICE', @devices) . "\n",
	   map { "ARRAY " . devices::make($_->{device}) . " UUID=$_->{UUID} auto=yes\n" } @$raids);

sub get_md_info {
    my ($dev) = @_;
    my $conf = parse_mdadm_conf(scalar run_program::get_stdout('mdadm', '--detail', '--brief', '-v', $dev));

    @{$conf->{ARRAY}} or return;
    @{$conf->{ARRAY}} == 1 or internal_error("too many answers");

sub parse_mdadm_conf {
    my ($s) = @_;
    my %conf = (DEVICE => [], ARRAY => []);
    $s =~ s!^\s*#.*!!gm; #- remove comments
    $s =~ s!\n(\s)!$1!g; #- join lines starting with a space
    foreach (split("\n", $s)) {
	if (/^DEVICE\s+(.*)/) {
	    push @{$conf{DEVICE}}, split(' ', $1);
	} elsif (my ($md, $md_conf) = /^ARRAY\s+(\S+)\s*(.*)/) {
	    my %md_conf = map { if_(/(.*)=(.*)/, $1 => $2) } split(' ', $md_conf);
	    $md_conf{level} =~ s/^raid//;
	    $md_conf{device} = $md;
	    push @{$conf{ARRAY}}, \%md_conf;

submit();'><option value='0' selected='selected'>unified</option><option value='1'>ssdiff</option><option value='2'>stat only</option></select></td></tr><tr><td/><td class='ctrl'><noscript><input type='submit' value='reload'/></noscript></td></tr></table></form></div><table summary='commit info' class='commit-info'>
<tr><th>author</th><td>Pablo Saratxaga &lt;;</td><td class='right'>2004-02-19 19:41:30 +0000</td></tr>
<tr><th>committer</th><td>Pablo Saratxaga &lt;;</td><td class='right'>2004-02-19 19:41:30 +0000</td></tr>
<tr><th>commit</th><td colspan='2' class='sha1'><a href='/software/drakx/commit/perl-install/share/po/zh_CN.po?h=15.68&amp;id=4d27d7ee5c37eab43f910cd6eec9fc93fda9aed2'>4d27d7ee5c37eab43f910cd6eec9fc93fda9aed2</a> (<a href='/software/drakx/patch/perl-install/share/po/zh_CN.po?id=4d27d7ee5c37eab43f910cd6eec9fc93fda9aed2'>patch</a>)</td></tr>
<tr><th>tree</th><td colspan='2' class='sha1'><a href='/software/drakx/tree/?h=15.68&amp;id=4d27d7ee5c37eab43f910cd6eec9fc93fda9aed2'>4bca2c2ee3703fc9c7d1640a7e74b1fea0229c56</a> /<a href='/software/drakx/tree/perl-install/share/po/zh_CN.po?h=15.68&amp;id=4d27d7ee5c37eab43f910cd6eec9fc93fda9aed2'>perl-install/share/po/zh_CN.po</a></td></tr>
<tr><th>parent</th><td colspan='2' class='sha1'><a href='/software/drakx/commit/perl-install/share/po/zh_CN.po?h=15.68&amp;id=1cbb512c517e0126d5abcddf8b26013b90a64283'>1cbb512c517e0126d5abcddf8b26013b90a64283</a> (<a href='/software/drakx/diff/perl-install/share/po/zh_CN.po?h=15.68&amp;id=4d27d7ee5c37eab43f910cd6eec9fc93fda9aed2&amp;id2=1cbb512c517e0126d5abcddf8b26013b90a64283'>diff</a>)</td></tr><tr><th>download</th><td colspan='2' class='sha1'><a href='/software/drakx/snapshot/drakx-4d27d7ee5c37eab43f910cd6eec9fc93fda9aed2.tar'>drakx-4d27d7ee5c37eab43f910cd6eec9fc93fda9aed2.tar</a><br/><a href='/software/drakx/snapshot/drakx-4d27d7ee5c37eab43f910cd6eec9fc93fda9aed2.tar.gz'>drakx-4d27d7ee5c37eab43f910cd6eec9fc93fda9aed2.tar.gz</a><br/><a href='/software/drakx/snapshot/drakx-4d27d7ee5c37eab43f910cd6eec9fc93fda9aed2.tar.bz2'>drakx-4d27d7ee5c37eab43f910cd6eec9fc93fda9aed2.tar.bz2</a><br/><a href='/software/drakx/snapshot/drakx-4d27d7ee5c37eab43f910cd6eec9fc93fda9aed2.tar.xz'>drakx-4d27d7ee5c37eab43f910cd6eec9fc93fda9aed2.tar.xz</a><br/><a href='/software/drakx/snapshot/'></a><br/></td></tr></table>
<div class='commit-subject'>updated pot file</div><div class='commit-msg'></div><div class='diffstat-header'><a href='/software/drakx/diff/?h=15.68&amp;id=4d27d7ee5c37eab43f910cd6eec9fc93fda9aed2'>Diffstat</a> (limited to 'perl-install/share/po/zh_CN.po')</div><table summary='diffstat' class='diffstat'><tr><td class='mode'>-rw-r--r--</td><td class='upd'><a href='/software/drakx/diff/perl-install/share/po/zh_CN.po?h=15.68&amp;id=4d27d7ee5c37eab43f910cd6eec9fc93fda9aed2'>perl-install/share/po/zh_CN.po</a></td><td class='right'>30354</td><td class='graph'><table summary='file diffstat' width='100%'><tr><td class='add' style='width: 54.8%;'/><td class='rem' style='width: 45.2%;'/><td class='none' style='width: 0.0%;'/></tr></table></td></tr>
</table><div class='diffstat-summary'>1 files changed, 16649 insertions, 13705 deletions</div><table summary='diff' class='diff'><tr><td><div class='head'>diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/zh_CN.po b/perl-install/share/po/zh_CN.po<br/>index 158e8eb79..7e6b6f065 100644<br/>--- a/<a href='/software/drakx/tree/perl-install/share/po/zh_CN.po?h=15.68&amp;id=1cbb512c517e0126d5abcddf8b26013b90a64283'>perl-install/share/po/zh_CN.po</a><br/>+++ b/<a href='/software/drakx/tree/perl-install/share/po/zh_CN.po?h=15.68&amp;id=4d27d7ee5c37eab43f910cd6eec9fc93fda9aed2'>perl-install/share/po/zh_CN.po</a></div>