package keyboard; # $Id$
use diagnostics;
use strict;
#- misc imports
use common;
use detect_devices;
use run_program;
use log;
use c;
#- Globals
my $KMAP_MAGIC = 0x8B39C07F;
#- a best guess of the keyboard layout, based on the choosen locale
#- beware only the first 5 characters of the locale are used
my %lang2keyboard =
'af' => 'us_intl',
'ar' => 'ar:90',
'as' => 'ben:90 dev:20 us_intl:5',
'az' => 'az:90 tr_q:10 us_intl:5',
'be' => 'by:90 ru:50 ru_yawerty:40',
'bg' => 'bg_phonetic:60 bg:50',
'bn' => 'ben:90 dev:20 us_intl:5',
'br' => 'fr:90',
'bs' => 'bs:90',
'ca' => 'es:90 fr:15',
'cs' => 'cz_qwerty:70 cz:50',
'cy' => 'uk:90',
'da' => 'dk:90',
'de' => 'de_nodeadkeys:70 de:50 be:50 ch_de:50',
'el' => 'gr:90',
'en' => 'us:89 us_intl:50 qc:50 uk:50',
'en_US' => 'us:90 us_intl:50',
'en_GB' => 'uk:89 us:60 us_intl:50',
'eo' => 'us_intl:89 dvorak:20',
'es' => 'es:85 la:80 us_intl:50',
'et' => 'ee:90',
'eu' => 'es:90 fr:15',
'fa' => 'ir:90',
'fi' => 'fi:90',
'fr' => 'fr:89 qc:85 be:85 ch_fr:70',
'ga' => 'ie:80 uk:70',
'gd' => 'uk:80 ie:70',
'gl' => 'es:90',
'gu' => 'guj:90',
'gv' => 'uk:80 ie:70',
'he' => 'il:90 il_phonetic:10',
'hi' => 'dev:90',
'hr' => 'hr:90 si:50',
'hu' => 'hu:90',
'hy' => 'am:90 am_old:10 am_phonetic:5',
'id' => 'us:90 us_intl:20',
'is' => 'is:90',
'iu' => 'iu:90',
'it' => 'it:90 ch_fr:50 ch_de:50',
'ja' => 'jp:90 us:50 us_intl:20',
'ka' => 'ge_la:90 ge_ru:50',
'kl' => 'dk:80 us_intl:30',
'kn' => 'kan:90',
'ko' => 'kr:90 us:60',
'ku' => 'tr_q:90 tr_f:30',
'kw' => 'uk:80 ie:70',
'li' => 'us_intl:80 be:70 nl:10 us:5',
'lo' => 'lao:90',
'lt' => 'lt:80 lt_new:70 lt_b:60 lt_p:50',
'lv' => 'lv:90 lt:40 lt_new:30 lt_b:20 lt_p:10 ee:5',
'mi' => 'us_intl:90 uk:20 us:10',
'mk' => 'mk:90',
'ml' => 'mal:90',
'mn' => 'mng:90 ru:20 ru_yawerty:5',
'mr' => 'dev:90',
'ms' => 'us:90 us_intl:20',
'mt' => 'mt:90 mt_us:35 us_intl:10',
'my' => 'mm:90',
'nb' => 'no:90 dvorak_no:10',
'nl' => 'us_intl:80 be:70 nl:10 us:5',
'nn' => 'no:90 dvorak_no:10',
'no' => 'no:90 dvorak_no:10',
'oc' => 'fr:90',
'or' => 'ori:90',
'pa' => 'gur:90',
'ph' => 'us:90 us_intl:20',
'pl' => 'pl:90 pl2:60',
'pp' => 'br:80 la:20 pt:10 us_intl:30',
'pt_BR' => 'br:90 la:20 pt:10 us_intl:30',
'pt' => 'pt:90',
'ro' => 'ro2:80 ro:40 us_intl:10',
'ru' => 'ru:85 ru_yawerty:80 ua:50',
'se' => 'sapmi:70 sapmi_sefi:50',
'sh' => 'yu:80',
'sk' => 'sk_qwerty:80 sk:70',
'sl' => 'si:90 hr:50',
'sq' => 'al:90',
'sr' => 'sr:80',
'sv' => 'se:90 fi:30 dvorak_se:10',
'ta' => 'tscii:80 tml:20',
'te' => 'tel:90',
'tg' => 'tj:90 ru_yawerty:40',
'th' => 'th:90',
'tr' => 'tr_q:90 tr_f:30',
'tt' => 'ru:50 ru_yawerty:40',
'uk' => 'ua:90 ru:50 ru_yawerty:40',
'uz' => 'us:80 uz:80',
'uz\@Cyrl' => 'uz:80 ru_yawerty:40',
'vi' => 'vn:80 us:60 us_intl:50',
'wa' => 'be:90 fr:5',
'yi' => 'il_phonetic:90 il:10 us_intl:10',
'zh_CN' => 'us:60',
'zh_TW' => 'us:60',
# USB kbd table
# The numeric values are the bCountryCode field (5th byte) of HID descriptor
my @usb2keyboard =
qw(SKIP ar_SKIP be ca_SKIP qc cz dk fi fr de gr il hu us_intl it jp),
#- 0x10
qw(kr la nl no ir pl pt ru sk es se ch_de ch_de ch_de tw_SKIP tr_q),
#- 0x20
qw(uk us yu tr_f),
#- higher codes not attribued as of 2002-02
#- key = extension for Xmodmap file, [0] = description of the keyboard,
#- [1] = name for loadkeys, [2] = name for XKB, [3] = "1" if it is
#- a multigroup layout (eg: one with latin/non-latin letters)
my %keyboards = (
arch() =~ /^sparc/ ? (
"cz" => [ N_("Czech (QWERTZ)"), "sunt5-cz-us", "cz", 0 ],
"de" => [ N_("German"), "sunt5-de-latin1", "de", 0 ],
"dvorak" => [ N_("Dvorak"), "sundvorak", "dvorak",0 ],
"es" => [ N_("Spanish"), "sunt5-es", "es", 0 ],
"fi" => [ N_("Finnish"), "sunt5-fi-latin1", "fi", 0 ],
"fr" => [ N_("French"), "sunt5-fr-latin1", "fr", 0 ],
"no" => [ N_("Norwegian"), "sunt4-no-latin1", "no", 0 ],
"pl" => [ N_("Polish"), "sun-pl-altgraph", "pl", 0 ],
"ru" => [ N_("Russian"), "sunt5-ru", "ru", 1 ],
# TODO: check the console map
"se" => [ N_("Swedish"), "sunt5-fi-latin1", "se", 0 ],
"uk" => [ N_("UK keyboard"), "sunt5-uk", "gb", 0 ],
"us" => [ N_("US keyboard"), "sunkeymap", "us", 0 ],
) : (
"al" => [ N_("Albanian"), "al", "al", 0 ],
"am_old" => [ N_("Armenian (old)"), "am_old", "am(old)", 1 ],
"am" => [ N_("Armenian (typewriter)"), "am-armscii8", "am", 1 ],
"am_phonetic" => [ N_("Armenian (phonetic)"), "am_phonetic", "am(phonetic)",1 ],
"ar" => [ N_("Arabic"), "us", "ar(digits)", 1 ],
"az" => [ N_("Azerbaidjani (latin)"), "az", "az", 0 ],
#"a3" => [ N_("Azerbaidjani (cyrillic)"), "az-koi8k","az(cyrillic)",1 ],
"be" => [ N_("Belgian"), "be2-latin1", "be", 0 ],
"ben" => [ N_("Bengali"), "us", "ben", 1 ],
"bg_phonetic" => [ N_("Bulgarian (phonetic)"), "bg", "bg(phonetic)", 1 ],
"bg" => [ N_("Bulgarian (BDS)"), "bg", "bg", 1 ],
"br" => [ N_("Brazilian (ABNT-2)"), "br-abnt2", "br", 0 ],
#- Bosnia and Croatia use the same layout, but people are confused if there
#- isn't an antry for their country
"bs" => [ N_("Bosnian"), "croat", "hr", 0 ],
"by" => [ N_("Belarusian"), "by-cp1251", "by", 1 ],
"ch_de" => [ N_("Swiss (German layout)"), "sg-latin1", "de_CH", 0 ],
"ch_fr" => [ N_("Swiss (French layout)"), "fr_CH-latin1", "fr_CH", 0 ],
"cz" => [ N_("Czech (QWERTZ)"), "cz", "cz", 0 ],
"cz_qwerty" => [ N_("Czech (QWERTY)"), "cz-lat2", "cz_qwerty", 0 ],
"de" => [ N_("German"), "de-latin1", "de", 0 ],
"de_nodeadkeys" => [ N_("German (no dead keys)"), "de-latin1-nodeadkeys", "de(nodeadkeys)", 0 ],
"dev" => [ N_("Devanagari"), "us", "dev", 0 ],
"dk" => [ N_("Danish"), "dk-latin1", "dk", 0 ],
"dvorak" => [ N_("Dvorak (US)"), "pc-dvorak-latin1", "dvorak", 0 ],
"dvorak_no" => [ N_("Dvorak (Norwegian)"), "no-dvorak", "dvorak(no)", 0 ],
"dvorak_se" => [ N_("Dvorak (Swedish)"), "se-dvorak", "dvorak(se)", 0 ],
"ee" => [ N_("Estonian"), "ee-latin9", "ee", 0 ],
"es" => [ N_("Spanish"), "es-latin1", "es", 0 ],
"fi" => [ N_("Finnish"), "fi-latin1", "fi", 0 ],
"fr" => [ N_("French"), "fr-latin1", "fr", 0 ],
"ge_ru" => [N_("Georgian (\"Russian\" layout)"), "ge_ru-georgian_academy", "ge_ru",1],
"ge_la" => [N_("Georgian (\"Latin\" layout)"), "ge_la-georgian_academy", "ge_la",1],
"gr" => [ N_("Greek"), "gr-8859_7", "el(extended)", 1 ],
"gr_pl" => [ N_("Greek (polytonic)"), "gr-8859_7", "el(polytonic)", 1 ],
"guj" => [ N_("Gujarati"), "us", "guj", 1 ],
"gur" => [ N_("Gurmukhi"), "us", "gur", 1 ],
"hu" => [ N_("Hungarian"), "hu-latin2", "hu", 0 ],
"hr" => [ N_("Croatian"), "croat", "hr", 0 ],
"ie" => [ N_("Irish"), "uk", "ie", 0 ],
"il" => [ N_("Israeli"), "il-8859_8", "il", 1 ],
"il_phonetic" => [ N_("Israeli (Phonetic)"), "hebrew", "il_phonetic", 1 ],
"ir" => [ N_("Iranian"), "ir-isiri_3342", "ir", 1 ],
"is" => [ N_("Icelandic"), "is-latin1", "is", 0 ],
"it" => [ N_("Italian"), "it-latin1", "it", 0 ],
"iu" => [ N_("Inuktitut"), "us", "iu", 1 ],
# Japanese keyboard is dual latin/kana; but telling it here shows a
# message to choose the switching key that is misleading, as input methods
# aren't automatically enabled when typing in kana
"jp" => [ N_("Japanese 106 keys"), "jp106", "jp", 0 ],
"kan" => [ N_("Kannada"), "us", "kan", 1 ],
#There is no XKB korean file yet; but using xmodmap one disables
# some functioanlity; "us" used for XKB until this is fixed
"kr" => [ N_("Korean keyboard"), "us", "us", 1 ],
"la" => [ N_("Latin American"), "la-latin1", "la", 0 ],
"lao" => [ N_("Laotian"), "us", "lo", 1 ],
"lt" => [ N_("Lithuanian AZERTY (old)"), "lt-latin7", "lt_a", 0 ],
#- TODO: write a console kbd map for lt_new
"lt_new" => [ N_("Lithuanian AZERTY (new)"), "lt-latin7", "lt_std", 0 ],
"lt_b" => [ N_("Lithuanian \"number row\" QWERTY"), "ltb-latin7", "lt", 1 ],
"lt_p" => [ N_("Lithuanian \"phonetic\" QWERTY"), "ltp-latin7", "lt_p", 0 ],
"lv" => [ N_("Latvian"), "lv-latin7", "lv", 0 ],
"mal" => [ N_("Malayalam"), "us", "ml(mlplusnum)", 1 ],
"mk" => [ N_("Macedonian"), "mk", "mk", 1 ],
"mm" => [ N_("Myanmar (Burmese)"), "us", "mm", 1 ],
"mng" => [ N_("Mongolian (cyrillic)"), "us", "mng", 1 ],
"mt" => [ N_("Maltese (UK)"), "uk", "mt", 0 ],
"mt_us" => [ N_("Maltese (US)"), "us", "mt_us", 0 ],
"nl" => [ N_("Dutch"), "nl-latin1", "nl", 0 ],
"no" => [ N_("Norwegian"), "no-latin1", "no", 0 ],
"ori" => [ N_("Oriya"), "us", "ori", 1 ],
"pl" => [ N_("Polish (qwerty layout)"), "pl", "pl", 0 ],
"pl2" => [ N_("Polish (qwertz layout)"), "pl-latin2", "pl2", 0 ],
"pt" => [ N_("Portuguese"), "pt-latin1", "pt", 0 ],
"qc" => [ N_("Canadian (Quebec)"), "qc-latin1", "ca_enhanced", 0 ],
#- TODO: write a console kbd map for ro2
"ro2" => [ N_("Romanian (qwertz)"), "ro2", "ro2", 0 ],
"ro" => [ N_("Romanian (qwerty)"), "ro", "ro", 0 ],
"ru" => [ N_("Russian"), "ru4", "ru(winkeys)", 1 ],
"ru_yawerty" => [ N_("Russian (Phonetic)"), "ru-yawerty", "ru_yawerty", 1 ],
"sapmi" => [ N_("Saami (norwegian)"), "no-latin1", "sapmi", 0 ],
"sapmi_sefi" => [ N_("Saami (swedish/finnish)"), "se-latin1", "sapmi(sefi)", 0 ],
"se" => [ N_("Swedish"), "se-latin1", "se", 0 ],
"si" => [ N_("Slovenian"), "slovene", "si", 0 ],
"sk" => [ N_("Slovakian (QWERTZ)"), "sk-qwertz", "sk", 0 ],
"sk_qwerty" => [ N_("Slovakian (QWERTY)"), "sk-qwerty", "sk_qwerty", 0 ],
# TODO: console map
"sr" => [ N_("Serbian (cyrillic)"), "sr", "sr", 1 ],
"syr" => [ N_("Syriac"), "us", "syr", 1 ],
"syr_p" => [ N_("Syriac (phonetic)"), "us", "syr_phonetic", 1 ],
"tel" => [ N_("Telugu"), "us", "tel", 1 ],
# no console kbd that I'm aware of
"tml" => [ N_("Tamil (ISCII-layout)"), "us", "tml", 1 ],
"tscii" => [ N_("Tamil (Typewriter-layout)"), "us", "ta(UNI)", 1 ],
"th" => [ N_("Thai keyboard"), "th", "th", 1 ],
# TODO: console map
"tj" => [ N_("Tajik keyboard"), "ru4", "tj", 1 ],
"tr_f" => [ N_("Turkish (traditional \"F\" model)"), "trf", "tr_f", 0 ],
"tr_q" => [ N_("Turkish (modern \"Q\" model)"), "tr_q-latin5", "tr", 0 ],
#-"tw => [ N_("Chineses bopomofo"), "tw", "tw", 1 ],
"ua" => [ N_("Ukrainian"), "ua", "ua", 1 ],
"uk" => [ N_("UK keyboard"), "uk", "gb", 0 ],
"us" => [ N_("US keyboard"), "us", "en_US", 0 ],
"us_intl" => [ N_("US keyboard (international)"), "us-latin1", "us_intl", 0 ],
"uz" => [ N_("Uzbek (cyrillic)"), "uz.uni", "uz", 1 ],
"vn" => [ N_("Vietnamese \"numeric row\" QWERTY"), "vn-tcvn", "vn(toggle)", 0 ],
"yu" => [ N_("Yugoslavian (latin)"), "sr", "yu", 0 ],
#- list of possible choices for the key combinations to toggle XKB groups
#- (eg in X86Config file: XkbOptions "grp:toggle")
my %grp_toggles = (
toggle => N_("Right Alt key"),
shift_toggle => N_("Both Shift keys simultaneously"),
ctrl_shift_toggle => N_("Control and Shift keys simultaneously"),
caps_toggle => N_("CapsLock key"),
ctrl_alt_toggle => N_("Ctrl and Alt keys simultaneously"),
alt_shift_toggle => N_("Alt and Shift keys simultaneously"),
menu_toggle => N_("\"Menu\" key"),
lwin_toggle => N_("Left \"Windows\" key"),
rwin_toggle => N_("Right \"Windows\" key"),
ctrls_toggle => N_("Both Control keys simultaneously"),
alts_toggle => N_("Both Alt keys simultaneously"),
lshift_toggle => N_("Left Shift key"),
rshift_toggle => N_("Right Shift key"),
lalt_toggle => N_("Left Alt key"),
lctrl_toggle => N_("Left Control key"),
rctrl_toggle => N_("Right Control key"),
#- Functions
sub KEYBOARDs() { keys %keyboards }
sub KEYBOARD2text { $keyboards{$_[0]} && $keyboards{$_[0]}[0] }
sub keyboards() { map { { KEYBOARD => $_ } } keys %keyboards }
sub keyboard2one {
my ($keyboard, $nb) = @_;
ref $keyboard or internal_error();
my $l = $keyboards{$keyboard->{KEYBOARD}} or return;
sub keyboard2text { keyboard2one($_[0], 0) }
sub keyboard2kmap { keyboard2one($_[0], 1) }
sub keyboard2xkb { keyboard2one($_[0], 2) }
sub grp_toggles {
my ($keyboard) = @_;
keyboard2one($keyboard, 3) or return;
sub group_toggle_choose {
my ($in, $keyboard) = @_;
if (my $grp_toggles = keyboard::grp_toggles($keyboard)) {
my $GRP_TOGGLE = $keyboard->{GRP_TOGGLE} || 'caps_toggle';
$GRP_TOGGLE = $in->ask_from_listf('', N("Here you can choose the key or key combination that will
allow switching between the different keyboard layouts
(eg: latin and non latin)"), sub { translate($grp_toggles->{$_[0]}) }, [ sort keys %$grp_toggles ], $GRP_TOGGLE) or return;
$GRP_TOGGLE ne 'rctrl_toggle' and $in->ask_warn(N("Warning"), formatAlaTeX(
N("This setting will be activated after the installation.
During installation, you will need to use the Right Control
key to switch between the different keyboard layouts.")));
$keyboard->{GRP_TOGGLE} = $GRP_TOGGLE;
} else {
$keyboard->{GRP_TOGGLE} = '';
sub loadkeys_files {
my ($err) = @_;
my $archkbd = arch() =~ /^sparc/ ? "sun" : arch() =~ /i.86/ ? "i386" : arch() =~ /ppc/ ? "mac" : arch();
my $p = "/usr/lib/kbd/keymaps/$archkbd";
my $post = ".kmap.gz";
my %trans = ("cz-latin2" => "cz-lat2");
my %find_file;
foreach my $dir (all($p)) {
$find_file{$dir} = '';
foreach (all("$p/$dir")) {
$find_file{$_} and $err->("file $_ is both in $find_file{$_} and $dir") if $err;
$find_file{$_} = "$p/$dir/$_";
my (@l, %l);
foreach (values %keyboards) {
local $_ = $trans{$_->[1]} || $_->[1];
my $l = $find_file{"$_$post"} || $find_file{first(/(..)/) . $post};
if ($l) {
push @l, $l;
foreach (`zgrep include $l | grep "^include"`) {
/include\s+"(.*)"/ or die "bad line $_";
@l{grep { -e $_ } ("$p/$")} = ();
} else {
$err->("invalid loadkeys keytable $_") if $err;
uniq(@l, keys %l, grep { -e $_ } map { "$p/$" } qw(compose euro windowkeys linux-keys-bare));
sub unpack_keyboards {
my ($k) = @_; $k or return;
[ grep {
my $b = $keyboards{$_->[0]};
$b or log::l("bad keyboard $_->[0] in %keyboard::lang2keyboard");
} map { [ split ':' ] } split ' ', $k ];
sub lang2keyboards {
my @li = sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] } map { @$_ } map {
#- first try with the 5 first chars of LANG; if it fails then try with
#- with the 2 first chars of LANG before resorting to default.
unpack_keyboards($lang2keyboard{substr($_, 0, 5)}) || unpack_keyboards($lang2keyboard{substr($_, 0, 2)}) || [ [ ($keyboards{$_} ? $_ : "us") => 100 ] ];
} @_;
sub lang2keyboard {
my ($l) = @_;
my $kb = lang2keyboards($l)->[0][0];
{ KEYBOARD => $keyboards{$kb} ? $kb : 'us' }; #- handle incorrect keyboard mapping to us.
sub from_usb() {
return if $::noauto;
my ($usb_kbd) = detect_devices::usbKeyboards() or return;
my $country_code = detect_devices::usbKeyboard2country_code($usb_kbd) or return;
my $keyboard = $usb2keyboard[$country_code];
$keyboard !~ /SKIP/ && { KEYBOARD => $keyboard };
sub load {
my ($keymap) = @_;
return if $::testing;
my ($magic, $tables_given, @tables) = common::unpack_with_refs('I' .
'i' . c::MAX_NR_KEYMAPS() .
's' . c::NR_KEYS() . '*',
$magic != $KMAP_MAGIC and die "failed to read kmap magic";
sysopen(my $F, "/dev/console", 2) or die "failed to open /dev/console: $!";
my $i_tables = 0;
each_index {
my $table_index = $::i;
if (!$_) {
#- deallocate table
ioctl($F, c::KDSKBENT(), pack("CCS", $table_index, 0, c::K_NOSUCHMAP())) or log::l("removing table $table_index failed: $!");
} else {
each_index {
ioctl($F, c::KDSKBENT(), pack("CCS", $table_index, $::i, $_)) or log::l("keymap ioctl failed ($table_index $::i $_): $!");
} @{$tables[$i_tables++]};
} @$tables_given;
sub keyboard2full_xkb {
my ($keyboard) = @_;
my $XkbLayout = keyboard2xkb($keyboard);
my $XkbModel =
arch() =~ /sparc/ ? 'sun' :
$XkbLayout eq 'jp' ? 'jp106' :
$XkbLayout eq 'br' ? 'abnt2' : 'pc105';
$XkbLayout ? {
XkbLayout => join(',', if_($keyboard->{GRP_TOGGLE}, 'us'), $XkbLayout),
XkbModel => $XkbModel,
XkbOptions => $keyboard->{GRP_TOGGLE} ?
if_($keyboard->{GRP_TOGGLE} eq 'rwin_toggle', 'compose:rwin'),
'grp_led:scroll') : '',
} : { XkbDisable => '' };
sub xmodmap_file {
my ($keyboard) = @_;
my $KEYBOARD = $keyboard->{KEYBOARD};
my $f = "$ENV{SHARE_PATH}/xmodmap/xmodmap.$KEYBOARD";
if (! -e $f) {
eval {
require packdrake;
my $packer = new packdrake("$ENV{SHARE_PATH}/xmodmap.cz2", quiet => 1);
$packer->extract_archive("/tmp", "xmodmap.$KEYBOARD");
$f = "/tmp/xmodmap.$KEYBOARD";
-e $f && $f;
sub setxkbmap {
my ($keyboard) = @_;
my $xkb = keyboard::keyboard2full_xkb($keyboard) or return;
run_program::run('setxkbmap', '-option', '') if $xkb->{XkbOptions}; #- need re-initialised other toggles are cumulated
run_program::run('setxkbmap', $xkb->{XkbLayout}, '-model' => $xkb->{XkbModel}, '-option' => $xkb->{XkbOptions} || '', '-compat' => $xkb->{XkbCompat} || '');
sub setup {
my ($keyboard) = @_;
return if arch() =~ /^sparc/;
#- Xpmac doesn't map keys quite right
if (arch() =~ /ppc/ && !$::testing && $ENV{DISPLAY}) {
log::l("Fixing Mac keyboard");
run_program::run('xmodmap', "-e", "keycode 59 = BackSpace");
run_program::run('xmodmap', "-e", "keycode 131 = Shift_R");
run_program::run('xmodmap', "-e", "add shift = Shift_R");
my $kmap = keyboard2kmap($keyboard) or return;
log::l("loading keymap $kmap");
if (-x '/bin/loadkeys') {
run_program::run('loadkeys', $kmap);
} elsif (-e (my $f = "$ENV{SHARE_PATH}/keymaps/$kmap.bkmap")) {
load(scalar cat_($f));
} else {
my $kid = bg_command->new(sub {
eval {
require packdrake;
my $packer = new packdrake("$ENV{SHARE_PATH}/keymaps.cz2", quiet => 1);
$packer->extract_archive(undef, "$kmap.bkmap");
local $/ = undef;
eval { my $fd = $kid->{fd}; load(join('', <$fd>)) };
if (-x "/usr/X11R6/bin/setxkbmap") {
} else {
my $f = xmodmap_file($keyboard);
eval { run_program::run('xmodmap', $f) } if $f && !$::testing && $ENV{DISPLAY};
sub write {
my ($keyboard) = @_;
log::l("keyboard::write $keyboard->{KEYBOARD}");
$keyboard = { %$keyboard };
delete $keyboard->{unsafe};
$keyboard->{KEYTABLE} = keyboard2kmap($keyboard);
setVarsInSh("$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/keyboard", $keyboard);
run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'dumpkeys', '>', '/etc/sysconfig/console/default.kmap') or log::l("dumpkeys failed");
if (arch() =~ /ppc/) {
my $s = "dev.mac_hid.keyboard_sends_linux_keycodes = 1\n";
substInFile {
$_ = '' if /^\Qdev.mac_hid.keyboard_sends_linux_keycodes/;
$_ .= $s if eof;
} "$::prefix/etc/sysctl.conf";
sub read() {
my %keyboard = getVarsFromSh("$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/keyboard") or return;
if (!$keyboard{KEYBOARD}) {
add2hash(\%keyboard, grep { keyboard2kmap($_) eq $keyboard{KEYTABLE} } keyboards());
$keyboard{DISABLE_WINDOWS_KEY} = bool2yesno(detect_devices::isLaptop());
keyboard2text(\%keyboard) ? \%keyboard : {};
sub check() {
require lang;
$^W = 0;
my $not_ok = 0;
my $warn = sub {
print STDERR "$_[0]\n";
my $err = sub {
$not_ok = 1;
if (my @l = grep { is_empty_array_ref(lang2keyboards($_)) } lang::list_langs()) {
$warn->("no keyboard for langs " . join(" ", @l));
foreach my $lang (lang::list_langs()) {
my $l = lang2keyboards($lang);
foreach (@$l) {
0 <= $_->[1] && $_->[1] <= 100 or $err->("invalid value $_->[1] in $lang2keyboard{$lang} for $lang in \%lang2keyboard");
$keyboards{$_->[0]} or $err->("invalid keyboard $_->[0] in $lang2keyboard{$lang} for $lang in \%lang2keyboard");
/SKIP/ || $keyboards{$_} or $err->("invalid keyboard $_ in \@usb2keyboard") foreach @usb2keyboard;
$usb2keyboard[0x21] eq 'us' or $err->('@usb2keyboard is badly modified, 0x21 is not us keyboard');
my @xkb_groups = map { if_(/grp:(\S+)/, $1) } cat_('/usr/lib/X11/xkb/rules/xfree86.lst');
$err->("invalid xkb group toggle '$_' in \%grp_toggles") foreach difference2([ keys %grp_toggles ], \@xkb_groups);
$warn->("unused xkb group toggle '$_'") foreach grep { !/switch/ } difference2(\@xkb_groups, [ keys %grp_toggles ]);
my @xkb_layouts = (#- (map { (split)[0] } grep { /^! layout/ .. /^\s*$/ } cat_('/usr/lib/X11/xkb/rules/xfree86.lst')),
(map { (split)[2] } cat_('/usr/lib/X11/xkb/symbols.dir')));
$err->("invalid xkb layout $_") foreach difference2([ map { keyboard2xkb($_) } keyboards() ], \@xkb_layouts);
my @kmaps_available = map { if_(m|.*/(.*)\.bkmap|, $1) } `tar tfj share/keymaps.tar.bz2`;
my @kmaps_wanted = map { keyboard2kmap($_) } keyboards();
$err->("missing KEYTABLE $_ (either share/keymaps.tar.bz2 need updating or $_ is bad)") foreach difference2(\@kmaps_wanted, \@kmaps_available);
$err->("unused KEYTABLE $_ (update share/keymaps.tar.bz2 using share/keymaps_generate)") foreach difference2(\@kmaps_available, \@kmaps_wanted);
sub confScanner {
my ($model, $port, $vendor, $product) = @_;
$port ||= detect_devices::dev_is_devfs() ? "$::prefix/dev/usb/scanner0" : "$::prefix/dev/scanner";
my $a = $scannerDB->{$model}{server};
#print "file:[$a]\t[$model]\t[$port]\n| ", (join "\n| ", @{$scannerDB->{$model}{lines}}),"\n";
my @driverconf = cat_("$sanedir/$a.conf");
my @configlines = @{$scannerDB->{$model}{lines}};
foreach my $line (@configlines) {
$line =~ s/\$DEVICE/$port/g if $port;
next if $line =~ /\$DEVICE/;
$line =~ s/\$VENDOR/$vendor/g if $vendor;
next if $line =~ /\$VENDOR/;
$line =~ s/\$PRODUCT/$product/g if $product;
next if $line =~ /\$PRODUCT/;
$line =~ /^(\S*)LINE\s+(.*?)$/;
my $linetype = $1;
$line = $2;
next if !$line;
if (!$linetype or
($linetype eq "USB" and ($port =~ /usb/i or $vendor)) or
($linetype eq "PARPORT" and !$vendor and
$port =~ /(parport|pt_drv|parallel)/i) or
($linetype eq "SCSI" and !$vendor and
$port =~ m!(/sg|scsi|/scanner)!i)) {
handle_configs::set_directive(\@driverconf, $line, 1);
output("$sanedir/$a.conf", @driverconf);
sub add2dll {
return if member($_[0], chomp_(cat_("$sanedir/dll.conf")));
my @dllconf = cat_("$sanedir/dll.conf");
handle_configs::add_directive(\@dllconf, $_[0]);
output("$sanedir/dll.conf", @dllconf);
sub configured {
my @res;
# Run "scanimage -L", to find the scanners which are already working
local *LIST;
open LIST, "LC_ALL=C scanimage -L |";
while (my $line = <LIST>) {
if ($line =~ /^\s*device\s*\`([^\`\']+)\'\s+is\s+a\s+(\S.*)$/) {
# Extract port and description
my $port = $1;
my $description = $2;
# Remove duplicate scanners appearing through saned and the
# "net" backend
next if $port =~ /^net:(localhost|;
# Store collected data
push @res, {
port => $port,
val => {
DESCRIPTION => $description,
close LIST;
return @res;
sub detect {
my @configured = @_;
my @res;
# Run "sane-find-scanner", this also detects USB scanners which only
# work with libusb.
local *DETECT;