package network; # $Id$

use diagnostics;
use strict;

#- misc imports
use Socket;

use common qw(:common :file :system :functional);
use detect_devices;
use run_program;
use any;
use log;

#- Functions
sub read_conf {
    my ($file) = @_;
    my %netc = getVarsFromSh($file);
    $netc{dnsServer} = delete $netc{NS0};
    $netc{dnsServer2} = delete $netc{NS1};
    $netc{dnsServer3} = delete $netc{NS2};

sub read_resolv_conf {
    my ($file) = @_;
    my @l = qw(dnsServer dnsServer2 dnsServer3);
    my %netc;

    local *F; open F, $file or die "cannot open $file: $!";
    foreach (<F>) {
	/^\s*nameserver\s+(\S+)/ and $netc{shift @l} = $1;

sub read_interface_conf {
    my ($file) = @_;
    my %intf = getVarsFromSh($file) or die "cannot open file $file: $!";

    $intf{BOOTPROTO} ||= 'static';
    $intf{isPtp} = $intf{NETWORK} eq '';
    $intf{isUp} = 1;

sub up_it {
    my ($prefix, $intfs) = @_;
    $_->{isUp} and return foreach values %$intfs;
    my $f = "/etc/resolv.conf"; symlink "$prefix/$f", $f;
    run_program::rooted($prefix, "/etc/rc.d/init.d/network", "start");
    $_->{isUp} = 1 foreach values %$intfs;
sub down_it {
    my ($prefix, $intfs) = @_;
    run_program::rooted($prefix, "/etc/rc.d/init.d/network", "stop");
    $_->{isUp} = 1 foreach values %$intfs;

sub write_conf {
    my ($file, $netc) = @_;

    add2hash($netc, {
		     NETWORKING => "yes",
		     FORWARD_IPV4 => "false",
		     HOSTNAME => "localhost.localdomain",
    add2hash($netc, { DOMAINNAME => $netc->{HOSTNAME} =~ /\.(.*)/ });


sub write_resolv_conf {
    my ($file, $netc) = @_;

    #- get the list of used dns.
    my %used_dns; @used_dns{$netc->{dnsServer}, $netc->{dnsServer2}, $netc->{dnsServer3}} = (1, 2, 3);

    unless ($netc->{DOMAINNAME} || $netc->{DOMAINNAME2} || keys %used_dns > 0) {
	log::l("neither domain name nor dns server are configured");
	return 0;

    my (%search, %dns, @unknown);
    local *F; open F, $file;
    foreach (<F>) {
	/^[#\s]*search\s+(.*?)\s*$/ and $search{$1} = $., next;
	/^[#\s]*nameserver\s+(.*?)\s*$/ and $dns{$1} = $., next;
	/^[#\s]*(\S.*?)\s*$/ and push @unknown, $1;

    close F; open F, ">$file" or die "cannot write $file: $!";
    print F "# search $_\n" foreach grep { $_ ne "$netc->{DOMAINNAME} $netc->{DOMAINNAME2}" } sort { $search{$a} <=> $search{$b} } keys %search;
    print F "search $netc->{DOMAINNAME} $netc->{DOMAINNAME2}\n\n" if ($netc->{DOMAINNAME} || $netc->{DOMAINNAME2});
    print F "# nameserver $_\n" foreach grep { ! exists $used_dns{$_} } sort { $dns{$a} <=> $dns{$b} } keys %dns;
    print F "nameserver $_\n" foreach  sort { $used_dns{$a} <=> $used_dns{$b} } grep { $_ } keys %used_dns;
    print F "\n";
    print F "# $_\n" foreach @unknown;

    #-res_init();		# reinit the resolver so DNS changes take affect

sub write_interface_conf {
    my ($file, $intf) = @_;

    my @ip = split '\.', $intf->{IPADDR};
    my @mask = split '\.', $intf->{NETMASK};
    add2hash($intf, {
		     BROADCAST => join('.', mapn { int $_[0] | ~int $_[1] & 255 } \@ip, \@mask),
		     NETWORK   => join('.', mapn { int $_[0] &      $_[1]       } \@ip, \@mask),
		     ONBOOT => bool2yesno(!member($intf->{DEVICE}, map { $_->{device} } detect_devices::probeall())),

sub add2hosts {
    my ($file, $hostname, @ips) = @_;
    my %l;
    $l{$_} = $hostname foreach @ips;

    local *F;
    if (-e $file) {
	open F, $file or die "cannot open $file: $!";
	/\s*(\S+)(.*)/ and $l{$1} ||= $2 foreach <F>;
    log::l("writing host information to $file");
    open F, ">$file" or die "cannot write $file: $!";
    while (my ($ip, $v) = each %l) {
	$ip or next;
	print F "$ip";
	if ($v =~ /^\s/) {
	    print F $v;
	} else {
	    print F "\t\t$v";
	    print F " $1" if $v =~ /(.*?)\./;
	print F "\n";

# The interface/gateway needs to be configured before this will work!
sub guessHostname {
    my ($prefix, $netc, $intf) = @_;

    $intf->{isUp} && dnsServers($netc) or return 0;
    $netc->{HOSTNAME} && $netc->{DOMAINNAME} and return 1;

    write_resolv_conf("$prefix/etc/resolv.conf", $netc);

    my $name = gethostbyaddr(Socket::inet_aton($intf->{IPADDR}), AF_INET) or log::l("reverse name lookup failed"), return 0;

    log::l("reverse name lookup worked");

    add2hash($netc, { HOSTNAME => $name });

sub addDefaultRoute {
    my ($netc) = @_;
    c::addDefaultRoute($netc->{GATEWAY}) if $netc->{GATEWAY};

sub sethostname {
    my ($netc) = @_;
    syscall_('sethostname', $netc->{HOSTNAME}, length $netc->{HOSTNAME}) or log::l("sethostname failed: $!");

sub resolv($) {
    my ($name) = @_;
    is_ip($name) and return $name;
    my $a = join(".", unpack "C4", (gethostbyname $name)[4]);
    #-log::l("resolved $name in $a");

sub dnsServers {
    my ($netc) = @_;
    my %used_dns; @used_dns{$netc->{dnsServer}, $netc->{dnsServer2}, $netc->{dnsServer3}} = (1, 2, 3);
    sort { $used_dns{$a} <=> $used_dns{$b} } grep { $_ } keys %used_dns;

sub findIntf {
    my ($intf, $device) = @_;
    $intf->{$device} ||= { DEVICE => $device };
#PAD \s* a la fin
my $ip_regexp = qr/^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$/;
sub is_ip {
    my ($ip) = @_;
    return 0 unless $ip =~ $ip_regexp;
    my @fields = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
    foreach (@fields) {
	return 0 if $_ < 0 || $_ > 255;
    return 1;

sub netmask {
    my ($ip) = @_;
    return "" unless is_ip($ip);
    $ip =~ $ip_regexp;
    if ($1 >= 1 && $1 < 127) {
	return "";    #- to
    } elsif ($1  >= 128 && $1 <= 191 ){
	return "";  #- to
    } elsif ($1 >= 192 && $1 <= 223) {
	return "";
    } else {
	return ""; #-experimental classes

sub masked_ip {
    my ($ip) = @_;
    return "" unless is_ip($ip);
    my @mask = netmask($ip) =~ $ip_regexp;
    my @ip   = $ip          =~ $ip_regexp;
    for (my $i = 0; $i < @ip; $i++) {
	$ip[$i] &= int $mask[$i];
    join(".", @ip);

sub dns {
    my ($ip) = @_;
    my $mask = masked_ip($ip);
    my @masked = masked_ip($ip) =~ $ip_regexp;
    $masked[3]  = 2;
    join (".", @masked);

sub gateway {
    my ($ip) = @_;
    my @masked = masked_ip($ip) =~ $ip_regexp;
    $masked[3]  = 1;
    join (".", @masked);


sub configureNetwork {
    my ($prefix, $netc, $in, $intf, $first_time) = @_;
    local $_;
    any::setup_thiskind($in, 'net', !$::expert, 1);
    my @l = detect_devices::getNet() or die _("no network card found");

    my $last; foreach ($::beginner ? $l[0] : @l) {
	my $intf2 = findIntf($intf ||= {}, $_);
	add2hash($intf2, $last);
	add2hash($intf2, { NETMASK => '' });
	configureNetworkIntf($in, $intf2, $netc->{net_device}, 0) or last;

	$netc ||= {};
	$last = $intf2;
    #-	  {
    #-	      my $wait = $o->wait_message(_("Hostname"), _("Determining host name and domain..."));
    #-	      network::guessHostname($o->{prefix}, $o->{netc}, $o->{intf});
    #-	  }
    if ($last->{BOOTPROTO} =~ /^(dhcp|bootp)$/) {
	my $dhcp_hostname = $netc->{HOSTNAME};
	$in->ask_from_entries_ref(_("Configuring network"),
_("Please enter your host name if you know it.
Some DHCP servers require the hostname to work.
Your host name should be a fully-qualified host name,
such as ``''."),
				  [_("Host name")], [ \$netc->{HOSTNAME} ]);
	$netc->{HOSTNAME} ne $dhcp_hostname and $netc->{DHCP_HOSTNAME} = $netc->{HOSTNAME};
    } else {
	configureNetworkNet($in, $netc, $last ||= {}, @l);

sub configureNetworkIntf {
    my ($in, $intf, $net_device, $skip) = @_;
    my $text;
    if ($net_device eq $intf->{DEVICE}) {
	$skip and return 1;
	$text = _("WARNING : This device has been previously configured to connect to the Internet.
Simply press Cancel to keep this device configured.
Modifying the fields below and clicking on OK will override this configuration.");
    else {
	$text = _("Please enter the IP configuration for this machine.
Each item should be entered as an IP address in dotted-decimal
notation (for example,");
    my $pump = $intf->{BOOTPROTO} =~ /^(dhcp|bootp)$/;
    delete $intf->{NETWORK};
    delete $intf->{BROADCAST};
    my @fields = qw(IPADDR NETMASK);
    $::isStandalone or $in->set_help('configureNetworkIP');
    $in->ask_from_entries_ref(_("Configuring network device %s", $intf->{DEVICE}),
			      ($::isStandalone ? '' : _("Configuring network device %s", $intf->{DEVICE}) . "\n\n") .
			     [ _("IP address"), _("Netmask"), _("Automatic IP") ],
			     [ \$intf->{IPADDR}, \$intf->{NETMASK}, { val => \$pump, type => "bool", text => _("(bootp/dhcp)") } ],
			     complete => sub {
				 $intf->{BOOTPROTO} = $pump ? "dhcp" : "static";
				 return 0 if $pump;
				 for (my $i = 0; $i < @fields; $i++) {
				     unless (is_ip($intf->{$fields[$i]})) {
					 $in->ask_warn('', _("IP address should be in format"));
					 return (1,$i);
				     return 0;
			     focus_out => sub {
				 $intf->{NETMASK} ||= netmask($intf->{IPADDR}) unless $_[0]

sub configureNetworkNet {
    my ($in, $netc, $intf, @devices) = @_;

    $netc->{dnsServer} ||= dns($intf->{IPADDR});
    $netc->{GATEWAY}   ||= gateway($intf->{IPADDR});

    $in->ask_from_entries_refH(_("Configuring network"),
_("Please enter your host name.
Your host name should be a fully-qualified host name,
such as ``''.
You may also enter the IP address of the gateway if you have one"),
			       [ _("Host name") => \$netc->{HOSTNAME},
				 _("DNS server") => \$netc->{dnsServer},
				 _("Gateway") => \$netc->{GATEWAY},
				 $::expert ? (_("Gateway device") => {val => \$netc->{GATEWAYDEV}, list => \@devices }) : (),
			      ) or return;

sub miscellaneousNetwork {
    my ($in, $clicked) = @_;
    my $u = $::o->{miscellaneous} ||= {};
    $::isStandalone or $in->set_help('configureNetworkProxy');
    !$::beginner || $clicked and $in->ask_from_entries_ref('',
       _("Proxies configuration"),
       [ _("HTTP proxy"),
         _("FTP proxy"),
       [ \$u->{http_proxy},
       complete => sub {
	   $u->{http_proxy} =~ m,^($|http://), or $in->ask_warn('', _("Proxy should be http://...")), return 1,0;
	   $u->{ftp_proxy} =~ m,^($|ftp://), or $in->ask_warn('', _("Proxy should be ftp://...")), return 1,1;
    ) || return;

sub read_all_conf {
    my ($prefix, $netc, $intf) = @_;
    $netc ||= {}; $intf ||= {};
    add2hash($netc, read_conf("$prefix/etc/sysconfig/network")) if -r "$prefix/etc/sysconfig/network";
    add2hash($netc, read_resolv_conf("$prefix/etc/resolv.conf")) if -r "$prefix/etc/resolv.conf";
    foreach (all("$prefix/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts")) {
	if (/ifcfg-(\w+)/ && $1 ne 'lo' && $1 !~ /ppp/) {
	    my $intf = findIntf($intf, $1);
	    add2hash($intf, { getVarsFromSh("$prefix/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/$_") });

sub configureNetwork2 {
    my ($prefix, $netc, $intf, $install) = @_;
    my $etc = "$prefix/etc";

    write_conf("$etc/sysconfig/network", $netc);
    write_resolv_conf("$etc/resolv.conf", $netc);
    write_interface_conf("$etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$_->{DEVICE}", $_) foreach values %$intf;
    add2hosts("$etc/hosts", $netc->{HOSTNAME}, map { $_->{IPADDR} } values %$intf);
    sethostname($netc) unless $::testing;
    addDefaultRoute($netc) unless $::testing;

    grep { $_->{BOOTPROTO} =~ /^(dhcp)$/ } values %$intf and $install && $install->('dhcpcd');
    grep { $_->{BOOTPROTO} =~ /^(pump|bootp)$/ } values %$intf and $install && $install->('pump');
    #-res_init();		#- reinit the resolver so DNS changes take affect


#- Wonderful perl :(