package install_any; # $Id$

use diagnostics;
use strict;

use vars qw(@ISA %EXPORT_TAGS @EXPORT_OK @needToCopy @needToCopyIfRequiresSatisfied $boot_medium @advertising_images);

@ISA = qw(Exporter);
    all => [ qw(getNextStep spawnShell addToBeDone) ],
@EXPORT_OK = map { @$_ } values %EXPORT_TAGS;

#- misc imports
use common qw(:common :system :functional :file);
use run_program;
use partition_table qw(:types);
use partition_table_raw;
use devices;
use fsedit;
use modules;
use detect_devices;
use lang;
use any;
use log;
use fs;

#- package that have to be copied for proper installation (just to avoid changing cdrom)
#- here XFree86 is copied entirey if not already installed, maybe better to copy only server.
@needToCopy = qw(
XFree86-8514 XFree86-AGX XFree86-Mach32 XFree86-Mach64 XFree86-Mach8 XFree86-Mono
XFree86-P9000 XFree86-S3 XFree86-S3V XFree86-SVGA XFree86-W32 XFree86-I128
XFree86-Sun XFree86-SunMono XFree86-Sun24 XFree86-3DLabs XFree86-FBDev XFree86-server
XFree86 XFree86-glide-module Device3Dfx Glide_V3-DRI Glide_V5 Mesa
dhcpcd pump dhcpxd dhcp-client isdn4net isdn4k-utils dev pptp-adsl-fr rp-pppoe ppp ypbind
rhs-printfilters lpr cups cups-drivers samba ncpfs ghostscript-utils
#- package that have to be copied only if all their requires are satisfied.
@needToCopyIfRequiresSatisfied = qw(
xpp kups kisdn

#- boot medium (the first medium to take into account).
$boot_medium = 1;

#- Media change variables&functions
my $postinstall_rpms = '';
my $current_medium = $boot_medium;
my $asked_medium = $boot_medium;
my $cdrom = undef;
sub useMedium($) {
    #- before ejecting the first CD, there are some files to copy!
    #- does nothing if the function has already been called.
    $_[0] > 1 and $::o->{method} eq 'cdrom' and setup_postinstall_rpms($::o->{prefix}, $::o->{packages});

    $asked_medium eq $_[0] or log::l("selecting new medium '$_[0]'");
    $asked_medium = $_[0];
sub changeMedium($$) {
    my ($method, $medium) = @_;
    log::l("change to medium $medium for method $method (refused by default)");
sub relGetFile($) {
    local $_ = $_[0];
    m|\.rpm$| ? "$::o->{packages}{mediums}{$asked_medium}{rpmsdir}/$_" : $_;
sub askChangeMedium($$) {
    my ($method, $medium) = @_;
    my $allow;
    do {
	eval { $allow = changeMedium($method, $medium) };
    } while ($@); #- really it is not allowed to die in changeMedium!!! or install will cores with rpmlib!!!
sub errorOpeningFile($) {
    my ($file) = @_;
    $file eq 'XXX' and return; #- special case to force closing file after rpmlib transaction.
    $current_medium eq $asked_medium and log::l("errorOpeningFile $file"), return; #- nothing to do in such case.
    $::o->{packages}{mediums}{$asked_medium}{selected} or return; #- not selected means no need for worying about.

    my $max = 32; #- always refuse after $max tries.
    if ($::o->{method} eq "cdrom") {
	cat_("/proc/mounts") =~ m,(/(?:dev|tmp)/\S+)\s+/tmp/image, and $cdrom = $1;
	return unless $cdrom;
	while ($max > 0 && askChangeMedium($::o->{method}, $asked_medium)) {
	    $current_medium = $asked_medium;
	    eval { fs::mount($cdrom, "/tmp/image", "iso9660", 'readonly') };
	    my $getFile = getFile($file); 
	    $getFile && @advertising_images and copy_advertising($::o);
	    $getFile and return $getFile;
	    $current_medium = 'unknown'; #- don't know what CD is inserted now.
    } else {
	while ($max > 0 && askChangeMedium($::o->{method}, $asked_medium)) {
	    $current_medium = $asked_medium;
	    my $getFile = getFile($file); $getFile and return $getFile;
	    $current_medium = 'unknown'; #- don't know what CD image has been copied.

    #- keep in mind the asked medium has been refused on this way.
    #- this means it is no more selected.
    $::o->{packages}{mediums}{$asked_medium}{selected} = undef;

    #- on cancel, we can expect the current medium to be undefined too,
    #- this enable remounting if selecting a package back.
    $current_medium = 'unknown';

sub getFile {
    my ($f, $method) = @_;
    log::l("getFile $f:$method");
    my $rel = relGetFile($f);
    do {
	if ($method =~ /crypto/i) {
	    require crypto;
	} elsif ($::o->{method} eq "ftp") {
	    require ftp;
	} elsif ($::o->{method} eq "http") {
	    require http;
	} else {
	    #- try to open the file, but examine if it is present in the repository, this allow
	    #- handling changing a media when some of the file on the first CD has been copied
	    #- to other to avoid media change...
	    my $f2 = "$postinstall_rpms/$f";
	    $f2 = "/tmp/image/$rel" unless $postinstall_rpms && -e $f2;
	    open GETFILE, $f2 and *GETFILE;
    } || errorOpeningFile($f);
sub getAndSaveFile {
    my ($file, $local) = @_;
    local *F; open F, ">$local" or return;
    local $/ = \ (16 * 1024);
    my $f = ref($file) ? $file : getFile($file) or return;
    local $_;
    while (<$f>) { syswrite F, $_ }

#- Post installation RPMS from cdrom only, functions
sub setup_postinstall_rpms($$) {
    my ($prefix, $packages) = @_;

    $postinstall_rpms and return;
    $postinstall_rpms = "$prefix/usr/postinstall-rpm";

    require pkgs;
    require commands;

    log::l("postinstall rpms directory set to $postinstall_rpms");
    clean_postinstall_rpms(); #- make sure in case of previous upgrade problem.
    commands::mkdir_('-p', $postinstall_rpms);

    #- compute closure of unselected package that may be copied,
    #- don't complain if package does not exists as it may happen
    #- for the various architecture taken into account (X servers).
    my %toCopy;
    foreach (@needToCopy) {
	my $pkg = pkgs::packageByName($packages, $_);
	pkgs::selectPackage($packages, $pkg, 0, \%toCopy) if $pkg;
    @toCopy{@needToCopyIfRequiresSatisfied} = ();

    my @toCopy = map { pkgs::packageByName($packages, $_) } keys %toCopy;

    #- extract headers of package, this is necessary for getting
    #- the complete filename of each package.
    #- copy the package files in the postinstall RPMS directory.
    #- last arg is default medium '' known as the CD#1.
    pkgs::extractHeaders($prefix, \@toCopy, $packages->{mediums}{1});
    commands::cp((map { "/tmp/image/" . relGetFile(pkgs::packageFile($_)) } @toCopy), $postinstall_rpms);
sub clean_postinstall_rpms() {
    require commands;
    $postinstall_rpms and -d $postinstall_rpms and commands::rm('-rf', $postinstall_rpms);

#- Functions
sub kernelVersion {
    my ($o) = @_;
    local $_ = readlink("$::o->{prefix}/boot/vmlinuz") and return first(/vmlinuz-(.*mdk)/);

    require pkgs;
    my $p = pkgs::packageByName($o->{packages}, "kernel") or die "I couldn't find the kernel package!";
    pkgs::packageVersion($p) . "-" . pkgs::packageRelease($p);

sub getNextStep {
    my ($s) = $::o->{steps}{first};
    $s = $::o->{steps}{$s}{next} while $::o->{steps}{$s}{done} || !$::o->{steps}{$s}{reachable};

sub spawnShell {
    return if $::o->{localInstall} || $::testing;

    -x "/bin/sh" or die "cannot open shell - /bin/sh doesn't exist";

    fork and return;

    $ENV{DISPLAY} ||= ":0"; #- why not :pp

    local *F;
    sysopen F, "/dev/tty2", 2 or die "cannot open /dev/tty2 -- no shell will be provided";

    open STDIN, "<&F" or die '';
    open STDOUT, ">&F" or die '';
    open STDERR, ">&F" or die '';
    close F;

    print any::drakx_version(), "\n";


    ioctl(STDIN, c::TIOCSCTTY(), 0) or warn "could not set new controlling tty: $!";

    exec {"/bin/sh"} "-/bin/sh" or log::l("exec of /bin/sh failed: $!");

sub fsck_option {
    my ($o) = @_;
    my $y = $o->{security} < 3 && !$::expert && "-y ";
    substInFile { s/^(\s*fsckoptions="?)(-y )?/$1$y/ } "$o->{prefix}/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit";

sub getAvailableSpace {
    my ($o) = @_;

    #- make sure of this place to be available for installation, this could help a lot.
    #- currently doing a very small install use 36Mb of postinstall-rpm, but installing
    #- these packages may eat up to 90Mb (of course not all the server may be installed!).
    #- 65mb may be a good choice to avoid almost all problem of insuficient space left...
    my $minAvailableSize = 65 * sqr(1024);

    my $n = !$::testing && getAvailableSpace_mounted($o->{prefix}) || 
            getAvailableSpace_raw($o->{fstab}) * 512 / 1.07;
    $n - max(0.1 * $n, $minAvailableSize);

sub getAvailableSpace_mounted {
    my ($prefix) = @_;
    my $dir = -d "$prefix/usr" ? "$prefix/usr" : "$prefix";
    my (undef, $free) = common::df($dir) or return;
    log::l("getAvailableSpace_mounted $free KB");
    $free * 1024 || 1;
sub getAvailableSpace_raw {
    my ($fstab) = @_;

    do { $_->{mntpoint} eq '/usr' and return $_->{size} } foreach @$fstab;
    do { $_->{mntpoint} eq '/'    and return $_->{size} } foreach @$fstab;

    if ($::testing) {
	my $nb = 450;
	log::l("taking ${nb}MB for testing");
	return $nb << 11;
    die "missing root partition";

sub preConfigureTimezone {
    my ($o) = @_;
    require timezone;
    #- can't be done in install cuz' timeconfig %post creates funny things
    add2hash($o->{timezone}, { timezone::read($o->{prefix}) }) if $o->{isUpgrade};

    $o->{timezone}{timezone} ||= timezone::bestTimezone(lang::lang2text($o->{lang}));
    add2hash_($o->{timezone}, { UTC => $::expert && !grep { isFat($_) || isNT($_) } @{$o->{fstab}} });

sub setPackages {
    my ($o) = @_;

    require pkgs;
    if (!$o->{packages} || is_empty_hash_ref($o->{packages}{names})) {
	$o->{packages} = pkgs::psUsingHdlists($o->{prefix}, $o->{method});

	push @{$o->{default_packages}}, "nfs-utils-clients" if $o->{method} eq "nfs";
	push @{$o->{default_packages}}, "numlock" if $o->{miscellaneous}{numlock};
	push @{$o->{default_packages}}, "kernel22-secure" if $o->{security} > 3;
	push @{$o->{default_packages}}, "kernel-smp" if detect_devices::hasSMP();
	push @{$o->{default_packages}}, "kernel-pcmcia-cs" if $o->{pcmcia};
	push @{$o->{default_packages}}, "raidtools" if $o->{raid} && !is_empty_array_ref($o->{raid}{raid});
	push @{$o->{default_packages}}, "lvm" if -e '/etc/lvmtab';
	push @{$o->{default_packages}}, "usbd" if modules::get_alias("usb-interface");
	push @{$o->{default_packages}}, "reiserfs-utils" if grep { isReiserfs($_) } @{$o->{fstab}};
	push @{$o->{default_packages}}, "alsa", "alsa-utils" if modules::get_alias("sound-slot-0") =~ /^snd-card-/;

	pkgs::getDeps($o->{prefix}, $o->{packages});
			    pkgs::packageByName($o->{packages}, 'basesystem') || die("missing basesystem package"), 1);

	#- must be done after selecting base packages (to save memory)

	#- must be done after getProvides
	pkgs::read_rpmsrate($o->{packages}, getFile("Mandrake/base/rpmsrate"));
	($o->{compssUsers}, $o->{compssUsersSorted}) = pkgs::readCompssUsers($o->{meta_class});

	if ($::auto_install && !$o->{compssUsersChoice}) {
	    $o->{compssUsersChoice}{$_} = 1 foreach map { @{$o->{compssUsers}{$_}{flags}} } @{$o->{compssUsersSorted}};
	$o->{compssUsersChoice}{TV} = 1 if grep { $_->{driver} eq 'bttv' } detect_devices::probeall();
	$o->{compssUsersChoice}{SYSTEM} = 1;
	$o->{compssUsersChoice}{BURNER} = 1 if detect_devices::burners();
	$o->{compssUsersChoice}{PCMCIA} = 1 if detect_devices::hasPCMCIA();
	$o->{compssUsersChoice}{'3D'} = 1 if 
	    detect_devices::matching_desc('Matrox.* G[24]00') ||
	    detect_devices::matching_desc('Riva.*128') ||
	    detect_devices::matching_desc('Rage X[CL]') ||
	    detect_devices::matching_desc('Rage Mobility (?:P\/M|L) ') ||
	    detect_devices::matching_desc('3D Rage (?:LT|Pro)') ||
	    detect_devices::matching_desc('Voodoo [35]') ||
	    detect_devices::matching_desc('Voodoo Banshee') ||
	    detect_devices::matching_desc('8281[05].* CGC') ||
	    detect_devices::matching_desc('Rage 128');

	foreach (map { substr($_, 0, 2) } lang::langs($o->{langs})) {
	    pkgs::packageByName($o->{packages}, "locales-$_") or next;
	    push @{$o->{default_packages}}, "locales-$_";
	foreach (lang::langs($o->{langs})) {
	    $o->{compssUsersChoice}{qq(LOCALES"$_")} = 1;
	#- for the first time, select package to upgrade.
	#- TOCHECK this may not be the best place for that as package are selected at some other point.
	$o->selectPackagesToUpgrade if $o->{isUpgrade};
    } else {
	#- this has to be done to make sure necessary files for urpmi are
	#- present.
	pkgs::psUpdateHdlistsDeps($o->{prefix}, $o->{method});

sub addToBeDone(&$) {
    my ($f, $step) = @_;

    return &$f() if $::o->{steps}{$step}{done};

    push @{$::o->{steps}{$step}{toBeDone}}, $f;

sub setAuthentication {
    my ($o) = @_;
    my ($shadow, $md5, $nis) = @{$o->{authentication} || {}}{qw(shadow md5 NIS)};
    my $p = $o->{prefix};
    any::enableMD5Shadow($p, $shadow, $md5);
    any::enableShadow($p) if $shadow;
    if ($nis) {
	my $domain = $o->{netc}{NISDOMAIN};
	$domain || $nis ne "broadcast" or die _("Can't use broadcast with no NIS domain");
	my $t = $domain ? "domain $domain" . ($nis ne "broadcast" && " server")
	                : "ypserver";
	substInFile {
	    $_ = "#~$_" unless /^#/;
	    $_ .= "$t $nis\n" if eof;
	} "$p/etc/yp.conf";
	require network;
	network::write_conf("$p/etc/sysconfig/network", $o->{netc});

sub killCardServices {
    my $pid = chop_(cat_("/tmp/"));
    $pid and kill(15, $pid); #- send SIGTERM

sub hdInstallPath() {
    cat_("/proc/mounts") =~ m|/\w+/(\S+)\s+/tmp/hdimage| or return;
    my ($part) = grep { $_->{device} eq $1 } @{$::o->{fstab}};    
    $part->{mntpoint} or grep { $_->{mntpoint} eq "/mnt/hd" } @{$::o->{fstab}} and return;
    $part->{mntpoint} ||= "/mnt/hd";
    $part->{mntpoint} . first(readlink("/tmp/image") =~ m|^/tmp/hdimage/(.*)|);

sub unlockCdrom(;$) {
    my ($cdrom) = @_;
    $cdrom or cat_("/proc/mounts") =~ m|(/tmp/\S+)\s+/tmp/image| and $cdrom = $1;
    $cdrom or cat_("/proc/mounts") =~ m|(/dev/\S+)\s+/mnt/cdrom | and $cdrom = $1;
    eval { $cdrom and ioctl detect_devices::tryOpen($1), c::CDROM_LOCKDOOR(), 0 };
sub ejectCdrom(;$) {
    my ($cdrom) = @_;
    $cdrom or cat_("/proc/mounts") =~ m|(/tmp/\S+)\s+/tmp/image| and $cdrom = $1;
    $cdrom or cat_("/proc/mounts") =~ m|(/dev/\S+)\s+/mnt/cdrom | and $cdrom = $1;
    my $f = eval { $cdrom && detect_devices::tryOpen($cdrom) } or return;
    getFile("XXX"); #- close still opened filehandle
    eval { fs::umount("/tmp/image") };
    ioctl $f, c::CDROMEJECT(), 1;

sub setupFB {
    my ($o, $vga) = @_;

    $vga ||= 785; #- assume at least 640x480x16.

    require bootloader;
    #- update bootloader entries with vga, all kernel are now framebuffer.
    foreach (qw(vmlinuz vmlinuz-secure vmlinuz-smp vmlinuz-hack)) {
	if (my $e = bootloader::get("/boot/$_", $o->{bootloader})) {
	    $e->{vga} = $vga;
    bootloader::install($o->{prefix}, $o->{bootloader}, $o->{fstab}, $o->{hds});

sub install_urpmi {
    my ($prefix, $method, $mediums) = @_;

    my @cfg = map_index {
	my $name = $_->{fakemedium};

	local *LIST;
	open LIST, ">$prefix/var/lib/urpmi/list.$name" or log::l("failed to write list.$name"), return;

	my $dir = ${{ nfs => "file://mnt/nfs", 
                      hd => "file:/" . hdInstallPath(),
		      ftp => $ENV{URLPREFIX},
		      http => $ENV{URLPREFIX},
		      cdrom => "removable_cdrom_$::i://mnt/cdrom" }}{$method} . "/$_->{rpmsdir}";

	local *FILES; open FILES, "$ENV{LD_LOADER} parsehdlist /tmp/$_->{hdlist} |";
	chop, print LIST "$dir/$_\n" foreach <FILES>;
	close FILES or log::l("parsehdlist failed"), return;
	close LIST;

	$name =~ s/(\s)/\\$1/g; $dir =~ s/(\s)/\\$1/g; #- necessary to change protect white char, for urpmi >= 1.40
	$dir .= " with ../base/$_->{hdlist}";
	"$name $dir\n";
    } values %$mediums;
    eval { output "$prefix/etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg", @cfg };

#- kde stuff
sub kderc_largedisplay {
    my ($prefix) = @_;

    update_userkderc($_, 'KDE', 
		     Contrast => 7,
		     kfmIconStyle => "Large",
		     kpanelIconStyle => "Normal", #- to change to Large when icons looks better
		     KDEIconStyle => "Large") foreach list_skels($prefix, '.kderc');

    substInFile {
    } $_ foreach list_skels($prefix, '.kde/share/config/kfmrc');

sub kdeicons_postinstall {
    my ($prefix) = @_;

    #- parse etc/fstab file to search for dos/win, floppy, zip, cdroms icons.
    #- handle both supermount and fsdev usage.
    my %l = (
	     'cdrom' => [ 'cdrom', 'Cd-Rom' ],
	     'zip' => [ 'zip', 'Zip' ],
	     'floppy-ls' => [ 'floppy', 'LS-120' ],
	     'floppy' => [ 'floppy', 'Floppy' ],
    foreach (fs::read_fstab("$prefix/etc/fstab")) {

	my ($name_, $nb) = $_->{mntpoint} =~ m|.*/(\S+?)(\d*)$/|;
	my ($name, $text) = @{$l{$name_} || []};

	my $f = ${{
	    supermount => sub { $name .= '.fsdev' if $name },
	    vfat => sub { $name = 'Dos_'; $text = $name_ },
	&$f if $f;

			  "Desktop/$text" .  ($nb && " $nb"). ".kdelnk",
			  1, %$_) if $name;

    # rename the .kdelnk to the name found in the .kdelnk as kde doesn't use it
    # for displaying
    foreach my $dir (grep { -d $_ } list_skels($prefix, 'Desktop')) {
	foreach (grep { /\.kdelnk$/ } all($dir)) {
	    cat_("$dir/$_") =~ /^Name\[\Q$ENV{LANG}\E\]=(.{2,14})$/m
	      and rename "$dir/$_", "$dir/$1.kdelnk";

sub kdemove_desktop_file {
    my ($prefix) = @_;
    my @toMove = qw(doc.kdelnk news.kdelnk updates.kdelnk home.kdelnk printer.kdelnk floppy.kdelnk cdrom.kdelnk FLOPPY.kdelnk CDROM.kdelnk);

    #- remove any existing save in Trash of each user and
    #- move appropriate file there after an upgrade.
    foreach my $dir (grep { -d $_ } list_skels($prefix, 'Desktop')) {
	renamef("$dir/$_", "$dir/Trash/$_") 
	  foreach grep { -e "$dir/$_" } @toMove, grep { /\.rpmorig$/ } all($dir)

#- auto_install stuff
sub auto_inst_file() { ($::g_auto_install ? "/tmp" : "$::o->{prefix}/root") . "/" }

sub g_auto_install {
    my ($f, $replay) = @_; $f ||= auto_inst_file;
    my $o = {};

    require pkgs;
    $o->{default_packages} = pkgs::selected_leaves($::o->{packages});

    my @fields = qw(mntpoint type size);
    $o->{partitions} = [ map { my %l; @l{@fields} = @$_{@fields}; \%l } grep { $_->{mntpoint} } @{$::o->{fstab}} ];
    exists $::o->{$_} and $o->{$_} = $::o->{$_} foreach qw(lang authentication printer mouse wacom netc timezone superuser intf keyboard mkbootdisk users partitioning isUpgrade manualFstab nomouseprobe crypto security netcnx useSupermount autoExitInstall); #- TODO modules bootloader 

    if (my $card = $::o->{X}{card}) {
	$o->{X}{$_} = $::o->{X}{$_} foreach qw(default_depth resolution_wanted);
	if ($o->{X}{default_depth} and my $depth = $card->{depth}{$o->{X}{default_depth}}) {
	    $depth ||= [];
	    $o->{X}{resolution_wanted} ||= join "x", @{$depth->[0]} unless is_empty_array_ref($depth->[0]);
	    $o->{X}{monitor} = $::o->{X}{monitor} if $::o->{X}{monitor}{manual};

    local $o->{partitioning}{auto_allocate} = !$replay;
    local $o->{autoExitInstall} = $replay;

    #- deep copy because we're modifying it below
    $o->{users} = [ @{$o->{users} || []} ];

    $_ = { %{$_ || {}} }, delete @$_{qw(oldu oldg password password2)} foreach $o->{superuser}, @{$o->{users} || []};
    require Data::Dumper;
	   "# You should always check the syntax with 'perl -cw' before testing\n",
	   Data::Dumper->Dump([$o], ['$o']), if_($replay, 
qq(\npackage install_steps_auto_install;), q(
$graphical = 1;
push @graphical_steps, 'doPartitionDisks', 'choosePartitionsToFormat', 'formatMountPartitions';
)), "\0");

sub g_default_packages {
    my ($o) = @_;

    my $floppy = detect_devices::floppy();

    $o->ask_okcancel('', _("Insert a FAT formatted floppy in drive %s", $floppy), 1) or return;

    fs::mount(devices::make($floppy), "/floppy", "vfat", 0);

    require Data::Dumper;
	   "# You should always check the syntax with 'perl -cw' before testing\n",
	   "# To use it, boot with ``linux defcfg=floppy''\n",
	   Data::Dumper->Dump([ { default_packages => pkgs::selected_leaves($o->{packages}) } ], ['$o']), "\0");

    $o->ask_warn('', _("To use this saved packages selection, boot installation with ``linux defcfg=floppy''"));

sub loadO {
    my ($O, $f) = @_; $f ||= auto_inst_file;
    my $o;
    if ($f =~ /^(floppy|patch)$/) {
	my $f = $f eq "floppy" ? 'auto_inst.cfg' : "patch";
	unless ($::testing) {
	    fs::mount(devices::make(detect_devices::floppy()), "/mnt", (arch() =~ /sparc/ ? "romfs" : "vfat"), 'readonly');
	    $f = "/mnt/$f";
	-e $f or $f .= '.pl';

	my $b = before_leaving {
	    fs::umount("/mnt") unless $::testing;
	    modules::unload($_) foreach qw(vfat fat);
	$o = loadO($O, $f);
    } else {
	-e "$" and $f .= ".pl" unless -e $f;

	my $fh = -e $f ? do { local *F; open F, $f; *F } : getFile($f) or die _("Error reading file $f");
	    local $/ = "\0";
	    no strict;
	    eval <$fh>;
	    close $fh;
	    $@ and log::l("Bad kickstart file $f (failed $@)");
	add2hash_($o ||= {}, $O);
    bless $o, ref $O;

sub generate_automatic_stage1_params {
    my ($o) = @_;

    my $ks = "automatic=";
    if ($o->{method} =~ /hd/) {
	$ks .= "method:disk,";
    } else {
	$ks .= "method:" . $o->{method} . ",";

    if ($o->{method} =~ /http/) {
	"$ENV{URLPREFIX}" =~ m|http://(.*)/(.*)| or die;
	$ks .= "server:$1,directory:$2,";
    } elsif ($o->{method} =~ /ftp/) {
	$ks .= "server:$ENV{HOST},directory:$ENV{PREFIX},user:$ENV{LOGIN},pass:$ENV{PASSWORD},";
    } elsif ($o->{method} =~ /nfs/) {
	cat_("/proc/mounts") =~ m|(\S+):(\S+)\s+/tmp/image nfs| or die;
	$ks .= "server:$1,directory:$2,";

    my ($intf) = values %{$o->{intf}};
    if ($intf->{BOOTPROTO} =~ /dhcp/) {
	$ks .= "network:dhcp,";
    } else {
	require network;
	$ks .= "network:static,ip:$intf->{IPADDR},netmask:$intf->{NETMASK},gateway:$o->{netc}{GATEWAY},";
	my @dnss = network::dnsServers($o->{netc});
	$ks .= "dns:$dnss[0]," if @dnss;

sub guess_mount_point {
    my ($part, $prefix, $user) = @_;

    my %l = (
	     '/'     => 'etc/fstab',
	     '/boot' => 'vmlinuz',
	     '/tmp'  => '.X11-unix',
	     '/usr'  => 'X11R6',
	     '/var'  => 'catman',

    my $handle = any::inspect($part, $prefix) or return;
    my $d = $handle->{dir};
    my ($mnt) = grep { -e "$d/$l{$_}" } keys %l;
    $mnt ||= (stat("$d/.bashrc"))[4] ? '/root' : '/home/user' . ++$$user if -e "$d/.bashrc";
    $mnt ||= (grep { -d $_ && (stat($_))[4] >= 500 && -e "$_/.bashrc" } glob_("$d")) ? '/home' : '';
    ($mnt, $handle);

sub suggest_mount_points {
    my ($fstab, $prefix, $uniq) = @_;

    my $user;
    foreach my $part (grep { isTrueFS($_) } @$fstab) {
	$part->{mntpoint} && !$part->{unsafeMntpoint} and next; #- if already found via an fstab

	my ($mnt, $handle) = guess_mount_point($part, $prefix, \$user) or next;

	next if $uniq && fsedit::mntpoint2part($mnt, $fstab);
	$part->{mntpoint} = $mnt; delete $part->{unsafeMntpoint};

	#- try to find other mount points via fstab
	fs::get_mntpoints_from_fstab($fstab, $handle->{dir}, $uniq) if $mnt eq '/';
    $_->{mntpoint} and log::l("suggest_mount_points: $_->{device} -> $_->{mntpoint}") foreach @$fstab;

#- mainly for finding the root partitions for upgrade
sub find_root_parts {
    my ($fstab, $prefix) = @_;
    my $user;
    grep { 
	my ($mnt) = guess_mount_point($_, $prefix, \$user);
	$mnt eq '/';
    } @$fstab;
sub use_root_part {
    my ($fstab, $part, $prefix) = @_;
	my $handle = any::inspect($part, $prefix) or die;
	fs::get_mntpoints_from_fstab($fstab, $handle->{dir}, 'uniq');
    map { $_->{mntpoint} = 'swap' } grep { isSwap($_) } @$fstab; #- use all available swap.

sub getHds {
    my ($o, $f_err) = @_;
    my $ok = 1;
    my $try_scsi = !$::expert;
    my $flags = $o->{partitioning};

    my @drives = detect_devices::hds();
#    add2hash_($o->{partitioning}, { readonly => 1 }) if partition_table_raw::typeOfMBR($drives[0]{device}) eq 'system_commander';

    my ($hds, $lvms) = catch_cdie { fsedit::hds(\@drives, $flags) }
      sub {
	  $ok = 0;
	  my $err = $@; $err =~ s/ at (.*?)$//;
	  log::l("error reading partition table: $err");
	  !$flags->{readonly} && $f_err and $f_err->($err);

    if (is_empty_array_ref($hds) && $try_scsi) {
	$try_scsi = 0;
	$o->setupSCSI; #- ask for an unautodetected scsi card
	goto getHds;
    $::testing or partition_table_raw::test_for_bad_drives($_) foreach @$hds;

    $ok = fsedit::verifyHds($hds, $flags->{readonly}, $ok)
        unless $flags->{clearall} || $flags->{clear};

    $o->{hds} = $hds;
    $o->{lvms} = $lvms;
    $o->{fstab} = [ fsedit::get_fstab(@$hds, @$lvms) ];
    fs::merge_fstabs($o->{fstab}, $o->{manualFstab});

    my @win = grep { isFat($_) && isFat({ type => fsedit::typeOfPart($_->{device}) }) } @{$o->{fstab}};
    log::l("win parts: ", join ",", map { $_->{device} } @win) if @win;
    if (@win == 1) {
	$win[0]{mntpoint} = "/mnt/windows";
    } else {
	my %w; foreach (@win) {
	    my $v = $w{$_->{device_windobe}}++;
	    $_->{mntpoint} = $_->{unsafeMntpoint} = "/mnt/win_" . lc($_->{device_windobe}) . ($v ? $v+1 : ''); #- lc cuz of StartOffice(!) cf dadou

    my @sunos = grep { isSunOS($_) && type2name($_->{type}) =~ /root/i } @{$o->{fstab}}; #- take only into account root partitions.
    if (@sunos) {
	my $v = '';
	map { $_->{mntpoint} = $_->{unsafeMntpoint} = "/mnt/sunos" . ($v && ++$v) } @sunos;
    #- a good job is to mount SunOS root partition, and to use mount point described here in /etc/vfstab.


sub log_sizes {
    my ($o) = @_;
    my @df = common::df($o->{prefix});
    log::l(sprintf "Installed: %s(df), %s(rpm)",
	   formatXiB($df[0] - $df[1], 1024),
	   formatXiB(sum(`rpm --root $o->{prefix}/ -qa --queryformat "%{size}\n"`))) if -x "$o->{prefix}/bin/rpm";

sub copy_advertising {
    my ($o) = @_;

    return if $::rootwidth < 800;

    my $f = getFile('Mandrake/share/advertising/list');
    if (my @files = <$f>) {
	my $dir = "$o->{prefix}/tmp/drakx-images";
	mkdir $dir;
	unlink glob_("$dir/*");
	foreach (@files) {
	    getAndSaveFile("Mandrake/share/advertising/$_", "$dir/$_");
	@advertising_images = map { "$dir/$_" } @files;
sub remove_advertising {
    my ($o) = @_;
    unlink @advertising_images;
    rmdir "$o->{prefix}/tmp/drakx-images";
    @advertising_images = ();
