package install_gtk; # $Id$ use diagnostics; use strict; use my_gtk qw(:helpers :wrappers); use common; use lang; use devices; #-##################################################################################### #-INTERN CONSTANT #-##################################################################################### my @themes_vga16 = qw(blue blackwhite savane); my @themes_desktop = qw(mdk-Desktop marble3d); my @themes_firewall = qw(mdk-Firewall); my @themes = qw(mdk marble3d); my (@background1, @background2); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub load_rc { my ($name) = @_; if (my ($f) = grep { -r $_ } map { "$_/$name.rc" } ("share", $ENV{SHARE_PATH}, dirname(__FILE__))) { Gtk::Rc->parse($f); foreach (cat_($f)) { if (/style\s+"background"/ .. /^\s*$/) { @background1 = map { $_ * 256 * 257 } split ',', $1 if /NORMAL.*\{(.*)\}/; @background2 = map { $_ * 256 * 257 } split ',', $1 if /PRELIGHT.*\{(.*)\}/; } } } } sub default_theme { my ($o) = @_; @themes = @themes_desktop if $o->{meta_class} eq 'desktop'; @themes = @themes_firewall if $o->{meta_class} eq 'firewall'; @themes = @themes_vga16 if $o->{simple_themes} || $o->{vga16}; install_theme($o, $o->{theme} || $themes[0]); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub install_theme { my ($o, $theme) = @_; $o->{theme} = $theme || $o->{theme}; load_rc($_) foreach "themes-$o->{theme}", "install", "themes"; if (my ($font, $font2) = lang::get_x_fontset($o->{lang}, $::rootwidth < 800 ? 10 : 12)) { $font2 ||= $font; Gtk::Rc->parse_string(qq( style "default-font" { fontset = "$font,*" } style "small-font" { fontset = "$font2,*" } widget "*" style "default-font" widget "*Steps*" style "small-font" )); } gtkset_background(@background1) unless $::live; #- || testing; create_logo_window($o); create_help_window($o); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub create_big_help { my ($o) = @_; my $w = my_gtk->new('', grab => 1, force_position => [ $::stepswidth, $::logoheight ]); $w->{rwindow}->set_usize($::logowidth, $::rootheight - $::logoheight); gtkadd($w->{window}, gtkpack_(new Gtk::VBox(0,0), 1, createScrolledWindow(gtktext_insert(new Gtk::Text, $o->{current_help})), 0, gtksignal_connect(my $ok = new Gtk::Button(_("Ok")), "clicked" => sub { Gtk->main_quit }), )); $ok->grab_focus; $w->main; gtkset_mousecursor_normal(); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub create_help_window { my ($o) = @_; my $w; if ($w = $o->{help_window}) { $_->destroy foreach $w->{window}->children; } else { $w = bless {}, 'my_gtk'; $w->{rwindow} = $w->{window} = new Gtk::Window; $w->{rwindow}->set_uposition($::rootwidth - $::helpwidth, $::rootheight - $::helpheight); $w->{rwindow}->set_usize($::helpwidth, $::helpheight); $w->{rwindow}->set_title('skip'); $w->sync; } my $pixmap = gtkpng("$ENV{SHARE_PATH}/help.png"); gtkadd($w->{window}, gtkpack_(new Gtk::HBox(0,-2), 0, gtkadd(gtksignal_connect(new Gtk::Button, clicked => sub { create_big_help($o) }), $pixmap), 1, createScrolledWindow($o->{help_window_text} = new Gtk::Text), )); $o->set_help($o->{step}) if $o->{step}; $w->show; $o->{help_window} = $w; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub create_steps_window { my ($o) = @_; my $PIX_H = my $PIX_W = 21; $o->{steps_window}->destroy if $o->{steps_window}; my $w = bless {}, 'my_gtk'; $w->{rwindow} = $w->{window} = new Gtk::Window; $w->{rwindow}->set_uposition(0, 0); $w->{rwindow}->set_usize($::stepswidth, $::stepsheight); $w->{rwindow}->set_name('Steps'); $w->{rwindow}->set_events('button_press_mask'); $w->{rwindow}->set_title('skip'); #$w->show; gtkadd($w->{window}, gtkpack_(new Gtk::VBox(0,0), (map { (1, $_) } map { my $step_name = $_; my $step = $o->{steps}{$_}; my $darea = new Gtk::DrawingArea; my $in_button; my $draw_pix = sub { my ($map, $mask) = gtkcreate_xpm($_[0]); $darea->window->draw_pixmap ($darea->style->bg_gc('normal'), $map, 0, 0, ($darea->allocation->[2]-$PIX_W)/2 + 3, ($darea->allocation->[3]-$PIX_H)/2, $PIX_W , $PIX_H); }; my $f = sub { my ($type) = @_; my $color = $step->{done} ? 'green' : $step->{entered} ? 'orange' : 'red'; "$ENV{SHARE_PATH}/step-$color$type.xpm"; }; $darea->set_usize($PIX_W+3,$PIX_H); $darea->set_events(['exposure_mask', 'enter_notify_mask', 'leave_notify_mask', 'button_press_mask', 'button_release_mask' ]); $darea->signal_connect(expose_event => sub { $draw_pix->($f->('')) }); if ($step->{reachable}) { $darea->signal_connect(enter_notify_event => sub { $in_button=1; $draw_pix->($f->('-on')) }); $darea->signal_connect(leave_notify_event => sub { undef $in_button; $draw_pix->($f->('')) }); $darea->signal_connect(button_press_event => sub { $draw_pix->($f->('-click')) }); $darea->signal_connect(button_release_event => sub { $in_button && die "setstep $step_name\n" }); } gtkpack_(new Gtk::HBox(0,5), 0, $darea, 0, new Gtk::Label(translate($step->{text}))); } grep { !eval $o->{steps}{$_}{hidden}; } @{$o->{orderedSteps}}), 0, gtkpack(new Gtk::HBox(0,0), map { my $t = $_; my $w = new Gtk::Button(''); $w->set_name($t); $w->set_usize(0, 7); gtksignal_connect($w, clicked => sub { $::setstep or return; #- just as setstep s install_theme($o, $t); die "theme_changed\n" }); } @themes))); $w->show; $o->{steps_window} = $w; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub create_logo_window { my ($o) = @_; gtkdestroy($o->{logo_window}); my $w = bless {}, 'my_gtk'; $w->{rwindow} = $w->{window} = new Gtk::Window; $w->{rwindow}->set_uposition($::stepswidth, 0); $w->{rwindow}->set_usize($::logowidth, $::logoheight); $w->{rwindow}->set_name("logo"); $w->{rwindow}->set_title('skip'); $w->show; my $file = $o->{meta_class} eq 'desktop' ? "logo-mandrake-Desktop.png" : "logo-mandrake.png"; $o->{meta_class} eq 'firewall' and $file = "logo-mandrake-Firewall.png"; -r $file or $file = "$ENV{SHARE_PATH}/$file"; -r $file and gtkadd($w->{window}, gtkpng($file)); $o->{logo_window} = $w; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub init_sizes() { ($::rootheight, $::rootwidth) = my_gtk::gtkroot()->get_size; $::live and $::rootheight -= 80; #- ($::rootheight, $::rootwidth) = (min(768, $::rootheight), min(1024, $::rootwidth)); ($::stepswidth, $::stepsheight) = (145, $::rootheight); ($::logowidth, $::logoheight) = ($::rootwidth - $::stepswidth, 40); ($::helpwidth, $::helpheight) = ($::rootwidth - $::stepswidth, 104); ($::windowwidth, $::windowheight) = ($::rootwidth - $::stepswidth, $::rootheight - $::helpheight - $::logoheight); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub createXconf { my ($file, $mouse_type, $mouse_dev, $wacom_dev) = @_; devices::make("/dev/kbd") if arch() =~ /^sparc/; #- used by Xsun style server. symlinkf(devices::make($mouse_dev), "/dev/mouse"); #- needed for imlib to start on 8-bit depth visual. symlink("/tmp/stage2/etc/imrc", "/etc/imrc"); symlink("/tmp/stage2/etc/im_palette.pal", "etc/im_palette.pal"); if (arch() =~ /^ia64/) { require Xconfig::card; my ($card) = Xconfig::card::probe(); Xconfig::card::add_to_card__using_Cards($card, $card->{type}) if $card && $card->{type}; output($file, <<END); Section "Files" FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts:unscaled" EndSection Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Keyboard" Driver "Keyboard" Option "XkbDisable" Option "XkbModel" "pc105" Option "XkbLayout" "" EndSection Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Mouse" Driver "mouse" Option "Protocol" "$mouse_type" Option "Device" "/dev/mouse" EndSection Section "Monitor" Identifier "monitor" HorizSync 31.5-35.5 VertRefresh 50-70 EndSection Section "Device" Identifier "device" Driver "$card->{driver}" EndSection Section "Screen" Identifier "screen" Device "device" Monitor "monitor" DefaultColorDepth 16 Subsection "Display" Depth 16 Modes "800x600" "640x480" EndSubsection EndSection Section "ServerLayout" Identifier "layout" Screen "screen" InputDevice "Mouse" "CorePointer" InputDevice "Keyboard" "CoreKeyboard" EndSection END } else { my $wacom; if ($wacom_dev) { my $dev = devices::make($wacom_dev); $wacom = <<END; Section "Module" Load "" EndSection Section "XInput" SubSection "WacomStylus" Port "$dev" AlwaysCore EndSubSection SubSection "WacomCursor" Port "$dev" AlwaysCore EndSubSection SubSection "WacomEraser" Port "$dev" AlwaysCore EndSubSection EndSection END } output($file, <<END); Section "Files" FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts:unscaled" EndSection Section "Keyboard" Protocol "Standard" XkbDisable EndSection Section "Pointer" Protocol "$mouse_type" Device "/dev/mouse" ZAxisMapping 4 5 EndSection $wacom Section "Monitor" Identifier "monitor" HorizSync 31.5-35.5 VertRefresh 50-70 ModeLine "640x480" 25.175 640 664 760 800 480 491 493 525 ModeLine "640x480" 28.3 640 664 760 800 480 491 493 525 ModeLine "800x600" 36 800 824 896 1024 600 601 603 625 EndSection Section "Device" Identifier "Generic VGA" Chipset "generic" EndSection Section "Device" Identifier "svga" EndSection Section "Screen" Driver "vga16" Device "Generic VGA" Monitor "monitor" Subsection "Display" Modes "640x480" EndSubsection EndSection Section "Screen" Driver "fbdev" Device "Generic VGA" Monitor "monitor" Subsection "Display" Depth 16 Modes "default" EndSubsection EndSection Section "Screen" Driver "svga" Device "svga" Monitor "monitor" Subsection "Display" Depth 16 Modes "800x600" "640x480" EndSubsection EndSection Section "Screen" Driver "accel" Device "svga" Monitor "monitor" Subsection "Display" Depth 16 Modes "800x600" "640x480" EndSubsection EndSection END } } 1;