package printer;

use diagnostics;
use strict;

use vars qw(%thedb %printer_type %printer_type_inv @papersize_type);

# misc imports
use Data::Dumper;
use commands;
# pixel imports

# An entry in the 'printerdb' file, which describes each type of 
# supported printer                                              

#StartEntry: DeskJet550
#  GSDriver: cdj550 
#  Description: {HP DeskJet 550C/560C/6xxC series}
#  About: { \
#	    This driver supports the HP inkjet printers which have \
#	    color capability using both black and color cartridges \
#	    simultaneously. Known to work with the 682C and the 694C. \
#	    Other 600 and 800 series printers may work \
#	    if they have this feature. \
#	    If your printer seems to be saturating the paper with ink, \
#	    try added an extra GS option of '-dDepletion=2'. \
#	    Ghostscript supports several optional parameters for \
#	    this driver: see the document 'devices.doc' \
#	    in the ghostscript directory under /usr/doc. \
#	  }
#  Resolution: {300} {300} {}
#  BitsPerPixel:  {3} {Normal color printing with color cartridge}
#  BitsPerPixel:  {8} {Floyd-Steinberg B&W printing for better greys}
#  BitsPerPixel: {24} {Floyd-Steinberg Color printing (best, but slow)}
#  BitsPerPixel: {32} {Sometimes provides better output than 24}

my %ex_printerdb_entry = 
   ENTRY    => "DeskJet550",                               #Human-readable name of the entry
   GSDRIVER => "cdj550",                                   #gs driver used by this printer
   DESCR    => "HP DeskJet 550C/560C/6xxC series",         #Single line description of printer
   ABOUT    => "
   This driver supports the HP inkjet printers which have 
   color capability using both black and color cartridges 
        ...",                                             #Lengthy description of printer
   RESOLUTION   => [                                       #List of resolutions supported
		     XDPI    => 300,
		     YDPI    => 300,
		     DESCR   => "commentaire",
   BITSPERPIXEL => [                                       #List of color depths supported
		     DEPTH => 3,
		     DESCR => "Normal color printing with color cartridge",

# A printcap entry 
# Only represents a subset of possible options available 
# Sufficient for the simple configuration we are interested in 

# there is also some text in the template (.in) file in the spooldir

## /etc/printcap
## Please don't edit this file directly unless you know what you are doing!
## Be warned that the control-panel printtool requires a very strict format!
## Look at the printcap(5) man page for more info.
## This file can be edited with the printtool in the control-panel.
###PRINTTOOL3## LOCAL uniprint NAxNA letter {} U_NECPrinwriter2X necp2x6 1
#	 :sd=/var/spool/lpd/lpnamespool:\
#	 :mx#45:\
#	 :sh:\
#	 :lp=/dev/device:\
#	 :if=/var/spool/lpd/lpnamespool/filter:
###PRINTTOOL3## REMOTE st800 360x180 a4 {} EpsonStylus800 Default 1
#	 :sd=/var/spool/lpd/remotespool:\
#	 :mx#47:\
#	 :sh:\
#	 :rm=remotehost:\
#	 :rp=remotequeue:\
#	 :if=/var/spool/lpd/remotespool/filter:
###PRINTTOOL3## SMB la75plus 180x180 letter {} DECLA75P Default {}
#	 :sd=/var/spool/lpd/smbspool:\
#	 :mx#46:\
#	 :sh:\
#	 :if=/var/spool/lpd/smbspool/filter:\
#	 :af=/var/spool/lpd/smbspool/acct:\
#	 :lp=/dev/null:
###PRINTTOOL3## NCP ap3250 180x180 letter {} EpsonAP3250 Default {}
#	 :sd=/var/spool/lpd/ncpspool:\
#	 :mx#46:\
#	 :sh:\
#	 :if=/var/spool/lpd/ncpspool/filter:\
#	 :af=/var/spool/lpd/ncpspool/acct:\
#	 :lp=/dev/null:

my %ex_printcap_entry = 
   QUEUE    => "lpname",                            #Queue name, can have multi separated by '|'

   #if you want something different from the default
   SPOOLDIR => "/var/spool/lpd/lpnamespool/",        #Spool directory
   IF       => "/var/spool/lpd/lpnamespool/filter", #input filter
   # commentaire inserer dans le printcap pour que printtool retrouve ses petits
   DBENTRY      => "DeskJet670",                    #entry in printer database for this printer  

   RESOLUTION   => "NAxNA",                         #ghostscript resolution to use
   PAPERSIZE    => "letter",                        #Papersize
   BITSPERPIXEL => "necp2x6",                       #ghostscript color option                    
   CRLF         => 1 ,                            #Whether or not to do CR/LF xlation         

   TYPE         => "LOCAL",

   # LOCAL
   DEVICE   => "/dev/device",                       #Print device
   # REMOTE (lpd) printers only 
   REMOTEHOST   => "remotehost",                     #Remote host (not used for all entries)
   REMOTEQUEUE  => "remotequeue",                    #Queue on the remote machine                

   #SMB (LAN Manager) only 
   # in spooldir/.config
   SMBHOST   => "hostname",                              #Server name (NMB name, can have spaces)
   SMBHOSTIP => "",                               #Can optional specify and IP address for host
   SMBSHARE  => "printername",                           #Name of share on the SMB server             
   SMBUSER   => "user",                                  #User to log in as on SMB server             
   SMBPASSWD => "passowrd",                              #Corresponding password                      
   SMBWORKGROUP => "AS3",                                #SMB workgroup name                          
   AF        => "/var/spool/lpd/smbspool/acct",           #accounting filter (needed for smbprint)

   # NCP (NetWare) only 
   # in spooldir/.config
   NCPHOST   => "printerservername",            #Server name (NCP name)                      
   NCPQUEUE  => "queuename",                    #Queue on server                             
   NCPUSER   => "user",                         #User to log in as on NCP server             
   NCPPASSWD => "pass",                         #Corresponding password                      

my $PRINTER_SMB    = "SMB";
my $PRINTER_NCP    = "NCP";   


%printer_type = ("local"             => $PRINTER_LOCAL,
		    "Remote lpd"        => $PRINTER_LPRREM,
		    "SMB/Windows 95/NT" => $PRINTER_SMB,
		    "NetWare"           => $PRINTER_NCP,   

%printer_type_inv = reverse %printer_type;

@papersize_type = qw(letter legal ledger a3 a4);


#db of all entries in the printerdb file

#if we are in an panoramix config
my $prefix = "";

# location of the printer database in an installed system
my $PRINTER_DB_FILE    = "/usr/lib/rhs/rhs-printfilters/printerdb";
my $PRINTER_FILTER_DIR = "/usr/lib/rhs/rhs-printfilters/";
my $SPOOLDIR           = "/var/spool/lpd/";


sub set_prefix($) {
    $prefix = shift;
# read function
#Read the printer database from dbpath into memory
sub read_printer_db(;$) {
    my ($dbpath) = @_;
    #$dbpath = $dbpath ? $dbpath : $DB_PRINTER_FILTER;
    $dbpath ||= $PRINTER_DB_FILE;
    $dbpath = "${prefix}$dbpath";

    %thedb and return;

    local *DBPATH;		#don't have to do close
    open DBPATH, "<$dbpath" or die "An error has occurred on $dbpath : $!";
    while (<DBPATH>) {
	if (/^StartEntry:\s(\w*)/) {
	    my $entryname = $1;
	    my $entry = {};
	    $entry->{ENTRY} = $entryname;
	  WHILE : 
	      while (<DBPATH>) {
		      /GSDriver:\s*(\w*)/      and do { $entry->{GSDRIVER} = $1; last SWITCH};
		      /Description:\s*{(.*)}/  and do { $entry->{DESCR}    = $1; last SWITCH};
		      /About:\s*{(.*)}/        and do { $entry->{ABOUT}    = $1; last SWITCH};
			and do 
			      my $string = "$1\n";
			      while (<DBPATH>) {
				  /(.*)}/ and do { $entry->{ABOUT} = $string; last SWITCH};
				  $string .= $_;
			and do { push @{$entry->{RESOLUTION}}, {XDPI => $1, YDPI => $2, DESCR => $3}; last SWITCH};
			and do { push @{$entry->{BITSPERPIXEL}}, {DEPTH => $1, DESCR => $2};last SWITCH;};
		      /EndEntry/          and do { last WHILE;};
	    $thedb{$entryname} = $entry;

# write functions 

# given the path queue_path, we create all the required spool directory
sub create_spool_dir($) {
    my ($queue_path) = @_;
    my $complete_path = "${prefix}$queue_path";

    unless ($::testing) {
	mkdir "$complete_path", 0755
	  or die "An error has occurred - can't create $complete_path : $!";
	#redhat want that "drwxr-xr-x root lp"
	my $gid_lp = (getpwnam("lp"))[3];
	chown 0, $gid_lp, $complete_path 
	  or die "An error has occurred - can't chgrp $complete_path to lp $!";

#given the input spec file 'input', and the target output file 'output'
#we set the fields specified by fieldname to the values in fieldval    
#nval  is the number of fields to set                                  
#Doesnt currently catch error exec'ing sed yet                         
sub create_config_file($$%) {
    my ($inputfile, $outpufile, %toreplace) = @_;
    my ($in, $out) = ("${prefix}$inputfile", "${prefix}$outpufile");
    local *OUT;
    local *IN;
    #TODO my $oldmask = umask 0755;

    open IN , "<$in"  or die "Can't open $in $!";
    if ($::testing) {
	open OUT, ">$out" or die "Can't open $out $!";
    } else {
    while ((<IN>)) {
	if (/@@@(.*)@@@/) {
	    my $chaine = $1;
	    if (!defined($toreplace{$chaine})) {
		die "I can't replace $chaine";
	print OUT;

#copy master filter to the spool dir
sub copy_master_filter($) {
    my ($queue_path) = @_;
    my $complete_path = "${prefix}${queue_path}filter";
    my $master_filter = "${prefix}${PRINTER_FILTER_DIR}master-filter";

    unless ($::testing) {
	commands::cp($master_filter, $complete_path) or die "Can't copy $master_filter to $complete_path $!";

# given a PrintCap Entry, create the spool dir and special 
# rhs-printfilters related config files which are required
my $intro_printcap_test="
# Please don't edit this file directly unless you know what you are doing!
# Look at the printcap(5) man page for more info.
# Be warned that the control-panel printtool requires a very strict format!
# Look at the printcap(5) man page for more info.
# This file can be edited with the printtool in the control-panel.


sub configure_queue($) {
    my ($entry) = @_;

    $entry->{SPOOLDIR} ||= "$SPOOLDIR";
    $entry->{IF}       ||= "$SPOOLDIR$entry->{QUEUE}/filter";
    $entry->{AF}       ||= "$SPOOLDIR$entry->{QUEUE}/acct";
    my $queue_path      = "$entry->{SPOOLDIR}";

    my $get_name_file = sub { 
	my ($name) = @_; 
	("${PRINTER_FILTER_DIR}$", "$entry->{SPOOLDIR}$name")
    my ($filein, $file);
    my %fieldname = ();
    my $dbentry = $thedb{($entry->{DBENTRY})} or die "no dbentry";

    ($filein, $file) = &$get_name_file("general.cfg");
    $fieldname{desiredto}   = ($entry->{GSDRIVER} eq "TEXT") ? "ps" : "asc";
    $fieldname{papersize}   = ($entry->{PAPERSIZES}) ? $entry->{PAPERSIZES} : "letter";
    $fieldname{printertype} = ($entry)->{TYPE};
    $fieldname{ascps_trans} = ($dbentry->{GSDRIVER} eq "POSTSCRIPT") ? 
      "NO" : "YES";
    create_config_file($filein,$file, %fieldname);

    # successfully created general.cfg, now do postscript.cfg 
    ($filein, $file) = &$get_name_file("postscript.cfg");
    %fieldname = ();
    $fieldname{gsdevice}       = $dbentry->{GSDRIVER};
    $fieldname{papersize}      = ($entry->{PAPERSIZES}) ? $entry->{PAPERSIZES} : "letter";
    $fieldname{resolution}     = ($entry->{RESOLUTION} eq "Default") ? "Default" : "";
    $fieldname{color}          = 
      do {
	  if ($dbentry->{GSDRIVER} eq "uniprint") {
	      ($entry->{BITSPERPIXEL} eq "Default") ? "-dBitsPerPixel=Default" : "";
	  } else {
    $fieldname{reversepages}   = "NO";
    $fieldname{extragsoptions} = "";
    $fieldname{pssendeof}      = ($dbentry->{GSDRIVER} eq "POSTSCRIPT") ?
      "NO" : "YES";
    $fieldname{nup}            = "1";
    $fieldname{rtlftmar}       = "18";
    $fieldname{topbotmar}      = "18";
    create_config_file($filein, $file, %fieldname);
    # finally, make textonly.cfg
    ($filein, $file) = &$get_name_file("textonly.cfg");
    %fieldname = ();
    $fieldname{textonlyoptions} = "";
    $fieldname{crlftrans}       = $entry->{CRLF} ? "YES" : "";
    $fieldname{textsendeof}     = "1";
    create_config_file($filein, $file, %fieldname);

    unless ($::testing) {
	if ($entry->{TYPE} eq $PRINTER_SMB) {
	    # simple config file required if SMB printer
	    my $config_file = "${prefix}${queue_path}.config";
	    local *CONFFILE;
	    open CONFFILE, ">$config_file" or die "Can't create $config_file $!";
	    print CONFFILE "share='\\\\$entry->{SMBHOST}\\$entry->{SMBSHARE}'\n";
	    print CONFFILE "hostip='$entry->{SMBHOSTIP}'\n";
	    print CONFFILE "user='$entry->{SMBUSER}'\n";
	    print CONFFILE "password='$entry->{SMBPASSWD}'\n";
	    print CONFFILE "workgroup='$entry->{SMBWORKGROUP}'\n";
	} elsif ($entry->{TYPE} eq $PRINTER_NCP) {
	    # same for NCP printer
	    my $config_file = "${prefix}${queue_path}.config";
	    local *CONFFILE;
	    open CONFFILE, ">$config_file" or die "Can't create $config_file $!";
	    print CONFFILE "server=$entry->{NCPHOST}\n";
	    print CONFFILE "queue=$entry->{NCPQUEUE}\n";
	    print CONFFILE "user=$entry->{NCPUSER}\n";
	    print CONFFILE "password=$entry->{NCPPASSWD}\n";


    #now the printcap file
    local *PRINTCAP;
    if ($::testing) {
	open PRINTCAP, ">${prefix}etc/printcap" or die "Can't open printcap file $!";
    } else {
    print PRINTCAP $intro_printcap_test;
    printf PRINTCAP "##PRINTTOOL3##  %s %s %s %s %s %s %s \n",
		    $entry->{CRLF} ? "1" : "";

    print PRINTCAP "$entry->{QUEUE}:\\\n";
    print PRINTCAP "\t:sd=$entry->{SPOOLDIR}:\\\n";
    print PRINTCAP "\t:mx#0:\\\n\t:sh:\\\n";
    if ($entry->{TYPE} eq $PRINTER_LOCAL) {
	print PRINTCAP "\t:lp=$entry->{DEVICE}:\\\n";
    } elsif ($entry->{TYPE} eq $PRINTER_LPRREM) { 
	print PRINTCAP "\t:rm=$entry->{REMOTEHOST}:\\\n";
	print PRINTCAP "\t:rp=$entry->{REMOTEQUEUE}:\\\n";
    } else {
	# (pcentry->Type == (PRINTER_SMB | PRINTER_NCP))
	print PRINTCAP "\t:lp=/dev/null:\\\n";
	print PRINTCAP "\t:af=$entry->{SPOOLDIR}acct\\\n";

    # cheating to get the input filter!
    print PRINTCAP "\t:if=$entry->{SPOOLDIR}filter:\n";

#interface function 

#pixel stuff
my ($o, $in);

#fonction de test
sub test {
    $::testing = 1;


    print "the dump\n";
    print Dumper(%thedb);

    #eval { printer::create_spool_dir("/tmp/titi/", ".") };
    #print $@;
    #eval { printer::copy_master_filter("/tmp/titi/", ".") };
    #print $@;
    #eval { printer::create_config_file("files/", "files/postscript.cfg","./",
    #				    (
    #				     gsdevice   => "titi",
    #				     resolution => "tata",
    #				    ));
    #   };
    #print $@;
    #printer::configure_queue(\%printer::ex_printcap_entry, "/");

# Wonderful perl :(
1; #