package network::thirdparty; use strict; use common; use detect_devices; use run_program; use services; use log; #- network_settings is an hash of categories (rtc, dsl, wireless, ...) #- each category is an hash of device settings #- a device settings element must have the following fields: #- o matching: #- specify if this settings element matches a driver #- can be a regexp, array ref or Perl code (parameters: driver) #- o description: #- full name of the device #- o name: name used by the packages #- the following fields are optional: #- o url: #- url where the user can find tools/drivers/firmwares for this device #- o device: #- device in /dev to be configured #- o post: #- command to be run after all packages are installed #- can be a shell command or Perl code #- o restart_service: #- if exists but not 1, name of the service to be restarted #- if 1, specify that the service named by the name field should be restarted #- o tools: #- if exists but not 1, hash of the tools settings #- if 1, tools are needed and package name is the name field #- o kernel_module: #- if exists but not 1, hash of the module settings #- if 1, kernel modules are needed and use the name field #- (name-kernel or dkms-name) #- o firmware: #- if exists but not 1, hash of the firmware settings #- if 1, firmware are needed and use the name field #- (name-firmware) #- hash of package settings structure (all fields are optional): #- o package: #- name of the package to be installed for these device #- o test_file: #- file used to test if the package is installed #- o prefix: #- path of the files that are tested #- o links: #- useful links for this device #- can be a single link or array ref #- o user_install: #- function to call if the package installation fails #- o explanations: #- additionnal text to display if the installation fails #- o no_club: #- 1 if the package isn't available on Mandriva club my $hotplug_firmware_prefix = "$::prefix/lib/hotplug/firmware"; my %network_settings = ( rtc => [ { matching => qr/^Hcf:/, description => 'HCF 56k Modem', url => '', name => 'hcfpcimodem', kernel_module => 1, tools => { test_file => '/usr/sbin/hcfpciconfig', }, device => '/dev/ttySHSF0', post => '/usr/sbin/hcfpciconfig --auto', }, { matching => qr/^Hsf:/, description => 'HSF 56k Modem', url => '', name => 'hsflinmodem', kernel_module => 1, tools => { test_file => '/usr/sbin/hsfconfig', }, device => '/dev/ttySHSF0', post => '/usr/sbin/hsfconfig --auto', }, { matching => qr/^LT:/, description => 'LT WinModem', url => '', name => 'ltmodem', kernel_module => 1, tools => { test_file => '/etc/devfs/conf.d/ltmodem.conf', }, device => '/dev/ttyS14', links => [ '', '', ], }, { matching => [ list_modules::category2modules('network/slmodem') ], description => 'Smartlink WinModem', url => '', name => 'slmodem', kernel_module => 1, tools => { test_file => '/usr/sbin/slmodemd', }, device => '/dev/ttySL0', restart_service => 1, }, ], wireless => [ { matching => 'zd1201', description => 'ZyDAS ZD1201', url => '', firmware => { test_file => 'zd1201*.fw', }, }, (map { ( "ipw${_}" => { matching => "ipw${_}", description => "Intel� PRO/Wireless ${_}", url => "http://ipw${_}", name => "ipw${_}", firmware => { test_file => ($_ == 2100 ? "ipw2100-*.fw" : "ipw-*.fw"), }, }, ); } (2100, 2200)), { matching => 'prism54', description => 'Prism GT / Prism Duette / Prism Indigo Chipsets', url => '', name => 'prism54', firmware => { url => '', test_file => "isl38*", }, }, { matching => qr/^at76c50/, description => 'Atmel at76c50x cards', url => '', name => 'atmel', firmware => { test_file => 'atmel_at76c50*', }, links => '', }, ], dsl => [ { matching => sub { detect_devices::getSpeedtouch() }, description => N_("Alcatel speedtouch USB modem"), url => "", name => 'speedtouch', tools => { test_file => '/usr/sbin/modem_run', }, firmware => { package => 'speedtouch_mgmt', prefix => '/usr/share/speedtouch', test_file => 'mgmt*.o', explanations => N_("Copy the Alcatel microcode as mgmt.o in /usr/share/speedtouch/"), user_install => \&install_speedtouch_microcode, }, links => '', }, { matching => 'eciadsl', name => 'eciadsl', explanations => N_("The ECI Hi-Focus modem cannot be supported due to binary driver distribution problem. You can find a driver on"), no_club => 1, tools => 1, }, { matching => 'eagle-usb', description => 'Eagle chipset (from Analog Devices), e.g. Sagem F@st 800/840/908', url => '', name => 'eagle-usb', tools => { test_file => '/sbin/eaglectrl', }, }, { matching => 'bewan', description => 'Bewan Adsl (Unicorn)', url => '', name => 'unicorn', kernel_module => 1, tools => 1, }, ], ); sub device_get_package { my ($settings, $option, $o_default) = @_; $settings->{$option} or return; my $package; if (ref $settings->{$option} eq 'HASH') { $package = $settings->{$option}{package} || 1; } else { $package = $settings->{$option}; } $package == 1 ? $o_default || $settings->{name} : $package; } sub device_get_option { my ($settings, $option) = @_; $settings->{$option} or return; my $value = $settings->{$option}; $value == 1 ? $settings->{name} : $value; } sub find_settings { my ($category, $driver) = @_; find { my $type = ref $_->{matching}; $type eq 'Regexp' && $driver =~ $_->{matching} || $type eq 'CODE' && $_->{matching}->($driver) || $type eq 'ARRAY' && member($driver, @{$_->{matching}}) || $driver eq $_->{matching}; } @{$network_settings{$category}}; } sub warn_not_installed { my ($in, @packages) = @_; $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), N("Could not install the packages (%s)!", @packages)); } sub warn_not_found { my ($in, $settings, $option, @packages) = @_; my %opt; $opt{$_} = $settings->{$option}{$_} || $settings->{$_} foreach qw(url explanations no_club); $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), N("Some packages (%s) are required but aren't available.", @packages) . if_(!$opt{no_club}, N("These packages can be found in Mandriva Club or in Mandriva commercial releases.")) . if_($opt{url}, "\n\n" . N("The required files can also be installed from this URL: %s", $opt{url})) . if_($opt{explanations}, "\n\n" . translate($opt{explanations}))); } sub is_file_installed { my ($settings, $option) = @_; my $file = exists $settings->{$option} && $settings->{$option}{test_file}; $file && -e "$::prefix$file"; } sub is_module_installed { my ($driver) = @_; find { m!/\Q$driver\E\.k?o! } cat_("$::prefix/lib/modules/" . c::kernel_version() . '/modules.dep'); } sub is_firmware_installed { my ($settings) = @_; my $wildcard = exists $settings->{firmware} && $settings->{firmware}{test_file} or return; my $path = $settings->{firmware}{prefix} || $hotplug_firmware_prefix; scalar glob_("$::prefix$path/$wildcard"); } sub find_file_on_windows_system { my ($in, $file) = @_; my $source; require fsedit; my $all_hds = fsedit::get_hds(); fs::get_info_from_fstab($all_hds); if (my $part = find { $_->{device_windobe} eq 'C' } fs::get::fstab($all_hds)) { foreach (qw(windows/system winnt/system windows/system32/drivers winnt/system32/drivers)) { -d $_ and $source = first(glob_("$part->{mntpoint}/$_/$file")) and last; } $source or $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), N("Unable to find \"%s\" on your Windows system!", $file)); } else { $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), N("No Windows system has been detected!")); } { file => $source }; } sub find_file_on_floppy { my ($in, $file) = @_; my $floppy = detect_devices::floppy(); my $mountpoint = '/mnt/floppy'; my $h; $in->ask_okcancel(N("Insert floppy"), N("Insert a FAT formatted floppy in drive %s with %s in root directory and press %s", $floppy, $file, N("Next"))) or return; if (eval { fs::mount(devices::make($floppy), $mountpoint, 'vfat', 'readonly'); 1 }) { log::explanations("Mounting floppy device $floppy in $mountpoint"); $h = before_leaving { fs::umount($mountpoint) }; if ($h->{file} = first(glob("$mountpoint/$file"))) { log::explanations("Found $h->{file} on floppy device"); } else { log::explanations("Unabled to find $file on floppy device"); } } else { $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), N("Floppy access error, unable to mount device %s", $floppy)); log::explanations("Unable to mount floppy device $floppy"); } $h; } sub install_speedtouch_microcode { my ($in) = @_; my $choice; $in->ask_from('', N("You need the Alcatel microcode. You can provide it now via a floppy or your windows partition, or skip and do it later."), [ { type => "list", val => \$choice, format => \&translate, list => [ N_("Use a floppy"), N_("Use my Windows partition") ] } ]) or return; my ($h, $source); if ($choice eq N_("Use a floppy")) { $source = 'mgmt*.o'; $h = find_file_on_floppy($in, $source); } else { $source = 'alcaudsl.sys'; $h = find_file_on_windows_system($in, $source); } unless (-e $h->{file} && cp_f($h->{file}, "$::prefix/usr/share/speedtouch/mgmt.o")) { $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), N("Firmware copy failed, file %s not found", $source)); log::explanations("Firmware copy of $source ($h->{file}) failed"); return; } log::explanations("Firmware copy of $h->{file} succeeded"); $in->ask_warn(N("Congratulations!"), N("Firmware copy succeeded")); 1; } sub install_packages { my ($in, $settings, $driver, @options) = @_; foreach my $option (@options) { my %methods = ( default => { find_package_name => sub { device_get_package($settings, $option) }, check_installed => sub { is_file_installed($settings, $option) }, get_packages => sub { my ($name) = @_; $in->do_pkgs->is_available($name) }, user_install => sub { my $f = $settings->{$option}{user_install}; $f && $f->($in) }, }, kernel_module => { find_package_name => sub { device_get_package($settings, $option, "$settings->{name}-kernel") }, check_installed => sub { is_module_installed($driver) }, get_packages => sub { my ($name) = @_; my $l = $in->do_pkgs->check_kernel_module_packages($name); $l ? @$l : () } }, firmware => { find_package_name => sub { device_get_package($settings, $option, "$settings->{name}-firmware") }, check_installed => sub { is_firmware_installed($settings) }, }, ); my $get_method = sub { my ($method) = @_; exists $methods{$option} && $methods{$option}{$method} || $methods{default}{$method} }; my $name = $get_method->('find_package_name')->(); unless ($name) { log::explanations(qq(No $option package for module "$driver" is required, skipping)); next; } if ($get_method->('check_installed')->()) { log::explanations(qq(Required $option package for module "$driver" is already installed, skipping)); next; } if (my @packages = $get_method->('get_packages')->($name)) { log::explanations("Installing thirdparty packages ($option) " . join(', ', @packages)); $in->do_pkgs->install(@packages) and next; warn_not_installed($in, @packages); } log::explanations("Thirdparty package $name ($option) is required but not available"); unless ($get_method->('user_install')->($in)) { warn_not_found($in, $settings, $option, $name); return; } } 1; } sub setup_device { my ($in, $category, $driver, $o_config, @o_fields) = @_; my $settings = find_settings($category, $driver); if ($settings) { log::explanations(qq(Found settings for driver "$driver" in category "$category")); my $_w = $in->wait_message('', N("Looking for required software and drivers...")); install_packages($in, $settings, $driver, qw(kernel_module firmware tools)) or return; if (my $service = device_get_option($settings, 'service')) { log::explanations("Restarting service $service"); services::restart_or_start($service); } if (my $post = $settings->{post}) { my $_w = $in->wait_message('', N("Please wait, running device configuration commands...")); log::explanations("Running post-install command $post"); run_program::rooted($::prefix, $post); } log::explanations(qq(Settings for driver "$driver" applied)); } else { log::explanations(qq(No settings found for driver "$driver" in category "$category")); } #- assign requested settings, erase with undef if no settings have been found $o_config->{$_} = $settings->{$_} foreach @o_fields; 1; } 1;