package modules; use diagnostics; use strict; use common qw(:common :file); use pci_probing::main; use detect_devices; use run_program; use log; my %conf; my $scsi = 0; my %deps = (); my @drivers_by_category = ( [ \&detect_devices::hasEthernet, 'net', 'ethernet', { "3c509" => "3com 3c509", "3c501" => "3com 3c501", "3c503" => "3com 3c503", "3c505" => "3com 3c505", "3c507" => "3com 3c507", "3c515" => "3com 3c515", "3c59x" => "3com 3c59x (Vortex)", "3c59x" => "3com 3c90x (Boomerang)", "at1700" => "Allied Telesis AT1700", "ac3200" => "Ansel Communication AC3200", "pcnet32" => "AMD PC/Net 32", "apricot" => "Apricot 82596", "atp" => "ATP", "e2100" => "Cabletron E2100", "tlan" => "Compaq Netelligent", "de4x5" => "Digital 425,434,435,450,500", "depca" => "Digital DEPCA and EtherWORKS", "ewrk3" => "Digital EtherWORKS 3", "tulip" => "Digital 21040 (Tulip)", "de600" => "D-Link DE-600 pocket adapter", "de620" => "D-Link DE-620 pocket adapter", "epic100" => "EPIC 100", "hp100" => "HP10/100VG any LAN ", "hp" => "HP LAN/AnyLan", "hp-plus" => "HP PCLAN/plus", "eth16i" => "ICL EtherTeam 16i", "eexpress" => "Intel EtherExpress", "eepro" => "Intel EtherExpress Pro", "eepro100" => "Intel EtherExpress Pro 100", "lance" => "Lance", "lne390" => "Mylex LNE390", "ne" => "NE2000 and compatible", "ne2k-pci" => "NE2000 PCI", "ne3210" => "NE3210", "ni5010" => "NI 5010", "ni52" => "NI 5210", "ni65" => "NI 6510", "rtl8139" => "RealTek RTL8129/8139", "es3210" => "Racal-Interlan ES3210", "rcpci45" => "RedCreek PCI45 LAN", "epic100" => "SMC 83c170 EPIC/100", "smc9194" => "SMC 9000 series", "smc-ultra" => "SMC Ultra", "smc-ultra32" => "SMC Ultra 32", "via-rhine" => "VIA Rhine", "wd" => "WD8003, WD8013 and compatible", }], [ \&detect_devices::hasSCSI, 'scsi', undef, { "aha152x" => "Adaptec 152x", "aha1542" => "Adaptec 1542", "aha1740" => "Adaptec 1740", "aic7xxx" => "Adaptec 2740, 2840, 2940", "advansys" => "AdvanSys Adapters", "in2000" => "Always IN2000", "AM53C974" => "AMD SCSI", "megaraid" => "AMI MegaRAID", "BusLogic" => "BusLogic Adapters", "cpqarray" => "Compaq Smart-2/P RAID Controller", "dtc" => "DTC 3180/3280", "eata_dma" => "EATA DMA Adapters", "eata_pio" => "EATA PIO Adapters", "seagate" => "Future Domain TMC-885, TMC-950", "fdomain" => "Future Domain TMC-16x0", "gdth" => "ICP Disk Array Controller", "ppa" => "Iomega PPA3 (parallel port Zip)", "g_NCR5380" => "NCR 5380", "NCR53c406a" => "NCR 53c406a", "53c7,8xx" => "NCR 53c7xx", "ncr53c8xx" => "NCR 53C8xx PCI", "pci2000" => "Perceptive Solutions PCI-2000", "pas16" => "Pro Audio Spectrum/Studio 16", "qlogicfas" => "Qlogic FAS", "qlogicisp" => "Qlogic ISP", "seagate" => "Seagate ST01/02", "t128" => "Trantor T128/T128F/T228", "u14-34f" => "UltraStor 14F/34F", "ultrastor" => "UltraStor 14F/24F/34F", "wd7000" => "Western Digital wd7000", }], [ undef, 'cdrom', 'none', { "sbpcd" => "SoundBlaster/Panasonic", "aztcd" => "Aztech CD", "bpcd" => "Backpack CDROM", "gscd" => "Goldstar R420", "mcd" => "Mitsumi", "mcdx" => "Mitsumi (alternate)", "optcd" => "Optics Storage 8000", "cm206" => "Phillips CM206/CM260", "sjcd" => "Sanyo", "cdu31a" => "Sony CDU-31A", "sonycd535" => "Sony CDU-5xx", }] ); my @drivers_fields = qw(text detect type minor); my %drivers = ( "plip" => [ "PLIP (parallel port)", \&detect_devices::hasPlip, 'net', 'plip' ], "ibmtr" => [ "Token Ring", \&detect_devices::hasTokenRing, 'net', 'tr' ], "DAC960" => [ "Mylex DAC960", undef, 'scsi', undef ], "pcmcia_core" => [ "PCMCIA core support", undef, 'pcmcia', undef ], "ds" => [ "PCMCIA card support", undef, 'pcmcia', undef ], "i82365" => [ "PCMCIA i82365 controller", undef, 'pcmcia', undef ], "tcic" => [ "PCMCIA tcic controller", undef, 'pcmcia', undef ], "isofs" => [ "iso9660", undef, 'fs', undef ], "nfs" => [ "Network File System (nfs)", undef, 'fs', undef ], "smbfs" => [ "Windows SMB", undef, 'fs', undef ], "loop" => [ "Loopback device", undef, 'other', undef ], "lp" => [ "Parallel Printer", undef, 'other', undef ], ); foreach (@drivers_by_category) { my @l = @$_; my $l = pop @l; foreach (keys %$l) { $drivers{$_} = [ $l->{$_}, @l ]; } } while (my ($k, $v) = each %drivers) { my %l; @l{@drivers_fields} = @$v; $drivers{$k} = \%l; } 1; sub text_of_type($) { my ($type) = @_; map { $_->{text} } grep { $_->{type} eq $type } values %drivers; } sub text2driver($) { my ($text) = @_; while (my ($k, $v) = each %drivers) { $v->{text} eq $text and return $k; } die "$text is not a valid module description"; } sub load($;$@) { my ($name, $type, @options) = @_; if ($::testing) { print join ",", @options, "\n"; log::l("i try to install $name module (@options)"); } else { $conf{$name}{loaded} and return; $type ||= $drivers{$name}{type}; load($_, 'prereq') foreach @{$deps{$name}}; load_raw($name, @options); } $conf{'scsi_hostadapter' . ($scsi++ || '')}{alias} = $name if $type && $type eq 'scsi'; $conf{$name}{options} = join " ", @options if @options; } sub unload($) { if ($::testing) { log::l("rmmod $_[0]"); } else { run_program::run("rmmod", $_[0]); } } sub load_raw($@) { my ($name, @options) = @_; run_program::run("insmod", $name, @options) or die("insmod $name failed"); #- this is a hack to make plip go if ($name eq "parport_pc") { foreach (@options) { /^irq=(\d+)/ or next; log::l("writing to /proc/parport/0/irq"); local *F; open F, "> /proc/parport/0/irq" or last; print F $1; } } $conf{$name}{loaded} = 1; } sub read_already_loaded() { foreach (cat_("/proc/modules", "die")) { my ($name) = split; $conf{$name}{loaded} = 1; } } sub load_deps($) { my ($file) = @_; local *F; open F, $file or log::l("error opening $file: $!"), return 0; foreach (<F>) { my ($f, $deps) = split ':'; push @{$deps{$f}}, split ' ', $deps; } } sub read_conf($;$) { my ($file, $scsi) = @_; my %c; foreach (cat_($file)) { do { $c{$2}{$1} = $3; $$scsi = max($$scsi, $1 || 0) if /^\s*alias\s+scsi_hostadapter (\d*)/x && $scsi; } if /^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*?)\s*$/; } #- cheating here: not handling aliases of aliases while (my ($k, $v) = each %c) { $$scsi ||= $v->{scsi_hostadapter} if $scsi; if (my $a = $v->{alias}) { local $c{$a}{alias}; add2hash($c{$a}, $v); } } %c; } sub write_conf { my ($file) = @_; my %written = read_conf($file); my %net = detect_devices::net2module(); while (my ($k, $v) = each %net) { $conf{$k}{alias} ||= $v; } local *F; open F, ">> $file" or die("cannot write module config file $file: $!\n"); while (my ($mod, $h) = each %conf) { while (my ($type, $v2) = each %$h) { print F "$type $mod $v2\n" if $v2 && $type ne "loaded" && !$written{$mod}{$type}; } } } sub get_stage1_conf { %conf = read_conf($_[1], \$scsi); add2hash(\%conf, $_[0]); $conf{parport_lowlevel}{alias} ||= "parport_pc"; $conf{pcmcia_core}{"pre-install"} ||= "CARDMGR_OPTS=-f /etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia start"; $conf{plip}{"pre-install"} ||= "modprobe parport_pc ; echo 7 > /proc/parport/0/irq"; \%conf; } sub load_thiskind($;&) { my ($type, $f) = @_; my @pcidevs = pci_probing::main::probe($type); log::l("pci probe found " . scalar @pcidevs . " $type devices"); my @pcmciadevs = get_pcmcia_devices($type); log::l("pcmcia probe found " . scalar @pcmciadevs . " $type devices"); my @devs = (@pcidevs, @pcmciadevs); my %devs; foreach (@devs) { my ($text, $mod) = @$_; $devs{$mod}++ and log::l("multiple $mod devices found"), next; $drivers{$mod} or log::l("module $mod not in install table"), next; log::l("found driver for $mod"); &$f($text, $mod) if $f; load($mod, $type); } @devs; } sub get_pcmcia_devices($) { my ($type) = @_; my $file = "/var/run/stab"; my @devs; my $module; my $desc; local *F; open F, $file or return; #- no pcmcia is not an error. while (<F>) { $desc = $1 if /^Socket\s+\d+:\s+(.*)/; $module = $1 if /^\d+\s+$type[^\s]*\s+([^\s]+)/; if ($desc && $module) { push @devs, [ $desc, $module ]; $desc = $module = undef; } } @devs; } #-#- This assumes only one of each driver type is loaded #-sub removeDeviceDriver { #- my ($type) = @_; #- #- my @m = grep { $loaded{$_}{type} eq $type } keys %loaded; #- @m or return 0; #- @m > 1 and log::l("removeDeviceDriver assume only one of each driver type is loaded, which is not the case (" . join(' ', @m) . ")"); #- removeModule($m[0]); #- 1; #-}