#- Pixel's implementation of Perl-GTK  :-)  [DDX]
package my_gtk;

use diagnostics;
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA %EXPORT_TAGS @EXPORT_OK $border @grabbed);

@ISA = qw(Exporter);
    helpers => [ qw(create_okcancel createScrolledWindow create_menu create_notebook create_packtable create_hbox create_vbox create_adjustment create_box_with_title create_treeitem) ],
    wrappers => [ qw(gtksignal_connect gtkpack gtkpack_ gtkpack__ gtkappend gtkadd gtktext_insert gtkset_usize gtkset_justify gtkset_active gtkshow gtkdestroy gtkset_mousecursor gtkset_background gtkset_default_fontset gtkxpm gtkcreate_xpm) ],
    ask => [ qw(ask_warn ask_okcancel ask_yesorno ask_from_entry ask_from_list ask_file) ],
$EXPORT_TAGS{all} = [ map { @$_ } values %EXPORT_TAGS ];
@EXPORT_OK = map { @$_ } values %EXPORT_TAGS;

use Gtk;
use c;
use log;
use common qw(:common :functional);

my $forgetTime = 1000; #- in milli-seconds
$border = 5;


#- OO stuff
sub new {
    my ($type, $title, %opts) = @_;

    my $o = bless { %opts }, $type;
    while (my $e = shift @tempory::objects) { $e->destroy }
    push @interactive::objects, $o unless $opts{no_interactive_objects};

    top(@grabbed)->grab_remove if @grabbed;
    push(@grabbed, $o->{rwindow}), $o->{rwindow}->grab_add if $my_gtk::grab || $o->{grab};

sub main($;$) {
    my ($o, $f) = @_;

    do {
	local $::setstep = 1;
    } while ($o->{retval} && $f && !&$f());
sub show($) {
    my ($o) = @_;
sub destroy($) {
    my ($o) = @_;
    (pop @grabbed)->grab_remove if @grabbed;
    top(@grabbed)->grab_add if @grabbed;
sub DESTROY { goto &destroy }
sub sync($) {
    my ($o) = @_;
sub flush(;$) {
    Gtk->main_iteration while Gtk->events_pending;
sub bigsize($) {

sub gtkshow($)         { $_[0]->show; $_[0] }
sub gtkdestroy($)      { $_[0] and $_[0]->destroy }
sub gtkset_usize($$$)  { $_[0]->set_usize($_[1],$_[2]); $_[0] }
sub gtkset_justify($$) { $_[0]->set_justify($_[1]); $_[0] }
sub gtkset_active($$)  { $_[0]->set_active($_[1]); $_[0] }

sub gtksignal_connect($@) {
    my $w = shift;
sub gtkpack($@) {
    my $box = shift;
    gtkpack_($box, map {; 1, $_ } @_);
sub gtkpack__($@) {
    my $box = shift;
    gtkpack_($box, map {; 0, $_ } @_);
sub gtkpack_($@) {
    my $box = shift;
    for (my $i = 0; $i < @_; $i += 2) {
	my $l = $_[$i + 1];
	ref $l or $l = new Gtk::Label($l);
	$box->pack_start($l, $_[$i], 1, 0);
sub gtkappend($@) {
    my $w = shift;
    foreach (@_) {
	my $l = $_;
	ref $l or $l = new Gtk::Label($l);
sub gtkadd($@) {
    my $w = shift;
    foreach (@_) {
	my $l = $_;
	ref $l or $l = new Gtk::Label($l);

sub gtktext_insert($$) {
    my ($w, $t) = @_;
    $w->insert(undef, undef, undef, "$t\n"); #- needs \n otherwise in case of one line text the beginning is not shown (even with the vadj->set_value)
#-    $w->vadj->set_value(0);

sub gtkroot {

sub gtkcolor($$$) {
    my ($r, $g, $b) = @_;

    my $color = bless { red => $r, green => $g, blue => $b }, 'Gtk::Gdk::Color';

sub gtkset_mousecursor($) {
    my ($type) = @_;

sub gtkset_background {
    my ($r, $g, $b) = @_;

    my $root = gtkroot();
    my $gc = Gtk::Gdk::GC->new($root);

    my $color = gtkcolor($r, $g, $b);

    my ($h, $w) = $root->get_size;
    $root->draw_rectangle($gc, 1, 0, 0, $w, $h);

sub gtkset_default_fontset($) {
    my ($fontset) = @_;

    my $style = Gtk::Widget->get_default_style;
    my $f = Gtk::Gdk::Font->fontset_load($fontset) or die '';

sub gtkcreate_xpm { my $w = shift; Gtk::Gdk::Pixmap->create_from_xpm($w->window, $w->style->bg('normal'), @_) }
sub xpm_d { my $w = shift; Gtk::Gdk::Pixmap->create_from_xpm_d($w->window, undef, @_) }
sub gtkxpm { new Gtk::Pixmap(gtkcreate_xpm(@_)) }

#- createXXX functions

#- these functions return a widget

sub create_okcancel($;$$) {
    my ($w, $ok, $cancel) = @_;

	  gtksignal_connect($w->{ok} = new Gtk::Button($ok || _("Ok")), "clicked" => $w->{ok_clicked} || sub { $w->{retval} = 1; Gtk->main_quit }),
	  ($ok xor $cancel) ? () : gtksignal_connect(new Gtk::Button($cancel || _("Cancel")), "clicked" => $w->{cancel_clicked} || sub { $w->{retval} = 0; Gtk->main_quit }),

sub create_box_with_title($@) {
    my $o = shift;

    $o->{box} = (@_ <= 2 && (map { split "\n" } @_) > 6) ?
      gtkpack(new Gtk::VBox(0,0),
	      gtkset_usize(createScrolledWindow(gtktext_insert(new Gtk::Text, join "\n", @_)), 400, 250)) :
      gtkpack_(new Gtk::VBox(0,0),
	       (map {
		   my $w = ref $_ ? $_ : new Gtk::Label($_);
		   0, $w;
	       } map { ref $_ ? $_ : warp_text($_) } @_),
	       0, new Gtk::HSeparator,

sub createScrolledWindow($) {
    my ($W) = @_;
    my $w = new Gtk::ScrolledWindow(undef, undef);
    $w->set_policy('automatic', 'automatic');
    member(ref $W, qw(Gtk::CList Gtk::CTree Gtk::Text)) ?
      $w->add($W) :
    $W->can("set_focus_vadjustment") and $W->set_focus_vadjustment($w->get_vadjustment);

sub create_menu($@) {
    my $title = shift;
    my $w = new Gtk::MenuItem($title);
    $w->set_submenu(gtkshow(gtkappend(new Gtk::Menu, @_)));

sub add2notebook {
    my ($n, $title, $book) = @_;

    my ($w1, $w2) = map { new Gtk::Label($_) } $title, $title;
    $book->{widget_title} = $w1;
    $n->append_page_menu($book, $w1, $w2);

sub create_notebook(@) {
    my $n = new Gtk::Notebook;
    add2notebook($n, splice(@_, 0, 2)) while @_;

sub create_adjustment($$$) {
    my ($val, $min, $max) = @_;
    new Gtk::Adjustment($val, $min, $max + 1, 1, ($max - $min + 1) / 10, 1);

sub create_packtable($@) {
    my $options = shift;
    my $w = new Gtk::Table(0, 0, $options->{homogeneous} || 0);
    map_index {
	my ($i) = @_;
	map_index {
	    my ($j) = @_;
	    if (defined $_) {
		ref $_ or $_ = new Gtk::Label($_);
		$w->attach_defaults($_, $j, $j + 1, $i, $i + 1);
	} @$_;
    } @_;
    $w->set_col_spacings($options->{col_spacings} || 0);
    $w->set_row_spacings($options->{row_spacings} || 0);

sub create_hbox {
    my $w = new Gtk::HButtonBox;
sub create_vbox {
    my $w = new Gtk::VButtonBox;

sub _create_window($$) {
    my ($o, $title) = @_;
    my $w = new Gtk::Window;
    my $f = new Gtk::Frame(undef);

    if ($::isStandalone || $o->{no_border} || 1) { # hack
	gtkadd($w, $f);
    } else {
	my $t = new Gtk::Table(0, 0, 0);

	my $new = sub {
	    my $w = new Gtk::DrawingArea;
	    $w->set_usize($border, $border);
	    $w->signal_connect_after(expose_event =>
		sub { $w->window->draw_rectangle($w->style->black_gc, 1, 0, 0, @{$w->allocation}[2,3]); 1 }

	$t->attach(&$new(), 0, 1, 0, 3, [],              , ["expand","fill"], 0, 0);
	$t->attach(&$new(), 1, 2, 0, 1, ["expand","fill"], [],                0, 0);
	$t->attach($f,      1, 2, 1, 2, ["expand","fill"], ["expand","fill"], 0, 0);
	$t->attach(&$new(), 1, 2, 2, 3, ["expand","fill"], [],                0, 0);
	$t->attach(&$new(), 2, 3, 0, 3, [],                ["expand","fill"], 0, 0);

	gtkadd($w, $t);


    $w->signal_connect(expose_event => sub { c::XSetInputFocus($w->window->XWINDOW); }) if $my_gtk::force_focus || $o->{force_focus};
    $w->signal_connect(delete_event => sub { undef $o->{retval}; Gtk->main_quit });
    $w->set_uposition(@{$my_gtk::force_position || $o->{force_position}}) if $my_gtk::force_position || $o->{force_position};

    $w->signal_connect(focus => sub { Gtk->idle_add(sub { $w->ensure_focus($_[0]); 0 }, $_[1]) }) if $w->can('ensure_focus');

    my $signal;
    $signal = $w->signal_connect(motion_notify_event => sub {
	delete $o->{mouse}{unsafe};
	log::l("unsetting unsafe mouse");
    }) if $o->{mouse}{unsafe};

    $w->signal_connect(key_press_event => sub {
	my $d = ${{ 65470 => 'help',
	            65481 => 'next',
		    65480 => 'previous' }}{$_[1]->{keyval}} or return;

	#- previous field is created here :(
	my $s; foreach (reverse @{$::o->{orderedSteps}}) {
	    $s->{previous} = $_ if $s;
	    $s = $::o->{steps}{$_};

	if ($d eq "help") {
	    require install_steps_gtk;
	} else {
	    my $s = $::o->{step};
	    do { $s = $::o->{steps}{$s}{$d} } until !$s || $::o->{steps}{$s}{reachable};
	    $::setstep && $s and die "setstep $s\n";
    }) unless $::isStandalone;

    $w->signal_connect(size_allocate => sub {
	my ($wi, $he) = @{$_[1]}[2,3];
	my ($X, $Y, $Wi, $He) = @{$my_gtk::force_center || $o->{force_center}};
        $w->set_uposition(max(0, $X + ($Wi - $wi) / 2), max(0, $Y + ($He - $he) / 2));
    }) if ($my_gtk::force_center || $o->{force_center}) && !($my_gtk::force_position || $o->{force_position}) ;

    $o->{window} = $f;
    $o->{rwindow} = $w;

my ($next_child, $left, $right, $up, $down);
    my $next_child = sub {
	my ($c, $dir) = @_;

	my @childs = $c->parent->children;
	my $i; for ($i = 0; $i < @childs; $i++) {
	    last if $childs[$i] == $c || $childs[$i]->subtree == $c;
	$i += $dir;
	0 <= $i && $i < @childs ? $childs[$i] : undef;
    $left = sub { &$next_child($_[0]->parent, 0); };
    $right = sub {
	my ($c) = @_;
	if ($c->subtree) {
	} else {
    $down = sub {
	my ($c) = @_;
	return &$right($c) if ref $c eq "Gtk::TreeItem" && $c->subtree && $c->expanded;

	if (my $n = &$next_child($c, 1)) {
	} else {
	    return if ref $c->parent ne 'Gtk::Tree';	
    $up = sub {
	my ($c) = @_;
	if (my $n = &$next_child($c, -1)) {
	    $n = ($n->subtree->children)[-1] while ref $n eq "Gtk::TreeItem" && $n->subtree && $n->expanded;
	} else {
	    return if ref $c->parent ne 'Gtk::Tree';	

sub create_treeitem($) {
    my ($name) = @_;
    my $w = new Gtk::TreeItem($name);
    $w->signal_connect(key_press_event => sub {
        my (undef, $e) = @_;
        local $_ = chr ($e->{keyval} & 0xff);

	if ($e->{keyval} > 0x100) {
	    my $n;
	    $n = &$left($w)  if /[Q�\x96]/;
	    $n = &$right($w) if /[S�\x98]/;
	    $n = &$up($w)    if /[R�\x97]/;
	    $n = &$down($w)  if /[T�\x99]/;
	    if ($n) {
	    $w->expand if /[+�]/;
	    $w->collapse if /[-\xad]/;
	    do { 
		$w->expanded ? $w->collapse : $w->expand; 
	    } if /[\r\x8d]/;

#- ask_XXX

#- just give a title and some args, and it will return the value given by the user

sub ask_warn       { my $w = my_gtk->new(shift @_); $w->_ask_warn(@_); main($w); }
sub ask_yesorno    { my $w = my_gtk->new(shift @_); $w->_ask_okcancel(@_, _("Yes"), _("No")); main($w); }
sub ask_okcancel   { my $w = my_gtk->new(shift @_); $w->_ask_okcancel(@_, _("Is this correct?"), _("Ok"), _("Cancel")); main($w); }
sub ask_from_entry { my $w = my_gtk->new(shift @_); $w->_ask_from_entry(@_); main($w); }
sub ask_from_list  { my $w = my_gtk->new($_[0]); $w->_ask_from_list(@_); main($w); }
sub ask_file       { my $w = my_gtk->new(''); $w->_ask_file(@_); main($w); }

sub _ask_from_entry($$@) {
    my ($o, @msgs) = @_;
    my $entry = new Gtk::Entry;
    my $f = sub { $o->{retval} = $entry->get_text; Gtk->main_quit };
    $o->{ok_clicked} = $f;
    $o->{cancel_clicked} = sub { undef $o->{retval}; Gtk->main_quit };

		 gtksignal_connect($entry, 'activate' => $f),
		 ($o->{hide_buttons} ? () : create_okcancel($o))),

sub _ask_from_list {
    my ($o, $title, $messages, $l, $def) = @_;
    my (undef, @okcancel) = ref $title ? @$title : $title;
    my $list = new Gtk::CList(1);
    my ($first_time, $starting_word, $start_reg) = (1, '', "^");
    my (@widgets, $timeout, $curr);

    my $leave = sub { $o->{retval} = $l->[$curr]; Gtk->main_quit };
    my $select = sub {
	$list->select_row($_[0], 0);
	$list->moveto($_[0], 0, 0.5, 0);

    ref $title && !@okcancel ?
      $list->signal_connect(button_release_event => $leave) :
      $list->signal_connect(button_press_event => sub { &$leave if $_[1]{type} =~ /^2/ });

    $list->signal_connect(select_row => sub {
	my ($w, $row, undef, $e) = @_;
	$curr = $row;
    $list->signal_connect(key_press_event => sub {
        my ($w, $e) = @_;
	my $c = chr $e->{keyval};

	Gtk->timeout_remove($timeout) if $timeout; $timeout = '';

	if ($e->{keyval} >= 0x100) {
	    &$leave if $c eq "\r" || $c eq "\x8d";
	    $starting_word = '' if $e->{keyval} != 0xffe4; # control
	} else {
	    if ($e->{state} & 4) {
		#- control pressed
		$c eq "s" or return 1;
		$start_reg and $start_reg = '', return 1;
	    } else {
		&$leave if $c eq ' ';

		$curr++ if $starting_word eq '' || $starting_word eq $c;
		$starting_word .= $c unless $starting_word eq $c;
	    my $word = quotemeta $starting_word;
	    my $j; for ($j = 0; $j < @$l; $j++) {
		 $l->[($j + $curr) % @$l] =~ /$start_reg$word/i and last;
	    $j == @$l ?
	      $starting_word = '' :
	      &$select(($j + $curr) % @$l);

	    $w->{timeout} = $timeout = Gtk->timeout_add($forgetTime, sub { $timeout = $starting_word = ''; 0 } );
    $list->set_column_auto_resize(0, 1);

    $o->{ok_clicked} = $leave;
    $o->{cancel_clicked} = sub { $o->destroy; die "ask_from_list cancel" }; #- make sure windows doesn't live any more.
		   gtkpack_(new Gtk::VBox(0,7),
			    1, @$l > 15 ? gtkset_usize(createScrolledWindow($list), 200, min(350, $::windowheight - 60)) : $list,
			    @okcancel || !ref $title ? (0, create_okcancel($o, @okcancel)) : ())
    $o->show; #- otherwise the moveto is not done
    my $toselect; map_index {
	$toselect = $::i if $def && $_ eq $def;
    } @$l;

sub _ask_from_list_with_help {
    my ($o, $title, $messages, $l, $help, $def) = @_;
    my (undef, @okcancel) = ref $title ? @$title : $title;
    my $list = new Gtk::List();
    my ($first_time, $starting_word, $start_reg) = (1, '', "^");
    my (@widgets, $timeout, $curr);

    my $leave = sub { $o->{retval} = $l->[$curr]; Gtk->main_quit };
    my $select = sub {

    ref $title && !@okcancel ?
      $list->signal_connect(button_release_event => $leave) :
      $list->signal_connect(button_press_event => sub { &$leave if $_[1]{type} =~ /^2/ });

    $list->signal_connect(select_child => sub {
	my ($w, $row) = @_;
	$curr = $list->child_position($row);
    $list->signal_connect(key_press_event => sub {
        my ($w, $e) = @_;
	my $c = chr $e->{keyval};

	Gtk->timeout_remove($timeout) if $timeout; $timeout = '';

	if ($e->{keyval} >= 0x100) {
	    &$leave if $c eq "\r" || $c eq "\x8d";
	    $starting_word = '' if $e->{keyval} != 0xffe4; # control
	} else {
	    if ($e->{state} & 4) {
		#- control pressed
		$c eq "s" or return 1;
		$start_reg and $start_reg = '', return 1;
	    } else {
		&$leave if $c eq ' ';

		$curr++ if $starting_word eq '' || $starting_word eq $c;
		$starting_word .= $c unless $starting_word eq $c;
	    my $word = quotemeta $starting_word;
	    my $j; for ($j = 0; $j < @$l; $j++) {
		 $l->[($j + $curr) % @$l] =~ /$start_reg$word/i and last;
	    $j == @$l ?
	      $starting_word = '' :
	      &$select(($j + $curr) % @$l);

	    $w->{timeout} = $timeout = Gtk->timeout_add($forgetTime, sub { $timeout = $starting_word = ''; 0 } );

    $o->{ok_clicked} = $leave;
    $o->{cancel_clicked} = sub { $o->destroy; die "ask_from_list cancel" }; #- make sure windows doesn't live any more.
		   gtkpack_(new Gtk::VBox(0,7),
			    1, @$l > 15 ? gtkset_usize(createScrolledWindow($list), 200, min(350, $::windowheight - 60)) : $list,
			    @okcancel || !ref $title ? (0, create_okcancel($o, @okcancel)) : ())
    $o->show; #- otherwise the moveto is not done
    my $tips = new Gtk::Tooltips;
    my $toselect; map_index {
	my $item = new Gtk::ListItem($_);
	$tips->set_tip($item, $help->{$_}) if $help->{$_};
	$toselect = $::i if $def && $_ eq $def;
    } @$l;


sub _ask_warn($@) {
    my ($o, @msgs) = @_;
		 gtksignal_connect(my $w = new Gtk::Button(_("Ok")), "clicked" => sub { Gtk->main_quit }),

sub _ask_okcancel($@) {
    my ($o, @msgs) = @_;
    my ($ok, $cancel) = splice @msgs, -2;

	   gtkpack(create_box_with_title($o, @msgs),
		   create_okcancel($o, $ok, $cancel),

sub _ask_file($$) {
    my ($o, $title) = @_;
    my $f = $o->{rwindow} = new Gtk::FileSelection $title;
    $f->ok_button->signal_connect(clicked => sub { $o->{retval} = $f->get_filename ; Gtk->main_quit });
    $f->cancel_button->signal_connect(clicked => sub { Gtk->main_quit });

#- rubbish

#-sub label_align($$) {
#-    my $w = shift;
#-    local $_ = shift;
#-    $w->set_alignment(!/W/i, !/N/i);
#-    $w