package network::ethernet; # $Id$

use c;
use network::network;
use modules;
use modules::interactive;
use detect_devices;
use common;
use run_program;
use network::tools;

sub write_ether_conf {
    my ($in, $modules_conf, $netcnx, $netc, $intf) = @_;
    configureNetwork2($in, $modules_conf, $::prefix, $netc, $intf);
    $netc->{NETWORKING} = "yes";
    if ($netc->{GATEWAY} || any { $_->{BOOTPROTO} =~ /dhcp/ } values %$intf) {
	$netcnx->{type} = 'lan';
	$netcnx->{NET_DEVICE} = $netc->{NET_DEVICE} = '';
	$netcnx->{NET_INTERFACE} = 'lan'; #$netc->{NET_INTERFACE};
    $::isStandalone and $modules_conf->write;

sub mapIntfToDevice {
    my ($interface) = @_;
    my $hw_addr = c::getHwIDs($interface);
    return {} if $hw_addr =~ /^usb/;
    my ($bus, $slot, $func) = map { hex($_) } ($hw_addr =~ /([0-9a-f]+):([0-9a-f]+)\.([0-9a-f]+)/);
    $hw_addr && (every { defined $_ } $bus, $slot, $func) ?
      grep { $_->{pci_bus} == $bus && $_->{pci_device} == $slot && $_->{pci_function} == $func } detect_devices::probeall() : {};

# return list of [ intf_name, module, device_description ] tuples such as:
# [ "eth0", "3c59x", "3Com Corporation|3c905C-TX [Fast Etherlink]" ]
# this function try several method in order to get interface's driver and description in order to support both:
# - hotplug managed devices (USB, firewire)
# - special interfaces (IP aliasing, VLAN)
sub get_eth_cards {
    my ($modules_conf) = @_;
    my @all_cards = detect_devices::getNet();

    my @devs = detect_devices::pcmcia_probe();
    my $saved_driver;
    # compute device description and return (interface, driver, description) tuples:
    return map {
        my $interface = $_;
        my $description;
        # 0) get interface's driver through ETHTOOL ioctl or module aliases:
        my $a = c::getNetDriver($interface) || $modules_conf->get_alias($interface);

        # workaround buggy drivers that returns a bogus driver name for the GDRVINFO command of the ETHTOOL ioctl:
        my %fixes = (
                     "p80211_prism2_cs"  => 'prism2_cs',
                     "p80211_prism2_pci" => 'prism2_pci',
                     "p80211_prism2_usb" => 'prism2_usb',
                     "ip1394" => "eth1394",
                     "hostap" => undef, #- should be either "hostap_plx", "hostap_pci" or "hostap_cs"
        $a = $fixes{$a} if exists $fixes{$a};

        # 1) try to match a PCMCIA device for device description:
        if (my $b = find { $_->{device} eq $interface } @devs) { # PCMCIA case
            $a = $b->{driver};
            $description = $b->{description};
        } else {
            # 2) try to lookup a device by hardware address for device description:
            #    maybe should have we try sysfs first for robustness?
            ($description) = (mapIntfToDevice($interface))[0]->{description};
        # 3) try to match a device through sysfs for driver & device description:
        #     (eg: ipw2100 driver for intel centrino do not support ETHTOOL)
        if (!$description) {
            my $drv = readlink("/sys/class/net/$interface/driver");
            if ($drv && $drv =~ s!.*/!!) {
                $a = $drv;
                my %l;
                my %sysfs_fields = (id => "device", subid => "subsystem_device", vendor => "vendor", subvendor => "subsystem_vendor");
                $l{$_} = hex(chomp_(cat_("/sys/class/net/$interface/device/" . $sysfs_fields{$_}))) foreach keys %sysfs_fields;
                my @cards = grep { my $dev = $_; every { $dev->{$_} eq $l{$_} } keys %l } detect_devices::probeall();
                $description = $cards[0]{description} if @cards == 1;
        # 4) try to match a device by driver for device description:
        #    (eg: madwifi, ndiswrapper, ...)
        if (!$description) {
            my @cards = grep { $_->{driver} eq ($a || $saved_driver) } detect_devices::probeall();
            $description = $cards[0]{description} if @cards == 1;
        $a and $saved_driver = $a; # handle multiple cards managed by the same driver
        [ $interface, $saved_driver, if_($description, $description) ];
    } @all_cards;

sub get_eth_cards_names {
    my (@all_cards) = @_;
    map { $_->[0] => join(': ', $_->[0], $_->[2]) } @all_cards;

#- returns (link_type, mac_address)
sub get_eth_card_mac_address {
    my ($intf) = @_;
    `LC_ALL= LANG= $::prefix/sbin/ip -o link show $intf 2>/dev/null` =~ m|.*link/(\S+)\s([0-9a-z:]+)\s|;

#- write interfaces MAC address in iftab
sub update_iftab() {
    foreach my $intf (detect_devices::getNet()) {
        my ($link_type, $mac_address) = get_eth_card_mac_address($intf) or next;
        my $descriptor = ${{ ether => 'mac', ieee1394 => 'mac_ieee1394' }}{$link_type} or next;
        substInFile {
            $_ .= qq($intf\t$descriptor $mac_address\n) if eof;
        } "$::prefix/etc/iftab";

# automatic net aliases configuration
sub configure_eth_aliases {
    my ($modules_conf) = @_;
    my @pcmcia_interfaces = map { $_->{device} } detect_devices::pcmcia_probe();
    foreach my $card (get_eth_cards($modules_conf)) {
        if (member($card->[0], @pcmcia_interfaces)) {
            #- do not write aliases for pcmcia cards, or cardmgr will not be loaded
        } else {
            $modules_conf->set_alias($card->[0], $card->[1]);
