package network::network; # $Id$wir #-###################################################################################### #- misc imports #-###################################################################################### use strict; use Socket; use common; use detect_devices; use run_program; use network::tools; use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT); use log; my $network_file = "/etc/sysconfig/network"; my $resolv_file = "/etc/resolv.conf"; my $tmdns_file = "/etc/tmdns.conf"; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(addDefaultRoute dns dnsServers gateway guessHostname is_ip is_ip_forbidden masked_ip netmask resolv sethostname); #- $net hash structure #- autodetect #- type #- net_interface #- PROFILE: selected netprofile #- network (/etc/sysconfig/network) : NETWORKING FORWARD_IPV4 NETWORKING_IPV6 HOSTNAME GATEWAY GATEWAYDEV NISDOMAIN #- NETWORKING : networking flag : string : "yes" by default #- FORWARD_IPV4 : forward IP flag : string : "false" by default #- HOSTNAME : hostname : string : "localhost.localdomain" by default #- GATEWAY : gateway #- GATEWAYDEV : gateway interface #- NISDOMAIN : nis domain #- NETWORKING_IPV6 : use IPv6, "yes" or "no" #- IPV6_DEFAULTDEV #- resolv (/etc/resolv.conf): dnsServer, dnsServer2, dnsServer3, DOMAINNAME, DOMAINNAME2, DOMAINNAME3 #- dnsServer : dns server 1 #- dnsServer2 : dns server 2 #- dnsServer3 : dns server 3 : note that we uses the dns1 for the LAN, and the 2 others for the internet conx #- DOMAINNAME : domainname : string : $net->{network}{HOSTNAME} =~ /\.(.*)/ by default #- DOMAINNAME2 : well it's another domainname : have to look further why we used 2 #- adsl: bus, Encapsulation, vpi, vci provider_id, method, login, passwd, ethernet_device, capi_card #- cable: bpalogin, login, passwd #- zeroconf: hostname #- auth: LDAPDOMAIN WINDOMAIN #- ifcfg (/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*): #- key : device name #- value : hash containing ifcfg file values, see write_interface_conf() for an exhaustive list #- DHCP_HOSTNAME : If you have a dhcp and want to set the hostname #- IPADDR : IP address #- NETMASK : netmask #- DEVICE : device name #- BOOTPROTO : boot prototype : "bootp" or "dhcp" or "pump" or ... #- IPV6INIT #- IPV6TO4INIT #- MS_DNS1 #- MS_DNS2 #- DOMAIN sub read_conf { my ($file) = @_; +{ getVarsFromSh($file) }; } sub read_resolv_conf_raw { my ($o_file) = @_; my $s = cat_($o_file || $::prefix . $resolv_file); { nameserver => [ $s =~ /^\s*nameserver\s+(\S+)/mg ], search => [ if_($s =~ /^\s*search\s+(.*)/m, split(' ', $1)) ] }; } sub read_resolv_conf { my ($o_file) = @_; my $resolv_conf = read_resolv_conf_raw($o_file); +{ (mapn { $_[0] => $_[1] } [ qw(dnsServer dnsServer2 dnsServer3) ], $resolv_conf->{nameserver}), (mapn { $_[0] => $_[1] } [ qw(DOMAINNAME DOMAINNAME2 DOMAINNAME3) ], $resolv_conf->{search}), }; } sub read_interface_conf { my ($file) = @_; my %intf = getVarsFromSh($file); $intf{BOOTPROTO} ||= 'static'; $intf{isPtp} = $intf{NETWORK} eq ''; $intf{isUp} = 1; \%intf; } sub read_zeroconf() { cat_($::prefix . $tmdns_file) =~ /^\s*hostname\s*=\s*(\w+)/m && { ZEROCONF_HOSTNAME => $1 }; } sub write_network_conf { my ($net) = @_; if ($net->{network}{HOSTNAME} && $net->{network}{HOSTNAME} =~ /\.(.+)$/) { $net->{resolv}{DOMAINNAME} = $1; } $net->{network}{NETWORKING} = 'yes'; setVarsInSh($::prefix . $network_file, $net->{network}, qw(HOSTNAME NETWORKING GATEWAY GATEWAYDEV NISDOMAIN FORWARD_IPV4 NETWORKING_IPV6 IPV6_DEFAULTDEV)); } sub write_zeroconf { my ($net, $in) = @_; my $zhostname = $net->{zeroconf}{hostname}; my $file = $::prefix . $tmdns_file; if ($zhostname) { $in->do_pkgs->ensure_binary_is_installed('tmdns', 'tmdns', 'auto') if !$in->do_pkgs->is_installed('bind'); $in->do_pkgs->ensure_binary_is_installed('zcip', 'zcip', 'auto'); } #- write blank hostname even if disabled so that drakconnect does not assume zeroconf is enabled eval { substInFile { s/^\s*(hostname)\s*=.*/$1 = $zhostname/ } $file } if $zhostname || -f $file; require services; services::set_status('tmdns', $net->{zeroconf}{hostname}, $::isInstall); } sub write_resolv_conf { my ($net) = @_; my $resolv = $net->{resolv}; my $file = $::prefix . $resolv_file; my %new = ( search => [ grep { $_ } uniq(@$resolv{'DOMAINNAME', 'DOMAINNAME2', 'DOMAINNAME3'}) ], nameserver => [ grep { $_ } uniq(@$resolv{'dnsServer', 'dnsServer2', 'dnsServer3'}) ], ); my (%prev, @unknown); foreach (cat_($file)) { s/\s+$//; s/^[#\s]*//; if (my ($key, $val) = /^(search|nameserver)\s+(.*)$/) { push @{$prev{$key}}, $val; } elsif (/^ppp temp entry$/) { } elsif (/\S/) { push @unknown, $_; } } unlink $file if -l $file; #- workaround situation when /etc/resolv.conf is an absolute link to /etc/ppp/resolv.conf or whatever if (@{$new{search}} || @{$new{nameserver}}) { $prev{$_} = [ difference2($prev{$_} || [], $new{$_}) ] foreach keys %new; my @search = do { my @new = if_(@{$new{search}}, "search " . join(' ', @{$new{search}}) . "\n"); my @old = if_(@{$prev{search}}, "# search " . join(' ', @{$prev{search}}) . "\n"); @new, @old; }; my @nameserver = do { my @new = map { "nameserver $_\n" } @{$new{nameserver}}; my @old = map { "# nameserver $_\n" } @{$prev{nameserver}}; @new, @old; }; output_with_perm($file, 0644, @search, @nameserver, (map { "# $_\n" } @unknown), "\n# ppp temp entry\n"); #-res_init(); # reinit the resolver so DNS changes take affect 1; } else { log::explanations("neither domain name nor dns server are configured"); 0; } } sub update_broadcast_and_network { my ($intf) = @_; my @ip = split '\.', $intf->{IPADDR}; my @mask = split '\.', $intf->{NETMASK}; $intf->{BROADCAST} = join('.', mapn { int($_[0]) | ((~int($_[1])) & 255) } \@ip, \@mask); $intf->{NETWORK} = join('.', mapn { int($_[0]) & $_[1] } \@ip, \@mask); } sub write_interface_settings { my ($intf, $file) = @_; setVarsInSh($file, $intf, qw(DEVICE BOOTPROTO IPADDR NETMASK NETWORK BROADCAST ONBOOT HWADDR METRIC MII_NOT_SUPPORTED TYPE USERCTL ATM_ADDR ETHTOOL_OPTS VLAN MTU MS_DNS1 MS_DNS2 DOMAIN), qw(WIRELESS_MODE WIRELESS_ESSID WIRELESS_NWID WIRELESS_FREQ WIRELESS_SENS WIRELESS_RATE WIRELESS_ENC_KEY WIRELESS_RTS WIRELESS_FRAG WIRELESS_IWCONFIG WIRELESS_IWSPY WIRELESS_IWPRIV WIRELESS_WPA_DRIVER), qw(DVB_ADAPTER_ID DVB_NETWORK_DEMUX DVB_NETWORK_PID), qw(IPV6INIT IPV6TO4INIT), qw(MRU REMIP PEERDNS PPPOPTIONS HARDFLOWCTL DEFABORT RETRYTIMEOUT PAPNAME LINESPEED MODEMPORT DEBUG ESCAPECHARS INITSTRING), qw(DISCONNECTTIMEOUT PERSIST DEFROUTE), if_($intf->{BOOTPROTO} eq "dhcp", qw(DHCP_CLIENT DHCP_HOSTNAME NEEDHOSTNAME PEERDNS PEERYP PEERNTPD DHCP_TIMEOUT)), if_($intf->{DEVICE} =~ /^ippp\d+$/, qw(DIAL_ON_IFUP)) ); substInFile { s/^DEVICE='(`.*`)'/DEVICE=$1/g } $file; #- remove quotes if DEVICE is the result of a command chmod $intf->{WIRELESS_ENC_KEY} ? 0700 : 0755, $file; #- hide WEP key for non-root users log::explanations("written $intf->{DEVICE} interface configuration in $file"); } sub write_interface_conf { my ($net, $name) = @_; my $file = "$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$name"; #- prefer ifcfg-XXX files unlink("$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/$name"); my $intf = $net->{ifcfg}{$name}; require network::ethernet; my (undef, $mac_address) = network::ethernet::get_eth_card_mac_address($intf->{DEVICE}); $intf->{HWADDR} &&= $mac_address; #- set HWADDR to MAC address if required update_broadcast_and_network($intf); $intf->{ONBOOT} ||= bool2yesno(!member($intf->{DEVICE}, map { $_->{device} } detect_devices::pcmcia_probe())); defined($intf->{METRIC}) or $intf->{METRIC} = network::tools::get_default_metric(network::tools::get_interface_type($intf)), $intf->{BOOTPROTO} =~ s/dhcp.*/dhcp/; write_interface_settings($intf, $file); } sub write_wireless_conf { my ($ssid, $ifcfg) = @_; my $wireless_file = "$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/wireless.d/$ssid"; write_interface_settings($ifcfg, $wireless_file); # FIXME: write only DHCP/IP settings here substInFile { $_ = '' if /^DEVICE=/ } $wireless_file; } sub add2hosts { my ($hostname, @ips) = @_; my ($sub_hostname) = $hostname =~ /(.*?)\./; my $file = "$::prefix/etc/hosts"; my %l; foreach (cat_($file)) { my ($ip, $aliases) = /^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+.*)$/ or next; push @{$l{$ip}}, difference2([ split /\s+/, $aliases ], [ $hostname, $sub_hostname ]); } cat_($file); unshift @{$l{$_}}, $hostname, if_($sub_hostname, $sub_hostname) foreach grep { $_ } @ips; log::explanations("writing host information to $file"); output($file, map { "$_\t\t" . join(" ", @{$l{$_}}) . "\n" } keys %l); } # The interface/gateway needs to be configured before this will work! sub guessHostname { my ($net, $intf_name) = @_; $net->{ifcfg}{$intf_name}{isUp} && dnsServers($net) or return 0; $net->{network}{HOSTNAME} && $net->{resolv}{DOMAINNAME} and return 1; write_resolv_conf($net); my $name = gethostbyaddr(Socket::inet_aton($net->{ifcfg}{$intf_name}{IPADDR}), Socket::AF_INET()) or log::explanations("reverse name lookup failed"), return 0; log::explanations("reverse name lookup worked"); $net->{network}{HOSTNAME} ||= $name; 1; } sub addDefaultRoute { my ($net) = @_; c::addDefaultRoute($net->{network}{GATEWAY}) if $net->{network}{GATEWAY}; } sub sethostname { my ($net) = @_; my $text; my $hostname = $net->{network}{HOSTNAME}; syscall_("sethostname", $hostname, length $hostname) ? ($text="set sethostname to $hostname") : ($text="sethostname failed: $!"); log::explanations($text); run_program::run("/usr/bin/run-parts", "--arg", $hostname, "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/hostname.d") unless $::isInstall; } sub resolv($) { my ($name) = @_; is_ip($name) and return $name; my $a = join(".", unpack "C4", (gethostbyname $name)[4]); #-log::explanations("resolved $name in $a"); $a; } sub dnsServers { my ($net) = @_; #- FIXME: that's weird my %used_dns; @used_dns{$net->{network}{dnsServer}, $net->{network}{dnsServer2}, $net->{network}{dnsServer3}} = (1, 2, 3); sort { $used_dns{$a} <=> $used_dns{$b} } grep { $_ } keys %used_dns; } sub findIntf { my ($net, $device) = @_; $net->{ifcfg}{$device}{DEVICE} = undef; $net->{ifcfg}{$device}; } my $ip_regexp = qr/^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$/; sub is_ip { my ($ip) = @_; my @fields = $ip =~ $ip_regexp or return; every { 0 <= $_ && $_ <= 255 } @fields or return; @fields; } sub ip_compare { my ($ip1, $ip2) = @_; my (@ip1_fields) = $ip1 =~ $ip_regexp; my (@ip2_fields) = $ip2 =~ $ip_regexp; every { $ip1_fields[$_] eq $ip2_fields[$_] } (0 .. 3); } sub is_ip_forbidden { my ($ip) = @_; my @forbidden = ('', ''); any { ip_compare($ip, $_) } @forbidden; } sub is_domain_name { my ($name) = @_; my @fields = split /\./, $name; $name !~ /\.$/ && @fields > 0 && @fields == grep { /^[[:alnum:]](?:[\-[:alnum:]]{0,61}[[:alnum:]])?$/ } @fields; } sub netmask { my ($ip) = @_; return "" unless is_ip($ip); $ip =~ $ip_regexp or warn "IP_regexp failed\n" and return ""; if ($1 >= 1 && $1 < 127) { ""; #- to } elsif ($1 >= 128 && $1 <= 191) { ""; #- to } elsif ($1 >= 192 && $1 <= 223) { ""; } else { ""; #-experimental classes } } sub masked_ip { my ($ip) = @_; my @ip = is_ip($ip) or return ''; my @mask = netmask($ip) =~ $ip_regexp; for (my $i = 0; $i < @ip; $i++) { $ip[$i] &= int $mask[$i]; } join(".", @ip); } sub dns { my ($ip) = @_; my @masked = masked_ip($ip) =~ $ip_regexp; $masked[3] = 2; join(".", @masked); } sub gateway { my ($ip) = @_; my @masked = masked_ip($ip) =~ $ip_regexp; $masked[3] = 1; join(".", @masked); } sub netprofile_set { my ($net, $profile) = @_; $net->{PROFILE} = $profile; system('/sbin/set-netprofile', $net->{PROFILE}); log::explanations(qq(Switching to "$net->{PROFILE}" profile)); } sub netprofile_save { my ($net) = @_; system('/sbin/save-netprofile', $net->{PROFILE}); log::explanations(qq(Saving "$net->{PROFILE}" profile)); } sub netprofile_delete { my ($profile) = @_; return if !$profile || $profile eq "default"; rm_rf("$::prefix/etc/netprofile/profiles/$profile"); log::explanations(qq(Deleting "$profile" profile)); } sub netprofile_add { my ($net, $profile) = @_; return if !$profile || $profile eq "default" || member($profile, netprofile_list()); system('/sbin/clone-netprofile', $net->{PROFILE}, $profile); log::explanations(qq("Creating "$profile" profile)); } sub netprofile_list() { map { if_(m!([^/]*)/$!, $1) } glob("$::prefix/etc/netprofile/profiles/*/"); } sub netprofile_read { my ($net) = @_; my $config = { getVarsFromSh("$::prefix/etc/netprofile/current") }; $net->{PROFILE} = $config->{PROFILE} || 'default'; } sub miscellaneous_choose { my ($in, $u) = @_; my $use_http_for_https = $u->{https_proxy} eq $u->{http_proxy}; $in->ask_from(N("Proxies configuration"), N("Here you can set up your proxies configuration (eg: http://my_caching_server:8080)"), [ { label => N("HTTP proxy"), val => \$u->{http_proxy} }, { text => N("Use HTTP proxy for HTTPS connections"), val => \$use_http_for_https, type => "bool" }, { label => N("HTTPS proxy"), val => \$u->{https_proxy}, disabled => sub { $use_http_for_https } }, { label => N("FTP proxy"), val => \$u->{ftp_proxy} }, ], complete => sub { $use_http_for_https and $u->{https_proxy} = $u->{http_proxy}; $u->{http_proxy} =~ m,^($|http://), or $in->ask_warn('', N("Proxy should be http://...")), return 1,0; $u->{https_proxy} =~ m,^($|http://), or $in->ask_warn('', N("Proxy should be https?://...")), return 1,2; $u->{ftp_proxy} =~ m,^($|ftp://|http://), or $in->ask_warn('', N("URL should begin with 'ftp:' or 'http:'")), return 1,3; 0; } ) or return; 1; } sub proxy_configure { my ($u) = @_; my $sh_file = "$::prefix/etc/profile.d/"; setExportedVarsInSh($sh_file, $u, qw(http_proxy https_proxy ftp_proxy)); chmod 0755, $sh_file; my $csh_file = "$::prefix/etc/profile.d/proxy.csh"; setExportedVarsInCsh($csh_file, $u, qw(http_proxy https_proxy ftp_proxy)); chmod 0755, $csh_file; #- KDE proxy settings my $kde_config_dir = "$::prefix/usr/share/config"; my $kde_config_file = "$kde_config_dir/kioslaverc"; if (-d $kde_config_dir) { update_gnomekderc($kde_config_file, undef, PersistentProxyConnection => "false" ); update_gnomekderc($kde_config_file, "Proxy Settings", AuthMode => 0, ProxyType => $u->{http_proxy} || $u->{https_proxy} || $u->{ftp_proxy} ? 4 : 0, ftpProxy => "ftp_proxy", httpProxy => "http_proxy", httpsProxy => "https_proxy" ); } #- Gnome proxy settings if (-d "$::prefix/etc/gconf/2/") { my $defaults_dir = "/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.local-defaults"; my $p_defaults_dir = "$::prefix$defaults_dir"; my $p_defaults_path = "$::prefix/etc/gconf/2/local-defaults.path"; -r $p_defaults_path or output_with_perm($p_defaults_path, 0755, qq( # System local settings xml:readonly:$defaults_dir )); -d $p_defaults_dir or mkdir $p_defaults_dir, 0755; my $use_alternate_proxy; my $gconf_set = sub { my ($key, $type, $value) = @_; #- gconftool-2 is available since /etc/gconf/2/ exists system("gconftool-2", "--config-source=xml::$p_defaults_dir", "--direct", "--set", "--type=$type", $key, $value); }; #- http proxy if (my ($user, $password, $host, $port) = $u->{http_proxy} =~ m,^http://(?:([^:\@]+)(?::([^:\@]+))?\@)?([^\:]+)(?::(\d+))?$,) { $port ||= 80; $gconf_set->("/system/http_proxy/use_http_proxy", "bool", 1); $gconf_set->("/system/http_proxy/host", "string", $host); $gconf_set->("/system/http_proxy/port", "int", $port); $gconf_set->("/system/http_proxy/use_authentication", "bool", to_bool($user)); $user and $gconf_set->("/system/http_proxy/authentication_user", "string", $user); $password and $gconf_set->("/system/http_proxy/authentication_password", "string", $password); } else { $gconf_set->("/system/http_proxy/use_http_proxy", "bool", 0); } #- https proxy if (my ($host, $port) = $u->{https_proxy} =~ m,^https?://(?:[^:\@]+(?::[^:\@]+)?\@)?([^\:]+)(?::(\d+))?$,) { $port ||= 443; $gconf_set->("/system/proxy/secure_host", "string", $host); $gconf_set->("/system/proxy/secure_port", "int", $port); $use_alternate_proxy = 1; } else { #- clear the ssl host so that it isn't used if the manual proxy is activated for ftp $gconf_set->("/system/proxy/secure_host", "string", ""); } #- ftp proxy if (my ($host, $port) = $u->{ftp_proxy} =~ m,^(?:http|ftp)://(?:[^:\@]+(?::[^:\@]+)?\@)?([^\:]+)(?::(\d+))?$,) { $port ||= 21; $gconf_set->("/system/proxy/ftp_host", "string", $host); $gconf_set->("/system/proxy/ftp_port", "int", $port); $use_alternate_proxy = 1; } else { #- clear the ftp host so that it isn't used if the manual proxy is activated for ssl $gconf_set->("/system/proxy/ftp_host", "string", ""); } #- set proxy mode to manual if either https or ftp is used $gconf_set->("/system/proxy/mode", "string", $use_alternate_proxy ? "manual" : "none"); #- make gconf daemons reload their settings system("killall -s HUP gconfd-2"); } } sub read_net_conf { my ($net) = @_; add2hash($net->{network} ||= {}, read_conf($::prefix . $network_file)); add2hash($net->{resolv} ||= {}, read_resolv_conf()); add2hash($net->{zeroconf} ||= {}, read_zeroconf()); foreach (all("$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts")) { my ($device) = /^ifcfg-([A-Za-z0-9.:_-]+)$/; next if $device =~ /.rpmnew$|.rpmsave$/; if ($device && $device ne 'lo') { my $intf = findIntf($net, $device); add2hash($intf, { getVarsFromSh("$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/$_") }); $intf->{DEVICE} ||= $device; } } $net->{wireless} ||= {}; foreach (all("$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/wireless.d")) { $net->{wireless}{$_} = { getVarsFromSh("$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/wireless.d/$_") }; } netprofile_read($net); if (my $default_intf = network::tools::get_default_gateway_interface($net)) { $net->{net_interface} = $default_intf; $net->{type} = network::tools::get_interface_type($net->{ifcfg}{$default_intf}); } } #- FIXME: this is buggy, use network::tools::get_default_gateway_interface sub probe_netcnx_type { my ($net) = @_; #- try to probe $netcnx->{type} which is used almost everywhere. unless ($net->{type}) { #- ugly hack to determine network type (avoid saying not configured in summary). -e "$::prefix/etc/ppp/peers/adsl" and $net->{type} ||= 'adsl'; # enough ? -e "$::prefix/etc/ppp/ioptions1B" || -e "$::prefix/etc/ppp/ioptions2B" and $net->{type} ||= 'isdn'; # enough ? $net->{ifcfg}{ppp0} and $net->{type} ||= 'modem'; $net->{ifcfg}{eth0} and $net->{type} ||= 'lan'; } } sub easy_dhcp { my ($net, $modules_conf) = @_; return if text2bool($net->{network}{NETWORKING}); require modules; require network::ethernet; modules::load_category($modules_conf, list_modules::ethernet_categories()); my @all_dev = sort map { $_->[0] } network::ethernet::get_eth_cards($modules_conf); #- only for a single ethernet network card my @ether_dev = grep { /^eth[0-9]+$/ && `LC_ALL= LANG= $::prefix/sbin/ip -o link show $_ 2>/dev/null` =~ m|\slink/ether\s| } @all_dev; @ether_dev == 1 or return; my $dhcp_intf = $ether_dev[0]; log::explanations("easy_dhcp: found $dhcp_intf"); put_in_hash($net->{network}, { NETWORKING => "yes", DHCP => "yes", NET_DEVICE => $dhcp_intf, NET_INTERFACE => $dhcp_intf, }); $net->{ifcfg}{$dhcp_intf} ||= {}; put_in_hash($net->{ifcfg}{$dhcp_intf}, { DEVICE => $dhcp_intf, BOOTPROTO => 'dhcp', NETMASK => '', ONBOOT => 'yes' }); $net->{type} = 'lan'; $net->{net_interface} = $dhcp_intf; 1; } sub configure_network { my ($net, $in, $modules_conf) = @_; if (!$::testing) { require network::ethernet; network::ethernet::configure_eth_aliases($modules_conf); write_network_conf($net); write_resolv_conf($net); if ($::isInstall && ! -e "/etc/resolv.conf") { #- symlink resolv.conf in install root too so that updates and suppl media can be added symlink "$::prefix/etc/resolv.conf", "/etc/resolv.conf"; } foreach (keys %{$net->{ifcfg}}) { write_interface_conf($net, $_); my $ssid = $net->{ifcfg}{$_}{WIRELESS_ESSID} or next; write_wireless_conf($ssid, $net->{ifcfg}{$_}); } network::ethernet::install_dhcp_client($in, $_->{DHCP_CLIENT}) foreach grep { $_->{BOOTPROTO} eq "dhcp" } values %{$net->{ifcfg}}; add2hosts("localhost", ""); add2hosts($net->{network}{HOSTNAME}, "") if $net->{network}{HOSTNAME}; write_zeroconf($net, $in); any { $_->{BOOTPROTO} =~ /^(pump|bootp)$/ } values %{$net->{ifcfg}} and $in->do_pkgs->install('pump'); #- update interfaces list in shorewall require network::shorewall; my $shorewall = network::shorewall::read(); $shorewall && !$shorewall->{disabled} and network::shorewall::write($shorewall); $net->{network}{HOSTNAME} && !$::isInstall and sethostname($net); } #- make net_applet reload the configuration my $pid = chomp_(`pidof -x net_applet`); $pid and kill 1, $pid; } 1;