package partition_table::gpt; use diagnostics; use strict; use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(partition_table::raw); use fs::type; use partition_table::raw; use c; =head1 SYNOPSYS Read/write GUID partition tables (GPT) See for a list of exitings GUIDs =head1 Functions =over =cut my $nb_primary = 128; sub first_usable_sector { 34 } sub last_usable_sector { my ($hd) = @_; #- do not use totalsectors because backup GPT is at end $hd->{totalsectors} - 33; } my %parted_mapping = ( 'linux-swap(v1)' => 'swap', 'ntfs' => 'ntfs-3g', 'fat16' => 'vfat', 'fat32' => 'vfat', ); my %rev_parted_mapping = reverse %parted_mapping; # prefer 'fat32' over 'fat16': $rev_parted_mapping{vfat} = 'fat32'; sub read_one { my ($hd, $_sector) = @_; $hd->{current_pt_table_type} eq "gpt" or die "$hd->{device} not a GPT disk ($hd->{file})"; my @pt; foreach (c::get_disk_partitions($hd->{file})) { # compatibility with MBR partitions tables: $_->{pt_type} = 0x82 if $_->{fs_type} eq 'swap'; $_->{pt_type} = 0x0b if $_->{fs_type} eq 'vfat'; $_->{pt_type} = 0x83 if $_->{fs_type} =~ /^ext/; # fix detecting ESP (special case are they're detected through pt_type): if ($_->{flag} eq 'ESP') { $_->{pt_type} = 0xef; } elsif ($_->{flag} eq 'BIOS_GRUB') { $_->{fs_type} = $_->{flag}; # hack to prevent it to land in hd->{raw} $_->{pt_type} = $_->{flag}; # hack... } elsif ($_->{flag} eq 'LVM') { $_->{pt_type} = 0x8e; } elsif ($_->{flag} eq 'RAID') { $_->{pt_type} = 0xfd; } elsif ($_->{flag} eq 'RECOVERY') { $_->{pt_type} = 0x12; } $_->{fs_type} = $parted_mapping{$_->{fs_type}} if $parted_mapping{$_->{fs_type}}; @pt[$_->{part_number}-1] = $_; } for (my $part_number = 1; $part_number < $nb_primary; $part_number++) { next if exists($pt[$part_number-1]); $pt[$part_number-1] = { part_number => $part_number }; } \@pt; } sub write { my ($hd, $_handle, $_sector, $pt, $_info) = @_; my $ped_disk; my $partitions_killed; # Initialize the disk if current partition table is not gpt if ($hd->{current_pt_table_type} ne "gpt") { $ped_disk = c::disk_open($hd->{file}, "gpt") or die "failed to create new partition table on $hd->{file}"; $partitions_killed = 1; } else { $ped_disk = c::disk_open($hd->{file}) or die "failed to open partition table on $hd->{file}"; } foreach (@{$hd->{will_tell_kernel}}) { my ($action, $part_number, $o_start, $o_size) = @$_; my ($part) = grep { $_->{start} == $o_start && $_->{size} == $o_size } @$pt; log::l("GPT partitioning: ($action, $part_number, $o_start, $o_size)"); if ($action eq 'add') { local $part->{fs_type} = $rev_parted_mapping{$part->{fs_type}} if $rev_parted_mapping{$part->{fs_type}}; c::disk_add_partition($ped_disk, $o_start, $o_size, $part->{fs_type}) or die "failed to add partition #$part_number on $hd->{file}"; my $flag; if (isESP($part)) { $flag = 'ESP'; } elsif (isBIOS_GRUB($part)) { $flag = 'BIOS_GRUB'; } elsif (isRawLVM($part)) { $flag = 'LVM'; } elsif (isRawRAID($part)) { $flag = 'RAID'; } if ($flag) { c::set_partition_flag($ped_disk, $part_number, $flag) or die "failed to set type '$flag' for $part->{file} on $part->{mntpoint}"; } } elsif ($action eq 'del' && !$partitions_killed) { c::disk_del_partition($ped_disk, $part_number) or die "failed to del partition #$part_number on $hd->{file}"; } elsif ($action eq 'init' && !$partitions_killed) { c::disk_delete_all($ped_disk) or die "failed to delete all partitions on $hd->{file}"; } } # Commit changes to the disk and inform the kernel my $commit_level = c::disk_commit($ped_disk); # Updating the kernel partition table will fail if any of the deleted partitions were mounted $hd->{rebootNeeded} = 1 if $commit_level < 2; $commit_level; } =item need_to_tell_kernel($hd) Hint partition_table::write() that telling the kernel to reread the partition_table is not needed if we already succeeded in that =cut sub need_to_tell_kernel { my ($hd) = @_; # If we failed, try again (partion_table::tell_kernel() will unmount some partitions first) $hd->{rebootNeeded}; } sub initialize { my ($class, $hd) = @_; # part_number starts at 1 my @raw = map { +{ part_number => $_ + 1 } } 0..$nb_primary-2; $hd->{primary} = { raw => \@raw }; bless $hd, $class; } sub can_add { &can_raw_add } sub adjustStart {} sub adjustEnd {} =back =cut 1;