package interactive; # $Id$
use diagnostics;
use strict;
#- misc imports
use common;
use do_pkgs;
#- minimal example using interactive:
#- > use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX);
#- > use interactive;
#- > my $in = interactive->vnew;
#- > $in->ask_okcancel('title', 'question');
#- > $in->exit;
#- ask_from_ takes global options ($common):
#- title => window title
#- messages => message displayed in the upper part of the window
#- ok => force the name of the "Ok"/"Next" button
#- cancel => force the name of the "Cancel"/"Previous" button
#- focus_cancel => force focus on the "Cancel" button
#- focus_first => (deprecated) force focus on the first entry
#- ok_disabled => function returning wether {ok} should be disabled (grayed)
#- validate => function called when {ok} is pressed. If it returns false, the first entry is focused, otherwise it quits
#- advanced => (deprecated) function called when the "advanced" expander is toggled
#- advanced_messages => (deprecated) message displayed when "Advanced" is pressed
#- advanced_label => (deprecated) force the name of the "Advanced" button
#- advanced_label_close => (deprecated) force the name of the "Basic" button
#- advanced_state => (deprecated) if set to 1, force the "Advanced" part of the dialog to be opened initially
#- callbacks => (deprecated) functions called when something happen: complete advanced ok_disabled
#- ask_from_ takes a list of entries with fields:
#- val => reference to the value
#- label => description
#- title => a boolean: whether the label should be displayed as a title (see GNOME's HIG)
#- icon => icon to put before the description
#- help => tooltip
#- advanced => (deprecated) wether it is shown in by default or only in advanced mode
#- focus_out => function called when the entry is focused out
#- changed => function called when the entry is modified
#- validate => function called when "Ok" is pressed. If it returns false, this entry is focused, otherwise it quits
#- disabled => function returning wether it should be disabled (grayed)
#- focus => function returning wether it should be focused
#- gtk => gtk preferences
#- type =>
#- button => (with clicked or clicked_may_quit)
#- (type defaults to button if clicked or clicked_may_quit is there)
#- (val need not be a reference) (if clicked_may_quit return true, it's as if "Ok" was pressed)
#- label => (val need not be a reference) (type defaults to label if val is not a reference)
#- bool (with "text" or "image" (which overrides text) giving an image filename)
#- range (with min, max, SpinButton)
#- combo (with list, not_edit, format)
#- list (with list, icon2f (aka icon), separator (aka tree), format (aka pre_format function),
#- help can be a hash or a function,
#- tree_expanded boolean telling wether the tree should be wide open by default
#- quit_if_double_click boolean
#- allow_empty_list disables the special cases for 0 and 1 element lists
#- image2f is a subroutine which takes a value of the list as parameter, and returns image_file_name
#- entry (the default) (with hidden)
#- expander (with text, expanded, message, children(a list of sub entries))
#- heritate from this class and you'll get all made interactivity for same steps.
#- for this you need to provide
#- - ask_from_listW(o, title, messages, arrayref, default) returns one string of arrayref
#- where
#- - o is the object
#- - title is a string
#- - messages is an refarray of strings
#- - default is an optional string (default is in arrayref)
#- - arrayref is an arrayref of strings
#- - arrayref2 contains booleans telling the default state,
#- ask_from_list and ask_from_list_ are wrappers around ask_from_biglist and ask_from_smalllist
#- ask_from_list_ just translate arrayref before calling ask_from_list and untranslate the result
#- ask_from_listW should handle differently small lists and big ones.
#- OO Stuff
our @ISA = qw(do_pkgs);
sub new($) {
my ($type) = @_;
bless {}, ref($type) || $type;
sub vnew {
my ($_type, $o_su, $o_icon) = @_;
my $su = $o_su eq "su";
require interactive::http;
return interactive::http->new;
require c;
if ($su) {
$ENV{PATH} = "/sbin:/usr/sbin:$ENV{PATH}";
$su = '' if $::testing || $ENV{TESTING};
require_root_capability() if $su;
if (check_for_xserver()) {
eval { require interactive::gtk };
if (!$@) {
my $o = interactive::gtk->new;
if ($o_icon && $o_icon ne 'default' && !$::isWizard) { $o->{icon} = $o_icon } else { undef $o->{icon} }
return $o;
} elsif ($::testing) {
require interactive::curses;
sub ok { N_("Ok") }
sub cancel { N_("Cancel") }
sub markup_parse {
my ($s) = @_;
my @l;
my @attrs;
while ($s) {
if ($s =~ s!^<(\w+)(\s+[^>]*?)?>!!s) {
push @attrs, [ $1, $2 ];
} elsif ($s =~ s!^(\w+)>!!) {
my $previous = pop @attrs;
$previous->[0] eq $1 or return;
} elsif ($s =~ s!^(&(amp|lt|gt);)!!) {
push @l, [ $1, @attrs ];
} elsif ($s =~ s!^([^<>&]+)!!s) {
push @l, [ $1, @attrs ];
} else {
sub markup_simplify {
my ($l) = @_;
foreach (@$l) {
my ($s, @attrs) = @$_;
my %attrs = map {
my ($tag, $attrs) = @$_;
my $long = { b => { weight => "bold" },
i => { style => "italic" },
big => { size => 'larger' },
$long ? %$long : map { /^(.*?)=['"]?(.*?)['"]?$/ } split(' ', $attrs);
} @attrs;
$s = +{ '&' => '&', '<' => '<', '>' => '>' }->{$s} || $s;
@$_ = ($s, if_(%attrs, \%attrs));
sub markup_remove {
my ($s) = @_;
if (my $l = markup_parse($s)) {
join('', map { $_->[0] } @$l);
} else {
#- drop markup as fallback
sub adapt_markup {
my ($_o, $s) = @_;
sub enter_console {}
sub leave_console {}
sub suspend {}
sub resume {}
sub end {}
sub exit {
if ($::isStandalone) {
require standalone;
} else {
#- Interactive functions
sub ask_warn {
my ($o, $title, $message, $o_icon) = @_;
ask_warn_($o, { title => $title, messages => $message, icon => $o_icon });
sub ask_yesorno {
my ($o, $title, $message, $b_def) = @_;
ask_yesorno_($o, { title => $title, messages => $message }, $b_def);
sub ask_okcancel {
my ($o, $title, $message, $b_def, $o_icon) = @_;
ask_okcancel_($o, { title => $title, messages => $message, icon => $o_icon }, $b_def);
sub ask_warn_ {
my ($o, $common) = @_;
ask_from_listf_raw_no_check($o, $common, \&translate, [ $o->ok ]);
sub ask_yesorno_ {
my ($o, $common, $b_def) = @_;
$common->{cancel} = '';
ask_from_listf_raw($o, $common, \&translate, [ N_("Yes"), N_("No") ], $b_def ? "Yes" : "No") eq "Yes";
sub ask_okcancel_ {
my ($o, $common, $b_def) = @_;
if ($::isWizard) {
$common->{focus_cancel} = !$b_def;
ask_from_no_check($o, $common, []);
} else {
ask_from_listf_raw($o, $common, \&translate, [ $o->ok, $o->cancel ], $b_def ? $o->ok : $o->cancel) eq $o->ok;
sub ask_filename {
my ($o, $common) = @_;
$common->{want_a_dir} = 0;
sub ask_directory {
my ($o, $common) = @_;
$common->{want_a_dir} = 1;
#- predecated
sub ask_file {
my ($o, $title, $o_dir) = @_;
$o->ask_fileW({ title => $title, want_a_dir => 0, directory => $o_dir });
sub ask_fileW {
my ($o, $common) = @_;
$o->ask_from_entry($common->{title}, $common->{message} || N("Choose a file"));
sub ask_from_list {
my ($o, $title, $message, $l, $o_def) = @_;
ask_from_listf($o, $title, $message, undef, $l, $o_def);
sub ask_from_list_ {
my ($o, $title, $message, $l, $o_def) = @_;
ask_from_listf($o, $title, $message, \&translate, $l, $o_def);
sub ask_from_listf_ {
my ($o, $title, $message, $f, $l, $o_def) = @_;
ask_from_listf($o, $title, $message, sub { translate($f->(@_)) }, $l, $o_def);
sub ask_from_listf {
my ($o, $title, $message, $f, $l, $o_def) = @_;
ask_from_listf_raw($o, { title => $title, messages => $message }, $f, $l, $o_def);
sub ask_from_listf_raw {
my ($_o, $_common, $_f, $l, $_o_def) = @_;
@$l == 0 and die "ask_from_list: empty list\n" . backtrace();
@$l == 1 and return $l->[0];
goto &ask_from_listf_raw_no_check;
sub ask_from_listf_raw_no_check {
my ($o, $common, $f, $l, $o_def) = @_;
if (@$l <= ($::isWizard ? 1 : 2)) {
my ($ok, $cancel) = map { $_ && may_apply($f, $_) } @$l;
if (length "$ok$cancel" < 70) {
my $ret = eval {
put_in_hash($common, { ok => $ok,
if_($cancel, cancel => $cancel, focus_cancel => $o_def eq $l->[1]) });
ask_from_no_check($o, $common, []) ? $l->[0] : $l->[1];
die if $@ && $@ !~ /^wizcancel/;
return $@ ? undef : $ret;
ask_from_no_check($o, $common, [ { val => \$o_def, type => 'list', list => $l, format => $f } ]) && $o_def;
sub ask_from_treelist {
my ($o, $title, $message, $separator, $l, $o_def) = @_;
ask_from_treelistf($o, $title, $message, $separator, undef, $l, $o_def);
sub ask_from_treelist_ {
my ($o, $title, $message, $separator, $l, $o_def) = @_;
my $transl = sub { join '|', map { translate($_) } split(quotemeta($separator), $_[0]) };
ask_from_treelistf($o, $title, $message, $separator, $transl, $l, $o_def);
sub ask_from_treelistf {
my ($o, $title, $message, $separator, $f, $l, $o_def) = @_;
ask_from($o, $title, $message, [ { val => \$o_def, separator => $separator, list => $l, format => $f, sort => 1 } ]) or return;
sub ask_many_from_list {
my ($o, $title, $message, @l) = @_;
@l = grep { @{$_->{list}} } @l or return '';
foreach my $h (@l) {
$h->{e}{$_} = {
text => may_apply($h->{label}, $_),
val => $h->{val} ? $h->{val}->($_) : do {
my $i =
$h->{value} ? $h->{value}->($_) :
$h->{values} ? member($_, @{$h->{values}}) : 0;
type => 'bool',
help => may_apply($h->{help}, $_, ''),
icon => may_apply($h->{icon2f}, $_, ''),
} foreach @{$h->{list}};
if ($h->{sort}) {
$h->{list} = [ sort { $h->{e}{$a}{text} cmp $h->{e}{$b}{text} } @{$h->{list}} ];
$o->ask_from($title, $message, [ map { my $h = $_; map { $h->{e}{$_} } @{$h->{list}} } @l ]) or return;
@l = map {
my $h = $_;
[ grep { ${$h->{e}{$_}{val}} } @{$h->{list}} ];
} @l;
wantarray() ? @l : $l[0];
sub ask_from_entry {
my ($o, $title, $message, %callback) = @_;
first(ask_from_entries($o, $title, $message, [''], %callback));
sub ask_from_entries {
my ($o, $title, $message, $l, %callback) = @_;
my @l = map { my $i = ''; { label => $_, val => \$i } } @$l;
$o->ask_from_({ title => $title, messages => $message, %callback,
focus_first => 1 }, \@l) or return;
map { ${$_->{val}} } @l;
sub ask_from__add_modify_remove {
my ($o, $title, $message, $l, %callback) = @_;
die "ask_from__add_modify_remove only handles one item" if @$l != 1;
$callback{$_} or internal_error("missing callback $_") foreach qw(Add Modify Remove);
if ($o->can('ask_from__add_modify_removeW')) {
$o->ask_from__add_modify_removeW($title, $message, $l, %callback);
} else {
my $e = $l->[0];
my $chosen_element;
put_in_hash($e, { allow_empty_list => 1, val => \$chosen_element, type => 'list' });
while (1) {
my $continue;
my @l = (@$l,
map { my $s = $_; { val => translate($_), clicked_may_quit => sub {
my $r = $callback{$s}->($chosen_element);
defined $r or return;
$continue = 1;
} } }
N_("Add"), if_(@{$e->{list}} > 0, N_("Modify"), N_("Remove")));
$o->ask_from_({ title => $title, messages => $message, %callback }, \@l) or return;
return 1 if !$continue;
#- can get a hash of callback: validate
#- moreove if you pass a hash with a field list -> combo
#- if you pass a hash with a field hidden -> emulate stty -echo
sub ask_from {
my ($o, $title, $message, $l, %callback) = @_;
ask_from_($o, { title => $title, messages => $message, %callback }, $l);
sub _normalize_entry {
my ($o, $e) = @_;
if (my $li = $e->{list}) {
ref($e->{val}) =~ /SCALAR|REF/ or internal_error($e->{val} ? "field {val} must be a reference (it is $e->{val})" : "field {val} is mandatory"); #-#
if ($e->{sort} || @$li > 10 && !exists $e->{sort}) {
my @l2 = map { may_apply($e->{format}, $_) } @$li;
my @places = sort { $l2[$a] cmp $l2[$b] } 0 .. $#l2;
$e->{list} = $li = [ map { $li->[$_] } @places ];
$e->{type} = 'iconlist' if $e->{icon2f};
$e->{type} = 'treelist' if $e->{separator} && $e->{type} ne 'combo';
add2hash_($e, { not_edit => 1 });
$e->{type} ||= 'combo';
if (!$e->{not_edit}) {
die q(when using "not_edit" you must use strings, not a data structure) if ref(${$e->{val}}) || any { ref $_ } @$li;
if ($e->{type} ne 'combo' || $e->{not_edit}) {
${$e->{val}} = $li->[0] if !member(may_apply($e->{format}, ${$e->{val}}), map { may_apply($e->{format}, $_) } @$li);
} elsif ($e->{type} eq 'range') {
$e->{min} <= $e->{max} or die "bad range min $e->{min} > max $e->{max} (called from " . join(':', caller()) . ")";
${$e->{val}} = max($e->{min}, min(${$e->{val}}, $e->{max}));
} elsif ($e->{type} eq 'button' || $e->{clicked} || $e->{clicked_may_quit}) {
$e->{type} = 'button';
$e->{clicked_may_quit} ||= $e->{clicked} ? sub { $e->{clicked}(); 0 } : sub {};
$e->{val} = \ (my $_v = $e->{val}) if !ref($e->{val});
} elsif (!$e->{type} && !$e->{val}) {
$e->{type} = 'only_label';
$e->{val} = \ (my $_v = $o->adapt_markup(delete $e->{label}));
} elsif ($e->{type} eq 'label' || !ref($e->{val})) {
$e->{type} = 'label';
$e->{val} = \ (my $_v = $e->{val}) if !ref($e->{val});
} elsif ($e->{type} eq 'expander') {
_normalize_entries($o, $e->{children});
} else {
$e->{type} ||= 'entry';
$e->{label} = $o->adapt_markup($e->{label}) if $e->{label};
sub _normalize_entries {
my ($o, $l) = @_;
ref($l) eq 'ARRAY' or internal_error('ask_from_normalize');
_normalize_entry($o, $_) foreach @$l;
#- do not display empty lists and one element lists
@$l = grep {
if ($_->{list} && $_->{not_edit} && !$_->{allow_empty_list}) {
if (!@{$_->{list}}) {
eval {
require ''; #- "require log" causes some pb, perl thinking that "log" is the log() function
log::l("ask_from_normalize: empty list for $_->{label}\n" . backtrace());
@{$_->{list}} > 1;
} else {
} @$l;
sub ask_from_normalize {
my ($o, $common, $l) = @_;
if ($common->{focus_first}) {
if (my $e = find { $_->{val} } @$l) {
$e->{focus} = sub { 1 };
_normalize_entries($o, $l);
if (!$common->{title} && $::isStandalone) {
($common->{title} = $0) =~ s|.*/||;
$common->{interactive_help} ||= $o->{interactive_help};
$common->{interactive_help} ||= $common->{interactive_help_id} && $o->interactive_help_sub_get_id($common->{interactive_help_id});
$common->{advanced_label} ||= N("Advanced");
$common->{advanced_label_close} and log::l("advanced_label_close is not used anymore");
$common->{$_} = $common->{$_} ? [ map { $o->adapt_markup($_) } deref($common->{$_}) ] : []
foreach qw(messages advanced_messages);
if ($common->{callbacks}) {
$common->{callbacks}{changed} and internal_error(q(global "changed" callback is not handled anymore, use a per-entry changed callback));
$common->{callbacks}{focus_out} and internal_error(q(global "focus_out" callback is not handled anymore, use a per-entry focus_out callback));
add2hash($common, delete $common->{callbacks});
if (my $complete = delete $common->{complete}) {
$common->{validate} = sub { !first($complete->()) };
add2hash_($common, { validate => sub { 1 } });
sub migrate_advanced {
my ($common, $l) = @_;
my ($l1, $l2) = partition { !$_->{advanced} } @$l;
my $advanced_message = join("\n", @{$common->{advanced_messages}});
[ @$l1, if_(@$l2, { type => 'expander',
if_($advanced_message, message => $advanced_message),
text => $common->{advanced_label},
expanded => $common->{advanced_state},
children => $l2,
}) ];
sub ask_from_ {
my ($o, $common, $l) = @_;
ask_from_normalize($o, $common, $l);
@$l or return 1;
$common->{cancel} = '' if !defined wantarray();
ask_from_real($o, $common, $l);
sub ask_from_no_check {
my ($o, $common, $l) = @_;
ask_from_normalize($o, $common, $l);
$common->{cancel} = '' if !defined wantarray();
my $l_ = migrate_advanced($common, $l);
$o->ask_fromW($common, $l_);
sub ask_from_real {
my ($o, $common, $l) = @_;
my $l_ = migrate_advanced($common, $l);
my $v = $o->ask_fromW($common, $l_);
foreach my $e (@$l) {
if ($e->{type} eq 'range') {
${$e->{val}} = max($e->{min}, min(${$e->{val}}, $e->{max}));
%$common = ();
sub ask_browse_tree_info {
my ($o, $title, $message, $common) = @_;
$common->{interactive_help} ||= $common->{interactive_help_id} && $o->interactive_help_sub_get_id($common->{interactive_help_id});
add2hash_($common, { ok => $::isWizard ? ($::Wizard_finished ? N("Finish") : N("Next")) : N("Ok"),
cancel => $::isWizard ? N("Previous") : N("Cancel") });
add2hash_($common, { title => $title, message => $message });
add2hash_($common, { grep_allowed_to_toggle => sub { @_ },
grep_unselected => sub { grep { $common->{node_state}($_) eq 'unselected' } @_ },
check_interactive_to_toggle => sub { 1 },
toggle_nodes => sub {
my ($set_state, @nodes) = @_;
my $new_state = !$common->{grep_unselected}($nodes[0]) ? 'selected' : 'unselected';
$set_state->($_, $new_state) foreach @nodes;
sub ask_browse_tree_info_refW { #- default definition, do not use with too many items (memory consuming)
my ($o, $common) = @_;
my ($l, $v, $h) = ([], [], {});
$common->{build_tree}(sub {
my ($node) = $common->{grep_allowed_to_toggle}(@_);
if (my $state = $node && $common->{node_state}($node)) {
push @$l, $node;
$state eq 'selected' and push @$v, $node;
$h->{$node} = $state eq 'selected';
}, 'flat');
add2hash_($common, { list => $l, #- TODO interactivity of toggle is missing
values => $v,
help => sub { $common->{get_info}($_[0]) },
my ($new_v) = $o->ask_many_from_list($common->{title}, $common->{message}, $common) or return;
$common->{toggle_nodes}(sub {}, grep { ! delete $h->{$_} } @$new_v);
$common->{toggle_nodes}(sub {}, grep { $h->{$_} } keys %$h);
sub wait_message {
my ($o, $title, $message, $b_temp) = @_;
my $w = $o->wait_messageW($title, N("Please wait"), $message);
push @tempory::objects, $w if $b_temp;
my $b = before_leaving { $o->wait_message_endW($w) };
#- enable access through set
MDK::Common::Func::add_f4before_leaving(sub { $o->wait_message_nextW($_[1], $w) }, $b, 'set');
sub wait_message_with_progress_bar {
my ($in, $o_title) = @_;
my $w = $in->wait_message($o_title, '');
my $last_msg;
$w, sub {
my ($msg, $current, $total) = @_;
if ($msg) {
$w->set($last_msg = $msg);
if ($total) {
$w or internal_error('You must first give some text to display');
$w->set(join("\n", $last_msg, "$current / $total"));
sub kill() {}
sub helper_separator_tree_to_tree {
my ($separator, $list, $formatted_list) = @_;
my $sep = quotemeta $separator;
my $tree = {};
each_index {
my @l = split $sep;
my $leaf = pop @l;
my $node = $tree;
foreach (@l) {
$node = $node->{$_} ||= do {
my $r = {};
push @{$node->{_order_}}, $_;
push @{$node->{_leaves_}}, [ $leaf, $list->[$::i] ];
} @$formatted_list;
sub interactive_help_sub_get_id {
my ($o, $id) = @_;
eval { $o->interactive_help_has_id($id) }
&& sub { $o->interactive_help_get_id($id) };
sub interactive_help_sub_display_id {
my ($o, $id) = @_;
eval { $o->interactive_help_has_id($id) }
&& sub { $o->ask_warn(N("Help"), $o->interactive_help_get_id($id)) };
/span> (!$do->install(@not_installed)) {
$do->in->ask_warn(N("Error"), N("Could not install the %s package!", $not_installed[0]));
sub ensure_binary_is_installed {
my ($do, $pkg, $binary, $b_auto) = @_;
if (!whereis_binary($binary, $::prefix)) {
$do->in->ask_okcancel('', N("The package %s needs to be installed. Do you want to install it?", $pkg), 1)
or return if !$b_auto && $do->in;
if (!$do->install($pkg)) {
$do->in->ask_warn(N("Error"), N("Could not install the %s package!", $pkg));
if (!whereis_binary($binary, $::prefix)) {
$do->in->ask_warn('', N("Mandatory package %s is missing", $pkg));
sub ensure_is_installed_if_available {
my ($do, $pkg, $file) = @_;
if (-e "$::prefix$file" || $::testing) {
} else {
$do->what_provides($pkg) && $do->install($pkg);
sub is_available {
my ($do, $name) = @_;
sub is_installed {
my ($do, $name) = @_;
sub check_kernel_module_packages {
my ($do, $base_name, $o_ext_name) = @_;
require bootloader;
my @rpms = $do->are_available(if_($base_name =~ /^(.*)-kernel$/, "dkms-$1"),
map {
$base_name . '-' . bootloader::vmlinuz2version($_);
} bootloader::installed_vmlinuz());
my @ext = $o_ext_name ? $do->are_available($o_ext_name) : ();
log::l("found kernel module packages $_") foreach @rpms, @ext;