package network::pxe; use common; use network::tools; use Xconfig::resolution_and_depth; our $tftp_root = "/var/lib/tftpboot"; my $client_path = '/X86PC/linux'; our $pxelinux_client_root = $tftp_root . $client_path; our $pxelinux_images = $pxelinux_client_root . '/images'; our $pxelinux_help_file = $pxelinux_client_root . '/help.txt'; our $pxelinux_message_file = $pxelinux_client_root . '/messages'; my $pxelinux_config_root = $pxelinux_client_root . '/pxelinux.cfg'; our $pxelinux_config_file = $pxelinux_config_root . '/default'; our $pxe_config_file = '/etc/pxe.conf'; my @global_pxelinux_settings = qw(PROMPT DEFAULT DISPLAY TIMEOUT F1); my @append_settings = qw(initrd ramdisk_size vga display); my @automatic_settings = qw(method interface network server directory); our %vga_bios_to_resolution = ( 'normal' => "vga", 'text' => "text", '' => "automatic", map { $_->{bios} => "$_->{X}x$_->{Y}" } grep { $_->{Depth} == 16 } Xconfig::resolution_and_depth::bios_vga_modes() ); our %vga_resolution_to_bios = reverse %vga_bios_to_resolution; sub read_pxelinux_help { my ($help_file) = @_; my %info; foreach (cat_($help_file)) { /^(\w+)\s*:\s*(.*)$/ and $info{$1} = $2; } \%info; } sub read_pxelinux_conf { my ($conf_file, $help_file) = @_; my (%conf); my $info = read_pxelinux_help($help_file); my $entry = {}; foreach (cat_($conf_file)) { my $global = join('|', @global_pxelinux_settings); if (/^($global)\s+(.*)/) { $conf{lc($1)} = $2; } elsif (/^label\s+(.*)/) { $entry->{label} = $1; } elsif (/^\s+LOCALBOOT\s+(\d+)/) { $entry->{localboot} = $1; } elsif (/^\s+KERNEL\s+(.*)/) { $entry->{kernel} = $1; } elsif (/^\s+APPEND\s+(.*)/) { my @others; foreach (split /\s+/, $1) { my ($option, $value) = /^(.+?)(?:=(.*))?$/; if (member($option, @append_settings)) { $entry->{$option} = $value; } elsif ($option eq 'automatic') { foreach (split /,/, $value) { my ($option, $value) = /^(.+?):(.+)$/; $entry->{$option} = $value; } } else { push @others, $_; } } $entry->{others} = join(' ', @others); } if (exists $entry->{label} && (exists $entry->{localboot} || exists $entry->{kernel} && exists $entry->{initrd})) { $entry->{info} = $info->{$entry->{label}}; exists $entry->{vga} and $entry->{vga} = $vga_bios_to_resolution{$entry->{vga}}; push @{$conf{entries}}, $entry; $entry = {}; } } \%conf; } sub list_pxelinux_labels { my ($conf) = @_; map { $_->{label} } @{$conf->{entries}}; } sub write_pxelinux_conf { my ($conf, $conf_file) = @_; output($conf_file, join("\n", "# DO NOT EDIT auto_generated by", (map { $_ . ' ' . $conf->{lc($_)} } @global_pxelinux_settings), '', (map { my $e = $_; my $automatic = join(',', map { "$_:$e->{$_}" } grep { $e->{$_} } @automatic_settings); ("label $e->{label}", exists $e->{localboot} ? " LOCALBOOT $e->{localboot}" : (" KERNEL $e->{kernel}", " APPEND " . join(' ', (map { "$_=$e->{$_}" } grep { $e->{$_} } @append_settings), if_($automatic, "automatic=$automatic"), $e->{others})), ''); } @{$conf->{entries}}))); } sub write_default_pxe_messages { my ($net) = @_; my $hostname = $net->{hostname} || chomp_(`hostname`); output($pxelinux_message_file, <{resolv}{domainname} || chomp_(`dnsdomainname`); my $ip_address = network::tools::get_interface_ip_address($net, $interface); substInFile { s/default_address.*/default_address=$ip_address/; s/mtftp_address.*/mtftp_address=$ip_address/; s/domain.*/domain=$domainname/; } $pxe_config_file; } sub get_pxelinux_config_file_for_mac_address { my ($mac_address) = @_; #- 01 is the hardware type: Ethernet (ARP type 1) $pxelinux_config_root . "/" . join('-', '01', split(/:/, $mac_address)); } sub set_profile_for_mac_address { my ($profile, $to_install, $mac_address) = @_; if ($profile) { symlinkf("profiles/" . ($to_install ? "install/" : "boot/") . $profile, get_pxelinux_config_file_for_mac_address($mac_address)); } else { unlink get_pxelinux_config_file_for_mac_address($mac_address); } } #- returns (profile_type, profile_name) sub profile_from_file { my ($file) = @_; $file =~ m!(?:^|/)profiles/(\w+)/(.*)?$!; } sub read_profiles() { my %profiles_conf; foreach (all($pxelinux_config_root)) { my $file = $pxelinux_config_root . '/' . $_; if (-l $file && /^01(?:-([0-9a-z]{2}))+$/) { #- per MAC address settings #- the filename looks like 01-aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff #- where AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF is the MAC address my ($type, $name) = profile_from_file(readlink($file)); tr/-/:/; my $mac_address = substr($_, 3); $profiles_conf{per_mac}{$mac_address} = { profile => $name, to_install => $type eq 'install' }; } } foreach my $type (qw(boot install)) { my $root = $pxelinux_config_root . '/profiles/' . $type; mkdir_p($root); $profiles_conf{profiles}{$type}{$_} = 1 foreach all($root); } \%profiles_conf; } #- returns (pxelinux entries file, help file) sub get_pxelinux_profile_path { my ($profile, $type) = @_; my $root = $pxelinux_config_root . '/profiles/' . $type; "$root/$profile", "$root/help-$profile.txt"; } sub list_profiles { my ($profiles_conf) = @_; sort(uniq(map { keys %{$profiles_conf->{profiles}{$_}} } qw(boot install))); } sub profile_exists { my ($profiles_conf, $profile) = @_; member($profile, network::pxe::list_profiles($profiles_conf)); } sub find_next_profile_name { my ($profiles_conf, $prefix) = @_; my $i = undef; /^$prefix(\d*)$/ && $1 >= $i and $i = $1 + 1 foreach network::pxe::list_profiles($profiles_conf); "$prefix$i"; } sub add_empty_profile { my ($profiles_conf, $profile, $to_install) = @_; $to_install and $profiles_conf->{profiles}{install}{$profile} = 1; $profiles_conf->{profiles}{boot}{$profile} = 1; } sub copy_profile_for_type { my ($profile, $clone, $type) = @_; my ($pxe, $help) = get_pxelinux_profile_path($profile, $type); my ($clone_pxe, $clone_help) = get_pxelinux_profile_path($clone, $type); -r $pxe and cp_f($pxe, $clone_pxe); -r $help and cp_f($help, $clone_help); } sub clone_profile { my ($profiles_conf, $profile) = @_; my $clone = find_next_profile_name($profiles_conf, $profile); if (exists $profiles_conf->{profiles}{install}{$profile}) { $profiles_conf->{profiles}{install}{$clone} = 1; copy_profile_for_type($profile, $clone, 'install'); } $profiles_conf->{profiles}{boot}{$clone} = 1; copy_profile_for_type($profile, $clone, 'boot'); } sub remove_profile { my ($profiles_conf, $profile) = @_; foreach my $type (qw(boot install)) { delete $profiles_conf->{profiles}{$type}{$profile}; unlink foreach get_pxelinux_profile_path($profile, $type); } } 1;